Bible Answers Live


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022246S

00:00 (uplifting music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted.
00:09 And its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live",
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:34 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Bachelor. - Hello friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 They live in total darkness in oceans thousands
00:57 of feet deep, where the water pressure's extreme.
01:00 Glass sponges must be some of the world's
01:03 most bizarre, multicellular animals.
01:06 These creatures have a lattice-like layer of tissue
01:09 surrounding a skeleton made of a matrix
01:11 of interweaving silica spines.
01:14 Silica, that's right. It's an animal made of glass.
01:18 Scientists have found the unique lattice structure
01:21 of the glass sponge is significantly stronger
01:24 than any pattern currently used by building engineers.
01:28 One researcher said, "It's sort of the holy grail
01:31 of engineering design."
01:33 Additionally, the glass threads grown by these sponges work
01:36 like fiber-optic lines, conducting and bending light.
01:41 One of the most astonishing aspects of the glass sponges
01:44 is that while they grow very slowly,
01:46 they don't appear to age.
01:48 Theoretically, if not eaten by starfish
01:51 or destroyed by fishing nets,
01:53 they're capable of living for thousands of years.
01:56 I tell you, Pastor Ross, when you look at the intricacies
01:59 and the design and the engineering in the symmetry
02:02 that you see in these animals, these creatures,
02:06 then it's more evidence that this could never have happened
02:10 by some biological accident, there clearly
02:13 is an intelligent, brilliant, genius designer
02:17 behind what you see in creation.
02:19 - That's right Pastor Doug, and it's not just
02:21 the amazing complexity of these various creatures,
02:24 but just the beauty, I mean, we were looking
02:26 at some pictures of the glass sponge,
02:29 just the perfect symmetry and how they can reflect
02:32 and transmit the light, is just amazing.
02:36 And of course, there's other creatures that they found
02:38 way deep in the ocean that actually have these neon,
02:42 glowing, whatever it is.
02:44 - Bioluminescent, they flash.
02:47 You know, there's even a verse in the Bible
02:48 that talks about this in Psalm 107:24,
02:51 David here is talking about people that go to sea,
02:54 and he says, "They see the works of the Lord
02:57 and His wonders in the deep."
02:59 So not only on the land and in the sky,
03:01 but in the deep you can see the Hand of God.
03:05 And maybe our friends would like to know more
03:07 about that Creator that has that miraculous ability.
03:11 - We have a book, it's called Amazing Wonders of Creation.
03:14 It's a free gift to anyone that is watching.
03:16 All you need to do is call the number 800-835-6747.
03:21 You can ask for offer number 116.
03:24 We'll be happy to send it to you.
03:25 You can also ask for this gift by name.
03:27 It's called Amazing Wonders of Creation.
03:30 And then Pastor Doug, we're doing something
03:31 a little different, you can also request the gift simply
03:34 by dialing on your cell phone #250 and then you'd say
03:39 "Bible Answers Live," it'll prompt you, you say,
03:41 "Bible Answers Live," and you'll be able to receive the gift
03:44 that way as well, just #250 or 800-835-6747,
03:49 and that's to receive the free gift.
03:51 If you have a Bible question, our phone lines are now open.
03:54 The number here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
03:59 That's 800-GOD-SAYS, 463-7297.
04:04 Well, we have some folks lined up,
04:05 but before we go to the phone, as we always do,
04:07 we like to start the program with prayer.
04:10 Dear Father, we thank You for this opportunity once again,
04:12 to be able to open up Your word and study the Bible.
04:15 Lord, Your word is a light to our path. It reveals truth.
04:19 And Jesus said, "You shall know the truth
04:21 and the truth will set you free," we wanna be set free
04:23 in a clear understanding of Your word,
04:25 so bless this program, be with those who are listening
04:27 wherever they might be, in Jesus' name, amen.
04:32 Our first call of this evening, we've got Anthony listening
04:33 in New York, Anthony, welcome to the program.
04:38 - [Anthony] Yes, good evening pastors.
04:40 - Evening.
04:41 - [Anthony] I'm actually asking this question on behalf
04:43 of my wife, she was reading first John, chapter five 16.
04:49 It says, "If any man see his brother sin a sin,
04:54 which is not unto death, he shall ask
04:56 and he shall give him life for them that sin
04:59 not unto death, there is a sin not unto death.
05:03 I do not say that he shall pray for it."
05:05 And then in verse 17, it says,
05:06 "All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin
05:10 not unto death," so what exactly is the sin not unto death?
05:17 And that's what the assumption that all sin leads to death,
05:18 based on what the Bible says, as well.
05:21 - Right, well, the penalty for sin is death.
05:24 And so, he's talking about interceding here for some sin
05:30 that cannot be forgiven.
05:32 Jesus tells us, really the only sin that cannot be forgiven
05:35 is the unpardonable sin, now I've heard some of the scholars
05:39 and theologians have gone through the 10 Commandments
05:41 and they say that, well, you know, there was,
05:44 according to Jewish law, breaking some
05:46 of the 10 Commandments carried a death penalty.
05:48 While, you know, stealing or lying,
05:51 you might suffer the consequences in court,
05:54 but it wasn't the death penalty.
05:57 So I've heard people try to approach that verse that way,
06:02 and you see folks in the Bible that interceded in behalf
06:04 of others that were guilty of sin and God hears their prayer
06:09 and defends them or delivers them, but typically,
06:13 it's thought to be the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
06:16 is that sin that cannot be forgiven.
06:19 - And if you want to add to that a little more,
06:21 any sin that is unrepentant leads to death.
06:24 - [Doug] That's right. - So the only way that sin
06:26 can be forgiven is we wanna repent of those sins.
06:29 So if there is somebody that has sinned and yet,
06:32 they have a repentant heart,
06:34 then that's a sin that does not lead to death.
06:36 - [Doug] That's right. - But if they have
06:38 a hard heart, a rebellious heart, then they're
06:40 in danger of committing the unpardonable sin or blasphemy
06:43 against the Holy Spirit, does that make sense, Anthony?
06:48 - [Anthony] Yes, it does. I believe so. Thank you.
06:50 - All right, well hey, thanks so much for your call tonight.
06:53 - You know, we do have a book, Pastor Doug,
06:54 that's called Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost,
06:56 and I think it talks about the unpardonable sin
06:58 in that book, the number to call for that again,
07:01 is 800-835-6747, we'll be happy to send it to you
07:05 if you're in the United States or Canada.
07:07 If you're outside the US or Canada,
07:09 you can always go to our website, just
07:13 Click on the free library and you'll be able to read
07:15 it there, and then the new way that you can request
07:17 our gifts, is dial #250 on your cell phone and ask
07:22 or mention the name Bible Answers Live
07:25 and you'll be able to order the book that way.
07:27 Our next caller that we have is Philip listening
07:29 in Arkansas, Philip, welcome to the program.
07:31 - [Philip] Thank you pastors, for doing this show,
07:33 I hope you guys are as blessed as we are listening
07:36 to this every week. - Oh, it's a joy.
07:40 - [Philip] Just to clarify on Anthony's question
07:43 real quick though, why does it say that we have
07:45 to distinguish between praying for someone that is sinning,
07:50 but they have a repentant heart versus them not having
07:54 a repentant heart, how are we to make that decision?
