Anchors of Truth

The Final Countdown

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000031

00:12 Welcome to Anchors of Truth
00:14 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:17 Last Day Events with John Lomacang.
00:23 Hello friends and welcome to the Thompsonville
00:26 smallest city in the world, yet the largest city
00:30 by many measures.
00:31 This is the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:33 And I'd like to personally welcome you to another
00:36 Anchors Of Truth series.
00:38 I'm your host as well as your presenter for the
00:41 next five meetings.
00:42 And we thank you for tuning in; whether it's by satellite,
00:45 by television, by internet, or even if you're
00:48 joining us by radio.
00:49 We believe that God has a plan and God has a blessing
00:53 in store for you.
00:54 And we thank you so much for joining us.
00:57 For the next five meetings, we're going to be covering
00:59 the topic on the last days, the last day events.
01:03 And we are truly living in a very critical time
01:06 in this world's history, and we know that Jesus is soon to come.
01:10 But what's actually happening on the horizon?
01:12 And we do need to be mindful that we are living in the
01:17 closing moments of this earth's history.
01:20 The five topics are going to be; tonight, The Final countdown.
01:25 Ten reasons why I believe that Jesus is soon to come.
01:29 Then tomorrow night at 8:00 pm Central, don't forget, not 7:00,
01:34 but 8:00 pm Central, the topic will be or the title will be,
01:37 The Final Stage.
01:39 What is the platform on which the last day
01:42 is being constructed?
01:44 Friday evening, The Final Coalition.
01:47 The seven systems that will join together to battle the Lord
01:52 and His people in the end times.
01:54 And on Sabbath morning, or Saturday for those of you
01:57 who don't understand what Sabbath is,
01:58 The Final Apostasy.
02:01 What act will bring our world to the point of no return?
02:05 And then Saturday afternoon at 3:00 pm, the final message
02:08 entitled, The Final Act.
02:10 What is the final thing that must happen
02:13 before Jesus returns?
02:15 And so, invite your friends and family to join us.
02:18 If you are in the driving distance area of
02:21 southern Illinois, we invite you to come and join us physically
02:24 to be here for the blessing.
02:25 You know, it's one thing to see food on television,
02:28 but it's something altogether to be where it's being served.
02:31 So we pray that you'll join us.
02:33 But before we go any further, let's ask for the Lord to
02:35 guide and bless in this meeting tonight.
02:38 Let's bow our heads.
02:40 Our gracious Father in heaven, we thank You Father
02:43 for this opportunity.
02:46 It is a moment, Lord, for Your Holy Spirit to work once again.
02:51 And, Father, I submit myself to Your molding, to Your guiding.
02:55 And under Your influence, I pray that tonight those watching
02:59 and listening may understand the urgency of the hour
03:03 in which we exist.
03:04 So take this message on paper, Father, and use it for
03:08 Your glory and Your honor.
03:10 In Jesus' name we pray.
03:11 And all of God's people said, amen.
03:15 Now we always have a Bible verse to begin our topic.
03:20 I'm not going to read the Bible verse yet,
03:22 but I'm going to begin with a very interesting story
03:25 I think is something that every one of us can identify with.
03:28 A number of years ago before my wife and I got married,
03:30 we lived in New York City.
03:32 And New York City is one of the most thrilling places to be
03:36 on New Year's Eve.
03:38 That is, if you are brave enough to go to Time Square.
03:41 And we made up our mind in that bone chilling cold, on this
03:45 December 31st, to make our way to Time Square and to join
03:49 the multiple millions, people from all over the world,
03:52 every race, every language, every nationality,
03:56 packed into 42nd Street, the Time Square area,
03:59 waiting for the final countdown,
04:01 waiting for the ball to come down.
04:04 I'll never forget it.
04:06 When we got down to the final few seconds,
04:09 four, three, two, one, I turned around to kiss my fiancé
04:14 and a short little Spanish man grabbed my wife and
04:17 kissed her before I did.
04:19 I said "my wife," but I meant my fiancé.
04:21 We were not married yet.
04:23 And the only reason he got away is, it was New Year's Eve.
04:28 The only time that he would have gotten away with that
04:31 is New Year's Eve.
04:33 But I learned seven things about the final countdown.
04:37 One, the final countdown eliminates
04:40 all places of neutrality.
04:42 Everyone is there for the same reason.
04:44 Everyone is there for the same event.
04:47 The second thing I learned about the final countdown is,
04:49 it demands our full attention.
04:51 All other things lose their significance and our
04:55 eyes are focused on the thing that's happening at that moment.
04:59 The third thing I've learned about the final countdown is,
05:02 regardless of the language, the nationality
05:05 where the individuals that were gathered there were from,
05:08 everyone was synchronized.
05:09 It was like our heartbeats were in one single pulse.
05:13 Ten, nine, eight...
05:17 All nationalities and every language, they were
05:19 counting down together.
05:21 One pulse, one multitude.
05:24 The fourth thing I learned was, the final countdown focuses
05:28 our eyes and ears in one direction.
05:30 Everyone was looking up at that brightly lit ball
05:34 in Time Square.
05:35 And I can tell you right now before we go any further.
05:38 One day, everybody is going to be looking up
05:40 to that brightly lit ball as Jesus is returning.
05:42 Can you say amen.
05:44 The other thing I learned is, the countdown signals
05:48 the end of one event and the beginning of another.
05:52 It also bring one stupendous event into view.
05:55 And at the countdown, the only thing that's overshadowing
06:00 the thrill of victory is the agony of defeat.
06:05 We are living in the final countdown.
06:08 If you are awake, if you're listening to the news,
06:11 you know that we are living in the final countdown.
06:14 Everyone knows that this is a critical moment
06:17 in our world's history.
06:18 Everyone knows that something great is about to happen.
06:21 Listen to the words of a person who seems like
06:24 this was an editorial written just a few weeks ago,
06:27 or at least in our day.
06:30 From the book, Education, page 179,
06:33 we read these solemn words.
07:20 The word "stupendous" is larger than huge.
07:22 It is a word that means; unimaginable, incalculable.
07:27 You cannot even measure the things that are going to happen
07:30 in the days and months, and if so, the years ahead of us.
07:34 But this passage brings all of the events of our last days
07:39 into clear focus.
07:40 Listen to Matthew, a converted tax collector,
07:44 as he wrote as Jesus penned these words,
07:47 Matthew communicated this message, in Matthew chapter 24
07:50 beginning with verse 32 to verse 35.
