Bible Answers Live

It's Not How It Seems

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022213S

00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - [Guest 1] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted.
00:09 And its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:20 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live",
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode,
00:31 to receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 Dragon flies are among the fastest of all insects,
00:58 having been clocked at over 60 miles an hour.
01:01 Fossils tell us that before the flood,
01:03 some dragon flies had a wingspan of nearly three feet.
01:07 Not only are they fast but they're strong too.
01:11 About half of their body mass is devoted to flight muscles
01:14 and they have the ability
01:15 to lift more than twice their body weight,
01:17 a feat that no manmade aircraft has ever come near.
01:21 They can take off backwards, then accelerate at warp speed,
01:24 then stop in an instant.
01:26 They can also execute an unbanked turn as if on a pivot,
01:29 summer salt in the heat of combat
01:31 and fly virtually any maneuver
01:33 using an infinite combination of its four wings.
01:37 Not only can the dragonfly
01:38 outmaneuver anything else on wings, it can see better too.
01:43 It's wraparound compound eyes contain over 30,000 lenses,
01:47 providing a 360 degree field of view.
01:51 In fact, a dragon flag can see a net three feet away,
01:54 dart from its nest, seize and devour the prey,
01:58 and return to its perch all in about one second.
02:02 In addition,
02:03 the success rate when hunting is nearly a 100%,
02:06 where compared to like a (indistinct), Falcon or a lion
02:09 it's 25%.
02:11 The US Air Force has studied the amazing flight versatility
02:14 of dragonflies and wind tunnels,
02:16 hoping to uncover the secret
02:18 of their incredible aerodynamic abilities,
02:21 yet the extraordinary flying ability
02:24 and seeing ability of dragonflies
02:27 doesn't match up with some characters in the Bible,
02:30 Pastor Ross.
02:30 (Pastor Doug laughs)
02:32 - Well, I know where you're going with that Pastor Doug,
02:33 talking about speed.
02:34 I mean, dragonflies are fast
02:36 but in comparison to other created beings
02:39 they don't even come close,
02:40 we're talking about angels.
02:42 Angels, the Bible says, also has wings.
02:44 We have a description of angels with wings in the Bible,
02:47 but these amazing creations, these amazing beings,
02:52 the Bible calls them ministering spirits,
02:54 can travel faster than the speed of light.
02:56 So, we're thinking probably the speed of thought,
02:59 you'd think.
03:00 - There's something between the speed of light
03:03 and how fast angels go,
03:04 we don't know what that measurement is
03:06 but there's an example in the Bible, I believe,
03:08 in the Book of Daniel.
03:10 - Yeah, there's an interesting passage
03:11 you find in Daniel chapter nine,
03:13 a little bit of the background here.
03:15 You have the prophet Daniel who's praying for understanding,
03:19 and in response to his prayer the angel Gabriel
03:22 is sent to answer Daniel's prayer.
03:25 And we actually find the verse here in Daniel chapter nine,
03:27 and starting in verse 21 it says,
03:29 "Yes, while I was speaking in prayer,"
03:31 this is Daniel the prophet,
03:32 "... the man Gabriel,
03:34 whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning,
03:35 being caused to fly swiftly,
03:37 reached me about the time of the evening offering."
03:40 So, Pastor Doug, here we have here Daniel, I should say,
03:44 the prophet praying for understanding.
03:46 And then the angel Gabriel gets the commission,
03:49 go answer Daniel's request,
03:52 we find in verse 23 of the same chapter, it says,
03:56 now Gabriel is speaking and he says,
03:58 "At the beginning of your supplication,"
04:00 that's the beginning of his prayer,
04:01 "... the commandment went out,
04:02 and I've come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved;
04:05 therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision."
04:08 So, you look back a little further in the chapter
04:10 you probably got 10 minutes of talking, or maybe even less,
04:15 where Daniel is praying,
04:16 he begins his prayer confessing his sins.
04:18 From that point to where Gabriel suddenly appears
04:22 in front of Daniel, he flies from heaven to earth
04:25 in a very short period of time.
04:27 - Yeah, it's just fractions of seconds, or minutes,
04:31 going all that distance,
04:32 which is encouraging to know when you're in trouble
04:34 and you pray, it doesn't take very long
04:37 for the paramedic to get to you, the heavenly paramedic,
04:41 and, what do they call it, the 911 response time.
04:44 It's pretty quick for heaven.
04:46 Well, Pastor Ross,
04:47 it's good to be here for the program tonight.
04:48 Wanna welcome you friends,
04:50 if you've got Bible questions we're gonna launch off,
04:52 that's what this program's all about.
04:54 And you can either watch on 3ABN or, I'm sorry,
04:59 not three 3ABN yet, we're going on there soon;
05:01 we're gonna be on AFTV, Good News Network and Facebook,
05:07 Amazing Facts, and...
05:09 Let's see, Amazing Facts Facebook page,
05:10 Doug Batchelor Facebook page,
05:12 and we invite you to call in with your questions.
05:14 If you have a question, number is (800) 463-7297.
05:21 - We also have another phone number we wanna tell you about,
05:23 and that number is (800) 835-6747,
05:27 we'll be repeating this throughout the program,
05:28 that is our free resource phone line.
05:31 Again, that's (800) 835-6747.
05:34 And, Pastor Doug, we're talking about angels
05:36 to begin the program.
05:37 We have an Amazing Fact Study Guide
05:39 that talks about a special angel born message
05:42 that comes from heaven to the earth,
05:44 and that study guide is called "Angel Messages from Space".
05:47 It's talking about the Three Angels Messages
05:50 that we find in Revelation chapter 14.
05:52 We'll be happy to send this study guide to anyone
05:54 who calls and asks,
05:55 all you need to do is call (800) 835-6747,
06:00 and you can ask for the free offer.
06:01 You can ask for offer number 137
06:03 or ask by name, Angel Messages from Space,
06:07 and we'll be happy to send that to anyone
06:08 who calls and asks.
06:10 If you're outside of North America,
06:11 please take a look at the amazing facts Facebook page
06:14 and you'll be able to read that,
06:15 actually the website I should say,
06:17 you'll be able to read this study guide right there.
06:19 - Yes.
06:20 - Before we go to the phone lines
06:21 we always like to begin with prayer,
06:22 so let's do that right now.
06:24 Dear Father, we thank You that we have this time,
06:26 once again, where we can just gather together through media,
06:30 open up Your Word and study.
06:33 Father, we thank you for those who are listening
06:34 and we pray Your blessing upon this program,
06:36 guide us into a clearer understanding
06:38 what the Bible teaches.
06:40 And we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
06:42 - Amen.
06:43 - All right, ready to go to the phone lines.
06:44 We've got April listening in Florida.
06:46 April, welcome to the program.
06:49 - [April] Hi, good evening, pastor Doug.
06:50 Good evening, pastor Jëan,
06:51 it's good to hear you guys again.
06:53 - Thank you for calling.
06:56 - [April] Thank you for accepting my call.
06:57 So, my question is,
06:59 in the Book of John
07:00 Jesus mentioned nobody has seen the face of God,
07:05 or I think He said nobody's seen the face of God.
07:09 But I believe Abraham, Moses and Elijah are in heaven.
07:15 Also, when Jesus was on the mountain,
07:18 and I'm sorry I don't have my Bible with me.
07:20 When Jesus was on the mountain,
07:21 I believe with Abraham and Elijah,
07:24 James, Peter and John, I believe, saw Him.