07:57 - Well, I think that sometimes you can tell if a person
08:01 is asking for mercy or they're turning to the Lord.
08:04 Other people, they say, "I don't want God in my life."
08:07 And they're turning from the Lord.
08:10 - You know, the Bible says by their fruits,
08:11 he shall know them.
08:13 Jesus spoke about the Pharisees, he said, or actually,
08:16 John the Baptist said, "Bring forth fruits worthy
08:18 of repentance," in other words,
08:20 Pharisees were unwilling to acknowledge this
08:23 and they were unwilling to repent, so we don't know
08:26 the heart, but we can tell by the actions, by the attitude,
08:29 if it is a genuine repentance or a willingness
08:33 for repentance. - [Philip] So in some sense,
08:36 we do stop praying for someone once they reach that point,
08:39 it says that we shouldn't pray for them anymore.
08:42 - You know, the Bible tells us, not only is there a time
08:44 where you might not be praying for somebody,
08:48 you've got places in the Bible where David is praying
08:50 that God will take vengeance on his enemies.
08:53 So I know that's pretty severe, we usually
08:54 don't preach sermons on that, but it is in the Psalms.
08:59 - [Philip] Yeah, that's fascinating.
09:01 Back to my question real quick, in Matthew 10,
09:04 I had a question when Jesus sends the 12 disciples
09:06 out to the lost sheep of the House of Israel,
09:09 he tells them they're gonna be going from town to town.
09:11 Why does he say in verse 23 that you won't have gone
09:14 through all the towns until the Son of Man comes?
09:17 - If you were to take that even literally right now,
09:21 Israel is one of the hardest places in the world
09:24 to do evangelism, you are not allowed right now
09:27 to do public evangelism in Israel.
09:31 We are on TV there, I think, just because a lot of TVs pick
09:34 up satellite and so Amazing Facts is on TV in Israel
09:36 and many places in the Middle East, but if you do
09:39 any proselytizing in Israel, they'll invite you to leave
09:43 the country or at least cease and desist.
09:45 So, certainly I think there's gonna be a revival
09:48 among the Jews before Jesus comes, I hope and pray for that.
09:53 That has not happened yet.
09:55 - And then I've also, if you wanna look at it
09:57 as in a symbolic sense, there is a work of evangelism.
10:01 There is a call for repentance amongst those who profess
10:03 to be the followers of God.
10:05 You've got spiritual Israel in the Bible,
10:07 you've got literal Israel, you've got spiritual Israel.
10:09 There is a work of reformation that needs to take place
10:13 within the church, if you look at Christianity
10:14 as a whole today, I think with all of the various doctrines
10:17 and teachings and contradictions, there is definitely a work
10:21 of preaching the truth of the Word of God,
10:24 even to those who profess to be Christians
10:26 and in Christian countries, so you've got the literal
10:28 application of Israel as Pastor Doug mentioned,
10:30 but I think you've also got the spiritual application.
10:33 And if you look at the three angels' messages,
10:35 the second angel's message says, "Babylon has fallen,
10:38 has fallen," we understand Babylon to be representative
10:41 of a religious system claiming to be Christian,
10:45 and yet it has fallen from the truths of God's Word.
10:47 So there is a call, there is a preaching
10:48 even to profess Christians.
10:52 - Yeah and some of the apostles, they write their letters
10:54 to the 12 tribes, well there were not 12 tribes at that time
10:57 and they may have been using it as
10:59 a spiritual system. - Symbolic application.
11:01 All right. Thanks for your call, Philip. Good question.
11:02 - By the way, we do have a book called Spiritual Israel.
11:05 - We do. - We can send you a free copy.
11:06 - The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
11:10 You can ask for the book, it's called Spiritual Israel.
11:13 We'll send it to anyone in North America,
11:15 actually in the United States and Canada.
11:17 We were just reminded before the program
11:19 that there are parts of North America
11:21 that is not part of the US and Canada,
11:24 so if you're in one of those two countries, we'll be happy
11:26 to send it to you for free, otherwise, visit the website,
11:29 just, and again, if you're in the US,
11:33 you can just dial #250 and you can get the book that way.
11:37 Lolita is listening in Nevada, Lolita,
11:40 welcome to the program. - [Lolita] Hi.
11:43 Thank you pastors, my question has to do with Daniel 12,
11:47 verse 12, it says, "Blessed is he who waits
11:51 and comes to the 1,335 days."
11:55 So I'm just wondering, what exactly is that referring to?
12:00 - Pastor Ross, you wanna?
12:02 - Yeah, we'll give it a try and then, you jump in there.
12:04 - See if we can do it in a short time.
12:06 You did a good job last time.
12:07 - We've got three time periods listed in Daniel 12.
12:10 You've got the 1260, the 1290 and then the 1335.
12:15 So the 1290's understood to be the conversion
12:17 of Clovis, King of the Franks, that was the last
12:20 of the various Pagan tribes that was hindering the supremacy
12:25 of the Papal power in Rome.
12:27 That occurred in 605, 605 AD, Clovis converts
12:32 and eventually the Franks, of course, become France.
12:34 And then the 1335, if you start with that date of 605
12:38 and you go forward 1335, 1,335 years,
12:42 you end on the date 1843 and we find
12:46 a great revival that was taking place,
12:48 especially in interesting bible prophecy
12:50 around that time period, 1843 and 1844.
12:54 So the 1335 has been identified as that time period
12:57 from 605 to 1843.
13:01 I don't know if you wanted to add anything to that.
13:05 - You know, to study Daniel 12 is a tough question.
13:07 When people ask, it's like when they ask about the wheel
13:09 within the wheel and Ezekiel
13:11 because you've got three time periods
13:13 and it's sort of a summary, those three time periods
13:16 are summarizing what's happened in all these
13:19 previous apocalyptic visions in Daniel.
13:21 - Sort of a summary of the book. At least the time periods.
13:24 - So, you almost have to take people back.
13:26 - Right, and look at each of them.
13:27 - Chapter seven, chapter two, chapter nine.
13:30 - Put it all together.
13:31 Well hopefully that helps a little bit, Lolita.
13:33 Next call that we have is Jim listening in Indiana.
13:36 Jim, welcome to the program.
13:38 - [Jim] Yeah, good to talk to you again.
13:41 The question that I have is in Zechariah chapter six,
13:46 it's about the four chariots, what do they represent?
13:50 - Well, one thing you'll notice is you've got these chariots
13:53 and it talks about you've got a red one,
13:56 you've got a black one, you've got a white one
13:59 and you've got a dappled one.
14:02 Zechariah is one of those books along with Revelation
14:06 that you read along with, I should say, Ezekiel and Daniel,
14:13 that you read and understand better in Revelation.
14:15 In Revelation, you've probably heard of the Four Horsemen
14:18 of the Apocalypse, there's a lot of similarity
14:22 between this prophecy here in Zechariah and the prophecy
14:26 in Revelation, now four in the Bible typically represents
14:31 something universal, in Revelation, you've got
14:33 the four angels holding back the four wins of strife.
14:37 So these four chariots are talking about them going forth.
14:40 They're really going forth everywhere.
