Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic Principles

Christ is the Center of Bible Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: ASTPP

Program Code: ASTPP000008

00:15 Well once again, welcome to Anchor Bible school.
00:18 We're glad you're here.
00:20 Has it been an exciting experience so far?
00:23 Praise the Lord. You're not too tired, right?
00:25 Amen. Praise the Lord.
00:27 You must have gotten a good night's sleep last night.
00:30 I know I did.
00:31 But I'm glad to have you here.
00:34 And we have some exciting things to study
00:36 in this particular session.
00:37 I want us to go in our syllabus to the bottom of page 16.
00:42 The bottom of page 16 of our syllabus.
00:45 And I'm going to read this statement from Ellen White.
00:47 We're dealing with the principle that Christ is the center
00:51 of the Old Testament.
00:52 He's the Hero of the Old Testament.
00:54 Every text in the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ.
00:58 Ellen White caught this important point
01:02 in this statement from, Desire Of Ages,
01:04 pages 211 and 212.
01:07 This is what she says.
01:08 This is an audacious statement.
01:12 "In every page..."
01:15 How many pages?
01:17 "In every page, whether history, or precept, or prophecy,
01:23 the Old Testament Scriptures are irradiated with the
01:27 glory of the Son of God."
01:29 So what is the glory of the Old Testament?
01:32 Jesus.
01:34 "So far as it was of divine institution, the entire system
01:39 of Judaism was a compacted prophecy of the gospel."
01:44 What does, "compacted," mean?
01:47 Scale model, folks.
01:49 A compacted prophecy, see?
01:51 And then Jesus gives it breath when He fulfills it.
01:57 She continues saying, "To Christ 'give all the prophets witness.'
02:05 From the promise given to Adam, down through the
02:08 patriarchal line and the legal economy, heaven's glorious light
02:13 made plain the footsteps of the Redeemer.
02:17 Seers beheld the Star of Bethlehem, the Shiloh to come,
02:21 as future things swept before them in mysterious procession.
02:27 In every sacrifice Christ's death was shown.
02:31 In every cloud of incense His righteousness ascended.
02:35 By every jubilee trumpet His name was sounded.
02:39 In the awful mystery of the holy of holies His glory dwelt."
02:46 Quite a statement, isn't it.
02:48 And you read the book, Desire Of Ages,
02:50 it becomes very clear that Ellen White not only had
02:53 this in a theoretical sense, but the Desire Of Ages
02:56 shows Jesus in all of His glory in the Old Testament,
03:00 as well as the books, Patriarchs And Prophets,
03:02 and Prophets And Kings.
03:04 Now St. Augustine...
03:07 I don't like to quote saints that much.
03:12 Especially when they're human saints, so called.
03:15 But he said something I think that is very wise.
03:18 He said, "The New is in the Old concealed.
03:23 And the Old is in the New revealed."
03:27 That's a nice way to put it in a nutshell.
03:32 Now going to page 17, the Old Testament is not
03:36 abolished, but rather fulfilled.
03:42 Is there a difference between abolishing and fulfilling?
03:44 Yes.
03:45 Notice, let's change the word around
03:48 from, "fulfill," to, "fill full."
03:54 What does Jesus do with the Old Testament?
03:57 He fills it full of meaning.
04:01 To fulfill means, to fill full.
04:05 Jesus fills the Old Testament with meaning.
04:08 If Jesus had not come, the Old Testament would be
04:11 an incomprehensible riddle.
04:14 Jesus gives meaning to the Old Testament.
04:17 If Christ had not come, the Old Testament
04:21 would have no explanation or reason.
04:23 What would be the reason for killing millions of animals?
04:30 The Old Testament in itself has no light.
04:34 It's light is reflected light.
04:37 The Old Testament is a collection of stories,
04:40 laws, precepts, biographies, and events.
04:45 If the Old Testament were alone, it would be an enigma.
04:52 The Old Testament is like a light bulb.
04:55 Christ must give the bulb electric current
04:58 in order for the Old Testament to give light.
05:02 Now, the Jews and Christians commit the same basic mistake.
05:13 The Christians of today, they say,
05:14 "Well, we're New Testament Christians."
05:18 And the Jews say, "We're Old Testament.
05:20 Not Christians, but we go by the Old Testament."
05:23 Now actually when you look at it carefully,
05:26 both of them are committing the same error.
05:30 Because Christians don't see Christ in the Old Testament,
05:33 and the Jews don't see Christ in the New.
05:37 Let's read this statement.
05:39 Christ's Object Lessons, 128 and 129.
05:43 "There are those who profess to believe and to teach
05:45 the truths of the Old Testament,
05:48 while they reject the New."
05:49 Who would those be?
05:51 The Jews.
05:53 "But in refusing to receive the teachings of Christ,
05:56 they show that they do not believe that which patriarchs
06:00 and prophets have spoken.
06:02 'Had ye believed Moses,' Christ said, 'ye would have
06:04 believed Me; for he wrote of Me.'
06:08 Hence there is no real power in their teaching
06:11 of even the Old Testament.
06:14 Many who claim to believe and to teach the gospel
06:17 are in a similar error."
06:19 Who would those be?
06:21 New Testament Christians, so called.
06:23 "They set aside the Old Testament Scriptures,
06:26 of which Christ declared, 'They are they which testify of Me.'
06:30 In rejecting the Old, they virtually reject the New;
06:35 for both are parts of an inseparable whole.
06:40 No man can rightly present the law of God without the gospel,
06:44 or the gospel without the law.
06:47 The law is the gospel embodied,
06:50 and the gospel is the law unfolded.
06:54 The law is the root, the gospel is the fragrant blossom
06:58 and fruit which it bears.
07:01 The Old Testament sheds light upon the New,
07:03 and the New upon the Old.
07:06 Each is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ.
07:11 Both present truths that will continually reveal new depths
07:16 of meaning to the earnest seeker."
07:21 And so that's a very significant statement.
07:24 You know, people who say, "I'm a New Testament Christian,"
07:26 you can't understand the New Testament without the Old.
07:29 And those who say, "Oh, I go by the Old Testament.
07:32 You know, I'm not a Christian."
07:33 Well, they can never really understand the Old.
07:37 Because the center of the Old is Christ,
07:39 and the center of the New is Christ.
07:41 So you can't accept one and not accept the other
07:44 without seeing Christ.
07:47 And so Christ is at the very center of Scripture.
07:51 Now I have a list of prophecies here
07:54 from the Old Testament about Christ.
07:57 I'm going to go through these very quickly.
07:58 I'm not going to mention the references.
