Bible Answers Live

One of God's Greatest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022132S

00:00 (cheerful orchestral music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast,
00:35 call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello listening friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:55 Authorities in Sri Lanka say
00:56 the world's largest star sapphire cluster
00:59 has been found in a backyard by accident.
01:02 A gem trader said the stone was found by workman
01:05 digging a well behind his home
01:07 in the gem-rich Ratnapura area.
01:10 The cluster weighs around 1,124 pounds
01:14 or 2.5 million carats,
01:17 and has been named the Serendipity Sapphire.
01:20 Experts say the stone, which is pale blue in color,
01:23 has an estimated value of up to 100 million
01:27 in the international market.
01:29 Mr. Gamage, the owner of the stone, said,
01:31 "The person who was digging the well
01:33 "alerted us about some rare stones.
01:35 "Later we stumbled upon this huge specimen."
01:38 He didn't wanna give us his full name or location
01:40 for obvious security reasons.
01:43 Along with diamonds, rubies and emeralds,
01:45 sapphires are considered among the most valuable gems.
01:48 The huge stone is believed to be
01:50 the largest sapphire cluster in the world.
01:53 You know, Pastor Ross,
01:55 sapphires are mentioned more than any other precious gem
01:58 in the Bible.
01:59 - Yes, Pastor Doug, it's amazing when you think about it.
02:00 I mean, you've got the Bible speaking of sapphires
02:03 in the second book of the Bible, Exodus,
02:06 and then you find the last book of the Bible,
02:08 the Book of Revelation, again mentions sapphire.
02:11 And I understand that they're
02:12 one of four of the most precious stones on Earth,
02:16 but also four precious stones spoken of in the Bible.
02:19 - That's right, yeah.
02:20 And it's mentioned several times, Ezekiel.
02:23 In fact, well, let's give folks a few samples.
02:25 It's a Bible answer program, let's use some Bible here.
02:28 Exodus 24:10.
02:30 It says:
02:32 When this is not long after the 10 Commandments
02:33 were given and the people drew near the Mountain of God
02:36 and they saw the God of Israel
02:38 and there was under His feet, as it were,
02:40 a paved work of sapphire stone,
02:43 and it was like the very heavens in its clarity.
02:46 You know what it's like?
02:48 Sapphire's a blue sparkling, kind of a heavenly color.
02:51 And on the High Priest, he used to wear an ephod.
02:55 And on the ephod or the breast plate,
02:58 there were 12 stones and every stone was different,
03:00 and one of those stones is a sapphire.
03:03 Which is interesting because the Bible also tells us that
03:07 Satan, before he was Satan he was Lucifer,
03:09 one of God's great angels,
03:11 and it tells us that he had many of the same stones
03:14 as the High Priest,
03:15 these beautiful gems that he wore, sapphire is mentioned.
03:19 But then when you get to Revelation
03:22 and it talks about
03:23 the foundation stones of the new Jerusalem,
03:25 says there are 12 foundations
03:27 and each foundation is a precious stone.
03:30 And of course among them is a sapphire stone.
03:34 And some people think, "Well, how can that be real?
03:36 "Gates of pearl,
03:38 "12 glorious gem foundation stones."
03:44 It is real. It's very real.
03:45 And God has prepared a city.
03:48 Those things don't wear away.
03:49 The pyramids are still here today
03:51 'cause they're made of mineral.
03:53 God is gonna make the new Jerusalem out of minerals
03:55 that will last forever.
03:57 And if anyone's wondering about that place called Heaven,
04:01 we've got a book that I think will encourage you.
04:03 It's got a lot of scripture in it.
04:05 Tell you not only that Heaven is real,
04:06 but how you can be there.
04:08 - We have a book, it's called, "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
04:10 And this is a free offer.
04:12 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
04:15 The number call is 800-835-6747
04:19 and you can just simply ask for the book.
04:21 It's called, "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
04:23 We'll be happy to send that to anyone here in North America.
04:26 If you're outside of North America,
04:27 folks can just go to the Amazing Facts website
04:30 and you'll be able to read the book there online.
04:31 "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
04:33 You know, Pastor Doug, sometimes people,
04:35 they read the Bible's description of Heaven
04:37 and then they try and calculate what Heaven would be like
04:41 based on human terms or worldly terms,
04:45 and it just seems so spectacular it's beyond belief.
04:49 But what we need to recognize is that
04:51 what the Bible tells us that we can't even begin to imagine
04:54 the things that God has prepared for those that love Him.
04:56 - Absolutely.
04:58 - All right, well before we get to the program this evening,
05:00 as we always do, we like to start with prayer.
05:01 - [Doug] Yes.
05:02 - So let's do that.
05:04 Dear Father, we thank You once again for this opportunity
05:05 to open up Your Word, the Bible, and study together.
05:08 And Father, we ask Your blessing upon this program.
05:11 Be with the people who are listening wherever they are,
05:13 across this country
05:14 and even in other places around the world.
05:16 Father, we know the greatest
05:17 and most important thing for us to do
05:19 is to come to a saving knowledge of You through Your Word.
05:22 So bless our time today.
05:24 For we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:27 - Amen.
05:28 - Well, Pastor Doug, we do have phone lines that are open
05:30 and if you have a Bible related question,
05:32 the number to call is 800-463-7297.
05:36 If you don't get in right away,
05:37 just stay on hold and one of our call screeners
05:40 will be happy to take your call.
05:42 We have our first caller for this evening.
05:44 We have Somme who's listening from Massachusetts.
05:48 Somme, welcome to the program.
05:50 - [Somme] Hi, thank you for taking my call.
05:54 I have a question about the four angels
05:56 that surround the throne of God.
05:58 - [Doug] Mm-hmm.
05:59 - [Somme] And first of all, I wondered if they,
06:03 if Lucifer used to be one of them.
06:05 And secondly, why do they cry out, "Holy, holy, holy?"
06:09 I know that it appeared in Isaiah 6 and also Revelation 4.
06:14 - [Doug] Right.
06:15 - [Somme] I just wanna know your thoughts
06:16 about these two things.
06:18 - Okay. You're right.
06:19 There's only two places in the Bible where it says,
06:21 "Holy, holy, holy," three times,
06:23 and you've mentioned there Isaiah 6 and in Revelation 4.
06:27 There's a little difference in the vision.
06:29 In Isaiah 6 it says there's two Seraphim by the throne.
06:33 That sounds more in keeping with the two Cherubim
06:35 by the throne or the mercy seat in the Ark of the Covenant
06:40 and in the Jewish temple.
06:41 But when we get to Revelation,
06:43 it talks about the four creatures around God's throne.
06:46 I think there's more symbolism being used there.
06:49 You ask now, "Was Lucifer one of them?"
06:51 I think Lucifer was
06:52 one of the two covering Cherubs by the throne of God
06:56 because it says, now is it Isaiah or Ezekiel,
06:58 it says, "Thou art the anointed Cherub that covereth."
07:01 And either Isaiah 14 or Ezekiel 28 says that.
07:06 And there's two big passages on Lucifer
07:09 in those sections of the Bible.
07:11 But in regard to your other question,
07:15 "What's the meaning of the four
07:17 "and why does it say, 'Holy, holy, holy?'"
07:19 Well some have said that in Hebrew,
07:22 when you wanna say something's great, you repeat it.
07:24 If you say someone's handsome, you say,
07:26 "He is handsome, handsome."
07:28 If you really, really, really wanted to emphasize something,
07:31 you'd never go beyond three.
07:32 You'd say, "They're handsome, handsome, handsome.
07:35 "Strong, strong, strong."
07:37 When it says that, "God is holy, holy, holy,"
07:40 that means He is perfectly,
07:42 the perfect definition of holiness in Hebrew.
