Bible Answers Live

The Bright and Morning Star

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022147S

00:00 (victorious orchestral music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast,
00:35 call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again,
00:39 that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:55 I don't know if you're aware of the Starlink company
00:57 founded by Elon Musk?
00:59 He's begun the process of launching a network of as many as
01:02 42,000 satellites to provide low-cost internet
01:07 to even the most remote locations on Earth.
01:10 Each solar powered satellite weighs around 570 pounds,
01:14 and it's about the same size as a small dining table.
01:17 This mega constellation of Starlink satellites
01:20 circling the planet, 340 miles up,
01:23 is meant to carry large amounts of information rapidly
01:27 to any point on Earth.
01:29 It appears that soon the whole world will be connected
01:33 to the internet superhighway.
01:35 This developing picture of international communication
01:38 fits perfectly in the scheme of Bible prophecy, Pastor Ross.
01:42 - That's interesting, Pastor Doug,
01:43 mentioning how that the world is connected
01:45 through these satellites that are being launched
01:47 and placed in space.
01:49 I think at the end of the day,
01:50 not only are people able to log on with their computers,
01:53 but I think ultimately the goal would be is to have
01:55 a cell phone that is dependent not upon land-based towers,
01:59 but you can be anywhere
02:00 and you can connect directly to a satellite with your phone.
02:03 - Yeah.
02:04 - And you can talk to somebody
02:04 on the other side of the world.
02:06 - I actually know somebody now who has
02:07 already signed up for this service
02:09 and they're already receiving it,
02:10 but there's pretty long line.
02:11 - I'm sure.
02:12 - They just managed to get to the head of the line.
02:13 (Jean laughing)
02:14 And they said, "It works."
02:15 - [Jean] Huh.
02:16 - Which is, you've been to our place in The Hills,
02:18 it'll be really helpful where you're off the grid
02:20 and you can still be connected to the world.
02:22 Just think about that.
02:24 But you know, that also fits in with Bible prophecy
02:28 because there's some prophecies that talk about
02:30 international communication, if you will.
02:32 - Mm-hmm.
02:34 You know, in the Book of Revelation
02:35 we have in chapter 13, a description of two powers,
02:38 it's called beast.
02:39 The first beast that comes from the sea,
02:41 another beast that comes from the earth.
02:43 And the Bible, when talking about these political,
02:46 and the one is a political religious power,
02:48 it says in Revelation 13:8,
02:51 it says:
02:52 All who dwell upon the Earth shall worship him
02:54 whose names have not been written in
02:55 the Lamb's Book of Life.
02:57 And then in verse 16 of chapter 13, it says:
03:00 He calls us all, both small and great, rich and free,
03:03 slave, to receive a mark in his right hand,
03:05 on his forehead.
03:07 So the time's gonna come where through mass communication,
03:09 the world will be united in worshiping this beast power,
03:13 except for those whose names are written in
03:14 the Lamb's Book of Life.
03:15 Well, I think it's pretty important for us
03:17 to know what is that beast power?
03:19 What is the mark of the beast?
03:20 And even more importantly to know, what is the seal of God?
03:23 Because at the end, there's just two groups.
03:24 Those who have the mark of the beast,
03:26 those who have the seal of God.
03:27 And it seems as though communication is gonna be key
03:30 in getting the whole world together.
03:32 After all, the devil's gonna try and deceive people.
03:34 I think it's gonna be broadcast over the airwaves
03:37 and around the world through satellite.
03:39 But not only is mass communication used by the devil
03:42 in the last days, but there's actually some good news.
03:45 - Yeah, that's right.
03:46 You can read where Jesus says in Matthew 24:14:
03:49 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached
03:52 "in all the world for a witness to the nations
03:54 "and then the end will come."
03:57 And so it tells us there'll be a day
03:59 when the gospel is going to the whole world.
04:00 And so it's rather exciting.
04:02 Even this broadcast right now,
04:04 we're streaming around the world through the internet
04:07 and there's still some remote locations
04:09 that don't get reception,
04:11 but it looks like Mr. Musk is gonna help resolve that.
04:14 (Jean laughing)
04:15 - That's right.
04:16 - And we encourage you to call in
04:17 with your questions tonight.
04:18 We are live on "Bible Answers Live."
04:20 We're back in our saddles again
04:23 and we have an offer that has something to do with
04:25 how do we know what the beast is up to
04:28 and what they're gonna be communicating in the last days?
04:30 - Oh, we have a book that's called, "The Scarlet Woman"
04:33 and it ties in with Revelation 17
04:35 where you have a woman representing a church
04:37 that is controlling a political power,
04:39 represented by a beast.
04:41 And this book tells you all about it,
04:43 tells you what that political power is,
04:45 what that religious power is,
04:46 and what's gonna happen.
04:47 According to the Book of Revelation,
04:49 what's gonna happen as we near the end of time.
04:50 We will send this for free to anyone who calls and asks.
04:54 It's called, "The Scarlet Woman"
04:56 and the number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
05:00 And again, you can just ask for the book.
05:01 It's called, "The Scarlet Woman."
05:03 We'll be happy to get it in the mail to you,
05:04 if you're in North America.
05:06 If you're outside of North America,
05:07 just go to the "Amazing Facts" website.
05:10 It's just,
05:13 and you can read the book there online.
05:15 Again, if you have a Bible question,
05:16 our phone lines are open.
05:18 The number to call is 800-463-7297.
05:22 That's 800-463-7297.
05:24 You might also wanna text your friend and say,
05:26 "'Bible Answers Live' is live this evening,
05:29 "so tune in right away."
05:30 You can also watch us on "Amazing Facts" TV,
05:32 and of course on the Doug Batchelor Facebook page,
05:36 the "Amazing Facts" YouTube channel.
05:38 So take advantage of that.
05:39 In addition to just listening on the radio,
05:41 you can actually participate with us online.
05:43 - Absolutely.
05:45 Well with that, maybe you can have a word of prayer
05:47 and we'll go to the phones and see what the questions are.
05:49 - Let's do.
05:50 Dear Father in Heaven, again,
05:51 we are so grateful that we have this opportunity
05:53 to open up your Word and study.
05:54 It's been a few weeks that we've had
05:56 a chance to do this live,
05:57 and, Lord, we are looking forward to just allowing
05:59 your Spirit to lead us as we search the scriptures.
06:02 Be with those who are listening, wherever they might be,
06:04 and guide us, Lord, as we open the Bible.
06:06 In Jesus' name, amen.
06:08 - Amen.
06:09 - Okay, well, our first caller this evening
06:11 is calling from New York.
06:12 We have Anthony.
06:13 Anthony, welcome to the program.
06:14 You're on the air.
06:17 - [Anthony] Hello. Good evening, Pastors.
06:18 Glad to have you back.
06:19 - Thank you. It's good to be back.
06:22 And your question?
06:24 - [Anthony] Yes.
06:25 So my question has to do with the Commandments.
06:29 I've heard it said, I've even heard you say different times
06:33 that there will be people, sincere people,
06:37 who did not know the truth about the Sabbath,
06:42 who didn't have a chance to keep the Sabbath on Earth
06:44 before they died or before Jesus comes
06:47 and that they will be in Heaven.
06:48 There will be plenty of people in Heaven
06:50 that did not keep the Sabbath on Earth.
06:51 But I wondered does that same principle apply
06:54 to the other sins?
06:56 Something like, people who worship other gods,
07:00 other idols or pagans,
07:01 or people who are liars, thieves,
07:05 murderers, things like that?
07:06 Does the same principle apply to those other Commandments?
07:10 - Yeah, I think that you can find examples for
07:13 God judges us largely about what we know.
