Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic Principles

Reflections on Daniel 11

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: ASTPP

Program Code: ASTPP000011

00:15 Well we are on a roll at Anchor Bible school.
00:20 We're moving along real fine.
00:22 We are dealing with principle number seven.
00:26 And so I hope that everything that we've been studying
00:30 has been a blessing, and that it's going to help us
00:33 in our personal study of Scripture.
00:35 Now in the next hour we are going to study the topic titled,
00:39 The Sun God and the Number 666.
00:44 We're going to do a comparison between Daniel 3
00:47 and Revelation 13.
00:49 And we're going to see that Jesus is not only a
00:52 spiritual deliverer from sin, but at the end of time
00:56 Jesus will have to be a deliverer, a physical
01:00 literal deliverer, from death.
01:02 Because God's people will be under the sentence of death.
01:07 So we're going to follow this material very closely.
01:10 And I know that you all have this material.
01:13 So let's go to it.
01:15 The Sun God and the Number 666.
01:22 Now we all know about the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar
01:27 received in Daniel chapter 2.
01:30 He received the dream of the golden head,
01:32 of the breast and arms of silver, the belly of bronze,
01:35 the legs of iron, the feet of iron and clay;
01:37 the stone that hit the feet and broke the image
01:40 into smithereens; and then the stone became a great mountain.
01:44 In this dream, God was showing Nebuchadnezzar
01:48 the future, not only of his kingdom, He was showing him
01:51 the future of the world, basically.
01:54 And when God did this, Nebuchadnezzar was not
01:58 a happy camper.
01:59 Because he believed that Babylon was going to exist forever.
02:03 And so by the advice of his religious advisors,
02:07 he decided that he would build an image just like the one
02:11 that he had seen in his dream, but with one difference.
02:14 And that is, that instead of having different metals,
02:18 the image would be totally and completely of gold.
02:21 And so he built this gigantic image that is referred to
02:26 in Daniel chapter 3.
02:28 It was a direct act of rebellion on the part of Nebuchadnezzar.
02:33 He was saying, "You say that my kingdom is only going to
02:36 be the head of gold.
02:37 Well I have news for you.
02:38 My kingdom is all of gold, and it will exist forever."
02:43 The two chapters are linked by certain words.
02:47 The word, "gold," is used in both of these chapters.
02:51 The word, "image," is identical in both chapters.
02:54 And the expression, "set up," that is used in both of these
02:59 chapters is identical as well.
03:02 You remember that in chapter 2, God said that He would set up
03:06 a kingdom that would never be destroyed.
03:08 So Nebuchadnezzar sets up this gigantic image
03:10 saying that it's not going to be in that way.
03:13 Now the first thing that we want to take a look at
03:16 is the Old Testament type.
03:18 The Old Testament story becomes the foundation for
03:22 the New Testament application.
03:24 Just like we've been studying.
03:26 You know, we took a look at the rock,
03:29 and we took a look at the manna.
03:31 And we noticed that these Old Testament types are fulfilled
03:34 on a broader scale in the New Testament.
03:37 The same is true with the story of Daniel chapter 3.
03:41 What was the ruling power in Daniel chapter 3?
03:45 It was Babylon.
03:47 You can notice this in Daniel 3 verse 1.
03:49 I'm not going to read all of the verses because
03:51 we don't have the time to do so.
03:53 And God's people at this time were captive in Babylon.
03:58 This is known as, The Seventy Year Captivity.
04:00 Have you ever head of The Seventy Year Captivity?
04:02 So the ruling power is Babylon, and God's people are in
04:06 captivity in Babylon.
04:08 You can read that in Jeremiah 51 and verse 45.
04:12 Now we all know that Nebuchadnezzar
04:14 for a while lived like a beast, didn't he.
04:16 He thought he was a beast, he acted like a beast,
04:19 and he ate grass like an ox.
04:22 You know, he became a vegan.
04:26 And perhaps that, you know, he became a vegan,
04:29 and that helped give him clarity of thought.
04:31 Because he came out of that at the end of the seven years.
04:34 I'm not making any theological application to that, by the way.
04:37 But he went and he acted like a beast.
04:42 And he grew big nails.
04:44 And his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle,
04:47 the Bible says.
04:48 And he thought that he was a beast.
04:50 And then Nebuchadnezzar, the beast so to speak,
04:55 raised up what?
04:56 He raised up an image.
04:59 And he commanded everyone to worship the image
05:02 that he had raised up.
05:04 And he said, "Anyone who does not worship this image
05:08 that I have raised up here in Babylon
05:11 will be..." What?
05:12 "...will be killed."
05:15 Now let's study a little bit about this particular image
05:19 in Daniel chapter 3.
05:21 If what Herodotus, the Greek historian, has to say is true,
05:29 the image weighed 800 talents of gold.
05:34 Which would be equivalent to 30 tons of gold.
05:37 That is a lot of gold.
05:39 Now there's a few details that we need to take into account
05:43 when we discuss the dimensions and the
05:46 composition of this image.
05:48 First of all, we know that the sexagesimal system
05:52 of numeration originated in Babylon.
05:54 You say, "What is the sexagesimal system?"
05:58 It's the system based on the number 6.
06:01 You know, like for example we have 60 seconds.
06:04 We have 60 minutes.
06:05 We have 24 hours.
06:07 We have 360 days.
06:09 We have 360 degrees that reflect the circle,
06:13 the entire circle of space.
06:15 All of that sexagesimal system comes from ancient Babylon.
06:20 Now, the Babylonians divided the universe into
06:26 360 degrees of space.
06:31 And they divided the year into 360 days.
06:37 So in other words, the whole circle of space
06:40 was 360 degrees.
06:42 And the whole cycle of time of the year was 360 days.
06:47 Now it's interesting that the Babylonians, what they did,
06:51 is that they would place one god of their pantheon to rule
06:56 over ten degrees of space and over ten days of time.
07:00 And so the 36 gods of the pantheon each ruled
07:04 over ten days and ten degrees.
07:06 And of course, 36 times 10 is what?
07:10 Is 360.
07:12 So these gods basically ruled over all time
07:16 and over all space.
07:19 Now the sum total of the numbers 1 through 36
07:23 is very interesting.
07:25 If you add 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5,
07:29 all the way up to the number 36, the result is 666.
