Bible Answers Live

The Wait and the Hurting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202314S

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:02 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now, here is your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 On May 1st, 2023, a plane carrying seven crushed in the
00:58 Amazon jungle of Colombia.
01:01 The soldiers located the wreck and the bodies of three adults,
01:04 but the four children ages 1 to 13 were missing.
01:09 In a coordinated search effort called "Operation Hope,"
01:11 soldiers and indigenous people covered approximately
01:14 1,650 miles while looking for the siblings.
01:19 Incredibly, 40 days later after tracking little footprints,
01:23 soldiers located the four children alive.
01:26 They were very gaunt and dehydrated, but they were
01:29 expected to make a full recovery.
01:31 They suffered only minor cuts and scrapes from the crash.
01:34 Officials especially praised 13-year-old Leslie for ensuring
01:38 survival of her younger siblings 9, 5, and 11 months old.
01:43 Because of their indigenous background, the children
01:46 had some familiarity with the rainforest fruits.
01:49 This plus some cassava flour were the key to their
01:52 extraordinary survival in an area where snakes, jaguars,
01:56 mosquitoes, and other animals abound.
01:58 Because the children lost their mother, the president of
02:01 Colombia has committed funds for the care of the children
02:04 and to educate them.
02:06 You know, Pastor Ross, I think this is just amazing.
02:08 You know, they were 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness.
02:12 Jëan Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug.
02:13 It's just--it's remarkable for a grown-up to be able to survive
02:15 under those conditions for 40 days let alone three kids, the
02:19 younger of which you said was what, 14 months?
02:22 Doug: The younger--11 months.
02:24 Actually he turned 1 year old during the 40 days.
02:26 Jëan: That is amazing, yeah.
02:28 So there were angels unseen that undoubtably were protecting them
02:31 from just the wild animals and all the things that could
02:34 destroy them there.
02:35 Doug: So when we hear 40 days in the wilderness--well, you can
02:38 think about the children of Israel were 40 years in the
02:41 wilderness, but you've got Jesus fasting in the wilderness
02:45 for 40 days and 40 nights.
02:47 And you can read in Mark 1, verse 12 and 13 after his
02:50 baptism, "Immediately the Spirit of God drove him
02:54 into the wilderness.
02:55 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted
02:58 by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels
03:02 ministered to him."
03:04 I'm pretty sure angels took care of those kids out there.
03:06 Jëan: That's right.
03:07 Doug: And you get the story where Elijah ran into the
03:09 wilderness and angels fed him.
03:12 And then, of course, Moses was 40 days and 40 nights up on the
03:15 mountain, actually two times, getting the Ten Commandments.
03:20 And you see a picture then in the New Testament, the three
03:25 individuals had fasted 40 days, 40 nights in the Bible are all
03:28 on the mountain together, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus,
03:34 in what they call the Mount of Transfiguration.
03:37 And many people are surprised to know they are the two witnesses.
03:41 Moses and Elijah is a symbol of the two witnesses that you find
03:45 in Revelation chapter 11.
03:48 Jëan: That's right, Pastor Doug.
03:49 That is a great study.
03:51 You just mentioned a few of the similarities between Moses and
03:52 Elijah and Christ.
03:54 What else is interesting is you have Moses who died and he was
03:56 resurrected and taken to heaven, and of course Elijah was taken
03:59 to heaven without seeing death.
04:01 It's obviously a miniature of the second coming because it's
04:03 going to be those who are resurrected when Jesus comes
04:05 again and there will be those who will be translated
04:08 without seeing death.
04:10 So you almost got a picture here of the second coming of Christ.
04:13 So much to this story that we read about.
04:15 We have a book.
04:17 It's called "The Two Witnesses," and it's all about Moses,
04:19 Elijah, Jesus there on the Mount of Transfiguration.
04:22 That is our free gift for anyone who is listening.
04:25 All you need to do is call the number, 800-835-6747,
04:30 and you can ask for offer number 195.
04:33 We'll be happy to send it to anyone here who is
04:35 in the US and Canada.
04:37 If you're outside of the United States, just be sure to visit
04:40 our website at
04:43 Another way that you can get the free offer is by simply dialing
04:46 #250 on your smartphone and say "Bible Answers Live"
04:50 and then ask for the free gift.
04:52 It's called "The Two Witnesses."
04:54 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
04:58 Well, Pastor Doug, before we get to our phone lines, as we always
05:01 do we'd like to begin the program with a word of prayer.
05:03 So let's do that now.
05:05 Dear Father, what a joy it is for us to be able to open up
05:07 Your Word and study together, and, Lord,
05:09 we ask for Your blessing.
05:10 We recognize the Bible is Your book.
05:12 You inspired the prophets of old who wrote it.
05:14 And so we pray for that same Spirit to come and guide us as
05:16 we search the Scriptures.
05:18 Be with those who are listening wherever they might be,
05:20 and we ask this in Jesus's name, amen?
05:22 Doug: Amen.
05:24 Jëan: I think we're ready to go to our first caller this
05:25 evening, Pastor Doug.
05:27 We have got Cristi listening in Canada.
05:29 Cristi, welcome to the program.
05:31 Cristi: Hi, pastors.
05:33 Doug: Hi, thanks for calling, Cristi.
05:35 And your question tonight?
05:37 Cristi: My question is the validity of Jeremiah chapter 29,
05:41 verse 11 and how to trust in the Lord as David did in Psalms 31
05:46 despite the verbal criticisms of others.
05:50 As the adversities I see in the Bible kind of contrasts,
05:54 I guess, in the literal sense-- as it complies with
05:59 school and my grades and my future,
06:02 as I grow despondent of such matters
06:04 and, you know, worry since I'm not making the ideal grades even
06:08 though I try my hardest and pray while reminding myself
06:12 of the promises of God.
06:15 Doug: Well, that's a good question and, you know, if--
06:19 when you pray and you trust God
06:21 and you still find yourself struggling,
06:23 don't be discouraged,
06:25 because there's many examples in the Bible
06:27 of people that prayed several times
06:28 before they experienced an answer.
06:31 You can read about the children of Israel, and there was quite a
06:34 while that they were crying unto the Lord for deliverance
06:36 and says then the Lord heard their prayer.
06:38 Sometimes during the time of waiting God
06:41 is building our faith.
06:43 There is a story in the Bible about blind Bartimaeus.
06:46 And Jesus was passing by, and he was crying out and people told
06:50 him to be quiet, but he kept crying out, and then God stopped
06:56 and Jesus brought him and healed him.
06:59 You wonder, why did the Lord make him cry out several times?
07:02 And there is a parable Jesus shares in Luke chapter 18 about
07:05 the widow that continues to go to the judge and say,
07:09 "Give me justice.
07:11 Deal with my adversary."
07:12 And then finally the judge says, "Well, she is wearing me down.
07:17 I'm going to answer."
07:18 And God says how much more will the Lord answer the prayers
07:21 of those that cry unto him day and night.
07:23 So don't be discouraged, Cristi.
07:25 You can trust what it says there in Jeremiah 11--or 29, verse 11.
07:30 He promises, "You'll search for Me and you'll find Me when you
07:33 search for Me with all your heart," in verse 13.
07:36 Just continue to pursue God and you will see peace and answers.
07:40 Jëan: You know, Cristi, we do have a book for anyone
07:42 who is listening, and it's about prayer.
07:44 You mentioned prayer and persistence in prayer is one of
07:47 the important principles that we find in the Bible,
07:50 and we have a book written called "Teach Us to Pray."