07:16 And Jesus says that,
07:18 and Pastor Ross might look up the reference for me,
07:20 at the times of this ignorance God winked at is one.
07:23 That's Acts 17:30, I'm pretty sure.
07:26 And the other one is where Jesus said,
07:28 "If you did not know, you would have no sin.
07:30 "But since you see, your sin remains."
07:34 And another place Christ tells us, He said,
07:39 "God allowed divorce because of the hardness of your hearts,
07:41 "but from the beginning, it was not so."
07:43 So there you can see that God sometimes
07:45 has tolerated some misguided behavior,
07:48 'cause people just didn't understand.
07:50 It is not God's will for someone to have more than one wife.
07:54 If I were to take more than one wife at a time,
07:57 I mean, if you become a widow, you can remarry,
07:59 but that would be polygamy
08:04 or bigamy if it's two,
08:05 and that would be a sin and I'd be lost.
08:09 But you'll have people in Heaven that didn't know that,
08:12 like Abraham and Jacob and David and many others,
08:18 'cause it was just rife during the times
08:19 in which they lived.
08:20 So God always wants us to obey
08:23 and to follow the Holy Spirit,
08:24 but there are areas, I think there'll be people in Heaven
08:27 that maybe did not understand
08:29 the commandment about idolatry.
08:30 Very devoted, love the Lord,
08:32 but they were growing up in an age where
08:33 they were surrounded by idols in church.
08:36 And I think you've gotta be careful not to say that
08:38 everybody that attended a church that had idols in it
08:41 or statues of Mary, that they're all lost.
08:45 Maybe they just didn't understand
08:47 or they were misled by a Priest.
08:49 So I think God judges everybody on a case by case basis.
08:52 But sin is sin and the blood of Jesus covers those sins
08:56 where a person sins in ignorance.
08:59 - Just the verse your refer to, Pastor Doug, John 9:41.
09:02 It says:
09:03 Jesus said to them, "If you are blind, you'd have no sin.
09:05 "But now you say, 'We see,' therefore your sin remains."
09:09 I'm also thinking of another area that we mentioned.
09:11 Those who know the will of the Master and they don't do it,
09:15 they're beaten with many stripes.
09:16 Those who did not know the will of the Master
09:18 and did that worthy of stripes
09:20 will be beaten with few stripes.
09:22 So people are held accountable for what they know.
09:25 - Exactly.
09:26 - Especially as it comes to this.
09:27 - Too whom much is given, much is required.
09:28 - We do have a study guide called, "Written in Stone"
09:31 and it's all about the 10 Commandments
09:32 and we'll be happy to send this out to anyone who calls
09:34 and asks.
09:36 The number again for our free offer is 800-835-6747.
09:40 You can ask for the study guide.
09:41 It's called, "Written in Stone."
09:43 And if you have a Bible question,
09:44 the number here in the studio is 800-463-7297.
09:49 - [Doug] Amen.
09:50 - Now we've got Jerry listening in Texas.
09:51 Jerry, welcome to the program.
09:53 - [Jerry] Hey guys, enjoyed your programs.
09:55 My question is tonight is that Adam and Eve,
09:59 they suppose they lost their covering of light
10:03 'cause they were naked and they had to have fig leaves.
10:06 Does Lucifer still have, wear that covering of light
10:11 when God created him as an archangel?
10:14 - Yeah.
10:15 Well, I don't know the Bible ever tells us
10:16 Lucifer was the archangel.
10:18 That's a title you only see connected with Michael.
10:21 But to his robe,
10:24 the Bible, if he's still clothed with light,
10:26 the Bible tells us in, I think it's 2 Corinthians 11,
10:30 that Satan himself can be transformed
10:32 into an angel of light.
10:35 So angels are ministering spirits.
10:38 They're different from people like Adam and Eve.
10:41 And so, when Adam and Eve sinned,
10:43 they had these robes of light or glory
10:45 or something that went out that helped them to realize that,
10:47 "Oh, something's gone. We're naked."
10:49 But angels are really kind of a different
10:52 category of creature.
10:54 They are ministering spirits.
10:56 And so I think the devil can emanate light if he wants.
11:02 - The verse you're referring to is 2 Corinthians 11:14.
11:04 It says:
11:05 No wonder, for Satan himself is transformed
11:06 into an angel of light.
11:08 Now you mentioned
11:10 Lucifer's never referred to as the archangel,
11:12 but he is referred to as the angel that covereth
11:14 or the covering cherub.
11:15 - [Doug] Right. Correct.
11:17 - Which is a little different than the archangel.
11:18 Okay, thanks for your call, Jerry.
11:19 We got Rodney listening from Texas as well.
11:22 Rodney, welcome to the program.
11:24 - [Rodney] Yeah.
11:26 I'm a truck driver and my work sent out a memo saying that
11:31 we have to take the vaccine to stay working here.
11:35 - Mm.
11:36 - [Rodney] I was just wondering if there was any scriptures,
11:38 because what I understand is they're not giving anyone
11:42 religious excuses not to take the vaccine.
11:46 - [Doug] Right.
11:47 - [Rodney] But is there any scripture that would help
11:50 to combat that?
11:51 - Yeah. Well, that's a good question.
11:53 And of course, it's a very relevant question
11:54 in our world today.
11:57 I'll tell you what.
11:58 There's no scripture that's gonna mention vaccine or virus.
12:02 There are scriptures that say that medicine,
12:05 there is good medicine.
12:06 In Ezekiel it talks about the leaves of the tree,
12:10 trees will be for medicine
12:12 and a happy heart doeth good like a medicine.
12:15 And so there are.
12:16 The Bible does speak favorably that there are
12:19 some good medicines.
12:21 You have Paul who says,
12:23 "Luke, the beloved physician, is with me."
12:26 And sometimes physicians would administer herbs
12:29 or medicines to help relieve people's suffering.
12:32 But so there's no moral problem with taking a vaccine
12:38 and we just wanna be clear about that.
12:39 Now there's another issue that you're alluding to in this
12:43 and that's at what point it's almost like
12:47 a political question with patriotism.
12:50 At what point is the government overstepping its bounds
12:54 in requiring people to take something?
12:59 And I've thought a lot about this
13:01 'cause we get a lot of questions.
13:02 And by the way, there are some companies that are providing,
13:04 in some states, it varies from state to state,
13:07 are providing religious exemptions.
13:09 And Pastor Ross and I, we support people's decisions
13:12 if they want to take the vaccine, if they don't.
13:14 We believe in freedom.
13:17 I think we're not doctors, so we don't issue medical advice
13:22 and we're not experts in the constitution or politicians.
13:25 We're pastors.
13:27 But so that may vary from state to state.
13:30 We have written a few letters to people explaining that
13:33 we've got a member of the church and for some health reason,
13:36 they're asking if they might get an exemption
13:38 for religious conviction or a health reason,
13:42 and some have been accepted, some have not.
13:44 I think it varies from company to company.
13:47 But for me, I've thought a lot about this.
13:52 And
13:54 in our culture today, there's an element of risk in life.
14:01 And every culture decides how much risk
14:04 they're willing to accept to have freedom.
14:08 And for example, I don't drink.
14:11 Pastor Ross, I think it's safe to say,
14:13 doesn't drink alcohol.
14:15 People have a right to drink alcohol in our country
14:18 even though we know that a certain number of those people
14:23 are going to get sick or make other people sick
14:25 or have accidents.
14:27 And we say, "Look, we're going to respect their right,
14:29 "even though we know there's a risk involved."
14:32 I think smoking is a very bad idea,
14:34 but it's still legal to smoke
14:35 and the government of course accepts tax money from that.
14:38 And so the culture has accepted a certain amount of risk
14:41 to allow that freedom.
