Amen Conference

Friday Evening Meeting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AMEN

Program Code: AMEN230005S

00:01 >> Adventist Medical Network motivates trains and equips
00:04 health professionals to share price with their patients.
00:08 In his presence, we and our patients find rest home and
00:12 powerful healing. Take hold of God's promised, abided his
00:16 presence and experience to surrender
00:20 to faithfully minister as he did.
00:22 [MUSIC]
00:27 [MUSIC]
00:30 >> Evening, happy 7th, everyone.
00:35 >> I want to welcome you all. I know some people just got
00:38 here. Other people have been enjoying since yesterday.
00:44 Let's start with opening parents. We open the 7th
00:46 together,
00:48 his father in Heaven.
00:50 Thank you so much
00:52 for this conference
00:55 for this time that we can be in your presence
00:59 as we learn about surrender, healing and your power
01:04 in Jesus. Precious name. I pray, Amen.
01:07 [MUSIC]
01:11 >> Hi, my name is David Lee. With that test to prove that
01:15 being in college tell Tennessee
01:17 and used to live in Florida many years ago. And it's my
01:21 wonderful wife and she really
01:24 and defense up to John and his lovely wife Mona.
01:28 >> I thought John and Catherine solid is to live in Tampa.
01:34 I happen to come up this rain, Carolina. Well, my confidence u
01:40 N they did invite us to gain confidence and it was perfect
01:45 timing for me too. Join and explore this a mission where
01:51 you guys too. I have my own mission work that I do, which
01:56 is to provide some equipment to medical missionaries out in the
02:01 world. And this was in line with what I was doing
02:05 perfectly. And I knew that I was glad to and that and I'm
02:10 glad to be here.
02:13 >> So up and pretty much a lifelong I just
02:16 but wasn't really living the gospel message and had a very
02:23 good practice and in Tampa, Florida, the time. But you
02:26 know, you for the term separation of church and state,
02:29 I was at the mentality that separation of church and
02:32 business got in business that that, you know, for sure,
02:35 got it work, you know, make it to production. I suffer.
02:39 And those patients and I thought my said it was that God
02:42 doesn't want to lose, you know, business cent, not that
02:45 succeed. And therefore, out thought that rich and business
02:48 should be separated.
02:50 But when we had a conversion experience, just wanted to
02:53 learn everything that we could and in certain every capacity
02:57 we could. So we decided to go to all the different
03:01 offices and places that aren't trained. And so we'll go to
03:05 rise. We want you I see and a friend of ours to us of Jake.
03:10 >> We're told us about a man and then we're very excited
03:13 about coming to an end.
03:15 >> So we came to a man. And one of the things that we learned
03:17 was that that definitely that your works. So they should be a
03:20 mission field. And you should use that to our advantage to
03:24 that last patients. And so I went back home. I had the
03:28 courage to asking patients if you let the Bible studies and
03:34 that started a chain reaction of where we started having
03:37 weekly Bible studies at home, why for the repair a healthy
03:41 meal and then we would share about the studies and that led
03:45 to other people joining and want to people that we asked
03:48 was John and Mona
03:51 and they came and they were there really safe over Europe
03:57 and the together weekly basis. Almost 2 years. Yeah
04:01 was it was very refreshing out. I'm not on that list worse.
04:08 I go to his son very interesting and do a lot with a
04:12 little different on time. So so we have a different point
04:15 of view. But it was very interesting, exciting and
04:19 learning experience for both my wife and I whenever we go to
04:24 his Bible study and I would definitely say that we have.
04:29 >> We have in the south faith by learning and going through
04:34 the Bible study with him. And I guests at some point when
04:40 I went to a mission short readmission, my church, a cop
04:46 trying to show me what I need to do and absolutely right.
04:50 We have a certain talent, the guy it was and we had to
04:55 actually use that talent for the cats were so without
05:01 they've its initiation of this a Bible study. I'm not sure if
05:05 I would be where I am now like to thank the bid for a niche
05:09 and that.
05:10 >> The Bible studies with never have happened. If we didn't
05:14 come to an end and realize that mission work is not just out
05:19 for rain, but his practice can be a mission field. And when he
05:24 learned that he meant you have the courage to ask patients and
05:27 though they were friends for many years,
05:29 a man was what cost him to share about our faith and speak
05:35 to her, invited the Bible studies. And that is how we
05:39 became eternal friends and family that we were superficial
05:44 friends. We became family, friends and God, which really
05:48 grew our relationship and full circle around. We have the
05:52 courage to even invite after he got in Preston with their
05:55 ministry to serve missionaries with provided with medical
05:59 equipment. God gave us the courage. Even though this is an
06:02 Adventist conference, I feel like they remove felt that they
06:06 would be very less coming here.
06:08 >> And connecting with other medical people that have the
06:12 same God looking desire. We took the courage to pray and
06:16 then invite them to come
06:20 and for yes, it's been such a blessing. After all, we serve
06:26 one guy to concede. And so we return to the grateful for his
06:30 position
06:31 for us to be friends, not only, you know, in this world,
06:36 but, you know, family in night it can be it God's kingdom.
06:42 This is all weekend has been such a blessing that we saw
06:48 all we met people. Will we had the mission mindedness and
06:53 forgot about it. Just encourage just it told us they were doing
06:59 the right thing and we want to be here to help those people
07:02 and we connected.
07:05 >> As you guys that, yeah, I've been doing my mission work for
07:09 mass about 4 years. I even have 5 wall and see what it meant.
07:14 A mission organization with our website and know that and I was
07:19 yearning for this kind of been involved in this kind of a
07:22 larger group settings. I haven't had had seen anything
07:27 like this site would say, I know I had a into reaction with
07:31 the individual missionary doctors and provide them with
07:35 equipment been to Vietnam. I provided and I've been to ad
07:41 in Guatemala and white some stuff to bully via and do what
07:48 I was looking for, more connections and for us to come
07:52 here and there was another connection that God gave us an
07:55 idea. And somebody was asking that they were we're really
08:01 looking for a portable ultrasound, which type of eye.
08:05 And one of the gentlemen was border in all was looking for
08:09 this for mission work and what happened to be sitting in the
08:13 same thing. And he just said the Levy and ultrasound and it
08:19 has it. Haha, there it is. And and in fact, that that but
08:25 then just a missionary doctor cold, he's Florida already and
08:30 believe that that they say, yes, this is exactly what we're
08:33 looking for. And they're going to wait 2 years to get the
08:36 money together. But now they got it and they're going to get
08:39 it next week or 2.
08:41 >> So the alassad, amen. You know, all it takes is a
08:45 willingness.
08:46 >> We've got to open doors and connected to the right people
08:49 and it's amazing what it does have willing. Part one got can
08:53 do.
08:54 [MUSIC]
08:58 [MUSIC]
09:00 >> Should do if my new friends. This is Alex and Jed deposits
09:05 de La Paz. Sorry
09:07 and they are from Washington, Tacoma, Washington, that area
09:11 and they are contests and a life and health coach and they
09:16 have a 5 month-old daughter and they're here to share some
09:20 amazing stories with us tonight.
09:24 >> Good evening and greetings from the beautiful Pacific
09:27 Northwest. I'm like you're introduced dentists and life
09:32 coach, but we're also church planters. And we're excited to
09:36 share with you what we've been doing, collaborating with
09:39 pastors and and health care providers to do something for
09:43 the community. Our area, the Pacific Northwest is considered
09:47 one of the most secular and atheist stick areas, not just
09:51 in the U.S. but in the whole world. And so what if we've
09:54 known this is a lot of traditional forms of evangelism
09:57 was just not working as as well. And people are just not
10:01 going in and stepping into a church. In fact, a lot of
10:03 people are if you talk to them, they're very anti church.
10:06 And so at about 2020, a group of young adult health
10:10 professionals, myself included, we're thinking about this
10:13 dilemma and what can we do for our community and the thought
10:19 about it. And he wanted to use what we learn from our clinic
10:22 experience from volunteering at things like a man in a free
10:26 health clinics and to do something for the community and
10:29 you thought about it. And we said
10:31 we found the answer
10:32 and it was health, a community, health clinics, but not just
10:37 regular any health community clinics, but one that focuses
10:41 on a process that worry journey with them, not just
10:46 in the clinic, but their spin. It goes on after and that we
10:50 focus on people to focus on disciple ship and friendship
10:54 evangelism.
10:57 And so
10:58 we have a picture here
11:03 of our group we just launched in 2022 last year with the
11:07 clerk of the 50, 60 people and we've been growing. We've
11:12 already received official church status. And a progress
11:17 report is since we started, we've put on 9 health clinics
11:22 had over 750 volunteers, most of which are from the
11:26 community, had over 1400 patients and given out over
11:31 $700,000 worth of free health care to the community. And God
11:35 has been blessed us with so many stories which we're going
11:38 to share with you one I'm excited to share with you.
11:42 And so like I said, something we noticed that has worked
11:45 really well is incorporating a harvest cycle. And a lot of you
11:49 may be familiar with the so Grove Riep and keep cycle and
11:54 it's something you could do and you repeat it often when you're
11:58 trying to connect to the community for us, we've kind of
12:01 changed it to clinics, groups, seminars and groups again.
12:06 And what we've noticed is traditionally
12:09 health care providers like myself will go to a one-time
12:12 events, a one-time clinic. We would see a patience and I
12:16 never see them again or you notice that pastors are church
12:20 members but gets together and put together a Bible seminar
12:24 and badges adventure the 6 series or regulation seminar as
12:28 a one-time event, maybe once a year and real, like you can't
12:31 do that. You want to actually journey but people every day
12:34 throughout the year. And so instead of viewing the health
12:37 clinic, as a one-time events is now launching point into this
12:41 harvest cycle and the glue that 6 together is the small groups
12:46 are life groups. And so they go from the clinic to a small
12:50 group and then invited to a Bible seminar and so far,
12:53 so how does that look look like?