07:52 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone in the US or Canada.
07:55 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747,
07:59 and you can ask for the book.
08:01 It's called "Teach Us to Pray."
08:02 Or just dial #250 on your smartphone, say "Bible Answers
08:06 Live," and then ask for the book "Teach Us to Pray."
08:10 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls.
08:12 Take advantage of it.
08:13 It's a great book.
08:15 Next caller that we have is Kaela listening in Tennessee.
08:17 Kaela, you are on "Bible Answers Live."
08:20 Kaela: Hi, my question is: Where did Elijah get the water
08:25 for the offering on Mount Carmel?
08:27 Doug: Yeah, just for our friends listening,
08:29 I'll set this up so they have the background.
08:32 But there is a big showdown on Mount Carmel during 3 1/2 years
08:35 of severe famine where Elijah called together all the prophets
08:41 of Baal, this false god, and they prayed
08:44 and nothing happened with their altar.
08:46 They were supposed to pray and fire would come down,
08:48 but there was no fire.
08:49 But Elijah said, "I'm going to pray for fire
08:51 to come on God's altar.
08:52 But to prove it's God, we're going to put
08:54 three barrels of water."
08:57 You figure like, you know, three big oil barrels of water were
08:59 dumped on this altar to show that it was a supernatural fire.
09:02 But it's a famine.
09:04 Where is the water coming from?
09:05 Well, the famine there was no food, there was no rain.
09:07 Nothing was growing.
09:08 There was still water in the wells and in the springs
09:12 not too far away from Mount Carmel.
09:15 You not only have the ocean down the hill, doesn't say it was
09:17 fresh water, could have been salt water, and you've also got
09:19 the Gihon spring and the creek there,
09:23 and it probably still had water in it.
09:25 So they, you know-- and all the people gathered
09:28 up there on the mountain.
09:30 The king probably had bought some--brought some water
09:33 so the people would have something to drink up there.
09:35 So there is a few different options, but Bible says that
09:38 they had water.
09:39 They just didn't have any food.
09:41 Jëan: All right, thank you.
09:43 Next caller that we have is Brittany,
09:44 listening in California.
09:45 Brittany, welcome to the program.
09:47 Brittany: Hey. Doug: Hi.
09:50 Brittany: Yeah, mine is: If dogs are unclean,
09:53 and Revelation 22:15 condemns dogs,
09:57 will there--will our pets be in heaven?
10:01 Doug: All right, and says there in Revelation
10:02 that the dogs are outside.
10:05 And does that mean there'll be no dogs in heaven,
10:07 or will our pets be in heaven?
10:09 You've got a couple of questions here.
10:10 First of all, what is it talking about when it talks about dogs
10:14 outside of the New Jerusalem?
10:16 The word dogs there is not even talking about people.
10:20 You can look where Jesus and even some of the Old Testament
10:25 people in the prophecy about Christ--when they were around
10:29 the cross persecuting Jesus it says,
10:31 "Dogs have encompassed me."
10:34 That's talking about people that kind of rip and tear into you.
10:36 So it's an analogy of evil, vicious people.
10:40 And even Christ said you don't give the children's food
10:43 to the dogs.
10:44 He was talking about the unbelievers.
10:46 So when it says dogs are outside the city, don't be thinking
10:48 of canine or pooches.
10:50 It's talking about evil people.
10:53 Will there be dogs in heaven?
10:55 God made dogs.
10:56 I'm sure there'll be dogs in heaven.
10:58 Will your pets be in heaven?
10:59 That's another question.
11:01 No Scripture that guarantees that God is going
11:02 to resurrect your pets.
11:04 There's no Scripture that says God can't do that.
11:06 So just--when you get to heaven, I'll promise you
11:10 you will be happy.
11:12 So don't be discouraged or worried.
11:14 Jëan: That's right, Pastor Doug.
11:16 The Bible says eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither entered
11:18 into the heart of man the things that God is preparing
11:20 for those that love Him.
11:22 No one's going to get to heaven and say,
11:24 "Oh, man, I was expecting something different.
11:26 It's not quite what I envisioned."
11:28 No, it's going to be everything that you can--you can't even
11:30 imagine the things that God has prepared
11:32 for those that love Him.
11:34 So we just need to get there.
11:35 Next caller that we have is Glenn listening in Ohio.
11:37 Glenn, welcome to the program.
11:40 Glenn: Thank you for taking my call.
11:42 And I tell you, Amazing Facts is wonderful.
11:45 Not above Yahweh.
11:47 He's able and He did it again.
11:50 You know, my question is a little bit strange.
11:55 I don't think that God was very knowledgeable of such a thing
12:00 as sin as evidenced by the Scripture that the Savior
12:03 claimed from before the foundation of the world,
12:06 but I wonder--my question is I wonder what was on His mind
12:09 when He allowed Satan to introduce sin to the creation.
12:14 Doug: Well, I won't pretend that I could read God's mind.
12:17 It tells us that, you know, God is passed finding out.
12:20 His ways are higher than our ways as the heavens
12:23 are above the earth.
12:25 And I think the nearest star is four light years away, which
12:28 means if you travel 186,000 miles a second it's going
12:31 to take you 4 years to get to the nearest star.
12:33 So God is infinite, but in His wisdom God knew that He would
12:39 have to take the risk of making creatures--even powerful
12:42 creatures like Lucifer that might choose not to love Him
12:45 because they're free.
12:47 And we are all free moral agents.
12:50 And so Lucifer is exhibit A that God makes us with a freedom
12:55 to love Him, and Lucifer loved God probably for, you know,
12:58 millennia before he rebelled.
13:00 We don't know.
13:02 He was one of the highest angels.
13:03 He was probably around a long time before the seeds of pride
13:05 and rebellion grew in his heart.
13:08 Jëan: Yes, we do have a study guide that talks about that,
13:10 Pastor Doug.
13:11 It's called "Did God Create the Devil?"
13:13 And sometimes people think of the devil, they think of Satan,
13:15 they say, "Well, did God create him bad?"
13:17 No, that's not what the Bible teaches.
13:19 God created a beautiful angelic being, the highest of all the
13:22 angels, but He created Lucifer and the others angels with
13:26 freedom of choice, and he exercised that choice
13:29 to rebel against God.
13:31 We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
13:33 The study guide is called "Did God Create the Devil?"
13:35 And the number to call is 800-835-6747
13:39 and ask for that study guide "Did God Create the Devil?"
13:42 You can also dial #250 and just say "Study guide--"
13:46 or say "Bible Answers Live"
13:47 and then say "Study guide, Did God Create a Devil?"
13:50 And we'll make sure that we get that to you.
13:53 Doug: By the way, Pastor Ross, we also have a video
13:55 online people can watch called "Cosmic Conflict."
13:58 You can just go to YouTube or go to Amazing Facts
14:00 and type in "Cosmic Conflict."
14:02 I think it's the first thing that will come up on YouTube,
14:05 and it explains how the devil came to be the devil.
14:09 So you'll enjoy that.
14:11 Jëan: All right, our next caller that we have is Dennis,
14:13 listening in South Carolina.
14:14 Dennis, you're on the air.
14:17 Dennis: Hey, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
14:20 How are you?
14:22 Doug: Good, thank you for calling.
14:24 Dennis: Well, my question is real quick.
14:26 So I'm on this group on Facebook and everybody has different
14:29 opinions and beliefs, but it is my understanding that the Great
14:35 Tribulation is a great tribulation for the believers
14:39 because we'll be being persecuted by the unbelievers,
14:44 and it'd be a great tribulation for the unbelievers
14:48 because they are going to experience the wrath of God
14:51 via the plagues.