07:53 Notice what He said.
08:31 So we can trust the words of Jesus.
08:33 He said He's coming again, and He's coming again.
08:36 And all these signs we see are indicators that the
08:39 coming of our Lord is not too far away.
08:41 We are definitely living in the closing hours
08:44 of earth's history.
08:45 When you look at the words of Jesus, to reiterate
08:48 what He said, He said the generation that sees all
08:51 these things happen collectively is going to be the generation
08:54 that's going to be alive to see Jesus return.
08:57 And friends, if you think about it, all these things are
09:00 happening collectively in this one generation.
09:03 We're seeing everything; one event after the other,
09:06 one event on the heels of the other.
09:09 And people today, even those that don't have any church,
09:12 are wondering what's coming next.
09:15 There's something else I learned about the top ten countdown.
09:18 And that is this, when the final seconds are remaining,
09:23 the entire crowd is fully awake.
09:26 Because everyone knows that the final countdown means
09:29 that the very thing that they have been looking for
09:31 is about to happen.
09:33 Brethren, the reason why the world is awake
09:35 is because they know the end cannot be too far away.
09:38 For Christians, we're excited that Jesus is soon to come.
09:41 Amen.
09:43 Paul the apostle made it very clear.
09:46 When you look at the clock...
09:49 Don't look at the clock.
09:50 But when you look at the clock,
09:54 and your show is about to end, another show is about to begin.
09:58 If you're at the baseball game,
10:01 the clock really doesn't matter.
10:04 But if you're at the football game or the basketball game,
10:07 the clock is critical.
10:09 Paul the apostle says in Romans 13 verse 11
10:12 that we ought to look at the clock.
10:15 He said:
10:30 You know, when I was a young man back in the 1970's...
10:32 By the way, I'm still young.
10:34 I've got a lot of years ahead of me if God is gracious to me.
10:37 But I remember back in the 1970's, there was a show
10:39 on television called, 2001 Space Odyssey.
10:44 You may remember that.
10:45 And in watching that program, I thought to myself, "2001!"
10:51 And I began to calculate and I said, "Now if the world lasts
10:54 until 2000, I mean, surely not to 2001,
10:58 but if it makes it to 2000, I will be..."
11:00 And I began to calculate my age and I thought,
11:02 "That's going to be old.
11:03 I'm not going to make it to 2000.
11:06 The Lord is going to come long before 2000."
11:08 But here we are 11 years into the new millennium,
11:11 and Jesus hasn't come yet.
11:13 But brethren, be sure, "He that shall come
11:16 will come, and will not tarry."
11:18 So allow me tonight to take those ten seconds
11:21 and replace them with ten conditions or ten reasons
11:23 why I believe we're living in the final countdown.
11:27 Reason number one, the increase of knowledge.
11:33 We are living in the day and age where knowledge is increasing
11:36 tremendously around us.
11:38 As a matter of fact, I found something a number of years ago.
11:41 My wife actually found it for me in a magazine.
11:43 I don't remember which one.
11:45 I think it was maybe Ebony magazine.
11:47 And this really caught my attention so much that I
11:50 took it out and I printed it out.
11:51 And this really summarizes how much knowledge has increased.
11:56 If you were born before 1945, consider the changes that have
12:00 taken place in the last 66 years.
12:03 You were born before television, penicillin, polio shots,
12:06 and Xerox machines.
12:08 There were no frozen foods, contact lenses, Frisbees,
12:10 and birth control pills.
12:11 Radar, credit cards, split atoms, laser beams,
12:15 and ball point pens were yet to come,
12:16 along with panty hose, dishwashers, clothes dryers,
12:20 electric blankets, air conditioning,
12:21 and before men walked on the moon.
12:24 In those days, closets were where clothes were kept,
12:27 not something that people came out of.
12:29 Bunnies were rabbits and rabbits were not yet Volkswagens.
12:33 To those living in 1945, fast food was what you
12:36 ate during Lent, and out of space was the back of a
12:39 local movie theatre.
12:40 They lived before house husbands, gay rights,
12:43 computer dating, dual careers, and drive through marriages.
12:45 It was before daycare centers, group therapy,
12:48 and nursing homes.
12:49 Before 1945, they never heard of FM radio, tape decks,
12:53 electric typewriters, artificial hearts,
12:55 word processors, yogurts, and guys wearing earrings.
12:59 For that generation, time sharing meant togetherness,
13:02 not condominiums.
13:03 There were no laptop computers.
13:04 PS3 was the school you attended and Wii was what you said
13:08 when you pushed your child in a swing.
13:11 A Bluetooth was what you got after eating an Italian ice.
13:14 And cell phones were only found on the wall of the local jail.
13:17 A chip was a piece of wood, hardware meant hardware,
13:20 and software wasn't even a word.
13:23 And it was not possible back then for you to
13:25 upgrade your memory.
13:28 In the 1940's, "Made in Japan" meant junk,
13:31 and making out meant how you did on your exam.
13:33 Pizza, McDonalds, Burger King, and instant coffee
13:36 were unheard of.
13:37 Spikes were found in the ground, not created in somebody's head.
13:40 Back then, you could buy things for 5 and 10 cents.
13:43 For one nickel, you could ride a city bus and make a phone call,
13:46 buy a soda, and buy enough stamps to mail two letters
13:49 or two postcards.
13:51 You could buy a Chevy for only $600 back then in the 1940's.
13:56 But then again, who could afford one.
13:58 And it was a pity because gas was only 11 cents a gallon.
14:01 In those days, cigarette smoking was fashionable,
14:05 grass was mowed and not smoked, coke was a cold drink,
14:08 and pot was something you cooked in.
14:10 Rock music was grandma's lullaby, hip hop was a game
14:14 you played and not something you listened to.
14:15 And aids were helpers in the principal's office.
14:18 Back then, there seemed to be a marked difference
14:20 between the sexes; men were men and women were women,
14:23 and they were happy to be that.
14:24 Can you say amen.
14:26 There was no such thing as sex change operations.
14:28 They were satisfied with the way that God created them.
14:31 Back then, people got married and then lived together.
14:34 That was the last generation that was so dumb as to think
14:37 you needed a husband first to have a baby.
14:41 Times have really changed, has it not.
14:44 But is it a surprise?