07:27 So, why would Jesus say, I think to the Pharisees,
07:31 nobody has seen the face of God except for the Son of Man?
07:34 - Yeah, I think that the key there is Jesus actually says,
07:37 "No man have seen the Father."
07:40 And so people have seen Jesus, the Son.
07:42 Now, for an example, if you go to Exodus chapter 33,
07:47 Moses says, "Lord, show me Your glory."
07:49 And He said, "No man can see My glory."
07:53 Matter of fact, let me see, if you look in verse 20,
07:56 He said, "You cannot see My face,
07:58 no man can see My face and live."
08:02 And so, to see the face of God in his undiminished glory
08:08 would just be too much.
08:09 Now, that's because we're in our sinful condition,
08:12 so once Moses and Elijah are in heaven
08:15 and they've got their glorified bodies,
08:16 they can endure the presence of God.
08:18 Indeed, Adam and Eve used to walk with God in the garden,
08:21 so they could see God.
08:22 And they were probably spending time with God, the Son,
08:26 in those encounters,
08:28 But God, the Father in particular,
08:30 in His undiminished glory, humans,
08:33 especially in our lost condition,
08:34 we could not bear the sight it would consume us,
08:37 be like a laser.
08:38 So, there's a distinction there
08:41 and often when people have seen God,
08:44 He's veiled His divinity in the form of a man or something,
08:50 and would appear to people like Abraham and Jacob
08:55 and Manoah, or Manoah and his wife.
08:59 - So, would that be Christ
09:00 that appeared in the old Testament to Abraham and...
09:03 - Yeah, those are called Christophanies,
09:05 they're the pre-incarnation appearances of Jesus.
09:09 Jesus appeared several times,
09:10 that's why Jesus said to the Jewish leaders,
09:13 "Abraham longed to see My day and he saw it."
09:15 Jesus appeared to Abraham
09:17 and, of course, Abraham saw Christ in the sacrifice
09:21 of when he offered Isaac.
09:23 He saw Him prefigured there.
09:26 So, hope that makes sense, April, that it is still true,
09:29 no man can see the face of God the Father,
09:31 but clearly people have seen God the Son.
09:34 - All right, next caller that we have
09:35 is Palmer listening from, is that Iowa?
09:38 Palmer, welcome to the program.
09:41 - [Palmer] Oh, I'm glad to be here.
09:43 I'm glad you guys were willing to take this question.
09:46 - Sure.
09:49 - [Palmer] The question is,
09:52 in Daniel chapter two the stone that turns into a mountain
09:56 and fills the whole earth,
09:58 is that a literal kingdom after the millennium?
10:02 - Well, let's use some biblical hermeneutics here.
10:06 When we look at Daniel two,
10:08 and you see in the image their head is of gold
10:11 and the arms of silver, and the belly is bronze,
10:14 and the legs of iron, and the feet are iron in clay.
10:17 Do those other metals represent real kingdoms, Palmer?
10:23 And, obviously, Babylon really represented
10:26 a literal kingdom of Babylon, the head of gold.
10:28 And the silver was a literal kingdom of Persia,
10:30 so when you get down to the stone, to be consistent,
10:33 it must be a literal kingdom of Jesus,
10:36 And not only did Christ
10:38 begin preaching the spiritual kingdom
10:40 when he came 2000 years ago,
10:42 we're looking forward to a literal kingdom.
10:45 The spiritual kingdom has always been available,
10:47 it's within you, but the literal kingdom is still future
10:50 'cause the devil is contesting this world,
10:55 but Jesus is going to create a new heavens and new earth,
10:58 and says the knowledge of God will fill the world.
11:01 That's when that new kingdom is established on earth.
11:04 - You know, pastor Doug, there's an interesting verse
11:06 that I like in Matthew 21 verse 44.
11:08 And, Palmer, maybe you've never seen this verse before.
11:10 It's actually Jesus, and He says,
11:12 "Whoever falls upon this stone shall be broken;
11:16 but on whomever it falls, it'll grind him to powder."
11:20 It's kind of interesting,
11:21 Christ here is referring to Daniel chapter two
11:24 because the stone that comes
11:25 and strikes the image upon its feet,
11:26 it says it grinds all of these various metals to powder
11:30 and the wind blows it away;
11:31 and then the stone grows and becomes a great mountain.
11:33 So, to fall upon the stone, the stone being Christ,
11:36 our hearts are broken.
11:37 But there is a warning,
11:39 if we don't take advantage of the salvation
11:41 that Jesus wants to give us,
11:42 when the second coming occurs
11:44 we're gonna be turning to the rocks and the mountains
11:46 as they fall on us and hide us
11:47 from the face of Him who sits upon the throne.
11:49 So, yes, it's a very literal kingdom that'll be established.
11:53 Now, there's phases of that kingdom,
11:55 you have the second coming of Christ
11:56 where the righteous are taken to him for 1,000 years,
11:58 the wicked are destroyed.
11:59 But then at the end of the 1,000 years
12:01 you have the great white throne judgment
12:03 and the wicked are destroyed,
12:04 and then the earth is recreated,
12:06 the new heavens the new earth.
12:07 - Yes.
12:09 - All right, well, thanks for your call, Palmer.
12:10 We got Michael, also from Michigan.
12:12 Michael, welcome to the program.
12:15 - [Michael] Yes, hello Pastor Doug, Pastor Ross.
12:17 Thanks for taking my question.
12:19 - Yeah.
12:20 - [Michael] My question is,
12:21 if Daniel nine, 24 through 27 is a repeat
12:28 and enlargement of the kingdom of grace,
12:31 where can we find that in Daniel two?
12:35 - You say Daniel nine,
12:37 well it's talking about
12:38 Daniel nine chapter 24 through 27 is,
12:41 really, that's the prophecy of Christ's first coming
12:47 from the time that He would be
12:48 anointed with the Holy Spirit at His baptism.
12:51 That's at the end of the 483 days or years,
12:56 to His crucifixion in the midst of that final week
12:58 when He causes a sacrifice cease,
13:01 and so that's the kingdom of grace.
13:04 When you're in Daniel chapter two
13:05 it's talking about God's a literal kingdom,
13:07 so they're covering different time periods
13:11 so I'm not sure...
13:13 Did we say something about
13:14 the kingdom of grace and Daniel two that you're looking for?
13:18 - [Michael] Well, if Daniel nine, 24 through 27
13:23 is a repeat and enlargement of the kingdom of grace,
13:29 I'm wondering where it is in Daniel two.
13:32 - Well, when Jesus comes it's...
13:38 Let me say this differently.
13:39 The kingdom of grace actually is available from creation.
13:45 That lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world,
13:47 everybody saved Old Testament, New Testament,
13:49 is saved by grace.
13:51 So, all through Daniel two,
13:54 God's people are always spared through grace,
13:58 nobody is saved by law.
14:00 - Well, I think you do find an interesting feature
14:02 when you look at Daniel chapter two
14:03 and Daniel chapter seven,
14:05 and you get Daniel chapter eight
14:06 and then Daniel chapter nine.
14:08 It does cover much of the same time period,
14:11 but each of the various visions
14:13 amplify and give additional details.
14:15 So, Daniel chapter two is focused primarily on powers,
14:19 political powers, and ultimately the kingdom of God
14:22 being established on earth.
14:24 And then you're finding Daniel nine,
14:25 the emphasis there is on the spiritual kingdom,
14:29 the establishment of that kingdom
14:30 that Jesus preach when He came and He said,
14:31 "The kingdom of heaven is at hand,"
14:33 that's the kingdom of grace.
