Spring Camp Meeting 2017

Is the Mark of the Beast a Computer Chip?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve Wohlberg


Series Code: 17SCM

Program Code: 17SCM000020A

00:14 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting 2017:
00:24 Well we do welcome you back to another in our marathon
00:29 series of sessions, Spring Camp Meeting 3ABN
00:32 2017 Counteracting the Counterfeit.
00:37 And for our in-house audience
00:39 and for our viewing and listen- ing audience around the world
00:42 we do welcome you back.
00:44 Now I need to tell you just a little something.
00:46 For our in-house audience we have just returned
00:49 from lunch. So if you hear any weird sounds, that's the food
00:54 heading from the esophagus down to the stomach
00:56 because mine is just about half way there.
01:03 We had a very quick turnaround
01:05 but we have got a great speaker to sort of help us
01:08 digest our food by and keep our eyes awake and our hearts
01:14 alert. Our speaker is Pastor Steve Wohlberg.
01:17 He is the speaker/director of White Horse Media.
01:20 And I just think that's an interesting and a very exciting
01:23 title: White Horse Media.
01:25 To think about the four horsemen of the apocalypse
01:27 and the white horse was the conquering horse which is the...
01:31 That's one of the good horses shall we say.
01:33 And we praise the Lord for Steve, who has served the Lord
01:36 for many many years. He is the husband of one wife,
01:38 Kristen, and the father of two children,
01:42 Seth and Abby. And we all recall when
01:45 Seth was born. No prouder man ever walked the earth
01:49 than Steve Wohlberg when that boy was born.
01:52 And he is still proud of him to this very day.
01:56 Steve Wohlberg has distinguished himself
01:58 as an insightful and deep thinking and deep preaching
02:03 student of the Word. When you listen to Steve Wohlberg
02:06 there is no doubt where he stands, what he stands for,
02:09 who he loves, and who he has given his life to
02:12 in service. And so we expect as he tackles this title,
02:16 this topic, which is
02:18 Is the Mark of the Beast a Computer Chip?
02:22 That is the title that he will wrestle with this afternoon
02:25 and will do so under the anointing and the unction of
02:27 the Holy Spirit. And so we are very very proud that
02:30 he was able to take time from his schedule to be with us
02:33 for not one but two presentations.
02:36 And we know the Lord is going to bless us
02:38 through him this afternoon.
02:41 Our speaker is Steve Wohlberg. Our singer is Pr. John Lomacang.
02:47 Our pastor and our friend. And he is going to be
02:50 singing I Must Tell Jesus.
02:53 And so I will step aside for my friend and pastor
02:56 John Lomacang. Then the next voice that you will hear
02:59 will be that of speaker/ director White Horse Media
03:02 Pastor Steve Wohlberg. Hear ye him.
03:16 I must tell Jesus
03:20 all of my troubles.
03:24 I cannot bear
03:27 my burdens alone.
03:31 In my distress He
03:34 kindly will help me.
03:38 He ever loves and cares for His own.
03:45 I must tell Jesus,
03:49 I must tell Jesus,
03:52 I cannot bear my
03:56 burdens alone.
04:00 I must tell Jesus,
04:03 I must tell Jesus!
04:07 Jesus can help me...
04:10 Jesus alone.
04:14 I must tell Jesus
04:18 all of my trials.
04:22 He is a kind, compassionate Friend.
04:28 If I but ask Him
04:32 He will deliver...
04:36 make of my trouble
04:39 quickly an end.
04:43 I must tell Jesus,
04:46 I must tell Jesus,
04:50 I cannot bear my
04:53 burdens alone.
04:57 I must tell Jesus,
05:01 I must tell Jesus!
05:05 Jesus can help me...
05:08 Jesus alone.
05:11 I must tell Jesus,
05:15 I must tell Jesus,
05:19 I cannot bear my
05:22 burdens alone.
05:26 I must tell Jesus,
05:30 I must tell Jesus!
05:33 Jesus can help me...
05:37 Jesus alone.
05:40 For Jesus can help me...
05:44 Jesus alone!
05:55 Amen!
06:01 Thank you, John.
06:02 As usual, that was great. And what a blessing!
06:05 They don't have me sing here at 3ABN
06:08 because I can't sing.
06:10 If I sang you'd all leave.
06:13 Well, I hope you had a good lunch.
06:15 You know, it's dangerous to hold a meeting right after lunch
06:17 because people sometimes fade out.
06:20 Because the blood, you know, goes down to the stomach
06:22 and so I'll forewarn you. I have been known to use
06:25 sleeping people as sermon illustrations...
06:28 so stay awake.
06:30 All right. Hello to the 3ABN viewing audience
06:33 and to everybody here.
06:34 I've got a big topic. As you can see right there
06:38 Is the Mark of the Beast a Computer Chip?
06:42 I'm going to tell you the truth and let the chips fall
06:44 where they may.
06:46 Ready for this?
06:48 Put your seatbelts on. If you have a Bible,
06:50 I invite you to open up to Revelation chapter 13
06:55 verse 16.
06:58 13:16. I tell you, this is the biggest - at least in my mind -
07:03 this is one of the biggest topics that can ever
07:07 be addressed by a preacher, by a minister, by anybody.
07:14 It's just so big.
07:15 So let's begin with prayer.
07:20 I feel my need for power that is much bigger than me.
07:26 Hopefully we all do... so let's pray.
07:30 Dear God in heaven,
07:32 what a mighty topic this is. And in the name of Jesus Christ
07:37 I pray - we pray - for the Holy Spirit,
07:39 the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth,
07:42 to guide us into the truth as we look at the big issue
07:47 that will soon face the entire world.
07:53 We pray this in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
07:58 OK. Revelation chapter 13 verse 16.
08:02 The Bible says that at some point in the future
08:05 he causes... how many people? All.
08:08 "He causes all both small and great,
08:10 rich and poor, free and slave,
08:13 to receive a mark on their right hand or in their forehead
08:17 and that no one may buy or sell
08:20 except one who has the mark
08:23 or the name of the beast or the number of his name. "
08:26 A friend of mine recently went on Google
08:28 and he "Googled" mark of the beast.
