Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

The Priority of Prayer; Pt.1 - Consistent Praying

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000091S

00:03 brought to you by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:06 ♪♪♪
00:14 Doug Batchelor: You can be taught to pray.
00:15 John the Baptist taught his disciples how to pray,
00:18 and they didn't know how to pray.
00:20 It's possible for people to be born in a Christian home,
00:22 go to Christian school, go to church all their lives,
00:25 and never learned how to pray.
00:27 ♪♪♪
00:31 Doug: A number of years ago, famous pastor was traveling
00:37 across the ocean on a cruise ship,
00:40 and F.B. Meyer was his name, and, you know,
00:44 that's when it was a more common form of transportation.
00:47 And word reached the captain that this famous speaker
00:50 was there on board.
00:51 He said, "Could you please speak to the first class passengers?
00:54 And he agreed, and he talked on the subject of prayer.
00:59 Well, a number of the people were deeply impressed,
01:01 but among them was a famous agnostic.
01:04 And someone asked, "Well, what did you think
01:07 of Pastor Meyer's talk?"
01:08 Said, "I didn't believe a word of it."
01:11 Well, later that day, word had reached some of the people
01:13 who had been traveling fourth class, and they said,
01:16 "Any chance that he'd be willing to come down
01:18 to the lower decks and talk to the fourth-class passengers?"
01:23 He said, "Absolutely."
01:24 Well, some of the passengers in first class said,
01:26 "If he's speaking again, we want to hear him."
01:29 And so they were all migrating down,
01:31 and someone said to the agnostic,
01:32 "Are you going to go?"
01:34 He said, "Sure, I'm curious about what this babbler
01:35 has to say."
01:37 So the agnostic, before he left his room,
01:39 he thought he'd get a couple of oranges to have a snack in case
01:43 it took a while, and making his way down to the lower decks,
01:47 he had to go on some of the outer decks,
01:49 and he noticed there was a few people.
01:51 They were out on these deck chairs,
01:52 trying to take in the fresh air, and there was one old woman
01:54 that was stretched out on a deck chair,
01:56 fast asleep, her mouth open, and her hands open there
02:01 on the chair like that.
02:02 Well, he had a sense of humor, and so the agnostic took
02:04 the two oranges out of his pocket, and he placed
02:07 an orange carefully in each hand without waking her up,
02:09 and he smiled and went away, went downstairs.
02:12 F.B. Meyer talked to the fourth-class passengers
02:15 about prayer, and the man felt himself convicted,
02:20 the agnostic, but he decided just resist the conviction.
02:23 On his way back up, he walked by that same deck chair,
02:27 and now the woman was there.
02:29 She was awake, and she was eating the oranges.
02:32 And he smiled, and he said,
02:34 "Well, those look like they're very delicious."
02:37 She says, "My Father gave them to me."
02:41 He said, "Surely, ma'am, your father's not still alive,"
02:44 because she was an older woman.
02:45 She said, "I'm talking about my heavenly Father."
02:47 She said, "It was the most wonderful thing."
02:49 She said, "I've been up here on the deck,
02:50 trying to take in the fresh air because I had been dreadfully
02:53 seasick for several days, and I just had
02:55 the overwhelming sense that, if I could just eat an orange,
03:00 I'd feel better.
03:01 And I went to sleep, praying that God would please give me
03:04 an orange, and I woke up, and my Father gave me two oranges."
03:11 That man was so convicted that he was converted
03:14 before the cruise was over.
03:17 God answers prayer, and sometimes
03:19 He can even use the devil to do it.
03:22 Isn't that wonderful?
03:24 You know, Karen and I, in our evening worship,
03:27 our Friday evening worship, we've been reading through
03:29 a book together on prayer.
03:31 It's "The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds," a tremendous book.
03:34 Matter of fact, it's so heavy and so convicting and profound
03:37 that we only get through two or three pages and just go,
03:39 "Wow, I need to pray more."
03:43 And so I'm not going to talk to you about prayer as one who's an
03:47 expert, but I'm simply a beggar telling the other beggars where
03:50 the bread is because I'll think that every blessing that we
03:55 desire as a Christian is going to be connected with prayer,
03:59 and we would do well to learn more about that subject.
04:01 So talking about "The Priority of Prayer,"
04:05 dealing with perpetual praying.
04:09 Now, everywhere we go these days,
04:11 you can see warnings.