07:36 And so when the Babylonians placed one god to rule
07:41 over ten degrees of space and over ten days of time,
07:44 and all 36 gods ruled over all space and all time,
07:48 the summary number in which all of the 36 gods
07:53 were contained was the number 666.
07:58 Now there was one god that was not included among the 36.
08:02 He was the great god above all gods.
08:06 His name was Marduk.
08:09 And his number was 666.
08:12 Because he was the ruler over all of the gods.
08:15 And through them he was ruler over all time
08:18 and over all space.
08:21 Now the Babylonian priestly system had an interesting
08:25 way of expressing this idea of Marduk, whose number is 666,
08:31 ruling over the 36 gods; each ruling over ten degrees of space
08:36 and ten days of time, representing the fact
08:39 that they ruled over all space and over all time.
08:43 The priests of Babylon used amulets or medallions
08:49 on a chain around their necks.
08:51 And I have pictures of these that I can show you.
08:54 The medallions were made of pure gold.
08:57 Because gold is the color of the sun.
09:00 In fact, the ancients called gold, the dew of the sun.
09:04 Because in a pre-scientific society, they believed
09:07 that gold had dripped down from the sun.
09:11 It's no coincidence that in Isaiah 14 verse 4
09:15 Babylon is called the golden kingdom,
09:19 and that in Daniel 2 the symbol for Babylon is gold.
09:24 Because gold is the color of Babylon.
09:28 And the sun god is the god Marduk, whose number is 666,
09:33 and he is the summary number of the numbers 1 through 36.
09:38 He rules over all the pantheon that rules over all space
09:42 and over all time.
09:44 Now it's interesting to notice that these amulets were round.
09:48 What shape is the sun?
09:50 The sun is round.
09:52 And they were made of gold, which is the color of the sun.
09:55 Now in the middle of these amulets there was a square,
10:01 a large square.
10:02 And inside that large square were 36 smaller squares
10:07 with the numbers 1 through 36, never repeated, within those
10:13 smaller squares within that large square.
10:18 In other words, you have the 36 gods of the pantheon
10:22 in Babylon represented by this square with 36 smaller squares
10:27 in the middle or inside that larger square.
10:32 The interesting thing is that underneath this large square
10:37 with the 36 squares, frequently you find
10:42 the number 666, which is the summary number
10:47 of all of the 36 numbers that appear in the squares.
10:50 Now if you look at the obverse side of the medallion,
10:54 because it not only had one side, it had also some
10:58 information on the obverse side or on the opposite side,
11:02 many times what you find is a raging lion with wings.
11:08 And the raging lion, of course, is yellow.
11:11 And his mane forms the rays of the sun.
11:16 Have you ever seen a lion when he's infuriated?
11:19 His mane stands up and his face looks like the sun.
11:24 And so it's interesting that in
11:26 Daniel chapter 7 you have a lion.
11:28 And what does the lion have?
11:30 The lion has wings.
11:32 And so Daniel is speaking within the context that he lives in.
11:37 Nebuchadnezzar would have easily identified with what
11:40 Daniel was presenting from the dream that he had.
11:45 Now there's more information too.
11:47 And that is, that the sign of the zodiac...
11:52 Which by the way, the signs of the zodiac
11:54 come from ancient Babylon.
11:56 The sign of the zodiac that rules over the hottest period
12:00 of the year is Leo the lion, from July 23 to August 22.
12:07 Very interesting.
12:08 Why would you have Leo the lion governing during this period?
12:12 Simply because it is the hottest period of the year.
12:16 It's when the sun shines the brightest.
12:20 Is there any relationship between the sun
12:22 and ancient Babylon?
12:24 You better believe there is.
12:25 Now, the Romans acquired much of their religious system
12:32 from ancient Babylon.
12:33 But they established a different number system.
12:37 They established that all of the numbers would be
12:40 written with six specific letters of the alphabet.
12:45 And you say, "No, there's actually seven."
12:47 There's an I, there's a V, there's an X, there's an L,
12:53 there's a D, and there's an M.
12:56 There's a C, that's a hundred, yes.
12:57 And then there's an M.
12:59 But the M did not exist in the original numerical system.
13:03 It was added during the middle ages.
13:06 The way in which it was written before that was that they would
13:09 place two D's side by side.
13:12 In other words, the Romans only established a number system
13:16 with six characters from the alphabet.
13:21 And lo and behold, if you add those six numbers,
13:25 1 plus 5 plus 10 plus 50 plus 100 plus 500,
13:30 the total is 666.
13:36 So basically what I'm saying is that this image that
13:39 Nebuchadnezzar raised up of pure gold,
13:43 whose dimensions is 60 by 6...
13:48 Do you know how much 60 by 6 is?
13:51 360.
13:53 Was actually a solar symbol in ancient Babylon.
13:57 It was an image in honor of Marduk, the sun god.
14:00 So whoever worshipped the image would be worshipping what?
14:04 Would be worshipping the sun god, whose number is 666.
14:11 Now what was the primary issue involved in this conflict
14:16 in the valley of Dura?
14:19 Clearly, the issue has to do with what?
14:22 With worship.
14:23 That is the central issue.
14:25 It has to do with worship.
14:27 In fact, the word, "worship," in Daniel chapter 3
14:29 is used ten times.
14:32 And you have it in your material.
14:33 It's used in verses 5 through 7, verses 10 through 12,
14:37 verse 14, verse 15, verse 18, and verse 28.
14:41 Almost ad nauseam is the word, "worship," used
14:44 in the chapters, repeated over and over again.
14:47 Because the issue is over worship.
14:49 Will you worship the image, who represents the sun god,
14:55 whose number is 666, or will you worship
14:59 God the Creator.
15:00 That is the big issue in the valley of Dura.
15:04 Is the law of God also involved?
15:07 Of course it is.
15:08 Which table of the law is particularly involved here?
15:12 It is the first table of the law.
15:14 Would it be having other gods before God if the young men
15:18 had bowed to worship the image?
15:20 Of course.
15:21 Does the second commandment forbid them from
15:24 worshipping idols?
15:25 Absolutely.
15:26 Does the fourth commandment say only to honor the Creator?
15:30 Absolutely.
15:31 This trial had to do with the first table of the law.
15:34 It had to do with worship.
15:36 It had to do with the commandments of God
15:39 verses the commandments of men.
15:42 Now is the Sabbath involved indirectly?
15:45 Of course it is.
