Anchors of Truth

Mixed Signals

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000008

00:12 Welcome to "Anchors of Truth"
00:14 live from the 3ABN Worship Center,
00:17 the "Unclean Spirit" series with John Lomacang.
00:23 When I was growing up,
00:24 I used to be particularly proud of stars,
00:28 basketball stars, television, radio movie stars
00:32 who wore crosses around their neck.
00:34 And I would always look for that cross,
00:37 and I would feel so comfortable with him
00:40 wearing a cross around their neck,
00:41 and they would give honor to God
00:43 and some would point to the sky,
00:44 they got their Oscar or their Emmy
00:45 or their Tony or their MVP award,
00:48 and they would give honor to God.
00:50 Then I found out that every God is not God,
00:55 and some times the God that they were
00:58 giving honor to was not my God.
01:03 The name God I found out
01:06 is not really a name for God,
01:09 it is more like a title like pastor or doctor,
01:13 it's not a personal name like Yahweh
01:16 or the Jewish Euphemisms Adonai
01:18 or in the New Testament you have Jesus
01:20 but his office is or his title is Christ
01:23 or Emmanuel or Messiah.
01:25 Those aren't names per say, there are more titles.
01:28 And so God as we know it is not really
01:31 a name for Jehovah it's a title, it's an office.
01:35 And the problem is when you just throw out the name
01:38 God there is always a theology
01:40 that goes with that title.
01:41 How to reach Him, how to talk to Him,
01:44 what He wants you to do,
01:45 how He wants you to live?
01:46 Our God Jesus said no man cometh to my father
01:51 but by me, that's the theology of Jehovah God,
01:55 but all of the other Gods have different theologies,
01:59 and so when someone is praising God
02:00 you got to ask him what God?
02:02 Because every God ain't God.
02:07 There are many Gods and many ways to reach God,
02:10 and I am so very, very happy and glad and excited
02:13 that Pastor Lomacang is walking us through this
02:17 because there is a maze out there,
02:19 a web out there of deceit that Satan is spinning
02:22 that has caught so many, many people in it's trap.
02:27 And he is demystifying, demythologizing God,
02:32 and Satan and the things that he is trying to do,
02:34 so we are very, very please, I am both pleased,
02:38 and it is my pleasure to welcome you
02:40 to our third night in this series as we talk about
02:44 unclean spirits and try to unmask
02:48 some of the tricks of the devil.
02:51 Our presenter is of course our pastor
02:52 and our friend John Lomacang,
02:54 and he has been doing a fine job,
02:55 and we have been getting reports
02:57 really from around the country,
02:58 across the globe of the necessity
03:03 of this kind of presentation in this
03:05 last days, particularly for our young people,
03:07 some of us who are little bit older,
03:09 don't have the music hang ups that some people do,
03:13 but Satan has weaved it's way into our church,
03:16 into our lives also, and this is something
03:19 that we need, so we pray that you have
03:21 pen and paper out along with your Bible
03:24 that you are taking notes.
03:25 If you cannot take notes then get the CD or the DVD
03:29 because this is something you want to
03:31 refer to again, and again, and again.
03:34 Before we call Pastor Lomacang for tonight's
03:37 presentation, would you join me in word of prayer?
03:40 Father God we just praise you, and thank you
03:43 for your word which is a lamp
03:44 unto our feet and a light unto our path.
03:47 We are happy Lord to know
03:49 that we are not alone in this world.
03:51 We are not left subject to the slings
03:55 and arrows of the evil one,
03:56 but we have a God who fights for us,
03:58 who fights in us, who fights through us,
04:01 and who has guaranteed us victory in Jesus Christ.
04:05 We like Paul praise you who always gives us the
04:09 victory you say in Corinthians through Jesus Christ.
04:13 Now Father help us to walk in that victory,
04:16 teach us this night those things that you would
04:19 have us to know and then give us the strength,
04:21 the grace to do them, for it is in the doing
04:24 that we are made like Jesus Christ.
04:26 We love you, we praise you and thank you
04:28 for your promise to hear and answer
04:31 the prayer of faith in Jesus name,
04:34 amen and amen, Pastor Lomacang.
04:39 Thank you Pastor C.A. Good evening everyone.
04:42 Good evening. And I would also say happy Sabbath,
04:45 and thank you for coming out.
04:48 I was hoping today it would have been a lot warmer
04:51 than it ends up being, I was hearing that
04:53 it was going to be in the 70s but somehow the same
04:57 goes in the Midwest if you don't like the weather
04:59 just wait a few minutes and it would change,
05:00 and it did, but we are glad that it did not
05:03 prevent you from coming tonight.
05:05 And thank you for those of you
05:06 who have been tuning in from night to night.
05:07 I want to begin tonight with an apology.
05:11 I need another week; I need another 5 days at least
05:18 because what I have discovered as I said
05:21 and I really have discovered this is true.
05:23 This topic is so in depth that I fear that
05:28 there are lot of question that's gonna be raise
05:31 that people gonna say,
05:32 well, how come he didn't cover that.
05:34 And I also said earlier this week that tonight
05:37 was gonna be the heaviest message
05:39 until I prepare tomorrow mornings.
05:42 And then I thought wow!
05:44 Sabbath morning is gonna be powerful
05:47 until I worked on Sabbath afternoons,
05:50 and even when I came up with the titles
05:53 I said to my wife you know,
05:54 all week I was pressured to give titles.
05:56 Pastors always come up with titles
05:58 after their message is done,
05:59 to find out the relevance of it
06:02 because they could see what the title should be,
06:04 so I just threw out some titles you know just make
06:07 it the revealing and the next one it didn't come
06:08 from God and the next one mixed signals
06:10 and then the walk of fame and then born again,
06:12 but as I put the sermons together I've discovered
06:15 how relevant every one of those titles are.
06:17 And I thank the Lord for it,
06:20 so praise the Lord for that.
06:21 So tonight I need every minute I can get,
06:24 I am gonna ask the Lord to bless
06:26 and invite your friends tomorrow morning
06:29 at 11 Central Time and then 2 pm Central Time
06:32 for the final presentation entitled "Born Again."
06:34 Let's bow our heads and ask for the Lord's leading.
06:37 Gracious Father, thank you that you are always
06:40 with us, you never leave us, you never forsake us.
06:43 Amen. Tonight, Father may your Holy Spirit once again
06:47 empower me to communicate that will give you
06:52 glory and honor, that will also open the eyes of many
06:56 who at this moment maybe caught in this very industry
07:01 or maybe innocent victims of the clandestine plan
07:06 that Satan has for their lives, so make the
07:09 message plain I ask in Jesus name, amen, amen.
07:15 I like you to go with me to our opening text
07:18 for tonight, every night I have a specific scripture,
07:20 and this one is from a book that many of you
07:23 read often from the book Habakkuk.
07:25 It's one of those hard to find minor
07:28 Prophets Habakkuk. Habakkuk 2 and verse 2,
07:32 this fits so wonderfully under the topic
07:36 mixed signals. If you think about what Habakkuk says
07:40 it is the opposite of mixed signals.