08:32 And he told me that he found... The result was
08:35 10,700,000 hits.
08:40 Wow! And I imagine if you were to start clicking around
08:44 and going from website to website
08:46 and following up some of these different clicks
08:48 that you would see a lot of different ideas
08:51 about the mark of the beast. Don't you think?
08:54 A lot of them. All kinds of different ideas.
08:57 Some believe that the mark of the beast is going to be
08:59 some kind of a tattoo.
09:01 Some believe it's connected to a barcode
09:03 with 666 embedded in it.
09:06 And perhaps the most common view
09:09 is that the mark of the beast is a high-tech computer
09:12 microchip that will be surgically inserted
09:15 underneath the skin of the right hand or the forehead
09:19 of people around the world.
09:21 Now let's just think about this for a minute.
09:24 Do you think that the time is going to come when big
09:27 government is going to give people a choice
09:29 and they're going to ask people:
09:31 "Where do you want the mark of the beast?
09:33 Would you like it in your right hand or in your forehead? "
09:36 "Oh, you want it in your forehead. OK, brace your neck...
09:38 we're going to give you the mark. "
09:40 If you think that's going to happen... No! I don't think so.
09:44 How many people do you know
09:47 that would ever submit to something like that anyway?
09:50 From big government.
09:52 I wonder if insurance would cover such a procedure?
09:57 Well seriously the Bible is very clear
10:00 that the mark of the beast is coming.
10:02 There's no doubt about that.
10:04 And I believe that with all my heart that scripture is true
10:07 and the prediction is there.
10:09 We just read it in Revelation 13:16-17.
10:13 And what I hope to do by the grace of God
10:16 is to shed some light - some Bible light -
10:20 on this subject. Now the first point I want to make
10:23 is that we just read about the mark of the beast
10:26 in verse 17. Revelation 13:16-17
10:31 where it talks about the forehead there
10:33 at the end of verse 16.
10:35 The mark goes in the forehead. Now it's very significant
10:37 that if you just drop down three verses
10:40 to chapter 14 verse 1
10:44 14:1 says: "Then I looked and behold
10:47 a Lamb standing on Mt. Zion and with him 144,000
10:53 having His Father's name written... " Where?
10:56 OK. "In their foreheads. " Some Bibles say on their foreheads,
10:59 some say in their foreheads. But the point is
11:01 that within three verses next to each other
11:05 one verse talks about the mark of the beast
11:07 going in the forehead and three verses later
11:11 it talks about another group of people
11:13 who obviously don't get the mark of the beast
11:15 and they have the name of God written in their foreheads.
11:21 Now concerning God's people who get His name in their
11:24 foreheads, do you think this means that God is going to
11:27 put some kind of a microchip or something like that
11:30 with His name embedded in it
11:32 underneath the skin of His people? No!
11:35 Do you think that's what that means?
11:36 I don't think so either.
11:38 Is this a topic that is more than skin deep?
11:42 That's a big question.
11:45 When you read the book of Revelation carefully
11:47 it's very clear that eventually everybody
11:52 is going to get something up in their foreheads.
11:56 Everyone. One group gets the mark of the beast
11:58 in their foreheads; another group gets the name of God
12:01 in their foreheads. When you compare
12:04 with Revelation 7 verses 1-4
12:10 it talks about the four angels holding the winds
12:13 until God seals His people with the seal of the Living God
12:19 in their foreheads.
12:22 Revelation 7 verses 1 to 4.
12:27 Again, we have the picture of 2 groups getting something
12:31 in their foreheads.
12:32 Eventually sinners are going to be marked by the devil
12:37 in their foreheads
12:38 and God's people are going to have His name
12:41 and His seal in their foreheads.
12:45 One is a counterfeit and one is the truth.
12:48 But something goes in the foreheads of everybody.
12:51 Revelation chapter 22 verse 4.
12:55 We can look at that if you just move ahead to chapter 22.
12:59 This is talking about all God's people.
13:01 When we all get to heaven, when we're with Jesus
13:04 in eternity, the Bible says we're all going to have
13:08 something in our foreheads.
13:11 22:4 says "They shall see His face
13:15 and His name shall be in their foreheads. "
13:20 This is talking about God's people who see His face, right?
13:23 It's very clear. So it's clear from scripture
13:28 that the forehead goes both ways.
13:31 Again, the devil puts something in the forehead;
13:33 God puts something in the forehead.
13:36 Everybody's going to have something in the forehead.
13:40 Do you think that when we have the name of God in our foreheads
13:43 again when we get to heaven, when we're all - you know -
13:45 hopefully there by the grace of God
13:47 and clothed in white robes and we're shining and our faces
13:49 are shining that I'm going to look at you and you're going to
13:51 look at me and you're going to see something written
13:54 on the skin of my head above my nose between my eyes?
14:01 Yeah... let me hear that. You think that's a yes or no?
14:05 No! No... right. I think it's obvious when you think about it.
14:10 There's a lot of symbolism in Revelation.
14:13 There's a woman in Revelation 17
14:15 whose name is Mystery Babylon. She's riding a beast with
14:18 7 heads and 10 horns and she has a name on her forehead
14:22 which is called Mystery: Babylon the Great,
14:25 the mother of harlots. This is obviously
14:28 a symbolic prophecy. No doubt about it.
14:32 So what do you think the forehead... when it talks about
14:35 God's people getting His name or His seal in their foreheads
14:38 what would the forehead represent?
14:42 What's up here? The mind! It's your mind... right.
14:45 It's how you think; it's what's happening
14:48 inside of your head. That's where the battle is.
14:51 And if the forehead symbolizes and represents the mind
14:55 then what about the hand. What would the hand represent?
14:59 Your actions... right... what you do.
15:02 And the devil is targeting our foreheads and targeting
15:06 our actions, and the Lord is targeting our foreheads as well.
15:10 He wants His truth; He wants His love;
15:13 He wants His Word; He wants the power of the Holy Spirit
15:18 inside of our heads, inside of our hearts,
15:22 inside of our souls.
15:23 Now, something else to consider as we try to unravel
15:27 and de-code this subject.