14:54 Doug: Well, yeah, the Bible speaks of these
14:57 two great tribulations.
14:59 Jesus talks about a historic great tribulation that went from
15:04 538 to like 1798 during this tremendous religious persecution
15:10 throughout the Roman-- fallen Roman Empire.
15:14 May have been called Papal Rome at that time.
15:16 But there's a lot of religious persecution
15:18 that the church went through.
15:20 He also talks about a great tribulation the Jews
15:21 went through.
15:23 So he's also telling the apostles that Jerusalem was
15:26 going to fall and they go through a great tribulation.
15:28 But there's a final great tribulation you read about in
15:31 Daniel chapter 12, says that Michael will stand up.
15:34 I think this is verse 1.
15:36 Michael will stand up.
15:38 "The great prince that stands for the children of Thy people
15:40 and there'll be a time of trouble such as there never was,
15:43 even unto that time, and at that time, many of those that sleep
15:47 in the dust of the earth will awake."
15:50 So it's saying the resurrection comes after
15:52 this great time of trouble.
15:54 There's going to be problems not only of religious persecution.
15:57 Not only will there be plagues.
15:58 I think the whole planet is going to be sort of imploding
16:03 shortly before the Lord's coming.
16:05 So I think everyone's going to experience some element
16:07 of persecution or tribulation that's going to come
16:10 on the whole world.
16:12 Jëan: You know, Revelations chapter 7 describes four angels
16:14 holding back the four winds of the earth.
16:16 Another angel comes from heaven saying,
16:18 "Don't let go of the winds until we have sealed
16:20 the servants of God in their forehead."
16:22 The wind represents this time of trouble,
16:24 this turmoil, this conflict.
16:26 And so, yes, God is doing a work of sealing, but when that work
16:28 is finished probation closes, the seven last plagues
16:31 get poured out, and then Jesus comes.
16:34 Now, the good news is for the believer, when probation closes
16:37 God is going to preserve those who trust in Him.
16:41 We read in Psalms 91 no plague will come nigh thy dwelling.
16:44 God will send His angels to watch over you.
16:46 But there will be those who suffer before probation closes.
16:49 Some might even give their life as a testimony of their faith
16:52 and as a witness to others, but that occurs
16:54 before the close of probation.
16:56 All right, thank you, Dennis.
16:58 We've got Junith listening in Nevada.
16:59 Junith, welcome to the program.
17:01 Junith: Sure, hi, good evening, Pastor Jëan and Pastor Doug.
17:07 Can you hear me?
17:08 Doug: Yes, your question?
17:13 Junith: Thanks for taking my call.
17:14 My question is regarding the Lord of the Sabbath,
17:20 who is the Lord of the Sunday.
17:22 Mark 2:20.
17:24 Jesus--can you please explain in a holistic way the connection
17:30 between creation, redemption, and then recreation, and then
17:38 restoration to eternal paradise before Adam and Eve sinned?
17:44 And also please focus also on the mark of this 666 beast and
17:50 the seal of the heavenly Father.
17:52 Thank you.
17:53 Doug: All right, well, you gave us a tall order that--
17:56 Jëan: It's a Bible prophecy seminar, right?
17:59 All the important prophetic truths.
18:00 Doug: Not going to be able to cover all of that.
18:03 Now, part of what Junith was asking, if you look in--
18:06 for example, in Revelation chapter 1,
18:09 I think it's verse 10, John says,
18:11 "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day."
18:14 And some have wondered, what is that Lord's Day?
18:16 And I even heard a pastor say this week that was Sunday.
18:20 Well, there's no Scripture that calls Sunday the Lord's Day
18:22 anywhere in the Bible.
18:24 They just--it sort of comes from a tradition.
18:27 If you want to know what is the Lord's Day, the Lord's Day, the
18:30 Bible says God is--the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.
18:36 And then you can look in Isaiah 58 and He calls
18:38 the Sabbath My holy day.
18:41 And Jesus says, and she was referring to this, in Mark
18:44 chapter 2 the son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.
18:48 So if there is a day of the week that God is the Lord,
18:51 it would be the Sabbath.
18:53 Some have wondered there in Revelation chapter 1 it says,
18:55 "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day,"
18:57 is it talking about, "I was in the spirit and I witnessed
19:00 the day of the Lord's return."
19:02 I actually think he had his vision on the Sabbath day.
19:05 He's just saying that he was resting that day and God came
19:08 to him and spoke to him.
19:10 Jëan: Yeah, you know, in the Bible you have the
19:12 phrase--Pastor Doug, as you know we've got the Lord's Day
19:14 and then we have the day of the Lord.
19:16 It's not always the same thing.
19:18 You have the Lord's Day and then you have the day of the Lord.
19:19 It's often associated with the second coming or the
19:21 establishment of Christ's kingdom and power and glory,
19:24 but the Lord's Day would be the seventh day of the week.
19:27 Doug: Correct.
19:29 Jëan: You know, we do have a book, it's one of our study
19:30 guides, and it's called "The Lost Day of History."
19:33 So if you're wondering what does the Bible say about the Lord's
19:35 Day, you're wondering about the Sabbath, call and ask.
19:37 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
19:41 You can ask for the study guide.
19:43 It's called "The Lost Day of History."
19:45 Or dial #250 on your smartphone, say "Bible Answers Live,"
19:50 and then, again, ask for the study guide
19:51 "The Lost Day of History."
19:53 We'll send it out to you.
19:55 Next caller that we have is Billy listening in LA.
19:57 Billy, welcome to the program.
19:59 Or I guess Louisiana.
20:02 Billy: Okay, my question is: What day of the week
20:07 was Jesus crucified on?
20:11 Doug: Well, a quick answer would be Friday.
20:14 And the reason we say this--it says the Sabbath drew on and
20:19 they wanted to take the bodies off of the crosses
20:22 before the Sabbath.
20:23 Now, that Sabbath was also a Passover Sabbath,
20:26 but it calls it the preparation day.
20:29 And then you read in Luke, it says that they went home
20:32 and kept the Sabbath according to the commandments.
20:34 So we know what Sabbath it was.
20:36 It was a Sabbath according to the Ten Commandments,
20:40 which is the seventh day of the week.
20:41 So the day immediately precedes the seventh day,
20:45 which is Saturday.
20:47 You know, all the Jews today
20:49 still keep the seventh day, Saturday.
20:50 That would be Friday.
20:52 That's why many religions call Friday Good Friday.
20:56 Now, some have read in Matthew chapter 12 where Jesus said
20:59 Moses--I'm sorry.
21:01 "As Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three
21:04 nights, so the son of man will be in the heart of the earth
21:07 three days and three nights."
21:09 And they think, "Well, in order for that to work,
21:11 you got to move the day of the crucifixion."
21:13 So were you wondering about that, Billy?
21:15 Billy: Yes, because I've done a lot of study on it,
21:18 and everybody believes that he was crucified on Friday,
21:24 preparation day for the regular seventh-day Sabbath.
21:28 But John, he quotes in there about the half Sabbath the--
21:36 in other words, you can't get 3 1/2 days from Friday
21:42 to early Sunday morning.
21:45 Doug: Well, you don't mean 3 1/2,
21:46 you mean 3 days?
21:48 Billy: Three days, but there's--
21:50 it clearly says in John that they last the--
21:56 Jonah in the whale, he's been in the heart of the
21:59 earth three days and three nights, and the only way I can
22:06 see the Scriptures all and falling in together is he was
22:13 crucified on Wednesday evening before the half Sabbath and
22:21 entered into the grave, and he been there 3 1/2--
22:25 3 days and 3 nights, which he'd be resurrected
22:32 probably 72 hours later.
