Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Walking In Integrity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000033S

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:14 Doug Batchelor: Enoch walked with God during a time when
00:16 there was great wickedness in the world.
00:18 So you can't say, Lord, I'd walk with You, but in this culture,
00:21 we're in today God needs men who are going to walk with him no
00:24 matter what's happening around them, that they're gonna stand
00:27 for the right, though the heavens fall.
00:33 Doug: I want to welcome everybody.
00:35 Thank you for joining us here at Granite Bay as well as our
00:37 friends, who are watching on television and the internet.
00:41 This is the second part in a four part series.
00:44 We have three parts and one session of questions and answers
00:47 dealing with mighty men of God, and our message today is talking
00:52 about "Walking with Integrity" and that's a rare thing
00:55 these days.
00:57 You know, the Bible tells us about someone who walked to God
00:59 about as close as you can.
01:01 In the book of Genesis, you read about Enoch.
01:05 Genesis 5:21: "Enoch lived sixty-five years, and he begot
01:09 Methuselah, and Enoch walked with God after he begat
01:13 Methuselah," and some people think that after he had a son
01:17 and he understood how much God must love us and that he was
01:20 going to send his Son, that it did something to his
01:23 relationship and he was especially close to God after he
01:26 found out about his love for his children.
01:29 He realized how much God our Father loves His children and he
01:33 walked with God.
01:35 "And he walked with God 365 years," that's one day for
01:40 every-- or one year for every day, and it says, "He walked
01:45 with God and he was not for God took him."
01:50 And the Bible says that he had this testimony that he
01:52 pleased God.
01:54 He was the first one who was, what you would say, translated.
01:57 God just caught him up.
01:59 Now, through his example of walking with God, we can
02:03 learn something.
02:04 First of all, we want to do what Enoch did because Enoch is where
02:09 we want to be.
02:10 Where is Enoch now?
02:12 You know, if I ask you who's the oldest man that ever lived, what
02:14 would you say?
02:16 Methuselah, that's a trick question.
02:18 Methuselah the oldest man who ever died; the oldest man who
02:21 ever lived is Methuselah's father, Enoch, because he's
02:24 still alive.
02:25 He never died, right?
02:28 He's where we want to be.
02:29 How did he get there?
02:31 He walked with God.
02:32 We need to have that kind of walk, and walking with God
02:35 doesn't just mean that you occasionally think about God and
02:38 you come to church once a week.
02:40 It means having a life, a walk of integrity, a walk of honesty.
02:46 It's interesting that he walked with God during a time when
02:50 there was great wickedness in the world, just read what it
02:52 says about his grandson Noah.
02:56 During the time of Enoch, it says that the thoughts of men's
02:58 hearts were only evil continually and violence was in
03:02 the land.
03:03 We live with a lot of violence in the world today, a lot of
03:06 bloodshed, a lot of dishonesty, a lot of corruption, but he was
03:11 still able to walk with God.
03:13 So you can't say, Lord,
03:14 I'd walk with you, but in this culture we're in today-- God
03:16 needs men who are going to walk with him no matter what's
03:19 happening around them.
03:21 That they're going to stand for the right, though the
03:22 heavens fall.
03:24 The Bible says Noah was a just man.
03:25 Now we're in Genesis 6, verse 9.
03:27 Next chapter: "Perfect in his generations, Noah walked
03:31 with God."
03:33 If Noah could walk with his God just before the end of the
03:35 world, you know Noah lived through the end of the world
03:37 back then.
03:39 We can walk with God before the end of the world now.
03:42 He saw from the example of his grandfather, Methuselah, and his
03:47 father, because Methuselah died just before the flood, and his
03:51 great-grandfather, Enoch, what it meant to walk with God, and
03:55 he followed that pattern.
03:57 Now, I'm glad I can tell you that there were good examples
04:00 like Enoch, and then Noah modeled his great-grandfather's
04:04 example, and he walked with God, but, you know, even some of the
04:07 men of God failed in areas of integrity.
04:11 When you think about the great patriarchs,
04:12 what are their names?
04:14 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
04:18 Abraham, a good man, loved the Lord, kept the Commandments, but
04:21 not always.
