Bible Answers Live

In Him Was Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022152S

00:00 (uplifting music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious.
00:13 Should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible.
00:17 The Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to Bible Answers Live,
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:33 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hi friends, would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:53 UPI News reported on December 13, 2021,
00:57 a wildlife rescuer in South Africa was summoned to a home
01:01 in which the family found a venomous snake
01:04 slithering in the branches of their Christmas tree.
01:08 Gerrie Heyns, owner of the reptile rescue service,
01:10 Snake Lives Matter, said he was called to a home
01:13 near McGregor in the Western Cape area,
01:16 when the resident spotted a venomous boomslang
01:19 crawling among the branches in their Christmas tree.
01:22 While its bite can be deadly,
01:24 the boomslang is generally a timid snake
01:26 and only bites when people provoke or attempt to handle it.
01:29 Heyns said he arrived at the home 90 minutes later
01:31 to find the snake still slithering
01:33 among the decorated branches.
01:36 Heyns safely captured the snake
01:37 with a pair of specialized tongs
01:39 and later released it into the wild.
01:41 Now friends, here's a question.
01:43 Can you think of a place in the Bible
01:45 that talks about a snake in a tree? (chuckles)
01:49 Welcome to Bible Answers Live, friends,
01:51 I'm Doug Batchelor, Pastor Ross has the night off
01:54 and we invite you to call in with your Bible questions.
01:57 We are live.
01:58 And if you have a Bible question, you can give us a call.
02:01 800-GODSAYS, that's 800-463-7297.
02:07 Right now, the lines are wide open.
02:09 So you're welcome to give us a call.
02:10 One more time, 800-463-7297.
02:16 And the program is also streaming
02:17 on the Doug Batchelor Facebook page
02:20 or on the Amazing Facts Facebook page,
02:23 or on the Amazing Facts YouTube page.
02:26 And as well as we're streaming this live on AFTV,
02:31 that's Amazing Facts Television,
02:32 we're on both internet and satellite around the country.
02:36 We invite you to call in with your Bible questions.
02:38 You know, I thought it was really interesting,
02:41 these people had quite a surprise
02:44 when there was a venomous snake in their tree.
02:46 And of course, that hearkens to a story in the Bible,
02:48 you find in the Book of Genesis.
02:50 Genesis 3:1,
02:53 "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast
02:56 of the field which the Lord God had made.
02:58 And he said to the woman,
03:00 'Has God indeed said that you shall not eat
03:02 of every tree in the garden'?"
03:03 Of course, God didn't say they couldn't eat from every tree,
03:06 but the serpent is trying to get Eve off guard.
03:11 And the woman said to the serpent,
03:12 "We may eat from the fruit of the trees in the garden,
03:15 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst
03:17 of the garden, God said, 'You shall not eat it,
03:19 nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'"
03:22 Then the serpent said to the woman,
03:24 "You will not surely die.
03:26 For God knows in that day that you eat of it
03:28 your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
03:31 knowing good and evil."
03:33 And I think most of us know how that story ended
03:35 that Eve ate the forbidden fruit, gave it to Adam.
03:38 He ate the forbidden fruit and all the sin,
03:41 and misery entered our world at that time,
03:43 as the devil basically set up his headquarters
03:45 on this planet to continue launching his attack against
03:50 the kingdom and the government of God.
03:53 And all of the sin and the misery,
03:55 and suffering we see in this planet
03:56 is because the devil, Satan is the prince of this world.
04:01 You can fast forward all the way to the end of the Bible
04:03 and it talks again about that old dragon called the serpent,
04:07 and the devil who deceives the whole world.
04:10 And he's of course,
04:12 challenging Jesus authority at every point.
04:16 You can actually see through the Bible,
04:18 there's several cases where it talks about
04:20 the serpent sort of being a symbol or a type of the devil.
04:24 Children of Israel said,
04:26 they've got tired of eating the bread of God
04:27 in the wilderness,
04:29 and then a plague of serpents came in,
04:30 and they reject the bread of God,
04:33 and then they get a plague of serpents, venomous serpents.
04:37 And when they're all dying from these serpent bites,
04:41 God instructs Moses to put a bronze serpent
04:44 upon a staff or a pole,
04:47 he lifted up, so when the people look at it,
04:49 if they look in faith,
04:50 they would be healed from the effects of the venom.
04:52 And then Jesus refers to that story
04:55 and he tells Nicodemus in John 3,
04:58 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
05:01 even so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
05:04 that whosoever believes in Him might not perish,
05:06 but have everlasting life."
05:08 That serpent up on a pole
05:10 was a symbol of a defeated serpent
05:13 and Christ through His death on the cross,
05:15 when we look in faith at His sacrifice,
05:18 we know that His blood is the antidote for the venom of sin.
05:22 And that is available to you friends.
05:25 And you can find all through the Bible,
05:27 it talks about you will tread upon the serpent
05:30 and the serpent would bite the heel
05:32 of the seed of the woman.
05:33 There's this battle between these two forces
05:36 and you see it playing out even in Revelation,
05:39 where ultimately that dragon,
05:40 the serpent is cast into the lake of fire,
05:43 along with his angels.
05:45 If you'd like to better understand the gospel story,
05:47 then we have a free offer for you.
05:50 And it's called "The Savior and the Serpent."
05:53 And we'll send that to you for free,
05:55 the number if you'd like a call for the free offer
05:58 is 800-835-6747.
06:02 Now we give out one number to call in for questions
06:05 that number's 800-463-7297.
06:08 For the free offer, it's 800-835-6747.
06:13 Just tell 'em you're listening to Bible Answers Live,
06:15 and we will send that to you for free.
06:18 You can even read it if you go to the Amazing Facts website
06:22 under our free library.
06:24 Well, before we go to the phone lines for tonight,
06:26 I'd like to begin with a Word of Prayer.
06:29 Loving Lord, thank you for your goodness and your blessings
06:32 that Jesus died on the cross to free us,
06:36 and to save us from the effects and the venom of sin
06:39 to provide forgiveness, and power, and healing.
06:42 And Lord, I pray that each person listening
06:44 can experience that in their lives right now.
06:48 And Lord, I just pray that you'll bless
06:49 as we seek to answer the questions from your Word.
06:52 We pray this in Jesus' name.
06:54 Amen.
06:56 All right, friends.
06:57 Well, we're gonna go to the phones.
06:58 We do still have some lines open.
07:00 One more time, call in with your Bible questions.
07:02 We are live, 800-463-7297.
07:06 And I'm gonna begin by going to British Columbia, Canada,
07:09 talking to Diane.
07:11 Diane you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
07:15 - [Diane] Yeah, my question is about Matthew 27:51 to 53.
07:21 I guess I'd always thought that
07:22 when Jesus died on the cross,
07:25 that there were a few of the dead that were risen,
07:28 but when I'm reading this scripture again,
07:30 it seems like the dead actually were risen
07:33 when Christ was resurrected.