22:34 Doug: Yeah, let me tell you the place where
22:37 the mistake comes in.
22:39 People read that one verse there.
22:41 You don't want to build a doctrine on one verse.
22:44 That one verse there in Matthew chapter 12
22:46 where Jesus says three days, three nights,
22:49 heart of the earth, they assume the heart of the earth
22:52 means only his time in the tomb.
22:54 When Jesus says heart of the earth, there's nowhere else
22:57 in the Bible the tomb is called the heart of the earth.
22:59 When he says heart of the earth,
23:01 he's talking about in the midst of the world.
23:04 When Jesus started suffering for the sins of the world,
23:07 that was Thursday night.
23:09 The penalty for sin was not just death.
23:11 And it wasn't just the time that he was in the tomb,
23:13 it was the suffering.
23:15 And in the Garden of Gethsemane he told the disciples,
23:17 "Now is the hour."
23:19 So that's when you punch the starting stopwatch,
23:21 you might say.
23:23 Thursday night he began-- he said, "Not my will.
23:26 Thy will be done."
23:28 The Father withdrew His protection.
23:30 For three days and three nights Jesus was suffering for the sins
23:33 of the world, and he was beaten and tried and mistreated
23:38 and tortured and he rose again Sunday morning.
23:41 So that's the three days and three nights.
23:44 It starts Thursday night after the Last Supper.
23:47 And so you don't need to move the crucifixion day.
23:50 'Cause when Luke talks about the sign of Jonah,
23:52 he never even mentions-- in the Gospel of Luke,
23:55 Jesus talks about the sign of Jonah.
23:57 He says as Jonah was assigned to the Ninevites.
23:59 Doesn't even mention the three days and three nights.
24:01 So be careful not to try and move the day of the crucifixion
24:04 because of that.
24:06 We do have a free book we can offer you on that.
24:08 Jëan: We do.
24:09 The book is called "The Sign of Jonah,"
24:11 and we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
24:13 The number is 800-835-6747.
24:16 You can ask for the book "The Sign of Jonah."
24:18 We also have a book called "Three Days and Three Nights."
24:20 I think that's two books on the same subject.
24:23 Both are very good.
24:25 Just call and ask for either one: "The Sign of Jonah" or
24:27 "Three Days and Three Nights."
24:29 You can dial #250 on your smartphone, say "Bible Answers
24:32 Live," and then ask for the free offer by name,
24:35 and we will send it to you.
24:36 Well, let's see, Pastor Doug.
24:38 We've got 2 minutes to go here.
24:39 Let's see if we can maybe get Roger in Minnesota.
24:42 Roger, welcome to the program.
24:46 Roger: Hi, Pastor Doug.
24:47 Doug: Hi.
24:49 Roger: My question is kind of heavy.
24:50 It's why did God choose the number 2,300.
24:53 Why not 2,000 or 2,400?
24:57 Doug: You're talking about in Daniel chapter 8, verse 14,
25:00 I'm assuming.
25:02 Roger: Yeah, and if you could--you would allow me to
25:04 respond after your comment, I would appreciate that.
25:06 Doug: Okay, don't know-- hopefully we'll have
25:08 enough time, but I don't-- I can't give you a reason
25:11 why God chose that particular numerical quantity.
25:15 I just know that God said that's what the quantity would be from
25:18 the starting point to the ending point of the prophecy.
25:21 So you must have something in mind.
25:24 Roger: I do.
25:26 Doug: Okay, please be brief because we're going
25:28 to run out of time.
25:30 Roger: I'm sorry to hear that.
25:31 God gave Moses two festivals to keep after they left Egypt:
25:36 the spring festival and the fall festival.
25:38 And when Jesus was crucified, how did he know he was going to
25:41 be resurrected on the third day?
25:43 That's because he was a wave sheep of the first fruits.
25:46 And how did he know that was his last supper?
25:48 That's because on the 14th day of the first month the Passover
25:51 lamb was slain, and Jesus knew he was the lamb of God.
25:55 So if the spring festival held that much weight, then the fall
25:58 festival must hold also that much weight.
26:01 So if we count the days God has already given in Leviticus 23 on
26:05 the first day, the blowing of the trumpet for 90 days, on the
26:08 10th day the Day of Atonement, on the 15th day the Feast of
26:11 Tabernacles for 7 days, and then there's a 8th day.
26:14 You add all that together and you come up
26:16 with 22 literal days.
26:19 So 1 Kings chapter 7 and 2 Kings chapter 7, thereabouts, it says
26:27 that when Solomon had finished building the temple he told the
26:31 people to go--which was--and then he--then they had the feast
26:35 then and then at the 22nd day they were told to go home
26:38 in 1 Kings and on the 23rd day they was--told to go home
26:42 in Chronicles.
26:44 So in Daniel 8 it says unto 2,300 days,
26:48 not 2,300 days and one more.
26:51 It's just unto, up to that.
26:53 So you have 22 days, 22 1/2, 22 3/4, 22 7/8, 22 8/8.
26:58 That brings you right up to 2,300 of 22 full days, and
27:03 evidently God has taken His 22 full days and turned it
27:07 into hundreds of days.
27:11 So it's 2,300, which is a little over 6 years.
27:13 Doug: Okay, well, we're going to run out of time here.
27:17 I bet you are an accountant because you got a lot of math
27:21 going on there.
27:23 Hey, friends. Don't go away.
27:24 We're just taking a halftime break.
27:25 We're coming back with the very best of "Bible Answers Live,"
27:28 and they'll be more time to call in your questions.
27:35 announcer: Stay tuned.
27:36 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
27:42 announcer: Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible study?
27:45 You don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more
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28:12 announcer: Life can be overwhelming.
28:14 Where can an on-the-go woman find quality time with God?
28:17 The new "Amazing Treasures of Faith" box set from Amazing
28:20 Facts empowers your devotional life with inspiring resources
28:23 that will bring lasting peace into your busy life.
28:26 This beautifully-designed box set by women for women comes
28:29 with a 31-day devotional, recipe and Scripture cards, and special
28:32 messages from Pastor Doug and Karen Batchelor.
28:35 Get your "Amazing Treasures of Faith" box set today.
28:37 Just call 800-538-7275 or visit
28:43 Doug: Millions of people believe that planet earth is on
28:46 the verge of some apocalypse that will plunge the world's
28:49 cities into chaos.
28:51 In response, thinking people everywhere are wondering if it
28:54 might be a good time to locate their families outside of the
28:58 congested metropolitan areas.
29:00 In my new book "Heading for the Hills? A Beginner's Guide to
29:04 Country Living," I do my best to provide a biblical balance.
29:09 I'd like to share with you some of the crucial things you'll
29:11 need to know before you head up for the hills.
29:14 I'd also like to identify some of the practical things you look
29:17 for in buying a piece of country land, how to develop water,
29:21 power, and a garden all while still seeking to save the lost.
29:26 This book has some very valuable information for anybody that's
29:29 ever considering country living.
29:31 announcer: Order your copy of "Heading for the Hills?"
29:33 Call 800-538-7275 or visit
29:40 ♪♪♪
29:45 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where
29:48 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God
29:51 and His plan to save you.
29:53 So what are you waiting for?
29:55 Get practical answers about the good book
29:57 for a better life today.
30:02 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
30:05 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
30:07 on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m.