15:46 We worship the Creator, we worship God
15:49 because He's what?
15:50 The Creator.
15:51 And what is the sign of the Creator?
15:54 The sign of the Creator is the holy Sabbath.
15:57 So the primary issue is an issue of worship.
16:01 And also an issue having to do with whether the commandments
16:04 of God would be obeyed or the commandments of men;
16:08 the commandment that was given by the king.
16:11 Was there a union of church and state
16:14 in the valley of Dura?
16:16 Yes there was.
16:17 Let's go to Daniel chapter 3, we will read a few of these verses.
16:20 Daniel chapter 3, and let's read verse 2.
16:24 Daniel 3 and verse 2.
16:25 This is the king, and he's making a religious decree.
16:29 It says there, "And King Nebuchadnezzar
16:31 sent word to gather together the satraps, the administrators,
16:35 the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges,
16:38 the magistrates, and all the officials of the provinces..."
16:42 Are these all political positions?
16:44 Yes they are.
16:45 " come to the dedication of the image which
16:48 King Nebuchadnezzar had set up."
16:51 So all of the administrators of the kingdom of Babylon
16:55 are called to the dedication of this image
16:59 and to worship this image.
17:00 And incidentally, they're presented in order of
17:02 rank in this verse.
17:04 We don't have time to go into all of the ranks of
17:08 civil officials in Babylon.
17:11 But they're all in order.
17:12 So this is a case of the civil power enforcing
17:16 a religious decree or establishing religion.
17:20 To refuse to worship was considered treason
17:23 against the civil power.
17:25 Daniel 3 and 6 are illustrations,
17:29 this is important, of the establishment
17:32 and free exercise clauses of the first amendment
17:34 to the Constitution of the United States.
17:37 You say, "How is that?"
17:39 Let me ask you, was Nebuchadnezzar the king?
17:41 Yes.
17:42 Was he establishing a religious observance?
17:46 Yes, he was establishing religion.
17:48 And everybody had to worship the way he said.
17:51 What does the first clause of the first amendment have to say?
17:54 "Congress shall make no law respecting the
17:57 establishment of religion..."
17:59 But Daniel 6, which we're not going to study,
18:02 Daniel and the lion's den, that command by the king
18:06 violated the second clause of the first amendment.
18:10 "...nor forbidding the free exercise thereof."
18:13 Because in Daniel 6, the king is not establishing religion.
18:16 He's forbidding the free exercise of religion,
18:19 saying you can't pray in this certain way.
18:21 And so you see in these stories of Daniel 3
18:24 what happens when the United States will violate
18:29 the first amendment by establishing religious
18:31 observances and by forbidding the free exercise of religion.
18:35 People will then lose the third clause,
18:37 which is full civil rights.
18:40 So let's go back here then.
18:41 There was a union of church and state.
18:44 Was this decree universal, as far as that time was concerned?
18:49 Absolutely.
18:51 Notice what we find in verse 4.
18:53 Daniel chapter 3 and verse 4.
18:55 "Then a herald cried aloud, 'To you it is commanded...'"
18:59 Notice the terminology.
19:00 "...O peoples, nations, and languages,
19:05 that at the time you hear the sound of the
19:08 horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony
19:11 with all kinds of music, you shall fall down and worship
19:15 the gold image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up."
19:18 So you'll notice here that the decree of worship was universal.
19:22 It included all the political leaders and it included
19:25 the multitudes, the nations, and the tongues.
19:28 Does that sound familiar when you connect it with
19:30 Revelation, that terminology?
19:32 Absolutely.
19:34 Did music play a vital role in this conflict
19:39 in the valley of Dura?
19:41 Do you think music is going to have any role to play
19:43 in the end time as well?
19:45 We're going to make an application of all this.
19:47 We're just studying the historical type now.
19:50 Now was a death decree given against those
19:53 who did not worship the image of the beast, so to speak?
19:58 There was a death decree.
20:00 In fact notice Daniel chapter 3, Daniel chapter 3 and verse 6.
20:05 Here it comes through very clearly.
20:07 "And whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast
20:11 immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace."
20:16 And that is repeated in verse 11, in verse 15,
20:19 and in verse 19 once again.
20:21 There was a death decree against those who did not worship the
20:25 image in honor of the sun god, whose number is 666.
20:30 Was there a faithful but insignificant remnant
20:33 who refused to worship?
20:35 Were they in the majority?
20:37 No, they were in the minority.
20:39 Notice verse 12, Daniel chapter 3 verse 12.
20:43 "There are certain Jews whom you have set over the affairs
20:47 of the province of Babylon;
20:48 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.
20:50 These men, O king, have not paid due regard to you.
20:53 They do not serve your gods..."
20:56 Ah, so was this image set up in honor of the gods of Babylon?
21:02 Absolutely.
21:03 "They do not serve your gods or..." What?
21:05 "...or worship the gold image which you have set up."
21:09 There was a faithful remnant.
21:12 And of course, they were the only ones resisting the
21:16 supremacy of Nebuchadnezzar.
21:18 If they could be wiped from the face of the earth,
21:21 the triumph of Nebuchadnezzar would be complete.
21:26 Now who were the instigators?
21:28 Who were the instigators who accused the three young men
21:32 to the civil power?
21:34 It was the religious leaders of Babylon that accused
21:37 them to the king.
21:38 Notice Daniel chapter 3 and verses 9 through 12.
21:43 Daniel chapter 3 verse 9.
21:46 It says, "They spoke and said..."
21:47 And these are the wise men of Babylon, so called.
21:51 "They spoke and said to King Nebuchadnezzar,
21:54 'O king, live forever.
21:55 You, O king, have made a decree that everyone who hears
21:57 the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery,
22:00 in symphony with all kinds of music, shall fall down
22:02 and worship the gold image; and whoever does not
22:05 fall down and worship shall be cast into the midst of a
22:08 burning fiery furnace.
22:09 There are certain Jews whom you set over the affairs
22:12 of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach,
22:14 and Abed-Nego; these men, O king, have not paid
22:17 due regard to you.
22:18 They do not serve your gods or worship the gold image
22:21 which you have set up.'"
22:23 So who are the accusers of the remnant?
22:26 The religious leaders.
22:28 In other words, the church is appealing to the state
22:31 and saying, "You have to eradicate
22:33 these three young men."
22:35 Now was there a shaking in the valley of Dura?
