Bible Answers Live

Dead Man Walking

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022209S

00:00 (inspiring music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history,
00:05 no volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully, it is the Bible,
00:17 the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to Bible Answers Live,
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Bachelor.
00:50 - Hello, friends, would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 On November 17th, 2012,
00:57 two fishermen took their modest boat
00:59 out on the Pacific Ocean from a small Mexican port
01:02 for a day trip.
01:03 It was the first time that Salvador Alvarenga
01:06 and Ezekiel Cordoba had worked together,
01:09 overtaken by a violent storm,
01:12 they were able to send out one distress signal
01:14 before their radio, GPS, and outboard motor died.
01:18 Driven into the open sea, they drifted for weeks,
01:22 tormented by thirst, eating fish, turtles, and sea birds
01:25 they caught with their bare hands.
01:28 From time to time a thunderstorm would provide
01:30 a little fresh water that they caught in plastic bottles
01:32 and in an oil drum they had retrieved from the sea.
01:36 In this small open boat with no protection
01:39 from the sun or cold, they spent a great deal of time
01:42 huddled together in the insulated fish box
01:45 that was about the size of a refrigerator.
01:47 Gradually sickened by the diet, Cordoba stopped eating,
01:51 and he died after 10 weeks,
01:53 though desperately lonely, Alvarenga refused to give up,
01:58 he often prayed and said that if God would spare him,
02:01 he'd be a better man and more dedicated as a father.
02:05 Then on January 30th, 2014, Alvarenga's tattered boat
02:11 washed up on the Ebon Atoll in the southernmost tip
02:13 of the Marshall Islands,
02:15 6,000 miles from where he had started.
02:18 Adrift for 438 days, Jose Salvador Alvarenga holds
02:25 the record for the longest solo survival at sea.
02:28 Can you imagine that, there's a picture of him there,
02:31 a few days after he had been rescued,
02:34 and they had actually gotten him where he could get up
02:37 on his feet again, when he first washed ashore
02:39 on that island, and I've been to the Marshall Islands,
02:42 have been to Majuro, and that's when he's landing there,
02:48 he just started walking again.
02:50 When he first landed he had to crawl 'cause he hadn't stood,
02:52 and barely stood, I should say, in a year,
02:56 and an incredible story of someone surviving by themselves,
03:00 catching rain water, turtles,
03:02 he'd grab sharks outta the water,
03:04 he'd grab the little fish, he'd eat the barnacles
03:06 off the bottom of the boat,
03:07 it's just an amazing, amazing story.
03:10 But one thing that I didn't share that was in the,
03:12 it's not in the amazing fact I just read,
03:15 is that his friend Ezekiel Cordoba was
03:18 a born-again Christian, Alvarenga was not,
03:21 he was kind of against church, he believed in God, but,
03:25 and before he died, Alvarenga, Cordoba, rather,
03:32 worked on his friend's heart and softened his heart,
03:35 he ended up turning to God and redeemed his life,
03:41 he went back home and became a good father,
03:42 and gave up his wild partying ways,
03:45 and it really was a conversion experience for him.
03:48 So, he was rescued in more than one way,
03:53 and I think we've got an offer that.
03:55 There's a verse, friends,
03:56 I always like to put in a Bible verse
03:58 that goes along with our fact.
03:59 Psalm 107:23-24, "Those who go down to the sea in the ships,
04:05 who do business on the great waters,
04:07 they see the works of the Lord
04:09 and His wonders in the deep."
04:11 - Well, he sure got to see the wonders of the deep
04:14 quite a period of time.
04:16 It is amazing story of just determination,
04:19 doubtless, his prayers made a difference,
04:22 'cause he was praying near the end,
04:23 he realized that his only help was God,
04:26 and yet for him to survive that long,
04:29 not only just living on whatever he could find,
04:31 the fish and drinking the rain water,
04:33 but just being by himself in the middle of the ocean
04:35 for so long, you would think somebody would give up,
04:38 but he just refused to give up-
04:40 - Yeah, I could go on and on, it's quite a story,
04:42 but there were about 20 times that tankers went by
04:46 and he would wave and they'd wave back,
04:48 they just thought he was out fishing,
04:49 he was trying to get rescued, and he'd see planes fly over
04:53 and tankers go by, and they just didn't stop,
04:55 and so then he'd get real discouraged for a while.
04:57 - Sure, absolutely.
04:59 Well, we do have a free offer, Pastor Doug,
05:01 that talks about a much more important rescue,
05:04 and that is called "Rescue From Certain Death,"
05:06 "Saved From Certain Death," that is the free offer,
05:09 it talks about salvation.
05:10 I mean, whatever happens here on this earth,
05:12 if we are saved from eternal destruction,
05:16 we have hope, we have peace, and so that's the free offer.
05:18 How can we have the assurance of salvation,
05:20 it's called "Saved From Certain Death," to receive it,
05:23 all you need to do is call the resource number,
05:25 that's 800-835-6747 and ask for offer number 109.
05:31 Again, the number to call is 800-835-6747,
05:36 and you can ask for the gift,
05:37 it's called "Saved From Certain Death,"
05:39 we'll be happy to send it to anyone in North America,
05:41 if you're outside of North America,
05:43 we encourage you to go to the Amazing Facts website,
05:45 just,
05:47 and you can actually read the lesson there for free.
05:50 You can enroll in the free Amazing Facts online course,
05:53 and I know many folks have been blessed
05:55 by going through those series of lessons,
05:57 and that's all available at
06:00 Well, Pastor Doug, We've got some folks who have called in
06:02 with their Bible questions,
06:03 if you have a Bible-related question,
06:05 the number to call, again, is 800-463-7297.
06:10 Again, that's 800-463-7297, that is the phone line
06:13 to our studio with your Bible question.
06:16 Our first call of this evening is Diane,
06:18 listening in British Columbia.
06:20 Diane, welcome to the program.
06:22 - [Diane] Thank you, yes.
06:23 I have a question, I have a friend
06:25 who's just picking up the Bible
06:27 and she's reading through the Old Testament,
06:29 and she's really struggling with all of God's violence
06:33 that's talked about in the Old Testament,
06:35 and it's making her question how God can be love,
06:39 and I'm just wondering where do I start by helping her
06:41 to see the love of God when she's reading this?
06:45 - Well, one really important place to direct her
06:47 is the teachings of Jesus.
06:49 He said, "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father,
06:52 so she wants to understand something
06:54 about what God is like, the God in the Old Testament
06:57 is the same God that you see in Jesus, and God is love,
07:01 this is what the apostles saw,
07:03 the love and the compassion of Jesus.
07:05 Now, in the Old Testament, you're often reading
07:08 about God leading a nation
07:09 and those nations were often warring,
07:12 and so God, not wanting His people to be annihilated,
07:15 they had to defend themselves.
07:17 God, He does not want anyone to die,
07:21 the Bible tells us the Lord does not want anyone to perish,
07:24 and in the Book of Ezekiel it says,
07:26 "Turn ye, turn ye, why will you die?"
07:29 God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
07:32 but because of sin in the world,
07:33 and because there was sinful people,
07:34 sometimes there was war and sometimes there was violence,
07:38 and I know some people, Pastor,
07:40 will struggle with just the idea of the sacrificial system,
07:43 why would these innocent animals die?
07:46 And it tells us something about the deadly nature of sin.
07:49 - And despite the violence and the war
07:51 that you do read about in the Old Testament,
07:54 'cause it's talking about different kingdoms,
07:55 you also get amazing revelations of God's love,
07:58 His mercy, His long suffering with Israel,
08:01 and His protection.
