Anchors of Truth

Born Again

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000010

00:12 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:15 live from the 3ABN Worship Center,
00:17 the Unclean Spirit series with John Lomacang.
00:22 The Book of Revelation has two very telling texts,
00:26 both found in Revelation chapter 12;
00:29 Revelation chapter 12 verse 12 tells us that
00:33 the devil knows that he has a short time.
00:37 And so, he has come down to
00:39 this earth with great wrath. Amen.
00:43 And then just several verses later in 12:17,
00:46 the Church is given warning because he
00:51 has extended that wrath to the,
00:55 the seed of the woman to the remnant.
00:58 They are a particular object of his fury
01:01 and his ways, so people will that keep the
01:04 commandments of God and have the testimony
01:06 of Jesus Christ. And so, there is a, a,
01:10 a whammy for the world and a double whammy
01:13 for the people of God. Now, it occurs to me that
01:15 this is an international ministry and someone on
01:18 the other side of the earth is scratching their
01:20 ahead and saying, what is a whammy?
01:22 Because that is such an American term,
01:24 but a whammy is like a wall or a hit or a blow
01:27 that Satan is giving the earth his, his best blows,
01:33 but he's saving his real intense stuff for the
01:36 children of God. And so, we as people of God
01:39 must be doubly alert, doubly aware on guard
01:45 always for every attack of the enemy because as
01:48 Pastor Lomacang and I were talking the devil is
01:51 many things, but he's not stupid and he is,
01:54 he is a tireless worker. And he uses every avenue,
01:59 every means possible to, to infiltrate and seize
02:05 the minds and the hearts of the people of the world
02:07 and of the people of God. And someone will saying
02:09 before I feel so sad when I hear about all
02:11 of these young, beautiful musicians talented
02:14 people who are in league with the devil,
02:17 do they know, do they not know? I think
02:19 sometimes they don't know, but many times
02:21 they do know. Many times they're aware and
02:24 there are people are walking on earth this day
02:26 who would sell their soul for fame and fortune.
02:29 And then when they get the fame and fortune
02:30 they quickly realize that's not enough
02:32 because you keep going and keep going
02:34 and keep going and keep going,
02:36 years ago as a child I remember hearing
02:38 Mick Jagger say back in the 60s, 40 years ago.
02:42 I don't wanna be 55 and sing and I can't
02:45 get no satisfaction. And what is he 45 years
02:48 later he is 60 singing I Can't Get No Satisfaction.
02:52 Because it's, it's, it's an endless stream
02:55 you go on and go on and go on and go on
02:57 and it's a treadmill you simply can not get off of,
03:00 and the devil has you, he takes you further
03:03 than you want to go and keeps you longer
03:05 than you intend to stay and knew for
03:07 your nurture or old and gone and used
03:09 and Satan laughs. And one more person is
03:12 lost to the kingdom of God. And so, I'm very
03:15 pleased to welcome you to this last session
03:18 and I say please, I say that with mixed emotion
03:21 because this is the final seating and what has
03:23 been a fabulous presentation by
03:26 our Pastor, our friend John Lomacang,
03:28 who has dwelt deeply into these subjects?
03:31 I have certainly learn and I suspect you have
03:33 also some of the ways that Satan has
03:35 insinuated himself, not only in through
03:37 into the world, but even into the Church
03:40 and into the lives, into the homes, into the
03:42 DVD list and record albums of those who claim,
03:45 claim the name of Jesus. Some of us have some
03:48 cleaning out to do, amen. As we go back to our
03:52 homes and look at some of these things that
03:54 simply should not be there, so I am again pleased
03:57 and happy that you're here. And our local
03:59 audience and those of you around the world
04:02 who are listening to this really primer,
04:07 this class in, in some other things that
04:09 Satan is, is using to, to destroy the people
04:12 of God. We must be bought up our Father's
04:15 business and time is far spent.
04:18 We have just enough time to grab a hole
04:20 again to the hand of Jesus.
04:22 Welcome, my name is C.A. Murray
04:24 and I do welcome you. And ask that you not
04:27 sit back and relax. This is not sit back
04:29 and relax time, this is time to sit up and take
04:32 note because good information is coming
04:35 vitally information. There was a time when
04:37 they used to say, what you don't know won't
04:39 hurt you? That was never true and it was
04:42 certainly not true in these last days what
04:44 you don't know can kill you. So, you do need
04:47 to be aware as Christ gives us knowledge.
04:49 Before Pastor Lomacang comes
04:51 for his final presentation, would you bow your
04:52 heads with me in a word of prayer?
04:54 Gracious Father, we do praise you and thank you
04:58 for your word. Again, it is a lamp unto our feet
05:01 and a light unto our path. Father, help us
05:05 to walk in the light as children of the light,
05:10 amen, so that we can see the face of Jesus,
05:13 and walk wherever He leads us.
05:15 Be with Pastor John again this afternoon,
05:19 You have given him much embolden him and
05:23 enable him and anoint him to give that what
05:27 You've given to him to us, so that we might be
05:31 better citizens of this world as we prepare
05:34 for the higher citizenship,
05:36 which is in the world to come.
05:38 We thank you in Jesus name, amen, amen.
05:44 Thank you Pastor. Thank you Pastor C.A.
05:52 and little warm up here on the monitors.
05:57 Okay, that's alright we were down some
06:01 on the monitors. We were having some
06:04 problem with the microphones,
06:06 but that's alright, don't let the devil
06:07 distract you, amen. Amen, amen.
06:09 Good afternoon everyone? Can you hear me?
06:12 Good afternoon. Alright, I think I'm there now.
06:16 Am I out there? Okay, I'll use this until I get
06:23 that one. Can you hear me everyone? Amen.
06:26 Praise the Lord you know, the devil tries to stop
06:28 God's progress, but that's okay.
06:30 Let's not even give him too much attention
06:33 'cause I need all the time to talk about the Lord.
06:35 Amen. Thank you for tuning in again this is
06:37 our last presentation entitled Born Again.
06:41 I, I preview that by saying that born again
06:46 doesn't have the same meaning every place
06:48 that word is used, but because of the interest
06:51 of getting through the entire presentation,
06:53 just want to encourage you to continue to pray
06:56 and ask for the Lord to speak to us at the point
07:00 of our need, let's bow our heads.
07:03 Our gracious Father in heaven we thank You
07:04 for Your goodness, for Your mercy,
07:06 for Your grace for the message that has not
07:09 only open the eyes of so many others,
07:11 but has opened mind and eyes.
07:12 And I pray that Lord because You've given
07:15 me site that I would not only see what's happening,
07:18 but I would look to Jesus, the author and finisher
07:21 of my faith. Amen. Direct me now as I
07:25 put into place the last pieces of this puzzle
07:29 this afternoon and may you receive the glory
07:31 as the information is disseminated to lead those
07:35 who are held captive to the place where
07:37 they can find freedom, in Jesus name I pray, amen.
07:42 Now, I usually begin the presentation with
07:45 a Bible verse, I'm gonna wait till a little further
07:48 down to share that Bible verse and communicate
07:52 the message that, but as you look at the topic
07:56 Satan has really ramped up his arsenal of deception
08:00 artists that are singing some of the most vial
08:04 and degrading songs talk highly about God.