12:56 So this is our discipleship cycle. It doesn't have to look
12:59 exactly like this. But this is an example.
13:02 We start with the health clinic and like I said, we're focusing
13:06 on disciple ship because
13:09 the church is not a program. That church is not an events.
13:13 The church is what is people is you and me and we wanted to
13:18 focus on her personal relationships. So what we do is
13:22 we all pray, doctors, Pastor Church members for God to show
13:26 us one to 3 people and this event to have a personal
13:30 connection with that, we would connect with the get the
13:32 contact number and become friends with them and invite
13:36 them to journey with us. And so what we do is a week
13:39 later, we have a clinic celebration. We're invite
13:42 everyone to come. It's part of our worship gathering. We would
13:45 do testimonies, have a highlight video and tell them
13:48 they're just going to be amazing food for lunch and then
13:51 we're going to wave a small groups. We found 8 weeks were
13:55 severely wall to keep people interested as anything,
13:58 anything from basketball to hiking to Bible study group,
14:02 to a book club. And this is so that we turn to them every day.
14:05 We don't see them just once a week. For example, I might see
14:08 someone at church that Saturday night. I see them for game
14:12 night Sunday might see them for a basketball, a hiker or a
14:15 family pickleball events Wednesday. I see them from
14:18 midweek, small group of Friday. I had lunch with them. So as
14:22 you can see, we're actually building this relationship
14:25 throughout the whole week. And if you invite them into a
14:27 Bible seminar and that's where we invite them. Also after to
14:31 baptism, if they don't want to do that, that's OK, we invite
14:35 them to still journey with us and continue the cycle and even
14:39 after about his and that doesn't stop there. Now,
14:42 we want to develop them as leaders. So it's just attending
14:46 a house and are we now want him to be a director of the
14:48 department instead of just attending a small group?
14:51 We're not having them host a small group. And so just going
14:54 to the Bible seminar, we're not encouraging them to have
14:57 personal studies with someone and leave some once a baptism.
15:01 And as we're all doing this as a church, we now have a new
15:05 group of people to plan again. And our goal is to plant again
15:08 and multiply and make a difference, not just in our
15:11 area
15:12 but beyond.
15:15 >> And this is the story of essence. We just want to share
15:18 the stories. You can see how
15:20 >> this cycle. How does this disciple ship cycle
15:23 and essence is just an amazing example, because what we did is
15:28 in our dental clinic, we're headed as a patient for about a
15:31 couple years. And then we decided, hey, maybe we should
15:35 start a small group in our office. So we decided to start
15:38 in 2022, it was new start. I knew you knew you knew start,
15:43 right. And so we invited a lot of our patients and a few came
15:49 and honestly, it got a little discouraging because not as
15:52 many stuck through the whole thing. But since was an
15:55 individual who stayed through and connected to every week.
15:59 And that's just a power that it's not about the numbers,
16:02 but about who God brings, even if it's just the one or 2.
16:06 And so with essence coming, she came and she's like, hey,
16:09 I just want to turn my life around. And now I just decided
16:13 this past year that I want to give up alcohol and to give up
16:16 tugs. And I just want to turn my life where I've been hanging
16:20 out with the wrong people. And so she came and as we are
16:23 going to each letter, we started realizing
16:27 that is I think into specialism she keeps talking, not like
16:31 he's going go to the stands and then inviting us and then her
16:34 crystals in her act and then just really focus on self and
16:38 getting to higher levels. And we're like, oh, man,
16:40 like how do we explain to her what that is and what do we do
16:45 with this? But we kept going through the letters, musician,
16:47 exercise, water and week 7 were like, oh, man next week is
16:52 testing God. How she going taking that? We're not sure.
16:56 Well, I only pray about it and still go ahead and share that.
16:59 And so we paid about it. We prepared. And when the share
17:02 trust in God, she was actually open minded, which is great.
17:06 But she's open-minded to a lot of things, right?
17:09 And so we're like, oh, no,
17:11 it's about to end. What do we do from there? And that's where
17:14 having another bridge event was helpful. So as new start ended,
17:19 we actually had a free vision clinic next.
17:22 Yeah, that's our small group right there. So that's since
17:24 right there on the far right, if you can see. And so as we
17:28 were doing that we invited her. Hey, next weekend, there's a
17:32 free vision clinic. Do want to come and serve with us. And
17:35 she's like, yeah, I love helping people go ahead and
17:38 come so she actually came in. You can see her here helping an
17:41 individual find their style of classes. And it was interesting
17:46 because that morning of the vision clinic
17:48 there was a robbery,
17:50 all our equipment stolen.
17:53 I know that's how we hoped.
17:56 And we're like, what are you gonna do? And we've gotten us
17:59 to pray. And then one of the leaders said, let's pray for
18:03 the people who robbed us and essence was like, ah, that's
18:07 kind of weird. So after the parade, she went up 10 inches
18:10 like I'm so angry at the people who still are equipment.
18:13 We were supposed to use that to help people. And now, I mean,
18:17 how could you pray for them?
18:19 And at that moment, he shared the gospel to her in 2 minutes
18:23 and it was pivotal for her.
18:25 She was like, wow, that's what a Christian is like and so from
18:29 there.
18:31 >> Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We've got all the new claim, Al.
18:34 Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm so focused on since haha. So just let you
18:38 know, we actually got the new equipment and better equipment.
18:42 An ophthalmologist came through and we're still able to have
18:45 that clinic that day. So that's why she's still there helping.
18:48 And so it's amazing that we're able to do that. But since she
18:52 came and started going to work with us and from there she
18:56 connected and she wanted to continue learning more about
18:59 what we're doing. I'm going to the next flight.
19:02 And so as you continue to connect, she joined small
19:05 groups and eventually she came to the seminar series that we
19:08 had and we're seeing the disciple ship process go
19:12 through and at this seminar is interesting because this is
19:15 where she came up to me and she was like, Alex, I think all
19:20 those things I've been doing. I think that spiritualism
19:24 I was like since. Yes, you're right. And it is it is dark
19:29 stuff. And she's like I want to I want to turn from that.
19:32 I have just had to I want to like get rid of that. I want to
19:36 be able to get that ties. This is why she standing there.
19:39 She made that decision and it was just amazing because
19:41 something we learned it was we don't have to be there to be
19:44 like essence, that's wrong. Hasn't should be going to the
19:47 stand is the essence
19:49 and then say bye. But we're there to journey with her and
19:53 still allow her to be a part of our worst thanks. Even before
19:57 she made her decision, she was up there. I'm doing music.
20:00 She was up there calling for tides in offerings for the
20:03 first time ever in her life. And yet now she realize,
20:07 well, I was in a dark place. I want to come away from that
20:10 game.
20:12 And so from here, we connected her to us. She's continue doing
20:16 a small group. But this time she wanted to host it at her
20:19 house. And so from there she continued, I'm learning how to
20:24 lead and get a Bible study. And it was just last year in
20:28 December that she actually made a decision to get that heist.
20:33 Amen. And so that's her getting that ties and continuing the
20:37 walk. And then earlier this year, she served as a co
20:41 director for our clinic. And she was so scared she
20:45 likes. I'm so scared of me. I've never been like planned
20:48 anything and so bad at communicating and like, hey,
20:51 it's OK, like we're going to help you to this. We're going
20:54 to support you through this and you're going to rocket. And so
20:57 she actually co-directed and she right to choose able to
21:01 experience, not just coming from a clinic that now leading
21:04 a clinic with others.
21:06 And so it's been powerful to journey with her. And recently
21:09 she just made the decision to go to Walla Walla University.
21:14 Amen. So this is her. I said, hey, since he picture of your
21:18 student ID, let's get a man to guide.
21:21 He worked to essence life.
21:24 So from a dark time in Specialism. Now he's she's
21:27 walking in the late and it's a process she's going through.
21:31 And it's just amazing because now she's trying to do small
21:33 groups, act la la la la with her room and her roommate.
21:37 So it's been amazing to journey with her and just see this
21:39 disciple ship cycle work.
21:43 >> Yeah, and you just want to encourage you as you try things
21:45 in your local contacts are trying to do free health
21:48 clinics. Don't look at it as a one-time events. When you look
21:52 at this verse, which we look at as the great Commission,
21:55 does it say make events, make free health clinics make
21:59 programs? No, it says making disciples. And he found out by
22:03 focusing on that through the health clinic, it's really made
22:07 the biggest difference. And as you make disciples, does that
22:11 happen that day?
22:13 That month? No, for a lot of people, it's a process. People
22:17 don't make decisions for that baptism to notice. A year later
22:20 to 2 years later, it takes time and that's OK, don't be
22:24 discouraged. Just keep praying for them. Allow the holy spirit
22:28 to work in their hearts and journey together with them.
22:31 And so we would like you for you to keep updated with us.
22:34 Read you church. We just started last year. We're going
22:36 to have more and more stories you can connect with us.
22:39 It is cure our code. And if you like to get involved in the
22:42 next clinic, maybe you want to experience what we're doing.
22:45 So you can incorporate it in your area and your church come
22:48 is going to be the last weekend of January. You can use this QR
22:51 code to sign up for that as we hope to see there.
22:58 >> What is something a multimillionaire can't buy your
23:02 mind is probably skating through the most expensive.
23:05 >> Cars houses, yachts are buildings, but the thing no
23:09 amount of money can buy his time.
23:12 Time is always moving forward and seemingly always running
23:16 out.
23:17 And while there indeed is not a way to buy more time, there is,
23:21 however, a way to speed us up to now. What do I mean by that?
23:26 What would your life look like? It's what normally took him 12
23:29 hours to do you're able to accomplish in just 6.
23:34 What is that project that takes 3 months to do you're able to
23:37 crash in just one.