07:43 Habakkuk 2 and verse 2 reads as follows;
07:46 Then the Lord answered me and said,
07:50 let's read this one together,
07:52 are you ready what did he say,
07:53 "Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
07:57 That he may run who reads it."
08:01 The Lord doesn't want there
08:03 to be mixed signals in the last days.
08:07 He wants the signals and the signs to be clear.
08:11 I am so glad that the signs
08:13 of the coming of the Lord are not mixed.
08:15 We know that Jesus is soon to come,
08:17 the signs of foretell as the songwriter
08:20 said that that His moment is nearing.
08:23 Praise God for clear signals.
08:25 When I began to prepare for my driving test
08:29 my driver's license test for the very first time.
08:32 There was a section in the booklet
08:34 that I had to study, and it was about signals,
08:39 and you know I remember taking that test
08:42 and I thought I knew all the signals
08:44 as the matter fact as I began to look in the booklet,
08:47 all of a sudden I remembered seeing
08:50 those signals before but the difference was now
08:53 that I have studied them I know what they mean.
08:56 But I must confess after I took the test
08:58 I missed one signal I think I mixed up yield sign
09:02 with the slow moving sign on the back of a tractor
09:06 that you will only see in Southern Illinois,
09:08 so it didn't really apply in New York anyway
09:09 but I want to say I've also driven in another
09:13 countries with the steering wheel,
09:15 the stick shift is left not right,
09:18 the side of the road on which you drive is opposite,
09:21 and many of the signals are also different.
09:24 Just I believe a year about, maybe two years ago,
09:27 my family, my wife's family were all in England
09:30 together about 8 of us or 9 of us
09:32 and they put their lives in my hand as we rented
09:35 a family van opposite stick shift Donny,
09:38 opposite steering wheel, opposite side of the road
09:41 and I drove them all over England,
09:43 and praise the Lord didn't have a single accident,
09:46 not even a close call. See in my mind the Lord
09:49 has given me this ability just to turn off the left
09:52 and turn on the right and turn off the right
09:54 and turn on the left but I've also heard of instances
09:57 when I told a friend of mine when I came back he said,
10:00 I had a lot of friends that had done that
10:02 and I lost some of them because
10:04 they went over and just made one mistake,
10:06 and do you know that all it takes is one mistake,
10:09 all it takes is to miss one signal
10:12 and that could be the end of your life.
10:14 There are people that I heard about that have
10:16 stepped up off the curve in foreign countries,
10:19 and looked in the wrong direction,
10:22 they weren't even driving and they lost their lives
10:24 because they missed the signals.
10:26 And now in many Of the countries,
10:29 you go to the subway for example in England.
10:31 There is a big line says mind the gap
10:33 and when you go in the street it says,
10:36 look in the other direction.
10:38 The importance of signals cannot be over emphasized.
10:42 And today Satan has created a culture
10:46 of mixed signals that are quite complex.
10:49 People don't know what to look for.
10:51 Messages are communicated through hand gestures
10:54 and dance moves. Messages are concealed
10:57 in song lyrics and in movie compositions.
11:00 Messages are availed in building art
11:02 and in even architecture. Messages are sometimes
11:06 dismissed because sometimes people can't fathom
11:09 certain personalities being associated with such a
11:12 a clandestine operation, a clandestine movement.
11:17 Sometimes I've mentioned do you know who is involve
11:19 and I mentioned the people said no that can't be.
11:23 But don't forget I've said this two nights in a row,
11:26 Satan is not going to allow anyone to be famous
11:29 in his industry without making an agreement
11:33 or having a contract with him.
11:35 So everybody that wants to be famous,
11:38 Satan does have conditions but there is something
11:42 else I learned putting this together.
11:44 I've all of a sudden seen Bible text in different ways.
11:47 For example in Matthew 28 verse 19 and 20,
11:50 I am going to read portion of it
11:51 and it's going to be on the screen.
11:53 Jesus gave a commission to His disciples
11:55 that Satan has used for his commission.
12:00 Follow me carefully, look what the Bible says,
12:03 Matthew 28 verse 19, he says:
12:06 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.
12:09 Do you know the devil has the same commission,
12:13 I want you to go and make disciples of all nations,
12:16 but there is something else he wants his disciples
12:19 to do, he says, teach the people of the world,
12:22 teach the people of the church to observe all things
12:25 that I have commanded you,
12:27 so Satan wants disciples also.
12:32 He has got angels working for him,
12:34 they are in offices of politics and religion,
12:38 they are in movies, and music, they are in videos,
12:42 and children's books, they are in school systems
12:45 that's why there is such a fight,
12:47 they are even in the church reinterpreting
12:49 the principles of the Bible as he relates to marriage
12:53 between a man and a woman.
12:56 Satan has disciples everywhere.
12:58 He has stitched the world into a worldwide network.
13:03 And by the way according to Revelation 16 verse 14,
13:06 the demonic power is at its roots.
13:09 Look at what John the Revelator says,
13:12 who are they that are behind this?
13:15 For they are the spirits of who friends?
13:19 Demon, demons, performing signs,
13:22 which go out to the Kings of the earth
13:26 and of the whole world, to gather them
13:28 to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
13:31 Not just Kings and political offices,
13:33 but you have heard the phrase king of rock n roll,
13:36 king of country music, and lot of people fight
13:41 over those titles that identify them
13:43 with the things in the world.
13:44 The only thing I want to be associated with
13:47 is be worshiper of the King of Kings. Amen.
13:50 There are lot of Kings make sure the one you follow
13:53 can get you somewhere that is eternal.
13:56 We also discover as I continue to learn,
14:00 and by the way every now and then I stop
14:03 and I shared this with my wife and she shared
14:07 this with my brother-in-law and he said
14:08 and I want you to understand what I mean,
14:10 you know, I have discovered that I have had so much,
14:12 so much difficulty typing,
14:14 not that I can't, I can type very fast.
14:17 I have discovered sometime adding
14:21 additional ends to a word like ism, ism.
14:24 Now I look back I don't remember writing that,
14:27 and I pause and say, Lord control my fingers
14:31 and then I finished a presentation
14:34 and all of sudden I'm about to give that
14:36 put on the memory stick to bring it over
14:38 to the guys on the truck, and I want to say
14:40 praise the Lord for that crew that 3ABN has.
14:43 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
14:44 I think the Lord for the directors
14:46 and the people behind the camera in particular.
14:49 I thank the Lord for Will Warf
14:51 I just want to say that publicly because
14:52 I say now will who is gonna be on this graphic,
14:54 not that others can't do it.
14:56 But Will has been there in the trenches with me,
14:59 and I praise God for His detail, his eye to detail.
15:03 When I've mention a text I know
15:05 it's gonna be on the screen.
15:06 If I've done my work, He always does His work.
15:09 But you know Aleister Crowley did his work,
15:11 Aleister Crowley was one of Satan's greatest disciples.
15:15 His teachings have permeated every facet
15:19 of the entertainment industry; music, movies,
15:22 entertainment just to name a few.
