Amazing Adventures

A Day with the King

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AA

Program Code: AA190006A

00:11 Hi, kids, you wanna hear an amazing fact?
00:14 You know God made the world in six days
00:16 and He rested the seventh.
00:17 Naturalists have observed several times in nature
00:20 where it seems like animals even take a day-off.
00:23 For example, you have Miles Wheeler.
00:26 He's an ornithologist and avid birdwatcher,
00:28 and an award winning nature photographer.
00:31 For over 18 years, he observed the birds that were migrating
00:34 in a cedar tree outside his home in Michigan.
00:38 And he tracked meticulously
00:39 how many birds were migrating.
00:42 After tracking the activity
00:43 of over 1,500 warblers for 18 years,
00:47 he was surprised to notice that there were very few birds
00:50 that were migrating every seventh day.
00:53 It seemed like the birds knew they should take a day of rest.
00:56 This might sound unusual,
00:57 but then you've got Lauren Cole,
00:59 who's the speaker/director of Desire Media
01:01 lives in Lakeview, Oregon.
01:03 He studied a family of beavers for 16 years.
01:07 And he was shocked to learn
01:08 that while they were busy six days a week,
01:10 they never worked on Saturday.
01:13 You know, the Bible says in the Book of Job,
01:15 that the animals seem to know who their Creator is
01:17 and listen to the voice of God.
01:19 Makes you wonder if maybe
01:20 the animals know something about resting
01:22 that people are forgetting.
01:24 We're gonna learn about it today.
01:25 So let's get on board and take an amazing adventure together.
01:46 Good evening, everyone, and welcome once again
01:48 to Amazing Adventure, A Journey for Life with Jesus.
01:52 I'd like to welcome all of the boys and girls
01:54 right here in Michigan,
01:55 and also those of you who are joining us
01:56 across the country and around the world,
01:58 part of our extended Adventure team
02:01 looking at some very important discoveries in the Bible.
02:04 And tonight we have a very important presentation.
02:07 Now before we get to our study,
02:09 we have a theme song that we'd like to sing.
02:11 And I think a number of you probably by now
02:14 could sing the song without even seeing the words.
02:16 How many think they could sing it without seeing the words?
02:19 All right, look at all those hands.
02:21 It's got a catchy tune
02:22 and it's called "Life is an Adventure."
02:24 But before we gonna sing our song,
02:26 we wanna invite Pastor Doug
02:28 to come up and join me here on stage.
02:30 And what are we gonna say
02:31 when Pastor Doug rings the bell?
02:33 Are you ready?
02:34 There you go. Here it is.
02:36 Good evening, Pastor.
02:39 All right.
02:41 We're gonna invite our song leaders to come up.
02:43 Why don't we stand kids and we'll sing our theme song
02:46 "Life is an Adventure."
02:55 Life is an adventure Following the King
03:00 Every day with Jesus Makes us want to sing
03:05 Walking in the spirit He will lead the way
03:10 With his words to guide us Glowing deep inside us
03:15 Nothing can divide us Following the King
03:21 Life is an adventure Following the King
03:27 Every day with Jesus Makes us want to sing
03:32 Conquering with kindness Everywhere we go
03:37 Voices we are raising
03:39 Jesus we are praising
03:42 Life is so amazing Following the King
03:49 Life is so amazing
03:51 Following the King
03:57 Amen. Thank you, boys and girls.
03:58 You may be seated.
03:59 And thank you to our Amazing Adventure singers up front.
04:03 Thank you. We're excited.
04:05 We've got some exciting things to do tonight.
04:08 And we're gonna get to some questions,
04:10 I think, Pastor Ross that have come in from kids
04:12 all over the country and even the world.
04:14 Yes, we got some great questions for this evening.
04:16 So we're gonna take a look at
04:18 our first video question for tonight.
04:20 Hi, my name is Amy.
04:22 And I'm nine years old.
04:24 And I'm from London, Ontario.
04:26 And my question is,
04:27 was the seventh-day Sabbath kept through all ages?
04:31 Good question that she had.
04:33 Will the seventh-day Sabbath
04:35 be kept throughout all ages,
04:37 meaning even in eternity?
04:39 You know, we're touching on that
04:41 in our study tonight.
04:43 But let's think about that for just a moment.
04:44 When God made the Sabbath,
04:46 was it before sin or after sin?
04:50 Before sin. Before sin.
04:52 Was it part of God's perfect plan then for the world?
04:56 And then it tells us in the Book of Isaiah,
04:58 that even in heaven, from 1,
05:00 it talks about, "'For as the new heavens
05:02 and the new earth that I will make
05:04 will remain before Me,' says the Lord."
05:06 Talking about the new heavens, new earth,
05:08 "Even so your seed and your name will remain.
05:11 And it will come to pass it from one Sabbath to another
05:13 shall all flesh worship before Me."
05:16 All flesh. That's everybody.
05:19 Does the Bible say the Sabbath was made for Jews?
05:22 Or does it say Sabbath was made for man,
05:24 meaning mankind for everybody?
05:27 Okay, our next question that we have this evening.
05:30 Hi, my name is Les.
05:31 And I'm 11 years old. And I live in North Georgia.
05:34 And my question is,
05:35 if Jesus sanctified Sabbath as the holy day as it says,
05:39 in Exodus 20,
05:41 then why do so many people worship on Sunday?
05:43 Boy, that's a good question.
05:45 I mean, if the Sabbath is the seventh-day of the week,
05:48 Saturday, why Pastor Doug, does it seem that
05:50 there's so many Christians around the world
05:52 that worship on the first day of the week, Sunday?
05:55 Yeah, now we didn't tell these kids what questions to ask.
05:57 They freely chose their own questions.
05:59 It is true that tonight
06:01 we're actually talking about that subject.
06:03 First of all,
06:05 just because a lot of people do something,
06:08 doesn't mean it's right.
06:11 You know, when Jesus was teaching, and preaching,
06:13 and doing miracles,
06:14 several people thought,
06:16 "This must be the Messiah!"
06:18 And some of the religious leader said,
06:20 "Well, if He was the Messiah,
06:22 then the other religious leaders and scribes
06:24 would also believe in Him.
06:26 Most of them don't believe in Him."
06:28 But sometimes the majority is wrong.
06:31 In fact, Moses said, "Do not follow a crowd to do evil."
06:35 Sometimes a crowd
06:37 is not the right group to follow.
06:39 You wanna find out what does the Word of God say?
06:42 And so we're gonna talk in our lesson tonight
06:44 about what happened
06:46 and how people started changing their practices,
06:49 how Christians started changing things over history.
06:51 Okay. And the next question that we have.
06:54 Hi, Pastor Doug.
06:55 My name is Brian.
06:56 I live in Vijayawada, India.
07:00 My question is, why God not allowed
07:03 Moses to enter into the Promised Land, Canaan?
07:07 Thank you.
07:08 All right, so question all the way from India.
07:11 And the question is, why didn't God allow
07:12 Moses to enter into Canaan?
07:14 Now you were in that part of India not too long ago.
07:16 It gets pretty warm, doesn't it?
07:17 It's pretty warm, this time of the year,
07:19 especially in India, it's hot.
07:20 So, you know what that's like.
07:22 You know, Moses great desire was that
07:24 he could actually be the one
07:26 to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land.
07:29 He had led them for 40 years through the wilderness.
07:32 But near the end of their wanderings,
07:34 there was a trial, a test,
07:36 where they ran out of water again.
