Bible Answers Live

Don't Die Before Your Death

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022201S

00:00 (dramatic orchestral music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted.
00:09 And its words, sometimes simple
00:11 and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:27 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Jean Ross.
00:50 - Hello friends, how about an amazing fact?
00:52 Well, if it isn't well known that bats fly using sonar.
00:56 They emit high frequency sounds
00:58 which the human ear cannot hear.
01:00 These returning echoes of sound
01:02 places sound print pictures in their minds.
01:05 Using this technique,
01:07 a bat can catch a tiny, fast-flying insect.
01:10 The calls of the bat are very loud,
01:12 so loud, in fact, that if we could hear them,
01:14 they would hurt our ears.
01:16 But wait, if it is necessary for the bat
01:19 to make such a loud sound in order to have its echo back
01:22 from a distant object,
01:23 how can the bat possibly hear the echo with its ears,
01:27 in the midst of all of the racket
01:28 that it's making with its mouth?
01:30 And to make matters worse,
01:32 the bat's ears are so sensitive
01:34 that just a few of its screams would quickly deafen it.
01:37 That is, except for a tiny muscle
01:40 in the middle ear of the bat.
01:42 It is attached to one of three tiny bones,
01:45 which transmit the vibrations of the eardrum
01:47 to the tubular organ in the skull,
01:50 that converts them to nerve signals sent to the brain.
01:53 Just as each scream is on the verge of being emitted,
01:57 this muscle instantly pulls back that bone
02:00 so that it does not transmit sound
02:02 from the outer ear to the inner ear.
02:05 The eardrum is momentarily disconnected.
02:08 Then, after the scream is ended,
02:10 the muscle relaxes and the bone moves back into place,
02:14 and the faint echo of the sound can be heard.
02:17 The faster these sounds are emitted,
02:19 the more up-to-date information the bat will receive.
02:23 The faster these sounds, of course, is necessary
02:25 if the bat is trying to fly through the curves of a cave
02:29 or flying amongst the branches of a forest.
02:32 Some bats can send up to 200 quick screams a second,
02:36 meaning that this back and forth motion
02:38 of the tiny bones in the bat's ear
02:39 moves more than 200 times a second.
02:43 And it's always in perfect alignment,
02:45 and sending out these super short screams.
02:50 Now friends, did you know that the Bible
02:51 speaks of people who, like the bats,
02:53 are hearing, but do not hear, spiritually speaking.
02:58 In Matthew 13:13, Jesus said,
03:00 "Therefore I speak to them in parables,
03:02 because seeing they do not see,
03:04 and hearing they do not hear."
03:07 Like the bat, these people are able
03:09 to disconnect their spiritual ear
03:11 from hearing the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
03:14 It's like the person who continually hits the snooze button
03:17 on their alarm clock
03:18 until he conditions himself
03:20 not to wake up when the alarm rings.
03:23 If a person keeps disregarding the promptings
03:25 of the Holy Spirit, the day will come
03:27 when that person will no longer hear the Holy Spirit
03:30 speaking to his heart through his conscience.
03:33 That is what the Bible refers to
03:35 as the unpardonable sin,
03:37 all the sin against the Holy Spirit.
03:40 Matthew 12:31 says, "Therefore I say unto you,
03:42 all manner of sin and blasphemy
03:45 shall be forgiven them.
03:46 But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
03:48 shall not be forgiven them."
03:50 No, because they've disconnected their spiritual ears,
03:54 so to speak, from hearing the Holy Spirit.
03:56 Friends, we have a study guide.
03:58 It's called "No Turning Back."
04:00 We get questions that people ask.
04:02 "What is the unpardonable sin?"
04:03 Some folks might even be wondering
04:05 if they've committed the unpardonable sin.
04:07 Well, our study guide will answer these questions.
04:10 It's called "No Turning Back,"
04:12 and if you'd like to receive it,
04:13 all you'll need to do is call the number 800-835-6747.
04:17 You can ask for offer number 146,
04:21 and we'll be happy to send that
04:22 to anyone who calls and asks.
04:24 That number again is 800-835-6747.
04:29 Ask for the study guide, "No Turning Back,"
04:32 and we'll be happy to get it in the mail,
04:34 and send it out to you.
04:35 This is a live, interactive, international Bible study.
04:38 Pastor Doug Batchelor is out this evening.
04:40 Maybe you have Bible questions.
04:42 Maybe there's a passage of Scripture
04:43 that you've come across in your Bible reading plan,
04:47 if you started a Bible reading plan for this year,
04:49 and you're wondering about what that verse might mean.
04:52 Well, give us a call.
04:53 The number to call here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
04:58 But before we get to the phone lines,
05:00 we always like to begin with a word of prayer.
05:02 Of course, the Bible is God's book.
05:03 So we need the Holy Spirit to understand it.
05:05 So let's pray.
05:06 Dear Father, we thank You that we once again
05:08 have this opportunity to open up Your Word and study,
05:11 and Father, we ask a blessing on this program.
05:13 There are people who are watching,
05:14 people who are listening across the country,
05:16 and even in some other countries around the world,
05:19 and Lord, together lead us into a clearer
05:21 and a full understanding of Bible truth.
05:23 For we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:26 We're gonna go to the phone lines.
05:27 Our first caller this evening is John,
05:29 listening in North Carolina.
05:30 John, welcome to the program.
05:32 - [John] Good evening, Pastor Ross.
05:33 - Good evening.
05:35 - [John] The Law of God existed before man's creation,
05:38 and is eternal,
05:40 but the Fourth Commandment seems to be exclusively connected
05:43 with the creation of this world.
05:45 The last verse of the Fourth Commandment says,
05:47 Exodus 20:11, "For in six days,
05:49 the Lord made Heaven and Earth,
05:51 the sea and all that in them is,
05:52 and rested the seventh day.
05:54 Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
05:58 My question is this.
06:00 If the Law of God is eternal,
06:02 and I've always believed it to be eternal
06:04 from my study myself,
06:07 seems like the Fourth Commandment was instituted
06:10 during the creation of the world.
06:12 I'm wondering, if the Law of God is eternal,
06:15 and the Sabbath was instituted during the Creation,
06:18 is there a contradiction there, or am I missing something?
06:21 I just wanted to know you your guys' thoughts on that.
06:24 - Okay, great question.
06:25 Thank you, John.
06:26 Yes, I agree with you.
06:27 The Law of God, The Ten Commandments,
06:29 define what righteousness is and what sin is.
06:32 Sin is the transgression of the Law.
06:34 Now, in order for there to be sin, there needs to be a law.
06:37 And we know that Satan sinned in Heaven,
06:40 and then this sin, this rebellion started here on Earth
06:42 when Adam and Eve gave in to Satan's temptation.
06:44 So the Law must have existed before Creation.
06:48 The principle that we find in the Fourth Commandment,
06:50 which is the Sabbath commandment, says,
06:51 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
06:53 Six days, you are to labor and do all your work,
06:55 but the seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
06:57 And then it says, verse 11, "For in six days,"
06:59 this is Exodus 20:11, "For in six days,
07:02 the Lord made the heavens and the Earth, the sea,
07:04 and all that's in them.
07:05 And He rested on the seventh day.
07:07 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
07:10 So the Sabbath is a continual reminder
07:12 that God is our Creator.
07:13 Now, it relates in a special sense to humanity.
07:17 I mean, we're the ones that were created on this Earth.
07:20 We were created on the sixth day of Creation,
07:23 and the Sabbath is a continual reminder
07:24 that God is our Creator.
