Bible Answers Live

Choice and Bed Be Made

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022230S

00:00 (triumphant orchestral music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to Bible Answers Live, providing accurate
00:23 and practical answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:34 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello, listening friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were identical twins
00:58 that were separated at four weeks of age
01:00 and then raised in different families.
01:02 After some searching in 1979,
01:05 the twins were finally reunited at the age of 39.
01:09 When they got to talking, they were astonished to discover
01:12 how many ways that they had lived identical lives.
01:15 For example, they both suffered from tension headaches,
01:19 they were prone to nail-biting,
01:20 they smoked Salem cigarettes,
01:22 they drove the same type of Chevrolet car,
01:25 and even vacationed at the same beach in Florida.
01:28 Both had similar jobs in security.
01:31 Jim Lewis was a security guard,
01:33 while Jim Springer had been a deputy sheriff.
01:35 Both married and divorced women named Linda.
01:38 They both remarried women named Betty,
01:41 and they both had a childhood dog named Toy.
01:44 They both had a proclivity for math and woodworking
01:47 but were terrible at spelling,
01:49 and they both named their sons James Alan,
01:52 though one spelled Alan a little differently.
01:55 That's so bizarre.
01:55 It almost sounds like
01:57 they were predestined to live a certain way.
02:00 - That's right, Pastor Doug. (Pastor Ross laughs)
02:01 It's odd when you hear about these stories of people
02:03 that just lived lives that were so similar to one another,
02:06 and you wonder, wow, was there somebody
02:08 coordinating events or putting this all together?
02:11 Now, of course, there's genetics connected with that
02:13 and certain personality traits.
02:15 But sometimes, people ask the question,
02:18 are there some predestinated to be saved,
02:21 and are there some predestinated to be lost?
02:25 Can we do anything about our eternal destiny?
02:28 - Yeah, you hear a story like this, and you might think,
02:29 well, we have no choice.
02:31 It's all controlled by our genes.
02:33 But this is one of those, it's a rare coincidence.
02:36 This is not always the case with twins that are separated.
02:39 Sometimes their lives are entirely different,
02:41 even though they're identical twins.
02:43 But there are people who think that our lives are all
02:47 mapped out by God, and we really don't have a choice.
02:50 But the Bible tells us that people's eternal destiny
02:54 will largely hinge on how they respond
02:57 to the sacrifice that Jesus has made.
03:00 A number of verses illustrate this,
03:01 but even if you go to one of the last verses in the Bible,
03:04 Revelation 22:17, it says,
03:07 and this is a great invitation that closes the book,
03:09 "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come!
03:13 "Let him who hears say, Come!
03:16 "Let him who thirsts come, and whoever desires,
03:20 "let him come and take the water of life freely."
03:23 This makes it pretty clear that the invitation to be saved
03:27 is not only restricted for a few people, but it says,
03:30 whoever hears, whoever reads the words of this book.
03:34 I know there's a number of places where the Bible says,
03:36 "God is not willing that any should perish."
03:39 Well, though some are gonna perish,
03:40 that obviously is not His will.
03:42 That means not everything that happens
03:44 in this world is the will of God.
03:46 Some of our Muslim friends, whatever happens, they say,
03:48 "Oh, it must be the will of Allah."
03:51 But no, the sin and misery in this world is not God's will.
03:55 That's why in the Lord's Prayer we say, "Thy will be done."
04:00 Why would we pray for something
04:01 that's already gonna happen anyway?
04:03 So we're praying for God's will
04:05 because a lot of things that happen are not God's will.
04:09 Of course, Joshua made the statement that explained
04:12 we all have a choice. - That's right.
04:14 One of the key verses here, it's an appeal
04:17 to receive the Lord just before the children of Israel
04:20 would enter into the Promised Land.
04:21 Joshua said to the people,
04:23 "If it seems evil to you," this is Joshua 24:15,
04:26 "If it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
04:28 "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,
04:32 "whether the gods that your fathers served
04:34 "that were on the other side of the river,
04:36 "or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell.
04:38 "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
04:42 So there you see a choice.
04:43 We need to choose who we wish to serve.
04:46 And Pastor, there might be some confusion,
04:47 because you're reading Paul's letters,
04:49 sometimes he talks about God predestinating,
04:53 and people are wondering, is that referring to a person's
04:56 eternal destiny, but the confusion is there,
04:58 it is true that God predestinated the nation of Israel
05:01 to be the nation that would be the one
05:04 through whom the Messiah would come.
05:06 That was a choice God made; it didn't have anything
05:08 to do with Israelites being better than anyone else.
05:11 But that's not referring to individual choice
05:14 or individual destiny; it's referring to the nation.
05:16 God raises nations up, and God takes nations down.
05:20 Maybe in that sense, you can understand the predestination
05:23 of God, but individually, we have that freedom to choose.
05:27 - Right, some people think,
05:28 for instance, Judas, since prophecy said
05:30 Judas would betray Jesus, Judas had no choice.
05:33 No, God knew what was gonna happen, but ultimately,
05:35 it was Judas that made these series of choices that led
05:38 to his very bad choice, his decision to betray Jesus.
05:43 Now, we've got a free offer I think that helps explain this
05:46 with all the Scriptures. - We do.
05:47 It's a popular book.
05:48 If folks wanna learn more about the subject,
05:50 it's called Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?
05:53 That's our free gift to anyone who will call and ask.
05:56 All you need to do is just call the number 800-835-6747,
06:02 and you can ask for the book.
06:03 It's called Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?
06:05 Again, that's 800-835-6747,
06:09 and tell them you're listening to Bible Answers Live,
06:11 and you'd like the free gift.
06:12 It's called Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?
06:16 Another number that you might wanna write down is
06:18 our phone line here to the studio with your Bible question.
06:21 The number for that is 800-463-7297,
06:26 800-463-7297.
06:28 We've got some phone lines that are still open.
06:30 This is a good time for you
06:31 to pick up your phone and give us a call.
06:34 We also, Pastor Doug, wanna greet those
06:35 who are listening on Amazing Facts Television.
06:38 We also have folks who've tuned in on social media
06:41 on the Doug Batchelor Facebook page,
06:43 on the Amazing Facts Facebook page.
06:45 I believe you're also live
06:47 at the Amazing Facts YouTube channel.
06:49 So, many ways that you can participate,
06:51 and of course those who are listening
06:52 on land-based radio stations and also satellite radio.
06:56 So welcome to the program.
06:57 - That's right, you can listen,
06:59 you can watch and listen, and we invite either.
07:02 But before we go to our questions,
07:04 we're gonna ask God for His guidance.
07:06 - Let's have a word of prayer.
07:08 Dear Father, once again, we are grateful for the opportunity
07:10 to be able to open up Your Word and study,
07:12 and Lord, we do recognize that this Bible,
07:14 this book that You have given us, is a powerful book
07:17 containing truth, and it's Your book,
07:19 so we ask for Your Spirit, the Holy Spirit,
07:21 to guide us as we study together.
07:23 Be with those who are listening,
07:25 watching, wherever they might be.
07:26 We ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
07:29 - Amen.
07:30 - Well, we are ready to go to the phone lines.
