Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

The Supreme Sacrifice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFNB

Program Code: AFNB002219S

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:03 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:08 Doug Batchelor: Can you imagine stepping into the line
00:10 of fire on a battlefield to save your enemy?
00:14 On November 12, 1944, German Lieutenant Friedrich Lengfeld
00:19 heard the desperate cries of a wounded American soldier who had
00:23 been shot down in the midst of a German minefield.
00:27 He ordered his men not to fire upon any rescuers,
00:30 but as time slipped by, no Allied medics
00:33 came to the aid of the injured man.
00:35 That's when Lengfeld decided to help the enemy soldier himself.
00:39 After organizing a rescue squad, he stepped out into the danger
00:44 to assist his enemy, but he never got very far.
00:48 He was injured by an exploding mine
00:50 and died several hours later.
00:52 In 1994, a group of American veterans erected
00:56 a memorial to honor his act of self-sacrifice.
00:59 It's always moving when we hear about people who
01:02 risked their lives to help a stranger in need.
01:05 But, you know, Jesus risked much more to save his enemies when he
01:09 came to this world, even knowing that he'd be hated, rejected,
01:14 and persecuted, and ultimately killed, did not hinder him.
01:18 Why? What was the motivation?
01:21 Join me now as we take a deeper look
01:23 at this transformational subject.
01:29 Doug: Tonight's presentation is among the most important, and
01:33 it's dealing with the subject of The Supreme Sacrifice.
01:38 You know, this is what we're going to do
01:39 tonight is we're going to spend some time beholding
01:41 the Lamb, and it is a prophetic theme.
01:44 Now, some people come to a seminar like this and say,
01:45 "Pastor Doug, I didn't come to talk about Jesus and salvation.
01:49 I want to understand prophecy.
01:51 I want to know about the beast and the
01:53 Antichrist and Armageddon and 666.
01:56 Let's study those things."
01:59 Well, you know, this is the theme of prophecy.
02:02 If you look in Revelation chapter 5, it talks about a Lamb
02:06 that had been slain that's in the midst of the throne.
02:10 And throughout the book of Revelation, Jesus is referred to
02:12 the Lamb and unless we know who that Lamb is,
02:16 you know, we are going to miss out on everything.
02:18 The purpose of all Bible prophecy is redemptive.
02:23 The purpose of all Bible prophecy is redemptive.
02:27 God's prophecies are not just to entertain
02:29 us that He can foretell the future.
02:31 The reason He has these prophecies
02:33 is so that we can be saved.
02:35 What good is it to you if you understand what the beast is and
02:39 666 and the Antichrist and mark of the beast, and you even know
02:42 the date and the hour of Christ's coming,
02:45 if you're not saved, what good does that do you?
02:47 What good is it if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?
02:51 You might think, "Well, I just, you know,
02:53 I want this knowledge."
02:54 Well, the devil knows more than anybody
02:55 here, it's not going to save him.
02:58 What you ultimately need to know
02:59 is Jesus, a relationship with Him.
03:02 All the prophecies are pointing towards that.
03:04 So, we're not really being honest or fair with you if we're
03:07 just teaching Bible trivia and prophecy trivia, and we're not
03:12 talking about the central theme of prophecy, which is Christ.
03:16 Now, when you open the book of Revelation, who knows
03:18 what the first line in Revelation says?
03:21 The revelation of the Antichrist?
03:25 The revelation of the beast? The revelation of Armageddon?
03:29 Millennium? Secret rapture to witnesses?
03:32 They're all in the book, but
03:33 that's not what it's talking about.
03:35 It's the revelation of Jesus Christ.
03:38 And in the first chapter, Jesus appears,
03:41 and He's being revealed in these prophecies.
03:44 So tonight, we're going to be talking about what the
03:46 prophecies have to say about Jesus.
03:49 Is Jesus the only way to be saved
03:51 and importance of eternal life?
03:54 And what is salvation? First question.
03:56 "Why was it necessary for Jesus to die?"