07:26 But not only are we created beings,
07:28 but angels are created beings.
07:30 All intelligent life is created.
07:33 And the principle that we find in the Fourth Commandment,
07:35 that of remembering our Creator
07:37 and worshiping Him and setting aside a time to do so,
07:41 I think that principle is true throughout the universe.
07:45 Now, I don't know whether they keep the same day,
07:48 the seventh day, the way we do as a memorial,
07:51 but I'm sure there is the recognition
07:53 of a certain time throughout the universe
07:56 where all created beings acknowledge
07:58 that God is the Creator,
08:00 a special time that has been set aside for worship.
08:03 Now we know from the Bible
08:04 that the seventh day Sabbath will continue
08:06 even after the Earth has been recreated.
08:09 In Revelation chapter 21, you read
08:11 about a new Heavens and a new Earth.
08:13 Isaiah says, "From one Sabbath to another,
08:15 all will come and worship before God."
08:17 So the little Earth becomes, if you like,
08:20 the center of the universe,
08:22 because the new Jerusalem comes down,
08:23 and this is gonna be God's dwelling place.
08:26 And the seventh day Sabbath will still be kept
08:28 in the Earth made new.
08:30 So yes, the principle of worshiping God
08:32 on a certain time, I think is relevant.
08:35 And that's true for all created beings.
08:38 Does that help, John?
08:40 - [John] Yes, thank you so much, Pastor Ross.
08:42 I appreciate it.
08:43 - All right, thanks for your call.
08:43 We appreciate it.
08:44 Next caller that we have is Charles,
08:46 listening from, let's see.
08:48 Well, no, Charles is in Florida.
08:50 Charles, welcome to the program.
08:52 - [Charles] Hey, Pastor Ross, how are you?
08:54 - Doing well, thank you.
08:55 - [Charles] Is it possible
08:57 that the God is somewhere located,
09:00 somewhere through the Nebula of Orion?
09:03 In the Bible three times.
09:05 Isn't that possibly a hint
09:07 that that's where He resides, is somewhere through there?
09:10 - Well, that's a good question.
09:11 You know, the Bible doesn't clearly say that Heaven
09:13 or the dwelling place of God is there in Orion,
09:17 but we do know it's mentioned three times,
09:20 as you mentioned, in Scripture.
09:22 We do know that Orion is to the east.
09:24 You can see both the constellation of Orion,
09:26 sometimes referred to as Orion's Belt,
09:29 the star constellation.
09:32 You can see it both in the Northern Hemisphere
09:33 and the Southern Hemisphere.
09:35 Now, some of the stars you can only see
09:36 in the Southern Hemisphere, like the Southern Cross.
09:38 And of course, the Big Dipper you can see
09:41 in the Northern Hemisphere.
09:42 You don't see that in the Southern Hemisphere,
09:43 but Orion is close enough to the Equator
09:46 that it can be seen both from the Southern
09:48 and the Northern Hemisphere,
09:49 and it's to the east.
09:51 We know in the Bible that deliverance
09:52 symbolically comes from the east.
09:55 East is the sign of deliverance,
09:58 or the dwelling place of God.
10:00 For example, deliverance for the Jews,
10:02 when they were in Babylonian captivity,
10:03 came from the east.
10:05 We had the Medo-Persians came
10:07 and conquered the Babylonians,
10:08 and the Jews were allowed to go back and rebuild Jerusalem.
10:12 Jesus, speaking of His second coming, says,
10:15 "As lightning that flashes from the east, even to the west,
10:18 so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be."
10:21 In Revelation chapter seven,
10:22 an angel is seen coming from the east,
10:24 having the seal of the living God,
10:26 and he placed it upon the forehead of those of God's people.
10:30 So the east seems to be the direction of deliverance.
10:32 It could very well be the direction of Heaven.
10:34 And yes, Orion is in that easterly direction.
10:39 So yes, there are a number of Bible scholars
10:41 that think that Orion,
10:42 or at least near Orion,
10:44 would be where the dwelling place of God is,
10:47 known today as Heaven.
10:48 We'd refer to it as Heaven.
10:50 Does that help, Charles?
10:52 - [Charles] Absolutely, absolutely,
10:53 I've always wondered about that.
10:56 - Yes, I think you're on track there.
10:58 That seems like there is something special about Orion,
11:01 as being close to the dwelling place of God.
11:04 All right, thanks again for your call.
11:05 Our next caller that we have is Emmanuel,
11:07 calling from Ghana, Africa.
11:09 Emmanuel, welcome to the program.
11:12 - [Emmanuel] Thank you, Pastor Ross.
11:14 I hope Pastor Doug is now around.
11:16 - Yeah, Pastor Doug is out today.
11:18 He's out of town, but he's doing well.
11:20 So he'll be back next week.
11:22 - [Emmanuel] Okay, my greetings to him.
11:24 Well, my question is in Matthew 23:23.
11:29 - Okay.
11:30 - [Emmanuel] Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees
11:34 concerning tithes, so I wanted to know that,
11:37 did Jesus try to abolish tithing at all?
11:42 - [Jean] Okay, let me read-
11:43 - [Emmanuel] Or was he promoting tithe?
11:44 - Yes, let me read the verse for those
11:46 who might not have their Bibles in front of them.
11:48 Matthew 23:23, these are the words of Jesus.
11:51 "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
11:54 For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin."
11:58 These are little spices and herbs.
12:00 "And you have neglected the weightier matters of the Law,
12:02 justice and mercy and faith.
12:05 These, you ought to have done
12:06 without leaving the others undone."
12:09 So here we find Jesus referring to the scribes
12:12 and the Pharisees being so meticulous in their tithe paying,
12:15 even on their herb garden,
12:17 and yet they were leaving out
12:18 the more important matters of the Law,
12:20 that being justice, mercy and faith.
12:23 Jesus says you should be paying your tithe.
12:25 He says, "These you ought to have done,
12:28 but not leave out the others, the weightier matters."
12:32 So when it comes to the Christian, yes,
12:33 tithing is a Biblical principle.
12:35 We find it in the Old Testament.
12:37 Abraham is referred to as giving a tithe to Melchizedek.
12:41 And of course, this is long time before Moses.
12:44 And the principle of tithing,
12:45 we also find even in the New Testament,
12:48 where the early Christians were giving
12:51 more than just a 10th to support the work of the Lord.
12:54 So faithful tithes and offerings
12:56 is found throughout Scripture.
12:57 Jesus is not doing away with tithe,
12:59 but rather He says, "Tithe is important,
13:01 but there are more important things,
13:03 that being justice and mercy and faith."
13:05 Those are the things God also wants us to remember.
13:08 Does that help, Emmanuel?
13:11 - [Emmanuel] Yes, Pastor Ross, okay, thank you.
13:14 - All right, thanks for your call.
13:15 We appreciate it.
13:16 You know, we do have a study guide
13:17 that talks about the Christian and their finances,
13:20 or tithing and offerings.
13:22 What does the Bible say about it?
13:23 It's called "In God We Trust."
13:25 It's one of the Amazing Facts study guides.
13:27 We'll be happy to send this to anyone
13:29 who just calls and asks.
13:30 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
13:34 And again, you can just ask for the study guide.
13:36 It's called "In God We Trust."
13:38 We'll be happy to send it out.
13:40 We've got Martha listening in California.
13:42 Martha, welcome to the program.
13:45 - [Martha] Hi, thank you, Pastor Ross.
13:46 Now, I know that the Bible does not contradict itself.
13:54 And so I've run up against something.
13:57 I'm either missing something,
13:59 or I'm misunderstanding something.