08:02 I'm just thinking the children of Israel,
08:03 as they wandered through the wilderness,
08:05 how God fed them with the special food from heaven,
08:08 how He gave them water from the rock,
08:10 how that God forgave them time and time again
08:12 from their rebelliousness
08:14 and throughout the history of Israel,
08:16 you can see how God's mercy was there
08:18 and how He forgave them.
08:20 - Yep, amen.
08:21 - All right, well, thanks for your call, Diane.
08:23 We've got Lee listening in North Carolina.
08:26 Lee, welcome to the program.
08:28 - [Lee] Oh, hi, pastors, thank you so much
08:30 for taking my call.
08:30 - Yeah. - My question is
08:32 about Genesis, and actually the Sabbath.
08:36 Chapter 2 in Genesis, right?
08:38 "And God sanctified the day," and then in Exodus you have
08:42 the Ten Commandments where, of course,
08:44 the Sabbath is the Fourth.
08:47 My question is how did God communicate to the Jews
08:52 about the Sabbath?
08:54 Because Noah wasn't a Jew, did he know about the Sabbath?
08:57 Did he keep the Sabbath?
08:59 How did God communicate that before the actual laws?
09:02 - Yeah, you can find where,
09:03 and Pastor Ross might find the reference,
09:06 where it talks about Abraham.
09:07 Now, Abraham's not a Jew,
09:10 Abraham lived before they ever went through the Exodus
09:12 and came to Mount Sinai,
09:13 and the Bible says, "Abraham kept my laws, my statutes,
09:16 and my judgements,"
09:18 and I don't remember if that's Genesis 20.
09:20 - Genesis 26:25. - 26, okay.
09:22 You wanna read the whole verse there?
09:24 - Yeah, it says, speaking of Abraham, "He obeyed my voice,
09:26 kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."
09:29 - So God had a law, the Bible tells us
09:32 that God told Cain that sin was at the door
09:36 when he murdered his brother, that was clearly a sin,
09:39 and God told Joseph that adultery would be a sin
09:43 when Potiphar's wife tempted him,
09:45 and before the children of Israel got to Mount Sinai,
09:49 the bread from heaven would rain down six days a week,
09:52 but there'd be none on the seventh day of the week,
09:54 and God said, "This is the Sabbath."
09:56 So I do believe when Noah was building the ark,
09:59 he took off every Sabbath day,
10:01 I don't think he worked seven days a week,
10:03 and that they knew about that day of rest.
10:06 Man has always needed that rest physically,
10:09 and as our quality time with God,
10:11 that's why Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man
10:14 and the word there, man, is, it's not Jew,
10:16 it's anthropos, it means humanity.
10:19 So God gave Adam and Eve the Sabbath back in the garden
10:22 and they passed it on, faithful, kept it,
10:24 those unfaithful did not keep it,
10:26 as with the other commandments.
10:28 - You know, we do have a study guide that talks about that,
10:30 it's called "The Lost Day of History,"
10:32 and it goes back into the history of the Sabbath
10:34 and how that was established at creation.
10:37 If you'd like to learn more about that,
10:38 the number to call is 800-835-6747,
10:41 and again, you can ask for that free offer,
10:43 it's called "The Lost Day of History,"
10:45 we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks,
10:48 it's 800-835-6747.
10:51 Thanks for your call, Lee.
10:52 We've got Maya listening from North Dakota.
10:56 Maya, welcome to the program.
10:59 - [Maya] Okay, so my question is,
11:01 I've been studying Ezekiel,
11:03 and at the end of Ezekiel,
11:05 God takes him in a vision
11:08 and the angels measuring the sanctuary on earth,
11:14 the heaven sanctuary, or the new Jerusalem?
11:17 I'm confused on what's going on at the end of Ezekiel.
11:21 - All right, Ezekiel is one of the four apocalyptic prophets
11:26 in the Bible, meaning that God spoke to them
11:29 in these visions that were full of symbols,
11:31 and not always to be taken literally.
11:34 It's like when you get to Revelation,
11:35 it talks about a woman riding a beast with seven heads,
11:38 well, that's not real, those symbols,
11:41 the woman represents a church, there it's a fallen church.
11:45 In Ezekiel, the temple of God, the Bible says, what?
11:48 "Don't you know that you are the temple of God?"
11:51 Is what Paul tells us.
11:52 And so when a Ezekiel is measuring the temple, it's also,
11:55 there's a measuring of the temple in Revelation
11:58 that is referring back to Ezekiel,
12:00 and it's talking about, really, a judgment of God's people.
12:04 So all these things, it's talking about
12:06 that beautiful temple in Ezekiel,
12:08 I think are in symbolic language.
12:11 Yeah, 'cause there's no time in history,
12:13 in Jewish history, or to the present time,
12:16 when that temple was physically built.
12:18 First of all, it was huge,
12:19 it's much bigger than when they rebuilt the temple,
12:21 and then you read about the river and he says,
12:25 he goes into this river that's a mile long
12:28 and a mile wide, I should say, and halfway in,
12:35 he's only up to his thighs, it's this huge river,
12:37 and then he talks about the trees by the river
12:41 continually bear fruit, and their leaves are for healing,
12:44 or for medicine.
12:45 Well, that's taken from Revelation,
12:47 where it says the leaves of the tree of life
12:50 are for the healing of the nation.
12:51 So a lot of parallels between Ezekiel,
12:54 especially to the last chapters there, and Revelation,
12:57 they should probably be studied together.
12:59 - That's right, so one might even understand
13:00 that is to be a symbolic representation of the sanctuary
13:05 in the new earth, in the new Jerusalem that we read about,
13:08 where the river is flowing forth, the river of life
13:10 that flows out.
13:11 So there's some parallels there
13:13 in that study with Revelation.
13:14 Thanks for your call.
13:15 We've got Caleb listening in New York.
13:17 Caleb, welcome to the program.
13:20 - [Caleb] Hello, Pastor Ross and Pastor Doug,
13:22 thank you so much for everything.
13:24 - Thank you for calling.
13:25 - [Caleb] Thank you for picking up.
13:26 Two questions, I wanna know if Daniel 11
13:29 has any correlation with Russia, and my other question is,
13:32 is that I live with one of my friends,
13:34 I have a lot of friends that aren't Christians and one time,
13:39 not too long ago, I had a discussion with my friends,
13:42 I didn't wanna get to,
13:44 he was very passionate about what he believes,
13:46 but I felt like I didn't say enough to defend God.
13:50 Do you think God's gonna punish me for that?
13:52 'Cause I was just, I said, told him the truth,
13:56 but I wasn't very forward about it.
14:02 - Yeah. - I think I was trying
14:03 to avoid an argument.
14:04 Do you think God's gonna punish me for that?
14:06 - I know exactly how you feel, it's often true,
14:09 and don't be discouraged.
14:10 I think Pastor Ross will say that there's probably times
14:13 that he also has thought, after talking to someone
14:15 about the Lord, "Did I say the right thing?
14:17 Did I say enough?
14:17 Did I miss an opportunity?"
14:19 That happens every day, and if we do miss an opportunity
14:23 or say something wrong, or don't say enough,
14:26 and sometimes I've been ashamed at being ashamed,
14:30 sharing my faith.
14:32 You ask God to forgive you and you move on.
14:34 I mean, even Peter, he boldly denied Christ
14:37 and Jesus forgave him.