15:29 The Bible says - and this is a very simple, obvious truth -
15:34 that the mark is the mark of the what?
15:39 Beast. It's the mark of the beast.
15:42 Right: the mark of the beast.
15:45 Now when the Bible talks about the beast in the book
15:48 of Revelation we have a beast that has a mark.
15:51 Is the beast a literal beast?
15:55 No. Well, if you look at Revelation 13-
16:00 Revelation 13 verse 1-
16:03 John talks about the beast.
16:07 And this is the same beast that has a mark.
16:11 13:1. "Then I stood upon the sand of the sea
16:15 and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea... "
16:19 And this beast has how many heads?
16:21 Seven! Seven heads and how many horns?
16:25 Ten! "Ten horns and on his horns ten crowns
16:29 and on his heads a name of blasphemy. "
16:33 A blasphemous name. Now my kids:
16:35 Seth is 12, almost 13. I hope Jesus comes before
16:39 he gets to be a teenager!
16:41 At least for too long. I really want the Lord to come,
16:44 sooner the better.
16:46 But anyway... and my daughter's nine.
16:48 And my kids like to go to zoos. We love to go to zoos.
16:52 Sometimes when we travel - Portland, Sacramento -
16:55 we've been to the zoos. And we love to look at the animals
16:58 the different things that God has created.
17:00 But I can tell you: in every zoo that we've gone to -
17:03 Los Angeles zoo, the zoo in the Dallas/Fort Worth area -
17:07 we have never seen a seven-headed, ten-horned
17:12 beast in our lives.
17:15 Have you? No! No.
17:18 Nobody has! It's obvious
17:21 that the seven-headed, ten- horned beast is a symbol
17:26 of something else. It's not a literal beast.
17:30 Can you imagine Fox News
17:34 or CNN carrying this breaking-news story?
17:38 Flash... news flash...
17:40 a seven-headed, ten-horned beast has arisen out of
17:43 the Pacific Ocean. It's going throughout California!
17:48 It is marking people in the forehead and in the hand
17:52 with some kind of a mark.
17:54 And it's covered all of California and it's moving up
17:57 into Oregon heading toward Washington
18:02 and North Idaho where I live!
18:04 Can you imagine? I mean, it's obvious, isn't it,
18:07 that that's not going to happen.
18:09 That the beast, the seven- headed, ten-horned beast,
18:14 in Bible prophecy just like the woman
18:16 in Revelation 17 that rides the beast
18:19 it's obvious that these are sacred symbols
18:24 that must be de-coded, that must be de-coded correctly,
18:28 based on our study of the Bible.
18:34 Now as I mentioned, the mark of the beast is the mark
18:36 of the beast. We've got to get... We have to
18:41 be straight Biblically on who the beast is if we're ever
18:47 going to understand what the mark of the beast is.
18:50 Does that make sense?
18:51 Gotta know who the beast is.
18:53 Now I don't have time to go into a lot of details
18:57 right now. I've done this in other seminars.
18:59 3ABN has many speakers that have covered this topic.
19:04 We did a television series called Startling Prophecies
19:07 for America that has aired on 3ABN that goes into more detail
19:11 than I have time right now.
19:12 I've written numerous books on this.
19:14 I'm just going to give you the short version.
19:17 It is a fact of history - it is a fact, not speculation -
19:21 that from the time of the Protestant Reformation
19:25 in the 1500's going down to the 1800's
19:29 not so much in the 1900's
19:32 but into the 1800's the vast majority
19:37 of Bible-believing Protestants including Lutherans,
19:41 Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians,
19:45 the vast majority of them were very clear
19:49 on who the beast of prophecy is.
19:52 They pretty much believed the same thing.
19:55 The most famous Bible commentary that's ever been written in the
19:59 Christian world is Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary.
20:03 It's in the libraries of pastors all over America.
20:07 And last night I did something interesting
20:09 as I was getting ready for this talk.
20:11 I grabbed my phone, and many of our phones have
20:15 speech recognition, right?
20:17 And I pushed a button and I talked to my phone
20:19 and I said: "Matthew Henry Bible Commentary
20:23 online Revelation chapter 13. "
20:27 And you can do that.
20:28 You can talk to your phone, tell it to find online
20:31 Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary
20:33 and to take you to Revelation 13.
20:35 And click, click: there it was right there!
20:37 I found it.
20:39 And as I started reading what Matthew Henry said
20:42 he talked about the beast and he talked about
20:47 papal Rome. Right there.
20:51 And that's what the Lutheran church used to believe.
20:55 That's what the Methodist... John Wesley, who wrote a famous
20:57 commentary on the book of Revelation, he believed this.
21:00 I've got a series in my library called The History of the
21:03 Baptist Denomination and they're also very clear
21:07 on who the beast is. John Calvin
21:09 who wrote his famous Institutes. European Presbyterian.
21:13 He believed the same thing. Matthew Henry believed the
21:16 same thing. The common view among Protestants
21:18 for a long long time is that the beast in the book of Revelation
21:23 primary beast is a symbol of the Roman Catholic church.
21:28 Now let me quickly clarify that we don't believe that
21:32 is referring to the people in the church.
21:35 It's the organization, the system, that when you really
21:39 study it, study history, and look at how it has strayed
21:42 from scripture and what the beast will do:
21:45 make war on the saints and various things
21:48 this has been fulfilled perfectly in the history of the
21:52 church of Rome. It is a system that has strayed
21:54 from the Word of God. Now the only way to de-code
21:58 what the mark is is to be clear on what the beast is.
22:03 Who the beast is... we need to understand that.
22:05 And when we go into the details about exactly what the mark
22:10 of the beast is there is one section in Revelation 14
22:14 that goes into details.
22:15 The mark of the beast is mentioned 8 times in Revelation
22:18 but there's only one section which is in chapter 14
22:21 verses 6 to 12 which is the message of the 3 angels
22:25 that go into great detail about the elements that
22:29 help us to figure out exactly what the mark of the beast is.
22:33 And I am so happy to be here at the Three Angels Broadcasting
22:38 Network! Amen! Happy to be here at your Spring Camp Meeting.