14:43 And so I think one of the questions that
14:45 some people are grappling with is not whether
14:47 the Bible forbids it, but they're wondering about
14:50 at what point are we,
14:54 for the illusion of security, are we taking away freedoms?
14:57 And so that's, I think, another very important issue.
14:59 But we can't really give you a scripture on vaccines.
15:02 - Well, you know, Pastor Doug,
15:03 you do mention something that's maybe
15:04 worth just referencing.
15:05 As far as the Bible goes, if you look at end time events,
15:08 Book of Revelation talks about a time where,
15:11 it's not a vaccine that's forced,
15:13 but it is a form of worship that's forced.
15:15 And eventually, people can't buy and sell
15:18 if they refuse to go along with this law
15:21 dealing with worship.
15:23 It is interesting that when people are afraid,
15:25 they're willing to, 9/11 and onwards,
15:27 when people are afraid,
15:29 they're willing to surrender their rights very quickly
15:31 for security.
15:32 - For the illusion of security.
15:33 - For at least the illusion of that.
15:34 (Doug laughing)
15:35 But at some point,
15:37 it seems as though when things go from bad to worse,
15:40 the only thing that you end up gaining is
15:42 just a loss of freedoms at the end.
15:43 You don't really gain that security
15:45 or that safety that people are looking for.
15:46 So it is an interesting question.
15:48 And of course, it's playing out today.
15:51 But I think individually we need to make decisions
15:54 based on health reasons.
15:56 If a person is a high-risk category,
15:58 they need to talk to their doctors,
15:59 they need to figure out what's the best thing
16:00 for them to do.
16:01 And it's not, as you mentioned, Pastor Doug,
16:03 it's not a...
16:05 The Bible doesn't speak against it
16:06 and the Bible doesn't speak for it.
16:08 - Yeah.
16:08 - The Bible does say that
16:10 your body's the temple of the Holy Spirit,
16:11 so you wanna take care of yourself the best you can.
16:12 - Yeah. There's no moral dilemma with taking a vaccine.
16:16 There's been a lot of plagues
16:17 and things that have been stayed by,
16:21 like smallpox or polio or other things,
16:23 that have been eradicated by health measures.
16:26 And the Bible talks about sanitation.
16:29 The Bible even talks about if there's something contagious,
16:32 how to deal with that.
16:33 - [Jean] Mm-hmm.
16:33 - Well, we can go on and on.
16:34 This is a very relevant question,
16:36 but we have some other people lined up.
16:38 Thanks so much. Appreciate that, Rodney.
16:40 - Thanks Rodney.
16:41 We've got Randy listening in Indiana.
16:42 Randy, welcome to the program.
16:45 - [Randy] My question is,
16:48 if a person survives or endures to the end,
16:54 the Bible says he who endures to the end, he will be saved,
16:57 can that person still,
16:58 even though he endures to the end, be lost?
17:03 - Okay. Thank you.
17:04 I think you're quoting from Matthew 24,
17:05 where Jesus is describing the persecution of God's people
17:09 in the last days.
17:10 And Jesus talks about a great tribulation such as
17:13 there never has been.
17:14 And He says that,
17:16 "But he that endures to the end will be saved."
17:19 Those people, who are God's elect,
17:21 that are faithful enduring to the end, they are saved.
17:24 And so when you talk about enduring to the end,
17:27 He's not talking about enduring trial or torture,
17:29 He's talking about their faith endures to the end.
17:32 They are obviously saved.
17:33 - And we have a group described in Revelation 7,
17:36 talks about those who have the seal of God
17:37 in their foreheads.
17:39 Well, if you have the seal of God,
17:40 it means you surrender to Him
17:42 and He's gonna take care of you.
17:43 During the tribulation, you need not fear.
17:45 So if we surrender our life to Christ every day,
17:49 we're gonna receive that seal
17:50 and we need not fear when the time of trouble comes.
17:53 - [Doug] That's right.
17:54 - Thanks for your call.
17:55 - [Doug] Thank you, Randy.
17:56 - We're gonna go to E. Frank now in New York.
17:57 E. Frank, you're on the air.
17:59 - [E. Frank] Good evening, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
18:02 - Evening.
18:04 - [E. Frank] My question for you gentleman this evening
18:05 is as follows:
18:08 Did
18:10 Jesus
18:12 resurrect on the third day in His full glory?
18:16 And were there any eyewitnesses, according to scripture,
18:20 that saw Jesus going to Heaven directly after the third day
18:24 or was it a 40 day period of ascension?
18:28 Because I'm a little bit confused how
18:30 Jesus rose on the third day
18:33 and then He stood on Earth for 40 days,
18:36 and then He went into Heaven 40 days later.
18:42 And scripture never stated if they actually saw Jesus
18:45 go into Heaven directly.
18:47 - All right.
18:49 I think that if you look in the Gospel of John 20,
18:52 it tells us that after the angel came
18:56 and threw away the stone,
18:58 the Roman guard that was there guarding the tomb,
19:00 they saw the angels and they fled in fear.
19:02 First they fell down as though they were dead
19:04 and then they fled.
19:05 And when the women came, they saw two angels,
19:09 the stone was rolled away, they left to go tell the others
19:13 and Mary was there by herself, weeping.
19:15 She stayed.
19:16 That's where you pick up the story in John 20:11.
19:19 Mary stood outside the tomb weeping, Jesus appears to her,
19:23 she goes to grab His feet and worship Him.
19:25 And He says, "Do not cling to me,"
19:27 this is verse 17,
19:28 "For I've not yet ascended to My Father,
19:31 "but go to My brethren and say
19:33 "I am ascending to My Father and to your Father,
19:36 "to My God and your God."
19:38 Later that day, when He sees them, they worship Him.
19:41 So between the time He saw Mary,
19:44 He waited for Mary, He revealed Himself,
19:47 said, "Go tell the disciples and Peter I'm alive."
19:49 And that evening meeting, when He says, "All hail,"
19:52 He invites their worship,
19:53 He ascended to Heaven and came back again
19:56 to have His sacrifice declared successful and victorious.
20:00 And time in Heaven can be different than time on Earth.
20:03 It may have been 20 hours up there
20:05 and seemed like four hours here, I don't know.
20:07 Nothing's too hard for the Lord
20:08 when you study the theory of relatively and time travel.
20:12 (Doug laughing)
20:13 But so then Jesus continued to go to and from Heaven
20:17 and appeared to the disciples on Earth
20:20 over a period of 40 days.
20:22 When He made His final ascent, the way I understand it,
20:26 10 days before Pentecost,
20:29 and He ascended somewhere by Bethany with many witnesses,
20:32 at least the 12 Apostles were witnessing that.
20:34 - In Acts 1.
20:36 - [Doug] Yeah.
20:37 - Verse 12.
20:38 Actually, verse nine.
20:39 - Right.
20:40 So I think the Lord,
20:41 He was not restricted to Heaven or Earth,
20:43 He was going to and from Heaven
20:45 from the time of His resurrection until His final ascension
20:51 in Acts 1.
20:52 Like I said, 40 days after.
20:54 So hopefully that made sense, E. Frank.
20:56 - All right, thanks for your call, E. Frank.
20:58 We got Tony listening in Indiana.
20:59 Tony, welcome to the program.
21:02 - [Tony] Hello. Thank you.
21:03 I have a question about the Queen of Sheba
21:06 giving King Solomon 666 talents of gold.
21:10 And legend is that he committed adultery with her
21:12 and had a child.
21:13 And is there a literal connection to prostitution
21:16 and the mark of the beast
21:17 beyond just selfishness and the 10 Commandments?
21:20 - All right.
21:22 Well, when you talk about the Queen of Sheba,
21:23 the notion, you'll find this in 1 Kings 10.