14:38 So, it's wrong, we should pray that God helps us
14:41 to be faithful, and courageous, and accurate, and bold,
14:45 even Paul says pray for boldness
14:47 because sometimes we're intimidated to be timid,
14:51 but don't be discouraged if that happens,
14:53 'cause I think every believer has times where you think,
14:56 "Oh, I wish I'd done a better job."
15:00 - Does that help, Caleb?
15:01 - Oh, now you asked about,
15:03 we never did answer your question about Daniel 11.
15:06 Daniel 11 does cover the panorama of history
15:10 from the time of, I guess it's from Persia to,
15:14 'cause Babylon's already fallen.
15:17 So it covers the time of history from Persia
15:20 to the second coming,
15:22 and so, yeah, it's got Michael standing up
15:24 in the great final time of trouble in the resurrection,
15:26 so it covers that time span.
15:28 I don't think there's any verses
15:29 that particularly mention the battle
15:33 that's going on in Russia with Ukraine right now.
15:37 It does talk about a number of wars,
15:38 but I don't know of anything
15:39 that would allude to that in Daniel 11.
15:40 - Mm-hm, yeah, I think Daniel, especially Daniel 9, 11,
15:44 you've got some time periods, well, Daniel 11 too.
15:49 It's covering a lot,
15:50 much larger time period than just a few years,
15:52 talking about hundreds of years,
15:53 thousands of years,
15:54 that's been reviewed within that chapter.
15:56 - Kinda sweeping overview, very quick.
15:58 - Mm-hm.
16:00 All right, well, thanks for your call, Caleb.
16:01 We've got Aaron listening in New York.
16:02 Aaron, welcome to the program.
16:04 - [Aaron] Hello pastors, Thank you for taking my call.
16:07 - Thank you for calling.
16:08 - [Aaron] My question is,
16:10 was Noah and his three sons alive
16:12 when the Tower of Babel was being built?
16:17 - Good question, as far as Noah, let me think.
16:20 I think after the flood he still lives about 300 years,
16:24 so there's a good chance,
16:26 definitely his sons were still alive
16:29 because Shem lived all the way through the time of Abraham,
16:35 and the Tower of Babel had been considerably before that.
16:39 So, you go from, it's not long after Shem
16:42 that you end up with Terah and Aaron,
16:44 the parents and brother of Abraham,
16:49 so it doesn't necessarily mean that Noah had moved
16:54 to the Mesopotamian valley where they built the tower,
16:57 so Noah may have been alive.
16:58 A lot of people went down there
17:00 and they congregated in the land of Sinar,
17:06 and that's where they built the Tower of Babel,
17:07 not everybody went, Noah may have stayed somewhere
17:09 in the foothills of Ararat,
17:11 where the ark settled.
17:12 - Mm-hm, we do have a interesting timeline
17:15 that's available online,
17:17 it's a website that Amazing Facts has, Bible Timeline
17:20 and if you were to look that up,
17:22 you could actually page through it
17:23 and you can see the time of Noah,
17:25 and then see who was alive at the time,
17:28 and after that, and when Noah died, and what was happening,
17:30 it's just very informative,
17:32 so you might wanna take a look at that.
17:33 Just go to the Amazing Facts website.
17:36 - I think it's
17:37 - Bible History, is that what it is?
17:39 - Yeah, I'm looking it up and I think so.
17:41 - Okay, yes, we have a number of websites, friends,
17:44 if you're wondering about that,
17:45 but this is one that Amazing Facts put together
17:47 that is a great resource
17:48 for people wanting to study the Bible,
17:50 get an idea of the timelines,,
17:55 and take a look at that, got a lot of good information.
17:59 We've got Lance listening from Texas.
18:00 Lance, welcome to the program.
18:02 - [Lance] Yeah, I know that Ellen White,
18:06 she wrote a prophecy, and it pretty much says
18:09 that there's going to be people alive from her time
18:16 for the second coming of Christ, and if that's the case,
18:20 I guess then it must be really close
18:22 'cause what's the longest living person ever
18:26 for this modern era?
18:27 It's like 122 years,
18:29 so I would like to know what's your take on that.
18:33 - Yeah, well, I think I know what you're talking about.
18:35 She made there's one statement
18:37 in the book "Prophets and Kings,"
18:38 where she talks about in the days of Queen Esther,
18:41 there was a law that all of God's people
18:45 had to worship a certain way or they were gonna be killed,
18:47 and she said, "There's some living on the earth today
18:50 that will see those words fulfilled."
18:53 Well, there already have been some people
18:54 that have lived to see the words fulfilled,
18:57 that if you didn't worship a certain way, you'd be killed.
18:59 There are people who are killed for their faith
19:01 all the time.
19:02 If she was talking specifically
19:04 about the second coming there and the final events,
19:11 she could have been talking in what you call hyperbole,
19:13 and what I mean by that is, Paul, for instance, said,
19:17 "The gospel's been preached in all the world,"
19:20 well, he meant in the Roman empire.
19:25 And so when she made a statement like that,
19:27 if she's speaking in hyperbole,
19:29 she means we're really near the end.
19:31 - Something else to bear in mind,
19:32 whenever you read the New Testament and you read,
19:34 for example, Paul,
19:35 he speaks of being alive at the second coming of Christ,
19:38 it says, "We who are alive and remain
19:40 until the coming of the Lord will be caught up to meet them,
19:42 and the dead in Christ will rise first."
19:44 The prophet in vision never saw himself
19:47 coming up amongst those who are resurrected,
19:49 they always see themself amongst those who are alive
19:51 at the second coming of Christ,
19:52 that doesn't mean, of course, that Paul was wrong
19:55 in saying that we who are alive and remain
19:58 until the coming of the Lord, but in vision,
19:59 he always saw himself amongst those who were saved.
20:02 - And they called it the blessed hope.
20:03 - Mm-hm.
20:05 So you wanna also bear that in mind
20:06 as you study through these different prophetic passages
20:09 of the Bible.
20:10 All right, well, thanks for your call, Lance.
20:11 We've got Jerry listening in Arizona.
20:13 Jerry, welcome to the program.
20:16 - [Jerry] Thank you, pastors, for taking my call.
20:20 So, my question is in the gospels,
20:23 when it refers to Jesus's resurrection,
20:25 they all say on the first day of the week,
20:28 well, I kinda discovered that the we word week
20:31 is actually plural in Greek, and it's the word for Sabbath,
20:36 which some people talk about referring
20:38 the beginning of the seven weeks to Pentecost,
20:41 so, I'm just wondering how people can tie this to worship.
20:48 - Yeah, well, there's no question that Jesus rose
20:52 on what would be called the first day of the week or Sunday,
20:55 because it says after the Sabbath was passed.
20:59 Well, what do you have after the Sabbath?
21:01 If the Sabbath is the seventh day,
21:03 and there's only seven days in the week,
21:04 after the Sabbath is past,
21:05 all you've got left is the first day,
21:08 and so Jesus clearly rose very early in the morning
21:13 in what you would call the first day of the week.
21:15 Now, I don't think that initiates Sunday
21:18 as a new day of worship.
21:20 There's no command in the Bible anywhere
21:22 that we are to remember the first day or Sunday
21:24 as the new Sabbath or the Lord's day.
21:27 - Well, if you use that argument, Pastor, again,
21:29 there are some folks who say we got on a Sunday
21:32 because that's the day of the resurrection.
21:33 Well, what is more important?
21:35 His death on Calvary,
21:36 which happened on a Friday, or His resurrection on Sunday?
21:39 Both are equally important,
21:41 without His substitutionary death
21:43 there'd be no hope for resurrection,
21:44 so, just because those are historical facts
21:47 and those are the days that those things occurred,
21:49 it doesn't now somehow make it a new day of worship.