07:35 And I'm just wondering if I'm confused there?
07:38 - Well, let's read it together for our friends
07:39 that are listening.
07:41 I always remember most of our listeners
07:42 are driving down the road.
07:45 Now, let's talk about when Christ died, this is Matthew 27,
07:47 starting with verse 51.
07:49 "Then, behold, the veil of the temple
07:51 was torn into from top to bottom
07:53 and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,
07:56 and the graves were opened;
07:58 and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep
08:01 were raised and coming out of the graves
08:04 after His resurrection,"
08:06 And that's the point you're making.
08:07 "They went into the holy city and appeared to many."
08:09 So the earthquake, when Jesus died,
08:12 it shook the graves open, not of everybody, but of many.
08:16 And they actually came out of their graves
08:18 following the resurrection,
08:20 that would be Sunday morning.
08:21 They went into the holy city and they appeared to many.
08:24 And you only find this mentioned in Matthew,
08:28 you don't find this incident mentioned
08:30 in Mark or Luke, or John.
08:32 And so it is quite amazing that there was sort of
08:38 a small group that was a resurrected
08:40 after Jesus came out of the grave.
08:42 So He could take a trophy with Him back to heaven.
08:46 And it's some people who had died
08:47 in the vicinity of Jerusalem.
08:49 He may have had people like Isaiah, the Prophet
08:52 that had been looking forward to him
08:54 or Jeremiah, or someone else.
08:56 So it was a very small,
08:58 but a localized resurrection and they were taken to heaven.
09:01 Now, am I answering your question, Diane?
09:04 - [Diane] Yes, I believe so.
09:05 So it seems like the graves actually opened
09:09 when the veil was torn, which was at the time of His death,
09:14 but they didn't actually come out of the graves
09:16 until He Himself was resurrected.
09:19 - Correct, when He died,
09:20 it seems there was an earthquake and that opened the graves.
09:23 It says a rock were rent
09:25 and then when He came out of the grave Sunday morning,
09:27 He would've come out first.
09:28 And then by virtue of His resurrection,
09:30 the others were brought back to life
09:32 because Jesus...
09:34 - Well, thanks so much
09:35 for answering that. - You're welcome.
09:36 He's the only one who can raise anybody.
09:38 That opens up a line, if you wanna call in
09:40 with a Bible question, 800-463-7297.
09:44 We're gonna talk with Destiny in Texas.
09:47 Destiny, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
09:50 - [Destiny] Hello, Doug.
09:51 I have a question.
09:53 What is the difference between baptism
09:55 in the name of Jesus, and in the name of the Trinity?
09:59 - Well, Jesus said in Matthew 28,
10:03 "Go, therefore teach all nations baptizing
10:05 in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
10:09 You get to the book of Acts and the Apostles
10:11 they often said, be baptized in the name of the Lord
10:14 or the name of the Lord Jesus, or the name of Jesus.
10:17 They kinda used one of the three different methods.
10:20 And so you don't really find among the Bible writers
10:23 that there was a precise pronouncement.
10:29 The idea was that they were gonna be baptized
10:31 in the name of Christ and the message of the gospel
10:38 that He was preaching.
10:39 You can find where some had been baptized
10:41 by John the Baptist in Acts 19,
10:44 and Paul said, have you heard about Jesus?
10:46 And they said, no, we just heard the Messiah was coming.
10:48 He baptized them again in the name of the Lord.
10:51 And they were filled with the Holy Spirit.
10:56 We cover all the bases when I do a baptism.
10:59 And I just say, we baptize you in the name of the Father,
11:01 in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
11:03 And in the name of the Holy Spirit.
11:06 Jesus said it, if is good enough for Jesus,
11:08 is good enough for me, does that make sense?
11:10 - [Destiny] I think, yes.
11:12 Thank you so much.
11:13 - I have a book, if you would like to send for free copy.
11:16 Anyone who wants to know more about this,
11:18 it's called "Baptism, is it Necessary?"
11:21 And it'll go through these verses and it's 800-835-6747.
11:27 That's 800-835-6747.
11:29 You know, I just remembered, I have another book
11:31 called "The Name of God,"
11:33 and I talk about what name do we baptize in.
11:35 So that may even be closer if you call that same number,
11:38 say I'd like to get Pastor Doug's free book
11:40 on The Name of God, 800-835-6747.
11:45 There's a section in there that talks about
11:47 what name do we baptize in?
11:49 Appreciate your call, Destiny.
11:50 We're gonna talk now with Rebecca.
11:53 Rebecca is calling from here in California.
11:55 Welcome to Bible Answers Live, Rebecca you're on the air.
11:59 - [Rebecca] Yes hi, thank you for taking my call.
12:01 My question is in regards to Luke 23:56,
12:05 where it says that Jesus body after He was crucified
12:11 was not anointed because it was Sabbath time.
12:15 And I was wondering,
12:16 is it appropriate to attend a Memorial service
12:20 on the Sabbath during Sabbath hours?
12:23 When the Savior of the world's body
12:25 wasn't even anointed during Sabbath hours?
12:29 - Yeah, no, I think we're talking
12:29 about two different things.
12:31 If you're going to a Memorial service
12:34 where people are going to celebrate someone's life,
12:37 and they're gonna be talking about spiritual things
12:40 and the resurrection,
12:41 that's a different than what they did in Bible times
12:44 when someone died is it was labor intensive
12:47 to anoint their body and wrap it in a strips of cloth,
12:50 it was basically an embalming program.
12:53 And I don't recommend that.
12:56 And I certainly don't recommend people plan a funeral
12:59 where you're doing a graveside service
13:01 and people are digging a grave and burying a body.
13:04 That's different from a Memorial service
13:06 where people come together,
13:08 and you'll often just have a picture of the individual
13:09 with some flowers beside it, and folks will get up,
13:12 and to celebrate a Christian life.
13:15 So that, I don't see a conflict there.
13:19 Now, there can be varying circumstances.
13:25 Let's face it,
13:26 some people die in faith and some do not.
13:29 And I've seen people, funerals turned into a drunken wake,
13:34 you wouldn't wanna go to, you know what I'm talking about?
13:36 So I feel uncomfortable going to a wake
13:40 where everyone is drinking themselves silly,
13:43 and that's not appropriate for Sabbath,
13:45 but a respectful Memorial service,
13:47 that's got a spiritual focus can actually be edifying.
13:50 You read in the Book of Ecclesiastes,
13:53 there Solomon says,
13:54 "It's better to go to the house of mourning
13:56 than the house of weeping."
13:58 And the living will take it to heart.
14:01 So it can be a spiritual experience.
14:05 Hope that makes sense?
14:07 - [Rebecca] Yes, absolutely.
14:09 - All right, thanks so much, Rebecca.
14:10 Appreciate your question.