08:01 You know, for those who are watching this streaming,
08:03 we've received several requests to have the materials
08:07 that we're making available.
08:09 And you know, if you beg hard enough,
08:15 we might accommodate you.
08:17 But I'm not going to take the time to mention
08:20 the specific verses, I'm just going to mention the events.
08:22 Because you have the verses in the syllabus.
08:25 The Old Testament says that Jesus
08:27 would be born in Bethlehem.
08:29 He would be born of a virgin.
08:32 He would be announced by a star.
08:34 Children would be massacred when He was born.
08:37 He would be called out of Egypt.
08:39 He would be baptized or anointed when the 69th week
08:43 of Daniel 9 ended.
08:45 He would perform marvelous works and be a powerful preacher.
08:48 The Jews would reject His message.
08:50 The Jews would serve Him only with their lips.
08:53 He would enter Jerusalem on a donkey in the
08:55 midst of great acclamation.
08:57 He would cast out the money changers from the temple.
09:01 Zeal for God's house would consume Him.
09:03 He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.
09:06 His disciples would all forsake Him.
09:09 He would die a vicarious death.
09:11 He would say on the cross, "My God, My God,
09:13 why have You forsaken Me?"
09:15 That comes directly from Psalm 22 and verse 1,
09:17 the very words that Jesus spoke on the cross.
09:21 His hands and His feet would be pierced.
09:24 Lots would be cast upon His garments.
09:26 His heart would be poured out like water.
09:28 His enemies would spit in His face.
09:31 His enemies would dare Him to come down from the cross.
09:34 None of His bones would be broken.
09:36 On the cross He would say, "I thirst."
09:39 His passion would last three days and three nights.
09:42 His burial would be with the rich.
09:45 He would resurrect from the dead on the third day.
09:48 He would ascend to heaven,
09:49 and He would sit at the Father's right hand.
09:54 Do you think there was sufficient evidence
09:56 that Jesus was the Messiah?
09:57 Of course there was.
09:58 But reading the Old Testament without Christ
10:03 will lead you to wrong conclusions.
10:05 And that's the problem with the Jewish nation today,
10:08 those who have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah.
10:11 They have a veil over their mind.
10:15 And the veil is taken away when they see Jesus
10:17 in the Old Testament, when they see that their Messiah
10:20 is Jesus Christ.
10:22 You know, we say Jesus Christ belongs to the church.
10:25 No, the Messiah belongs to the Jews first.
10:29 It's their Messiah.
10:32 And when they see Jesus in the Old Testament,
10:35 the Old Testament suddenly becomes a light bulb
10:38 that when you turn on the switch, you say, "Wow.
10:42 We've missed our Messiah totally and completely."
10:46 And Ellen White states that in the end time,
10:50 there will be thousands upon thousands of Jews
10:54 that will accept the message of the remnant
10:57 and come over to the Lord's side.
10:59 And so we love the Jews.
11:03 We love them because, you know, through this nation
11:05 God brought the oracles of God to us.
11:08 God loves them.
11:11 And we need to pray for them that they will see the light,
11:14 that they will see the reason for their own religion.
11:17 They don't have a reason for their religion.
11:20 What was the purpose of all of the sacrifices?
11:24 What was the purpose of all of the incense?
11:27 What is the meaning of the Hebrew feasts?
11:30 What does the Sanctuary teach?
11:32 Totally in the dark until you see that Jesus fulfills
11:36 everything, and say, "Wow, look what I've been missing."
11:41 Now, what I want us to do is go to the material,
11:44 "The Lord is Our Rock."
11:47 "The Lord is Our Rock."
11:51 I'm going to illustrate now the steps that we need to follow
11:57 in finding Christ in a particular passage
12:00 from the Old Testament, or a particular symbol
12:03 in the Old Testament.
12:05 And we're going to go through this material,
12:07 "The Lord is Our Rock," and we're going to see
12:10 several principles involved here.
12:11 We're going to see the principle of sola scriptura.
12:14 We're going to see Christ at the center.
12:16 We're going to see the importance of the
12:18 study of structure.
12:20 We're going to look at several principles here.
12:21 And I'll bring them out as we go along.
12:26 Now there is an intimate connection between
12:31 what Jesus did on the cross and the fire that fell
12:36 on the day of Pentecost.
12:38 You cannot understand the fire unless you understand the cross.
12:43 So the first thing that I want us to notice is that there's a
12:46 very close link between the cross and the fire that
12:50 descended on the day of Pentecost.
12:52 The second point that I want to underline
12:55 is that the important thing that took place on the
12:59 day of Pentecost was not what happened on earth.
13:02 The important event took place in heaven.
13:05 And what took place on earth was simply the announcement
13:08 of what was taking place in heaven.
13:10 In fact, do you know that every time that Jesus begins
13:13 a new work in the Sanctuary, there's an earthly announcement?
13:18 Let me ask you, when Jesus came to the camp to camp with us,
13:22 was it announced?
13:25 Remember the angels singing, "Glory to God in the highest."
13:29 Remember the wise men who came?
13:31 They announced that the Messiah had been born.
13:33 There was an earthly announcement.
13:36 When Jesus was about to go to the cross,
13:39 was there an announcement?
13:42 Remember the triumphal entry,
13:45 a little less than a week before Jesus died on the cross?
13:48 The purpose was to attract the attention of everybody.
13:52 Are you following me or not?
13:54 When Jesus was going to begin His work in the Holy Place
13:59 of the Sanctuary, was there an earthly announcement?
14:02 Of course there was.
14:04 There was a mighty rushing wind, and there were tongues of fire,
14:07 and the place shook.
14:10 There were tremendous phenomena that took place on earth.
14:14 But that was an announcement of something that
14:16 Jesus had begun to do in heaven.
14:19 And let me ask you, leading up to 1844,
14:21 was there an earthly announcement?
14:23 Oh, yes there was.
14:24 The Millerite movement was announcing that Jesus was
14:28 about to enter a new phase of His ministry in the
14:29 heavenly Sanctuary in the Most Holy Place.
14:32 See, there's always an announcement
14:34 when Jesus is going to move into a new phase of His work.
14:38 Is there going to be an announcement
14:40 when the judgment of the living is about to begin?
14:44 The loud cry will be the announcement that the
14:47 judgment of the living is either beginning or about to begin.
14:52 Because the Sabbath issue will be the issue
14:55 that will determine who is on one side or who is on the other.
15:00 So there will be this powerful loud cry announcement on earth
15:03 announcing that the judgment of the living
15:06 is either beginning or is about to begin.