07:31 The first caller that we have is Sophia,
07:34 listening in Tennessee.
07:35 Sophia, welcome to the program.
07:38 - [Sophia] Thank you.
07:40 - Thank you!
07:41 And your question?
07:43 - Is the United States in the Book of Daniel,
07:47 and if so, where are the passages?
07:50 Thank you.
07:51 - All right, good question.
07:53 Now, you do find the United States mentioned
07:55 in the Book of Revelation
07:57 as the second beast you find in Revelation chapter 13.
08:01 But Pastor Ross, I guess the events
08:04 connected with the United States would be
08:08 following the last beast that you find in Daniel,
08:12 well, it would be following the iron and the clay.
08:15 It's not specifically mentioned.
08:17 It'd probably be following those 10 toes.
08:19 Maybe it's the toenails.
08:21 - That's right, just prior to the stone that comes
08:22 and disrupts the image. - That's right.
08:23 - It seems the focus of the Book of Daniel
08:26 deals more with kingdoms that of course from Daniel's time
08:29 lead you all the way up to the second coming of Christ.
08:32 But most of the kingdoms referred to has to do with Europe
08:35 or influencing the land of Israel, whereas you find
08:38 the expansion of that of course in the Book of Revelation.
08:41 Revelation 13 in particular,
08:42 there is a beast power that arises, the second beast,
08:46 and that is the United States in prophecy.
08:49 - By the time you get to the Book of Revelation,
08:51 the prophets seem to go into more detail.
08:54 In fact, it even happens,
08:56 and I know I've heard you say this many times,
08:58 that what's happening in the prophecies of the Bible
09:00 is it's stating the truth, and as it goes on, it expands,
09:04 and you're getting the same truth from different angles.
09:08 Daniel two, you've got those five major kingdoms,
09:10 being Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
09:14 and then the divisions of the Roman Empire,
09:16 and you also get that, well, it's in Daniel seven,
09:18 it's in Daniel eight, it's in Daniel nine, 10, 11,
09:21 and each succeeding vision
09:24 seems to expand and give more detail.
09:27 - Now, we do have a magazine at Amazing Facts.
09:29 It's called the US in Bible Prophecy.
09:31 This is one of our most popular sharing magazines
09:34 that we have, and we will make that available
09:36 to anyone who calls and asks.
09:38 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
09:43 You can ask for the magazine.
09:44 It's called the US in Bible Prophecy.
09:47 It's quite an in-depth study, Pastor Doug, but it looks
09:49 at these various prophecies, and it's really inspiring.
09:52 Read it for yourself, and then give it to a friend.
09:54 It's a very important topic. - Amen.
09:56 - All right, thank you for your call.
09:57 The next caller that we have is Dianna, listening in Texas.
10:01 Well, Dianna, welcome to the program.
10:04 - [Dianna] Thank you, pastors, good evening.
10:06 My question is, in the Book of Mark, when Jesus healed
10:10 the leper, He asked him not to tell anybody,
10:13 and He's done that a couple of times.
10:14 I just wanted to know why He would do that.
10:17 - Yeah, and it's funny, because in almost every case,
10:20 He said, "Don't tell anybody," and they did.
10:23 You know, if you've been blind or you've been a leper
10:25 and you've had all that misery and then all of a sudden,
10:27 you're healed, it is hard to keep the good news to yourself.
10:30 I think one reason Jesus did that is because
10:34 there were already enemies that were very jealous
10:37 and looking for some reason to obstruct His ministry.
10:43 He knew that when He did these especially powerful miracles,
10:49 that as word about that spread,
10:52 it just intensified the persecution and the scrutiny.
10:55 He wanted to help these people,
10:57 but He didn't want to see the work limited.
10:59 He said, "Now, don't mention that."
11:00 It also tells you about the humility of Christ,
11:03 and it also reminds us
11:04 that it's hard to keep good news to yourself.
11:07 So I would think that would be the main reason.
11:10 He was just trying to prevent too much resistance
11:14 so early in His ministry.
11:15 - Although the time does come
11:16 where Jesus talks to His disciples and He says,
11:19 "Then what you hear in secret, you blaze from the rooftops."
11:22 So it was clear that there was gonna be a time
11:24 when everything that Jesus did was to be loudly proclaimed.
11:27 - And then by the time he healed Lazarus,
11:29 right by Jerusalem, it was front-page news.
11:32 - Absolutely, and Christ didn't hide that in any way.
11:35 Well, thanks for your call, Dianna.
11:36 We've got Angela, listening from Illinois.
11:39 Angela, welcome to the program.
11:42 - [Angela] Hi, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
11:45 I wanted to understand, in chapter 11 of Daniel,
11:51 it talks about the kings of the north and south.
11:54 So can you just tell me,
11:56 who is the king of the north and south?
11:58 - Well, now, I'll let you know, I'll do my best.
12:01 But if you ask 10 different pastors
12:04 what they believe about Daniel 10 and 11
12:08 and even into 12, you'll get 12 different answers.
12:14 It's probably the most complex
12:16 and detailed prophecy in the Bible.
12:18 I can't think of one that, maybe some in Ezekiel
12:21 or Zechariah, but this is pretty complex.
12:23 My belief is, and I think Pastor Ross would agree with me,
12:26 the king of the north would be what we call the papacy,
12:31 'cause the papacy as a power, a religious power,
12:35 is outlined in both Revelation 17 during the same
12:39 time period and the other chapters of Daniel.
12:43 The king of the south
12:45 is where you're gonna find some difference of belief.
12:47 Some believe that it's atheism.
12:51 Some believe it's the king of Turkey.
12:53 Some believe it's Islam.
12:56 Now, I am probably more inclined to believe
12:58 that the king of the south is Islam,
13:00 and I could be wrong, but my reason for that is,
13:03 you see these two great powers that are at war,
13:07 and the two biggest religions
13:08 in the world today are Christianity and Islam.
13:12 I can just see where that would be the catalyst
13:14 for a great battle that would bring about the final events.
13:17 So, yep, gotta keep studying.
13:20 Like I said, I'm not dogmatic about that.
13:22 - Mmhmm, I think you're right, Pastor Doug.
13:25 You know, if you look at the difference
13:26 between the king of the north and the king of the south,
13:28 there is significance geographically.
13:30 So you have Rome, which of course, you have pagan Rome,
13:33 which gives way to papal Rome, 'cause papal Rome
13:36 is still very much active and powerful, even today,
13:39 and then there is a power or an entity
13:42 standing in opposition to papal Rome
13:44 preventing papal Rome from having worldwide influence.
13:48 Well, the Muslim religions does seem to fit into that.
13:52 So I think there's something there.
13:54 But also, atheism could play.
13:56 There's a number of interesting things.
13:58 Some of what we read
13:59 in Daniel chapter 11 is yet in the future.
14:02 So when these events begin to take place,
14:04 I think it'll make a lot clearer understanding.
14:06 A lot of chapter 11 is historic
14:08 and has already been fulfilled,
14:10 but when you get down to the last few verses,
14:12 starting around 43, I believe, somewhere in there,
14:14 it's still referring to events in the future.
14:16 So we'll have to see what happens.