21:29 And Sheba was a country that was
21:31 probably somewhere in the vicinity of Saudi Arabia
21:34 or could have been Ethiopia.
21:37 They're not sure.
21:38 But they calls her,
21:39 Jesus refers to her as the Queen of the South.
21:41 And it says the Queen of the South will stand
21:43 in judgment of this generation.
21:45 She came a great distance to hear the wisdom of Solomon.
21:47 And Jesus said, "Now a greater than Solomon is here."
21:51 And so Jesus speaks of her in a very positive way.
21:56 The idea that she had an affair with Solomon,
21:59 there's not a shred, a thread,
22:01 of anything in the Bible that hints of that.
22:03 She came with purely altruistic motives of seeking wisdom,
22:08 and Solomon answered her questions and she gave a gift.
22:12 It was customary that when you go visit a King,
22:14 you give a gift.
22:15 And if royalty visits royalty, it's a big gift.
22:18 I do think the number 666 is interesting because,
22:21 when you read the account of Solomon,
22:23 everything continues to go from glory to glory
22:26 until you get to chapter 10.
22:28 And right after it says he received 666 talents,
22:33 you then read in the next chapter,
22:34 "But Solomon loved many foreign women."
22:37 Now it mentions the women,
22:39 but it never mentions the Queen of Sheba.
22:42 This was the daughter of Pharaoh and the Moabites
22:44 and Edomites and Hittites.
22:45 These are local women he ended up intermarrying with.
22:48 Never says anything about having a marriage or an affair.
22:51 I mean, he had 300 wives and what was it?
22:54 600 wives, 300 concubines.
22:56 He didn't need one more.
22:59 And we don't know, she might have been 70 years old.
23:01 The Bible doesn't tell us anything about that.
23:03 It seems, Pastor, that this was an official state visit.
23:06 - [Doug] Yes.
23:07 - I think the point it's even mentioned is that
23:09 Solomon's fame not only reached to the area close to Israel,
23:12 but his fame had reached all the way down
23:14 to quite possibly Ethiopia to the Queen of Sheba,
23:17 and she said, "I've gotta come see for myself."
23:19 - [Doug] Yeah.
23:20 - "I've gotta see if these things are so."
23:22 So it was an official state visit and she was amazed,
23:24 not so much by the majesty of Jerusalem and Solomon
23:28 and the wealth,
23:29 but just the wisdom and the God that he worshiped.
23:32 - Mm-hmm.
23:33 And everything looked really good in the story of Israel
23:36 until you hear that number 666, and then it says:
23:39 But he loved many foreign.
23:41 And the kingdom starts going south, pardon me for the pun.
23:44 Starts going bad direction after that number.
23:46 So that I always thought was interesting
23:48 and probably not a coincidence.
23:50 - Hey, thank you, Eric. I hope that made some sense.
23:52 - Alright. We've got Jill listening from Florida.
23:54 Jill, welcome to the program. You're on the air.
23:57 - [Jill] Yes, hi Pastors. How are you tonight?
24:00 - Fine. Thank you, Jill. I appreciate your calling.
24:04 - [Jill] I have a question.
24:05 I don't know if I'm wording this right,
24:07 but when God created Adam and Eve, what color were they?
24:13 Because I'm trying to find out
24:15 how did all these races come to be
24:18 if they were just a certain color?
24:21 - You know, a good answer for that question is
24:24 the same answer when people say,
24:25 "Where did all the languages come from?
24:27 "There's so many different languages,
24:28 "what language did Adam and Eve speak?"
24:31 Well, Adam and Eve probably spoke an original tongue,
24:34 and everything we talk, we use now as sort of like fragments
24:38 of that original language of Canaan and Eden.
24:42 So at the Tower of Babel, when everybody was scattered,
24:45 different groups stayed together
24:47 and through intermarriage within a smaller pool,
24:52 a smaller gene pool,
24:53 different genetic traits became predominant.
24:56 And so some have said, "Well, the three children of Noah
25:01 "formed the three major races of the world."
25:04 I've heard people say that before and it's really,
25:06 it's not true at all that Noah had three kids
25:10 and one was black and one was white and one was Asian,
25:13 or something like that.
25:14 I've actually heard that.
25:15 But the division didn't really happen until
25:18 the Tower of Babel,
25:19 the same time the languages were divided.
25:22 And you even see this with animals around the world.
25:26 You're gonna see a difference in the canines
25:29 that you find in America
25:31 than the ones you're gonna find like the African wolves,
25:34 they're spotted black and white dog.
25:37 - [Jean] Hyenas. Yeah.
25:38 - And then you got hyenas
25:39 and then you come to America, you get the coyotes,
25:40 and you go, "Well, because they're kinda isolated,
25:42 "they breed and certain genetic traits become prominent."
25:47 What color were Adam and Eve?
25:49 Probably like a melding of all, I don't know,
25:53 that would be tan or something.
25:55 I'm not sure.
25:57 I think the word Adam is like the word edum,
25:59 it means ruddy or reddish is what I've heard.
26:02 But I know that's what the word means,
26:04 but I can't picture Adam being red.
26:06 - You know the interesting thing is that
26:07 God gave, in creating Adam and Eve,
26:10 He gave incredible diversity within the gene pool
26:13 so that there is a certain degree of adaptation
26:16 to the environment where they went.
26:17 - [Doug] Yeah.
26:18 - Those who went to hotter areas,
26:19 their skin color began to change to help with the heat.
26:22 Those who went to cold areas,
26:23 their skin became lighter to absorb more sunlight.
26:27 And so all of that was built into the genes of Adam and Eve
26:30 for all of the different groups
26:32 and all of the different races that we see today.
26:33 It's amazing.
26:34 - Yeah.
26:35 And the people who were native
26:37 to the areas around the Equator
26:38 are a lot less susceptible to skin cancer from the sun.
26:42 - [Jean] Mm-hmm.
26:43 - God gave them some mechanisms to resist that.
26:47 All right, I hope that helps a little bit.
26:48 We appreciate your question, Jill.
26:50 (soft upbeat music)
26:51 - So friends, don't go away.
26:52 We're gonna be right back.
26:53 If you have a Bible question,
26:54 the number to call is 800-463-7297.
26:58 And right after the break,
26:59 we will take more of your Bible questions.
27:01 We'll be right back.
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27:08 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
27:15 - [Announcer] Did you know that Noah was present
27:17 at the birth of Abraham?
27:18 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room, but he was alive
27:22 and probably telling stories about his floating zoo.
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27:56 What does Bible prophecy reveal about
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28:16 (dramatic music)
28:17 - [Announcer] What if you could know the future?
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28:23 What would you change?
28:26 To see the future, you must understand the past.
28:30 - [Instructor] Alexander the Great
28:31 becomes King when he's only 18, but he's a military prodigy.
28:36 - [Instructor] 150 Years in advance,
28:38 Cyrus had been named.
28:41 - [Instructor] Nebuchadnezzar built this city
28:42 as a showcase to the entire world.
28:46 - [Instructor] Rome was violent.
28:48 They were ruthless. (crowd murmuring)
28:49 They were determined.
28:53 - [Announcer] This intriguing documentary,
28:55 hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor,
28:57 explores the most striking Bible prophecies
29:00 that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history.
29:05 "Kingdoms In Time," an extraordinary adventure
29:08 through the Bible's most amazing fulfilled prophecies.
29:14 (victorious orchestral music)
29:17 - [Announcer] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live,"
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29:22 a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you.
29:26 So what are you waiting for?
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29:34 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:37 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
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29:43 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
29:46 To receive any of the Bible resources
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29:54 Once again,
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29:59 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:06 - This is where we have the most fun.
30:07 "Bible Answers Live," friends, we are here to do our best
30:09 to answer any Bible question you might have
30:12 or questions about living the Christian life.