15:08 There's no date attached.
15:12 But we can know when thousands of people
15:15 are leaving their churches and joining the remnant church.
15:18 We know that the final movements are going to be
15:22 very, very rapid ones.
15:24 So two things.
15:25 Number one, there's a connection between the cross and the fire.
15:29 And number two, the important event was not on earth.
15:32 The important event was in heaven.
15:33 The earthly event was simply an announcement
15:35 of something that was happening in heaven.
15:37 Now let's go to the next section in our material.
15:42 And I want to show you the connection between
15:46 the sacrifice and the fire.
15:48 There's this pattern in the Old Testament
15:51 where you have a sacrifice, and then God consumes
15:55 the sacrifice with fire.
15:57 There's this pattern that I want us to notice.
16:00 The first example is Abel's sacrifice.
16:03 Now the Bible doesn't mention specifically
16:06 that God sent fire to consume Abel's sacrifice.
16:10 But it stands to reason when we look at all of the other
16:12 examples in the Old Testament.
16:14 That's the way that God showed that He accepted a sacrifice.
16:16 So I'm going to read this statement from Ellen White,
16:18 Signs Of The Times, February 6, 1879,
16:22 where Ellen White explains that "God had respect
16:25 unto this sacrifice," that is unto Abel's sacrifice,
16:29 "and fire came down from Heaven and consumed it."
16:33 How did God show that He accepted Abel's sacrifice
16:36 and not Cain's sacrifice?
16:38 Because He consumed the sacrifice that was
16:41 offered by Abel.
16:44 Sacrifice; fire.
16:46 The next example that I want to give is when the wilderness
16:50 tabernacle was inaugurated in the desert.
16:54 Let's read Leviticus 9 verses 22 to 24.
16:58 "Then Aaron lifted his hand toward the people, blessed them,
17:01 and came down from offering the..."
17:02 Notice, three offerings.
17:04 "...the sin offering, the burnt offering, and peace offerings.
17:08 And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting,
17:11 and came out and blessed the people.
17:13 Then the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people..."
17:15 And now notice, how did God show that He accepted these
17:18 three sacrifices that were placed upon the altar?
17:22 Verse 24, "...and fire came out from before the Lord
17:26 and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar.
17:30 When all the people saw it, they shouted
17:32 and fell on their faces."
17:33 So how did God show that He accepted these sacrifices
17:36 upon the altar?
17:37 By consuming them with fire.
17:39 Sacrifice; fire.
17:41 The next example I want to give is from the
17:43 period of the Hebrew monarchy, the period of the Hebrew kings.
17:47 1 Chronicles 21:26
17:49 You remember that the ark of the covenant
17:51 was placed on Ornan's threshing floor for a while
17:54 before it was taken to Jerusalem
17:55 after it was recovered from the Philistines.
17:58 And I want you to notice that David offered a sacrifice,
18:02 and then something happened.
18:03 Let's read it, 1 Chronicles chapter 21 and verse 26.
18:07 "And David built there an altar to the Lord,
18:10 and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings,
18:15 and called on the Lord.
18:17 And He answered him from heaven by fire
18:21 on the altar of burnt offering."
18:23 Once again, sacrifice, and then what?
18:26 Fire, showing that God accepted the sacrifice.
18:29 The next example I want to give is when the temple
18:33 built by Solomon was dedicated.
18:35 Notice I did not say, "Solomon's temple."
18:37 Because it wasn't Solomon's temple.
18:40 Neither was the ark, Noah's ark.
18:43 Nor was Jacob's ladder Jacob's.
18:47 It's the Lord's ladder, it's the Lord's ark,
18:50 and it's the Lord's temple.
18:52 So when the temple built by Solomon was dedicated,
18:56 I want you to notice what happened, according to
18:58 2 Chronicles chapter 7 and verse 1.
19:01 "When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down
19:06 from heaven and consumed the burnt offering
19:09 and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord
19:12 filled the temple."
19:14 Once again, sacrifice, and then what?
19:17 Fire.
19:18 So there's this pattern.
19:19 Sacrifice; fire. Sacrifice; fire.
19:22 Let's go to one further example.
19:24 1 Kings chapter 18 and verse 38, 1 Kings chapter 18 and verse 38.
19:31 This is the experience of Elijah on Mount Carmel.
19:37 You remember that he put the sacrifices, the animals,
19:39 upon the altar.
19:40 And I want you to notice how God responded to his plea.
19:44 And of course, we all know this story.
19:46 It says, "Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed
19:51 the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones
19:53 and the dust, and it licked up the water
19:55 that was in the trench.
19:56 Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces
20:00 and they said, 'The Lord, He is God!
20:02 The Lord, He is God!'"
20:04 So you have this pattern of sacrifice, and then fire,
20:09 showing that God accepted the sacrifice.
20:13 Now what I want us to do is to look at a different symbolism
20:16 that teaches the same lesson.
20:18 You see, there's the idea that the sacrifice is accepted
20:23 by the Lord because of the fire.
20:25 But now let's look at another symbol that teaches
20:28 the same lesson.
20:31 I'm referring to the rock from which water came
20:35 in the Old Testament.
20:37 So let's go in our Bibles to Exodus chapter 17
20:40 and verses 1 through 6.
20:42 Exodus 17 and verses 1 through 6.
20:45 There are two rock episodes in the Old Testament.
20:49 And each of them teaches a very important lesson.
20:52 Exodus 17:1-6
20:54 You're going to see in a minute how this symbolism
20:58 relates to the symbolism of sacrifice and fire.
21:00 It's the same lesson, but with different symbols.
21:04 Exodus 17 verse 1 says, "Then all the congregation
21:07 of the children of Israel set out on their journey
21:10 from the Wilderness of Sin, according to the commandment
21:13 of the Lord, and camped in Rephidim;
21:16 but there was no water for the people to drink.
21:20 Therefore the people contended with Moses, and said,
21:23 'Give us water, that we may drink.'
21:25 So Moses said to them, 'Why do you contend with me?
21:28 Why do you tempt the Lord?'
21:30 And the people thirsted there for water, and the people
21:34 complained against Moses, and said, 'Why is it that you have
21:38 brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children
21:42 and our livestock with thirst?'"
21:47 Let me ask you, is grumbling and mumbling sin?
21:51 The Bible says, "Whatever is not of faith is sin,"
21:56 in Romans 14 verse 23.
21:58 "Whatever is not of faith is sin."
22:00 Was Israel showing ungratefulness toward God?
22:04 I mean, read the previous chapter.
