Bible Answers Live

We Have to Make It

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022223S

00:00 (intro music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible.
00:18 The Word of God.
00:20 Welcome to Bible Answers Live.
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:34 in this broadcast,
00:35 call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Jean Ross.
00:50 - Hello, friends.
00:51 Welcome to Bible Answers Live.
00:53 Pastor Doug is out this evening,
00:54 but this is a live interactive international Bible study.
00:58 So if you have a Bible-related question,
01:00 we would love to hear from you tonight.
01:02 The number to call is 800-463-7297.
01:06 That is our phone line here to the studio.
01:09 Again, that's 800-463-7297.
01:13 But before we get to the Bible questions,
01:15 let's begin with an amazing fact.
01:18 On August 24th, 1875,
01:20 Matthew Webb slipped into the water at Dover, England
01:24 and 21 hours and 45 minutes later touch the land in France,
01:28 becoming the first person to conquer the English Channel.
01:32 Swimming the English Channel
01:33 became one of the greatest swimming challenges of the day.
01:36 Since Webb's triumph,
01:37 more than 470 people have been successful
01:40 in swimming the English Channel,
01:43 including a 12-year old boy in 1979
01:47 and a 12-year old girl in 1983.
01:50 The first woman to swim the English Channel
01:52 was 19-year old American Gertrude Ederle.
01:56 On the 6th of August, 1926,
01:59 she crossed the English Channel in 14 hours and 31 minutes.
02:03 That's two hours faster than the man's record,
02:06 setting a woman's record that stood for the next 35 years.
02:11 Then came Alison Streeter,
02:13 known as the Queen of the Channel.
02:15 She has swam the channel more times than anyone else,
02:20 43 crossings to date.
02:23 Streeter first swam the channel at 18
02:25 and was the first woman to swim the double,
02:28 that is from England to France and then back to England,
02:31 and is the only woman ever to have completed the three-way,
02:34 that's from England to France back to England
02:37 and then to France again.
02:39 But possibly the greatest triumph of endurance
02:42 is held by Benoit Lecomte who,
02:46 with the aid of two French sailors
02:48 and a 40-foot sailboat,
02:49 swam, believe it or not, across the Atlantic ocean.
02:54 On the 16th of July, 1998,
02:56 he set out from Cape Cod with eight wetsuits,
02:59 a snorkel, and some flippers,
03:02 navigated through the 40th and the 50th latitude,
03:05 and protected by electronic force field,
03:07 Lecomte swam six to eight hours a day,
03:11 over more than 3000 nautical miles of relentless waves.
03:15 72 days later, on the 28th of September,
03:18 he swam ashore exhausted but heroic in France.
03:24 Now did you know friends that the Bible teaches
03:25 that at the end of time,
03:27 Christians will also need to have
03:29 a high degree of endurance,
03:31 not so much physical endurance
03:33 but more importantly spiritual endurance.
03:36 You see, the Bible tells us in Matthew 24:11,
03:41 it says, "At the end of time,
03:43 many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
03:46 And because lawlessness will abound,
03:48 the love of many will grow cold.
03:51 But he that endures to the end shall be saved."
03:55 To be a Christian in the last days requires endurance.
03:59 And the reason for this endurance
04:01 is because Revelation 12:17,
04:03 talking of God's people at the end of time,
04:05 says, "And the dragon,"
04:07 that's Satan,
04:07 "was enraged with a woman."
04:09 That's the church.
04:10 "And he went to make war with the rest
04:12 or the remnant of her offspring
04:14 who keep the commandments of God
04:16 and have the testimony of Jesus."
04:19 So at the end of time,
04:20 the devil is enraged with the church,
04:22 the true church,
04:23 the remnant church,
04:24 and he's making war with those
04:26 who are keeping God's commandments
04:27 and have the testimony and the faith of Jesus.
04:30 Well, friends, we wanna be amongst those
04:32 that have spiritual endurance in the last days.
04:35 How can we now prepare for what is yet to come?
04:39 Well, one of the ways that we prepare
04:41 is by filling our minds with the Word of God.
04:44 The Word of God is a sure strength and our protection.
04:48 Our free offer today is a book written
04:49 by Pastor Doug entitled "The Ultimate Resource",
04:52 and it's free.
04:53 We'll send it to anyone in North America.
04:55 All you have to do is call and ask.
04:57 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
05:02 And you can ask for the book by name.
05:03 It's called "The Ultimate Resource."
05:05 It's offer number 104.
05:08 And we'll be happy to get it in the mail and send it to you
05:10 if you're in North America.
05:11 Now if you're outside of north America,
05:13 we encourage you to take a look at our website,
05:15 just,
05:17 and you can click on the link that says "Free Resources"
05:20 and you can read the book for free right there online.
05:23 It's all about the Bible
05:25 and how you can store the Word of God in your heart.
05:27 When Jesus was facing temptation from the devil,
05:30 he said, "It is written.
05:32 It is written."
05:33 He overcame by the Word and that is our example.
05:36 Now if you have a Bible-related question,
05:38 our phone line once again is 800-463-7297.
05:42 The phone lines are now open.
05:44 And as I mentioned a little earlier,
05:45 my name is Jean Ross.
05:46 Pastor Doug is out this evening,
05:48 but we're live
05:49 and we are ready to take your Bible questions.
05:51 We also wanna welcome those who are watching
05:53 on Amazing Facts TV,
05:54 also those who are watching on the YouTube and social media.
05:58 Thank you for being a part of our program this evening.
06:01 Our first caller this evening is Anthony
06:03 and he's listening from New York.
06:04 Anthony, welcome to the program.
06:06 You're on Bible Answers Live.
06:09 - [Anthony] Yes. Hello, Pastor Ross.
06:10 Can you hear me okay?
06:11 - We can, yes.
06:14 - [Anthony] Okay, yes.
06:15 I was told that I had a little bit of a bad connection,
06:17 but my question...
06:20 Well, let me just briefly explain.
06:25 I think it was last week.
06:27 After church I got into a conversation
06:29 with a gentleman that was there visiting.
06:32 And he just had some questions and also some ideas
06:37 that differed widely from what I believe.
06:40 But I've been studying to make sure I understand
06:44 different doctrines that I believe.
06:48 So the topic about the divinity of Christ came up
06:52 and I thought I was well prepared.
06:53 I went through Hebrews 1 and John 1:1,
06:59 and things like that.
07:00 And then I used Isaiah 9:6.
07:04 And that's the basis of my question.
07:06 And it says right here.
07:12 Sorry, I had it up.
07:15 "For unto us the child is born,
07:16 unto us the son is given,
07:18 and the government shall be upon his shoulder
07:20 and his name shall be called wonderful counselor,
07:23 the mighty God."
07:24 And I kinda paused there for emphasis
07:26 to show that this was talking about Jesus Christ,
07:28 the prophecy of Christ,
07:29 and He's called mighty God.
07:31 And he said, "Ah, but what about the next part
07:33 where it says the everlasting Father?"
07:36 And I said, "Okay, yeah.
07:38 So yeah, He's one with the Father."
07:40 Well, he's like, "Well, that kind of defeats your point
07:42 where you say that the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ,
07:47 and the Holy Spirit,
07:48 they're three separate beings.
07:50 By him calling the Son, the Father,
07:51 that defeats your point."
07:53 And so he thinks that it's more symbolic rather than...
07:57 That this prophecy is symbolic
07:58 rather than proving the divinity of Christ.
08:01 So I guess my question is,
08:03 why does this prophecy call Jesus Christ, the Son?