04:00 You read in Romans chapter 3, verse 23,
04:03 "For all have sinned," everybody's sinned.
04:08 See, sin is deadly and it's contagious.
04:11 In fact, this planet has been pretty much quarantined
04:15 from the rest of the cosmos, the universe,
04:17 because we've got a deadly disease.
04:20 You can just see that sin hurts.
04:22 Sin hurts you, sin hurts your neighbor, sin hurts God, and sin
04:28 is selfishness, and it just basically self-destructs.
04:33 And the end result of sin is death.
04:35 The penalty for sin is death.
04:36 You might be thinking, "Well, then why aren't we
04:38 dead yet, since we've all sinned?"
04:41 Because through the sacrifice of Jesus, He not only bought the
04:45 opportunity for people to find everlasting life, but every
04:48 person has been provided with probationary time.
04:53 The Lord has bought us an extension
04:56 to make a different choice.
04:58 He's bought us probationary time to say,
05:01 "I don't want to live for myself.
05:02 I want to live for God." Penalty for sin is death.
05:06 You can see here also in Hebrews chapter 9, verse 22, "Without
05:11 the shedding of blood, there is no remission."
05:13 The word "remission" means there is no
05:16 forgiveness without the shedding of blood.
05:19 The Bible tells us the life is in the blood,
05:22 and all creatures need blood.
05:25 Blood is what cleanses us.
05:29 I remember reading a few years ago, and it's also very relevant
05:32 today, when they had that Ebola outbreak there in Africa.
05:36 And, you know, COVID is very serious, but the survival rate
05:41 is a whole lot better than Ebola.
05:44 And some of you remember that there was this nurse William
05:46 Pooley, he contracted Ebola and nearly died, but he survived.
05:50 But because he survived, in his body, he had the antibodies that
05:54 were very rare because there were very few survivors.
05:59 And the antibodies were basically a life serum.
06:03 And he flew to other parts of the world to
06:06 give transfusions to save other people.
06:10 Who knows what the first miracle of Jesus was?
06:14 He turned the water to wine.
06:16 What's wine a symbol of in the Bible?
06:18 The blood, there at the Last Supper,
06:20 Jesus gave them the cup of grape juice.
06:21 He said, "Take, drink.
06:22 This is My blood that is shed for you
06:25 for the remission of sin."
06:27 Said, "Except you eat My flesh and drink My blood--" and He
06:30 doesn't literally want us drinking blood.
06:31 You all know that, no vampires here.
06:35 He's talking about having His life go in us.
06:40 What's the last thing that Jesus did before He died on the cross?
06:43 People offered Him sour wine on a sponge.
06:48 So, they're at the wedding feast, Jesus's
06:50 first miracle, He provides pure grape juice.
06:53 They said, "You've saved the best."
06:55 Then the last thing He does is He takes sour wine from man.
06:59 Jesus gave the human race a blood transfusion.
07:02 Basically, He took our badness and He gives us His goodness.
07:07 He made this great exchange with us.
07:09 You can read also in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, verse 3,
07:13 Christ died for the sins of the Jews?
07:18 He died for the sin of the whole world.
07:21 Did He only die for the sins of those who choose to believe in
07:23 Him, or did He die for everybody?
07:26 Christ died for our sins because He loved us, He took our place.
07:31 Now, sin is deadly. It killed him.
07:35 Sort of something like, if you can imagine if you will, a
07:39 family that lives on a beautiful island out in the Pacific where
07:43 it's tropical paradise, and they got an abundance of good food
07:46 and fruits and clean water, a family with ten children.
07:49 you know, it's like Robinson Crusoe with ten children.
07:52 They're all having a wonderful time, and the one of them,
07:55 for some inexplicable reason, contracts
08:01 a deadly, painful, fatal disease.
08:05 And the parents have to make a difficult decision
08:07 because it's extremely contagious.
08:10 They know if that child stays on the island, it'll infect all
08:12 the other children, and they love that child.
08:15 Wouldn't they be doing everything they could to find a
08:17 way to isolate that child and heal them if they could?
