Bible Answers Live

Into The New Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202305S

00:02 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes
00:12 mysterious, should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:33 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello, listening friends.
00:50 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:53 Perhaps you remember "The Jetsons."
00:56 Yes, that 1960s cartoon series about a
00:59 space-aged family that lives in the future.
01:02 They had robots, and they cruised around in flying cars.
01:07 Well, it looks like the future has caught up with fiction.
01:10 Swedish company Jetson Aero has built what it says is the first
01:15 commercially-available personal flying car.
01:18 The company says it hopes the vehicles will be able
01:20 to replace traditional cars in the future.
01:23 The carbon fiber and aluminum vehicle looks like a big drone,
01:28 can carry a 200-pound man up to 63 miles an hour, but it only
01:33 has a flying time of about 20 minutes.
01:36 That'll no doubt improve over time
01:37 as battery technology advances.
01:40 So now for about $100,000 you can purchase your
01:44 own flying car without a pilot's license.
01:49 I don't know, Pastor Ross, that sounds pretty interesting, but
01:51 you sure wouldn't want the battery to die on
01:53 you when you're at about 10,000 feet.
01:55 Jean Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug.
01:57 It sure would be nice to be able to get into your drone
02:00 and fly to wherever you need to go.
02:01 Doug: Especially when traffic's bad.
02:03 Jean: That's right.
02:04 You wonder what the traffic in the air is going to be like in a
02:06 few years if that keeps moving forward.
02:09 But, you know, the idea of flying has always been
02:10 something that's fascinated people.
02:12 You look at the birds and how they can fly,
02:13 and, of course, you've flown many a time in your
02:17 plane and then also commercial flying.
02:20 But there's something special about just breaking gravity and
02:24 being able to soar in the air, and of course we even find the
02:27 Bible speaking about a time when the redeemed will fly.
02:30 Doug: That's right.
02:31 There's not a lot of verses, but there's a few that explain we
02:34 will be able to fly like angels do.
02:37 One is in Isaiah 40, verse 31: "But those who wait
02:41 upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
02:43 They will mount up with wings like eagles.
02:46 They'll run and not be weary.
02:48 They will walk and not faint."
02:50 And so I'm looking forward to, as it says in the song "Rock of
02:54 Ages," soaring to worlds unknown.
02:57 I want to fly.
02:59 Jean: You don't have to worry about your
03:00 batteries dying halfway there.
03:02 You know, we have a book that's called "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
03:05 We talk about heaven and just--the Bible says eye has not
03:08 seen, ear heard, neither entered into the heart of man the things
03:11 that God is preparing for those that love him.
03:12 It's hard to imagine, but it's real.
03:15 Heaven is a real place.
03:16 And we'll be happy to send you a book if
03:18 you'd like to learn more about heaven.
03:19 The book is called "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
03:21 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
03:25 You can ask for offer number 189 or ask for the book
03:29 by name: "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
03:31 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone and just say "Bible
03:35 Answers Live" and ask for the book "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
03:39 We'll be happy to send it to you,
03:40 anyone in the US and Canada.
03:42 If you're outside of North America, you can
03:44 just go to the website, AmazingFacts .org, and
03:48 you'll be able to read the book right there online.
03:50 Well, Pastor Doug, we always want
03:51 to greet those who are joining us.
03:53 We have folks listening not only on the radio and on satellite
03:56 radio, but we have people joining us who are on social
03:58 media, watching on YouTube, also on Amazing Facts TV and some of
04:03 the other television networks that partner with us in this.
04:06 So we want to greet all of you.
04:07 If you have a Bible question, the phone line here
04:10 to the studio is 800-463-7297.
04:14 That's 800-GOD-SAYS, 463-7297.
04:19 That'll bring you here into the studio with your Bible question.
04:21 Well, Pastor Doug, before we go to the
04:23 phone lines, let's start with a word of prayer.
04:25 Dear Father, we thank You for Your Word.
04:27 We thank You for the opportunity to be able to study.
04:29 And tonight we ask the Holy Spirit to be with us
04:31 here in the studio, be with those who are
04:33 listening and watching wherever they might be.
04:35 Lead us into a clearer understanding of the Bible.
04:38 In Jesus's name, amen.
04:41 Our first caller today, we've got Ellie listening in Texas.
04:44 Ellie, welcome to the program.
04:45 Ellie: Awesome. Thank you for answering.
04:48 Hope you're doing well.
04:49 I have a question today in regards to 1 Corinthians chapter
04:55 11, verse 10 where it says, "For this cause ought the woman to
05:04 have power over her head because of the angels."
05:08 And my main question was on the
05:11 explanation because of the angels.
05:14 What does that exactly mean?
05:17 Doug: Yeah, well, this is a very interesting passage
05:20 where it talks about, in part, the relationship
05:24 between men and women and a woman's
05:27 hair, especially, like, praying in public.
05:31 And so Paul is addressing issues for the first Corinth--first
05:35 letter to the Corinthians of propriety and some of
05:39 it, we believe, is related to custom.
05:42 But it was understood that as a sign of humility God has given
05:47 women hair as a covering, and if they pray in public
05:50 they should cover their hair 'cause their hair is
05:52 their glory as a sign of their humility.
05:55 If you look in the book of Isaiah chapter 6,
05:58 it says that the angels cover their faces and
06:01 their feet in the presence of God.
06:04 And so it says the angels, you know, are beholding
06:08 when you address God, and as a sign of humility
06:11 that women should cover their heads.
06:13 The big question among theologians is, was this a
06:17 commandment that is universal for Christians through ages?
06:20 'Cause it's mentioned once in the Bible.
06:22 You know, the Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses
06:25 we should establish our doctrines, not one verse.
06:28 And it's not mentioned anywhere else.
06:30 So--or was it a custom?
06:32 And later on--and maybe, pastor, also help me find what verse is
06:36 it where he says we have--yeah, verse 16.
06:39 He says, "But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such
06:41 custom, nor the churches of God."
06:44 So many are wondering is this--was this a custom?
06:48 Jean: Seems as though the principle there is
06:50 reverence and respect when you enter into the house
06:52 of God and you're involved in worship.
06:54 You know, Pastor Doug, we've traveled to different places
06:56 around the world, and it's very interesting when
06:58 you go to these different cultures they have
06:59 different signs of reverence and respect.
07:03 We were in India at one of the largest Christian churches.
07:05 You were invited to speak there,
07:06 and it was very interesting for us.
07:08 Their sign of reverence and respect is to remove their
07:11 shoes when they enter into the church.
07:14 And so you go to this church that had thousands of members
07:18 and neatly out front they have little boxes and everybody puts
07:21 their sandals in their box and then they go into the church.
07:24 So that was a sign of reverence.
07:26 In our culture, probably if you are a man and you
07:28 walk into a church and you're wearing a hat,
07:30 it's appropriate to remove the hat.
07:33 So there are certain customs even
07:35 in our society that show reverence.
07:37 Doug: Yeah, and for--people have seen the Jews
07:39 praying at the Wailing Wall.
07:40 For them, the men always cover their heads when they approach.