08:07 Why does it also call Him the everlasting Father?
08:10 - Okay. Well, very good question.
08:12 Yes, the verse you're talking about,
08:13 for those who are maybe driving in their car,
08:15 Isaiah 9:6,
08:17 and many recognize this as a messianic prophecy.
08:21 It's a reference to the coming Messiah.
08:23 Several things.
08:24 First of all, it does mention here
08:25 that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
08:27 And we know that when Christ came to the earth,
08:28 it was through His sacrifice that He made peace
08:31 between the sinner and the Father.
08:33 Between God and man, He is the intercessor.
08:36 So, we know that refers to Him.
08:38 He is also referred to as the Wonderful Counselor,
08:40 the Mighty God.
08:41 So, there's a reference to Christ being divine.
08:44 But the phrase everlasting Father,
08:45 why is that phrase used?
08:47 Well, because especially before the incarnation of Christ,
08:51 along with the Father is He is the source of life.
08:54 John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word
08:56 and the Word was with God.
08:57 All things were made by Him
08:59 and without Him was not anything made that was made."
09:02 So Jesus is actively involved in creation
09:06 and seeing that He's actively involved in creation,
09:08 He is the Father of all creation.
09:11 And so when it's referring to Christ
09:12 as the Everlasting Father,
09:14 not only was the Father,
09:15 the Heavenly Father that we think of today
09:17 involved in creation,
09:19 but Christ was also involved in the creation of earth.
09:22 And then of course, when Jesus came to the earth
09:24 and He was born here on this earth,
09:27 He recognized that His Father in heaven was God.
09:31 And of course, we have the Holy Spirit
09:33 and Jesus is baptized.
09:35 You have the Father in heaven,
09:36 you have the Holy Spirit coming upon Him.
09:38 Jesus is in the water being baptized.
09:40 Christ prayed to His Father in heaven as we need to pray.
09:45 But the fact that He's also referred to
09:47 as the Heavenly Father indicates that He is the Creator,
09:50 He's the source of life.
09:52 And that of course is the same with God the Father
09:55 that we think of today in heaven.
09:59 Does that help Anthony?
10:01 - [Anthony] That does help.
10:02 That does make sense.
10:04 I'll wait 'til next week.
10:05 I know I can only ask one question.
10:08 But someone preached a sermon
10:12 where they proved that Jesus was divine,
10:16 but they said that the Holy Spirit is not a separate person.
10:20 You did help with the one about Christ.
10:22 - Yeah, that's a good question.
10:24 Ask it next week when we have a little more time
10:25 'cause that is an important one,
10:27 or what role does the Holy Spirit have in the Godhead?
10:29 All right. Well, thank you for your call, Anthony.
10:31 You know, we do have a book that talks a little bit more
10:34 about the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit,
10:36 the Godhead or the Trinity,
10:37 and the book is called "The Trinity: Is it Biblical?"
10:40 and we'll be happy to sent this to anyone
10:42 who calls and asks.
10:43 Again, the number that you need to call is 800-835-6747.
10:47 You can ask for the book, "The Trinity: Is it Biblical?".
10:50 What does the Bible say?
10:52 By God the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
10:54 We'll be happy to send it to anyone here in North America.
10:57 Next caller that we have is Britney listening in California.
11:00 Britney, welcome to the program.
11:03 - [Britney] Hey.
11:05 - Hi, and your question tonight.
11:08 - [Britney] Yes.
11:09 My question is, what does the Bible say about flowers?
11:14 - What does the Bible say about flowers?
11:15 Now, you're thinking just in general
11:16 or something specific about flowers?
11:20 - [Britney] Well, I'm talking about in general.
11:23 - Okay.
11:24 Well there are references to flowers in the Bible.
11:27 Bible speaks about God creating a garden
11:30 called the Garden of Eden
11:31 and all kinds of plants were there in the garden.
11:33 There were fruit trees.
11:35 There were flowers, I'm sure, to beautify.
11:38 So flowers is something that God created.
11:41 But in the prophetic sense,
11:42 here's something that you might not know.
11:44 A flower is actually used as a title or a name for Jesus,
11:50 and you'll find this in Song of Solomon 2:1
11:56 and the flower being referred to there is a rose
11:57 and it refers to the Rose of Sharon.
12:00 In here Jesus is being described as this Rose of Sharon.
12:04 So actually, a flower is used in a symbolic sense
12:08 in the Bible with the reference to Jesus.
12:11 So yes, flowers are used and spoken of in the Bible.
12:14 Next caller that we have is listening from Colorado.
12:16 We've got...
12:18 Let's see, Connor listening from Colorado.
12:20 Connor, welcome to the program.
12:21 You're on the air.
12:23 - [Connor] Hello. How are you, Pastor Ross?
12:25 - I'm doing well.
12:26 Hope you're doing well, too.
12:28 - [Connor] Thank you. I appreciate it.
12:30 My question is for a biblical baptism,
12:33 does that have to be done by a pastor or minister?
12:36 Or can that be done by someone
12:38 with a good knowledge of the Word?
12:40 - Well, usually when it comes to baptism,
12:42 baptism is a public profession of our decision
12:46 to follow Jesus.
12:47 And when we gonna make a public profession,
12:50 we wanna do so in the company of friends and family
12:53 but also the one leading out,
12:55 and that needs to be somebody that's recognized as a leader.
12:59 For example, if two people get married,
13:01 they go to somebody who is licensed to perform weddings,
13:05 whether that be a pastor
13:07 or maybe it is a justice of the peace,
13:10 but it is somebody that is recognized as an authority.
13:13 When we make a public profession of our faith
13:15 and we're baptized following Christ's example,
13:18 we wanna do so in the presence of family and friends,
13:21 but also we wanna have someone that is recognized
13:23 as a spiritual leader.
13:25 We wanna have a pastor in the church.
13:27 Of course, we wanna have a pastor
13:28 that follows the Bible and Bible teaching
13:30 because I think there are many different ideas out there
13:33 as to what the Bible says.
13:35 So, we wanna make sure that we're following a church
13:38 and we're participating with someone
13:40 who understands the Bible.
13:42 But yes, if we can,
13:44 it's appropriate to have a pastor lead out
13:46 in the baptismal service.
13:48 It's a very special and sacred event.
13:52 Okay.
13:53 - [Connor] So would that pertain to like a rebaptism, too?
13:56 Or is that probably the same answer?
13:59 - Well, in rebaptism, yes.
14:00 I think you'd also want somebody
14:02 because that's a reaffirmation of your faith in Christ.
14:05 In some cases, if a pastor is not available,
14:08 the church elder might serve in that capacity.
14:12 Usually though, it's in communication with the pastor.
14:16 The pastor knows the elder and maybe he's traveling
14:19 or maybe the church does not have a pastor
14:22 that is permissible.
14:23 Usually, there is some communication that takes place
14:25 between the elder of the church
14:27 and maybe the conference that is associated with the church.
14:31 But usually, you wanna have somebody in a leadership,
14:34 a spiritual leadership role,
14:35 lead out in the baptismal service.
14:37 Somebody that will meet the biblical criteria
14:39 that you find for what an elder is.
14:44 - [Connor] Okay, thank you.
14:45 I appreciate your help.
14:46 - All right. Thanks for your call, Connor.
14:48 You know, we do have a book that talks about baptism
14:49 and it's called "Baptism: Is it really necessary?"
14:52 and this is our free offer.
14:54 We'll send it to anyone in North America.
14:56 All you have to do is call the number 800-835-6747.
