Anchors of Truth

What Will It Take?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin Torossian


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000159A

00:14 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:16 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:23 Hello friends, welcome to our 3ABN Worship Center
00:26 on this wonderful southern Illinois Sabbath morning.
00:29 We want to great you with a hearty amen.
00:31 Can the people of God say amen?
00:34 So good to join you wherever you're tuning in from.
00:37 You may be in south Florida where it's a lot warmer,
00:40 you may be in Australia where you have summer,
00:43 you may be in Alaska where you may be much colder than us,
00:46 or in Canada.
00:47 But we are here in southern Illinois.
00:49 And as we say here, "If you don't like the weather,
00:51 just wait; it'll possibly change."
00:54 But one thing that has been constant every day
00:57 are the blessings that we have been receiving
00:59 from Pastor Justin Torossian as he's been dealing with
01:02 the topic, Called, Chosen, and Faithful.
01:06 Walking us through the messages from the book of Revelation,
01:11 and primarily he's been focusing on Revelation chapter 3,
01:14 the message to the church of Laodicea.
01:17 As you know, Pastor Justin is a native of California.
01:21 He was raised in the northern California area
01:24 and Pacific Union in the Napa Valley.
01:26 And if you are joining us from the Napa Valley,
01:29 you are already in God's country.
01:32 You know, when I was in the Northern California Conference,
01:35 pastors had a saying, they said, "Any time you get a call to
01:37 northern California, it's a call from God."
01:40 Well, I want to transition that and say a call to the
01:43 Midwest is a call from God.
01:44 Come on, somebody. Amen?
01:46 Now you don't really believe that.
01:48 But we know that Pastor Justin Torossian, not only he began
01:53 in northern California, but right now he's at
01:55 Andrews University where he's finishing up
01:58 his degree in theology, his MDiv.
02:01 And he's a growing young man.
02:03 Very tall. He's still single.
02:06 We're not going to talk about that very much.
02:07 We don't want you to send emails trying to figure out whether
02:09 he's a candidate for marriage.
02:11 But he's a godly young man.
02:12 One that has his mind focused on doing the will of the Lord.
02:17 And every day the messages have really come
02:19 straight from God's Word.
02:21 We began with, The Laodicean Sindrome.
02:24 Then, The Physician's Prescription.
02:26 And last night we were blessed with the one called,
02:29 Wretched, Miserable, but Victorious.
02:31 Amen for that?
02:32 Because it's one thing to know your condition.
02:34 It's something all together different to know that
02:36 there is a remedy to whatever condition you find yourself in.
02:40 And this morning will be the message, What Will It Take.
02:44 And then he finalizes his five part series of,
02:47 Anchors Of Truth, this afternoon with the message, Overcome.
02:51 Every one of us, through the strength of Christ,
02:53 can be an overcomer.
02:55 What do you say?
02:57 What do you say?
02:58 Praise the Lord for that.
03:00 It's not where you are, but it's where you can be.
03:02 That's why now my favorite Scripture in the Bible
03:04 is 1 John chapter 3.
03:07 "It has not yet been revealed what we shall be,
03:10 but when we see the Lord, we're going to be like Him
03:12 for we will see Him as He is."
03:15 So thank you for tuning in.
03:16 Invite your family and friends to sit down
03:18 and hear what the Spirit has to say to the church this morning.
03:23 Now I also have the distinct blessing of
03:26 singing this morning.
03:27 But before we do anything, we're going to bring our hearts
03:29 before the Lord in prayer.
03:31 If you were tuning in a moment ago,
03:32 you just saw our Sabbath school.
03:34 And it was a wonderful blessing.
03:36 Our first in our Anchors Sabbath school,
03:38 and thank the Lord that God blessed all of our presenters
03:41 for bringing forth the wonderful messages found
03:44 in the study in Proverbs.
03:46 But now we're going to turn our hearts to the Lord.
03:48 Let's bow our heads in prayer.
03:50 Our Father in heaven, we thank You for Your goodness,
03:53 for Your mercy, and for Your grace.
03:56 Lord Jesus, we know that in our struggles, in our trials,
03:59 in our tribulations, that we can trust the changing world
04:03 and our changing lives to a God who is the same
04:06 yesterday, today, and forever.
04:10 We thank You, Father, for Your deliverance,
04:11 and for the fact that as we look away from ourselves
04:14 for the future, we find that there's a road of hope.
04:16 It may be a narrow path, but it shortens our distance
04:21 from failure to success.
04:23 And so be with us today, Father.
04:24 We pray a blessing on Your manservant,
04:26 Pastor Justin Torossian,
04:29 that You'll anoint his mind again as he brings the Word
04:31 and the bread of life.
04:33 So we give the service to You and our hearts.
04:36 May all that is done bring us that much closer
04:39 to our Lord and Savior.
04:41 In Jesus' precious name we pray, amen.
04:45 Now the song I chose to sing this morning is entitled,
04:47 Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer.
04:50 And if there's ever a time that we need to be drawn
04:53 closer to the Lord is as we listen to the remedy
04:56 that God is speaking to every one of us that is a member
04:59 of the message of the church of Laodicea.
05:01 May God draw you nearer as you hear the
05:04 Spirit's voice this morning.
05:13 Jesus, draw me ever nearer
05:21 as I labor through the storm;
05:30 You have called me to this passage,
05:38 and I'll follow though I'm worn.