07:44 And, you know, we've been together there at the Western
07:46 Wall, and when you go up they'll tell you--if you have a baseball
07:50 cap, you're okay, but if not, they'll hand you a
07:51 cardboard yamaka or something.
07:53 They say, "Do not approach this holy
07:54 place without covering your head."
07:56 So this was a custom, we believe, of
07:59 reverence that Paul is addressing.
08:01 Hope that helps a little bit, Ellie,
08:02 and we appreciate your patience.
08:04 Jean: Next caller that we have is Junith listening in Nevada.
08:07 Junith, welcome to the program.
08:09 Junith: Hello, good evening, Doug and Pastor Ross.
08:12 My question is, wasn't the decision of Sarah for Abraham to
08:21 have a kid with Hagar, it was not God's will.
08:25 But then if it was not God's will, could this be a major
08:30 reason why the second coming of Jesus has lengthened up?
08:35 'Cause it has a lot of compromise in this decision.
08:40 Thank you for answering.
08:41 Doug: Yes, okay, well, thank you, Junith.
08:43 The decision of Abraham to--at Sarah's suggestion to use Hagar
08:50 as sort of a surrogate wife to have a baby, she basically was
08:54 functioning as a concubine back in those days,
08:57 that was definitely not God's will.
08:59 Ultimately, God told Abraham--when Sarah said, "Send
09:03 her away," God said, "Yes, send her away."
09:05 Basically, it was a divorce.
09:07 As far as we know, he never saw Hagar again and it brought all
09:11 kinds of strife into the family and through history the
09:15 descendants that ended up growing into, you know, Mohammed
09:18 and the Muslims, the Arab world and the children of
09:22 Abraham--there has been so much strife between
09:25 the nations that came out of that decision.
09:28 Now, your question has that postponed the
09:30 coming of the Lord, I don't know.
09:32 I don't know that I could speculate about that.
09:34 It is interesting that the two largest religions in the world
09:37 today, Christianity and Islam, sprang out of that decision.
09:40 Or you can say they forked, you
09:42 should say, because of that decision.
09:44 So yeah, that was not God's will clearly.
09:48 God said, "I will give you a son through Sarah your wife."
09:53 Multiple marriages is not God's plan.
09:55 Jean: And we recognize that when God said to
09:56 Abraham, "Take your son, your only son whom
09:59 thou lovest," He's talking about Isaac.
10:02 So, you know, you think about that, Pastor Doug.
10:04 Both of these large religious movements, you got Christian--
10:07 or Judaism and you've got Islam and--
10:10 of course, Christianity came out of Judaism.
10:12 They all hark back to Abraham, and a lot has to
10:16 do with that decision, whether or not to be
10:18 faithful to God, to trust in God.
10:20 Little did he realize what would come of that decision.
10:23 Doug: It goes to show how one mistake like that has
10:26 ramifications just like the mistake of Adam and Eve.
10:29 Look what's going on in the world.
10:30 The mistake of Abraham has had long
10:33 lasting, as you say, ramifications.
10:36 Thank you, appreciate your question, Junith.
10:37 Jean: We've got Gary listening in Illinois.
10:39 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
10:41 Gary: In Revelation 9:14 and then again in Revelation 16:12
10:46 it says when the Euphrates river dries up four demonic angels
10:51 will be released unto one third of the population and their
10:56 power is fire, smoke, and brimstone.
10:59 So is that power is--are they describing hell?
11:04 Are those angels going to release hell on earth?
11:08 Doug: Okay, well, when you read about four angels who are
11:11 prepared for an hour, a day, a month, and a year, you also see
11:17 in Revelation chapter 7--is it 7 where it says there are
11:21 four angels holding back the four winds of strife?
11:24 It doesn't say they're demonic.
11:26 People are assuming that.
11:27 So the angels that are holding back the winds of strife, and
11:31 then you read here in this chapter it talks
11:32 about angels--again, four angels.
11:35 Four really represents in the Bible--this is universal.
11:39 Jesus said he'll send his angels to the four corners
11:41 of the earth to gather together the elect.
11:44 So what is going to happen here both in Revelation chapter 7 and
11:49 chapter 9 is talking about something universal.
11:55 When you look at the Euphrates river, you need to know some
11:58 Bible history that isn't specifically in the Bible.
12:01 There are prophecies that allude to it.
12:04 Before the children of Israel were freed from Babylon to go
12:07 back to the Promised Land, the Euphrates dried up.
12:10 The reason it dried up is because Cyrus the general in
12:15 wanting to conquer Babylon--the River Euphrates ran under the
12:19 walls of ancient Babylon, which was a huge city,
12:22 and he knew that if he could divert the river--
12:25 they dug a ditch--big ditch.
12:28 He had an army do it.
12:29 They diverted the water from the Euphrates into a dry lake bed
12:33 and the water level going under the walls of Babylon dropped.
12:37 It dried up.
12:38 The Persians marched under the walls.
12:40 They sent a little contingent under.
12:42 They opened up the inner gates and let the rest of the army in.
12:46 And so for the Jew the drying up the Euphrates is a harbinger
12:52 that they would soon be going back to the Promised Land.
12:55 So when it tells us in the sixth plague that you read about in
12:59 the seven last plagues, it at least has a spiritual
13:03 application there that the power of the beast--
13:07 Babylon is going to dry up, and you find a lot
13:11 about Babylon in chapter 17 of Revelation.
13:15 Now, whether there is a literal application makes you wonder
13:20 sometimes 'cause, you know, in Revelation it talks about before
13:24 the Lord comes the sun will be dark and the moon turns to
13:26 blood, the stars fall from heaven, powers heaven are
13:30 shaken, heaven is rolled back as a scroll.
13:32 Those things have happened historically sort of as wake-up
13:35 signs, but they're going to happen literally in quick
13:38 succession just before the second coming.
13:40 And so I think maybe God is using the fact the Euphrates--by
13:45 the way, the Euphrates is not totally dried up.
13:47 It's just gone down, and they're predicting it's going to dry up.
13:50 I wonder sometimes if the Lord is using that
13:52 to at least get people's attention.
13:53 But I wouldn't wait for four demons to come out of a cave.
13:57 I've heard people say there are some demons coming
13:59 out of a cave by the Euphrates river.
14:01 Doesn't say anywhere these are demons.
14:03 Jean: Well, there's two drying up of the River Euphrates.
14:05 You alluded to it.
14:06 You've got the sixth trumpet that the four angels release
14:10 from the River Euphrates, and then you have the drying up the
14:12 Euphrates, which is one of the plagues in Revelation chapter 9
14:15 where it talks about the sixth trumpet and the four angels that
14:18 are bound in the great River Euphrates.
14:19 A number of theologians, many of them especially the early
14:22 Protestant reformers, identified that as the expansion of Islam
14:27 under the Turks or the Ottoman Empire.
14:28 Doug: It was the judgment for the--
14:30 Jean: A judgment that came upon the Christian.
14:31 That's right.
14:33 And they've identified the four main tribal groups that formed
14:38 the Ottoman Empire and their location in Baghdad,
14:41 another one in Aleppo, Iconium, Damascus.