30:14 We're broadcasting, not only on radio,
30:17 we're on "Amazing Facts" Television
30:19 and we're adding TV stations as time goes by.
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30:26 the Doug Batchelor Facebook page,
30:28 the "Amazing Facts" Facebook page,
30:30 the "Amazing Facts" YouTube channel.
30:32 And my name is Doug Batchelor.
30:34 - My name is Jean Ross and, friends,
30:35 we're ready to go to the phone lines again.
30:37 If you have a Bible question,
30:38 you might be wondering what's the number?
30:39 It's 800-463-7297.
30:42 That'll get you right in here to our studio.
30:45 We have Shawanda listening from Mississippi.
30:48 Shawanda, welcome to the program.
30:51 - [Shawanda] Thank you.
30:53 - Yeah?
30:54 - [Shawanda] My question is according to
30:56 the Parable of the sower in Mark 4, Luke 8 and Matthew 13,
31:03 where it talks about the seed was on four
31:06 or three ground, the stony, the thorny,
31:09 and there was one ground that produces good fruit,
31:13 30, 60, and a hundredfold.
31:14 So my question is, what happens to those who produce,
31:18 who don't produce?
31:20 The stony and the thorny ground?
31:21 Is it either loss of reward
31:25 or are they literally banished out of the Kingdom?
31:27 - Well, the first one is the seed that falls on the pathway.
31:31 It's not the stony ground or the shallow ground.
31:34 And the ravens snatch it away and Jesus later explains that
31:38 when some people hear the Word, the devil then comes
31:41 and takes it out of their heart so that
31:43 they become unproductive.
31:46 But what's your understanding of that, Pastor Ross?
31:49 - Yeah, absolutely.
31:50 We got the seed is the Word
31:53 and the grounds represent the hearts that receive the Word.
31:57 So we wanna be the fruitful ground that produces a harvest.
32:00 Those that have stony ground,
32:02 it means their hearts are not right for the gospel.
32:05 Unfortunately, some have rejected the gospel
32:07 because they've held into the things of this world.
32:10 And ultimately, it is costing their salvation.
32:14 Is that answering your question a little bit, Shawanda?
32:16 - [Shawanda] Well, the thorny ground is my question.
32:18 Like, they're producing.
32:19 I mean, they receive the Word,
32:21 but then if cares of this life
32:24 and things come in to choke the Word,
32:26 that it's unfruitful, is that just a loss of reward
32:29 or are these literally not entering to the Kingdom?
32:34 Those people who the Word was received,
32:37 but the cares, everything in life just choked out the Word
32:40 that where they were unfruitful?
32:42 Are they just not entering into the Kingdom of God?
32:45 Or-
32:46 - Yeah, I think that in the parable,
32:47 there's only one out of the four that is described as saved.
32:52 The other ones become distracted with the world
32:54 or they spring up
32:55 and then they wither soon because they have no root.
32:58 The only one that really thrives
33:00 and is alive is the fourth category.
33:02 - You know, Jesus said,
33:03 "He that endures to the end shall be saved."
33:06 So there needs to be an endurance.
33:09 It's not good enough just to receive Christ
33:11 as your personal Savior
33:12 and then allow the world to crowd Him out,
33:15 we wanna receive Christ and hold onto Him.
33:17 That's why the Apostle Paul said, "I die daily."
33:19 So it's a day by day experience where we come to Christ
33:22 and we ask for forgiveness
33:24 and we receive His grace and we trust in Him.
33:26 So it's not a one time thing.
33:28 If it's a one time experience,
33:29 then that experience could very well be over-choked
33:32 or overcome by the cares of this world.
33:34 - That's right.
33:35 - So we wanna be that fruitful soil.
33:37 All right, thanks for your call, Shawanda. Appreciate that.
33:39 We have Ellen listening in New Mexico.
33:41 Ellen, welcome to the program.
33:43 - [Ellen] Hi.
33:44 I wondered if you could explain to me
33:48 what the references in the Bible to the towers falling.
33:53 Did that have anything to do with the Twin Towers?
33:58 - No, I don't think so.
33:59 And there is a passage in,
34:01 I don't know if it's talking-
34:03 In the question I think you mentioned Judges,
34:05 but in the Book of Isaiah,
34:07 it talks about, I think it's Isaiah,
34:09 where it says, "The towers fall."
34:11 But they had watch towers in all of the capitals
34:16 and Isaiah often, a lot of his prophecies have to do with
34:19 the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians
34:21 because of their unfaithfulness.
34:22 And the walls were destroyed and the towers fell.
34:27 There is a time where it talks about,
34:28 Jesus refers to a tower that fell on those of Siloam
34:32 and 18 men were killed.
34:36 But I don't think those are talking about 9/11.
34:39 - Not specifically, but I think the principles that we find
34:41 that as we near the end of time,
34:43 judgment will increase just like judgment that came upon
34:45 Sodom and Gomorrah and these other sinful cities.
34:48 I think as we near the end of time,
34:50 the cities are gonna become judged to some degree
34:54 and the wickedness that is so ripe in the cities.
34:58 And God in His mercy is still allowing
35:00 a certain degree of protection and freedom,
35:02 but just in the last year, Pastor Doug,
35:04 we've seen an increase of violence in the cities.
35:07 I think that is to some degree, a warning for believers.
35:10 - Yeah.
35:11 And the verse I think she's talking about is Isaiah 30:25.
35:14 It says:
35:15 There will be on every high mountain, on every high hill,
35:17 rivers and streams of waters in the day of great slaughter
35:21 when the towers fall.
35:23 And so some have looked at that passage, that verse there,
35:26 and they said, "Oh, that's talking about the Twin Towers."
35:29 Well, in World War I, with the bombing,
35:32 a lot of towers fell.
35:33 In World War II, a lot of towers fell.
35:35 And this was another example of a judgment
35:37 or certainly a trial when the towers fell.
35:40 I don't think Isaiah was specifically talking about
35:43 9/11 here.
35:44 - But I think the tower in that context is a military tower.
35:47 It's part of a stronghold or a city,
35:49 not a financial building.
35:50 - Yep. There you go.
35:51 Good. Good answer.
35:53 - All right. Well, thank you for your call, Ellen.
35:54 We've got Marquis listening from Indiana.
35:56 Marquis, welcome to the program.
35:59 - [Marquis] Hey, how are you guys doing today?
36:00 - Doing well. Thanks for calling.
36:02 - [Marquis] Alrighty, my question-
36:03 Thank you.
36:05 My question comes from John 21:15, when Jesus asked Simon,
36:10 He said, "Son."
36:11 He said, "Simon, son of Jonah,
36:12 "do you love me more than these?"
36:14 Was that the same Jonah
36:16 that was mentioned in the Old Testament?
36:18 - No.
36:19 In the New Testament,
36:21 there are a number of people that were named after
36:23 Old Testament heroes.
36:26 And Jonah was, of course,
36:27 a very popular Old Testament character
36:30 and Peter's father was evidently named Jonah.
36:35 And so Jesus referred to him as Peter, the son of Jonah,
36:39 or Peter bar Jonah, bar means son of.
36:42 Jesus was called Jesus, the son of Joseph.
36:45 And so it's not the Jonah from the Old Testament,
36:47 this is Peter's father.
36:48 Jonah was a very common name.
36:51 It means dove.
36:52 And
36:54 so, yeah.
36:56 Same name, different people.
36:58 You got several people in the Bible that have similar names.
37:01 There's more than one person named Moses.
37:03 There's several people named John.
37:04 There's even two or three named Jesus.
37:06 - That's interesting.
37:07 You got Saul who converts and becomes Paul.
37:09 But if you look at the Old Testament character of Saul,
37:11 it's probably not somebody you wanna name your son after.
