Abundant Living

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL000216A

00:01 There is a gland in the body
00:02 that's nicknamed the "butterfly gland."
00:05 Do you know what gland that is?
00:07 Well, here's another clue
00:08 which is also today's program entitle,
00:10 "The Master Gland."
00:12 We'll be right back.
00:49 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living.
00:51 This is Curtis Eakins, the co-host
00:52 and this is my beautiful bride of 20 glorious,
00:57 wonderful years of holy matrimony, Paula Eakins.
01:02 Praise him.
01:04 It's been a wonderful 20 years, will you say?
01:06 Absolutely. Absolutely.
01:07 You want to expound on that a little bit?
01:08 No, I think that we're good. Okay, I just want to hear.
01:11 Because I know, I know for fact--
01:13 You know for fact.
01:14 You start off this year with butterfly gland.
01:16 The butterfly gland. And then the master gland.
01:18 The master gland. Okay.
01:20 Just let them stew in for little while.
01:22 You call them stew?
01:23 Well, we can't too much
01:24 because we got to tape this show.
01:26 We got to tell them what it is
01:27 but-- it could be any gland or all the glands.
01:31 Now it's called a butterfly
01:32 that's a clue also the master gland.
01:36 Oh, that's heavy. That's heavy.
01:38 It's not the master man because the master--
01:41 Is Jesus Christ. Right.
01:42 So this is the master gland.
01:45 Okay. Right, okay.
01:46 So let's let the cat out the bag
01:48 so we can start talking about it.
01:49 What do you think we are talking about, baby?
01:51 Do you have any idea? We are talking about thyroid.
01:53 We are talking about the thyroid
01:55 and there's a lot of people
01:57 that got some issues with the thyroid.
01:59 It really does and now those who remember
02:02 I guess back 30-40 years ago
02:04 was a guy name Rodney Dangerfield.
02:07 He said no one gives me respect.
02:09 I need some respect.
02:11 This gland gets no respect and we did this program
02:14 I guess many years ago,
02:15 but we're gonna talk about the thyroid, it's in two parts.
02:19 This is part one and then part two
02:22 would be hopefully next time we meet.
02:25 But the thyroid gland
02:26 is sometimes called the butterfly gland
02:30 because it's shaped like a butterfly
02:31 but also the master gland as well.
02:36 Okay, so I guess the question that people are asking
02:39 and that is it's a small gland.
02:42 But the question is what is actually
02:45 responsibility of a thyroid gland?
02:47 Okay, well, let's back up
02:49 before we talk about the responsibility,
02:51 let's talk about why is it called the master gland.
02:56 So you want to go there first and then go back--
02:57 Yeah, and then we'll go over to responsibility.
02:59 Okay, let's do that. Let's do that.
03:00 Number one, there are two glands
03:03 in the back brace-- base of our brain
03:07 that's called the hypothalamus and the pituitary.
03:11 Those two really monitors or regulate the thyroid gland.
03:17 So therefore this thyroid gland
03:19 is based on how these two glands
03:22 in the base of the brain regulate the thyroid gland
03:25 and produce two main hormones.
03:30 Okay. T4 and T3.
03:34 These two main hormones control every gland,
03:39 every tissue in a body.
03:42 Stimulate every tissue in a body.
03:45 These two hormones within a thyroid gland.
03:48 Therefore that's why it's called the master gland.
03:52 Now most people think that-- done with the responsibilities.
03:56 Oh, thyroid, yeah that regulates my metabolism.
04:01 And, you know, and that's just really scratching the surface.
04:03 Everybody knows that we gonna go more into
04:06 just regulate metabolism, also regulates calcium balance.
04:11 If the thyroid gland is not working properly
04:13 then have a risk of osteoporosis,
04:16 brittle bones, breakage, fracture.
04:18 So I mean, that's the thyroid gland
04:20 regulating calcium balance as well.
04:22 It regulates heat,
04:24 it regulates growth, repair of tissues.
04:26 Remember it stimulates every tissue in our entire body.
04:33 The thyroid gland is connected to many other glands as well
04:38 and so has awesome responsibility of doing
04:40 those major things along with other things as well.
04:43 Go ahead, honey.
04:44 Oh, I guess though I mean,
04:46 who would think of solving all that?