08:21 Put him on a raft, find some cure.
08:24 This is what God is faced with.
08:26 He had to pretty much separate us from the rest of the universe
08:28 because sin is deadly and it's contagious.
08:30 And Jesus said, "There's only one way, I will take their
08:34 penalty to meet the demands of justice.
08:37 I will take their weakness and their sin,
08:39 and I will give them My strength.
08:41 I will give them My purity. I will give them My power.
08:44 They will be new creatures."
08:46 You also read in 1 Peter 3, verse 18, "For Christ also
08:50 suffered once, the just for the unjust."
08:53 He is just. He never sinned.
08:55 He did not deserve it, but He died for you and me.
08:59 So, what is this great plan of salvation called?
09:02 It says in Revelation 14:6--I told you
09:04 this as a prophecy subject.
09:06 Having the everlasting gospel, this is our study tonight.
09:09 What is the everlasting gospel?
09:12 The word "gospel" means good news.
09:14 "Having the everlasting gospel to preach
09:16 to those who dwell on the earth."
09:18 You read in Revelation chapter 14 where this passage comes
09:21 from that in the last days just before Christ comes in chapter
09:25 14, Jesus is pictured coming in the clouds to harvest the earth.
09:30 And just before He comes, there's pictured these angels
09:32 flying in heaven with these messages,
09:34 and they're giving them with a loud voice.
09:37 And one of those messages is this angel's got the everlasting
09:41 gospel to preach unto those who dwell upon the earth.
09:44 You know, this is being fulfilled tonight.
09:47 "Why did God make such a fantastic sacrifice for us?"
09:51 "For God so," what?
09:54 How many of you know this verse in John 3:16?
09:57 "For God so loved--" say it with me, would you?
10:00 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten
10:04 Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
10:08 may not perish, but have everlasting life."
10:12 You know, that is such a wonderful verse.
10:13 I took off tonight before I came, I usually print out a
10:16 couple of notes, and I forgot, but I think I was
10:18 able to print this one thing on my phone
10:20 I want to share with you real quick.
10:22 Just about John 3:16, it's one of the greatest verses.
10:26 Listen to this. Just break it down for a second.
10:28 This is John 3:16, "For God, (the greatest Giver), so loved,
10:34 (the greatest motive), the world, (the greatest number),
10:38 that He gave, (the greatest act), His only Son, (the
10:42 greatest gift), that whosoever, (the greatest invitation),
10:48 believes in Him, (the greatest opportunity),
10:50 should not perish, (the greatest deliverance),
10:53 but have eternal life, (the greatest joy)."
10:57 This verse is so jam-packed, volcanic,
11:00 explosive with promise.
11:02 That's why it's many people's favorite verse.
11:05 He so loved us.
11:07 "What must I do to benefit from Jesus's sacrificial sacrifice?"
11:11 The Bible tells us some things that happened.
11:14 First of all, you got to believe.
11:16 That almost sounds too good to be true.
11:18 All things are possible to those who believe.
11:21 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
11:25 And it starts with simple faith.
11:26 Now, I mean, once you do believe, you're going to see
11:28 changes, but it starts with belief.
11:32 "If" is a two-letter word, but it's
11:34 a very dangerous word for Jesus.
11:38 When Jesus died, He was executed between two thieves.
11:42 Both thieves were asking for deliverance.
11:45 One of them said, "If you are the Christ,
11:48 save Yourself and save us."
11:50 He figured that Jesus would put Himself first.
11:52 The other thief said, "Lord, remember
11:55 me when You come into Your paradise."
11:57 No doubt he says, "You are the Lord,
11:59 and I believe you've got a Kingdom.
12:01 Remember me when you've come into Your Kingdom."
12:03 And Jesus said to him, "Verily I say to you today,
12:06 you will be with Me in Paradise."
12:07 Said, "Verily I say to you today,
12:09 you will be with Me in Paradise."
12:11 What a wonderful promise.
12:12 Now, did that thief do a lot of good works
12:15 and make donations and philanthropic work?