14:12 And with that, opens another line 800-463-7297
14:17 for your Bible questions,
14:18 talking now with Oscar in Mount Vernon, New York.
14:21 Oscar, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
14:25 - [Oscar] Yes, sir.
14:27 I have a friend.
14:28 I knew somebody.
14:29 We were talking about divorce and remarriage,
14:33 and he said something I don't understand.
14:35 He says, if a person divorces and you remarry,
14:41 he says that God cannot forgive.
14:44 I told him, why?
14:45 He says, God cannot forgive you.
14:47 He says, you have to go back to your first spouse,
14:50 your first marriage.
14:52 So I didn't understand.
14:54 Did I miss anything, I didn't understand.
14:56 So I told him that, did God die for,
14:59 I mean, did Jesus pay for all your sins
15:01 or is that a sin that God, Jesus cannot forgive?
15:06 I didn't understand what he meant.
15:07 - Yeah, so the question is,
15:10 is getting remarried, let's suppose that you get divorced
15:14 and you don't have biblical grounds,
15:15 and that a person remarries,
15:17 have they now committed the unpardonable sin?
15:20 And I would say, no.
15:21 The Bible does tell us there is a sin that's unpardonable,
15:24 but that would not be that sin
15:26 because you have King David, for instance,
15:29 he committed a sin, took his neighbor's wife,
15:33 he had Uriah killed.
15:35 Then he married Bathsheba without biblical grounds,
15:38 plus he already had at least 10 other wives
15:40 or nine other wives at that point.
15:43 And later God says to David, God says, "I forgive you."
15:47 And he comforted his wife, Bathsheba.
15:52 Earlier, it had referred to Bathsheba as the wife of Uriah,
15:55 after God forgave David, it says,
15:57 he went to his wife, Bathsheba.
16:00 So the Samaritan woman comes to Jesus, and Jesus says,
16:04 "Go call your husband."
16:05 She says, "Well, I don't have a husband."
16:06 He said, "That's right, you've had five husbands.
16:09 And you're living with some character right now,
16:10 you're not married to."
16:12 Well, He reveals to her, He's the Messiah, clearly,
16:15 she can be forgiven for that.
16:17 Or He wouldn't have gone to the trouble,
16:19 she became an evangelist for Him
16:23 and goes and tells the whole town she's found the Messiah.
16:25 So is it a sin to get divorced without biblical grounds?
16:29 Yes, very serious.
16:31 Is it the unpardonable sin? The Bible does not say so,
16:34 but you know, for some people it could be the straw
16:36 that breaks the camel's back.
16:38 I mean, who's to say what sin reaches the point of no return
16:41 for any individual,
16:43 but divorce and remarriage is not classified
16:46 as the unpardonable sin.
16:48 So we do have a book Oscar,
16:51 if I'd like to send you a free copy,
16:52 I'm trusting you're still listening.
16:54 And that the number for the book,
16:57 well, first, let me tell you, it's called
16:58 "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage."
17:00 Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage by yours truly.
17:04 And it's 800-835-6747.
17:07 We'll be happy to send you a copy of that, 800-835-6747.
17:13 Thank you, Oscar for your call.
17:15 Gonna go next and talk with William in Canada.
17:19 William you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
17:23 - [William] Good evening, Pastor Doug.
17:24 This is the sort of a blessing to be talking
17:28 to you live.
17:29 Anyways, first time caller,
17:32 and I'm a disciple of Jesus
17:34 and have been baptized eight years.
17:38 I love the study in the Word and appreciate
17:42 the last quarterly we've had on Deuteronomy,
17:45 which has a lot to do with us, says the Lord.
17:51 Does the use of the Word for the 25th of December
17:55 that the world uses break the third commandment.
17:59 And I think it does, that's my faith statement.
18:03 And I've been doing this for three years now
18:06 and I wondered,
18:10 Martin Luther always said, here is my stand,
18:12 I can do no more,
18:15 unless somebody shows me from the Word of God
18:18 that I'm wrong.
18:19 Now I presented this to the church
18:22 and actually to the conference and...
18:26 - Well, let me see.
18:27 I wanna state your question.
18:28 I know what you're saying,
18:30 but I'd like to state it for our listeners
18:31 if it's okay, William.
18:32 Are you saying it's taking the name of the Lord in vain
18:35 to use the word Christmas?
18:36 - [William] Correct.
18:37 Right. - Or because Jesus...
18:39 All right, let me do my best to address that.
18:42 First of all, I agree that Christmas,
18:48 the date for Christmas has a dubious origins.
18:51 And we've shared on this program many times
18:53 that it's fairly certain from scripture and history,
18:58 that Jesus was not born on the 25th of December.
19:01 And the name, the word Christmas,
19:04 springs from the mass of Christ and Protestant Christians
19:10 have a problem with a transubstantiation,
19:13 which is what happens in the typical Roman Catholic mass.
19:17 And so some folks have been very uncomfortable
19:19 even using that word
19:20 because it incorporates a doctrine
19:23 that Protestants usually aren't comfortable with.
19:29 But then I think at some point you use a name
19:30 because it's become the label for something.
19:35 We call Los Angeles, it's not angels city anymore, really.
19:43 I don't believe that San Francisco is Saint Francisco.
19:49 There are places that have all kinds of religious names
19:52 that have come through history
19:54 and they they're all...
19:57 You go to India, they changed all the English names
20:00 from Madras to Chennai and from Bombay to Mumbai.
20:05 And some of them have Hindu trappings.
20:08 So are we not to use a word
20:10 because it's got maybe some pig and trappings
20:12 to the history, to the name?
20:14 I think a name is a name.
20:16 And just for the sake of communication,
20:18 if you have to dance around a word
20:21 because you're afraid to say the word,
20:23 that becomes very cumbersome.
20:26 If everyone knows that there's a time of year and a season
20:28 that we call Christmas, well, I don't see that
20:31 there's a problem with that.
20:34 Anyway, so I hope that helps a little bit.
20:37 We do have a book and I think you'll find some comfort
20:40 in that or some answers in that it's called,
20:42 "Baptized Paganism."
20:44 It talks about some of the pagan origins of these things.
20:47 Jesus was not born the 25th of December,
20:49 Jesus died in the spring and He ministered
20:53 three and a half years from His birthday.
20:55 Luke 3 says, "At the time of His birthday,
20:57 He began His ministry."
21:00 He was baptized.
21:01 A priest could not minister till he was 30.
21:04 Jesus died in the spring,
21:05 if you go back three and a half years,
21:07 that means He was born in the fall.
21:09 So shepherds are not in the field in the middle of December,
21:12 in the land of Israel.
21:14 And anyway, hope that helps a little bit.
21:17 And I appreciate your question.
21:19 I think we got time for one and a half more questions.
21:22 We're gonna go to Indiana and talk to Randy.
21:24 Randy, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
21:27 - [Randy] Good evening, pastor.