14:45 So these are sort of the capital areas connected with the River
14:48 Euphrates, but that's where these tribes
14:50 came from that formed the Ottoman Empire
14:52 as a judgment under the sixth trumpet.
14:54 But then you have the drying up of the River Euphrates,
14:56 which is under the plagues as well.
14:58 Doug: Yeah, in Revelation 16.
15:01 Well, thank you. Appreciate that, Gary.
15:03 And don't have a book we can offer on that, but--
15:07 Jean: Something we could write,
15:09 drying up of the River Euphrates.
15:10 It would be interesting. Jerry listening in Texas.
15:12 Jerry, welcome to the program.
15:14 Jerry: Hey, pastors.
15:15 I want to get you guys's take on this one text in Genesis,
15:20 Genesis 6:21 and--referring to the beasts of prey when they
15:25 came on the ark were--of course, we know that God can sustain
15:29 like He sustained Moses on the Mount Sinai for 40 days.
15:35 But were the lions and tigers vegetarians on the ark?
15:38 I guess they would have to be.
15:39 Were they vegetarians before?
15:42 Doug: Okay, good question.
15:43 Well--so yeah, the animals that were on the ark--of course, he
15:46 took two of the clean animals and the unclean--I'm sorry.
15:52 The clean animals were taken by sevens.
15:54 The unclean animals were taken by twos.
15:55 So what did the carnivorous animals eat?
15:58 Well, it says that Noah was told to bring food for them.
16:02 So there was extra food.
16:04 You know, ostensibly he didn't bring,
16:06 like, live animals for the lions to eat.
16:09 The other thing is--they've shown is that when animals are
16:12 taken on a boat, they go into a type of hibernation.
16:16 When boats are rocking, they sort of--they eat very less.
16:18 They're not mobile, and they probably
16:21 were not eating a lot on the boat.
16:24 But yeah, Noah was told to bring food for them,
16:26 so he brought something the lions could eat.
16:29 Jean: And, of course, lions can live--probably not their
16:31 preference, but they can live on a vegetarian diet.
16:34 There are some modern examples of lions that just for some
16:37 reason--little Tyke is what I'm thinking of, a lion that just
16:40 refused to eat meat and he lived very well on--she lived very
16:46 well on a diet of grains and eggs and--yeah, amazing.
16:51 Doug: Full-grown lion.
16:52 Jean: Okay. Thank you, Jerry.
16:54 We've got Sam listening in Canada.
16:55 Sam, welcome to the program.
16:57 Sam: I have a question relating to--
17:01 how do we know the Bible is inspired?
17:04 I'm studying right now in university and we learn about,
17:07 like, the different flood myths around the world, and it's just
17:11 how similar it is to the Bible's Noah's flood.
17:16 Doug: Yeah. I'm glad you asked.
17:18 Actually the different myths that you find around the world
17:21 regarding the flood--like the Babylonians
17:23 have the "Epic of Gilgamesh."
17:25 The Hawaiians have a similar legend.
17:29 Those myths grew out of the true incident that Moses records.
17:34 Moses gives us the accurate account.
17:37 The other epics or stories, whether it's the Greek myth of a
17:42 worldwide flood--you've got the story in Greek mythology about
17:45 this powerful race that lived in this land called Atlantis, and
17:50 because of their wickedness the island was swallowed up.
17:53 Well, that's the flood.
17:55 It says powerful race that lived and because
17:57 of the wickedness they were destroyed.
17:59 Even Pandora's box, the idea of this woman opened a box that was
18:04 full of evil she wasn't supposed to open.
18:06 Well, it was Eve eating the forbidden fruit.
18:08 Over time some of these true stories, they get changed as
18:13 they're passed along and you develop these different myths.
18:16 But I think that's evidence the Bible is true.
18:19 In the Bible, you're getting the truth
18:21 about what really happened.
18:22 These other civilizations--you know, the Jews were very careful
18:26 of writing these things down, and one reason God told Moses to
18:30 write it down is because over time when they used to
18:33 sherry--share their history orally there was
18:37 a risk that things were going to be changed.
18:40 So Moses was inspired to write down the accurate account of
18:44 what happened, and it has stood the test of time.
18:47 Jean: You know, we have a book.
18:48 It's called "The Ultimate Resource,"
18:49 and it's all about the Bible.
18:51 And Pastor Doug just mentioned one or two, but there are many
18:53 proofs in the Bible itself of its divine origin,
18:56 that the Bible is inspired.
18:57 You got prophecy. You got history, archaeology.
19:00 So the little book will give you more information.
19:02 It's called "Ultimate Resource," and it's all about the Bible.
19:05 To receive that, call 800-835-6747.
19:09 You can ask for the book. It's called "Ultimate Resource."
19:11 You can also dial #250, say "Bible Answers Live," and ask
19:15 for the book "Ultimate Resource."
19:17 Next caller that we have is Lee listening in Texas.
19:20 Lee, welcome to the program.
19:22 Lee: Yes, sir, my question is, who is Satan in the book
19:25 of Revelation that does false miracles?
19:28 I mean, I know who the Antichrist is and the man
19:30 of sin is, but who is supposed to be Satan?
19:34 Doug: Okay.
19:35 Well, in Revelation chapter 12, for instance,
19:39 it talks about him as the dragon.
19:41 It says that dragon of old, the devil, Satan.
19:45 So it uses four different titles there that we can't
19:48 confuse: the serpent, Satan, dragon, devil.
19:56 And that's--I think it mentions that twice in Revelation 12.
20:00 No, it does twice in Revelation.
20:02 And so you might be wondering when it talks about the beast,
20:05 the dragon, and the false prophet, and you know there
20:08 you've got the dragon certainly the devil.
20:12 It tells us that that old serpent, the dragon, the devil,
20:15 and that goes back to the Garden of Eden when the devil,
20:18 Lucifer, he basically used the medium of
20:20 a serpent to deceive Adam and Eve.
20:23 Jean: Now, of course the Bible does tell us that before
20:25 Jesus comes there's going to be many false Christs and false
20:28 prophets, and the Bible also says don't be
20:30 surprised because the devil himself can be
20:32 transformed into an angel of light.
20:34 So it wouldn't surprise us if the devil tries to
20:38 impersonate the second coming of Jesus.
20:40 Now we know according to the Bible that when Jesus comes a
20:42 second time he's not going to be walking on the earth.
20:45 The righteous are caught up to meet him in the air.
20:46 So if somebody appears, even if they do perform miracles and
20:50 they're walking around on the earth, that's a false Christ.
20:53 So the Bible does give us these guidelines, these pointers.
20:56 Next caller that we have is Angela--
20:58 Angelina, sorry, from Oregon.
21:01 Angelina, welcome to the program.
21:03 Angelina: Thank you.
21:05 Thank you, and bless--God bless you both.
21:08 Doug: Thank you for calling. Your question.
21:12 Angelina: My question is I was looking at when Jesus called
21:18 the disciples, but I heard somebody said that Jesus didn't
21:24 call Judas Iscariot to be his disciple or his--or like one of
21:30 the apostles, that somebody took him to Jesus and recommended him
21:36 to Jesus because he was good for the group.