37:14 - Yeah.
37:15 - And yet, Saul was a popular name,
37:16 at least as far as we know back in Bible times.
37:18 - Well, he was good for a while.
37:19 - Yeah, he was. (Doug laughing)
37:20 - He was.
37:21 All right. Thanks for your call, Marquis.
37:23 We got Barbara listening in Sacramento, California.
37:25 Barbara, welcome to the program.
37:27 - [Barbara] Oh, thank you, Pastor.
37:29 My question is I'm thinking when God sent His beloved Son
37:35 to Earth to suffer and die for us,
37:37 and I cannot visualize a loving Father
37:42 sending His Son to suffer.
37:44 And I'm wondering why God Himself didn't just come down
37:48 to suffer for us.
37:49 Why did He send someone He loved?
37:52 - Well, it's not that God the Father ordered His Son.
37:56 The Father and the Son seen the dilemma of mankind
38:00 and they knew the only way to redeem mankind
38:02 was if one of them paid.
38:05 And by the way, all three of them suffered.
38:08 God the Father, the Son,
38:10 and the Holy Spirit all suffered equally.
38:12 In some ways you'd think the Father suffered more.
38:15 Any parent, when you see your children suffering seriously,
38:18 you'd often say, "I would trade places with them
38:20 "rather than see them suffer."
38:23 So this was done.
38:25 It was a cooperative decision.
38:27 And keep in mind, we broke the law of the Creator.
38:31 The Bible tells us that all things that were created
38:34 were created by Jesus the Son.
38:36 And so here, you've got the Creator dying for His creation
38:41 and the Father allowing that.
38:44 He so loved the world, He gave His Son.
38:46 - You know Pastor Doug,
38:47 that was the point I was just gonna mention is
38:49 that famous verse:
38:50 For God so loved the world that He gave
38:52 His only begotten Son.
38:54 It wasn't a requirement.
38:55 The Father didn't say, "All right, Son, you need to go."
38:58 But out of love for us- - [Doug] He allowed it.
39:00 - He gave His Son, and what a sacrifice.
39:02 - [Doug] Yeah.
39:03 - So the Father suffered and the Son.
39:04 And just speaking from a parent's perspective,
39:06 how hard it must have been for God the Father
39:09 to witness what they did to His Son
39:11 and to go through all of that.
39:12 It's just without a doubt,
39:14 the Father suffered greatly because of man's sin.
39:17 - Yeah, absolutely.
39:18 - Does that help, Barbara?
39:20 - [Barbara] Yes, it does.
39:21 But now you just brought up another question.
39:24 I thought God didn't have any emotions,
39:27 so how could He suffer?
39:29 - Now, why would you think God has no emotions?
39:32 - [Barbara] Well, how could He?
39:35 I mean, He is God.
39:36 He just exists.
39:37 - Well, the Bible says we're made in God's image
39:41 and we are fraught with emotions.
39:43 And God, the Bible says, has joy.
39:46 The Bible says God sings.
39:47 We get our emotions from Him.
39:48 We're made in His image.
39:50 The Bible tells us that God has anger, He has wrath,
39:53 He has jealousy.
39:54 (Doug laughing)
39:55 He says, "I'm a jealous God."
39:57 So every spectrum of emotion people have.
40:01 But now God's emotions are only going to be in harmony
40:04 with good.
40:06 Sometimes we'll have misplaced jealousy
40:08 or misplaced emotions.
40:10 God's are always coming from love
40:12 and love can be an emotion.
40:13 - Love's an emotion.
40:14 Yeah, absolutely.
40:15 - So, yes, God does, definitely does, have feelings
40:18 and Jesus loves us desperately.
40:20 There's a verse in the Bible in Deuteronomy 5 where
40:23 God says, "Oh."
40:24 And just that phrase. He says, "Oh."
40:27 And even when it says in John 3:16: God so loved the world.
40:31 You know, that phrase kind of denotes passion.
40:36 And He says, "Oh, that there was such a heart in them
40:38 "that they would fear me and keep my Commandments always."
40:41 And in Genesis, God says,
40:42 "It broke God's heart that He made man."
40:45 And He said, "I'm gonna clean the Earth from them
40:47 "except for Noah."
40:48 - Yeah.
40:49 - Yeah. You see the passion of God many places in the Bible.
40:51 - Even in the Old Testament, Pastor Doug,
40:52 you got God saying, "Oh, turn, turn. Why will you perish?"
40:56 - [Doug] Yeah. Pleading.
40:57 - And He's crying out, saying, "Please stop."
40:59 Without a doubt,
41:00 some beautiful emotion displayed in the Bible.
41:02 All right. Well, thank you for your call, Barbara.
41:03 We're gonna go to Kathy in Tennessee.
41:05 Kathy, welcome to the program.
41:07 - [Kathy] Well, thanks to Facebook,
41:09 I'm calling you guys this evening, surprisingly,
41:12 but I don't think by accident.
41:15 So my question is around receiving the gifts of the Spirit.
41:21 I don't have scripture to offer you,
41:22 only a question and hoping that you can
41:27 provide me perhaps with some living guidance,
41:29 scripturally-based, as this actually happened to me,
41:34 about a year ago, very unexpectedly.
41:39 I found myself praying one day
41:41 and I wound up
41:45 speaking in tongues
41:46 and it was utterly overwhelming.
41:49 Not something I've ever aspired to do,
41:51 not something I've ever known anyone to do.
41:54 I didn't even know what it sounded like or it looked like,
41:57 and then there I was doing it.
42:00 And what's the best way to process that,
42:03 receive that and shepherd it?
42:06 And then beyond that, what is going on?
42:09 In the world today,
42:10 is there a abundant outpouring of the Spirit going on?
42:14 Because the same thing happened to my aunt
42:17 about the same time it happened to me.
42:20 - Well, now you attend church?
42:23 - [Barbara] I do.
42:24 I'm not going as regularly as I used to.
42:27 I've been slow to get back in.
42:28 - Okay.
42:29 - [Barbara] Since COVID.
42:30 But I do.
42:31 - All right.
42:32 So the church that you go to,
42:33 do the people there believe in
42:34 and practice praying in tongues?
42:36 - No. No.
42:37 - So this is a little unusual for your church, even?
42:39 - [Barbara] Very.
42:40 - Yeah.
42:41 - [Barbara] It's unusual for any.
42:43 This has never happened to anyone in my family,
42:45 that I know of, and really no one else that I know.
42:47 - All right. Well, let's talk about that for just a minute.
42:49 Now, if you're wanting to process
42:51 if what I'm doing is right or wrong or what to do with it,
42:55 first place you wanna look is in the Word.
42:57 So in the Word, Jesus is our example.
43:02 Do you find an example where Jesus prays in tongues
43:04 in the Bible?
43:08 - [Barbara] Um, well, I guess I need to look.
43:10 (Barbara laughing)
43:12 - Well I guess I'll give you the answer.
43:13 The answer's no.
43:15 - [Barbara] Okay.
43:16 - There's three examples of speaking in tongues
43:19 in the Bible.
43:20 It's Acts 2, Acts 10,
43:22 and Acts 19.
43:24 Now, when I first became a Christian,
43:26 I'm just, you asked, I'm telling you honestly.
43:28 I first became a Christian.
43:30 I worshiped with charismatic Christians
43:32 and all of my friends spoke in tongues
43:33 and they wanted to encourage me to speak in tongues
43:35 and pray in tongues.
43:36 - [Barbara] Yeah.
43:37 - And I kept thinking, "Well, am I missing something?"
43:39 So I spent a lot of time studying this because
43:42 I certainly wanted the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
43:46 It's not uncommon that some people have been praying
43:48 and they're so overcome with emotions
43:50 that they're at a loss of words
43:52 and they may break out in some unintelligible speech,
43:57 and it sounds like what you're saying has happened.