08:08 You know, when you watch the award shows
08:11 when they receive their award they say,
08:13 I want to thank God for this award and right away
08:15 we think that they're talking about the same
08:18 God that we serve, Satan has found away
08:22 to so closely resemble Christianity that when
08:25 they say God, we think that they mean the same
08:28 God that we worship. Then there are those
08:31 that pray before their conscious and when we
08:33 hear about that we feel justified and
08:35 listening to their music, we say to people,
08:37 did you hear that so and so praise before
08:39 his or her concert? But what they do on stage
08:42 is completely opposite, if they're praying to God.
08:45 Then there are those that get drawn into
08:49 support popular icons because they do
08:52 humanitarian things and adopt children
08:54 and give money to needy foundations and
08:55 shower their audience with gifts and tell the
08:58 world that they are vegan. Many of the musicians
09:03 that are singing, playing and performing started
09:08 out in Church. I know some of them personally,
09:12 but the question is how did they get there?
09:15 The obvious answer is they didn't keep their
09:18 eyes on God. Amen. But the question then
09:21 again is why? And as we look at God's word today
09:28 we begin to see that Satan has found a way
09:34 to get to those who are not constantly on guard,
09:38 that's why we have to be on guard all the time,
09:41 what do you say? Amen. The word of God says
09:44 in this way, Paul the Apostle points out
09:46 how Satan masterfully deceives those who are
09:50 not on guard. Romans 16 and verse 8 he says:
09:54 For those who are such, look at the scripture,
09:58 they do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ,
10:02 but who to they serve? Their own belly;
10:06 and by smooth words and flattering speech
10:10 deceive the hearts of the simple.
10:13 There are many of us that would want to
10:14 think the best about artists that are out
10:15 there and I understand that because you know
10:17 people are people and we always try to accent
10:20 and highlight the best in the individuals.
10:22 But anyone can use Christian tools,
10:26 but can everyone live the Christian life?
10:29 Anyone can pray, but who are they praying
10:33 to is the real question, anyone can make the
10:36 sounds that sheep make, but does the
10:40 shepherd know them also. So, don't get to see
10:44 by those that use the name of God. Amen.
10:47 Don't get sidetrack by the things people do to
10:50 impress you, don't get misled because people
10:54 say there are vegans by the way in the
10:56 new age movement and the occult moment
10:58 veganism is high on their list.
11:01 It's good to be vegan, amen somebody. Amen.
11:05 But that is not that line of test as to whether
11:09 or not a person is connected to God.
11:11 The occult movement knows what to do to
11:14 gain access to those who are well meaning
11:17 Christians? They design it, so that we think
11:21 that they and we are on the same page.
11:24 That's why I titled the message born again.
11:27 Notice what John chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 says,
11:30 John chapter 3 verse 5 to 7, notice what it says:
11:34 Jesus answered, and this is what He's saying
11:37 and you got to notice the two parallels
11:38 in this text. Jesus answered,
11:40 "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is
11:44 born of the what? Water. Water and
11:46 of the, Spirit, Spirit, he cannot enter the
11:50 kingdom of God. There are lots of kingdoms,
11:53 but is it the kingdom of God.
11:55 There is the magic kingdom.
11:59 Whole lot of kingdoms in the world,
12:01 but is it the kingdom connect to God.
12:03 The Lord says: That which is born of the
12:06 flesh is what? Flesh, and that which is born
12:09 of the Spirit is what? Spirit. Do not marvel
12:13 that I said to you, "You must be born again."
12:16 Now, I don't know if you caught that,
12:18 but there are those that are born of the flesh.
12:20 I'm not just talking about the first natural birth,
12:23 but there are those who are reborn into a deeper
12:26 darker avenue of things that are carnal,
12:30 they even proclaim that. I remember listening
12:33 to a documentary and our and, and they included
12:36 in this documentary a statement from a very
12:38 famous person in the music industry by the
12:40 name of Kanye West and he, he lamented
12:43 and talked about how he sold his soul to the devil?
12:46 He said, I know that's a terrible deal,
12:48 but at least he gave me some toys,
12:50 so I can enjoy myself along the way.
12:52 Now, can you imagine going to hell with toys
12:54 in your hand? At least he gave me some toys,
12:58 so I can enjoy myself along the way.
13:00 The art of deception and there are those
13:02 individuals that look at the cars,
13:04 that's why when you look at this phrase bling,
13:06 you heard that before, the bling they want to,
13:09 they want to go ahead and mesmerize the
13:11 young people with the bling.
13:13 So, they're with the largest chains.
13:14 Have you, have you seen those chains?
13:16 The reason, now let me just put this together,
13:20 so please don't take this to wrong way.
13:26 But if there's anybody in society that should
13:28 not be desires of wing, big heavy chains around
13:30 their neck is African-Americans.
13:35 It's like they're enslaving themselves
13:38 intentionally, being bond and being a slave
13:44 is one thing, but binding yourself and becoming
13:47 a slave voluntarily and something altogether
13:49 different, amen. Amen. Satan has found away
13:53 to get into their minds, so that they can make
13:55 themselves salves voluntarily. And must,
14:00 most of the Christian, well lot of Christians
14:02 nowadays that's why you see in the music industry.
14:04 The music industry has been and even the occult
14:07 industry has been, the avenue by which you seen
14:12 in many Christian book stores all of a sudden
14:14 I don't remember how many years ago was,
14:16 but there was a particular point where
14:18 all of a sudden Christian book stores started
14:20 selling Christian jewelery and I thought to myself
14:24 what's that? Is are like, is like, is are like
14:26 Christian rock or Christian pornography,
14:30 Christian jewelery that who don't even go on
14:33 the same arena according to God's word?
14:35 And so, now you can go to Christian book stores
14:39 and you can buy the crystals, you can buy
14:41 the paraphernalia that is very high, if you go
14:44 to a new age store or the occult stores
14:47 or those stores that is sold the gossip,
14:49 you can buy the same image is there that
14:52 you can buy in many Christian book stores.
14:54 Satan has found a clever way to get in.
14:57 So, when they say that they are born again?
14:59 It doesn't mean they are born again from above,
15:01 but they have committed themselves even after
15:04 they are born in sin and shapen in iniquity.
15:06 They further committed themselves to a darker
15:09 and deeper satanic world then they initially
15:12 were in. Notice some pictures and they use
15:14 the same phrases; look at this picture by the way.
15:17 This person he is dead now, God you know,
15:20 God rest his soul from he lived about a mile
15:23 and a half of from while live in Brooklyn,
15:25 New York, his name is Notorious B.I.G,
15:27 notice the title on his CD, it is what?
15:30 Born again, let me tell you something,
15:33 that CD is about anything, but being
15:35 born again from above. If you look
15:38 at the titles on that CD is not about being
15:41 born of the Spirit or born of the water,
15:44 is about being born of the flesh, recommitting
15:47 one person to the flesh. Look at the next slide
15:49 it talks about he, he did a toured, he went
15:51 from place-to-place and there he's standing
15:53 by a hearse or whatever you call motorcar
15:56 whatever there thing is? Yeah, hearse
15:59 and on the back of that life after death,
16:02 he was on a, a toured that he traveled around
16:04 and this tour was entitled Life After Death.