07:39 And God told Moses to gather the people together
07:41 and to speak to the rock,
07:44 and that water would come out.
07:45 Well, Moses and Aaron were so frustrated
07:47 with the people's lack of faith.
07:50 Then Moses lost his temper, and he took his rod
07:53 and he struck the rock twice.
07:56 And he said, "Must we fetch water from the rock
07:58 for you rebels?"
08:00 And Moses lost his temper.
08:02 And God said, you know, Moses, I didn't tell you to do that.
08:05 You disobeyed in front of everybody what I told.
08:08 And I'm still gonna let you see the Promised Land
08:10 from a distance.
08:12 And you will be in heaven...
08:14 Matter of fact,
08:15 is Moses in heaven now?
08:17 Yes.
08:18 He is.
08:20 We read that, you know,
08:21 Bible tells us in Mark Chapter 9,
08:23 Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus.
08:25 So Moses got to go to heaven.
08:27 He watched the people cross over,
08:29 but he personally could not lead them in
08:31 because he had disobeyed.
08:32 He lost his temper, and God needed to set an example
08:35 that we need to be faithful for our leaders.
08:37 That might be it for tonight.
08:38 That might be all the questions.
08:40 So a number of questions on the Sabbath,
08:41 and I think you're gonna be talking
08:43 more about that this evening, so.
08:44 We are.
08:45 Thank you very much, Pastor Ross.
08:47 All right, friends, are you ready?
08:49 Tonight we're gonna be talking about
08:51 a very important subject.
08:53 And I'll tell you why it's important.
08:56 Your life is made of time.
09:00 Benjamin Franklin, you all know who he is?
09:03 He's one of the only people who was not a president.
09:06 And I think there's two of them.
09:08 Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin,
09:10 whose picture is on our money.
09:13 And Benjamin Franklin, he said,
09:16 "Time is the stuff that life is made of.
09:21 You have so many breaths and so many heartbeats."
09:25 You know, it's sort of a rule of life that
09:28 the faster your heartbeats, the shorter your life.
09:31 I used to have pet mice.
09:32 I'd hold the mice in my hand,
09:33 I could feel their little hearts going.
09:37 And once I caught a hummingbird,
09:39 it got stuck in my garage
09:40 and kept trying to go out the window
09:42 and I was able to catch him alive, cute little hummingbird.
09:45 And I felt his little heart beating in my hand.
09:47 You know, they're hummingbirds,
09:48 just their hearts' just raised
09:50 because they eat sugar all the time.
09:51 So they're just...
09:53 And I can feel a little heart.
09:57 But an elephant, his heart goes...
10:03 And they live like 80 years.
10:05 And a blue whale can live longer than an elephant
10:08 and its heart goes...
10:13 That's even too fast.
10:15 So we've only got so many heartbeats.
10:17 What you do with your time every day
10:19 is what you're doing with your life.
10:21 If you're useful with your time, you have a useful life.
10:23 If you waste your time, you waste your life.
10:26 If you're gonna love somebody,
10:28 you do it in time.
10:30 Time is the stuff life is made of.
10:32 Our lesson today talking about "A Day with the King."
10:35 Wouldn't it be exciting if you can have a day
10:37 with the King of the universe?
10:39 You know, the Bible tells us
10:41 that there was a Queen of Sheba.
10:43 She had heard about King Solomon.
10:45 King Solomon was the most glorious,
10:48 earthly king of Israel.
10:50 When Solomon was king,
10:52 his robes were so beautiful
10:53 that even Jesus referred to
10:54 the beautiful clothing of Solomon.
10:57 And the Bible talks about
10:58 the kingdom was so rich during the time of Solomon,
11:01 that even silver was considered like stones,
11:05 because they had so much gold.
11:08 And Queen of Sheba heard about the wisdom of Solomon,
11:10 and she came from hundreds of miles away,
11:13 and brought a caravan with lots of gifts and money.
11:16 So she could spend time with Solomon
11:18 to learn about him and his wisdom
11:20 because she wanted to be a good queen.
11:22 She knew that would happen by spending time with him.
11:25 If you had an invitation
11:26 to spend time with a king or queen,
11:28 would you wanna do that?
11:31 Earlier this year,
11:32 Karen and I were invited to the White House.
11:35 But the president wasn't there.
11:37 We kind of thought it would be nice.
11:39 We met with some of his staff to talk about religious liberty
11:41 and it was fun to be in the White House.
11:43 Actually, we've been there a couple times.
11:45 But it really be nice to spend the day with a president
11:49 or with a queen.
11:50 You know, for her 80th birthday,
11:52 Queen Elizabeth II wanna do something special
11:55 for the children in England.
11:58 And so she invited, she had a lottery,
12:00 she invited 2000 children to join her
12:02 in Buckingham Palace.
12:04 They could pick one parent or grandparent
12:05 to bring with them,
12:07 and that she had a day of tea with the children
12:10 of the kingdom.
12:11 And they got to hang out with the Queen for a day.
12:14 Wouldn't that be exciting?
12:16 Well, you get to spend a day
12:19 with the King of the universe every week,
12:24 in a special way,
12:26 did you know that?
12:28 The Bible talks about that.
12:29 We're gonna get into our lesson now.
12:31 First question,
12:32 what day does Jesus, the King of the universe
12:35 want to spend with me in a special way?
12:38 Now Jesus said, I'm with you always.
12:40 Christ's presence is always with you,
12:42 but we're busy doing our work and our things.
12:44 He said, "I want a day that's like a special date
12:48 with you and me."
12:49 What is that day?
12:51 Exodus 20:8-11,
12:53 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
12:56 The Lord blessed the Sabbath day
12:59 and hallowed it."
13:00 The Lord has this day, it's called the Sabbath.
13:03 The word Sabbath means a rest.
13:06 And it's a special day of quality time with God.
13:11 And the Bible says it's to be a happy day.
13:14 Isaiah 58:13, "Call the Sabbath a delight."
13:17 It's a delightful day with the King.
13:20 Now, why else do we need the Sabbath?
13:23 People sometimes get tired.
13:25 Any of you ever stay up too late,
13:26 and then at school the next day,
13:28 you're a little sleepy.
13:31 I used to fall asleep in class,
13:33 and I didn't want my teacher to catch me.
13:34 I had one teacher when I went to military school,
13:37 if he saw me sleeping in class,
13:38 he kept a can on top of his desk.
13:40 Now they wouldn't allow this anymore,
13:42 but back when I was young,
13:43 teachers could even spank you.
13:45 But he kept a can on his desk,
13:47 and inside the can were nuts and bolts,
13:49 just a bunch of nuts and bolts.
13:51 And if he saw students sleeping,
13:53 this is military school.
13:55 They're pretty tough.
13:56 He would throw the can at you.
13:59 And that only happened once or twice
14:01 and you never went to sleep in his class.
14:04 So I learned to sleep
14:05 looking like I was reading the book.
14:07 I'd have a book and my head down like that, like...
14:12 'Cause I'd stay up too late the night before.
14:15 People need rest.
14:17 And God has a day of rest for us.
14:20 Do you have chores you have to do around your house?
14:22 Yes.
14:23 Do you know it's dangerous sometimes
14:24 to do your chores if you get too sleepy?
14:27 You could mow your toes in the lawnmower or something.
14:31 Everybody needs appropriate rest.
14:33 Do you know,
14:34 I think five of the major reasons that people die
14:39 are connected with something called stress?