14:04 In, let me see.
14:07 In Ezekiel 18:20,
14:09 and in Deuteronomy 24:16,
14:13 it talks about how the father will not be punished
14:17 for the sins of the son.
14:19 The son will not be punished for the sins of the father.
14:25 And then in the 1 Samuel 28:18-19,
14:30 this apparition, shall we say,
14:32 that the Witch of Endor has called up for Saul,
14:37 is telling Saul that the Lord is angry with him
14:43 because he didn't do away with Amalek
14:48 and follow the other directions and stuff.
14:50 And it says, "Moreover, the Lord will also deliver Israel
14:55 with thee, into the hand of the Philistines.
14:58 And tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with Me.
15:02 The Lord also shall deliver the host of Israel
15:08 into the hands of the Philistines."
15:10 So I had thought that Jonathan was,
15:19 you know, a good man or whatever.
15:21 Yes, he was. - I don't know anything
15:23 about the other sons,
15:25 but I'm wondering why, or could you explain this for me?
15:29 - Sure, absolutely, now it's true.
15:31 There is a Biblical principle that the son is not to bear
15:35 the punishment of the father's sin.
15:37 However, sometimes there are consequences
15:40 that children do bear because of the sins of their parents.
15:43 And of course that's even true today.
15:45 A lot of children go through difficult childhoods
15:50 because of some abuse from a parent.
15:53 Well, back in Bible times,
15:54 you have Saul, who's the king.
15:56 And he had pretty much hardened his heart
15:58 against the Holy Spirit,
15:59 and the Holy Spirit that left him.
16:02 And he was plagued by an evil spirit.
16:04 There is this battle to take place,
16:06 and Saul was gonna lead his army into battle.
16:09 Well, the sons of Saul wanted to be faithful,
16:12 not only to their father,
16:14 but also to the nation of Israel.
16:17 And part of their responsibilities as being princes,
16:19 as the sons of the king,
16:21 was to accompany their father into battle.
16:25 Now, the reason they were slain in the battle,
16:27 wasn't because of any sin they had done,
16:30 but there were many good people in Bible times
16:32 that were killed in battles.
16:35 But in this case you have Jonathan,
16:36 who is a very good man
16:37 who stood by the side of his father,
16:40 willing to go to battle,
16:42 even knowing that there is a very good chance
16:45 that he might die in battle.
16:48 Yet he stood faithful.
16:50 It was not only for his father,
16:51 but for the Jewish nation as a whole,
16:53 to encourage the Jewish people.
16:55 And for his God, he believed in God.
16:57 And he believed that God was directing.
17:00 Even though Saul had hardened his heart
17:03 against the Spirit of God,
17:04 he was still the king at the time.
17:06 And so Jonathan was willing to do
17:08 what his father was asking him to do, in that sense.
17:11 So it was not a judgment because of his sin
17:14 that Jonathan died in battle.
17:16 For Saul, yes, absolutely,
17:17 but not for Jonathan.
17:19 - [Martha] Right, okay, well that helps a lot.
17:22 Thank you, Pastor Ross.
17:23 I really appreciate it.
17:25 - All right, thanks for your call, Martha.
17:26 Next caller that we have is Jess,
17:27 listening in Washington.
17:30 Jess, welcome to the program.
17:32 - [Jess] Hello, Pastor Ross.
17:34 - Hello.
17:36 - [Jess] I have a question.
17:37 It might seem silly, but I read this
17:40 and it really struck me.
17:41 So I'm gonna read it.
17:42 It's when Moses came to the burning bush,
17:46 and the Lord said to him,
17:50 "Take those shoes from off thy feet,
17:52 whereon the place thou standest is holy."
17:56 And, but over here in Joshua,
18:01 Joshua chapter five, angel of,
18:03 captain of the host approached him,
18:06 and he tells him to take his shoe from off his foot.
18:10 It doesn't say shoes from off his feet.
18:12 - Yes. - It says "shoe off your foot,
18:15 whereon thou standest is holy."
18:17 And I was just gonna ask the question,
18:19 maybe Joshua might have lost one of his feet,
18:22 one battle or something?
18:24 - No, we have no record of
18:25 Joshua had lost a foot in battle.
18:27 I just think that the phrase there,
18:30 whether it's talking about your foot or your feet,
18:34 the principle there is the removing of your shoes
18:37 or the coverings of your feet, your sandals.
18:40 And that was a custom back in Bible times,
18:42 to show respect and reverence.
18:45 Now, the reason God said to Moses,
18:47 take the sandals off your feet,
18:48 for you're standing on holy ground,"
18:50 it's because the presence of God was there.
18:52 The Great I Am, God was in the burning bush.
18:55 This angel that met Joshua
18:57 wasn't an angelic being as you think of angels in Heaven,
19:00 but the word angel simply means messenger of the Lord.
19:04 And in this case, the reason the angel,
19:06 or the messenger, says, "Take the sandal off your feet,
19:09 because the place where you are standing is holy ground,"
19:13 it's referring to the fact
19:14 that this was actually Joshua meeting the Lord.
19:18 And for that reason,
19:19 he was to remove his sandals from his feet.
19:21 Don't worry about the plural and the singular.
19:24 It doesn't mean that Joshua was hopping on one foot.
19:26 It's just the way that it's worded
19:28 there in the English,
19:30 from the translation, from the Hebrew.
19:32 But no, Joshua had both feet,
19:34 because he was a "mighty man of valor,"
19:36 and he led the army in battle.
19:40 - [Jess] Okay.
19:41 - Yeah, good observation there in your study.
19:46 - [Jess] Mentions over here in Deuteronomy 11:24,
19:48 also that when Moses was addressing the people, he said,
19:52 "Every place whereon the soles of your feet
19:54 shall tread shall be yours."
19:56 - Yes, yep- - Okay, it's just
19:59 a question I had.
20:01 - Yeah, no, that's a great little point.
20:03 I've never noticed that, but yes,
20:04 don't worry about the singular and plural there.
20:06 It's just meaning the same thing,
20:08 of when they were to enter into the presence of God,
20:11 they were to remove their shoes.
20:13 You know, that custom is still in the Middle East.
20:15 I've traveled to India a number of times.
20:17 And as a sign of respect,
20:18 when people enter into the church,
20:20 into a place of worship,
20:22 they remove their shoes from their feet.
20:24 And to go into the main entry of a church,
20:27 I guess it's true even of the temples there,
20:29 there's usually a pile of shoes placed to the side
20:32 and the people go in.
20:33 They remove their shoe
20:35 as a sign of respect and reverence.
20:36 So that was the custom,
20:38 even in Bible times in the Middle East.
20:40 Thanks for your call.
20:42 We got, let's see, Michael is listening from Michigan.
20:44 Michael, welcome to the program.
20:47 - [Michael] Hi, Pastor Ross.
20:48 Thanks for taking my call.
20:49 - Sure.
20:51 - [Michael] My question is about Daniel 6:26.
20:54 - Yes.
20:56 - [Michael] Is the King Darius making a decree
20:58 that all men tremble and fear God,
21:00 His kingdom and His dominion,
21:02 or is he saying that God's kingdom and dominion
21:05 will last until the end, without being destroyed?
21:09 And also, do you see that these two kingdoms
21:12 of Daniel 6:26 are contemporaneous?
21:15 - All right, well let's take
21:17 the first part of the question is,
21:18 so when we have King Darius
21:20 or Darius writing this decree,
21:22 this is after Daniel is rescued from the lions' den,
21:25 as you read about there in Daniel chapter six.