15:00 Ask for the book.
15:01 It's called "Baptism: Is it rarely necessary?"
15:04 We'll send it to you here in North America.
15:06 If you're outside of the US,
15:08 again, we wanna encourage you,
15:09 just go to our website,
15:10 or .com,
15:13 and you'll be able to read it for free right there online.
15:16 We've got Jim listening from looks like Indiana.
15:19 Jim, welcome to the program.
15:21 - [Jim] Yeah, the question I have is
15:25 in Revelation 17:10-12.
15:30 - Yes. - What are they talking about?
15:32 The seven kings,
15:34 are those political or are they really just...
15:37 - Okay, great question.
15:38 Let me give a little background to those
15:40 who might not be familiar with Revelation 17.
15:42 In Revelation 17,
15:43 John in vision sees a woman
15:46 and she is sitting on a scarlet colored beast
15:49 and the beast has seven heads and 10 horns.
15:52 Now in Bible prophecy,
15:54 a woman represents a church
15:56 and a beast represents a political power.
15:59 So here you have a church,
16:00 a religious power,
16:01 that is controlling a political power.
16:04 So really what we have is a description of a church
16:06 and state where the state is enforcing the decrees
16:11 or the teachings of the church.
16:13 And it's really a description of the medieval church
16:15 or the Roman Catholic church,
16:16 especially during the dark ages,
16:19 a people supremacy
16:20 where the papacy was controlling the nations of Europe.
16:23 There is a revival of that at the end of time
16:25 if you keep reading in Revelation 17, Revelation 13.
16:30 But the angel begins to identify these different symbols
16:33 that we find here in Revelation.
16:35 And you'll find in Revelation 17:9,
16:38 it says, "Here is the mind that is wisdom.
16:41 The seven heads,"
16:42 that's the seven heads of the beast,
16:44 "are seven mountains on which the woman sits."
16:47 So here we have a church
16:49 that is located on seven mountains or seven Hills.
16:52 Well, of course, a church that is well known
16:55 to be situated amongst seven hills
16:57 or mountains is the church of Rome
16:59 'cause Rome is known to be the city of seven hills.
17:02 But then it also represents something else.
17:04 And in verse 10, it says, "There are also seven Kings.
17:07 Five have fallen,
17:07 one is, and one is not yet come.
17:10 And when he comes, he must continue a short time."
17:12 So these kings,
17:14 the king represents a kingdom.
17:15 These seven kingdoms refer to seven political powers
17:19 or nations that'll persecute God's people,
17:22 and it began way back in Old Testament times
17:24 and will continue right up 'til the very end of time
17:27 just before Jesus comes.
17:29 So the five principal nations that war against Israel
17:32 after they had entered into the promised land,
17:35 you have the nation of Assyria or the Assyrians
17:38 that conquered the 10 tribes or the north.
17:40 You have the nation of Babylon.
17:42 Then you have Medo/Persia,
17:44 you have Greece,
17:45 and you have Rome.
17:46 So during the 1260 years of papal supremacy,
17:50 or we call that the dark ages,
17:52 those five powers or political powers had already fallen.
17:56 The one that is refers to the papacy
17:59 during its 1260 year rule 'cause it says one is,
18:02 and that's the description that we find in Revelation 17.
18:06 And then it says one is yet to come.
18:08 And when he comes, he must continue a short space.
18:11 Well, in Revelation 13, you discover this two beasts.
18:14 The second beast of Revelation 13
18:16 is actually the United States.
18:18 And according to Revelation 13,
18:19 a time will come when the United States will play
18:21 a leading role in enforcing the mark of the beast
18:25 and those who refuse to go along
18:26 with these religious laws will face persecution.
18:30 They won't be able to buy and sell.
18:32 So the beast that is yet to come
18:34 or the political power that is yet to come
18:35 in a persecuting role is a reference there
18:38 to the United States.
18:39 And then it says the eighth is the beast as well.
18:42 And that again, refers to the papacy.
18:44 So those are the seven kings.
18:46 Five have fallen,
18:47 one is, one is yet to come.
18:49 Those are the key players that we find in Bible history
18:52 and even right up 'til the end of time.
18:55 Does that help, Jim?
18:57 - [Jim] Oh yeah, that cleared it right up.
19:01 - All right.
19:02 Good question.
19:03 Thank you for calling.
19:03 Appreciate it.
19:05 All right, next caller that we have.
19:07 Lolita is listening in Nevada.
19:10 Lolita, welcome to the program.
19:12 - [Lolita] Hi. Thank you, Pastor Ross.
19:14 - Yes.
19:15 - [Lolita] Good to hear your voice.
19:16 - Thank you.
19:17 - [Lolita] My question has to do with Jeremiah 31:15
19:20 and it mentioned Rachel weeping for her children,
19:24 refusing to be comforted for her children are gone.
19:29 Could you explain that for me?
19:30 I've always wondered why Rachel is mentioned
19:33 and exactly what that verse refers to.
19:36 - Okay, very good question.
19:38 It's interesting.
19:39 This verse that we find
19:41 in Jeremiah 31:15 is actually a prophecy
19:44 because it's referred to in Matthew 2:18.
19:47 And when it's referred to in Matthew 2:18,
19:50 it's in the context of the decree that Herod made
19:53 that all the little baby boys in Bethlehem
19:55 and in that area was to be put to death.
19:58 And after describing this in Matthew 2,
20:02 Matthew actually quotes Jeremiah 31:15
20:05 and he says what happened with Herod,
20:08 killing the baby boys,
20:09 was an actual fulfillment of this prophecy.
20:12 So the verse 15 says,
20:13 "A voice was heard in Ramah,
20:15 lamentation and bitter weeping,
20:16 Rachel weeping for her children."
20:18 Rachel there is just a reference to Israel
20:21 and to the mothers of Israel in particular there.
20:24 "Refusing to be comforted for her children
20:26 because they are no more."
20:28 So her children,
20:30 it's referring to something happening to her children,
20:32 but then the promise comes
20:34 if you read a little bit further on it.
20:35 It says, "But they shall return from the land of the enemy."
20:39 So, there is a promise.
20:41 That's the next verse.
20:42 It says they shall return from the land of the enemy.
20:44 There's a promise of a resurrection.
20:46 And that was the hope that was given
20:48 to those mothers that suffered that terrible loss
20:50 of having their baby boys snatch from their arms
20:53 and killed by Herod in fear of a king
20:58 that would rival his throne.
21:00 So, that's Jeremiah 31:15.
21:05 Does that help, Lolita? - Yes, that helped greatly.
21:07 Thank you very much.
21:08 Uh-huh, that helps a lot.
21:09 Thank you.
21:10 - All right, the cross references
21:11 I mentioned there is Matthew 2:18
21:13 if you wanna look up that verse and read that as well.
21:16 We got Iwan listening from New York.
21:18 Iwan, welcome to the program.
21:21 - [Iwan] Good evening, Pastor Ross.
21:22 - Hi.
21:23 - [Iwan] My question is,
21:25 what was going through the mind of Satan during the flood?
21:29 Was he scared?
21:30 Was he angry?
21:31 Or was he laughing maniacally?
21:33 - Well, you know, we don't know for sure
21:36 what was going on in the mind of Lucifer during the flood
21:38 or Satan during the flood.
21:40 But I think one thing we realized is that
21:43 Satan had never seen anything like this before.
21:45 Up until that point, the earth was beautiful.
21:48 Even after Adam and Eve sinned
21:50 and they were driven from the Garden of Eden,
21:53 the earth was still a paradise.