14:34 So, Daniel is addressing both the kingdom of glory,
14:38 as well as the kingdom of grace
14:40 in the various visions in Daniel two, Daniel seven.
14:42 You also have the judgment
14:44 that's referred to in Daniel seven,
14:45 and you also find that referred to in Daniel eight
14:47 so there's a number of parallels between these visions.
14:50 - Yeah.
14:51 So, hope that helps a little bit, Michael,
14:53 and we appreciate that you can see the grace
14:55 all the way through all the prophecies.
14:58 But, yeah, they continue to expand
15:00 not only in Daniel, in Revelation, they continue to enlarge.
15:04 All right, I think we're ready for Marcus and--
15:06 - Marcus, welcome.
15:07 Listening from Tennessee.
15:10 Marcus, welcome to the program.
15:12 - [Marcus] Oh, hi.
15:15 My question is, what is the image to the beast?
15:18 - All right, very good.
15:20 When you read in revelation chapter 13,
15:22 it talks about that there's two beasts in revelation 13,
15:26 you got this first beast and it comes up out of the sea.
15:30 And then you get the second beast
15:31 that comes up out of the land,
15:33 and he encourages the world
15:35 to make an image to the first beast
15:36 who had a wound by the sword, a deadly wound,
15:39 but yet he's revived, he still lived.
15:42 And the first beast was the persecuting power
15:47 of the dark ages from like 538 to about 1798,
15:51 that was 1,260 years when the people power
15:56 was persecuting,
15:58 like 50 million Christians died during that time, and Jews,
16:04 and you get the Human knots and the Walden season,
16:05 and many others.
16:07 And this is not something original with our radio program,
16:10 this is what the Protestants taught,
16:12 like Luther, Wesley, Spurgeon.
16:15 I mean, you can go down the line,
16:17 all the puritans and the Protestants believe that.
16:19 So, that would be the first beast,
16:21 but then you get this other beast
16:23 which we believe is the United States,
16:26 which it's kind of been the beach head for Protestants,
16:30 but there's gonna be apostacy,
16:32 which we already see in the church.
16:33 And they're gonna encourage the world to make an image,
16:37 that means a likeness,
16:38 they're gonna recreate a religious political system
16:42 that is very similar and that is gonna be,
16:45 once again, a persecuting power
16:47 if you do not worship the way you're told.
16:49 It's what it says,
16:50 if you do not worship the image of the beast
16:51 you can't buy or sell and you'll ultimately be killed.
16:54 And I don't think those days are very far away.
16:58 I always think it's interesting,
17:00 if you look at a picture of the Vatican
17:02 and then you look at a picture of the capital building,
17:05 they look like they're copied after each other.
17:08 And you look in front of the Vatican
17:09 a great obelisk is there.,
17:12 and in front of the capital
17:13 you've got the Washington Monument.
17:15 And so, it's kinda interesting,
17:18 they're both kinda based on this Greco-Roman architecture.
17:21 But that's not the image, it's not the architecture
17:23 it's the power, the government
17:25 that it's gonna be a persecuting power.
17:27 - Yeah, I think, Pastor Doug,
17:29 you mentioned it a little earlier,
17:30 during the dark ages you had a religious power,
17:32 the church that was using the state,
17:35 the political power, to enforce worship
17:37 or a certain type of worship.
17:39 So, an image to the beast
17:40 would be when religious powers in the United States
17:44 put emphasis or motivate, coerce, the government
17:51 to start forcing a certain type of worship or religion.
17:55 That would be an image to the first beast.
17:57 - Yeah, it's like a facsimile
17:59 is making an image of something.
18:01 And the second beast encourages the world,
18:03 it's like a facsimile of the first beast.
18:06 - Right, right.
18:07 - We think image, we think idol,
18:08 it's not like the world world's gonna be told
18:10 to worship a big Buddha,
18:11 it's talking about it'll be a similar system.
18:14 - And then it's not only the United States,
18:15 but with the support of the United States
18:17 it spreads around the world.
18:18 - Right, it's global.
18:19 - We have a study guide, it's called,
18:21 "The United States in Bible Prophecy,"
18:23 just the US in Bible prophecy,
18:25 and we'll be happy to send this to anyone
18:26 who wants to learn more about this,
18:28 this is such an important and fascinating study.
18:31 If you'd like to receive that,
18:32 the number to call is (800) 835-6747.
18:35 You can ask for the study guide,
18:36 it's called, "The USA in Bible Prophecy."
18:39 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
18:42 We've got Fred listening from Connecticut.
18:44 Fred, welcome to the program.
18:47 - [Fred] Yes,
18:49 should a Christian be playing the stock market?
18:54 - All right, good question.
18:57 Well, when you say playing the stock market,
18:58 I think a Christian ought to avoid anything
19:00 that borders on gambling.
19:04 Now, investing in the stock market,
19:06 nothing wrong with that, morally,
19:08 because if you put your money in the bank,
19:11 what banks do is they invest in the market.
19:13 Banks just don't just sit on the money,
19:14 they lend it out and they try and gain interest.
19:17 And when you invest in the stock market
19:21 you're basically buying part ownership of companies.
19:25 Now, as a Christian,
19:26 I would not recommend you buy part ownership of
19:29 R.J. R Reynolds, what is it, tobacco.
19:33 You might not wanna buy part ownership in Anheuser-Busch,
19:37 which makes Budweiser.
19:38 Those are not things that Christians should support,
19:42 but there are legitimate companies,
19:44 maybe are a construction company or whatever.
19:48 And they're doing well and you'd like to invest in it,
19:50 there's nothing wrong with that.
19:51 When people start doing a lot of day trading,
19:54 it's almost like they're doing speculation
19:56 and that can kind of border on gambling,
19:57 can be very dangerous,
19:59 but there's nothing morally wrong
20:02 with investing money in the stock market.
20:04 - And I think there are companies that specialize
20:06 in certain companies that have a good reputation,
20:10 that are not involved in tobacco, alcohol
20:13 or certain forms of entertainment;
20:15 and a Christian can work with those different
20:19 investment companies and know that your funds
20:21 are going to a good cause.
20:23 - Yeah, and when you buy a mutual fund,
20:25 a mutual fund is a company
20:26 that has a bouquet of stocks they've bought
20:29 that are either conservative or they're aggressive,
20:31 or they're overseas, or whatever.
20:34 And Jesus said in that parable of the 10 talents,
20:38 He condemns the lazy servant who hides his money,
20:42 he buries it,
20:44 says, "You could have at least given it to the bankers
20:45 that I'd get interest."
20:47 And so, typically, over time the stock market increases.
20:50 There's an occasional crash but it usually goes up.
20:55 - All right, thank you for your call, Fred.
20:56 We've got Anthony listening in New York.
20:58 Anthony, welcome to the program.
21:01 - [Anthony] Hello, good evening, pastors.
21:04 I have a pretty serious question.
21:07 I want to know, how do we know if someone is struggling
21:13 with demon possession, demonic possession
21:16 and, if so, what do we do or what can we do to help,
21:22 if anything?
21:25 - Well, let's assume that you know it's demonic depression,
21:27 and we'll answer the second part of the question first,
21:29 what can you do to help.
21:31 In the Bible there's no question that Jesus said
21:34 that you will have power,
21:36 you can pray and you can cast out devils.
21:39 And the disciples came to Jesus once and said,
21:43 "We tried to cast this devil out of this man's son
21:45 and we couldn't."