04:48 Let's say for instance
04:49 when you are talking about the type of thyroid problems--
04:54 But looking at that then because obviously
04:58 with the thyroid being so powerful,
05:01 there has to be certain problems
05:05 other than what you are saying to me,
05:06 you are giving me different ideas.
05:07 There actually is a part,
05:09 a problem of the thyroid itself.
05:11 Yeah, the number one dysfunction of the thyroid
05:16 most people know is hypothyroidism.
05:20 Okay. Okay.
05:21 Hypo, low active, okay. Okay.
05:24 Now, we're gonna be talking about hyper
05:27 which is not as common as hypo.
05:29 But let's talk about hypo.
05:31 Hypo, now of course women is ten to one,
05:33 women to men, hypo.
05:36 Lower active. Why is that?
05:38 Well, we get into that as well
05:39 because it deal with some estrogen issues as well.
05:42 So the hypothyroidism
05:44 and one of main issues of that is Hashimoto's disease.
05:49 It's about 40 million people get that
05:51 where the immune system actually
05:54 attacks the cells of the thyroid,
05:57 Hashimoto's disease, all right.
05:59 So, but again hypothyroidism
06:02 is the main dysfunction of the thyroid
06:05 in about 40 million people and it's climbing in a ratios
06:08 about ten to one, women to men.
06:11 So that's the main dysfunction of the thyroid
06:14 and because of that you have a lot of symptoms,
06:16 a lot of problems as well.
06:18 What are some of the contributing factors
06:20 so then for that?
06:21 Well, some of the contributing factors,
06:23 let's go to the screen,
06:24 I think we have a picture of the thyroids.
06:26 Look at the thyroid first of all.
06:28 Did you have this, the thyroid gland there
06:31 and that's why it's called sometimes
06:32 you look at it closely, the butterfly gland, all right.
06:37 You know, if we use imagination
06:39 but it's just around the trachea
06:41 and just below the larynx and so
06:44 and you can actually feel it too.
06:45 Before the show is over we're going to show people
06:48 how to actually do a self test of the thyroid gland as well.
06:52 So, but again, thanks for the graphic,
06:54 but a lot of times you see a person
06:56 who may have a goiter may be enlarged
07:00 and that's one of the symptoms of a under active
07:03 or thyroid gland being dysfunctional
07:07 and it can really wreak havoc in the whole entire system.
07:11 So contributing factors then are going to be... what?
07:17 Okay.
07:19 Well, let's go to screen, let's talk about some--
07:21 because there are lot of factors
07:22 that will contribute the dysfunction of thyroid.
07:25 Number one, head and neck radiations.
07:28 Now I remember when I worked in surgery
07:30 where sometimes we're doing surgical procedures
07:34 which work in the neurosurgery with brain and spinal cord.
07:38 Lot of times they x-ray
07:39 the person's neck or the hair region
07:41 and we have something that goes around our neck
07:43 to guard us against radiation.
07:46 So a lot of times if people have radiation
07:48 around the head or neck region,
07:50 it's going to also affect the thyroid.
07:52 So that's number one.
07:54 Number two, exposures to pesticides,
07:56 particularly DDT.
07:58 And so what that does is it also prevents
08:01 the release of the thyroid stimulating hormone,
08:05 DDT a pesticide, all right, that's another thing.
08:08 Contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy.
08:12 That's why it's ten to one
08:14 because those who take those type of medications also
08:18 it's going to affect the thyroid.
08:20 Contraceptive and hormone replacement therapy,
08:23 so that's why for women it's more prevalent than men
08:27 as far as the thyroid being
08:29 a dysfunctional gland in the body.
08:32 That's just one some of the factors.
08:35 There are some others as well.
08:36 Let's go to the screen about the other factors as well.
08:39 The next one in our next group is the hormone-based foods.
08:42 Now we talk about the bovine growth hormone
08:46 that's found in milk.
08:48 Hormones fed to the chickens now, the animal kingdom,
08:52 people feeding the animal kingdom more hormones,
08:55 so that they can produce more milk, fed them up
08:58 so they can go to the market faster in half the time.
09:02 But and those hormones will affect the thyroid.
09:05 So that's one thing.