30:11 and 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
30:14 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
30:16 in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
30:22 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:27 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:34 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends,
30:35 to "Bible Answers Live."
30:37 And if you're tuning in and you've just joined us along
30:39 the way, this is a live, international, interactive Bible
30:42 study where we take your calls and we--calls from around the
30:46 world and do our best to use the Bible resources to answer
30:49 any question regarding the Word of God or living
30:51 the Christian life.
30:53 My name is Doug Batchelor.
30:55 Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross.
30:57 And friends, if you're listening on radio, we want to let you
30:58 know that you can also participate in this program live
31:02 via the internet.
31:04 We are live streaming this program, and it's at the Doug
31:06 Batchelor Facebook page, the Amazing Facts Facebook page.
31:10 We're also broadcasting live on AFTV.
31:13 So if you have a question, feel free to give us a call.
31:16 The number to call for that is 800-463-7297.
31:20 That's 800-463-7297.
31:24 And just be patient.
31:26 One of our assistants will answer the phone
31:28 and cue you up and you'll be on the air.
31:30 Next caller that we have is Bob, listening in Washington.
31:33 Bob, welcome to the program.
31:35 Bob: Hi, thank you very much.
31:37 My question is in this time that we're living now on earth, is
31:42 there a connection between physical healing from God
31:47 and obedience?
31:50 Doug: Yeah, well, sometimes Jesus healed a person.
31:52 I'm thinking about the pool of Bethesda.
31:54 When he healed that man he said, "Go and sin no more,
31:58 lest a worst thing come upon you."
32:01 So there is definitely a connection between sin
32:05 and healing, not every time.
32:07 Some sickness is just because, you know, degeneration of
32:10 humanity and disease in the world, but some sickness is
32:14 brought upon us by sin.
32:17 And God does still also miraculously heal
32:21 in response to prayer and--
32:24 Jëan: You know, I think of the verse, Pastor Doug, in James
32:25 where James gives guidance for the church and he says,
32:28 "If somebody is sick among you, let them call for the elders.
32:31 Let them pray over him."
32:33 But there was also associated with that special anointing
32:36 service a confession of sin because it says,
32:39 "If he has committed any sins, he shall be forgiven,
32:42 and the Lord will raise him up."
32:44 So if we are seeking the Lord to heal us and we know of a sin
32:48 that we have not committed or forsaken, we want to get
32:51 that taken care of.
32:53 We want to get that out of the way so that doesn't become
32:55 a hindrance to God answering our prayer.
32:56 Doug: Yeah, says He forgives our sins and heals our diseases,
32:59 and I think it's Psalm 103.
33:01 So there's often a connection.
33:03 Thank you.
33:05 Hope that helps a little bit, Bob.
33:07 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Angela,
33:09 listening in Illinois.
33:10 Angela, welcome to the program.
33:12 Angela: Hello.
33:14 I have a question in regards to Acts 23:8.
33:19 It says that, "For the Sadducees say there is no resurrection
33:24 or angels or spirits, but the Pharisees believe
33:28 in all of these."
33:29 I guess my question is then if the Sadducees says that,
33:34 that there's no resurrection or angels or spirits,
33:37 then what did they actually believe in?
33:40 I mean--
33:42 Doug: Seems pretty hopeless, doesn't it?
33:44 Angela: Yeah, I was going to say there's no hope.
33:47 Doug: Yeah, the Sadducees were a pretty liberal group and
33:50 they thought that, you know, God, He can bless you in this
33:52 life if you obey Him, but they didn't really talk about
33:56 a resurrection or a spiritual life.
33:58 It was all like it's all right here right now.
34:01 And yeah, that'd be pretty sad.
34:04 It's almost like those who believe in evolution
34:05 that say this is it.
34:07 Jëan: Mm-hmm, it's all you have.
34:09 Doug: Yeah, you die and you turn back to fertilizer,
34:11 and that was your life.
34:12 So I've wondered that before.
34:14 Just, you know, who would want to be a Sadducee?
34:15 That's why they were sad, you see?
34:17 [laughing]
34:19 Jëan: And they claimed to only believe the first five
34:21 books written by Moses, but in those first five books you do
34:24 have references to angels.
34:26 Doug: Yeah.
34:28 Jëan: So it was kind of strange how that they rejected
34:29 the belief of angels and the resurrection.
34:31 Of course, you know, we have examples in the first five books
34:34 of Moses of the resurrection.
34:36 So, you know, it is interesting that--
34:38 yeah, that's neglected, pushed aside.
34:40 Doug: Yep.
34:42 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Dale
34:43 in Illinois.
34:45 Dale, welcome to the program.
34:47 Dale: Yes, good evening, Pastor Doug, Pastor Jëan.
34:51 Doug: Evening.
34:52 Dale: In your Minnesota seminar you answered that you
34:56 believe Sunday worshipers will be in heaven and on your Amazing
35:00 Facts program on Hope Channel you said you believe millions
35:05 of Sunday worshipers would be in heaven.
35:07 So my question is: Wouldn't any and all Sunday worshipers
35:11 be disobeying the Sabbath?
35:14 Doug: Well, yeah, and I did say that.
35:16 And you know, sometimes people have said because we teach the
35:18 Sabbath truth on this program, are we saying that all those
35:22 people that don't know that truth are going to be lost?
35:25 And we say, "No, absolutely not."
35:27 It's one of God's commandments.
35:29 But there are going to be people in heaven--for example, the
35:32 Bible says that you're only supposed to have one wife,
35:35 but you're going to find people in heaven like David and Solomon
35:38 and Jacob and others that had multiple wives.
35:41 And you read in Acts chapter 17, "At the times of this ignorance
35:44 God winked at."
35:46 And so there are people of God who lived through history who
35:49 maybe they didn't know certain biblical truths and they lived
35:52 up to the light they had, and God will wink at their
35:54 ignorance, but once we know the truth--for example,
36:00 I don't drink.
36:02 I don't drink alcohol. I think it's a sin.
36:04 I know better. I see what it does.
36:07 Martin Luther drank, but he lived in a time where everybody
36:11 drank beer 'cause the water wasn't good.
36:13 I expect to see him in heaven.
36:15 He didn't know.
36:16 I don't smoke 'cause I think smoke is--smoking is kind
36:19 of like, you know, thou shall not kill yourself.
36:21 Says right there on the pack, "This will kill you."
36:24 Well, the guy who wrote Amazing Grace, John Newton, he smoked.
36:28 They thought it was good for your lungs back then.
36:29 They were wrong.
36:31 So there are people through history that are godly people,
36:33 they just didn't know certain things.
36:35 And there's dear spiritual people in many churches that
36:38 have not heard what the Bible says or they've not had it
36:41 presented well about the Sabbath truth still being a commandment
36:44 that is to be kept.
36:46 So do I think there are people that are going to go to heaven
36:49 that went to church on Sunday?
36:51 Absolutely.
36:53 I don't think there's going to be people in heaven that knew
36:55 the Word of God and turned away from it.
36:59 The Bible says once we know what God wants,
37:01 if we turn away from it, that's sin.
37:03 Sin is knowing to do good and not doing it.
37:05 So hopefully that clarifies that a little bit, Dale.
37:08 Jëan: Yeah, of course, when everyone does get to heaven,
37:10 the Bible says that there will be a gathering
37:12 that occurs every week.
37:13 It's not the first day or the sixth day.
37:15 It's going to be on the seventh called the Sabbath.
37:17 So everyone will be keeping the Sabbath in heaven.
37:20 Doug: Yeah, from one Sabbath to another, all flesh will come
37:22 to worship before the Lord: Isaiah 66.