07:45 They would emphasize things by repeating it.
07:48 That's why Jesus sometimes said,
07:49 "Verily, verily, I say to you."
07:51 He said, "You better pay attention. Sit up.
07:54 "This is gonna be very important."
07:56 That passage?
07:57 - Yes, I was actually gonna mention before we get to that,
07:59 we have a whole study guide, Pastor Doug,
08:00 talking about the Devil.
08:01 - Yeah.
08:02 - It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
08:03 And it deals with those passages in Isaiah
08:06 that describes Lucifer before the fall
08:09 and there it refers to him as a covering Cherub.
08:12 And there's a lot of other bible verses that you can find.
08:14 So if you'd like to receive that study guide,
08:17 the number to call is 800-835-6747,
08:20 and just ask for the Amazing Fact study guide.
08:23 It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
08:24 It's got all the Bible verses there.
08:26 And then one additional thought, Pastor Doug,
08:28 about the four living creatures.
08:29 It's interesting when you look at
08:30 the description in Revelation 4,
08:32 it says that they had six wings
08:34 and their constant cries, "Holy, holy, holy."
08:37 The first is a face like unto a lion,
08:39 the second like unto a calf,
08:40 the third like to a man,
08:42 the fourth like unto a flying eagle.
08:44 And when you look at the description that we find,
08:46 it kinda helps direct us
08:48 or help us understand the ministry of Christ.
08:50 He's the lion, He's the King,
08:52 He's the one who came to bear our sins,
08:54 He's our High Priest in Heaven,
08:55 He's coming as an eagle, as King of kings and Lord of lords.
08:58 So some interesting parallels that we see there
09:00 in Revelation 4.
09:03 Thank you for your call.
09:04 Our next caller that we have is Jeff
09:05 and he is listening in Montana.
09:06 Jeff, welcome to the program.
09:08 - [Jeff] Good evening.
09:09 - Evening.
09:10 - [Jeff] I wanted to know is there any connection
09:13 or significance between the annual tribute
09:16 that Solomon received in 1 Kings 10:14
09:19 of 666 talents of gold
09:22 and the number of the beast in Revelation?
09:24 - You know, that's a great question.
09:26 I've wondered that before.
09:28 I think there's two places in the Bible
09:31 you find that number.
09:32 One of them is that it tells us in 1 Kings
09:35 that there came to Solomon in one year, 666 talents of gold.
09:41 The thing that strikes me about the mention of that number
09:44 is with the reign of David,
09:47 the kingdom was just doing great.
09:50 Israel had conquered all of their enemies,
09:52 David subdued all the surrounding nations,
09:54 and you could go through and name every one of them.
09:55 He subdued them, they were paying tribute.
09:58 Then Solomon becomes King
10:00 and everything goes from good to better.
10:02 He's a godly King. He loves the Lord.
10:04 All nations are coming to Israel, like the Queen of Sheba,
10:07 to find out about God.
10:09 They build the temple of the Lord.
10:10 Solomon builds this incredible palace.
10:12 His reputation for wisdom is going around the world.
10:17 And then it says in one year,
10:18 666 talents came to Israel.
10:21 And the next chapter says:
10:23 But Solomon loved many women.
10:26 And from there the kingdom goes down.
10:28 So it's like the mention of this number happens
10:31 and it shifts from God to man,
10:34 just like man was made on the sixth day.
10:36 And so 666 is like the number four.
10:39 It's the number of a man
10:41 and it's talking about manmade worship.
10:44 From that point on, the kingdom just goes downhill.
10:46 So I thought that's an interesting,
10:47 it's like they turned around a pole
10:49 and ran the other direction when they got to 666.
10:52 So that's all that I've come up with on that.
10:55 Jeff, does that make any sense?
10:58 - [Jeff] Yes, it does.
10:59 Yeah. Especially when you talk about the very next chapter.
11:01 - Yeah.
11:02 Everything turned south right after the mention of 666.
11:05 It's amazing.
11:06 So hey, thank you so much.
11:07 That's a good point.
11:09 - Okay, our next caller that we have is Kathleen
11:11 listening from Arizona.
11:14 Kathleen, welcome to the program.
11:16 - [Kathleen] Hi. Thank you.
11:17 Hi Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
11:19 My question is regarding Galatians 6.
11:24 In verse two it says:
11:25 Bear you one another's burdens
11:27 and so fulfill the law of Christ.
11:30 But then you go down to verse five and it says:
11:33 For every man shall bear his own burden.
11:36 So it seems to me like it's a contradiction.
11:41 - Yeah, well, I think what Paul is saying is that
11:43 when we love our brother, it's like Jesus says it
11:46 and Paul says it in another place,
11:48 that all of commandment is summed up in this:
11:51 To love your neighbor as yourself.
11:53 Paul is simply saying that
11:54 when you really love your neighbor,
11:56 you're fulfilling the 10 Commandments,
11:59 at least the commandments that deal with
12:00 your love for your fellow man.
12:03 But when he says, "Every man will bear his burden,"
12:05 it means that we will all answer to God for our life.
12:11 And everyone does have a cross to bear.
12:13 So he's really using the term I think
12:15 in two different ways there.
12:18 - [Kathleen] Okay.
12:19 - You know Jesus said, "Come after me. Take up your cross."
12:20 We bear the cross after Christ.
12:22 - And I think you'd also add to that a little bit.
12:24 Everybody has a burden to bear
12:26 and that's the point that Paul is emphasizing.
12:28 We all have burdens to bear,
12:30 therefore, let's help one another.
12:32 We can bear one another's burden
12:34 because everyone has their own burden
12:36 that they have to bear.
12:38 - [Kathleen] True, True.
12:39 Okay, thank you very much.
12:41 - All right, thanks so much.
12:43 - Okay, next caller that we have is Damon
12:45 listening from Oklahoma City.
12:47 Damon, welcome to the program.
12:50 - [Damon] Thank you. How you guys doing?
12:51 - We're doing a lot better than we deserve.
12:53 How are you doing?
12:55 - [Damon] I'm doing pretty good.
12:56 - And your question tonight?
12:59 - [Damon] Yeah, my question was over Isaiah 45:7.
13:05 I've seen some atheists try to use this.
13:06 In some bibles it says God created light and darkness
13:10 and it says in some Bibles it says God
13:12 created good and evil.
13:14 And I've seen some atheists try to use that and say,
13:16 "See there, God created evil."
13:17 So I was just wanting to know
13:19 how do you guys actually break down that verse?
13:21 Or does it supposed to say evil there or not?
13:24 - Yeah, the word when he says this in
13:29 that passage there in Isaiah.
13:30 - Isaiah 45:7 is the verse.
13:32 - Yeah. He's not saying that God creates evil.
13:35 The word there is really that He sends judgment.
13:38 And it is true that God will send judgment.
13:41 So it's talking about when he says, "Evil,"
13:44 you read there the context Isaiah's talking about
13:47 disasters that were gonna come upon God's people
13:49 'cause they turned away from God.
13:51 And He was gonna allow that.
13:53 And so in that sense you might say,
13:54 "Well, people would think a disaster is evil."
13:57 But when people turn away from the Lord, they reject God,
14:01 they reject His protection from the Devil,
14:03 and so in that sense He's like,
14:05 "You're saying you chase me away
14:06 "and I'm your hedge of protection.
14:08 "A Devil's gonna get to you."
14:10 And even in the story of Job, the Devil said,
14:13 "You've put a hedge of angels about him.
14:15 "But if you move your hedge and I get to touch him,
14:18 "he'll curse you."
14:19 And God says, "All right, I'm gonna back off
14:21 "to show you that you're wrong."
14:22 So that's the big question is,
14:25 is God guilty of sending evil
14:29 when He withdraws His protection?