12:17 And, you know, did he cook at the church every week?
12:21 Did he do any good deeds that earned his salvation?
12:24 Or did he simply reach out, pray, and believe?
12:28 The Bible is going to give you a few steps
12:30 of what you need to do to be saved.
12:32 We all need to know what that is.
12:34 One of them, believe. Believe that Jesus loves you.
12:37 Believe that Jesus will save you.
12:39 Would Jesus go through all the trouble that He went through to
12:41 leave heaven and come to this world, dark world compared to
12:45 heaven, where there's evil to be hounded by the devil for 33 and
12:48 a half years, to be tortured on a cross?
12:51 Would He go through all of that to
12:52 save you if you could not be saved?
12:55 Of course you can be saved. Believe it.
12:58 Once you believe it, you give God permission to start making
13:01 changes in your life, but it starts with faith.
13:03 All things are possible to him that believes.
13:06 Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he that comes
13:09 to God must believe that He is and He is a
13:11 rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, so believe.
13:16 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends.
13:18 In just a moment, we're going to return
13:20 with the rest of today's presentation.
13:23 No doubt you've often heard that Jesus died for your sins and
13:27 that He paid an enormous price to save you from sin and death.
13:31 It sounds important, but how does that affect your
13:34 day-to-day life 2,000 years later?
13:38 Well, friend, your response to Jesus's sacrifice is going to be
13:42 in direct proportion to how you understand its value.
13:47 In fact, your eternity actually hinges upon
13:51 knowing the truth about this vital subject.
13:53 That's why Amazing Facts would like to send you a special gift
13:57 called "The High Cost Of The Cross."
14:00 This extraordinary resource dives deep into the heart of the
14:03 Christian faith by exploring the reasons why Jesus had to die and
14:08 how much He sacrificed to open the gates of heaven for you.
14:11 So, don't wait, friend.
14:13 To get your free copy, call the number on the screen and ask for
14:16 offer number 156, or visit the web address.
14:20 And after you read this incredible resource,
14:22 make sure and share it with a friend.
14:24 Well, let's return to today's presentation and learn some more
14:27 amazing facts from the Word of God.
14:31 Doug: How does God cleanse us?
14:32 What's this process, the science of how this works?
14:35 First of all, Acts chapter 3, verse 19,
14:37 you can also read this in Acts chapter 2.
14:39 The first word is, what's it say up there on the screen?
14:42 "Repent therefore, be converted, that
14:45 your sins might be blotted out."
14:48 When you look to Jesus in faith and you accept Him,
14:51 then tell Him you're sorry for your sins.
14:53 And this is the second part of that.
14:55 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
14:58 just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
15:01 from," a little bit of unrighteousness.
15:03 I didn't know if you were reading that
15:05 with me, but oh, yeah, it does.
15:06 It says, "All unrighteousness."
15:08 "You mean after my life of sin, I can tell the Lord I'm sorry
15:12 for my sins and repent of my sins and confess, and He says
15:15 He will cleanse me from all unrighteousness?"
15:19 That's right, in the Bible, you've
15:21 got adulterers, adulteresses, murderers,
15:25 thieves that are forgiven by God.
15:28 Paul said, "And such were some
15:30 of you, but you've been cleansed.
15:31 You've been forgiven.
15:33 You've been washed because of Jesus."
15:35 He completely transforms you, but it says you need to repent.
15:38 Now, repentance means a genuine sorrow for sin
15:42 where you're willing to turn away from it.
15:44 There's a lot of Christians that sort
15:46 of teach a shallow idea of repentance.
15:50 They'll have a church service, and they'll say, "If you'd like
15:53 to accept Jesus and have eternal life, you know,
15:55 raise your hand, say this prayer.
15:57 Yes, Jesus, I accept You," and go home, and they kind
15:59 of pretty much continue living their life.
16:02 Repentance is where you have a sorrow for your sin and you
16:05 genuinely want to be made different.
16:07 You want to be delivered from your sin.
16:09 A lot of people have different addictions.