21:47 And He said, "Well, this kind only comes forth
21:48 by prayer and fasting."
21:50 So, through prayer, sometimes if it's specially serious,
21:53 you'd pray and fast.
21:55 In the Bible, sometimes, it's claiming the name of Jesus.
21:59 Paul did it that way
22:01 when the girl was following him in Philippi.
22:03 Sometimes they laid hands on somebody or touched them.
22:06 So, Christians should pray for others
22:08 if they're grappling with demonic possession.
22:12 I've done a lot of work overseas and it's more prevalent,
22:15 Pastor Ross was born in Africa,
22:17 it's more prevalent in some of these countries
22:20 where there's a lot of spiritualism.
22:22 And I've had people just go berserk during my meeting,
22:26 the pastors grabbed the person, man or woman,
22:29 and they prayed over them,
22:30 and you'd see their sanity return.
22:33 So, there's that.
22:34 Now, how do you know if it's demonic possession?
22:37 Well, that's a more difficult question.
22:40 There are some people,
22:41 they've just got a plain old medical problem
22:43 that's affecting their behavior,
22:45 and a doctor can sometimes help you identify
22:50 something like that.
22:52 There's a thin line sometimes between
22:54 what may be purely demonic and spiritual
22:57 and what might be physiological,
23:00 and I think the devil can even combine the two.
23:03 Meaning, a person might have a propensity
23:07 to behave erratically,
23:09 and the devil will take advantage
23:10 of the chemical or biological problem;
23:13 and with a spiritual push pushes 'em over the edge.
23:18 So, that is difficult and sometimes it's hard to tell.
23:22 I've noticed that some people
23:23 that when it's satanic or it's spiritual,
23:28 it's like they become preoccupied with spiritual things.
23:32 Even the devils, the demons, possessed devils,
23:36 they call Jesus out, "We know who You are.
23:38 Jesus, Son of the most high God."
23:40 They became obsessed with spiritual things.
23:44 - And, of course, I think the devil is very good
23:45 in masquerading his influence over people.
23:49 In Western societies it might not be that prevalent
23:52 because people aren't worshiping the spirits
23:54 as you might find it in some other places,
23:56 but the devil's hold over the hearts and the minds of people
23:59 in Western countries are just as strong, if not stronger,
24:03 than some of these other places.
24:04 - Materialism and (indistinct).
24:06 - Yeah, absolutely.
24:07 - I have a book that I wrote, Anthony,
24:09 and it's called "Broken Chains".
24:11 And it talks about when Jesus cast a devil,
24:14 or a legion of devils out of a man
24:16 that was desperately possessed.
24:18 Now, that's not among the free books
24:19 it's a little bigger book,
24:21 but you can get that
24:23 by just going to the Amazing Facts website,
24:26 it's called "Broken Chains".
24:28 - All right, thanks for your call.
24:29 We've got Eric, and he's listening in Indiana.
24:31 Eric, welcome to the program.
24:33 - [Eric] Hello.
24:34 There's a strong pattern in the Old Testament
24:36 of all the Kings being judged in their lives,
24:40 according to doing what is right in the sight of the Lord
24:42 or what is evil in the sight of the Lord,
24:44 and certain terms such as high places or groves,
24:48 or sacred poles or ashram poles are used.
24:51 And when we compare Revelation, the symbols of Jezebel
24:54 being defined as one who teaches a sexual morality
24:57 or Babylon spreading it throughout the whole world,
25:00 or the name written on the forehead of the woman
25:02 being prostitute,
25:03 how strong of a case can we make
25:05 that God was referring to prostitution
25:07 in these King's judgements,
25:08 and how seriously does God take prostitution
25:11 and judge societies by the level in it?
25:15 - Well, prostitution, they call it the oldest profession,
25:17 is very clearly condemned in the Bible.
25:20 And it is also true that in many of the ancient religions,
25:26 in these cult religions,
25:29 even in just the last 70 years they still had it in India
25:32 where some of the Hindu temples
25:34 had what they call temple virgins,
25:36 but they didn't say that way long.
25:38 And it was a terrible way of abusing young girls,
25:42 but a lot of the ancient idolatry
25:46 involved sexual promiscuity,
25:50 and they called about sacrifices on the high places
25:53 to the ashram,
25:56 not so much with bail worship as with some of the others
26:00 but God typically calls idolatry harlotry in the Bible.
26:06 And because Babylon is,
26:09 there's so much idolatry in revelation 17 that that woman,
26:14 she's called the harlot.
26:15 So, whenever God's people went to worship idols
26:18 God called it infidelity or harlotry.
26:21 So, there's an overlap between the two,
26:23 you can't always say that every time people worshiped idols
26:26 that there was prostitution work
26:29 or they had the temple prostitutes, or whatever.
26:32 Not every religion had that
26:33 but every time that God went after idols
26:35 God called it harlotry.
26:37 So, I don't know, that's kind of a vague distinction
26:40 but I hope that made sense, Eric.
26:42 (upbeat music)
26:46 - [Guest 1] Stay tuned,
26:47 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:49 (upbeat music)
26:54 - [Guest 2] Are you wondering what lies ahead
26:55 in human history
26:57 or what recent world events are harbingers of the end?
27:00 Are you ready for the coming crisis?
27:02 "Landmarks of Prophecy" offers clear answers
27:05 to your most pressing questions.
27:07 Presented by Pastor Doug Batchelor,
27:09 "Landmarks of Prophecy" is a contemporary
27:11 video Bible study adventure designed for today's audiences,
27:15 presenting the landmark themes of the Bible
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27:24 "Landmarks of Prophecy" contains over 30 hours
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27:35 If you'd like practical tools
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27:42 Start your epic Bible study adventure
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27:46 by calling (800) 538-7275 or by visiting
27:53 Doug Batchelor was the teenage son of a millionaire father
27:56 and show business mother, yet he was living in a cave.
28:00 He had everything money could buy, everything but happiness.
28:04 But all of the fun and excitement he enjoyed
28:06 left his life out of control.
28:08 His search eventually led him to a cave above Palm Springs
28:12 that became his home.
28:14 while Doug scavenged for food and garbage bins,
28:16 his father owned a yacht, Learjet and an airline.
28:20 But in his cave home he discovered a dust covered Bible.
28:24 As he began to read,
28:25 he soon learned of his true purpose in life.
28:28 The richest caveman is the extraordinary true story
28:32 of Doug Batchelor,
28:33 that tells how a rebellious teenager
28:35 who once lived in a cave
28:36 became a tremendous soul winner for Jesus Christ.
28:40 It's a thrilling testimony
28:41 of the transforming power of God's Word.
28:44 To order your copy of "The Richest Caveman",
28:46 call (800) 538-7275 or visit
28:53 - [Guest 1] In six days,
28:55 God created the heavens and the earth.
28:57 For thousands of years,
28:59 man has worshiped God on the seventh day of the week.
29:02 Now, each week, millions of people worship on the first day.
29:07 What happened?
29:08 Why did God create a day of rest?
29:10 Does it really matter what day we worship?
29:13 Who is behind this great shift?
29:15 Discover the truth behind God's law and how it was changed.
29:19 Visit
29:24 - [Guest 2] Would you like to know God's plan
29:25 for our troubled world
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29:29 Beautifully redesigned and updated,
29:31 Amazing Facts' 27 Bible study guides
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29:44 When will Jesus come, and much more.
29:46 Order yours today by visiting
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29:53 (upbeat music)
29:56 - [Guest 1] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live",
29:59 where every question answered
30:00 provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you.