22:06 God had rained bread from the bakery of heaven.
22:10 Imagine how busy the angels were making this bread
22:15 to feed a million men, not counting women and children,
22:18 every day except one day of the week for 40 years.
22:23 Wow, that's amazing.
22:26 They had seen the Red Sea open,
22:27 they had seen the Egyptians swallowed,
22:29 they had seen the plagues falling upon Egypt.
22:31 They had seen all kinds of signs that God was with them
22:35 and that God was blessing them.
22:36 And now they're complaining because there's no water.
22:38 They deserved to fall under the judgment of God.
22:43 So in verse 4 we're told, "So Moses cried out to the Lord,
22:47 saying, 'What shall I do with this people?
22:50 They are almost ready to stone me.'"
22:55 And now God says something very interesting.
22:59 "And the Lord said to Moses, 'Go on before the people,
23:04 and take with you some of the elders of Israel.
23:07 Also take in your hand your rod with which you
23:11 struck the river...'"
23:12 That is the river Nile when it was turned into blood.
23:15 "...with which you struck the river, and go."
23:18 Verse 6, "Behold, I will stand before you there
23:23 on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock,
23:29 and water will come out of it, that the people may drink."
23:34 Now, this is an interesting episode.
23:38 You have three symbols in this story.
23:40 You have a rock, you have a rod, and you have the water
23:45 that comes from the rock.
23:47 So how do you suppose we can find out what the rock means,
23:50 and what the rod means, and what the water represents?
23:54 Hello.
23:56 Sola scriptura.
24:00 Because if you only read this passage, you have
24:02 no interpretation to the symbols.
24:05 So where do you find other passages that allude to this
24:09 story that we find here?
24:11 A Bible concordance.
24:13 And where else?
24:15 The marginal references, that's right.
24:18 And so when we go to a concordance, we find
24:22 all sorts of text that help us understand what God
24:25 wanted to teach through this particular passage.
24:29 Now in this passage we have three symbols.
24:32 And we need to study each symbol within itself
24:37 and determine what that symbol means.
24:39 And then after we've done that individually,
24:42 we'll put them all together to get the picture.
24:45 So what you do is you interpret the symbols individually.
24:48 And then after you understand what each symbol means,
24:50 then you bring them together so that you see how they
24:53 relate to each other.
24:54 Now the first symbol that we want to take a look at
24:57 is the rock.
24:58 What does the rock represent?
25:01 Well, Deuteronomy 32 verse 4.
25:04 Nine times in this chapter it tells us that the rock
25:09 is the Lord.
25:10 Should Israel have understood even that in the Old Testament
25:13 that the rock was more than a literal rock?
25:16 They could understand that in the Old Testament.
25:19 Yes.
25:20 Could they have understood that the manna
25:22 was more than physical food?
25:24 Yes, because Moses told them in Deuteronomy 8.
25:27 He says that God gave them manna from heaven
25:30 that they might know that man does not live by bread alone,
25:33 but by ever word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
25:35 They knew that the manna represented God's word.
25:37 Moses told them so.
25:39 And so they should have known that the rock was a symbol,
25:42 even in the Old Testament.
25:43 It says in Deuteronomy 32 verse 4, "He is the Rock..."
25:47 See, the rock is a person.
25:49 "...His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice,
25:53 a God of truth and without injustice;
25:55 righteous and upright is He."
25:56 And in this chapter 32, you know,
26:00 Moses is bragging a little bit.
26:01 He says, "The rock of the pagans is not like our Rock."
26:07 Because the pagans had their rock too.
26:09 But their gods were made out of stone.
26:12 Here, the stone represents the Lord.
26:16 Now, the rock then in the Old Testament represents the Lord.
26:22 But which particular Person are we dealing with here?
26:24 Because we have God the Father, we have the Son,
26:26 we have the Holy Spirit.
26:27 Which individual here are we dealing with?
26:31 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and verses 1 through 4
26:34 has the answer; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4.
26:37 "Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware
26:41 that all our fathers were under the cloud,
26:43 all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses
26:47 in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same..." What?
26:52 "...spiritual food..."
26:53 Ah, it wasn't only physical food.
26:56 The same spiritual food.
26:58 "...and all drank the same spiritual drink."
27:01 So water represents something beyond the literal water,
27:05 beyond the literal H2O.
27:07 "For they drank from that spiritual Rock
27:11 that followed them, and that Rock was Christ."
27:17 So who is the Lord who is mentioned in Deuteronomy 32?
27:21 Jesus Christ.
27:24 Jesus Christ is the Rock.
27:26 Now you know what's interesting in this story,
27:28 in this story in Exodus 17?
27:31 Jesus tells Moses, because it's Jesus speaking,
27:34 He says, you know, "I'm going to go and I'm going to
27:36 stand on the rock."
27:38 So there you have the symbol and what the
27:40 symbol represents together.
27:45 The rock is the symbol, and Jesus is standing on the rock.
27:50 So you have the symbol and what the symbol
27:53 represents in the story.
27:56 And so now we have to interpret what the rod represents.
27:58 Is it clear what the rock represents?
28:00 Now we need to interpret what the rod represents.
28:03 What does the rod represent?
28:06 Well, the rod represents judgment.
28:10 Every time that Moses raised his rod, what happened?
28:13 A judgment fell upon the Egyptians.
28:17 But not only does the rod represent judgment,
28:20 but the act of smiting with the rod represents
28:24 that judgment is falling upon.
28:27 In other words, the act of the rod striking the rock
28:31 or falling upon the rock means that a judgment
28:34 is falling upon the rock.
28:36 I can imagine that when Moses was there before the people
28:39 and they were complaining and murmuring,
28:41 and now Moses raises his rod before the people,
28:45 the people were probably shaking in their sandals.
28:49 Whoo, they knew the power that was in that rod;
28:53 that rod of judgment.
28:54 But lo and behold, instead of the rod falling upon the
28:58 people who were guilty, the rod fell upon the Rock.
29:02 Interesting.
29:05 Now the word, "smite," that is used here,
29:07 "You will smite the rock," is the Hebrew word, "nakah."
29:12 And basically, this word is translated in different ways
29:16 in the Old Testament.
29:18 It's translated, to smite, to hit, to kill.
29:23 There are many, many different synonymous terms
29:26 that are used to describe this.
29:29 So the act of smiting with the rod symbolizes
29:33 the fact that the judgment is falling upon.
29:37 Now let's read Isaiah 53 verse 4,
29:40 this Messianic prophecy.