21:28 The king is amazed because the God of Daniel,
21:31 which he knew about,
21:32 the God of Daniel was able to shut
21:33 the mouths of the lions.
21:35 Daniel came out unscathed.
21:37 We know the lions were hungry,
21:38 because those who had plotted against Daniel,
21:40 they were thrown in the lions' den.
21:42 And it says they were devoured and torn to pieces
21:44 before they even hit the ground.
21:45 So it was a miracle.
21:46 God was taking care of His faithful servant, Daniel.
21:50 The king acknowledged that.
21:51 And so he made a decree and says,
21:53 "To every people, nation, language that dwell on the Earth."
21:56 Of course at the time, Darius was king
21:58 of what they considered the world,
22:02 at least the known areas.
22:03 And he says, "I make a decree
22:05 that every dominion of my kingdom,
22:06 men must tremble in fear before the God of Daniel.'
22:09 In other words, they need to respect the God of Daniel,
22:12 the Hebrew God, "for He is the living God,
22:15 the Steadfast Forever.
22:16 His kingdom is one that shall not be destroyed.
22:19 His dominion shall endure forever."
22:21 So here Darius even acknowledges that the Kingdom of God
22:24 is the true eternal kingdom.
22:26 So Daniel must have explained something to him.
22:29 Remember, in Daniel chapter two,
22:31 Nebuchadnezzar had a dream
22:32 of these various kingdoms coming and going.
22:35 And it's very possible that Daniel told Darius
22:38 about what had happened to Nebuchadnezzar,
22:41 and that the rise of Medo-Persia was a fulfillment
22:44 of that dream that was given in Daniel 2.
22:47 And then ultimately in Daniel 2,
22:49 you have the stone that strikes the image,
22:51 and then it grows into a great mountain,
22:53 fills the whole Earth.
22:55 And that symbolizes the eternal kingdom that is established
22:58 after the second coming of Christ.
23:00 So Darius understood this based on what Daniel had said.
23:03 And that's why he said,
23:05 "the God of the Hebrew"
23:06 or Daniel's, "God, His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom."
23:11 Does that help, Michael?
23:12 - [Michael] Well, I'm wondering
23:15 if this "kingdom is of God" here
23:18 is the same one
23:19 that was brought to Nebuchadnezzar's attention
23:24 in Daniel 2:44. - Yes, yes, I believe it is,
23:27 'cause Daniel must have told Darius about that,
23:29 and the fulfillment of Daniel 2,
23:33 at least the second empire or second kingdom,
23:36 was Medo-Persia.
23:37 Darius is king of the Persians now.
23:39 It was really a fulfillment of that prophecy
23:42 that had been given, so after Persia
23:44 was to come Greece and then Rome
23:46 and then Western Europe as we have it now,
23:48 and then finally the second coming of Christ.
23:51 And so Darius was aware of that.
23:53 And that's why he said,
23:54 "This God's kingdom will last forever,
23:56 speaking of Daniel's God.
23:58 - [Michael] Yeah, sounds like to me
23:59 that this kingdom that he's speaking of
24:02 is currently contemporaneous with His kingdom.
24:08 - Yes, well, it's true too.
24:10 There are two parts to the Kingdom of God
24:12 or the Kingdom of Heaven.
24:13 You know, when Jesus started his ministry, He said,
24:15 "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
24:17 John the Baptist said,
24:18 "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
24:20 There are two phases to the Kingdom of God.
24:22 There is what we call the Kingdom of Grace
24:24 and the Kingdom of Glory.
24:26 So the Kingdom of Grace is for anyone
24:29 who receives Jesus as their Savior.
24:31 They become citizens of the Kingdom of Grace.
24:34 If Christ is ruling in your heart, in your life,
24:36 you're a citizen of the Kingdom of Grace.
24:39 The Kingdom of Grace continues
24:41 up until the second coming of Christ.
24:43 And then we have the establishment of the Kingdom of Glory,
24:46 when Jesus comes as King of kings and Lord of lords.
24:50 So yes, is there a Kingdom of Heaven now?
24:53 Absolutely, we call that the Kingdom of Grace.
24:56 The Kingdom of Grace will eventually give way
24:58 to the Kingdom of Glory that occurs
25:01 at the second coming of Christ.
25:02 And of course, we read that in Revelation chapter 19,
25:05 where we have a picture of Jesus.
25:07 Symbolically, Christ is described in Revelation 19
25:10 as coming on a white horse.
25:12 Of course, kings and emperors
25:14 would often ride on white horses, being victorious.
25:17 Here Jesus described as coming
25:19 and there is a name written on His thigh,
25:21 which says "King of kings and Lord of lords."
25:24 So Jesus is coming victorious
25:25 to establish a kingdom that lasts forever.
25:29 That kingdom was also alluded to in Daniel chapter two
25:32 by the stone that struck the image upon its feet.
25:35 So that's really what's being referred to
25:36 there in that passage.
25:37 Does that make sense, Michael?
25:41 - [Michael] Oh, yeah, kind of. (laughs)
25:43 - So yes, there are two kingdoms,
25:46 the Kingdom of Grace and the Kingdom of Glory.
25:48 - [Michael] I'm wondering if the kingdom of 2:44
25:51 is contemporaneous with Nebuchadnezzar.
25:55 - Meaning the Kingdom of Heaven at that same time?
25:58 - [Michael] Yeah.
25:59 - Yes, the Kingdom of Heaven has always been.
26:01 There's always been the Kingdom of Heaven, and-
26:03 - [Michael] The one that was super established.
26:06 - Yes, and that was established,
26:08 probably established at the promise
26:09 that was made way back in the Garden of Eden,
26:12 about the seed of the woman
26:13 that would bruise the serpent's head.
26:15 The Kingdom of Grace was established way back then
26:17 and pointed to Jesus.
26:20 And then when Christ came,
26:21 he announced the arrival of that Kingdom of Grace.
26:24 And of course at the second coming
26:25 you have the Kingdom of Glory.
26:28 Great question, enjoy the studies of the Book of Daniel.
26:30 There's so many wonderful things there.
26:32 And you know, these prophecies that we find in Daniel
26:34 really point to us,
26:36 the trustworthiness of the Scriptures.
26:38 The Bible is inspired
26:39 because what was said in Old Testament times,
26:41 we find a fulfillment.
26:43 Well friends, we're up halfway through our program.
26:45 We're just taking a short break and we'll be right back.
26:48 (dramatic orchestral music)
26:52 - [Announcer] Stay tuned, " Bible Answers Live"
26:54 will return shortly.
26:59 Deep within the pages of the Bible,
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27:36 "Shadows of Light: Seeing Jesus in All the Bible,"
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27:44 Get your copy today by calling 800-538-7275,
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27:59 - [Doug] Every day, we make hundreds of decisions.
28:02 Sometimes these choices are mundane.
28:04 What will you have for breakfast,
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28:07 But sometimes, these decisions can have an eternal impact,
28:12 like when you set up an estate plan
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28:17 We need to move quickly, friends,
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29:00 (dramatic orchestral music)
29:02 - [Announcer] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live,"
29:05 where every question answered
29:06 provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you.
29:11 So what are you waiting for?
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29:19 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
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29:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:45 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:51 - Hello friends, welcome back.
29:52 This is pastor Jean Ross.
29:53 Pastor Doug is out this evening,
29:54 but you've joined "Bible Answers Live."
29:57 If you're just tuning in halfway through the program,
29:59 this is a live, international, interactive Bible study,
30:02 and we are so glad that you have found us
30:04 and you have tuned in.