21:29 My question is, I have been watching
21:32 a couple of your sermons lately,
21:33 and you have said in your sermons that
21:38 show me a Christian that is not practicing
21:41 one of the three principles on the holy place
21:44 of the sanctuary and I'll show you that he's back sliding.
21:47 Well, I believe that I'm backsliding
21:49 because I read my Bible and I pray fervently.
21:53 However, I do not know
21:55 what is the easiest way for me to preach the gospel
21:58 or show Jesus to somebody else, or share my life.
22:01 What is the shortest way or that most convenient way
22:05 to show Christ or share my life to the world?
22:09 - Yeah, now not everybody is a teacher or a preacher, Randy.
22:14 I think that one of the things we can do is of course,
22:17 live out His life in ourselves.
22:21 And it's often been said, preach Christ
22:23 and if necessary, use words.
22:25 Now, I don't agree with that completely.
22:27 I think that we do use words
22:29 and it's important to share your faith,
22:31 but first of all, be a witness.
22:32 Jesus will let your light shine.
22:34 There's a lot of ways to let your light shine.
22:36 You can do it verbally,
22:38 you can do it by showing the peace of God in your actions
22:41 and showing ministry for others, and kindness,
22:43 and generosity people see your Christian behavior.
22:47 And Peter says in chapter three, he said,
22:50 "As they behold your chased conversation, coupled with fear,
22:54 it has a converting influence."
22:57 So one thing is making sure you're living the life.
22:59 And then there's three things you can do to witness
23:02 to people you love.
23:04 Whether they're friends, neighbors, strangers, family,
23:08 pray for them.
23:10 Be a good example.
23:12 And if they're open, share information
23:15 that might mean sharing Christian literature,
23:18 you may not be a preacher or teacher,
23:19 but you can share something that is on a DVD.
23:22 You might pass on a website to somebody.
23:25 And so, there's a lot of things you can do
23:27 to witness and encourage 'em to watch Christian programming,
23:34 read Christian books, listen to Christian material
23:36 and give a Bible study.
23:38 And you can get training on how to do that too.
23:41 So I don't know if that helps a little.
23:43 - [Randy] It does.
23:44 I'm just trying to get more acquainted on how,
23:49 breaking the shell of spreading the Word.
23:53 - Let me give you a challenge.
23:57 Tomorrow morning when you wake up say, all right, Lord,
24:00 today, I wanna witness for you.
24:02 Help me through the Holy Spirit,
24:03 recognize the opportunity to say something in your behalf.
24:07 And it may not be something long,
24:08 it might be something like saying,
24:10 God bless you to somebody when you're buying your groceries.
24:14 But just say, Lord, help me remember
24:16 'cause I think we just forget
24:17 the opportunities every day and you watch the Holy Spirit
24:20 He is gonna bring somebody or something to your mind
24:22 and say, Lord, help me know what to say.
24:25 And God is anxious to get the Word out,
24:27 and so if you say I'm willing to be used,
24:28 He will give you an opportunity,
24:30 and then call me back and let me know what happens.
24:34 - [Randy] I will be calling back next week, I promise that.
24:36 - All right.
24:38 God bless, Randy, will look forward to hearing from you.
24:40 All right, I got one minute and 47 seconds.
24:43 All right, Efrank in New York.
24:45 Efrank, we got about a minute.
24:46 Can we do a quick question? - Absolutely.
24:50 - And what's the question tonight?
24:51 - [Efrank] Yeah, well basically, I wanna ask you this,
24:54 sorry, I'm a little bit too out of target this evening,
24:58 but it's just the problems here where I live.
25:01 But anyway, my question for you, Pastor Doug is,
25:04 do you believe that the three wise men were somewhere
25:08 in another part of the world?
25:11 They were not generally in the area where Jesus
25:15 came into the world with Mary?
25:17 And what I'm trying to say is the three magi,
25:20 were came from a larger distance
25:23 because I looked through scripture and I can't find
25:25 where it states that the three magi
25:28 were able to travel long distance.
25:31 - First, it never says there's three.
25:33 It says, Wise Men came from the east.
25:35 So they came from the east,
25:37 the east typically is referring to Mesopotamia
25:40 and they had been reading, probably the prophecy of Balaam
25:44 who said a star will arise out of Jacob and a scepter,
25:48 and is talking about a coming king.
25:49 And so, these wise men probably came from somewhere
25:53 over there across Euphrates in Mesopotamia.
25:55 They'd been studying the heavens,
25:57 a band of angels appeared to them and said,
26:00 this is the sign of the Messiah, the King.
26:02 And He would be the King of the Jews.
26:04 They made that journey, Matthew 2.
26:06 Hey, listening friends, don't go away.
26:08 We're gonna come back.
26:09 There's more Bible questions to come,
26:10 have some exciting things to share with you
26:12 and get your questions ready.
26:15 Be back in just a moment.
26:17 (uplifting music)
26:20 - [Announcer] Stay tuned, Bible Answers Live
26:22 will return shortly.
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28:50 (uplifting music)
28:53 - [Announcer] You're listening to Bible Answers Live,
28:56 where every question answered provides a clearer picture
28:59 of God and His plan to save you.
29:02 So what are you waiting for?
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29:10 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:13 If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions
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29:18 between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM, Pacific time.
29:22 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
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29:30 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:36 Now let's rejoin our host for more Bible Answers Live.
29:42 - Welcome back, listening friends to Bible Answers Live.
29:43 Thanks for staying tuned.
29:44 If you've joined along the way,
29:45 this is a live international interactive Bible study,
29:49 and we invite you to call in with your Bible questions.
29:52 If you wanna call in with a question,
29:53 the number is 800-463-7297.
29:58 And I think we still have some lines open.
30:00 If you call and the phone's ringing,
30:01 just endure unto the end, someone will pick up
30:05 and get to your call,
30:06 but we're gonna go back to the phones.
30:08 My name is Doug Batchelor, Pastor Ross has the night off.
30:12 And so we're doing this with our team in the studio.
30:16 Going to Jorge in Manhattan, New York, New York.
30:20 Jorge, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
30:24 - [Jorge] Hi, good evening, pastor.
30:27 My question is,
30:29 is any different between the soul and the spirit?
30:35 - Yes, but not always.
30:37 Sometimes the Bible writers merge it together
30:40 when they talk about the soul and the spirit,
30:42 they about your outer being, your inner being,
30:45 and just the essence of who you are.
30:48 Technically, there is a difference in the languages.
30:52 The word soul is talking about the entire person
30:57 and the Bible tells us in Genesis,
30:59 God breathed the breath of life.
31:02 And the word there in Hebrew is the Ruach.
31:05 He breathed the breath of life into Adam
31:07 and Adam became a living soul.
31:10 So it says He breathed,
31:12 and that word Ruach is translated spirit in many places.