29:41 Interesting Messianic prophecy that uses the very same word,
29:44 "smite," but it applies it to the Messiah.
29:49 Notice Isaiah 53 and verse 4.
29:54 It says there, "Surely He has borne our griefs
29:59 and our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him nakah..."
30:07 We esteemed the Messiah, what?
30:11 Stricken.
30:13 Same identical word that is used for striking the rock.
30:16 It says, "...yet we esteemed Him stricken,
30:20 smitten by..." Whom?
30:22 "...smitten by God, and afflicted."
30:27 So the rod represents judgment.
30:29 And the falling of the rod represents execution
30:33 of judgment.
30:35 It means punishing.
30:38 Now what does the water represent?
30:40 We've interpreted two symbols so far.
30:42 The first symbol is the rock.
30:45 It represents whom?
30:46 Christ.
30:48 And then you have the rod, which represents judgment.
30:51 And the act of smiting represents the fact that the
30:54 judgment is falling upon.
30:56 Incidentally, when Moses smote with the rod the river Nile,
31:00 a plague fell, a judgment fell.
31:03 The Nile was turned into blood.
31:04 And when he smote the dust, lice came forth from the dust.
31:09 So the act of smiting means that a judgment
31:11 of God is falling upon.
31:13 Now what does the water represent in this episode?
31:18 Well when the rock was smitten, it gave its what?
31:21 It gave its water.
31:24 Now what does the water represent?
31:26 The water represents the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
31:30 You say, "Well, where do you get that from?"
31:32 Let's go to John chapter 7 verses 37 to 39.
31:36 John chapter 7 verses 37 to 39.
31:40 You know, in this passage Jesus is at the Feast of Tabernacles.
31:44 And it's the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
31:46 It's the 8th day.
31:47 It's called the great day of the feast.
31:49 And Jesus is present in Jerusalem.
31:51 And He's going to make a revolutionary statement.
31:54 In verse 37 it says, "On the last day,
31:58 that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out,
32:01 saying, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.'"
32:09 So who is the Rock? Jesus.
32:12 He said, "I'm the Rock. Come to Me and drink."
32:15 Like people came to the rock to drink.
32:18 Jesus says, "Come to Me and drink."
32:20 And now comes something very important.
32:22 "He who believes in Me..."
32:25 The word, "believes," means to trust in Jesus.
32:27 It means to claim Jesus as Savior.
32:31 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
32:35 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
32:40 Out of whose heart will flow rivers of living water?
32:44 Not out of Jesus, no.
32:46 Out of the person who believes.
32:51 Are you with me or not?
32:53 Jesus says, "Come to Me and drink.
32:56 And if you believe in Me, trust in Me..."
32:58 That's what it means to drink.
32:59 "If you trust in Me, then I will give you the water.
33:02 And the water will be in you.
33:05 And you will become a fountain of water."
33:08 That's what He's saying.
33:11 What was Jesus referring to?
33:13 Notice verse 39.
33:15 "But this He spoke concerning the Spirit..."
33:18 So what does the water represent?
33:20 The Spirit.
33:22 "But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom..."
33:25 Now listen carefully, "...whom those..." What?
33:27 "...believing in Him..."
33:30 That is, trusting in Him.
33:32 Repenting their sins, confessing their sins,
33:35 claiming Jesus as their Savior, and trusting in Him.
33:40 "But this He spoke concerning the Spirit,
33:42 whom those believing in Him would..." What?
33:45 "...would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given,
33:48 because Jesus was not yet glorified."
33:50 When was Jesus glorified?
33:55 Actually, beyond the resurrection.
33:59 When He was installed at the right hand of God.
34:01 When He was invested as High Priest in heaven
34:05 when He went before His Father.
34:07 That's when Jesus was glorified.
34:10 Are you following me or not?
34:12 Now, how are we to understand this?
34:16 I'd like to illustrate it with the relationship between
34:18 the sun and the moon.
34:20 You know, you go out on a clear night in Fresno,
34:24 and you look into the sky and see this beautiful full moon.
34:29 You say, "Oh, how beautiful the moon is tonight."
34:33 Well, that's only partially true because the moon is ugly.
34:41 What makes the moon beautiful?
34:43 The sunlight shines on it.
34:45 And then you know what the moon does?
34:47 The sun shines on the moon, and then the moon
34:50 shines to the earth.
34:53 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world."
34:57 But He also said, "Ye are the light of the world."
35:00 Now how are we to understand that?
35:02 Jesus is the sun and we are moons.
35:06 And when Jesus shines on us, we shine to others.
35:11 What Jesus is saying is that when we drink the water,
35:14 we become fountains of water.
35:17 Because the water fills us.
35:19 Then we are able to share what God has given to us to others.
35:24 The greatest sign that you know Jesus is that you cannot
35:28 keep Jesus inside.
35:29 You want other people to have the experience that you've had.
35:34 If you don't feel that intense desire to tell people
35:36 about Jesus, perhaps it's because you don't know Jesus.
35:40 Because when you drink the water, you become
35:41 a fountain of water.
35:43 When you receive the light, you project the light
35:47 or you reflect the light to the earth.
35:49 So Jesus is saying that on the day of Pentecost,
35:52 the disciples would what?
35:54 The disciples would drink the water, because they
35:57 believed and trusted in Jesus.
35:59 And when they drank the water,
36:00 they would become fountains of water.
36:02 Let me ask you, what is the first thing that the disciples
36:05 did after they received the Holy Spirit?
36:09 Preached.
36:11 Preach about whom?
36:13 About Jesus.
36:15 You see, they drank the water.
36:16 And because they drank the water, now what?
36:20 Now they shared the water that they had received.
36:26 Now there's a second episode concerning the rock
36:31 in the Old Testament.
36:32 Before that, let me just read 1 Corinthians 12 verse 13
36:36 where it clearly says that the water
36:37 represents the Holy Spirit.
36:38 It says, "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body;
36:42 whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free,
36:45 and all have been made to drink into one Spirit."
36:48 So what does the water represent?
36:50 The Holy Spirit.
36:51 And when you receive the Holy Spirit,
36:53 then you are what?
36:56 Then you become a fountain to share what God has given you.
37:00 Now there's a second episode, rock episode.
37:03 It's found in Numbers 20 verses 7 through 11.
37:05 You have it there in your material.
37:07 Let's read that passage.
37:09 "Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 'Take the rod;
37:14 you and your brother Aaron
37:15 gather the congregation together.'"
37:17 But now there's a difference.
37:20 God says what?
37:22 "Speak to the rock..."
37:23 In other words, "Say to the rock, 'Give me your water.'"