14:31 And the Lord, He did send a flood on Noah.
14:34 So people would say, "Well, is that evil?"
14:36 God didn't make evil but He does judge wickedness.
14:41 - [Damon] Mm.
14:43 - Does that help, Damon?
14:45 - [Damon] Yeah, that does help a lot.
14:46 - I've heard people use the verse that way
14:48 and they wanna make it sound like, "See, God made evil."
14:50 But you could also, if they believe the Bible,
14:53 I mean they're reading the Bible
14:54 to try and prove God made evil.
14:55 Read the part of the Bible where it says:
14:57 Every good and perfect gift comes from God.
15:00 And you can read in Genesis where God makes the world,
15:02 says, "Everything was good, good, very good."
15:05 And you get to chapter three
15:06 and men decided not to believe the Word of God
15:08 and that's when evil came in.
15:10 - Mm-hmm.
15:11 You know we do have that study guide,
15:11 we mentioned it earlier,
15:13 it's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
15:14 And it deals with this question of,
15:17 if God is good, why does He allow bad things to happen?
15:20 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls
15:22 and asks.
15:23 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
15:27 And you can ask for the Amazing Fact study guide.
15:29 It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
15:31 Next caller that we have is Alex.
15:33 And Alex is listening from Tennessee.
15:34 Alex, welcome to the program.
15:37 - [Alex] Hey! Hello Pastor Doug. Hello Pastor Jean.
15:40 - Hi.
15:43 - [Alex] So I had a question
15:44 and I just found the verse to back it up
15:46 where in Hebrews 9:22 where it says:
15:49 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood
15:51 and without shedding of blood there's no remission,
15:54 which is usually referring to sin.
15:56 So I was wondering why do you need to use,
16:00 why did God require blood for the sacrifices?
16:03 I mean, for remission of sins?
16:04 Could there have been some alternative or something?
16:07 - Yeah, well blood is the epitome of an example of life.
16:12 And it says in the Bible, and it's in Genesis, Pastor Ross,
16:15 it's in a couple places, I think.
16:16 It may be in Leviticus too.
16:18 The life is in the blood.
16:19 The life is in the blood.
16:21 And so when the penalty for sin is death
16:24 and when Jesus poured out His blood,
16:27 it's like He gave His life.
16:29 Every single cell in your body is fed and cleansed by blood
16:35 and when a person loses their blood, they die.
16:38 And so it's always become sort of a symbol
16:40 that blood was an atonement 'cause it represented a life.
16:44 Now the Jews did not believe in
16:47 where people would prick their finger
16:50 and you'd use a little bit of blood
16:51 to become blood brothers.
16:53 I remember when I was a kid we did that.
16:55 I don't know where we got that.
16:56 We heard that's how you become Indian blood brothers.
16:58 We need to prick our fingers
16:59 and we touch the blood together.
17:01 And the Jews didn't have a ceremony
17:04 where you used a little bit of your blood.
17:06 When you gave your blood it was because you died.
17:09 They would cut the throat of the lamb.
17:11 It required a death
17:13 and so the blood became a symbol of that.
17:16 - And of course it ties into the cost of redemption
17:19 was the blood of Christ, meaning the death of Christ,
17:21 His substitutionary death.
17:22 And so through the sacrificial system,
17:24 sacrificing the lambs,
17:25 it was all pointing forward to Jesus
17:27 and His sacrifice that was to come.
17:31 Does that help, Alex?
17:34 - [Alex] Yeah.
17:34 But speaking about Jesus dying,
17:37 I've heard some people think that it's a moral injustice
17:40 for Jesus to die on the cross instead of us.
17:43 What do you think about that?
17:45 - Yeah, I think that it's a sign of the love of God
17:47 that He would substitute Himself.
17:49 Whenever somebody loves somebody and they say,
17:51 "Look, I don't want them to suffer.
17:53 "I will take their suffering for them."
17:55 The Bible says:
17:56 No greater love has anyone
17:58 that than he would lay down his life for a friend.
18:01 By the way, that verse is Leviticus 17:11.
18:04 For the life of the flesh is in the blood.
18:07 And it says:
18:09 To make atonement for your souls,
18:12 it is in the blood that makes atonement for the soul.
18:15 That's probably the best definition there.
18:17 Leviticus 17:11.
18:19 But yeah, it's the justice of God.
18:22 A death was required.
18:24 He said, "I will die in your place."
18:26 - You know, we have a book called,
18:26 "The High Cost of the Cross"
18:28 that talks about the sacrifice of Jesus.
18:30 That's really inspiring and we'd be happy to send this book
18:33 to anyone who calls and asks.
18:34 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
18:38 Again, you can ask for the book.
18:39 It's called, "The High Cost of the Cross."
18:41 We'll send it to anyone here in North America.
18:43 If you're outside of North America,
18:45 you can read it at the Amazing Facts website.
18:48 Thanks for your call, Alex.
18:49 The next caller that we have is Susie.
18:51 And she's listening from Colorado.
18:52 Susie, welcome to the program.
18:55 - [Susie] Hi.
18:55 - Hi.
18:57 - [Susie] Thank you for taking my call.
18:57 I just have one question.
18:59 I wanna know, does our name go in the Book of Life
19:02 when we're conceived
19:03 and then it stays there until we reject Christ?
19:08 - No, your name goes in the Book of Life
19:09 when you accept Christ
19:10 because we're all born in sort of a fallen condition.
19:14 And when we turn to Christ and we accept Christ,
19:17 you're born again.
19:19 Jesus said He's come to give us eternal life.
19:21 You don't really receive eternal life just by being born.
19:24 You receive eternal life
19:25 by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus in your behalf.
19:28 At that point, He enters your name in the Book of Life.
19:32 And now a person sometime in their life,
19:35 they could turn away from the Lord.
19:37 I think Moses talks about, he said,
19:40 "Take my name out of your book which you have written."
19:43 And God says, and this is Exodus 32:33,
19:45 the Lord said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against me,
19:48 "I will blot him out of my book."
19:50 In other words, among the believers, the children of Israel,
19:53 they accepted the Lord.
19:54 But He says if they turn from Him,
19:56 "I'll take their name out of the book."
19:57 It doesn't mean one sin, it means a life of sin.
19:59 You give up on the Lord.
20:00 - Mm-hmm. And we have a few more verses.
20:02 Kind of interesting.
20:03 Paul refers to this in Philippians 4:3.
20:06 He talks about his fellow workers
20:07 whose names are written in the Book of Life.
20:09 Revelation 3:5 says that those who are faithful,
20:13 He will not blot their names out of the Book of Life.
20:16 Revelation 13:8 says:
20:18 Those whose names have been written in the Book of Life,
20:21 they are the ones that'll worship God.
20:24 So to have your name written in the Book of Life
20:26 is a good thing.
20:27 It means eternal life.
20:28 - Yeah.
20:30 And anyone listening?
20:32 I'm sorry. Say that again please.
20:35 - [Susie] Babies that die before they can accept Christ.
20:39 - Yeah.
20:40 The Bible's pretty clear that the children of believers that
20:43 they die before the age of accountability,
20:47 they're gonna be in the kingdom
20:48 by virtue of their parents' decision.
20:52 There's a great mystery
20:53 and debate in the world among theologians about:
20:57 Is every baby that is born or every baby that's conceived,
21:01 are they all automatically saved?
21:03 They definitely are not going to be punished.
21:05 But whether that means
21:06 they're automatically all resurrected,
21:10 that's a mystery.
21:11 Some believe that yes,
21:12 every baby that is conceived is gonna be in Heaven.
21:15 And then when you do the math though, it seems like,
21:18 heavens, you're gonna be swimming in babies.
21:21 And then there's some who believe that
21:23 they may just go to sleep
21:24 and be as though they had not been.