30:05 So what are you waiting for?
30:06 Get practical answers about the 'Good Book'
30:09 for a better life today.
30:11 (upbeat music)
30:13 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
30:16 If you'd like answers
30:17 to your Bible related questions on the air,
30:19 please call us next Sunday
30:21 between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
30:25 To receive any of the Bible resources
30:27 mentioned in this evening's program, call (800) 835-6747.
30:33 Once again, that's (800) 835-6747.
30:40 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live".
30:44 - Hi, listening friends,
30:46 if you have joined us along the way,
30:47 this is "Bible Answers Live"
30:49 and we're here to do our best
30:50 to answer your Bible questions.
30:52 And if you wanna call in with a question,
30:54 it's (800) GOD SAYS, that's (800) 463-7297.
31:00 And we're not gonna tarry long
31:01 we're gonna go back to the phones.
31:02 My name is Doug Batchelor.
31:04 - My name is Jëan Ross,
31:06 and we have Darius listening on the phone from Oklahoma.
31:09 Darius, welcome to the program.
31:12 - [Darius] Hey, pastors, goodnight, can you hear me?
31:14 - We can.
31:16 - Okay, hey, this is my question.
31:19 So, I wanted to know if I should go back to my church
31:23 because my pastor told me something
31:26 that I know that's contrary to the Bible.
31:29 He says that it's okay
31:32 to go to football game on the Sabbath,
31:34 and he said that I am too black and white for the Bible.
31:39 And I was discouraged and I don't know what to do.
31:43 I don't wanna go down looking for a new church,
31:46 so can you gimme some points on this?
31:49 - Yeah, all right, so the question is,
31:50 if you're in a church and the pastor's telling you something
31:56 that you believe is categorically untrue,
31:59 well, that often will cast the other teachings
32:02 under a light of suspicion,
32:03 you'll wonder what else is he saying
32:05 that I may not be aware of that is not biblical.
32:08 And so it is cause for concern.
32:10 I would not say that if people in our church,
32:14 Pastor Ross and I both pastor at the same church,
32:18 if they said,
32:19 "If I ever hear pastor Doug say anything wrong
32:20 I'm not coming back," There'd be nobody left
32:23 because I'm sure I've said things wrong,
32:24 'cause we're humans and the Bible says, what,
32:27 "In the abundance of words sin is not lacking."
32:30 And sometimes you just misspeak so if someone said,
32:33 "As soon as he says something wrong
32:34 or he mispronounces something, I'm not coming back."
32:37 But then there's the other extreme
32:40 where if you sit under erroneous teachings,
32:45 that can affect your perspective.
32:48 And you see in ancient Israel
32:50 that whenever the king was not dedicated to God,
32:53 gradually the whole nation seemed to slip away
32:55 'cause it followed the leadership.
32:58 So, that's something you have to pray about.
33:00 I don't know, I would be surprised if a pastor tells people
33:06 there's nothing wrong with going to a football game
33:08 on the Sabbath day.
33:11 That's holy time for worshiping God
33:13 and the environment of a football game
33:15 with people kinda calling out for the defeat of their enemy,
33:20 the opponent, just is not the right mind and attitude,
33:24 and place for worship,
33:25 so that would really, really surprise me.
33:26 But nothing, I guess, really surprises me anymore.
33:31 - So, in that case, pastor what you're suggesting is,
33:33 if we're in a church that is clearly not preaching the Bible
33:40 or advocating teachings that are not biblical,
33:42 and we've said something, we've spoken to the leadership,
33:44 at some point I think we want to find ourselves
33:47 with those who are following the Bible
33:49 as closely as they can.
33:51 So, that might mean looking for another church.
33:53 - And you brought up a very good point
33:55 that I just wanna expand a little bit is,
33:58 if you've got a pastor
33:59 and he says something that is just outta left field
34:02 that surprises you, respect him enough to go to him.
34:05 And even for his own soul, approach him and say,
34:08 "According to the Bible, that is not right."
34:11 And in a loving spirit and humility,
34:14 it might bring him to conviction and turn them around.
34:17 And so, make at least an effort
34:18 to be reconciled with your brother, so to speak,
34:21 and try and drawn 'em back.
34:23 But if they're firm in preaching error,
34:25 then it's probably not healthy to continue going.
34:28 - Okay, we've got Steve listening in California.
34:30 Steve, welcome to the program.
34:33 - [Steve] Hi, pastors.
34:34 Thanks for taking my call.
34:35 - Sure.
34:37 - [Steve] My question is, when Cain was banished
34:43 he went to the land of Nod, who lived in the land of Nod?
34:48 - Well, in the very beginning
34:50 the land was talking about an area, a region,
34:53 that was later named.
34:54 It's just telling you where he went,
34:57 there's no people there yet.
34:59 And so, when Cain left
35:01 he went to a part of this Virgin world, country ,
35:04 and developed it, and it was later named,
35:07 according to what the various patriarchs named it.
35:10 But when they first went
35:11 it had no name 'cause there were no aborigines
35:14 or other people living there.
35:16 So, I think Moses just telling us where that region is now.
35:22 And there's more than one place called Nob, actually,
35:25 in the Bible.
35:26 David, there's a place not far from the Philistines
35:29 called Nob too, but that's not the one that Cain went to.
35:32 - And of course a lot of things changed,
35:34 this of course happened before the flood;
35:35 and so many years passed and then you had the flood,
35:38 and then you had the writing of the Bible
35:40 during the time of Moses.
35:41 So, it's referring to a place that was fairly well known
35:44 to people at the time when Genesis was written by Moses.
35:49 - Yep.
35:50 - All right, thanks for your call Steve.
35:51 We've got Daniel in Canada.
35:53 Daniel, welcome to the program.
35:56 - [Daniel] Hi pastors, this is Daniel here.
35:58 So, if Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
36:04 and our hearts became hard, just like God said
36:08 our hearts are evil.
36:10 Why did God allow our hearts to become evil
36:13 in the first place?
36:14 Why must we suffer for the sins of Adam and Eve?
36:19 - Yeah, and you could even expand that question and say,
36:22 why are some children born with birth defects
36:24 because of the bad living habits of their parents?
36:27 Some kids are born with the cerebral palsy
36:30 because the parents had alcohol problems.
36:32 And why are people in Ukraine suffering
36:35 because you've got an individual that's bombing them,
36:40 what did they do?
36:43 Well, first of all,
36:44 let me back up and go to the very heart of it.
36:46 God made His intelligent creatures free,
36:49 with a free will to choose to love Him
36:50 or choose not to love Him.
36:52 And as soon as man chose to distrust God
36:56 and not to love God, his compass needle inside was broken.
37:01 What I mean by that is,
37:02 we're normally created to love God first.
37:06 The great commandment is, love the Lord with all your heart,
37:08 even more than yourself,
37:10 and then love your neighbor as you love yourself.
37:13 And when man fell into sin,
37:16 all of a sudden Adam and Eve are blaming each other,
37:18 they're not getting along and they're blaming God,
37:20 they're blaming the devil and the serpent;
37:22 and all of a sudden man's hearts became hard because of sin.
37:28 God didn't just say, "I'm gonna harden the hearts,"
37:29 it was what happened because of sin.
37:31 But making man free to love means he's free to not love,
37:38 otherwise God is forcing them to love, and that's not love.
37:41 - And, of course, freedom does have consequences
37:44 and we need that.