37:26 "Speak to the rock before their eyes,
37:28 and it will yield its water."
37:32 So the first time, God says strike the rock.
37:35 And the second time, God says speak to the rock
37:37 and ask the rock for its water.
37:39 Why the difference?
37:41 Well you know what Moses did.
37:44 He was pretty mad.
37:46 And you know what?
37:49 Moses spent 40 years with the children of Israel
37:52 in the wilderness.
37:54 A congregation of a million, not counting women and children.
37:59 Senior pastor.
38:03 And in those 40 years, he never lost it till the very end.
38:07 In fact, Ellen White says in, Patriarch And Prophets,
38:09 that if Moses had not committed that one sin,
38:13 he would have been translated to heaven from among the living.
38:17 He would not have died she says in, Patriarch And Prophets.
38:20 The impression is that during those 40 years,
38:22 of course, he had 40 years of preparation in the wilderness.
38:26 See.
38:27 He had his Pentecost experience.
38:30 And that's why he was so patient.
38:31 But he lost it.
38:33 And instead of speaking to the rock, what did he do?
38:37 He took the rod and he struck the rock twice.
38:41 And as a result, God said, "You will not enter
38:43 the Promised Land."
38:44 That was terrible for Moses.
38:47 Imagine, 40 years longing to reach the destiny that God
38:52 had said they were going to have, and now God says
38:54 you're not going to enter.
38:55 Wow.
38:58 What was so serious about what Moses did?
39:00 It was not simple disobedience.
39:02 Notice, Patriarchs And Prophets, page 418.
39:05 "By his rash act Moses took away the force of the lesson
39:10 that God purposed to teach.
39:13 The rock, being a symbol of Christ, had been once smitten,
39:17 as Christ was to be once offered.
39:20 The second time it was needful only to speak to the rock,
39:25 as we have only to ask for blessings in the name of Jesus.
39:30 By the second smiting of the rock the significance of this
39:34 beautiful figure of Christ was destroyed."
39:38 Moses destroyed the beautiful symbolism
39:40 that God wanted to teach.
39:42 That was the seriousness of his sin.
39:47 By the way, if we want the Holy Spirit today,
39:50 Jesus doesn't have to suffer under the judgment
39:52 of God any more.
39:54 That happened once for all.
39:57 If we want the blessings, all we have to do is ask.
40:00 Notice Luke 11 verse 13.
40:02 Luke 11 and verse 13.
40:04 It says, "If you then..."
40:06 Here Jesus is speaking.
40:07 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts
40:11 to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father
40:16 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."
40:21 And yet there's a church in the world,
40:24 the Roman Catholic Church...
40:26 I know that some of you use to be Roman Catholics.
40:31 That church teaches that every time the mass is celebrated,
40:35 Christ is sacrificed again.
40:39 If God excluded Moses from the Promised Land
40:43 for ruining the symbol and giving the impression
40:46 that Christ would have to suffer under the judgment of God
40:49 more than once, how does God feel about a teaching
40:52 of a church that says that Jesus is sacrificed
40:55 over and over and over again in thousands of places
41:01 all over planet earth?
41:04 It's an insult to the Lord.
41:06 Because the book of Hebrews tells us that when Jesus
41:09 died, He died once for all.
41:13 He needs not die any more.
41:14 He does not need to suffer under the judgment of God.
41:17 He already suffered the judgment once and for all
41:20 for sin and for sinners.
41:24 Now, what does Pentecost have to do with this?
41:28 Well let's take a look at the middle of this page
41:30 that you have in your handout.
41:33 What did Jesus accomplish by His ministry on earth?
41:36 That's what we need to know first.
41:39 First of all, Jesus lived His perfect life in the camp, right?
41:43 And He lived it for all of us, because we can't
41:45 offer the law perfection.
41:46 Jesus came and lived the life that the law requires,
41:49 and He lived it in our place.
41:51 What else did He accomplish?
41:53 He offered His life and sacrifice upon the altar.
41:56 He bore our sins, the sins of the whole world, upon Himself
41:59 so that we wouldn't have to die.
42:00 He died so that we don't have to die.
42:02 He lived to offer the law the life
42:05 that we cannot offer the law.
42:08 And then Jesus resurrected from the dead at the laver.
42:11 So He's following the Sanctuary.
42:13 The camp, the altar of sacrifice, the laver.
42:17 Where would we expect Him to go after His resurrection,
42:20 which is represented by the laver?
42:22 The next thing that we would expect would be
42:27 His entering the Holy Place.
42:29 Right?
42:30 We would expect, after His sacrifice, the fire to
42:34 show approval of the sacrifice that He had offered.
42:39 Are you understanding me or not?
42:41 Now the question is, where is that fire manifested
42:45 showing that God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?
42:48 Well, we need to study the temple geography.
42:53 You see, in the Hebrew Sanctuary, after the
42:54 altar of sacrifice you have the laver.
42:57 And after the laver, you have the ministration of the
43:00 High Priest in the Holy Place.
43:02 After Jesus died and resurrected on earth, we would expect Him
43:06 to go where?
43:08 To begin His ministry in the Holy Place
43:10 of the heavenly Sanctuary.
43:11 But you know what most Christians say?
43:13 Including some Adventists who have left the faith,
43:16 like Desmond Ford.
43:17 They say, "No, Jesus went directly into
43:20 the Most Holy Place."
43:22 That's senseless.
43:24 What about the Holy Place?
43:26 If Jesus lived His perfect life in the camp,
43:29 if He died at the altar, if He resurrected at the laver,
43:32 we would expect Jesus next to go into the Holy Place.
43:36 And then later to go into the Most Holy Place.
43:40 So it's foolishness to say that He jumped from the court
43:42 into the Most Holy Place.
43:44 Because there is a Holy Place ministry of Jesus Christ.
43:48 Now the question is, where did Jesus enter?
43:52 Well, let's read Revelation chapter 4 and verse 5.
43:54 Revelation chapter 4 and verse 5.
43:59 This is an interesting detail.
44:01 It's describing the heavenly throne room
44:04 before Jesus arrives.
44:05 Jesus arrives in chapter 5.
44:06 Chapter 4, the throne room is being prepared
44:09 for the arrival of Christ.
44:11 It says there, "And from the throne proceeded lightnings,
44:14 thunderings, and voices.
44:16 Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne,
44:18 which are the seven Spirits of God."
44:20 Now, where is this event taking place in Revelation 4?
44:24 In the Holy Place. How do we know that?
44:26 Because there's seven lamps of fire.