14:42 And with the strong seeds, typically chariots were also used
14:46 in battle and so here it's, I think talking about, you know,
14:53 the message of the Lord and the progress of the gospel
14:57 through the ages.
15:00 Now the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is the first four
15:03 of the seven seals in Revelation.
15:07 You read in Revelation, it says you got seven seals,
15:09 and as they open the first four seals,
15:10 the four horses go forth.
15:13 - And you can't mistake the identity,
15:14 or at least the connection between Zechariah and Revelation,
15:17 where it talks about the four horses.
15:18 The order's a little different, which is interesting.
15:20 The first horse in Revelation is a white horse representing
15:23 the proclamation of the gospel, the red horse is a time
15:26 of persecution, a black horse is a time of compromise,
15:29 when number of Pagan practices came to the church,
15:32 the pale horse represents the Dark Ages.
15:35 There was almost a death to the truth and the plagues
15:37 that came during that time period, so I think there
15:40 is a connection here between Zechariah and of course,
15:42 there were judgements coming upon ancient Israel,
15:45 more specifically from Babylon, and then of course you had
15:47 other nations after Babylon, you got Persia and then
15:50 you got Greece and then you got Rome,
15:52 so you also have four principal nations that came
15:55 up against literal Israel, as well.
15:59 - All right. So hopefully that helps a little bit.
16:00 That is a deep study, next caller that we have is,
16:03 let's see, Jimmy is listening in Texas.
16:05 Jimmy, welcome to the program.
16:07 - [Jimmy] Yes sir. Thank you.
16:10 - Yeah, how can we help you tonight?
16:12 - [Jimmy] Yes sir, I was trying to, what is the will
16:14 of the Father, is it in John chapter six, verse 40?
16:18 Or in Psalm 40, verse eight?
16:23 - Well, in Psalm 40, verse eight, it says, is that the one?
16:26 I love to do your will, your law is in my heart?
16:30 - [Jimmy] Yes sir. I believe so.
16:32 - Well, of course the law of God is the will of God.
16:35 Now what was the other verse you gave us in John?
16:37 - I've got it right here, it's John 6:40, and it says,
16:39 "This is the will of Him who sent me, that everyone who sees
16:42 the Son believes in Him, who has everlasting life.
16:46 And I will raise him up at the last day."
16:48 So you're wondering, is the will of God to keep his law
16:52 or to believe in the Son, is that the question?
16:56 - [Jimmy] Yes sir. That's my question.
16:59 - Yeah, well, believing in the Son is believing
17:02 in the teachings of Jesus, who said that his teachings
17:06 are to support the law, so believing in Christ
17:09 means believing in His teachings.
17:12 He said, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not
17:14 the things that I say," this is what Christ said.
17:17 And he said, It's not everyone that says Lord, Lord
17:20 that will enter the kingdom, but they that do
17:23 the will of my Father," now, it tells us in the gospel
17:27 of John chapter one, that all things that were made,
17:30 were made by him, meaning Jesus.
17:33 That would include the 10 Commandments given on Mount Sinai.
17:37 The Father did not somehow sneak away from the Son
17:40 when He gave the 10 Commandments.
17:42 Jesus was part and parcel of the Commandments
17:45 being given to humanity.
17:46 And so that's why Jesus said, "Not one jot or tittle
17:49 shall in any wise pass from the law."
17:52 So the law of God is a perfect reflection of the will
17:55 of God and it's the epitome of believing in Christ.
17:59 - Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my Commandments."
18:02 - Yeah, so we don't keep the Commandments to be saved,
18:04 but if we love the Lord and we've accepted Him by faith,
18:07 we want to obey Him. - Absolutely, you know,
18:09 we do have a study guide called Written in Stone.
18:11 It's about the 10 Commandments, but not only does God
18:13 want the law, which was written in stone,
18:16 but He wants the law in the heart.
18:18 And that's part of the New Covenant experience.
18:20 We'll send that to anyone who calls and asks,
18:22 the number is 800-835-6747 or you can dial #250
18:28 and ask for the study guide, it's called Written in Stone,
18:29 it's about the law of God.
18:31 You'll be blessed by reading that. Thanks for your call.
18:34 Next caller that we have is Gilbert listening
18:35 from America Samoa, Gilbert, welcome to the program.
18:40 - [Gilbert] Thank you. Thank you for having me.
18:43 My question is, I grew up in the faith,
18:48 in the FDA faith and went to schools all my life.
18:52 And when I graduated from high school
18:56 and joined the military, I just stopped going to church
18:59 and really just didn't, I was just out of the faith.
19:05 I believed in God, but I was out of the faith.
19:06 Now I was baptized when I was 12 years old
19:09 and I'm in my fifties now, and now that I've come back
19:12 to the church, I'm wondering would it be right for me
19:15 to be baptized again?
19:18 - You know, based on what you said,
19:19 I always tell a person they really ought to talk
19:21 to a local pastor to evaluate that.
19:23 But just based on what you've told me,
19:24 if I was your pastor and you basically had wandered
19:28 from the Lord for years and been living out in the world,
19:32 you would be exhibit A of a good reason to be re-baptized.
19:35 - Recommitting your life to Christ.
19:37 - And it's also your testimony to others.
19:39 - And sometimes when a person is younger,
19:41 they could be sincere at that point.
19:43 But I know there are many younger people
19:46 that might get baptized just because their friends
19:48 are doing it and it's not really their decision.
19:50 Not that it's wrong to be baptized if you, you know,
19:53 are 12 or 13 years of age, but if you have wandered away,
19:56 like you say Pastor Doug, and you come back,
19:58 it's a great testimony to your friends and family too,
20:00 saying, you know, I'm recommitted to Christ.
20:03 Does that help Gilbert?
20:06 - [Gilbert] Yes, it does. Thank you very much.
20:08 - Yeah, and by the way, we do have a book on baptism.
20:11 Is It Really Necessary?
20:13 - The number to call for that book is 800-835-6747.
20:17 The book is called Baptism, Is it Really Necessary?
20:20 You can also dial #250 and you can ask for the book
20:24 that way as well, Elliot is listening
20:26 from California, Elliot work with the program.
20:29 - [Elliot] Good evening, pastors.
20:30 - Evening.
20:33 - [Elliot] So my question is regarding Jonah,
20:36 chapter one, verse seven.
20:40 So it says, "And they said, everyone to his fellow,
20:44 come and let us cast lots that we may know
20:47 for whose causes evil is upon us.
20:49 So they cast lots and the lot fell upon Jonah."
20:53 So my question regarding that is,
20:56 is this still applicable to this day to cast lots?
20:59 - Well, I don't think God plans for us to make
21:02 important spiritual decisions by rolling dice
21:05 or casting lots, it is true in the Bible,
21:09 when they divided the Promised Land,
21:11 they wanted to find an equitable reason
21:13 to look like there was no bias in how they divided
21:16 the Promised Land, Joshua cast lots and when they picked
21:19 a replacement apostle for Judas between two candidates,
21:24 Peter cast lots, these are Pagans.
21:28 So of course what the Pagans did in the story of Jonah,
21:31 they're not our example, but the fact is that they knew
21:34 this was a supernatural storm and they thought the gods
21:36 were angry and they wanna know why, which one of us
21:39 has done something to anger the gods?