30:05 I'd also like to greet those who tune in every week.
30:08 I know we have a number of faithful listeners out there,
30:10 whether they're listening on the radio,
30:11 watching on the internet,
30:13 perhaps you're watching on Amazing Facts Television.
30:15 We wanna welcome all of you once again to our program.
30:18 We have the next 30 minutes,
30:20 where we're gonna be taking your Bible questions.
30:23 So if you have a Bible-related question,
30:24 the number to call here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
30:30 That again is 800-463-7297.
30:34 That'll bring your call here into the studio.
30:36 We're gonna try to answer as many questions as we can
30:38 in the next half an hour.
30:40 So we're gonna start by going to Steve in Michigan.
30:42 Steve, welcome to the program.
30:44 - [Steve] I have a question when it concerns
30:47 what the Bible says about people judging people.
30:51 The first entry is Matthew 7:1,
30:54 actually, verses after where it says,
30:57 "Judge less ye be judged."
30:59 And it goes on to talk about
31:01 "removing the plank out of your own eye
31:03 before you remove the splinter out of your brother's eye."
31:07 And there's another passage also in John 7:24,
31:12 where it talks at the end of that verse,
31:13 it says, "Judge correctly."
31:16 Could you kinda give the context
31:17 of both of those entries,
31:19 and how to reconcile those two verses?
31:25 - Yeah, absolutely, great question.
31:26 First of all, just for those
31:28 who might not have their Bibles in front of them,
31:30 they might be driving their car, listening on the radio.
31:32 The verse you're referring to there is Matthew 7:1,
31:35 where Jesus says, "Judge not, that you be not judged."
31:39 Now, I think next to John 3:16,
31:41 this is probably one of the most well-known verses
31:43 out there in the world.
31:45 People are often willing to say, "Judge not,"
31:47 because, you know, they might be doing something
31:49 that they know is not right.
31:52 Jesus goes on in verse two.
31:53 He says, "For with whatever judgment you judge,
31:55 you will be judged, and whatever measure you use,
31:57 it'll be measured back to you."
31:59 So Christ says, "Do not judge,"
32:01 but then later on, you bring out in Matthew chapter seven,
32:04 the same chapter, here Jesus says that we are to
32:08 "judge wisely or rightly."
32:11 And you also find in verse 15,
32:14 Jesus says "Beware of false prophets,
32:16 who come to you in sheep's clothing,
32:17 but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
32:19 You will know them by their fruits."
32:22 So on the one hand, we are not to judge,
32:24 but on the other hand,
32:25 we're to consider the fruits
32:27 that a person might produce in their life, their actions.
32:31 And we need to determine whether they are true
32:32 or whether they are false.
32:34 So here's the point we wanna bear in mind.
32:37 We do not know the motive of the heart.
32:39 Only God knows the heart.
32:41 And when it comes to us judging
32:42 why someone might do something,
32:45 or judging their heart or their motive,
32:47 we can't do that.
32:49 Only God knows the heart.
32:51 He knows the reason, but that doesn't mean
32:53 that God has not revealed to us what is right and wrong.
32:57 We should be able to know,
32:59 or at least to discern if somebody's doing something
33:02 that is contrary to the will of God
33:04 or contrary to the Word of God,
33:05 or if in the church,
33:07 someone might be preaching that
33:09 which is contrary to the Word of God.
33:11 We need to be able to distinguish and in a sense judge,
33:14 between the actions or the life versus the profession,
33:21 but that's different from judging the motive
33:22 or judging whether somebody is saved or lost.
33:25 That's only something that God can do.
33:27 We don't know the heart.
33:28 Only God knows the heart,
33:29 but we should be able to tell by the actions,
33:32 whether someone is genuine or whether they're counterfeit.
33:35 Does that help, Steve?
33:38 - [Steve] Well, yes, now the part where it says,
33:40 in John 7:24,
33:44 it says, "Judge correctly."
33:46 Does that basically pertain
33:47 to counseling the person also?
33:50 - Yes, that can involve counseling the person.
33:52 "Judge correctly" can also involve, in the context here,
33:55 Jesus is talking about false teachers or false prophets,
33:58 those who are claiming to be the followers of Christ,
34:02 but they are teaching or preaching error,
34:05 and they're misleading people.
34:06 And the Bible says, "Judge correctly, be careful."
34:10 Not every church is necessarily the true church.
34:13 Not every preacher or teacher
34:15 is necessarily preaching the truth,
34:18 and we need to have spiritual discernment.
34:20 So in that sense, there is a judging,
34:22 but it's not judging the motive.
34:23 We don't know the motive,
34:25 but we should be able to judge the words and the actions
34:27 to know if it's right or wrong.
34:30 - [Steve] Okay, well thank you very much.
34:32 - All right, great.
34:33 Appreciate your call.
34:34 Next call that we have is Eric, calling from Georgia.
34:36 Eric, welcome to the program.
34:39 - [Eric] Yes, my question is,
34:43 I have a question is 1 Timothy 2:9.
34:46 - Okay.
34:47 - [Eric] What he says over there.
34:48 - All right, let me read it for those
34:50 who might not have their Bibles in front of them.
34:52 Timothy is writing to the church,
34:53 and he says, "In like manner also,
34:55 that women adorn themselves in modest apparel
34:57 with propriety and moderation,
35:00 not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,
35:05 but that which is proper for women professing godliness
35:08 with good works."
35:10 So your question on this verse?
35:12 - [Eric] Is it good for women?
35:17 So does it mean that women shouldn't wear,
35:19 getting their hair braids and you know,
35:22 wearing gold necklace and pearls and stuff like that,
35:26 which is not good for women or?
35:29 - Okay, well, you raise a good question.
35:31 The Bible is clear that Christians,
35:33 both men and women,
35:35 need to look different from the world.
35:37 They need to dress modestly.
35:39 That doesn't mean that they have to wear clothes
35:41 that is too big or old-fashioned or out of style.
35:47 But within our culture, we want to dress modestly,
35:53 and also not allow the outward adorning to be prevalent,
35:58 meaning the wearing of gold and silver
36:01 and jewels and costly array.
36:05 Now, when it says the braiding of the hair,
36:06 back in Bible times,
36:08 what the women would do is they would actually weave in
36:11 bits of jewelry into their braids, into their hair.
36:15 There's nothing wrong in a woman holding back her hair
36:18 or braiding her hair for practical purposes,
36:20 to keep it out of her face, if she's working,
36:22 or whatever the case might be.
36:23 There's nothing wrong with that.
36:25 But the braiding of the hair that's referred to here
36:27 was a type of braiding of adornment,
36:30 or gold, or silver, or the jewels in their hair.
36:34 And that's specifically what is being referred to
36:36 here in 1 Timothy 2:9.
36:38 So yes, the principle that we find there
36:40 is that both for Christian women and for men,
36:43 we need to dress modestly and not be bedecked
36:47 with gold and silver and jewels,
36:49 but rather allow, as the Bible says in the next verse,
36:54 "those professing godliness
36:56 allow the Spirit to come through,
36:58 and may a person not be attracted to outward adorning."
37:01 So that's the principle.
37:03 You know, we do have a book that talks about this.
37:05 It's something that you don't hear a whole lot about,
37:07 especially in modern churches today,
37:10 but the Bible hasn't changed on these Christian standards.
37:13 We have a book called "Jewelry, How Much is Too Much?"
37:17 And it deals with these Bible principles.
37:19 We'll be happy to send this out
37:20 to anyone who calls and asks.