44:28 And the seven lamps of fire were in the Holy Place, right?
44:32 And by the way, the seven lamps of fire represent what?
44:35 The Holy Spirit.
44:36 Are there seven Holy Spirits?
44:38 No.
44:39 The number seven represents, there present, is the
44:42 fullness of the Holy Spirit.
44:44 The totality of the Holy Spirit is present there
44:47 in the throne room.
44:48 And then in chapter 5 Jesus arrives.
44:52 See, in chapter 4 the throne room is prepared.
44:54 Those who have watched the series on, The 24 Elders,
44:57 I have a whole presentation called,
45:00 The Return of the War Hero.
45:02 Chapter 4; the preparation of the throne room,
45:04 the cherubim and seraphim are there, the representatives
45:06 of the worlds are there, you know, the Holy Spirit
45:10 is present there, the Father is sitting on the throne.
45:12 And everything is in expectancy, because in chapter 5
45:15 Jesus is returning from the earth victorious
45:18 in His battle with the devil.
45:20 And He arrives in chapter 5 and verse 6.
45:23 And how does He arrive?
45:25 How does He present Himself before His Father?
45:27 Notice verse 6.
45:29 "And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of
45:33 the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders,
45:35 stood a Lamb as though it had been slain..."
45:39 How is Jesus presenting Himself?
45:42 Is He alive when He presents Himself?
45:45 Yes, He died but now He's coming alive.
45:48 And He's presenting Himself as the Lamb
45:51 as though it had been slain before the throne
45:53 where the Father is sitting.
45:55 And it says, and now notice the nuance here,
45:58 "...having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the
46:00 seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth."
46:06 In chapter 4, the seven Spirits are there.
46:10 But in chapter 5, the seven Spirits are what?
46:13 Sent to the earth.
46:14 What event is that?
46:16 That event is the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit
46:19 is sent to the earth.
46:21 So in other words, Jesus ascends to the throne room,
46:23 He presents Himself before His Father,
46:26 and then the next step is that the Holy Spirit is poured out.
46:33 The Spirit is sent to the earth.
46:35 And Ellen White describes it beautifully in the
46:38 last three pages of, Desire Of Ages.
46:40 Wow.
46:41 If you can read that without goose bumps,
46:45 I don't know how you can do that.
46:47 Because it is really exciting.
46:49 And it's even going to be more exciting when Jesus
46:52 comes to take all of His people home.
46:54 Whoo, the heavenly throne room is going to be prepared.
46:57 By the way, the Father doesn't come at the second coming.
46:59 He sends forth Jesus.
47:02 Now there's this idea that Jesus is coming with the Father.
47:05 No, no, the Father sits on His throne in heaven.
47:08 And the throne room will be prepared in heaven.
47:11 And then Jesus with His angels will come here,
47:14 and Jesus and His angels will call forth the dead.
47:17 And then we'll take the journey to heaven.
47:19 And then the heavenly throne room will be prepared
47:22 to receive the redeemed from all ages.
47:25 And so Ellen White describes it in a magnificent way.
47:29 She says that Jesus entered through the gates into the city,
47:33 and the angels were singing and they were praising.
47:35 I mean, thunderous praise.
47:38 And then Jesus raises His hands and He says,
47:41 "Shhh, silence."
47:43 She says, suddenly all the angels obey
47:45 and there's absolute silence.
47:48 And then Ellen White describes how Jesus enters the
47:50 presence of His Father.
47:52 He shows His Father the wounds on His hands,
47:55 on His brow, His side, His feet.
47:59 And He says, "Father, I need to know if My sacrifice
48:04 was sufficient to bring all of My people home.
48:07 I need to know."
48:10 And the Father says, "It is enough."
48:15 And then the Father embraces His Son.
48:19 And then the Father says, "Let all the angels
48:23 of God worship Him."
48:25 And then the angelic hosts sing even at a higher note
48:29 hymns of praises to the Lamb that was slain.
48:33 And then the Holy Spirit is poured out,
48:36 and the tongues of fire are seen on earth.
48:38 The tongues on earth of fire were a signal that the
48:42 sacrifice of Jesus had been accepted in heaven.
48:45 Sacrifice and fire.
48:47 The same symbolism.
48:49 God was showing that the striking of the rock
48:52 was accepted, because now the water was coming
48:56 forth from the rock.
48:58 Isn't that magnificent symbolism?
49:01 I mean, how can you understand all of these episodes
49:04 in the Old Testament without reference to Jesus Christ?
49:08 In, Story Of Redemption, page 386, which
49:11 you have in your material, Ellen White explains,
49:14 "The rending of the veil of the temple showed that the
49:16 Jewish sacrifices and ordinances would no longer be received."
49:21 Now listen carefully.
49:23 "The great Sacrifice had been offered and had been accepted,
49:30 and the Holy Spirit which descended on the day of
49:33 Pentecost carried the minds of the disciples from the
49:35 earthly sanctuary to the heavenly..."
49:37 Now listen, "...where Jesus had entered by His own blood,
49:42 to shed upon His disciples..."
49:45 Not the whole world, folks.
49:47 " shed upon His disciples the benefits of His atonement."
49:53 Now what are the benefits of Christ's atonement?
49:56 The benefits are His perfect life and His death for sin.
50:00 Those are the benefits of His earthly work.
50:02 And those benefits are available to how many?
50:05 They're available to everyone.
50:08 In other words, when Jesus lived His life and died His death,
50:11 Jesus bought the gift of salvation.
50:15 He paid for the gift of salvation.
50:18 Let me ask you, how much does a gift cost you?
50:22 It costs to the giver.
50:26 But it's free to the receiver.
50:29 Now let me ask you, is it possible to refuse a gift
50:32 that somebody gives you?
50:34 Of course.
50:36 Is it possible to refuse the gift that Jesus bought?
50:40 Oh, you better believe it.
50:42 You see, it's in the Holy Place that we receive the gift
50:45 when we claim Jesus as our Intercessor,
50:49 when we claim Him as our Mediator.
50:52 If we sin, we have an Advocate with the Father;
50:55 Jesus Christ the Righteous.
50:57 And so it's in the service in the Holy Place
51:00 where we benefit from what He did on earth.
51:03 You see, when I come to Jesus repentant,
51:05 sorry for sin, I say, "Lord, I blew it.
51:07 I'm sorry. I repent.
51:09 I confess my sin.
51:10 I'm a miserable sinner. I deserve death.
51:12 But Jesus, I believe that You lived the life
51:15 that I should live, You died the death that I should die.
51:18 I receive You as my Savior and as my Lord."