14:46 Daniel the prophet said:
15:01 Nowadays, I must confess, I am a gadgetarian.
15:05 I like gadgets.
15:07 But when gadgets take the place of God, there's something wrong.
15:12 When gadgets are our number one focus...
15:14 There are people nowadays that can't even
15:16 open a Bible and read it.
15:17 You know why?
15:18 Because gadgetry has caused us to believe that
15:21 everything has to happen in a nano and a millisecond.
15:24 But the Bible requires concentrated study.
15:27 It requires looking at something that's not going to move
15:30 in the next millisecond.
15:32 Gadgets have made a difference in how we even approach
15:36 the study of the Bible.
15:37 But due to rapid advancement in technology, everything is
15:41 taking our attention by storm.
15:43 And we are no longer in the generation where we
15:46 don't understand.
15:47 This is the generation where anything you want to find out,
15:51 the knowledge is available.
15:52 It's on the computer, it's on the internet,
15:54 it's on Wikipedia.
15:55 And the social networks are multiple.
15:58 Everything we want to know is available today.
16:01 That's why Dr. Luke wrote as he did in Acts chapter 17 verse 30.
16:05 He says:
16:15 We cannot say, we do not know.
16:18 We're going to be judged, not just on what we know,
16:20 but what we could have known.
16:22 Because knowledge truly has increased.
16:24 That's reason number one.
16:26 But now look at reason number two.
16:31 Everybody is afraid for something.
16:34 People that are working are fearful that they
16:36 may lose their jobs.
16:38 People with mortgages are fearful that the
16:40 prices will go up.
16:41 People are fearful of what's going to happen to
16:44 their children, their income, their future, their savings.
16:48 People are fearful of leaving their jobs, leaving their homes.
16:53 But this is no surprise to the Lord.
16:55 He said this would be the atmosphere of the last days.
16:58 Notice what He says in Luke chapter 21 verses 25 and 26.
17:03 He says:
17:11 Is that the condition of our world, yes or no?
17:13 The nations are in perplex.
17:15 Look at the Middle East, for example.
17:17 What's going to be the next war in the Middle East?
17:20 He says:
17:29 I mean, listen to the list.
17:30 Economic instability, real estate decline,
17:33 currency decline, political uncertainty,
17:37 global recession, terrorism threat,
17:39 international unrest, natural resource declining,
17:44 global warming, and then social insecurity.
17:47 That's why the Lord said in Isaiah 45 verse 22,
17:51 He says to this generation:
17:59 This is the generation that needs to remember
18:02 that there is a way out.
18:03 There is a God who wants to deliver us.
18:06 And there's a God who wants to get us ready,
18:08 not to live down here permanently,
18:11 but to get out of here.
18:12 Can you say amen.
18:13 But look at reason number three.
18:15 Reason number three:
18:20 Peter writes these words in 2 Peter chapter 3
18:24 verses 3 and 4.
18:25 He says this:
18:49 Now you know, sometimes it's easy to say that Jesus
18:52 is not going to come.
18:54 I remember when Pastor George Vandeman, many years ago,
18:57 would say, "Jesus is soon to come."
18:59 When H.M.S. Richards said, "Jesus is soon to come."
19:02 And then H.M.S. Richards Jr. said, "Jesus is soon to come."
19:06 And then the evangelists that I grew up with were preaching,
19:08 "Jesus is soon to come."
19:10 I tell you what, even though it may appear as though
19:13 He is not coming, somebody is going to be right.
19:17 Because Noah said that for 120 years before the flood came.
19:21 One of these generations is going to be the generation
19:24 that Jesus is going to come.
19:25 Somebody is going to be young when Jesus comes.
19:28 Somebody is going to be edging to retirement when Jesus comes.
19:31 Somebody is going to just be born when Jesus comes.
19:36 So, I'm not trying to figure out when He's going to come.
19:39 I just want to be ready whenever that's going to be.
19:43 But Timothy says, in the last days people are
19:45 going to reject the truth.
19:46 Listen to his words in 2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 3 and 4.
19:50 These are the days that people don't want to hear the truth.
19:53 Listen to his words.
19:54 And I took this from the New International Version.
19:56 I want to change the flare so you can hear it a new way.
20:00 He says:
20:27 People don't want to hear the truth any more.
20:28 As a matter of fact, when you tell people the truth,
20:33 they look at you sometimes as though you're doing
20:36 something wrong, or they look at you as though this is some
20:39 suspicion or some demonic moment.
20:43 It is as though Satan has grabbed the minds of
20:46 even Christians.
20:48 When you say, "I know what you believe, but what does the
20:50 Bible say," some Christians say, "Well, that's okay.
20:52 I'll see you later, I'll talk to you later."
20:53 They don't even want to hear what the Bible has to say.
20:55 This is the day and age when not just the world is
20:57 rejecting truth, but even Christian leaders are
20:59 rejecting the truth.
21:01 Paul said it would come, Timothy wrote it down.
21:04 And we're living in the day and age where truth
21:06 is being rejected.
21:07 But there's a danger there because when you reject the
21:10 truth, don't forget, Jesus says, "I am the way,
21:13 the truth, and the life."
21:14 When we reject the truth, Jesus is also being rejected.
21:19 He also says those who will not be allowed in heaven
21:23 are those who practice and teach a lie.
21:25 Listen to these words.
21:26 And I found this very interesting that this is in
21:29 the last book of the Bible, almost the last verse.
21:33 Revelation chapter 22 and verse 15, notice what he says.
21:36 He classifies the group who will not be in the kingdom of God.
21:39 He said, and this is outside of the New Jerusalem:
21:57 Nowadays, for many reasons, people tell lies.
22:02 Ministers tell lies, leaders tell lies.
22:07 This is the generation where people say
22:09 under any circumstances.
22:11 There was a survey done on a college campus,
22:13 a university campus, and one of the questions asked;
22:16 Is there ever a situation that a lie is acceptable?
22:23 And 85% of the people that responded said, yea there are
22:26 situations where a lie is acceptable.
22:29 They put it under the category of situational ethics.
22:33 In other words, "If telling the truth is going to get me
22:35 in trouble, I'd better tell a lie."
22:37 But the problem with that is, people are caught because
22:40 you can never remember what the lie is.
22:43 That's why they have lie detectors now days.
22:46 When you tell one lie, what happens?
22:47 You've got to tell another lie and another lie
22:49 and another lie.