21:42 And well, in fact, the Lord was upset with Jonah
21:46 for shirking his duty and running from the word of God.
21:50 And so God allowed their method of casting lots
21:52 to identify him.
21:57 But God doesn't recommend that we use casting lots.
21:59 Nowhere else in the New Testament does it say, "Well,
22:01 if you're not sure what to do, cast lots."
22:05 It's a lot like flipping a coin.
22:06 - I think you wrote a book Pastor Doug,
22:08 called Determining the Will of God.
22:10 And you gave some principles, some Biblical principles
22:12 that we can follow in wanting to know what God's will is.
22:15 And again, that's free, we'll send it to anyone who calls
22:17 and asks, the book is called Determining the Will of God.
22:20 Number is 800-835-6747.
22:24 Ask for the book and we'll be happy to send it to you.
22:27 Next caller that we have, let's see, April is in Florida.
22:29 April, welcome to the program.
22:32 - [April] Good evening, Pastor Doug.
22:33 Good evening Pastor Ross.
22:37 The Lord actually blessed me because your time and my time
22:43 in Florida is 10 o'clock, after 10 o'clock here.
22:45 So I pray to God to keep me awake so I may call,
22:49 I actually have two questions, but I can't be selfish.
22:53 So I have a question for, not just myself,
22:56 but for other people.
22:59 What is the difference between a spiritual Jew
23:02 and a Seventh-Day Adventist?
23:04 I go to a Seventh-Day Adventist church in Key West, Florida
23:08 and we have a lady that is a spiritual Jew.
23:13 But when I ask one of the elders, what did he say he is,
23:16 he said she's a Seventh-Day Adventist.
23:19 So how do I determine what I am,
23:22 a spiritual Jew or a Seventh-Day Adventist?
23:25 - All right, you know, it's interesting because a lot of,
23:29 my family, on my mother's side, is all Jewish.
23:33 And when I became a Christian, my grandparents said,
23:37 "Oh," you know, "you've become a Goyam.
23:39 You've abandoned the faith," and then when I married Karen
23:41 who was a Gentile girl, they felt betrayed.
23:44 And I said, "Look, I'm more Jewish than you are."
23:46 I said, "I still keep the seventh-day Sabbath
23:48 and I don't eat unclean food."
23:50 And so, some people have seen that there's a parallel
23:53 between Seventh-Day Adventists and Judaism,
23:57 is it like, they're basically messianic Christians.
24:00 So there are a lot of messianic Christians
24:02 in the world there that are evangelicals
24:04 that are non-denominational, they're just Jews who have
24:08 become believers in Jesus and many of them have identified
24:12 that the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, you know,
24:13 kind of fits in with their comfort zone.
24:15 But there's a lot of spiritual Jews that are out there,
24:18 anyone really, who accepts Jesus.
24:22 And you're following, you're walking in the Word
24:25 and you're following the light that God gives you.
24:27 You really become a spiritual Jew 'cause Paul says in,
24:30 oh, it's in Galatians, you might find it for me.
24:32 "He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly,
24:35 but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly."
24:37 And Paul says, I think in Galatians,
24:39 "If you are Christ, then you are Abraham's seed."
24:42 And again, it tells us it's not circumcision of the flesh,
24:45 but circumcision of the heart.
24:48 - Romans chapter two, verse 28.
24:49 - Yeah, that's one of I think, three or four verses
24:51 that Paul talks about spiritual Jews.
24:54 So yeah, every believer in Christ sort of becomes adopted
24:58 into, by the way, friends, the most important verse
25:02 on this is the New Covenant, we know the New Covenant says,
25:05 "I'll write my law in your hearts," but listen
25:06 to the preamble, it says, "After those days,
25:10 I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel
25:14 and the House of Judah."
25:16 He never makes that new covenant with Gentiles.
25:19 So if anyone's going to buy into the New Covenant,
25:22 you become a spiritual Jew 'cause it's only made
25:25 with the Jews. - And if you look
25:26 in the Book of Revelation, which talks about, you know,
25:28 end time events, you only got two groups.
25:30 You've got the Jews and you've got the Gentiles.
25:32 The Gentiles symbolically represent the unbelievers,
25:35 but Israel or the Jews in the Book of Revelation,
25:38 represents the believers. - Yeah, I see a question
25:41 coming up here for probably the second half,
25:43 about the 144,000, but now there is a third maybe,
25:48 doesn't Revelation also say you get the synagogue of Satan?
25:53 They're professing that they're believers, but they're not.
25:56 They're unfaithful, again, it uses the Jewish terminology.
25:59 - Worship. The synagogue.
26:01 All right, well I'm looking at the clock.
26:02 - We've got that book on Spiritual Israel.
26:05 - Spiritual Israel, maybe we'll mention it again
26:07 if you've missed it, the number to call is 800-835-6747.
26:11 The book is called Spiritual Israel and we'll be happy
26:14 to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
26:16 Again, if you're in the United States or Canada,
26:19 if you're outside the US, just go to the website,
26:21 and you can dial #250
26:26 and you'll be able to receive the book that way.
26:28 And you know Pastor Doug, you did a program,
26:30 I think it's available on YouTube, where you
26:32 and a few other Jews, believers in Christ,
26:34 spend some time talking about Judaism and Christianity
26:37 and the Bible, it's just a really great
26:40 series of programs. - Yeah, it's called
26:41 Is Jesus Kosher for Jews? - Absolutely.
26:45 - So I think it's a great title, but yeah,
26:48 and you might want to get a copy of that and share
26:50 with any Jewish friends you have to introduce them
26:52 to the Christian faith, now Pastor Ross,
26:55 we wanna remind everybody that not only is this
26:58 a radio broadcast, it's been a radio broadcast for years,
27:00 but we're also airing on TV now, they can see this on AFTV,
27:04 it's rebroadcast on Hope Channel,
27:06 and soon to also be rebroadcast on 3ABN,
27:10 so be watching their schedules.
27:12 Be back in a minute with more Bible questions.
27:14 (uplifting music)
27:17 - [Announcer] Stay tuned, "Bible Answers Live"
27:19 will return shortly.
27:25 - The US government is drowning in debt
27:28 to the tune of 22 trillion dollars.
27:31 But before you wag your finger at the government's spending,
27:33 the Federal Reserve says the average American household
27:37 carries over $137,000 in debt.
27:41 While it was never God's plan that we live with a burden
27:43 of debt, Proverbs 22:7 warns us, "The rich rules
27:48 over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender."
27:51 Living with debt is a stressful burden
27:53 that actually hurts your relationship with God.
27:56 In my new pocketbook, Deliverance From Debt,
27:58 I outlined the Bible principles on how to properly manage
28:02 your money with some practical suggestions
28:04 on how you can get out and stay out of debt.
28:07 If you or someone you love is drowning in debt,
28:10 order a copy of Deliverance From Debt today.
28:13 It can be a lifesaver to keep you from going under.
28:16 Please call 800-538-7275 or visit
28:25 Millions of people believe that planet Earth
28:28 is on the verge of some apocalypse that will plunge
28:31 the world's cities into chaos.
28:33 In response, thinking people everywhere are wondering
28:37 if it might be a good time to locate their families
28:40 outside of the congested metropolitan areas.