21:25 You were gonna say?
21:26 - Yeah, I was just gonna add to that.
21:27 You know, we do have a reference in Jeremiah 31:16
21:30 that's actually quoted by Matthew
21:32 and it's referring to the time when
21:34 the Romans destroyed all of the baby boys in Bethlehem.
21:37 And the quote from Jeremiah 31:16.
21:40 Thus saith the Lord, "Refrain your voice from weeping
21:42 "and your eyes from tears
21:44 "for your work shall be rewarded," saith the Lord.
21:46 "And they shall come back from the land of the enemy."
21:49 So the land of the enemy meaning death here.
21:52 So this is a promise to those mothers
21:54 that their children would be resurrected
21:57 in the resurrection at the second coming of Christ.
21:59 So we do have hope, yes.
22:01 Believing parents will get to see their their children
22:04 if they die before the age of accountability.
22:07 - Does that help a little, Susie?
22:09 - [Susie] Yes it does. Thank you so much.
22:11 - All right, thank you.
22:12 - Next caller that we have is Paul listening in Idaho.
22:15 Paul, welcome to the program.
22:18 - [Paul] Good day.
22:19 - Hi.
22:20 - [Paul] Hey, I have a question.
22:22 Now, this three angels' message that comes in Revelation 14.
22:28 - Yes?
22:29 - [Paul] Now why are we so
22:34 fearful of showing that
22:36 and why are people not accepting it?
22:40 - Yeah, that's interesting you had asked that question.
22:43 I was just working on a message today
22:45 about the three angels' message
22:46 I'm gonna be sharing this week
22:48 at a Christian convention in Orlando,
22:51 and that's my subject.
22:52 So you're right, some people are reluctant to share it.
22:55 For those listening, our brother here is talking about
22:59 the three angels' message.
23:01 In Revelation 14, it talks about Jesus coming in the clouds
23:05 and right after Jesus is pictured
23:08 or right before Jesus is pictured coming in the clouds,
23:11 it talks about these three angel messages.
23:13 And Revelation 13 says:
23:17 Every nation, kindred, tongue
23:18 and person is gonna be forced to worship the beast
23:20 or they can't buy or sell and they'll be killed.
23:23 Revelation 14 says the gospel's gonna go to every nation,
23:25 kindred, tongue and people.
23:27 So in the last days,
23:29 these messages of angels flying in Heaven,
23:31 it's a last day emphasis of the gospel
23:34 and the message of judgment and salvation goes to the world
23:38 immediately prior to Christ coming.
23:40 That's why it's a very important present truth.
23:43 - And of course,
23:44 immediately following the proclamation
23:45 of the three angels' message, Pastor Doug,
23:47 you read about the second coming of Christ
23:48 there in Revelation 14.
23:50 - [Doug] Yeah.
23:51 - And of course the angels,
23:52 I'm sure they are real angels or angelic angels
23:56 that assist in the proclamation of the message.
23:58 But in a very real sense
24:00 God's people are represented by those angels
24:02 that are taking that end time message to the world.
24:05 - [Doug] Yeah.
24:06 You know, we do have a study guide
24:08 talking about the three angels' messages.
24:09 It's called, "Angel Messages From Space."
24:12 And a very important subject found there in Revelation 14.
24:15 We'll send that to anyone who calls and ask.
24:17 The number again is 800-835-6747.
24:21 And you can ask for the study guide,
24:22 "Angel Messages From Space."
24:24 It's all about the three angels' messages.
24:27 All right, well thanks for your call.
24:28 We've got Kirk listening in Texas.
24:30 Kirk, welcome to the program.
24:31 - [Kirk] Yes, thank you.
24:32 - Hi. And your question tonight?
24:35 - [Kirk] Yes. Oh, I have a lot of questions,
24:37 but I guess I only have time to ask you one.
24:44 My question is, did Jesus use His divine nature
24:47 to overcome the temptation
24:49 or did He use His human nature to overcome the temptation?
24:56 - Well, Jesus ended up using the same power
24:59 that is available to you and me.
25:00 Every time He was tempted, He responded by saying,
25:03 "It is written. It is written."
25:06 And we can use that.
25:08 Now in the Bible you've got examples of Bible characters
25:12 that were tempted that fell.
25:16 Solomon and David would be examples of that.
25:18 And in the Bible you've got examples of human characters
25:22 that were victorious.
25:23 Joseph was sorely tempted by Potiphar's wife
25:27 and Job went through a series of terrible temptations.
25:30 But it said in all these things he'd sin not
25:33 or did he curse God foolishly or charge God foolishly.
25:36 And so Jesus, He trusted in His Father.
25:42 He's an example for us of how we can overcome
25:45 and how others have overcome.
25:48 Man doesn't live by bread alone but by every Word.
25:50 Of course, that's one of the responses that Jesus gave
25:52 to Lucifer when he was tempted.
25:55 - Mm-hmm.
25:56 And Jesus said in John 5:30,
25:59 He said, "I can of myself do nothing."
26:01 That must have shocked the disciples.
26:02 But when Jesus took upon Himself humanity,
26:04 He laid aside His divinity in one sense
26:08 and He trusted in the strength given to Him by His Father,
26:12 even as His disciples and as believers ought to do.
26:15 - Everything Jesus did,
26:17 He did with the power that is available to you and me.
26:21 Jesus raised the dead.
26:22 But you can see where the apostles raised the dead.
26:24 He healed the sick, the apostles healed the sick.
26:26 Christ said, "These miracles that I've done,
26:28 "greater things than these will you do
26:30 "because I go to the Father."
26:32 So hopefully that answers your question.
26:34 Appreciate that.
26:35 You know we do have a book.
26:36 It's called, "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
26:39 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who asks.
26:41 Again, the number is 800-835-6747.
26:45 "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
26:47 (relaxing music)
26:48 And friends, you hear the music in the background.
26:49 It's not the end. We're just taking a break.
26:50 We'll be right back.
26:52 (upbeat orchestral music)
26:55 - [Announcer] Stay tuned.
26:56 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
27:02 - The US Government is drowning in debt
27:05 to the tune of $22 trillion.
27:07 But before you wag your finger at the government's spending,
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27:18 Well, it was never God's plan
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28:00 - [Announcer] Have you ever skipped a meal?
28:01 Not a bad idea if you need to watch your waistline,
28:04 but there's a heavenly food you should never skip,
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28:31 (dramatic music)
28:32 - [Announcer] In six days,
28:33 God created the heavens and the Earth.
28:36 For thousands of years,
28:37 man has worshiped God on the seventh day of the week.
28:40 Now, each week,
28:42 millions of people worship on the first day.
28:45 What happened?
28:46 Why did God create a day of rest?
28:49 Does it really matter what day we worship?
28:51 Who is behind this great shift?
28:53 Discover the truth behind God's law and how it was changed.
28:57 Visit
29:01 (upbeat orchestral music)
29:05 - [Announcer] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live"
29:07 where every question answered
29:09 provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you.
29:13 So what are you waiting for?
29:15 Get practical answers about the Good Book
29:17 for a better life today.
29:22 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:25 If you'd like answers
29:26 to your Bible related questions on the air,
29:28 please call us next Sunday between 7:00 p.m.
29:31 and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
29:33 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
29:36 in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
29:42 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:48 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:53 - Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible Answers Live."
29:55 I am Pastor Doug Batchelor.
29:57 - And my name is Jean Ross.
29:58 And as you can tell from the name,
29:59 this is "Bible Answers Live."
30:01 So if you have a Bible related question,
30:03 we'd love to hear from you.
30:05 The number to call if you have a Bible question is
30:07 800-463-7297.
30:11 Pastor Doug, we have quite a few folks lined up
30:13 waiting for their Bible question,
30:15 so we're gonna go to the very next caller we have.