16:07 Well, the question is, did he died to sin
16:10 or in sin? Amen. Well, I don't know,
16:16 but he's dead, he got, he got mowed down in
16:18 Las Vegas gang style, was he died in sin
16:22 or to sin that's for God to decide.
16:24 I don't want even propose to be a judge,
16:26 but if I would go by somebody's fruits
16:28 I say I, I tell you it doesn't look very good.
16:31 There's another group and by the way
16:34 the name of this group is something that really
16:35 amazes me is called Bone, Thugs & Harmony.
16:39 Now, that name alone should be reasoning up,
16:42 you shouldn't buy that CD, amen.
16:44 Bone Thugs & Harmony, but I want you to
16:46 catch this picture, they are way in a background
16:48 and they're standing in a cemetery and there
16:50 you see a picture of a cross.
16:52 The next CD makes it very, very clear what
16:54 they mean by that cross, notice this BTNH Bone,
16:57 Thugs & Harmony Resurrection.
17:00 That mean they to have died to who they used
17:03 to be before they made a commitment
17:04 to the devil, now they're born again
17:06 into a satanic industry and they're living
17:09 their lives for the glory of the dark Lord
17:12 of the underworld. They have a CD they,
17:15 they put out on the back of that very same,
17:17 one of their CDs called eternity.
17:19 On the back of that CD they wrote a song,
17:22 where they wrote the lyrics backward
17:23 and the reason I didn't put that on the screen
17:25 is because the lyrics were written backward
17:27 in order that it may enslave people without
17:30 their knowledge because in the occult world,
17:34 in the world of Voodoo and, and where people are,
17:37 are having spells cast on them.
17:40 What they do is, if somebody wants to
17:42 catch to spell on you and they know you're
17:44 Christian, all they do is they write you a letter
17:46 with the spell in the letter, but they write
17:49 it backwards. So, in order for you to read it,
17:52 you've to hold it up against a mirror and
17:54 while you're standing in front of the mirror
17:56 guess what's happening? In the occult way
17:59 you are reading that spell right into you,
18:02 you are casting the spell or the curse right
18:05 on you. And they said, in the occult
18:07 world they said, we cannot cast spells
18:09 on Christians, but Christians can cast them
18:11 on themselves. Two ways, one by reading
18:15 the spell in reverse, secondly and this is
18:17 something that's diabolical; I wish I had
18:18 time to develop this. In the music industry
18:21 there is a place where before they master
18:23 their CDs. According to a, a man by the
18:25 name of John Todd he used to be a foremost
18:28 occultist, he says that he was born again
18:30 even though, even after he was born again,
18:32 he still had a difficult time getting out of
18:34 the world that he had been for many,
18:35 many years, but he said, being a part of the
18:37 music industry many of the music moguls
18:40 before they master the CDs that are secular CDs
18:43 for these artists that have committed
18:45 themselves to the devil, they take these CDs
18:47 into to coven chamber that's a part of many of
18:50 the popular music studios, and they gather
18:52 thirteen witches and wall locks together
18:55 and before they master that and start to
18:56 duplicate that they pray that wherever
18:59 this CD goes, a Spirit or a demon will follow
19:03 it into the home of that person that owns that CD.
19:05 So, you may not even say I even worship,
19:09 you may say, I don't even worship the devil
19:10 I just had the CD, if you have the CD he's there
19:13 with it, just like we pray when we take and give
19:17 out tracks, Lord make sure that this track finds
19:20 somebody and there are people that picked up
19:22 tracks on the ground, there's somebody else
19:24 is thrown away and they have become Christians
19:27 as a result of that because we pray for
19:29 the Holy Spirit to go with that track.
19:32 They pray for demonic Spirits to go
19:34 for that track. Here's another picture of a young
19:37 man that you may have heard about,
19:38 his name is Snoop Dog, notice at the bottom
19:41 Murder was the Case, but I want to point
19:43 something out, he is not dead he is still alive.
19:45 However, they're something there,
19:48 praise the Lord, they're something
19:49 there that goes as follows it says,
19:51 Calvin Broadus born 1972, died 1994.
19:56 He's still alive, well you know, what he meant?
19:59 He meant died to who he used to be.
20:01 Now, he's darker than ever before,
20:05 his music is dark and satanic,
20:07 he even has a video where he mimics his death.
20:10 And a, and a dove something flies
20:13 into the music video and he's laying there
20:15 in his coffin and the dove turns into Jesus Christ
20:18 and then almost instantaneously
20:19 in a few moments turns into Satan himself
20:22 as the God he represents, but he put born again
20:25 and died again, so when they say they're born
20:27 again it doesn't mean they're born from above,
20:29 it means they're born from beneath.
20:31 And this, the reason why I am so passionate
20:33 about this? Is this is what's gripping the minds
20:36 of many Christian young people?
20:39 And we're finding reasons to excuse it,
20:42 oh! They'll grow out of it. You don't grow out of
20:45 things that are natural to you. The natural man
20:49 does not what they receive the things of God
20:51 for they are foolishness to him, you got to leave
20:55 them and guide them, but Satan found away
20:58 and by the way many of us don't know that,
20:59 but when you decide to follow Satan,
21:01 you've got a relinquish who you are to follow him,
21:04 you have to sort of speak cross the abyss.
21:07 So, many of these artists that show
21:09 you these pictures, here's another thing
21:10 that many people don't understand,
21:12 here's a picture of Beyonce when she was young.
21:14 Notice, she was her eye cover that very left eye
21:17 we always talk about, but she has a butterfly,
21:19 a monarch butterfly covering her eye.
21:21 Now, let me just develop this very quickly
21:23 and I have so much to cover, I have to speak
21:25 very quickly, so you listen carefully
21:27 and if you miss it contact 3ABN to get copies
21:30 of the DVD, I know they'll make that
21:31 available eventually, but in the occult world
21:35 through a project called project monarch.
21:38 You may have heard a man by the name of
21:39 Mengele he was called The Angel of Death,
21:42 very notorious person. However, through this
21:45 monarch project, monarch being a
21:48 very soft and beautiful butterfly.
21:51 Mengele was known and his anger to just take
21:53 the butterfly and crush it in his hand.
21:55 What they did? Is they look for people that were
21:58 vulnerable and they conditioned them to go
22:00 through a process, when they first come to
22:02 the music industry they are just a caterpillar
22:05 that crawling on their belly, they haven't
22:08 gotten to the place where they sing
22:10 I believe I can fly, butterfly code for,
22:17 hey I'm on the other side now, they haven't gotten
22:20 to that point yet. So until they become famous
22:22 and believe they can fly they got a crawl on
22:24 their belly as a caterpillar that stage one,
22:26 but they have to go into incubation,
22:28 what's that phrase they used?
22:30 Anyway I just called it incubation,
22:32 the period between caterpillar and butterfly,
22:35 they're going to the cocoon, there's a point
22:36 where you don't know what happen,
22:37 whatever happen is so and so, then all of
22:39 a sudden boom they breakout upcoming tour,
22:42 his coming out of tour like Michael Jackson
22:44 when he started with the moon walk.
