Bible Answers Live

The Silence Is Telling

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022239S

00:00 (dramatic music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted.
00:09 And its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:33 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now here's your host
00:45 from Amazing Facts International, Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello, friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 An anechoic chamber is a very carefully insulated room
00:58 designed to eliminate all sound.
01:01 Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota has built
01:04 what is listed as the quietest place on Earth,
01:07 a chamber so quiet that the longest anybody
01:10 has been able to bear it is 45 minutes.
01:13 It's 99.99% sound absorbent,
01:17 and it holds a Guinness World Record
01:19 for the world's quietest place.
01:22 The inside of the small room is lined on all six sides
01:25 with deep fiberglass wedges,
01:27 a double wall of insulated steel,
01:30 and one-foot-thick reinforced concrete.
01:33 Inside the room, it's so silent that background noise
01:37 is actually measured in negative decibels.
01:40 It is so quiet you'll hear your heart beating,
01:43 your stomach gurgling, I hear that anyway sometimes,
01:46 and your bone's grinding.
01:48 But the room isn't just for torturing people.
01:50 Companies rent the room to test their products
01:53 and to find out just how loud they really are.
01:55 Even NASA has sent astronauts there to help them experience
01:59 the absolute silence of space.
02:03 You know, Pastor Ross, sometimes when you live in the city
02:06 and there's all this background noise,
02:07 you long to find a place
02:09 where you can have a little bit of peace and quiet.
02:11 - Mm-hmm, even if you get out of the busyness of the city
02:14 and you go to the country, you find a quieter place,
02:17 but you still hear the wind blowing.
02:19 You hear the chirping of the birds and so on.
02:21 But a place where there is absolute silence,
02:24 you can understand why somebody
02:26 can only be in there for 45 minutes.
02:28 We're not used to that kind of silence.
02:30 - Yeah, they used to call them, I think, isolation chambers
02:34 where it would kinda isolate you
02:36 and separate you from all sound.
02:38 For some reason that sounds attractive to me.
02:41 Just some people, when it's totally quiet,
02:44 it unnerves them evidently. - Right?
02:46 - I'd like to take the test here
02:47 and see if I can make it more than 45 minutes.
02:49 I'll bet you I could, but you know, it makes me think
02:52 about a verse in the Bible that talks about silence
02:56 in a place where you wouldn't expect it
02:58 to be absolutely silent, and that's Heaven.
03:02 In Revelation 8:1 it says, "He opened the seventh seal
03:06 and there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour."
03:11 Now, normally in Heaven you figure
03:13 that the angels are singing, you know?
03:16 The visions that Isaiah had of God on His throne.
03:18 The angels are crying out "Holy, holy, holy."
03:21 And in the presence of the Lord,
03:22 you just picture there's gonna be this awesome music.
03:26 And to have that, you know, they say the worst thing
03:30 you can do in radio is have what they call dead air.
03:32 That's where you have no sound
03:34 and people will change channels.
03:37 In Heaven to have dead air,
03:39 it says about the space of half an hour.
03:41 What do you think that means?
03:43 - Well, you know, it's interesting.
03:44 You do find these different time periods in Bible prophecy,
03:46 and the Bible tells us as a principle
03:49 when interpreting Bible time prophecy,
03:51 one prophetic day is equal to one literal year.
03:54 So scholars have done the math.
03:56 There are 360 days in a Hebrew year, 24 hours in the day.
04:00 So you divide 360 by 24, you end up with 15 days,
04:08 which would be our time.
04:09 But here the verse says there's silence in Heaven
04:11 about the space of a half an hour.
04:13 So you would need to cut that 15 day in a half so-
04:16 - So 15 days prophetically would be about an hour.
04:18 - One hour, then a half an hour would be,
04:20 well, seven days, about a week.
04:21 - Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's interesting.
04:23 Now, why would it be quiet in Heaven for a week?
04:26 - Well, you'd think it would be quiet in Heaven
04:27 because something very important is happening,
04:30 and we know that when Jesus comes the second time,
04:32 He's gonna bring all of the angels with Him.
04:35 - [Doug] There you go.
04:36 - And if there's anyone else left in Heaven,
04:37 I'm sure their focus is on what's happening here
04:39 on the Earth with the second coming of Christ.
04:41 So the half an hour of silence in Heaven
04:44 is really taking place in the future
04:46 when Jesus comes the second time.
04:48 - And it's at the end, it's, I guess, the seventh seal.
04:51 - That's right. - Is when that happens.
04:52 Well, that makes sense 'cause it does say there in prophecy
04:54 that when Christ comes it says,
04:56 "He's coming and all the angels with Him."
04:59 Not some angels, so if all the angels
05:02 that sing God's praise in Heaven are gone,
05:05 it would be quiet.
05:06 - Now, it is interesting if there's seven days of silence
05:09 in Heaven, well, that would mean that it'll probably take
05:12 about seven days for the journey from Earth back to Heaven.
05:14 I don't think it takes three and a half days for Jesus
05:17 to come with the angels
05:18 and then three and a half days to go back because you know,
05:20 angels can travel at the speed of thought.
05:23 So I would assume then that Christ and the angels
05:25 come quickly to the Earth
05:27 and then the journey back to Heaven takes about seven days.
05:30 - Maybe take us on a little tour.
05:31 - That's right,
05:33 - Some things to see on the way back.
05:34 - Scenic route. - Yeah, the scenic route.
05:35 Well, we're looking forward
05:36 to what the Bible calls the blessed hope
05:38 when Jesus comes again.
05:40 And there's several references to the second coming
05:42 in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
05:45 We have a study guide, a free guide
05:47 if someone wants to study and learn something
05:49 about not only the nearness of Jesus' return
05:53 according to the prophecies,
05:54 but something about how He's gonna return
05:56 because we know Satan's gonna try to trick people
05:59 and they'll be false Christ and he'll maybe even try
06:01 to fabricate the second coming somehow.
06:04 We want to know something about that,
06:06 and we have a free offer. - We do.
06:08 It's one of the "Amazing Facts Study Guides,"
06:10 and it's called "The Ultimate Deliverance."
06:12 And really it's all about the second coming of Christ.
06:14 All the Scriptures are there.
06:16 Just a great study if you're wondering about
06:18 what the next big thing is that's gonna happen on Earth.
06:21 Well, it's the greatest thing of all,
06:23 the Second Coming of Christ.
06:24 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone
06:26 who calls and asks.
06:27 The number is 800-835-6747,
06:30 and you can ask for the study guide.
06:32 Just ask for it by name.
06:33 It's called "The Ultimate Deliverance."
06:36 It's the study guide on the second coming of Christ.
06:39 You can also ask for free offer 105 and we'll be happy
06:43 to send that to anyone here in North America.
06:45 We'll send it to you through the mail.
06:46 If you're listening outside of North America,
06:48 and Pastor Doug, we have folks listening
06:50 from other countries at different time zones,
06:52 if you'd like to read that study guide,
06:54 just go to the Amazing Facts website,
06:56 or .com and you'll be able
06:59 to read that study guide right there at the website.
07:02 - Mm-hmm, absolutely.
07:04 - All right, well, before we go to the phone lines,
07:06 we always like to begin our program with prayer
07:08 so let's just do that right now.
07:10 Dear Father, once again we are grateful for this time
07:12 where we can just open up Your Word and study.
07:15 Study the Word of life, the Word of truth.
07:17 And Lord, the Bible is Your book
07:19 so we need the Holy Spirit to guide us.
07:21 So we ask for Your blessing. Be with us here in the studio.
07:23 Be with those who are listening wherever they might be.