16:11 You don't want to just be forgiven and
16:12 continue with your addiction.
16:13 You want to be saved from your sin, right?
16:15 What does the Bible say to Mary?
16:17 Jesus said--or the angel said to Mary, "You'll call His name
16:20 Jesus because He will save people from their sin."
16:24 He wants to transform you and save you from your sin.
16:26 Sin is your problem. So, we repent.
16:30 Now, if--after the program, I try to,
16:34 you know, I take off my microphone.
16:36 I go back, and I try to greet the people that are coming.
16:39 And if on my way to the back door, I run into you, and I
16:43 knock you down and throw you to the floor, and your stuff
16:46 scattered everywhere and I say, "Excuse me,"
16:48 and I keep going, that's probably not right.
16:51 I ought to stop and, you know, help you up
16:53 and apologize, be a little more thorough.
16:55 If on the way to the door, I bumped your elbow with my elbow,
16:58 I just say, "Excuse me," I go on my way.
17:00 The degree of offense dictates how much you apologize.
17:05 See what I'm saying?
17:07 So, when we say, "Thank you for salvation, Jesus,"
17:10 and we just walk away, we don't have a
17:12 concept of what He suffered for our sin.
17:15 Part of being a Christian, and not just
17:16 repentance, it's what you call restoration.
17:19 It teaches that in the Bible too, but you
17:21 don't hear too many sermons about that.
17:23 It's being a new creature, righting wrongs.
17:25 And you know what?
17:26 You do that--if you can put that list on the bed and kneel by it
17:30 and say, "Lord, you promised to cleanse me from all
17:32 unrighteousness, thank You for cleansing me."
17:35 And believe and throw that list away.
17:37 Don't anyone--press the delete button.
17:39 Don't let anyone get that list.
17:41 And you're going to feel such relief and
17:42 peace in your life when you do that.
17:45 "What is this wonderful conversion experience called?"
17:48 You can read about it there in John 3, verse 7.
17:52 "You must be--" what did Jesus say to Nicodemus?
17:54 "You must be born again."
17:57 What's He talking about when He said, "You must be born again"?
18:00 It's talking about you become a new person.
18:03 You get a new beginning.
18:04 And when you come to Jesus, you get a new start where all of the
18:07 sins and the mistakes of the past are washed away.
18:10 Like an innocent baby, you come forth into a new world, and you
18:13 are adopted into the family of God.
18:16 God now calls you His son, His daughter,
18:18 and He will watch over you.
18:20 It's like, for me, one of the greatest miracles is
18:24 metamorphosis, how you see this worm turn
18:28 into this elegant, winged creature.
18:30 What a transformation.
18:32 That's what happens in conversion,
18:33 you become a new creature.
18:35 He changes you.
18:36 Old things are passed away, all things become new,
18:40 and you get the innocence of a little baby.
18:43 "Who enters the heart of a Christian,
18:45 of each born-again Christian?"
18:48 The Bible says, "The Spirit of truth, but you know Him, for He
18:52 dwells with you and He will be in you."
18:54 Notice again, the emphasis on He.
18:57 The Holy Spirit will be in you.
18:59 And every day, I pray for the Holy Spirit.
19:02 All the time, many times through the day before the program I'm
19:04 saying, "God, I want Your Spirit to be in me."
19:08 Because He will lead you, He'll guide you, He'll give you
19:10 wisdom, He'll give you sensitivity about what to say,
19:13 how to treat people, how to be like Jesus.
19:15 The Bible calls it being Spirit led.
19:19 And in the same way, I believe in the last days, God wants to
19:21 baptize His people in the Holy Spirit.
19:24 And I think you're going to see the same kind of outpouring of
19:27 the Spirit and the miracles that you see in the book of Acts.
19:30 I think that's going to happen again
19:31 before the Second Coming, don't you?
19:33 Well, how's that going to happen?
19:35 You know how the disciples received the
19:36 Holy Spirit in Pentecostal power?
19:39 Is they spent ten days together praying,
19:41 confessing their faults, forgiving each other.