22:46 They come out and they're now in the
22:48 butterfly stage, they've come out now on the
22:51 other side because they could spread
22:53 their wings, they've been designed to be
22:55 attractive in the world is ready and waiting
22:57 for them and they now can get off the ground
23:00 as I could use the phraseology.
23:02 Here's another one a Mariah Carey in this
23:05 particular industry, I've blurred that out
23:06 because she know she had a midriff top there,
23:08 but if you notice the name of her album is
23:10 called Butterfly, very, very small in the upper
23:12 left hand corner. And then she also had a
23:14 perfume line, the very first of a kind with the
23:17 butterfly on the top of the glass associating
23:20 it to her and those in the occult world know
23:22 exactly what she's saying, butterfly.
23:25 I'm a butterfly; I'm on the other side now.
23:27 Here's another one with Britney Spears
23:29 on her album butterfly and I want to use
23:32 it to few, they're many, many, many, many
23:34 more where you find these symbols,
23:36 it's a common symbol. A lot of young girls buy
23:38 that nowadays 'cause they think butterfly
23:39 is a cute, they butterfly tattoos and all that
23:42 because that's where it comes from.
23:43 Here's one more Michael Jackson I talked
23:45 about this, if you could see on his right shoulder,
23:48 actually his left shoulder, but to the right of
23:50 the screen there's a butterfly I brightened
23:53 it up is kind of yellow, that's not the natural
23:55 color of a monarch butterfly just brightened
23:57 it up. He showed on that album cover in his
23:59 early stages that he was coming out.
24:01 I'm on the other side now the butterfly,
24:04 so when they talk about being born again is either
24:07 through the dark hip hop, profane rap music of
24:11 the first group I showed you or the innocent,
24:14 very attractive music that comes from these
24:16 other artists that I just mentioned.
24:18 Aleister Crowley developed teachings
24:20 in his thelemic philosophy that drew
24:22 lessons from Christian principles,
24:24 but at the same time he distorted them.
24:27 For example, when we are born again
24:29 we chose what path, the right or the left,
24:32 we chose the right path I hope we do,
24:34 but they choose the left path.
24:39 The right path we die to sin under the control
24:43 of the Holy Spirit, the left path they,
24:45 they live in sin under the control of demonic
24:49 Spirits. And by the way, in the thelemic religion
24:51 all of their saints as they refer to them are
24:55 mythological demons that are from ancient Egypt,
24:59 Egyptian mythology, Asians Egyptian Spirits
25:03 often referred to as Nephilim spirits.
25:06 In other words, the older the Spirit the more
25:08 power they say you can have because that
25:10 Spirit has been around a long time and it's used
25:12 the different a platter of different means to
25:15 accomplish success for somebody,
25:17 it's in the music industry that's why the
25:20 Baphomet symbol of a satanic symbol finds
25:22 it's destiny there. In the Baphomet symbol by
25:24 the way, now look at this picture here you'll see
25:27 that this is, I couldn't developed this very much
25:29 I wish I had another time to do this,
25:31 but I want to point this out you notice
25:32 that Baphomet images in the center that's the
25:35 demonic dual gender image of Satan with the
25:40 horns on the top, that's where everybody get
25:42 the horns from. You notice his hand is in two
25:44 different directions, one is pointing up,
25:46 one is pointing down, he is by, he is thereby
25:48 saying, I am the Lord of the heavens
25:51 and of the earth. The Lord of the sun and
25:54 the moon, but you notice the two columns
25:57 indicating left and right, both paths in the occult
26:01 world they say are the same paths.
26:03 Some occult say they are different paths,
26:05 the left path is the black magic, the right
26:07 path is the white magic. Let me tell you magic
26:09 is magic which ever way you go, but they say,
26:12 those who are on the black magic path
26:15 or those who never successfully crossed over
26:18 and had a direct relationship with Corazon,
26:21 this demon of the abyss. So, they never really
26:23 made it to what they call the master stage
26:27 of the magician. And I hate to say this,
26:31 but when you can't if, if you can't make the
26:33 journey they have a terminology in occultism
26:37 they call him the black brother, not nationally
26:41 speaking, but they, they label him that way
26:43 as one who had failed, but the question is,
26:49 how do you know which path you are on?
26:52 You've got a simply look at the components
26:55 of your life and the things that it spouses
26:57 that will identify the path that you've chosen.
27:00 Just look at the things you listen to,
27:01 look at the things you watch, look at all
27:03 the things that are becoming proponents
27:06 and pushed by the music industry, look at this.
27:08 They exalt murder, sensuality, sexuality,
27:14 degradation and abuse of women, profanity,
27:19 promiscuity, money mongering, possessions,
27:24 assault on the body temple by tattooing
27:28 and body piercing. Have you noticed
27:30 how many people are getting tattooed
27:32 nowadays? As I somebody, some people
27:35 you don't even identify. And what people feel
27:38 it realizes maybe a butterfly when
27:40 you're young, but when you get old
27:41 and skin starts stretching it looks like an eagle.
27:45 They don't think about time takes a
27:48 different course. The music industry has
27:53 adapted these themes from a number of sources.
27:56 And I'm gonna tell you this, none of those sources
27:58 that they have gone to are godly sources,
28:00 they've just taken where God has produced
28:03 and fashioned it, so that it could appear
28:05 to be Christian. And that's why you ask the
28:08 questions, what makes the person go
28:10 uncontrollably in a certain direction.
28:12 How do people throw away so much for something
28:15 that if weight on the scales of importance
28:17 false far short of lasting value.
28:20 What makes a person respond to something
28:24 that is against their morals?
28:26 How does that internal switch flip so
28:30 instantaneously when we hear a song
28:33 or see a show or glimpse another person
28:36 or smell a certain aroma it's called triggers?
28:40 Now, let me spend a little time on this.
28:42 I think I'll get through it, but I got to spend
28:45 sometime on triggers. Now, many of you have
28:47 computers almost everybody owns a computer
28:49 nowadays, if not you've a cellphone.
28:51 Now, the reason why the number one comes up
28:52 when you press the number one is
28:53 because it's been programmed that way.
28:58 In the, in the entertainment industry
29:01 has a person who just gets into the industry
29:04 is being primed they are lined up with a
29:07 program in, in a job market they'll say,
29:11 well this person is gonna train you for
29:13 your position. In the music industry this
29:15 program is yours, this person is your shadow.
29:19 In another words they're gonna guard you,
29:20 they're gonna protect you they're make sure
29:21 everything goes fine, but they don't tell you
29:23 as this person is your programer,
29:25 you may notice that this young man by the
29:27 name of Justin Bieber, everywhere he goes
29:29 Usher is with him, he even calls out his name.
29:31 I want to thank Usher you know, who helped me out
29:34 and they always give the person props.
29:36 In the very same way in the music industry
29:38 and the movie industry there are people that
29:40 are your mentors that's another word they used,
29:43 but the real reason for them as
29:44 they're programming you they're making sure
29:46 that by the time you can fly, by the time
29:49 you turn to a butterfly you can be trusted.