07:25 In Jesus' name, Amen. - Amen.
07:29 - And of course, Pastor Doug,
07:30 we want to welcome all of those who are listening.
07:32 We have folks listening on satellite radio
07:33 and then also land-based radio stations across the country.
07:36 We have people listening on the internet,
07:38 on the Doug Batchelor Facebook page,
07:40 the Amazing Facts Facebook page, also on YouTube, on AFTV,
07:47 and I think this will be rebroadcast on some other networks,
07:48 Hope Channel, 3ABN. - Absolutely.
07:50 - So we want to welcome all of those who are tuning in.
07:52 This is a live interactive Bible study
07:55 so if you have a Bible-related question,
07:57 the number to call here is 800-463-7297.
08:01 That's 800-463-7297 with your Bible question.
08:06 Our first caller this evening is Anthony,
08:07 and he's listening in New York.
08:09 Anthony, welcome to the program.
08:12 - [Anthony] Good evening again, Pastors.
08:14 - Evening.
08:16 - [Anthony] Yes, that amazing fact
08:18 was actually perfect for the question I have today.
08:21 And as I always say, I'll try to be concise.
08:25 In general, my question is, what is the role
08:28 of the range of emotions when it comes to worship?
08:31 And I know we tend to, you know,
08:34 try to be more reserved in church
08:35 and more reflective and solemn in church.
08:38 But is there a role for the emotion of excitement?
08:41 And I'm trying to figure out,
08:42 what's the biblical balance for the two?
08:45 - Yeah, that is a great question.
08:47 You know, when you read the Bible, you'll find examples.
08:50 Well, first of all, let me just set a big context for this.
08:56 When we're in the presence of God,
08:57 the Bible teaches consistently
08:58 that there should be reverence.
09:01 Now, you find verses in the Bible that says
09:03 the Lord is in His holy temple.
09:04 Let all the Earth keep silent, speaking of silence.
09:07 So there's a time for silence in reverence.
09:11 Then you find when they gathered
09:12 for the reading of the Word in the Book of Ezra,
09:14 the people were convicted and they wept.
09:17 And then Ezra told the people, "Do not weep.
09:21 Today is a day for rejoicing."
09:23 And there are times when Solomon dedicated the temple
09:27 and the fire, God came down, the people fell on their faces.
09:30 There was fear and there was all...
09:31 So you can see based on the context of what's happening,
09:35 the preacher might be preaching a sermon
09:37 where some are greatly comforted and there's rejoicing.
09:40 Others might be convicted and there's like the publican
09:44 that smote upon his breast and said,
09:46 "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner."
09:48 So all things should be done in the context of reverence.
09:52 We've all seen church services probably on TV
09:54 where it looks like a hootenanny
09:57 and there's just, it's chaos.
09:59 Paul says, "Let all things be done decently in order."
10:02 But that doesn't mean there shouldn't be great joy.
10:05 I think when people sing, look at all the psalms
10:07 that talk about, you know, joy to the Lord and rejoicing.
10:11 Now, if my rejoicing totally distracts the other person,
10:14 I went to a church where there was this one individual
10:18 that every time I made a point there was a loud hallelujah
10:24 that would almost make the people around them jump.
10:27 And I appreciated the encouragement,
10:29 but it was distracting everybody else 'cause it was so loud
10:32 that I had to ask them, I said,
10:35 "Look, can you dial the volume down a little bit?"
10:39 So you don't want your rejoicing or your weeping
10:42 or whatever it is to be a spectacle
10:44 that's gonna distract other people from hearing the Word
10:47 so there's that balance.
10:49 I don't know. What do you think, Pastor Ross?
10:50 - Yeah, absolutely.
10:51 You know, when one enters into the presence of God
10:53 or into a house of worship, the church,
10:55 and you're gonna worship, I think it's appropriate
10:57 to come in with reverence, with quietness,
10:59 understanding that you're in the presence of God
11:01 and you're preparing your heart for worship.
11:03 But as you mentioned throughout the worship service,
11:05 there are appropriate times for singing
11:09 and rejoicing and praising God.
11:11 But there are also other times for quiet reflection,
11:14 contemplation, listening to the Word.
11:17 So I think that you need to be balanced.
11:18 - And then Joel even says it's time to wail and,
11:20 he's talking about repentance, though.
11:22 - Right. - He says there are times
11:23 when people should repent and he said
11:25 they should wail and weep and those are, you know,
11:29 hopefully not the weekly service.
11:30 - [Jean] Right.
11:31 - But yeah, so great question, Anthony.
11:33 I don't know if that helped your answer at all.
11:35 But you know, like it says here,
11:38 you gave us a Scripture from Solomon.
11:40 "To everything there's a season
11:41 and a time for every purpose under Heaven."
11:43 So there are times for fasting in prayer and maybe weeping.
11:47 There certainly are times for rejoicing
11:50 as the angels rejoice and praising God.
11:53 The Gospel is called good news. It's the context, I think.
11:57 - Okay, very good. - Always done with reverence.
11:59 - We've got Cole listening in North Dakota.
12:01 Cole, welcome to the program.
12:04 - [Cole] Thank you. Thank you.
12:07 The question I have is from Isaiah 45:7.
12:14 It's, I'll read the text real quick.
12:16 - [Doug] Okay.
12:18 - [Cole] "I form the light, and create darkness.
12:20 I make peace, and create evil.
12:22 I the Lord do all these things."
12:24 I know other translations use words like calamity
12:27 or disaster, but I had a discussion with some people
12:31 about this and they made a point
12:33 about God does create evil for glory.
12:36 But my question is,
12:37 does God actually create evil if He's perfect?
12:42 - Yeah, no, this is actually, I think,
12:44 at least in the King James Version,
12:46 it's sort of an unfortunate translation.
12:48 We get that question a lot where God says, "I create evil."
12:53 You look at the Book of Job
12:54 and look at the calamities that came upon Job.
12:59 And here the devil came to God and said,
13:02 "You know, Job, the only reason he serves You
13:04 is because You've hedged him in with angels.
13:06 You protect him and you bless him.
13:08 And if You take away Your protection,
13:10 he'll curse You to Your face."
13:11 And God says, "Okay, I'm going to withdraw my protection,
13:14 but there's limits on what you can do."
13:15 So God is sovereign in the sense
13:18 that He had to loosen the devil's leash,
13:21 but it was the devil that did it.
13:24 So God created a beautiful angel who was given a free will
13:28 who chose to do evil.
13:31 Now, the Bible says every good,
13:33 and this is the Book of James,
13:35 "Every good and perfect gift comes from God."
13:38 Jesus said, "God is good."
13:42 And so you cannot be simultaneously light and darkness,
13:46 good and evil. - Mm-hmm.
13:47 Well, we know the consequence of evil
13:49 is sorrow, suffering, and death.
13:51 You know, it's rebellion.
13:53 And God wouldn't create something that would lead
13:56 to rebellion, suffering, and death contrary to His nature.
13:59 God is a God of love.
14:00 So if you look in the Bible- - In this verse, yeah.
14:01 - The devil's really the author of evil.
14:04 - Exactly, so this verse,
14:06 we kind of strayed a little bit from it,
14:07 but the verse that you're talking about in Isaiah 45:7
14:11 where He said, "I make peace and create evil,"
14:16 as you mentioned, like the New King James
14:18 says, "create calamity."
14:20 And the word there would really be, I allow calamity.
14:23 So sometimes God allows trials to come.
14:27 And when the flood came on the world,
14:30 well, God said "I'm going to send a flood."
14:33 It's the language that He uses. It was to punish the evil.