14:42 Stress means people get too worried and too anxious,
14:46 and too worn out, and too tired,
14:48 and it shortens their lives.
14:51 Cancer, and heart disease, and diabetes,
14:54 and all kinds of problems,
14:55 high blood pressure all connected with stress.
14:58 God knows that we need a day of rest.
15:01 You know, the people who run the military,
15:04 they thought we wanna work those soldiers.
15:05 We wanna see what's the best work schedule for the soldiers.
15:08 And the military did an experiment.
15:11 And they said, "Let's see if we can get soldiers to rest
15:13 1 day every 12 days or 1 day every 10 days."
15:16 And they didn't do very well.
15:18 They experimented with all these different cycles,
15:21 they finally realize
15:22 the very best rest work schedule
15:25 for men and women
15:28 is one day every seven.
15:31 Well, that's how God designed us in the beginning.
15:34 Which day is the Sabbath day?
15:38 The Bible tells us,
15:40 "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
15:44 All right, I'm gonna need a couple of volunteers
15:46 to come up here and help me.
15:48 I need three.
15:50 So, okay, you can be good. You can come up.
15:53 You got your orange pants, you get to hold the sun.
15:56 Young lady right here, please, over here,
15:58 and oh, I'll just grab one.
15:59 Well, you can come, you're close.
16:00 All right.
16:02 So let me just show you something.
16:03 I think it's really neat.
16:06 One of you gets to be the earth.
16:10 Let's see here.
16:13 Why don't you come over? You wanna be the earth?
16:15 You got to hold the world.
16:17 And one of you gets to be the sun.
16:24 You got the pants. You got to be the sun.
16:26 It'll be easy to spot.
16:27 You guys stand right in the middle.
16:29 Mr. Sun, what's your name?
16:30 Aaron. Aaron. Right.
16:32 Come and stand back a little bit.
16:33 Okay, 'cause the earth goes around the sun, right?
16:37 Now, are you in gymnastics or anything?
16:39 No? I'm in gymnastics.
16:41 You are. Yeah.
16:42 You looked athletic. Tell me, what's your name?
16:44 Michaela. Right.
16:45 Michaela, you're gonna go around the sun.
16:48 So I'd like for you to just go walk around the sun,
16:50 except, you can't just walk around the sun,
16:52 if you're in gymnastics.
16:53 Does the earth spin?
16:56 So you got to go like this,
16:58 while you go around the sun, okay?
17:00 So go ahead and go ahead and do that.
17:03 How long does it take? No. You're getting...
17:05 Don't get so close to the sun. You're gonna get burn.
17:07 Come back here.
17:09 You ought to know better than that.
17:10 You got sunscreen on.
17:11 All right, go ahead and start spinning,
17:13 go around the sun.
17:14 How long does it take for the earth
17:15 to go around the sun?
17:17 Three and sixty five.
17:18 Three and sixty five, one quarter days.
17:19 All right, very good. Michaela, you did a good job.
17:21 Now come over here.
17:24 You're the moon. Okay.
17:25 What's your name?
17:28 You got to look. You don't remember.
17:29 Okay, Savannah. All right.
17:32 Now the moon goes around the earth.
17:34 I want you to go around the earth.
17:37 While the earth is going around the sun, right?
17:39 So you got to keep going around the sun.
17:41 You got to go around the earth. No, you're losing the earth.
17:43 Get back. All right.
17:45 We're gonna have a planetary collision here.
17:50 Oh, man! The universe is gone.
17:52 Wankers here. Right, let me...
17:54 How many days does it take for the moon
17:56 to go around the earth, its cycle?
17:59 One cycle of the moon though.
18:02 A month is how many days?
18:05 Well, a month, the word month comes from moon,
18:07 it's about 28days.
18:09 Here's something I think you'll find interesting.
18:12 All the civilizations of the world,
18:14 even though they're separated,
18:16 they had a month
18:18 with about 28 days
18:19 because of the moon.
18:21 All of the civilizations around the world had a year,
18:25 with approximately 365 days in it,
18:29 some had 360 but they compensate,
18:31 because that's how long it took
18:33 for the earth to go around.
18:35 And, of course, everyone has a 24 hour day roughly
18:37 because that's how long it takes the day to rotate
18:40 or the earth to rotate on its axis.
18:42 What in the sun, moon and stars
18:45 gives the world a seven day week?
18:50 Nothing.
18:51 Why does the whole world have a seven day week?
18:58 The whole world gets their seven day a week
19:01 'cause in the beginning, God did.
19:03 Let's thank them.
19:07 You know, the most important decision
19:09 a young person can make
19:10 is that decision to follow Jesus
19:12 and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
19:15 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
19:17 the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
19:21 During these nearly 10 hours
19:22 of exciting high definition programs,
19:24 the young people will do science experiments,
19:27 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
19:30 and most of all,
19:32 they'll learn about Jesus from the Word of God.
19:34 There's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
19:37 to go along with each of the video presentations.
19:40 These beautiful illustrated study guides
19:42 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
19:45 They'll lead your kids through
19:46 an incredible journey with Jesus.
19:48 And for me, the most exciting thing
19:50 is this new Amazing Adventure series goes along
19:52 with the Amazing Facts Adventure Bible.
19:55 The Bible, the study guides,
19:56 the DVDs are all designed
19:58 to lead your young person
20:00 on a Journey for Life with Jesus.
20:02 Call the number on your screen
20:04 or contact us at
20:08 The whole world has a seven day week,
20:12 because the Bible is the only place you can train it to.
20:16 And we know what day that was.
20:17 You can read there and Mark 16:1-2.
20:20 "When the Sabbath was passed,
20:23 very early in the morning on the first day of the week,
20:27 they came to the tomb
20:28 when the sun had risen."
20:30 Now the days in the Bible began and ended at sundown,
20:34 but Jesus, He died on Friday,
20:37 He spent the Sabbath resting in the tomb,
20:40 He rose Sunday morning to continue
20:42 His work for us as our high priest.
20:45 All around the world, the seventh day of the week
20:47 is what we would call Saturday.
20:48 This is a quote right here
20:50 from the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
20:53 "Saturday, noun,
20:54 definition of the seventh day of the week."
20:57 Saturday is the day that falls between Friday,
21:00 the seventh day and the first day Sunday.
21:03 In the Bible, you do not find the word,
21:05 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
21:07 Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
21:08 Those names come from Roman paganism.
21:11 Sunday's named after, what?
21:13 The sun. The sun.
21:15 Moon day, Monday.
21:17 Then, Tiwes was another god,
21:20 and you have Thursday was Thor's day.
21:22 Wednesday was really Odin's day,
21:24 and we've kind of corrupted it.
21:26 So it says Wednesday but it was Odin's day.
21:29 Friday was Freya's. Saturday was, what planet?
21:32 Saturn. Saturn.
21:33 So the Bible never uses any of the pagan names.
21:35 It numbered the days.
21:37 And what we would call the seventh day
21:40 is what now the world call Saturday.
21:43 Wanna hear something interesting?
21:44 In over 105 languages of the world,
21:48 the word for the seventh day of the week is Sabbath.
21:51 Who here can hablas espanol?
21:54 What's a Saturday?
21:56 Sabado. Sabado.
21:57 Anyone speak...
22:02 Sobota, right?
22:04 Seventh day of the week.
22:05 And in Portuguese, and then 105 languages.
22:08 Why do all these countries that were separated
22:10 at the Tower of Babel,
22:12 their word for Saturday is Sabbath day?