05:49 May this journey bring a blessing,
05:58 may I rise on wings of faith;
06:07 and at the end of my heart's testing,
06:16 with Your likeness let me wake.
06:30 Jesus, guide me through the tempest,
06:38 keep my spirit staid and sure;
06:47 when the midnight meets the morning,
06:56 let me love You even more.
07:05 May this journey bring a blessing,
07:14 and may I rise on wings of faith;
07:23 at the end of my heart's testing,
07:32 with Your likeness let me wake.
07:45 Let the treasures of the trial
07:54 form within me as I go;
08:03 and at the end of this long passage,
08:12 let me leave them at Your throne.
08:21 May this journey bring a blessing,
08:30 and may I rise on wings of faith;
08:43 at the end of my heart's testing,
08:52 with Your likeness let me wake.
09:24 Thank you, Pastor Lomacang.
09:26 That is to be the prayer of our hearts, amen?
09:29 That in Christ's likeness we would wake.
09:33 That if we are alive and remain until He comes,
09:36 that we'll be transformed into His image
09:38 and be ready to go home for eternity.
09:42 Happy Sabbath to you.
09:44 It's a privilege to be here with you once again.
09:47 It's been a blessing.
09:48 And I'm excited to be sharing today the fourth message
09:51 in our five part series this, Anchors Of Truth,
09:54 Called, Chosen, and Faithful.
09:58 Before we begin, I'd just like to invite you to join me
10:03 in prayer through song as we invite God's presence here.
10:12 Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
10:18 praise Him all creatures here below,
10:25 praise Him above ye heavenly host,
10:32 praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
10:40 Amen.
10:47 Father, we come before You to praise You this morning.
10:50 We want to praise You for Your goodness to us.
10:53 We thank You that Your mercies are new every morning.
10:56 Great is Thy faithfulness.
10:59 Thank You, Lord, for Your many blessings to us.
11:01 And thank You for having spoken to our hearts and minds
11:04 in this year thus far.
11:06 We pray that Your Holy Spirit would be present once again
11:09 to not only help us understand Your Word,
11:12 but to give us the willpower to obey and to follow
11:16 what we are learning.
11:17 May we hear Your voice speaking to each and every
11:20 one of us today.
11:22 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
11:28 I was 10 years old.
11:30 I had watched my friend play a game of baseball that day.
11:34 And I can still remember it vividly.
11:39 In my dream I was there, and the pitcher pitched a fastball.
11:44 And I swung and I connected with it,
11:47 and the ball was sailing out of the park.
11:49 I had crushed it.
11:50 I knew it could be a homerun if I ran fast enough.
11:53 So I ran toward first base.
11:55 I got to first, I rounded it and went towards second.
11:58 And as I was running towards second base,
12:00 I can still see it in my mind,
12:02 the referee who manages second base jumped out and he
12:07 grabbed me and he said, "What are you doing?"
12:09 I thought, what in the world is going on?
12:11 I said, "I'm running to second base."
12:13 What had actually happened was I had jumped off of the
12:17 top bunk of my bed, I had ran straight out into my
12:23 families living room.
12:25 I took a ninety degree turn, and I was running straight
12:28 toward the wall in the living room.
12:30 And my dad jumped up off the couch and grabbed me.
12:33 And he said, "What are you doing?
12:34 What are you doing?"
12:36 And I said, "I'm running to second base.
12:37 I'm running to second base."
12:39 Trying to make my way to that second base.
12:43 Friends, it's all too possible to be fully asleep
12:49 and believe that we're wide awake.
12:53 Have you ever had a dream that was so real that you were
12:57 sure you were there?
12:59 That ever happen to you?
13:03 Friends, this is possible, not only physically,
13:05 but spiritually.
13:07 Let's turn to Romans chapter 13 together.
13:10 Romans 13 starting in verse 11.
13:14 Here, Paul explains this is possible spiritually.
13:29 Friends, it is all too possible for us to be spiritually
13:33 sleepwalking and think that we're wide awake.
13:38 We've been examining together Jesus' message
13:40 to the church of Laodicea.
13:42 And we know that beyond applying to seven local literal churches
13:46 in Asia Minor, Jesus' letters to the seven churches
13:50 were symbolic of the time periods of His church
13:54 down through history until He would come back
13:57 in the clouds of glory.
13:59 We've seen that the last church on the list
14:03 is none other than the church of Laodicea.
14:07 Laodicea is a symbol of God's last day church,
14:11 His last day people.
14:13 We've seen that Jesus' words are bad news.
14:17 The Message to Laodicea is a harsh message,
14:20 it's a strong message, but it's a message of love.
14:23 It's a wake-up call to His people.
14:27 He says that they're lukewarm, wretched, miserable, poor,
14:30 blind, and naked.
14:32 But worse than any of those things,
14:34 they think that they are okay.
14:36 They're deceived.
14:38 Honest in their deception, but they are deceived.
14:42 We've seen that Jesus' message to Laodicea,
14:45 though a strong one and though a bad news message,
14:49 is only bad news so that the gospel can be good news.
14:52 Because Laodicea, Jesus' message to them and to us,
14:55 is a good news gospel message.
14:58 The good news, as we saw in our message on Thursday night
15:03 called, The Physician's Prescription,
15:05 we saw the good news that the heavenly Physician
15:08 offer not only a diagnosis for our spiritual disease,
15:12 but He offers us the spiritual prescription;
15:16 the gold of faith and love,
15:18 the eye salve symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom
15:21 God gives us to understand His Word,
15:23 and the robe of Jesus' righteousness
15:26 in place of our filthy blood-stained
15:29 sinful robes of character.