15:29 But in order for Satan to gain access
15:31 to this industry and gain more disciples,
15:34 he also created the most alluring,
15:37 the most seductive, the most intoxicating
15:40 as well as the most imperceptible signals.
15:43 You know, sometimes you meet people
15:44 and somebody once said to me,
15:46 do you know that the guy was a mason.
15:48 I said, how do you know that?
15:49 Well, the hand shake he used or the way he stood up,
15:52 you and I thought what you're seeing things that aren't even
15:55 there until I open my eyes to some of these things
15:58 and I began to notice oh, certain hand gestures,
16:01 certain things people do and I became more aware,
16:04 you see the thing that is most important
16:06 about this topic is education.
16:10 What's the word I use, education?
16:13 The Bible says, my people are destroyed for what,
16:17 lack of knowledge. And we've done it
16:21 in service even in the Adventist Church.
16:23 We've spent so much time talking
16:25 about the Catholic Church; we forget that
16:27 there is only one of the seven heads.
16:30 Satan has got mysticism that he has been working
16:32 through, secularism he has been working through,
16:35 spiritualism he has been working through,
16:37 capitalism he is working through,
16:39 he has got so many other avenues,
16:41 we've spend all our time not saying that what
16:44 Rome has done and the reason I am saying this
16:46 because I have a number of reasons.
16:47 One of the reason is most of my family is Catholic
16:51 and I love my family,
16:53 they maybe watching in the Virgin Islands.
16:55 I love Catholic people.
16:56 Some of the most ardent people that have joined
16:59 our church are people that were raised
17:00 in the Catholic Church,
17:01 so we got to stop beating up Catholics.
17:03 We got to make sure that they know that whatever
17:07 they are not believing that's from God's word
17:09 is not just because they were raised
17:11 in the Catholic Church, but because the church
17:13 may not teach what God wants them to,
17:15 but as far as the people are concerned
17:16 God has people everywhere.
17:18 Somebody wants to say, amen. Amen.
17:20 So I focused myself on the message.
17:22 I believe it even if some of these Popes will give
17:27 their minds to the truth they could turn around.
17:30 I believe God can save anybody, amen.
17:32 But we spend so much time on things that you know
17:36 everything in Revelation is about Catholicism.
17:39 Truly John was in 1895 and he was under the reign
17:42 of Catholicism at the time were under the reign
17:44 of Rome. But there are some things
17:45 that in the last days are unveiling Satan's most
17:48 deceptive artistic moves and everything
17:51 we see in the Bible as Rome.
17:52 Well Satan, who is in the Great Controversy
17:56 between Christ and him,
17:57 is unveiled in the book of Revelation.
18:01 So I say well, let me see what Satan is up to,
18:03 and when I began to study this
18:05 I discovered Lord have mercy,
18:07 mean all this time I didn't even know that
18:09 and I thought after 24 years of pastoring,
18:11 I know a lot more. Well, we can all learn something,
18:14 educate, educate, educate. We will notice this,
18:18 this is something that really glue my mind because
18:21 you know what lot of people are Christians,
18:23 but a lot of people are not wanting
18:25 to be the chief of staff for Jesus. Amen.
18:30 A lot of people say, I am Christian
18:32 but I don't want to be like, like an extra Christian,
18:36 I don't want to be like a mega Christian.
18:38 We will listen to what Aleister Crowley said.
18:40 This is an amazing, he was interviewed about
18:42 his allegiance with Satan and with occult
18:45 and look at what he said, I got the quote here,
18:47 look at what he said. He said:
18:48 "I was not content to just believe in Satan,
18:52 I wanted to be his chief of staff.
18:55 I don't want to just find out about Satan
19:01 during Halloween and by the way that's one reason
19:03 why Christians should never ever associate
19:08 with Halloween and anything pertaining to it.
19:10 It's Satan's highest darkest day of the year.
19:15 Teach your children, don't give them excuses
19:19 if they want candy give them candy but don't
19:22 let them associate that day with anything good.
19:24 After being associate with the O.T.O
19:26 since his initiation in 1910, Aleister Crowley
19:29 was officially elected in 1925 as the outer head
19:33 of the order that is the order of the O.T.O.
19:37 But the question you have is what is O.T.O?
19:40 Look at the screen O.T.O means
19:44 "Ordo Templi Orinetis",
19:49 or "Order of the Temple of the East,"
19:52 or "Order of the Oriental Templars".
19:57 Let me break this down. What is the Templar?
20:00 Templars were a Western Christian military order
20:04 that during the 11, 12 and 1300s
20:07 were endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church.
20:10 It was through this order that they carryout
20:12 many of their inquisitions to find out
20:14 who is allegiant and who is not allegiant to Rome.
20:16 They existed as Templars and some of them went
20:19 even higher as Knight Templars,
20:22 you heard that before the Knight Templars.
20:24 I think there was a movie with I forget the name,
20:27 I forgot the name of the guy.
20:28 Anyway didn't really matter right now,
20:30 but there was a movie about National Security.
20:33 Nicholas Cage protecting the constitution,
20:37 he was the so to speak a Knight Templar,
20:39 and they are into woven in society from generation
20:41 to generation through the freemason order.
20:44 But they were there and for 200 years
20:46 their allegiance from 1119 to 1314
20:50 they had their allegiance to the Pope.
20:52 Here is the picture of the cross on the seal,
20:54 one of the seals that identify with Templars,
20:58 the Templar Cross and the Templar Seal.
21:00 What color is the cross? Red.
21:03 What is the red, Red Cross?
21:06 That's a common symbol today that stems
21:11 from the Templars centuries ago, the Red Cross,
21:15 for the good of those that it functions for.
21:20 The Red Cross today is to help
21:22 all of those under its banner, it's a good thing.
21:25 So the Templar, there is no problem
21:26 with the Red Cross, praise the Lord for that.
21:30 But originally the O.T.O was intended
21:33 and this is something that was amazing.
21:34 It was originally intended to be, to be modeled
21:36 after freemasonry but when Aleister Crowley
21:40 got a hold of it, the O.T.O was reorganized
21:43 under something called the law of Thelema,
21:46 and it central religious principles
21:49 where the philosophy of Thelema, also known as
21:53 "Do what thou wilt" that's what he taught
21:57 "Do what thou wilt" whatever you want do just do it.
22:01 But he went further than that he said,
22:03 if you want to really do what you want to do,
22:05 you needs some help, you need an instructor.
22:08 Let me recommend you a Satanic instructor,
22:11 let me find a way to assigned to you one of the demons
22:13 of hell to help you accomplish your
22:15 worldly pursuits, and that's
22:18 an understatement by the way.
22:19 When you read, when you read
22:22 and you see what this man was behind.
22:24 He also believed that in 1904,
22:27 a new Aeon or new age of Horus began
22:31 and he also believed that it was his mission
22:34 to replace every old ethical and religious system.
22:40 In other words, from 1904 on Aleister Crowley
22:42 it's my job and I am gonna find my way to do it,
22:45 it is my job to tear down everything ethical,
22:48 tear down everything religious,
22:50 it's time to get rid of all those things
22:52 that have to do with God and Jesus,
22:55 the Bible has got to get put away.