29:52 In another words you are so converted
29:54 to our way of doing things that now we can
29:56 let you go and we are not fearful that
29:59 you'll go out and bring degradation and
30:02 shame to us. We can trust you now
30:04 and as a result the person who's finally
30:06 fully programmed, fully trained is now set
30:10 free to become a programer of someone
30:13 else. So, it's like that commercial years ago,
30:15 remember that? You tell two friends and they
30:17 tell two friends and so on and so on and so,
30:19 remember that? Television screen
30:21 all of the sudden has 36 pictures where
30:22 he only started with one, that's exactly what
30:25 Satan does, it's the biggest marketing,
30:27 but a satanically driven and as methodologically
30:29 thought out, but look at the text.
30:32 The devil has taken from God something that
30:35 we should be doing. Proverbs 22 verse 6,
30:38 it says: Train up a child in the way what?
30:41 He should go, and when he is old he will not do,
30:45 what? He will not depart from it.
30:47 Just last night I was thinking about this industry
30:49 and I actually got sad you know, why?
30:51 Because I look at the pictures of some of these
30:53 young people as they started out,
30:54 I think of this young girl by the name of Aliyah,
30:56 she is dead now she died unfortunately in a plane
30:59 crash when she was flying back from Miami
31:01 after she did a shoot down there for music video,
31:03 but the sad reality this young beautiful girl
31:08 at the apex of her life lost her life while living
31:12 on the wrong side, whether she saved
31:16 the lost is not what I'm saying, that's not
31:18 what I'm saying? But the last movie she did
31:20 was entitled Queen of the Damned, Mother
31:22 of All Vampires. Right after that not too longer
31:25 after that she lost her life in a plane crash
31:27 to a guy who was living his life in the wrong
31:31 avenue, didn't keep his plane up, he had many
31:33 violations that he discovered after all,
31:37 almost of all her crew that was down in
31:39 I think it was the Bahamas wherever they were,
31:41 they died because they wanted to rush
31:42 and get back to Miami over loaded the plane,
31:45 however it happened she lost her life.
31:46 Another young lady by the name of Lisa Lopes
31:50 they called her left eye Lopes, left eye why?
31:53 Because she did always signaling the fact that
31:55 she was applied to that Illuminati,
31:56 that Illuminati connection to the mason movement,
31:59 she died also she always claimed that she was
32:02 fighting personal demons, that's what happens.
32:05 When you commit yourself to that market?
32:07 These demons don't leave you alone,
32:09 they don't say, well I see you in the morning,
32:11 no they, they are demons of the night
32:13 that's why Paul the Apostle says, we are
32:16 children of the day and not of the night.
32:18 What do you say? Amen. But in this music
32:20 industry they developed everything that you
32:22 can be a child of the night, that's why they
32:24 wake up at night. My father was in
32:26 that industry, industry for more than 60 years,
32:28 when I'm going to bed he's waken up,
32:30 when I waken up, he's going to bed,
32:32 children of the night. Another guy by the
32:36 name of Tupac Shakur you may have heard
32:38 about his name before, pretty notorious
32:40 young man. People that knew him personally
32:42 they said he was a nice young man,
32:43 but he didn't live and espouse those things
32:46 that exalt God. He once again got gunned down,
32:49 gang rivalries, rap artist rivalries.
32:53 What kind of industry would you want to be
32:55 in if the person that you're working for his
32:57 record label is called death row records?
33:02 Doesn't that tell you, you want to run to Jesus.
33:05 Amen. I like to sign you up on death row records.
33:09 Where are you headed? To death row.
33:13 I mean come on now how, how numb can you get?
33:20 But what we don't realize and the reason
33:22 I'm so passionate about this is our children
33:24 are being programmed; our children are being
33:27 programed by the programmers.
33:30 They get past the programming stage,
33:32 they become strong disciples to Satan and then
33:36 we buy their music and they program our children
33:39 through their lyrics, through their fanciful
33:41 dress, through their idol customs.
33:44 You notice, whenever you see them
33:45 oh! Everybody wants to see what hairstyle
33:47 Lady Gaga is gonna have next.
33:50 Well, who cares, but there is some that
33:54 really care, there is some that I want to idolize
33:56 what they dress and how they dressed?
33:58 And you'll notice that when young people
33:59 start dressing a certain way you can almost
34:01 certainly trace it to the people they idolize.
34:05 People that are into the rock music industry
34:07 like the Gothic look, 'cause that's that
34:11 kind of dress. People that are into their
34:13 hip hop industry Lord have mercy;
34:15 they wear those really, really high heels,
34:17 the short, short tight skirts.
34:18 And I'm, as I'm just telling like it is,
34:20 could I tell you like it is? And they, and they
34:23 just don't have the appearances as Paul says,
34:27 like women professing godliness.
34:35 I did a, I did a men's ministries series of
34:39 meetings down in Miami, Florida and the young
34:40 man even the man of the Church complaint
34:42 about that, what are we do pastor,
34:44 what are we do? I say, well now I think
34:45 that should be handled by the ladyship of
34:48 the Church. How you dress outside the Church
34:50 is one thing, but how you come to present
34:52 yourself as you work for the Lord and the Church
34:53 should be some stand as the Church has,
34:56 but I don't want to spend lot of time on that.
34:59 The problem is we're becoming more and
35:02 more of what we are going to become?
35:05 Paul says in Galatians 6, 7: Do not be deceived,
35:10 God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows,
35:14 say the rest with me, that he will also reap.
35:17 You cannot plant the seeds of destruction
35:22 and expect to get the seeds of righteousness.
35:26 You cannot plant rebellion and expect
35:29 to be obedient. Now, if you listen to records
35:32 what people are saying, you know they're
35:35 defying authority every which way,
35:37 they're cursing about their parents,
35:39 telling you how to ignore authority.
35:42 And you listen to that and your mother said,
35:44 clean up your room. You look at your mother say,
35:47 you clean it up. I remember when my wife and I,
35:51 we don't have children when we're raising
35:52 our nieces, every now and then we do a,
35:54 we do an unscheduled, unannounced inspection.
35:58 Amen. What's in that closet, what's under that,
36:00 what's in that book bag? That's right and some
36:02 of you parents act like you wanna be your
36:04 children's friends. God has given you,
36:07 if you're watching God has given you the
36:08 responsibility to raise your child for the
36:13 glory of God, not just because you want them
36:16 to like you. I like, one of our good friends,
36:18 I don't want to tell the name you all know who,
36:20 who, who she is? She said, when the daughter
36:22 got all beside herself she said, let me tell
36:23 you some I am not your friend, I'm your mother.
36:29 And some parents stand back and let them do
36:31 what they want to do because they want to
36:32 be liked so, you know, what if, what if I offend
36:34 them and they leave. Well, they may leave,
36:37 but you're still their mother.
36:41 Oh! I'm so afraid you know what?