22:16 'Cause it was the day that God gave to Adam and Eve.
22:19 It's a day God wants to spend with you in a special way,
22:21 and He wants to bless you.
22:23 So our third question,
22:25 where did the Sabbath come from?
22:27 And how long has it been a special day for our King?
22:31 Well, you read in Genesis 1:1,
22:34 "In the beginning,
22:35 God created the heavens and the earth."
22:37 So how far back does the Sabbath go?
22:40 Beginning. Beginning.
22:42 Before sin or after?
22:43 Before. Before.
22:44 That's part of God's perfect plan.
22:47 You mean even before sin, God wanted man to rest?
22:51 Did Adam get real tired and exhausted
22:53 and he couldn't wake up?
22:55 You know, the Bible says
22:56 in heaven you will run and not beweary.
22:58 You will walk and not faint.
23:00 Part of the reason that God had the Sabbath
23:02 is because He wanted to spend time with Him.
23:04 How many of you remember reading in the Bible
23:06 when God was walking in the garden,
23:08 and he called, "Adam, where are you?"
23:11 God used to spend time,
23:13 personal time with Adam and Eve every Sabbath.
23:16 What a wonderful honor to think about that.
23:19 Now, did God give that up
23:20 or does He still want quality time with us?
23:23 Y'all know what quality time is.
23:26 Like,
23:28 I'm sure this conversation happens in many families.
23:32 Sometimes Mrs. Batchelor will say to Pastor Doug,
23:36 "Doug, we need to spend more time together."
23:39 And I say,
23:40 "Oh, I was home all last week." She said, "Yeah.
23:43 And you were in the office working on your computer."
23:46 I said, "Well, you were in the house too."
23:48 But we weren't spending quality time together.
23:52 Quality time means that I carve out time
23:54 where I'm not doing other things,
23:55 but I'm just spending time with her,
23:58 communicating with her, enjoying her company.
24:01 And that's what God wants.
24:04 Sometimes we get so busy,
24:05 "Lord, I want this, and Lord, I want that,
24:06 and give me this, and give me that."
24:08 And we don't ever wanna just spend time with God
24:10 and say, "Lord, what can I do for You?"
24:13 God loves us. He wants us to...
24:16 You ever heard of love at first sight?
24:18 Yes.
24:19 Now you look at somebody and you go,
24:21 "Ah, that's the person I'm gonna marry."
24:23 The first time you see him.
24:28 I think that can happen.
24:31 A lot of times it's not love at first sight,
24:33 it's kind of lust at first sight
24:34 or someone's really infatuated.
24:36 Most of the time when people get married,
24:39 every now and then you'll hear a story someone will say,
24:42 "I met this person yesterday and we got married today."
24:46 You know, typically, those weddings,
24:48 those marriages don't last very long.
24:51 If you wanna love someone...
24:52 How do you fall in love with someone?
24:55 You'll look at a picture of them go...
24:57 Wow!
24:59 No.
25:01 You fall in love with somebody
25:02 because you talk to them and they talk to you,
25:05 and you love who they are.
25:07 You might also like how they look,
25:09 but you wanna love who they are.
25:11 How do we talk to God?
25:14 How does He talk to us?
25:18 The Holy Spirit,
25:19 He speaks to us through His Word,
25:21 hopefully through pastors preaching sermons
25:23 and Christian teachers.
25:26 But we listen to God and He talks to us
25:28 and we fall in love with Him.
25:30 God picked a day for us to have quality time with Him.
25:34 And He wants us to remember that.
25:36 "And on the seventh day,
25:38 God ended His work which He had done,
25:41 and He rested on the seventh day
25:42 from all His work which He had done."
25:45 So the Bible tells us,
25:47 you notice right there in the beginning,
25:48 it tells us that He created the Sabbath day,
25:49 and it says, "God blessed and sanctified it.
25:52 Because in it He rested from all the work
25:55 which God created and made."
25:57 Three times it says the seventh day,
25:59 the seventh day, the seventh day.
26:02 Now, there's a number in Revelation
26:04 that's supposed to be the number for the beast
26:06 who knows what that number is?
26:07 666. 666.
26:11 Become an ominous number.
26:13 Did you know
26:15 that if you add 1 plus 2, plus 3, plus 4, plus 5,
26:18 plus 6, plus 7, up to 36,
26:22 it adds up to 666.
26:23 So if you add all the numbers together up to 36,
26:26 something else about 666, you'll find interesting.
26:28 If you add up the Roman coins,
26:32 the Romans had the Roman numerals
26:34 one through six.
26:36 Or you add up the first six Roman numerals rather,
26:39 the I, the V, the X, the D,
26:44 and I'm leaving one out, they add up to 666.
26:48 So it's kind of interesting,
26:50 that's an amazing mathematic number.
26:51 You know that,
26:53 the number seven is God's number.
26:57 There's a lot of ways you see seven in nature.
27:01 You know, one of the strongest signs that you have,
27:05 one of the strongest structures in the world.
27:08 I need a volunteer.
27:10 Just one. Just one.
27:11 Young lady right here. All right, yeah.
27:15 Now, you don't like candy, do you?
27:20 You know what that is?
27:24 That's Mr. Ross was kind enough to bring us
27:27 some actual wax that's been built by bees.
27:30 You know what's on there?
27:31 Honey.
27:33 What do bees make? What's your name?
27:35 Moriah. Moriah.
27:36 That's a beautiful name.
27:37 I like that name.
27:39 You know what it means?
27:40 God will provide.
27:42 That's what that name means.
27:43 But this is honey and it is very sweet.
27:46 But you know that the bees are incredible engineers,
27:49 one of the strongest structures.
27:51 Now if you look right here,
27:52 you can see that the bees they have,
27:56 there's lots of little circles,
27:57 but the circles are surrounded by circles.
27:59 It's one of the strongest designs in nature.
28:04 You've got six hexagons,
28:08 surrounded by one hexagon, the seventh.
28:12 Do you know what our week is?
28:13 Our week is six days surrounded by a seventh day.
28:18 Did you wanna taste some of that?
28:20 Sure. All right, tell you right here.
28:24 Now they tell me this honey
28:26 is in this comb
28:27 is about 20 years old.
28:30 But honey is not supposed to...
28:33 That's right from the bee.
28:34 Tell me if it's sweet or not.
28:36 Still sweet?
28:38 Ain't that good? You know what?
28:39 The Sabbath is sweet too.
28:41 You get to keep the spoon.
28:42 Let's give her a hand.
28:45 All the nature you can
28:46 find the number seven is very interesting.
28:48 You know, most animals
28:50 when they're pregnant before they lay their eggs
28:52 or have their babies,
28:53 they have their babies in divisions of weeks.
28:56 It's often one week, two weeks, three weeks,
28:58 but it seems like the gestation for creatures
29:00 is divided even in seven day cycles.
29:05 Question number four,
29:06 does God want everybody to worship Him on the Sabbath?
29:09 And what do the Ten Commandments say?
29:11 So we're covering two things in this question.
29:12 First of all,
29:14 the Sabbath was made for Jews.
29:17 Is that what it says?
29:18 And a lot of people say,
29:20 now my mother was Jewish,
29:22 and she was not very religious Jew,
29:24 but most Jews around the world still keep the Sabbath
29:28 on the original seventh day,
29:30 the Orthodox Jews.
29:32 But some people say,
29:33 "Well, the seventh day Sabbath, that's for Jews."