22:57 That's why today if you declare that you are a
23:01 Christian on a talk show when they are talking
23:03 about all these dark subjects you get booed,
23:05 or people will say shut up,
23:06 sit down you are old fashioned.
23:09 Well brethren, I want to be old fashion
23:10 if old fashion means being Godly what do you say?
23:15 People say, you are square,
23:17 well you know what heaven is square,
23:20 for square I am ready to go to heaven what do you say,
23:23 so somebody calls you square, be happy to be square.
23:29 But I want to read the next statement to you
23:32 because this is an amazing thing.
23:33 He said, that the O.T.O possessed the secret;
23:36 I got to go faster tonight. He said,
23:39 "The O.T.O. is in possession of one supreme secret.
23:42 The whole of its system is directed towards
23:45 communicating to its members,
23:47 by progressively plain hints,
23:51 this all-important instruction that is the
23:53 all-important instruction about the secret.
23:56 Have you heard that before?
23:58 I could say this because this is common knowledge,
24:01 Oprah has this thing, she is pushing this instruction
24:04 this course on learning the secret.
24:07 It's not a secret so I could say it.
24:11 but here is a picture of a graphic where you can buy
24:13 the course on secret that you see I believe
24:15 to your right, buy the secret DVD
24:18 and then you see the sealed to the left.
24:20 I use that seal because right behind the S
24:22 is what letter. The O, the S is imbedded in a seal
24:28 that is in the shape of the O, the secret, the secret.
24:33 But brethren I got say this,
24:36 you see God has got a secret,
24:39 and if I want to know God's secret,
24:42 God is gonna reveal to me what His secrets are.
24:45 Unless the secret is from God
24:47 I don't need to go searching for it.
24:51 Matter of fact, Amos the prophet says
24:53 surely, well, what did I say?
24:55 Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He
24:59 reveals His secrets to His servant the prophets.
25:03 Everything that we need to know
25:05 God will reveal to us through His word. Amen.
25:11 People nowadays want to know the secret,
25:12 what's the secret that they trying to reveal.
25:14 I don't know what's the secret, and you know what
25:18 I am not gonna go searching for the secret. Amen.
25:23 But there is something else you ought to know.
25:25 Look at this next graphic.
25:26 The and by the way many people think
25:29 that the O.T.O was something old,
25:31 the O.T.O is in every state.
25:35 But listen to what they say:
25:36 "In the rituals of these degrees,
25:40 O.T.O. seeks to instruct the individual by allegory
25:45 and symbol in the profound mysteries of nature
25:49 and thereby to assist each initiate in discovering
25:53 his or her own true identity."
25:58 In other words, we got to get you a demon
26:00 and you have to have the experience with the demon
26:02 to find out who you really are.
26:03 Brethren I don't need that.
26:05 I just got to wake up in the morning
26:06 to find out who I am.
26:08 We know who we are but here is the question.
26:12 Here is also a picture of the Grand Lodge.
26:14 I just made reference to that a moment ago.
26:16 You go to the or
26:21 and you will discover in every state
26:22 there is an O.T.O organization all of them
26:24 based on the principles of Thelema
26:26 and the teachings of Aleister Crowley,
26:28 it is a huge network.
26:29 We have one right here in Carbondale.
26:32 They are everywhere now I don't want you to go
26:36 searching about membership but this is not something
26:41 that's old hat, this is not 1700 and 1600,
26:44 this is today, but how would this occult system
26:47 make it's way into mainline music.
26:51 Look at these principles.
26:54 Magick from the book Magick:
26:57 Liber ABA, book four,
27:00 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p.639 they say,
27:05 here is the methods, here are the symbols
27:06 here's what they will use.
27:07 Let him learn to write backwards.
27:09 Let him learn to walk backwards.
27:11 Let him learn to listen to recordings reversed.
27:14 Let him learn practice speaking backward.
27:18 Let him learn to read backward.
27:21 In other words, walking backward, that's why
27:25 when Michael Jackson broke out doing the moon walk,
27:31 here's a graphic that shows you that when he
27:33 broke out doing the moon walk,
27:35 it was not just another dance move,
27:37 you got to look at this very carefully.
27:38 It is one of the five methods
27:40 of the O.T.O communication. He also use the Baphomet
27:43 hand signal right there, hung it right down;
27:47 you will see that in just a moment
27:48 I revealed it first through this one.
27:49 He not only did the moon walk learning
27:51 how to walk backward but he declares
27:52 his allegiance right away. As soon as he began
27:54 the moon walk he took his hat,
27:55 he went boom, there it is.
27:57 Most people just thought that was just
27:58 the hand gesture but you discover,
28:00 it's not just the hand gesture he says,
28:02 I am out.
28:07 He also displayed his allegiance
28:10 to Aleister Crowley.
28:11 He made it very clear, I'm connected.
28:12 Look at this graphic. He surely show the world
28:15 that's in album cover entitled Dangerous.
28:18 Now there are lot of pictures on that album
28:20 as a matter of fact people see you could spend hours
28:22 and still not find out all the messages on it,
28:24 but in the bottom almost the center of that album
28:27 here is a picture of Aleister Crowley
28:28 showing his allegiance to Aleister Crowley,
28:31 his connection the principles of this mad man,
28:38 this man gone mad who has given himself
28:41 to the working for Satan.
28:43 He connected himself in allegiance
28:46 and I have not enough time
28:47 I could go on and talk about all the things that,
28:49 that he did in gaining access and finding out
28:51 about how to come up with the songs,
28:53 but Michael Jackson did say,
28:55 most of the songs he sung he didn't write,
28:57 his inspiration came from unusual places.
29:00 I'll talk about that another time.
29:02 I got to keep moving.
29:04 Well, one of the earliest groups that had openly
29:06 declared their allegiance to Aleister Crowley
29:08 is one of the most famous groups of all times
29:11 which one would that be brethren, the Beatles,
29:14 and when you think about their songs
29:16 when I found myself in time of trouble
29:18 they flash the hand signals too.
29:20 You will see just the moment ago
29:21 I had their picture just again.
29:22 But they made it very, very clear;
29:24 all of the principles of Aleister Crowley
29:26 were implemented by this group.
29:28 No wonder that 2010 November I am a Mac-Man,
29:33 I go to the Apple website often,
29:35 and there was an announcement
29:36 on the Apple website; in two more days,
29:38 in two more weeks they're unveiling the revealing
29:40 I'm wondering what on earth is gonna happen
29:42 in two more weeks,
29:43 what's gonna happen in six more days,
29:44 and I went to that website that particular day
29:47 and the great news was a picture of the Beatles.