37:22 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
37:26 And again, you can ask for the book that's called
37:27 "Jewelry, How Much is Too Much?"
37:30 And it'll give you some good Bible principles there.
37:32 Next caller that we have is May, listening in Washington.
37:35 May, welcome to the program.
37:38 - [May] I just wanted to ask about Genesis 9:25.
37:44 - Okay.
37:45 - [May] We see here that Noah was,
37:49 I guess he was drunk or he was pretty wasted
37:54 from wine that he drank and he curses his grandson,
38:00 but not the son that,
38:02 not Ham that saw him naked.
38:05 - Yes, yeah, let me explain that a little bit,
38:09 why Canaan was cursed.
38:10 Well, you know, back at the time, you have Ham.
38:14 Shem, Ham, and Japheth are the three sons of Noah.
38:17 After the flood Noah builds, or grows a vineyard.
38:20 And he makes wine and he drinks it and he's drunk.
38:24 And Ham comes in and mocks his father,
38:27 and tells his brothers.
38:29 So Shem and Japheth, they cover the father
38:32 and they show respect.
38:34 They honor the father, whereas Ham doesn't.
38:37 And after Noah sort of comes around,
38:39 he realizes what Ham had done in mocking him.
38:43 And he makes a prophecy.
38:45 He makes a statement.
38:46 And the statement is that because Ham and his son Canaan,
38:50 and his descendants, lacked respect,
38:54 and they disobeyed the commandment that says,
38:56 "Honor your mother and your father,"
38:58 judgments would follow.
39:00 It doesn't mean that Canaan per se,
39:02 even though you probably knew
39:05 what had happened with his father,
39:07 he shared the same attributes
39:09 or the same rebellion that Ham manifests towards Noah.
39:13 That was also something
39:14 that Canaan had also harbored in his heart.
39:17 And that's why the curse comes against Canaan
39:21 and anyone that holds to that rebellious spirit,
39:24 no matter what the ancestry is.
39:27 Those who refuse to keep God's commandments,
39:29 those who refuse to honor their parents, yeah,
39:32 they're bringing upon themselves judgment.
39:34 The promise that we have of that commandment
39:37 that says "Honor your mother and your father,
39:39 that your days might be long in the land
39:41 that the Lord thy God gives you,"
39:43 there's practical benefits and blessings
39:45 to those who honor their parents here on the Earth.
39:48 And that's the principle
39:49 that's being emphasized there in Genesis.
39:52 Does that help? - Oh, wow, thanks.
39:53 That makes more sense now, yeah.
39:55 'Cause I'm actually starting to read the Bible.
39:57 - Good, well, it's a good time to do so.
39:59 - [May] Right, right. (laughs)
40:00 - All right, well, thanks for your call, May.
40:03 We appreciate it. - Well, thank you so much.
40:04 - All right, bye-bye. - Have a good one, bye.
40:08 - Next caller that we have is Danny in Arizona.
40:10 Danny, welcome to the program.
40:12 - [Danny] Good evening, Pastor Ross.
40:14 My question was, 'cause we know that He cast down Satan
40:18 and then he deceived the world and stuff like that.
40:21 Did God have to create humans
40:25 in order to fulfill the justice
40:29 of getting rid of Satan in the end?
40:32 - No, I, you know, first of all,
40:34 we know that sin is not something that God is wanting.
40:38 Sin is contrary to Him.
40:40 God is a God of love.
40:41 The Bible is very clear,
40:42 that God is a God of love.
40:43 He doesn't want any of His creatures to suffer.
40:46 Sin, suffering, and death is clearly the results
40:51 of Satan's rebellion.
40:52 It comes from disobedience to God.
40:54 When somebody disobeys God, in essence,
40:56 they are separating themselves from the source of happiness,
41:00 from the source of life.
41:02 And if you're separating yourself from happiness
41:04 and the source of life and the source of peace,
41:07 you can end up with unhappiness,
41:09 and you end up with sorrow
41:10 and you can end up with death.
41:12 So that's just the natural consequences
41:13 of being separated from God.
41:15 Now, God also can only,
41:18 because He's a God of love,
41:19 He can only accept the worship of intelligent beings
41:22 when those beings do so willingly.
41:26 God can't accept worship
41:28 that is not freely and willingly given.
41:30 Thus freedom is highly esteemed in Heaven.
41:34 God gives all intelligent beings freedom.
41:37 Now we have freedom.
41:38 We can choose to serve Him.
41:40 We can choose not to serve Him.
41:42 The angels have that same freedom.
41:44 They could choose to obey God
41:45 or they could choose to disobey God.
41:48 Now there are consequences to disobeying God,
41:50 because if you're separating yourself from God,
41:52 as I mentioned, there is sorrow and suffering and death.
41:55 Adam and Eve, they were given those same opportunities.
41:59 They could have chosen to stay loyal to God,
42:02 but unfortunately they listened to the lies of Satan
42:05 and they chose a different master.
42:07 And when they listened to the devil,
42:09 sorrow and suffering and death came,
42:11 but the amazing part of the story
42:13 is that God did not abandon Adam and Eve,
42:15 even though He told them and He warned them.
42:19 And when they sinned, He came and He said,
42:20 "You know, I'm gonna make a way of escape.
42:22 I am gonna bear your sins,
42:25 and I'm gonna die in your place."
42:26 Jesus was promised to come,
42:28 and so that we can be forgiven,
42:30 so that we can live forever.
42:31 So despite sin, God has got a plan of redemption to save us.
42:36 And that's another revelation of His love.
42:39 - [Danny] Understood, okay, awesome.
42:41 Well, thank you very much, Pastor.
42:42 - Yeah, great question.
42:43 Thank you, Danny.
42:43 Thanks for calling.
42:44 Next caller that we have is Roy,
42:46 listening from New York.
42:48 Roy, welcome to the program.
42:50 - [Roy] Good evening, Pastor.
42:51 And how are you?
42:53 - Doing well, thank you, and yourself?
42:55 - [Roy] Praise the Lord, I'm doing good.
42:57 I'm doing good.
42:58 - And your question tonight?
43:00 - [Roy] Okay, yeah, my question is from
43:03 1 Timothy chapter four.
43:08 I know finally that God's Word is true
43:10 and that it does not contradict itself.
43:13 I'm reading from verses three and four.
43:16 It says, "Forbidding to marry,
43:20 and commanding to abstain from meats,
43:23 which God had created to be received
43:26 with thanksgiving of them which believe
43:29 and know the truth."
43:32 Verse four says, "For every creature of God is good,
43:34 and nothing to be refused
43:36 if it be received with thanksgiving."
43:39 Now this is a verse that many people use
43:44 to support their argument
43:45 that everything was created for us to eat.
43:49 And I know that can't be true,
43:51 especially when I consider Leviticus, Chapter 11.
43:54 - [Jean] Yes.
43:55 - [Roy] So I'm asking
43:57 if you can explain that for us, please.
43:58 - Sure, we'd be happy to.
43:59 Let me give you the context of this.
44:00 If you look in verse one,
44:01 it says, this is Paul writing, and he says,
44:03 "The Spirit expressly says that in the latter times,"
44:06 meaning the times of the end,
44:08 which we're living in,
44:09 "there will be those who depart from the faith."
44:11 And then he gives us some identifying marks
44:14 of those who depart from the faith.
44:16 It says, "They speak lies in hypocrisy.
44:18 They have their conscience seared
44:20 with a hot iron.
44:21 They forbid to marry.
44:23 They command to abstain from certain foods
44:25 that God has created to be received with thanksgiving."