22:42 Happy to have a chance to share these truths before the world.
22:45 God has raised up 3ABN
22:49 to proclaim the three angels' messages undiluted
22:54 as it is revealed in the Bible.
22:56 That's what we're all about. We're a people of prophecy.
22:59 Prophecy is being fulfilled and God has raised up this
23:02 movement to do just that.
23:04 Now, let's... I'm going to cut to the chase because
23:07 I only have so much time. I'm watching the clock up here
23:09 or over there.
23:11 And if you look at Revelation 14 the three angels are found
23:15 in verses 6 to 12.
23:17 In verse 7 we have a message from the first angel
23:22 and at the end of the verse with a loud voice,
23:26 Revelation 14:7,
23:28 the Word of God says: "Worship Him who... " Did what?
23:34 "Who made heaven and earth and the sea
23:38 and the springs of waters. "
23:41 The springs of waters. So the first angel
23:43 talks about worshiping the Creator of all life.
23:48 Right?
23:50 That's what the Bible says. Now go down to verse 9.
23:53 Verse 9 says: "Then a third angel... "
23:56 Here's angel number three.
23:58 "He followed the other two and he said also with a loud voice"
24:03 Time to just go straight in... no beating around the bush.
24:07 "With a loud voice he said: 'If anyone worships the beast
24:12 and his image and receives his mark... "
24:15 Now notice something: the first angel says worship who?
24:20 The Creator of heaven and earth.
24:22 And the third angel says: "Don't worship... " Who?
24:27 The beast and the image and don't get the mark.
24:30 So what's happening here in the prophecy
24:32 of the first angel and the third angel
24:34 is a line is being drawn between two groups.
24:37 One group worships the Creator
24:39 and the other group worships the beast.
24:41 So worship is a critical issue when it comes to the mark.
24:45 And it's the worship of the Creator which is a critical
24:49 issue when it comes to the topic of the mark.
24:52 Now if you go down to the end of verse 11
24:57 verse 11 talks about what will happen to those
25:00 who get the mark. Some very terrible consequences.
25:04 It says: "The smoke of their torment will ascend up
25:06 forever and ever and they have no rest day or night
25:08 who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives
25:13 the mark of his name. "
25:15 So there's the warning about the mark in verse 11.
25:18 Now the next verse, verse 12,
25:21 says: "Here is the patience of the saints.
25:23 Here are those who... " Do what?
25:26 They keep the commandments of God and they also have
25:30 the faith of Jesus.
25:33 So, without speculation and Google and Yahoo!
25:37 and all these 10 million hits...
25:40 And I don't believe God wants us to do theology by Google.
25:44 I think searching the Internet is valuable
25:48 sometimes... but there's a lot of error on the "Net. "
25:51 And God doesn't want us to base our doctrines
25:54 on what we find on some website.
25:58 He wants us to base our doctrines ultimately
26:01 based on what book? The Bible! Based on the Bible.
26:05 Based on the Bible. What His Word has to say.
26:08 The mark of the beast is a Bible topic.
26:10 It's in Revelation.
26:12 And again, when we read Revelation 14
26:15 a line is drawn between... On the one side
26:19 there are those who worship the Creator.
26:21 On the other side there are those who worship the beast.
26:23 On the one side there are those who keep the commandments of God
26:27 and the faith of Jesus
26:29 and on the other side are those who get the mark of the beast.
26:33 So the lines are drawn.
26:35 Worship the Creator, keep the commandments, follow Jesus
26:40 and don't worship the beast and don't get the mark.
26:44 Is that clear?
26:46 That is what the Bible says when it comes to this subject.
26:51 Now, for many of you this is going to be a shock.
26:54 For others you've heard this before.
26:56 Hold onto your seats.
26:59 And I know I've got 10 Commandments behind me
27:01 on the screen but I've also got my own here.
27:04 I carry these around sometimes when I have seminars.
27:07 Send them through in a backpack through security.
27:11 And I get a kick out of people's eyes opening
27:13 as they're watching the monitor and seeing: "You shall have
27:17 no other gods before Me. "
27:21 These are solid tables of stone.
27:25 Solid tables that have all ten of the commandments
27:28 on them. This law was written with the finger of God.
27:33 Unlike any other law that's ever been penned
27:37 this law is different.
27:39 It was written with the finger of God on stone
27:43 meaning it can never be changed.
27:45 Now here's my point.
27:47 When you look at the big Ten Commandments
27:49 there's only how many commandments? How many fingers
27:51 am I holding up? One. There's only one of the Ten Commandments
27:55 only one that talks about the Creator who made heaven
28:01 and earth and the sea and everything in it.
28:04 Now remember, Revelation says if we worship the Creator
28:07 and keep the commandments and follow Jesus
28:09 we won't get the mark. Right?
28:12 And on the other side you've got those who follow the beast
28:15 and get the mark. When you look at the Ten Commandments
28:17 there's only one... God has made the issue
28:20 so clear if we really want to know the truth.
28:26 Only one commandment about the Creator
28:29 and it's number four
28:33 dealing with the seventh-day Sabbath.
28:35 And I've got it right here and I'll read it.
28:37 "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. "
28:39 And where do you remember? What part of you?
28:42 You remember in your foreheads.
28:45 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
28:47 Six days you shall labor and do all your work. "
28:50 And with what part do you work?
28:52 You work with your hands.
28:55 All right. "But the seventh day is the Sabbath
28:59 of the Jews. "
29:00 No! No, it doesn't say that.
29:02 It says: "But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
29:06 your God. " It's God's Sabbath... not man's.
29:10 "In it you shall not do any work.
29:12 You or your son, your daughter, your manservant
29:14 nor your maidservant nor your cattle
29:16 nor your stranger who is within your gates.
29:18 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth
29:22 and the sea and all that in them is.
29:25 And He rested the seventh day
29:27 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
29:29 and He hallowed it. "
29:32 He made that day a holy, sacred day
29:35 and He wrote this with His own finger on stone.
29:40 Now it's no secret today
29:43 that the majority of Christian churches...