29:51 They were, they were the proponents to reintroduce
29:55 the Beatles and all their music to a new generation,
29:58 why? Because in, into woven and in their music
30:01 are messages from the O.T.O,
30:04 from the principles of Thelema,
30:07 from the Satanistic order that Aleister Crowley
30:10 put together himself. So when you say when I found
30:13 myself in time of trouble mother Mary comes to me,
30:16 mother Mary, the Mary that I know
30:18 in the Bible is dead. So if there is a Mary
30:20 standing in front of you that's an apparition,
30:22 that's an evil spirit and it's amazing
30:25 that one of the songs that Charles Manson
30:28 like the most was written by the Beatles
30:30 "Helter Skelter." How could that song inspire mad men
30:35 like him to go on such a murdering spree,
30:38 because the messages in those songs were hidden
30:40 uncovered by people with a demonic
30:43 connection to the very same source?
30:47 The Beatles declared their allegiance also to
30:51 Aleister Crowley by hiding his picture
30:53 in plain sight on their Sergeant Pepper album.
30:55 Let's look at that graphic, it's amazing.
30:57 You see that again, it's so small.
31:00 All these people on their album you could see it
31:02 but in the top left hand corner of their album
31:04 and some of you may have that album.
31:05 I don't want you to raise your hands
31:07 but if you've been long enough
31:08 to be raised in the Beatles era,
31:09 chances are it may be tucked away somewhere
31:11 his picture on their album cover too in plain sight,
31:15 but people didn't see that,
31:17 people didn't even know that.
31:19 There is something else
31:20 that Aleister Crowley bought into that.
31:22 The Beatles also embraced Aleister Crowley's
31:24 belief in the after life. You know, the songs
31:26 about "Mother Mary come to me"
31:27 and the other one a beautiful song,
31:30 you remember that song Imagine you know that song
31:33 "Imagine there's no heaven, no hell below us,
31:35 there's nothing to live or die for.
31:37 Pushing this ideology of complete unity just forget
31:40 all about life in the past and the future,
31:42 let's just all get together."
31:44 Beautiful song I used to love to play it on piano
31:47 until I realize what he was saying.
31:51 But they declared their allegiance
31:52 to Aleister Crowley again And then they also, well,
31:57 Aleister Crowley also highlighted the O.T.Os
32:00 connection with Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica,
32:04 this is something you may not have heard
32:06 before but if you have follow me,
32:07 also known as Gnostic Catholic Church,
32:10 and the question is, is it connected to Catholicism?
32:13 I'll answer that in just a moment.
32:16 But why is the word Catholicism there,
32:17 or Catholic there at all.
32:19 Catholic simply means universal.
32:21 In other words, it was the aim of the O.T.O
32:23 to closely pattern its ceremonies after the
32:26 ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church.
32:29 They said, this the most powerful church on earth,
32:30 let's do what they do, let's follow their symbols;
32:33 let's pattern our practices after what they do,
32:36 so that we can gain the following.
32:38 So now you may see why this message
32:40 is called mixed signals.
32:43 But follow me carefully, this order
32:46 Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica was not developed
32:50 until the 19th century. It descended from
32:52 the French Gnostic Revival Churches.
32:54 It was not until 1907, early 20th century
32:58 that the Gnostic Catholic Church was founded
33:00 and by the way let me answer the question,
33:03 it is not connected to the Roman Catholic Church.
33:06 But notice how closely they associated what they do.
33:09 You will see this come live in just a split second.
33:13 Look at this, they have a Gnostic mass,
33:16 a ritual performed by an O.T.O Bishop,
33:19 they also have, they believe
33:21 in the consecration of Holy oil.
33:24 They believe in exorcism,
33:26 but I ask myself the question,
33:28 can Satan cast out Satan?
33:30 They also have a Eucharistic ceremony
33:33 written by Aleister Crowley himself in 1913.
33:36 They have saints, their saints are mythological
33:40 figures from old ancient Egypt mysticism.
33:45 Those are their saints, based around the religion
33:49 of Thelema, but this is where it really gets deep.
33:53 They also have doctrinal beliefs.
33:56 You see when we end our prayers with,
33:59 in Jesus name I pray, amen, amen or amen,
34:04 they end and they end with the word Aum,
34:08 have you heard that before Aum,
34:12 have you heard that before?
34:14 Not Um but A-U-M, Aum.
34:18 So when they end their prayers
34:20 they end it with the sound Aum,
34:21 we end with amen, they end with Aum.
34:24 There are summoning their connection,
34:26 they are confirming their connection to their deities,
34:30 but it gets even deeper than that.
34:32 They also establish their God that they have a God
34:35 that also based on something called the
34:37 Hebrew, Hebrew Tetragrammaton,
34:40 it's a big word simply meaning a word
34:43 with four letters, couldn't they find a simple way
34:46 to describe that Tetragrammaton
34:48 what's that all mean, its sound like
34:49 a big old gigantic rocket.
34:51 It just utter meaning in English,
34:53 a word with four letters.
34:56 The four letters in Hebrew are the four letters
34:58 that are used to spell the name, YHVH.
35:04 The O.T.O took those four letters and they decided
35:09 for every letter that is associated with Yahowah
35:13 or Jehovah, they decided to create a deity,
35:18 so they have four deities.
35:22 They believe in God the Father and this is amazing.
35:25 When you meet people that say oh,
35:26 I believe in God the Father, look at this.
35:27 They believe in God the Father
35:28 they called Him Chaos. Their God's name is Chaos,
35:33 that's their God the Father.
35:34 They believe in God the Mother,
35:36 her name is Babalon,
35:37 and that's the way they spell it.
35:39 I know how to spell Babylon.
35:40 They believe in God the Son, in other words
35:42 they say when the God the Father
35:43 and God the Mother made a child,
35:45 they had a Son and they called him Baphomet.
35:48 Baphomet is the symbol for Satan.
35:50 It is that Satanic creature,
35:51 that dual gender creature with two horns
35:54 and they also believe in the daughter,
35:56 they also had a daughter.
35:57 They said, the daughter is the bride of Baphomet
36:00 and the bride of Baphomet
36:01 like the bride of Christ is the church.
36:04 They got doctrine beliefs that parallel everything
36:07 that comes out of Christianity with the exception,
36:11 we don't believe in God the Mother, amen. Amen.
36:14 But have you listened to lately people
36:16 in Christian circles start saying
36:17 Mother God and Father God.
36:20 There are some churches pushing
36:21 this Mother God concept.
36:25 Now I like women and I appreciate the fact
36:29 that there are two genders, but the Bible
36:31 does not describe God as a woman. Amen.
36:36 Also when we end our prayers
36:38 and we say we believe in the Son of God,
36:40 they say I believe in the son of God too,
36:41 we mean Jesus, they mean Baphomet,
36:46 but the question is what does
36:47 Baphomet have to do anything?
36:48 Let's go on further I'm gonna break this egg open
36:51 and then fry it, are you ready?
36:52 Put your seat belts, so I'm gonna turn the page
36:55 During the 13th century the Templars
36:58 this military order that was allegiant to the Pope
37:00 was also known to worship
37:02 a heathen God name Baphomet.
37:04 You see they went to war with Sultans
37:07 and the Sultans were connected to Mohammedism
37:09 and another word for Baphomet is Muhammad.
37:12 So many people thought that they were
37:14 misunderstanding how to pronounce the name
37:17 Mohammad and when you look at ancient literature
37:20 you see the Mohammad was also mentioned as Muhammad,
37:23 so they just simply thought that they will praying
37:25 to Baphomet for their success.