04:14 I remember when they used to have the little glass--
04:17 there's a fire alarm on the wall there.
04:19 They don't have the old ones.
04:20 They used to have a little glass window with a hammer hanging
04:22 on the outside, and you'd hit this glass that would shatter,
04:27 and then you'd pull the alarm, and there's a little note above
04:30 it and said, "Break glass in the event of an emergency."
04:35 You fly on the airplane, and there, by your seat, it says,
04:37 "In the event of a water landing, use your cushion."
04:43 And we're surrounded with these warnings.
04:45 Any of you ever walk out in the parking lot,
04:47 and you forgot where your car is,
04:48 and you had to press the panic button?
04:51 Find your car?
04:52 Anyone that will raise your hand and admit that?
04:54 "I know it's out here somewhere."
04:56 "Where's my car?"
04:59 Some people treat prayer that way.
05:04 "In the event of an emergency, a water landing or there's panic,
05:09 pray."
05:11 It's like it's the last resort for most Christians,
05:14 and in reality, prayer is an attitude of life
05:19 for the Christian.
05:20 It is a way of life.
05:22 Every blessing in the Christian life comes in connection
05:26 with prayer.
05:27 Prayer is not the exception for the Christian.
05:30 It is the rule, and, yet so many don't pray.
05:34 Now, the reason I'm talking about this message is
05:36 because I've got good news for you.
05:39 If you start out as a Christian, or maybe you even grew up in a
05:41 Christian home and you thought, "We just didn't pray
05:43 as we should," or maybe, "We didn't know how to pray,"
05:46 or "We've been, sort of, working at it"--
05:48 and prayer can be and must be taught.
05:52 Nobody prayed like Jesus.
05:55 Jesus sometimes spent the whole night in prayer,
05:58 and you would think, if anybody didn't need to pray,
06:01 I mean, Jesus sort of had a hotline to heaven.
06:03 Why would He need to pray?
06:04 But He prayed like nobody ever prayed,
06:06 and matter of fact, the Bible says,
06:08 when the disciples saw Jesus pray, Luke 9:29,
06:10 "He prayed, and the appearance of His face was altered,
06:13 and His robe became white and glistening."
06:16 And when Christ was done praying,
06:19 you read in Luke 11:1, "It came to pass as He was praying
06:23 in a certain place, then He stopped--"
06:25 nobody dared interrupt until He stopped--
06:28 "one of His disciples said to Him,
06:30 'Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples.'"
06:36 Now, that's a very important point.
06:37 You know what it means? You can be taught to pray.
06:41 John the Baptist taught his disciples how to pray.
06:44 They didn't know how to pray, and these were believers.
06:47 These were Jews. They had the temple.
06:49 They didn't know how to pray.
06:50 It's possible for people to be born in a Christian home,
06:53 go to Christian school, go to church all their lives,
06:56 and never learned how to pray, and some people think,
06:58 "Well, there are people who are giants of prayer,
07:01 and they've got the gift of prayer," but, you know,
07:05 I don't find it listed that way in the Bible.
07:07 Every believer is supposed to pray,
07:09 and everybody can be taught to pray.
07:12 Don't be thinking that something--
07:14 someone else is good at, "That's a job of another Christian."
07:17 You hear about prayer warriors. Anybody can be a prayer warrior.
07:22 John taught his disciples to pray.
07:24 Jesus taught His disciples to pray, and prayer must be
07:26 important because it never says He taught them to preach,
07:29 but He did teach them to pray.
07:32 So we should ask the Lord, "Teach us to pray."
07:35 Now I'm going to do some teaching on prayer.
07:38 Is that okay with you?
07:40 I'd like to pray better.
07:41 I'd like to talk about some of the practical things
07:42 dealing with prayer.
07:44 Some of this may or may not sound spiritual,
07:46 but it's biblical.
07:48 First of all, when and how often should we pray?
07:53 Evening and morning and at noon will I pray,
07:57 and cry aloud, and He will hear my voice."
08:01 Now, some say, "Well, now, Pastor,
08:02 that's the Old Testament."
08:04 They had these three times for prayer.
08:05 They had their specific hours for prayer.
08:06 They even did it in the New Testament
08:08 and after the Resurrection of Christ.
08:10 Acts chapter 3, verse 1, "Now Peter and John went up
08:14 to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour."