15:32 As we saw last night, through the perfect life that
15:35 Jesus lived and through His death and resurrection,
15:38 He offers to us the solution to our bondage to sin
15:43 and the fate of inevitable death.
15:46 He offers us victory over sin and death
15:49 when our lives have been united with His through the beautiful
15:53 symbol of baptism.
15:56 Praise God for victory in Jesus.
15:59 Tonight our message is entitled, What Will It Take?
16:03 What Will It Take?
16:05 This morning, rather. This Sabbath morning.
16:08 What Will It Take?
16:10 I want to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me to
16:12 1 Corinthians 10:11.
16:16 1 Corinthians 10:11
16:18 Here, the Bible explains to us in one of many places
16:23 that it's important for us as a people, as God's people,
16:28 to understand our history.
16:29 Because God communicates with us and to us messages
16:34 when we look back at our history and understand how He has
16:36 led us in the past.
16:39 Paul is directing the Christian believers to their history
16:44 as God's people, Israel, down through time.
16:47 And in verse 11 of 1 Corinthians 10 it says,
16:50 "Now all these things happened to them as examples,
16:54 and they were written for our admonition,
16:56 upon whom the ends of the ages have come."
17:02 Friends, the Bible encourages us to study history.
17:06 You know, until I gave my life to the Lord,
17:08 I wasn't big on history.
17:10 But when I fell in love with the study of the Bible,
17:13 when I came to love Bible prophecy,
17:15 I came to love history.
17:17 Because history is just that.
17:20 It's His story.
17:22 It's God's story of how He has led and blessed in the
17:25 lives of His people in the past.
17:27 And when we look at history, we can take courage for the
17:30 present that God is going to lead us into the future
17:33 into His kingdom when He comes.
17:36 Today we're going to take a look at history.
17:40 And we're going to look at Adventist history together
17:42 to understand better Jesus' message to Laodicea,
17:45 and to know what God would have us do today.
17:50 The year was 1856.
17:53 It was after the great disappointment of 1844,
17:55 12 years later, and the little group of believers
17:59 who had held onto the faith in Jesus' soon return
18:02 had not given up their faith, and had really grown.
18:06 This group from all different denominational backgrounds
18:09 had gathered together, they'd studied God's Word
18:12 and earnestly sought to know and understand the truth.
18:16 They had come to a knowledge of the truth
18:18 on a number of topics:
18:20 what happens when we die;
18:22 what baptism is and what form of baptism God would have us do;
18:26 the truth of the seventh day Sabbath.
18:28 And this group of little believers at first
18:31 had grown now into a living healthy growing church.
18:37 Now this body of believers held to the position
18:39 that they were symbolized by the church of Philadelphia,
18:43 not Laodicea.
18:45 They were actually believing and sharing that
18:49 they were symbolized by the church of Philadelphia,
18:51 the sixth church on the list that Jesus writes a letter to
18:55 in the book of Revelation.
18:58 Now why would they want to believe that they
19:01 were Philadelphia?
19:04 I want to invite you to turn with me in your Bible
19:06 to Revelation chapter 3.
19:07 We're going to start in verse 7 and read together
19:09 Jesus' letter to the church of Philadelphia.
19:12 We're going to find our answer.
19:15 Revelation chapter 3 starting in verse 7.
19:18 It should also be mentioned that the church of Philadelphia
19:20 was symbolic of God's people until the time of 1844,
19:25 the time of the great disappointment.
19:27 Another reason why it was logical for them to still think
19:29 that they were Philadelphia.
19:31 But more than that, it has to do, I believe, with the
19:34 description of Philadelphia.
19:36 Let's listen to Jesus' words, and read them together as well.
21:07 Beautiful.
21:09 Now let me ask, did you hear one negative thing
21:13 in that beautiful message from Jesus to Philadelphia?
21:17 There was not one single negative thing that
21:19 Jesus said in this message.
21:22 On the contrary, to the opposite, Laodicea
21:25 had absolutely nothing positive said about it.
21:29 So which would you rather be, Philadelphia or Laodicea?
21:32 Philadelphia, of course.
21:34 And remember, we're all too often prone to think that
21:38 a message of stern correction applies to others
21:42 and not to ourselves.
21:44 This is exactly what the church was experiencing then.
21:47 They were actually believing and teaching that
21:49 they were symbolized by Philadelphia,
21:51 and at the same time the other Christian churches
21:54 were symbolized by Laodicea.
22:00 Now this movement of Christians, this church, would officially
22:04 receive the name, Seventh-day Adventist,
22:06 seven years later in 1863.
22:10 But at this point in 1856, some of the ministers of the church
22:14 started to wonder as they looked around them.
22:17 They started to see people living double lives,
22:22 living with double standards, and they wondered,
22:24 "Are we really symbolized by Philadelphia?
22:28 Or might we be symbolized by Laodicea?"
22:32 James White specifically began to study and to pray.
22:36 And you know, he agonized over this because
22:38 this had been the position of the church for 12 years now.
22:43 Could they change direction?
22:46 Were they really Laodicea, not symbolized by Philadelphia?
22:51 Could it be that they were spiritually sleepwalking
22:54 all of this time?
22:58 Now they had held to this position for 12 years, but
23:02 James White was a man of integrity.