28:43 In my new book, Heading for the Hills,
28:45 A Beginner's Guide to Country Living,
28:48 I do my best to provide a biblical balance.
28:51 I'd like to share with you some of the crucial things
28:53 you'll need to know before you head up for the hills.
28:57 I'd also like to identify some of the practical things
28:59 you look for in buying a piece of country land,
29:02 how to develop water, power, and a garden,
29:05 all while still seeking to save the lost.
29:08 This book has some very valuable information for anybody
29:11 that's ever considering country Living.
29:14 - [Announcer 2] Order your copy of Heading for the Hills.
29:16 Call 800-538-7275 or visit
29:25 (uplifting music)
29:28 - [Announcer] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live",
29:30 where every question answered provides a clearer picture
29:33 of God and His plan to save you.
29:36 So what are you waiting for?
29:38 Get practical answers about the Good Book
29:40 for a better life today.
29:45 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:48 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
29:50 on the air, please call us next Sunday
29:53 between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
29:57 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
29:59 in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
30:05 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:11 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live".
30:16 - Welcome back listening friends, you are listening to
30:19 and perhaps watching "Bible Answers Live",
30:21 where we do our best to answer Bible questions
30:24 that are coming in from all over the world.
30:26 Matter of fact, Pastor Ross, we just had a question came
30:29 in from American Samoa, that's a long way off.
30:32 It's probably the morning there right now, anyway,
30:35 if you want to call in with your questions,
30:37 it's simply God says, 800-GOD-SAYS, that's 800-463-7297.
30:44 You can also be listening and sending in questions
30:46 via YouTube, Facebook,
30:50 and some other social media platforms.
30:53 My name is Doug Bachelor. - My name is Jean Ross
30:56 and we've got a number of folks who are listening.
30:58 We're gonna go back to Florida, we've got Rick listening
31:00 in Florida, I can see what his question might be about
31:03 and I'm curious, so Rick, welcome to the program.
31:07 - [Rick] Well, thank you pastors, for taking my question.
31:09 I wanted to know, what does the Bible say
31:12 about eating insects?
31:14 Chocolate covered ants, snails, grasshopper burgers?
31:20 - Yeah, well I don't know, you're probably safer eating
31:24 the grasshopper than eating the chocolate,
31:26 but technically in the Bible there are certain insects
31:31 that you were allowed to eat, and you know,
31:33 grasshoppers are largely vegetarians.
31:36 And so there was a provision that you could eat locusts.
31:39 And it specifies there are certain hopping insects
31:42 that were edible, you're not to be eating beetles,
31:45 I don't think you're supposed to eat ants or wasps
31:47 or things like that, certainly not a praying mantis
31:50 or a black widow, but. - Right.
31:52 Well maybe a slug that doesn't sound.
31:54 - Oh no, I don't think you're supposed to eat grubs
31:55 or slugs either, I think it says that they
31:59 had to be hopping insects. - Six legs.
32:01 Hopping insects, so, well didn't John the Baptist
32:04 eat locusts? - Yeah, that word also
32:07 could mean locust bean and we're hoping
32:09 that's what it means, but I just hate the picture
32:11 of him with grasshopper legs in his teeth.
32:14 - All right, thanks for your call Rick.
32:15 We're gonna go back to, who do we have next?
32:17 We've got Henry listening in New York,
32:19 Henry, welcome to the program.
32:20 - [Henry] Thank you for taking my call.
32:22 When Jesus Christ comes back and any woman who is pregnant
32:29 will go as she stayed, will she have the baby without pain?
32:34 - Okay, so when Jesus returns, will unborn babies be born?
32:40 I had a pastor ask me this one time, he said,
32:41 "What happens to pregnant women when Jesus comes?"
32:43 I said, "They're delivered in more ways than one."
32:47 I'm sure that a woman who's pregnant that is a believer
32:50 that you know, the Lord is somehow gonna help her
32:54 to experience that child, whether right then in the coming
32:58 of the Lord when our bodies are transformed,
33:00 angel placed the baby in her arms,
33:02 but I'm sure it would be painless.
33:04 And I hadn't thought, you know, maybe when they get
33:08 to heaven, there will be a maternity ward.
33:10 There are children in heaven, of course, a lot of babies
33:12 in the resurrection, how God is gonna do that,
33:15 that's one of the mysteries.
33:17 People ask me questions like, you know,
33:19 what's gonna happen to those that are
33:21 in the International Space Station when Jesus comes,
33:24 will they be forgotten or left behind?
33:26 You know, there's a lot of the, you know,
33:30 questions that sort of are speculating.
33:33 - What about the sailors who are in a nuclear submarine
33:36 under the ocean. - I wouldn't wanna be there.
33:40 So hope that helps a little bit.
33:42 There's no specific scriptures on that, Henry.
33:44 All we can do is speculate.
33:45 - All right, thanks for your call.
33:46 Robert is listening Washington, Robert,
33:48 welcome to the program. - [Robert] Hello pastors.
33:50 - Hi. - [Robert] I sometimes
33:52 talk with people who believe that Christ will have
33:55 a 1000 year millennial reign and they ask me,
34:00 "Well, do you read the whole Bible?"
34:04 There was one passage that they mentioned, Zechariah 14,
34:10 chapter 14, we don't need to read the whole chapter,
34:13 but one of the verses, I guess verse 18,
34:16 talks about those who are there need to do
34:23 the Feast of Tabernacles, otherwise they don't get any rain.
34:27 And that seems to be pertaining to the millennial reign?
34:32 - Yeah, well the Feast of Tabernacles was basically
34:35 a feast that coincided with the Exodus.
34:39 They were supposed to remember that while they were
34:41 in the wilderness, that they were sojourners,
34:44 they were pilgrims, and so they would,
34:46 during the Feast of Tabernacles, they'd make
34:48 these little booths, it was the Old Testament version
34:51 of tents out of the branches of trees and so forth
34:55 to shelter them from the sun, something like the booth
34:58 that Jonah made when he was sitting on the mountain.
35:00 And those that experience salvation,
35:06 they're singing the song of Moses and the Lamb, you know,
35:08 Miriam sang a song of deliverance when they came
35:10 out of Egypt, so Zechariah is going back and forth
35:14 in this chapter between a punishment that was gonna come
35:18 on Israel, he talks about when the women are ravished
35:20 and the city's destroyed during the Roman captivity.
35:24 Jesus connected what happened to the Jews
35:27 when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem
35:30 and signs of the second coming,
35:32 Zechariah does the same thing in chapter 14.
35:35 This prophecy is interwoven and it overlaps
35:37 with the Jewish history and spiritual Israel
35:41 at the second coming in the millennium, or you know,
35:43 their time in the kingdom.
35:45 - Yeah, just add to that Pastor Doug,
35:47 the Feast of Tabernacles is a symbol or a type
35:50 of the 1000 years where the Redeemed will be
35:53 in the new Jerusalem in heaven.
35:55 Now remember, the final home of the Redeemed is not heaven.
35:57 It's actually the Earth made new.
35:58 - [Doug] That's right. - Jesus said the meek
36:00 shall inherit the Earth, so the Feast of Tabernacles
36:03 symbolizes that time when the righteous are in heaven.