31:15 He breathed the spirit into Adam and the combination
31:19 of the spirit, and the body that God had made.
31:22 He made Adam's body out of the dust of the earth,
31:25 became a living soul.
31:27 Now, when a person dies, if you go to Ecclesiastes 12,
31:31 tells us when a person dies,
31:33 the body returns to the earth as it was
31:36 and the spirit, and the word there is breath,
31:38 the breath of life returns to God who gave it.
31:41 It's not talking about a little ghost inside of you
31:43 that comes out and flutters off to heaven.
31:46 And so, there is a biblical difference
31:50 in the words that are used.
31:51 In the new Testament,
31:52 the word for spirit is the word Pneuma.
31:56 And it's also like the word wind,
32:00 and that's where we get the word pneumatic tools
32:03 that are driven by air
32:04 or the pneumonia is a considered to be a disease
32:08 of your breathing or your wind.
32:10 So similar to the Old Testament, you got Ruach,
32:13 it means breath or wind.
32:15 New Testament, it's Pneuma,
32:17 but the spirit is talking about that breath of life.
32:21 All right, thanks so much Jorge, appreciate your call.
32:23 All right,
32:24 gonna be talking... - Thank you very ready much
32:25 pastor. - Thank you.
32:26 - Good night. - Good night.
32:28 We're gonna talk to Kelly in California.
32:29 Kelly, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
32:33 - [Kelly] Hi, Pastor Batchelor,
32:34 thank you for taking my call.
32:36 - Sure.
32:37 - [Kelly] I have a question on Jude 1:6.
32:42 - I think you mean verse six
32:43 'cause there's only one chapter.
32:47 - [Kelly] Where it says that, Satan and the angels
32:50 were thrown out of heaven.
32:51 A third of the angels.
32:53 And here it says, that God has them placed in chains
33:00 in chains of darkness, so what angels are those?
33:04 - What angels are in these everlasting chains of darkness?
33:08 And then the Bible tells us in Revelation 20,
33:11 and I'm jumping there
33:12 because it helps answer the question.
33:14 That an angel takes a chain in his hand
33:18 and he binds Satan and casts him into the abussos,
33:21 the darkness.
33:22 That's the bottomless pit it's called,
33:24 but it's the same principle.
33:27 The devil is bound in this world right now.
33:31 The devil was, and his angels,
33:33 they were free to roam through the universe.
33:35 They were ministering spirits of God,
33:37 but they're bound right now
33:39 and they're waiting for their judgment.
33:41 Even some of the angels said,
33:42 "Jesus, have you come to judge us before the time?"
33:46 So when He was preaching,
33:47 some of these demon possessed people
33:48 would say things like that to Him.
33:50 And so, these are the fallen angels that are in the world.
33:53 They are in chains of darkness.
33:55 In other words, they have no hope or forgiveness.
33:57 You and I have hope, there's light for us,
34:01 but for these fallen angels,
34:02 all they have to do is look forward to destruction.
34:05 You can look there in Revelation it says,
34:06 "Satan has come down with great wrath
34:08 'cause he knows his time is short."
34:11 Satan knows his doom is sealed.
34:13 It was sealed at the cross
34:15 and they are in chains of darkness.
34:16 They're bound in this dark world.
34:20 - [Kelly] All right, well, thank you so much
34:21 for answering my question.
34:24 - Thank you.
34:25 And we have a lesson that talks about this
34:27 when the devil is bound and if you call the resource number,
34:31 you can ask about this, the lesson on the millennium.
34:35 The number is 800-835-6747.
34:40 It's called "A Thousand Years of Peace."
34:41 It's talking about the millennium,
34:44 and when Satan and his angels are bound.
34:46 All right, appreciate that
34:47 and we're gonna talk next to Jack,
34:50 who's calling from Montana.
34:52 Jack, you are on the air with Bible Answers Live.
34:56 - [Jack] Hey, Doug.
34:57 Thanks for accepting my call.
34:58 - Absolutely, thank you for calling.
35:01 - [Jack] So my question is, was Noah's Ark found
35:04 and if so, is it like a sign of the end times?
35:11 - Well, I personally don't believe
35:13 that they found Noah's Ark in a significant way.
35:16 I mean, there are some who have claimed
35:18 to have cite it through history.
35:21 Even Marco Polo in his journeys,
35:24 he said that one year, you could even see Noah's Ark
35:29 on Mount Ararat.
35:31 Now, whether that was a legend or not, I don't know.
35:34 I just know that it does appear once in history,
35:37 but there are people who say they have found Noah's Ark,
35:41 from the evidence that I've seen,
35:43 I don't think it really is Noah's Ark.
35:45 It's kind of like a teardrop shaped lava flow and they say,
35:50 oh, it's shaped like a boat, this must be Noah's Ark.
35:52 And it's at the base of Mount Ararat,
35:54 but I don't think that there's many hard evidence.
35:57 Now, it may be discovered before the end of the world,
36:00 I believe Noah Ark is somewhere in the mountains.
36:02 Never says it's on Mount Ararat,
36:04 it says in the mountains of Ararat or the region up there.
36:07 But yeah, that'd be wonderful.
36:09 Hopefully it would increase people's faith if it was found.
36:14 Mount Ararat's got a nice cap on it a lot of the year,
36:17 it's covered by glacier.
36:18 So it could be that glaciers have destroyed it,
36:21 we don't know, but I believe the story.
36:25 Thank you very much, Jack, appreciate your call.
36:27 - [Jack] Thanks for accepting it.
36:29 - All right, you have a good night.
36:31 All right, talking next with Josh,
36:34 who's calling from Florida.
36:36 Josh, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
36:39 - [Josh] Yeah, my mom, she recently passed
36:45 and then she was with me and then,
36:50 she passed because of COVID,
36:52 but I feel like I didn't do enough,
36:53 so I kind of like blamed myself for it,
36:56 so that's kind of like traumatizing for me,
36:59 but like she passed, like she was all that my family had,
37:02 but so my brothers and my sisters, they're relying on me.
37:05 So I just want to know like,
37:10 'cause I don't know, I felt like the Holy Spirit telling me
37:13 that her soul was saved and resu-
37:16 so like she's being there during the resurrection.
37:19 - Okay, well that should
37:20 give you hope - Just want to know...
37:23 Yeah, I just wanted to know like,
37:27 what can I do to give me strength to like persevere?
37:31 - Well, you've been through a tragedy,
37:33 you've experienced one of the hardest things
37:36 is when we lose someone we love.
37:37 And I've been there.
37:39 I was at my mother's side when she passed away
37:41 and you have always a lot of regrets,
37:43 you would wish you had spent more time
37:45 and done more loving things, and said things and,
37:48 but you can't change what is in the past.
37:53 And so you say, all right, Lord, I pray,
37:55 I'll take this opportunity to reconsecrate myself.