23:04 There's an old proverb that says, "No matter how far
23:07 you've gone down the wrong road, turn around."
23:11 And friends, no matter how far we've gone down the wrong road,
23:14 if we're in an ungodly relationship,
23:16 turn around.
23:18 If you have been hanging out with a group of friends
23:20 and you're realizing that they're pulling you down,
23:22 and you're realizing that rather than helping them
23:26 they are pulling you down connecting you to the
23:30 things of this earth, friend, if you recognize that, turn around.
23:33 Do the right thing.
23:34 No matter how far we've gone down the wrong road,
23:37 we should turn around.
23:39 And this is exactly what James White did.
23:43 He wrote an article in, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald,
23:46 the churches paper then, on October 9, 1856,
23:50 and this article had a number of questions.
23:54 And I want to read just a few of them briefly to you.
23:57 Think about this and listen to the logic here.
24:00 Question number one, he asked...
24:25 And what was the answer?
24:27 Well, yes. Number two...
24:36 That makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
24:38 If the seven churches are symbolic of seven time periods,
24:41 how can two different time periods exist at the same time?
24:45 They can't.
24:46 He continued asking a number of questions.
24:48 And I'll just share a few of them with you briefly.
25:05 The answer was yes.
25:06 Moving on later down, the question was...
25:30 The light bulbs began going on in people's minds.
25:35 The last question was this...
25:48 Now, he ends it by appealing to them and saying,
25:54 "Should we not heed the words of the True Witness
25:56 to the Laodiceans?"
25:58 And he quoted the words of Jesus there from Revelation chapter 3.
26:02 Now friends, back then the Review and Herald was
26:04 very different than it is today.
26:07 The Review and Herald was the hub of all church communication.
26:11 And it was different in the sense that many, many different
26:14 members would write in to the church, and their articles
26:18 and responses would be included in the Review.
26:21 The Review and Herald was really the pulse of the church,
26:25 if you will.
26:26 And you could think of it this way:
26:28 that to understand or to find the churches pulse in the past,
26:32 all you have to do is go to the Review.
26:35 It's one of the best historical resources to understand
26:38 the state of God's church.
26:41 Now the Review and Herald, in the next Review,
26:43 what was the churches response to this?
26:46 Review and Herald, November 6, 1856,
26:48 two men responded.
26:50 One of them was S.N. Haskell.
26:51 And he said, "You know, I've been thinking along these lines
26:53 for some time now."
26:55 Another man, David Hewitt, called the most honest man
26:58 in town in Battle Creek, said, "Dear brethren and sisters,
27:02 can we not see from the nature of the petition..."
27:23 What was the reaction of the lay people?
27:26 What was the reaction?
27:28 Was it just ministers of the gospel that were writing in,
27:31 that were saying, "You know what, we are Laodicea.
27:33 This does apply to us."
27:35 Or were the members saying that they agreed as well?
27:39 I want to share these interesting statistics with you.
27:42 Now, the response from the church was this:
27:45 Sixteen of the articles that appeared...
27:47 There was a total of 348 items in the Review.
27:51 Sixteen of those were from James White
27:53 and other editorial writers.
27:55 Seventy were from ministers.
27:57 But 262 of them were from lay members.
28:01 The members were saying, "This applies to us.
28:05 I am Laodicean.
28:07 This applies to me."
28:10 Friends, it worked a revival in God's church.
28:15 It began a strong revival.
28:17 Turn with me in your Bibles to Psalm 119:107.
28:23 Psalm 119:107
28:26 One of the many verses in Psalm 119 where David
28:29 prays to be revived.
28:32 Psalm 119:107, he says, "I am afflicted very much."
28:38 No doubt they read the message to Laodicea
28:40 and they realized, "Wow, we are wretched and miserable."
28:43 They felt afflicted.
28:45 "I am afflicted very much."
28:47 But then he prays, "Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word."
28:53 God began to revive His people.
28:57 He caused a revival to begin to take place.
29:00 I want to share with you briefly just a few of the reports
29:02 of the people so we can get a taste of what was actually
29:06 going on, what the people were thinking and feeling
29:08 during this time.
29:10 A.S Hutchins, one of the ministers, reported what was
29:14 happening in the church as this message was being preached.
29:17 January 8, 1857, Review and Herald, he said,
29:20 "I wish here to add that a happy change is
29:23 taking place among us..."
29:33 Now friends, when God speaks a message to us,
29:36 the time to act is right now.
29:39 If you've heard God speaking to you over the last few nights,
29:42 friend, act in that very moment.
29:45 Act right now.
29:46 Don't hesitate, don't put it off.
29:48 God always calls us to action.
29:50 When He does, it's right now.
29:52 Not to give our lives to Him tomorrow,
29:54 but to commit ourselves to Him now completely.
29:57 He says, "Now, behold, now is the day of salvation."
30:02 This is what was happening.
30:04 The message was causing a revival amongst God's people.
30:09 It was a personal reform.
30:11 Listen to this quote from A.S. Hutchins again.
30:14 It wasn't just something where people were pointing
30:16 the finger at each other. No.
30:17 They realized it applied to them.
30:49 Friends, this man, A.S. Hutchins, was saying,
30:51 "I have made mistakes. I have been impatient.
30:54 I've been harsh in my treating and the way I've spoken
30:58 to people and about people."
31:00 And he said, "I need God's forgiveness."
31:01 And then he said, "Would you forgive me also?"