21:39 And other comment was that Judas invite himself to be one of
21:47 Jesus's disciples, and I need to find out where in the Gospels
21:54 said that Judas didn't--was not called by Jesus.
22:02 Doug: Well, it says in Matthew 8:19 that there was a
22:05 certain scribe that said to him, "Teacher,
22:07 I will follow you wherever you go."
22:09 Now, with most of the apostles Christ said, "Follow me."
22:13 And they left their nets and they followed him.
22:15 He said to Matthew, "Follow me," and he followed him.
22:18 He asked the rich young ruler, "Follow me,"
22:19 and he didn't follow.
22:20 And here you've got a scribe that says, "Sir,
22:22 I will follow you wherever you go."
22:25 And many believe this was Judas because this person, this scribe
22:31 was hoping for some earthly gain.
22:33 And Jesus answers and says, "The foxes have their dens and the
22:36 birds of the air have their nests, but the son
22:38 of man has nowhere to lay the head."
22:40 In other words, "If you're following me because you think
22:42 you're going to get ahead in the world, don't follow me."
22:45 And, you know--and it's not specifically in the scriptures,
22:50 but some understand that the disciples were so impressed with
22:54 the education and the brilliance of this scribe by the name of
22:57 Judas they recommended him to Jesus and Jesus allowed him in.
23:01 Now, there is a place in the Bible where Jesus says, "Have I
23:03 not chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil?"
23:08 So Christ did ultimately lay hands on Judas like he did the
23:11 others and say, "Okay, you're recommending him to me.
23:14 I'm going to go ahead and treat him like an apostle."
23:16 But he kind of put himself forward as opposed to being
23:19 called, if we assume that this scribe is Judas.
23:23 Jean: And we also have some other references to where Judas
23:26 actually held the money bag so he came to be the
23:29 treasure--yeah, he was the treasurer of the group.
23:31 So holding a position of influence.
23:34 Good question. Thank you.
23:35 Next caller that we have is Taylor
23:36 listening in South Dakota.
23:38 Taylor, welcome to the program.
23:41 Taylor: Hello, pastors.
23:42 My question is on Joshua 21, verse 44 where
23:50 it says that the Lord delivered all their enemies
23:54 into their hand, them being Israelites.
23:58 But in another passage in chapter 15,
24:03 verse 63 it says that as for the Jebusites,
24:07 the children of Judah could not drive them out.
24:10 And there's a couple of other instances in chapters 16 and 17.
24:15 So I guess I'm wondering why it says that he delivered all their
24:18 enemies when there's a few instances where they didn't.
24:22 Doug: Yeah, I think that it's just an
24:23 understanding of the phraseology.
24:26 Everybody that Joshua went against
24:29 in battle, God delivered them.
24:33 There's only one example where Joshua's army lost a battle, and
24:37 he came back and then won the--
24:38 you know, he won the war against Ai.
24:40 The initial battle against Ai, they were defeated.
24:43 God humbled them. They prayed.
24:45 And then they went back, they defeated Ai.
24:47 They defeated all the kings of the Amorites,
24:49 everyone they fought against.
24:51 But they made the mistake of once they basically
24:54 dominated the land they got comfortable.
24:57 They inhabited the cities.
24:59 They'd driven most of them out, but
25:02 they began to tolerate some of them.
25:04 Even by the time of King David, David is still trying
25:06 to get the Jebusites out of Jerusalem.
25:08 Jean: So there seem to be some mopping-up operations, you
25:10 might say, that needed to occur by the various
25:13 tribes once they occupy the land.
25:15 Some tribes were more diligent in doing that.
25:18 Others kind of just settled in and they didn't finish the work.
25:21 Doug: "Once the other tribes--once the other
25:24 nations are paying taxes and they're not
25:25 bothering us anymore, we're tired of war.
25:27 We want to start farming."
25:29 And problem was by allowing those pagan nations to live
25:33 among them, their children began to intermarry and--that's what
25:37 happened with Samson and others, and God
25:41 said, "This is what's going to happen.
25:42 They're going to be thorns in your sides."
25:44 And I think He said, "Sand in your eyes."
25:46 And it became a real curse because they didn't completely
25:50 drive them out as they were supposed to.
25:52 But everyone they--in the days of Joshua, everyone they fought
25:55 against in battle was delivered to them.
25:58 Jean: Okay, next caller that we have
25:59 is Caleb listening in New York.
26:00 Caleb, welcome to the program.
26:03 Caleb: Hello, pastors. How are you guys doing today?
26:05 Doug: Doing great. Thank you for calling.
26:07 Caleb: My question is about Romans 9, verses 11 to 13.
26:13 I'm just confused about it because it makes me a little bit
26:16 nervous because I just want to know is Esau ever
26:21 forgiven and how does that apply to us?
26:23 How do we know we're forgiven?
26:26 Did Esau know he was hated like--
26:31 and would Esau even be in heaven?
26:33 I mean, he forgave his brother.
26:36 I'm just a little bit confused about--
26:38 from Romans 9 to 11--11 to 13.
26:44 Doug: Yeah, and I'll read this for our friends.
26:46 It says in Romans chapter 9, verse 11, "For the children not
26:50 yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the
26:53 purpose of God according to election might stand, not of
26:56 works but according to him who calls, it was said
26:59 to her, 'The older shall serve the younger.'
27:02 As it is written, 'Jacob I have loved, but Esau I've hated.'"
27:05 Now, that is a big question.
27:07 So you hear the music, friends.
27:08 If you want to hear the answer, got to stay with us.
27:10 We're coming back after the break and we'll answer that.
27:17 announcer: Stay tuned.
27:18 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
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27:54 Doug: Okay, friends. Let's start with the basics.
27:56 We know we're here, but we're not here for very long.
28:00 So the most important thing would be if we could learn
28:03 during this life how to live forever.
28:05 This is the central focus of Amazing Facts.
28:08 Now, there's a lot of wonderful things
28:09 that Christian ministries do.
28:11 I believe in Christian education, but
28:13 if the schools lose the message of salvation, you
28:16 end up with more educated sinners.
28:19 I think it's very important for us to build churches, but if the
28:22 churches lose the message of salvation, they
28:25 just become buildings and shells.
28:27 I think it's important to have a medical ministry
28:29 and build hospitals, but if they separate that
28:32 from the message of salvation, you just
28:34 prolong a sinner's life for a little while.
28:36 That's why for years Amazing Facts has made it our focus to
28:40 present the saving truth that sets people free and, friends,
28:43 we want to thank you for your support and your gifts.
28:46 We'll do our very best to convert those
28:48 resources into the currency of heaven.
28:50 May God bless you, and keep Amazing Facts in your prayers.
28:57 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live,"
28:59 where every question answered provides a clearer
29:02 picture of God and His plan to save you.
29:05 So what are you waiting for?
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29:14 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
29:17 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
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29:22 between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
29:25 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
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29:33 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:39 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:44 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends,
29:45 to "Bible Answers Live."
29:47 And if you have a Bible question, just give us a call.
29:49 The number is 800-GOD-SAYS.