37:59 If you believe your mother's gonna be in the kingdom,
38:01 that's all the more reason for you to be saved
38:04 and be there and see her in the resurrection.
38:07 And so just take this as an opportunity
38:10 to reconsecrate yourself, Josh,
38:12 and be, you say you've got other family,
38:14 and you can be a witness and a support for them
38:18 during this time and point them
38:19 to the hope we have in Christ.
38:22 The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 4,
38:25 "When we lose someone we love,
38:27 we do not sorrow as others that have no hope."
38:31 There's sorrow,
38:32 but we're not sorrowing as others,
38:34 for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
38:36 that He will bring with Him those who have died in Christ.
38:41 So look forward to that blessed hope, the Bible calls it.
38:44 And I hope and pray, you find some encouragement in that.
38:47 - [Josh] And you said that's verse Corinthians?
38:50 - 1 Thessalonians 4.
38:52 And you can start reading with verse 13.
38:54 It talks specifically about comfort for those
38:57 who have lost loved ones.
39:01 - [Josh] Thank you, Doug.
39:02 And the second question would be like,
39:04 how I can try to be live a righteous life
39:08 and be more like Christ?
39:10 - Yeah, absolutely.
39:11 Well, you become like what you look at Josh.
39:14 And so start fixing your eyes on Jesus.
39:18 And we do that of course, by talking to Him in prayer.
39:22 If you have a Bible, I hope you're reading the Bible,
39:26 gather together with other people that worship the Lord
39:28 and in fellowship, that will strengthen your faith.
39:32 Those three primary Christian disciplines are fellowship,
39:37 you wanna be with other believers.
39:38 You want to breathe in prayer.
39:40 You want to eat or feast on the Word of God,
39:43 read God's Word.
39:44 And Jesus said, "Thy Word is truth."
39:46 His words have life, that's why Christ said,
39:49 "Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood,
39:52 you have no life in you."
39:53 And He's talking about taking the Word inside,
39:56 that bread of life.
39:57 Do those things, Josh, and you'll be encouraged.
40:00 And we'll be praying for you that the Lord
40:02 just helps you get a new beginning,
40:04 now that you've gone through this tragedy,
40:07 but it's also an opportunity for a new chapter in life.
40:10 God bless, and we thank you for your questions.
40:13 Gonna talk next with, let's see here.
40:17 Talking to Jerry in Oregon.
40:19 Jerry, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
40:22 - [Jerry] Good evening, Pastor Doug.
40:24 My question pertains to Numbers 22:20,
40:28 where Balaam was given permission to go with the Moabites
40:35 as a result of his prayer inquiry.
40:38 But then in two verses later, it says this,
40:42 "But God was very angry when he went
40:46 and the angel of the Lord stood in the road to oppose him."
40:49 So if God gave him permission to go,
40:52 why was He upset that he went?
40:55 - Well, God told Moses,
40:57 I'm just answering your question
40:58 with another illustration that's similar.
41:01 God told Moses to go out of Midian
41:03 and meet with his brother, Aaron.
41:05 And it says on the way,
41:07 the angel of Lord met Moses and nearly slew him.
41:11 And the reason was that Moses had accepted this commission,
41:15 but he had not yet circumcised one of his sons.
41:18 And God's saying, look, I've convicted you,
41:20 I've told you you're supposed to do this,
41:23 and you're not doing it with the right attitude
41:25 and consecration.
41:27 Balaam was supposed to go
41:28 and simply say whatever God's wanted him to say,
41:32 but Balaam was thinking about the rewards.
41:34 His heart was not right.
41:36 You also read where it says Balaam loved the wages
41:38 of unrighteousness.
41:40 He wanted the reward from Balak, the king of the Moabites
41:44 and the angel knowing his spirit wasn't right,
41:46 and he was going with the wrong motives,
41:48 he met him in judgment.
41:50 He was running greedily after gain
41:53 is the way it's worded there, I think it's in Jude.
41:56 And it also talks about Balaam, it says you have there,
41:59 those that have the doctrine of Balaam in Revelation,
42:02 and that doctrine is one of greed like Judas.
42:06 So you're right, it sounds strange.
42:08 First God says, don't go.
42:09 Balaam is disappointed
42:10 'cause he wants the rewards and God says,
42:11 okay, I'll let you go,
42:12 but you gotta say what I want you to say.
42:14 And Balaam was trying to hurry along the road
42:18 so that he could get his reward
42:20 and God wanted to get his attention and say,
42:22 look you're not gonna get
42:24 what you're thinking you're gonna get a reward
42:27 for cursing them, you're not.
42:27 You're gonna bless them.
42:30 Anyway, it is a good question.
42:33 - [Jerry] Okay, thank you.
42:35 Good night.
42:36 - All right, thanks Jerry, appreciate that.
42:38 All right, talking next with, let me see here.
42:43 Hendry in Colorado.
42:44 Hendry, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
42:49 - [Hendry] Good evening, Dr. Doug.
42:51 - Evening, how can we help you tonight?
42:54 - [Hendry] Yeah, I have a question regarding duck,
42:59 is it unclean or clean, pastor?
43:03 - Well, the Bible says that swan is unclean
43:06 and duck is in the same category.
43:08 The birds that were clean for eating,
43:11 were the foraging birds and those would be,
43:15 things like a chicken or a Turkey,
43:16 or a quail, or a pheasant,
43:18 they go around, they pick the ground.
43:21 Ducks, sometimes they eat what's going on
43:24 the bottom of the lake.
43:26 And they're in the category of the birds,
43:29 I believe that are unclean.
43:31 I'd say whenever you're in doubt, do the safe thing.
43:35 But, I think the Bible does say swans are unclean
43:41 and ducks would be in the same category.
43:43 - [Hendry] Yeah, because some of the pastors said is clean
43:47 and some of them say doesn't, is unclean.
43:50 And also... - Well, you know,
43:52 whenever you're in doubt, do the safe thing.
43:55 - [Hendry] All right.
43:58 - All right, thanks so much, Hendry.
44:00 All right, let's see here.
44:02 And that frees up another line, 800-463-7297.
44:08 Let me see here.
44:10 Talking next with,
44:15 Tanya calling from Georgia.
44:17 Welcome to the program, Tanya, you're on the air.
44:20 - [Tanya] Hi Pastor Doug, how are you this evening?
44:22 - I'm always better than I deserve.
44:25 - [Tanya] Yes, sir.
44:26 Thank you so much,
44:27 and God bless you for these live questions.
44:29 They have made a significant difference in my personal life
44:34 and I can't thank you enough for it.
44:35 - Well, you make it all worthwhile.
44:37 That's what we wanna hear.
44:38 It's making a difference.
44:41 - [Tanya] My question is
44:43 if you've lived your whole life or you live your whole life
44:47 as a Christian,
44:48 however you don't or never acknowledge Saturday
44:53 as the seventh day and did not attend church on that day,
44:58 and you pass away.