14:19 - That's right, Jesus said,
14:20 "When these things come to pass, then you will know."
14:24 So someone once said,
14:25 "A prophecy is best understood looking back," so we'll go,
14:31 "Oh, yeah, God was right on!" (Pastor Doug laughs)
14:33 - All right, thanks for your call, Angela.
14:34 We've got Aaron listening from New York.
14:37 Aaron, welcome to the program.
14:39 - [Aaron] Hi, pastors.
14:40 - Hi, thanks for calling!
14:42 - [Aaron] My question is in Matthew chapter four verse one,
14:46 it says that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit
14:49 into the wilderness to fast and be tempted by the devil.
14:53 But in the model prayer in Matthew chapter six,
14:56 Jesus mentioned in verse 13, "Lead us not into temptation."
15:03 What does He mean by that?
15:05 - Yeah, when you say the Lord's Prayer in that verse,
15:09 as we commonly say in English,
15:11 "lead us not into temptation," it almost creates
15:13 a word picture that God is wanting to put a leash
15:16 around our necks and walk us off into temptation,
15:19 and we're begging Him not to.
15:21 But then you read in James, "God tempts no man."
15:25 God would never deliberately try to entice us to evil.
15:28 God is not setting up a sting operation through entrapment.
15:32 Sometimes, if we drive the Lord away,
15:34 we'll be left to our own devices,
15:35 and we will be subject to the devil's temptations,
15:39 but really, the way the Lord's Prayer
15:41 would probably be more accurately stated is,
15:44 "lead us away from our natural tendency to evil."
15:50 Now, when you read where it tells
15:51 about the temptation of Christ in the wilderness,
15:52 He was led of the Spirit, well, when Jesus was baptized,
15:56 He was filled with the Holy Spirit.
15:57 The Bible says He was anointed with the Holy Spirit.
16:00 That's why He's called the Christ or the anointed.
16:04 He went into the wilderness to pray about His mission.
16:06 So He's led by the Spirit into the wilderness.
16:09 Well, while He's there, He is severely tempted
16:12 of the devil not to go through with His mission.
16:14 But the Spirit was not saying,
16:16 "Okay, let's go get You tempted, if We can."
16:18 The Spirit was really leading Him into the wilderness
16:20 to pray about His mission.
16:22 There the devil tempted Him,
16:24 and He of course resisted and overcame the devil.
16:27 So God allowed that, no doubt,
16:29 but it wasn't though the Spirit was tempting Him.
16:33 God would never tempt with evil.
16:36 - You know, we've got a book, Pastor Doug,
16:37 called Tips for Resisting Temptation.
16:39 It's got a number of good Bible scripture there,
16:42 and we'll be happy to send this
16:43 to anyone who calls and asks.
16:44 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
16:48 That is our resources phone line.
16:50 You can ask for the book.
16:51 It's called Tips for Resisting Temptation.
16:53 Now, it's not a sin to be tempted,
16:55 and the Bible makes that clear,
16:57 but when temptation comes, how do we overcome?
17:00 The Bible calls us to be overcomers.
17:02 We can be overcomers, and there's some wonderful
17:04 promises in the Bible that we can claim.
17:06 So call and ask for that book.
17:08 You will be blessed.
17:09 Next caller that we have is,
17:11 let's see, we've got Doug listening in Colorado.
17:13 Doug, welcome to the program.
17:16 - [Doug] Well, good evening, pastors.
17:18 - Evening.
17:19 - [Doug] My question might seem a little unusual.
17:21 There is a country song
17:24 that speaks of the day that Christ was born on earth,
17:28 and it talks about the angels crying,
17:31 because they knew what was before Him.
17:37 Is there any biblical evidence to that?
17:40 I know the only thing I've read in the Bible
17:42 that I can think of about angels' emotions were sorrowful,
17:47 but is there anything to that?
17:50 - You know, it actually tells us that when Jesus was born,
17:53 that the angels met the shepherds and said,
17:55 "Rejoice, we've got good news!"
18:00 The angels were singing,
18:02 and they said, "Peace on earth, joy!"
18:04 So angels definitely have emotions.
18:07 I believe angels are grieved when we sin.
18:10 I'm sure angels were crying when Jesus was on the cross,
18:13 and I might be missing something, Pastor Ross,
18:15 but I don't think there's any verse
18:16 that says angels were crying at His birth.
18:18 Actually, it sounds like it was the opposite.
18:20 - It was. - They were rejoicing,
18:21 "Good will to men!"
18:22 (Pastor Ross laughs)
18:23 - Seems like there was great joy, because it was
18:25 through the birth of Christ that salvation would come.
18:27 So I don't know if the angels fully understood
18:30 everything that was gonna happen.
18:31 I mean, I'm sure they understood
18:33 that Christ's mission would involve sacrifice and suffering.
18:36 But they like us witnessed this great plan of redemption
18:40 play out for the salvation of mankind.
18:44 I'm sure they would have willingly come down to rescue Jesus
18:48 from the cross, but they knew it was not part of God's plan.
18:51 - Well, I even think for the angels, the idea
18:53 of the incarnation, how God the Son could become a human,
18:57 was both mysterious and a wondrous thing for them.
19:00 They beheld that and thought, "Wow, what condescension,
19:04 "the humiliation of Jesus,
19:05 "going from God to being a creature."
19:08 I think that left them in marvel at His love.
19:13 "Boy, this is good news for man."
19:15 So they couldn't wait to announce that their King had come.
19:19 - All right, next caller that we have is Michael,
19:20 listening in California.
19:22 Michael, welcome to the program!
19:25 - [Michael] Why did Nehemiah build the wall of Jerusalem?
19:35 - Yeah, well, because during the time when the Babylonians,
19:40 they were enemies of Israel, they had conquered Israel,
19:44 and they destroyed the wall.
19:45 So after the Babylonian kingdom fell,
19:48 the Persian king let the Jews go back to Jerusalem,
19:51 but the city walls were broken down,
19:53 and they had no protection from their enemies.
19:55 These cities, they needed walls
19:57 so the citizens could go in and be fortified
20:00 and protected against the enemies if there was a war.
20:04 They had no protection, and of course the temple was there.
20:06 All their leadership was there.
20:08 The capital needed security,
20:10 and they needed to build up the walls.
20:12 - And there was a prophetic significance
20:15 to them building the wall, because according to Daniel,
20:17 there was a time period that would begin.
20:19 The prophetic time period begins with the restoration
20:22 and rebuilding not only of the temple,
20:24 but of the city of Jerusalem.
20:26 - The walls, yeah. - Which required the walls.
20:28 That was 457 B.C., a very significant date
20:31 in that time prophecy. - That's right, good point.
20:33 Thank you, Michael!
20:34 Hope that helps, appreciate your question.
20:36 - We've got Danny listening in Arizona.
20:38 Danny, welcome to the program!
20:41 - [Danny] Hey, how you doing, pastors?
20:43 - Doing great.
20:45 - [Danny] Awesome, awesome.
20:46 Well, my question comes from Colossians 2:16.
20:50 So a friend of mine came to me and said,
20:51 "Hey, so guess what?