23:39 >> How much better would your life be and how much more time
23:42 would you have to enjoy the things that you actually want
23:45 to do?
23:46 Well, let me introduce you to this hack for hyper efficiency.
23:50 It's called sleet. Now. Hold on here me out. Yeah, I know you
23:55 may be thinking how could sleep give me more time if it takes
23:59 away time. Well, we're in for a treat today because the next
24:03 few minutes we'll give you back hours.
24:09 >> We've all heard that we should get more sleep. He
24:13 probably heard it's good to get 8 hours per night to go to bed
24:16 early and so on. But who has time for all of that in this
24:21 very fast pace world, it's all about how can we squeeze more
24:25 things into our ever shrinking day?
24:28 But here's the thing. Peak performance level high quality
24:31 sleep while it does take time, it then makes you more focused
24:37 and efficient and all the hours that you are away.
24:40 What took a co worker of the entire day to accomplish.
24:44 You already completed before noon with the increased energy
24:47 alertness and ability to focus and you can actually get more
24:51 done in less time. The key, though, is getting that high
24:56 quality peak performance level sleep.
25:00 >> Our bodies were carefully and amazingly design, but we go
25:03 to sleep. Our I shot and ourselves get tore the body's
25:07 nightshift, includes processes such as memory consolidation
25:11 and the cleaning of spots and the repair of muscles and
25:14 organs, the repair of immune cells and much more. All these
25:18 mechanisms are very carefully orchestrated by a master clock
25:22 in the brain called the super chi asthmatic nucleus, which
25:25 make sure that each process occurs at the right time.
25:29 It's like a night shift. Construction crew analyzing and
25:32 rebuilding the body's functions for the next day. We stop this
25:35 process too early and the job is not finished, but let it run
25:39 its course. And you awake at full capacity the next day to
25:44 take on any task.
25:47 >> Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps knew this and he
25:50 prioritize getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
25:55 NBA star LeBron James and tennis legend Serena Williams
25:59 and many other high level athletes make sure to guard
26:03 this Lee, even them. It's their rigorous training schedules.
26:07 In an article of the Huff post on athletes and sleet, it was
26:11 said in nearly every sport sleep is now considered key to
26:16 achieving that peak performance. And this is not
26:19 just in the sports world. The business world is also
26:23 recognizing the same thing.
26:25 I think you've got a lot on your plate to manage. Imagine
26:28 Jeff Bezos, founder and executive chairman of Amazon
26:32 who said this 8 hours of sleep makes a big difference for me.
26:37 And I try hard to make that a priority.
26:40 Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna, one of the leading health
26:43 insurance companies value sleet, so highly that he even
26:47 created an incentive program that actually these employees
26:51 to get more sleep up to $500 a year just to get dressed.
26:57 So what actually happens while we sleep? What is it that makes
27:01 it such a superpower?
27:04 Listen to Doctor Roger as he explains.
27:07 >> 2 of the bodies, Keith hormones in the rebuilding
27:10 process. We are melatonin and growth hormone. Melatonin has
27:15 become quite popular these days and understandably so because
27:19 of its powerful effects. Melatonin works closely with
27:23 the body's circadian rhythm, your body's internal clock,
27:26 which is responsible for keeping you in tune for when
27:29 it's time to eat sleep and wake up.
27:33 Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant. It also supports
27:37 by health. We do says anxiety and boosts the immune system.
27:41 And while supplementation is a popular thing, it is
27:44 significantly better to get it naturally. With the tips,
27:48 doctor Josi will share a moment.
27:50 >> Growth hormone is the other major player in rebuilding the
27:53 body. During sleep
27:54 growth hormone is associated with slow wave sleep, a type of
27:58 sleep that is physically restored. This is literally
28:00 what it sounds like. Why you sleep? The body builds and
28:03 restores tissues. Even when trying to build muscle
28:06 exercises only have to process the trigger muscle development.
28:10 Sleep is actually when it happens. And your muscle
28:13 recovery can be greatly delayed without sufficient sleep.
28:16 We're poor. Mone is also responsible for improved
28:18 cognitive function was feeling supporting immune function,
28:22 anti-aging and fat metabolism. So if you want to look younger
28:27 and healthier, it's essential to prioritize. Getting 7 to 9
28:31 hours of good sleep each night.
28:34 >> Insane. Right? They call it beauty sleep. For reason I see
28:38 why high quality sleep is truly a superpower in something even
28:43 the rich and successful don't try to skip out on.
28:47 But the key to unlocking all of these benefits is getting high
28:51 quality sleep rather than having a restless night and
28:55 waking up still feeling tired and groggy. So how do you get
29:00 this high quality peak performance level sleet?
29:03 Let me give you a few tips.
29:05 >> Tip number one, get sunlight. A good night's rest
29:10 will be enhanced by what you do. First thing in the morning.
29:14 We strive to get 5 to 10 minutes of sunlight in the
29:17 morning, even on a cloudy day.
29:19 >> According to neuroscientist and Stanford professor Doctor
29:22 Andrew Berman viewing sunlight in the morning is the most
29:26 powerful tool for wakefulness throughout the day
29:29 morning. Sunlight helps set a timer for the production of
29:31 melatonin at night impacting the time you'll fall asleep as
29:35 well as your ability to stay asleep
29:38 that morning. Sunlight regulate your hormones and internal
29:41 clock for the day. It increases focus and alertness as well as
29:44 immune function throughout the day.
29:47 If you live where nature gets up late and there's no bright
29:50 line available, consider purchasing a light box of about
29:53 10,000 lux and sitting at a distance of 11 to 15 inches in
29:57 front of it. For 20 minutes, this type of therapy will help
30:01 you keep your circadian rhythm N shack. In synchrony with
30:04 reality. And allow you to get the 7 to 9 hours of sleep
30:07 needed every night before you leave for work.
30:10 >> Tip number 2 is exercise. There's a verse in the Bible
30:14 written by the wealthy King Solomon that says the sleep of
30:18 a laboring man is sweet. The queasy after these 5.12 and
30:23 this is very true sleep. That comes after a lazy holiday
30:27 is not the same as after an active productive day.
30:31 >> Exercise helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm,
30:35 as well as indirectly affects melatonin production. Exercise
30:39 also reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, beating you to
30:43 experience less anxiety and better sleep.
30:46 >> So prioritize regular exercise, and you'll notice how
30:49 it makes your bedtime much sweeter.
30:52 Now let's move on to tip number 3. Eat dinner early
30:57 while the body does work as we sleep, we don't want to give it
31:00 extra unnecessary work
31:02 just as it can be counterproductive to throw a
31:05 party while trying to clean. The house also slows down the
31:08 restored processes during sleep to eat a late dinner.
31:13 The body was then forced to spend a few hours digesting the
31:16 meal before can focus all of its attention on rejuvenation.
31:21 So eat an early dinner.
31:23 Eat your last meal or snack 3 hours before bedtime and give
31:28 your body a jump start on its recovery. Tip number 4,
31:32 schedule downtime. Virtually everything that is valuable
31:36 must be guarded. And sleep is no exception. Don't crowd your
31:41 schedule with tons of things right to do up until the time
31:44 you need to go to bed rather schedule your down time an hour
31:48 before bed. What a way your phone, the laptop that he me
31:52 and any other screen and let your brain start to wind down.
31:57 Read a book.
31:58 We have some herbal tea or chat with your family
32:02 out and implement and nightly routine. That sets you up in a
32:07 relaxed state before you go to bed.
32:10 Tip 5, leverage the clock. Just like athletes and business
32:15 executives mentioned earlier.
32:17 >> Sleep is not something we can't afford not to do. So
32:21 prioritize getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, but not
32:26 every hour on the clock impacts your body the same way. Let's
32:30 listen to Doctor Roger as he explains.
32:33 >> Well, regardless of the time, we should get 7 to 9
32:37 hours the hours before midnight impact your body nearly double
32:40 that time. Now, that doesn't mean that you can go to bed at
32:43 9 o'clock and you'd only have to sleep for hours and get by.
32:46 But it does mean that by going to bed earlier, you supercharge
32:50 your body's ability to recover. So it's the late night and aim
32:54 to go to bed shortly after 09:00PM and watch how energized
32:59 you feel in the morning.
33:00 >> Tip number 6, release stress and worry. Our final tip is the
33:06 glue that brings the other 5 together
33:09 in order to achieve optimal sleep. We need to let go of the
33:13 stress and worry that often plagues us and make sleep
33:16 elusive.
33:17 Many have found trust in God in the heart filled with
33:21 gratitude, cultivates a sense of contentment that ISIS our
33:25 minds before bedtime.
33:27 So why not make a list of our blessings before we go to bed
33:31 then even on the darkest nights trust in the assurance and we
33:35 are not alone
33:36 when God created us is wrapping up in his blanket of love and
33:41 content. So are you ready to take your performance to the
33:45 next level? Why not just try these tips for 10 days in see
33:49 how efficient you because you're not only going to make
33:52 it a lifestyle that you're going to want to share it with
33:55 others to do so until next time. Let's limit on fund in
33:58 life and sleep well.
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34:14 >> I have the pleasure of introducing our special music
34:18 and or speakers. I special music, 2 beautiful ladies
34:23 inside and out my sister in law and will be on
34:28 Josie and Bailey
34:30 best unless she got married
34:34 and they're both going to play a hype duet called as 50 Year
34:38 and after them will be all in and in a not a bird
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38:21 >> good evening and happy 7th.
38:25 Happy to be here this evening.
38:28 I will hopefully still be in about 45 minutes.
38:32 Let's pray.
38:34 Dear God, thank you for bringing us here. Thank you for
38:36 this organization. Thank you for this
38:39 community.
38:41 Thank you for this church.
38:43 Thank you for this mission.
38:45 Help us to remember that. It's not about us. It's about
38:48 you.