21:55 And Adam and Eve and their descendants lived
21:58 almost 2000 years before the flood in the world
22:01 and then until wickedness got so bad.
22:03 The Bible says every imagination of the heart
22:05 was just evil continually.
22:07 And God said, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man.
22:10 His days shall be a 120 years."
22:11 And so Noah was called to build the ark.
22:15 The devil is obviously watching as the ark is being built
22:17 and the animals miraculously enter into the ark.
22:20 Noah and his family go into the arc.
22:21 The door in the ark is closed
22:23 and then the rain begins to come.
22:25 And it's pretty tumultuous
22:27 because it talks about the fountains
22:29 of the great deep breaking open during that time.
22:32 So not only is the rain falling
22:34 and it hadn't rained up to that point,
22:36 but you have all this water coming down from the sky.
22:38 You also have the earth opening up
22:41 and a massive amounts of water spewing up
22:44 through the crust of the earth and flooding the land.
22:48 And you have volcanic activity
22:50 and the whole earth is commotion.
22:52 The mountains are moving and continents are moving.
22:55 It was just something we can't even begin to imagine.
22:59 And I'm sure even the devil and his angels
23:01 which were on the earth witnessed all of this.
23:02 I don't know.
23:04 Maybe they did experience to some degree
23:05 some fear or amazement at the power
23:08 that was demonstrated there in the flood.
23:10 And of course, God protected Noah and his family.
23:14 That was the type of what's gonna ultimately happen
23:17 to the devil and his angels at the end of the 1000 years.
23:20 Just like Noah and his family that were protected in the ark
23:23 from the waters of the flood which purified the earth,
23:26 so there's going to be at the end of time,
23:28 a sea of fire that's gonna purify the earth
23:32 and you read about this in Revelation 20.
23:34 And this fire that is referred to as hell
23:37 or the lake of fire,
23:38 it's gonna purify the earth.
23:40 But just as Noah and his family was safe in the ark,
23:42 so the redeemed or the saved will be safe
23:45 inside the new Jerusalem.
23:47 According to Revelation 21,
23:49 the new Jerusalem comes down from God out of heaven
23:51 at the end of the thousand years.
23:53 The wicked are resurrected
23:54 for the great white throne judgment,
23:56 and then they mount their attack upon the new Jerusalem
23:58 and fire comes and devours them.
24:00 But just as the earth was purified the first time
24:03 with water,
24:04 it will be purified the second time with fire
24:07 and then God creates a new heavens
24:09 and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness.
24:11 Now the devil made it through the first purifying,
24:13 that of water,
24:14 but we know the devil's not gonna make it
24:16 through the second purifying,
24:17 that of fire,
24:19 because the Bible says the devil and his angels were cast
24:21 into the lake of fire and they were destroyed.
24:24 So that's kind of a little overview
24:28 if you look at the different cleansing
24:29 and the symbols behind the flood and what it represents.
24:32 Does that help Iwan a little bit?
24:36 - [Iwan] Yeah, it helped a little bit.
24:37 - Yeah, we don't know what was in the mind of Satan,
24:39 but we can just imagine
24:41 that it was a pretty fearful experience for him.
24:45 - [Iwan] Thank you.
24:46 - All right. Well, thanks for your call.
24:49 Again, friends, if you have a Bible-related question,
24:51 our phone lines are open.
24:52 We're gonna be taking a break here in just a few minutes,
24:54 but you might wanna write down this number.
24:56 Our phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
25:02 So, call with your Bible question.
25:03 800-463-7297.
25:06 Also another number that we're gonna mention
25:08 from time to time,
25:09 that is our resource phone line
25:11 and that number is 800-835-6747.
25:14 We have a number of free study resources
25:17 that we like to make available to people.
25:19 And if you're listening and you're on the road
25:21 or you wanna share this with somebody else,
25:23 we do have archives of the program
25:25 at the Amazing Facts website,
25:27 just
25:29 And if you've missed any of the resources
25:31 that we mentioned at the program,
25:32 again, you can visit
25:34 You can click on the Bible Answer Live link
25:36 or look at the various media that we have available
25:39 and also the free resources.
25:41 And also friends, we wanna remind you
25:43 that Amazing Facts TV is available online.
25:46 So not only do you see that on...
25:48 You can see that on Roku,
25:49 but you can also see that online.
25:51 I believe it's live streaming on YouTube.
25:52 And this program is something that we air
25:55 on Amazing Facts TV every Sunday evening.
25:59 So the number again is 800-463-7297.
26:03 The free offer that we wanna encourage you
26:04 to call for tonight is "The Ultimate Resource."
26:07 It's a book written by Pastor Doug.
26:09 We mentioned this at the beginning of the program.
26:11 It's free.
26:12 All you have to do is call 800-835-6747.
26:15 It's a book written by Pastor Doug.
26:17 It's about the Bible.
26:18 You might be wondering, how do I study the Bible?
26:21 Or where did the Bible come from?
26:22 Or what about different translations
26:24 or different Bible versions?
26:26 There's a lot of great information found in this book,
26:28 "The Ultimate Resource."
26:30 It's all about the Bible and you will be blessed.
26:34 Well again, friends, if you have a Bible question,
26:35 the number is 800-463-7297.
26:39 We are live.
26:40 We will take your questions on the air tonight.
26:42 We're not ending the program by any means.
26:43 We're just coming up on a half hour break.
26:46 We don't have time to take another call.
26:47 We got about 30 seconds left.
26:49 But again, we wanna remind you
26:50 if you wanna study the Bible in more detail,
26:53 please visit
26:56 I was just recently at the website.
26:58 They keep updating the website with new information,
27:01 with archive programs,
27:02 not only this program, Bible Answers Live,
27:04 but also the Amazing Facts Flagship TV program
27:07 called "Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor"
27:10 is also viewable there online at the Amazing Facts website.
27:14 So, don't go far away.
27:15 We'll be back with another half an hour of Bible answers
27:18 and we'll take your calls live on the air.
27:20 We'll be right back in just a few moments.
27:26 - [Announcer] Stay tuned.
27:27 Bible Answers Live will return shortly.
27:39 - [Narrator] A beast, a dragon and a woman.
27:42 They sound like characters in a fairy tale,
27:45 but that couldn't be further from the truth.
27:47 These three symbolic end time powers are actually found
27:50 in the Book of Revelation
27:52 whose predictions about the soon coming crises on earth
27:54 aren't a bedtime story.
27:57 The beast, the dragon, and the woman is a daring
28:00 yet concise overview of the Bible's most compelling
28:02 and perplexing end time players
28:05 and the struggle between truth and error.
28:08 You'll even find out the part America plays
28:10 in these last days.
28:12 If you want to be ready for the earth shaking events
28:14 yet to come,
28:15 secure your copy of "The Beast, the Dragon,
28:18 and the Woman" today.
28:19 Don't be caught unprepared
28:20 for the final events of Bible prophecy.
28:23 To order your copy of "The Beast, the Dragon,
28:25 and The Woman,"
28:26 call 800-538-7275 or visit
28:35 Does your heart burn for a better purpose?
28:37 Do you yearn to do more with your faith?
28:40 Do you desire to be a powerful witness,
28:42 ablaze for Jesus Christ?
28:45 Where do you start?
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28:49 the Amazing Fact Center of Evangelism.
28:51 - Here at AFCOE I've learned so many things
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28:56 - [Narrator] AFCO has distilled 50 years
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29:09 - AFCOE is really about learning while doing.