29:51 We are also broadcasting on the Amazing Facts Facebook page, the
29:57 Doug Batchelor Facebook page, the Amazing Facts YouTube page,
30:02 Amazing Facts television, and--program airs a number of
30:05 other stations also and rebroadcast.
30:09 So you may want to participate and call in with your Bible
30:11 question and it'll be a blessing to others as well.
30:13 My name is Doug Batchelor.
30:15 Jean: My name is Jean Ross.
30:17 And just before the break, Pastor Doug, we were talking
30:18 with Caleb, and he had a question about Romans chapter 9
30:21 where it says, "Jacob I have loved.
30:23 Esau I have hated."
30:25 Almost gives the idea that they were
30:27 predestinated even before their birth.
30:31 Doug: Yeah, it's--this is referring to
30:33 not Jacob individually necessarily.
30:36 Esau as an individual could end up being saved, not every
30:40 Edomite--the descendants of Esau were called Edomites.
30:43 Not every Edomite is lost, and not every Israelite is saved.
30:47 You know, every individual based on their lives.
30:49 Esau did make a big mistake, and he sold
30:51 his birthright for a pot of beans.
30:54 Well, that doesn't mean he couldn't have repented later and
30:57 turned to the Lord and been saved.
30:58 So this is not dealing with that.
30:59 But the nation of the Edomites generally turned away from God
31:04 and turned to paganism, and they are called Esau.
31:08 The nation of Jacob's was called Israel.
31:12 And so when it says, "I've loved Jacob and I've hated Esau," it's
31:15 not talking about the individuals.
31:18 "I've just decided I'm going to hate
31:19 this one and love this one."
31:21 It's saying because God knew in advance what they were going to
31:24 do, He could foretell which one was going to serve the other.
31:28 Jean: And it was also God just choosing.
31:30 I mean, the Bible says God didn't choose Israel because
31:34 they were more numerous or better than the other nations.
31:38 He chose Israel and was through Israel
31:40 that the Messiah was to come.
31:42 So in that sense the nation was chosen by God, not talking about
31:45 individuals but talking about the nation.
31:48 Israel was chosen and was set apart to prepare
31:50 the way for the first coming of Jesus.
31:53 Doug: And you can't really understand Romans chapter 9
31:56 unless you know what is Paul quoting.
31:57 Paul is quoting the Old Testament.
31:59 He's quoting Malachi chapter 1, verse 2.
32:03 It says, "'I have loved you,' says the Lord, 'yet you say, 'In
32:06 what way have you loved us?'
32:07 'Was not Esau Jacob's brother,'
32:09 says the Lord, 'yet I loved--but Jacob I've loved and Esau I've
32:12 hated, and I laidwaste his mountains and his heritage for
32:17 the jackals of the wilderness.'"
32:18 It's talking about a judgment
32:20 that fell on the descendants of Esau.
32:23 Not so much the individuals, but their nations.
32:26 Jean: You know, I think we have some good evidence, Pastor
32:28 Doug, that Esau actually--if you read about the death of Isaac
32:32 and you have Jacob and Esau actually
32:34 coming together to bury their father.
32:36 So it appears as though there was reconciliation
32:38 at least between the two of them.
32:40 Esau could very well at the end of his life have
32:42 returned to the God of his father, could have
32:45 been a worshiper of the true God.
32:46 But, again, we're not talking about individuals here, we're
32:49 talking about the nations that's represented.
32:51 Next caller that we have is Bradley listening in Missouri.
32:54 Bradley, welcome to the program.
32:56 Bradley: Good evening, pastors.
32:57 Thank you for taking my call.
33:00 My question tonight is on Revelation 14, verse 10 and 11.
33:06 And I see a lot of verses in the Bible that teach against eternal
33:11 hellfire, but I'm actually confused with the phrase in
33:15 Revelation 14 where it says the ones that take
33:18 the mark have no rest day nor night.
33:22 So my question is, if the wicked after being destroyed are
33:26 sleeping, I guess, what does it mean when it says
33:29 they are not resting day nor night?
33:33 Doug: Yeah, well, for one thing one of the big battles in
33:36 the last days is whether or not we're going to
33:39 be serving God or serving the Pharaoh.
33:42 You remember what the Pharaoh said to Moses?
33:46 He said, "Let my people go, that they might worship God."
33:48 And Pharaoh said, "I'm not going to let them.
33:49 You're not working hard enough.
33:51 Don't give them any straw anymore that they
33:53 may not think about worshiping God."
33:56 And Pharaoh said to Moses, "You are
33:58 causing the people to Shabbat."
34:01 Pharaoh said, "You're causing them to rest.
34:03 Those that worship the beast have no rest."
34:06 Jesus said, "Come unto me.
34:08 I will give you rest."
34:09 So the--and Hebrews it says, "They will enter into My rest."
34:15 The rest here isn't talking about like, you know, not
34:18 perspiring 'cause you're digging a ditch, it's talking about they
34:20 have no peace, no rest who worship the beast.
34:23 Jean: There's also judgment
34:24 that's portrayed in this passage.
34:25 So on the one hand there's rest--a lack of rest now for the
34:28 unbeliever, but there is a day of judgment, the Bible is quite
34:30 clear, and in that day of judgment the Bible says everyone
34:33 shall be rewarded according to his works.
34:36 Revelation chapter 20 talks about the lake of fire.
34:39 And if every person is to be rewarded according to their
34:41 works, not everyone's going to suffer the same.
34:44 In other words, some will die almost instantaneously.
34:46 Others might suffer a little longer.
34:48 The devil probably will suffer the longest, and it appears at
34:52 least a day and a night he will suffer.
34:54 It won't be eternal.
34:55 There won't be any--you know, he will ultimately be consumed
34:59 because the Bible says that the wicked become ashes and the
35:01 devils turn to ashes on the earth.
35:03 But there are penalties, there are judgments
35:05 that will come on the wicked.
35:07 And when it says, just to add to that, the smoke
35:10 of their torment ascends up forever and ever and they
35:13 have no rest day, those who worship the image.
35:15 When it says the smoke of their torment ascend forever, it's not
35:18 saying that they're going to be tormented forever but the
35:21 consequence of that judgment, of that fire is forever and ever.
35:25 Those are destroyed in the hellfire
35:27 at the end of the 1,000 years.
35:29 There is no resurrection that comes out of that.
35:31 They are eternally lost.
35:33 And so the consequences of their judgment is forever and ever.
35:36 So the smoke's forever, not the fire, and
35:38 that's just an idiomatic expression that we
35:40 find there in the book of Revelation.
35:43 All right, next caller that we have
35:44 is Hector listening from Florida.
35:46 Hector, welcome to the program.
35:48 Hector: Thank you. Good evening, everybody.
35:50 Doug: Evening.
35:52 Hector: My question concern two verses
35:58 that I have in front of me.
36:00 One taken from John 14, verse 2 to 3.
36:05 He's talking about, "My Father's house have many mansions."
36:10 And we got Isaiah 65,
36:16 verse 21 and 22.
36:22 As Jesus preparing house--in his Father's house has many mansions
36:29 for us and he went there to prepare a place for us, while
36:35 Isaiah 65 we have to build houses and inhabit them and we
36:45 shall plant vineyards and eat the fruits of them
36:49 and verse 22, contrary what he's saying, and
36:52 they shall not build, and another inhabit.