38:49 Not our work.
38:51 Not this weekend.
38:53 Not this planet, not our lives, but the whole universe is about
38:56 you.
38:57 Help us to bring everything back to you this evening.
39:00 And this weekend they meant.
39:07 >> All right. So a little bit about us. Can you guys hear me?
39:10 We just said it wasn't about a oh, that's right.
39:14 We're just going to tell you my name is Dan. And this is all
39:17 in. And we went to Loma Linda. How many people went to Loma
39:21 Linda here has any students out there
39:26 free we have here because it's free. So we actually met at
39:30 Loma Linda. So there's hope for any single people at Loma
39:33 Linda. I was a third-year medical student. He was a
39:37 little second here
39:42 anyways. So what
39:44 that full toss to coat?
39:48 >> That was a little fast enough.
39:51 >> So I was president. It was good for we got married and I
39:56 well, haha.
39:58 >> So for the male medical students out there,
40:02 I got turned down to a movie. It was the passion of the
40:05 Christ is only supposed to take 90 tents or anything. I got
40:09 turned down to a double a daytime Doubleday baseball
40:12 game. I got turned down to a round of golf. I got turned
40:15 down today.
40:17 >> Camping trip with a very safe community of people.
40:19 It's really hard dating and your 3rd year of medical
40:21 student. I'm sure your 3rd year for a lot of you guys can
40:25 understand that guys don't give up.
40:30 So we did get married back to that. And then we went to
40:33 residency in Massachusetts and where I did be. And he did ER.
40:38 He matched the year after me.
40:39 And then we told everyone we're going to Africa's missionaries
40:43 and they thought we were joking, but we did end up
40:46 going.
40:48 >> So we were in Chad for 12 and a half years. We came back
40:51 to America permanently in May.
40:54 So we figured testimony should involve one story from each
40:57 year. Each story about 30 minutes. We'll be here for
40:59 about 6 hours.
41:01 >> Minded. This is a caffeine free conference. We did talk
41:04 about sleep about 20 minutes ago.
41:07 >> Oh, yeah. And you have to pick up our kids at 9.15,
41:10 sept.
41:11 We had kids along the way, too. By the way,
41:15 the next picture is is actually a U.S. in France. This is us
41:20 very young and enthusiastic and maybe a little bit naive.
41:23 And this is the night before we flew to Chad for our first day
41:29 as full-time GC employed missionaries. And
41:33 we we're ready to go change the world. We definitely felt is a
41:37 great passion and a great calling.
41:41 And when we were looking for places to go serve,
41:45 Chad came upon list. So here we left Paris
41:50 and well, Geneva through Paris that ended up.
41:54 This is the parking lot of a hospital
41:57 not too dissimilar to maybe hospitals in G the day except
42:00 the motorcycles in the background.
42:02 >> When when we were looking for a place to serve, we wanted
42:05 to go to a place that was the most in need because
42:08 I don't know. We just felt called to do that. We have a
42:11 back story, but that would take a long time. So we thought
42:13 called the going the place that was in the most need. And Chad
42:17 seemed like it was in very much mean.
42:19 >> And if anybody else is a numbers guy cursed at me like I
42:22 am. Since we first visited Chad in 2009, Chad has been ranked
42:27 number one
42:29 in maternal mortality rate.
42:31 Neonatal mortality rate under 5 mortality rate open defecation
42:35 rates. Don't ask me what that is. The most corrupt country in
42:39 the world. The worst country, the world for tourism, the
42:42 worst country. What to do business. The worst place to go
42:45 for a child to fall ill the worst place. You want to be a
42:47 woman, the shortest attention attention span. That's me the
42:51 shortest life. And that's what it is a
42:54 and also go figure the most negative country in the world.
42:58 So yay, we're number one.
43:01 >> It's actually a lovely country to visit. So you guys
43:03 should visit if you get the opportunity. Who has been too
43:06 Chad?
43:07 >> I know there's yeah. Look at those proud hands. Whatever you
43:12 do afterwards, don't talk to them.
43:15 They make up all the stories is not true.
43:17 >> So while working in Chad, I'm really astounded by the
43:21 advanced diseases that we see as medical doctors. We find
43:24 that very interesting. I'm one of my passions as vesco vaginal
43:28 fistulas. And that's something that happens when you basically
43:32 don't have anybody to take care of you during birth of your
43:34 baby get stopped. So the birth canal, I'm Nick Rowe says and
43:39 you end up with your and leaking all over you and women
43:41 are just out there asked and nobody really wants to deal
43:44 with them. But women's specialty is my thing. So I
43:47 just love working with them. Other advanced diseases that we
43:50 see our that the crazy textbook and stage 2 is I mean, you
43:55 check out how it the ovary was like 17 akila over 17.4
43:58 kilograms over e everything. Everything presents because
44:02 people have been waiting for 10 or 15 years. You're like,
44:05 why didn't you come before? And they're like, well, there
44:07 was nobody there were. No, it's just so amazing.
44:10 >> Yeah, they they typically go to the witch doctor and then
44:13 the community healer and then the health center and then
44:16 other hospitals before they finally end up at our hospital.
44:19 And by then what was a small maybe wound has turned into
44:24 Austria, my light us or or take your pick of really just
44:27 horrible advanced diseases, which are interesting,
44:30 medically yea, but
44:32 terrible, just, you know, from seeing human suffering.
44:36 >> So we all end up doing things that were not
44:39 comfortable doing. You know, I know how to operate, but I end
44:42 up doing and to patients and I'm not ortho we heard about
44:45 worth this morning. That's not my thing. Usually make him do
44:49 the ortho. It's also not ideal. Yeah. So you know, you just do
44:55 the best you can and you try and consul your friends back
44:58 home. So
44:59 we try to have all of you guys, his friend, so we can text you
45:02 at 02:00AM and be like, hey, how do I take care of this
45:04 patient
45:07 back to my patients? The best go about an official is.
45:11 >> Which one we're looking to treat the least of these.
45:15 I mean, these women are really the least of the least of
45:18 these. These are outcasts and their societies, these women
45:22 that have fish. So you would think so.
45:24 >> Maybe how long could you suffer with urine leaking down
45:27 your leg and you're walking on dirt roads and you're wearing
45:30 flip-flops and you're constantly like how long do you
45:34 think it would take you to go to a doctor to fix this?
45:36 Would it take you 2 weeks? Like most people be like 5
45:39 days? I can't handle it anymore. But Louise had
45:42 suffered with this for over 20 years. Most a lot of people
45:45 don't even know their age. So I'm estimating their age
45:48 based on how old their child is or maybe how old their child's
45:52 child Solis is. The one on the left
45:55 and her daughter is on the race. Her daughter looks like
45:58 she's maybe 25 30. So she had had it for a long time. So she
46:04 had been leaking urine all over, walking in muddy feet.
46:07 And she came to our hospital during the campaign that we
46:10 had.
46:11 And
46:13 it was just it's really fun to be able to help these women.
46:16 I can't help all of them, but it's something that we don't
46:19 learn in America. OBGYN. It's it's not part of the
46:23 curriculum there,
46:25 but in proper prenatal care, as you do have to do exactly.
46:28 And so that's another thing about working there as an OBGYN
46:31 is, I think in residency I had one rupture due to arrive
46:35 and I had one sonseeahray and
46:38 hysterectomies in residency and where I packed wherever I have
46:42 practiced in, Chad. It's it's no big deal. It's like we have
46:46 3 reps. Yeah, sure. Done one day one time. But that's when
46:49 the government was shut down. We had a lot of referrals,
46:51 but
46:53 >> it's just really amazing.
46:54 >> The lack of care and women labor for days, maybe 24 to 36
46:58 hours
46:59 fully dilated for that long. And
47:03 it's really astounding. But Luis, we're able to help.
47:05 So we have this program where people come to the hospital and
47:08 it's free. We set up a fund where people can donate and we
47:12 repair her surgically.
47:14 And then at the end I have
47:16 this was one of our bigger ones we had 28 that week where I had
47:21 a friend in common with actually teaching me how to do
47:23 them. But Louise was healed and she had one of the easiest
47:26 fistulas to heal and she did really well. And we've got new
47:31 dresses for everybody signaling signifying a new life.
47:36 I'm not smelling anymore like here. And we also most of the
47:40 women cannot read. So we get them God pas. There are these
47:44 little audio Bibles that you can listen to the Bible or
47:47 different Bible stories in your own language.
47:49 And we have picture Bibles that we made so they can look at the
47:53 Bible stories. So that's one way that we can share even
47:56 though they can't read. But it's really fun. And we have a
47:59 big celebration all in wants me to dance the dance because
48:02 >> you should do. If you put in the video, you wouldn't have
48:04 to. But they do this. But they like shake their shoulders and
48:07 stuff. It's it's really fun. Yeah.
48:11 >> You guys should be there and I hope you can see it someday.
48:16 >> So we we like to this is what actually today's favorite
48:20 versus Jesus went through all the towns and villages teaching
48:23 mission guys proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and
48:26 healing every disease and sickness.
48:28 When he saw the crowds, we had compassion on them.
48:31 And when we see
48:33 these things, we can imagine the compassion that we have for
48:37 them.
48:38 But that's looking it may be there physical illness
48:42 and think of Jesus being able to see all of our spiritual
48:45 illnesses and what sort of compassion he must have toward
48:48 us. Is these meek,
48:51 maybe some of this, not so meek human beings and our sinful
48:54 condition and then are also medically disease condition.
49:00 So this next guy get in the picture of them.
49:07 He's a he's the only story that isn't genuine authentic.
49:10 This is actually this is a chad in. But this is not the person
49:12 whose story I'm telling. His picture has been changed to
49:15 protect his anonymity of the somewhat
49:18 and you'll hear why
49:21 I went around. I'm your doctor. So rounds is like a 4 letter
49:25 word in ER doctors.