22:38 Do you think those were the only three Jews there?
22:42 Absolutely not.
22:43 When Nebuchadnezzar took Daniel and his three friends captive
22:47 to Babylon, he left King Zedekiah to rule in Jerusalem.
22:52 You remember that?
22:53 He left Zedekiah to rule in Jerusalem.
22:56 Now we know something very interesting.
22:58 I don't know this for absolute certain, but we do know this,
23:01 that King Zedekiah, in 594 BC, made a trip to Babylon.
23:08 It is inconceivable that Zedekiah would not have
23:11 gone to the dedication of the image, because everyone
23:14 was required to be present there.
23:16 Is it just possible that the trip in 594 BC was for the
23:21 dedication of the image?
23:23 There's a possibility.
23:24 Furthermore, there were other Hebrew worthies
23:26 that were taken to Babylon.
23:28 They were taught in the schools of Babylon,
23:29 and they had positions in the kingdom, didn't they?
23:32 Where were they in the time of crisis?
23:35 Undoubtedly, they bowed before the image
23:38 that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
23:40 There were only three faithful young men.
23:44 Now Nebuchadnezzar attempted to entice and intimidate
23:49 the remnant who kept the commandments of God
23:52 and worshipped only Him.
23:53 And the king took three steps, if you read the story.
23:57 First of all, he tried to get the men to worship the image
24:01 by fascination.
24:04 That is the impressive worship scene.
24:06 You can imagine what it must have been like.
24:09 Do you know how much 60 times 6 is?
24:13 I mean, that's a huge image.
24:17 And so everybody is there to worship this image.
24:20 And all of the dignitaries are there.
24:22 And it's just an impressive scene with a band,
24:26 with the best music.
24:29 And so the devil, through Nebuchadnezzar,
24:32 tries to fascinate the young men into worshipping the image.
24:36 The second thing that he uses is intimidation and threats.
24:40 He says, "If you don't worship this image,
24:42 you can be thrown into the fiery furnace."
24:45 And when intimidation did not work,
24:48 what was the final solution?
24:50 The final solution was to execute them.
24:54 So he uses three methods.
24:55 First of all, fascination by the glory of the scene.
24:58 Secondly, intimidation and threats.
25:00 And in the third place, throwing them into the fiery furnace
25:04 to eradicate them.
25:06 Ellen White makes an insightful remark
25:10 about Nebuchadnezzar's body language
25:12 when the young men said that they were not going to worship.
25:15 She states that after the king threatened to throw the
25:18 young men into the furnace, "with hand stretched upward
25:23 in defiance, he boastfully declared,
25:26 'And what God shall be able to deliver you
25:29 from my hands?'"
25:32 In fact, she says that his face looked like the face
25:35 of a demon.
25:38 And you have these three young men alone
25:41 in the valley of Dura saying, "We will not worship.
25:45 We will not break God's holy commandments."
25:50 Wow, loyal to God, because they had a covenant
25:53 relationship with Jesus.
25:56 Here the covenant, "I will be their God,
25:59 and they shall be My people."
26:00 That's the covenant formula.
26:02 And so when Nebuchadnezzar threatens them,
26:04 and he tries to fascinate them with the scene,
26:08 we find that the three young men have an answer for the king.
26:10 It's found in verses 16 through 18.
26:13 Verses 16 through 18.
26:16 "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered
26:18 and said to the king, 'O Nebuchadnezzar,
26:21 we have no need to answer you in this matter.
26:24 If that is the case, our God whom we serve
26:28 is able to deliver us..."
26:30 That word, "deliver," is a key word in the book of Daniel.
26:33 Do you know it only appears in Daniel 3, and Daniel 6,
26:36 and in Daniel 11.
26:39 Which means that they are connected.
26:42 And so verse 17 says, "If that is the case, our God
26:45 whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning
26:48 fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand.
26:51 But if not..."
26:53 Do they serve God for the loaves and the fishes?
26:56 No.
26:57 They're willing to serve Him even if God
26:59 doesn't come through.
27:00 "But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not
27:05 serve your gods..."
27:06 See, the image was a sign that they were
27:08 serving the gods of Babylon.
27:10 And the great god was the sun god Marduk.
27:13 "...nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up."
27:18 Period.
27:20 What was the reaction of the king?
27:23 Hmmm, notice verse 19.
27:25 "Then Nebuchadnezzar was full of fury..."
27:28 Does that sound familiar?
27:30 "Then the dragon was..." What?
27:32 "...enraged with the woman, and went to make war
27:35 with the remnant of her seed."
27:37 So it says, "Then Nebuchadnezzar was
27:38 full of fury, and the expression on his face..." What?
27:43 "...on his face changed toward Shadrach,
27:47 Meshach, and Abed-Nego.
27:48 He spoke and commanded that they heat the furnace seven times
27:52 more than it was usually heated."
27:55 And you have this statement by Ellen White
27:57 in, Bible Commentary, volume 4, page 1169,
28:01 where she says, "Satanic attributes made his countenance
28:05 appear as the countenance of a demon."
28:10 Wow, that's amazing.
28:13 You see, the problem is, Nebuchadnezzar
28:14 made the same mistake that Pharaoh made at the Red Sea.
28:18 He assumed that he was fighting these three young men
28:22 when he was really fighting against the Lord.
28:25 Pharaoh didn't realize that by fighting against Israel
28:27 he was fighting against the Lord of Israel
28:29 in the person of His people.
28:32 This is why Moses had said at the edge of the Red Sea,
28:35 "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."
28:39 In fighting the people of the Lord, the king was fighting
28:43 against the Lord of the people.
28:47 Did a time of trouble ensue for the three young men?
28:50 Ooh, terrible time of trouble.
28:53 The young men faced the beast, his image, and the civil rulers
28:59 without flinching.
29:01 I'm sure that it was a severe test for them to think
29:04 about being thrown into the fiery furnace.
29:08 And yet, their loyalty to God was stronger than life itself.
29:14 And of course, we just read that the king
29:16 heated the furnace seven times hotter than ever before.
29:20 And by the way, I don't think Nebuchadnezzar
29:22 had a thermometer.
29:24 I don't think thermometers existed back then.
29:26 What it means, the number seven, means that he heated the
29:29 kiln as hot as it would be.
29:32 To its maximum heat, in other words.
29:36 Did the young men go through the tribulation?
29:39 They most certainly did.
