Books of the Book: Acts

When the Spirit Says NO!!!!!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim & Mark Howard


Series Code: ABOTB

Program Code: ABOTB00018A

00:22 Welcome to Books of the Book. I'm Pastor Mark Howard and we
00:25 are studying the book of Acts. I'm here with my cohost, my
00:28 brother Jim Howard. We're both pastoring in the Michigan
00:31 Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and we feel
00:34 privileged to be a part of spreading the gospel work
00:38 especially as we're studying the book of Acts. We're seeing some
00:41 powerful working of the Holy Spirit through the proclamation
00:44 of the gospel. We're seeing the promise of Jesus carried out
00:47 where he says that this gospel shall be preached in all the
00:50 world for a witness. We see the beginnings of it here and
00:53 every one of us is a part of the ending, I believe. I believe we
00:57 live in the days when we by the grace of God and the will of God
01:01 will see Jesus come again. So we're in the book of Acts in
01:05 chapter 16. As we have established a custom here I'd
01:11 like to pray and ask God to guide our time as we study his
01:14 word today. Heavenly Father, we do thank you
01:17 for your word of truth and I pray now as we study, as we seek
01:22 to understand better the gospel of Jesus Christ, I pray that you
01:27 would communicate it to our hearts and minds in a very real
01:30 and practical way. We ask and pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
01:35 Acts chapter 16. In our last chapter we saw that there was a
01:40 council in Jerusalem and then after that council the apostles
01:45 had taken a circuitous route on their way home to Antioch
01:50 where we have seen has been kind of the hub now for the Apostle
01:54 Paul and his team. They remained in Antioch for a little bit of
01:57 time preaching the word. The Bible says in verse 35 of
02:01 chapter 15, With many others also. Then they decided it was
02:04 time to set out again. There was a little contention over who to
02:08 take with them. Paul was concerned to take Barnabas'
02:13 nephew, John Mark, and there was a little contention there.
02:16 So Barnabas decided to go one way. It's interesting that they
02:19 didn't let the contention get in the way of spreading the
02:22 gospel. So Barnabas took John Mark one way and Paul took Silas
02:27 another way. We find them coming into the regions again of Derbe
02:31 and Lystra. In chapter 16, verse 1 it says, Then he came to
02:35 Derbe and Lystra and behold a certain disciple was there named
02:39 Timothy, the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed.
02:43 But his father was a Greek. He was well spoken of by the
02:47 brethren who were at Lystra and Iconium. Paul wanted to have him
02:51 go on with him and he took him and circumcised him because of
02:55 the Jews who were in that region for they all knew that his
02:59 father was a Greek. Now a lot could be said here but it's
03:03 interesting that first of all it's likely that Timothy is here
03:08 in the region of Derbe and Lystra and it's likely that
03:12 Timothy was probably converted at Paul's first visit here when
03:16 he was stoned and left for dead. I can only imagine what impact
03:20 that would have. Of course, remember he got back up and went
03:24 back in the city and preached. Anyway young Timothy was moved
03:28 by the message of Paul and had given his heart to the Lord as
03:31 it says here. The brethren were speaking very well of this young
03:34 man. Paul goes on in other places to say, for example
03:37 II Timothy chapter 1 verse 5 talks about how Timothy had been
03:42 raised up by his mother and his grandmother in the faith.
03:46 It says here his father was a Greek. But here is a young man
03:49 who really loved the Lord and the apostle saw potential in him
03:52 to groom him for ministry. So it says they circumcised him.
03:55 It's interesting here. We talked about that last time as well,
03:59 the conflict over circumcision. We see here the problem wasn't
04:03 circumcision in and of itself or Paul wouldn't have had anything
04:06 to do with circumcising him. Granted it says that there were
04:10 Jews in the region that may have had a different outlook on
04:14 things and so Paul saw that this might be better for him and his
04:18 ministry. But still it wasn't forbidden. Paul understood that
04:22 circumcision was not to take the place of faith, it was a
04:27 sign of faith. So the ritual, the rite, in and of itself was