19:44 And when their hearts were empty, then God could fill them.
19:48 God wants to fill you with His love, His joy, His abundance.
19:51 But unfortunately, our hearts are so full of the
19:53 world, there's no room for anything else.
19:55 When you humble yourself before God, He will fill
19:57 you with the Spirit and He will lift you up.
20:00 "When Jesus lives in my heart through
20:02 the Holy Spirit, what will I do?"
20:04 How are things different?
20:07 "Both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
20:10 And that's Philippians 2:13.
20:12 We are going to be daily wanting to
20:13 seek out what God wants us to do.
20:15 We're going to be sensitive to God's leading.
20:17 You're going to start seeing the most
20:18 amazing miracles happen in your life.
20:21 When I was a baby Christian, I think I needed a little extra
20:24 encouragement because I was very cynical.
20:30 Like John, I'm from New York City, and they got so many
20:32 schemes there and con artists that when I started reading the
20:36 Bible, I just--I didn't want to be taken in.
20:39 So, when I was praying, I believed, but the Lord had to
20:43 just give me some, some encouragement.
20:47 And I saw so many miracles happen that proved to me that
20:50 God is real, and He'll do this for you.
20:54 So, pray for His leading and His will
20:56 to show you what to do, and He will.
20:58 You know, we sing that theme song each night,
21:00 "Help me to know Your will, Lord."
21:02 The greatest battle is not just knowing God's will,
21:05 it's to have a willingness to do His will.
21:08 "Why should I be confident that my new-birth
21:10 experience will be successful?"
21:13 Answer, "He who has begun a good work in you will
21:18 complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
21:20 This is Philippians 1, verse 6.
21:23 You know, there's so many people that think that, you know, "I
21:26 started out, but I'm not seeing much progress.
21:29 I want God to finish what He started in my life."
21:31 The Bible promises God is the author
21:34 and the finisher of your faith.
21:36 He will finish what He starts in your life, if you ask Him.
21:40 He who begun a good work in you will perform it.
21:43 Jesus is not a quitter. Some people get discouraged.
21:46 They say, "You know, I came to Jesus, but I had no idea that
21:49 there was going to be problems afterward."
21:52 I think pastors do a disservice to people when we make it sound
21:56 like you come to the altar and you accept Jesus, and it's going
21:59 to be a bed of roses and a bowl of cherries from there on.
22:02 When the children of Israel escaped the
22:04 slavery of Egypt, did all of their problems end?
22:09 They crossed the Red Sea, you can call that baptism.
22:12 Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10, that's like baptism.
22:14 They're no longer in the territory of Egypt.
22:17 They're beginning their journey into the Promised Land.
22:19 And they rejoiced for a little while,
22:20 but then they were attacked by the Amalekites.
22:23 God gave them victory if they went and fought with
22:26 Joshua, and Joshua led them to victory.
22:29 They ran out of bread. They got hungry.
22:32 They murmured and complained,
22:33 and God gave them bread from heaven.
22:35 They ran out of water. They got thirsty.
22:37 God gave them water.
22:38 They just had challenge after challenge
22:40 to test their faith along the way.
22:42 And they're wandering, "Why don't we just go
22:44 directly from Egypt to the Promised Land?"
22:45 They did a lot of wandering, you know why?
22:47 They had to go through what you call sanctification.
22:50 They went through a process of learning to trust God.
22:53 Now, it says in Isaiah, "Learn to do good."
22:56 Once you come to the Lord, you have to, sort of, unlearn
23:00 everything you learned in the school of the devil, and you've
23:03 got to learn now what it means to follow the Lord.
23:05 Do not be discouraged if you fall down a
23:08 few times in your early walk with Christ.
23:11 "How will true conversion change a person's life?"
23:14 So, when you have come to the Lord and you've experienced
23:16 genuine conversion, what happens?
23:19 A says, "By this all will know that you are My disciples,
23:23 if you have love for one another."
23:26 You know, some people say, "Oh, you know,
23:27 I don't want to go to church.
23:28 There's some hypocrites in church."