09:06 Cancer therapies, there are some cancer drugs.
09:10 When people have cancer and diagnosed with cancer.
09:13 A lot of drugs that cancer therapies have
09:16 will also affect the thyroid function as well.
09:20 Municipal water, now to me people now drink water
09:23 right out of the falls but those who still do that,
09:26 it will displace the hormone the thyroid,
09:31 so therefore municipal water
09:32 also affect that thyroid as well.
09:34 So we encourage people to if they are gonna drink water
09:38 the bottle water or filter water,
09:40 but not municipal water
09:42 because that can really affect the thyroid.
09:44 So those are some of the contributing factors
09:47 to thyroid not functioning properly.
09:50 I know we're gonna talk about you said, hyperthyroidism
09:53 and you talked about hypothyroidism.
09:56 So I guess my question would be,
09:57 the next question would be,
10:00 tell us what would be the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
10:04 Okay.
10:05 The symptoms of hypothyroidism is many.
10:09 As I mentioned before it has almost
10:15 by one estimate effects 47 medical conditions
10:21 if their thyroid is not working properly, all right.
10:24 So you have gain weight, weight gain,
10:30 lethargy, fatigue, always feeling tired,
10:35 you have of course calcium loss
10:37 or you may have also osteoporosis,
10:40 increase of fractures, cold extremities,
10:44 the hand, the feet, constipation,
10:48 bowel movement, depression.
10:51 Remember, this is the master gland.
10:54 So if this gland not working properly
10:56 as I said before by one estimate,
10:58 some 47 conditions can be associated
11:02 with this gland not working properly.
11:05 So that are some of the things that an under active
11:08 or hypothyroid can do to the whole body.
11:13 Okay. That's a lot. Yes, it is.
11:15 And you said 47, so I guess how would a person then--
11:19 I mean, if I'm tired all the time,
11:21 is that mean that I got a problem
11:22 with my thyroid or you know,
11:24 how is it tested, how am I tested to find out
11:27 whether I'm having a issues with my thyroid?
11:30 Okay.
11:31 There are several tests, one test in particular--
11:34 many tests you can take but one is called the testing
11:37 the thyroid stimulating hormone,
11:40 the T4 and the antibody, anti-thyroid, antibody test
11:46 but more or less the TSH
11:49 stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
11:54 Now this test has need to be adjusted
12:00 as far as the range is concerned.
12:03 Let's go to the screen, and let's talk about this test.
12:05 I'm gonna talk about the ranges
12:07 because the range has been adjusted back in 2003.
12:11 Okay.
12:13 Now, we gonna leave this on the screen
12:14 just for little while.
12:15 Oh, you got little smiley faces, little sad faces.
12:18 That was good the graphic guy did that for me, all right.
12:20 Number one, okay now, currently years ago
12:24 to be in a normal or optimal range
12:29 you have your thyroid, this is the TSH,
12:32 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone,
12:34 that's the low end
12:38 and if it's high 5.0 or higher.
12:41 So if you are in that white bar
12:44 at the top of the screen there,
12:46 you are in the normal or the normal range.
12:50 Let me say this the normal range,
12:52 that white bar, all right.
12:53 Now, the Association of Clinical Endocrinology
12:59 discovered that really there's a lot of people
13:03 may be not in a lower range but near the lower range.
13:07 Okay.
13:09 They may have problems with their thyroid
13:11 but since it's still in the "normal range"
13:15 that white bar, there's no medication
13:19 or no treatment options for that person
13:22 although they are in the normal range.
13:25 So back in 2003,
13:27 the American Clinical Endocrinology decided that
13:32 that range need to be smaller to the optimal range.
13:39 Let's go back to our screen,
13:40 let's look at the optimal range.
13:42 There the optimal range or zone is the yellow bar,
13:48 the second bar there right under the white one.
13:50 Therefore, if a person is in the optimal zone
13:55 range 0.3 to 3.0
14:02 then they are in more of a optimal range
14:06 for that as opposed to the normal range
14:09 at the top white bar.
14:11 Therefore when you do that,
14:13 then you have about 20 million more people
14:17 who are now not outside-- outside of that optimal range.