30:17 We have someone calling from Sydney, Australia.
30:19 We got Faday listening from Sydney.
30:22 - [Faday] Okay, my question.
30:24 Okay, the woman that sits on the beast with seven heads.
30:29 Can I put my two cents in?
30:31 - Oh, you have a question or a comment?
30:33 - [Faday] A comment of the seven heads.
30:36 - All right.
30:37 Make that brief 'cause most people are waiting
30:39 to ask a question. (laughs)
30:40 - [Faday] Okay.
30:42 The birth ministry and the death of Jesus
30:45 proved seven false religion systems were false.
30:48 The seven heads, there's seven mountains, seven continents.
30:53 One says the paganism says God created by men.
30:57 The second atheism says there is no God.
31:01 And the third one is Judaism says
31:05 salvation comes through work.
31:07 And this fourth one is Islam.
31:11 Salvation comes through work.
31:13 And the fifth head is Eastern Mysticism.
31:19 Man can become God.
31:21 And one is Catholic.
31:23 And the other head, number seven,
31:26 is salvation comes through works.
31:29 So all they're mountains or hills, well,
31:33 let's say the Catholic around the world
31:36 look to their mountain, the Vatican.
31:39 And Protestant look to the head of Capitol Hill
31:45 and the other heads look to their God Mountains.
31:48 - Yeah.
31:49 - [Faday] That's what I see.
31:50 And the woman that sits on-
31:50 - Interesting.
31:52 - [Faday] And the woman, that's the woman, that's Jezebel,
31:55 just like Jesus has a bride, the people,
31:58 and Jezebel is the antichrist people.
32:01 - Okay. Now do you have a question?
32:04 - [Faday] That's what I think. That's what I'm saying.
32:06 - Oh right. Well, I've never heard that.
32:08 That's very intriguing.
32:09 I would respectfully disagree,
32:11 but I've honestly never heard that interpretation before
32:15 for the seven mountains that you find in Revelation 17.
32:18 Most people believe it says that
32:20 that woman is a great city
32:22 that reigns over the kings of the Earth.
32:24 When John had his vision,
32:25 that great city was of course the kingdom of Rome
32:27 that had imprisoned him
32:28 and of course was responsible for the execution of Jesus.
32:32 And that those,
32:33 it says five of those seven hills are also seven,
32:36 not only the seven hills of Rome,
32:38 Rome is called The City of Seven Hills,
32:40 and here you've got a woman.
32:41 It's a church situated in Rome
32:43 that doesn't leave any questions I would think.
32:47 But it says that those seven hills are also seven kings.
32:51 Five are fallen, one is, one is yet to come.
32:54 He's also the eighth. I'm paraphrasing.
32:57 And people have believed these are the five empires
32:59 that have occupied and persecuted God's people,
33:03 namely Egypt, Assyria,
33:06 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece.
33:08 Those are the five that were fallen
33:10 when John had his vision.
33:11 One is Rome was the one that is
33:14 and it says he's also the seventh
33:17 because it was first Pagan Rome is the sixth.
33:21 Papal Rome is the seventh.
33:22 Papal Rome receives a deadly wound but comes back again,
33:25 meaning he's also the eighth.
33:27 Now, that may not be a perfect interpretation
33:29 but it's satisfied me for several years.
33:31 - [Jean] Mm-hmm.
33:32 - And I think most many Protestant Reformers
33:34 believed something like that.
33:36 - Yes, and if you go back into the Old Testament,
33:37 you notice starting as early as the Book of Daniel,
33:40 you find different beasts representing kingdoms
33:43 that have warred against God's people.
33:45 You find that not only in the Old Testament,
33:47 but of course in the New Testament
33:48 there was also persecutions that came upon Christians
33:50 through various political
33:52 and then eventually political religious powers
33:54 as you look in history.
33:56 So that's an interesting study in Revelation 17.
33:59 Thanks for your call.
34:00 Next caller that we have is Steven listening from Canada.
34:02 Steven, welcome to the program.
34:04 - [Steven] Hi Pastor Doug Batchelor and Pastor Jean Ross.
34:08 Nice to be on.
34:09 - Oh, it's good to have you on.
34:10 - [Steven] My question is,
34:12 it says in chapter 12 of Numbers, it says:
34:16 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses
34:19 because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married,
34:23 for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
34:25 So my question is, I'm curious.
34:26 It says she's an Ethiopian woman in chapter 12,
34:30 but why like back in Numbers chapter,
34:33 just before chapter three
34:34 and in the first verse of chapter three,
34:37 it talks, well, obviously because Jethro being the
34:40 Prince of Midia or Jethro's,
34:43 well, he's a Midianite.
34:45 His daughter would, of course, naturally be a Midianite.
34:48 If I'm saying that correctly.
34:49 So I'm just wondering why seeming contradiction
34:53 or just something maybe the way that King James laid it out?
34:55 I don't know.
34:56 I'm wondering what you guys think about that.
34:58 - Yeah, there's a couple of ways
35:00 and no one's absolutely sure.
35:03 But of course Moses first meets Zipporah, a Midianite,
35:09 the daughter of,
35:10 I think she's the oldest of Jethro's daughters.
35:12 And he meets her 40 years earlier.
35:15 He rescues the girls by the well and he has sons with her.
35:18 She's still alive when he goes into Egypt
35:20 because there's a mention of her specifically.
35:24 Later, her father-in-law comes and brings the boys.
35:27 I guess she had gone back during the 10 plagues.
35:29 She had gone back to Midian
35:30 and her father then meets up with the boys
35:33 and with his wife.
35:34 A Midianite, they could easily be called an Ethiopian
35:38 because it was all the same territory.
35:40 So many times in the Bible
35:42 you'll hear a particular group of people
35:45 and there's a couple of different ways they're referenced.
35:48 You know, Aaron, this is an example of Miriam and Aaron.
35:53 They were upset that Moses did not marry a Jewish girl,
35:57 even though Midian is related to Abraham.
36:00 She was not an Israelite.
36:03 And she may have been darker skinned
36:07 and so they're exhibiting some frustration.
36:12 And I think that Miriam was also feeling slighted
36:15 that God is speaking to her younger brother
36:18 and she had been a prophetess and not talking to her.
36:21 And she was wanting some of the leadership.
36:22 She wanted to be promoted.
36:24 So she gets punished through this story you find here
36:27 in Exodus 12.
36:29 But the other theory is that
36:32 after 40 something years of marriage,
36:34 maybe Zipporah had died and Moses had remarried,
36:38 which would not be uncommon
36:39 'cause he still had another 40 years to live.
36:41 So they're not sure.
36:44 There's nothing in the Bible that says explicitly
36:46 one way or the other.
36:47 I'm inclined to think that
36:49 they just had two different ways of referring to Zipporah.
36:51 One is she's a Midianite,
36:52 the other one says she's a Ethiopian.
36:55 Midian was a tribe, Ethiopia was kind of more of a race.
36:58 - Mm-hmm. And an area.
36:59 - Yeah.
37:00 - They came from.
37:01 All right, well thanks for your call Steven.
37:01 We appreciate it.
37:03 We've got Jonathan listening in Nashville, Tennessee.
37:04 Jonathan, welcome to the program.
37:07 - [Jonathan] Hey, good evening.
37:08 - Hi.
37:09 - [Jonathan] Pastor Ross, Pastor Batchelor, how y'all doing?
37:11 - Doing good. Thank you for calling.
37:13 - [Jonathan] All right, good to hear.
37:14 Hey, this question is regarding the Book of Daniel.
37:18 Been looking at some of the prophecies
37:20 on how some of the other Christian faith communities
37:24 look at how the kingdoms are run in sequence.