29:40 In fact, Ellen White says that they claimed the promise
29:42 of Isaiah 43 verse 2, of going through the fire
29:45 and not being burned.
29:47 They claimed that promise that already existed at that time.
29:50 And so now you come to the climax of the story.
29:53 You know, in our Sabbath school we say,
29:54 "We need to dare to be a Daniel."
29:58 We should dare to be like Shadrach, Meshach,
30:01 and Abed-Nego.
30:02 And I'm not saying that's bad.
30:03 But you know what?
30:04 We make the heroes out of those who are not the heroes.
30:09 Because if it had not been for Jesus,
30:12 they would have been cooked.
30:15 The hero of this story are not the three young men.
30:19 The hero of this story is none other than Jesus Christ Himself.
30:25 He delivers, not only from the spiritual malady of sin,
30:29 He will deliver His people from literal death
30:32 in the time of trouble when the wicked come
30:34 against God's people.
30:36 Notice Daniel chapter 3.
30:39 Daniel chapter 3, and let's read beginning with verse 15.
30:45 Daniel chapter 3, we already read verse 15.
30:49 Let's go down to verse, let's see, verse 21.
30:54 "Then these men were bound in their coats, their trousers,
30:58 their turbans, and their other garments, and were cast
31:02 into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.
31:05 Therefore, because the king's command was urgent,
31:08 and the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire killed
31:13 those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego."
31:16 In other words, those who threw them in were slain by the fire.
31:19 "And these three men; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego,
31:22 fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace."
31:28 And now comes the climax of the story.
31:31 "Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished;
31:34 and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors,
31:38 'Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?'
31:44 They answered and said to the king, 'True, O king.'
31:47 'Look,' he answered, 'I see four men loose...'"
31:51 See, the ropes had been burnt.
31:54 The only thing that was burnt.
31:56 "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire;
32:01 and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth
32:04 is like the Son of God."
32:08 Some people say, "How did Nebuchadnezzar know
32:09 what the Son of God looked like?"
32:11 Ellen White says it's because Daniel had explained to him
32:14 before what He looked like.
32:16 So he knew what the Son of God looked like.
32:18 And by the way, at this point Jesus was the Angel of the Lord.
32:23 Let's notice verse 25.
32:24 You'll see it very clearly.
32:26 It says, "the Son of God," in verse 25, but notice verse 28.
32:30 It says, "Nebuchadnezzar spoke saying,
32:32 'Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego,
32:34 who sent His Angel
32:37 and delivered His servants who trusted in Him.'"
32:40 So who was it, the Son of God or the Angel?
32:42 The Son of God is the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament.
32:49 He is Michael the Archangel, if you please.
32:53 And so they were delivered.
32:54 Now, there's a key word in Daniel chapter 3.
32:56 It's used four times.
32:58 It's the word, "deliver."
33:00 It's used in verse 15, verse 17, verse 28, and verse 29.
33:06 It is a key word.
33:08 Who is able to deliver?
33:10 Jesus is able to deliver from this crisis that took place
33:16 in the valley of Dura.
33:17 Now the question is, is this the end of the story?
33:21 Absolutely not.
33:23 This story is going to be repeated on a global scale.
33:27 Notice the principles of interpretation
33:29 at the bottom of your page.
33:31 Literal Israel was literally captive in literal Babylon.
33:34 The literal king behaved like a literal beast,
33:37 set up a literal image, commanding everyone
33:39 literally to bow and worship.
33:40 Literal Jews refused to literally bow.
33:43 And therefore, they were thrown into a literal fiery furnace,
33:46 and are delivered from the literal flames.
33:50 This story will be repeated once more, but on a what?
33:55 But on a global scale.
33:59 Now let's make the application.
34:02 What will be the power, according to the book
34:04 of Revelation, that will be ruling the world
34:06 before Jesus comes?
34:08 It is Babylon.
34:11 The harlot is called Babylon.
34:13 And she's seated on many waters; on the multitudes, nations,
34:16 tongues, and peoples.
34:17 You can read it in Revelation 17 verses 1 and 2,
34:21 and also verse 5.
34:24 Will God's people once again be captive in Babylon?
34:28 Absolutely.
34:30 Will there be a call for them to come out
34:32 just like in the Old Testament?
34:34 Absolutely.
34:35 Revelation chapter 18 verse 4, "Come out of her, My people,
34:39 that you do not partake in her sins
34:41 or receive her plagues."
34:44 Will there be a global power who is called the beast
34:47 in Revelation 13?
34:49 See, I'm not even reading the verses because
34:51 you know these verses.
34:53 Revelation chapter 13 verses 1 and 2
34:55 speak about a beast that comes from the sea.
34:58 Will this beast have an image made of itself?
35:02 Absolutely.
35:03 It's known as the image of the beast.
35:06 Will it have a mark that has some relationship to the sun?
35:11 Will this mark be imposed by force like in the Old Testament?
35:16 Absolutely.
35:17 The mark of the beast is clearly opposite to the seal of God.
35:21 When the seventh day Sabbath becomes the final test
35:24 for the world, the seal of God will be the observance of the
35:28 Sabbath, and the mark of the beast will be the observance
35:31 of Sunday.
35:32 Does this involve worship?
35:34 Yes.
35:35 If you keep the Sabbath, it is a sign that
35:38 you worship God the Creator.
35:40 If you worship on Sunday, it's a sign that you are
35:43 worshipping the power that claimed to create Sunday
35:47 as a day of worship.
35:48 So it's not the issue of one day verses another,
35:51 it's the issue of who you are honoring through the day
35:55 that you are keeping.
35:57 You are either keeping Sabbath as a sign that
35:59 you worship the true God, or you're keeping Sunday
36:02 in honor of the power that claims to have changed
36:06 God's law from Sabbath to Sunday.
36:10 In contrast to those who worship the beast and his image
36:13 will be those who worship the Creator.
36:15 This is the reason why Revelation 14 verse 7
36:18 calls upon the world to worship the Creator.
36:21 See, the first angel's message says worship the Creator,
36:24 and the third angel's message says don't worship the beast.
36:28 And worshipping the Creator involves Sabbath observance.
36:31 Because we worship the Creator.
36:33 And the sign of the Creator is the Sabbath.
36:36 Notice the connection that Ellen White made
36:38 between these two stories.
36:40 Volume 14 of Manuscript Releases, page 91.