22:51 And the one lie that seemed acceptable is now a whole
22:54 mountain of lies.
22:56 There's never a time that telling a lie is acceptable,
22:59 especially when you're called to preach the word of God.
23:02 What do you say?
23:04 But on the other hand, Isaiah the prophet describes those
23:06 who will be allowed in heaven.
23:08 Notice what he says in Isaiah 26 and verse 2.
23:11 And by the way, this is the group that every one of us has
23:14 the opportunity of being in.
23:16 Notice what the Lord says.
23:27 No one practicing or teaching a lie is going to make it
23:30 into the New Jerusalem.
23:33 But those who love and those who accept and those who teach
23:37 you the truth will be entering in.
23:40 I've discovered nowadays that if you want to take drugs
23:42 and have sex and get drunk, people embrace you.
23:47 But if you want to lose your friends, accept the truth.
23:51 One person once said, "Now what do I do with my friends
23:54 if I join the church?"
23:55 I like what Pastor C.D. Brooks said,
23:57 "You don't have to get rid of them.
23:58 They'll get rid of you."
24:03 If you're drinking and smoking and carousing and
24:06 living a loose life, people are not even concerned.
24:10 But the moment you say, "You know, I want to follow the Lord.
24:13 I'm going to live for the truth."
24:14 All of a sudden, even some Christians...
24:15 I remember a lady once, attending one of our churches.
24:17 She couldn't get her husband to go to church no matter what.
24:20 So she forced him to come to a Revelation seminar.
24:23 But under the influence of the Spirit of God, that man sat
24:25 there and was converted, accepted Jesus.
24:27 And now, he was the one getting up and
24:29 taking his wife to church.
24:30 And she got concerned.
24:33 He made up his mind to be baptized and she said,
24:36 "Well, why are you being baptized?"
24:38 He said, "Because I accepted the truth and I accepted Jesus."
24:40 And now she was the one that was hesitating.
24:43 And when the time came to give her life to the Lord through
24:45 baptism, she was the one that kept hesitating.
24:47 But he said to his wife, "I'm giving you one week.
24:49 I'm going to put my baptism off for just one week.
24:51 If you're not ready next Sabbath, I'm getting baptized
24:53 whether you are ready or not."
24:55 Can you say amen.
24:56 Well, you know what?
24:58 The good news is, he didn't get baptized without her.
25:00 Pastor Jim, I prayed for that lady.
25:02 I called her on the phone and I said, "You know, what's the
25:04 reason why you are hesitating?"
25:06 And she said, "I've been in the church all my life
25:08 and you're making a big deal about the Sabbath.
25:10 I don't think the Sabbath is a big issue."
25:14 I said, "I'm not making it a big issue.
25:15 I want you, tonight, to pray and ask the Lord."
25:17 I said, "I know you love the Lord.
25:20 But if the commandments of God are a problem with you,
25:22 say, 'Lord, I love You but teach me to love You that much.'"
25:26 And after I got off the phone, I made out her
25:28 baptismal certificate.
25:30 And my wife said, "What are you doing?"
25:31 I said, "I'm making out her baptismal certificate."
25:34 She said, "Has she said yes?"
25:35 I said, "No, she hasn't said yes, but I claimed her
25:37 because I know she loves the Lord."
25:38 Amen?
25:39 The next day at Sabbath school when he brought his bag with all
25:43 of his baptismal stuff in it and he was getting ready to be
25:45 baptized, she said, "Pastor, I have something to tell you.
25:48 I'm getting baptized too."
25:49 And I pulled out her baptismal certificate and I said,
25:51 "I knew you would."
25:54 When you love the Lord, you also love the truth.
25:57 What do you say?
25:58 But this is the day and age where we have to question
26:00 whether or not a person who says they love the Lord really do.
26:03 Because if you really love the Lord, the word of God
26:05 would not offend you.
26:06 But this is the day and age when men do not
26:08 endure sound doctrine.
26:11 What about the fourth reason.
26:13 Moral and spiritual decline.
26:20 It is estimated that less than 20% of Americans
26:24 even claim to be connected to any religious denomination.
26:29 I'm not going to jump ahead of myself, because my third
26:32 presentation is going to really shock you when you
26:33 look at what's actually happening in America.
26:36 And what happens in America influences the
26:37 rest of the world.
26:39 But the very atmosphere that use to be very spiritual,
26:41 you may notice that everything that was allowed in America
26:44 is now being pushed out as it relates to God.
26:47 And there is a moral and a spiritual decline.
26:50 As one person said, as a matter of fact, Jeremiah
26:52 the prophet says, "You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind."
26:55 If you open the window, something is going to blow in.
26:59 If you shake your feather pillow outside and the wind blows up,
27:02 you cannot go out and catch all those feathers again.
27:05 So the feathers of commitment are blowing in the wind
27:08 and it's too late to gather them all back.
27:09 Moral and spiritual decline.
27:12 Listen to the words of 2 Timothy again.
27:14 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verses 1 through 5.
27:16 And I summarized some of this.
27:46 The King James version says, "denying the power thereof."
27:48 It's locked in my head.
27:51 In other words, it's saying, they may say their religious,
27:53 but something missing is the Holy Spirit.
27:56 It is a religion on the outside, but there are no batteries
27:58 on the inside.
27:59 It's fitting into their lifestyle.
28:01 A lot of people join churches that fit what they want
28:03 to do rather than allowing themselves to follow the
28:06 word of God and lead them where they ought to be.
28:10 Moral and spiritual decline.
28:13 Nowadays when you look at the news, people choose suicide.
28:17 There was this...
28:18 I forgot what they called it.
28:19 There are so many reality shows on television now.
28:22 I was looking at the news and there was a man that was
28:23 a part of one of these reality shows.
28:25 I think the Desperate Housewives or Housewives of Hollywood
28:28 or Housewives of California.
28:30 One of these Housewives of somewhere.
28:32 As if we care.
28:35 And all these reality shows.
28:36 Bad Girls this and Bad Girls that.
28:39 I mean, all these unreality reality shows.
28:44 He was so fed up with the whole thing, he chose suicide
28:47 instead of trying Jesus.
28:49 Moral and spiritual decline.
28:51 The percentages of divorce and people cohabitating
28:55 is at an all time high.
28:57 I looked at the Census Bureau and I began to look.
29:00 And you follow statistics from one year to the next,
29:03 people are not getting married anymore.