20:53 "When I read this verse," he said that the Sabbath
20:57 no longer applies in the New Testament.
21:01 So I'm like, what, that doesn't make sense.
21:04 - Well, first of all,
21:05 I don't know what version you're reading,
21:06 but if you look at in the King James or the New King James,
21:08 most versions, it says, "Let no one judge you in food
21:11 "or drink or regard to festival or new moon or sabbaths."
21:16 Now, the seventh day of the week sabbath
21:18 is completely unique and different from the Jewish
21:21 annual Sabbaths that came during the Exodus.
21:25 They were connected with the temple and its services.
21:28 The sabbath at the end of every week
21:31 is a day of rest for mankind.
21:33 That's why Jesus said the sabbath
21:34 was made for man, not for Jews.
21:37 That happened before Adam and Eve ever sinned,
21:40 God made the sabbath.
21:41 It was part of His perfect plan.
21:43 When Paul is talking here,
21:44 he's talking about these ceremonial Sabbaths.
21:46 They were annual feasts,
21:48 and there were other days they called sabbaths
21:50 that had nothing to do with the weekly day of rest.
21:53 So Paul is addressing the ceremonial laws
21:56 that were nailed to the cross.
21:58 It has nothing to do with blotting out
22:00 one of the Ten Commandments.
22:01 And by the way, of all the Ten Commandments,
22:04 why would God take the one commandment
22:06 that begins with the word "remember" and say,
22:08 "Now that's the only one you're supposed to forget"?
22:11 That wouldn't make any sense, and of course
22:13 people still need a weekly day of gathering and worship,
22:17 and this is what the sabbath was all about.
22:19 So yeah, Colossians two, talking about annual Sabbaths.
22:22 That's why it's plural there in the original Greek.
22:25 - I think the very next verse
22:27 helps to explain that a little bit.
22:28 It says, "Which are a shadow of things to come."
22:31 So of course if you look at the festivals,
22:33 you look at the new moon or the monthly services
22:35 or programs, the ceremonial Sabbath, it was always
22:38 pointing forward to Christ, to the plan of redemption,
22:41 whereas the seventh-day sabbath points back to creation.
22:44 So that verse helps to explain.
22:46 - Yeah, they were shadows, the ceremonial Sabbaths.
22:49 Hope that helps.
22:51 Now, we have a book called Feast Days and Sabbaths.
22:52 - Yes, that's right.
22:53 - And we're be happy to share with a free copy of that.
22:55 - To receive that, just call the 800-835-6747,
22:59 and you can ask for the book Feast Days and Sabbaths.
23:02 We'll be happy to send that to anyone
23:03 who calls and asks, 800-835-6747.
23:08 Next caller that we have is David, listening in California.
23:11 David, welcome to the program.
23:14 - [David] Yeah, thank you, Pastor Doug and Ross.
23:16 My question is about tithing, a little different spin here,
23:21 about giving tithes to churches that have the sabbath
23:27 on Sunday, believe in, you die, you go to heaven.
23:33 The pandemic had a lot of churches and states come together.
23:35 I just can't see supporting the church when so many of 'em
23:38 are teaching different things on the Bible
23:41 that I don't think are correct.
23:42 - Yeah, well, you know, I would say first and foremost,
23:47 that when it comes to tithe, if you're attending a church,
23:52 then you would want to support that church
23:55 from which you are drawing benefit.
23:59 God outlines a plan in the scriptures,
24:01 and by the way, we'll send you a study guide
24:04 that has a number of scriptures on tithing.
24:06 Tithing is a biblical principle,
24:07 not just for the Old Testament.
24:09 Tithing predated the time of Moses.
24:11 Talk about Jacob paying tithe,
24:13 and Abraham gave a tenth to Melchizedek.
24:17 It's the only plan that God has
24:19 in the Bible for the ongoing support of ministry.
24:23 You do need to make sure you're belonging
24:25 to a Bible-based church and/or denomination,
24:29 so that when you're supporting it whether your presence,
24:32 whether your influence, whether your gifts,
24:34 you wanna be supporting the proclamation of truth.
24:38 So that's an important principle.
24:40 But yeah, we'll be happy to send that to you
24:42 or anyone that has questions
24:43 on what does the Bible say about tithe and offerings
24:46 and how does a New Testament Christian respond to that?
24:50 - The number to call is 800-835-6747.
24:54 You can ask for the Amazing Facts Study Guide.
24:56 It's called In God We Trust.
24:58 We'll be happy to send you that lesson on,
25:00 what does the Bible have to say about money,
25:02 and how are we to use our money?
25:04 Again, it's 800-835-6747.
25:08 Ask for the study guide In God We Trust.
25:10 - Also, we have the best half of the program still coming.
25:13 If you wanna call in with your Bible questions,
25:16 simply call 800-GOD-SAYS, that's 800-463-7297,
25:22 and you can not only listen on the radio,
25:24 but we are streaming on the internet.
25:26 These programs are going out on the Amazing Facts
25:29 Facebook page, the Doug Batchelor Facebook page,
25:33 the YouTube page, and Amazing Facts Television,
25:36 and we've got some announcements we'll share with you soon
25:39 about how the Amazing Facts Bible Answers Live program
25:42 is gonna be going forth onto some other
25:44 major networks we're very excited about.
25:46 But we're just taking a break right here.
25:49 Gonna get a drink of water,
25:50 come back to answer more of your Bible questions,
25:52 so don't go anywhere.
25:54 (triumphant orchestral music)
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25:58 Bible Answers Live will return shortly.
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28:47 (dramatic orchestral music with ambient chorale voices)
28:55 Get Pastor Doug Batchelor's 12-part sermon series
28:58 on the Ten Commandments by calling 800-538-7275,
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29:05 (triumphant orchestral music)
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29:23 (triumphant orchestral music)
29:25 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
29:28 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
29:31 on the air, please call us next Sunday
29:33 between seven p.m. and eight p.m. Pacific Time.
29:37 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
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29:45 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:51 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more Bible Answers Live.
29:56 - Welcome back, listening friends,
29:58 to Bible Answers Live, and we're gonna be
30:00 going back to the phones in just a moment.
30:01 If you've tuned in along the way, this is a live,
30:04 international, interactive Bible study.
30:07 You're invited to call in with your Bible questions.
30:09 The phone number if you're calling
30:11 in North America, 800-GOD-SAYS.
30:13 That's 800-463-7297.
30:18 My name is Doug Batchelor. - My name is Jean Ross,
30:21 and we've got a number of folks waiting on the phones,
30:23 so we're gonna go to Philip, who's listening in Texas.
30:25 Philip, welcome to Bible Answers Live.
30:29 - [Philip] Good evening, pastors.
30:31 - Evening.
30:32 - [Philip] And my question is on Job 42:7.
30:35 The Lord tells Job's friends that they have not
30:37 spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.
30:40 Now, I know they had a mistaken idea that Job
30:43 must have sinned to cause all the calamity on him.
30:45 Is that what God's talking about, or is there something else
30:48 they said that was not right about God?
30:52 - Well, most of what Job's friends said
30:54 was absolutely true in a general sense.