36:43 I heard a story my mother-in-law was told
36:44 me this about a mother who did not raise his
36:46 son to be right. And he ended up killing somebody
36:48 and going to jail and his mother was that kind
36:50 of mother didn't want to offend him and,
36:51 and when he was in jail his mother went to see him
36:54 and he called her he said, come closer, come
36:56 I want to tell you, I want to tell you whisper
36:57 something in your ear. Come closer and she got
36:59 closer enough to the jail cell that he grabbed
37:02 her ear and tried to rip it off by biting it off.
37:04 And she said, what on earth is wrong with
37:06 you he said, see that's for not telling me
37:08 what I should have done when I was a young boy,
37:09 that's for not telling you what I said to her
37:11 when I was a young boy. Some of us think that
37:12 young people want this garbage in their Churches
37:14 and in their schools. There are some young people
37:16 I believe that want Jesus in their lives.
37:19 And in our institutions they ought to stand up,
37:22 if you're a pastor or a President of a,
37:24 of a university or college establish standards.
37:27 The Bible says: When the devil, when the enemy
37:29 comes in like a flood, we should lift up a
37:32 standard against him. Amen. Stop apologizing,
37:36 the world ain't not apologizing, why are
37:38 we apologize, we're the children of God.
37:40 When God sent them out to fight against the
37:42 enemy of darkness he didn't say now don't hit
37:44 them too hard. He said, kill them all,
37:46 wipe them out, so that the people of God
37:49 will not be polluted by that garbage.
37:51 And here we are nowadays; well you know
37:53 they pay tuition, so we can't tell them
37:55 what to do? I like Oral Roberts University,
37:57 I don't know where Adventists do,
37:58 but Oral Roberts University they had
37:59 standards there, they said, if you don't dress
38:02 a certain way and get in shape by such and
38:05 such a time you're out of our university,
38:07 we ought to adopt standards like that saying,
38:10 now here are our standards for being
38:12 identified with us, if you're gonna
38:14 graduate from this university you'll be known
38:16 as the person of integrity, amen. Amen.
38:18 Stop apologizing. Because the fact of the matter
38:22 is Paul points out why we should adopt standards?
38:26 Here's what the devil knows Romans 6 and verse
38:28 16 he says: Do you know that when you offer
38:33 yourself to someone to obey him as slaves,
38:36 you are slaves to the one whom you obey,
38:38 and here's the choice, whether you are slaves
38:40 to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience,
38:43 which leads to righteousness?
38:44 There is a system of slavery that people enter
38:47 into and I, I the reason I would said it because
38:49 I look at some of these young ladies
38:50 and young men and they did not start out
38:52 wanted to serve the devil, I don't believe that,
38:55 I don't believe they got and they because they
38:57 wanted to be a slave to Satan. I believe they got
39:00 in there because of the attraction and when
39:01 they got in too deep they did not know
39:03 how to get out? But I want to say, there are
39:05 those who know how to get out? Dr. Yvonne Lewis
39:07 was in there, and she got out came,
39:09 can you say amen? Amen. So, there is a way
39:10 to get out, you can get you, if you want to get
39:13 out I know a lot of people that got out.
39:15 The devil can't keep you, God says, I can save
39:20 you to the uttermost. Amen. I would say,
39:24 and he can save you from the gutter-most
39:25 to the uttermost. Amen. No matter how far
39:28 you're down his arms are long enough?
39:30 But there are those and in this country
39:32 we are possessed with life liberty and the
39:36 pursuit of happiness. Now, we have more people
39:39 that are bored, they want to be happy all
39:41 the time. Well, what they don't know as while
39:45 we're pursuing happiness the devil is pursuing us.
39:48 And this generation is more desensitized,
39:51 they're more morally imbalanced, life out
39:53 of balance, overstimulation,
39:55 we are being swept way by what I call a social
39:59 tsunami call anhedonia, have you heard it
40:02 that before? I just recently learned about it,
40:05 so let me just dazzle you
40:07 with my limited knowledge.
40:10 Anhedonia is the pleasure; it's a disease
40:14 that attacks the pleasure center of our brain.
40:18 Anhedonia simply means the reduced ability
40:21 to experience pleasure, that means basic pleasure.
40:25 The higher levels of stress, the higher the
40:27 levels of stress and excitement the greater
40:30 the demand for satisfaction.
40:32 Think about a drug, the more we get,
40:34 the more we want. The truth is the more we
40:38 get the more we need. Amen. Not that we want it,
40:41 the more we need because a pleasure centers
40:43 demand more to feel the sense of satisfaction.
40:47 When people are thirsty do they drink glass after
40:49 glass after glass after glass because they
40:51 want to, no because they have to, because
40:54 the body demands it and you've got a satisfy
40:57 the urges of the body, the world has so stimulated
41:01 us that we are now locked in on a course
41:03 of trying to satisfy this body that is
41:06 completely been desensitized.
41:08 Look at this graphic for a moment I want to
41:09 break this down very quickly here it is.
41:11 This is something called the Anhedonia process.
41:15 Now, the pleasure center is just painted in yellow.
41:17 And you know it says, low threshold barrier.
41:20 And the barrier there or the, or the things that
41:23 block or inhibit pleasure center it's represented
41:27 by that a little white trying little box,
41:28 you see that? Now, it's a low, it's not blocking,
41:31 so there is a direct line to the pleasure centers.
41:34 Let me, let me describe that comeback to me
41:36 for a brief moment here. When my wife and I
41:38 went to Zimbabwe and also Zambia,
41:42 do you know what children over there
41:44 are thrilled to get a balloon? You try to
41:49 give a kid a balloon over here and tell them
41:50 that's your Christmas present. They'll nail you
41:54 to the outside of the house. Amen. And say,
41:57 died as a result of not giving me Christmas gifts.
42:02 They were excited about, they are rolling,
42:04 if we gave them a little car and to them was
42:07 like a gigantic limousine, you know why?
42:12 Because that country is not capitalistically
42:15 driven and the people there are not insatiably
42:18 and doctrinated and drugged by the
42:20 entertainment that surrounds us 24 hours
42:22 a day, that's why it's good to live in the
42:24 country, amen somebody. Amen. They're still so
42:28 overstimulate look at the next graphic,
42:29 here's the next one. This is now where
42:32 overstimulation starts to raise the barrier to the
42:36 pleasure center due to dopamine flooding.
42:39 Because they're demanding, so it gets
42:41 harder to get to the pleasure center.
42:43 So, what that means is? You demand more,
42:46 in other words, if one cup a coffee
42:48 was good now you need two cups, if one
42:50 song was at volume 5 now you need it at
42:54 volume 8, if you went to one concert, you'll so
42:57 hook now you need to go to 5 more concerts,
42:59 that's why there are people that can party
43:00 all week long because the body like a drug,
43:02 like caffeine or nicotine or anything else
43:05 that is addicted. The body demands more,
43:07 people are hopelessly addicted, they're slaves
43:11 because they've yielded themselves.
43:13 Well, look at this last graphic,
43:14 this is amazing thing. This is the last picture.