29:05 They're following the actors and actresses and they're
29:07 just living together.
29:08 That's why moral decline is coming.
29:11 That's why spiritual decline.
29:12 Even Christians are living together.
29:15 In some countries it's fashionable;
29:17 in countries in the northern part of Europe.
29:20 They're saying it's a crisis even in the Adventist church
29:23 where it's customary in that society to live together
29:25 before they get married.
29:27 And people are living together and holding offices in church.
29:31 Moral and spiritual decline.
29:34 There's an increase in sexual immorality.
29:36 There's a show nowadays called, Modern Family,
29:39 pushing the gay and lesbian agenda.
29:41 Immorality, bisexuality, gay, lesbianism.
29:45 And in some communities, something called "down low".
29:47 Men that are married that are involved in other men sexually
29:51 and they are saying they are not bisexual.
29:56 ABC News just did a program a few days ago,
29:59 as a matter of fact last week, called,
30:00 Boys That Want To Be Girls.
30:02 They call them, Princess Boys.
30:05 And parents are supporting it.
30:06 But is this new?
30:07 It's not new, it's a repeat.
30:09 Listen to what Luke says in Luke chapter 17
30:11 verse 28 to verse 30.
30:13 He says:
30:39 It's just like it was in Lot's day.
30:40 As a matter of fact, you know, we live down here in
30:44 Thompsonville and we think, you know, there rest of the world
30:46 is just as peaceful as us.
30:47 No, no.
30:49 Every now and then, we go to New York City or go down
30:51 to Florida or go to California.
30:53 And we are reminded of the sad state of affairs.
30:57 And nowadays, if you stand up and make a moral statement,
31:00 you're plotted as a person who wants to stop folk
31:02 from having fun.
31:05 Moral and spiritual decline.
31:07 But look at reason number five.
31:13 Back to 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 4.
31:27 And by the way, tonight I'm simply summarizing
31:29 the categories.
31:30 Once you mention "craves or thirsts for pleasure,"
31:33 do you need many references?
31:34 You really don't.
31:36 There are some individuals that can't leave the house because
31:38 they have so many remote controls and so many devices.
31:41 I once said to a man... I went to visit him.
31:43 And every time I went to visit him, he would get up off
31:45 the couch just to answer the door, but when I went into his
31:48 living room, there was a big ole hole in the couch where he sat.
31:52 And he couldn't come to church no matter.
31:54 I couldn't get him to go to church.
31:55 But he had remotes and he had them lines up neatly.
31:58 And they were all covered with Saran Wrap.
32:01 And I said, "Why are you covering them?"
32:02 He said, "I don't want my remotes to get dirty."
32:05 But he had them all lined up, five remotes.
32:07 And I thought, if he presses any combination in the
32:09 wrong direction..., nuclear war.
32:12 But there are people that are thirty for pleasure.
32:15 600 cable channels, and some people get the top package.
32:18 Can you imagine $200 a month just to watch television?
32:22 Cable, satellite, on demand movies.
32:26 And nowadays, video stores are going out of business.
32:29 Because you can type anything you want on the computer and
32:32 watch any movie, whether it's been past or it's coming up.
32:35 And you know, some of the technology is good;
32:37 as it relates to 3ABN.
32:39 What do you say?
32:41 However, if it takes the place of God,
32:46 it is not good.
32:48 Most electronic devices nowadays, even those
32:50 PlayStation systems, you ever see kids in the doctor's office?
32:57 You can't even have a conversation with your
32:59 child nowadays, because it's either the PS3 or the next
33:04 gaming device or whatever it is or texting.
33:08 It's like...
33:10 I went to the Verizon store and I said to the guy,
33:12 now do we have unlimited texting?
33:13 That's when we added my niece in New York on our phone plan.
33:17 We've since then made her buy her own phone.
33:19 Amen somebody.
33:20 Because we were tired of those phone bills.
33:22 She would always exceed the texting rate.
33:24 And I said, "She made 7000 texts this month."
33:28 He said, "That's nothing. My daughter did 55,000."
33:31 And I thought, "What is a text, by the way?"
33:34 And he said, "If they just send back the letter 'a',
33:36 that's a text.
33:37 They sometimes say, 'yes,' that's a text."
33:41 He said, "Every digit that they send out, every time they go;
33:43 yes, no, uh-huh, what, yeah,?,
33:46 that's a text."
33:47 I said, "55,000?"
33:48 And doctors, listen, the physicians nowadays...
33:50 Time magazine did an article on children who are
33:53 getting, what's that, carpel tunnel syndrome.
33:58 Nowadays, you go to some houses and if you see the kids,
34:02 you're lucky.
34:04 Because they are sequestered off stage in a
34:06 sound proof electronic room.
34:09 But then on the other side of that, compare church attendance
34:13 to sporting events.
34:15 Compare church attendance to people at concerts.
34:18 People go to concerts and run to the front row,
34:20 go to church and run to the back row.
34:22 You can sell tickets for $200 and somebody is going to
34:25 be at that concert.
34:26 You can't even give away seats for free in churches nowadays.
34:31 Wait until the two sermons after this, you'll see
34:33 it's amazing what's actually happening in America
34:36 and what's happening in the churches.
34:38 According to, it's an Agape Press,
34:42 an Episcopal church researcher said that less than 20% of
34:45 Americans even attend church on Sunday.
34:48 He forgot to interview those who go on Saturday.
34:50 But the bottom line is, church attendance is
34:53 decreasing in America.
34:54 And here's the reason why.
34:56 1 John 2 verses 15 and 16 makes it very clear.
34:59 Reason number five, he says:
35:18 The world is really killing the church.
35:21 It should be the other way around;
35:23 the world being attracted by the church,
35:25 not the church being attracted by the world.
35:27 Reason number six:
35:32 Luke 21 and verse 9, listen to what the Bible says.
35:49 I said, well I wonder how many people died in wars
35:52 just in the 19th and 20th centuries.
35:55 And when I saw the 19th century, I said, well let me just narrow
35:58 it down to the 20th century.
36:00 Do you know that in wars, more than 160 million people
36:05 have been killed in wars.
36:06 Not in the 19th and 18th centuries,
36:09 but in the 20th century.
36:10 It is listed as the bloodiest century on record.
36:16 160 million people.
36:19 Brethren, the bottom line is, there won't be peace on earth
36:21 until Jesus does away with the sin problem.
36:23 Can you say amen to that?