23:30 Well, that's the best environment to learn love in.
23:34 The disciples, did they argue among themselves?
23:39 The Bible says they did. Do families sometimes argue?
23:44 If you say, "Lord, give me love," do you think He's just
23:46 going to give you some pink package in the mail and love's
23:49 going to spill all over you with little sparkle
23:51 fairy dust and you can love everybody?
23:53 No, He's going to put unlovable people around you,
23:58 and you're going to learn how to love.
23:59 But once you learn those people, the
24:00 lovable people are really easy, right?
24:05 But He's going to teach you to love.
24:07 And how did the Bible say that everybody
24:09 is going to know we're His disciples?
24:11 By our love for one another, by our love for one another.
24:15 "If anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation."
24:18 People should see a transformation in your life.
24:23 My old family and the kids that I used to go to
24:25 school with, they see Doug Batchelor now, and
24:28 they say, "Doug became a preacher?
24:31 A pastor?" And I was Jewish.
24:34 "A Christian?"
24:36 I re-connected with some of my friends on Facebook,
24:39 and they just, they see a change.
24:41 And I say, "What God did for me, He'll do for you.
24:44 I was miserable then. I'm happy now."
24:46 You become a new creature, a new creation.
24:49 Answer C, "We keep His commandments
24:52 and do those things that are pleasing in His sight."
24:55 We--you know, God's law is not that complicated.
24:58 People like to argue about, you know, what
25:00 the law of God is and what God wants.
25:02 It's like Mark Twain said, "It's not the mysteries
25:04 in the Bible that cause me sleepless nights,
25:06 it's the good I know I should do."
25:08 And most of us understand what God wants us to do.
25:11 Be willing to obey God.
25:13 Sometimes we're afraid of the consequences of obeying God.
25:16 Trust Him.
25:17 You're going to think, "Oh, how am I going to get through this?"
25:19 God is in the business of
25:20 working miracles when you trust Him.
25:23 Keep in mind, God will never ever ask you to do something
25:26 without giving you the power to do it.
25:29 In every command of God is inherent the
25:32 power to obey what He is commanding.
25:35 Answer D, "And do not be conformed to the world, but be
25:39 transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you might prove
25:43 what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
25:46 You are transformed. Your mind has changed.
25:49 You're learning new things.
25:51 And then the Bible says, "You will be witnesses to Me."
25:54 You know, you're not going to be able
25:55 to keep the good news to yourself.
25:57 Your face is going to advertise.
26:00 People are going to see that you've learned something.
26:03 How many of you ladies out there have friends, and you can tell
26:07 that they're in love because their expression changes?
26:11 I remember my grandmother one time
26:13 she said, "Oh, she's in love."
26:15 I said, "How do you know?"
26:16 Said, "You can just look at her, you can tell."
26:18 And when people fall in love with Jesus,
26:20 you can't keep it to yourself.
26:22 You want to talk about the One you love.
26:28 announcer: Don't forget to request today's
26:29 life-changing, free resource.
26:31 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
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26:51 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
26:54 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
26:58 important, to share it with others.
27:04 announcer: Are you looking for a life-changing
27:05 gift that keeps on giving?
27:08 Then look no further.
27:11 "Amazing Testimonies of Changed Lives" is a moving
27:14 day devotional full of beautifully told conversion
27:16 stories about people just like you.
27:21 You will read familiar Bible accounts like that of the
27:23 Apostle Paul, stories from great men and women in history like
27:28 Martin Luther and Fanny Crosby, and even Amazing Facts
27:33 testimonies of people who accepted Christ,
27:36 turning from death to eternal life.
27:40 You'll be inspired by these thrilling accounts of hearts
27:42 changed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
27:47 You'll even be convinced that God can change your life too.
27:53 To order your copy today, visit
28:02 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
28:04 It's sure to be a blessing.
28:06 And thank you for your continued support as we take
28:08 the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
28:11 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve deep into the Word
28:14 of God to explore more amazing facts.
28:24 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the
28:26 friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2024-01-16