43:16 Full blown Anhedonia, only high stimulation
43:22 can now reach the pleasure center,
43:24 that's in the brain. I'm gonna develop this
43:26 even more and I hopefully do a series on this,
43:29 on how this works? You see in America we are
43:33 being thrilled to death that's why kids have
43:41 such a low ability for Godly things, but let me
43:45 even hit you with a bigger bomb that is
43:47 even why Church attendance for basic Bible
43:50 study is so unappealing because it takes
43:57 something greater and more stimulating to get
43:59 your attention. Studying the Bible that takes time
44:03 that means I've got to open the book and slowly
44:07 methodically actually go through this thing,
44:10 where is all the noise, I don't hear any sound,
44:13 I don't hear any drum rolls and no lives and
44:14 no camera, it's not even thrilling that's the point.
44:17 God wants you to think, the devil doesn't want you
44:19 to think, the Church is affected by that,
44:21 that's why many Churches are dying.
44:23 It's hard for people to comeback to Church,
44:25 Sabbath morning and that's it you can't get them
44:27 into building to the rest of the week because
44:29 they are suffering from Anhedonia, they're been
44:32 so thrilled, so stimulated that
44:35 studying the Bible is not attractive.
44:37 He said, well who is given Bible studies
44:39 and they began to base it on who is giving the study
44:41 rather than what's being studied?
44:43 You know, what Jesus gave? But would you say,
44:45 Jesus you know, I mean I really don't want to say
44:47 the Bibles, now I got a show to watch.
44:50 Anhedonia, the Church is suffering from anhedonia.
44:54 Movies now, look at this that's why we expect
44:57 the action on the next sequence of the movie like
45:00 Die Hard 3 it's got to be better than Die Hard 2
45:03 and if Die Hard 4 is worst than Die Hard 3
45:05 we complaint I want my money back.
45:09 Anhedonia, Church is now this is what's happening
45:12 to the Church, that's why I'm glad as the
45:13 Adventist Church is we are deciding to hold the line,
45:17 that's why Churches you go to Churches of the world,
45:20 the music has to be louder and edgier than
45:22 ever before, why? Because that's what the people
45:24 that are in those buildings listen to
45:26 in their spare time. So, you got to have the
45:29 rock band, that's what the Church has to be
45:32 'cause that's what they want? If there's anything
45:34 bought that, are you guys singing hymns still,
45:36 boring hymns, are you serious?
45:41 That's what happening? The Church has been
45:43 sedated so overstimulated, preachers have to out
45:47 wow themselves, they got to preach better than they
45:50 let, preach last weekend, any week that the
45:52 preacher doesn't come and God is fired up,
45:54 oh! He would not good last Sabbath, it's not about
45:56 how fired he up is, is about how true what
45:59 he is saying it? Amen. Stop getting stimulated
46:02 by the deliverer, it's the message. Amen.
46:06 So, we say, oh! He is a good preacher that's,
46:07 that's evidence of anhedonia,
46:10 is his message right? I don't say,
46:13 I like the postman, I say I got my letter,
46:17 I don't just take letters that nice looking postman
46:19 bring, if he gets to my house that's my
46:21 important fact. Stop grading the message
46:25 by the messenger, if it's true you ought to say amen.
46:28 Amen. And we are persistently depended
46:33 on thrills and kicks, got to get the kicks,
46:37 what's the kick, what's the kick?
46:40 Our continual pursuit of high stimulation is
46:43 snuffing out our ability to experience what I call
46:47 genuine pleasures in simple things.
46:51 Look at this text that's why this text is
46:53 so important to me. Isaiah 32 verse 17 it says:
46:57 The work of righteousness will be what friends?
47:00 Peace and the effect of righteousness is what?
47:03 Quietness and assurance forever? Quietness is the
47:08 greatest fear to those who live in pleasure
47:10 palaces like New York City. I go to New York City,
47:12 my sister live in, I think a 20 story building
47:15 about 12,000 people in that building.
47:18 And the moment you get into that foyer,
47:20 you got here in the car or an elevator, you're
47:22 passing by somebody's apartment you hear the
47:24 music going by you got to duck, just in case
47:26 the music blows the doors off. It's hard for
47:29 people that are stimulated like that to come out of
47:33 a place where they've been doped up,
47:35 it's hard for them to come at a Church and just
47:37 actually sit down and listen, 'cause their minds
47:41 have been so, they're like right up here
47:45 and you let them down they crash.
47:46 They have to literally go through a gradual
47:48 process of being detoxified.
47:50 They're like a drug addict.
47:52 And it doesn't take 30 days or 60 days or
47:53 90 days sometimes takes 15 months.
47:56 So, you got to keep on them even when they're
47:57 newly converted you've got to stay on them unless
48:00 they get away because they used to being
48:02 overstimulated especially, if they come from another
48:04 denomination where the music was loud.
48:07 They come here and we got oh! They only got four
48:09 praise things and hardly can really hang in there.
48:11 I've heard the people say that, but brethren it's
48:14 not who is up here. Are you, are you
48:16 singing to the glory of God? Amen. It's not
48:20 what we do up is, what do you do down there?
48:24 Mega Churches have not even helped.
48:26 These 30,000 sea Churches they have to put on
48:28 the show that's why people go.
48:30 So, those people leave Joel Osteen's mega
48:32 Church and come here and he say,
48:34 it's not that exciting, they're not measuring
48:38 by the truth that's why Adventist methods
48:40 are not as effective in America as it is
48:42 outside of America because we're competing
48:45 against all these mega Churches that really are
48:46 just new concert venues, they borrow the
48:49 systems of the world, they borrow the same
48:51 methods the world uses that's why a lot of
48:53 Adventist pastors go to Sunday preachers finding
48:55 out what they do to get people in the building.
48:57 Brethren, if you're not here for the word of God
48:59 then I don't wanna have you here for the wrong
49:00 reason, that's the reason that's, that's
49:02 what's gonna hold you here.
49:03 If I got a sing heavier song next week then I did
49:06 last week just to keep you then you're here
49:08 for the wrong reason. The Loud Praise Bands
49:12 and the Gospel Fests, Rock Concerts are the
49:14 major reason why the stimulation is blocking
49:17 your pleasure center to the point where you
49:19 need more and more and more and more just to
49:22 experience simple pleasure, that's why the
49:25 thrill of victory is quickly becoming
49:27 the what? Agony, agony of defeat, that's why
49:34 prisons have something called they, they call
49:36 solitary confinement, solitary confinement,
49:41 what they call it? Solitary confinement,
49:45 you know why? Because it's quiet. And they know
49:49 that the worst thing to do to a person that is
49:51 always stimulated with noise is to put him
49:55 where he could hear himself,
49:58 it drive him nuts. But what they're
50:00 discovering they take a person from
50:01 Thompsonville and put him in solitary
50:02 confinement we just go to sleep.
50:07 Am I telling you the truth? Amen.
50:08 We like it that way, solitary confinement
50:10 finally I go to sleep. I can't sleep in this
50:13 noisy jail, well my guys sleeping next to me.
50:17 Yep. Am I telling truth? And folk in, and folk in
50:20 big cities think that we are in solitary
50:22 confinement as it is. And God's what He
50:25 said in First Kings 19:12, After the earthquake
50:28 a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire;
50:32 and after the fire a still small voice.
50:35 People can't hear the voice of God.
50:37 And some people keep their music up so that
50:39 they cannot hear the voice of God.