14:37 And so Isaiah's saying I'm the One
14:40 who ultimately has sovereign final power.
14:44 Hope that helps. Good question.
14:46 - Next caller that we have is Solace listening in Arkansas.
14:49 Solace, welcome to the program.
14:51 - [Solace] Hello, Pastors. - Hi.
14:54 - [Solace] Thank you for having me.
14:55 My question is on Luke 16:9,
15:00 and it's after the parable of the unjust steward.
15:04 And it's when Jesus says, "And I say to you,
15:07 make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth
15:11 that when you fail, they may receive you
15:13 into the everlasting home."
15:15 So I'm kind of confused on that. Could you explain that?
15:19 - Yeah, this is a parable
15:20 that has left a lot of people wondering.
15:22 Jesus talks about this steward that is very unfaithful
15:27 and realizing he's gonna be fired.
15:29 He enters into agreements with the debtors of his master
15:34 so that they basically become accomplices with him.
15:37 And Jesus is, He's complimenting.
15:41 And you can read this in verse eight, I believe.
15:43 It says, "So the master commended the unjust steward."
15:46 Why would he commend somebody unjust?
15:48 He's not commending him for being unjust.
15:50 He's saying what you've done is wise.
15:52 You are looking ahead
15:54 and you are making plans to protect your future.
15:57 And you notice in the end of this parable,
15:59 He says that the children of this age
16:03 are often wiser than the children of light.
16:06 Meaning that the people in the world, you know,
16:09 they'll do things to plan to secure their future.
16:12 But a lot of people say the believers
16:14 aren't really planning for their everlasting future.
16:17 So when He says, "I say make for yourself friends
16:21 of unrighteous mammon that when you fail,
16:24 they may receive you into an everlasting home,"
16:27 I think Jesus is saying that we ought to invest
16:30 using the world's resources, invest in saving people.
16:34 We're gonna see them through eternity in Heaven.
16:37 You got any thoughts on that?
16:38 - Yeah, I think you're right, Pastor.
16:40 You know, sometimes in the parables of Jesus,
16:41 Jesus uses contrast to illustrate the important truth.
16:45 So if the wicked are preparing for their eternal future,
16:49 meaning distraction 'cause they focus
16:51 on the things of this Earth, shouldn't we as believers
16:54 also be preparing for what we believe to be a future
16:57 in paradise with Christ and with the saved,
17:00 the redeemed in Heaven?
17:01 We need to be preparing for that.
17:03 We need to be getting ready for that.
17:05 And as you said, utilizing our resources and our influence
17:08 to help get other people into the kingdom as well.
17:10 - Yep, so hope that helps a little, Solace,
17:13 and we sure appreciate your call.
17:15 - Next caller that we have is Joan listening in Arkansas.
17:18 Joan, welcome to the program.
17:19 - [Joan] I think you mean Joan from Anchorage, Alaska.
17:23 - Oh there it is, okay. - That's it, sorry Joan.
17:25 - From Alaska, welcome. - That's you.
17:27 - [Joan] Well, good evening, Pastors.
17:30 I was wondering if you could help me to understand
17:34 who the eight kings are
17:37 that are mentioned in Revelation 17:10-11.
17:41 I can read that for you.
17:42 - I'll tell you what, Joan,
17:44 why don't you let us read it
17:45 because you were getting terrible feedback.
17:47 You may have your radio on in the background.
17:51 - [Joan] Really?
17:52 - Yeah, so if, I don't know if you can turn-
17:54 - [Joan] How is it now?
17:55 - [Jean] There we go. - That's better.
17:56 So you go ahead, you can read it.
17:58 - [Joan] Okay, it says, "There are also," no here,
18:02 this is verse nine, "Here is the mind which has wisdom.
18:06 The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.
18:11 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen.
18:15 One is and the other has not yet come.
18:18 And when he comes, he must continue a short time.
18:22 And the beast that was and is not,
18:25 is himself also the eighth, and is of the seventh
18:30 and is going into perdition. - Okay.
18:33 - [Joan] So I was just wondering
18:34 if you could let me know who these eight kings are.
18:37 - All right, good. We'll do our best.
18:39 Now, I'll just go, I'll tell you right at the outset
18:43 that even within my church,
18:45 there are probably four major interpretations of this.
18:48 You know, we're not cookie cutters
18:50 where everybody has every answer for everything
18:52 and so there are different views on this prophecy.
18:55 I'll tell you what I teach and what you're gonna find
18:57 typically in the Amazing Facts lessons.
18:59 It says that this woman is sitting on seven mountains.
19:02 Well, most scholars believe that the woman of Revelation 17
19:07 is talking about the papacy.
19:08 A woman is a church.
19:10 Here is a woman who's been unfaithful because the papacy,
19:14 they started to turn to idolatry and they, you know,
19:18 adopted a number of pagan doctrines.
19:20 They were seen as the harlot or the unfaithful woman.
19:25 Sitting among seven hills. Rome is the city of seven hills.
19:28 Now, this is what Luther and Calvin and Spurgeon and Wesley,
19:32 that many Protestants taught and unitedly believe this,
19:36 but it says that those seven hills are also seven kings
19:39 or kingdoms on which she sits.
19:42 It says five are fallen.
19:44 Now, some take the perspective that when John wrote this,
19:48 Rome, pagan Rome was in power.
19:50 So the five before would be, you've got the five powers
19:55 that occupied God's people which were Egypt, Assyria,
19:59 Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece, five are fallen.
20:04 After Greece fell, it says one is,
20:06 that would be Pagan Rome, Rome ruled by Caesars.
20:10 Then the one who is the spiritual problem
20:14 would be the seventh, which is the papacy.
20:17 But it receives a deadly wound
20:20 and recovers and comes back into power.
20:22 That's why it says he's also the eighth.
20:24 How can the seventh also be the eighth
20:25 unless it takes a break and comes back?
20:29 And it talks about this beast receiving a deadly one,
20:31 but the wound is healed in Revelation 13.
20:34 So hopefully you could take that all, and that's the way
20:37 that a number of scholars understand it, but not all.
20:43 And I think you'd find that in our lessons.
20:45 I don't remember what lesson it is.
20:48 Oh, that's the woman.
20:49 - Yeah, "The Other Woman." - The mystery, yeah.
20:52 - Is what it's called.
20:53 - It's a lesson called "The Other Woman" that you can get.
20:55 - And if you'd like to receive the lesson just call and ask.
20:57 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
21:01 And you can ask for the study guide.
21:03 It's called "The Other Woman,"
21:04 and we'll be happy to send that out
21:05 to anyone who calls and asks.
21:07 - Thank you Joan from Arkansas, Alaska.
21:09 - Yeah, thanks for your call.
21:10 Next caller that we have is Edna from Michigan.
21:14 Edna, welcome to the program.
21:17 - [Edna] Hi, guys. Thank you for taking my phone call.
21:20 - Yeah.
21:21 - [Edna] My question tonight comes out of Revelation,
21:23 and it's about the seven last plagues.
21:26 I know the controversy is about God's seventh day Sabbath
21:30 and man worshiping on the first day
21:34 and about the time of trouble, the close of probation.
21:37 But I do not understand,
21:40 what is the purpose of the seven last plagues?
21:44 - Okay, good.
21:46 Keep in mind the seven last plagues
21:48 are something of a parallel to what happened in Exodus.
21:52 In Exodus, God was getting ready to take His people
21:55 from slavery to the promised land.
21:57 Jesus is getting ready to take His people from the slavery
22:00 of the devil in this world to the promised land of Heaven.
22:03 And there's these 10 plagues that fell on Egypt.