31:05 This worked a reform in people's hearts and lives.
31:09 The Laodicean message was causing a revival.
31:11 It was creating change.
31:14 In the words of E.R. Seaman,
31:17 from the Review and Herald as well, he says...
31:48 What happened?
31:51 You know, I'm sad to say that this story takes
31:55 an unfortunate turn.
31:57 The message, although it caused a revival,
32:01 people didn't persevere, they didn't continue on
32:03 after they received this message from Jesus.
32:06 They allowed the fire to grow dim in their hearts.
32:09 And friends, it's easy for us to enjoy great blessings and
32:13 mountain top experiences like camp meetings or
32:16 Anchors Of Truth, and go from them and not continue
32:20 in our personal daily devotions, and for the fire of God's love
32:24 to grow dim in our hearts.
32:26 Friends, God wants us to continue walking with Him.
32:29 Amen?
32:30 The mountain top, you can remember it this way,
32:32 is for inspiration, but the valley floor is for
32:36 character reformation.
32:38 Christ wants to walk with us.
32:40 And as we go from those mountain top experiences,
32:43 to carry the fire of His love burning strong in our hearts
32:47 as we continue in connection with Him through our
32:50 personal devotional life.
32:54 In the words of James White, as he explains in 1857
32:59 after the fire had died out, he said...
33:16 God's people, like the disciples who couldn't keep themselves
33:19 awake to pray with Jesus and for Jesus in the
33:22 garden of Gethsemane, fell back to sleep.
33:26 The sleepiness of their sins.
33:30 And friends, we're often guilty of the same.
33:34 But by God's grace, now that He has woken many of us up
33:39 to our condition, the depravity of our own hearts,
33:43 moment by moment we'll say, "Lord, I need You."
33:47 The words of the hymnal say, "I need Thee,
33:49 O I need Thee.
33:50 Every hour I need Thee.
33:52 O bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee."
33:56 Moment by moment He wants us to recognize our desperate
33:59 need of Him, to be in connection with Christ.
34:03 Christ, who is our only hope.
34:07 Friends, they did not persevere with this message.
34:12 But if they had, the revival that God had caused
34:15 in His church would have caused a revival across the world.
34:20 It would have led them to take the three angels' message,
34:22 the everlasting gospel, to the entire world.
34:25 And Jesus would have returned.
34:28 The work would have been finished and
34:30 Christ would have come back.
34:33 And you may be thinking, "Well that's a bold statement
34:35 if I've ever heard one.
34:36 How does this guy know with such confidence that
34:38 the loud cry would have continued and ushered in
34:41 Jesus' return?"
34:42 Well before I explain, remember that the Laodicean message,
34:46 like the three angel's message, can be summed up in the phrase,
34:49 "Righteousness by faith."
34:52 It's the everlasting gospel.
34:55 And friends, this was the message that God was
34:57 preparing the world to receive in 1857.
35:01 I want to show you from history.
35:03 But first of all, God gave Ellen White a vision
35:06 in which He outlined His full plan for giving the Laodicean
35:09 emphasis in the church right through the subsequent
35:12 issues and events of the gospel being spread to the world
35:15 and ending with Jesus' second coming.
35:18 You can study and read the whole thing if you'd like
35:20 in, Testimonies to the Church, volume 1.
35:24 But I want to read for you just one sentence from it
35:27 on page 186.
35:30 Ellen White says this, "And this message affected the heart.
35:34 It led to deep humility before God.
35:37 Angels were sent in every direction to prepare
35:40 unbelieving hearts for the truth.
35:43 The cause of God began to rise, and His people were acquainted
35:47 with their position."
35:48 You know, friends, history shows us that this is exactly
35:51 what happened, though historians can't really explain it,
35:54 as we're going to see.
35:56 Angels were sent in every direction to prepare people's
35:58 hearts and minds to receive the everlasting gospel
36:02 of the three angels' message.
36:04 It is no coincidence that just a year before this
36:09 God had revealed the truth of the Laodicean message
36:11 to His remnant church so that they could wake up to the fact
36:14 that they were spiritually lukewarm, catch fire for Jesus,
36:18 and give the final call, the three angels' message,
36:20 to humanity.
36:23 I want to share with you a few quotes from history
36:28 that sheds some light on what was happening,
36:31 and that angels were sent out.
36:34 Listen to this, Frank Beardsley, in his book,
36:36 Religious Progress Through Religious Revivals, page 39.
36:53 So the churches, many of the churches in America,
36:56 by and large, most of them were spiritually dead.
36:59 But something changed.
37:01 Warren Candler, in his book, says,
37:03 "And now that the wheels of industry stood still..."
37:06 There was a financial collapse.
37:08 There was a financial challenge.
37:10 And when this happened, people could finally hear
37:12 the voice of God.
37:14 He says in his book...
37:32 Friends, there was a national revival called,
37:35 the revival of a million converts, in 1857.
37:38 And in this revival, many many people were converted.
37:42 More than thirty percent of the United States population
37:46 at the time was converted and gave their lives
37:49 to Jesus Christ.
37:51 Now listen to this amazing statement that explains to us
37:56 that this was the result of angels being sent out
37:59 to prepare the world for the three angels' message.
38:02 Warren Candler, in his book,
38:03 Great Revivals and the Great Republic, page 189...
38:19 Notice, friends, he says this was different.