29:45 sincere, Bible-believing Christians... and I certainly
29:48 believe there's a whole host of people
29:51 in lots of different churches
29:53 that are going to be in the kingdom of God.
29:55 But it's no secret that most churches go to church
29:59 on Sunday, which is the first day of the week.
30:01 Whereas the Bible says the seventh day is the day
30:04 that God rested. So how did this happen
30:07 in Christian history? How did it happen
30:09 that a shift took place so the majority keep
30:13 the first day of the week - which is Sunday?
30:16 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all say Jesus rose on the
30:18 first day of the week. And the seventh day is
30:22 the Sabbath. He rested in the tomb on the Sabbath
30:24 and then He rose on Sunday.
30:26 How is it that this shift has taken place?
30:30 Here is a Roman Catholic Catechism I have.
30:33 The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine by
30:37 Peter Geiermann published in 1946.
30:40 And on page 50 of this book
30:43 it says: Question: What day is the Sabbath Day?
30:46 Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath Day.
30:49 Question: Why then do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
30:51 Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday
30:54 because the Catholic church substituted Sunday
30:58 for Saturday. So they come right out
31:01 in their book, and there's many other places where they do this.
31:04 They say that they changed the Sabbath into Sunday.
31:07 Now here's another amazing statement.
31:10 This was from a very famous Catholic cardinal,
31:12 Cardinal Gibbons in the 1800's,
31:14 in a letter November 11, 1895.
31:18 He said, quote: "Of course the Catholic church
31:20 claims that the change from Sabbath to Sunday
31:23 was her act.
31:25 And this act is a mark
31:30 of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things. "
31:34 Basically, what the Catholic church has done
31:37 is they say that they are the true church of Jesus
31:41 and they say that one of the proofs
31:43 that they are the true church is that they have changed
31:46 the very law of God itself.
31:49 And they say that that change
31:51 of the seventh-day Sabbath to the first day of the week
31:54 is a mark of their authority
31:59 in religious matters...
32:01 a mark of their authority as the true church.
32:03 They say: "We did it and it shows that we're...
32:07 we're the true church. " My response to that is
32:10 "It shows that you are... " And again, it's not talking
32:14 about the people within the church
32:16 who don't understand this subject...
32:19 But history and prophecy come together
32:23 and their changing of God's holy day
32:26 historically is an evidence that they are the beast of prophecy.
32:31 Daniel 7:25 says that
32:34 one of the characteristics of the little horn
32:37 which is the same as the beast in Revelation
32:39 is that it would "think to change times and laws. "
32:43 It would think to change the law of God.
32:46 And that is exactly what has happened.
32:50 Now let me clarify.
32:52 For those that are shocked by this
32:55 Seventh-day Adventists do not believe that anybody
32:58 has the mark of the beast right now.
33:01 We don't believe that.
33:03 I have people among my relatives who go to church on Sunday.
33:07 I've preached in Sunday churches sometimes.
33:11 I believe that God has people in all churches...
33:15 all churches.
33:16 And nobody has the mark of the beast right now.
33:18 But Revelation 13:16-17... we already read it...
33:22 says that one of these days this mark of the beast
33:27 is going to be enforced by law
33:29 so that nobody can buy or sell unless he has the mark.
33:33 Now, if what I'm telling you is true
33:35 and what we're saying to a world-wide audience...
33:38 if this is really true that Sunday is a mark
33:43 of Rome's power, then that means that one of these days
33:48 Sunday will be legislated around the world.
33:51 There will be Sunday laws on planet earth...
33:54 not just in America but Russia, Australia, China.
33:58 The Bible says the mark is going to be enforced by...
34:01 it's going to be enforced upon all.
34:03 And if this is true, then we're going to be expecting
34:05 Sunday legislation to occur some time in the near future.
34:09 Now is that even remotely possible?
34:12 Could something like that happen?
34:15 Well let me share with you... I've got a whole series here
34:17 of news articles that I'll just read you the headlines.
34:20 This is from the Associated Press July 6, 2014.
34:24 The title is called Keeping stores open on Sunday
34:27 is not beneficial for society says Pope Francis.
34:30 Pope Francis is pushing for Sunday legislation.
34:34 Here's Fox News.
34:36 The title is called Let's make Sunday a day of rest
34:39 for God's sake.
34:41 Here is the Guardian: Slow Sunday, the simple solution
34:44 to global warming is if everybody would keep Sunday
34:47 that would send a lot less pol- lution up into the environment
34:50 and would help with so-called "global warming. "
34:54 Here's another one from USA Today.
34:57 You'd better take a break or you'll break down
34:59 and the article is talking about stores being closed on Sunday
35:03 and how we need to get back to the "good old days"
35:07 when stores were closed.
35:09 Here's ABC News: German court enforces day of rest.
35:13 Germany's high court strictly enforces day of rest
35:16 and bans Sunday shopping.
35:18 So we're talking about Associated Press,
35:21 ABC. Here's NewsMax.
35:23 This was reported also on CNN.
35:26 March 27, 2015. Arizona state senator says:
35:30 "Make Sunday church attendance mandatory. "
35:34 Here's Time Magazine: On the seventh day we rested
35:37 talking about how Blue Laws were a gift to America
35:41 and how we need to get back to those days.
35:43 Here's a statement from the Lord's Day Alliance
35:46 April, 2015. The title of the article is called:
35:50 Sunday as a mark of Christian unity.
35:52 The Lord's Day Alliance is in favor... It's an alliance
35:56 of Sunday-keeping churches in favor of enforcing Sunday.
35:59 So... and I could read more of these.
36:01 I've got a lot of these in my files.
36:04 And basically what these articles are saying
36:07 is if we all come back to God, back to Sunday,
36:10 this is going to be good for the planet, good for the
36:12 environment, good for global warming.
36:15 It'll bring us together; it'll help with our spirituality.
36:18 It'll give us rest from our busy life.
36:21 So brothers and sisters, my point is
36:24 that the movement, the movement
36:27 for keeping and enforcing Sunday
36:32 is here right now without a doubt.
36:35 It's here... it's in the world and it is getting bigger.
36:41 Now how will this sift even- tually to Sunday legislation
36:46 as prophecy predicts?