45:00 How, or is there a chance to have salvation,
45:04 although you did not acknowledge the Sabbath?
45:09 - All right, let me state your question
45:11 a little differently for people listening.
45:14 Folks that listen to this program on a regular basis know
45:16 that we believe that the 10 commandments
45:19 are still in effect,
45:21 that the seventh days of Sabbath and that is Saturday.
45:23 And we encourage people to follow the Word of God,
45:26 but this is gonna be millions of people in heaven
45:28 that went to church on Sunday.
45:30 Now let me give you...
45:32 I'm gonna change the subject to help you understand it.
45:35 Tanya, are there gonna be people in heaven
45:37 that had more than one wife at a time?
45:40 - [Tanya] Yes, if they ask for forgiveness.
45:44 - Well, I mean, like you take King David,
45:47 he'll be in heaven, the Bible's pretty clear about that.
45:50 He's a man after God's own heart,
45:52 he wrote all those Psalms in the Bible
45:54 and he had many wives.
45:56 Solomon will be there,
45:57 and when you read the Book of Proverb,
45:58 Solomon had, oh, I forget.
46:00 I think had 300 concubines and 700 wives,
46:04 it's just crazy.
46:05 But they lived in a time where that was really customary
46:08 for a king to have a harem ,
46:10 so they'd have plenty of descendants.
46:12 It was just, everybody did that.
46:15 There are gonna be people in heaven
46:16 who owned slaves like Abraham.
46:19 Well, that's certainly not appropriate for Christian today
46:22 'cause we know better.
46:24 See what I'm saying?
46:26 - [Tanya] Exactly.
46:27 - I know better.
46:28 I'm not gonna go take extra wives, the Bible says,
46:30 no man can serve two masters, that's another reason.
46:33 So for me, it would be a sin 'cause I know better.
46:37 Now that's the way it is with all truth.
46:38 And when someone learns Bible truth,
46:41 God wants us to walk in the light that we've received.
46:43 So if a person has learned the Bible truth about the Sabbath
46:46 or any subject, He wants us to walk in the light,
46:50 but there are gonna be people in heaven
46:52 that didn't know certain things.
46:54 And there's a verse I want you to remember,
46:55 it's Acts 17:30, it says,
46:59 "At the times of this ignorance, God winked at."
47:02 In other words, you briefly close your eyes.
47:05 God has been very patient and merciful, but he says,
47:07 "Now that they know he commands men every where to repent."
47:11 So sin is knowing to do good and not doing it.
47:17 So once a person knows God's will,
47:19 whether it's regarding slavery or polygamy, or the Sabbath,
47:23 or whatever the case might be,
47:26 I know people who they didn't pay tithe for years
47:28 and then they read the verse in the Bible that about tithe,
47:30 and they said, oh wow, I should be paying tithe.
47:34 Well, 30 years have gone by where they didn't,
47:37 they probably can't pay back tithed without going bankrupt.
47:40 So they just start where they're at and they say,
47:42 I'm gonna start walking in the light
47:43 that God's revealed to me.
47:45 And so that's the principle there.
47:47 And I think you understand, thank you so much
47:49 for your call, Tanya.
47:50 We're gonna continue here, let's take a few more calls.
47:54 George in New Jersey,
47:56 George you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
48:00 - [George] Hi Pastor Doug, how you doing tonight?
48:01 - Really well, thank you.
48:04 - [George] Yes, haven't talked to you in a while,
48:05 but I had a couple things on my mind tonight.
48:08 So I thought I'd ask you if death is a 'sleep',
48:11 which I tend to believe it is.
48:14 And it's an unconscious state
48:15 and that people are non-existent.
48:17 Where is the link between their identity
48:20 and the one they have with the resurrection,
48:22 and that brings up another question to me too,
48:25 in conjunction with it.
48:26 Did Jesus actually,
48:28 could He have been non-existent
48:30 between death and His resurrection 'cause He's divine.
48:33 So you see where I'm getting at here?
48:35 I'm curious about that.
48:36 - I do George, you're asking the big, big questions here.
48:40 Well, first of all,
48:42 we know that when God brings something into existence,
48:45 they're in the mind of God.
48:47 So God knew what He was gonna do when He made Adam,
48:51 the way He made Adam was unique in that, Adam was created.
48:54 He did not have to learn to walk.
48:56 I don't think, he had to learn to talk.
48:58 I think God made him, sometimes I get a computer
49:01 from the factory,
49:02 it's got all this software already installed.
49:04 All I do is press the button and it's up and running.
49:06 And I think Adam was created with pre-installed software.
49:10 When God resurrects,
49:12 those who are sleeping in the dust of the earth,
49:14 they come out of the graves,
49:15 they've got a new glorified body.
49:18 You know, it's interesting using the computer analogy again,
49:21 they've got these little thumb drives,
49:23 USB drive and you can have 50 gigabytes
49:27 on one of these things now,
49:28 I can take everything from my old computer,
49:31 then that's the keyboard doesn't work
49:33 and the screen might be cracked.
49:35 I take all the program
49:37 and I put it on this little jump drive,
49:39 and then I plug it into
49:40 a brand new screaming, fast, shiny computer.
49:43 And I've got all of my character of my computer is there.
49:48 So for lack of a better explanation,
49:51 God's gonna download in the new glorified bodies
49:54 who the essence of that person is.
49:56 Will there be a time of non-existence?
50:00 No, I think that they're really in the heart
50:02 and the mind of God.
50:05 They're for the person, it's a brief sleep for them.
50:07 They have no interruption,
50:09 it's gonna be like going to sleep and waking up.
50:11 It's gonna be instant to be absent from the bodies
50:13 to be present with the Lord.
50:15 But the resurrection hasn't happened yet.
50:17 Now, Jesus, this is the big question.
50:19 What was going on with Jesus when He died?
50:22 Well, we have to take the Bible and its Word says,
50:24 Christ died for our sins.
50:27 And whenever we started saying,
50:28 well, died doesn't really mean died.
50:31 He didn't just transmigrate to a different existence.
50:35 I think Jesus slept the sleep of death
50:38 while the time He was in the grave, He said,
50:40 I lay down My life and I have power to take it up again.
50:42 Then Sunday morning He rose, He took it up again.
50:46 So big question, George.
50:48 Good question.
50:49 I hope my answer made a little bit of sense.
50:52 Let me see here, I'm gonna talk with Jeremiah
50:54 who's calling from Connecticut, I believe.
50:55 Jeremiah, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
50:59 - [Jeremiah] Hi Pastor Doug, how are you?
51:01 - Doing well, we've got about three minutes,
51:03 can we do it?
51:04 - [Jeremiah] All right, my question is,
51:06 what is predestination and is it biblical?
51:11 - All right, well the word is in the Bible.
51:13 So the word predestination is certainly biblical.
51:15 The question is, what is meant by that?