44:28 So he's talking about a religious movement in the last days,
44:31 where part of the teachings
44:32 of the doctrines of this movement says that,
44:34 "Well, if you are part of the clergy, you can't marry.
44:38 And there are certain days
44:40 when you can't eat certain foods."
44:42 Now it's not saying here that unclean foods
44:46 are good to eat,
44:46 because you look in verse four.
44:47 It says, "Every creature of God is good,
44:50 nothing to be refused
44:51 if it is received with thanksgiving."
44:53 But the very next verse says, in verse five,
44:55 "For it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer."
44:59 The word sanctified means set apart.
45:02 So does the Word of God set apart
45:04 certain foods that you can eat,
45:08 meaning certain meats,
45:09 and certain meats that you can't eat?
45:13 Yes, it does.
45:14 There are clean meats and there are unclean meats.
45:17 The clean meats, yes, they can be received.
45:20 There was this religious movement that was saying,
45:23 "There's certain clean foods
45:24 or certain clean meats you can't eat."
45:26 And that's really what Paul is addressing here.
45:28 Verse five clearly tells us that it must be sanctified
45:32 by the Word of God,
45:33 meaning it has to be set apart by the Word of God
45:35 in order to be acceptable, in order for it to be good.
45:38 So we can't leave out verse five.
45:40 It gives context to verse four.
45:42 - [Roy] Okay, yeah, praise the Lord.
45:44 Thank you very much, Pastor.
45:45 - Oh, you're welcome.
45:46 Thanks for calling, appreciate it.
45:48 Next caller that we have is calling from,
45:52 Azael from North Carolina.
45:54 Azael, welcome to the program.
45:57 - [Azael] Hey, Pastor Ross.
45:58 Thank you for taking my call.
45:59 - You're welcome.
46:02 - Yes, I just had a question.
46:03 So I'd like to go out and do, how do you say it,
46:09 spread the Gospel,
46:10 and then I've come across this year
46:11 that believe that "We're gonna continue sinning
46:14 until Jesus comes."
46:16 Okay, so how can I respond to that?
46:19 Like how can I, what would be the answer for that?
46:25 - Well, I think it's true that yes,
46:26 we live in a world where there is sin
46:28 and there are victories to gain.
46:30 And I don't think you can ever get to the point
46:34 where you think that somehow you are free from temptation.
46:37 As long as we live in this world,
46:38 we are gonna be tempted,
46:39 and there's always the potential for sin.
46:41 But that doesn't mean that we have to be bound by sin,
46:44 meaning we don't have to be controlled
46:46 by sinful propensities or selfish, sinful desires.
46:52 The Bible says, Jesus says, "If the Son sets you free,
46:54 you shall be free indeed."
46:57 Now that's a promise.
46:58 We all struggle with sin.
47:00 We're all selfish by nature.
47:02 And we have this flesh.
47:05 Paul speaks about the "carnal nature," and yes,
47:08 we need to fight against that carnal nature.
47:11 In our own strength, it is impossible for us to overcome.
47:14 "But with God," the Bible says,
47:15 "all things are possible."
47:17 And you know, in my ministry, in my experience,
47:19 I have met people who have gained incredible victories
47:23 by God's grace in their life,
47:25 people who have gained victory over alcohol, tobacco, drugs,
47:29 over bad relationships, over stealing or cursing.
47:34 You just name any of the Ten Commandments.
47:37 I can point to examples of people who God has delivered.
47:41 They've been empowered by the Spirit of God.
47:43 They have overcome, that's good news.
47:46 So we don't have to be in bondage to sin.
47:48 Christ is able to set us free.
47:49 So we wanna encourage people.
47:51 Not only does the Gospel tell us that we can be forgiven,
47:53 but the Gospel also gives us the power to obey.
47:57 And that comes by faith.
47:59 The Bible says, "The just shall live by faith."
48:01 And so if we can encourage people to look to Jesus
48:03 as not only the One who forgives,
48:05 but the One who empowers and sustains,
48:08 they will be able to grow spiritually
48:10 and actually in their own experience, experience victory.
48:14 And that really is inspiring for every person.
48:17 That's what God wants us to have,
48:18 and that is to have victory.
48:19 Does that make sense, Azael?
48:23 - [Azael] Thank you, Pastor, appreciate it.
48:25 - You know, we do have a book.
48:26 It's called, "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?"
48:28 And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
48:31 The number is simply 800-835-6747.
48:35 Ask for the book called,
48:37 "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?"
48:39 Don't be afraid of the title.
48:40 Yes, you can be victorious, friends.
48:43 The Bible doesn't want you to be bound
48:45 by sinful, you know, chained to sin.
48:50 No, Jesus can set us free.
48:51 Doesn't mean we'll never sin or make a mistake,
48:54 but we don't have to be controlled by these habitual sins.
48:57 All right, John is calling from Georgia.
48:59 John, welcome to the program.
49:02 - [John] How you doing, pastor?
49:03 - Doing well, thanks.
49:06 - [John] Oh, yes, sir.
49:07 My question was, what is the significance
49:11 of fasting when we pray?
49:13 How does God view fasting?
49:15 What does it do
49:17 to open up that connection with the Father?
49:20 - Okay, what is the importance,
49:22 the significance of fasting?
49:24 You know, what fasting does is sets aside
49:27 just something that all of us experience,
49:29 that is hunger.
49:30 And we all need food,
49:32 but it's when we set that aside for a period of time.
49:34 In essence, we are focusing our attention
49:37 away from ourselves, saying,
49:38 "Lord, there is something more important,
49:41 my relationship with You,
49:44 having You hear my prayer.
49:46 I'm trusting in You to answer my prayer.
49:48 It is so important that I do that
49:51 which is pleasing to You,
49:52 that I'm willing to set aside my food.
49:54 I'm willing to fast."
49:56 It's not that we win merit with God,
49:58 because God is a God of love.
50:00 We can't earn His favor,
50:02 but when we set aside food and we go into fasting,
50:05 and it's different types of fasting.
50:07 Sometimes fasting might be just setting aside
50:09 a certain food that you might particularly like
50:13 and might not be bad in and of itself,
50:14 but you set it aside and say,
50:16 "I'm going to fast for a week or so
50:17 and not eat this dessert,"
50:19 or whatever the food might be.
50:21 "I'm gonna focus on prayer
50:23 and I'm gonna earnestly seek God through prayer."
50:28 And it's acknowledging that God is more important
50:31 than even our physical needs.
50:33 In the Bible, we see examples of people who fasted,
50:36 and they were faithful even to the point of death,
50:38 saying, "Lord, I would rather die
50:39 than knowingly disobey You."
50:41 They valued that relationship so much.
50:43 Daniel prayed three times a day.
50:45 He opened the windows and he prayed,
50:47 even though he knew there was a death decree
50:48 for anyone who would pray to the God of Heaven,
50:51 but he valued that communication with God
50:53 even more than his life.
50:56 So that's the principle that we see there in fasting,
50:59 where we set something aside,
51:00 where we're saying,
51:01 "Lord, I'm coming to You.
51:02 You're more important than even my physical needs."
51:07 Does that help, John? - Okay. yes, sir.
51:10 Is there a time limit that God requires
51:13 of us to fast? - No, no, usually what happens
51:16 is you decide, and you know,
51:17 it might just be skipping two meals,
51:20 or a meal, or one or two days.
51:23 There are different types of fasts.
51:24 Depends upon the circumstances
51:26 and the urgency of the prayer.
51:29 If it is something really important
51:31 and you're pleading with the Lord, you need an answer,
51:35 you might want to fast a little bit longer.