30:57 They were talking about the ways that God judges the wicked
31:02 and how it's so much better to be righteous,
31:04 but they were wrong about Job.
31:06 Job's particular sufferings were a unique experience.
31:10 Sometimes, God sends the rain on the just and the unjust.
31:13 In other words, good and bad people experience trials.
31:17 Bad people sometimes experience blessings.
31:19 This is what Job is saying in his response, is that
31:23 he's seen wicked people look like they're prospering,
31:26 and he's seen righteous people look like they're suffering.
31:28 His friends are saying God blesses the righteous,
31:32 and He punishes the wicked.
31:34 This is sort of the dialog that goes on through the book.
31:36 So what Job's friends said was wrong
31:39 was accusing Job of guilt.
31:42 They are saying, "Job, no way would anyone
31:44 "go through all of the mishap that you've experienced
31:47 "unless he had done something to provoke God."
31:50 Job said, "No, I've been faithful."
31:53 And in the end, as God says, "Your friends have not spoken
31:57 what was right," they were sort of pre-judging Job.
32:00 And Job's like a type of Christ.
32:02 Jesus went through all this suffering,
32:03 not because of His sin, but for our sake.
32:07 - And if you were to judge Christ just based on suffering,
32:09 you'd say, he must be a great sinner,
32:10 because look at all the terrible things that happened.
32:12 He was nailed to the cross and deserted by His disciples.
32:15 - They even said that to Him while He was on the cross.
32:18 They said, "If God's with you, then why is this happening?"
32:22 - All right, good question, Philip, thank you.
32:24 Joel is listening in North Carolina.
32:26 Joel, welcome to the program.
32:29 - [Joel] Hi, pastors.
32:30 - Hi, thanks for calling.
32:33 - [Joel] I have a question about the remnant.
32:35 I was wondering, is the remnant
32:38 that Jesus is coming back for, it's people.
32:42 It's not a denomination, right?
32:45 - Correct.
32:47 Now, it does, but lemme clarify
32:49 just so that we don't misunderstand.
32:52 In the Old Testament, Joel, would you agree that God had
32:56 a particular people, a nation He was working through,
33:00 and namely, that would be Israel.
33:03 Does that make sense?
33:05 But not every Israelite was saved,
33:08 and not every Gentile was lost.
33:11 You still with me?
33:13 - [Joel] Yeah.
33:14 - So in the last days,
33:15 is God working through a particular movement?
33:18 Yes.
33:19 Does that mean everybody
33:20 that is a member of that movement is saved?
33:22 No.
33:23 And does that mean everybody who is not is lost?
33:26 No.
33:28 The Lord has His people, and that's why Jesus said
33:31 many will come from the east and the west and sit down
33:33 in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
33:35 But God does work through nations.
33:38 I think God especially rose up the United States
33:41 to be sort of a beachhead
33:42 for great international missions when it was established.
33:47 That doesn't mean every American is a Christian
33:49 or every American is saved,
33:50 but God certainly worked through the nation,
33:52 just as God raised up Israel for a particular purpose.
33:59 They were to be, even Jesus said,
33:59 "Salvation is of the Jews."
34:02 That didn't mean every Jew was saved.
34:05 Likewise, Paul says,
34:06 "To Israel were committed the oracles of God."
34:09 So we do have a book actually that talks, do we have a book
34:11 that talks about the remnant per se, Pastor Ross?
34:13 - Well, we've got one called The Bride of Christ.
34:15 - Yeah, there you go.
34:16 - That talks about how God is working through his people,
34:18 and the verse for that, Pastor Doug,
34:19 Revelation chapter 12 verse 17.
34:22 It says, "And the dragon," Satan,
34:23 "was enraged with the woman," the church,
34:25 "and he went to make war with the remnant,"
34:27 or the rest of offspring, "those who keep
34:30 "the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus."
34:33 So here you have God's people in the last days.
34:35 They keep His commandments, they have the testimony
34:37 of Jesus, and the dragon, Satan, is enraged with them.
34:41 Well, the study guide The Bride of Christ
34:43 has a lot more information about Revelation,
34:45 about God's people in the last days.
34:48 If you'd like to receive that, just call and ask.
34:50 The number to call is 800-835-6747,
34:54 and you can ask for the study guide.
34:56 It's called The Bride of Christ, and we'll be happy
34:58 to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
35:01 - All right, who's next, then?
35:03 - We've got Ryan, and Ryan is listening in Tennessee.
35:06 Ryan, welcome to the program.
35:08 - [Ryan] Hey, good evening.
35:10 Hi, I was putting my seven-year-old daughter to bed tonight
35:12 and she reminded me about the show this evening,
35:14 so she decided to watch the show tonight and stay up late.
35:17 And I thought I'd call in with a question.
35:19 It's about Revelation 21:1.
35:21 It says, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
35:23 "because the first heaven and earth
35:25 "had disappeared and the sea was gone."
35:27 I'm curious, is that a specific sea that's being referenced
35:30 there, or is that the entire, all the oceans on the earth?
35:33 Will they be gone?
35:34 - Well, when you think about an ocean, it's interesting.
35:37 We've got the Great Lakes, and we have Great Lakes here
35:42 in North America that are bigger than the Sea of Galilee.
35:45 Well, they call the Sea of Galilee a sea,
35:48 and it's full of freshwater, and then you've got
35:51 one of the Great Lakes, I think it's Superior, is saltwater?
35:54 I forget which one.
35:55 It's saltwater, so the terms are sort of interchangeable.
35:58 I think God is saying in the new earth, the typical sea
36:01 that we have now is not gonna hurt people's eyes.
36:05 It's not gonna be salty and undrinkable,
36:08 and there's not gonna be a large,
36:09 vast expanse of water that will separate people.
36:12 There will definitely be bodies of water,
36:15 because it says there's a river
36:16 that is flowing from the throne of God.
36:18 So if you've got a river, rivers flow into lakes or seas.
36:23 So I just think we're not gonna have that big briny,
36:28 salty sea separating the people of the world.
36:32 All right, hey, thanks, good question, Ryan.
36:35 - All right, next caller that we have
36:37 is Brittany listening in California.
36:39 Brittany, welcome to the program.
36:42 - [Brittany] Yeah, my question is,
36:44 what does the Bible say about college degrees?
36:49 - Well, I think it tells us that they ask Jesus,
36:54 or they ask others, how does Jesus
36:56 know all these things, having not learned?
36:59 I think the phrase they're using there is like saying,
37:03 He doesn't seem to have any formal education.
37:07 Now, God can work with people that may not have
37:09 formal education, but formal education's very valuable.
37:12 I don't think there's a scripture.
37:15 Solomon, I've done a lot of graduations
37:17 where I talk about Solomon's statement on wisdom:
37:19 "Get wisdom; with your getting, get understanding."
37:22 So the Bible is very clear, He wants us to use our minds
37:25 and to learn all we can, 'cause you'll be more productive.
37:29 But I don't know if you find the word college degree.
37:32 - Yeah, 'cause the Bible gives you the principle
37:34 that whatever you find to do, do it with all your might.
37:36 In other words, do the best job you can.