38:22 This revival of a million converts of 1857,
38:26 it was different in the sense that there wasn't some
38:29 long neglected doctrine of grace that was discovered
38:33 and being preached.
38:35 Yet there was this revival.
38:36 Friends, do you know why?
38:38 That long neglected doctrine of grace,
38:41 that piece of the puzzle that was missing,
38:42 was the three angels' message.
38:45 The three angels' message of Revelation 14.
38:48 And it's no coincidence that God had just woken His people up
38:51 so they could carry this message to this country,
38:54 and this country could be a light sending ambassadors
38:56 and missionaries across the world sharing with them
39:00 the message of the everlasting gospel.
39:03 Friends, it was the three angels' message:
39:05 the message that we are to worship God as our Creator,
39:09 the message that we are living in the judgment hour
39:10 of earth's history,
39:12 the message of the seventh day Sabbath,
39:14 the message to come out of Babylon,
39:16 and the warning not to take the mark of the beast.
39:19 The message of the everlasting gospel.
39:22 This was the message that God sent angels
39:25 to prepare people to receive.
39:29 And we missed it.
39:32 We dropped the ball.
39:34 We missed our opportunity.
39:38 Time went on.
39:40 Time went on, and God's church continued.
39:44 The preaching in many of the churches became dry as the
39:47 hills of Gilboa, we're told.
39:49 There was an emphasis often, and especially the 1880's
39:53 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, on the law.
39:55 And friends, you know, Jesus says in John 5:39,
39:59 "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think
40:01 you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me."
40:06 Friends, the Bible is all about Jesus Christ,
40:08 and God's law is centered in Christ.
40:10 Amen?
40:11 You know, one of my favorite quotes says...
40:15 Sometimes people say,
40:16 "Well, let's not preach about doctrines.
40:18 Let's just preach Jesus."
40:20 But friends, every true and biblical doctrine...
40:22 And doctrine just means teaching.
40:23 Every true biblical doctrine has Christ at the center.
40:28 Every last one of them.
40:30 And you cannot preach truth without preaching Jesus.
40:33 You may preach the form of it, but if it's missing Christ,
40:36 friends, it's dry and it's empty.
40:39 But true doctrine, true teaching, always has Christ
40:42 at the very center.
40:46 Christ was not at the center of the preaching
40:49 in many places for some time.
40:52 And God sent the message of righteousness by faith
40:55 again to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1888
40:59 in Minneapolis at the General Conference.
41:02 Revivals again took place in different pockets of the
41:05 Seventh-day Adventist Church, but by and large
41:08 the message was not received by many.
41:12 Now many revivals started to take place in little places,
41:16 but as these revivals took place, months later
41:20 they did not persevere.
41:22 And once again, once again, the fire in their hearts
41:28 died out.
41:29 It started burning dimmer and dimmer.
41:34 You know, God gave Ellen White a vision
41:36 after the General Conference session in 1901.
41:41 And in this vision...
41:43 By the way, you know, the team here at 3ABN
41:46 has decided to air it.
41:47 And to my knowledge, it's the first time this is ever being
41:49 aired on satellite television.
41:52 This is a powerful re-enactment that the General Conference
41:55 of Seventh-day Adventists has just put out of this vision.
41:59 And don't miss it.
42:00 It's going to be on right after this message.
42:03 And it could change the direction of your life.
42:06 Friends, it's powerful.
42:09 Now this GC session in 1901 took place.
42:12 And afterward, Ellen White received this vision.
42:15 And in this vision, she was there in the
42:17 General Conference meeting.
42:19 And as someone was preaching, a brother stood up
42:22 and he said, "You know, I understand and recognize
42:28 that the Laodicean message is for me.
42:31 I've been lukewarm.
42:33 I have been unkind.
42:35 I have been unchristian to my brother."
42:37 And he went to his brother and he said,
42:40 "Would you forgive me for speaking bad about you
42:43 behind your back, and even being harsh to you?"
42:46 The brother took his hand and he embraced him and gave him a hug.
42:49 And he said, "I have been wrong too.
42:52 Forgive me."
42:53 Friends, this started to take place all over.
42:56 Different people started standing up
42:58 and going to each other, making things right,
43:00 mending broken relationships.
43:03 It was a beautiful time.
43:04 The Holy Spirit was poured out.
43:07 And the work was being prepared to be finished.
43:11 God's church was, they were right with each other.
43:14 They were in unity, that unity that Jesus prayed for
43:16 in truth and in love.
43:18 And they were ready to take this message to the world.
43:21 And then Ellen White came out of vision.
43:25 The angel told her, "No, this didn't really happen.
43:30 All of this might have been.
43:33 All of this might have been."
43:35 But friends, people did not actually humble their hearts
43:38 at that meeting and confess their wrongs to each other.
43:43 You know, this upcoming General Conference session,
43:45 some major decisions are being made.
43:48 At every theological crossroad in God's church,
43:53 it's more than a test of theology.
43:55 It's a test of character.
43:58 If we disagree with someone, how do we treat them?
44:01 If they have taken a different position to us,
44:03 do we do our best to speak kindly to them
44:05 and kindly about them?
44:07 You know, on this very issue, here in this very building
44:13 a few years ago, I saw the beautiful example
44:15 of two preachers, men of God, who hold different
44:20 positions on this specific topic that's going to be addressed
44:24 at this General Conference session.
44:26 And they embraced each other.
44:28 And they said, "You know, I appreciate
44:30 your ministry, brother."