22:08 Now, the last seven of the 10 plagues,
22:11 God protects even the Israelites from those,
22:14 it doesn't affect the land of Goshen.
22:15 So you've got the seven plagues of Egypt
22:18 do not affect the Israelites.
22:20 The first three did.
22:21 And you're saying, well if probation's closed,
22:24 then why is God allowing this?
22:26 Well, for one thing, it's showing they did not repent.
22:31 When the plagues came on the Egyptians,
22:33 even the Pharaoh says he repented,
22:35 and the Egyptians said, "Let them go."
22:37 There was some repentance, but the wicked of the world,
22:40 they have no redeemable qualities left.
22:41 They've hardened their hearts.
22:43 There's nothing that God can do.
22:44 And He's demonstrating to their friends, family,
22:47 and unfallen worlds that the world, even under these trials
22:50 does not soften their hearts and turn to God,
22:53 but they harden their hearts and they blaspheme
22:55 and they curse God so it's something of a demonstration.
22:59 - You know, under the fifth plague
23:00 that you read about in Revelation 16:11,
23:03 well, let me start in verse 10.
23:04 It says, "Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl
23:06 on the throne of the beast
23:07 and the kingdom became full of darkness,
23:09 and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain."
23:11 And then the next verse says,
23:12 "They blasphemed the God of Heaven
23:14 because of the pains and because of the sores,
23:16 and they did not repent of their deeds."
23:18 So it's evident here that they recognize
23:20 that these are judgments coming from God,
23:22 but their heart is so hardened that they rebel
23:25 even under these judgments
23:27 and they blaspheme the name of God.
23:28 - That's right.
23:30 - So the plagues reveal the true condition of the heart.
23:32 But at the same time, you find another group in Revelation
23:35 that when the plagues have been falling upon the Earth,
23:38 they're trusting in God.
23:39 They're rejoicing 'cause they know the end is coming.
23:41 Their faith is being tested and tried,
23:43 but they are shown to be genuine, they're true.
23:46 And those are the ones that have the seal of God.
23:47 So the plagues reveal the two groups at the end of time.
23:50 - And they are something of a judgment
23:52 because when the ocean and the springs become blood,
23:55 the angel says, "They've shed the blood of the saints.
23:58 You're giving them blood to drink."
23:59 - Right. - So it's they're kind of,
24:00 it's something of a judgment as well as a demonstration.
24:04 Thanks. That's a good question, Edna.
24:07 We appreciate it.
24:08 - All right, maybe one more question
24:10 before we take our break.
24:11 We have Dez listening in Florida.
24:12 Dez, welcome to the program.
24:15 - [Dez] Hello, welcome, thank you.
24:16 - Hi.
24:18 - [Dez] I'm calling about the last days
24:20 'cause I know this is something that we talked about,
24:23 supposed to leave the city. - Mm-hmm.
24:25 - [Dez] And move into the country or somewhere.
24:28 And I don't understand.
24:30 I mean, I don't know. It's hard to say it.
24:32 - Yeah, that's a good question.
24:34 In the last days when Jesus says in Matthew 24,
24:37 "When you see the abomination of desolation
24:40 standing in the holy place, let those that be in Judea
24:42 flee into the mountains."
24:43 I think in Luke it says,
24:45 "When you see Jerusalem encompassed with armies,
24:47 let those that be in Judea flee into the mountains."
24:50 So for ancient Israel,
24:52 when the abomination of desolation came,
24:55 the Roman armies surrounded them.
24:56 That was a signal to flee.
24:58 There was a brief break in that siege and they fled.
25:03 In the last days, God's people are gonna be hedged in again
25:06 by laws, religious laws that compel worship.
25:10 First, you can't buy or sell
25:11 and ultimately there'll be a death decree.
25:13 And when we see that those laws are coming,
25:17 that's gonna be a time for,
25:19 we probably want to get out of the cities.
25:20 And especially, and that doesn't mean everybody can afford
25:23 to, you know, sell their home and go buy a country estate,
25:28 but we should be moving towards more remote places.
25:32 I think the Lord is warning us this very practically.
25:35 We saw in recent years there's been some social unrest
25:39 and cities were on fire and there are places in,
25:45 you know, Portland, Oregon and stuff,
25:47 you couldn't even drive downtown.
25:49 We had some friends that lived there
25:50 and they said it was just terrible.
25:52 And a number of Minneapolis and Florida
25:56 and Washington, D.C., you know,
25:58 police marching up the street.
26:00 You didn't see that kind of rioting going on in Podunk,
26:04 you know, these little farm towns,
26:07 they didn't have that same kind of threat.
26:09 So you're a little safer
26:10 in more remote communities during that time
26:12 and so I think that's the warning.
26:13 Then you got that verse there in Isaiah.
26:16 "Woe unto them that join house to house
26:18 and lay field to field, till there's no place
26:20 that a man can be alone on the Earth."
26:22 It's nice to have a place more alone.
26:24 We're gonna take a break,
26:25 come back with more Bible questions after these messages.
26:29 (dramatic music)
26:33 - [Announcer] Stay tuned.
26:34 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:38 (dramatic music)
26:40 - Every year, 40,000 souls in North America
26:43 end their own lives.
26:45 Suicide is a terrible tragedy.
26:47 And while it's difficult to talk about,
26:49 we need to face it together as Christians.
26:52 That's why in my new book, "Choosing Life,"
26:54 I share the biblical perspective about suicide,
26:57 answering some difficult questions
26:59 about faith and salvation along the way
27:01 and offering practical tips
27:03 that should help and encourage others.
27:05 Jesus wants us to choose an abundant life in Him.
27:11 (soft instrumental music)
27:24 - [Announcer] What if you could know the future?
27:28 What would you do?
27:30 What would you change?
27:32 To see the future, you must understand the past.
27:37 - [Narrator] Alexander the Great becomes king
27:38 when he is only 18, but he's a military prodigy.
27:42 - [Narrator] 150 years in advance, Cyrus had been named.
27:48 Rome was violent. They were ruthless, they were determined.
27:53 - [Announcer] This intriguing documentary
27:54 hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor
27:56 explores the most striking Bible prophecies
28:00 that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history.
28:03 "Kingdoms in "Time."
28:06 Are you ready?
28:11 (lightning crashes) (dramatic music)
28:14 - [Announcer] Written by the hand of God
28:16 and spoken with His voice.
28:20 Some words will never fade.
28:23 (dramatic music)
28:31 - [Announcer] Get Pastor Doug Batchelor's
28:32 12-part sermon series on the Ten Commandments
28:34 by calling 800-538-7275 or visit
28:40 (stirring instrumental music)
28:43 - [Announcer] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live"
28:45 where every question answered
28:47 provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you.
28:51 So what are you waiting for?
28:53 Get practical answers about the Good Book
28:55 for a better life today.
28:58 (stirring instrumental music)
29:00 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:03 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
29:05 on the air, please call us next Sunday
29:08 between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
29:11 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
29:14 in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
29:19 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:25 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:31 - Welcome back, listening friends.
29:32 And if you joined us along the way,
29:34 this is "Bible Answers Live," and we do our best
29:36 to answer Bible questions from around the world.
29:39 And actually we've got some lines open,
29:42 have a couple people in line,
29:44 but if you'd like to call in with your Bible question,
29:46 you can call 800-GOD-SAYS, that's 800-463-7297
29:51 or you can be watching also on the internet.
29:55 We're streaming on Facebook
29:57 as well as some television stations.
29:59 My name's Doug Batchelor.
30:00 - My name is Jean Ross, and our next caller that we have
30:03 is Paul listening from Washington State.
30:05 Paul, you're on the air.