29:36 The first day Sabbath, that's for Christians.
29:40 But where in the Bible does it say that?
29:43 Can you show me a command anywhere in the Bible
29:46 to keep the first day of the week?
29:48 The Sabbath was made for man and that word there Anthropose.
29:51 It means mankind humanity.
29:53 Sabbath is made for everybody.
29:55 Doesn't everybody need rest?
29:57 Yeah.
29:58 How does God want us to respond?
30:01 It says in the commandment,
30:02 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
30:06 Now if I was to hand you a candle,
30:09 and I was to tell you,
30:10 I want you to keep this candle burning for me.
30:12 And I hand you the candle and the candle is dead,
30:14 it's not lit.
30:16 Wouldn't you wonder,
30:18 "Why is Pastor Doug telling me to keep the candle burning?
30:20 Candle is not burning."
30:23 I would tell you to keep it burning,
30:24 if it's already burning, right?
30:27 So when God says keep the Sabbath holy,
30:29 you know what that means, it's holy.
30:31 He made it holy.
30:32 He wants us to keep it the way He already made it.
30:35 And some people think that,
30:36 "Well, it was made years later just for the Jewish nation."
30:40 Now, what the Bible teaches,
30:42 six days, here's the commandment,
30:44 "Six days you should labor and do all of your work,
30:47 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Jews."
30:51 Sabbath of who?
30:52 "The Lord, your God."
30:54 Is He your Lord too?
30:56 Yes.
30:57 "In it you shall not do any work.
30:59 You or your son,
31:01 or your daughter, your family," shouldn't work,
31:03 "or your male servant,"
31:04 that means even employees,
31:06 "or your female servant or your cattle,"
31:08 even your animals, they used to plow with the oxen
31:11 and work the donkeys, He said,
31:12 even your animals need to rest.
31:14 God cares about animals.
31:16 "And the stranger within your gates."
31:17 Anyone in your home should respect
31:20 your laws in your home.
31:22 Why?
31:23 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth
31:26 and the sea, and all that is in them,
31:29 and He rested the seventh day.
31:31 Therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day
31:34 and He hallowed it."
31:35 Now you notice there's some special things
31:37 that God did to this day,
31:38 He didn't do it in the other day.
31:40 I'm gonna need a table up here and I gonna need one volunteer.
31:44 So...
31:48 Let me see. I'll come around the side here.
31:51 Let's get another odd boy. I've been neglecting the boys.
31:53 Right off the front here. All right, come on.
31:54 Don't worry, there's more.
31:56 There's more, more involvement.
31:58 All right, Pastor Ross is gonna help me.
32:00 And what was your name?
32:02 Micah. Micah?
32:03 Oh, that's a good name.
32:05 All right.
32:07 Here we go.
32:12 Now how many days in the week?
32:14 Seven. Seven days in the week?
32:16 Do you know your Bible pretty well, Micah?
32:20 And let's see here.
32:23 You think you could safely pour water in that first cup?
32:27 Can you pour water and tell me at the same time
32:29 what did God do on the first day?
32:31 What did He make? That's good. That's enough.
32:34 What did God make the first day?
32:37 Wanna help him?
32:38 On the first day God said, "Let there be..."
32:39 Light. Light. Is that right?
32:41 Now, I know you got the pressure of the cameras
32:42 it's hard to remember all that.
32:44 All right, you know what He made on the second day?
32:51 Separated, He made the heavens.
32:53 He separated the waters above below.
32:54 He made the atmosphere, the heavens, right.
32:56 Why don't you put something in the second day here?
33:00 Don't put too much water in the second day,
33:01 even those water.
33:03 All right.
33:04 Third day.
33:07 Vegetation.
33:10 Plants. Plants, isn't that right?
33:12 Yeah?
33:14 All right, so let's make the plants.
33:17 Okay.
33:18 And fourth day.
33:22 You guys, come on you got to read your Bible.
33:24 Sun, moon, and stars.
33:26 All right.
33:29 All right, that's good.
33:31 Lot of stars.
33:34 The fifth day He made the animals.
33:36 Okay, what did He make on the fifth day?
33:39 Animals! That's right.
33:41 Let's give him a hand.
33:43 Okay.
33:46 Now, He made the fish and the birds.
33:48 I didn't say which animals. That's right.
33:50 Correct. Fish and the birds. All right.
33:52 And then,
33:53 He made the land animals on the sixth day, all right?
33:59 And what was the final animal that God made?
34:05 Woman?
34:08 That's right.
34:10 Well...
34:12 Yeah.
34:13 You know, God made... Now this is really true.
34:16 God started making things that were simple.
34:19 And then He starts making plants,
34:21 things start getting very complex
34:22 and the sun, moon and stars,
34:24 and then He starts making the birds and the fish,
34:26 and then He makes the animals,
34:27 then He makes man in His own image.
34:29 And God says, "I'm gonna make
34:30 something extremely complicated."
34:33 And then He made girls.
34:36 All right.
34:37 They are the last thing He made.
34:39 Okay.
34:41 And then what did God make on the seventh day?
34:45 He made time!
34:46 All right, let's go ahead.
34:48 Let's see what happens here.
34:51 All right, that's good.
34:53 Now, why is that different?
34:57 You wanna taste that? Do you trust me?
35:00 You don't trust Pastor Doug.
35:02 You think I'd poison you
35:03 in front of everybody on television.
35:04 Boy, well, I think you can try it.
35:06 I will. It's got a lot of vitamin C.
35:09 Does that taste like water
35:11 or it tastes a little different?
35:12 Different. Little bit different.
35:14 Little bit sweet, little bit sour.
35:15 Yeah. Okay.
35:16 Is there something different about the Sabbath day?
35:19 What did God do differently?
35:20 It tells us that God on the seventh day,
35:23 He rested on that day,
35:25 He blessed that day,
35:27 He sanctified that day.
35:29 Do you see the difference,
35:31 something He did to this day,
35:33 He did not do to any other day?
35:35 He created things on that day, on the all the days,
35:37 but in this day, He made a day to be a day
35:40 of blessing, rest, holiness, sanctification.
35:44 Let's give Micah a hand.
35:45 Thank you very much for helping us
35:48 to do that illustration.
35:51 Also, not only is the Sabbath made
35:54 to be a blessing for everyone,
35:56 God says it's not just for Jews, it's for everyone.
35:57 Listen to this verse, Isaiah 56:6-7,
36:02 "Also the sons of the stranger
36:05 that join themselves to the Lord to serve him,
36:08 and to love the name of the Lord,
36:10 to be his servants,
36:11 everyone that keeps the Sabbath day from polluting it,
36:14 and keeping my covenant.
36:16 Even them," He says, even the sons of the strangers,
36:18 anybody that comes to join Israel,
36:21 "Even them I will bring to my holy mountain
36:24 and make them joyful."
36:26 Bible's called a blessing,
36:29 says, the Sabbath is a delight,
36:31 and those who keep it are, what?
36:33 Joyful.
36:35 Is the day supposed to be a burden or a blessing?
36:37 Blessing. A blessing. That's happy.
36:39 Jesus said, "Blessed are you."
36:41 He made the Sabbath to be a blessing,
36:42 that special day with Him.
36:44 And he said, "Six days you shall gather,
36:47 but on the seventh day, there'll be none."
36:49 Now there's no question about the Sabbath
36:51 being from the beginning.
36:53 Who knows what chapter
36:54 you'll find the Ten Commandments?