37:38 Pastor Doug, if you're sick and you're gonna go see a doctor
37:41 or a nurse, you sure hope they've done some education,
37:45 they know what they're doing. (Pastor Ross laughs)
37:46 So I think there's nothing wrong
37:48 for Christians to learn and to be the best that they can be
37:50 in whatever area God is leading them in.
37:53 - Yeah, you think about the story of Daniel,
37:56 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they went through
37:58 intensive training for three and a half years, about,
38:03 so that they could stand in the king's palace.
38:05 Because of their education and they were able to speak
38:09 the language of the Chaldeans as well as Aramaic and Hebrew,
38:14 they were able to do a lot more,
38:15 and God was able to use them.
38:17 So, even though it was not a Hebrew education,
38:21 they had both actually, didn't they, the Lord was able
38:25 to use them because they had that additional wisdom.
38:27 So college is good learning.
38:29 Just pick a good college.
38:31 - That's right, not everything you learn in college is good.
38:34 - [Doug] That's right.
38:35 (both laughing)
38:36 - All right, next caller that we have is Tim,
38:37 listening in Washington.
38:38 Tim, welcome to the program.
38:40 - [Tim] Yeah, this is the truck driver
38:43 that went and saw you in Vegas that time,
38:46 and that was the best experience I've ever had.
38:50 So one of my other truck driving friends,
38:54 I always make sure that this truck shuts down
38:58 Friday night and doesn't move 'til Saturday night
39:03 to the earliest, the best I can.
39:05 So I was explaining to him about the importance
39:09 of taking a sabbath and stuff like that, and he doesn't.
39:14 He says that, well, the time that we live in now,
39:22 he can't do that, but also, so my question is,
39:26 I also went into the three angels message about.
39:35 - Hey, Tim, lemme ask you a question, if I could,
39:36 and by the way, thanks again
39:37 for coming to the meetings there in Vegas.
39:40 Is your friend a Christian?
39:43 - [Tim] He says that he is, but he does not go to church.
39:46 - Well, you know, it seems to me
39:48 that if you're gonna work on a person,
39:50 there are varying degrees of commitment.
39:54 The first thing a person would want,
39:56 I wouldn't go to a person and talk to 'em about the sabbath
39:59 if they've not yet made a complete surrender to Jesus.
40:04 First and foremost is that a person accepts Christ
40:07 and the sacrifice, and you wanna focus on those things.
40:11 Then as they make their commitment to Jesus,
40:13 they're gonna say, you know, I wanna obey Him.
40:15 Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep my commandments."
40:18 Then as they learn those things,
40:20 they're wanting to do what pleases the Lord at that point.
40:22 So it's sort of progressive in that way.
40:26 - [Tim] That is why I was talking to him about the sabbath,
40:30 is because he says yes, you're supposed to keep
40:34 what is written down on the stones,
40:36 and I tell him, "Well, the sabbath commandment is."
40:39 But my question was, so, he believes that you can have
40:45 the Mark of the Beast but still go to heaven.
40:49 - Okay, let's talk about that.
40:52 You know, if there's one thing that's exceedingly clear
40:55 in the Bible is if you read in Revelation chapter 13,
40:59 it says, for instance, verse nine,
41:01 sorry, in Revelation 14 verse nine,
41:03 "Then the third angel followed them with a loud voice,
41:06 "If anyone worships the beast and his image
41:08 "and receives his mark on his forehead or in his hand,
41:11 "he himself shall also drink of the wine
41:13 "of the wrath of God which is poured out
41:16 "full strength into the cup of his indignation.
41:19 "He will be tormented with fire and brimstone
41:21 "in the presence of the holy angels
41:23 "and in the presence of the Lamb."
41:25 It makes it pretty clear that those that receive
41:31 the Mark of the Beast receive the fate of the wicked.
41:32 It's completely out of God's will.
41:35 They're kind of making themselves enemies of God,
41:37 and they receive some of the most severe
41:39 judgments mentioned in Scripture.
41:41 - You know, we do have a study guide talking
41:43 about the three angels' message, and it's called
41:45 Messages from Space, Angel Messages from Space.
41:48 One of those messages is talking
41:50 about the Mark of the Beast.
41:51 So we'll be happy to send that
41:52 to anyone wanting to learn more about the subject.
41:55 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
41:59 You can ask for the Amazing Facts study guide
42:01 called Angel Messages from Space.
42:04 You will be blessed by reading that.
42:06 Thanks, Tim.
42:07 And we've got Will listening in Canada.
42:08 Weil, welcome to Bible Answers Live.
42:12 - [Will] Hello, pastors?
42:13 - Yes, hi, Will.
42:14 - [Will] Yeah, my question is
42:16 in Genesis chapter one verse 28.
42:20 I would like to know, does this still apply to us today,
42:24 people living in the end time, especially
42:28 "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth"?
42:32 Does this still apply to us?
42:34 I believe that we are living really at the end of time.
42:38 - Yeah, you need to mix this verse, well, first of all,
42:41 keep in mind that when God first tells Adam and Eve
42:44 to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth,
42:46 the world "replenish" is also the word "fill."
42:49 He wanted to populate the world
42:50 with the humans that He made in His image.
42:54 But clearly, by the time you get to the Flood,
42:57 man had become so wicked that God depopulated the earth.
43:03 Then after Noah and his family were saved,
43:04 He again tells them, "Be fruitful and fill the earth."
43:07 Well, the earth is getting pretty full,
43:08 and then Jesus tells us in Matthew 24,
43:11 speaking of this great time of trouble, He says
43:13 "Woe to those who are with child and nursing in those days."
43:17 On the way to the cross, He talked to the women
43:19 that were weeping for Him and said, "Don't weep for Me.
43:21 "Weep for yourself, 'cause the days are coming
43:24 "where you're gonna say, Blessed are the wombs
43:26 "that did not bear and the breasts that did not nurse."
43:32 Even Paul said, during this great Roman persecution,
43:34 he said, "It might be better not to marry,"
43:38 because you get married, and in the progression,
43:40 you bring children into a world
43:41 where Christians were severely persecuted.
43:44 So I think you need to take a lot of things into account.
43:49 Far be it from me to tell a couple
43:53 you shouldn't get married or shouldn't have children.
43:55 That's something every individual needs to pray about.
43:58 But there will come a time in history where it's gonna be
44:01 probably prudent not to have a lot of children.
44:05 - All right, thanks for your call, Will.
44:06 We've got Theo listening in Toronto.
44:08 Theo, welcome to the program.
44:11 - [Theo] Hello, hi.
44:12 - Hi!
44:14 - [Theo] My question is, what should you do
44:17 to not dwell on certain continuous problems that occur?
44:24 So a couple months ago, I graduated, and I was playing
44:27 basketball, and I tore my meniscus and ACL.
44:30 So I just wanted to know, what should one do to not focus
44:36 on the past and how to navigate continuous trials?
44:40 - Yeah, well, first of all,
44:42 we'll pray that your knee heals up.
44:44 I know people that have had that problem, and they did heal.
44:48 Hopefully you're younger, and it'll get better.
44:54 You know, whenever you go through a trial,
44:56 know that God, for a believer, God can use
44:59 every hardship and every trial is a redemptive way,
45:02 and He can turn it for good.