36:56 What can you explain about this?
36:58 Doug: Good question.
36:59 Well, first of all, you're going to have more than one house.
37:02 Jesus says that he's preparing a place in the New Jerusalem.
37:08 That's what comes down from God out of heaven, and then we will
37:11 go forth--you read in Malachi chapter 4 we're going to go
37:13 forth from the New Jerusalem, and it says we will--you know,
37:17 God is going to create a new heavens and a new earth.
37:20 The whole planet is going to be available for inhabiting.
37:24 The Garden of Eden that was created and planted by
37:27 God--before the flood, we assume that God
37:30 took the garden up, the tree of life.
37:32 It's all in the New Jerusalem.
37:34 It's the Garden of Eden, Central Park of the New Jerusalem.
37:37 But we're not all just going to live in the city
37:39 with this beautiful world God's created.
37:41 They're going to go forth from the New Jerusalem, and we will
37:45 have our own country estates and we're going to build houses on
37:49 them and we will plant vineyards.
37:51 See, God made Adam and Eve to be horticulturists,
37:54 to plant and to build and to develop.
37:58 God made men to create and do stuff.
38:00 We're not going to just sit there on clouds
38:02 and play harps in the New Jerusalem.
38:05 Jean: So basically, Pastor Doug, you're saying
38:06 everyone will have two houses.
38:08 You got your city house.
38:09 You got your country house.
38:11 You got a house--a mansion in the New Jerusalem and then you
38:13 have a place that you get to design and build, and you can
38:17 buy whatever you want for your house
38:19 and put it on your Father's account.
38:20 He'll cover it.
38:22 All right. Thank you, Hector.
38:23 Next caller is Don from Oklahoma.
38:25 Don, welcome to the program.
38:27 Don: Hi, yeah.
38:28 My question is in Matthew 7, verse 22.
38:34 Those will come to Jesus and say, "Lord, Lord,
38:36 have we not prophesied in your name and done--
38:38 cast out devils in your name?"
38:41 And so on.
38:42 And, of course, his response is, "I never knew you."
38:46 So my question is, if they didn't know him, how are they
38:53 performing these miracles in his name?
38:56 Doug: Well, you could ask the question, is it possible for a
39:00 person who isn't converted to be casting out devils?
39:07 You have the example in the Bible where Jesus--I'm sorry.
39:09 Judas followed Jesus and Jesus sent out the 12 apostles and
39:14 they came back and said, "Even the demons are subject unto us."
39:18 And the apostles were really confused one day.
39:21 You read this in Mark chapter 9.
39:22 They could not cast out a devil
39:24 and they said, "What's the problem?
39:25 We usually cast them out. We couldn't cast this one out."
39:28 But Judas was in that group, and
39:29 he was evidently casting out devils.
39:31 And, you know, there's something about the power
39:35 of the Word and the power of the Lord.
39:38 Sometimes God can even speak through a donkey if He wants to.
39:42 So you can have someone, they're not totally converted.
39:44 They can preach and the power of the Word can still convert
39:47 people and the devils can be cast out of that person's life
39:50 'cause the power is in the Word and the person
39:52 themselves may not even be converted.
39:55 Jean: That's right, Pastor Doug.
39:57 I mean, you look at people in the Bible.
39:58 You have Saul--King Saul who was filled with the Spirit at the
40:01 beginning, even prophesied, and yet we find him at the end of
40:05 his life totally turning against God.
40:07 So God can use people, and the power is in the Word.
40:11 Just because somebody does a miracle, it doesn't always mean
40:13 that they're always going to be doing what's right.
40:16 Doug: So these are people that they were going
40:19 through the religious motions, even seeing
40:20 some fruit, but they weren't surrendered.
40:24 Thanks. Good question.
40:25 Jean: We got Isaac listening from New York.
40:28 Isaac, welcome to the program.
40:31 Isaac: Yes, Pastor Batchelor. My name is Isaac.
40:40 I'm 14 years old, and I would
40:45 like to know if there would be
40:51 any electronics in heaven, or lamps or anything like that.
40:57 Thank you.
40:59 Doug: All right. Yeah, good question.
41:02 Well, you can read in Revelation it says that
41:05 in the New Jerusalem there's no need of the
41:08 sun for the Lord God, He lights the city.
41:13 So the whole city is illuminated with a light
41:16 that comes from God's presence.
41:19 You know, God is brighter than the sun.
41:22 Jesus is referred to as the sun of righteousness.
41:24 So I don't think we're going to need a nuclear power plant to
41:28 give us electricity in the new earth.
41:31 The glory of God is going to light things.
41:34 Now, does that mean that as time goes by there'll be no science
41:38 where we're going to be using any kind of invention
41:40 or power, maybe even electric power?
41:43 I don't know, you know.
41:45 God created all these interesting physics and things
41:48 and, you know, we might have some creative uses for those in
41:52 the new earth or even on other worlds.
41:55 So it's hard to say.
41:57 I don't picture we're going to have electronic
42:00 devices like we do now, but there may be some
42:04 use of electricity at some point in the future.
42:06 I don't know.
42:07 Jean: And if you think about it like you say, Pastor Doug,
42:09 electronics is really just an outcropping
42:10 of studying the natural laws of nature and
42:14 figuring out how to harness those powers.
42:17 In the universe to come and the earth made new, I'm sure there's
42:21 going to be people interested in trying to figure out
42:23 why things work the way they work.
42:26 There will still be science. There will still be discovery.
42:28 There'll still be learning.
42:29 I don't know if we'll need to create, you know,
42:33 the network like the web--World Wide Web.
42:35 We don't need that in heaven.
42:36 Doug: The Cosmic Web. Jean: That's right.
42:38 But it is interesting, we'll be learning.
42:40 The Bible says eye has not seen, ear heard, neither
42:42 entered into the heart of man the things that God
42:45 is preparing for those that love Him.
42:46 Thanks for your call.
42:48 We got Eron listening in New York.
42:49 Eron, you're on the air.
42:52 Eron: Good evening, pastors.
42:53 I like to know the meaning of John chapter 11, verse 16.
42:59 A few verses before it, Jesus was explaining to
43:02 his disciples that Lazarus was dead.
43:06 In the--in verse 16, Thomas said something
43:10 that doesn't make sense to me.
43:12 Can you explain it?
43:13 Doug: Yeah, well, Jesus is in--he's up in the northern part
43:17 of the country around Galilee.
43:20 He's around the Sea of Galilee.
43:22 Jesus was born in Nazareth, which
43:23 was central Israel up in the north.
43:26 The headquarters was around Jerusalem.
43:29 The religious leaders down there and the priests, they wanted
43:32 Jesus dead because the crowds were following him.
43:36 Jesus had called them hypocrites.
43:39 And when Jesus said, "I'm going back to Bethany," which is in
43:41 southern Israel right--Bethany is not far from
43:44 Jerusalem, Thomas, who is sometimes a little
43:46 bit negative, he said, "Well, we love him.
43:48 Let's go, and we'll die with him.