49:28 There's one where the only 2 in the room because our attention
49:31 span is hard to sit through a meeting this line.
49:35 >> I made a really great partner, though he gets he
49:38 helps me. Yeah. Fast. Get him and get him out of the meat.
49:41 >> So I I have been rounding for the last 12 years. That's
49:45 it challenging confession to make. I'm recovering internist
49:49 at this point, essentially.
49:52 So I would run on pediatric telemedicine.
49:55 And I had one of my very best nurses this covering medicine
49:58 that week and I showed up for morning rounds and he said I
50:02 hospitalized somebody yesterday. Let's go see a
50:05 patient first. He's not doing so well. It's as much I have
50:09 prescribed him, oral Soundview them all and he's not getting
50:12 better.
50:13 So Alice, out due to monitor treatment for asthma oral so
50:16 beautiful, a there is no and held a beautiful except for
50:20 what we smuggle and or any inhaled agent.
50:24 But I see the patient and he's clearly he's setting up his
50:26 laboring. He's not doing very well at all. And I do what,
50:30 al, as you I put my hand on him first aid to greet him and I
50:34 can tell he's hot to the touch. I said, well, this guy's
50:36 feverish, OK? And I don't.
50:39 He gave up on vitals a long time ago. Yeah, I touch
50:42 patients every year.
50:44 At least one report a day. So
50:47 I
50:48 don't carry a stethoscope anymore. You're getting all my
50:52 confessions tonight.
50:55 But I put my hands on his chest and ahead and read the head of
50:57 phone and then I'm like tapping in for cussing out. And I think
51:00 why do you think this guy has as and the nurse as well
51:03 looking pretty good. These guys and and dexamethasone.
51:06 Everybody gets
51:07 Hugh 6 hours like if you cough in Chad, you're going to text
51:10 and methods on my apologies to everybody,
51:14 please. Nobody take notes on this that we we don't and don't
51:17 come as a medical student. Don't come as a medical seen
51:19 all of the medical students that visit were like number
51:21 one, never say well in Chad Day. Haha.
51:25 But he was getting into the South, view them on the
51:27 dexamethasone and not getting better overnight. So I asked
51:31 Chris Death disco classic. I let me actually can use a
51:33 stethoscope this time and I listen and OK, one side makes
51:37 noise. One side doesn't this guy actually has a trachea,
51:41 is not quite midline anymore so that we need to take this kind
51:45 of the or right now.
51:46 However, you can get him over there. Let's go over there.
51:48 And the guy is saying goodbye to his wife. We have the only
51:51 policy action. The hospital now reading like 70's,
51:54 we get him into the as that he needs a hole in his chest
51:57 somehow. So
51:58 I put a hole in his chest and I go to put in the 2
52:02 and
52:04 p*** just pours out all over my feet. And it just keeps
52:09 actually very common. And this is the first one that we had.
52:12 I get a couple of these. I swear tension and pain is
52:17 about every year and his trail. He comes back mid 9. His sack
52:20 goes back up into the 90's. I have about 60 years of past
52:24 in my shoes.
52:27 The guy is happy. He's feeling great. We get an HIV test.
52:30 It turns out to be positive. And surprisingly, that's why
52:34 his picture is not the same.
52:36 But this guy ended up
52:39 doing well. He started the antiretrovirals, his CD 4 came
52:43 up. He actually clear out his infection, which is another not
52:47 to minor miracle. He went home, which is what about 8
52:52 kilometers away, maybe.
52:54 And he would come back frequently just to see me or to
52:58 bring in pigeon which
53:01 release, unlike does not.
53:06 I've never prepared to pitch in yet.
53:08 >> And he loves him because he named his daughter after all
53:13 in.
53:14 >> Yes, so he's now called Papa Holding because his daughter
53:18 thinks is named Olin. We couldn't couldn't wait for a
53:21 son.
53:22 >> Well, Im just happy because usually the babies are named
53:24 after me because I deliver them.
53:26 >> Yeah, it's not fair. But there are now. I think 3
53:32 beautiful little baby girl olins running around
53:38 to take it where you can get it.
53:41 >> For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
53:44 but against the rulers against the authorities, against the
53:46 powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of
53:49 evil in the heavenly rounds.
53:51 Somehow we feel is stronger in Chad. And maybe that's just
53:54 because we've been living there that we feel like there's a
53:57 very thin line like between the spiritual realms. Sometimes I
54:02 feel like there's a bubble over our hospital, actually, when my
54:05 friends right, and we're living there for so long, we've been
54:08 going through struggles, people would pray. And I just really
54:11 felt like there was a bubble over the hospital. And it was
54:14 really amazing to feel that.
54:16 >> It is very different.
54:18 You know, Chad is 65% Muslim. 35 1% Christian and really
54:22 about 100% and a must.
54:25 There are no atheists.
54:27 And I I wonder sometimes if if the devil is content
54:32 to kind of let America go its own way and just do its own
54:35 thing
54:36 because we're not naked. We're not hungry. We're not
54:41 cold. We have what we need.
54:43 And we don't feel that pressing need for God.
54:47 But in Chad, it seems like perhaps it's the need. I don't
54:50 know what it is, but the devil is very active and nobody
54:53 denies the devils existence. That lake, she said the veil
54:56 between the nationalists, super national seem so thin
54:59 and
55:01 the devil seems to work harder there
55:04 in trying to get people to put their faith in 2,
55:07 anything, the science guy,
55:10 anything
55:12 that may be able to protect you
55:14 besides gun, if you can get you to not believe that there's an
55:19 all loving all powerful
55:21 creator, God,
55:23 Satan wins.
55:25 >> That's all I'm saying. All of our patients will come
55:28 in. And 99.9% of them have gone to the witch doctor. First
55:32 appendicitis, which doctor they they've come in. They have a
55:36 little scratch. Is there sometimes and sometimes toward
55:38 the end. I'm just more curious. I started asking, I'm like,
55:42 how much did you pay the witch doctor? Because I do urgent
55:45 cases for free. I'm just curious. And how much did you
55:48 pay for a paycheck? And I pay this and I'm just like to come
55:52 here first. But you know that it's it's a different culture
55:55 and they're learning about us. So we try to be patient,
55:58 too. But there definitely is a clash of cultures.
56:01 >> Another one of my intention and painting Ms.
56:04 He came in and I saw the scratches on his chest. And I
56:07 said what happened? And he said, well, I gave my taking a
56:10 witch doctor. He sacrificed it, cut off the foot and
56:12 scratching.
56:13 Now they has that working for you.
56:18 And then I put a hole in his chest and he got better.
56:21 >> Yeah, it's it's definitely interesting. On arena is a
56:24 patient of mine who is actually a very tragic story because
56:28 she's very young.
56:29 But she was a J** and patient of mine. And she had a very
56:34 complicated history. And she was with me for about a month.
56:37 And though her medical problems were very complicated.
56:42 Her real struggle was her spirituality need and age
56:46 because she was there for a long time. I tend to remember
56:49 the patients and you guys probably be, too. I can
56:51 remember the patients that are the hardest. We're the ones
56:53 that didn't go well or, you know, the ones that died and
56:57 what you wish you would have done something differently.
56:59 So those are the once we tended to write about on our blog,
57:02 I think. But honoring is one of those patients where I will
57:05 never forget her. She one day was sharing with me as I saw
57:09 every day. And she just quit gaining weight. And she wasn't
57:12 doing miles kind of clear. She was filed spiraling down.
57:17 She shared with me that her grandmother was are up to and
57:21 which is a witch doctor. And she was next in line to
57:25 become her grandmother basically. So she was the next
57:28 one to become the witch doctors. So people would come
57:30 to them and she would do her little fetishes. And she
57:33 carried around little necklace is a little things that that
57:36 they thought had more power than God.
57:38 And then she started going to the morning worship, said she
57:41 was just there. We gave her God pot in her own language.
57:46 One morning, I just remember she shared with me that she
57:50 wanted to become a Christian and she had accepted Jesus.
57:54 And she gave me all these little fetishes and things that
57:57 were supposed to get her power and she didn't want them
58:00 anymore. She didn't want to be a part of that.
58:02 And it was so special. Unfortunately, she did pass
58:05 away.
58:07 And so I take it hard and I'm it was really hard to deal
58:11 with. But I do know that I will sear and haven't signed very
58:14 happy about it. And I'm glad she was able to be at our
58:17 hospital and for nurses and everybody to be able to share
58:21 with her.
58:23 >> It is wonderful to hear the body, but it's
58:26 much more exciting when got last year to be part of of
58:29 healing the soul
58:34 like to do
58:36 evangelism in our medical practice. I mean, hey, this is
58:38 a man. That's what you guys right here for, right. But we
58:42 also enjoy doing sort of more direct evangelism outside of
58:45 the hospital.
58:47 We started going just a random villages on salmon mornings.
58:54 When we had little kids that wouldn't really sit still in
58:57 and church, especially if you're just going on in a
58:59 foreign language to them.
59:02 And one of one of the days we went out to this little village
59:06 actually is the first day that we went out really. And we told
59:09 some we just hold the Bible story. There was some lady who
59:11 came up who could speak some French translated into the
59:14 local languages. It was a story of Noah, and we had some felt
59:18 and we sang some songs in and we prayed with with people.
59:23 And we said, you know, who hears Christian and in that
59:25 neighborhood, they'll raise their hand
59:27 and kind of getting a feel for things.
59:31 Okay. Who is Abrahams wife
59:35 like the only woman in the bible of the answer to every
59:37 female question in the Bible is Marion. And we started
59:40 realizing that that may be that simple.
59:42 >> Bible knowledge was not so profound that sometimes you
59:45 wonder if there's translation issues to get some things
59:47 wrong. You're like, did I say that right? Because it's not
59:50 English there?