45:04 I mean, you might find, well, because you've torn your knee,
45:08 now you're gonna take some time
45:09 and you're gonna start studying and learning a new language
45:11 that will bless you the rest of your life,
45:13 and you'll look back and say,
45:14 "Wow, I was glad I hurt my knee.
45:16 "I never would have learned that new language."
45:17 I'm just making that up, but God can work things for good.
45:22 And so, we do have some encouraging things online
45:28 that talk about how to endure trials.
45:31 I have a new book I've written that talks about
45:34 how to live in peace in a world full of worry.
45:39 There's a lot of trials in the world,
45:40 and people are wanting to know,
45:41 how can I have peace in spite of my trials?
45:43 That's kinda what you're asking right now.
45:46 - And I don't think, Pastor Doug,
45:47 we have that book available today.
45:48 - No, well, it's at the Amazing Facts bookstore.
45:50 It's not expensive, but you'd have to buy that one.
45:52 - It is, just go to Amazing Facts website.
45:53 Yeah, absolutely.
45:55 All right, next caller that we have
45:56 is Suzie, listening from Colorado.
45:59 Suzie, welcome to the program.
46:01 - [Suzie] Hi, thanks for taking my call.
46:04 Before I ask you my question,
46:05 I just wanna say, because of you
46:08 and many prayers and the working of the Holy Spirit,
46:11 my son and grandson were baptized.
46:13 - Amen, that's encouraging.
46:15 - [Suzie] So I just appreciate your programs.
46:17 - A double blessing, praise the Lord.
46:18 - [Suzie] My question, yes, it is.
46:20 My question is Isaiah 14:13.
46:24 Satan is saying, "I wanna sit on the mountain
46:26 "of the meeting in the sides of the north,"
46:28 and I don't understand any of that.
46:31 - Yeah, well, this is a passage in Isaiah,
46:34 for our friends that are listening,
46:38 and you said Isaiah 14:15?
46:40 - [Suzie] Isaiah 14:13.
46:42 - Oh, 13, all right, lemme read this for our friends.
46:44 This is a prophecy in the Bible where Isaiah,
46:48 he starts out talking about a king,
46:50 and then he transitions to the power,
46:52 the evil power behind the king, which is the devil.
46:55 "For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven;
46:57 "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
47:01 "I'll also sit on the mount of the congregation
47:03 "on the farthest sides of the north."
47:05 People in the ancient world, and even people today,
47:08 you say you're in Australia, they call it "Down Under."
47:12 You look at the globe, and you figure north is top or up.
47:16 Even the ancients used to look towards the North Star,
47:19 and that was considered the heights of the heavens.
47:22 So when the devil is saying he wanted to sit
47:25 in the farthest parts of the north, he's basically saying
47:28 he wanted to be on the top of the pile.
47:30 He wanted the highest position.
47:33 You keep reading, it says, "I'll exalt my throne
47:35 "above the stars of God.
47:36 "I will sit on the mount of the congregation
47:39 "on the farthest sides of the north.
47:41 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
47:43 "I will be like the Most High.
47:46 "But you will be brought down to Sheol,
47:47 "the lowest depths of the pit."
47:49 This is the devil wanting the position of God,
47:51 the highest position, and "the farthest sides of the north"
47:55 was sort of an ancient way of saying that.
47:57 - You know, we do have a study guide
47:58 that talks about the origin of sin.
48:01 It's called Did God Create the Devil, and it actually
48:04 gets into this very passage in Isaiah chapter 14.
48:07 We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
48:09 The number is 800-835-6747, and you can ask
48:13 for the study guide Did God Create the Devil.
48:16 It'll look at these different Old Testament passages,
48:18 also New Testament, that talks about
48:20 our adversary the devil and who he came from.
48:23 It's an informative study.
48:24 Thank you for your call, Suzie.
48:26 We've got Joshua listening in Indiana.
48:30 Joshua, welcome to the program.
48:34 - [Joshua] Hello, thank you, pastors.
48:38 Good evening to you. - Evening!
48:41 - [Joshua] My question is, who is Lilith?
48:45 Is she a real person from the Bible,
48:49 or is she a myth, and while we're on that, how do we know
48:53 which stories that are connected to the Bible and the Torah,
48:59 how do we know if they're mythological or real?
49:03 - Well, first of all, the books of Moses
49:06 have been unanimously believed by Jews and Christians
49:11 to be a sacred history that is accurate.
49:15 Lilith is from a tradition that is not found
49:19 in any Jewish history until much later.
49:22 I think it was following the Babylonian captivity.
49:26 A lot of myths drew out, and I think some of the apocryphal
49:29 books that you might find, for instance,
49:31 in the Catholic Bible, these are sort of manufactured.
49:36 But they're nowhere near the level of the Torah,
49:39 the Pentateuch, the books of Moses.
49:42 Lilith, for our friends that are listening,
49:44 there's a legend that Adam had a first wife before Eve,
49:48 and something went south with her.
49:51 Her name was Lilith, and then later, Eve came along.
49:54 That is a myth.
49:57 Don't let the myths,
50:01 don't let the broke glass distract you from the diamond.
50:03 There's no difference, I mean, there's no comparison,
50:05 I should say, between the scriptures that you would find
50:09 in the Bible that have stood the test of time
50:12 and some of these traditions and fables.
50:14 The Bible is the best-selling book in history,
50:16 not the legends of Lilith.
50:18 - You know, many of the stories that you read about
50:20 in the Bible are referenced by other writers in the Bible,
50:23 even Jesus Himself, for example, Jonah.
50:25 Jesus said Jonah was in the whale
50:28 three days and three nights.
50:30 - Jesus doesn't mention Lilith.
50:31 - No, He doesn't. (both laughing)
50:33 But He does talk about Adam and Eve.
50:34 - Neither does Peter, James, John,
50:35 or the other Bible others, Isaiah.
50:38 So you won't find any of them referencing that.
50:40 You do find Ezekiel talking about Job, he talks about Noah,
50:43 he talks about Daniel, so they were real characters.
50:46 So they cross-reference, as you say, the others.
50:48 - Okay, good question.
50:49 Next caller that we have
50:50 is we've got Scott listening on Florida.
50:54 Scott, welcome to the program.
50:56 - [Scott] I know you don't have much time,
50:57 so I'm gonna get right to it, Revelation three and 10.
51:03 "Because you have kept my word in patience and endurance,
51:10 "I will keep you from the hour of trial
51:14 "which is coming to the whole world."
51:17 I'm having a lot of trouble
51:20 when I'm talking to people about the pre-tribulation
51:24 and they keep on bringing this verse up,
51:26 saying, "Well, what do you have to say about this?"
51:30 I say, well, it's not gonna be a secret rapture.
51:34 It's going to be at the same time.
51:36 He's just gonna protect us, the church of Philadelphia,
51:41 which, without getting into the two churches
51:43 and the candlesticks and the two witnesses and all that,
51:46 how can I kinda snub that
51:50 without getting into this big theological speech
51:54 and getting into the 144,000 and the two witnesses?