04:25 You can read in Genesis 20 verse 2: "Now Abraham said of Sarah
04:30 his wife, 'She's my sister.'"
04:33 You know the story?
04:35 He went down to Egypt during the time of a famine and Sarah was
04:39 very good looking and she may have, you know, had a unique
04:44 sparkle because Abraham had come from another country, and there
04:48 were the women in Egypt were a little more swarthy in their
04:51 appearance, Sarah stood out.
04:53 It's like I remember when Karen and I and the boys went to
04:57 Tiananmen Square and I figured we'd see a lot of European
05:01 tourists there in this big famous Chinese square.
05:06 I was amazed at how many Chinese tourists went there, and Nathan
05:11 and Steven were walking around and everywhere they walk they
05:14 were turning heads because when they were younger they both had
05:17 blue hair and blond eyes and they just stood out.
05:23 What did I say, blue hair?
05:25 Well, that's now, that was before.
05:26 [laughing]
05:29 I really didn't mean to say that, but everybody was turning,
05:33 it was such a spectacle.
05:35 And Sarah was very attractive, even though she was older at
05:38 this point, she still stood out, and Abraham thought, Boy, you're
05:42 not going to go down to Egypt, got to go, we're out of food.
05:45 They got food there, but, you know, I don't know about the
05:48 ethics of the people down there, and they're going to look at
05:50 Sarah and, you know, it was pretty barbaric.
05:52 It was the wild wild West back then.
05:53 They didn't have police force and laws, and it's sort of like
05:56 every man had his own security team, and he thought, They're
06:00 going to kill me and take my wife.
06:02 So just to play it safe, she is actually my half sister.
06:05 I'll leave out the wife part and I'll just say, yeah, oh, she's
06:09 my sister.
06:10 Well, you know, that didn't go very well because pharaoh
06:12 thought oh, good, she's your sister, I'll take her over to
06:14 my harem.
06:18 And then word about that ended up getting to his son, Isaac.
06:24 There's another famine and Isaac has to go dwell in the land of
06:27 the Philistines because that's the only place there's bread,
06:30 and he's married to his cousin now, Rebecca, who is also
06:33 beautiful, from the same country as Sarah.
06:38 And the men of the place asked about his wife, Isaac said, Oh,
06:42 she's my sister.
06:46 And again later he was discovered and he was rebuked by
06:48 the pagans.
06:50 So where do you think Isaac learned that?
06:52 And then it doesn't stop there.
06:53 You know, the Bible says, "Unto the third and fourth generation,
06:57 our example of integrity or our lack of integrity will be
07:01 reproduced in the lives of those around us."
07:05 You get that?
07:06 Our lives of integrity, or our lack of integrity, and I expect
07:10 to see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in heaven.
07:12 Well, we gotta get to Jacob.
07:16 Isaac wants to bless his boys.
07:17 He says, Call Esau.
07:19 Genesis 27: 12: Rachel, says, No, Jacob you go in and you
07:25 pretend to be Esau, and you put on Esau his clothes and say that
07:30 you're Esau and you'll get the blessing of Esau.
07:32 And you notice how it's progressing?
07:34 First he says, Well, she's actually my sister.
07:36 Now she's my cousin.
07:37 Well, Dad did it.
07:39 I'll say she's my sister, and now I'm going to say my brother.
07:42 And it just a little by little, that's a pretty far stretch from
07:46 calling your half-sister your wife to calling your brother,
07:49 saying you're your brother.
07:51 But that's kinda how compromise happens little by little
07:54 in degrees.
07:57 You ever heard the expression white lies or half truths?
08:02 A half truth is a whole lie, and Christians ought to be
08:07 consistently honest all the time.
08:10 You've heard that expression.
08:12 It's not an expression.
08:13 It's actually from Numbers 32, verse 23: "Your sin will find
08:16 you out," you never really get away with any lies.
08:22 Your sin will find you, and it catches up with you.
08:25 Joe the butcher at the end of his day, final customer came in
08:29 his butcher shop, this was years ago, and she said I'd like a
08:33 chicken, whole chicken.