37:27 So they started as this Templars praying
37:30 for success so that Baphomet would give
37:33 them victory as he gave to the Muslims.
37:35 So they started praying to the same God.
37:38 They started worshiping Baphomet,
37:40 praying that he would give them what they wanted.
37:42 But look at this sign. The Baphomet symbol
37:46 is the most flashed hand gesture in the world today.
37:50 This is Anton LeVey, look at his right hand
37:53 as it's sticking up, you can see that symbol there.
37:56 That's the Anton LeVey and his daughter
37:57 and they're standing by the way
37:59 in the church of Satan.
38:01 Well, let's keep going on I am gonna have,
38:03 will keep up with me as I see the graphic show
38:05 up I'm gonna talk about it.
38:06 Some people get confused because
38:08 this hand gesture also mimics the hand gesture
38:11 that deaf people use to communicate
38:13 the message I love you.
38:15 You see that message I love you,
38:17 deaf people say I love you that way,
38:20 but Baphomet they go that way,
38:23 but people that don't know that,
38:25 that are in this Satanic industry, they go both way,
38:28 they say this is Baphomet to them,
38:30 that's Baphomet to them.
38:31 So when you see, when you see all these people
38:33 going like this in concerts and all like that,
38:34 and act is going on like that,
38:36 they are not talking about hello,
38:37 I love you in deaf sign language,
38:40 they are flashing the Baphomet symbol.
38:42 Let's go on and make it very clear.
38:43 Look at this next graphic.
38:44 This is the Baphomet goat head you notice
38:46 that he has two horns.
38:48 This is an amazing thing you will find out
38:49 what I mean by that in a moment.
38:51 He has two horns sticking up that is the symbol,
38:53 that's why the fingers are that way.
38:55 So you look at television sometimes people say,
38:57 hey, give me the horns, that's what they mean,
39:00 the goat's horns. That's what they are doing,
39:03 and I don't want to do that in the church,
39:05 I shouldn't even do that,
39:06 but I am just illustrating that,
39:07 I don't mean anything by it.
39:09 Continuing, the Beatles show their allegiance
39:12 right there with the Baphomet hand gestures.
39:14 Now you understand what it's all about.
39:16 Here is another graphic with the Michael Jackson
39:18 and this now famous Justin Bieber.
39:21 How did this young man all of a sudden
39:23 get so famous, you will find out tomorrow,
39:25 he also has a programmer,
39:27 I'll tell you who that is, a person that is,
39:29 there's Rihanna to your left,
39:31 she has on the assassin suit and on every finger
39:35 she has a skull or some type of Satanic symbol
39:38 and then there's also Nikki Minaj,
39:40 she is one of those personality on MTV.
39:43 I got to know this, I don't watch MTV
39:45 but I got be informed.
39:46 There is the young lady Miley Cyrus to the left,
39:49 and Alicia Keys one of the best pianist out there,
39:52 doesn't she look kind like a coven witch,
39:54 all in black and she is not even flashing this.
39:57 There is Keifer Sutherland to the left,
39:59 and there is Courtney Love
40:00 and her daughter right together.
40:02 This is not something that they're doing ignorantly.
40:05 There is Michael Buble and there is the guy call
40:07 Snoop Dogg. People said to me, somebody send me
40:10 an e-mail says well, it's not Dog, it's Dogg.
40:13 Well, no matter how you spell it,
40:14 the connotation is a very same thing,
40:16 what do you say? Amen.
40:17 Whether you call me Dogg or Dog, I'm neither.
40:22 The Baphomet horns hand signal is often
40:26 associated with hang loose, this is not,
40:28 don't get confuse when somebody go to Hawaii
40:30 and say, hang lose that's not the Baphomet
40:32 hand signal. Don't run and hide,
40:34 don't run for cover, that's not the same thing,
40:36 it's far deeper than that. And by the way
40:40 I had to be sensitive on this theory
40:42 because I thought to myself,
40:43 if I really wanted to show you how widely spread
40:46 and how widely used that symbol is,
40:48 you will see pictures of Presidents
40:50 both Democrat and Republican.
40:52 You will see national leaders all around the world.
40:56 You will see popular personalities of talk shows,
40:59 you will see people that you will look and say
41:01 I don't believe that.
41:02 Did you do that, did you augment that hand.
41:05 It is far and wide spread, it's in political circles,
41:08 it is in every office in our country,
41:11 in our nation, and around the world.
41:13 I even wish I had time to talk to you about Columbia.
41:15 Why do we call Washington DC,
41:17 the district of Columbia?
41:19 That's something all together, it's amazing.
41:21 Every state you will find something
41:23 associated with the name Columbia.
41:25 That's something you could spend a few days
41:27 on just finding out about that,
41:29 and what that has to do with the occult system.
41:31 But there is something far deeper than that,
41:33 what is the message of the goat horns
41:35 because this doesn't really mean anything,
41:37 maybe you do that, I mean what's is that innocent?
41:39 It's not innocent. See, a lot of young people
41:42 nowadays they see their popular icons doing that,
41:44 they do that thing they are being been cool.
41:47 Don't even do it because there are certain
41:49 hand gestures, hand gestures
41:51 that Christians wouldn't do.
41:52 Am I telling you the truth? Yeah. Yeah.
41:54 You know, there is certain thing you wouldn't,
41:55 there are certain things which you should not be,
41:56 okay, I could stop right there.
42:00 And even when you travel around the world,
42:02 we learn as we travel what means peace to us
42:06 in America, doesn't mean peace overseas or in Brazil.
42:10 Don't go overseas and raise your hands,
42:13 or make funny finger gestures at all.
42:15 And when you're overseas, when you do the number one
42:17 they say always make sure that you're facing
42:18 your palms this way, don't ever turn your palms
42:20 back this way and do the number one overseas,
42:23 its offensive. So we got to make sure
42:25 but these hand gestures are not innocent.
42:27 Look at this, according to
42:30 This is by the way a website where you get
42:32 all these demonic paraphernalia.
42:35 Listen to what they say to describe it.
42:37 They said about the goat horns;
42:39 This is not an "idol" it's a representation
42:42 of harmony between two polarities.
42:44 Baphomet points to the Full and the Dark Moon.
42:49 The hand gestures express the perfect
42:52 harmony between two opposite polarities.
42:56 Is that a oxymoron or what?
43:00 The Dark Moon represents our actions
43:03 and "Our Will to Action" toward our goals.
43:08 The full Moon represents the
43:10 "Fulfillment of those goals."
43:13 In other words, when somebody flashes
43:16 that symbol that's in that entertainment successful
43:19 industry here is what they are saying to you;
43:21 I have followed my will and I have fulfilled my will.
43:25 That's why famous people do it, that's why wealthy
43:28 musicians and people that are very rich do that.
43:31 They're saying to you,
43:32 I've followed my will and I fulfilled my will.
43:36 But knuckle heads nowadays walking around the
43:38 street with their pants hanging down,
43:39 hey mio homme.