36:43 She says, "An idol sabbath has been set up..."
36:49 Why is it an idol sabbath?
36:52 Because it was created by man for worship.
36:55 Anything that man makes for worship is an idol.
36:59 It can be a day or it can be an object.
37:02 So she says, "An idol sabbath has been set up
37:04 as the golden image was set up in the plains of Dura."
37:07 There she's making the typological connection.
37:10 "And as Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon,
37:12 issued a decree that all who would not bow down
37:16 and worship this image should be killed, so a proclamation
37:19 will be made that all who will not reverence the
37:22 Sunday institution will be punished with
37:26 imprisonment and..." What?
37:28 "...with imprisonment and death."
37:30 Does the beast bear any relationship to the number 666?
37:37 You know that the number of the beast is 666.
37:41 And so there you have a relationship, a connection,
37:44 of the number in Daniel 3 with the number
37:47 in Revelation chapter 13.
37:49 Now somebody might say, "Pastor, is it really the same to worship
37:52 the sun as it is to worship on the day of the sun?"
37:57 And I answer, "In principle, yes it's the same."
38:00 Let me put it this way.
38:02 Who created the sun?
38:08 God did.
38:10 Did He create it for worship?
38:12 So what happens if you convert it into an object of worship?
38:15 What is that called?
38:17 Idolatry.
38:18 Who created the first day of the week?
38:21 Did He create it for worship?
38:22 So what happens if you make it a day of worship?
38:25 That's idolatry.
38:27 It doesn't matter whether it's an object or a day.
38:30 Anything that man makes for worship that God did not
38:34 create for worship is idolatry.
38:36 And so that's why Ellen White can call Sunday
38:40 the idol sabbath, and she can connect it to the golden image
38:44 in the valley of Dura.
38:46 Ellen White, in volume 7 of the Bible Commentary, page 976,
38:51 says, "History will be repeated.
38:53 False religion will be exalted.
38:55 The first day of the week, a common working day,
38:59 possessing no sanctity whatever, will be set up as was the
39:04 image at Babylon.
39:06 All nations and tongues and peoples will be commanded
39:09 to worship this spurious sabbath.
39:11 This is Satan's plan to make of no account
39:14 the day instituted by God and given to the world
39:17 as a memorial of creation."
39:19 Is the conflict at the end of time a conflict over worship?
39:24 You read Revelation 13, folks, read Revelation 13
39:28 the entire chapter, time and again
39:30 the word, "worship," appears.
39:32 Revelation 13 verse 4, verse 8, verse 12, verse 15,
39:37 and then chapter 14 verse 7 and verse 9 refer to worship.
39:41 The end time conflict will be over worship.
39:44 Will it also involve the commandments of God?
39:47 Yes, because when you deal with worship,
39:49 you're dealing with the commandments.
39:51 Because the first four commandments
39:52 have to do with worship.
39:54 That's why Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 says that,
39:58 "The dragon was enraged with the woman
40:00 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed."
40:03 And why is the dragon enraged?
40:05 Because there's a group that what?
40:07 That keep the commandments of God.
40:11 Will there be a union of church and state at the end of time?
40:14 Babylon with the civil powers. Yes.
40:17 The harlot fornicates with the kings of the earth.
40:20 And the harlot's name is Babylon.
40:22 Notice this statement from, Great Controversy, page 607.
40:26 "The church appeals to the strong arm of civil power,
40:31 and in this work papists and Protestants unite.
40:36 As the movement for Sunday enforcement becomes more
40:39 bold and decided, the law will be invoked against
40:43 commandment keepers.
40:45 They will be threatened with fines and imprisonment,
40:48 and some will be offered positions of influence,
40:51 and other rewards and advantages, as inducements
40:55 to renounce their faith.
40:57 But their steadfast answer is, 'Show us from the word of God
41:01 our error;' the same plea that was made by
41:04 Luther under similar circumstances."
41:08 Great Controversy, page 592, she also states,
41:12 "The dignitaries of church and and state will unite
41:15 to bribe, persuade, or compel..."
41:17 Remember what Nebuchadnezzar did?
41:19 "...all classes to honor the Sunday.
41:22 The lack of divine authority will be supplied
41:25 by oppressive enactments.
41:28 Political corruption is destroying love of justice
41:30 and regard for truth; and even in free America,
41:34 rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor,
41:38 will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing
41:42 Sunday observance.
41:43 Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice,
41:47 will no longer be respected.
41:50 In the soon coming conflict we shall see exemplified
41:54 the prophet's words, 'The dragon was wroth with the woman,
41:57 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
42:00 which keep the commandments of God, and have the
42:02 testimony of Jesus Christ.'"
42:05 Will there be a union of church and state?
42:07 Yes, Revelation 17 says so, and the spirit of prophecy
42:11 confirms this in the book, Great Controversy.
42:14 Will a death decree be uttered against God's people?
42:18 Yes.
42:19 Revelation chapter 13 and verse 15.
42:22 Revelation chapter 13 and verse 15
42:25 refers to this death decree.
42:28 Whoever does not worship the image will be killed.
42:30 It says there in verse 15 of Revelation 13,
42:33 "He was granted power to give breath to the image
42:36 of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak
42:40 and cause as many as would not worship the image
42:44 of the beast to be..." What?
42:46 " be killed."
42:47 Was there a death decree in the Old Testament against
42:49 those who did not worship the image of the beast? Yes.
42:52 Is that going to happen at the end of time? Yes.
42:54 Is it going to be a literal image, a great big statue? No.
42:58 Is this going to be a literal beast, like Nebuchadnezzar
43:00 acted like a literal beast?
43:02 Is it going to be a literal furnace, a kiln?
43:04 Absolutely not.
43:06 In the end time, it's fulfilled spiritually and globally.
43:10 In other words, the valley of Dura is universalized,
43:14 it is globalized, in the end time.
43:16 The remnant is not only three individuals,
43:18 it will be a whole people gathered all over the world.
43:22 Notice Great Controversy, page 615.
43:26 This is an argument based on John 11:51.
43:28 Do you remember when Caiaphas said it's necessary
43:31 for one man to die and not that the nation perish?
43:34 Ellen White says that argument is going to be used again
43:37 to save the United States of America from disappearing.
43:41 She says, "This argument will appear conclusive;
43:44 and a decree will finally be issued against those
43:47 who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment,
43:49 denouncing them as deserving of the severest punishment
43:53 and giving the people liberty, after a certain time,
43:56 to put them to death.