21:53 - Yeah, yeah, there's no reason to change the old day,
21:55 God didn't make a mistake-
21:56 - Right.
21:58 - Ten Commandments are written in stone
22:00 and they're not multiple choice.
22:02 - You know, we did mention a free offer a little while ago,
22:04 it's called "The Lost Day of History,"
22:06 and again, we wanna encourage those,
22:07 if you've never read what the Bible has to say
22:09 about the Sabbath and the blessings of the Sabbath,
22:12 call and ask for that, we'll be happy to send it to you.
22:14 The number to call is 800-835-6747, and again,
22:18 you can ask for that free offer,
22:20 it's called "The Lost Day in History,"
22:23 and if you have a Bible question, we have a few lines open,
22:25 the number to call is 800-463-7297,
22:29 that's 800-463-7297.
22:34 Next call that we have is Israel listening from Washington.
22:37 Israel, welcome to the program.
22:40 - [Israel] How you doing?
22:41 How you doing, Doug?
22:42 - Doing good, thanks for calling.
22:45 - [Israel] So my question is,
22:47 when God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt,
22:53 from my understanding, He basically took 'em on a crusade,
22:57 wiping out every ungodly people
23:01 by killing every man, woman, and child that was ungodly
23:04 until they got to the promised land,
23:07 so if I choose to fight for my country,
23:11 and let's say I go to war and I'm gonna have to kill,
23:14 if these people are ungodly,
23:18 am I sinning by choosing to take that route?
23:24 - Yeah, I think it would be wrong,
23:27 Jesus talks about Christians not killing,
23:33 He came, He said, "I did not come to destroy men's lives,
23:34 but to save them," and just to be clear,
23:37 the children of Israel, first of all, in the wilderness,
23:39 the only ones that they fought against and annihilated
23:41 were the Amalekites or they fought against,
23:44 they didn't even annihilate them,
23:45 then there were some pagan nations
23:47 that were bent on destroying Israel,
23:51 and so they were told to fight against them.
23:55 The interpersonal laws of the Christian
23:58 are different from civil laws,
24:01 God's laws, or even national laws,
24:03 God's laws regarding civil things
24:06 was under what they call a theocracy,
24:10 we are not under a theocracy that is led by God,
24:13 we're under a democracy that's led by faulty humans,
24:18 and so I think that a person needs to think long and hard
24:22 about going to war and taking up arms to shoot a person.
24:25 Now, don't misunderstand,
24:27 I have tremendous respect for young men and women,
24:32 two of them being,
24:34 I've got a son and daughter that were in the service,
24:37 I'm so thankful the freedoms that they defend,
24:39 but I think as a Christian you need to be very careful
24:42 about saying that I'm gonna take up arms.
24:45 I think if you're gonna defend your country,
24:47 try and find some area where you can do it,
24:49 where maybe you could help save a life
24:52 or do it in a medical field or something.
24:55 - Well, pastor, like, there are examples,
24:56 you mentioned that Israel at the time,
24:58 they were being led by a cloud,
25:00 the cloud led them, the pillar fire by night,
25:02 prior to them going into war,
25:04 God would communicate to Moses and give them instructions.
25:07 In some cases it was a very decisive battle
25:14 where the purpose was to remove an ungodly group of people,
25:16 but there were other times where God would actually say,
25:18 "No, leave them alone," or, "Save the woman and children,"
25:22 so God was actually leading and directing Israel.
25:24 Part of the reason why Israel went into captivity
25:27 for the 400 years,
25:28 God said to Abraham, "Because the iniquity
25:30 is not yet full of the land,"
25:32 so God had given them a 400 years of probationary time
25:35 before Israel returned to the promised land,
25:38 before the judgements came upon them,
25:40 and they knew about Abraham and they were witnesses
25:43 for the truth during that time period,
25:46 but God was giving them time to make a decision,
25:49 so it was unique situation.
25:50 - Yeah, yeah, it was. - It was a judgment,
25:51 different from today.
25:53 All right, well, thank you for your call, Israel.
25:54 You know, and Pastor Doug, I'm looking at the clock,
25:56 we've got about a minute before we take our break,
25:58 and probably wouldn't be fair to take another call,
26:00 but friends, if you have a Bible question,
26:02 we got another 30 minutes,
26:04 that's gonna be following our break here,
26:07 taking your Bible questions,
26:08 the number to call is 800-463-7297,
26:12 and if you don't get through right away,
26:14 just stay on the line,
26:15 one of our call screeners will contact or talk to you again,
26:19 the number is 800-463-7297,
26:22 and it's a good time now to call,
26:25 we'll get your call on the program.
26:26 (inspiring music)
26:28 - We're coming back with more Bible questions
26:29 in just a moment, so don't go away.
26:30 (inspiring music)
26:34 - [Announcer] Stay tuned,
26:35 Bible Answers Live will return shortly.
26:38 (inspiring music)
26:41 - [Narrator] The U.S. Government is drowning in debt,
26:44 to the tune of $22 trillion,
26:48 but before you wag your finger at the government spending,
26:50 the Federal Reserve says the average American household
26:53 carries over $137,000 in debt.
26:57 While it was never God's plan
26:59 that we live with the burden of debt,
27:00 Proverbs 22:7 warns us the rich rules over the poor,
27:05 and the borrower is servant to the lender.
27:07 Living with debt is a stressful burden
27:09 that actually hurts your relationship with God.
27:12 In my new pocketbook, "Deliverance From Debt,"
27:15 I outline the Bible principles
27:17 on how to properly manage your money
27:19 with some practical suggestions
27:20 on how you can get out and stay out of debt.
27:24 If you or someone you love is drowning in debt,
27:27 order a copy of "Deliverance From Debt" today,
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27:32 Please call 800-538-7275 or visit
27:39 (gentle music)
27:42 - [Announcer] Did you know that Noah was present
27:44 at the birth of Abraham?
27:45 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room,
27:48 but he was alive and probably telling stories
27:50 about his floating zoo.
27:52 From the creation of the world
27:54 to the last-day events of Revelation,
27:56 is a free resource
27:59 where you can explore major Bible events and characters.
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28:07 Go deeper, visit the Amazing Bible Timeline
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28:13 (joyful music)
28:18 - [Announcer] Amazing facts began in 1965
28:22 with a God-inspired concept.
28:25 - [Joe] Hello, this is Joe Cruz
28:26 on the Amazing Facts broadcast, facts which affect you.
28:30 - [Announcer] Each radio broadcast would begin
28:32 with an amazing fact from science, nature, or history
28:36 followed by a Bible message
28:37 that touched the hearts of listeners
28:39 from every walk of life.
28:41 The program was an instant success
28:44 and the ministry soon began expanding
28:46 to include Bible lessons.
28:48 In 1986, Amazing Facts added the medium of television
28:52 to its growing outreach efforts,
28:54 offering soul-winning evangelistic messages
28:57 for viewers around the world.
29:00 In 1994, Pastor Doug Bachelor assumed leadership
29:03 of the ministry, adding the Bible Answers Live
29:06 call-in radio program and new ministry TV programs began
29:11 airing on multiple networks around the world.
29:14 For 50 years, the driving vision of Amazing Facts
29:18 has been the bold proclamation of the everlasting gospel,
29:22 and with a team of evangelists circling the globe
29:25 and thousands of men and women being trained
29:27 through the Amazing Facts Center of evangelism Program,
29:30 AFCO, the ministry is helping God's church
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29:37 Amazing Facts, God's message, our mission.