59:51 >> Well, we figured out enough.
59:54 So we we we were excited about the possibility of being more
01:00:00 involved in direct evangelism. And as we left that village
01:00:02 that 7th morning, they actually said we can't just come here
01:00:05 and tell us bible stories and pray with us and saying and
01:00:07 then leave,
01:00:08 you have to come back.
01:00:10 He said, well, OK, when would you like us to? And they said
01:00:13 we'll have a next Saturday and said it today.
01:00:16 So we kept going back and eventually
01:00:18 we've got smart and we take some local kids to go translate
01:00:22 with us
01:00:24 and we would go to the village and we tell the story
01:00:28 and they would translate the story
01:00:30 and we'd sing the songs we pray. And then we go on.
01:00:32 And then coming back
01:00:34 one day, Papa, who's on the motorcycle? There's a picture
01:00:38 of of my son and 5 other local champions on motorcycles,
01:00:43 the guy who's on the motorcycle and my son. His name is
01:00:46 Nicholas. But every causing Papa.
01:00:50 He was with us. And he said, you know, I'm feeling like we
01:00:52 should go to this other village.
01:00:56 And so we did. And the same thing happened. People came
01:01:00 out.
01:01:01 We saying we prayed and asked us to come back
01:01:04 and Romeo, who's actually on the extreme left in that
01:01:07 picture
01:01:08 another week, he said I'm feeling impressed that we
01:01:10 should go to this village.
01:01:13 So we drove in and we should really where you want to stop.
01:01:15 He said how about that mango tree. So we did.
01:01:18 And actually there's a church right beside that mango tree
01:01:21 today
01:01:23 because because young chatty into let's stop there. Let's
01:01:26 tell a Bible story. Let's sing some songs. It's pay with some
01:01:29 people
01:01:30 and all of the story. All of these kids came out Israel's
01:01:33 use. There's Tony
01:01:36 and there's there are there are so many of these young boys and
01:01:41 girls teenagers, this started to go out that that we had to
01:01:44 go in a pickup truck
01:01:46 and then we got here during 7 or 8 villages every sabbath
01:01:49 morning and got to be exhausting in the multiplied,
01:01:51 made more babies. And we need to take care of our own kids
01:01:54 and we couldn't keep up with it. And so the kids said,
01:01:57 well,
01:01:59 you know, it's it's time to go. You guys aren't ready. Can we
01:02:02 go? We said, OK, so we had 2 motorcycles. We send them out
01:02:06 and then there are more kids that want to be involved.
01:02:08 So eventually I can't meeting in Virginia donated money for 3
01:02:13 motorcycles. We've got 3 motorcycles and the kids would
01:02:15 go out to bite you.
01:02:17 And they said, you know, 7 is not enough.
01:02:20 If we're having Wednesday night Bible study here in our church,
01:02:24 we should be doing it in their villages. She started going out
01:02:27 on Wednesday
01:02:28 and 7 and then they said we have that spurs in our church.
01:02:31 So why are we have investors on Friday night in their villages
01:02:34 to start to get these young kids that are going to high
01:02:36 school started taking the motorcycles going on Wednesday
01:02:39 on Friday, on 7th and when spot checked, we go to the village.
01:02:43 The hated those kids come by Wednesday and Friday
01:02:46 because, you know, you give it to a motorcycle keys and you
01:02:49 never know what's going to happen. But they they do to
01:02:52 fully and responsibly showed up. They took it very
01:02:54 seriously. And and churches grew and there are now many
01:03:00 more church buildings
01:03:01 meeting every Sabbath because of this. And it was so fun to
01:03:06 be able to take that evangelism.
01:03:10 What can come to a little morsel looks like again,
01:03:14 a little notion of medical evangelism and by our hospital
01:03:17 having the name Adventist and providing compassionate quality
01:03:21 care.
01:03:22 The neighboring villages are more open to hearing that name
01:03:26 Adventist bring in a direct gospel, a more direct gospel
01:03:30 message.
01:03:33 >> All right. Back to our kids. You heard we had a few kids
01:03:36 any.
01:03:39 We have to 5 now have 5 children and gynecology should
01:03:43 know birth control.
01:03:45 So the health care.
01:03:47 >> There is great. The spiritual needs are great.
01:03:50 And we have just seen God working in all of that.
01:03:54 But really the biggest stressor, which, you know,
01:03:57 when you have the biggest stressor and you have God and
01:03:59 you're in his presence, you'll also see the biggest rewards
01:04:02 with that.
01:04:04 So the biggest stressor for us in Chad was our kids. And that
01:04:09 is because of something called malaria.
01:04:12 And there is not a day that went by when I was in Chad,
01:04:15 that not pray for their protection.
01:04:18 Right before we went to Chad, we have friends that are named
01:04:22 Gary and windy, actually went to high school with Wendy
01:04:25 and they have lost a 4 year-old son to malaria. So we were very
01:04:30 aware and
01:04:32 it scared us. And it's it's not something when people visit.
01:04:36 It's not something that we ever,
01:04:38 you know, judge anybody about. We always talk to him about
01:04:40 people with kids that visit. So Gary and Wendy have a son
01:04:45 named Caleb that died. And then during our first year, there
01:04:49 actually was a little over the our first year, James and Sarah
01:04:52 Powell had their son. Adam also died from malaria. And he is
01:04:57 the exact same age as our sons say they were born on the exact
01:05:01 same birth, the exact same day.
01:05:04 So every time I would get ready to go back to America, I would
01:05:07 always buy everything on Amazon that had anything related.
01:05:11 >> To do with malaria mosquito protection. You also about
01:05:14 everything, Amazon that didn't have. That's true. But you know
01:05:17 what? The more you if you time it right. You know her vacation
01:05:20 schedule by Amazon Stock right before she comes to America.
01:05:24 >> Thank you. Have the more suitcases you have. So it kind
01:05:27 of makes it easier. Is that why we had
01:05:31 to see cases each?
01:05:35 >> So, yeah, so I was always get stressed out about malaria.
01:05:38 Right before we go back and then, you know, every day,
01:05:42 just thinking about it now your kid is fussy or they tripped
01:05:44 and stub their toe. You're like they have malaria because of
01:05:47 the background that we have my patients. I take a history
01:05:50 every day, you know, trying to figure out how old they are and
01:05:53 people don't know and trying to figure out how many children
01:05:56 they have. And they've had the tent term births and for
01:05:59 living. It's astounding. You would not even believe it.
01:06:03 But you're taking this history every day. Here are your
01:06:06 mounting on pediatrics are seen patients die sometimes and
01:06:09 rainy season. We have
01:06:11 every day a patient dies from malaria hemoglobin. It's of 2,
01:06:16 3, So they get very sick. Very quickly.
01:06:19 Part of me kind of always was like, why don't they come in
01:06:22 sooner? Why? Why do you wait that long? Why is there he's
01:06:25 going to a 3
01:06:27 and we carry a blood bank. And so we're able to transfer
01:06:29 use them, but still many of them die. And so we see this
01:06:32 every day. And it's very stressful to have children,
01:06:34 Chad.
01:06:35 >> We're also very judgmental. And really, quite clearly you
01:06:38 waited too long. It's like they're seizing already.
01:06:41 Why didn't you come in early or you're kind of like thinking
01:06:44 like?
01:06:45 >> But why? Oh, they just didn't come because, you know,
01:06:47 it's a girl or, you know, they would have comment. That was a
01:06:50 boy or something like that.
01:06:53 Just before Zain, turn 2 years old, we were traveling to and
01:06:58 island shopping. You know, I like shop online, but I want to
01:07:00 go shopping and Amazon doesn't deliver to Chad.
01:07:04 I got the pickup truck.
01:07:06 Got the kids and all I wasn't going to go with me. And then
01:07:09 at the last minute, it was divine intervention that he
01:07:13 decided to come and on the way there, I know the same with a
01:07:16 little hot. I was like, OK, I'm just going
01:07:19 by some as we get to do the two-hour drive. And then we get
01:07:23 there and shopping for time in the market. Andy vomit all over
01:07:28 my arm time like, OK, well, maybe we'll make this an
01:07:31 overnight trip and get them IV and the hospital there because
01:07:33 we have a sister hospital in men do
01:07:36 that. James and Sarah were running at the time
01:07:38 and then
01:07:40 and then I think we went to the hospital. We started him on IV
01:07:43 medicine. So we did everything perfect. We're like being the
01:07:46 perfect doctor parents.
01:07:48 >> And then you will hear not Michelle.
01:07:52 >> But then
01:07:55 I think I went shopping some more. And then all it was with
01:07:58 him. And they started twitching a little about. I happened to
01:08:01 come back and we were all there in the room. And I know it was
01:08:04 a God thing James is there were actually in the room. I think
01:08:08 James just got back from the hospital. Yes, Sarah was in
01:08:11 there and all the sands and seas. And he's, you know,
01:08:15 our little boy and we see it all the time in the hospital.
01:08:17 But it's different when it's your own child,
01:08:20 something about seeing him. He turned blue right away.
01:08:24 James did the job for us. And Sarah went for some taken
01:08:28 bull Cent
01:08:29 and God was merciful and saying I'm did recover. We thought he
01:08:34 was dying before our eyes. And then after that, I asked of
01:08:39 him or off. We were like questioning him were like I was
01:08:42 like, mommy,
01:08:44 like who's that? He's like, daddy.
01:08:46 And then he actually recovered did really well. And the next
01:08:51 couple of days, the p**** trained in like 2 days because
01:08:54 he had to know much IV fluid.
01:08:57 It was pretty amazing. But
01:08:59 it really was still stressful
01:09:03 to have children there. Yeah.
01:09:05 >> As the eye doctor, how many times have I told somebody it's
01:09:08 just a febrile seizure. It's fine. This is normal.
01:09:10 But when it's your own child.