04:32 not wrong, but the misuse of it that so characterized the Jewish
04:38 church at this time period.
04:39 So if they had the view that you were justified by that
04:42 circumcision, then obviously Paul would have opposed that,
04:46 but to simply carry out the rite was not wrong in and of itself.
04:51 Well as we pick up in verse 4 in chapter 16 it says, As they
04:54 went through the cities they delivered to them the decrees
04:58 to keep. So here they're communicating to them what we
05:01 studied in our last program which was that decision in Acts
05:06 chapter 15 that was made at the Jerusalem council that the
05:10 Gentiles did not have to be circumcised in order to be saved
05:15 but there was some clear instruction given to the
05:17 Gentiles that really would apply to them as it related to some of
05:22 their pagan practices. So these requirements and this
05:27 encouragement was sent by way of letter and by way of decree and
05:32 they went to the cities, they delivered to them this decree
05:35 and in verse 5 it says, So the churches were strengthened in
05:39 the faith and increased in the number daily. So it's
05:42 interesting to see that they were strengthened by the decree.
05:45 It didn't cause division. It didn't cause people to get upset
05:48 and I suppose may be it could cause division and it could
05:52 cause people to get upset if somebody had the mind that well
05:56 you know that kingly power over there in Jerusalem, they think
06:00 that they know everything.
06:01 Who are they to tell us what to do?
06:04 That's right. We shouldn't have to bow down to them. God has
06:08 made us all equal. That's a spirit that we saw in the Old
06:12 Testament. In Korah, you mentioned just
06:13 in a recent episode that we had talked about that Korah had that
06:18 same spirit that, hey, we are all holy people and Moses who
06:22 are you to start lording over us. And it isn't an issue of
06:27 equality or inequality, but an issue of leadership and God
06:33 appoints leaders. Leaders are not perfect. They are appointed
06:39 by God and they are held accountable. Incidentally a
06:42 person in a leadership position is always held to a higher
06:46 accountability. But the point is that God had needfully
06:49 established leaders in the church because without the
06:55 leadership the church would be a disorganized mess trying
06:59 to contend against the enemy's organized armies and it just
07:03 wouldn't succeed. So God saw the need, even with the fallibility
07:07 of man to use that leadership to forward his purposes in the
07:11 early church. That's right. And if we're
07:12 accepting of that it works out very well as we see here.
07:17 Certainly if there are problems that we see in leadership it's
07:21 always wise to in the right spirit and in the right way make
07:26 our suggestions and complaints known but if we just view
07:30 leadership as having kingly authority and so we're not going
07:34 to be accountable to that it just leads to insubordination
07:38 and division. So we see here that that's not what was
07:41 happening. The churches were being strengthened. Let me get
07:43 to verse 6. And it says, now when they had gone through
07:46 Frygia and the region of Galatia they were forbidden by
07:50 the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had
07:53 come to Mysia they tried to go into Bythinia but the Spirit did
07:58 not permit them. So they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to
08:02 go preach. Right, Right. This is a strange thing, isn't it?
08:06 But the language itself is a little bit odd to us because
08:09 we wonder what does this mean, they were forbidden by the Holy
08:12 Spirit? Well revelation inspiration of the scripture
08:17 doesn't specifically tell us. But we do know that the Holy
08:20 Spirit works through different ways. Perhaps a vision or
08:23 impression was given to the Apostle Paul. We saw in one
08:26 place that Peter was given instruction through a trance
08:29 that he received. We know that prophets are sometimes... and
08:32 clearly there were prophets during the days of Acts because
08:36 we've studied that already. Perhaps the message came
08:38 through that avenue. We don't know exactly how it came but we
08:41 know that the Spirit was forbidding. This had to be
08:44 difficult for the Apostle Paul. I'm sure he was wanting to go
08:49 into Asia, into these prime areas of Ephesus and Smyrna,
08:53 areas where there were large Jewish centers and where there