29:41 (inspiring music)
29:45 (adventurous music)
29:48 - [Announcer] You're listening to Bible Answers Live,
29:51 where every question answered
29:52 provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you,
29:57 so, what are you waiting for?
29:58 Get practical answers about the good book
30:01 for a better life today.
30:03 (adventurous music)
30:05 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode,
30:08 if you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
30:11 on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7:00 pm
30:15 and 8:00 pm, Pacific time,
30:17 to receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
30:20 in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747,
30:25 once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:31 Now, let's rejoin our host for more Bible Answers Live.
30:35 (inspiring music)
30:37 - Welcome back, listening friends, to Bible Answers Live,
30:39 and those who have joined us along the way,
30:41 this is a live, international, interactive Bible study,
30:45 and you're invited to call in with your Bible questions,
30:47 and we're gonna go back to the phones right away.
30:49 My name is Doug Bachelor.
30:50 - My name is Jean Ross, and Pastor Doug,
30:52 we like to just remind folks that you might be listening
30:54 to this program on the radio,
30:57 'cause we broadcast both on land base
30:58 as well as satellite radio, but we also livestreaming
31:01 on Amazing Facts' Facebook page,
31:03 on the Doug Bachelor Facebook page,
31:05 I believe it's also on the YouTube channel,
31:08 Amazing Facts YouTube channel,
31:09 as well as on Amazing Facts TV and Good News TV,
31:12 so there's all kinds of ways
31:13 that you can stay in contact with us and yeah,
31:16 let us know that you're out there,
31:18 and if you have a Bible question,
31:19 we'd love to hear from you.
31:21 Next caller that we have is Christine, listening in Florida.
31:23 Christine, welcome to the program.
31:25 - [Christine] Hi, pastors, thank you for taking the call.
31:28 It's just one question, how do we submit our will to God?
31:34 How do we know that we are actually doing,
31:37 submitting our will to God?
31:39 - Well, that is the big question,
31:41 the biggest battle that Jesus fought was there
31:44 in the garden of Gethsemane,
31:45 where He said, you know,
31:46 "Father, if there's any way for this cup to pass from Me,
31:50 but not in My will, Thy will be done,"
31:53 and that battle was so intense,
31:55 He prayed that prayer three times
31:56 and He was perspiring blood,
31:59 the Bible describes it as an agony.
32:00 So the biggest battle that any of us wage,
32:03 and it's on a day-to-day basis,
32:04 is saying, "Not what I want Lord, but what You want."
32:08 So, how do you know if you're doing that?
32:10 Well, you, day by day ask yourself,
32:13 "Am I doing my will or God's will?"
32:15 God's will is revealed in God's law
32:17 and in the teachings of Jesus,
32:20 and I think we do have a book that talks about
32:22 how can we know the will of God,
32:23 and in there is a section on how do we do the will of God.
32:26 - Mm-hmm, absolutely, and we'll be happy
32:28 to send that to anyone wanting to learn more
32:30 about knowing and doing the will of God.
32:32 It's called "How to Determine The Will of God,"
32:34 and the number to call for that is 800-835-6747,
32:39 and we'll be happy to send you
32:40 this free book anywhere in North America.
32:42 Again, the number is 800-835-6747,
32:45 "How to Determine the Will of God" is the name of the book,
32:48 so just ask for it.
32:49 Thanks for your call, Christine.
32:51 We got Theresa listening in Washington DC.
32:53 Theresa, welcome to the program.
32:56 - [Theresa] Hi, good evening, pastors.
32:58 - Evening!
33:00 - [Theresa] Great, I have a question
33:01 regarding Revelation 16:1-2, where it says
33:09 that the first vial is poured out upon the earth,
33:13 and the men which had the mark of the beast,
33:16 and them which worship his image,
33:21 is that the close of probation
33:26 and the people that receive this mark,
33:33 the grievous sore, will they have a chance to repent
33:37 at that time?
33:40 - No, when the seven last plagues begin to fall
33:44 and they're in Revelation 16,
33:46 you have the first plagues
33:48 and you get first, second, third plagues
33:50 in the first four verses there,
33:53 once the plagues begin to fall, probation is closed,
33:55 and Pastor Ross, that verse in Revelation 22,
33:58 where it says, "He that is just, let him be just still,
34:01 and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still."
34:03 It kind of indicates
34:05 that once you reach the close of probation,
34:08 the saved are saved, the lost are lost,
34:10 and the door of mercy closed.
34:12 - Yeah, you have Revelation 22:11,
34:14 where you have Jesus saying, "He that is unjust,
34:16 let him be unjust still, he that he is filthy,
34:19 let him be filthy still,
34:20 he that is righteous, let him be righteous still,
34:22 he that is holy, let him be holy still,"
34:25 and in the very next verse, Jesus says,
34:27 "Behold, I'm coming quickly, and My reward is with Me
34:30 to give to every man according to his work."
34:32 So, the close of probation
34:33 precedes the second coming of Christ,
34:35 and once probation closes,
34:37 then you have what the Bible calls the wrath of God,
34:39 which is the seven last plagues that are poured out,
34:42 but God's people are protected during that time of plagues.
34:46 Some people ask, "Well, why does God send the plagues
34:48 if it's too late for people to change sides?"
34:51 Well, the plagues help to reveal the heart of every person.
34:54 If you read a little further in the plagues,
34:56 instead of the wicked repenting,
34:58 when they realize that these plagues are coming
35:01 because of their sins,
35:02 they harden their hearts and they curse God
35:05 for sending the plagues,
35:07 so it reveals to the whole universe
35:10 that there's nothing more God can do
35:12 to try and save these people,
35:13 their hearts are fully set towards evil.
35:15 - Yeah, it says when you come to the fourth plague
35:17 and men are scorched with great heat in verse nine,
35:20 this is Revelation 16:9,
35:22 and it says, "They were scorched with great heat
35:24 and they blasphemed the name of God,
35:26 who has power over the plagues,
35:28 and they did not repent and give Him glory."
35:31 They didn't humble themselves, they blasphemed God,
35:33 they hardened their hearts like Pharaoh
35:35 when the plagues fell, and yeah, probation's closed for them
35:39 at this time.
35:40 - All right, well, thanks for your call, Theresa.
35:42 We've got Bonita listening from North Carolina.
35:44 Bonita, welcome to the program.
35:47 - [Bonita] Thank you very much, good evening-
35:50 - Evening.
35:51 - Pastor Doug, and evening, Pastor Jean.
35:55 My question, I've been trying to determine
35:59 what is the chronological order
36:01 of when Lucifer got kicked out of heaven?
36:05 Why was he kicked out specifically,
36:08 and when was he cast to earth?
36:12 Was it before or after the creation of the world?
36:18 - All right, well, I think you're gonna find in,
36:21 I think it's in Ezekiel 28 where it says,
36:23 "You have sinned and therefore you were cast out,"
36:26 so he was cast out because of his rebellion and his sin,
36:29 he wanted God's position.
36:31 So, if you read in Ezekiel 28 and read in Isaiah 14,
36:38 I think you'll find there it describes
36:40 what Lucifer's goals were and what his sins were,
36:43 why he was cast out.
36:44 - Yeah, and with reference to the sequence
36:46 that you mentioned,
36:46 you find in Revelation 12,
36:48 it says there was war in heaven, and the devil lost,
36:51 and he was cast out, he and his angels.