37:24 Jëan: All right, thank you.
37:26 Next caller that we have is Ivan from Mexico.
37:29 Ivan, welcome to the program.
37:31 Ivan: Good evening, pastors. How you doing?
37:33 Doug: Doing great.
37:35 Ivan: My question is in 2 Corinthians 12:9.
37:38 "And he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you,
37:41 for my strength is made perfect in weakness.'
37:44 Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities
37:47 that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
37:51 Doug: Okay, you just want to explain it?
37:55 Ivan: Yeah, please.
37:57 Doug: Yeah, Paul had some affliction he talks about, and
38:01 he mentions that earlier in that verse where he said,
38:03 "I had a thorn in the side, messenger from Satan."
38:07 No one's exactly sure what it was, but many speculate
38:09 he had a problem with his vision.
38:12 And he prayed that God would heal him, but God says no.
38:15 You'll notice other people often write Paul's letters.
38:17 He dictates for them.
38:18 And there's a few occasions in the Bible where it appears Paul
38:21 didn't see what was happening.
38:23 Paul is basically saying that God is allowing him to suffer
38:26 some affliction, that he would trust the Lord had kept him
38:30 humble, and he says in verse 7, "Lest I should be exalted above
38:34 measure by the abundance of revelations."
38:36 Paul had talked to Jesus, he saw visions, and he said, "You know,
38:40 God's keeping me humble because I've had that relationship
38:42 by this physical affliction.
38:45 And I'm going to glory in my afflictions if that keeps me
38:48 closer to the Lord.
38:50 If that's God's will, I will embrace it."
38:52 And I've known people who have struggled with some kind of
38:55 physical handicap and they say, "God use this to save me,
38:57 and I thank God for it."
38:59 It's hard to understand when you're going through it, but in
39:02 the big picture when we get to heaven we'll say, "I am glad for
39:05 the trials that God sent 'cause he used it to save me."
39:09 Jëan: All right, thank you, Ivan.
39:10 We got Michael in Alabama.
39:12 Michael, welcome to the program.
39:15 Michael: Oh, good evening.
39:16 First, about a month ago either Mr. Ross or Mr. Batchelor on
39:22 this broadcast answered another caller's question about the
39:26 so-called mark of the beast.
39:27 Now, I myself am not obsessed with Bible prophecy unlike
39:32 countless thousands of Protestants, but one that--
39:37 your interpretation has frightened me.
39:41 It said--you answered the person's question, either one of
39:45 you, that the beast--mark of the beast is like the devil's seal
39:52 of approval in your mind and heart and spirit--
39:54 mind and your will and your spirit.
39:58 I don't see that definition anywhere here in Revelation
40:03 and I wonder where and how you arrived at this.
40:06 I got obses--severe depression as a baby Christian, a teenage
40:10 Christian, and then obsessive compulsive disorder from
40:14 churchianity from pastors that taught stuff like this, that you
40:18 could commit practically unpardonable sins without
40:23 knowing it because you have some secret--
40:26 almost like you have some secret covenant with Satan
40:29 just for being you or something like that.
40:31 Doug: All right, well, let us get it--
40:33 jump in here and try and say something to respond.
40:36 So, again, I don't know exactly what question
40:39 or which one of us responded to.
40:41 We probably pretty much believe the same thing on this,
40:43 'cause it's not new with us.
40:46 The teaching through history, and it's from the Bible, is that
40:50 the mark of the beast is really the opposite of the seal of God,
40:54 talks about the mark being in the hand or in the forehead.
40:57 If you look in the Old Testament, Moses, after giving
41:00 the Ten Commandments, says in Deuteronomy chapter 6,
41:03 "These words I command you this day shall be in your heart.
41:07 You shall bind them for a sign upon your hand.
41:10 They shall be as frontlets between your eyes."
41:12 It's talking about the forehead biblically.
41:15 The law of God was to be in their hand.
41:17 And again, you read in Isaiah chapter 8, it says that we are
41:21 sealed with the law of God.
41:23 So the law of God is sealed in our hearts and our minds.
41:27 If we do not have the law of God we'll have the laws of the beast
41:31 in our minds.
41:32 And ultimately it's going to mean they're obeying the laws
41:36 of the beast instead of the laws of God.
41:39 You look in Daniel chapter 3 and it's got the king making
41:42 everyone worship a image or he would be killed.
41:46 Revelation 13 is harkening back to that.
41:49 Says those who do not worship the image of the beast
41:51 would be killed.
41:53 If we obey the laws of this final beast power that will be
41:56 in conflict with the law of God, we're going to have the seal of
42:00 God, but we'll be persecuted by the beast as a death penalty.
42:03 Now, I'm not saying this to scare you.
42:05 I just have to tell you what the Bible says.
42:07 It's pretty clear it's happened several times in history.
42:10 Jëan: You know, Pastor Doug, I think not only is the Bible
42:12 portray it, but we can just look in the world around us.
42:14 We're in the midst of the great controversy
42:16 between good and evil.
42:17 There are bad things happening to good people.
42:19 There are bad things happening to bad people.
42:21 There are wars and there's unjust things happening
42:23 all around us.
42:25 And the question is why?
42:26 Well, the Bible gives the answer.
42:28 It says that Satan is the author of pain and suffering and death,
42:30 and God wants to save us, and that's the whole plan of
42:33 redemption and why Jesus came.
42:34 But Bible prophecy points to this final showdown that occurs
42:38 just before Jesus comes.
42:40 And you're going to have two groups in the world.
42:42 Those who love the Lord, keep His commandments, they have the
42:45 seal of God, and those who follow manmade tradition,
42:47 they have rejected the commandments of God, they
42:50 end up with the mark of the beast.
42:51 So two distinct groups just before Jesus comes.
42:54 Doug: Now, Michael, I detected in your question that
42:57 you are feeling some anxiety, and God wants to give you peace.
43:02 And I think if you study the subject I think you'll see that
43:05 the Book of Revelation has a happy ending for those
43:09 that embrace Jesus.
43:11 And you shouldn't be frightened by this when you, you know,
43:14 accept the Lord.
43:16 We're going to send you a study on the mark of the beast, and it
43:18 ends with good news, and all you have to do is call the number.
43:21 Please look at the study and it gives you
43:22 all the Scriptures on the subject--
43:24 anybody out there.
43:25 Jëan: Matter of fact, you might want to ask
43:27 for the whole series.
43:28 That's just one study, one lesson amongst many,
43:30 but you'll be blessed if you go through the whole set.
43:31 It's all free.
43:32 Just ask for the Amazing Facts Bible School.
43:34 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
43:38 You can ask for the study on the mark of the beast,
43:40 but I'd encourage you ask for all of the studies,
43:42 and they'll be happy to send it to you.
43:44 Dial #250 if you have a smartphone and you can just say
43:47 "Bible Answers Live" and ask for the Amazing Facts
43:50 Study Guide series, and we'll get that in the mail.
43:54 Thanks for your call.
43:55 We've got Sue, listening in New York.
43:57 Sue, welcome to the program.
43:59 Sue: Hi, thank you. Good night, pastors.
44:01 Doug: Evening.
44:03 Sue: I would just like you to explain Mark 2:27,
44:07 which says the Sabbath was made for man
44:11 and not man for the Sabbath, please.
44:13 Thank you.
44:14 Doug: Yeah, well, we'll read also verse 28.
44:16 "Therefore the son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath."
44:19 This verse Jesus--you always want the context.