01:09:12 >> That's saying when he was, that's when we were in and
01:09:15 hospital. It's tough keeping IVs and little kids to. We've
01:09:19 had his both of his his hair has been shaved. All of our
01:09:22 other kids. They all been sick with different things that
01:09:25 Jennifer Hughes to have a little moment because
01:09:28 she had both of the size of her head shaved.
01:09:32 Yeah, that's
01:09:33 >> the health of the kids is definitely one of the biggest
01:09:36 challenges that we face.
01:09:39 And this is this picture was from November 2017 and the kids
01:09:44 are 8, 6, 4, in 2.
01:09:47 And this is celebrating an early Thanksgiving and
01:09:50 Christmas because it is about to go back
01:09:53 to take her oral boards which she passed.
01:09:55 >> Incidentally, Yea and Liz, help me with them. Thank you,
01:10:00 chip.
01:10:01 >> Well done was in America. Everything goes wrong when
01:10:04 mom's away.
01:10:06 So one Thursday morning I wake up at 5 o'clock and Lyle told
01:10:11 us the 8 year-old is is screaming bloody murder.
01:10:13 He's a morning person. I'm not sure what we did to deserve a
01:10:16 morning person because neither one of us. But I look up and I
01:10:20 remember, John, is that there's that means I have to get up
01:10:22 with a screaming kid at 05:00AM.
01:10:24 So I get out of bed and he comes in and his arm is is
01:10:27 bleeding. Hey, it's all scratched up, covered with
01:10:30 blood.
01:10:32 And he said, Lucy, Scratch me. Lucy is not our daughter.
01:10:35 It's the cat a
01:10:37 and I said, well, what he did here, you're probably
01:10:39 tormenting the poor counties. The guy didn't do anything.
01:10:41 And I said, yeah, it sure did. That's but that is okay.
01:10:44 That's more scratch the news he's ever done to us before.
01:10:47 I mean, she scratched on the she's an ornery old cat and
01:10:50 she's pregnant. Sit.
01:10:52 >> Haha. So people never get more new in their pregnant.
01:10:58 I'm not pregnant by at
01:11:02 hysterectomy. Haha, we figured that was the safest form of
01:11:05 birth control.
01:11:07 It's good. I swear it.
01:11:12 >> We wanted to ban did. But I was like, dude, your
01:11:14 whole arm is scratched f you can put a mandate on. The whole
01:11:16 thing is he's Palmer's bitten up. So we did some soap and
01:11:20 water and I woke up. I was now up. I went to work and my
01:11:25 mother-in-law who was watching our kids called me maybe about
01:11:28 10:00AM and said, can you come home? Lucy, just bit Addison 6
01:11:37 for the time medicines for the time.
01:11:39 So I come home and share her with the crown is that it is
01:11:43 there in the doorway. And she's hissing at me and snarling and
01:11:47 I have an iPad sticking to her. And she's like attacking and
01:11:50 biting my iPad.
01:11:51 And so it's cooler on the back porch and then closed the door
01:11:56 and then going see Addison and Addison scratch all over her
01:11:59 back. She's been in that year.
01:12:03 These are pictures of
01:12:05 my son for him on the left and my daughters back in here on
01:12:10 the right in the middle.
01:12:12 So that's that's pretty bad, OK?
01:12:15 So
01:12:16 we clean her up soap and water and of course in your head what
01:12:21 you think?
01:12:23 Yeah. And you guys past years like your medical professionals
01:12:26 a so you think rabies. But you don't want to jump to rabies
01:12:30 cases and involves a lot of shot and you should do an
01:12:35 autopsy on the brain of the animal and all those things.
01:12:37 Has anybody ever treated a patient? With rabies,
01:12:41 a few.
01:12:43 There aren't many more unpleasant patients to treat
01:12:47 and less rewarding patients to treat.
01:12:50 >> Unfortunately, we've seen all of those advanced diseases.
01:12:53 Measles, tetanus, rabies. All of those things we.
01:12:56 >> Yeah, that our hospital and we get a few cases of rabies
01:12:59 every every year. And and I mean, all the benzos in the
01:13:03 world only health it. It's just it's a horrible way to go.
01:13:07 So it entered into my mind. But,
01:13:10 you know, you can quarantine the cat. You can see what
01:13:13 happens. See how the animal progresses. I was she looked
01:13:16 like she was about to pop. Hopefully the babies would come
01:13:18 out soon and we see her calm down.
01:13:21 But that was Thursday
01:13:24 ahead of pointing to the back and put out a bowl of milk.
01:13:27 She finished. I put out another bowl, whatever
01:13:30 Friday passed, no change
01:13:34 Sabbath. She had her kittens. I found the kittens there in
01:13:38 the morning. She had 4 of them and 3 of them had been
01:13:44 >> attacked and that he started messaging me. I'm in America.
01:13:47 And then he I guess you're sleeping for a little bit.
01:13:50 And I start Googling because I'm not I don't treat rabies.
01:13:53 And I started Googling it. You know, who all said 100%
01:13:57 fatal with no treatment.
01:13:59 And that's when as a mother's heart, I'm holding it together
01:14:02 right now. But I was at a conference learning about be
01:14:05 joy and stuff. And I was just like stuck in the side. I
01:14:08 couldn't do anything.
01:14:11 I found a rabies expert who contacted all and yes, so by
01:14:15 Sunday morning.
01:14:17 >> I'm pretty sure that the cat is rabbit. This is a serious
01:14:21 thing. This is full and rabies. I bring the milk back in the
01:14:24 you know, the hydra phobia thing in the spastic legs in
01:14:27 the that the cat is very much not sitting well, she's killed
01:14:30 all of our kittens.
01:14:33 It was looking quite poor. So I contact my pharmacist and
01:14:38 I say, hey, I need the rabies immune globulin.
01:14:41 And he said, OK, no problem. And he brings over the vaccine.
01:14:44 I said, no, I don't need the vaccine and immunoglobulin.
01:14:47 And he said, OK, I'll call the pharmacy, called the regional
01:14:50 pharmacy. They said we don't stock that anymore. Nobody in
01:14:52 the country does.
01:14:54 I think you had that when I first got here. They said,
01:14:56 yeah, it was too expensive. So the country doesn't order
01:15:00 that anymore.
01:15:02 So I called R R supplier that can find anything up in the
01:15:06 Capitol Hill ducking the camera. And I said, can you
01:15:08 look for this? I called a friend of ours in camera and I
01:15:11 said, can you look for this?
01:15:12 And they went around looking at a gala, find it. And I keep
01:15:15 getting pictures coming in and make note that the vaccine that
01:15:17 it says vaccine on it. And he did say in England in London,
01:15:20 it
01:15:24 Sunday comes in. And I'm just on my phone, non-stop time,
01:15:29 what Safin I messaging e-mail and and I get our medical
01:15:33 evacuation insurance company involved. And they say, you
01:15:37 know, we recommend getting the fastest way possible to the
01:15:40 near Center of Excellence, which is Kenya.
01:15:45 And I said great. Can you call the hospital there and confirm
01:15:48 that they have in my view and they said they called back and
01:15:51 they said they don't have any imminent globulin, but they
01:15:53 have an alternative treatment.
01:15:56 And I said 100% fatal disease
01:15:58 100% effective
01:16:00 in the lobby. And remind me why I want an alternative
01:16:03 treatment.
01:16:04 That's not this is not acceptable to me.
01:16:06 So we had a mission, a friend in Kenya who went to I think it
01:16:10 was the 4th pharmacy before he actually found in the Bible.
01:16:13 And he sent me the pictures like that's the real deal.
01:16:14 How can we get here?
01:16:18 Time is passing. And by now the cat. The kids are bitten over 3
01:16:23 days ago and the rabies expert in America is saying you really
01:16:26 don't want more than 6 days to pass
01:16:28 before you get to him in a glove and into them. Remember,
01:16:31 the virus goes in and then it finds that nerve and it travels
01:16:34 up the nerve into the distance from the nerve to the brain is
01:16:37 is pretty much the time you have. And my daughter was bin
01:16:41 on the year.
01:16:44 So we're like all right. We've got to commit to
01:16:46 something
01:16:48 Monday. Frieden, my father-in-law night and the 2
01:16:52 kids that were bitten. You get in the car and started driving
01:16:54 toward the capital.
01:16:56 My friend in Cameron thinks he's going to find some and
01:16:58 meet us at the border.
01:17:00 He gets stood up and all the pharmacies. Eventually he finds
01:17:03 that it's all just a vaccine and immunoglobulin
01:17:05 halfway up to the capital. We stop at a regional pharmacy.
01:17:08 I buy the vaccine
01:17:10 and they give them vaccine far away from from the injury site.
01:17:15 Well, waiting for the immune globulin.
01:17:19 I'm just about out of options. At this point,
01:17:23 the Medivac insurance company said, you know, he tried
01:17:26 contacting the embassy.
01:17:28 I said, OK, I'll try that. So I tried to mission like
01:17:32 we don't know if we have any
01:17:37 wait a second.
01:17:40 >> We're not government employees. So we were special.
01:17:42 And what do you mean that you have something?
01:17:46 >> We're not sure
01:17:50 fake, OK? All right. So
01:17:53 either I roll the dice. If my kids
01:17:56 or there's a $41,000 private jet in Kenya that can fly us.
01:18:01 >> We had already decided we're quitting. We're going to pay
01:18:03 the 41,000 like whatever it took, we're going to get
01:18:07 use the money and
01:18:08 fly the jet. I was like, I don't care. They need it now
01:18:11 like I was going crazy in America might not even able to
01:18:14 help. So we're psyched were painted with quitting were
01:18:16 moving back to America will work. I was like I will work my
01:18:19 tail off. I don't care.
01:18:21 >> We have missionary sour but we have burning potential that
01:18:23 we
01:18:27 currently unemployed
01:18:30 that story. Yeah.