51:18 Some people believe that predestination means
51:20 that God has already designed in advance,
51:24 who is gonna be saved.
51:25 And some people were created
51:27 and they really have no hope of being saved
51:28 because it's not God's plan for them to be saved.
51:31 So it's almost like God designed them to be lost,
51:36 but that goes against the verses in the Bible that say,
51:39 "Who so ever believes in Him..."
51:42 Believing us to believe, you got a choice to believe.
51:44 And then the Bible tells us,
51:46 "God is not willing..."
51:47 In this 2 Peter 3,
51:49 "God is not willing that any should perish,
51:52 but that all should come to repentance."
51:54 And then Paul tells us,
51:57 "The Lord who would have all men to be saved."
52:00 So the Lord doesn't want anyone to be lost.
52:03 So Calvin and people who believe in this doctrine
52:07 of predestination,
52:08 they mean by that often that
52:10 some people were created and they're created to be lost.
52:17 I believe that God creates everybody with the option
52:19 and hope because we have a free will.
52:22 And why would God punish a person
52:26 and throw them in the lake of fire,
52:29 if they're created and they have no option to be saved,
52:31 why would you punish them for doing
52:32 what they are naturally created to do?
52:36 There's no justice in that.
52:38 So when the Bible talks about predestination,
52:40 it's talking about God has designed in advance,
52:44 that people should be saved.
52:47 And those who respond to the election, to the call,
52:52 they're gonna be saved.
52:55 And I think Paul is also speaking
52:58 when he talks about predestination,
53:00 some of the Jews had a hard time understanding
53:02 that the Gentiles, that it was God's plan,
53:05 that they should also be able to take advantage
53:09 of Christ's sacrifice and be saved.
53:11 Another big problem with,
53:13 some of the Calvinistic predestination,
53:16 they don't believe that Jesus died for the sins
53:18 of the whole world.
53:19 They believe that Jesus died just for the sins
53:21 of those who will ultimately be saved.
53:24 But we, meaning myself and many other Protestant Christians,
53:31 that we believe that Jesus died for the sin of everyone.
53:33 His sacrifice was adequate to pay for the sins of everybody,
53:37 not just those that accepted it.
53:39 In other words, some people will not use
53:41 the sacrifice that Jesus made available to them,
53:43 which is a tragedy, but He died for everybody.
53:47 His grace is unlimited.
53:50 His sacrifice was, whosoever, the Bible says,
53:54 "Let him come and drink the water of life."
53:57 So I'm about to run out of time.
53:59 We have a free book, we'll be willing to send you Jeremiah.
54:03 And it's called "Can a Saved Man, Choose to be Lost?"
54:06 Can a Saved Man, Choose to be Lost?
54:08 And if you call the resource number,
54:11 that number is 800-835-6747.
54:15 We'll be happy to send you a free copy of that.
54:17 Can a Saved Man, Choose to be Lost?
54:19 Anybody who is listening,
54:21 if you'd like to know more about these free offers,
54:23 we try to give away material
54:25 so that people can study these things.
54:27 We usually budget about three minutes during the program
54:30 for each question so we can get as many questions.
54:33 Problem is your questions
54:35 aren't as thorough as you want them to be,
54:36 so we give out the literature.
54:38 Go to at
54:44 you'll see our free library.
54:45 If you click on that tab and there is
54:48 a whole kaleidoscope of different doctrinal subjects
54:52 with books and lots of reference material,
54:54 we want you to know.
54:55 Friends, thank you so much for supporting Amazing Facts.
54:58 If you've been blessed by the broadcast,
55:00 go to the website, click that little button donate
55:02 and help us reach the others
55:05 with the good news in the gospel.
55:06 God bless, we'll study again next week.
55:09 (uplifting music)
55:12 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:14 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:18 Bible Answers Live is produced
55:20 by Amazing Facts International,
55:22 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:28 - Hello, welcome back, listening friends,
55:29 those of you who are still with us,
55:31 we actually have kind of two sections in Amazing Facts.
55:34 We go off the air with our satellite stations
55:36 around North America,
55:38 but many of you are still listening.
55:39 We're gonna do some rapid fire Bible questions
55:41 that come in via the internet.
55:44 And if you wanna ever email us some of these questions,
55:46 you can just send them into the Doug Batchelor Facebook page
55:50 in the comments there.
55:52 All right,
55:53 what is the testimony of Jesus mentioned
55:55 in Revelation?
55:56 And that's Revelation 12, it says that,
55:59 "The dragon is wroth with a woman,
56:01 and he goes to make war with the remnant of her seed
56:04 that keep the commandments of God
56:05 and have the testimony of Jesus."
56:07 You go to Revelation 19:10, and the angel says,
56:11 "Don't pray to me, pray to God."
56:13 And he said, "I am of your fellow servants and your brethren
56:17 and fear God, those that keep the commandments,
56:21 and have the testimony of Jesus." He says,
56:22 "The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus."
56:27 So it tells us that there.
56:29 All right, we're gonna go to the next question.
56:32 Does God withdraw His protection from us
56:35 because we sin or does our sin cause God to withdraw?
56:40 Well, if God completely withdrew His protection from us
56:43 none of us would survive
56:44 'cause the devil's going around like a roaring lion
56:47 seeking who he might devour.
56:49 But I think we limit what God wants to do for us
56:52 in protecting us and in leading us by disobedience.
56:56 The Bible tells us, "The Angel of the Lord encamps,
56:59 roundabout those that fear Him and delivers them."
57:03 And so, God put a hedge of angels around Job.
57:07 You can read about that in Job 1,
57:09 even the devil was frustrated by this hedge of protection
57:13 that God gave him.
57:14 So we wanna obey.
57:15 We wanna cooperate with the Lord,
57:16 don't venture out on the devil's ground.
57:19 All right, let me see here.
57:21 Someone said, I heard you say capital punishment was okay.
57:23 Well, no, it's not that I said it,
57:25 I'm just saying that the Bible tells us that
57:28 an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth, life for life,
57:31 but didn't Jesus say turn the other cheek.
57:34 Yes, He's talking about our interpersonal relationships.
57:37 We should be patient and forgiving, and tolerant,
57:39 going the second mile and giving our shirt
57:42 to the one who sues us for our cloak.
57:44 But governments, they operate under a different law
57:47 and Moses made it very clear that government needs
57:49 to punish crime, severe crimes,
57:51 according to what they deserve.
57:53 Murder, premeditated murder is a very serious crime.
57:57 And if you have a society where that is not treated
58:00 in a serious way,
58:02 there should be very careful investigation
58:03 before someone is given the death penalty,
58:07 but the Bible still says that that is the answer for that.
58:11 Thank you so much again for your questions and God willing,
58:13 we'll study His Word together again, next week.
58:16 (uplifting music)
58:17 - [Announcer] Bible Answers Live,
58:19 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2022-09-20