44:22 The religious leaders were giving the apostles a hard time
44:24 because they were going through the fields
44:26 as they walked with Jesus.
44:28 They were grabbing some of the heads of grain,
44:30 they'd rub them in their hands, it was harvest time,
44:32 and they'd blow away the chaff.
44:34 They'd pop up in their mouth.
44:35 I see corn out of a field, green sometimes.
44:40 And they're--the religious leaders that were watching this
44:43 said, "Oh, they're harvesting."
44:45 Well, they weren't harvesting.
44:46 It was like picking an apple on the Sabbath day.
44:48 It's not harvesting.
44:50 But they were very legalistic and they said,
44:51 "You're harvesting."
44:52 And Jesus said, "No.
44:54 They're just--they're gleaning a little food to eat."
44:56 And they were putting all these manmade laws on the Sabbath like
44:59 the reason that man existed was to serve the Sabbath.
45:03 And Jesus reminded them that man was made first and the Sabbath
45:08 was made to be a blessing for man 'cause man was made on the
45:14 sixth day, the Sabbath then was made this period of time
45:17 to be a blessing for man in his communion with God.
45:20 That's why he said the Sabbath was made for man
45:22 and not man for the Sabbath.
45:24 So we shouldn't be legalistic about Sabbath-keeping as the
45:27 Pharisees were, but neither should we neglect it.
45:30 Jesus never said, "Ignore the Sabbath.
45:32 It's done away with."
45:34 He said, "The son of man is Lord of the Sabbath,
45:35 meaning I'm the one that created the Sabbath."
45:38 And Jesus--all things that were made were made by him.
45:40 He made it to be a blessing, not a burden,
45:42 and that's simply what he's teaching there.
45:44 Jëan: All right, thank you, Sue.
45:46 Next caller that we have is Tim listening in Texas.
45:48 Tim, welcome to the program.
45:50 Tim: Hey, how you doing?
45:52 Doug: I'm doing great, thank you.
45:54 And your call--your question?
45:56 Yeah.
45:57 Tim: Oh, my question is in heaven talks about the tree
46:00 will be--the leaves will be for the healing of the nations.
46:04 Why would there be healing of the nations
46:05 if it's a perfect world?
46:07 Doug: Yeah, that's-- that is a good question.
46:10 You can also look in the end of Ezekiel.
46:14 And Pastor Ross might find the verse where it says--when you
46:16 type in the word medicine you'll probably find it, and it says
46:18 the leaves of the tree will be for medicine, and it's a similar
46:21 vision that Ezekiel has, a lot of comparisons between Ezekiel
46:27 and Revelation in this respect.
46:31 Obviously nobody is going to get sick in heaven and need to go,
46:35 you know, clawing or crawling up to the tree of life
46:38 and rubbing the leaves in a wound or something like that.
46:41 The way that I've understood it is there's two things.
46:43 You notice it says healing of the nations.
46:45 It doesn't say healing of disease.
46:48 All the nations are divided in this world by language
46:52 and culture and politics and different things.
46:55 As God's redeemed gather together under the tree, under
46:59 the leaves of that tree to eat the fruit, all the divisions of
47:03 the nation will be healed, and we will be one people.
47:07 So it's a healing of the nations.
47:10 And when we're resurrected, though we'll have
47:12 glorified bodies, man has been stunted by sin.
47:17 And again, not only will we be eating the fruit, it's possible
47:21 that maybe there'll be some edible properties of the leaves
47:25 and they'll eat that and grow up to the full stature,
47:28 'cause it does say in Malachi, "They shall go forth
47:30 and grow up as calves of the stall."
47:33 So we may even increase in height.
47:36 And so I can't wait to get to heaven and find out, but.
47:38 Jëan: Yeah, the verse that it's--that's drawn from
47:41 in Revelation is Ezekiel chapter 47, verse 12.
47:43 Doug: Yeah, okay, thank you.
47:45 Jëan: Talks about the leaves of the trees used for medicine.
47:47 All right, good question, Tim.
47:48 Next caller that we have is Joel in Tennessee.
47:50 Joel, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
47:53 Joel: Thank you for taking my call.
47:55 My question regards to Matthew 5, verse 19.
48:00 Doug: Okay, I can read it if you want.
48:03 Joel: Yes, please.
48:05 Doug: "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these
48:08 commandments and teaches men so, he'll be called least in the
48:11 kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them,
48:14 he will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
48:17 So are you wondering what that verse means?
48:20 Joel: I was wondering are there levels in--like, are there
48:23 levels or, like, positions that people will have
48:25 when they get to heaven?
48:27 Doug: Yes, but that is not taught by this verse.
48:30 When I say will there be levels it's not that God segregates us
48:32 in heaven, but Jesus tells us there are varying degrees
48:35 of reward both for the saved and the lost.
48:39 You know, Christ says that those that knew their master's will
48:42 and did not do it are beaten with many stripes while those
48:46 who did not know their master's will but somehow disobeyed are
48:49 beaten with few stripes.
48:51 And the Bible also says, "Great is your reward in heaven,
48:54 those who are persecuted for righteousness sake."
48:56 So there's varying degrees of reward, but this verse when it
48:59 says if you're teaching others to break the commandment you'll
49:02 be called least in the kingdom, that's not saying you're in the
49:05 kingdom and you're going to be in low position.
49:07 It means the people in the kingdom of God call that
49:11 individual the lowest kind of person.
49:15 The people that teach others to sin, not going to be
49:17 in the kingdom.
49:19 He's simply saying whoever breaks the least of these
49:21 commandments and teaches men so shall be called least.
49:25 Those in the kingdom of heaven will call that person the lowest
49:29 kind of person.
49:31 So they're not going to be in heaven, if anyone's teaching
49:34 people to sin.
49:36 Joel: I do have another question.
49:37 It's about, like, pastors that may not be all-knowing of the
49:43 truth or, like, if they teach--like, if they're ignorant
49:46 of something and they teach others to sin kind of, would
49:50 they still be in--like, I don't know if that kind of ties in.
49:53 Doug: Yeah, well, yeah.
49:55 You know, when the apostles first started teaching under
49:58 Jesus, they didn't have all of their eschatology correct.
50:02 Even after the resurrection, they said, "Lord,
50:04 will you at this time establish the kingdom?"
50:07 And then even after Jesus ascended to heaven, they didn't
50:10 think they were supposed to preach to the Gentiles,
50:13 and so their knowledge grew with time.
50:18 So, you know, I've preached before and did evangelism and
50:22 lead people to the Lord, but then later I realized, you know,
50:24 I said something that actually wasn't accurate.
50:27 And I, of course, correct that and I grow on my knowledge.
50:30 So I think if a pastor makes a mistake--an honest mistake in
50:34 his teaching 'cause he really believes something and he's just
50:36 misinformed, you know, God is going to wink at that ignorance
50:39 and he'll bless the ministry as much as he can.
50:42 I think there are godly ministers in many churches that
50:45 are doing their best to lead people to Christ and repentance
50:48 and faith and they may not have all their theology square,
50:51 as I'm sure mine isn't perfect.
50:53 But what Jesus is saying here in Matthew chapter 5:19
50:57 is different.
50:58 This is people teaching people to disregard God's commandments.
51:02 Jëan: All right, thank you for your call, Joel.
51:04 We've got Matthew listening in Arizona.
51:05 Matthew, welcome to the program.
51:07 Matthew: How is it going, pastors?
51:09 Blessings.
51:10 Doug: Thank you.
51:12 Matthew: The question is did Noah preach to the whole world
51:15 being that the whole world was flooded?