08:56 was a lot of ministry and evangelism that could happen.
09:00 And he was withheld from that by the Spirit and he was
09:04 obedient. Then you come to verse 8 and it says, So passing by
09:08 Mysia they came down to Troas and a vision appeared to Paul in
09:12 the night and here in this vision we find out the reason.
09:15 A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him saying come
09:19 over to Macedonia and help us. Wow! This is quite a fervent
09:23 appeal. He sees this in a vision of the night. Verse 10 says, Now
09:28 after he had seen the vision immediately we sought to go to
09:32 go to Macedonia concluding that the Lord had called us to preach
09:35 the gospel to them. You know, I'm sure that that great
09:39 continent of Europe is thankful that the Apostle Paul didn't
09:44 resist when the Holy Spirit forbade him to go into Asia
09:49 where he was inclined to go. But instead resisted that and
09:53 decided he would go exactly where the Lord would have him to
09:57 go and because of that, that work was able to spread in that
10:01 area. It's just fascinating to me that the Apostle Paul was
10:05 so willing to have a change of plans.
10:08 You know, I'm going to say something a little crazy here.
10:11 Oh no. And I'm going to say to our viewers as well that I think
10:15 to myself about this and I wonder how many Macedonian calls
10:20 come to us today. In other words we talk about how Paul didn't go
10:24 where he necessarily wanted to go and the voice from Macedonia
10:29 said, Come help us. You know, as a pastor, I've seen in recent
10:33 times that in Christianity there's been a move towards what
10:37 we sometimes call mega churches where you go and there's a lot,
10:41 5000, 10,000 or more people sometimes in these churches.
10:46 And you can go because there's all these people, there's all
10:49 these opportunities, all these comforts, all these conveniences
10:52 and then if you ever travel and you try to go to church
10:56 somewhere and you go through a little country town and you
11:00 find these little churches that are in so much need of people
11:03 that have energy and strength that can come and help and I
11:06 wonder if there aren't some Macedonian calls that come to
11:10 us and if God's people would tune their ears in perhaps we
11:14 would be answering calls instead of saying hey this church is
11:17 close to my house, we would find a place where we could go and
11:20 strengthen the work. That's right. I think of even in
11:24 our own churches without even traveling how many times
11:27 somebody speaks about a need. Perhaps it's a need to care for
11:32 the needs of the community service center, or maybe it's a
11:37 need to go on a day of outreach into the community because
11:41 you're trying to advertise some important event that is going to
11:45 bring salvation to souls. And we say well that Macedonian call
11:49 there will be others who will respond to that. Boy, we need to
11:53 be careful that we listen to the Spirit of God and we might have
11:57 the privilege of opening up a door of opportunity as Paul did
12:01 when he went to Macedonia. God may have something in store for
12:05 us that we don't ever find and never are blessed by, by turning
12:09 down this offer. That's right. I'm glad you used
12:11 that word privilege and blessing because we say well I
12:15 don't know if I want to take that call, I'll let somebody
12:17 else do it. What, I'm going to give the blessing to somebody
12:20 else. You don't think of it that way. Well we do find the
12:22 blessing as we go on into chapter 16, verse 11...
12:26 You know, one point before you go on in verse 10. Notice it
12:30 says, Now after he had seen the vision immediately WE sought to
12:34 go to Macedonia. This is the first time where the author of
12:38 Acts, Luke, uses the term we, because we find that here at
12:43 Troas Luke joins Paul and he begins going on this journey.
12:48 Perhaps Luke was sitting in the pew and saying to himself, You
12:51 know what, I need to heed the Macedonian call and join in and
12:55 Luke becomes a part of receiving the blessings that we're going
12:58 find. Well verse 11 tells us what happens when they first
13:02 come into Macedonia to the city of Philippi. Before we go
13:06 into it we're going to take a break here and when we come back
13:09 from the break we're going to see some powerful working of
13:11 the Holy Spirit in answer to Paul's response to the
13:15 Macedonian call.


Revised 2014-12-17