37:28 What do you think where some of the disagreement
37:32 or where things kinda diverge and how the gap theory
37:37 and some of these seven year tribulations?
37:41 I guess what are the scriptures that we could point to
37:44 to help us look by these kingdoms run in sequence
37:48 versus allowing for any gap?
37:51 - Yeah, great question.
37:52 Now I think Jonathan's referring more specifically
37:56 to Daniel 9 where there's a 490 year prophecy.
38:00 And you know all the kingdoms, namely Babylon,
38:03 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, you got Pagan Rome, Papal Rome,
38:07 and then the divisions of the Roman Empire,
38:09 they all kind of run in sequence.
38:11 When you get to Daniel 9,
38:12 it talks about this 490 year prophecy
38:15 and then it tells us that after 483 years,
38:20 Messiah is cut off.
38:22 Of course, in that last seven years,
38:25 it says in the midst of the week
38:26 he causes the sacrifice to cease.
38:29 That's talking about from the time of Jesus' baptism,
38:32 He ministers 3 1/2 years, He dies on the cross,
38:35 the veil in the temple is ripped,
38:37 He causes the sacrifice to cease.
38:39 He rises from the dead
38:40 and for 3 1/2 years, He tells the disciples,
38:43 "Do not go in the way of the Gentiles.
38:45 "Continue to preach to the lost house of Israel."
38:47 The time for the Jewish nation had not been cut off yet
38:51 until the Supreme Court of the nation stoned Stephen,
38:55 the Sanhedrin.
38:57 But there was a,
38:59 I think this came in with Darbyism,
39:01 they came in with a futuristic interpretation that
39:05 that seven weeks was not contiguous
39:07 with the 483 years of Daniel 9.
39:10 That you could take that seven weeks
39:12 and you could float it around in the end of time somewhere,
39:14 and it was the seven years of tribulation.
39:16 You don't find the phrase, "Seven years of tribulation"
39:18 anywhere in the Bible.
39:19 This is a very, in my opinion,
39:21 it is a very free-spirited interpretation
39:25 as someone just kind of made this up
39:28 and they thought it sounded good.
39:29 And
39:32 I've heard people say,
39:33 "Well, because Noah had to wait in the ark seven days
39:36 "before the flood,
39:38 "that's representing the seven last place
39:41 "and seven years of the time of trouble."
39:43 Now, I think that this is all
39:45 one continuous prophecy of 490 years.
39:47 We have a study guide on that.
39:49 - We do. I'm actually looking.
39:50 It's called, "Right on Time."
39:51 And it deals with this 490 year time period
39:54 that you find in the Book of Daniel.
39:55 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls
39:58 and asks.
39:59 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
40:02 And you can ask for the study guide.
40:03 It's called, "Right on Time."
40:05 And we'll get it to you in the mail.
40:07 Thank you for your call.
40:08 We've got, let's see, our next caller.
40:09 We're gonna go to Jeff.
40:11 Jeff in Wellingham or Wilington, Delaware?
40:14 Jeff, welcome to the program.
40:17 - [Jeff] Hey, how you doing?
40:18 It's actually Wilmington. Wilmington, Delaware.
40:20 - There we go. (laughs)
40:21 - [Jeff] Like the one in North Carolina.
40:22 Well, first I wanna praise God
40:24 for Doug Batchelor and yourself,
40:27 your active involvement in the community
40:29 because I think if you look going back in the past,
40:35 it's really something
40:37 the Seventh-day Adventist Church needed to provide
40:38 and you guys are doing it.
40:39 So thank you very much. I appreciate it.
40:42 - Well, thank you.
40:42 And your question tonight?
40:45 - [Jeff] I actually have a couple.
40:47 Was Lucifer an anomaly?
40:49 How many men were translated?
40:51 Did angels fornicate with men?
40:54 And I have two other ones if you wanna wanna hit those.
40:57 - Oh yeah, let's.
40:58 First of all the one about,
41:00 "Did angels have intimate relations with men?"
41:02 That often comes from Genesis 6 where it says:
41:05 The sons of God saw the daughters of men,
41:07 that they were fair and took the wives of all they chose.
41:09 People think those sons of God are angels.
41:11 It's not at all what it's talking about.
41:13 It's talking about the descendants of Seth
41:15 intermarried with the descendants of Cain.
41:18 And once they lost that distinction,
41:20 violence filled the Earth.
41:22 We have a book on that that we'll send you.
41:24 It's called, "Angels: Alien or Adopted?
41:28 "Who Are the Sons of God?"
41:29 - The number to call is 800-835-6747.
41:32 And again, you can ask for the book it's called,
41:34 "Who Are the Sons of God?"
41:36 And I'm trying to think.
41:37 Was there another question that Jeff had?
41:39 - You asked? You threw two or three quick ones there. Yeah.
41:42 - [Jeff] Yeah. What are your thoughts?
41:43 Was Lucifer an anomaly?
41:45 'Cause you said God didn't create sin,
41:48 so Lucifer created sin.
41:49 Was that an anomaly?
41:51 - Well, no.
41:53 Well, what I mean by no is that God did not have a defect
41:56 if you mean by anomaly.
41:58 God made all of His creatures perfect.
42:00 And it even says in the Bible:
42:01 Thou was perfect in all your ways.
42:05 And part of the perfection is
42:07 Lucifer was made perfectly free.
42:09 And in his perfect freedom,
42:11 he was able to choose whether to love God supremely
42:15 or to start loving himself more.
42:17 And Lucifer became involved in self-worship.
42:21 He didn't wanna worship God.
42:22 He wanted to be God.
42:23 Says, "Thou has said in thy heart,
42:25 "'I will be like the Most High.'"
42:27 God is so free that He will even make a creature
42:31 that can choose not to love Him.
42:33 And so Lucifer, by his own free choice,
42:37 rebelled against God.
42:38 - And that of course reminds me of that free offer we have.
42:40 It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
42:42 And it deals with the subject.
42:44 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
42:48 Ask for the study guide, "Did God Create a Devil?"
42:51 Thanks for your call, Jeff.
42:53 We're gonna go to Yolanda listening in Arizona.
42:54 Yolanda, welcome to the program.
42:57 - [Yolanda] Hi.
42:58 - Hi. How are you doing?
43:00 - [Yolanda] I'm good. How are you?
43:01 - Yeah, doing great. And your question tonight?
43:04 - [Yolanda] Okay, so I have, first of all,
43:06 I'd like to tell you guys thank you so much
43:08 for Amazing Facts.
43:09 It was five years ago that I heard one of your sermons
43:12 and I heard things that I've never heard before.
43:16 So I wanna thank you for Amazing Facts
43:21 and to teaching the truth.
43:23 Thank you so much.
43:24 - Thank you so much. Yeah, it's our pleasure.
43:25 - [Yolanda] Okay.
43:26 So my question is in Genesis 4:23 and 24,
43:31 with Lamech, where it says,
43:33 "Hear my voice, you wives of Lamech.
43:35 "Harken unto my speech,
43:37 "for I have slain a man to my wounding
43:40 "and a young man to my hurt.
43:42 "If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
43:45 "truly Lamech 70 and sevenfold."
43:48 I don't know what that means.
43:49 - Yeah, well it's going through the genealogies
43:52 and it just highlights this incident about Lamech.
43:54 And I think one reason it mentions it is, first of all,
43:57 it's the first mention of polygamy.
44:00 He has more than one wife.
44:01 It's not his wife. It's says, "His wives."
44:04 And he says, "Ada and Zilla, hear my voice.
44:06 "Wives of Lamech, listen to my speech."
44:09 And the way it's worded in the King James
44:11 is a little confusing.
44:12 New King James says,
44:13 "For I've killed a man for wounding me
44:16 "and a young man for hurting me."