30:08 - [Paul] Yes, I am.
30:10 My question is, what does the Bible say
30:14 about having a large sum of money in the bank
30:20 or in investments near the last days?
30:24 - Good question.
30:27 I'm looking up a verse right now.
30:29 Yeah, there's a parable that Jesus tells in Luke 12
30:34 where He said, He spoke a parable, and this is Luke 12:16.
30:39 He spoke a parable to them saying,
30:41 "The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully.
30:44 And he thought within himself saying,
30:46 'What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?'
30:50 So he said, 'I'll do this.
30:51 I'll pull down my barns and I'll build bigger barns
30:55 and there I'll store all my crops and my goods.
30:57 And I'll say, "Soul, you have many goods
31:00 laid up for many years.
31:01 Take your ease. Eat, drink, and be merry."'
31:03 But God said to him, 'Fool!
31:05 This night your soul will be required of you.
31:08 Then whose will those things be which you have provided?'"
31:12 And Jesus says, "So is he who lays up treasure
31:14 for himself and is not rich towards God."
31:16 We certainly don't want to be hoarding
31:18 and stockpiling resources.
31:22 You know, and this is a great question, Paul,
31:25 because well, does that mean everybody
31:27 is to give away everything they have right now?
31:30 Does it mean we should save nothing?
31:33 And I really like the way John Wesley dealt with this issue.
31:36 He said, "A Christian should earn all they can,
31:40 they should save all they can,
31:42 and they should give all they can."
31:44 So I think there's a balance.
31:45 We don't know exactly when the Lord's gonna come.
31:49 So you know, it's probably a good idea
31:51 to have some savings for yourself and your family.
31:54 And you know, if you're working hard and you're earning,
31:57 you should also be able to give and give generously.
32:02 So that I think is the principle.
32:07 You know, even if you divided your resources
32:09 the way I just stated it, and you said,
32:11 "All right, well I'm gonna, you know, need 1/3 for living,
32:15 1/3 for saving and 1/3 for giving."
32:18 I mean, imagine how radical that would be for the Church
32:22 to say 1/3 of what I have, I'm gonna give to God's work.
32:25 Man, the Gospel would go into all the world pretty quick.
32:29 And just even the spirit that it would take to do that.
32:32 - Mm-hmm, you know, Jesus said something else in Luke 12:33.
32:35 Jesus said, "Where your treasure is,
32:37 that's where your heart is also."
32:39 So if you are utilizing our resources
32:41 to build up the kingdom of Heaven,
32:42 that's gonna be our passion.
32:44 That's where our heart is.
32:45 But if our goal is just to treasure up treasure
32:47 here on this Earth, well, our heart's in the wrong place.
32:50 - Yep, thanks, Paul.
32:52 - All right, thanks for your call.
32:53 You know, we do have a study guide.
32:54 It's called "In God We Trust," and it's talking
32:56 about what the Bible says about finance, and we'll be happy
32:59 to send this to anyone that calls and asks.
33:00 The number is 800-835-6747,
33:04 and you can ask for the study guide.
33:05 It's called "In God We Trust."
33:07 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone in North America.
33:10 - [Doug] Amen.
33:11 - We got Aaron listening in New York.
33:12 Aaron, welcome to the program.
33:16 - [Aaron] Good evening, Pastors,
33:17 and thank you for taking my call.
33:20 Jeremiah 17:21 says, "Thus says the Lord,
33:24 'Take heed to yourselves and bear no burden
33:28 on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in
33:30 to the gates of Jerusalem.'"
33:33 Well, the Jewish leaders during the time when Jesus
33:36 walked on Earth believed that one of the people Jesus healed
33:40 broke this law by carrying his bed.
33:43 But Jesus disagreed about that.
33:46 My question is, what is the meaning
33:48 of the word burden in Jeremiah 17:21?
33:53 - Yeah, well first of all, when Jesus healed a man,
33:55 He said, "Take up your bed and go to your house."
33:58 And I think he did that on a couple occasions,
34:00 once with the, well, I don't know that it was a Sabbath day.
34:02 The paralytic doesn't say it was a Sabbath.
34:06 The blind man, I think he took up his stuff and went home,
34:10 and the Pool of Bethesda.
34:11 - That was a Sabbath. - Yeah, yeah.
34:13 So that's a whole different kind of burden
34:17 than Jeremiah is talking about people
34:19 that were carrying burdens of goods to sell.
34:23 They were doing buying and selling in business
34:25 and you know, carrying...
34:27 If Jesus heals and you gotta take your sleeping bag home,
34:31 that's not Sabbath breaking.
34:34 So, you know, Jesus is saying
34:35 it's better to do good on the Sabbath day.
34:37 Some people look at the disputes
34:39 that Jesus had regarding the Sabbath.
34:41 Matter of fact, probably one of the most disputed
34:43 of the Ten Commandments that Jesus had with the scribes
34:50 and the Pharisees was regarding the Sabbath.
34:51 He never said you should not keep it.
34:53 The arguments were always about how to keep it.
34:56 And basically He said, you know,
34:59 you've put undue burdens on people asking them to, you know,
35:05 carry legalistic laws that you won't lift
35:07 with one of your fingers.
35:08 He healed a woman who was bent over on the Sabbath day
35:12 and He said, "This woman's been bound by the devil
35:14 for 18 years and you guys will untie your ox and your donkey
35:18 and water them on the Sabbath day,
35:20 or you'll milk your goat or your cow.
35:22 Why wouldn't you want to relieve the burden of this lady
35:25 on the Sabbath day and and heal her?"
35:27 So I don't know if that's answering your question,
35:31 but Aaron, hopefully that helps a little bit.
35:34 - I think the context of the whole concern
35:35 that Jeremiah has is that there were those
35:37 who were bringing in their goods into Jerusalem
35:39 on the Sabbath to sell their goods.
35:42 And finally, you know, the gates were eventually,
35:44 they had to be closed a little later
35:45 when you read about Ezra and Nehemiah.
35:47 So I think the point here
35:48 is just conducting regular business.
35:51 Of course, in those days they would go into the field.
35:53 They'd have to gather up their grain.
35:55 They'd have to carry it in into the city.
35:57 That's not an appropriate work to do in the Sabbath.
35:59 - Right.
36:00 - All right. Thank you for your call.
36:01 We've got Aaron now, also Aaron listening from California.
36:04 Aaron, welcome to the program.
36:07 - [Aaron] Good evening.
36:08 Thank you so much for taking my call.
36:09 - Yes.
36:11 - [Aaron] Pastors, I had a question.
36:12 Recently, my wife came across a video online
36:15 that had a person who, it's a personal video they made.
36:21 And in the video they sort of twisted,
36:25 I believe what they did was twist the Scripture
36:28 because they wanted to basically say
36:29 that because God created man
36:31 and God created man, male and female,
36:34 and He created them in His image
36:36 that somehow that means that God is non-binary.
36:40 And so, and I just was curious what your thoughts are
36:44 as far as perhaps maybe more specifically
36:46 what the Bible might say in reference
36:48 to how man is created in God's image.
36:52 - Well, I do think the Bible teaches us,
36:56 of course, God is a Spirit,
36:57 That doesn't mean God has no form.
36:59 The person of the Godhead that might be difficult for us
37:03 to comprehend as far as the form would be God the Spirit
37:06 who sometimes is appearing as everything
37:09 from fire and water to a dove and wind.
37:13 But when the Bible talks about the visions
37:18 that the apostles saw, Daniel and John and Ezekiel
37:23 and Isaiah, it talks about God having hands,
37:26 head, feet, legs, it says on Jesus' thigh.
