Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic Principles

Twenty Reasons to Apply the Year / Day Principle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: ASTPP

Program Code: ASTPP000012

00:15 Well Anchor Bible school is advancing very nicely, isn't it.
00:20 It's amazing how much information
00:22 God's Holy Word has, and how inspiring
00:24 and strengthening it is.
00:26 You know, whenever I read Scripture and whenever
00:28 I teach Scripture, my faith is increased
00:32 and my faith is strengthened.
00:33 You know, by repeating things, you are strengthened yourself.
00:38 And so it's a real blessing to share this material with you.
00:42 And I want to say that I appreciate greatly
00:45 your willingness to take a whole week to come here to Fresno.
00:49 Some of you drove from the east coast.
00:51 I know someone here who drove from Atlanta, Georgia.
00:56 And I said, "You really have something to look forward to.
01:00 Driving back."
01:07 Anyway, we'll pray that God will give you
01:10 traveling mercies, brother.
01:12 And we appreciate you coming.
01:13 Of course, we have people here from Australia,
01:16 from Great Britain.
01:18 I mean, it's amazing that we had so many people respond
01:22 to the invitation to come here to the Anchor Bible school.
01:26 We do appreciate it.
01:27 And we hope that it will be a blessing to all of you.
01:31 In our last session today, we are going to discuss
01:35 another story that we find in the Bible that is a
01:38 typological story whose hero is Jesus Christ.
01:44 And we're referring to one of the few occasions
01:47 when a woman is a type of Christ.
01:50 And that is the story of Esther.
01:53 And so turn with me in your Bibles to the book of Esther
01:56 chapter 3, and we're going to be looking at several things
02:01 in this book, but we're going to begin in chapter 3.
02:05 Now the first thing that I would like to mention
02:07 is that there are four key protagonists in this book.
02:13 The first protagonist is a political figure.
02:17 The political figure is, of course, Ahasuerus.
02:21 His Greek name is Xerxes.
02:24 The second figure is a religious figure.
02:29 The second figure is called, Haman.
02:33 And by the way, Haman is instigated by his wife.
02:40 She's a shadowy figure in this story.
02:42 Her name is Zeresh.
02:45 And so basically, you have three enemies of Mordecai
02:50 and of the Jewish people.
02:51 You have King Ahasuerus, you have Haman,
02:56 and you have Zeresh, the wife of Haman,
02:59 who is advising him.
03:00 She's the advisor of Haman.
03:03 And then, of course, besides these three enemies,
03:06 you also have Mordecai.
03:10 He symbolizes the faithful remnant.
03:13 And of course, along with Mordecai, you have
03:15 the Jewish people.
03:16 So you have God's people,
03:19 and you have the three enemies of God's people.
03:22 And then you have one other figure in the story.
03:25 And that figure is an intercessory person.
03:29 And that intercessory person is none other than Esther herself.
03:35 She's the intercessor in favor of God's people at that time.
03:41 Now it's important to realize what this battle
03:45 really involves.
03:47 When you look at this story, you'll discover
03:50 that the battle is between Haman, the son of
03:55 Hammedatha the Agagite, and Mordecai,
04:01 whose total and complete name is also given in the book.
04:05 Now this means that this controversy was much
04:07 longer standing than just between these two individuals.
04:13 Because, if you look at the lineage of Mordecai,
04:17 you're going to discover that Mordecai was a descendent
04:21 of King Saul.
04:25 And you're going to find that Haman, the son of
04:29 Hammedatha the Agagite, is a descendent of King Agag,
04:36 who Saul was committed to kill.
04:40 And Saul did not.
04:42 And that's the reason why you have this story
04:45 in the book of Esther.
04:47 So the enmity is a long standing enmity.
04:50 It's not a recent enmity just in the days of Esther.
04:54 It goes all the way back to the beginning
04:57 of the Hebrew monarchy.
04:59 Now behind the scenes, of course, is Satan himself
05:03 instigating this three-fold alliance to slay Mordecai
05:07 and the remnant.