44:17 So now Cain killed Abel with no provocation.
44:21 Abel did not attack Cain.
44:23 Cain killed him a premeditated cold-blooded murder.
44:26 Here Lamech is saying, "I killed a man.
44:29 "But if Cain's gonna be avenged sevenfold
44:31 "because he did it premeditated, I did it in self-defense,
44:34 "then I'll be avenged 70 times sevenfold."
44:37 And it's giving you a sample of
44:39 where you read later in Genesis 6,
44:41 violence was filling the land.
44:43 It says that it specifically mentions in Genesis 6.
44:46 Said there is just violence
44:48 and the men's thoughts were only evil continually.
44:51 Here you've got, in this one passage,
44:53 you've got polygamy or adultery and murder and violence.
45:00 So it's telling you that things were going south quickly.
45:03 So does that help a little, Yolanda?
45:06 - [Yolanda] Yes, it does. Thank you so much.
45:08 - Thank you. Appreciate your calling.
45:10 - We've got Joy listening from the Bronx in New York.
45:13 Joy, welcome to the program.
45:15 - [Joy] Thank you. Thank you for taking my call.
45:17 I would like to know who's the chief musician.
45:20 - [Doug] You're talking about in the Psalms?
45:23 - [Joy] Yes.
45:24 - Yeah, I think at one point when they had the sanctuary,
45:28 maybe even before the temple of Moses,
45:30 David, he had organized musicians.
45:34 David of course was a very accomplished musician.
45:37 He not only played the harp,
45:38 it says that he made instruments.
45:39 I don't know if he gave instruction on
45:41 how they were to make them,
45:42 but he was very skilled in doing it.
45:45 So much so the King brought him to his palace
45:47 to sing and to play.
45:48 And so David had a love for music.
45:50 He set up a choir that was to praise God in the temple.
45:53 And he had a chief choir director
45:56 and it's called the chief musician.
45:57 The first one that I think is mentioned is Asaph,
45:59 if I'm not mistaken.
46:01 And you'll see there are several Psalms
46:03 that are written by Asaph.
46:05 Not all the Psalms were written by David
46:07 in the Book of Psalms.
46:08 I think David wrote about 71 or 75 of them.
46:12 And so some of these songs may be compositions
46:15 that were written by David and for the chief musician
46:18 to then instruct the Levites and the singers to sing.
46:22 - And of course these Psalms are used
46:23 many, many years after David.
46:25 - Yeah.
46:27 - So you'd have different chief musicians
46:28 that would be in that role in the sanctuary.
46:29 - The music conductor.
46:30 - That's right. Yeah.
46:32 Coordinating the music.
46:33 - He was the chief conductor.
46:34 - All right, well thank you for your call.
46:35 That's a good question. Thanks, Joy.
46:37 Our next caller is Alex listening in Chicago.
46:39 Alex, welcome to the program.
46:42 - [Alex] Hi, thank you so much for taking my call
46:45 Pastor, both pastors.
46:49 Basically I have a question in terms of marriage
46:53 and what book I can look to, especially in Corinthians,
46:57 whether I should stay in a relationship
46:58 or I should leave a relationship
47:00 where I don't have a specific denomination.
47:03 I'm Adventist and he is not.
47:05 And I wanted to know what are some signs
47:07 God can be telling me to leave a relationship?
47:11 - Well, in the Bible
47:13 there are only a couple of examples
47:18 or biblical grounds for divorce.
47:21 One of those being where Jesus says in Matthew 19,
47:26 and I think it's also in Matthew 5, says,
47:29 "What God has joined together,
47:31 "let not man put asunder,
47:32 "saving for the cause of fornication."
47:34 So if a spouse moves in with someone else
47:38 and has an adulterous affair,
47:39 that's grounds for divorce.
47:41 It doesn't mean there has to be divorce.
47:43 If there's repentance and there can be reconciliation,
47:46 that's always better.
47:47 I mean, you think about all the times that God's church has,
47:50 according to the Bible, says:
47:51 The people of God have played the harlot against God
47:54 and yet He comes after us.
47:55 If you read the Book of Hosea it tells that story.
47:58 The other example, you mentioned Corinthians.
48:00 In 1 Corinthians 7, they had a specific situation where
48:06 Paul was preaching to these Roman pagans,
48:08 they don't worship God, and if one of them accepted Jesus.
48:12 So you've got the Greco-Roman pagan
48:15 and they worship Jupiter and all these gods,
48:17 and then they accepted Christ, they got rid of idolatry.
48:19 Well, their spouse was so upset, they said,
48:21 "Look, I didn't sign up for this.
48:23 "I married you. I thought we were in the same religion.
48:26 "Now you've left and become a Christian. I'm leaving you."
48:29 Paul said, "Well, try to get them to stay if they can.
48:32 "If they choose to leave, then let them depart in peace."
48:36 So he mentions a specific case there.
48:38 He's not talking about when two believers,
48:42 well, just are having irreconcilable differences.
48:45 They're married and they gotta work it out.
48:47 So hopefully that gives you some background.
48:51 And by the way, that's in 1 Corinthians 7
48:53 you'll find most of that there.
48:55 - Now Alex, were you also asking about dating or marriage?
49:00 - [Alex] As far as I'm aware,
49:02 there is no mention of dating in the Bible
49:04 or at least New Testament.
49:08 So I wanted to know, I guess,
49:10 does God give you hints whether to stay
49:13 or leave a relationship,
49:14 especially when this person's making it hard
49:17 or asking for a break and staying faithful and all that.
49:23 - Yeah, if you're married then we don't ever recommend
49:28 a person stays in an abusive relationship.
49:31 There should be separation, hopefully counseling.
49:33 But marriage is very serious business and it's a covenant.
49:36 And if you've made that covenant-
49:38 - And of course before marriage,
49:39 the Bible does tell us in 2 Corinthians 6:14
49:42 not to be unequally yoked.
49:44 - Right.
49:45 - And maybe this is what
49:46 your question is also referring to, Alex.
49:47 If we're in a dating relationship
49:49 or a courtship type of relationship with an unbeliever
49:52 or somebody who might be a Christian
49:55 but their beliefs are quite different than your beliefs,
49:58 well, the Bible does give us counsel on that.
50:00 And it's gonna be a challenge
50:02 to have a strong healthy marriage
50:05 if you have people believing things differently.
50:07 - [Doug] Mm-hmm.
50:08 - You know, you have all kinds of questions that arise
50:10 when children come along.
50:11 Are they gonna go to which parent's church?
50:14 And there's all kinds of issues.
50:16 So the counsel that we have in the Bible is
50:18 do not be unequally yolked with unbelievers.
50:20 - Yeah.
50:21 Now we have a book that
50:22 I've written on the subject of marriage.
50:25 It's called, "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage."
50:27 And we'll send you
50:28 or someone else that might be wanting Bible answers on that
50:30 a free copy.
50:31 - The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
50:35 And again, the book is called,
50:37 "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage."
50:38 We'll send that to anyone in North America.
50:41 All you have to do is call that number.
50:43 And we've got somebody calling from South Korea.
50:45 Let's see if I can pronounce his name.
50:46 We have Jowa from South Korea. Welcome to the program.
50:52 - [Jowa] Oh, thank you so much
50:54 for pronouncing my name just right.
50:55 This is my first time calling.
50:57 - Oh, welcome.
50:58 - [Jowa] My question is
51:02 my friend believes that China and America
51:05 are two fighting dragons, according to his understanding of
51:10 the Book of Daniel and Revelation.
51:14 But I don't see it in the Bible.
51:15 What's your take on that?
51:17 - Yeah, it's a common belief that
51:19 because you look in the world today
51:20 and people think of a lion, they think of Great Britain,
51:23 and the eagle, they think of the US.