37:30 And it portrays Him with,
37:33 I don't want to say it portrays Him.
37:35 It's like telling a child, your parents look like you.
37:38 Well no, they look like their parents.
37:39 So you know, Jesus is portrayed
37:42 having these features that we have.
37:44 We have them because He has them.
37:46 So I think God must have some form
37:49 because the other thing is Jesus took humanity
37:51 and He's now gonna bear that through eternity.
37:54 You know, He permanently identified himself with humanity,
37:59 and even in His resurrection form.
38:03 But to say that God is non-binary,
38:05 someone is trying to politicize or, you know,
38:11 get the nature of God caught up
38:12 in some of the cultural issues today,
38:14 and that's a sensational stretch.
38:18 God is consistently referred to as our Father in the Bible,
38:24 but I don't believe that He has gender
38:26 in the sense that we do
38:27 so it's silly to try and classify Him
38:29 as male, female, or even binary.
38:33 Anyway, so hopefully that helps a little, Aaron,
38:35 and appreciate your question.
38:37 - Next caller that we have is Armando in North Carolina.
38:40 Armando, welcome to the program.
38:43 - [Armando] Pastor John, Pastor Jean Ross,
38:45 and Pastor Doug Batchelor, how are you guys?
38:47 - We're thankful to be here. - Good.
38:49 - [Armando] Thank you guys for having me.
38:53 My question is regarding Judges 13
38:57 when the angel of the Lord comes
38:59 to speak to the wife of Manoah.
39:02 And I think in verses four and five,
39:06 the angel of the Lord starts to, I guess, specify that the,
39:13 I guess the vow will be taken on by the mother,
39:15 but then essentially Samson will have the Nazirite vow.
39:19 I just wanted to see if that's the case with Sampson
39:23 taking on the Nazirite vow.
39:25 I have a couple footnotes in a couple Bibles that indicate
39:27 that the Nazirite vow is in Numbers 6.
39:32 - [Doug] Yes.
39:33 - [Armando] And then I just had a follow-up question.
39:35 If that was the case, how was Samson able
39:38 to carry on the vow whenever he would sin or, you know,
39:44 kill a body when he was against the army?
39:47 - [Doug] Yeah.
39:50 - It's specific in Numbers about-
39:53 - [Doug] Right. - With a dead body and...
39:55 - Well let's just be honest,
39:58 Samson did a pretty terrible job
40:00 of keeping the vow of a nazirite.
40:02 His parents did their best during the gestation of the baby
40:09 and in his raising to convince him that he was special.
40:12 God had a special plan for him. He had taken a nazirite vow.
40:15 But he seems to be rebelling against that during his life.
40:18 He wasn't supposed to drink wine, but it seems like he did.
40:22 He wasn't supposed to touch a dead body,
40:23 but we know that he did.
40:25 I mean, he killed a lion and ate honey out of it.
40:27 And he picked up the jawbone of a donkey and slew 1,000 men.
40:31 And then he went and stayed with a harlot in Gaza,
40:33 which is obviously breaking the Nazirite vow.
40:36 And finally his hair not being cut.
40:39 And he betrays that secret and God says, enough's enough,
40:42 you know and He was very patient with him.
40:43 But yeah, Samson, he didn't do a very good job
40:48 in following that vow.
40:49 His parents had sort of consecrated him.
40:51 Now conversely, you have Hannah, you got Manoah's wife
40:57 who tries their best to raise Samson to follow the vow,
40:59 and he rebels against it.
41:01 You have Hannah who makes the nazirite vow for Samuel.
41:05 Samuel keeps it, and he is consecrated
41:08 through his life to the Lord that way.
41:11 So you're right, those nazirite vows
41:14 in Numbers there are pretty definitive.
41:19 - All right, thanks for your call.
41:20 We got Maggie listening in Washington.
41:22 Maggie, welcome to the program.
41:24 - [Maggie] Good evening, gentlemen.
41:25 First I wanna just tell you
41:27 that I pray for both of you daily that the Lord
41:30 should put a hedge about you for your protection.
41:34 Yeah, my question is- - Well, thank you.
41:35 - [Maggie] Are the 24 elders in the Book of Revelation,
41:39 are they the saints that Matthew 27:52 mentions
41:44 after Jesus's Resurrection?
41:46 - Well, that's another one of those verses,
41:48 and I'll also have Pastor Ross weigh in on this.
41:50 The question is, when it says there's these 24 elders,
41:54 how'd they get to Heaven?
41:56 Are they some of the saints resurrected there
41:58 in the end of Matthew?
42:00 Or are they the leaders of unfallen worlds?
42:05 Now, I'm more inclined to go with the latter.
42:07 You can read that, that says there was a day
42:10 when the sons of God's came together
42:12 before the Lord in Heaven.
42:14 And you wonder, who are these sons of God?
42:16 Well, when Luke goes through the genealogy of humanity,
42:20 it talks about Enos who is the son of Seth
42:23 who is the son of Adam who is the son of God.
42:26 So Adam is called the son of God
42:28 'cause he is created, he isn't born.
42:30 And these are the leaders, we believe, of unfallen worlds.
42:35 And in the same way that God has got 24 leaders
42:39 in the Old Testament in Chronicles,
42:41 you read about 24 leaders both militarily
42:44 and in the sanctuary.
42:46 That's 12 for the day and 12 for the night,
42:48 or 12 for a half of the year.
42:50 God divided 'em differently.
42:51 And Jesus has 12 apostles.
42:52 12 of course is, two times 12 is 24.
42:55 These are like leaders of God's unfallen universe
42:59 is one theory I've heard.
43:01 And some believe they're the resurrected saints.
43:04 What are your thoughts?
43:05 - Yeah, that's a good question.
43:06 You know, there is a verse actually in the Old Testament.
43:09 It talks about the elders, Isaiah 24:23.
43:12 It says, "The Lord shall reign
43:13 before His elders gloriously."
43:16 Now, that's the Old Testament.
43:17 Of course you have those who are resurrected
43:19 the time of Christ's Resurrection.
43:21 But then you also have in the Book of Job
43:22 it talks about the sons of God or, you know,
43:25 these representatives of these unfallen worlds.
43:27 - Morning stars sing together. - That's right.
43:29 And the devil came representing Earth.
43:31 So this was not a meeting that took place on the Earth,
43:34 it was somewhere else and you have these representatives.
43:35 So you know, if you look at the chronology
43:38 that's given in Revelation 4,
43:41 you have a description of the heavenly throne room.
43:42 God the Father is seated upon the throne
43:44 and talks about the fall of living creatures.
43:46 And it mentions there the 24 elders,
43:47 but it's not until you get to chapter five
43:50 that you see Jesus, that He appears.
43:52 So it's as if Revelation 4
43:54 describes Heaven before Christ comes.
43:57 And well, we know those who are resurrected
43:59 at the time of Christ's Resurrection,
44:01 they were taken to Heaven with Jesus.
44:03 It would seem that the 24 elders are already in Heaven
44:07 before Jesus and those who are resurrected
44:09 actually get to Heaven. - Yep.
44:10 - So that gives the idea that the 24 elders
44:12 would be something more than just those who are resurrected.
44:15 It's the other group would be the representatives
44:17 of the unfallen worlds.
44:18 - So I appreciate that. Hope that helps a little, Maggie.
44:21 And we do have a new Revelation magazine that you can read.
44:28 It's Revelation, or sorry, Amazing Facts has a magazine
44:29 on Daniel and Revelation.
44:31 You can find that at the AF Bookstore.
44:34 That's Amazing Facts Bookstore. You'll see that there.
44:36 - Next caller that we have is Angela,
44:38 and she's listening in Illinois.