36:57 Exodus. Exodus Chapter?
36:58 Twenty. Twenty. Good job.
37:01 But you know what
37:03 they were keeping the Sabbath before Exodus 20.
37:05 Moses went to the Pharaoh said, "Let my people go."
37:08 And the Pharaoh said,
37:09 "Moses, you're making the people Shabbat."
37:11 That's the word.
37:12 He said, "You're telling them to Shabbat." To Sabbath.
37:16 "You're telling them to rest."
37:17 They knew what Sabbath rest was.
37:19 Then when the man that fell from heaven,
37:22 six days a week, but God said,
37:23 "Get twice as much on sixth day, Friday,
37:27 there'll be none on Sabbath."
37:29 So you can save some over.
37:30 That's why we get all our preparation done
37:32 on the sixth day so we can rest,
37:34 no stress on the Sabbath.
37:37 That's Exodus 16 is the manner.
37:40 The Ten Commandments don't even come till Exodus 20.
37:43 Sabbath goes all the way back to Adam and Eve
37:45 in the Garden of Eden when God blessed it.
37:48 So here's a question.
37:50 Why do many people worship God on Sunday now?
37:54 Have the Ten Commandments been changed?
37:57 Now we've talked about
37:59 the law of the King the other day,
38:00 do you remember?
38:01 Remember the girls and others trying to erase the stone?
38:05 Can you erase something spoken by God's voice,
38:09 written by God's finger
38:12 as part of His eternal plan?
38:14 Why would God change the Sabbath?
38:16 Was there something wrong with the seventh day?
38:20 Does the law of God,
38:21 does the Ten Commandments need changing?
38:24 Now the reason I'm spending time
38:26 talking about this evening is because
38:29 a lot of Christians are confused about
38:31 some of the commandments.
38:33 Some Christians think it's okay to pray to statues.
38:36 But the Bible says in the Second Commandment,
38:38 "You shall not make a graven image,
38:41 or the likeness of anything in the heaven above,
38:43 the earth beneath, of the water under the earth,
38:45 you shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them.
38:48 For I the Lord your God, I'm a jealous God,
38:51 visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the sun's
38:54 under the third and fourth generation of those
38:55 that hate Me and showing mercy
38:57 under thousands of those that love Me
39:00 and keep My commandments."
39:01 How do we keep His commandments?
39:03 Love Him and keep His commandments.
39:04 So some people forgot about that commandment.
39:06 But do you know one of the main commandments
39:08 Christians are neglecting?
39:11 Which commandment is the Sabbath?
39:12 Fourth. Fourth.
39:14 First four commandments talk about
39:16 our love relationship with God,
39:18 who He is, what His name is,
39:20 how to worship Him, when to worship Him.
39:23 And God said, "Remember, I blessed this day
39:25 I made an appointment to worship you."
39:27 But lot of Christians have been ignoring it.
39:30 And it's interesting,
39:31 they try to get rid of the whole Ten Commandments
39:33 because of the Sabbath.
39:35 See, I could stand up in most churches in Michigan,
39:38 and I could preach about
39:41 honor your father and mother.
39:43 And they say amen.
39:44 I could preach and say don't steal.
39:46 Amen.
39:48 Don't kill. Amen.
39:49 Don't covet. Amen.
39:51 Even though they do some of these things.
39:52 That's amen.
39:53 But then I say remember the seventh day Sabbath,
39:55 they go "We're not under the law.
39:57 Ten Commandments are done away with".
39:59 They have no problem with the Ten Commandments
40:01 until they learn the Sabbath truth.
40:04 Then they realize it's right in the middle.
40:07 I was doing a meeting
40:08 where I was talking about the Sabbath one time.
40:11 And a pastor was there who went to church on Sunday.
40:14 And he interrupted me.
40:16 He said, "Pastor Doug,
40:18 you're putting all these people under bondage,
40:20 telling them they have to keep the law."
40:22 And I said, "Brother,
40:23 do you believe God wants us to keep the Ten Commandments?"
40:26 He said, "No".
40:28 And some of his members were in the congregation, they went,
40:31 they didn't think their pastor would say
40:33 it's okay to break the Ten Commandments.
40:35 And he heard them and he said, "Well, yes."
40:38 And then they realized what,
40:39 but the Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments.
40:41 And then he said, "Nine of them,
40:43 we're supposed to keep nine of the Ten Commandments."
40:46 And so I said,
40:47 "You mean the one commandment you're saying we should forget,
40:50 is the only commandment
40:52 that begins with the word remember."
40:55 Why would God tell us to forget
40:57 the only one that He says remember,
40:58 maybe God said Remember,
41:00 because He knew people would forget.
41:02 What do you think?
41:05 And Bible says in Ezekiel 22:26,
41:07 "Her priests have violated My law
41:10 and profane My holy things.
41:12 They've hidden their eyes from my Sabbaths."
41:16 Yes, even some pastors and priests,
41:18 they say we don't want to see this commandment
41:20 because it goes against our tradition.
41:22 But what's more important, the traditions of man
41:26 or the Commandments of God?
41:29 The Commandments of God.
41:30 Peter told the judges of Israel,
41:32 he said, "It's more important that we obey God than man."
41:37 How many of you remember the story
41:39 where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
41:42 They had Jewish names Hananiah, and Mishael, and Azariah.
41:45 They would not bow down to the king's image.
41:46 Why?
41:48 'Cause one of the Ten Commandments says
41:49 don't make an image and bow down.
41:51 They were ready to die and go to the furnace,
41:53 rather than disobey.
41:54 Don't you want that kind of faith?
41:56 So the king threw them in the furnace.
41:59 They said, "It's more important to obey God than man."
42:01 Even the king,
42:03 king threw them in the furnace and Jesus delivered them.
42:06 Then another king came along Darius, he told Daniel,
42:09 you can't pray to anybody but me for 30 days.
42:12 First commandment says, "You will not have other gods."
42:15 Daniel said more important to obey God than men,
42:18 even though everybody else was bowing down
42:20 and everybody else was breaking the commandments.
42:22 Daniel said, "I will not."
42:23 He was thrown in the lions' den.
42:26 Jesus came and delivered him in the lions' den.
42:29 We're going to be tested in the last days
42:30 on this commandment too.
42:32 So we need to be faithful.
42:34 Jesus asked,
42:36 "Why do you transgress the commandment of God
42:38 because of your tradition?"
42:40 God does not want us to break His commandments
42:43 in order to follow some popular tradition.
42:46 All right, I need,
42:48 maybe I'll get four or five volunteers.
42:51 Okay, we're gonna go out here.
42:53 Have you been up yet?
42:54 All right, you come on up?
42:56 Let me go here.
42:57 Well, you can come, you had your hand up first.
43:02 Young man there.
43:03 You? Okay. You asked?
43:06 I see, how many is that, four?
43:08 All right you.
43:10 I'm sorry, that's very indiscriminate.
43:12 I know, there's no method to my madness
43:13 of how I pick young people.
43:15 You guys like birthday parties?
43:17 Yes. All right.
43:18 Did you know we're gonna celebrate a birthday today?
43:22 So, if you want to get into the spirit of the birthday,
43:26 I'm gonna need some help here.
43:29 All right, let's see.
43:32 Y'all need to put on some of your birthday glasses here.
43:34 Hand them, you hand them out.
43:35 What's your name? Trey.
43:37 Trey? Yeah.
43:38 All right, I need a birthday hat.