36:06 Well then you read on, in the same passage,
36:08 it talks about those who do not come up
36:09 to the Feast of Tabernacles, in other words,
36:11 they're the ones that are not taken to heaven
36:13 when Jesus comes a second time, that would mean
36:15 they're the wicked, symbolized here by Egypt,
36:17 that says they received the plague.
36:20 Well if you read a little further, you find out what
36:22 that plague is, which is eventually eternal destruction
36:25 at the end of the thousand years.
36:27 There won't be any rain on the earth
36:29 during the thousand years, the wicked all destroyed
36:31 with the brightness of Christ's coming, so there's some
36:34 dual applications there as it refers to that symbol
36:37 of the Feast of Tabernacles.
36:41 - So hope that helps a little. Thank you so much.
36:43 - Next caller that we have is Tanya listening from Missouri.
36:46 Tanya, welcome to the program.
36:48 - [Tanya] Yes, hi, I have a question about the 144
36:55 and also the close of probation.
36:56 - [Doug] Okay. - [Tanya] Could you explain,
36:58 is the 144 literal and if it is,
37:03 what happens to everybody else?
37:06 - All right, good question, for our friends listening,
37:09 the 144,000 is a special group that's identified
37:13 in Revelation, both chapter seven of Revelation
37:15 and chapter 14, and it says that God has this group
37:20 of 12,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel.
37:25 And then it names the tribes and it's giving them
37:28 in an order that you normally don't find.
37:31 So one, the question is, are these literal Jews?
37:35 And I believe not, because when it's talking about 12,000
37:39 from the tribe of Issachar and Zebulun and Asher,
37:43 those tribes ceased to exist, they were conquered
37:47 by Assyria, they intermarried, their descendants kind of
37:51 have been, you know, scattered around the world.
37:54 Assyria was later conquered.
37:56 And so finding literal descendants from the 10 tribes
38:00 that were carried off to Assyria would be difficult
38:04 to do long before Jesus was born.
38:06 But the reason it's saying that, it's talking about,
38:09 I think, spiritual Israel, everyone who's adopted
38:12 into God's family becomes members of the tribe.
38:15 Is it a number? Are they the only one saved? No.
38:19 You read later in chapter seven when John is talking
38:22 to the angel, he says, "Who are the ones arrayed
38:25 in white robes that are without number,
38:26 a great multitude," said, "these are the ones who've come
38:29 outta great tribulation," and you find that in verse 14
38:33 and on, so through the influence of the 144,000,
38:39 there's a great revival, just like God had 12 apostles
38:42 that were leaders in sharing the gospel
38:46 with the House of Israel in the beginning,
38:49 Jesus has got 12 times 12,000 that share the gospel
38:52 with the whole world before His second coming.
38:55 So they're like last-day apostles.
38:57 They're not the only ones saved.
38:59 - It's interesting Pastor Doug, you have literal Israel
39:01 that God raised up to prepare the world for the first coming
39:03 of Christ, you got spiritual Israel,
39:06 symbolized here by 144,000 that are preparing the world
39:09 for the second coming of Christ through the proclamation
39:11 of the three angels messages that we find in Revelation,
39:14 chapter 14, so very interesting connection.
39:16 Now I think Tanya was also asking something about
39:19 the close of probation.
39:20 So Tanya, what was that about the close of probation?
39:25 - [Tanya] Well, can you explain it because I'm confused.
39:29 I get so many answers.
39:32 - Sure, you know, just before Jesus comes,
39:35 there is a period of time when salvation,
39:37 the door of salvation, is finally closed
39:40 and those who are saved are sealed,
39:44 they're sealed with the name of God and they're saved
39:46 for good and they can't be lost and those who are lost,
39:49 cannot be saved, in Revelation 22, Jesus says,
39:53 "Let the just be just still,
39:55 let the filthy be filthy still," no changing teams.
39:58 It's something like back in the days of Noah,
40:01 when Noah and his family entered the Ark
40:03 and God shut the door, the rain hadn't started,
40:06 life went on outside the Ark, but their destiny was sealed
40:10 and the lost could no longer get in the Ark
40:12 and Noah and his family were sealed inside.
40:15 There's gonna be a period of time,
40:16 we don't know exactly how long, before Jesus comes,
40:18 when probation closes and no one else can be saved
40:22 or lost for that matter.
40:24 - And then after probation closes,
40:25 you got the seven last plagues and then Jesus comes.
40:28 - [Doug] Good point. Yeah. - All right.
40:30 Next caller that we have is Jason listening in California.
40:32 Jason, welcome to the program.
40:35 - [Jason] Hi. Thank you for having me.
40:37 - Yeah.
40:39 - [Jason] So before I ask any questions,
40:42 I'd like to say that I'm a married man and my question is,
40:49 how do I maintain a work and family life
40:52 by helping my parents and being married and when my parents
40:59 want me to put them first before my marriage.
41:02 And I know Genesis 2:24 says, you know,
41:06 a man shall leave his mother and his father
41:09 and shall cleave to his wife.
41:12 So how do I separate the two? And then how do I?
41:16 - So how do you balance those things?
41:18 That's a good question, when you're married and you start
41:23 a new family, you can see this all through God's
41:27 natural world, there comes a time where the parents,
41:31 they usually chase the young away.
41:35 But sometimes, you know, in the human families,
41:37 we want to keep our sons and our daughters around,
41:40 which is normal, but it's important for the new family unit
41:44 to have some freedom and independence when it's established.
41:48 And that's why God's says a man shall leave his father
41:50 and mother and cleave unto his wife.
41:53 And so your first allegiance would be to, of course,
41:55 the Lord, then your wife because it says when you marry,
41:59 you become one flesh with your wife.
42:03 But while at the same time, you want to do all you can
42:05 to respect your parents, and I know right now there's
42:09 a lot of ears perking up around the country listening
42:11 to that because there's a lot of families
42:14 that kind of struggle in the relationships
42:15 between the parent and the child and the wife
42:20 or spouse of the child and just balancing the time
42:24 and the relationship and the attention.
42:27 It can be real challenging, you know, sometimes young wives,
42:29 they think, "I can never live up to my mother-in-law.
42:31 She's always judging me because I'm not as good
42:34 as your mother," or whatever, that argument's
42:36 happened a lot. (laughs)
42:38 So that's why it's good sometimes to maintain a little bit
42:40 of separation and it's really difficult unless you've got,
42:44 I've seen it work in really special occasions,
42:47 living under the same roof, but unless everyone's converted,
42:51 there's gonna be problems. - All right. Well, thank you.
42:54 Next caller that we have is, let's see, we've got John.
42:58 Yeah, John, welcome to the program.
43:00 - [John] Good evening, pastors.
43:03 Been wanting to give you guys a call for a while now.
43:05 I just actually got your Revelations verse-by-verse
43:08 daily devotional. - Oh wonderful.
43:11 - [John] Yeah, I've been studying Daniel and Revelations,
43:15 for a long time, but my question is concerning Revelation,
43:19 chapter 12, nine, I guess you could say through 13.
43:25 It says, now when Satan's angels were cast out of heaven,
43:33 they weren't, it says that they were cast to the Earth.
43:35 Now, just with my studying and a little understanding
43:38 and you know, even listening to some of your programs,
43:41 when he was cast out, he wasn't actually cast to the Earth.