37:46 I mean, if you have freedom to choose to love
37:47 and to be a blessing,
37:48 and to be an encouragement to somebody,
37:50 well, then you also have freedom to hurt
37:53 and discourage others.
37:55 And people make their choices,
37:57 so the choices that we make
37:59 does have an impact upon those around us.
38:01 - Absolutely.
38:02 - And, of course, the devil's choices
38:03 made an impact upon Adam and Eve
38:05 and, of course, all of their descendants.
38:08 All right, thank you, Daniel.
38:09 We've got Caleb listening in New York.
38:12 - Hi Caleb.
38:14 - [Caleb] Pastor Batchelor, how you doing?
38:15 - Really good, thank you for calling.
38:18 - [Caleb] I'm good, thank you.
38:19 Well, by the way, I have a question.
38:20 I'm reading the Bible right now and I wanna know,
38:25 two questions, which version is better to read?
38:27 Right now I'm reading the NIV version,
38:30 which is easier for me to understand
38:32 than the King James version.
38:34 I wanna know if that's okay.
38:36 And, two, I read the gospels before
38:40 and not until I started watching your sermons,
38:43 I started understanding more things I've missed,
38:46 clearly I've missed.
38:48 I was wondering, is there a way,
38:50 is there a pattern I shouldn't read the Bible
38:52 to get more understanding?
38:54 - Yeah, well, good questions.
38:56 All right, first part of the question,
38:58 and Pastor Ross might answer
38:59 slightly different than I would.
39:01 I think there's several good translations of the Bible
39:03 you can read that they're translations
39:06 from what they call the Textus Receptus,
39:08 which is I think the most accurate.
39:10 And that would be, of course,
39:11 King James is the classic in English.
39:14 And when we say translations
39:15 we're talking about English translations.
39:19 Right now I'm reading through the English Standard Version,
39:21 which is also a translation from the Textus Receptus,
39:24 That is the American standard version.
39:26 The new King James version
39:28 is what I usually preach from every week,
39:30 is the new King James version.
39:33 I dunno, Pastor Ross, you have some other favorite?
39:34 - Yeah, maybe just to add to that,
39:36 there's a difference that we need to understand
39:37 between a translation and a paraphrase.
39:40 Now, we're just talking about English.
39:42 So, a translation is where you take the original Greek
39:45 and Hebrew, little bit of Aramaic,
39:47 and you translate that into English.
39:49 But a paraphrase might be where
39:51 you could do this, I could do this,
39:53 we take an English translation
39:55 and we rewrite it in other words
39:58 and we bring out different ideas, it's more devotional.
40:01 I'm not saying all paraphrases are wrong,
40:03 but if we're gonna study to find doctrinal depth
40:07 we wanna go with the good translation.
40:09 And we also gotta remember,
40:11 the Bible wasn't written originally in English
40:13 it was written in Greek and Hebrew,
40:14 and that's where having a concordance
40:16 and being able to compare scripture with scripture,
40:18 and go back and look at some of the original ways
40:21 the words were used, is always helpful.
40:23 And that really enlarges a person's study of the Bible.
40:26 - Yeah, and let the Bible interpret itself.
40:28 If you see a word and you think,
40:31 "I wonder what that word means."
40:32 Look at other places in the Bible
40:34 where that term or that word is used,
40:36 and usually through context of it you can say,
40:39 "Oh, now I see what they're saying."
40:41 So, that just happened to me this week
40:43 when we were studying about Moses
40:45 and it said, "That rock that followed them was Christ."
40:48 And I was picturing this Boulder rolling around
40:50 through the wilderness that kept giving him water.
40:52 And then I looked up where it says rock and I said,
40:54 "Oh no, Moses is talking about God."
40:56 He calls God the rock many times a Deuteronomy.
40:59 So, just by comparing it with other places
41:03 is usually one of the best ways.
41:04 And how do we study the Bible?
41:06 Well, again, Pastor Ross might be a little different
41:08 than me, but I'm always reading through the Bible
41:11 at different points.
41:13 I think you're trying to read through the whole Bible
41:13 in how long?
41:15 - Yeah, well, there's different programs you can do.
41:16 You can actually read through the Bible in 90 days,
41:19 it's about an hour of reading every day.
41:21 Didn't realize you can actually get through it that quickly.
41:23 So, yeah, I try to read through the Bible
41:25 at least once or twice a year.
41:27 And then there's some great commentaries, as well,
41:29 that you can read alongside that,
41:30 that really helps to bring it to light.
41:32 There's different ways of reading, pastor.
41:34 You can just read it to get the big picture,
41:35 which if you're gonna read through the Bible in a year
41:38 you're doing a lot of reading
41:40 and you're getting the big picture, which is good,
41:42 but there's also where you focus more
41:44 on a shorter passage of scripture
41:46 and really try to squeeze out everything
41:49 that, that chapter or that passage has to say.
41:51 And that's what takes a little more time,
41:53 that's where you compare scripture with scripture.
41:55 And both is good. - Yep, absolutely.
41:58 Yeah, I use the computer program, I use Logos,
42:02 and also use a free one called e-Sword,
42:05 and I find between the two of them
42:06 I get some great commentaries and some great tools.
42:09 So, that's probably more than that gets you started.
42:14 Yeah, you can read through the Bible,
42:15 you can start with the New Testament, read the history,
42:18 meaning you go from Genesis through the Kings,
42:20 and then jump to the New Testament.
42:22 Thanks so much, Caleb, hope that helps a little.
42:24 - [Guest 3] We've got Robert listening.
42:25 - We've got Robert listening from New Jersey.
42:27 Robert, welcome to the program.
42:30 - [Robert] Good evening, pastors Doug and Pastor Ross.
42:33 - Evening.
42:34 - [Robert] Good evening.
42:35 My question is just concerning,
42:38 did it rain prior to the flood or not
42:40 and is there evidence from the Bible on either?
42:44 And I'll take my answer off the air.
42:46 - All right, yeah, thank you very much.
42:47 I believe that the Bible's pretty clear
42:49 that prior to the flood it had not rained,
42:53 and you can--
42:54 - Here's the verse, Pastor Doug.
42:56 I know where you're going with--
42:57 - [Pastor Doug] Yeah, go ahead.
42:58 - Genesis, I just found it on the computer,
42:59 Genesis chapter two and verse six, it says,
43:02 "Speaking of before the flood,"
43:04 oh, actually verse five.
43:06 It says, "Before any plant of the field was in the earth
43:08 and before any herb of the field had grown.
43:10 For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth,
43:13 and there was no man to till the ground;
43:15 but a mist went up from the earth
43:17 and watered the whole face of the ground."
43:20 - Yeah.
43:20 So, it appears,
43:22 and not only from what you read in the Bible
43:24 but just from the fossil record,
43:27 that prior to the flood,
43:29 that there was an envelope of water, vapor or something,
43:33 that sorta surrounded the whole planet
43:35 that polarized the rays
43:37 and gave an even temperature around the planet.
43:39 "Cause even in, what do you call it, Antarctica,
43:42 up in Siberia, they find fossils of ferns,
43:47 which usually grow in a tropical climate.
43:49 So, the whole world was changed after the flood,
43:53 and it didn't rain like it does now.
43:55 I think there was just moisture and mist
43:57 that kind of irrigated and watered things.
44:01 - All right, well, thank you, Richard.
44:02 We've got Pat listening in Arizona.
44:04 Pat, welcome to the program.
44:06 - [Pat] Thank you.
44:08 - Thank you, Pat.
44:10 - [Pat] My question is, is gambling a sin?