51:25 And almost internationally
51:27 because the dragon is a big part of Chinese festivities,
51:30 people think that the dragon is China.
51:32 In prophecy when it talks about the dragon,
51:34 it had nothing to do with China.
51:36 China was not known as the dragon in Bible times.
51:39 The dragon in Bible prophecies talking about the Devil.
51:42 In Revelation 12, it's more specifically talking about
51:45 the Devil working through the Roman Empire.
51:48 When the dragon sought to devour the man child,
51:51 that's when the Devil tried to destroy Jesus
51:53 as a baby in Bethlehem.
51:56 And so we've got a whole study that talks about that.
51:59 But yes, folks,
52:01 I believe that China may be mentioned in prophecy,
52:03 but it's not the dragon in prophecy.
52:05 - And we do find America mentioned
52:07 in the Book of Revelation.
52:08 It's actually the second beast power
52:10 that you read about in Revelation 13.
52:12 - But we're not the eagle. (laughs)
52:13 - No, we're not the eagle there. (laughs)
52:15 - So can't use those modern, what do you call,
52:18 icons anymore.
52:20 - Yep. All right, well, thanks for your call.
52:21 We're gonna go to-
52:22 - Oh, we could offer him
52:23 that lesson on American prophecy too.
52:24 - Oh, that's a good one. Yes.
52:26 Again, if you're outside of North America, which you are,
52:28 just go to the Amazing Facts website
52:30 and you can read the study guide.
52:31 It's called, "America in Prophecy."
52:33 If you're in North America,
52:35 the number to call is 800-835-6747.
52:38 Ask for the study guide, "America in Prophecy."
52:41 We've got, let's see, Lynn listening in Michigan.
52:43 Lynn, we have just a couple minutes
52:45 before we take a quick break.
52:48 - [Lynn] Yes, hello gentlemen.
52:49 I have a very quick question.
52:53 God created light right off the bat.
52:56 I'm just wondering, in the war in Heaven,
52:59 in the time before He created light,
53:01 I can't believe it was dark then.
53:04 I don't know. Maybe they had a different sensory system.
53:09 But if light wasn't created till Earth's time,
53:14 was it dark in the war in Heaven?
53:16 - No, because you can read in 1 John 1:5, it says:
53:22 This is the message we have heard from Him
53:23 and declare to you that God is light
53:26 and in Him is no darkness at all.
53:29 So when God came to this corner of the universe
53:31 and began creating just by His coming here,
53:33 He said, "Let there be light."
53:35 His presence glows.
53:37 I mean, Moses came away from the presence of God
53:38 and Moses was glowing.
53:40 Kinda like that radioactive clock
53:42 you used to hold to the light
53:43 and then you turn off the lights,
53:44 it glowed for a little while.
53:46 Through exposure to God, Moses was glowing.
53:48 So when God came to this darkened part of the cosmos,
53:53 He said, "Let there be light."
53:55 And He began to divide the day from darkness,
53:57 just by, I think, spinning the Earth.
53:59 And whatever side was facing Him was day
54:01 'cause He doesn't make the Sun until the fourth day.
54:05 So in Heaven, God's glory and light is there.
54:09 And you read in Revelation it says
54:11 there is no need of the Sun in the City of God,
54:13 for the Lord God illuminates the city in Heaven.
54:17 - And when you read the different descriptions of Heaven
54:20 that the prophets saw in the Bible,
54:22 they speak about the glory and the brilliance
54:25 and just the majesty of the presence of God.
54:28 - [Doug] Yeah.
54:29 - The light shining forth from God.
54:30 When the children of Israel were in the wilderness
54:31 and the Shekinah glory, the presence,
54:34 the visible presence of God,
54:35 was revealed there in the tabernacle, in the sanctuary,
54:38 there was a light, a glorious light.
54:40 And of course,
54:42 when God gave the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai,
54:43 there was thundering and light and just great majesty.
54:47 - Yeah, the presence of God is, Bible says:
54:50 The wicked are destroyed by the brightness of His coming.
54:53 And so God is light. In Him is no darkness at all.
54:57 Now listening friend, you don't wanna go away.
54:59 We're signing off our friends listening on satellite radio,
55:02 but we are coming back with a bonus Bible question.
55:05 It's on a very interesting question, so stay tuned.
55:08 We'll be back for our final question.
55:11 (upbeat orchestral music)
55:13 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:16 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:19 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by
55:21 Amazing Facts International, a faith-based ministry
55:25 located in Granite Bay, California.
55:29 - Hello friends.
55:31 Welcome back for our "Bible Answers Live" bonus question.
55:33 For those of you who are joining us
55:35 at the Amazing Facts Television channel,
55:37 also watching on Facebook
55:39 or listening on the other radio stations,
55:41 we, from time to time, get people calling in
55:43 or writing in with a Bible question.
55:46 We've got an interesting question that came
55:47 from a gentleman by the name of Eric
55:49 and he is writing from Florida.
55:52 And Pastor Doug, here's his question.
55:53 He says, first of all, he talks about himself
55:56 mentioning that one of the things he does is
55:59 he is a ghost hunter.
56:01 So I guess he investigates
56:03 these paranormal type of things happening.
56:06 He says also that he knows that
56:08 we're not to communicate with the dead,
56:10 but his question is, my main question is,
56:13 "Can I be a Christian and be a ghost hunter?
56:16 "Is that possible?"
56:18 - Well, if you're a Christian,
56:19 I would think you'd wanna be a Jesus hunter.
56:21 - Amen.
56:22 - Why would you wanna hunt for ghosts?
56:23 First of all,
56:25 some people think that ghosts are the spirits of dead people
56:28 that are haunting.
56:30 But the Bible's very clear.
56:32 The living know they'll die, the dead know not anything.
56:34 And you can read in the Book of Job,
56:35 and I think it's chapter 14, says:
56:38 When a man dies, his sons come to honor.
56:40 He doesn't know anything of it.
56:41 He does not return to his house to go haunt his house.
56:44 And so the ghosts that people think they're seeing
56:48 are typically fallen angels,
56:51 sometimes called evil spirits in the Bible,
56:53 that are posing as the dead.
56:56 And you've got an example of that in, I believe it says
56:59 at the end of 1 Samuel where you know,
57:02 Saul goes to see the Witch of Endor
57:04 and this evil spirit impersonates through a medium,
57:10 the dead prophet.
57:11 And as a result of going, trying to consult with the dead,
57:15 Saul ends up losing the battle.
57:18 His three sons die and he commits suicide the next day
57:21 along with his armor bearer.
57:22 It didn't end well.
57:24 The Lord says, "Have nothing to do with a Necromancer."
57:26 And that means somebody who is consulting with the dead.
57:29 - You know, we do have a study guide talking about this.
57:31 It's got an intriguing title.
57:33 It says, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
57:35 And it talks about the subject.
57:37 It's important, Pastor Doug, that we understand this
57:38 because we know in the last days
57:40 the Devil is gonna do everything he can to deceive.
57:43 And I think one of his deceptions
57:44 is dead loved ones appearing
57:46 and saying things that would contradict the Bible.
57:48 - That'll confuse folks.
57:49 You know, we also have another website called
57:54 And some of our friends are writing in questions
57:57 or in prison, they may not have access to the internet,
57:59 but for those of you that do,
58:00 you can just go to
58:03 Hey friends, we've run out of time
58:04 for our "Bible Answers" program for this week,
58:07 but God willing,
58:08 we're gonna be back together with you again next week.
58:10 We hope that you'll tell your friends to tune in now on AFTV
58:14 as well as these other stations.
58:15 God bless.
58:16 (upbeat orchestral music)
58:18 - [Announcer] "Bible Answers Live,"
58:20 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2023-01-10