43:46 He was kind of cast out and when it says, "Rejoice,
43:50 oh heavens and all those who dwell in them,"
43:53 my understanding, and then it says, "woe to the inhabitants
43:56 of the Earth and to the sea," my understanding is that
44:00 there was rejoicing in the heavens, you know,
44:05 'cause God, Jesus, was on trial in the universe.
44:09 So what I'm saying, my question is for you guys,
44:14 kind of is basically when he was cast out,
44:18 he wasn't cast out directly to the Earth
44:20 until after Christ was resurrected and rose
44:25 after the 40 days, went back to heaven.
44:28 - All right, let me see.
44:30 Yeah, let me me jump in 'cause I think I understand
44:33 your question and I wanna see if I can consolidate
44:37 or capitalize that, that's not the word I'm looking for.
44:40 Capsulate that.
44:43 Revelation 12 is not something that happened in a moment.
44:47 Revelation 12 is covering a process of things.
44:51 The war in heaven did not happen immediately.
44:54 It started with Satan beginning a campaign
44:56 that may have lasted eons, had finally broke
44:59 into open rebellion, he was cast out, Satan went roaming
45:03 through the universe, looking for a place to continue
45:05 his battle, ultimately, after this world was created,
45:09 he found Adam and Eve would to listen to him
45:11 and they disobeyed God at the tree.
45:13 He then was restricted to this Earth.
45:17 And again, I think his access to heaven was limited further
45:23 after the cross, Christ said I saw Satan fall.
45:26 - And if you look at the verse, it's interesting,
45:27 you have him being cast out of heaven and then it says,
45:31 "I heard a loud voice in heaven, now salvation and strength
45:34 and the kingdom of our God and the power of His Christ
45:36 has come, the accuser of the brethren has been cast down."
45:40 So it's talking about the cross when it says
45:41 now salvation and strength has come.
45:44 So it's as if Satan is cast out of heaven and then he comes
45:46 to the Earth and he sees Adam and Eve.
45:49 But it was really at the cross that everyone realized or saw
45:52 the true colors of the devil and he was cast down,
45:55 meaning he can't represent the Earth any longer.
45:58 Do you remember the story of Job, he goes up and sort of,
46:00 claims to be the representative of Earth.
46:02 Now Jesus is the representative of Earth
46:04 and he's in heaven representing the Redeemed.
46:06 - He's interceding for us. - So he's cast down,
46:08 then it says he knows he has a short time,
46:10 so he's very angry, and so yeah, that's referring
46:14 to the cross and after that. - And the reason that he says
46:17 heaven is rejoicing is because he had been causing all kinds
46:20 of problems in heaven, he's just not there anymore.
46:22 That's why he said rejoice heavens, he's not there anymore.
46:25 - [Both Together] Woe to the Earth. He's down there.
46:27 - Going around like a roaring lion.
46:29 - Came and wrecked the neighborhood.
46:30 - All right, good question, next caller that we have
46:32 is Jonathan listening in Washington.
46:34 Jonathan, welcome to the program.
46:37 - [Jonathan] Hi, good evening.
46:38 - Yes.
46:41 - [Jonathan] Just first wanted to say thank you guys
46:42 for your time and you guys always have been
46:46 a really good source of information and I'm sure you guys
46:50 know you helped a lot of people.
46:53 I have a question about Colossians 2:14.
46:58 And it says, "In the handwriting of ordinances that was used
47:05 against us, contrary to us, nailed to the cross."
47:09 And the word ordinances, in this verse, in the Greek
47:12 is dogmasin and dogmasin is defined as something held
47:16 as an established opinion.
47:18 So wouldn't this mean that the ordinances nailed
47:20 to the cross are the tradition of the elders
47:23 or Pharisee law and not the law of Moses?
47:27 - Well if you look in the Old Testament,
47:30 it talks about when the 10 Commandments were given,
47:32 that God also gave Moses laws and statutes that were placed
47:37 in the side of the Ark that they might be a witness
47:41 against you, Moses said they might be there to witness
47:44 against you, Paul is using that same language.
47:47 But that's referring to the the ordinances,
47:52 and these of course were nailed to the cross, meaning,
47:54 you know, the sacrifice of lambs and circumcision,
47:56 a lot of the ceremonial laws Christians are not obligated
47:59 to keep that, that was fulfilled in Christ.
48:02 So yeah, the laws that Paul is referring to here
48:09 are not speaking of the 10 Commandment laws,
48:11 talking about other ceremonial or Levitical laws.
48:16 - Does that help, Jonathan?
48:20 - [Jonathan] Well the thing is, because it says dogmasin,
48:22 and it's only used twice in the New Testament,
48:26 and based on the definition, it seems more like it fits.
48:30 Well, it seems like it would fit public opinion
48:33 versus what would be considered law.
48:37 - Well the word dogma, I think, like you said,
48:38 it's just teaching, it's a pretty broad definition.
48:42 I think the key is, Paul uses words like the handwriting
48:48 of ordinances, now the word handwriting's a key,
48:50 talks about those laws written by the hand of Moses
48:54 and then the 10 Commandments written by the finger of God.
48:57 Now, I think we've got a book called
48:59 Feast Days and Sabbaths, it talks about Colossians
49:02 chapter two and we could send him a free copy of that,
49:05 it goes into more detail than we can in a few moments.
49:07 - The number to call is 800-835-6747,
49:11 you can ask for the book, it's called
49:12 Feast Days and Sabbaths and it talks about Colossians two,
49:16 you can also dial #250 and say the words
49:19 "Bible Answers Live" and you'll be able
49:21 to order the book online there as well,
49:23 actually by phone, thank you Jonathan.
49:26 We've got Linda listening in North Carolina.
49:29 Linda, welcome to the program.
49:31 - [Linda] Oh, I listen every week.
49:34 I'm just curious, why does the Bible give two
49:37 different versions on how Judas died?
49:40 One says he burst asunder and the other one says
49:45 he hung himself. - Yes, well they're really
49:48 the same, it's just that it's giving more of the story.
49:51 Peter in Acts, he talks about Judas falling headlong.
49:55 He burst asunder.
49:57 Judas, and some of this is based on tradition,
50:00 but the Bible says Judas went out and hung himself.
50:02 We believe that he put a rope around his neck
50:04 and he hung himself, but he hung himself
50:07 from one of the scaffolds or something
50:09 outside the city wall, he wanted to make sure that he could
50:12 jump and drop and hang, and at some point, the rope broke
50:16 and he fell after he hung himself.
50:19 And tradition says that it wasn't far from the road
50:22 where they brought Jesus out to execute him
50:25 and that he had fell and in the process of falling,
50:29 hitting the rocks below, I know it's not a pretty picture,
50:31 but it says that he opened up and that you know,
50:37 the dogs were already beginning to work on him
50:39 at the time when Christ was being taken out of the city,
50:41 showing the judgment.
50:43 That's why Jesus said it would've been better for him
50:45 not to have been born than to betray the Son of God.
50:48 So he hung himself, the rope broke and he fell.
50:52 - Okay, next caller that we have is Tony listening in Fiji.
50:55 Tony, welcome to the program.
50:59 - [Tony] Hello? - Yes. Bula.
51:02 - [Tony] Can you hear me? - I can hear you.
51:04 You hear us?