08:36 So he reached into the freezer, he had one chicken left, he
08:39 pulled it out he put it on the scale and said that'll be a
08:42 $1.79, and she looked at it and scrutinized it and she said you
08:46 know, it's not quite big enough.
08:48 I think I need a little bigger chicken.
08:50 She said, Can you get me a different one?
08:53 He took that chicken he put it back in the freezer, fumbled
08:56 around, and pulled it back out again.
08:58 This time he just put his hand on the scale a little bit and
09:00 said, Okay that one's going to be $2.
09:03 She thought for a minute.
09:04 She said, you know, I guess I better get them both.
09:09 He got busted.
09:13 Christians should be perfectly honest.
09:16 Moses said Deuteronomy 25:15, "You will have a perfect and
09:21 a just weight, a perfect and a just measure, that your days
09:26 may be lengthened in the land that your Lord, the Lord your
09:29 God is giving you."
09:30 One of the criteria for their staying in the land and not
09:33 being carried off captive was honesty.
09:37 Faithfulness in their business, faithfulness in their dealings
09:40 with each other.
09:41 And he said, I'll bless you, because the Lord is looking for
09:44 truth, the Bible says, in the inward parts.
09:47 He wants us to walk a walk of truth.
09:50 He wants integrity in the family.
09:53 One of the ways you become a mighty man of God is by keeping
09:57 your vows, and that would include your marriage vows.
10:02 Ephesians 5:22: "Husbands, love your wives."
10:06 How?
10:07 "As Christ loved the church."
10:09 He doesn't say if your wife cooks well, love her.
10:15 You're supposed to love her no matter what.
10:19 It doesn't matter whether she's being easy to get along
10:21 with or difficult-- he doesn't give that out here.
10:24 It's a command: Love your wife.
10:26 Is she your wife?
10:27 Love her.
10:29 Oh, but sometimes she's so unlovable.
10:31 How?
10:32 Love her like Christ loves the Church.
10:34 Does God love us when we're unlovable?
10:37 Did God wait for you to be good before he loved you or does he
10:40 love you even when you're bad?
10:43 You know that song "Jesus Loves Me," there's that one verse,
10:46 "Jesus loves me when I'm good, when I do the things I should.
10:50 Jesus loves me when I'm bad even though it makes him sad."
10:55 And our love for our wives should be like God's love for
10:59 us, which is a consistent, unconditional love, A--
11:04 congregation: Men.
11:06 Doug: If I were to ask all the men here how many
11:08 love your wives, raise your hand.
11:09 Don't do it.
11:11 But I bet all the hands would go up, but then if I were to ask
11:14 how many of the wives feel loved?
11:19 If there was an honest response, you might find it's different.
11:24 Now, men often think, Well, I provide a good house.
11:30 I make sure that there's food in the refrigerator.
11:33 I protect you.
11:35 I do the yard work, of course, I love you.
11:36 I mean, for us that's the evidence of love.
11:39 That's not always the way the wives view it, though.
11:43 It says, "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the
11:45 church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify her and
11:50 cleanse her with the washing of the water by the word, that He
11:53 might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot
11:57 or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy
11:59 without blemish.
12:01 So husbands ought to love their wives."
12:03 It's talking there about Christ loves the church so that he can
12:07 have a sanctifying influence on the church.
12:10 Husbands ought to love their wives so that we have a
12:13 sanctifying influence on them.
12:17 Colossians 3:19: "Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter
12:21 towards them."
12:23 Now, sometimes there's bitterness, harsh words are
12:25 spoken or needs aren't met and it turns into anger and people
12:29 can live in the same house for years and act like strangers.
12:33 God says you need to love, show affection, cherish.
12:39 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
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13:02 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
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13:13 Doug Batchelor: And then not only being mighty men of God
13:16 means examples in the family with the wife or the spouse, but
13:20 with the children.
13:21 "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children of wrath,
13:25 but bring them up in the training and the admonition."
13:28 Don't just shout at them and tell them what they're doin'
13:30 wrong, but be an example and admonish them in the Lord.
13:35 Do you have worship in your families?
13:37 There are a lot of husbands and wives that haven't held hands
13:39 and prayed together.