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29:22 - [Narrator] Go to today
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29:27 AFCOE, equipping soul winners,
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29:37 - [Announcer] You're listening to Bible Answers Live
29:39 where every question answered
29:41 provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you.
29:45 So, what are you waiting for?
29:47 Get practical answers about the 'Good Book"
29:49 for a better life today.
29:53 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:57 If you'd like answers
29:58 to your Bible related questions on the air,
30:00 please call us next Sunday
30:02 between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM Pacific time.
30:05 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
30:08 in this evening's program,
30:09 call 800-835-6747.
30:13 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:20 Now, let's rejoin our host for more Bible Answers Live.
30:25 - Hello, friends. Welcome back.
30:26 This is Bible Answers Live,
30:28 a live interactive international Bible study.
30:30 We'd like to welcome you to this program.
30:32 Pastor Doug is out this evening,
30:34 but this is a live broadcast.
30:35 So if you have Bible related questions,
30:37 we'd love to hear from you this evening.
30:39 As we mentioned on the break,
30:41 our phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
30:46 Again, that's 800-463-7297.
30:50 That'll bring you here into the studio
30:52 with your Bible question.
30:53 Let's see, we got France from California.
30:56 France, welcome to the program.
30:59 - [France] Good evening, Pastor.
31:00 - Good evening. And your Bible question?
31:03 - [France] Yes.
31:04 So I just wanted you to help me
31:07 get some clarification on Daniel,
31:10 this two time prophecy at the end of Daniel 12.
31:13 - [Pastor Ross] Okay.
31:15 - [France] And it seems like I try to see
31:17 how you can situate them in prophetic time.
31:20 So, if you can kind of give me a little understanding
31:23 of those two time prophecies, please.
31:25 - Sure, Revelation 12 is an interesting chapter.
31:28 There's a lot of details,
31:29 but there are different time periods.
31:31 It's actually three time periods that we read about.
31:34 There's the 1260, the 1290, and the 1335.
31:38 And here we can find it in Daniel 12:11.
31:41 I'm just gonna read this first.
31:42 It says, "And at that time
31:43 when the daily sacrifice is taken away
31:46 and the abomination of desolation is set up,
31:48 there shall be 1290 days."
31:51 Then it says, "Blessed is he say that waits
31:53 and comes to the 1335 days."
31:57 And then a little earlier, we read about the 1335.
32:00 So what are these different time periods?
32:02 More specifically, the 1290 and the 1260.
32:06 The 1260,
32:08 remember one prophetic days is equal to one literal year
32:10 in Bible prophecy.
32:11 So the 1260 year time period that we read about
32:15 in both Daniel and Revelation
32:17 is the time period of papal supremacy from 538 until 1798.
32:24 So in 538, we have the papacy rising to,
32:27 not only religious power but more importantly,
32:30 political power and sort of takes the throne
32:34 of the west and Roman empire.
32:36 It rules 'til 1798 where the papal power received
32:42 what's called the deadly wound
32:43 where Napoleon's general, Berthier, marched into Rome,
32:45 proclaimed the political rule of the papacy at an end.
32:48 The Pope was taken prisoner.
32:50 So that's the 1260 year time period.
32:52 The 1290 year time period covers roughly
32:55 the same time period,
32:56 but it begins a little earlier.
32:58 It actually begins in 508,
33:00 is the starting point of that time period.
33:03 And what's significant about that date is that one of the...
33:06 Actually, yeah.
33:07 What's significant about that date
33:08 is one of the political powers
33:10 that was key in coming on board
33:14 to give the papacy its authority was France.
33:17 And in 508, you have the conversion of Clovis,
33:20 King of the Franks,
33:21 that opened up the way for full papal supremacy in 538.
33:26 So, the 1290s referring to that time period.
33:29 And then the 1335,
33:31 starting in 508,
33:33 you go forward 1335 and you come to the date 1843.
33:38 And what's significant about the 1843 is the beginning
33:41 of the proclamation of the time of the end
33:44 and the judgment message that you read about
33:46 in Revelation 14.
33:48 So, that's just a little bit of an overview
33:50 of those three time periods that we find
33:52 in the book of Daniel.
33:55 Does that help a little?
33:57 - [France] Yes. Definitely, Pastor.
33:58 Thank you very much.
33:59 - All right, thanks for your call.
34:00 We're gonna go to Jerry in...
34:02 Let's see, actually Bob in New Jersey.
34:04 Bob, welcome to the program.
34:06 - [Bob] My question is this.
34:08 I have a friend who's next door to me,
34:10 a Christian guy.
34:14 He takes communion every day by himself.
34:19 What he usually does is that he says you can use anything,
34:21 water, water bread, stuff like that.
34:25 But what really gets me about is the fact
34:28 that I feel like you were supposed to do it
34:30 under the auspices of a pastor or an elder
34:37 or somebody to that effect.
34:40 But he said to me that you could do your own communion
34:46 because the Bible says we are kings and priests.
34:50 So, what is the truth behind this?
34:54 - Okay. Good question, Bob.
34:55 I'm gonna put you on mute there,
34:57 if you can still hear me,
34:59 just because we had a little bit of feedback there
35:00 in the background.
35:01 Is it possible to take communion by yourself at home?
35:05 No.
35:06 You can eat by yourself at home
35:07 and you can ask God's blessing upon your food.
35:09 There's no doubt about that.
35:10 That's good.
35:11 But when it comes to communion,
35:13 communion is unique.
35:14 It is a group of believers that are gathered together
35:17 in a worship format
35:20 and they are together corporately
35:23 recognizing the sacrifice of Jesus
35:25 through the eating of the bread
35:27 and the drinking of the grape juice.
35:29 Now, these symbols are important when it comes to communion.
35:32 Jesus refers to Himself as the bread of life.
35:35 And on one occasion, Jesus said,
35:37 "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood
35:39 will I have life in themselves."
35:41 And the people were offended by this.
35:43 And they said, "What do You mean eat Your flesh
35:44 and drink Your blood?"
35:45 Jesus said to them, "The words I speak unto you,
35:48 they are Spirit and they are life."
35:49 So when we partake of the bread in communion,
35:53 we're recognizing or acknowledging that Christ died for us.
35:57 When we drink the grape juice,
35:59 we are acknowledging that He spilled His blood
36:02 which makes atonement for our sins and we are forgiven.
36:06 Now, when it comes to the bread and the grape juice,
36:08 the symbols are important.
36:09 Leaven in the Bible or yeast as referred to today
36:14 are symbolized sin in the Bible.
36:16 And so the bread that was used
36:18 both in the sanctuary in the old Testament
36:20 and also the bread that's used
36:22 for communion needs to be unleavened bread.
36:24 Meaning, that it's free of yeast.
36:26 And when it comes to the juice,
36:28 the grape juice,
36:29 it also needs to be pure
36:30 because it's symbol of Christ's blood.
36:33 Yeast is used in the fermenting process.
36:35 So, it's not an alcoholic beverage.
36:37 It needs to be fresh grape juice as a symbol of Christ,
36:41 atoning blood that was shed.
36:43 The church is described as the body of Christ.
36:45 And when we gather together corporately to worship
36:48 and we partake of communion,
36:50 we together are acknowledging that Jesus has died for us
36:54 and we believe in Him.
36:55 So communion is not one of those ceremonies
36:58 that we are to try and do on our own,
37:00 but we wanna do it as a church,
37:02 a group of believers.
37:04 Does that help, Bob?
37:08 - [Bob] Well, he says that the Bible says
37:10 that we're kings and priests.