44:39 She's on the road. Angela, welcome to the program.
44:43 - [Angela] Hi, I have a question,
44:45 and I think it may be Amos 4, but I'm not sure.
44:49 - Okay.
44:51 - [Angela] It says that we should not be wanting to hasten
44:53 the day of the Lord because it will be a day of great...
44:59 - Yeah, yeah. Why do you pray for the day of the Lord?
45:01 It'll be a day of distress and a day of punishment.
45:04 - [Angela] Right. - Yeah.
45:06 - [Angela] And when you put your hand on the wall
45:07 to steady yourself, and you'll be bitten by a snake
45:10 and things like that so... - Yes. (laughs)
45:13 And a serpent will bite you, yeah.
45:16 I'm looking it up right now.
45:20 Yeah, that's, here it is. It's Amos 5:19.
45:24 It says, "It will be."
45:25 Well, I can actually back up. It'll be here.
45:27 It says, "Woe to those who desire the day of the Lord."
45:30 This is Amos 5:18.
45:32 "Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord
45:34 for what good is the day of the Lord to you?"
45:36 He's talking about the wicked.
45:37 Why would you want the day of the Lord?
45:38 It's a day of darkness and no light.
45:40 "It will be as though a man fled from a lion
45:42 and a bear met him."
45:44 That's bad luck.
45:45 "Or though he went into the house running for his life,
45:48 leans on the wall and a serpent bit him."
45:50 In other words, he's saying you can run but you can't hide.
45:54 No matter where you go, calamity is gonna follow you
45:56 because it's a judgment.
45:58 The day of the Lord is the day of judgment
45:59 for those who have neglected the opportunity
46:01 to have their sins forgiven
46:03 and to know the Lord and be surrendered to the Lord.
46:06 The Second Coming is a nightmare for them.
46:09 It's judgment. Probation's closed.
46:11 - Absolutely, you look in Revelation 6,
46:13 right up at the Second Coming of Christ,
46:14 the wicked turned to the rocks and the mountains
46:16 and they say, "Fall on us and hide us from the face
46:19 of Him sits upon throne from the wrath of the Lamb."
46:21 So it's not a day of rejoicing for the wicked.
46:24 It is a day of rejoicing for the saved,
46:25 for the righteous, but not for the wicked.
46:27 - They will say, "This is the Lord.
46:28 We have waited for Him and He will save us."
46:30 And the wicked will cast their idols of gold and silver
46:34 to the rats and the bats and the moles.
46:35 And so you've got this contrast of your butterflies
46:38 and your cockroaches when the Lord comes.
46:40 Some go to the light and some run from the light, yeah.
46:44 Thank you, appreciate that.
46:46 - We got Jeremiah listening in Texas.
46:48 Jeremiah, welcome to the program.
46:51 - [Jeremiah] Thank you for having me, Pastor.
46:54 - Yeah, and we're glad to have you. Your question.
46:57 - [Jeremiah] And my question is, it's about fasting.
47:00 'Cause I see in the Bible it seems fasting has...
47:06 Like for God, it seems to elicit extra attention from God
47:11 when we add fasting to prayer.
47:15 And I came across this verse in 1 Samuel 15:22
47:22 where Samuel says, "Has the Lord as great delight
47:26 in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
47:28 as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
47:31 Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
47:34 and to heed than the fat of rams."
47:38 So what I was wondering is,
47:41 if there is some area of sin in your life,
47:45 can that interfere with the pledge you are fasting for?
47:51 - Well, I think that when you decide
47:55 to fast and pray and reach out to God,
47:57 that should involve a willingness for total surrender.
48:02 And if you've got some area in your life
48:04 that you know is in rebellion,
48:07 that ought to be part of your fasting and your praying.
48:10 So if you're saying, "Oh Lord, I've got this sickness
48:14 and that I want to be healed,"
48:15 but you know you're living in sin,
48:17 well, why do you want to be healed?
48:19 So you get sick and die forever?
48:21 Why don't you say, "Lord, I want to be healed of sin
48:24 and then I've got eternal life."
48:26 And then the physical healing is a small matter.
48:28 So you always want to have your priorities.
48:32 The worst thing that could happen to anyone
48:34 is to be living in sin, still be a captor to the devil
48:37 because that's the first thing you ought
48:40 to be fasting and praying for.
48:42 And even when we do an anointing for somebody
48:46 it talks about, and if they've committed sins,
48:48 they'll be forgiven.
48:49 It's understood when you're praying for healing
48:50 that there's some time spent in personal repentance
48:54 and getting yourself right with God
48:55 if you're gonna fast and pray.
48:57 - And you know, you got the parable of the tax collector
48:59 and the Pharisee who went to the temple to pray
49:01 and the Pharisee said, "Well, I fast twice a week, you know,
49:04 and I give my tithe and I do all of these good deeds."
49:07 And in reality his fasting didn't mean anything
49:09 because he was filled with pride.
49:10 Whereas, you know, the tax collector, he wept,
49:14 beat upon his breasts and said,
49:16 "Lord, be merciful unto me, a sinner."
49:17 And Jesus says he's the one that went home justified.
49:20 So fasting has a lot to do with attitude.
49:22 It's not just abstaining from food,
49:24 but it's abstaining from food for the right reason.
49:27 Seeking God, wanting to gain victory.
49:29 - Yep, so hopefully that helps a little, Jeremy.
49:32 We appreciate your call.
49:34 - Next one on the- - Or Jeremiah.
49:35 - Is Richard in New York. Richard, welcome to the program.
49:38 - [Richard] Good evening, Pastors.
49:40 Thank you for having me on tonight.
49:42 - Well, thank you. And your question.
49:46 - [Richard] Yes, my question is that I would like to know,
49:50 does God have a true Church on this Earth?
49:53 And should we as Christians be concerned with denominations?
49:58 - Okay, great question.
49:59 I will answer your question with a question
50:01 in that in the Old Testament, did God have a nation,
50:06 a particular nation that He called
50:08 and to make them the guardians of His oracles of truth?
50:14 That's a rhetorical question 'cause the answer is yes.
50:16 He clearly called Abraham and his descendants.
50:18 Now, does that mean they were better than other nations?
50:21 Does that mean every Jew is automatically saved?
50:24 No, Jews were like other people.
50:25 There were good ones and there were bad ones,
50:27 and some were faithful, some were not.
50:30 The early Church, you've got some of the Jewish people
50:33 that condemn Jesus, and the early Church is formed
50:36 of Jewish people like the apostles.
50:39 So does God have a movement now?
50:42 When you get into the last days, is there a remnant movement
50:45 that He has that He has made a guardian
50:49 of the oracles of truth?
50:51 I believe the answer is yes.
50:53 You know, obviously if there are hundreds
50:55 of different denominations that call themselves Christians,
50:58 and I believe there are saved people
51:00 in many different churches.
51:01 In the days of Israel, God still had faithful people
51:04 that weren't even Israelites.
51:05 Bible says that, you know,
51:07 God spoke through Moses's father-in-law, Jethro.
51:10 He was not an Israelite.
51:12 He spoke through Naaman. Naaman was saved.
51:15 And Elijah was sent to the Canaanite woman.
51:17 And you know, God had His people.
51:21 But He still had a nation, a group that He used
51:24 and then He organized them
51:26 in a special way in the Old Testament.
51:28 God has an organized work in the New Testament.
51:31 With all these different denominations,
51:33 we know that some are gonna be closer
51:36 to the Bible than others.
51:38 Some, I think we would agree, are pretty far from the Bible.
51:40 That means some are gonna be closer to the Bible.