36:53 Well, this appears to have happened
36:55 before the creation of the earth, this rebellion
36:57 or this war in heaven, once the earth was created, then,
37:00 of course, Lucifer had already been cast out of heaven,
37:02 he was able to tempt Adam and Eve,
37:05 and then he claimed the earth as his,
37:06 because the loyalty that Adam was to give to God,
37:09 he now gave to the devil.
37:11 So the devil claimed to be the representative of the earth,
37:13 but we do find another verse in Revelation 12:12
37:17 it says, "Therefore rejoice, O heavens,
37:19 and you that dwell in them,
37:20 woe to the inhabitants of the earth,
37:22 for the devil has come down to you,
37:23 having great wrath, because he knows he has a short time,"
37:27 and verse 11 says, "They overcame them
37:28 by the blood of the Lamb."
37:30 So at the cross, the devil is cast down again,
37:33 so he's cast out of heaven before creation,
37:36 but at the cross he's cast down in a sense,
37:38 meaning that he is isolated to the earth,
37:41 because now Jesus is the rightful representative
37:44 of those who put their faith and trust in Him,
37:47 so the devil is cast out before creation,
37:49 he's cast down in a sense at the cross,
37:52 and that's Revelation 12:10,
37:55 that talks about salvation has come
37:57 and the devil has been cast down.
37:59 - Yes, thank you, Bonita.
38:01 - Next call that we have is Carol listening in New Jersey.
38:04 Carol, welcome to the program.
38:06 - [Carol] Hi, good evening,
38:07 thank you so much for taking my call,
38:09 Pastor Ross and Pastor Jean.
38:10 So my quick question is, in Hebrews 11:6,
38:17 "But without faith it's impossible to please him,
38:19 for he that commeth to God must believe that he is
38:23 and that he is a rewarder of them
38:25 that diligently seek him."
38:26 So my question is, what is the difference between this faith
38:31 and presumptuous faith?
38:33 Because if you're moving according to believing,
38:40 how can it reach to the point where it becomes presumptuous?
38:45 - Well, that is really a good question.
38:47 There is a difference between having faith,
38:50 moving forward in faith, and having a presumptuous faith,
38:54 I'll give you just a quick example.
38:57 Some pastors, when they feel impressed
38:59 they're supposed to build a church, some will say,
39:02 "Let's start building before we have the money,"
39:05 and other pastors will say, "That's presumption,
39:08 you should be raising some of the money,
39:11 and so that you're not starting a tower
39:13 and you don't finish," and then there are other pastors
39:15 who say, "You ought have all the money
39:17 before you start building," and so it's interesting to see
39:21 these different perspectives.
39:24 I think sometimes, if you find yourself in dire straits,
39:27 you can believe that God will save you,
39:28 but you don't wanna jump off a cliff
39:30 or cast yourself from the temple and say, "I've got faith
39:32 that angels are gonna catch me," that's called presumption,
39:35 so that's where you start tempting the Lord
39:37 and saying that it's faith, so, I don't know,
39:41 does that make sense, Carol?
39:45 - [Carol] So if you move, is it that,
39:47 I'm understanding that if you put yourself in a position
39:51 out of the reach of the expectation
39:54 of what you might do in opposing to what God will do
39:59 according to His will, I'm a little bit confused
40:03 at that?" - Well, you know, yeah,
40:04 if you're spirit-led, let me just say this,
40:07 when you're baptized in the Holy Spirit,
40:08 sometimes the Holy Spirit's gonna ask you
40:10 to do really strange things,
40:13 like He's gonna ask you to march around a city
40:15 and blow a trumpet and expect the walls to fall,
40:18 or He is gonna ask you to step off in the Jordan river
40:20 when it's flooding and the river will stop.
40:23 So, I think I wanna be clear that if you look in the Bible,
40:26 you're gonna see that people of faith
40:27 are led by the Holy Spirit to do things
40:29 that may not make any sense at all, and God bless us.
40:34 When Elijah prays and fire comes down,
40:36 that took faith, and he prayed again, it didn't rain,
40:39 then he prayed it did rain, so,
40:42 but I think living day to day,
40:45 we may not always feel the Holy Spirit urging or guiding.
40:48 If you see something in the Word of God, step out in faith
40:51 on what the Word says,
40:52 regardless of what you might see or feel,
40:55 and God will bless your faith when it's based on the Word.
40:58 - I've heard one person put it this way, they said,
41:00 "Do what you know God wants you to do,
41:03 and then leave the results with Him."
41:05 So every day, try and do everything we can in our power
41:09 to accomplish what we believe God is wanting us to do,
41:12 and then leave the results with Him.
41:13 For example, when Jesus fed the 5,000, He asked,
41:16 "Well, how much food do you have?"
41:18 Well, they had few loaves and fish, and Jesus took that
41:20 and then He multiplied it and He fed more than 5,000 people.
41:23 So we are to do what we can from a human perspective
41:27 and trust God, have faith in God
41:29 that He will bring about to pass what He has promised.
41:32 - That's right, good point. - In other words,
41:33 somebody says, "Oh, I want God to gimme a job."
41:36 Well, if they're just gonna be sitting at home,
41:38 waiting for somebody to knock on their door
41:40 and offer them a job, that's maybe presumption,
41:42 but if they're out there doing the best they can
41:45 and they're looking for a job,
41:46 well, then they can trust that God will open
41:48 and direct them to the right place.
41:49 - Yeah, it's not in the Bible,
41:51 but it is true that God helps those that help themselves.
41:53 - Yeah, that's true, yeah, it's practical, yeah.
41:55 Well, thanks for your call, Carol.
41:57 Rachel is listening in Kansas.
42:00 Rachel, welcome to the program.
42:02 - [Rachel] I am reading the Bible from front to back,
42:05 and so I'm only in the Old Testament,
42:08 and God speaks words to Moses and Joshua, and He says,
42:14 "Fear not, do not be afraid-
42:17 - I'm with you,
42:18 be courageous." - And yes,
42:20 and in today's time, people like to share scripture with you
42:25 whenever you're having hardship or something.
42:28 Is there a scripture in the Bible that allows us
42:31 to take those words that God said to either Moses or Joshua
42:35 or whoever,
42:36 and actually use them in our time for us?
42:39 Because they were spoken to someone for a certain situation
42:45 in the Bible.
42:46 - Good question.
42:48 Where is it, Pastor Ross, where Peter says,
42:50 "For given unto us are exceeding great and precious promises
42:54 that by these we might become partakers
42:56 of the divine nature,
42:58 having escaped the corruption
42:59 that is in the world through lust"?
43:02 - 2 Peter 1:4.
43:03 - See, friends, I'm dyslexic, I remember the verse,
43:05 I don't remember the verse, but I remember the words.
43:09 So he says there are promises given to us in scripture
43:12 "That by these we might become partakers
43:14 of the divine nature."
43:15 So when I read God and Moses saying to Joshua,
43:20 "Be courageous, be courageous, be very courageous,"
43:22 and that's in, I think, chapter one of Joshua,
43:25 I think I can apply that to me,
43:26 and that God is saying that if I'm willing to do His will,
43:29 I can be courageous and know that He's with me.
43:32 So, God hasn't changed,
43:33 and so the same promises and assurances
43:36 that God gives His prophets through history,
43:38 they apply to me.
43:39 He also gave them conditions,
43:41 so if we're following the conditions that He gives them,
43:44 we can claim the same promises that He gives them.
43:47 - And of course, not only do we have the examples
43:48 in the Old Testament where God says,
43:50 "Do not be afraid, do not fear,"
43:52 but we find that repeated by Jesus in the New Testament,
43:55 where He says, "Don't be afraid,
43:57 don't worry about what you're gonna eat
43:58 and what you're gonna wear, God will take care of you.