44:32 And the other said, "I appreciate yours too.
44:33 Praise God for what He is doing through you."
44:36 And friends, every theological crossroad is more than
44:40 a test of theology.
44:41 Theology is important, God's Word is very important,
44:45 but it's a test of character.
44:47 Always remember, most of the sinning that we do
44:50 is when we think we're in the right,
44:52 or when we are in the right.
44:53 Because we think that we can say something...
44:57 And think about this in your family relationships.
44:59 When you're convinced that you're right
45:01 and your spouse is wrong, you feel like you have
45:03 the right to say it how ever you want to
45:05 to get the point across.
45:07 Much of the sinning that we do is when we are in the right.
45:10 But God wants us to have right theology and a right spirit.
45:15 That is God's desire for His people.
45:19 After this General Conference session in 1901,
45:22 God gave us another glimpse of how He wants to take
45:24 the everlasting gospel to the world through His church.
45:28 There was a Welsh Revival of 1904.
45:31 And I want to share with you what God did in this revival.
45:34 It was incredible.
45:35 Quoting from the book, Adventism's Greatest Need,
45:37 chapter 5, and this is amazing, listen to this...
45:55 "...not a case to try; no robberies, no burglaries,
45:59 no rapes, no murders, no embezzlements.
46:01 Crime had simply stopped..."
46:33 Friends, it had been a tremendous revival.
46:36 Listen to this, "In Wales, one of every ten citizens..."
46:57 Friends, God again wanted the three angels' message
47:00 to go across the entire world.
47:02 This was one of the greatest revivals in the history
47:05 of the English speaking world.
47:09 And God wanted to use it to take it to the entire world.
47:14 The question comes sometimes, how are we going to reach
47:18 everyone on the planet?
47:20 Did you realize that 4.45 people are born every second
47:25 on average worldwide?
47:27 And an average of 1.8 people die every second.
47:30 And that averages out to 2.65 more people on planet earth
47:34 every second.
47:39 We have ten more people on the planet than we did
47:41 when I started snapping.
47:43 The population is growing incredibly.
47:45 So when people say, "How are we going to share the gospel
47:49 with the entire world; how is it possible?"
47:51 And friends, it is humanly impossible.
47:53 But with God, all things are possible.
47:57 And it will happen.
47:59 Friends, when the latter rain begins falling in its fullness,
48:02 all those precious seeds of truth that have been sown
48:05 into receptive hearts are going to come to fruition.
48:08 All those tracts that have been handed out,
48:10 the sermons that people have listened to and shared,
48:13 downloaded, the prayers that have been sent up
48:15 for loved ones, many of them will bear precious fruit.
48:19 And God will bring to fruition the seed that He has sown
48:23 in our hearts and people's hearts.
48:25 Friends, thousands will be joining God's movement
48:28 in a single day.
48:30 We wonder, "How is the gospel going to go into these countries
48:32 that are closed to Christianity?"
48:34 Friends, when the Holy Spirit falls in the fullness of
48:37 the latter rain, God will do things more miraculous
48:40 than we have ever imagined.
48:42 In Acts 8:26 and onward, we read this story of the
48:45 Ethiopian eunuch who Philip baptized.
48:48 The Bible says that after they went down into the water,
48:50 after the eunuch was baptized, he came up from the water
48:54 and Philip had disappeared.
48:57 The Bible says the Holy Spirit caught him away
48:59 and he was found at Azotus, which is about 10 miles away.
49:03 Friends, the Holy Spirit transported Philip.
49:06 And in the last days, we know that the latter rain
49:08 will be even greater than the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
49:10 in the early rain of the New Testament church in Acts.
49:14 Friends, God will finish the work with miraculous power.
49:19 And we're already seeing it happen.
49:22 We are seeing the drops of the latter rain.
49:25 Not far from here in a state nearby, not long ago,
49:30 there was a family who were an immigrant family
49:34 from a Muslim country.
49:36 And they had their children, because of a scholarship
49:40 that this conference had set up, they were able to
49:42 send their children for free for the first year
49:45 to a Seventh-day Adventist school.
49:48 And this family was asked by two ladies of the church,
49:51 the parents, if they were interested in
49:52 having Bible studies.
49:54 And this family of a Muslim background said, "Well, yes.
49:57 We'd be happy to."
49:59 So the first day the ladies said, "Well, what should
50:01 we study with them?"
50:02 And they said, "What about Daniel chapter 2?"
50:04 And they said, "Well, no, that story of the statue,
50:07 it's got a story of a king, an angry king, from Babylon,
50:12 which is the Middle East.
50:13 Let's start with something like prayer."
50:16 And so they go to the house and they knock on the door,
50:19 and the husband answers.
50:21 And he looks really upset for some reason.
50:23 And he said, "Oh, come in, come in."
50:27 And he invited them to have a seat.
50:29 And then he said, "You know, last night I had this dream.
50:33 And as I was in my dream, I was standing there.
50:37 And in the distance I saw this large stone
50:41 flying through the air.
50:42 And it was coming closer and closer.
50:44 And it was about to strike me on my feet.
50:46 And then I woke up.
50:48 Can you tell me what my dream means?"
50:52 Friends, they opened up to Daniel chapter 2
50:54 and they said, "Let's study together."
50:57 The next week they knocked on the door.
50:59 And the wife answered, the husband wasn't home.
51:02 And this woman invited them in and they sat down,
51:06 and she said, "You know, last night I had a dream that was
51:08 so real, I was so scared.