43:41 They don't even know what they are doing,
43:43 and the devil is laughing at them.
43:45 The church has become
43:46 a laughing stock out of ignorance.
43:47 We shouldn't even do those things.
43:50 But let me even go further than that.
43:52 The Baphomet hands signal is not the only signal
43:55 that is used in the entertainment industry
43:57 to signal allegiance with the Lord of darkness.
44:00 The other signs flashed by musicians is the one eye,
44:05 the six, six, six and the pyramid.
44:10 Now why the one eye? Remember what Satan said
44:13 in here in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 5,
44:15 he said to Eve; For God knows that in the day
44:19 you eat of it your eyes will be, what?
44:21 Opened, and you will be like, what?
44:24 God, knowing what? Good and evil.
44:27 Look at this next graphic, somebody that you may
44:30 not need any description for you.
44:31 You may know who exactly that is,
44:33 I put the name just in case you didn't notice,
44:34 that's Beyonce in her Sasha Fierce mode,
44:37 that's her alter personality.
44:39 Lot of these people in the industry notice
44:41 she's highlighting the eye,
44:43 and she's also making the gesture of the number 6.
44:45 So look at this now, look at me now.
44:48 When you see this, to you that means okay,
44:52 but not to occultist, that's the number,
44:55 that's the 0 of the six and each finger represents
44:59 one six, the second six and the third six.
45:02 So when they go like this, hey, they means
45:04 six, six, six, that's my allegiance.
45:07 I am a allegiant to that deity.
45:10 Here is Beyonce emphasizing that
45:11 very clearly when she gives you the
45:13 double sixes. She's not saying everything
45:15 is just fine, she said, six, six, six, six, six,
45:20 allegiance, I've found my will, I've fulfilled
45:24 my will, and the God who gives me
45:26 strength is not the God you worship.
45:29 It's a dark God altogether
45:31 and this is what our young people
45:34 are listening to. This is what played on
45:38 our college campuses. This is what parents
45:41 allow their children to buy and play
45:43 in their homes. And they say,
45:44 oh it's innocent, you think it's innocent,
45:46 you don't grow out of evil, you grow into evil,
45:49 somebody ought to say amen to that.
45:50 You don't grow out of bad, your human nature
45:53 is to lean in the wrong direction,
45:55 but let me go even further because
45:57 there's a program called American Idol,
45:59 a few years ago there was a young lady that won,
46:01 here's her picture now, you wonder what ever
46:03 happened to her. Well, they were grooming her,
46:04 this is her right there, Jordin Sparks
46:06 but don't run pass that, she has not only
46:09 one eye covered, but she has the triangle
46:12 and she has the O, the letter O.
46:15 She got all three symbols, one eye,
46:17 the triangle and the letter O which is
46:20 associated with O.T.O. And then there is that
46:22 famous rock star Bono, is he obvious,
46:24 I mean nothing wrong with his eye,
46:26 he is just trying to send the message.
46:27 Let's go to next graphic. Here's one,
46:30 I don't know why they call Lady Gaga,
46:31 there is nothing lady like about her.
46:33 She is covering that eye, she also
46:35 is covering a lightening bolt which is another
46:37 symbol for Satan, and there is a young man
46:39 that's in a lot of movies, he's a
46:41 personified rapper, his name is Ice Cube.
46:44 Is that a clear message? Look at my eye,
46:46 there it is. Those are the symbols
46:48 that they flash in plain sight
46:50 and people don't know. Here's another young lady
46:53 called Belinda, she is one the
46:54 Cheetah girls Disney, they have these
46:57 four girls call the Cheetah Girls.
46:58 See Disney knows how to prime
47:00 these young ladies. Then there's Fergie,
47:02 she is one of the members of the group
47:03 Black Eyed Peas. You know, they want to be
47:06 like these young girls. So they go to
47:08 Disney channel and want to dance and dress
47:10 like the Cheetah girls, so they put them on
47:12 those channels like they did to Britney spears,
47:14 like they did the Christina Aguilera,
47:16 like they did all those young icons
47:18 and I'll talk about my Miley Cyrus
47:20 a little later on, matter of fact
47:21 I will talk about her tomorrow.
47:26 But they do all that, so that oh, you know,
47:30 I want, I want to have my, I'm gonna talk about
47:32 Hannah Montana tomorrow. Hannah Montana is not
47:37 from Montana. But Satan has so conditioned
47:44 the minds of our people today
47:48 that they don't even know that he is
47:51 preparing them for the greatest deception
47:53 of all time, with his linear devices,
47:56 these iPods. They should be title differently
48:02 brain destroying devices. They can either
48:06 destroy your brain or enlighten you depending
48:08 on what you put in it. And you notice,
48:10 these used to be very expensive
48:11 but now you can buy the smallest tiniest little
48:14 one with just a thousands songs on it.
48:16 A thousands songs when it's rock music
48:18 and wrong kind of music is a lot of music
48:20 what do you say? Satan has made it
48:22 so accessible, you have kids nowadays
48:25 whose minds can't think, they can't function
48:27 because they are so conditioned by what
48:29 they've heard, their minds have been
48:31 assaulted for so long that they can't even
48:34 think for themselves. Satan has been busy,
48:42 that's why when I receive this challenge,
48:45 here's another picture I want to show you
48:46 this one, this is an amazing one.
48:48 This is Jay Z in concert, you see him
48:51 there to the left but look at the audience,
48:54 thousands of people Jay Z is looking at them,
48:57 he's doing this, he is looking at them,
48:59 you can't see this because he is looking
49:01 at them with one eye through the pyramid
49:03 just like you see on the $1 bill, the sign of
49:07 Satan's unfinished business,
49:09 but the audience thousands of them,
49:11 they're flashing that signal back to him.
49:13 We are with you, we are with you,
49:15 and you know what a rock artist,
49:17 a rap artist, a hip hop artist, a country artist,
49:21 any secular artist can stand up in a stadium of
49:24 15,000 to 30,000 peoples, 60,000, 100,000
49:26 and they could say everybody screaming,
49:29 you know, what they do? They all scream.
49:31 Everybody jump up, they all jump up,
49:33 like they are under the control of a force
49:35 and the artist that's upfront has the control
49:39 mechanism because you know why they have been
49:41 listening to that artist music.
49:44 They've been listening to the lyrics
49:45 and what the artist is singing they are down
49:47 there mimicking the same thing,
49:48 and by the way you got to stop
49:49 and think what you are singing sometimes,
49:51 because you're saying stuff that
49:52 you don't even stop and think about.
49:55 And before you know, what I just say,
49:57 what I just say, did I say that because
50:01 the artist had you saying that?
50:04 Whoever that artist maybe, you buy
50:07 their CDs, you learn their lyrics,
50:08 you're on your way to church singing
50:10 the wrong song. There's some people in
50:13 our college campuses. Our Pastors ought to
50:15 get back to do what God has called them to do,
50:19 our schools ought to be places
50:20 where young people go and find God.
50:23 Not where they go and loose God. Amen.