36:24 Let's go to reason number seven.
36:26 And this is amazing.
36:28 Reason number seven.
36:36 Back to 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 13.
36:53 If you look at the crimes nowadays, they are in the
36:55 category of senseless crimes.
36:58 Senseless crimes.
37:00 You know, if a person steals food, maybe they're hungry.
37:04 There was a guy that I knew in Brooklyn, New York.
37:06 Around Thanksgiving, he'd take a beer bottle and
37:09 break a store window so he could get arrested and have a
37:12 meal for Thanksgiving.
37:17 You could always guarantee he would do it again
37:19 just before Christmas.
37:20 He lived on the streets.
37:22 And after a while the police got use to him and they would say,
37:24 "Come on, Jerry."
37:26 Because they knew that he did that because he
37:28 wanted a place to stay.
37:30 But nowadays, crimes are senseless.
37:31 People are killed and disposed of like trash.
37:38 And some of these shows on television...
37:39 There's a channel that just talks about all
37:41 these murder mysteries.
37:42 I don't watch that all the time.
37:44 Every now and then, I get stuck on one of them
37:45 when I'm panning through.
37:47 But you know what, there are some people that are fearful
37:49 of even answering the door nowadays because they spend
37:50 all their time in murder mysteries.
37:53 The slightest sound in the house...
37:54 Somebody is in the house, they think.
37:57 We have people that visit us from New York City.
37:59 And when they go outside to go to their car,
38:01 they'll say, "Turn the light on."
38:03 Because it's dark out here in Thompsonville.
38:06 And I said, "There's nothing out there but raccoons
38:08 and maybe some deer."
38:09 They said, "No, no. Turn the light on."
38:10 You know what I asked them?
38:11 "Do you watch a whole lot of murder mysteries
38:13 and killing shows?"
38:14 "Yeah."
38:16 And you know what the problem is?
38:17 Their minds have become their own worst enemy.
38:19 It's what's up here and not necessarily what's out there.
38:22 But nowadays, we live in a world of senseless crimes.
38:25 Women are victimized by abuse and murder.
38:28 And sometimes not just by strangers, but by their spouses
38:31 and their husbands.
38:33 Children are being abducted, abused, molested,
38:36 and murdered every day.
38:38 Have you gone to Wal-Mart lately?
38:39 We say Wal-Mart down here.
38:40 That's the biggest store we have.
38:42 But you walk into Wal-Mart, just look to the right.
38:44 All these missing children;
38:46 "Have you seen this child lately?"
38:48 So many that they can't put them on the milk cartons anymore.
38:52 But our society is so numbed by that,
38:55 so inoculated by that, we don't even pay attention.
38:58 We look at the child and go ahead and buy our groceries.
39:01 That's the age in which we live.
39:03 It doesn't even hit us where it use to.
39:06 And by the way, I read an article where it says,
39:08 "Serial killing is the crime of the 20th century."
39:17 It didn't exist in other generations.
39:20 But notice what the Bible says, another indication we're
39:22 living just before Jesus comes.
39:24 Genesis chapter 6 and verse 13.
39:26 Listen to the words.
39:44 The conditions that led to the destruction of the
39:47 pre-flood world is preparing our world for the final destruction.
39:51 Just as it was in Noah's day, thoughts were only
39:54 evil continually.
39:56 It's getting to that place.
39:57 Lord, have mercy.
40:00 Reason number eight, tonight.
40:07 My wife and I just returned from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands
40:10 and we went down there for vacation.
40:12 We often get a tremendous tan.
40:14 Some of you may think I'm tanned already.
40:16 But we often look forward to getting a tan.
40:19 I often look forward to getting into the nice warm waters.
40:21 But this time, we went to the water only once
40:24 because of hurricane Irene.
40:26 It came through St. Thomas as a tropical storm.
40:29 But if you notice something, that they're saying,
40:31 the meteorologists and the news casters are saying
40:34 that they believe that very soon they're going to have to up
40:37 the Fujita scale because even tornadoes are growing
40:42 in their intensity.
40:43 It went up to a level five.
40:44 Even hurricanes are category five.
40:47 They're saying it's becoming so intense and so prevalent
40:50 and so wide and so destructive that they may have to
40:53 increase it to a category six.
40:55 The intensity of natural disasters.
40:58 What's the reason why?
40:59 Paul the apostle tells us in Romans 8 and verse 22.
41:02 He says:
41:12 Even the earth is crying for delivery.
41:15 Even the earth knows that what's taking place here is
41:19 not what God intended.
41:21 Killer tornadoes increasing in number and frequency.
41:24 Spring 2011 was recorded as the second deadliest tornado season
41:29 in the United States history.
41:31 Earthquakes; 9.1 in Japan.
41:34 Even the east coast just recently had an
41:37 earthquake in Virginia.
41:38 And we had one last year here in Thompsonville.
41:42 My sister's daughter, my niece, was on the 13th floor
41:45 there in Brooklyn, New York just a couple of weeks ago when
41:48 the building began to shake.
41:50 Now you know what, New York is not a place that can
41:52 handle an earthquake.
41:53 They are more prepared for terrorism than they
41:55 are for an earthquake.
41:57 But in her fearful moment, she thought that she was just
42:01 getting tired or sleepy or hungry.
42:04 But all of a sudden, she noticed that it was not just her
42:06 that was swaying, but the window was swaying
42:07 and the mirror was swaying and her dresser was swaying.
42:10 And she grabbed her daughter and found an emergency exit...
42:14 elevator.
42:17 That's the last thing you want to do in an earthquake
42:19 is get in an elevator, but that's what New Yorkers do.
42:22 Press the button on the 13th floor, "Let's get out of here."
42:25 But brethren, something is occurring
42:27 when we see earthquakes.
42:28 The Bible says there will be earthquakes in places
42:31 that there were not earthquakes before;
42:33 in diverse or various places.
42:36 But that's not the only thing.
42:37 Matthew 24 verse 7 says:
42:47 Add to that the lack of rain in Kenya resulting in famine.
42:50 They say every day 1500 people show up in a camp
42:54 trying to deal with famine.
42:56 Over 14,000 people dealing with famine.
43:00 Some places it's raining too much.
43:02 Other places it's not raining at all.
43:03 And Texas just recently dealing with fires there.
43:06 And in California; fires.
43:07 Why? Too much rain in some places, no rain in other places.