51:36 But those are things
51:37 that you allow the Holy Spirit to really convict you of.
51:40 And some people just make it a part of their routine.
51:43 Once a week they'll fast,
51:44 skip a couple of meals,
51:46 or maybe fast for one day and say,
51:48 "I'm gonna set aside this day
51:50 to turn my attention to the Lord,
51:52 and to seek His presence in prayer."
51:54 And that's a good thing.
51:56 That's something that will benefit us
51:58 not only physically.
51:59 Now, maybe not everyone can fast.
52:00 You might have low blood sugar
52:01 or a diabetic or something like that.
52:03 But for most people skipping a few meals
52:06 is probably a good thing.
52:08 So there's physical benefits,
52:09 but of course also spiritual,
52:10 when we set our focus upon God.
52:13 All right, well, thanks again, John,
52:14 for your call, good question.
52:15 The next caller that we have is Robert in Washington.
52:18 Robert, welcome to the program.
52:21 - [Robert] Yay, I'm the last caller, I guess, huh?
52:23 - You might be, yes.
52:24 And your question tonight?
52:27 - [Robert] Acts 17:28.
52:31 There's this one religion
52:32 that believes that we were alive
52:37 before we were born kinda thing.
52:39 And they were telling me about this one verse
52:42 that "In Him, we live and move and have our being,
52:46 as the poet has said."
52:49 - Yes.
52:52 What is he talking about there?
52:54 Yeah, absolutely.
52:55 - [Robert] Can a person use that verse
52:58 to say that we were before we were?
53:01 - No, I don't think so.
53:02 I mean, the verse is pretty clear.
53:04 It's just stating that in Him,
53:05 we live and move and have our being,
53:08 meaning that God is the One that sustains us
53:10 and gives us life.
53:11 Let me give a context.
53:12 Here we have Paul, and he's talking
53:14 to a group of philosophers,
53:16 and they're very superstitious.
53:18 They had multiple gods that they'd worship,
53:21 and there was a shrine to the unknown God.
53:28 So they felt as though they needed to create the shrine
53:29 to a god that they didn't know, less they offend him.
53:32 And Paul uses this as an opportunity to present the Gospel.
53:36 And so he starts on a common ground.
53:38 He says, "Well, I've come to make known unto you,
53:40 this unknown God that you have.
53:42 And he begins to talk about the God of Heaven,
53:44 the One that created all things.
53:45 And then he even quotes from their wise men,
53:49 one of their poets.
53:51 And he says, and he quotes the phrase,
53:53 "For in Him we live and move and have our being."
53:55 Well, that's true with reference to God,
53:58 and he's building that bridge.
54:00 He's making that connection,
54:01 but this is not talking about the people
54:03 living before they were born.
54:05 It's just simply stating the reality
54:06 that our life is because God has given it to us,
54:10 and He sustains us.
54:11 In Him, we live, we move, we have our being.
54:13 We would not be if it was not for Him.
54:16 So I don't think you can use this verse
54:18 to support predestined,
54:20 some sort of preexistence before being born,
54:24 or even reincarnation after a person dies.
54:27 That's not what this verse is referring to.
54:28 It's just stating the reality.
54:30 So I think that's pretty clear from the context.
54:33 - [Robert] We are his offspring, though.
54:34 - Yes, He made us.
54:35 We are created.
54:37 If God did not create us, we wouldn't be here.
54:40 The Bible sometimes refers to us as the children of God,
54:43 or the sons or daughters of God.
54:46 - [Robert] So "His offspring" isn't necessarily mean
54:48 that we were not created.
54:53 We were created, not the other way around.
54:55 - Yeah, it's just stating that we were created,
54:57 and we owe our existence to God,
54:59 because He made us.
55:00 All things come from Him.
55:02 Friends, we're coming to the end of our radio program,
55:04 but we will be back for some more Bible questions.
55:08 (dramatic orchestral music)
55:10 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:13 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:16 "Bible Answers Live" is produced
55:18 by Amazing Facts, International,
55:21 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:27 - Hello, friends, welcome back.
55:28 We have just two minutes left,
55:30 and we're gonna try and take some of the questions
55:32 that came in via the internet.
55:34 Some of the email questions that you have sent in,
55:37 we like to, in the next two minutes,
55:38 to try and see how many questions we can answer.
55:40 So here we go.
55:42 I'm gonna just read through these questions,
55:43 give you an answer.
55:43 The first question is,
55:44 "What Bible version do you recommend?"
55:47 Well, first of all, there are two different categories.
55:49 You have a paraphrase,
55:52 and then you have a translation.
55:54 A paraphrase would be somebody taking maybe an English Bible
55:57 and then writing the verses in a more contemporary English
56:02 or whatever language it might be.
56:04 But it's not necessarily a direct translation
56:07 from the original languages,
56:08 which would be Hebrew and Greek.
56:10 There's a little bit of Aramaic
56:11 that you find also there in the Book of Daniel.
56:14 A translation is actually going to the original manuscripts
56:18 or the copies of the original manuscripts,
56:20 and then translating from that.
56:22 So when it comes to Bible study,
56:24 especially deep Bible study,
56:25 you wanna make sure that you have a trustworthy translation.
56:28 I like to use the King James,
56:30 the New King James, New American Standard version.
56:33 And there are a number of good translations out there.
56:36 Just remember that the Bible wasn't written in English.
56:38 It was written in Hebrew and Greek.
56:39 And so if you wanna really get
56:40 to a deeper meaning of the Word,
56:42 find a good concordance,
56:44 and you can look up the original words there as well,
56:47 and what they mean.
56:48 Another question that came, and it says,
56:49 "When I pray, am I supposed to pray to God or Jesus,
56:54 or do I pray to both of them?"
56:55 Well, Jesus gave an example of prayer.
56:57 He said, "When you pray, say,
56:58 "Our Father, which art in Heaven,
57:00 hallowed be Thy name."
57:02 So we are to direct our prayers to our Heavenly Father,
57:05 but we pray in the name of Jesus.
57:08 That's why when we end our prayer,
57:09 we say, "In Jesus' name."
57:11 It's through His merits that make our prayers acceptable.
57:14 We know the Holy Spirit also intercedes
57:16 and actually brings to our mind
57:17 the very things that we need to pray for.
57:20 So we direct our prayers to God the Father
57:22 in the name of Jesus.
57:23 And we are praying for the guidance
57:25 and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
57:27 Another question that somebody has is,
57:28 "When is the time of trouble,
57:30 and how do we prepare for it?"
57:32 Well, the Bible speaks of a time of trouble.
57:34 It'll be worse than there has ever been,
57:36 since the beginning of time.
57:38 You read that in Daniel 12:1.
57:40 Well, that's talking about a time period,
57:41 and the seven last plagues will be poured out,
57:44 and that's after probation closes.
57:46 How do we prepare for that?
57:47 Well, I think we prepare by setting our heart towards God,
57:51 that full surrender of self to Jesus.
57:54 And we do that every day.
57:55 We have to come to God and ask Him to cleanse us,
57:57 ask for forgiveness.
57:59 We need not fear because the Bible promises us
58:01 that if we are Christ, when that time of trouble comes,
58:04 He will keep us secure and safe.
58:06 He will protect us, so we can trust in Him.
58:09 We need not fear.
58:10 Friends, thank you for joining us
58:11 for "Bible Answers Live."
58:13 Look forward to seeing you next week.
58:15 (dramatic orchestral music)
58:17 - [Announcer] "Bible Answers Live,"
58:19 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2022-08-31