37:12 Where does that fit in?
37:13 I mean...
37:14 - Yes, we are.
37:14 Spiritually, we are kings
37:16 because Christ is our older brother
37:18 and we are to rule over sin and we can be victorious.
37:23 Revelation says he who overcomes shall inherit all things.
37:27 And we are priests in the sense of
37:29 we are sharing the gospel with others.
37:31 So, we can take the gospel
37:32 and we can share it to somebody else.
37:33 If they respond to the gospel,
37:35 well, they're also saved.
37:36 But it's got nothing to do with communion.
37:39 The idea that only a priest
37:40 can offer communion isn't biblical.
37:43 Matter of fact, in the New Testament,
37:45 you don't read about the priesthood.
37:47 It talks about leaders in the church.
37:48 You've got pastors and you've got elders
37:50 and you have people of different responsibility,
37:53 but that's not what the verse is referring to
37:55 when it says we are kings and priests.
37:56 It's not talking about us doing communion
37:58 on our own at home.
38:00 That's a misunderstanding of the verse.
38:02 - [Bob] Thank you very much, Pastor.
38:04 - All right. Thanks for your call, Bob.
38:05 Next caller that we have is...
38:07 Let's see, Jerry is listening in Oregon.
38:08 Jerry, welcome to the program.
38:11 - [Jerry] Good evening, Pastor Ross.
38:13 My question pertains to works.
38:16 - Okay.
38:17 - [Jerry] Now, it's a core belief
38:19 amongst all Christian denominations
38:21 that salvation is a gift that cannot be earned.
38:26 But there are some scriptures,
38:28 and I know that you're aware of them
38:30 but then I'll summarize them for the audience.
38:35 Matthew 25 where Jesus talks about the goats and the sheep.
38:41 The sheep are the people who fed, gave drink, shelter,
38:47 and satisfied the needs of those people in need.
38:54 And the goats are the ones who didn't do that.
38:57 The goats are on His left side.
39:01 Then He says in there,
39:03 then He will say to those on His left,
39:05 the goats, those who didn't do the good deeds,
39:08 "Depart from Me, you who are cursed,
39:10 into the eternal fire prepared
39:12 for the devil and the angels.
39:14 For I was hungry, you gave Me nothing to eat,"
39:17 et cetera. - Sure.
39:18 - [Jerry] And so on.
39:19 And then in Revelation 20,
39:23 it says towards, let me see,
39:26 verse 12 or so or 13,
39:33 "The dead were judged according to what they had done
39:36 as recorded in the books.
39:40 The sea gave up the dead that were in it
39:42 and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them
39:45 and each person was judged according to what they had done.
39:50 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.
39:53 The lake of fire is the second death.
39:55 Anyone whose name was not found written
39:59 in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
40:02 So I would infer from that,
40:04 the saved are in the book of life,
40:06 that they're being judged by their works.
40:08 - Okay. Great question.
40:10 Yeah, let me see if I can shed a little bit of light
40:11 on that.
40:12 So, we're saved by faith.
40:14 We're actually saved by grace through faith.
40:16 How do we obtain the grace?
40:17 It's through faith.
40:19 Not of works as Paul says in Romans,
40:21 unless we shall be judged.
40:22 But the kind of faith that saves us is a faith that works.
40:27 So, if we claim to have faith but our faith is not working,
40:30 meaning, our lives are not changing,
40:33 then that means the kind of faith
40:35 that we have is a counterfeit faith.
40:38 A genuine faith will be revealed in what we do.
40:42 That's why when it comes to the judgment,
40:44 God could actually look at our works
40:46 and our works will tell
40:48 whether or not we have genuine faith.
40:50 That's a faith that saves us,
40:52 but our works will testify as to what kind of faith we have.
40:57 That's why James tells us
40:58 if you go look in the book of James.
41:00 It says some will say, "Well, I have faith,
41:03 but I don't have works."
41:04 Somebody else might say,
41:06 "Well, I have faith and it's revealed by my works."
41:09 So, true faith will always be revealed in obedience,
41:14 willing obedience.
41:15 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
41:16 when they stood on the plain of Dura
41:18 and a death decree was given anyone who would not bow down
41:21 and worship the golden image,
41:22 or while they were saved by faith.
41:24 They were trusting in God.
41:26 But that faith demonstrated itself in works.
41:29 They stood faithful when everyone else bowed down.
41:32 So, true faith will always be demonstrated
41:34 by works of obedience,
41:37 reflecting the character of God.
41:39 Does that help, Jerry?
41:42 - [Jerry] Yes, and there's another scripture.
41:45 Faith without works is dead.
41:46 - Correct.
41:48 - [Jerry] So any Christian who claims he's saved
41:50 by the sacrifice of Jesus
41:53 and does not do help his fellow man, et cetera,
41:57 is not a genuine faith.
42:00 - It's the wrong kind of faith, right?
42:02 And it's possible to even deceive yourself
42:04 thinking that you have faith.
42:06 But if your faith is not producing kind works,
42:09 well then, that's the wrong kind of faith.
42:12 And of course, this faith comes from God.
42:14 It's a gift.
42:15 We can ask for it,
42:16 but we need to exercise that faith in doing those things
42:18 that are pleasing to Him.
42:20 Good question, Jerry,
42:21 Thank you for your call.
42:22 Next caller that we have is Taivion
42:24 listening in Illinois.
42:25 Taivion, welcome to the program.
42:28 - [Taivion] Taivion, that's a new one.
42:30 - You know, that's what popped up on my screen.
42:32 What is your name?
42:34 Oop, we might have missed him.
42:35 Let's try here.
42:37 Dina.
42:38 Dina, New York.
42:39 Are you there?
42:41 - [Dina] Yes, sir. I am.
42:42 - All right.
42:43 Okay, I think it went through,
42:44 and your question tonight.
42:47 - [Dina] My question is...
42:49 Hold on, let me turn this down.
42:52 I'm sorry, I'm driving.
42:54 So, I really can't- - That's okay.
42:56 - Exactly tell you where it is that I read it,
43:00 but I know it's in the book of Genesis where it says that,
43:06 "And God put Adam in the garden."
43:10 - Yes.
43:11 - [Dina] So I want to know, was he created in...
43:14 It seems like he was not created in the garden.
43:18 He created Eve from Adam in the garden,
43:22 but from what I heard it says,
43:24 "And God put Adam in the garden."
43:28 - Okay.
43:29 Yeah, let me just refer to the verse.
43:31 I think the one you're referring to is Genesis 2:8.
43:33 And it says, "The Lord God planted a garden
43:35 eastward of Eden
43:36 and there he put the man whom he had formed."
43:40 So your idea is,
43:41 was Adam created outside the garden
43:43 or was he created inside the garden?
43:46 - [Dina] That's what it sounds like
43:47 because He put him there.
43:49 - Yes.
43:50 Now the phrasing that you have here
43:52 and I'm looking from...
43:52 This is the New king James.
43:54 Some other translations might explain it
43:56 a little bit clearer.
43:57 The idea of being put in the garden
44:00 isn't necessarily picking something up
44:01 and putting it in a different place.
44:04 Rather, it carries with it the idea that that's their home,
44:07 that that's their dwelling place.
44:09 So, the garden became the home of Adam and Eve.
44:13 Most likely, God created the garden first
44:16 and then He formed Adam and gave him the garden as his home.
44:21 That became his dwelling place.
44:23 The whole earth was before him,
44:25 but specifically the garden was his home
44:27 or his dwelling place.