08:18 Now, that was what they would call their evening
08:19 of the third time of prayer in the day, 3 p.m.
08:23 By the way, that's the same time of day Jesus died,
08:27 at the ninth hour.
08:30 So they had regular times where they went to pray.
08:33 They set aside time for prayer.
08:34 And you might be thinking, "Well, Pastor Doug, hah,
08:38 I get down, and I pray for five minutes.
08:40 I feel like, well, I kind of covered it."
08:42 And, you know, the more you pray,
08:46 don't jump up off your knees when you feel like,
08:49 "I've run out of things to say."
08:51 Linger and say, "Lord, what am I forgetting?
08:55 Is there something that I need to confess?
08:57 Is there somebody I'm forgetting?"
08:59 So often, our prayers are about us and our needs.
09:01 Take some time to intercede for other people,
09:04 and you'll find that prayer is not just talking.
09:06 Prayer is communion where you're listening to God,
09:09 and He will begin to make impressions on your heart.
09:12 Sometimes I've been praying, and I thought,
09:14 "Oh, my mind is wandering," and then I realize,
09:15 "No, God is reminding me of something I need to do today."
09:20 God'll speak to you when you're on your knees.
09:22 He talks to you through his spirit, through angels.
09:24 He'll guide you, so don't be in a hurry.
09:27 You know, the Bible says, "Do not make haste
09:30 to leave the king's presence."
09:33 Do not make haste to leave the king's presence.
09:36 When you're on your knees and you're talking to God,
09:39 you're praying.
09:41 But since we're talking about perpetual praying,
09:43 I'm not just talking about where the Bible says you should
09:45 set aside a time, at least in the morning and the evening.
09:48 If you want to do what David and Daniel did,
09:51 you do morning, evening, and at noon, I will pray
09:53 to set aside some time to pray, but, really,
09:57 the Bible says praying doesn't end.
10:00 If you're a Christian and you're awake,
10:02 you want to live in a constant walking relationship with God.
10:06 The Bible says, "Enoch walked with God,
10:09 and he was not, for God took him."
10:12 Enoch was translated to heaven without dying.
10:14 Why?
10:15 Because he walked with God.
10:17 How many want to be among those who will not see death?
10:18 But you can be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
10:20 Wouldn't you prefer to avoid death?
10:22 If you can, I mean, given the option.
10:25 How did Enoch do it? "He walked with God."
10:27 What does that mean?
10:29 The Bible says, "Noah walked with God."
10:31 Bible doesn't say it, but you can be safe
10:33 in assuming Moses walked with God, and many others.
10:38 That means that you spend your time abiding
10:41 in the presence of God.
10:43 You are praying always.
10:47 Now, the Bible, you'd be surprised how often it tells us
10:49 to always be praying.
10:54 Let me just give you a few verses.
10:56 Luke 18:1, "Then he spoke a parable to them,
10:59 that men ought always the pray and not lose heart,"
11:03 and you got to always to pray.
11:05 Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16,
11:08 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing."
11:12 Now, obviously, I think everyone here knows the Bible is not
11:15 suggesting that you go around all day long on your knees,
11:18 your hands folded, and you bumping into things
11:20 because your eyes are closed.
11:22 There's always praying-- no, it's obviously talking
11:25 about an attitude of constant communion with God.
11:30 ♪♪♪
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12:04 ♪♪♪
12:06 Doug: Jesus said, "Watch therefore,
12:08 and pray always--" how often?
12:11 "That you may be counted worthy to escape all these things
12:14 that will come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man."
12:18 Jesus said we need to watch and pray lest
12:20 we enter into temptation.
12:21 Anyone struggle with temptation?
12:23 How often do you struggle with temptation?
12:25 Once a month? Once a week?
12:28 Every day? More than once a day?
12:31 So how often should we pray that we enter not into temptation?
12:34 In the Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread,"
12:38 that's a prayer that's dealing with daily needs, and it says,
12:41 "Lead us not into temptation."
12:43 That means, through prayer, we come to God
12:46 and ask for that power.
12:48 Ephesians 6:18, "Praying always--"
12:52 there you have it again.
12:53 "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
12:56 praying in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all
13:00 perseverance and supplication for all of the saints."
13:03 Are you getting the picture here?
13:06 But wait, there's more, Colossians 1:3,
13:08 "We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
13:12 praying always for you."