44:00 Sometimes. - [Barbara] Yeah.
44:01 - Yeah. You can't find words and...
44:03 But now there's no meaning to what you're saying.
44:06 In other words, if you say,
44:07 "Well, what exactly did I just say?"
44:08 You probably couldn't interpret that.
44:11 Is that right?
44:12 - [Barbara] No.
44:13 - Yeah.
44:14 - [Barbara] No. I had no idea of what I was saying at all.
44:15 - So the Bible says we should pray in the Spirit,
44:17 but we should pray with the understanding.
44:19 So if you're praying a prayer,
44:20 you would wanna know, what am I asking?
44:23 And how do you know if you get an answer?
44:26 We have a book that we'd like to send you.
44:27 I think that would-
44:29 Free.
44:30 And it'll help answer that.
44:31 - [Barbara] Okay.
44:32 - And any of your friends that are listening
44:33 that have the similar question.
44:34 - Yeah, all you need to do, Kathy, is call
44:36 800-835-6747.
44:40 That is our free resource phone line.
44:42 Again, you'll see it if you're watching on Facebook,
44:43 it's on the screen.
44:44 800-835-6747.
44:47 Ask for the book, it's called, "Understanding Tongues."
44:50 That'll give you a lot of scriptures
44:51 and I think you'll find this book to be enlightening
44:53 as you compare with what the Bible says,
44:55 and it'll kind of bring into perspective your experience.
44:58 So take a look at that.
44:59 Call again, 800-835-6747.
45:02 Ask for the book, "Understanding Tongues,"
45:04 and we'll be happy to send it to you right away.
45:07 Again, thank you for calling. - Thank you.
45:08 - We've got, let's see, we'll go to Bridget.
45:11 Actually, we go to Julia next in Michigan.
45:13 Julia, welcome to the program.
45:15 - [Julia] I have a question.
45:16 I'm reading through the Bible.
45:20 - Okay.
45:21 - [Julia] And I'm doing "Walk Through the Bible,"
45:24 by HMS Richards.
45:25 - Yeah.
45:26 My wife's done the same study. It's a good one.
45:28 - [Julia] Yeah. Okay.
45:30 So, all right.
45:31 And I'm into Ezekiel
45:35 40 and 41,
45:37 and it talks about another temple that was going to be built
45:43 while it was described by Ezekiel.
45:44 And it was described in a lot of detail
45:50 that he talked about, but that it was never built.
45:55 So my question is,
45:58 approximately about what time would that have been built
46:02 if it had been?
46:04 And then because HMS puts in there that he says that
46:10 it would've been a fourth temple.
46:12 But there would've been Solomon's and then Zerubbabel's.
46:16 But Zerubbabel's temple was added on by Herod,
46:20 so really that was a third temple, or a second temple,
46:25 so it would've been a third temple?
46:26 - Yeah, well, no.
46:27 It would've been a fourth if it had been built.
46:29 But let me just-
46:30 This is a serious chapter.
46:32 Matter of fact, it's not only in chapter 40,
46:35 he references this temple all the way through
46:37 the end of his book.
46:39 You've got the first temple being the one in the wilderness.
46:42 It was a portable tabernacle,
46:43 but it was considered a temple.
46:45 So you got that one.
46:46 Then you have Solomon's temple.
46:47 Then you have Zerubbabel's temple,
46:49 that was modified by Herod.
46:51 And so I think HMS Richards was saying this,
46:55 if it had been built
46:57 when they came back from the Babylonian captivity,
46:58 its dimensions were bigger, it would've been a fourth.
47:01 There are two theories, two principle theories,
47:04 about what is Ezekiel's temple.
47:06 He goes to great length to give detail about it,
47:08 the rooms and the size, and it's all measured,
47:10 and an angel's showing him all this.
47:11 Some have said, "Well, if they had been obedient,
47:14 "God would've given them independence again
47:16 "and this would've been the international temple
47:18 "for the nation."
47:20 So that's one theory.
47:21 The other theory is since the New Testament tells us
47:24 that Jesus said, "Destroy this temple made with hands
47:26 "and I'll make one without hands,"
47:28 and He's talking about His body, the Church,
47:31 and the Bible says the Church, we are living stones,
47:33 that we are a temple of God,
47:35 that Ezekiel is using symbolic language
47:38 to talk about God's Church.
47:41 And which adds another layer of questions.
47:44 What do all those measurements and things mean?
47:48 So we actually have a study that "Amazing Facts" has done
47:51 on "Secrets of the Sanctuary"
47:53 that you might
47:56 enjoy looking at,
47:57 where we talk about some of the symbolism
47:59 in the sanctuary services that teaches us about
48:01 the plan of salvation.
48:03 - And you're thinking about the magazine that we have
48:05 dealing magazine dealing with the sanctuary.
48:06 - And the magazine, yep. - Yep.
48:07 If you'd like to learn more about that,
48:08 for this one, you'll probably need to go to
48:09 the "Amazing Facts" website,
48:11 just
48:13 Type in there- - Divine design.
48:15 - Yep. "Divine Design" is the name of the magazine.
48:17 And you'll be able to find out more information about that.
48:19 We've got Marvins who is listening from Canada.
48:22 Marvins, welcome to the program.
48:26 - [Marvins] Hello, both of you.
48:27 - Evening.
48:29 - [Marvins] Yeah. How you are? I'm good.
48:30 My name is Marvins and I'm from Montreal, Canada, okay?
48:33 - Mm-hmm.
48:34 - [Marvins] I have a question for you.
48:36 And first of all, I'm not very good.
48:38 I speak in English,
48:39 so I hope you will understand my question.
48:42 - So far so good.
48:43 - [Marvins] So thank you.
48:46 Praise the Lord.
48:47 According to Matthew 27:52, 53,
48:53 I will read for you.
48:56 And the graves were opened
48:57 and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep
49:00 were raised.
49:02 And 53.
49:03 And coming out of the grave after His resurrection,
49:06 about Jesus, they went into the holy city
49:09 and appeared to many.
49:11 So my question is, why some other people,
49:15 the people, why some other people,
49:18 rise up after the resurrection of Him
49:22 while He said that people will only rise up
49:26 at the end of the world?
49:28 - Okay. So good question.
49:30 We understand there's a special resurrection that happens
49:33 at the time of Christ's death.
49:35 During the earthquake, during the time of His crucifixion,
49:38 the graves were split open.
49:41 And then it tells us that when He rose,
49:43 there's a small group, it's not thousands,
49:47 but there were many of the saints who had slept
49:49 that were brought out of their graves
49:50 and taken as a first fruit to Heaven.
49:53 - Mm-hmm.
49:54 And the Bible says when He ascended on high,
49:55 He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men.
49:59 And that is a reference to Christ's ascension
50:02 when He ascended to Heaven.
50:03 Those who were resurrected
50:04 at the time of Christ's resurrection,
50:06 ascended as first fruits of a much bigger resurrection
50:09 that would occur at the second coming of Christ.
50:12 So who's in Heaven now?
50:13 Well, Pastor Doug, you've got Enoch, you got Elijah,
50:16 you got Moses who was resurrected and taken to Heaven,
50:18 and then you have this group.
50:19 We don't know how many are in the group,
50:21 but there is a group that was resurrected
50:23 and they're in Heaven now.
50:24 And then the rest will, of course,
50:25 be resurrected at the second coming.
50:27 - Yeah.
50:28 In the Hebrew economy, whenever they had a harvest,
50:30 they would take a handful, they called it the sheaf.
50:33 They would harvest the grain
50:34 and kinda bind up a sheaf that could be carried,
50:37 like we have bales of hay,
50:39 and they would present that to the Lord.