36:47 How will this happen? Well let me give you a series
36:50 of events. This is what I see based on all my study
36:53 of prophecy. This is what's going to happen.
36:56 There is going to be in the near future -
37:01 I don't know exactly when... I'm not a prophet -
37:03 but at some point... I mean the signs are all around us.
37:06 They're all around us that Jesus is getting ready to come.
37:09 And there is going to be a series of terrible,
37:13 devastating natural disasters like we've never known.
37:17 Like we've never seen. And that could happen starting tomorrow.
37:20 I mean we just don't know. We could turn on the news.
37:23 We could find a huge earthquake hit California.
37:25 Another one hit New York.
37:27 A big hurricane went through the East Coast.
37:29 We could see a whole series of things not just in America
37:32 but around the world. And I believe that these disasters
37:35 are coming. They are coming. You can bet your bottom dollar
37:39 on it that these things are going to be increasing.
37:42 And ultimately if you read Hosea chapter 4
37:45 and other verses in the Bible
37:47 that these disasters are coming because the world
37:51 is ignoring and violating and rejecting
37:54 and stomping upon the holy law of God.
37:58 God's law of morality; His law of love;
38:01 His law of goodness... which is what's best for us all.
38:04 Now what's going to happen is as these disasters start
38:08 really hitting with a vengeance in the days ahead
38:12 the world is going to misinterpret these disasters
38:17 and they're going to say... the world is going to say...
38:20 that these disasters are coming from God
38:24 because we're not keeping the first day of the week.
38:29 We're not following the advice of Pope Francis
38:33 and of our spiritual leaders. We're not coming together;
38:36 we're not banning Sunday shopping;
38:38 and we're not keeping Sunday holy.
38:40 And then they're going to say that these disasters
38:43 will not stop until
38:47 Sunday is strictly enforced by law.
38:51 And I tell you: if the world gets desperate enough
38:54 with some big disasters hitting this planet
38:57 we will see Sunday legislation in a very short time.
39:01 it can happen very quickly.
39:02 Again, the movement's already here.
39:04 We see it in the news reports.
39:05 We see Pope Francis pushing for this.
39:07 Now then what's going to happen... Read Revelation 19:20,
39:11 Revelation 16:14. What's going to happen is
39:14 when this happens, when Sunday is enforced by law,
39:17 as a misguided effort to try to bring the planet
39:20 back to God to please Him to stop the disasters
39:24 what's going to happen is the time of false miracles
39:28 is going to kick in. Revelation 19:20 talks about
39:32 signs and wonders. Revelation 16:14 talks about
39:36 the spirits of devils going out to the whole world
39:39 and performing many miracles.
39:42 And we're going to see all kinds of false miracles.
39:44 We're going to see ghosts that look like dead people.
39:48 And these demonic spirits are going to be urging
39:52 everyone to come together to follow God
39:56 to go along with the solution that's going to help the planet.
40:03 And believe me... they will talk about God.
40:06 And they'll say we do this by all coming together
40:10 and keeping a day of rest which will show God
40:14 that we're serious about coming back to Him.
40:18 So the miracles... And people are going to see these miracles,
40:21 they're going to look at these ghosts,
40:22 they're going to hear these demonic spirits
40:25 and they're going to think: "Wow!
40:26 We need to be doing this! "
40:28 And as the majority of the world goes along
40:32 with the movement toward Sunday legislation
40:35 and what the beast is saying, that this is what we need
40:39 to be doing, then what's going to happen
40:42 in the midst of the storm - in the midst of the crisis,
40:46 in the midst of this massive delusion
40:49 that's going on all over the world...
40:52 And really, what's wrong with Sunday legislation anyway?
40:56 Two major things. Number one: It's the wrong day.
41:00 And number two: It uses force.
41:03 God doesn't use force to bring people to Him.
41:06 And in the midst of all of this delusion and deception
41:10 God is going to have a people.
41:16 He's going to have a people
41:19 that He's raised up, that He's prepared,
41:22 that He has developed. And these people are going to give
41:26 the loud cry of the third angel's message
41:30 all over the world.
41:33 And I tell you: the news agencies are going to be glued
41:37 to them. And remember when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
41:41 were thrown into the fire?
41:43 And then they didn't get burned up?
41:45 And then Nebuchadnezzar called them out
41:47 because there was a fourth One in there who was Jesus!
41:50 Jesus was with them in the fire.
41:53 And Jesus will be with us in the fire. Amen!
41:55 And as they walked out, the whole world was looking at them!
42:00 I'm sorry. Not the whole world but the whole Babylonian world.
42:03 It's in Daniel, the book of Daniel. The whole Babylonian
42:07 kingdom was all there to bow down to the statue.
42:10 These three men didn't bow down because they would not
42:12 break God's law... they wouldn't commit idolatry.
42:15 They got thrown into the fire three men,
42:18 and when they walked out of that fire all the Babylonians
42:22 were staring at them. What a witnessing moment!
42:25 And in the last days when the Sunday law crisis hits
42:28 all around the world and the disasters are going on
42:30 and the false... demons are doing what they're doing
42:33 God is going to have a people just like Shadrach, Meshach,
42:38 and Abednego. Three men... He's going to have three angels
42:42 and they're going to be standing there with Jesus Christ
42:45 in the midst of the fire.
42:47 And they're going to give the three angels' messages
42:50 to the world. They're going to warn about the beast.
42:53 They're going to warn about the image.
42:56 They're going to warn about the mark
42:57 and they are going to ultimately urge people
43:02 to be part of the group that's in Revelation 14:12.
43:06 Look at Revelation 14:12.
43:09 God's going to have a group of people, and you can just feel
43:12 the heat building. You know, at this Camp Meeting
43:14 we've talked about all kinds of things that are going on.
43:16 And the heat is building on commandment keepers.
43:21 Isn't that right?
43:22 Revelation 14:12 talks about those who do not get the mark
43:25 of the beast and says: "Here's the patience of the saints. "
43:28 The saints... the saints of God.
43:30 And the word patience actually means patient endurance.
43:33 "Here is the patient endurance on the part of the saints.