51:42 You want to find the one that is the closest to the Bible.
51:46 - You know, we have a study guide
51:47 called "The Bride of Christ."
51:49 And in the New Testament, the Church, the true Church,
51:50 it's described as the bride of Christ.
51:52 So what does the Bible say?
51:54 What are we to look for if we're looking for a church?
51:57 We'll be happy to send the study guide
51:58 to anyone who calls and asks.
52:00 Just ask for the study guide.
52:01 It's called "The Bride of Christ,"
52:03 and we'll be happy to send it to anyone in North America.
52:05 The number is 800-835-6747.
52:08 That is our resource phone line. Just call and ask.
52:11 We'll send you the study guide, "The Bridge of Christ."
52:14 Next caller that we have is, let's see,
52:15 we've got JC listening in California.
52:18 JC, welcome to the program.
52:20 - [JC] Thank you very much.
52:21 Good evening. - Yeah, good evening.
52:23 - [JC] My question is regarding the staff of Moses.
52:26 It's first mentioned in the Book of Exodus 4:2,
52:31 but not much information after that.
52:34 So where would, please tell me,
52:36 enlighten me more information you might have.
52:39 - Yeah, yeah, the shepherds, and Moses was a shepherd,
52:42 and the nation of Israel were a nation of shepherds.
52:45 Even when Joseph went, you know, Jacob said,
52:48 you know, "We're a nation of shepherds,"
52:50 which was largely an abomination to the Egyptians.
52:52 Shepherds all had a rod.
52:54 The patriarchs of every family sort of had a rod
52:57 and they might be engraved.
52:58 There was some way of distinguishing them from others
53:01 because there was one time when there was a challenge
53:04 against Moses and Aaron and God said,
53:06 "Tell the elders of Israel to take their rods."
53:08 They all had a distinctive rod
53:10 and an insignia on it and they were carved.
53:12 Put 'em before the Lord and God is gonna show you
53:15 who among the elders He accepts, and it was Aaron's rod.
53:20 It starts out here in Exodus 4 talking about Moses' rod.
53:23 But you go later on, it often calls it Aaron's rod
53:26 'cause Aaron was the older brother.
53:28 And it seemed like that that terminology shifted
53:31 once Aaron got into Egypt.
53:33 But so a rod represented the authority of the family.
53:37 - And rulership, so we also find that Jesus
53:40 is said to have a rod, and Revelation talks about Christ
53:43 coming with a rod of iron,
53:46 meaning He's gonna execute judgment upon the wicked
53:48 at the Second Coming of Christ.
53:49 So rods or the rod has symbolic significance
53:52 in the Bible as well.
53:54 - Yeah, it says they're shattered as a potter's vessel
53:57 when He comes with the rod.
53:59 And so yeah, it's a symbol of that.
54:01 So hopefully that helps a little bit and we appreciate that.
54:05 I'm looking at the clock.
54:06 I tell you what, listening friends,
54:08 we do something unusual here.
54:10 Because this radio program is on hundreds of stations
54:14 that are both land-based and some are satellite-based,
54:17 their time schedule's a little different
54:19 so we sort of sign off in stages.
54:21 In just a moment, we're gonna sign off and say farewell
54:24 to those who are listening on national satellite.
54:26 But we stay on and we take some rapid-fire Bible questions
54:30 that come in via the internet.
54:32 Now, if someone wants to send us an internet question.
54:34 Pastor Ross, what's the address for that?
54:36 - All you have to do is just email the question
54:38 to
54:42 That's B-A-L, Bible Answers Live,
54:46 And then we gather these questions together
54:48 and we try to answer as many questions as we could
54:50 in about two and a half minutes.
54:52 So we sign off with our satellite radio
54:55 and then we'll encourage land-based stations
54:57 and those watching on the internet,
54:59 stay with us as we're going to address
55:00 as many of these questions as we can.
55:02 - Yeah, and thank you very much
55:04 those who are listening on satellite radio.
55:07 Keep in tune and God willing we'll study with you next week.
55:11 (stirring instrumental music)
55:13 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:16 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:19 "Bible Answers Live" is produced
55:21 by Amazing Facts International,
55:23 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:30 - Hello friends. Welcome back to "Bible Answers Live."
55:32 And as we mentioned before the break,
55:34 this is the time where we take your Bible questions
55:36 that you've emailed to us here at Amazing Facts.
55:39 So Pastor, we have a number of great questions this evening
55:41 so I'm gonna get right to it.
55:43 The first question is,
55:44 "Why is God going to restore the Earth into a paradise
55:46 if everyone is going to Heaven when Jesus comes?"
55:50 - Yeah, well, we don't go up forever.
55:52 He first takes us up and we live and reign with Christ
55:55 1,000 years in Heaven, which is the up dwelling place
56:00 of God where He is now.
56:01 So first we go to Him.
56:03 He says, "In my Father's house are many mansions.
56:05 I go to prepare a place for you.
56:07 If I go, I will receive you unto Myself.
56:09 That where I am, that place in Heaven, we will be."
56:13 But you read in Revelation 21,
56:15 at the end of that 1,000 years,
56:17 the new Jerusalem descends from God out of Heaven,
56:19 comes down to Earth.
56:20 God creates a new Heaven and a new Earth.
56:23 And the Bible says, "Blessed are the meek,
56:24 they will inherit the Earth."
56:26 So ultimately, we build houses and we inhabit them.
56:29 We have mansions in the city. We live in this world.
56:32 God fulfills His original plan.
56:34 - All right, question number two.
56:35 It says, "I know that the sacrificial goat in Leviticus 16
56:38 represents Christ, but can you explain
56:40 who the scapegoat represents?"
56:42 - Yeah, on the day of Atonement,
56:43 there were two goats that were chosen.
56:46 One was called the Lord's goat, and it is sacrificed.
56:48 It represents the Lord.
56:49 It dies for sin. Its blood is applied.
56:52 The other goat, they used to transfer the guilt
56:55 of the nation to this goat.
56:56 It was carried off in the wilderness.
56:58 It was banished forever.
57:00 And they understand that represents
57:03 sort of the eternal separation from the devil
57:06 and sin of God's people.
57:08 That scapegoat is the one,
57:10 it's not the sin bearer the sense that Christ is.
57:13 This is the devil paying for his own sins he's instigated.
57:16 - That's right, and the scapegoat was never sacrificed.
57:18 - No, no bloodshed, and it's banished forever.
57:21 - Next question that we have, "How long did Adam and Eve
57:23 live in the Garden of Eden before they sinned?"
57:25 - You just do a little speculation, and if the last command
57:27 of God after everything's perfect,
57:30 He says, "Be fruitful and multiply."
57:31 They are perfectly healthy,
57:35 but sin happens before they procreate.
57:38 So we're assuming that it wasn't very long,
57:41 probably a matter of weeks or months the devil,
57:45 he sent a blitzkrieg and attacked them,
57:47 caught 'em off guard shortly after creation.
57:50 - All right, last question.
57:51 "What is the difference
57:52 between the old and the New Covenant?"
57:53 - Well, that's a big question for a short one.
57:55 Well, when you take your Bible and you split it in two,
57:58 you get the New Testament or New Covenant
58:00 is talking about when Jesus actually did come.
58:03 The Old Covenant is the law written on stone.
58:06 The New Covenant is the law written on our hearts.
58:09 Hey, thank you so much, friends. God bless.
58:11 Keep us in your prayers,
58:12 and we appreciate your supporting the program.
58:14 We are faith-based. Study together again next week.
58:18 - [Announcer] "Bible Answers Live,"
58:20 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
58:24 (stirring music)


Revised 2023-01-10