05:08 In the book, Prophets and Kings, page 601, we find this
05:13 short statement about what the devil's intentions were.
05:18 Ellen White states, "Satan himself, the hidden instigator
05:24 of the scheme, was trying to rid the earth of those
05:30 who preserved the knowledge of the true God."
05:33 So who was behind this triple alliance that we find here
05:37 in the book of Esther, these three enemies?
05:39 It was the devil himself.
05:41 And he wanted to get rid of the knowledge of God,
05:44 of the true God, in the earth.
05:47 Now what was this controversy about?
05:51 Let's go to Esther chapter 3 and read beginning with verse 2.
05:57 Esther 3 and verse 2.
05:59 And there are many things that we could say about
06:02 the first couple of chapters and succeeding chapters,
06:05 but in the interest of time we're only going to be able
06:08 to touch upon the highlights of the book.
06:11 Verse 2 says, "And all the king's servants
06:16 who were within the king's gate bowed
06:20 and paid homage to Haman..."
06:24 So whenever Haman appeared, what did the servants do?
06:28 They bowed before Haman.
06:32 Now why did they do this?
06:34 Let's finish reading the verse.
06:36 "...for so the king had commanded concerning him."
06:43 So is this a political decree to render homage to Haman?
06:50 Yes, it is the civil power giving a decree
06:54 to render homage to Haman.
06:59 But there was a remnant that refused.
07:02 Notice what it continues saying there in verse 2.
07:05 "But Mordecai would not bow or pay homage."
07:11 Incidentally, in the book of Esther the name of God
07:15 is not mentioned.
07:17 In fact, you would believe that this is a secular experience
07:21 that's taking place.
07:23 Because it doesn't use the word, "worship."
07:25 It says that Mordecai would not bow and pay homage to Haman.
07:36 It doesn't use the word, "worship."
07:38 But we know that what is involved here
07:41 is the issue of worship.
07:42 At the end of the presentation I'm going to tell you
07:44 why the name of God does not appear in the book of Esther.
07:47 There's a theological reason why it isn't there.
07:50 So really what you have here is a political figure
07:56 working upon Haman, a religious figure,
08:00 commanding everyone to bow and to pay homage to Haman.
08:06 And then you have a remnant who says, "I will not do it,
08:09 because I obey God's law and I only worship God."
08:14 Notice verse 3, "Then the king's servants who were
08:18 within the king's gate said to Mordecai,
08:23 'Why do you transgress...'" What?
08:26 "Why do you transgress the king's command?"
08:31 Now incidentally, let me mention that whenever
08:33 in the Old Testament these two words, "bow" and "pay homage,"
08:37 are used in the same verse, it always refers to worship.
08:41 Without any exception, whenever the two words appear together,
08:45 it has to do with worship.
08:47 So we know that worship is involved here.
08:49 So you find here that the king's servants say,
08:53 "Why do you transgress..." What?
08:55 "...the king's command?"
08:58 So, "Why do you disobey the law of the civil power
09:01 to render homage and reverence to Haman?"
09:08 So you have the political figure flexing his muscles
09:13 and commanding worship to Haman.
09:17 And then we find in verse 4, "Now it happened, when they
09:21 spoke to him daily and he would not listen to them..."
09:25 That is, Mordecai would not listen to them.
09:27 "...that they told it to Haman, to see whether
09:31 Mordecai's words would stand; for Mordecai had told them
09:35 that he was a Jew."
09:38 Now one of the principles that we're going to study,
09:40 we're going to discover that a Jew today is a spiritual Jew.
09:46 Those who have linked their lives with Jesus Christ
09:49 in a covenant relationship.
09:51 So here, the enmity is because Mordecai was a Jew.
09:56 Verse 5, "When Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow
10:00 or pay him homage, Haman was filled with..." What?
10:05 "...Haman was filled with wrath."
10:09 Does that sound familiar?
10:11 Ah, you're starting to catch an interesting picture here
10:14 of a controversy that is reflected in the
10:17 book of Revelation.