44:00 If you seek first the kingdom,
44:02 all these things shall be added."
44:04 So those principles that we see in the Old Testament,
44:06 they re repeated in the New Testament.
44:08 - That's right, yeah.
44:08 - Without a doubt.
44:10 - Very good. - All right.
44:11 Next caller that we have is Rob listening from Michigan.
44:13 Rob, welcome to the program.
44:15 - [Rob] Hi, thank you.
44:17 Yes, I need you to elaborate on Daniel's vision
44:20 where he saw this image that symbolized several kingdoms,
44:26 starting with Persia, Medo-Persia,
44:30 and it had brass, it had tin, it had iron, and it gold,
44:37 and it symbolizes the different civilizations
44:41 up to modern day.
44:42 So, can you speak to that a little bit more?
44:45 - Sure, and before I even get into it,
44:48 I won't be able to cover it all in just a few minutes,
44:50 but we'll give you a free lesson,
44:55 and it's called "The Millennial Man,"
44:56 it's one of our historical lessons,
44:58 it's the first one, it's called "The Millennial Man,"
45:00 it covers the prophecy of Daniel 2,
45:03 where Nebuchadnezzar, here's my quick answer,
45:05 has a dream of this large idol,
45:08 and this huge image image is made with a head of gold,
45:12 the chest and arms are of silver,
45:14 the belly is of bronze, and the thighs,
45:16 the legs are of iron, the feet are iron and clay,
45:19 and then he sees a stone cut without hands
45:21 come from the heavens, strike the image on the feet,
45:24 and it basically pulverizes it,
45:26 and it all blows away.
45:28 That idol, idolatry was forbidden by the Jewish people
45:31 in the Ten Commandments, it's forbidden for everybody,
45:35 represents the religions of the world,
45:37 and the head of gold, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar
45:40 that's the kingdom of Babylon,
45:42 the arms of silver were the kingdoms of Medo-Persia,
45:46 the bronze was the kingdom of Greece,
45:48 the iron was the kingdom of Rome,
45:51 the feet of iron and clay were the division
45:53 of the Roman empire
45:55 that went with a combination of religion and government,
45:58 and that's where you've got the papacy, really,
46:00 ruling the European civilization for over a thousand years,
46:05 and it says in the days of these kings,
46:07 that God is gonna establish His kingdom,
46:09 we're living in the toenails,
46:10 the very toes of that image today.
46:13 So take a look at that lesson,
46:15 anyone could ask for that lesson on "The Millennial Man,"
46:18 and it covers that prophecy.
46:20 - The number to call is 800-835-6747,
46:23 and again, you can ask for the study guide, actually,
46:25 one of the lessons called "Millennial Man,"
46:28 it's part of the historical set of lessons,
46:30 and we'll be happy to send that to you,
46:32 thanks for your call.
46:34 Next caller that we have is AJ, listening from Nebraska.
46:36 AJ, welcome to the program.
46:39 - [AJ] Thanks for having me.
46:42 My question is why was Michal punished
46:46 for watching David dance
46:48 when he brought the ark into Jerusalem?
46:52 - All right, now, Michal, I know it sounds
46:54 like a man's name, but Michal was the wife of King David,
46:58 she was the daughter of King Saul.
47:00 David actually had several wives,
47:02 she wasn't punished for watching him dance,
47:04 she was punished for mocking him,
47:06 and it doesn't say David punished her,
47:08 it basically says that she never had children,
47:12 she was never blessed with children,
47:13 and I think another reason that Michal never had children
47:16 is because there were some people
47:18 that wanted to see the Benjamites, the descendants of Saul,
47:21 back on the throne, and if God had given children to David
47:25 through Michal, a lot of people would say,
47:26 "Well, naturally, it should be the children
47:29 of David and Saul,
47:31 as opposed to the children of David and Bathsheba,"
47:33 and it ended up being Solomon,
47:35 the daughter, or rather the son of Bathsheba.
47:38 So there were a couple of reasons,
47:39 she shouldn't have been mocking her husband
47:41 for worshiping the Lord, and she did not like
47:44 that he humbled himself, took off his robes,
47:46 and he was wearing the simple linen ephod like a priest.
47:51 Good question, thanks so much, AJ.
47:53 - We've got Patrick listening also from Nebraska.
47:56 Patrick, welcome to the program.
47:58 - [Patrick] Yes, good evening, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
48:02 My question is concerning the identity of Melchizedek,
48:07 he was both a king and a priest.
48:10 I thought about this question
48:11 when someone asked the question concerning Noah
48:13 and the Tower of Babel.
48:16 The identity of Melchizedek,
48:19 Pastor Bachelor, if you could elaborate on that some,
48:22 I'd appreciate it, thank you.
48:24 - Yeah, well, we know that Melchizedek is a type of Christ
48:28 because here Abraham, coming back from the battle
48:30 with the kings of the north, Melchizedek,
48:33 who is the king and priest of Salem,
48:37 later known as Jerusalem, same place,
48:41 Abraham pays tithes to him,
48:43 so he's someone who seems to be a worshiper of the true God,
48:47 it says he's a priest of the Most High God,
48:49 and you think, "What's he doing in Canaan?"
48:51 Somebody that worships the true God,
48:54 some have speculated, and you can't really prove it,
48:56 but it is a workable theory,
48:58 that one of the sons of Noah who was still alive, Shem,
49:02 lived over 600 years,
49:03 his life overlapped with the life of Abraham
49:06 over 100 years, I think 170 years,
49:11 and so some have said, well, after Abraham moved,
49:15 because of the idolatry that was in Ur,
49:18 that Shem may have also heard that God had led Abraham
49:21 to this promised land, and he had come with his clan
49:24 and settled there, we don't know that,
49:26 and it's just one theory,
49:28 and he appears mysteriously out of nowhere,
49:32 the Bible doesn't say who his people are,
49:34 where he came from, where he went to,
49:35 so he's sort of a type of Christ
49:36 in that he's without beginning or end, biblically,
49:39 he just appears and disappears.
49:41 - Now, if you read from the Book of Hebrews,
49:43 Paul does spend quite a bit of time talking
49:45 about Melchizedek as a type of Christ,
49:47 he was both a priest and a king,
49:50 and apparently Abraham recognized this because Abraham,
49:53 the great patriarch, he gave a tithe to Melchizedek,
49:56 and that's a little different.
49:58 The Levites came through the seed of Abraham,
50:00 but here is Melchizedek of a different type of priesthood,
50:03 and Paul says that's the type of priesthood of Jesus.
50:06 All right, great question, thank you.
50:08 Carol is listening in California.
50:09 Carol, welcome to the program.
50:12 - [Carol] Hi, thank you for taking my call.
50:14 - Yes.
50:16 - [Carol] In Revelation some things are literal
50:20 and some things are symbolic,
50:22 and in regards to the 144,000 people
50:26 that will be alive when Jesus comes,
50:32 how is that interpreted?
50:35 - Well, the 144,000, you find them mentioned
50:38 in Revelation 7, and then double that,
50:40 you find them mentioned in Revelation 14.
50:43 The 144,000, they are not the only one saved,
50:47 I do believe the number is literal,
50:48 but I think this is a number that is basically describing
50:52 the last-day apostles around the world.