51:11 ISIS was coming and our house was next.
51:13 And I knew it, and I was so afraid.
51:17 And then I looked to my right and I saw a man.
51:20 A tall man with white hair and a white beard,
51:24 and the whitest white robe I've ever seen.
51:28 And he smiled at me and he said, 'Don't be afraid.
51:31 I'll give you my robe and it will cover you.
51:34 And when it does, you'll be safe.
51:36 They won't be able to see you.'"
51:38 She said she, in the dream, took his hands and she
51:42 looked and saw that there were holes in the top of his hands.
51:45 She turned them over and saw that these holes went
51:47 all the way through.
51:48 And she said, she told these ladies, "Can you tell me
51:52 who that man in my dream was?"
51:56 They opened up to Revelation 1 and they told this woman
51:59 about Jesus.
52:00 Friends, we're seeing the beginning.
52:02 God is going to finish the work.
52:06 People who are earnestly seeking truth with all of their hearts
52:10 are hearing the truth of the gospel.
52:11 God is doing everything He can to win the world to Himself,
52:16 so the work can be done, so Jesus can take us home.
52:22 Friends, the gospel is going to go forth to all the world.
52:28 What will it take?
52:31 What will it take?
52:33 It's going to take all that we have and all that we are.
52:39 Friends, nothing but a complete surrender will do.
52:43 God wants to use us who have been changed by the
52:46 everlasting gospel to take it to the dying world around us.
52:52 Friends, we've been called, we have been chosen.
52:56 Will we be faithful?
52:59 If not us, then who?
53:04 If not now, then when?
53:09 You know, we say we want Jesus to return.
53:12 Do you want Jesus to return?
53:14 Amen. So do I.
53:16 But often times we say, you know, "I want Jesus to return.
53:18 Lord, I want you to come back.
53:20 But let me finish college first, and get a job
53:23 and work for a little while, and then come back."
53:26 And then we think, "You know, Lord, I've been working
53:29 for a little while, I really want you to return,
53:31 but I just want to find that special someone first
53:34 and get married.
53:36 And then You can come back, Lord Jesus."
53:39 And then it's, "Lord, I just want to have a child, just one.
53:43 And then You can come back."
53:46 And eventually it becomes, "Lord, I'm almost to retirement.
53:50 Just let me get there, and then come back, Lord Jesus."
53:55 "Lord, just one grandchild, and then come back."
53:59 Friends, I want to say something strong.
54:01 And the Lord brought this home to my heart.
54:05 Aside for the reason of loved ones who are not
54:08 ready for His return, if we do not want Jesus to come back
54:14 right now, we don't really want Him to come back.
54:19 Unless we've come to the point where we want Jesus
54:22 to come back more than anything, we want to spend eternity
54:25 with our precious Lord and Savior more than anything
54:28 that this world has to offer, even the good things,
54:31 unless we want that more,
54:34 we have to ask ourselves, "Do I really want Him to come back?"
54:38 What will it take?
54:41 What will it take so He can return?
54:44 It's going to take us committing all that we have
54:48 and all that we are.
54:53 Today the Lord has spoken to your hearts.
54:58 And you've recognized, you know, "There's someone in my life
55:02 who I need to reconcile with.
55:04 There's someone who I have hurt."
55:07 Or maybe someone who has hurt you
55:08 and you feel they owe you an apology,
55:10 and you need to forgive them.
55:13 Friend, if there's someone you know you need to reconcile with,
55:16 and you want to say in this moment, "Lord, I want nothing
55:19 to be between my soul and the Savior.
55:22 I want there to be nothing between myself and my
55:24 brother or sister in Christ."
55:27 And you want to commit right now to say, "Lord, in Your strength,
55:31 by Your grace, I will make things right with that person."
55:36 I want to invite you to raise your hands.
55:38 Amen, this is a pledge to the Lord to say,
55:40 "God, I'm surrendering.
55:42 I need Your help to do this.
55:44 But I know You'll give me strength."
55:46 Amen. Amen.
55:50 Friend, if you have a close family member or friend
55:54 who you know, you want Jesus to come back, but
55:57 you know that were He to come back right now,
56:00 they would not be saved,
56:04 and you want to say a special prayer for them,
56:07 I want to invite you to stand where you are right now.
56:10 We're going to have a special prayer time here together
56:12 for those who God has brought into our lives
56:14 who are not ready for His return.
56:17 Praise the Lord.
56:20 We want to pray that God will bring them to Himself,
56:24 that they'll be ready to go home for eternity with Christ,
56:29 they'll give their hearts to Him.
56:30 Friends, the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord.
56:34 Like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wants.
56:38 God can answer those prayers.
56:43 Would you like to say, "Lord, I'm going to pray for others,
56:46 but here I am.
56:48 I've not given everything to You.
56:51 There's something still in my life that has not been
56:55 completely surrendered."
56:56 And you want to say, "God, here is all of me."
57:00 I want to invite you to raise your hand where you are.
57:03 Amen.
57:04 Let's pray together.
57:08 Our Father and our God, thank You that Your patience,
57:14 Your delay is for our salvation, the salvation of those we love.
57:19 Come soon, Lord Jesus.
57:21 Take this beautiful gospel, the life transforming
57:23 powerful gospel, to all the world
57:27 so that Jesus can come soon and we can go home.
57:30 In Jesus name we pray, amen.


Revised 2016-01-12