50:25 Our churches ought to be the places,
50:27 when they go to church in Sabbath morning
50:29 they know they're not going to live weaker
50:31 than they came. Stop trying to be like people
50:35 that don't have the light that we have,
50:37 stop trying to be famous, be faithful.
50:40 There's another letter, there's another word,
50:43 don't be famous, be faithful.
50:45 God is calling for us to be faithful. Amen.
50:52 Just in case you missed it, I want to read this
50:54 quotation just one more time.
50:55 All those things I showed you,
50:57 look at this quotation one more time.
51:00 "The O.T.O is in possession of one
51:04 supreme secret. The whole of its system
51:10 is directed toward, what's the next word,
51:13 communicating to its members,
51:16 by progressively plain hints, this all important
51:22 instruction." In another words,
51:24 are you on board and they flash,
51:26 are you on board and you walk in the stores
51:28 and people go like that. Hey, you walk into
51:30 government offices, you got people go like that,
51:33 they want to make sure you are on board.
51:36 You walk into play, and police stops you
51:38 and you flash a signal, he let's you go.
51:41 They are on board, they're in every facet
51:43 of society, they are everywhere,
51:45 not just the music industry,
51:47 it's an interwoven web of Satanical,
51:50 Satanical driven deception,
51:53 its everywhere. But I don't want to end
51:58 this sermon giving Satan the glory.
52:00 I want to end it by giving God the glory.
52:03 I think we all always come back to Jesus.
52:06 The signs really have any lasting significance
52:11 to God it does. Four most important signs
52:15 that God established that Satan has attacked.
52:19 The first one is the rainbow. When the flood
52:22 was over, the Lord gave them a sign of a rainbow
52:25 and He said, whenever you see this sign
52:27 Genesis 9 verse 12 to 17, whenever see
52:29 this rainbow it is a sign that I will never
52:33 destroy the world by flood anymore,
52:34 you know, what Satan has done,
52:36 he has taken the rainbow and now it means
52:38 homosexuality, it means gay and lesbian,
52:40 we ought to take our rainbow back,
52:42 somebody ought to say, amen.
52:43 Return to the allegiance. Would you stand by
52:46 let's somebody take the Sabbath from you.
52:49 No, Christians stand around, we want to be
52:52 politically correct, we don't want to be
52:53 offensive but the world is offending us.
52:55 We got to stand up what's right,
52:57 not in offensive way, in a loving way.
52:59 I am not talking about anarchy
53:00 and war against Satan. We cannot wrestle
53:02 against flesh and blood, but we ought to stand
53:04 on what is right. Amen. The second thing
53:08 that Satan has attacked, the second sign,
53:10 the Lord say the commandments is a sign,
53:12 it should be a sign between your front lids
53:14 of your eyes right there, keep it in your mind.
53:16 Deuteronomy 6 and verse 8;
53:17 the Ten Commandments, has Satan attacked that,
53:21 yes, he has deleted some, he has moved
53:24 some around, he now says remember to keep
53:28 Holy the Sabbath day. So people can now pick
53:30 which one it is. He's taken out 90 of the words
53:34 of the Fourth Commandment.
53:35 There are 98 words he has taken
53:36 90 of them out. He has taken out the one thou
53:39 shalt not worship graven images,
53:41 because there's a whole billion plus people
53:43 that worship images. There is a third sign,
53:49 the Sabbath. The Sabbath, the Lord says,
53:51 Ezekiel 20:20, it's a sign between
53:53 Me and you, that you may know that
53:56 I'm the Lord that sanctifies you.
53:58 If you are a Christian and believe in creation
54:00 there is no other day that you shall honor
54:02 but the Sabbath from sunset
54:03 Friday to sunset Saturday.
54:06 That's a sign that has a Christian you believe
54:08 that God is your God, and it's not about the day,
54:10 here's the focal point of that commandment.
54:12 He says, the seventh day is the Sabbath of
54:15 the Lord your God, so the question is like
54:18 it is in the O.T.O, like it is in the music world,
54:21 like it is in the entertainment world,
54:23 who's your God? That's the message.
54:26 Not what day it is, he's blinded them thinking
54:29 it's about a day, it's about who's your God?
54:31 If God is your God, he's already picked the day,
54:34 amen, amen. I need to go out finding days,
54:38 the Muslims do it on Friday, the rest of the
54:40 Christian world on Sunday and they say that
54:42 you know we modify that because it's more
54:44 convenient. There's no new Christian Sabbath,
54:49 anything that is Christian there is only one
54:51 Sabbath for it, that is philosophy and vain
54:55 deceit, that is deception. And these last days,
54:59 I'm gonna let the Lord use my voice to call
55:02 people back to serving God according to the truth,
55:05 not according to what's convenient.
55:08 It wasn't convenient to go to the cross,
55:10 which takes me to my last most important sign.
55:14 They're all important, equally important
55:16 but the last sign, the fourth sign, the fourth
55:20 sign, Revelation 12:12 says, they overcame him
55:23 by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their
55:27 testimony, here the sign was so important
55:28 because this one fits perfectly into the topic
55:30 Pastor C.A. this fits in there you know why
55:33 because all of the O.T.O signs stem from ancient
55:37 Egyptian mythology. But when the children
55:40 of God were in the land of Egypt, the only way
55:43 that they were spared from destruction,
55:45 when the destroying angel came through was they
55:47 were covered by the blood of the lamb. Amen.
55:51 That's the sign. The rainbow, the commandments,
55:56 the Sabbath, the blood of lamb and the next time
55:59 this world now has been taken over by ancient
56:02 Egypt spirits, ancient Egyptian mythology,
56:05 ancient Egyptian occultism, it's in every
56:08 facet of society, that's why the Bible says
56:11 in Revelation, the place where our God was
56:14 crucified and John Ritenbaugh uses Sodom
56:16 and Egypt. You trace Sodom and Egypt in society
56:21 today and you will find it everywhere.
56:25 But brethren next time the destroying angel
56:28 comes by, tonight I want to reaffirm my stand
56:32 with the one who covers me by the best sign of all,
56:35 the blood of the lamb. Amen. I used to be in
56:39 the music world. Every now and then I found
56:42 myself oh, I remember that song and God got
56:45 to pull me right back. God's got to pull me
56:47 back center because this is the most important
56:49 message. Tonight if you're watching and you want
56:51 reaffirm your stand with God, I'm having you
56:54 just simply say Lord I am giving you my heart,
56:55 I'm gonna go through my music and video
56:57 and audio collection to find out what doesn't
57:00 honor you, and get it out of my house.
57:03 It's too late for mixed signals. Amen. Amen.
57:07 Tomorrow morning, tonight was kind of concentrated,
57:11 but tomorrow morning I want you to bring an
57:13 umbrella. The Holy Spirit gonna rain in here.
57:17 Amen. Because I gonna make it even clearer than
57:20 tonight and I want to give God all the glory.
57:22 Friends, don't forget to invite somebody at 11am
57:25 Central Time to hear the message tomorrow
57:27 morning. Be there, God bless
57:30 you until we see you again.


Revised 2014-12-17