01:18:32 Don't take away from this. They were unemployed and living
01:18:34 in a van with 5 kids that fight.
01:18:38 We have. We can roll the dice. We can pay 41 grand at leave
01:18:42 Mission Service to come back to back in the path that bill for
01:18:44 a private jet to fly the immunoglobulin to the Capitol
01:18:48 or we can try to leverage this violent out of the embassy.
01:18:54 So my father line drives I'm on Facebook
01:18:57 because I'm like there's a Facebook group.
01:19:00 I like 15,000 ER doctors.
01:19:03 So let me see what they can pull off.
01:19:06 So I write the story, you know, make
01:19:08 I'm pretty sure my kids are dying of rabies. Somebody help.
01:19:11 I think the embassy has it. Does anybody can anybody
01:19:13 leverage an entire and the scene?
01:19:16 >> And they actually had all known all in because he's
01:19:19 constantly putting quite you know, the question thing I told
01:19:21 you about knowing all the specialists, a lot of people
01:19:24 have friends in the hospital that at all hours of the night
01:19:26 and he's constantly writing them and asking him about
01:19:29 patient questions.
01:19:30 >> Dr Doctor the best because they now know that. So and so,
01:19:33 you know, this cardiologist or that the fella just or that
01:19:36 whatever they they give me that the advice I need. But I write
01:19:40 this thing
01:19:41 and I go to post it and we're driving in the loos cell
01:19:45 coverage
01:19:46 next. A coverage write it. I go to post it really cell
01:19:50 coverage
01:19:52 next coverage. Thank God I write it like I faster thumbs I
01:19:56 hit, send and really sell coverage.
01:20:01 53 minutes later
01:20:04 we get cell coverage. I find out that it did post
01:20:09 and in 53 minutes,
01:20:13 hundreds
01:20:15 of your doctors call the embassy.
01:20:18 Somebody found the chatty and the the American Embassy in
01:20:21 Chad's phone number posted it.
01:20:25 It's now evening
01:20:28 and whoever finished last in that State Department entrance
01:20:32 exam to be a State Department employee is probably the guy
01:20:35 Manning the phone at night
01:20:38 who has no medical training.
01:20:40 It has a whole bunch of American emergency physicians
01:20:42 angry with him
01:20:45 and another. Your doctor is friends with the American
01:20:48 ambassador to Sudan,
01:20:50 call them and say you need to call your neighboring in
01:20:52 Macedon Chad. This is the guy who gets that. The
01:20:55 immunoglobulin
01:20:57 2 military are physicians on bases in Africa called the
01:21:00 ambassador and said with DHL overnight you are in the garden
01:21:03 and you give up this
01:21:06 people. Google the U.S.
01:21:08 said he was born in Minnesota. They thought they call in
01:21:10 Minnesota Sen
01:21:14 I left Minnesota at age 4 months.
01:21:20 They find out she is from Oklahoma. They call Oklahoma
01:21:22 senators.
01:21:24 They find out we did residents in Massachusetts. They call
01:21:26 Massachusetts senators.
01:21:28 They get a hold of the president. What you can find on
01:21:30 Google, scary. Somebody gets a lot of the president of the
01:21:33 American College of Emergency Physicians
01:21:36 who tries to call the White House.
01:21:45 And then eventually I think the finally on the nail in the
01:21:48 coffin was the CDC director for rabies
01:21:53 called the ambassador and said this is a new given the
01:21:55 evolving into
01:22:00 a couple minutes. I get that. I'm reading all that happened
01:22:03 in 53 minutes of losing cell coverage.
01:22:07 There are 600 comments
01:22:10 saying I called the embassy. I called the MSCI
01:22:14 the poor got to the poor guy and this at the embassy was
01:22:17 literally answering the phone saying this is the U.S. Embassy
01:22:20 were getting in the shot. You have anything else.
01:22:25 >> I'm in America. I his parents house in DC and I
01:22:30 received several phone calls from the senator of my state,
01:22:33 which is Oklahoma.
01:22:35 They were asking me questions and that they are they getting
01:22:38 the medicine was just like what is going to
01:22:42 was pretty amazing.
01:22:44 >> A clinic I get a phone call it a clinic in Jamaica and they
01:22:48 say the embassy call us to come pick up the shot. We're
01:22:50 supposed to give you. They didn't want it anymore.
01:22:54 We have it at our clinic. When can we expect you?
01:22:57 I said what will be there about 9 or 10 o'clock tonight?
01:23:00 They say great will be. There was a lovely Togolese
01:23:02 physician. She was awesome.
01:23:04 She said, by the way, we have
01:23:06 one vile.
01:23:15 >> So owns texting me like we have enough for one child.
01:23:23 So we're not choosing one or the other. We tried to make an
01:23:25 objective decision. Addison are 4 year-old that she had been
01:23:29 done on the year. So we figured that she needed it first.
01:23:35 So we get to the clinic.
01:23:38 >> And Edison is
01:23:41 not being brave at this point. She's 4 and she's laying down.
01:23:45 She's being held down. My father lives helping hold her
01:23:47 down and she's being rabies. You have to be injected
01:23:50 everywhere that the patient was bitten or scratched. And you
01:23:52 can see everywhere that she was the scratch needs a shot.
01:23:56 >> We were just so happy that we had the medicine she was
01:24:00 getting ejected.
01:24:02 >> But I see I see the vile on the on the countertop
01:24:07 and I know the the dose I need to do.
01:24:10 What is it like to kilogram or whatever it was? And I know how
01:24:15 much my kids way. And I start doing the math in my head.
01:24:21 I say, you know,
01:24:23 within 0.1 CC is there's nothing that vile for both
01:24:27 kids.
01:24:33 >> And all and I was not there, obviously that he tells me that
01:24:37 while was vomiting re. Yeah, they were both vomiting and
01:24:42 there is just like a whole mess in there. But
01:24:44 >> we're in this. We were in the phrase in God because it
01:24:47 was such a wonderful situation. Is the Togolese position.
01:24:49 My father-in-law, myself and 2 kids in the room. My
01:24:53 father-in-law is holding down my daughter. The total least
01:24:57 position is injecting her. My son is in the corner like
01:25:01 just listening to his sister screaming, puking a bucket
01:25:05 and I'm happy she getting the shot. I do the math and realize
01:25:07 they can both get an objective fine like yeah. And my kids
01:25:11 like why is daddy happy that we're getting tortured and then
01:25:14 they switch places with my son gets on the table and my
01:25:17 daughter has just been screaming for minutes. Go into
01:25:19 the corner and keeps in the bucket. But will all this is
01:25:23 happening? I'm laughing. I'm happy. My children are
01:25:27 safe. My son
01:25:28 have been protected.
01:25:30 >> It was the week before Thanksgiving and I was still in
01:25:33 America, you know, studying for all boards. And even though we
01:25:36 were apart that Thanksgiving, we were just so happy and
01:25:39 thankful. I think we take a lot of things for granted.
01:25:42 We definitely don't take the health of our children for
01:25:44 granted.
01:25:46 A mother has a very wonderful Thanksgiving.
01:25:49 >> It was it was a very special time for a family.
01:25:54 Even though we're apart. It was the worst Thanksgiving
01:25:57 night, Thanksgiving dinner alone, getting home late from
01:26:00 the hospital.
01:26:02 Didn't get spending time with my kids. My wife is in America.
01:26:05 I was feeling sorry for myself and I was a queen
01:26:08 3 days ago. You tell your kids are dying from rabies
01:26:12 and realize that they got is very, very good.
01:26:20 We want to leave you
01:26:22 with just this thought that
01:26:25 our entire service in Chad was not about us.
01:26:30 Your service, your ministry
01:26:34 is not about you. You know that
01:26:36 you wouldn't be here
01:26:39 if it wasn't for your desire to have evangelism as part of your
01:26:43 ministry.
01:26:45 >> Scott is enough for our patients that we serve. Even
01:26:47 when we I don't understand them and or maybe you're not even
01:26:51 looking forward to seeing them. It's enough to keep us in a
01:26:54 cheerful mood sometimes
01:26:55 and he's an a for our family when we're serving all over the
01:26:58 world are serving in America. That's even harder, I think.
01:27:02 And we're just so thankful to be a part of his service.
01:27:07 >> He is the great position
01:27:09 and he is the great specialist of specialists.
01:27:13 He his fellowship.
01:27:17 There's a lot
01:27:20 then most fellowships.
01:27:23 I'm sure there are. People have gone through extremely hard
01:27:25 fellowships,
01:27:27 but it can be intense. It can be frustrating. It can be very
01:27:31 rewarding, but he never fails.
01:27:35 If you're here,
01:27:37 like I said, you have a desire for evangelism
01:27:41 and our great prayer for ourselves and for you. This
01:27:45 Sabbath
01:27:46 is that you find that calling it Haugen wants to use.
01:27:50 You are practice has a name to the stick outreach tool.
01:27:55 Like we said, we're absolutely passionate
01:27:58 international medical mission work.
01:28:01 We have left that service were now recovering missionaries.
01:28:06 We are hurt. Well, as our heart will always be in that in a
01:28:10 national space. I know that you can absolutely do mission work
01:28:15 in America and that's wonderful. That's great.
01:28:17 That's fine. You know more and more about evangelism in a
01:28:22 medical setting in America. Then we do. We've never done
01:28:25 that. We've been overseas.
01:28:27 But if anybody is interested in international work, please feel
01:28:30 free to come in and
01:28:33 talk to us because it's what we are very passionate about.
01:28:38 So our prayer is that
01:28:40 we all seek out his will for ministries and the on the
01:28:43 courage to follow him.
01:28:45 Absolutely where ever he lead to us.
01:28:48 Thank you so much and happy to have it
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Revised 2023-11-21