51:05 - [Tony] Oh, thank you Pastor Doug.
51:08 Thank you, sorry, I just have a question
51:11 regarding Matthew 27.
51:14 Matthew 27, verse 52 and verse 53,
51:19 it talks about when Jesus died on the cross.
51:23 Many bodies of the saints that slept, arose.
51:26 (Indistinct) and came out of the graves
51:30 after his resurrection and went into the Holy City,
51:34 appeared unto me, so I'm just wondering is this
51:37 the two separate resurrections or is it the same one?
51:42 - Well, when the graves opened during the earthquake
51:48 and it says many of the bodies of the saints
51:49 who had fallen asleep were raised and coming
51:51 outta the graves after his resurrection.
51:53 So it almost sounds like that the earthquake
51:56 opened the graves and after Christ rose,
51:58 they came out of the graves and went into the Holy City
52:02 and appeared to many.
52:03 I don't think they rose and laid in their graves
52:05 until Sunday morning, what's your?
52:08 - Yeah, I agree. I mean, it could be two ways.
52:11 The one is that they came into the city
52:15 after they were resurrected and then of course,
52:17 the graves broke open at the time of Christ's death.
52:21 So maybe their graves broke open, they were resurrected
52:25 at that point, but didn't appear until after Christ rose
52:28 from the dead or they could have been dead
52:31 until after Christ rose from the dead
52:33 and then they were resurrected, but it's the same group
52:35 that's being described. - See I always thought
52:36 it was the resurrection of Christ
52:38 that really gave them power to rise.
52:40 - [Ross] Right, he's the first resurrected.
52:43 - And then they ascended to heaven with Jesus
52:45 as the first fruits.
52:47 But yeah, wonderful, wonderful example of,
52:51 and we don't know who was in that group.
52:52 It says many of the saints, it's not all of them.
52:55 - Now, we know David wasn't in that group.
52:56 - Yeah 'cause it says in Acts chapter one,
52:58 says he's dead and buried, his grave is still with us.
53:01 - But maybe Elisha, we don't know. We can only speculate.
53:04 - Elisha. Yeah. All right, hey, thanks so much.
53:07 Do we have time for half a question,
53:08 no, it doesn't look like it.
53:10 Hey listening friends, let us just remind you,
53:12 someone mentioned during one of the questions, they said,
53:16 "We just picked up the new Amazing Facts devotional
53:19 on Revelation," Amazing Facts spent two years writing
53:25 a verse-by-verse devotional, it goes through every verse
53:28 in the book of Revelation, there's 404 verses.
53:30 We divided those 404 verses among the 365 days in a year.
53:35 And it is a daily devotional that will take you
53:38 through the entire Book of Revelation,
53:41 explaining the passages and also devotional thoughts.
53:44 I think you'll find it really encouraging and now
53:46 is a great time to pick one of those up.
53:47 So when January comes, you can say,
53:50 "I'm gonna spend this next year reading through the Book
53:53 of Revelation," especially when you consider where we are
53:56 in history right now, you'll be blessed by that,
53:58 and I think they can just go to
54:02 and they'll find more information on how
54:04 they can order one of those books,
54:06 it's the Amazing Facts Revelation Devotional.
54:09 And also wanna remind you that, with this program,
54:12 we've got like two big pools of listeners.
54:15 We have some listening via satellite
54:17 and some who are listening via regular,
54:19 land-based radio stations,
54:21 they are on different time clocks,
54:22 so we're gonna say farewell in a few moments to our friends
54:25 who are listening on satellite, but don't go away,
54:29 those of you who are on all the other stations,
54:31 'cause we're gonna do rapid-fire Bible questions
54:34 and you can send in your Bible questions for the time.
54:37 - Just send them into
54:43 - [Announcer] Would you like to know God's plan
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55:14 - [Announcer 3] Thank you for listening
55:16 to today's broadcast, we hope you understand your Bible
55:19 even better than before.
55:20 "Bible Answers Live" is produced
55:22 by Amazing Facts International,
55:25 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:31 - Hello friends, welcome back, as mentioned
55:32 just a little while ago, we are gonna take some
55:34 of your questions that you've emailed to us.
55:37 You can email again at
55:41 All right, Pastor Doug, first question,
55:43 should you leave an inheritance for your kids
55:46 if they are not Christians? - Yes, I didn't say how much,
55:50 that would depend on how much you have and how much
55:51 they can handle, but you know, while you don't want,
55:55 you know, if your kids have gone away from the faith
55:58 and you're thinking, "Well, leaving money to my kids
56:01 that are unbelievers, isn't that like leaving it
56:03 into the hands of the enemy?"
56:05 You know, you want to show your kids that you do love them,
56:08 and does God also bless, does he send rain on the just
56:12 and the unjust, so I think you need to leave them something
56:15 and show them you love them, but of course,
56:17 you wanna make the work of God and the message
56:19 of God a priority, you're believing kids will understand
56:21 that but also leave something for them.
56:24 That's, I think, that's a good policy to follow,
56:27 and I think it's supported by Proverbs, as well.
56:30 - Okay, next question that we have.
56:31 Since Jesus fasted for 40 days, do we still need to fast?
56:35 - Yes, because even after Jesus fasted,
56:37 we don't need to fast 40 days,
56:39 but Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, he said,
56:41 "When you fast," he doesn't say if you fast.
56:44 And then he said that once the bridegroom is taken away,
56:47 then the friends of the bridegroom will fast.
56:49 So, Paul talks about fasting all through the New Testament.
56:52 It's something that's a healthy and a good practice
56:55 to occasionally fast as believers.
56:58 - Okay, we have a question from Dora in Maryland.
57:01 She says, "Why do most Christians say
57:03 that the 10 Commandments are not really part
57:05 of the New Covenant and don't have to be kept?"
57:07 - They misunderstood, where Paul says that we are not
57:10 under the law, they think, "Oh,
57:12 we're not under the 10 Commandments anymore."
57:14 And they assume that means we don't have to keep them.
57:16 But if you follow that to its ultimate conclusion,
57:18 it's absurd to say, "Oh, I'm a Christian.
57:21 I can now kill. I can lie. I can commit adultery.
57:24 I can steal. I can use God's name in vain."
57:27 Obviously, that's absurd.
57:28 When it says you're not under the law,
57:30 it means believers are no longer under the penalty
57:33 of the law, the penalty for sin is death.
57:35 Jesus saves us from the death penalty by His grace.
57:38 Then we want to obey God's law because we love Him.
57:42 If we're not keeping the law, Jesus said we don't know Him.
57:46 "If any man says, I know Him and keeps not His Commandments,
57:49 he's a liar and the truth is not in him."
57:51 That's what the Apostle John says.
57:53 So when we are saved by grace, we want to obey God's law
57:57 out of love, Jesus said, "If you love me,
58:00 keep my Commandments," not being under the law
58:02 simply means by grace we're saved from the penalty
58:05 of the law, not the law itself.
58:08 Hey, thank you so much friends, for listening
58:09 to "Bible Answers Live" and tell your friends
58:11 about the program, to find out more about Amazing Facts,
58:14 go to the website
58:19 - [Announcer] "Bible Answers Live",
58:21 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
58:24 (uplifting music ends)


Revised 2023-03-15