51:58 I just want a quicker answer,
52:00 I guess. (Scott laughs)
52:01 - Well, the promise that God makes to the church
52:03 of Philadelphia is talking about the experience
52:05 of the church in a certain age of history.
52:08 It is not the last age.
52:09 The last age is when you get to the church of Laodicea.
52:13 The idea that God is gonna keep us
52:15 from the hour of temptation,
52:17 God does keep His people through trial and temptation.
52:20 God kept Israel through the 10 plagues
52:24 that fell on the Egyptians.
52:25 They were in Egypt during the plagues,
52:28 but He kept them, He preserved them.
52:30 So the idea that you can use this verse
52:32 to say that God is gonna rapture the church
52:34 out of the world because He loves us too much
52:37 to allow us to go through trial,
52:39 that's inconsistent with everything else in the Bible.
52:42 Paul said in the Book of Acts that all that live godly
52:45 in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
52:47 Actually, that's in Timothy.
52:48 Paul said, "It is through much tribulation
52:52 "we enter the kingdom of God."
52:56 Joseph was redeemed through tribulation.
52:59 You find Job being saved through tribulation.
53:01 God preserved them through the tribulation,
53:03 but they experienced some trials.
53:06 And so, God preserving His church does not mean that...
53:10 You know, all that live godly will suffer trials.
53:13 All that live ungodly will suffer trials.
53:16 So to use this verse to say that this is evidence
53:18 that God is gonna rapture the church out of the world
53:21 before the time of trouble, Jesus said,
53:23 "He that endures to the end, the same will be saved."
53:26 Endures what?
53:27 Well, we're gonna be here,
53:28 and there'll be something to endure.
53:29 But He preserves His people.
53:32 Psalm 91 says, "No plague will come nigh your dwelling.
53:35 "You'll look to your right and your left,
53:37 "and only with your eyes will you see
53:39 "the destruction of the wicked."
53:40 You're there, but He's preserving you.
53:43 So the seven last plagues,
53:45 very similar to the plagues that fell on Egypt,
53:47 Israel was in Egypt during the plagues,
53:50 and He preserved them.
53:51 We will be preserved during this time of trouble.
53:54 Don't fear it, but it doesn't mean
53:56 we're raptured out of the world.
53:58 - I think specifically you mentioned there, Pastor Doug,
54:00 the the message here is the church of Philadelphia.
54:03 There are seven divisions, seven churches that we find
54:05 in Revelation chapter two and three,
54:07 and they represent seven time periods of the Christian era.
54:10 It's very clear, there's a number of theologians
54:12 and Bible scholars that recognize this.
54:15 The church of Philadelphia,
54:16 their time period ends around 1844.
54:19 Well, of course, we've been here since then,
54:21 more than 150 years, whatever it's been.
54:23 It's really to the seventh church, the church of Laodicea,
54:26 that we actually have the church
54:28 at the time of the plagues and the second coming of Christ.
54:32 - Exactly, so hopefully, that makes sense and it explains.
54:38 You know, we do have a book that talks
54:40 about the rapture and the tribulation, Scott,
54:43 and we'll be happy to send you a free copy.
54:45 It's called Anything But Secret.
54:48 - The number to call for that is 800-835-6747, and again,
54:52 you can ask for the book called Anything But Secret.
54:55 - There is a rapture.
54:56 It is not a secret.
54:58 He's coming like a thief,
54:59 but the heavens will pass away with a great noise,
55:01 and all elements will melt with fervent heat.
55:03 Hey, listen to me, friends, it's been a delight.
55:05 This is one of the fastest hours in the week.
55:07 We're coming back in a few minutes
55:09 with rapid-fire Bible questions,
55:10 signing off with our satellite listeners.
55:13 (triumphant orchestral music)
55:15 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:18 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:22 Bible Answers Live is produced
55:23 by Amazing Facts International,
55:26 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:30 (triumphant orchestral music)
55:32 - Hello, friends, welcome again for our internet questions.
55:35 Thank you for sending in your emails and your questions.
55:38 Pastor Doug, we've got a number of great questions
55:40 that's come in, and we're gonna see
55:42 how many we can get to in the next two minutes or so.
55:44 So here's question number one: "Does the Bible say that
55:47 "the wicked will burn up at different lengths of time
55:50 "depending upon their wickedness?"
55:53 - It doesn't word it that away, but Jesus is pretty clear.
55:55 He said, "He that knew his master's will and did not do it
56:00 "will be beaten with many stripes."
56:01 Of course, we're not gonna be whipped in heaven.
56:03 It's talking about suffering,
56:05 "and he that did not know his master's will
56:07 "and did not do it will be beaten with few stripes."
56:10 And then of course, the Bible tells us
56:12 every man is judged according to his works,
56:14 and they're rewarded according to their works.
56:16 So if there are varying works, there are obviously
56:19 varying degrees of reward and punishment.
56:22 So, I think the teaching is certainly there in the Bible.
56:25 - Okay, next question that we have, this is from Mary,
56:28 and she's asking about clarification
56:30 on paying tithe on Social Security.
56:33 Do you pay on the gross amount,
56:35 or what do you do if you're not working?
56:38 - All right, so when you have Social Security,
56:42 if when you are receiving your paycheck
56:45 and something's being taken out for Social security,
56:48 if you are paying on your gross income
56:50 during those working years, you're paying tithe in advance,
56:55 really, on the Social Security.
56:56 So when you get your check in retirement,
56:58 you say, I already paid tithe on that.
57:00 Now, if you're deducting your Social Security
57:03 during those working years and saying,
57:04 I'm not paying tithe on that income because it was deducted,
57:07 well then, when you get it later,
57:08 you should probably pay on it.
57:10 If you wanna play it safe, try and outgive the Lord.
57:13 You can't do it, friends.
57:14 He'll open the windows of heaven and bless you.
57:16 - Another question that we have, Emmy's asking,
57:19 "Is there a difference between heaven,
57:21 "paradise, the New Jerusalem?
57:24 "Are they all the same place,
57:25 "or do people go to different places?"
57:28 - Well, they're really all the same place.
57:29 When we think about heaven,
57:31 we think about the dwelling place of God.
57:33 It sometimes is called the paradise of God.
57:35 Paradise is speaking more
57:37 about the Garden of Eden in the city of God.
57:39 Sometimes we might say, "I'm going to heaven."
57:41 it's talking about the whole realm of the redeemed,
57:43 which would be everything up there.
57:46 The New Jerusalem is gonna be the capital of the world
57:50 made new we read about in Revelation 21 and Revelation 22.
57:56 - All right, maybe one more quick question, Pastor Doug.
57:58 "How do you love somebody
58:00 "who is unrepentant and have done terrible things?"
58:03 - Well, hopefully you can ask
58:05 for the Spirit to help you do it,
58:06 because while I was yet a sinner, Christ loved me.
58:12 I was unrepentant for a good part of my life,
58:14 and He still loved me and forgave me.
58:15 Ask for His Spirit to do the same.
58:17 God bless, friends.
58:18 We'll study again next week.
58:20 (triumphant orchestral music)
58:21 - [Announcer] Bible Answers Live,
58:22 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
58:27 (triumphant orchestral music)


Revised 2022-12-01