43:59 Romanism in the Old World and apostate Protestantism
44:02 in the New will pursue a similar course toward those
44:05 who honor all the divine precepts."
44:08 She also says on page 604 of, Great Controversy,
44:11 "Fearful is the issue to which the world is to be brought.
44:14 The powers of earth, uniting to war against the
44:17 commandments of God, will decree that, 'all, both small
44:20 and great, rich and poor, free and bond,'
44:22 shall conform to the customs of the church by the observance
44:26 of the false sabbath.
44:27 All who refuse compliance will be visited with civil penalties,
44:32 and it will finally be declared that they
44:35 are deserving of death."
44:37 Will this be a universal decree?
44:40 It most certainly will be a universal decree.
44:43 It says it will go to the whole earth, to the entire world.
44:46 "The whole world wondered after the beast,"
44:49 is what Revelation chapter 13 says.
44:52 In fact, Great Controversy, 615, confirms what we find in
44:57 Revelation 13 and verses 15 and 16.
45:00 Ellen White says, "As the Sabbath has become the
45:02 special point of controversy throughout Christendom,
45:05 and religious and secular authorities have combined
45:08 to enforce the observance of the Sunday,
45:10 the persistent refusal of a small minority to yield
45:14 to the popular demand will make them objects
45:17 of universal execration."
45:19 Universal execration.
45:22 In fact, Ellen White says that when the United States
45:25 imposes a Sunday law, every country on the globe
45:29 will be led to follow its example.
45:32 Every country on the globe will be led to follow its example.
45:36 Don't ask me how it's going to happen,
45:38 but it is going to happen.
45:39 We can be absolutely certain of that.
45:41 How it's going to happen in the Muslim countries,
45:44 well God knows.
45:46 You know, how was the Berlin wall going to fall?
45:49 Nobody even believed that it could happen.
45:51 And it happened overnight almost.
45:54 So the final movements will be rapid ones.
45:56 And these things will occur.
45:59 Will music and external display play a significant
46:02 role in the end time?
46:04 Absolutely.
46:05 Notice this statement that Ellen White makes
46:08 concerning the music of the Roman Catholic Church.
46:11 Did you watch the funeral of John Paul II?
46:14 You could not help but be awed.
46:17 In fact, I heard somebody call on the radio, a talk show host,
46:20 and said, "Man, when I see this on television,
46:24 all this majestic music and the vestments and everything,"
46:26 he said, "I'm a Protestant, but I'm going to become a Catholic."
46:31 Great Controversy, 566 through 567.
46:34 Because notice what Ellen White says about Roman Catholicism.
46:37 It's not something that is unattractive.
46:41 It has ceremonial, it has pomp and circumstance.
46:44 It's attractive.
46:46 Listen to what she says.
46:48 "Many Protestants suppose that the Catholic religion
46:50 is unattractive and that its worship is a dull,
46:54 meaningless round of ceremony.
46:57 Here they mistake.
46:58 While Romanism is based upon deception, it is not
47:02 a coarse and clumsy imposture.
47:05 The religious service of the Roman Church is a
47:08 most impressive ceremonial.
47:10 Its gorgeous display and solemn rites fascinate the senses
47:14 of the people and silence the voice of reason
47:17 and of conscience.
47:19 The eye is charmed.
47:21 Magnificent churches, imposing processions, golden altars,
47:25 jeweled shrines, choice paintings, and exquisite
47:28 sculpture appeal to the love of beauty.
47:31 The ear also is captivated.
47:33 The music is unsurpassed.
47:34 The rich notes of the deep-toned organ, blending with the
47:38 melody of many voices as it swells through the lofty domes
47:42 and pillared aisles of her grand cathedrals, cannot fail
47:46 to impress the mind with awe and reverence.
47:50 The outward splendor, pomp, and ceremony, that only mocks
47:54 the longings of the sin-sick soul, is an evidence
47:57 of inward corruption.
47:59 The religion of Christ needs not such attractions
48:01 to recommend it.
48:02 In the light shining from the cross, true Christianity
48:06 appears so pure and lovely that no external decorations
48:11 can enhance its worth.
48:12 It is the beauty of holiness, a meek and quiet spirit,
48:15 which is of value with God."
48:21 So are people going to be wowed by the spectacular beauty
48:27 and pomp of a system, just like in the valley of Dura
48:30 with the music and with the external things?
48:33 Absolutely.
48:34 Now you know, Ellen White once visited the cathedral in Milan.
48:38 I was just there last year.
48:40 I was very interested to visit the cathedral, it's incredible.
48:43 It took about 600 years to build.
48:46 It's just unbelievably beautiful.
48:48 And Ellen White wanted to visit it, and she did visit it.
48:51 And she wrote that she was very impressed by it.
48:55 But then she summarized her experience by saying
48:58 that it was just one vast pile of extravagance.
49:03 So at first she was impressed.
49:05 But at the end, she says it's just one vast pile
49:08 of extravagance.
49:10 Will God have a faithful remnant that will stand
49:14 in this crisis in the end time?
49:16 Absolutely.
49:17 "Here is the patience of the saints;
49:20 here are they who keep the commandments of God
49:23 and the faith of Jesus."
49:26 In fact, in Revelation chapter 15,
49:29 if you go with me there, Revelation chapter 15
49:32 and verses 2 through 4, you're going to find a group that is
49:35 victorious over the beast, his image, and his mark,
49:38 and the number of his name.
49:39 It says in verse 2, "And I saw something like a sea of glass
49:43 mingled with fire, and those who have the..." What?
49:46 "...the victory over the beast, over his image,
49:49 and over his mark, and over the number of his name,
49:52 standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.
49:56 They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God,
49:58 and the song of the Lamb, saying,
50:02 'Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!
50:05 Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!
50:08 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name?
50:11 For You alone are holy.
50:13 For all nations shall come and worship before You,
50:15 for Your judgments have been manifested.'"
50:18 So God will have a group that is victorious over the beast,
50:21 over his image, over his mark, and over the number of his name.
50:26 Praise the Lord for that.
50:30 Will there be a shaking at the end of time?
50:33 Will most of God's people, when crunch time comes,
50:36 bow before the image of the beast?
50:39 Absolutely.
50:40 Matthew chapter 24 says that when this crisis comes,
50:44 the love of many will grow cold.