43:11 And I believe that this year, Texas broke the record again
43:14 for the number of 100 degree days in a row.
43:17 I think it was forty-two 100 degree days in a row.
43:21 Nature itself is asking for deliverance.
43:24 But look at reason number nine.
43:26 Reason number nine.
43:28 This one, I believe, strikes nearer to our hearts.
43:30 Reason number nine.
43:39 James chapter 5 verse 4 says the following.
43:58 What that in essence is saying is, people are not getting paid
44:00 for the work that they're doing nowadays.
44:03 People are working for next to nothing.
44:04 They're laboring but they're not getting the remuneration
44:07 that they deserve.
44:10 And just recently, the United States experienced something
44:13 that many of its citizens already know.
44:16 They got their credit rating lowered from AAA to AA.
44:22 I don't know about you, but I'll be happy to get a single A.
44:26 A amen.
44:29 No longer has an AAA credit rating.
44:31 I don't even know how we had an AAA credit rating
44:34 with a 14 trillion dollar deficit.
44:37 If you were in debt by 14 trillion dollars,
44:39 would your credit rating be an AA?
44:42 It wouldn't even be an A, it'd be an F; triple F.
44:46 Can even pay your bills and you are crying about an AA rating.
44:49 15 million Americans unemployed.
44:52 44 million Americans receive food stamps.
44:58 80 million Americans receive checks from the US government.
45:03 In 2010, one million homes were repossessed.
45:06 They say that according to the records, for 2011
45:09 they're on track for 1.2 million more being repossessed,
45:12 according to CNN.
45:14 And then they're saying we're facing a double dip recession.
45:17 What that means is, the recession was followed by
45:21 short lived recovery back down to a recession.
45:25 We are living in critical times.
45:29 Now, let's go down to reason number ten.
45:36 You know, I see these are the days when we have to really
45:40 look to God for our assurance.
45:41 What do you say?
45:43 These are not the days where we rely on our 401k
45:46 or our 403b or our retirement plan.
45:50 These are the days for scriptures like
45:52 Philippians 4 and verse 19.
45:53 I want you to read this with me.
45:54 This is one I believe that we need to read more often.
45:57 We need to trust in this one more.
45:59 Paul the apostle says, Philippians 4 verse 19:
46:14 Jesus has a quadruple A credit rating.
46:19 There is no shortage of money and food in the kingdom of God.
46:23 There will never be a shortage.
46:25 He says, "If you are faithful, I will provide for you.
46:28 I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a
46:29 blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it."
46:33 So the one that we trust in these last days
46:35 is the Lord Jesus Christ.
46:36 He's going to keep us.
46:37 We are going to make it by trusting in Him.
46:40 But reason number ten.
46:42 Reason number ten, tonight.
46:51 I did an entire series on the occult industry.
46:54 Rise in spiritism.
46:56 Just to mention that, I'll have another five part series
47:00 hopefully in the future about the occult
47:02 and the entertainment industry.
47:04 But there's so much to say on that one,
47:05 I had to narrow it down.
47:06 I had to say to myself, don't make this another occult series
47:10 on just this one point.
47:11 But there is a rise in spiritism.
47:14 But this is not a surprise.
47:15 The Lord said this would happen in the last days.
47:18 1 Timothy chapter 4 and verse 1 reads as follows.
47:25 Do you know what that means when he says, "expressly says?"
47:27 That means, He specifically points out.
47:41 Notice "doctrines".
47:43 Doctrines means something that's suppose to come from God's word.
47:47 Demons are now substituting the doctrines of God's word
47:50 with doctrines of demons.
47:52 That's why people are leaving the faith.
47:54 Because what they are not finding in God's word is
47:57 more pleasing for them than what is being found in God's word.
48:02 The series I did was how the world is being affected.
48:04 But this is about how the church is being affected.
48:07 People are departing from the faith giving heed
48:09 to seducing spirits.
48:10 There is a fascination with the occult world
48:13 that is permeating everything.
48:14 Harry Potter series has created an entire culture
48:18 built on witches and magic.
48:21 But look at the emphasis on vampires, casting spells,
48:24 and even the afterlife.
48:29 But if that's not bad enough, world leaders
48:35 are joining the march.
48:37 I remember a number of years ago, I don't remember which
48:40 president it was, but I remember one of our presidents,
48:42 his wife would talk to Eleanor Roosevelt every day.
48:46 Don't tell me his name.
48:47 I don't want to embarrass anybody.
48:48 I don't want anyone to think I'm against one party or the other.
48:51 But brethren, it was not just bad that she spoke to
48:55 Eleanor Roosevelt every day who already was dead.
48:58 But she was giving advice to her husband who was the president
49:01 based on what Eleanor Roosevelt said.
49:07 And they have these shows nowadays; Psychic Detectives.
49:11 When they can't solve a crime, they go get a psychic detective.
49:15 You know what a psychic detective is?
49:17 They take them to the spot and the guy stands there
49:19 or the woman stands there and they start humming and
49:21 extending their hands and feeling, "I'm sensing
49:23 there's a spirit here."
49:25 Like a dog would sniff, they are spirit sniffers.
49:31 And as ridiculous as that sounds, that's what our
49:34 law enforcement is looking at as a viable
49:37 solution to solving crimes.
49:39 Sad, but it shows you how far spiritism has permeated.
49:43 Then you have courses you can take in universities
49:46 called parapsychology and metaphysics.
49:49 They give an esoteric name to it to make it sound really good.
49:52 But what it in fact is, is just spiritualism
49:54 in an educational setting.
49:58 And for those of us that don't think that we are really
50:00 dealing with spiritualism, look at the shows nowadays.
50:03 I'm going to categorize that in an upcoming event,
50:06 in an upcoming series, one of the messages
50:08 in a few nights to come.
50:10 There is more spiritism in places that it should not be.
50:15 And I hate to say this; even in Christian churches.
50:17 When people are more concerned about how they feel
50:20 than how they walk, it's spiritism.
50:23 When people say, "That sermon made me feel good,"
50:26 and, "I don't feel good," they base it on feelings.
50:30 Feelings change with the weather,
50:32 they change with temperatures.
50:33 We ought to base our lives, not on what feels good,
50:36 but what the word of God says.
50:38 By the way, when you think that, it didn't feel good
50:40 to go to the cross.
50:41 It didn't feel good to get nailed to the cross.