43:37 Here are those that keep the commandments of God
43:40 and the faith of Jesus. " Amen!
43:45 And behind me you can see... And I love this background...
43:49 Thank you, 3ABN, for putting this together.
43:51 You see the commandments... Come on, clicker, work...
43:56 Oh, is that a green screen back there?
43:59 No? Oh there's my little light.
44:02 Well, you can't really see it too well. I wish it was a little
44:04 bit brighter. See that little green light there?
44:07 OK. We have the commandments of God and we have the cross
44:10 of Jesus Christ.
44:11 Here are those who keep the commandments of God
44:13 and the faith of Jesus.
44:14 That's what 3ABN is all about.
44:16 That's what the three angels' messages are all about.
44:18 And that's what we are moving toward in the final crisis
44:22 is the law of God and the gospel of Jesus.
44:26 And when you look at the fourth commandment...
44:29 See it over there? I wish this was a little bit brighter.
44:32 The fourth commandment is the only one of the ten
44:36 that talks about the Creator
44:38 of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in it.
44:40 And as I've studied this out I've learned
44:44 that guess who the New Testament says is really the Maker
44:47 of heaven and earth and the sea and everything in it?
44:51 John 1 verse 10 says "He was in the world
44:55 and the world was made by Him
44:58 and the world knew Him not. "
45:00 It's talking about Jesus. John 1 verses 1-3
45:03 talking about Jesus. That "all things were made by Him. "
45:07 Colossians 1:16 talks about Jesus.
45:10 How He's the Maker of heaven and earth.
45:12 There's so many verses in the New Testament.
45:14 Ephesians 3:9 talks about how God made all things
45:17 through Jesus Christ.
45:19 Jesus Christ is the Maker of heaven and earth
45:23 and the Sabbath is His day
45:27 that reveals who He is as the Maker of all life.
45:32 And it's because He is the Maker of all life
45:38 that His death on the cross is enough to pay for your sins
45:44 and mine. Amen! It's because He's our Maker.
45:47 And that's what the Sabbath reveals.
45:50 The Sabbath reveals the power of the cross
45:54 because the One who died on the cross is the Maker
45:57 of heaven and earth. It all fits together.
46:00 There's tremendous light for us in the seventh-day Sabbath.
46:04 Now, I want to share some other things with you
46:06 that I feel convicted about.
46:08 This morning as I was listening to Danny
46:11 talk about the Ten Commandments
46:13 and talk about politically correct and what's going on
46:16 in social media and what's happening in our society
46:19 and what's happening even sometimes in our own church
46:23 the conviction just grew on me
46:25 that I need to say some things weren't in my notes.
46:30 Danny was up, he said, till four in the morning
46:32 putting down notes. And as I was sitting listening
46:35 to him this morning I was thinking:
46:38 "I need to add some things that are NOT in my notes! "
46:41 The Lord was talking to my heart.
46:45 We cannot go into the final crisis
46:49 as a people - as a commandment-keeping people -
46:53 talking about the importance of the fourth commandment
46:55 if we're breaking other command- ments. That's right! Amen!
46:58 We've gotta be keeping ALL of the commandments.
47:02 The Sabbath points to the Maker of heaven and earth!
47:05 Our Creator! He made everything.
47:08 He made you and He made me
47:10 and He also made little babies inside of their mothers
47:16 before they're born.
47:20 Our Creator did that... Jesus Christ did that.
47:23 And Danny talked about the sixth commandment, and I'm going to
47:26 echo his thoughts and add my voice...
47:29 my voice... that God has con- victed me about the same thing.
47:34 That this is very important. We can't claim to keep the 4th
47:37 and go into the final crisis if we're breaking the sixth.
47:40 The sixth commandment says "do not murder. "
47:43 And murder has to do with killing someone physically,
47:46 hating someone... whoever they are,
47:49 and it also has to do with taking the life of the innocent
47:52 unborn. Amen!
47:54 And it's a tragedy. The 7th commandment talks about
47:57 not committing adultery... which talks about the whole
48:00 realm of sexual sin.
48:01 And what's happening is because all the standards
48:04 are falling apart and people are committing all kinds of
48:07 sexual sin... breaking the 7th commandment.
48:10 You have a lot of mothers - or women - who become
48:15 pregnant who don't want their babies.
48:17 They've broken the 7th so then they break the 6th!
48:21 They kill their babies!
48:23 Seventh commandment, sixth commandment. And then society
48:27 says there's nothing wrong with that...
48:30 which is breaking the 9th commandment!
48:32 It has to do with lying.
48:34 And then people all their own opinions on this topic,
48:37 and an opinion that's not scriptural can be breaking
48:41 the second commandment and can be an idol.
48:44 So we end up breaking the second commandment
48:47 and not putting God first which is the 1st commandment.
48:51 And we see people steal the life of a child
48:56 which is breaking the eighth commandment.
49:00 Commandment after commandment are being broken.
49:03 And these are happening all over the world!
49:07 We cannot as a people stand up for the seventh-day Sabbath
49:12 during the final crisis and have the world scrutinize us
49:15 and the media scrutinize us and the reporters scrutinize us
49:18 you know and not have us stand up for commandment #6 as well.
49:24 And #10 and #9 and #5
49:27 "Honor your father and mother. "
49:28 All the commandments. Brothers and sister, we need to
49:31 be ten commandment keepers. Amen!
49:35 And if we really understand the cross,
49:38 if we really understand who died on the cross,
49:41 who it is that gave His life: the Creator of all life!
49:47 Then our hearts will be so moved and touched
49:51 and changed and Jesus our Creator will forgive
49:55 and save and transform
49:59 and write His law in our hearts.
50:03 Amen! That's what we need.
50:04 We need all the ten commandments inside of us.
50:07 So you want to know what the ultimate? When you peel away
50:09 the layers of the onion and get down to the core
50:14 the mark of the beast in the final analysis -
50:19 don't miss this - is a mark of commandment breaking
50:25 seared into the soul,
50:31 in the mind, and in the actions.
50:35 People have settled in to being commandment breakers.