50:56 Jesus had 12 apostles that prepared the people of Israel
51:00 for His first coming and introduced Him at Pentecost,
51:04 and then before His second coming,
51:06 he'll have 12 times 12,000, both literal and spiritual Jews,
51:12 and so I think that calling them children of Israel,
51:16 that's symbolic, because those that are Christ's
51:19 are Abraham seed, God is not gonna be raising up 12,000
51:23 from the tribe of Gad or Manasseh, they don't exist anymore,
51:26 they intermarried before Jesus was born, and disappeared.
51:30 So it's basically saying that God's gonna have
51:33 these last-day people filled with the Spirit,
51:35 doing a work similar to the work of the apostles,
51:38 preparing a great multitude for Jesus' coming.
51:41 Now, we have a book on this,
51:42 we'll be happy to send you a free copy, Carol.
51:45 - Yes, the book is called, "Who Will Sing The Song?
51:47 Understanding the 144,000," a book written by Pastor Doug,
51:50 and we'll be happy to send this to you, Carol,
51:52 anyone who calls and asks.
51:54 The number is 800-835-6747, just ask for the book
51:58 on the 144,000, it's called, "Who Will Sing the Song?"
52:02 And we'll get that in the mail and send it to you.
52:04 Next caller that we have, let's see,
52:06 we've got Elisa listening from Michigan.
52:10 Lisa, welcome to the program.
52:12 - [Lisa] Hi, thank you for taking my call.
52:16 My question, well,
52:18 I know that it's best with prophecy unfolding like it is,
52:23 to be out of the cities and into the country,
52:26 and my family, I have two severe autistic boys,
52:31 and we do plan on moving to the country,
52:33 but my question is, in the time of where we can't buy
52:38 or sell, and the blue laws are there,
52:41 how are we going to live?
52:44 Because we may have a mortgage and probably land taxes
52:48 if we don't have a mortgage, so I was just wondering
52:51 how that would work,
52:52 'cause we'll have that home in the country,
52:54 but still we won't be able to buy or sell.
52:58 - Yeah.
52:59 - [Lisa] So that is what I'm wondering about.
53:00 - Good question.
53:02 I think the last thing to happen would be
53:05 that banks will not take your money.
53:08 When you can't buy something, that's different,
53:09 but if you're trying to pay,
53:12 pay someone back for a property
53:15 or a mortgage, they'll probably accept payment,
53:19 but it's gonna be hard for people to buy.
53:22 Now, when it says they can't buy or sell,
53:24 not only will that be happening on a personal level,
53:26 that's already happening,
53:28 it's in the news today on an international level,
53:30 they call it economic sanctions,
53:32 when one nation tells another nation,
53:34 "We are not gonna allow you to buy."
53:36 It's been in the news a lot lately with Russia
53:39 and some of those sanctions.
53:40 So I think that's the bigger part
53:44 of what's happening in Revelation,
53:46 is that the United States and other nations
53:48 are gonna punish parts of the world
53:51 that don't go along with the religious laws,
53:52 but it's also gonna happen on an individual basis,
53:56 and it'll be very easy to control.
53:58 I mean, even now we've seen that with COVID,
54:02 there's been a lot of government involvement
54:04 in personal things, travel, and purchases,
54:07 can't go to certain stores.
54:09 So it's very easy to see, with electronic money,
54:11 how quickly this could happen.
54:13 Hope that helps, Elisa.
54:15 Pastor Ross, if someone wants to send us,
54:17 not everyone can call in or not everyone wants to get
54:19 on the radio and call in with their question,
54:21 if they wanna email us questions for the Rapid Fire,
54:24 what's the address for that?
54:25 - The address is just simply
54:30 Again, that's B-A-L, Bible Answers Live,
54:35 If you're watching this on social media,
54:37 you can actually type your question there
54:38 in the comment section, and we'll try to gather
54:41 those questions together, put them down,
54:44 and try and answer as many of them as we can
54:46 during our special two-minute segment
54:49 that's gonna be coming up
54:50 in like 10 seconds from now, Pastor Doug.
54:52 - That's right, and also don't forget,
54:55 check out everything else that's available
54:57 through the ministry at
55:01 We'll be back in just a few moments for our other audience.
55:03 (inspiring music)
55:06 (adventurous music)
55:07 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:10 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:14 Bible Answers Live is produced
55:16 by Amazing Facts International,
55:18 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:22 (adventurous music)
55:24 - Hello friends, welcome back.
55:25 We have about two minutes, Pastor Doug,
55:27 to answer some of the questions that have been sent
55:29 into the program,
55:30 we've got some great questions this evening,
55:32 I'm curious about the answer.
55:34 So let's get started, the first question that we have is,
55:36 "Is there a biblical example
55:38 of when you have to love your enemy?"
55:41 - Yeah, I think there's probably several examples,
55:43 you've got the example in the Bible
55:44 where King David had an opportunity
55:46 to get vengeance on King Saul,
55:48 Saul was actually hunting David to kill him,
55:51 and on two occasions David, just providentially,
55:56 basically had an opportunity to pin Saul to the ground
55:59 or to kill him, and he said, "I won't do it,"
56:01 and he let him go free, and he even told Saul, he said,
56:03 "Look, I can kill you right now,
56:05 but I'm gonna let you go free," and he loved his enemy.
56:08 Elisha forgave a whole army that was trying to capture him
56:11 and said, "Feed them and send them home."
56:14 - All right, very good.
56:14 Another question that we have,
56:16 "What does it mean to love the Lord with all of your heart
56:18 and all of your soul?"
56:21 - Well, Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments,"
56:23 and when we love the Lord with all of our heart
56:26 and all our soul, makes me think of that statement you find
56:30 in Deuteronomy 5, I think it's verse 29,
56:33 where you said, "Oh, that all of My people would love Me
56:36 and keep all of My commandments always,
56:38 that it might be well with them and their children,"
56:41 and so we show that we love the Lord with all of our heart
56:44 by doing all that we know He wants us to do.
56:47 - Okay, another question that we have.
56:48 "Can our dead family members hear us speak to them?
56:52 Do they know what's happening with us here on earth?"
56:55 - Bible tells us in the Book of Isaiah
56:57 that we are not to consult wizards that mutter
57:00 and peep in the dark, and that's in Isaiah 8,
57:04 "Should the living go to the dead for knowledge?"
57:06 The Bible tells us that in the last days,
57:08 the wicked will be, there are devils working miracles.
57:12 You read in Revelation 16,
57:13 Satan can be transformed into an angel of light,
57:16 he can impersonate the spirits of the dead
57:18 as happened with the witch of Endor.
57:20 "The living know they will die,
57:21 the dead don't know anything,
57:23 they do not return to their house,"
57:25 Job 14 tells us, and haunt the house.
57:28 - Okay, another question that we have is,
57:29 "How long does it take to be right with God
57:32 after repenting of sin?"
57:34 - Now that's good news,
57:35 the Bible says that as soon as we repent,
57:38 He immediately forgives.
57:40 You see this where the thief on the cross said,
57:42 "Lord, remember me," right away Jesus promised,
57:44 "You will be with Me in paradise."
57:47 When Zaccheus came to Christ, Jesus declared,
57:50 "This is a son of Abraham."
57:52 When Isaiah said, "I am a sinful man,"
57:55 God cleansed him and said, "Your sin is purged,"
57:58 so as soon as we repent, He forgives, that's the good news.
58:01 - That is, absolutely.
58:03 Again, thank you, friends, for your Bible questions,
58:05 if we didn't get to your question this evening,
58:07 make sure you join us next week
58:09 as we try to answer more Bible questions.
58:11 (inspiring music)
58:13 - [Announcer] Bible Answers Live,
58:15 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
58:19 (inspiring music ends)


Revised 2022-09-20