43:49 He's going to get killed down there,
43:51 but we'll go die with him."
43:52 And so that's why he's saying that 'cause Jesus in order to
43:55 resurrect Lazarus he had to go back down to
43:58 where the hotbed of his enemies were.
44:01 Does that make sense?
44:04 Eron: Yes. Thanks.
44:06 Doug: Okay. Thank you so much, Eron.
44:07 Appreciate your call and your question.
44:09 Jean: Next caller that we have is Jim listening in Indiana.
44:11 Jim, welcome to the program.
44:14 Jim: Yes. Thank you.
44:15 Good to talk to you both again.
44:17 Doug: Thank you.
44:18 Jim: I was wondering in Revelations 16 and 17, but in 17
44:23 it says the ten horns--verse 16, "The ten horns which thou sawest
44:30 upon the beast, these shall hate the whore,
44:33 and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall
44:35 eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
44:37 Now, is--does that there coincide with 15--
44:45 or 16:21, and there fell upon men--
44:52 Doug: Were you talking about does Revelation
44:54 17 where it talks about the ten horns, does
44:57 that coincide with Revelation 16?
45:01 I'm not sure what you're asking.
45:03 Jim: You know, when it--yeah, when it talks about, "And there
45:06 fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, and every stone about
45:10 the weight of a talon and men blaspheme."
45:14 Does the city get burned by Jesus when he comes or--
45:22 Doug: Yeah, the--in Revelation 16 you've
45:25 got in the last plague it talks about this great hail
45:28 that falls upon men, and this is the seventh plague.
45:31 It's all synonymous with the second coming of Jesus.
45:35 The last plague is the Lord comes and, you know, there's a
45:37 great earthquake and a great hail plague.
45:40 Then you read in chapter 17--and keep in mind Revelation
45:43 often backs up and gives more detail.
45:45 You can read in chapter 17 about the fall of Babylon and all
45:49 these plagues that seem to fall on Babylon, but the ten horns
45:53 specifically are the ten divisions of the Roman Empire
45:59 that had grown into the nations of Europe that
46:02 ended up becoming the economic powerhouse of the world
46:07 and that where the seed of the beast is.
46:11 So you almost need to better understand the ten horns.
46:14 You need to read our lesson on who is the Antichrist.
46:18 Jean: That's right.
46:19 Just to add to that a little bit, when it talks about the ten
46:21 horns, it says they're ten kings.
46:23 A king represents a kingdom.
46:25 So there appears, according to Revelation 17, that there is a
46:28 coalition of kingdoms supporting the beast power
46:31 described as Babylon in Revelation 17.
46:34 But when they realize that they've been
46:35 deceived, this is just before the second coming of
46:37 Christ, they actually turn against this power.
46:41 So those powers--those political powers that once supported this
46:45 political religious power ends up turning against it.
46:48 And then of course you have the hail, you
46:50 have the second coming of Christ.
46:51 So it's right near the end.
46:53 The parallel of that is the drying up of the River Euphrates
46:57 where the support that came to symbolic Babylon is withdrawn.
47:00 Those powers withdraw their support.
47:03 Okay.
47:04 We have Andre listening in Colorado.
47:05 Andre, welcome to the program.
47:08 Andre: Yes. Thank you, pastors.
47:09 You all can hear me?
47:10 Doug: Yes. Thank you for calling.
47:12 Andre: Yes.
47:13 So my question is--this one has been confusing me for quite some
47:17 years actually, and it's in the topic of divorce and remarriage.
47:23 And my question is in regards to--in the situation of a
47:28 divorce where adultery took place.
47:32 And can the person who's in the wrong be remarried after that?
47:42 After--is there a time of, you know, repentance that can take
47:45 place and then that person can get remarried?
47:49 And the confusion is, is that person not supposed to be
47:53 married for the rest of their life or can they be
47:57 remarried eventually with true repentance?
48:01 And of course with, for example, David and Bathsheba, wasn't he
48:07 married and then he committed adultery and then he did what he
48:12 did with Bathsheba but he eventually married her?
48:16 So can you please explain that, please?
48:18 Doug: Yes, well, what you're saying is true.
48:21 David basically he killed Bathsheba's husband.
48:26 He did it at the hands of other soldiers and then he took her to
48:29 be his wife, and Nathan the prophet confronted him and said,
48:32 "Because of what you've done, the sword will never depart from
48:36 your house and you--because you did this thing you will lose
48:41 four of your sons," which ended up happening.
48:44 He lost the baby, lost Absalom, lost Adonijah, and lost Amnon.
48:49 And so you can say, yeah, God did forgive David and Bathsheba
48:55 ended up becoming his wife, and God knows you can't,
48:58 you know, unscramble scrambled eggs.
49:01 I guess God can do anything. He can do that, too.
49:02 But, you know, typically once you get into these divorce and
49:06 remarriage things, God sort of meets us where we're at.
49:10 When Jesus met the woman at the well, of course she
49:12 was a pagan and didn't know any better.
49:13 She'd had five husbands and was living
49:16 with a man she's not married to.
49:18 Well, he still revealed he was the Messiah and
49:21 we believe he saved her because she goes out
49:23 right away telling everyone else.
49:25 So--but biblically, you know, there's no grounds for divorce
49:29 and remarriage unless the other partner has committed adultery.
49:35 Jesus said--otherwise, as soon as you start making loopholes,
49:39 everybody starts trying to make the loopholes bigger.
49:42 Marriage is--it's interesting Pastor Ross and I just came from
49:44 a marriage, very sacred covenant.
49:47 If you're watching our television broadcast, you see
49:48 we're dressed up a little more than usual because
49:51 we walked over from the marriage here.
49:52 It's a sacred covenant.
49:54 It's supposed to be till death do you part.
49:56 Now, when there is divorce and sometimes people get divorced
50:00 and remarried and they don't have biblical grounds, are we
50:03 saying that's the unpardonable sin?
50:05 No.
50:07 The Bible says something else is the unpardonable sin.
50:10 But I recommend you talk to a pastor.
50:14 Sometimes there's a lot of more intimate details connected with
50:18 divorce and grounds for divorce than--you don't want radio
50:22 pastors giving you life advice on that.
50:24 You probably get someone local.
50:26 Jean: You know, we do have a book, Pastor Doug,
50:27 that gives some good biblical principles called
50:30 "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage."
50:32 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and ask.
50:34 It's 800-835-6747. Just ask of the book.
50:39 It's called "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage."
50:41 We'll be happy to send it to you if you're in Canada or the US.
50:43 If you're outside of North America, just go
50:45 to the website
50:48 We've got Jeffrey listening in Texas.
50:50 Jeffrey, welcome to the program.
50:52 Jeffrey: Hey, I had a question coming out of 1
50:55 Corinthians 14 and 2 where it talks about the unknown tongue.
50:58 I wanted to get you guys's interpretation
51:01 on that word unknown tongues.
51:04 Sorry.
51:05 Doug: Yeah. Yeah.
51:06 So in 1 Corinthians chapter 14, Paul goes
51:10 into a length explaining about tongues.
51:15 Now, the word tongues simply means language.