51:20 Jesus says, "I take My life and My death,
51:23 and I place them to your account.
51:25 And I look upon you as if you had never sinned."
51:29 You benefit from what He did, personally and individually.
51:32 Are you following me?
51:34 For most Christians, you know, everything
51:36 took place at the cross.
51:37 Jesus has an important work to perform in the Holy Place
51:41 of the Sanctuary.
51:44 Now what happened after the day of Pentecost?
51:46 Well the disciples drank the water, and what did they do?
51:52 Whoo, they drank the water,
51:53 and immediately after drinking the water...
51:55 Which means that they received the Holy Spirit.
51:56 Because they had repented and they had confessed their sins
51:59 the ten days before, and so on.
52:01 They prepared to receive the Holy Spirit.
52:03 So now they received the Holy Spirit.
52:05 And what do they do immediately?
52:08 They go out and witness.
52:10 Notice Acts chapter 1.
52:11 This is on the last page of your material.
52:13 Acts chapter 1 verses 7 and 8. Acts chapter 1 verses 7 and 8.
52:19 I want you to notice that the expression, "you shall,"
52:21 is used twice here.
52:24 "And He said to them, 'It is not for you to know times or
52:28 seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.
52:31 But you shall receive...'"
52:33 There, "you shall." Notice.
52:35 " shall receive power when the Holy Spirit
52:38 has come upon you."
52:40 What did Jesus say? "You shall receive..." What?
52:43 Power. What for?
52:46 You know, today you listen to charismatics
52:48 and they say, "Oh, the reason for the power is for you
52:50 to have a good time in church, to roll in the aisles,
52:53 to laugh in the spirit, and to feel good."
52:56 You know, it's for your own personal benefit.
52:58 So you can speak in tongues that not even God can understand.
53:04 It's all about me, me, me.
53:07 But the purpose of the Holy Spirit, of receiving the power,
53:11 is witness.
53:13 Because it says, "You shall receive power when the
53:15 Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses..."
53:19 "Receive and give," is what Jesus is saying.
53:22 " shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem,
53:25 and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the end of the earth."
53:30 One final illustration.
53:32 The Samaritan woman illustrates perfectly
53:34 what we've been talking about.
53:37 Jesus goes to Jacob's well.
53:41 Sitting there, and a woman comes to draw water at noon.
53:44 Which is very unusual because water isn't drawn at noon.
53:48 It's terribly hot in the Holy Land.
53:49 But this woman had a life that she lived,
53:53 which was morally corrupt.
53:55 And so she didn't want anybody to see her.
53:57 So Jesus says, "Give Me water to drink."
54:00 And she says, "How is it that You, a Jew,
54:01 would speak to a Samaritan?"
54:03 See, this woman progresses in her understanding of Jesus.
54:06 First of all, Jesus is a Jew.
54:08 Then when Jesus reveals her life to her, she says,
54:10 "I think you're a prophet."
54:12 By the end of the conversation, she says,
54:13 "I believe You're the Messiah."
54:17 And so this woman, you know, Jesus says
54:20 something very interesting to her in John 4 verses 13 and 14.
54:23 Notice John 4:13-14.
54:25 "Jesus answered and said to her,
54:27 'Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again...'"
54:30 You drink from this water from Jacob's well,
54:32 you will thirst again.
54:34 "...but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him..."
54:38 It's speaking about Pentecost.
54:40 Listen carefully.
54:41 "...that I shall give him will never thirst.
54:43 But the water that I shall give him will become in him
54:47 a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
54:51 Are you catching the picture?
54:52 "You come and drink from the fountain,
54:55 and then you become a fountain,"
54:57 is what Jesus is saying.
54:59 And this woman lived this experience.
55:03 When she accepted Jesus as Messiah, she goes back to
55:05 Sychar, the city that she lived in.
55:08 She not embarrassed now.
55:10 She goes from house to house, she says,
55:12 "I found the Messiah that we've been waiting for.
55:15 Really!"
55:16 And you know she had an excitement in her voice
55:19 that led people to say, "Wow, we've got to hear."
55:21 "Yeah, I can show you where He's at."
55:24 And so now she comes with the whole city of Sychar.
55:27 She drank the water, and now she's giving the water.
55:30 And then, you know, the disciples come back to Jesus,
55:32 and they say, "Lord, we brought You the food
55:34 that You told us to go get."
55:35 And you know, Jesus said, "My food and My drink
55:38 is to do My Father's will and to finish His work."
55:40 And the disciples, you know, spiritually blind, they say,
55:45 "Well maybe somebody brought Him some food
55:46 while we were gone."
55:50 And then Jesus says, "Haven't you heard that there's
55:53 four months until the harvest?"
55:54 He says, "No, no, there's not four months until the harvest."
55:56 He says, "Look, at the fields.
55:58 They're already white waiting for the harvest."
56:01 And you read, Desire Of Ages, Ellen Whites says that
56:03 Jesus was not pointing at fields of barley or fields of wheat.
56:07 Jesus was pointing at this woman who was coming
56:10 with the entire city of Sychar to hear the words of Jesus.
56:17 She drank the water from the fountain.
56:20 And now she became a fountain of water to others.
56:25 The greatest sign, brothers and sisters,
56:28 that we know Jesus is an intense desire
56:32 to let others know about Jesus.
56:35 If we are not letting other people know about Jesus,
56:37 if we don't feel that desire, if we're simply warming the pew,
56:41 perhaps it's because we haven't known the Lord.
56:43 I finish by reading this statement from Ellen White,
56:45 Ministry of Healing, 102.
56:48 "She proved herself a more effective missionary
56:50 than His own disciples.
56:52 The disciples saw nothing in Samaria to indicate
56:54 that it was an encouraging field.
56:57 Their thoughts were fixed upon a great
56:58 work to be done in the future."
56:59 Like many Adventist, they say, "We're not doing much now,
57:02 but when the latter rain comes..."
57:05 "They did not see that right around them
57:08 was a harvest to be gathered.
57:10 But through the woman whom they despised, a whole city full
57:13 were brought to hear Jesus.
57:15 She carried the light at once to her countrymen.
57:18 This woman represents the working of a
57:21 practical faith in Christ."
57:25 So is this story of the rock a very significant story?
57:29 Is it centered in Jesus Christ?
57:32 It most certainly is.
57:33 If you don't see Christ, you will make no sense out of it.
57:37 It will be meaningless.
57:38 But with Christ, it becomes a living passage to teach us
57:42 important lessons in our spiritual walk with the Lord.


Revised 2015-02-05