43:39 What's your name?
43:41 Giana. Giana?
43:42 You're gonna put one of those on, Giana,
43:44 you know, put them on.
43:45 Put that under your chin.
43:46 All right, and your name? Dennis.
43:48 Dennis?
43:50 Okay, you put on your glasses, put on your birthday hat.
43:53 And when I say, when I give you the signal,
43:55 I say Happy Birthday,
43:57 then you blow on your little horns
43:58 and we're gonna celebrate a birthday here.
44:01 Your glasses won't stay on?
44:03 Don't worry, you don't have to wear your glasses
44:04 if they don't cooperate.
44:06 Pastor Doug know once they had to,
44:08 here pass out some of these little birthday whistles
44:11 so you give, make sure everybody gets
44:12 one of birthday whistles here.
44:14 What else are we missing for a birthday?
44:16 Cake. Need a cake?
44:19 Maybe, maybe Mrs. Batchelor knows
44:20 where we can find a cake.
44:24 Okay, there it is.
44:31 And we got a balloon,
44:34 go and put the cake on the table.
44:35 On the table? Yeah.
44:41 And here we go.
44:43 Hello. All right.
44:48 Hang on here.
44:53 What was your name again? Giana.
44:54 Giana, why don't you come up here, Giana?
44:56 You can stand right here.
45:00 Squeeze real hard right, get that candle lit,
45:03 All right.
45:04 When I say count to three
45:05 we're gonna sing happy birthday to Giana.
45:08 How old are you?
45:10 Eight. You're eight?
45:11 Well today you're gonna be seven.
45:13 And when's your birthday? June 2nd.
45:16 June 2nd? All right.
45:20 So here we go.
45:22 Happy birthday to Giana, okay?
45:25 Happy birthday to you
45:29 Happy birthday to you.
45:33 Happy birthday, dear Giana.
45:38 Happy birthday to you.
45:50 Let's hope we don't start a fire here.
45:53 Now you're not, you look a little confused Giana.
45:55 No, I'm not.
45:56 You don't mind if we change your birth day, do you?
45:58 Yeah. You do?
46:00 But we just celebrated,
46:02 now that we celebrated your birthday
46:04 on the 19th of June,
46:05 your parents won't mind if we move your birthday.
46:07 From now on it'll be the 19th
46:08 because we celebrated.
46:10 Can we do that? No.
46:14 But we just had a party.
46:17 Don't you want the cake?
46:23 She's giving.
46:25 She's given. I'm very proud of her.
46:26 She's giving the right answer.
46:28 You can't just claim someone else's birthday changes
46:32 because he's celebrated.
46:34 If people are celebrating,
46:36 if people change the day that God has blessed,
46:38 does that change it?
46:40 No.
46:42 And so, but you are going to get to keep the cape
46:44 and you get to keep your real birthday.
46:46 Your parents will be happy about that.
46:47 Okay, Mrs. Bat, you want to blow out the candle?
46:49 I know you're eight years old.
46:51 Go ahead.
46:53 Come on, put your heart into it.
46:54 You may as well spit on it. It's yours.
46:56 It doesn't matter. It's okay.
46:58 All right. Mrs. Batchelor would wrap it up,
46:59 and if your parents let you have it, you can have that.
47:01 Let's give them all a hand. Okay?
47:06 Yeah, did you guys get the point of my illustration?
47:09 Yes.
47:10 Just because everybody gets together and we decide
47:13 we're going to pick another day and celebrate a day.
47:15 You can't change the day of Giana's birthday
47:17 and you can't change the day
47:19 that God had for the birthday of the world.
47:22 What was the day that God picked
47:24 for the birthday of the world?
47:26 Seventh day he celebrated with man, the creation.
47:29 And some of the world are trying to change that,
47:32 you can't do that.
47:34 God says,
47:35 "My covenant I will not break
47:38 or alter the word that has gone out of my lips."
47:41 God says, "I'm not going to change my word."
47:44 Question six.
47:46 Did Jesus keep the seventh day Sabbath?
47:49 What does the Bible say? Absolutely.
47:52 "As his custom was, he went into the synagogue,
47:54 that's the church, on the Sabbath day,
47:56 and he stood up to read."
47:58 A custom is something you do on a regular basis.
48:00 Ever since being a child,
48:01 Jesus went to church, they closed the carpenter shop
48:04 every Sabbath.
48:06 He kept the Sabbath day.
48:07 "And when the Sabbath had come,
48:09 He began to teach in the synagogue," Mark 6:2.
48:14 Shouldn't we keep Sunday as the Sabbath
48:16 because Jesus rose on that day?
48:18 No. No?
48:20 Where's... Now did Jesus rise on Sunday?
48:23 He did.
48:24 Is that a good thing that He rose?
48:26 Amen.
48:27 But does it make a new Sabbath?
48:29 No. No.
48:30 Who knows what day of the week,
48:31 did Jesus have the last supper with His disciples?
48:35 Friday, Thursday.
48:37 Thursday night, technically after sundown,
48:39 it would have been Friday,
48:41 but it was Thursday night.
48:42 Then He was...
48:44 Does Thursday become a new Sabbath?
48:45 No.
48:46 What day of the week did He die?
48:48 Friday.
48:49 Does Friday become a new Sabbath?
48:51 Jesus did important things on many days.
48:54 He even met with the disciples once on Monday
48:56 after the resurrection,
48:58 but that doesn't make it a new Sabbath.
49:00 There's only one day God has blessed and sanctified.
49:02 And even the apostles kept that day.
49:05 "Paul went in as his custom was,
49:07 and three Sabbath days
49:09 he reasoned with them from the scriptures.
49:12 And he reasoned in the synagogue
49:13 every Sabbath, not just for the Jews.
49:16 He persuaded Jews and Greeks,
49:18 the Jews and the Gentiles."
49:20 Paul was in church every Sabbath,
49:22 Peter, Luke, the apostles,
49:24 they all kept the seventh-day Sabbath.
49:27 So when the Jews went out of the synagogue,
49:29 the Gentiles asked that these words
49:31 might be preached to them the next Sabbath,
49:34 and Jesus looking down at the end of time in prophecy,
49:37 when you have to run for your life,
49:39 because Christians are being persecuted.
49:41 He said, "Pray that your flight,"
49:43 that doesn't mean your airplane flight.
49:45 It means fleeing for your life.
49:47 Pray that you will not have to flee
49:49 in the winter or on the Sabbath.
49:51 Christ expected His people that love Him
49:54 to be keeping the Sabbath
49:55 all the way down to the end.
49:57 He said, "If you turn away your foot From the Sabbath,
50:00 from doing your pleasure on My Holy Day,"
50:03 what does He call the Sabbath?
50:04 God says, "The Sabbath is My Holy Day."
50:08 Jesus said, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
50:11 Some people say,
50:12 "Well, Sunday is the Lord's Day."
50:14 It doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible.
50:16 Show me one place in the Bible that says,
50:18 Sunday is the Lord's Day.
50:20 See, I'm being quiet.
50:22 Show me one place in the Bible
50:23 where we are commanded to keep the first day holy.
50:27 No. No? The first day.
50:30 No, there's no place.
50:33 So if God didn't change the seventh-day to Sabbath,
50:35 the Sunday, how did it happen?
50:37 Now let's look at history real quick.
50:40 It says that this beast power would come.
50:43 And he would think to change times and laws.
50:47 And during the time of a Roman Emperor
50:49 named Constantine.