13:41 It's something that ought to happen every day in a Christian
13:43 home where families have worship.
13:45 You've heard the expression, families that pray together stay
13:49 together, and when you pray, closer you come to one object,
13:51 the closer you come to each other.
13:53 And if you're both coming closer to God in your devotions, you'll
13:55 be coming closer to each other and be able to talk about
13:59 spiritual things and things that you learn.
14:03 And we should be honest to God, not only in our families, but if
14:05 you're a Christian, you probably have taken some baptismal vows.
14:10 You said by God's grace, I am going to stand for Christ.
14:12 I'm going to be part of this people.
14:14 I am going to support the work of God.
14:15 I am going to share the good news about Jesus.
14:18 And have you sworn to your own hurt and changed?
14:24 Are you willing to keep your word and stand for the promises
14:28 that you've made?
14:29 Now, being a Christian means a consistent walk.
14:34 Colossians 2:6: "As you there have received Christ Jesus the
14:38 Lord, so walk in Him."
14:41 You know, some people lose their first love, we need to
14:44 consistently continue to walk in the Lord.
14:47 Ephesians 5:8 and 9: "For you were once darkness, but now
14:51 you're children of the Lord.
14:52 Walk as children of light."
14:55 Our neighbors and the people around us, if we are men of
14:58 integrity, ought to see that we're different in the way that
15:01 we walk.
15:02 I heard about a missionary in India that was teaching a
15:05 roomful of people, and he saw one lady about halfway through
15:09 his presentation, got up and went out, and he looked through
15:13 the window and he thought he saw her talking to his driver that
15:18 was taking him from one appointment to another, and then
15:21 a few minutes later, she came back in and she sat down and she
15:24 looked very interested and he was curious.
15:26 And so after the study, he went after he says, You know, I
15:29 noticed you got up and you went out partway through the program
15:32 and I was wondering if it was something I said?
15:33 And she said, Well, yes.
15:35 She said, What you said really touched my heart.
15:38 What you told me about Jesus was very interesting, and I thought
15:42 I wonder if this man really lives like this.
15:45 So I went out and I asked your driver, Does this is man really
15:48 live the things that he talks about?
15:50 The driver said, Yes.
15:52 So I came back in to hear the rest of what you had to say.
15:55 So what would your driver say?
15:58 Are we the same?
16:00 You know what integrity is?
16:01 Integrity means you're the same person when no one's watching as
16:04 when everybody's watching.
16:06 That's what integrity is.
16:08 God is calling for mighty men who are going to be consistently
16:13 followers of Jesus, whether the crowd is watching or not.
16:17 You know, I heard that somebody did a study on the street, and
16:25 they pretended they were blind, and they would go up to
16:28 strangers, and cameras were rolling-- you can actually see
16:30 this on Youtube-- and they go up to strangers and they pretend
16:33 they're blind, Sister, I hear you, can you please help me?
16:36 I've got to get change because there was you've got to pay for
16:39 a meter, whatever it is, can you take this $5 bill and give me 5
16:44 ones and some change?
16:45 And he'd ask these strangers on the street, but he would hand
16:48 them, a 50.
16:52 And fortunately, 70% of the people said, Oh, brother, that's
16:56 not a 5, that's a 50, be careful.
17:00 But it was shocking, and you could see it, some people said
17:04 Oh yeah, $5?
17:06 Sure.
17:07 Let me have your 5, here's 5 and they walked away.
17:12 They were pretty surprised and because then the guy would take
17:14 his glasses off and run up to him and say, Hey, give me back
17:16 my money.
17:18 They got busted.
17:20 But it's kind of scary to think that when they thought nobody
17:22 was watching, they could take advantage of a blind person.
17:27 They'd do it.
17:28 I can't imagine that I would never do that, God's my witness
17:31 that I couldn't live with myself doing something like that.
17:35 But a person of integrity realizes that God always has the
17:39 camera running and you are the same on camera as you are off
17:43 camera, that's what it means to walk with the Lord.
17:46 It's something that's happening consistently.
17:49 Psalm 1, verse 1 and 2: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the
17:54 counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners,
17:58 or sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in
18:01 the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night."