14:21 And so therefore that range was narrow slightly,
14:25 therefore with those people outside of that optimal range
14:29 here and there, top and bottom,
14:31 therefore they need to have some type of treatment
14:33 as far as the thyroid was concerned.
14:36 Okay, so the range was wider which was capturing more--
14:40 Well, the range was wide in the fist place, all right.
14:42 Which is capturing more individuals.
14:43 Yeah, 0.5 to 5.0. Okay.
14:46 But realize those people at both full range
14:49 just close to it still they are normal ends
14:51 but close to it they won't do nothing with them.
14:54 But you still having those symptoms
14:55 they realized back in 2003
14:58 that range to be more in the optimal zone,
15:04 0.3, 3.0.
15:07 In that range that's the range
15:09 that we want to be in and even a lot of your labs
15:12 today still have that normal range 0.5 to 5.0
15:19 and labs are different.
15:21 Labs are based on locality, based on different counties
15:26 or sections of the country, so all labs are not the same.
15:29 So realize that that range need to be smaller,
15:33 0.3 to 3.0, that's the range we want to be in,
15:37 that's the optimal zone that we want to stay in.
15:40 Now you said a comment
15:42 in the first part of the program
15:43 and that was that you could tell us
15:46 how we could actually check the thyroid.
15:48 You know, and that will be a good one.
15:50 Let's-- can you-- let's do that.
15:53 You want to come over here I can check you right now?
15:55 No, I'll stay here and you stay there
15:57 and then you just discuss it
15:59 and wherever you say I'll do it.
16:01 Okay, well, for you to do you have to drink some water.
16:04 I got water right here. Okay, yeah.
16:06 Now let me say this, now this is--
16:07 okay, I didn't do this, this is not--
16:09 I didn't make this out folks, all right.
16:11 But the Association of Endocrinology where,
16:14 this is like a self test of the thyroid.
16:16 Because remember now,
16:17 lot of people have under active thyroid
16:19 or may have nodules, all right.
16:23 And so first we need to determine
16:25 where your thyroid is located.
16:27 So if you put two fingers all right,
16:32 and just go ahead and swallow.
16:36 All right, when you swallow you see that--
16:38 you feel a knot there, all right.
16:40 Your thyroid is right under that lump
16:43 and what you want to do, you want to take some water.
16:49 Now really have to take-- talk this out.
16:53 I can't have water in my mouth and still talk.
16:55 You talk it out. Okay, yeah.
16:56 So what you want to do is you want to take some water,
16:58 take a sip of water, you don't swallow it.
17:01 Take sip of water now just hold in your mouth.
17:04 Okay, you can put the glass down
17:07 and now you have a mirror.
17:09 You don't have a mirror
17:10 but just think we have a mirror.
17:12 Okay, that's a good mirror too by the way.
17:13 Tilt your head back, all right.
17:16 Well, look into mirror too, honey.
17:17 Yeah, there you go.
17:18 Now when you swallow you look and see
17:21 if there is any nodules on either side of the neck,
17:25 when you swallow.
17:27 Look into the mirror at your neck when you swallow.
17:31 You can do this maybe one or two times, all right.
17:34 If there is any nodules either left or right side
17:37 more unlikely you need to talk to endocrinologist
17:39 if you see if those nodules-- it may be cancers,
17:42 all right it may be goiter enlarge thyroid, all right.
17:46 And these are some of the things
17:47 that's a problem with the thyroid,
17:49 so you got the nodules,
17:50 you got may be cancer of the thyroid.
17:52 So that's just like a self test that a person can take at home,
17:56 that kind of give you an idea as far as
17:58 whether or not the thyroid may have nodules
18:01 or may be cancers or may be goiter
18:04 and may have to have a treatment
18:05 as far as that's concern.
18:07 Okay, so you got these different symptoms going on
18:08 but well, that's a good test.
18:10 That's a good test to try.
18:12 Okay, well, we're gonna continue this, right.
18:17 Because this is not over. This is not over.
18:18 This is not over, because you want to know
18:20 more about what's going on hyperthyroidism,
18:22 hypothyroidism.
18:23 So we come back the next time we are gonna talk about
18:25 something as we are going in the kitchen
18:27 because we are going in the kitchen
18:29 and we are going to be doing some cranberry maple scones.
18:33 Get your paper and your pencil and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2015-02-19