44:29 So the Bible doesn't tell us for sure, you know,
44:30 if God created Adam right at the gate
44:32 and kind of laid him into the garden.
44:34 It could very well have been the case.
44:36 Or if he was created in the garden
44:38 and God said, "This garden is yours,"
44:41 in the sense of putting him in the garden,
44:43 the Bible's not exactly clear on that.
44:46 But either way, I think the idea would be there,
44:48 that the garden became their home.
44:51 - [Dina] Uh-huh! We've been taught all our lives
44:53 that they were created in the garden and all that
44:57 and I was reading and I said,
44:58 "Wait a minute, He put him there."
45:00 - Yes, put him there in a sense of that was his home,
45:03 his dwelling place.
45:05 - [Dina] Uh-hmm. And thank you guys so much.
45:08 About 10 years ago,
45:09 Pastor Doug sent me a booklet
45:12 that was talking about the chip.
45:17 And it was like it was gonna be in something
45:20 that looked like a little grain of rice
45:23 and all our information was gonna be put there
45:28 and then under our skin.
45:30 And I was telling people.
45:31 It's like, "Whoa, this is what's gonna happen."
45:33 And people were looking at me like I was crazy,
45:36 and that's exactly what is happening now.
45:38 - Yes, when you're getting into Bible prophecy,
45:40 you learn some interesting things.
45:42 And of course, I wouldn't be the first one
45:44 to wanna get any kind of implant under the skin,
45:46 and the Bible speaks against that.
45:47 But from a spiritual sense,
45:50 when you talk about the mark of the beast,
45:51 we understand it has to do with worship.
45:53 It's not a physical computer chip,
45:55 but it really has to do with worship and allegiance,
45:57 who do we obey and who do we worship.
46:00 Matter of fact, we do have a study guide
46:01 that talks about that for anyone wanting to learn more
46:03 about the mark of the beast.
46:05 Is it a computer chip in the hand or in the feet?
46:07 Or what does the Bible say about that?
46:09 And I think Dina referenced that subject.
46:13 You can read the study guide.
46:14 It's called "The Mark of the Beast."
46:16 And all you have to do is call and ask for it.
46:18 The number is 800-835-6747.
46:21 And again, just ask for the study guide.
46:23 It's called "The Mark of the Beast."
46:25 We're gonna try Illinois once again.
46:28 Taivion, I'm not pronouncing your name right?
46:32 - [Taivion] No, it's Taivion.
46:34 - Taivion, thank you.
46:35 All right, and your question this evening.
46:39 - [Taivion] Yes, my question was...
46:42 So I was going through the Bible
46:44 'cause I have read through the new Testament already
46:47 and I'm going through the old,
46:50 and I was brought back to...
46:53 I believe it was Matthew 12:42.
46:56 Yeah, 42.
46:58 About the queen of the south,
46:59 how she shall rise on the judgment,
47:02 how she shall rise and generally condemn the generation.
47:07 So I've taken that as,
47:09 especially due the fact that I put Solomon in there,
47:11 that it's confirming that the queen of Sheba
47:14 will be in heaven.
47:15 But I also read,
47:16 I think it was one of the other gospels
47:18 or made with someone in the new Testament
47:20 that it also confirmed
47:22 that King Nebuchadnezzar was going to be there too?
47:26 - Yes, that's a good point.
47:28 We believe Nebuchadnezzar will be here
47:30 because he actually wrote a chapter in the Bible.
47:33 It's the only chapter that we know of
47:35 written by a pagan king,
47:37 and you find it in the book of Daniel.
47:40 Yes, Daniel 4 is actually the description
47:44 of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and the explanation of the dream.
47:47 And that at the end of the chapter,
47:49 you read how that Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges
47:50 the God of heaven and worships Him.
47:52 So, the fact that there is a chapter recorded
47:54 by Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible
47:57 and that at the end of the chapter he acknowledges
47:58 and worships the God of heaven is a stronger indication
48:01 that yes, he was saved.
48:03 He did come to a knowledge of the true God.
48:06 - [Taivion] Okay.
48:07 Okay, I just wanted to make sure
48:08 because I was going through Matthew
48:10 and then I got confused
48:11 because I'm like, okay, I know we believe
48:13 that he's going to heaven,
48:15 but I thought there was a specific verse
48:16 that said that he would go into heaven
48:19 along with the queen of Sheba before the Pharisees.
48:22 - Not in the new Testament, no.
48:24 The evidence used for Nebuchadnezzar being saved
48:27 comes directly from Daniel.
48:30 - [Taivion] Okay, thank you.
48:31 - All right, great question.
48:32 Thank you.
48:34 Next caller that we have is Raymond listening from Michigan,
48:36 Raymond, welcome to the program.
48:38 - [Raymond] Hello, sir. How you doing?
48:39 - Doing well, thank you.
48:43 And your question tonight?
48:45 - [Raymond] My question is in Genesis 4:14.
48:50 - Okay.
48:53 - [Raymond] After God curse Cain for killing Abel,
48:56 "Surely you have driven me out this day
49:01 from the face of the ground.
49:03 I shall be hidden from your face.
49:05 I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth.
49:09 And it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me."
49:16 How could he have said that
49:18 when there was only Adam and Eve and himself on the earth?
49:21 - Okay.
49:22 By the time this story occurred
49:23 between Cain and Abel,
49:25 there were other sons and daughters born to Adam and Eve
49:29 that are not referenced specifically at the time
49:31 because you'd lead...
49:33 Sorry, you'll read on later on,
49:34 it talks about Adam and Eve having other sons and daughters.
49:38 So where did Cain and Abel...
49:40 Or at least Cain,
49:41 where did Cain get his wife?
49:42 Well, it was a sister.
49:44 It was a daughter of Adam and Eve.
49:46 So there were other people on the earth.
49:48 How many?
49:49 The Bible does not tell us.
49:50 But the fact that, they were all related
49:53 and they're all siblings,
49:54 you can understand Cain's concern
49:56 if one of his brothers come across him
49:58 and they know that he killed Abel.
50:01 Well then, maybe they'll wanna kill him.
50:03 So it were the other siblings of Cain
50:06 that's been referred to there.
50:08 - [Raymond] Okay, okay.
50:10 All right, thank you very much
50:11 and you all are doing a great job.
50:13 - All right.
50:14 - [Raymond] On the radio.
50:15 - Thanks for your call, Raymond.
50:16 Appreciate it.
50:17 - [Raymond] Okay.
50:18 Yeah, okay. Thank you.
50:19 - Next caller that we have...
50:21 Let's see.
50:22 We've got Robert listening in Washington.
50:25 Robert, welcome to the program.
50:29 - [Robert] Hello.
50:30 Thank you for taking my call, Pastor Ross.
50:32 - Hi, and your question tonight.
50:35 - [Robert] I thought I'd ask you a Revelation question
50:38 since that's your specialty.
50:41 - I like revelation, yes.
50:47 - [Robert] The one guy, a few couple or three things ago,
50:51 was mentioning the question that I asked.
50:53 Well, at least he breezed through it anyway
50:56 about death and hell where he said Hades.
51:00 - Yes.
51:01 - [Robert] But I've heard of it saying...
51:03 I guess that's probably King James.
51:06 Death and hell being cast in the lake of fire.
51:09 How can hell be cast into itself, kind of thing?
51:12 - Oh, good question.
51:14 All right, the verse, I think, you're referring to...
51:15 I'm just gonna put you on mute there
51:17 'cause we had a little background noise.