18:07 This is the man who's blessed.
18:08 This is what it means to walk with God.
18:10 We talked about Joshua, where God said last night, If you want
18:13 to be courageous, then walk in the laws that I gave Moses.
18:17 Here the very first psalm, King David, who is certainly a mighty
18:21 man, he said, "The man who does not walk in the counsel of the
18:25 ungodly," and that's tough when you're surrounded by a world
18:29 that doesn't believe in truth, "nor sits in the path of seat--
18:32 sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is
18:36 in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day
18:39 and night."
18:41 Being a man of God means that you spend time in God's Word day
18:44 and night, amen?
18:46 You need to be spending time in prayer as well.
18:50 Heard about these pigeons, you ever seen how a pigeon walks?
18:54 A pigeon walks where it takes a step and then it moves its head
18:59 and it goes like this...
19:00 And I know they-- I grew up in New York City, we had a lot of
19:03 pigeons--used to catch pigeons, we bring them home, my mother
19:04 would get disgusted, make us take them back out again, and
19:09 it's because someone explained to me that a pigeon cannot focus
19:13 its eyes while it's moving.
19:16 It's something about their eyes that they have to stop their
19:20 head and they're taking a step focus, focus, focus, focus.
19:25 You know, ours, God made us where our focus can continue to
19:28 move while we're moving, and a lot of other birds, but not a
19:30 pigeon, but it's sort of kind of how it is for Christian.
19:33 As you're walking, you need to continually adjust your focus
19:37 based on the Word of God because the society that we're living in
19:41 can't see straight.
19:44 I-- kinda interesting, this year I was at a dinner back in New
19:47 York City, and I sat down next to a man, and we're visiting,
19:50 I said what's your name?
19:53 And he said George Barna, and he's the one who has the fame of
19:56 Barna study group, delightful Christian man.
19:59 I was very impressed.
20:00 He did a study a number of years ago, actually it was a 1992
20:03 study that confirmed Americans are in danger of becoming a
20:08 nation of relativists.
20:11 The survey asked the Americans is there such a thing as
20:14 absolute truth?
20:16 Amazingly, 66% of Americans-- it's worse today, I'm sure-- 66%
20:22 of American adults responded they believe there's no such
20:25 thing as an absolute truth.
20:27 You got your truth and I've got my truth, and if you believe
20:30 something, you'll get to heaven and all rivers lead to the ocean
20:33 and you're-- you know, we all kind of have our truth, and
20:37 if its truth for you, it's truth.
20:39 And my truth is true for me, and so you got your truth, I've got
20:42 my truth.
20:44 And he says doesn't that kind of permeate our society?
20:46 They can sort of invent your own truth?
20:50 And you know, it sounds good philosophically,
20:53 but in reality that doesn't work.
20:56 Do you want a brain surgeon to start working on you that says
21:01 well, I think today, I really believe that I'm going to find
21:05 your brain somewhere in your ankle, because I believe it.
21:12 Do you want to get on an airplane and have the pilot say,
21:15 You know, I've had an epiphany about the laws of aerodynamic
21:17 design, and today I'm almost sure that this plane will work
21:20 just as well as a submarine, so as we're going across the ocean,
21:25 I believe it, and so it'll work.
21:27 Would you believe that, or would you think he should
21:29 be arrested?
21:31 Because there are certain laws of flight, and people's lives
21:35 depend upon those absolutes being unchanging.
21:39 So what's the key?
21:43 We become like who we walk with.
21:46 As you spend time walking with Jesus and the Bible says he is
21:49 the truth.
21:51 Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
21:54 1 John 1:7: "If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we
21:58 have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus
22:01 Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."
22:04 Acts 4:13: When the disciples were being tried for their
22:07 faith, "When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and
22:11 they perceived they were uneducated and untrained men,
22:13 they marveled.
22:15 And they realize," they said ah, "they've been with Jesus."
22:19 By the way they were acting, they could see that they'd been
22:22 with Jesus.
22:24 Have you ever met somebody before and you just watch 'em
22:26 for a few minutes and talk to them and you say, I think
22:28 they're a Christian.