44:15 - Well, first of all, the Bible says,
44:16 "Do not make haste to be rich,
44:18 and he that makes haste to be rich
44:19 will not be without guilt."
44:23 And so, the idea of getting rich quick by playing numbers,
44:27 first of all, 99.9% of the people that do that lose money
44:34 'cause the whole system is set up where the house wins.
44:37 And it's anything that becomes an addiction,
44:40 christians should avoid.
44:42 There are people who actually become addicted to gambling
44:44 and it destroys their lives, and they can't stop,
44:47 it's like a psychosis.
44:50 And I remember doing a meeting in another country,
44:51 and a lady came up to me just sobbing, and she says,
44:56 "I'm addicted to gambling and I've mortgaged my home,
45:00 I've run up our credit cards,
45:01 my husband's getting ready to leave me, and I can't stop."
45:04 And even before I got done counseling, she says,
45:06 "But there's this one more race
45:08 and I think if I win that race I can win it all back."
45:11 And I couldn't believe she was thinking about the next bet,
45:15 even as we talked.
45:17 - Well, there's another aspect of gambling
45:18 that we need to bear in mind as a Christian is,
45:21 if you do get lucky and you do win,
45:23 you're winning at a lot of other people's losing.
45:27 So, you're winning because of others misfortune,
45:30 so you're really taking advantage of other people.
45:32 - Same thing with the lottery.
45:33 - Right. - Yeah.
45:35 So, yeah, and it's interesting,
45:38 you study the history of people that have won the lottery
45:40 and most of them don't do very well,
45:41 if you look what happens in the next couple years.
45:43 - The money disappears real quick.
45:44 - Some even get murdered.
45:45 - Yeah.
45:46 - It's not good.
45:47 - All right, thanks your call, Pat.
45:48 We got Glen listening in Ohio.
45:50 Glen, welcome to the program.
45:52 - [Glen] Evening, (indistinct) thank you very much
45:54 for taking my call.
45:56 (indistinct) concerns misquoting of the scripture,
45:59 second Corinthians five, eight.
46:03 And I think it has (indistinct) implications right there,
46:05 most people say that Paul said,
46:06 "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
46:10 And that's not what that says that, people misquote it.
46:13 Can you help me understand what the proper understanding is?
46:18 - Yeah, we'll do our best.
46:19 All right, so our friends,
46:20 if you wanna go to second Corinthians five, eight,
46:23 and this is often quoted when it talks about people dying.
46:27 And Paul says, and we'll start with verse eight,
46:31 "Yes, we are confident,
46:32 Yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body
46:35 and to be present with the Lord."
46:36 And then you need to read on here.
46:38 It says, "Therefore we make it our aim,
46:40 whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.
46:44 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
46:47 that each one of us might receive the things
46:49 done in the body, according to what he's done,
46:51 whether good or bad."
46:53 And so, Paul, earlier in that passage he says,
46:59 "'Cause I'm kind of in a quandary between two things,"
47:04 he said, "On one hand," he says,
47:06 "I'd love to depart and be with the Lord."
47:08 Meaning when a Christian dies
47:10 their next conscious thought is gonna be the resurrection
47:13 and the presence of the Lord.
47:14 But Paul said, "It's needful for you that I stay here."
47:18 Well, it is true that if we die
47:21 and these bodies turn back to dust, the Bible's very clear.
47:24 And for the believer their next conscious thought it's,
47:28 there's no sensation of time
47:29 is to be the presence of the Lord,
47:32 but it doesn't happen until there's a judgment
47:33 and a resurrection.
47:35 - And it also says Paul was a prophet, so he had visions.
47:38 In another place he actually talks about
47:40 seeing something in vision and he says,
47:42 "Whether I was absent from the body or in the body,
47:44 I can't quite remember," and then he tells the story.
47:47 So, Paul was at times taken off in vision,
47:50 that would be considered absent from the body,
47:53 but I think here it's talking about
47:54 when we receive our reward
47:56 it's at the second coming of Christ,
47:58 and we get these immortal bodies,
48:00 and we get to live with Him.
48:03 - First verse in chapter five,
48:04 "For we know that if our earthly house,
48:06 this tent, is destroyed..."
48:07 - [Pastor Ross] Yeah - That's pretty clear,
48:08 he's talking about the body, when you're dead.
48:10 - [Pastor Ross] Right, right.
48:11 - Yeah, so thank you, Richard.
48:12 - Thank you.
48:13 We've got Yvonne listening from Mexico.
48:18 Yvonne, welcome to the program.
48:21 - [Yvonne] Hello.
48:22 - Hi.
48:23 - [Yvonne] It's an honor to talk to you,
48:25 since I talked to you first in a long time ago,
48:29 but you might not remember me.
48:32 - Well, thank you for calling the again, Yvonne.
48:34 - [Yvonne] By the way, I'm not that Mexican at all,
48:37 I'm Espagnole-Irish, and that's my question about it.
48:41 As (indistinct) Irish descendant,
48:44 can we celebrate St, Patrick's day?
48:47 My family too is Irish.
48:50 - So, there's no scripture that tells us
48:53 there's anything sacred about St. Patrick's day,
48:56 and I'm sure that if Patrick, Patrick was a very godly man,
49:00 he was actually a Protestant
49:02 and it's interesting that the Catholics made
49:04 Patrick a Saint, and he was a Protestant.
49:08 And Patrick was also a Sabbath keeper,
49:09 some people don't know that he kept the seventh day Sabbath
49:13 but nowhere are we told to worship saints in the Bible.
49:19 And so, sometimes for fun in North America it's a tradition,
49:23 you'll wear a green tie
49:24 and people say it's St. Patrick's day,
49:26 and so to just to commiserate with our Irish friends,
49:30 and my family's part Irish, my brother had flaming red hair.
49:34 But we'll wear something green on St. Patrick's day,
49:37 but I wouldn't worship it as far as a spiritual holiday.
49:43 So, hope that helps a little bit.
49:45 Thank you, Yvonne, appreciate your question.
49:47 - All right, we've got Anita listening from Maryland.
49:49 Anita, welcome to the program.
49:51 - [Anita] Hi, how are you, pastor?
49:53 - Yeah.
49:54 - [Anita] Can you hear me?
49:55 - We can.
49:57 - [Anita] Okay, today is the third anniversary
50:01 of my 18 year old's death,
50:03 we didn't know till he died
50:05 that somebody was giving him medical marijuana.
50:10 He was acting very aggressive and violent towards us,
50:13 his personality totally changed.
50:16 I called him at work, made a big mistake,
50:18 not knowing much about marijuana,
50:19 thinking it's a harmless drug,
50:21 like everyone else I was totally wrong.
50:24 He actually, after work,
50:26 after I called him and I yelled at him,
50:29 instead of coming straight home
50:31 he used all the marijuana he had
50:33 'cause he knew mom and dad are gonna take everything away.
50:36 He had a psychosis,
50:38 crashed his car into a tree near our house,
50:41 survived that crash,
50:44 walked out onto I95 and was run over and killed.
50:47 He was hit, the first person that hit him,
50:50 the first car was a 28-year-old with a history of DUI,
50:55 marijuana drunk driving.
50:56 So, my question is kind of loaded.
51:00 I feel extremely guilty 'cause I caused his death
51:05 and plus Aaron wasn't was not baptized,
51:09 so I kind of I'm wondering,
51:13 is there a chance that he could be in heaven
51:15 and will I be forgiven for what I did?
51:19 - All right, let's start with the second part
51:20 of that question.