13:16 2 Thessalonians 1:11, "Therefore we also pray always for you."
13:22 Acts 12:5, "Peter therefore was kept in prison,
13:25 but prayer was made by the church without ceasing."
13:30 There you have it again, praying without ceasing.
13:33 How do we do that?
13:35 You know, I think that the key is found in--
13:40 go to John chapter 15.
13:43 We're taking a little detour here.
13:45 John 15:1, "I am the true vine,
13:48 and My Father is the vinedresser.
13:50 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit,
13:53 He takes it away, and every branch that bears fruit,
13:57 He prunes it that it might bear more fruit.
14:00 You are already clean because of the word
14:02 that I've spoken to you."
14:03 There's a cleansing effect in the Word.
14:05 "Abide in Me, and I in you, that the branch
14:08 cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine,
14:13 neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
14:17 I am the vine, you are the branches.
14:19 He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.
14:23 Without Me, you can do nothing.
14:25 If anyone does not abide in Me, he's cast out as a branch
14:29 and withered, and they gather them and throw them in the fire,
14:31 and they are burned.
14:32 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
14:36 you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you.
14:40 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit,
14:43 so you will be My disciples.
14:45 As the Father loved me, and I've also loved you,
14:49 abide in My love.
14:51 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love,
14:54 just as I've kept My Father's commandments
14:56 and I abide in His love."
14:58 Now, you notice I read verses 1 through 10,
15:01 and notice that number 10 because how many times
15:04 do you think a certain word appeared?
15:06 What's the word?
15:08 "Abide."
15:10 Why did Jesus have so much to say about "abiding"
15:13 in this passage?
15:14 There's ten "abides" there.
15:16 The word "abide" is "meno" in Greek.
15:18 Here's what it means: "to remain in a place,
15:22 to tarry, to stay in the house, to dwell, to stay overnight,
15:28 to stay alive, to remain in a sphere, to hold out,
15:33 to stand fast, to stand against opposition."
15:36 It means "to hang on, to hang in, to be in something."
15:41 So, what does it mean to pray without ceasing?
15:46 It means to abide in God.
15:48 What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart
15:50 and mind?
15:51 It means to abide in God.
15:53 It means to be thinking God's thoughts.
15:56 Start your day and say, "Lord, help me today through
16:00 the Holy Spirit to abide in You, to keep You in my thoughts."
16:07 Now, first of all, you know much more peace it'll bring you?
16:09 So many things you worry about, and you just think,
16:13 "Lord, take that away from me."
16:15 Sometimes you got thoughts coming in your mind,
16:17 and you think, "Nobody should think those thoughts,
16:18 let alone a Christian."
16:20 Say, "Lord, cleanse my mind."
16:21 Or you'll see other people that you sense have a need,
16:25 and the Holy Spirit will nudge you,
16:27 and it's like you're in communion with God,
16:29 the Spirit, with your mind.
16:31 Now, I think that, when you do pray,
16:33 there should be a reverence in our praying.
16:36 I want you to notice something here.
16:37 Look at a few verses real quick, I put together.
16:41 Psalm 95:6, "Oh come, let us worship and bow down.
16:47 Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."
16:50 Most of the time in the Bible, informal prayer,
16:53 it is appropriate, if you're able, to kneel,
16:57 and the very fact of bowing down,
16:59 it is universally understood that that is an act
17:03 of submission and worship.
17:06 Why would Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego not bow down
17:10 to the graven image?
17:12 They were not going to show worship by their posture.
17:16 They could've said, "Well, we'll bow down,
17:17 but we're not going to pray to him in our hearts."
17:19 They would not even physically show worship by their posture
17:21 to this pagan god.
17:23 So if we're worshipping the real God,
17:26 if the pagans are bowing down, are Christians so,
17:31 fair to say, call them "pompous" that we stand
17:34 and pray thus with ourselves?
17:36 Or is it appropriate for us to bow before the Lord?
17:39 Now, it's not necessary to always do that,
17:41 but let me give you a few verses here.
17:44 Daniel 6:10, "In his upper room, he knelt on his knees
17:47 three times."
17:48 He was 80 years old, by the way, when he did this.
17:50 1 Kings 18:42, "Elijah went up on the top of Carmel.
17:54 He bowed down to the ground, put his face between his knees."
17:57 That's not always necessary. Some of us can't do that.