22:31 You become like who you walk with.
22:34 That's very important if you're going to be a man of God, who is
22:37 influencing you?
22:39 The Word of God or the views of the world?
22:44 Do you spend more time in the Word or watching
22:49 videos, television?
22:51 What's going to define your values of truth?
22:55 Is going to be Christ?
22:57 We are changed by beholding, and as we keep our eyes fixed on
23:02 Jesus, how do we lay aside the sin and the weight that so
23:05 easily beset us?
23:06 It tells us there in Hebrews chapter 12, Looking unto Jesus,
23:10 the author and finisher of our faith, it's through keeping our
23:12 eyes fixed on him we become like him, so that we are transformed
23:17 from glory to glory into the same image.
23:20 The image of the Lord.
23:21 You know, the whole purpose of the plan of salvation is to
23:24 restore in man the image of God.
23:26 We need to be spending time in God--in Christ's Word, and being
23:30 people of integrity.
23:32 Being somebody who swears to their own hurt and changes not.
23:37 You know how hard it must have been for Hannah when she said,
23:40 Lord, I'm going to make a vow.
23:43 If you give me a son, I promise I'll give him back to you.
23:48 And she had Samuel, it was her only boy, and it wasn't until
23:51 she gave Samuel back to God, God then blessed her with several
23:56 other children.
23:58 You can read in the book of Judges chapter 11 about one of
24:01 the judges he's mentioned in Hebrews, he's going to be in
24:03 heaven, Jephthah.
24:05 He said, Lord, if you give me victory in this battle against
24:11 the Ammonites-- it might have been the Moabites, I don't
24:15 remember, it was one of them -ites-- you give me victory,
24:19 it'll come to pass that when I come back, whatever comes forth
24:22 from my house to greet me, I will
24:25 offer to you as a burnt offering.
24:27 Well, he thought, you know, he had a small ranch, he thought
24:30 coming home, you know, the family cow, goat, sheep would
24:33 come out, and it was his daughter that came out first.
24:38 And he said, Oh my daughter, you've brought me very low.
24:40 He says, I've opened my mouth to the Lord and I can't go back.
24:45 And it was different from Hannah, and he didn't sacrifice
24:48 her, he gave her to serve at the temple and she could
24:51 never marry.
24:53 And that's why it says the daughters of Israel went up
24:55 yearly to visit her.
24:57 And he would never have a son, it was his only daughter.
25:00 She went on the mountains to bewail her virginity,
25:02 she said, Father, you've opened your mouth to the Lord.
25:04 You need to keep your promise to God.
25:07 Boy, those people are pretty rare today, huh?
25:12 And if we say, Lord, I'm accepting you.
25:15 I want you to be my Lord and Savior and I'm going to live
25:17 for you.
25:19 I'm not going to live for you when it's easy.
25:20 I'm not going to live for you when it's convenient.
25:22 I'm not going to just live for you when I feel like it.
25:25 I'm going to live for you consistently.
25:27 I'm going to walk a walk of integrity.
25:30 Is that what you want to have, friends?
25:36 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
25:38 free resource.
25:39 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
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25:46 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
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25:59 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
26:02 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
26:06 important, to share it with others.
26:10 ♪♪♪
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26:30 ♪♪♪
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26:50 Doug Batchelor: No more pain, no more police stations, no more
26:53 sickness, no more death, no more
26:54 suffering, and it is a real, friends.
26:57 This pain and misery in our world was never God's plan.
27:00 He's going to restore things to its original plan.
27:04 "Blessed are the meek, they will inherit the earth."
27:07 announcer: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.
27:12 In as much as you do it to one of the least of these, my
27:15 brethren, you did it to me."
27:27 announcer: Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study?
27:30 You don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more
27:33 truth-filled programming.
27:34 Visit the Amazing Facts Media Library at
27:39 At, you can enjoy video and audio presentations as well
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28:02 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer, it's
28:04 sure to be a blessing.
28:06 And thank you for your continued support as we take the gospel of
28:09 Jesus Christ to the world.
28:11 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve deep into the Word
28:15 of God to explore more amazing facts.
28:25 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the friends of
28:27 the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2022-01-27