51:21 First of all, you know our hearts go out to you.
51:25 That's a heartbreaking,
51:26 that's one of the worst things that could happen,
51:28 is losing a child.
51:30 And my wife and I, we lost a 21 year old son, years ago,
51:37 and it's just the worst news that parents can have
51:40 so we empathize with you.
51:43 And then the part of this I want to deal with, first of all,
51:47 as you said, can I be forgiven.
51:49 Be careful not to blame yourself for this,
51:52 you were doing probably what any parent would do,
51:54 you were concerned about your son's health and wellbeing
51:57 and so you may not have reacted the way,
52:00 if you could play it over again you might do it differently,
52:03 but you can't beat yourself up forever about that
52:05 'cause you certainly had no intention on doing him harm,
52:08 you were worried about him.
52:09 And the Bible tells us that,
52:13 "Time and chance happens to all," is what Solomon says.
52:17 So, be careful not to read too much meaning into it,
52:20 it was an accident.
52:22 And so, there was a terrible tragic accident,
52:25 and then of course you're wondering now,
52:26 "What does this mean,
52:27 is there a chance that I'll see my son again?"
52:29 This is one of those situations
52:31 where you've gotta know that God is good, God is love,
52:34 and that God loves your son infinitely more than you do,
52:38 and He will do what is good.
52:40 And so, you just put this in God's hands and trust Him.
52:44 We, obviously on the program
52:45 we can't put ourselves in the position of the eternal
52:48 and say we think you will or won't be saved.
52:51 There's guidelines in the Bible for following Him
52:54 but I think we're gonna be surprised when we get to heaven,
52:56 that there were some exceptions we didn't anticipate.
53:00 And so, the Bible talks about the second coming of Jesus
53:04 as the blessed hope,
53:06 and so just hang on to hope and live for the Lord,
53:09 trust that He forgives you.
53:11 God is good and God is love, Anita.
53:13 And if it's okay,
53:14 Pastor Ross and I'd like to have a brief prayer with you
53:18 'cause I know that you and others like you
53:20 have lost children and your hearts are breaking.
53:24 Loving Lord, we just pray that you'll be with Anita
53:27 and I pray her family, her husband,
53:28 and help them just to heal from this tragedy
53:32 that's touched their lives.
53:33 And I pray through it,
53:35 You've told us that you can bring good from all things
53:37 that happen to us,
53:39 and that there can be redemption
53:40 that will come from this story.
53:42 And so, be with them and comfort and bless.
53:44 We pray in Jesus name, amen.
53:48 Appreciate your call, Anita.
53:50 Pastor Ross, yes?
53:52 - We just wanna let our friends know,
53:53 we got about one minute, pastor,
53:55 I don't think we have time to take one more call
53:57 but the program is not over,
53:58 because we are gonna say goodbye to those
54:00 who are joining us on satellite radio;
54:02 but for the rest of those who are listening on AFTV
54:04 and land-based radio stations,
54:07 we're gonna be coming back
54:08 with a rapid fire Bible question segment
54:11 where we're gonna actually try and answer
54:13 as many of the Bible questions
54:14 that you have sent in to the ministry
54:17 through Facebook or through YouTube,
54:19 or if you want you can just send the question
54:21 to
54:24 Matter of fact, I'm getting the address right here,
54:30 That's the website, if you have a Bible question
54:32 that you want to submit to the program
54:34 and, Pastor Doug, we'll try to answer
54:35 as many of these programs as we can.
54:37 - Yeah, sometimes folks, they say,
54:40 "I'd like to ask a question
54:41 but I'm a little scared about getting on the air."
54:43 And you can email your questions to us,
54:46 and at the tail-end of the program,
54:48 just after we say goodbye to the satellite listeners,
54:51 we're gonna be going and answering some of those questions
54:54 that have come in via email.
54:56 For the rest of you, keep in mind,
54:57 you can continue to study and worship
55:00 and enjoy the blessings and programs
55:03 of Amazing Facts at
55:05 (upbeat music)
55:09 - [Guest 1] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast,
55:12 we hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:15 "Bible Answers Live"
55:17 is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:20 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:24 (upbeat music)
55:25 - Hello, friends.
55:27 Welcome back to our special bonus Bible question segment.
55:30 Pastor Doug, we've got several questions
55:31 that have been sent in,
55:33 so we are gonna see how many we can get through tonight.
55:34 First question that we have is,
55:36 does it really help to pray for somebody else's salvation?
55:40 - Absolutely.
55:41 Now, not after they're gone.
55:43 I mean, some people say,
55:44 "Well, burn a candle and say a prayer after they're gone."
55:46 The Bible says that,
55:47 "It's appointed unto man once to die,
55:49 and after that the judgment."
55:50 The Bible says, "Where there's life there's hope."
55:53 And so, you pray for their salvation, absolutely.
55:58 Moses interceded for the whole nation,
56:00 and you got many cases in the Bible
56:02 where even Jesus said to Peter,
56:04 "I have prayed for you, that your faith does not fail."
56:08 So, if Jesus prayed for others
56:09 and if Abraham interceded for Lot, and Moses for the nation,
56:13 we should be praying for others as well.
56:16 - Okay, next question that we have,
56:18 what is the difference between the moral law
56:20 and the ceremonial law?
56:23 - Yeah, a very good question.
56:25 Well, when you say moral law
56:26 that's usually talking about the 10 commandments,
56:29 which is a summary of the Law of God.
56:32 Sometimes that's called the Decalogue, Deca meaning 10,
56:35 that 10 commandments that you would find
56:37 in Exodus chapter 20.
56:40 But when you read in Deuteronomy chapter four,
56:44 when God gives the 10 commandments, He also tells us,
56:47 and I think it's in verse 13, it says,
56:49 "God gave me 10 commandments
56:50 which he commanded us to perform,
56:52 and at that time the Lord commanded me
56:56 to give you statutes and judgments."
56:59 So, there were a number of laws
57:00 that revolved around the sanctuary and its services,
57:03 and its ceremonies, they are called the ceremonial law.
57:06 Sacrificing lambs, circumcision, all nailed to the cross.
57:11 - Okay, Another question that we have,
57:12 how do I determine the Will of God?
57:15 - Well, I wrote a little book called
57:17 "determining The Will of God" You can download for free,
57:20 but I'll give you a couple of highlights,
57:21 I think I give a dozen points in the book.
57:23 One is, study the word,
57:26 there's guidance in the word,
57:28 there's guidance through the Holy Spirit speaking to us,
57:30 you'll hear a voice guiding you through your conscience.
57:32 Christian counsel,
57:34 look for providential openings for the Word of God
57:37 and be willing to be faithful to wait until you know
57:40 if it's a big decision.
57:43 - Okay, last question that we have here, Pastor Doug.
57:44 If the Jews didn't believe that Jesus is the Messiah,
57:47 why did they stop sacrificing lambs?
57:51 - Well, they kinda were forced to stop sacrificing lambs,
57:54 They did write at the crucifixion when the veil was rent.
57:56 But then when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D,
57:59 that's where they had brought all their sacrifices
58:01 and God told Moses,
58:03 "Don't do it on your own, bring it to this place."
58:05 Well, friends, we really are out of time now.
58:07 We want to thank you for tuning into "Bible Answers Live",
58:10 look forward to studying His Word with you again next week.
58:13 (upbeat music)
58:17 - [Guest 1] "Bible Answers Live",
58:19 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
58:22 (upbeat music)


Revised 2022-10-20