17:58 Acts 9:40, "Peter put them all out.
18:02 He knelt down, and he prayed."
18:04 And then there was a resurrection.
18:06 Ephesians 3:14, "For this cause I bow my knee under the God
18:10 and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
18:13 Solomon the king, Jesus said, "No one was arrayed like Solomon
18:18 in all of his glory."
18:20 When he was dedicating the temple,
18:22 build a platform for everyone to see,
18:24 got up on the platform.
18:25 Says, "This king, he knelt before
18:28 the King of the universe."
18:31 And most of us are not greater than Solomon.
18:34 "He knelt down upon his knees and all the congregation
18:36 of Israel."
18:37 He wanted everyone to see that he was worshiping Jehovah,
18:39 and he was not the one to be worshiped.
18:42 But having said that, you don't always need to kneel
18:46 when you pray.
18:48 There are times when it's appropriate to stand and pray.
18:51 After Solomon had the kneeling prayer,
18:53 then when he gave the benediction--
18:54 let me read it to you, 1 Kings 8:54,
18:57 "And it was so, when Solomon had finished praying on his knees
19:01 all this prayer and supplication to the Lord,
19:03 that he arose from before the altar,
19:05 from kneeling on his knees, with his hands spread to heaven,
19:09 and he stood and he bless the assembly."
19:11 That's what we call the benediction.
19:13 At the end of the sermon after the song,
19:14 we do something called the benediction.
19:15 In the beginning, you'll see an invocation.
19:17 It's not always necessary to kneel,
19:19 but before you enter into the actual worship service,
19:23 to the opening of the Word, asking God to speak to you,
19:25 it's appropriate to kneel if you can.
19:28 I always think it's funny that, you know,
19:30 we know there's some people--
19:32 and it's getting harder for me to get up.
19:34 Well, when I was young, I got done praying,
19:36 I could get up on one toe.
19:37 That's all it took me to get up.
19:39 But you get a little older, it's like I'm reaching around,
19:41 you know?
19:42 Person next to me, lift-- get back up again.
19:46 So, Bible says that we should pray diligently when we pray.
19:51 Diligent praying.
19:53 Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
19:57 for he who comes to God must believe that He is,
20:00 and He is a rewarder."
20:03 How many want God to reward your prayers?
20:06 "He's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
20:10 I remember reading in the Bible that when the king of Israel
20:13 came to see Elisha, when Elisha the prophet was dying,
20:15 he came to make his hospital visit,
20:17 and Elisha was more worried about the king,
20:20 than the king about Elisha, and Elisha said to the king,
20:23 "Open the window."
20:24 Syria has been attacking.
20:26 He said, "Open the window."
20:27 He said, "Put an arrow in your bow."
20:29 He put an arrow in his bow.
20:31 Elisha put his hand on the king's hand,
20:32 and he said, "Pull back the arrow.
20:33 Fire." He fired the arrow.
20:35 He said, "This is the arrow of God's deliverance from Syria."
20:37 He said, "Now, take a handful of arrows."
20:39 He did.
20:41 And then Elisha said to the king, "Beat the ground."
20:44 And he hit the ground three times.
20:46 And the man of God was wroth, and he said,
20:48 "You only hit the ground three times.
20:50 You should've smote the ground five or six times,
20:51 and you would've had five or six victories over Syria.
20:54 Because you only hit the ground three times,
20:56 you're only going to have three victories."
20:59 I wonder how many prayers that we've left behind
21:02 because we quit too soon?
21:05 We did not pray diligently.
21:08 You know what "diligently" means?
21:10 It's talking about industriously,
21:13 meticulously, "with energy to the point of perspiration"
21:18 is one definition.
21:20 Jeremiah 29:13, "And you will seek Me and find Me,
21:24 when you search for Me--" what's the rest of that?
21:27 "With all of your heart."
21:28 That's diligent praying, praying with your heart.
21:30 What does God want from us anyway?
21:33 He wants our hearts.
21:35 Deuteronomy 4:29, "But if from there," if you're carried away
21:38 to some pagan land, "if from there you will seek the Lord
21:41 your God, you will find Him if you seek Him
21:44 with all of your heart and all of your soul."
21:47 Diligent praying.
21:49 Hudson Taylor said, "The prayer power
21:52 has never been tried to its full capacity.
21:56 If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace
21:59 wrought in the place of weakness and failure and disappointment,
22:02 let us answer God's standing challenge.