51:18 Doug: Yeah, but keep in mind that in the time of Noah, while
51:22 there may have been hundreds of thousands or even millions
51:25 of people that lived in the world, I think they were mostly
51:30 restricted to one section of the planet.
51:33 They had not dispersed all over the planet.
51:36 And so, you know, wherever Noah had the ark parked where he was
51:40 preaching, probably not too far from the gates of the Garden
51:42 of Eden, that he was preaching to the people.
51:46 He may have gone on a circuit preaching during the 120 years
51:50 he was building the ark.
51:51 I don't know that he was a global jet-setter back then
51:54 and that there were people all over the planet.
51:56 So I don't know.
51:59 You got any thoughts on that?
52:00 Jëan: Yeah, but I don't think it was just Noah
52:02 that was preaching.
52:03 There were others who passed away bef--
52:05 Doug: Probably Methuselah, Enoch.
52:06 Jëan: Methuselah and others, yes.
52:07 Doug: Yeah.
52:09 Jëan: They lived for hundreds of years.
52:10 So word got around, people would speak, so even if it wasn't Noah
52:12 speaking, there were others that testified saying
52:15 judgment is coming.
52:16 Doug: Yeah, maybe they had the internet back then.
52:18 Jëan: Maybe, stuff for communications.
52:21 Yeah, all right, well, thank you, Matthew.
52:23 Next caller that we have is Israel in California.
52:26 Israel, welcome to the program.
52:28 Israel: Hi, thank you, and thank you for your ministry.
52:32 It's meant a lot to me.
52:33 Doug: Thank you.
52:35 Israel: My question is concerning transgender theory.
52:38 Is there any way that it correlates with the Bible?
52:41 Is there any way that transgender and queer theory
52:44 some denominations have accepted it?
52:48 What are your thoughts on this as far as it relates
52:50 to the Scriptures?
52:52 Doug: Yeah, well, I'll do my best.
52:53 And I guess I'm pretty simplistic about it in that the
52:57 Bible says that in the beginning God made the male and female.
53:02 Not only is that in Genesis, Jesus quotes it.
53:05 That leaves two options when it comes to gender.
53:07 You're male or you're female.
53:09 And in every human body every female is stamped
53:14 with a XX chromosome,
53:18 while every male is stamped with an XY chromosome.
53:21 So even if a person goes and has some kind of reconstructive
53:25 surgery, their maleness or femaleness is stamped
53:30 on the chromosomes, and that's not changed by that.
53:32 God wants us to celebrate the distinctions about being male
53:36 or being female.
53:37 Now, I--you know, my heart goes out to people that struggle with
53:41 very strong feelings towards sin,
53:45 whatever those feelings might be.
53:46 Everyone struggles with sin, but some people struggle
53:49 with how they feel about being a boy or a girl.
53:53 And while I don't understand it, my hearts go out--my heart goes
53:55 out to them, but I know that we all need to bring our feelings
53:59 in harmony with the Word of God and ask for God to transform us.
54:03 It's called conversion.
54:05 The world doesn't believe in conversion theory, but God does.
54:09 And we can be new creatures.
54:12 The Bible is pretty clear.
54:14 Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 5 the Lord says,
54:19 "A man shall not put on the garment of a woman,
54:22 nor shall a woman put on a man's garment.
54:24 All that do so are an abomination to the Lord."
54:27 The Lord wants us to not only celebrate but to preserve
54:31 the distinction between men and women.
54:33 And in the last days the devil is attacking every institution
54:37 that God established in the Garden of Eden.
54:39 The devil is attacking.
54:41 Well, we've talked about the Sabbath night.
54:43 He's attacking that day of rest,
54:44 and people are working themselves to death.
54:46 The devil is attacking family and the devil is even
54:49 attacking just the distinction in the genders.
54:51 So everything you see established in the Garden
54:53 of Eden is sort of under attack right now,
54:56 and that would be part of it.
54:57 Hey, for our friends listening, we're going to sign off
55:00 in two stages.
55:02 God bless to those listening on satellite.
55:03 Stay tuned.
55:04 The rest of you, coming back in just a moment
55:06 with rapid fire Bible questions.
55:08 Stick with us.
55:12 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:14 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:18 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:22 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:27 Jëan: Hello, friends. Welcome back.
55:29 And as you can see, we can't take the radio programs.
55:33 But with those of you who stayed around on AFTV and you're
55:36 watching on the internet, we have just 2 minutes
55:37 to answer the email questions that have been sent in.
55:40 If you have an email question, just simply send it to
55:47 All right, pastor, that first caller that we have--
55:50 or first question that's been emailed to us,
55:51 I should say, which of the member of the Trinity
55:54 spoke to the prophets, for example, Moses or Isaiah?
55:58 Doug: Well, when you say which member of the Trinity,
55:59 Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Father typically
56:02 communicates to us through the Son and through the Spirit.
56:06 There are a few times where you had what they call a
56:08 Christophany, where it seems that Jesus may have been the one
56:12 that actually wrestled with Jacob and Jesus who spoke
56:15 to Moses and Jesus who met with Abraham.
56:19 So there are examples of Christ himself coming
56:22 to earth and speaking.
56:24 Most of the time God spoke through the Holy Spirit.
56:27 And I think it says that through the Spirit,
56:29 God spoke to the prophets.
56:30 Jëan: Holy men of old, yeah.
56:32 Doug: Holy men of old spoke as they were moved
56:33 by the Holy Spirit.
56:34 So in most cases it would be the function of the third person of
56:39 the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, to communicate the will
56:42 and the mind of God to the prophets
56:43 and the patriarchs and the kings.
56:45 Jëan: All right, very good.
56:47 Pastor Doug, here's a question.
56:48 Galatians 2:18 is the verse.
56:50 And the person is asking about what law is being referred
56:54 to here in Galatians chapter 2, verse 18.
56:57 Doug: All right, now, I think we need to read more
56:58 than just verse 18.
57:00 It says in verse 17, "But if, while we seek to be justified
57:04 by Christ, we ourselves are also found sinners, is Christ
57:07 therefore a minister of sin?
57:09 Certainly not.
57:10 For if I build again the things that I destroyed,
57:12 I make myself a transgressor."
57:14 That's verse 18.
57:15 "For I through the law died to the law that I might get--
57:19 might live unto God."
57:21 Well, of course, according to the law we're all guilty of sin.
57:24 We are condemned through the law.
57:26 The penalty for sin is death.
57:29 But when we come to Christ, we die to self.
57:32 That's what Paul is talking about.
57:33 We take up our cross and we follow Jesus
57:35 and we're dead to law and we're dead to the pen--
57:39 now, it doesn't mean we don't disobey the law,
57:41 but we're dead to the penalty of the law
57:43 through the sacrifice of Jesus.
57:45 Now, we live lives of obedience through the power of Christ.
57:48 Jëan: Okay.
57:50 Doug: We're not doing it because it's the law,
57:51 but because we love the Lord.
57:53 Jëan: Amen. All right, last question.
57:54 How do you respond to somebody if they keep telling you that,
57:56 "Well, that's just your understanding of the verse?"
57:59 Doug: Well, Peter warns against those who have
58:01 a private interpretation.
58:03 We shouldn't all be coming to our own feelings about it.
58:06 We need to compare Scripture with Scripture.
58:08 And I believe when you do that, that's how you find evidence
58:12 to arrive at truth.
58:14 We want to thank you for tuning in to "Bible Answers Live,"
58:16 and we'll study again next week.
58:18 God bless.
58:20 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate
58:22 answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-01-10