50:40 It's like Jesus took a trophy, a sheaf,
50:43 a first fruit to Heaven of those who will be redeemed
50:47 at the final resurrection.
50:49 But thank you. We appreciate that, Marvins.
50:50 I hope that helps a little bit.
50:52 - We've got Alancio from California.
50:56 Alancio, welcome to the program.
50:58 - [Alancio] Yes, hi. Welcome.
50:59 - Hi. Thank you.
51:01 - [Alancio] I just have one question
51:04 and it's kind of a filled question,
51:07 and I've heard both sides.
51:09 Whether the Calvinistic Reformed biblical interpretation
51:13 is more biblical than the Arminian side?
51:17 Whether it's solely on predestination
51:19 or solely based on the free will?
51:22 And I have questions in my own reference to like Romans 9,
51:26 Ephesians 1 and Ezekiel, it talks about how God
51:29 takes the heart of stone and makes a heart of flesh.
51:32 So I don't know if that happens before
51:34 and if that is necessary for someone to have faith,
51:37 or is it solely,
51:40 from my understanding what Arminians are saying,
51:42 it's just solely your faith.
51:43 If you just have faith in what the gospel says,
51:46 then that's what it is.
51:47 Or did Christ die for His people alone
51:49 and only His sheep hear His voice?
51:51 - All right.
51:52 Well, you have opened the big box of Christian questions
51:55 right there.
51:56 And for our friends that are listening,
51:58 one of the great debates among Christians,
52:01 you might call it predestination and free will,
52:04 you've got John Wesley on one side
52:06 and George Whitfield on the other,
52:07 or Calvin
52:09 and Arminius,
52:11 is where you get Arminianism, Calvinism.
52:14 And the idea is did Jesus only die
52:17 for the ones that are saved
52:18 or did He die for everybody?
52:21 We believe that Bible says Christ died for all
52:24 and that means all.
52:25 Not all took advantage of that great sacrifice.
52:28 And then the other question that's in that question is that,
52:33 does the Lord just appoint from Heaven who's gonna be saved
52:36 and then they really have no will or choice in the matter?
52:40 And Arminian Christians believe, well,
52:44 or you might even have Baptists that are called
52:46 Free Will Baptists,
52:47 they believe in people do have a choice.
52:51 To say that humans have no choice
52:54 and the majority of people will be lost,
52:56 Jesus says, "Broad is the way that leads to destruction,"
52:59 that implies that God made a lot of creatures
53:02 that have no choice but to sin,
53:04 and then He's gonna punish them for sinning.
53:06 So that almost would make God sound like
53:09 an accomplice in the sin.
53:11 And that He makes creatures and said,
53:12 "I'm not gonna give you an opportunity to be saved
53:13 "or have a change of heart.
53:15 "Or you don't even have a choice,
53:16 "but I'm gonna punish you for sinning."
53:19 - You know Pastor Doug,
53:20 I think where some of the confusion is,
53:21 when you look at some of those passage in New Testament,
53:23 it talks about God predestinating some,
53:26 people think, "Well, is that has to do with salvation?"
53:28 No, it's not a predestination for salvation,
53:30 but it is God who chose, who predestined Israel
53:34 to be the people through whom the Messiah would come.
53:37 And that was a choice that God made.
53:39 So there is a distinction between individual predestination
53:43 versus a nation being chosen by God for a specific purpose.
53:46 - Right.
53:48 - And that's where the confusion comes in.
53:48 Of course, individually,
53:49 God wants each of us to choose to serve Him
53:52 and it's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
53:55 We can't repent without the Spirit of God.
53:57 - Yeah.
53:58 - But that Spirit is available to all
53:59 because He's not willing that any should perish,
54:01 but that all should come to salvation.
54:02 - Exactly.
54:04 People do have the freedom to make decisions,
54:05 and to process.
54:07 You know, the longer I've spent time studying this,
54:09 the more I've come to believe that the truth
54:11 actually lies somewhere in the middle.
54:13 In that, there's no doubt that God is involved
54:16 in drawing us.
54:17 So He's expressing His sovereignty in drawing the heart,
54:21 but we must respond to that drawing.
54:24 And He does give us freedom,
54:25 'cause you can't love if you're pre-programmed to love.
54:27 It's forced.
54:29 Well, friends. Thank you.
54:30 I hope that helps a little bit.
54:31 We do have a free offer that talks about,
54:32 "Can A Saved Man Be Lost?"
54:35 If you'd like that,
54:37 the gentleman who just called.
54:39 - Alicia. - Alicio.
54:39 - Yep. - Yeah.
54:40 You will just go to the "Amazing Facts" website.
54:43 - Or you can just call, 800-835-6747,
54:46 and ask for the book.
54:48 It's called, "Can A Saved Man Choose To Be Lost?"
54:49 And it's filled with great scripture.
54:51 - Yeah.
54:52 Now for our friends that are listening,
54:53 we sign off actually on our satellite time a little sooner,
54:57 but then we stay on "Amazing Facts" Television
55:00 and most of our land-based stations,
55:01 and we kind of go through some rapid fire Bible questions
55:04 for about two minutes.
55:06 We'll be back in a moment for those who stand by.
55:08 (victorious orchestral music)
55:10 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:13 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:17 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by
55:19 Amazing Facts International,
55:21 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:26 - Hello friends.
55:28 We wanna welcome you back to our special question section.
55:33 We look forward to this.
55:34 We've got two minutes, Pastor Doug,
55:35 and we're gonna try and answer as many questions as we can.
55:36 These are questions that folks have emailed
55:38 to "Amazing Facts."
55:40 And if you wanna email us a question,
55:41 just simply
55:46 All right, question number one.
55:47 When Lucifer was cast out of Heaven,
55:49 was this before or after Earth was created?
55:52 - That's Revelation 12.
55:53 And we believe that was before.
55:55 That war in Heaven was before the creation of the world,
55:58 and as Satan went roaming through the universe
56:00 trying to recruit support,
56:02 he then came to our planet shortly after we've been created.
56:04 But he was cast out first.
56:06 - Okay. Question number two.
56:07 Is it possible to hasten God's second coming?
56:11 - Peter tells us that as we share the gospel,
56:14 it says we look forward to
56:16 and hasten the coming of the Lord.
56:18 So Christ said that after the gospel goes to all the world,
56:22 then the end will come.
56:23 We can participate in taking the gospel to all the world
56:25 and so, in a secondary sense, we're helping to hasten that.
56:29 - Okay, next question that we have.
56:31 Luke 17, Matthew 24 says:
56:33 Two men will be in one bed, the one taken, the other left.
56:35 Two women grinding at the mill, one taken, the other left.
56:38 Is this talking about a secret rapture?
56:41 - Well, he is talking about when the Lord comes,
56:43 but he's not talking about a secret rapture,
56:45 'cause the disciples ask in the same passage, "Where?"
56:48 Meaning, where are they taken?
56:50 And Jesus says, "Wherever the eagles, the vultures are,
56:52 "or wherever the body is,
56:54 "that's where the vultures gather together."
56:55 And so it sounds like the ones who are taken
56:57 are taken away in judgment.
56:59 Talks about the wicked,
57:00 who the flood came and took them away.
57:03 Children of Israel would disobey
57:04 and they were carried away to Babylon or Assyria.
57:08 So some folks have totally misunderstood this passage
57:11 and I don't think it's talking about the secret rapture.
57:13 Talk about two classes, the saved and the lost.
57:16 - All right.
57:18 Well thank you, friends, again for your questions.
57:19 We look forward to seeing you next week
57:21 on another live "Bible Answer Live."
57:23 Until then, God bless.
57:24 (victorious orchestral music)
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Revised 2022-07-30