51:17 Every time here in 1 Corinthians where you read the
51:20 word tongue, just insert the word language.
51:23 When they were speaking in their services in the Corinthian
51:26 churches, they had slaves from all over the Roman Empire.
51:30 They spoke many languages.
51:31 Their services were becoming confusing.
51:33 People were praying in public in
51:35 languages no one else understood.
51:37 Paul said, "If you're going to pray in a tongue--" And when he
51:39 says unknown tongue, he means unknown to the majority there.
51:44 "If you're praying in a tongue that is unknown to the others
51:46 there, you should have an interpreter."
51:49 Paul says, "If not, pray to yourself."
51:53 And you can read, for instance, in verse 7 he says, "Even things
51:56 without life, whether a flute or a harp, when they make a sound,
52:00 unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how
52:02 will it be known what is piped or played?"
52:04 You know, when you play music, if you give it to
52:06 a child, they just start playing gibberish on the
52:08 piano, you don't know what the song is.
52:10 It needs to be order and distinction
52:11 for you to recognize the song.
52:13 It says so it is--and he goes on and says, "If the trumpet makes
52:16 an uncertain sound, who can prepare for the battle?"
52:20 Trumpets used to give very specific sounds.
52:23 He said, "In the same way there are many languages in the world
52:27 and none of them is without significance.
52:29 Therefore, if I don't know the meaning of the language," and
52:32 I'm in verse 11 now, "I'll be a foreigner to him
52:35 who speaks, and he will be a foreigner to me."
52:37 So, you know, we--he's basically saying speak in the languages
52:41 now--and you read in verse 13, "Therefore let him who speaks in
52:46 a tongue pray that he might interpret.
52:48 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my
52:51 understanding is unfruitful," meaning people listening,
52:55 it's--they don't understand what I'm saying.
52:58 My praying is unfruitful to them.
53:00 So the summary of it is whether you're preaching or praying in
53:06 public, do it in a language that people listening understand, or
53:10 have an interpreter, a translator, or don't speak.
53:15 Now, we have a book on this,
53:16 and I really hope you'll request this.
53:19 It's called "Understanding Tongues."
53:21 It's a book that deals specifically
53:23 with the subject of tongues.
53:25 I know in a lot of churches people kind of break out
53:28 speaking in tongues and it sounds like
53:30 babbling or gibberish and folks are
53:32 wondering, "What are they saying?"
53:33 They say it's a heavenly prayer language, but there's
53:35 no example of Jesus doing this or Paul.
53:38 The only time they spoke in tongues was in
53:41 Acts chapter 2, Acts 10, and Acts 19.
53:45 And there are several language groups present.
53:48 Purpose for a tongue is to communicate thought,
53:51 and the idea of us just babbling in a language
53:55 we don't even understand is not biblical.
53:58 So if you want to find out what the Bible really says on this,
54:01 and it's a pretty compelling book, it's not a big book, just
54:04 ask for the book "Understanding Tongues."
54:07 Now, listening friends, we're going
54:08 to be taking off in just a minute.
54:11 As you know, if you've been listening for a while, this
54:14 program goes all across the country and other parts of the
54:16 world and we kind of sign off in two stages because some are
54:20 listening via satellite, which is on a different
54:22 schedule from the land-based stations.
54:24 So in a moment we're going to say farewell to those who are
54:27 listening by satellite, and then we're going to come back and
54:30 we're going to answer some rapid fire Bible questions.
54:34 And two things, Pastor Ross.
54:35 One is, how does a person get the book "Unknown Tongues?"
54:40 And the other is, how do they send in their questions?
54:42 Jean: Okay, to get the book, just call 800-835-6747.
54:46 That is our resource phone line. Ask for the book.
54:48 It's called "Understanding Tongues."
54:50 We'll be happy to send it to you if you're
54:51 in Canada or in North America.
54:53 And if you'd like to email us your Bible question, we'll
54:57 include it in our program, just simply send an email to
55:07 And we'll be back in just a few
55:08 moments with some email questions.
55:13 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:16 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:20 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:24 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:29 Jean: Hello, friends.
55:30 Welcome back for our email questions or the
55:33 texting questions that have come in.
55:34 Pastor Doug, we have several good ones this evening.
55:37 Question number one, "Are the seven
55:39 last plagues literal or figurative?"
55:42 Doug: Well, both.
55:43 We believe that they're real because you read in Revelation
55:48 when it talks in chapter 15, 16 about the seven last plagues,
55:52 many of them are similar to the plagues that fell
55:53 on ancient Egypt, which were very real.
55:57 There were ten plagues that fell on Egypt as a prelude to their
56:01 deliverance and the journey to the Promised Land.
56:05 The children of Israel were protected from
56:07 the last seven of those ten plagues.
56:10 So in Revelation when it says there are seven plagues God
56:12 protects us through those seven last plagues, but they are very
56:16 real plagues that prelude our deliverance from this world and
56:20 beginning a journey to God's promised land.
56:23 Now, there may be some spiritual applications to some of the
56:26 plagues like the darkness on the seat of the beast, probably
56:28 literal darkness, but it means they're also living in darkness.
56:32 Jean: All right, next question that we have, it says, "When
56:34 Jesus says he baptizes with fire, what does it mean?"
56:39 Doug: The Holy Spirit because John the Baptist
56:42 says that he that comes after you
56:44 will baptize you in fire in the Spirit.
56:47 He makes it clear what that--and then you look in Acts chapter 2.
56:50 When the Holy Spirit fell on the apostles,
56:52 it says it came like tongues of fire.
56:55 The children of Israel when they came out of Egypt they went
56:58 through the Red Sea, baptized in water, then they were baptized
57:01 in a pillar of fire that God used to protect them.
57:04 We need both baptisms.
57:07 Jean: "Did Jesus die on Wednesday if the Bible says he
57:10 was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth?"
57:13 Doug: No.
57:15 The only reason people try to move the crucifixion to a
57:16 Wednesday is they misunderstand Matthew chapter 12 where Jesus
57:20 said, "As Jonah was three days and three nights in the heart of
57:23 the earth, so the son of man will be--" Rather "Jonah three
57:26 days, three nights in the belly of the fish, so the son of man
57:29 will be three days, three nights in the heart of the earth."
57:32 The three days of Jesus begins with his suffering and his
57:37 surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane.
57:40 So it's talking about Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday
57:43 night he was suffering for the sins of the world.
57:46 That's including the suffering, the death, and the tomb.
57:49 He rose Sunday morning.
57:50 So you don't need to move the crucifixion to Wednesday.
57:54 By the way, we do have a book that talks about that three days
57:56 and three nights, and it's called "The Sign of Jonah."
57:59 Jean: That's right.
58:00 If you'd like to receive the book, just call 800-835-6747.
58:04 Pastor Doug, one more.
58:06 "Where in the Bible does it say, 'God
58:07 helps those who help themselves?'"
58:09 Doug: Doesn't say that in the Bible.
58:11 That was Benjamin Franklin.
58:12 Hey, listening friends, we're going to learn more next week.
58:14 Tune in, tell your friends, and go to
58:19 God bless.
58:21 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest
58:24 and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2023-09-13