50:43 It didn't feel good to die, but Jesus did that
50:45 because He was obedient unto death,
50:48 even the death of the cross.
50:50 But the question is, what's behind all this?
50:52 Listen to Revelation chapter 16 and verse 14.
50:56 The Lord makes it clear the atmosphere in which we live.
51:04 In the church and out of many churches.
51:15 You put up a sign and say, "Miracle Service,"
51:17 people come out in the droves.
51:19 They couldn't even get enough buses in the parking lot.
51:22 But you put up a sign that says,
51:23 "The truth is going to be taught tonight,"
51:25 "No, I don't want to hear the truth."
51:28 And the word of God is pushed to the side and people
51:30 want a pill to fix everything.
51:31 I remember going to one of those miracle services
51:34 just to be inquisitive.
51:36 Because it was not too far from where I lived
51:38 in Orlando, Florida.
51:39 I went to one of the ones when Benny Hinn was
51:41 still pastoring one of his churches down in Florida
51:43 on Forest Lake Road.
51:45 I remember going there.
51:46 My wife and I and her cousin went just to see
51:49 what these services were all about.
51:50 We didn't go to get anything healed, amen.
51:52 Just to make the record clear.
51:54 But you know, you go to those services and you
51:56 start questioning yourself as to whether or not
51:58 you need to ask for a healing.
52:01 But I didn't go for that reason.
52:02 I went to see what these were all about.
52:04 And I noticed that in the back of this church, there were
52:07 people in wheelchairs, people on respirators,
52:09 people whose bodies were contorted,
52:11 people who had obvious deformities.
52:14 And not a one of them were ever called forward
52:18 to have their bodies straightened out,
52:20 or their wheelchairs vacated, or their sight restored.
52:26 But the people that were there were gathered there
52:27 and they were being deceived by clever words,
52:29 words to make you feel good.
52:31 And so one of the people came out of the audience
52:33 and the preacher, called a "prophet"...
52:37 Even that nowadays, there are a lot of "prophets"
52:39 and "prophetesses" that are selling prophet programs.
52:43 Prophet really with a dollar bill.
52:45 Not prophet but profit.
52:48 That's really what they are.
52:49 Profits.
52:51 Anyhow, he invited somebody to come forward.
52:54 And he leaned over and held the person's ear and he said,
52:57 "You have a problem with your ear, but the Lord told me to
52:59 tell you He gave me a prophecy that your ear is going to be
53:02 healed and you're going to be able to hear what
53:03 God says to you in the future."
53:05 And I'm thinking, what about these folk in the back that
53:07 can't even move?
53:08 And when the service was over, all those people that
53:10 couldn't even hardly walk, couldn't even function,
53:14 they all went back home the same way they came.
53:16 And the preacher went home a whole lot richer.
53:19 That's what Christianity wants nowadays;
53:21 a fix, a pill, rather than the real presence
53:24 of the real Holy Spirit.
53:26 Where is it all headed?
53:28 Listen to what Ellen White says as we begin to close.
53:30 In the book, Testimonies, Volume 9, page 11 paragraph 2,
53:36 a powerful quotation, she says:
53:47 They're getting it all together,
53:48 they're working out all the plans.
54:09 Just when you think it hasn't arrived,
54:13 it's going to happen so fast.
54:15 Just when you think we have a whole lot more time,
54:17 the dominoes are going to begin to crumble
54:19 too quickly for people to read their Bibles,
54:21 too quickly to run to the churches because
54:23 the doors will be closed, too quickly to find peace.
54:25 The best time to find peace is when peace is available.
54:28 The best time to come to the Lord is when the opportunities
54:31 present themselves.
54:32 Don't wait.
54:33 I saw on a sign one day on a church that said,
54:35 "Repent now and avoid the rush."
54:38 Because someday, everybody is going to want to repent.
54:40 That's what happened in Noah's day;
54:41 knocking on the door, "Let me in."
54:44 Too late.
54:46 A good friend of ours in the family once said to me,
54:50 "The two worst words that a Christian would ever says is,
54:53 'almost' and 'too late.'"
54:57 Brethren, those of you who are watching,
55:00 ladies and gentlemen, those of you who are listening,
55:02 it is ridiculous to not be ready for the Lord.
55:05 He is soon to come.
55:06 The conditions are spelling it.
55:08 Our politicians know the crisis is increasing.
55:12 Our presidents know, world leaders in other countries know.
55:16 Whether it's in Greece or whether it's in China
55:19 where the demand for their goods are getting less and less.
55:23 Unemployment is still rising.
55:25 The debt ceiling is continuing to increase.
55:26 The world leaders know.
55:28 Can't even get credit nowadays.
55:30 The world leaders know.
55:31 The banks are holding onto everything they have.
55:33 Because everyone knows that something great and decisive
55:37 is about to take place.
55:39 This is the hour that we need to get ready
55:42 for the coming of our Lord.
55:43 What do you say?
55:45 What does Jesus say about all these things?
55:49 Listen to this final scripture.
55:51 Matthew 24 and verse 33.
55:54 He says:
56:07 Today, not only is the end of the world at the doors,
56:12 but Jesus is at the door.
56:14 He says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
56:16 And brothers and sisters, and ladies and gentlemen,
56:19 friends and foe alike,
56:21 the Lord is not only showing us that the end is at the door.
56:24 But He's saying to us that He is at the door.
56:28 If ever there was a time to respond to the Lord,
56:30 as a song writer said,
56:32 "We are nearing home, we are nearing home.
56:34 See the splendor gleaming from the domes afar."
56:38 We are nearing home.
56:39 Tonight is the time we need to get ready for that coming.
56:42 What do you say?
56:43 Let us pray.
56:44 Our gracious Father in heaven, we thank You that You have
56:46 given us more than enough indicators
56:49 that we're living in the crisis hour.
56:51 But give us something that we don't have;
56:53 a mind to think and a conscious decision to make
56:57 our calling and election sure.
56:58 Help us not to procrastinate, but to know that this
57:02 is the day of salvation, this is the crisis hour,
57:05 this is the moment to get ready.
57:08 And Father, when You come, may it be our joy
57:11 to be prepared to meet Jesus in His soon return.
57:15 This is our desire.
57:16 And we thank You for the opportunity.
57:18 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
57:22 Friends, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.
57:24 The topic will be, The Final Stage.
57:27 Invite someone to be there.
57:28 God bless you. See you then.


Revised 2014-12-17