50:51 I'll give you a little history.
50:52 You remember reading
50:54 where the Romans used to kill the Christians.
50:55 They'd feed them to the lions.
50:57 They trampled them with elephants in the Coliseum.
51:01 They'd be killed by gladiators.
51:03 It was terrible. A lot of Christians died.
51:05 But the more they persecuted the Christians,
51:08 the more the church grew.
51:09 They were very brave.
51:11 Constantine came along, he was a politician.
51:13 He said, you know,
51:15 he was the emperor, the king.
51:16 He said, "The Christians aren't really hurting anybody,"
51:18 and his own mother became a Christian.
51:21 So he said,
51:22 "I've had a vision that we're supposed to conquer
51:24 under the sign of the cross,
51:26 and I'm legalizing Christianity."
51:28 And he just declared to the whole nation,
51:30 he says, you can all be Christians,
51:32 but he was really a pagan king,
51:34 he worshiped other gods.
51:36 And all of a sudden all these pagans came into the church
51:38 and they started taking pagan practices with them.
51:42 For example, Constantine established Sunday
51:45 as a day of worship,
51:47 and here it is from Encyclopedia Britannica,
51:49 page 654,
51:51 the earliest recognition of the observance of Sunday
51:54 is a constitution
51:56 of Constantine in 321 AD.
52:01 He enacted an edict
52:02 saying that all the courts of justice
52:04 and inhabitants of the towns
52:05 and workshops were to be at rest on Sunday.
52:07 This is over 300 years after Jesus.
52:11 Men started changing or trying to change the law of God.
52:15 Jesus said, "In vain they worship Me,
52:18 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
52:22 God doesn't want us changing His commandments.
52:24 Now we know what day the Sabbath
52:26 is because the Bible says in Luke 23:54,
52:29 "The day when Jesus was crucified
52:31 was the preparation day,
52:33 and the Sabbath drew on.
52:35 And they returned and prepare the spices and ointments,
52:38 and they rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment."
52:42 You know, the disciples of Jesus loved Jesus so much,
52:44 that even when they were going to wrap His body
52:46 after He died in the tomb,
52:48 they said they weren't going to do that on the Sabbath.
52:52 They would wait till Sunday morning
52:53 because they knew Jesus would not approve of them
52:55 doing that kind of work.
52:57 They thought that's too much work for Sabbath.
52:58 We'll come back Sunday after the Sabbath.
53:01 His disciples thought it was so important.
53:03 They would not even finish that labor of love
53:06 because they knew that would displease Jesus.
53:08 So the first day of the week
53:10 they came back to finish wrapping His body
53:11 and putting on the ointments,
53:13 and they came to the tomb
53:15 and praise the Lord, He rose.
53:16 So what's the day?
53:18 You got Friday, sixth day, preparation day.
53:21 Sabbath day is what we call Saturday,
53:23 first day when He rose is Sunday.
53:26 After Jesus comes will we keep the Sabbath?
53:29 Now we know Adam kept it in the Garden of Eden.
53:33 Sabbath was made for man.
53:35 We know Moses and the people of Israel kept it.
53:38 We know Jesus and the apostles kept it,
53:40 but then you look in, it tells us in Isaiah 66:22,
53:44 "For as the new heavens and the new earth
53:46 which I will make will remain before me, says the Lord,
53:49 so shall your descendants and your name remain,
53:52 and it will come to pass from one Sabbath to another."
53:56 Well, all flesh, does it say all Jews?
54:00 All people come and worship before Me.
54:03 How many want to go to heaven
54:04 and worship before Jesus in heaven?
54:06 Spend a day with the King?
54:07 If you want to worship before Him there in heaven,
54:09 maybe you should start worshipping
54:11 before Him here, now.
54:13 Sabbath is called The Holy Convocation.
54:15 That means it's a day for us to come together
54:17 with Jesus to worship corporately, collectively.
54:22 So do you love Jesus?
54:24 Do you want to keep that seventh-day Sabbath?
54:26 Remember what our commandment...
54:28 What our memory verse was, "Whoever therefore breaks
54:30 one of the least of these commandments,
54:32 and teaches men so,
54:34 he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
54:36 But whoever does them and teaches them,
54:39 you know why Pastor Doug talks about this?
54:40 Because Jesus said, "If you even do and teach
54:43 the least of them,
54:44 you will be great in the kingdom of heaven."
54:46 And Jesus said, "If you love Me,
54:48 you'll do" what?
54:49 "Keep My commandments."
54:51 I got a funny story for you. I'll end with.
54:54 How many of you know the American presidents?
54:56 You know most of them?
54:58 You're really good if you know all, what are there?
54:59 Forty something five of them now.
55:01 Forty five. Forty five presidents, yeah.
55:04 Mrs. Batchelor and I met maybe three of them.
55:08 Well, one was a vice president. I take it back.
55:11 But I'll tell you later.
55:13 But, how many of you heard
55:15 of President David Rice Atchison?
55:20 He was only president for one day.
55:21 There's a picture of his tombstone
55:24 where he's buried, says President of the United States
55:28 for one day.
55:30 You know how that happened?
55:32 Because years ago,
55:33 when the term for President Polk
55:35 came to an end,
55:36 he was the 11th president.
55:38 It ended on a Saturday.
55:42 President Zachary Taylor
55:43 did not want to be inaugurated on Sunday
55:46 because he thought Sunday was the Sabbath.
55:47 He says, "That's too much activity
55:49 and fanfare for the Sabbath day.
55:50 I want to rest that day.
55:52 I'll get inaugurated on Monday."
55:53 Well, government got together and says
55:55 we can't have a day without a president.
55:57 We've got to have someone be president.
55:59 Well, since the real president, vice president were retiring,
56:01 the next person in line
56:03 was the president pro tem
56:05 who was the chief of the Senate,
56:06 David Rice Atchison.
56:09 He was told you're going to be president for 24 hours.
56:13 But the sad thing was he was so busy Saturday
56:16 doing all the final work
56:18 for the end of President Polk's term,
56:20 legislation and writing bills and sending messages
56:22 and doing all the tying up the loose ends.
56:24 He worked and worked.
56:25 He went to sleep Saturday night.
56:27 He slept for 24 hours.
56:32 And he snored through his entire presidency.
56:37 For years, he told people he said,
56:39 I know I was president for one day,
56:42 but I'll make you a promise.
56:44 I had the most honest presidential administration
56:47 of any president,
56:48 because he was sleeping, he couldn't do anything wrong.
56:51 How sad to be president for a day and miss it,
56:54 because you snored.
56:56 Some people are missing a day with the King
56:59 that He's picked for you.
57:01 Do you want to keep that day?
57:29 You know, the most important decision
57:31 a young person can make
57:32 is that decision to follow Jesus
57:34 and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
57:37 That's why we're so excited to tell you
57:39 about the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
57:43 During these nearly 10 hours
57:44 of exciting high definition programs,
57:47 the young people will do science experiments,
57:49 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
57:52 and most of all,
57:54 they'll learn about Jesus from the Word of God.
57:56 There's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
57:59 to go along with each of the video presentations.
58:02 These beautiful illustrated study guides
58:04 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
58:07 They'll lead your kids through
58:08 an incredible journey with Jesus.
58:10 And for me, the most exciting thing
58:12 is this new Amazing Adventure series
58:14 goes along with the Amazing Facts Adventure Bible.
58:17 The Bible, the study guides,
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Revised 2019-12-19