22:05 He says, 'Call unto me, and I will show you great
22:08 and mighty things that you have not known,'"
22:10 if you do what?
22:12 "If you call unto Me.
22:13 If My people, which are called by My name,
22:15 will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn
22:18 from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven.
22:22 I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land."
22:25 God promises that He'll do these things.
22:28 I'd like to give you something practical in conclusion,
22:31 and this is talking about the acts of prayer.
22:37 Now, a simple formula when you come to God to pray,
22:41 the Lord's Prayer is a very good model for prayer.
22:44 Jesus said, "When you pray--"
22:46 He never said, "Repeat this prayer."
22:48 He said, "In this manner, pray," and that's why the prayer is
22:51 a little different in Luke than it is in Matthew.
22:54 Jesus didn't say it the same way all the time.
22:56 Jesus said, "Do not pray in vain repetition,"
22:59 and that's including the Lord's Prayer.
23:01 We're not saved by just repeating a prayer
23:03 over and over again.
23:05 But many Christians have used something
23:07 as a formula for prayer.
23:08 It's called ACTS, A-C-T-S, that, when you pray,
23:12 try to start out--and don't have to pray an hour.
23:14 If you're not praying at all, five minutes will be
23:16 an improvement.
23:18 If you're praying 5 minutes, go to 15 and see what happens,
23:21 but start spending more time with God in prayer.
23:24 You might use this formula, A-C-T-S, ACTS.
23:26 It has--it stands for-- I think we've got it up
23:29 on the screen--adoration, confession, thanksgiving,
23:34 and supplication.
23:36 You start with your adoration, "Hallowed be Thy name."
23:39 And then we talk about "Forgive us our debts."
23:42 There's confession that happens in your sin.
23:45 First, you're coming to acknowledging,
23:46 "I have--I'm not worthy to ask anything,
23:49 but I'm coming, confessing, asking for mercy,
23:51 pleading the blood of Jesus."
23:53 Then there's thanksgiving.
23:55 Before you give God your list of everything new that you want,
23:57 you know, when you thank someone,
23:59 they are more inclined to give you future benefits,
24:01 so start out by thanking Him for all that He's done,
24:05 all that He's already given you.
24:07 You can surely find something to be thankful for.
24:09 Then you conclude with your supplications.
24:13 That's your list of things you're asking God for,
24:16 and then, hopefully, you're not just supplicating
24:19 for yourself but in behalf of others or events.
24:22 And so you might just jot that down because I just have it
24:25 on the screen there.
24:27 It makes a good formula for prayer, ACTS.
24:31 And, finally, when we pray, there's power
24:37 in the name of Jesus.
24:40 We are praying that God will hear our prayers,
24:43 not because we are worthy, but when He sees us,
24:45 we are covered with the blood of His own Son,
24:48 so we come in the name of Jesus.
24:50 You read Ephesians 5:20, "Giving thanks always for all things
24:55 to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
25:00 Will He answer our prayers when we come claiming
25:02 the blood of His Son, when we pray reverently,
25:07 persistently, and come in Jesus's name?
25:10 You know, I believe that the Lord wants us to have a revival.
25:15 I think that a revival is going to be preceded by a revival
25:19 in our lives in walking with God in prayer.
25:22 If we're praying like we should pray,
25:25 your giving, it'll change.
25:28 If we're praying like we should pray,
25:29 your singing will change, your living will change.
25:33 Everything will change if our relationship with God changes.
25:36 ♪♪♪
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26:15 announcer: "Go into all the world
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26:19 Through radio, television, print, evangelistic events,
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26:29 Millions of individuals in over 150 countries have been blessed
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27:14 announcer: What if you could know the future?
27:18 What would you do?
27:20 What would you change?
27:22 To see the future, you must understand the past.
27:27 This intriguing documentary hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor,
27:31 explores the most striking Bible prophecies
27:34 that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history,
27:38 "Kingdoms in Time."
27:40 For more information, visit
27:44 female announcer: Did you know Amazing Facts has
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27:50 It includes 27 study lessons to aid in your study of God's Word.
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27:59 ♪♪♪
28:06 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
28:08 It's sure to be a blessing, and thank you for your continued
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28:15 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve deep
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28:21 ♪♪♪
28:25 announcer: This presentation was brought to you
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Revised 2020-03-16