51:18 Revelation 20, and it's verse 14,
51:21 actually starting verse 13,
51:23 it says, "The sea gave up the dead that was in it
51:26 and death and Hades delivered up the dead that were in them.
51:29 And they were judged each according to the works."
51:31 Now the word Hades there simply means the grave.
51:35 This is the old King James language.
51:37 I'm using the New King James.
51:39 So when it says death and Hades,
51:40 it just simply means death and the grave.
51:44 And then verse 14 says, "And death and Hades."
51:46 same word talking about the grave.
51:48 "Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.
51:50 This is the second death."
51:52 Meaning that after the lake of fire does its work,
51:55 there will be no more death and there'll be no more grave.
51:59 So sometimes in King James,
52:01 you find the word hell used for the grave,
52:04 but it just simply means the grave.
52:05 It's not a place of torment.
52:07 That was a pagan idea that came along later on.
52:10 But the word Hades just means the grave.
52:14 So that's the explanation there.
52:16 Does that help, Robert?
52:19 - [Robert] Yes, thank you very much.
52:20 - Okay, you're welcome.
52:21 Thanks for your call.
52:22 I think we have time for maybe...
52:25 Let's see.
52:26 We got one more call perhaps.
52:29 Lilia listening from Arizona.
52:30 We got about two minutes, Lilia.
52:33 - [Lilia] Hello, thank you.
52:35 During the seven-year tribulation,
52:37 will no one be able to be saved even if they repent?
52:42 - Okay.
52:43 Well, first of all,
52:45 you mentioned the word seven years of tribulation.
52:46 You won't find seven-year tribulation in the Bible.
52:50 There is a tribulation that the Bible speaks about,
52:53 but it's not gonna be seven years.
52:55 During the tribulation,
52:56 the seven last plagues get pour out
52:58 and maybe that's where the confusion is.
52:59 Sometimes people think the seven last plagues
53:01 and they think of that has been seven years.
53:04 But actually, the seven last plagues will fall roughly
53:06 in about the period of a year.
53:08 And the reason we say that
53:10 is because Revelation speaks of the plagues
53:11 coming upon Babylon in one day.
53:14 One prophetic day is equal to one literal year.
53:17 So you have a time of trouble
53:19 or you call it the tribulation.
53:21 It's about the period of a year
53:23 when the seven last plagues are poured out.
53:25 Now it is true that
53:26 before the seven last plagues are poured out,
53:29 probation does close.
53:31 So, there'll be two groups when that time comes.
53:33 Those who have the seal of God,
53:35 those who love God and keep His commandments,
53:36 and those who have the mark of the beast.
53:38 And then probation closes.
53:40 The seven last plagues are poured out,
53:42 but the plagues don't harm those who have the seal of God.
53:45 They are protected
53:46 during this time of widespread destruction.
53:49 They're protected because they're sealed by God.
53:51 And then at the end of that tribulation,
53:54 then Jesus comes and you have the great resurrection.
53:57 The dating Christ are resurrected.
53:59 Those who are alive are caught up to meet Jesus in the air
54:02 and the wicked are destroyed
54:03 with the brightness of His coming.
54:05 So when this great tribulation spoken of in Daniel 12,
54:12 when that time does come, probation would've closed.
54:13 Everybody would have made up their mind
54:15 which side they're gonna be on.
54:16 But that tribulation is not closed yet.
54:19 The gospel is still going out to the world.
54:21 People are still responding.
54:22 The Holy Spirit is speaking to the hearts of individuals.
54:25 Probation is not yet closed.
54:28 But when it does close
54:29 after the mark of the beast becomes an issue
54:31 and you have the seal of God,
54:33 then it is that everyone's made up their mind.
54:35 Probation closes and the seven last plagues are poured out.
54:39 You know, we do have a study guide
54:40 that talks about the mark of the beast
54:42 and it's called "The Mark of the Beast"
54:43 and we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
54:46 The number is 800-835-6747
54:50 and you'll have a lot more information,
54:52 more than I can actually share on the radio,
54:54 with all the Bible verses and everything related
54:57 to the subject of the mark of the beast
54:58 or the seal of God.
55:00 Now, friends, do you hear that music in the background?
55:02 We got two more minutes of internet questions.
55:05 So, don't go too far.
55:06 We just wanna say goodbye
55:08 to some of the radio stations turning off,
55:09 but stay by.
55:10 We'll be right back.
55:16 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:19 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:22 Bible Answers Live is produced
55:24 by Amazing Facts International,
55:27 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:32 - Hello, friends. Welcome back.
55:34 We got about two minutes before we actually sign off
55:36 from our program.
55:37 We wanna thank those who sent in their internet questions.
55:40 If you have a Bible question you'd like to email us,
55:43 you just simply email the address,
55:49 That's
55:52 and we will try to answer as many of these questions
55:54 as we could or we can in the next minute and a half.
55:58 So, we do have some questions that came in.
56:00 First question is,
56:01 did the angels know what was good and evil
56:03 before Eve committed sin?
56:06 Revelation 12 talks about a war in heaven
56:09 where Michael and his angels fought against the dragon
56:12 and the dragon and his angels,
56:13 they lost the war and they were thrown out of heaven.
56:16 So, there was a knowledge of right and wrong
56:19 prior to Adam and Eve.
56:20 And of course the devil tempted Adam and Eve,
56:23 or Eve, and then Eve gave the fruit to Adam.
56:25 He knew what he was doing.
56:26 He knew that he was trying to get them to disobey God
56:29 and disobey His commandments.
56:31 Another question that we have,
56:32 does the Bible say that some people are saved
56:34 in the second resurrection?
56:37 Well, the Bible speaks of two general resurrections.
56:39 There is the first resurrection
56:41 that takes place at the second coming of Christ
56:43 when the dead in Christ are resurrected
56:45 and then they go to heaven for a thousand years.
56:48 At the end of the thousand years,
56:49 in Revelation 21,
56:51 you have the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven.
56:54 At that time, Jesus sets His feet on the Mount of Olives
56:57 and it opens up and forms a great valley
56:59 and the new Jerusalem comes to rest
57:01 and then all the wicked are resurrected.
57:03 They're resurrected for the great white throne judgment
57:06 that you read about in Revelation 20.
57:09 At the end of which,
57:10 the wicked mount their attack upon the new Jerusalem
57:12 and fire comes down and devours them.
57:14 So those resurrected in the second resurrection,
57:17 is there any hope of them being converted and saved?
57:20 The answers is no.
57:22 Those who are resurrected in the first resurrection,
57:24 they're the ones that are saved.
57:26 Those who are resurrected in the second resurrection,
57:28 they're the ones who are in rebellion against God.
57:32 They are resurrected simply for the final judgment
57:35 and then the destruction comes.
57:37 Our last question that we're gonna be able to get,
57:39 is the Holy Spirit on the left hand of God the Father
57:43 if Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father?
57:46 well, it's interesting when you look in Revelation 4,
57:49 you have a description of the heavenly throne room
57:51 and it speaks about God's seated upon His throne.
57:54 But before the throne,
57:55 in front of the throne,
57:56 it talks about seven burning lamps of fire
57:58 which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
58:01 So we know Christ is at the right hand of the Father.
58:03 The Holy Spirit has a position
58:05 at least described in Revelation 4
58:07 as being before the throne,
58:09 not necessarily on the other side of the throne.
58:12 So, that is an interesting point.
58:14 Thank you for calling in, friends.
58:15 We look forward to next week for more Bible Answers Live.
58:20 - [Announcer] Bible Answers Live,
58:22 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2022-10-28