50:41 That's what the mark of the beast really is all about
50:45 when you get down to the core of it.
50:47 And in order for God to prepare a people
50:51 to stand up against the mark of the beast
50:54 we have to be cleansed and washed
50:58 by the grace and the love and the mercy of Jesus Christ
51:02 and have all ten of those commandments in our hearts
51:05 so we become commandment keepers not commandment breakers
51:09 in the last days. Amen!
51:11 And I want to clarify: Seventh- day Adventists do not believe
51:14 we are saved by the law.
51:16 We are saved by the grace of Jesus!
51:18 But the law is what shows us our sin
51:21 and the cross is where we find salvation
51:24 FROM SIN which is breaking the law.
51:30 That's what the real issue's all about.
51:32 That's the final issue. God is building
51:35 a commandment-keeping people.
51:37 Around the world He's cleansing people.
51:39 He's convicting them. Boy, I tell you He's been convicting me
51:42 left and right! I come out of the Hollywood area.
51:45 Grew up in a Jewish home. Didn't believe in the Bible at all.
51:49 As a teenager was wild and lost
51:51 and have had all kinds of struggles.
51:54 But God has just convicted me about every commandment
51:57 and He's shown me that God's law is holy.
52:00 It's sacred; it's pure
52:03 and it represents how He wants me to live
52:07 and that my hope is to get on my knees
52:12 and to look at the cross... to look at Jesus.
52:15 I like the fact that in verse 12 the very last
52:19 word of the third angel's message is Jesus
52:23 and then there's a period. It talks about the commandments
52:26 of God and the faith of Jesus. Period.
52:30 The last word of the third angel's message is Jesus!
52:36 And it's through the grace and the mercy and the love
52:40 and the power of our Creator
52:43 of the Maker of heaven and earth.
52:45 That is how we can be forgiven, cleansed, washed
52:51 and changed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
52:55 And we don't need to be debating about the nature of the
52:57 Holy Spirit these days.
52:59 We just need the Holy Spirit
53:01 Amen! inside of our souls
53:03 writing the law of God in our hearts.
53:07 And when the Holy Spirit has done that
53:09 then we will become a people like Shadrach, Meshach,
53:12 and Abednego who will not bow down no matter what.
53:15 Whether it's politically correct of whether it isn't.
53:18 Whether the world thinks it's right
53:19 or whether the world thinks it's wrong.
53:21 Whatever the world does that's not our standard.
53:24 Our standard is the holy law of God
53:27 and the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
53:30 Amen!
53:31 Revelation 14:12 says: "Here is the patience of the saints.
53:37 Here are those who keep the commandments of God
53:41 and the faith of Jesus. "
53:44 This is the real issue. It's not a microchip.
53:47 It's not a barcode; it's not a tattoo.
53:50 It's not technology, although technology will probably be
53:54 involved in tracking and having something to do with...
53:57 with buying and selling.
53:59 But the big issue is not technology.
54:02 It's the Word of God; it's the law of God
54:04 and it's the day that points to the Maker of heaven and earth.
54:07 Amen! It's the day that points to Jesus.
54:11 And when the mark of the beast crisis finally hits
54:13 everybody will have to make a final choice.
54:17 The world will be going in the wrong direction.
54:19 The beast will be making its statements.
54:21 All the news agencies - most of them - will be behind the
54:25 beast. The crisis will be on. The spirits of devils
54:28 will be doing their miracles to support the mark
54:30 and people will be going along with it.
54:32 And when everybody makes their choice
54:35 between the beast or the Creator,
54:38 between truth or tradition,
54:41 between what's right and what's wrong,
54:42 between what the Bible says and what man says,
54:46 everyone will make their choice
54:49 between the beast and the Lord Jesus Christ.
54:52 Then the doors of heaven will close.
54:55 Probation will close. Just like Noah's ark closed
54:58 the final doors will close
55:00 and people will be either in or out.
55:01 Revelation 16 describes the seven last plagues.
55:04 They will then be falling. They'll fall upon the world
55:07 that gets the mark of the beast.
55:09 But God will have a people who don't do it...
55:12 who don't get the mark. And right after
55:14 verse 12 you've got verse 13 and then verse 14
55:17 says: "Then I looked and behold, a white cloud
55:20 and upon that cloud sat One like the Son of Man
55:23 having on His head a golden crown and in His hand a sharp
55:26 sickle. " And it's harvest time. And the sharp sickle will
55:29 divide those that have chosen the beast and the mark
55:32 and those that have chosen the Creator of heaven and earth
55:35 and the Ten Commandments and the cross.
55:38 That's what's going to happen.
55:39 Everybody will be settled on one side or the other
55:41 and then Jesus will come to claim...
55:44 In verse 14 He comes to claim the people
55:48 that are His own. The people that have stood up
55:51 against a politically correct, driven world.
55:56 A people that have gone against the grain...
55:59 that have decided to stand up for Jesus no matter what
56:02 because they've been so captured and so moved and so transformed
56:05 by the cross and the love that Jesus showed for all of us
56:09 that they've given Him their lives and they will stand
56:11 for Him no matter what... no matter what it costs.
56:15 Jesus is coming back for saved-by-grace
56:18 forgiven, commandment-keeping,
56:21 Seventh-day Sabbath keeping
56:24 all ten commandment keeping
56:26 loyal children of God
56:29 who love Jesus and who are ready to "get out of here! "
56:33 Amen! To get out of this world
56:35 and to go up to be in a better land!
56:38 Amen! Hallelujah!
56:40 And I want to be in that group.
56:42 I will close with this thought:
56:44 as I've studied my Bible and realize that Jesus is my Creator
56:48 I have learned that the finger...
56:52 the finger on that holy hand
56:55 that wrote the Sabbath commandment and wrote all ten
56:59 of the commandments, that finger that wrote
57:02 the holy law of God was on a hand
57:08 that was nailed to a cross for you and for me. All right!
57:14 That's what it's all about.
57:16 It's about Jesus as our Creator.
57:20 It's about His holy day; it's about Bible truth.
57:23 So may God help us to reject the beast
57:26 and to reject his deadly mark.


Revised 2023-05-02