50:42 They keep it loud that's why you got to be
50:43 carefully with those any advices young folk,
50:46 take it out sometimes and read God's word,
50:47 so God can talk you, stop letting the music
50:50 industry condition what you're listening to.
50:52 So, the question we've to ask ourselves is
50:53 how do we break the cycle? I'm gonna wind-up
50:55 how we break the cycle? And you're gonna
50:57 be shock that I'm gonna do this in six minutes.
50:59 Lord have mercy stay with me, well I'm ready
51:01 here we go. Romans 12 verse 1 and 2:
51:03 What do we do to break the cycle, we either
51:05 break the cycle or the cycle breaks us.
51:07 Romans 12 verse 1 and 2 here it is: I beseech you
51:09 therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that
51:12 you present your what? Bodies of living sacrifice,
51:16 holy, acceptable to God, not the music industry,
51:21 which is your reasonable service. And do not be
51:23 conformed to this world, but be transformed
51:25 by the renewing of your mind, start listening to
51:27 the right music, watching the right programming,
51:30 reading the right books, transforming of your
51:32 mind that you maybe able to prove what is that
51:35 good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
51:39 Somebody say amen to that? Amen.
51:40 Romans 13 verse 11 to 14 here's the reason why?
51:43 Here's the reason why? And do this, knowing the
51:46 time, that now it is high time brethren,
51:49 it's high time to awake out of sleep;
51:52 why? For now our salvation is nearer than when we
51:55 first believed. The night is far spent, the day
51:57 is at hand. Therefore make the commitment
52:00 to cast off the works of darkness.
52:04 And to do what? Put on the armor of light.
52:08 Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in
52:11 revelry, look at the whole music industry,
52:13 not in drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust,
52:16 not in strife and envy, but instead of putting on
52:19 loud music, put on the Lord Jesus Christ,
52:21 and make no provision for the flesh,
52:24 to fulfill it's lusts. That's what's happening.
52:27 Aleister Crowley sort up a religion that so
52:30 closely mimics Christianity that we
52:32 have become victims, but listen to what
52:34 Ellen White says Testimonies Volume 5
52:37 page 217, here's what God servant says.
52:41 Let me just say you this be, before I read this,
52:43 just recently on a show called, the sing off
52:45 a young group named committed from one of our
52:48 Adventist Colleges. They won the competition,
52:51 let me just send a message to them.
52:52 Young men, if you want to be committed don't sing
52:54 for Quincy Jones and Ludacris, sing for Jesus.
52:57 Amen. That's what commitment is?
52:59 Listen what Ellen White says, Testimonies Volume 5
53:02 page 217 she says: I am filled with sadness when I
53:06 think of our condition as a people.
53:08 The Lord has not closed heaven to us,
53:10 but our own course of continual backsliding
53:14 has separated us from God. Pride, covetousness,
53:20 and love of the world have lived in the heart
53:23 without fear of banishment and condemnation.
53:26 Can you say have mercy? Amen. Grievous and
53:29 presumptuous sins have dwelt among us.
53:32 And yet the general opinion is that the Church
53:36 is flourishing and that peace and spiritual
53:39 prosperity are in all her borders. The Church has
53:43 turned back from following Christ her Leader
53:45 and is steadily retreating towards Egypt.
53:49 That's what Aleister Crowley planned,
53:51 that's what Satan planned and get this.
53:53 Yet few are alarmed or astonished at their
53:58 want of spiritual power. Amen.
54:03 We see the problems, but for a paycheck we
54:06 just stay quiet. For popularity,
54:08 if you're leading out in these college campuses
54:10 and the universities, don't try to be the
54:12 friends of the students, guide them, lead them,
54:16 show them Jesus, you know why? Because if you don't
54:18 give the trumpet of certain sound, when the
54:21 trumpet does sound you got to give an answer for
54:23 why you did not give the trumpet a certain sound.
54:28 So, how do we break away from it?
54:29 Here's the solution. My final text, what do we do?
54:33 I like it when somebody came to me before the
54:35 program and said what do we do? And I said to her,
54:38 you will looking at my sermon you know what?
54:39 You do friends, you make a choice. What do you do
54:41 friends? You make a choice. Joshua 24:15:
54:45 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
54:47 choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,
54:51 whether the Gods, your fathers served that were
54:54 on the other side of the river, that was Egypt,
54:59 or the Gods of the Amorites, and whose land
55:02 we dwell, or you dwell, but say with me.
55:04 But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
55:11 What do you say? Amen. And so, brethren I got to
55:13 wined this series upon, upon, I got to give Jesus
55:15 all the praise, what do you say? He is got, oh!
55:18 I tell you. If you think the music industry has
55:21 the upper hand on celebration
55:23 you wait till Jesus comes. Amen. You won't have to
55:26 pay, every eye is gonna be invited,
55:28 every eye is going to see Him; I want to see Him
55:30 in peace, what about you? Amen.
55:32 And if you think that the movie industry knows
55:33 about special effects you wait till the heavens
55:35 departs, you wait till the rocks cry out to the
55:38 glory of God, you wait till the earth
55:40 sing for deliverance, if you think they have
55:42 effect you wait, you got to get on this side
55:45 to look forward to that because if you're on the
55:46 wrong side, you're gonna run to the rocks and the
55:49 mountains and say, hide us I wanna be running
55:52 to Jesus, what about you? Amen.
55:53 If you think the music industry has all the
55:55 good things as you wait till all the saints
55:57 of all the ages come forth from their grave,
55:59 the perfect pitch. Amen. And raise their voices
56:03 to the Lamb of God. And by the way,
56:04 He's writing the final song now it's called
56:07 the song of Moses and of the Lamb.
56:09 And I pan on singing that song, what about you?
56:12 Together all the saved of all the ages are gonna
56:15 get together and you talk about a rock concert
56:17 we're gonna be singing to the Rock of Ages.
56:20 Amen. I plan on being in that crowd
56:22 what about you? Amen. So, I want to appeal to
56:25 those watching today, I don't know where
56:27 you're in your walk with God, I don't know
56:28 who you are personally, but I'm telling you this,
56:30 don't allow the world to take you down
56:33 the path of destruction, if you got to give up a
56:35 CD for heaven you haven't lost anything.
56:38 Amen, amen. You got to use your voice to
56:41 glorify God, don't even apologize and don't even
56:44 apologize when you give up the music,
56:47 you're not losing anything you're gaining everything,
56:49 what do you say? If you want to know how you
56:51 can do that you can call 3ABN, I'm gonna give the
56:53 number 618-627-4651, call during the week our
56:58 pastors will let you know, how to do that?
57:00 We're here to lead you to the rock, the right rock
57:03 which is higher than I which is Christ Jesus.
57:06 Well, let's bow our heads and pray,
57:08 Father God in heaven, we thank you that
57:09 Your word is a light, You've given us
57:11 knowledge by which we should be faithful,
57:14 help us not to live for our own will not to
57:17 follow Aleister Crowley, but to follow the
57:19 Lord Jesus Christ. In Your name we pray, amen.
57:24 Amen. Friends, God bless you until we see
57:26 you again, be faithful and one day we will
57:29 sing in that heavenly choir. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17