50:47 And many will become scandalized at the name of Jesus,
50:51 and they will forsake the armies of the Lord.
50:56 Now Ellen White, in harmony with the Bible,
50:59 had this to say, she said, "To stand in defense of
51:02 the truth and righteousness when the majority forsakes us..."
51:05 When the what?
51:06 "...when the majority forsakes us, to fight the battles
51:10 of the Lord when champions are few, this will be our test.
51:14 At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness
51:16 of others, courage from their cowardice,
51:19 and loyalty from their treason.
51:21 The nation will be on the side of the great rebel."
51:24 And in the next quotation, she says, "A large class
51:28 who profess faith in the third angel's message..."
51:30 In other words, they were once Adventists, believers.
51:33 "...but has not been sanctified through obedience to the truth,
51:36 abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition."
51:40 Who will be particularly guilty in accusing the people of God?
51:45 It will be the religious leaders.
51:48 Just like in the valley of Dura.
51:50 You say, "Now where does it say that?"
51:52 Well let's read the second statement here that we have
51:54 in our material.
51:55 "As the controversy extends into new fields,
51:58 and the minds of the people are called to God's
52:00 down trodden law, Satan is astir.
52:03 The power attending the message will only madden
52:06 those who oppose it.
52:07 The clergy will put forth almost super human efforts
52:12 to shut away the light, lest it should shine upon their flocks.
52:15 By every means at their command, they will endeavor to suppress
52:19 the discussion of these vital questions."
52:24 Will Satan be filled with rage like Nebuchadnezzar
52:27 was filled with rage?
52:29 Absolutely.
52:30 In fact, if you read Revelation 13
52:33 and verses 3 and 4, a similar question will be asked
52:37 in the end time as was asked in the valley of Dura
52:41 by King Nebuchadnezzar.
52:42 Revelation chapter 13, and I'm going to read verse 3
52:46 and verse 4.
52:47 It says there, "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been
52:50 mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed.
52:53 And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
52:55 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast;
52:58 and they worshiped the beast, saying..."
53:00 Now here's the same question.
53:01 "Who is like the beast?
53:03 And who is able to make war with him?"
53:07 And what is the answer?
53:09 God says, "I will."
53:13 And of course, God will be victorious.
53:16 Will God's people go through a severe time of trouble?
53:20 Absolutely.
53:21 The worst time of trouble in the history of the world.
53:25 There will not be a time of trouble such as that one.
53:27 There has not been, and there will not be.
53:30 And God's people will go through the furnace of fire.
53:34 Notice what the fiery furnace represents.
53:37 Great Controversy, page 621.
53:40 Great Controversy, 621.
53:42 Ellen White says, speaking about the remnant,
53:45 "Their affliction is great, the flames of the furnace
53:49 seem about to consume them; but the Refiner will bring
53:54 them forth as gold tried in the fire."
53:57 See, she uses the symbolism of the furnace for the
54:00 trial of God's people.
54:02 She says, "God's love for His children during the period
54:05 of their severest trial is as strong and tender as in the
54:08 days of their sunniest prosperity.
54:10 But it is needful for them to be placed..." Where?
54:13 " the furnace of fire.
54:16 Their earthliness must be consumed, that the image
54:19 of Christ may be perfectly reflected."
54:24 Folks, Jesus Christ will personally intervene
54:28 to deliver His people.
54:29 "At the time Michael shall stand up, that great Prince
54:33 that stands watch over the children of your people.
54:35 And there will be a time of trouble, such as there
54:38 never was since there was a nation.
54:40 But at that time your people shall be..."
54:42 What? What's the key word?
54:43 "...your people shall be delivered, everyone
54:46 who is found written in the book."
54:48 God will deliver His people.
54:51 Jesus will personally intervene.
54:55 What will God demand?
54:56 God will demand absolute unswerving loyalty.
55:02 And when do we form this loyalty?
55:05 When the crisis comes you say, "Okay, emergency."
55:08 No, it has to be now that we have to form this covenant
55:12 relationship with Christ.
55:14 And we can be sure that if we form a covenant with Jesus,
55:17 Jesus is going to protect us.
55:20 And even if we should die, because some people will die
55:23 in the little time of trouble before the close of probation,
55:26 no sweat.
55:28 Because Jesus is going to resurrect those people
55:30 in a special resurrection.
55:32 So it's just a little moment of rest.
55:34 That's all.
55:35 But Jesus is still going to fulfill His covenant
55:37 with His people.
55:39 He is still going to resurrect them, and they are
55:41 still going to live with Jesus throughout the ceaseless
55:43 ages of eternity.
55:45 Notice this last statement, Prophets and Kings,
55:47 page 512 and 513, as we close.
55:51 "The season of distress before God's people
55:54 will call for a faith that will not falter.
55:58 His children must make it manifest that He is the only
56:03 object of their worship, and that no consideration,
56:07 not even that of life itself, can induce them to make
56:12 the least concession to false worship.
56:15 To the loyal heart the commands of sinful,
56:18 finite men will sink into insignificance
56:21 beside the word of the eternal God.
56:25 Truth will be obeyed though the result be imprisonment,
56:30 or exile, or death."
56:34 That's the kind of faith that God's people are going to need.
56:39 And incidentally, do you know that Ellen White calls
56:41 Sunday, the idol sabbath, time and again
56:44 in her writings.
56:46 Because it is a sabbath made in the shape by man.
56:51 It's not made for worship by God.
56:55 Let me just read one of these statements.
56:57 It's found in ninth Testimonies, 211.
56:59 She says, "The Sabbath question is one that will demand
57:02 great care and wisdom in its presentation.
57:04 Much of the grace and power of God will be needed
57:07 to cast down the idol that has been erected in the shape of
57:11 the false sabbath."
57:12 Interesting.
57:14 It's a man made sabbath for worship.
57:17 That's what makes it idolatry.
57:20 Like the sun was a man made object for worship.
57:23 That is also idolatry.
57:25 It doesn't matter if it's the sun
57:27 or if it's the day of the sun.
57:28 If it's made by man for worship, that is idolatry.
57:32 But God has made His holy Sabbath for His people to keep.
57:37 And it will be the sign of loyalty
57:40 of the people of God to Him.
57:42 And they will say, "We'd rather die than not spend that time
57:45 with our Lord and Savior Jesus."


Revised 2015-02-25