10:20 Now let's continue.
10:22 Let's go to verses 5 and 6.
10:25 "When Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow or pay him homage,
10:29 Haman was filled with wrath.
10:31 But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone,
10:36 for they had told him of the people of Mordecai.
10:39 Instead, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews
10:44 who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus;
10:47 the people of Mordecai.
10:50 In the first month, which is the month of Nisan,
10:53 in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they cast Pur,
10:57 that is, the lot, before Haman to determine the day
11:01 and the month, until it fell on the twelfth month,
11:04 which is the month of Adar."
11:06 In other words, they're using a certain type of witchcraft here
11:09 to determine a date.
11:11 And we're going to see in a minute what that date involved.
11:15 Actually, the date involves a death decree.
11:18 So he's casting lots to discover what is the best moment
11:22 to execute the death decree.
11:24 Now notice verse 8.
11:26 Here, the controversy becomes even clearer.
11:29 It says, "Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus,
11:34 'There is a certain people scattered and dispersed
11:39 among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom...'"
11:43 In other words, "There are people that are all over
11:45 the place in your kingdom."
11:47 Now listen carefully.
11:49 "...their laws are different from all other people's..."
11:55 Is this a controversy over the law?
11:58 What was the law of the Jews?
12:02 The Ten Commandments.
12:03 And the Ten Commandments say worship only whom?
12:07 God.
12:08 And what was Haman requiring?
12:11 He was requiring worship.
12:13 Because who had commanded it?
12:15 The civil power or the political power.
12:17 Are you seeing how this story develops?
12:20 And so he says, "There is a certain people scattered
12:22 and dispersed among the people in all the provinces
12:25 of your kingdom; their laws are different
12:30 from all other people's, and they do not
12:34 keep the king's laws."
12:37 What is the controversy here?
12:38 It is between the law of God and the law of the civil power.
12:44 But the law of the civil power is by instigation of whom?
12:49 It is by instigation of Satan and Haman.
12:52 And incidentally, Haman's wife is behind the scenes.
12:56 You find her in chapter 5.
12:57 She's the one that says to Haman, "Make a gallows
13:02 for Mordecai so that he can hang there."
13:05 She's the shadowy figure behind, this woman, behind Haman.
13:11 And so Haman continues his argument by saying,
13:16 "Their laws are different from all other people's,
13:19 and they do not keep the king's laws."
13:22 They don't keep the civil laws.
13:23 "Therefore it is not fitting for the king to let them remain."
13:28 In other words, they have to be eradicated.
13:31 A death decree has to be given against them.
13:34 What is Haman really arguing?
13:36 Haman is saying, "Listen, king, if you have people in your
13:39 kingdom that don't obey your laws, eventually
13:42 you're going to have anarchy in the kingdom.
13:45 And your kingdom is going to fall apart.
13:47 So for the good of your kingdom, if you want your kingdom
13:50 to survive, you cannot allow these people who have
13:52 different laws, who don't obey the law to bow
13:57 and reverence me, you cannot allow them to continue living.
14:00 Because if you do, your kingdom is going to fall apart.
14:04 And people are going to lose respect.
14:06 So something has to be done about that."
14:10 And so now I want you to notice what we find in verse 9.
14:17 "If it pleases the king, let a decree be written..."
14:24 The decree is what?
14:27 Written.
14:29 That is important.
14:30 It's a written decree.
14:32 We'll come back to that.
14:35 "...that they may be..." What?
14:37 "...destroyed..." Is this a death decree?
14:41 Yes. Is it a written death decree?
14:44 Yes it is.
14:46 "...let a decree be written that they be destroyed..."
14:49 And now notice, he bribes the king.
14:52 He says, "This is going to be a good deal for you."
14:56 He says, "...and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver
14:59 into the hands of those who do the work,
15:02 to bring them into the king's treasuries."
15:06 So the king says, "Hey, this is a winner.
15:10 You know, if these people really don't obey my laws
15:13 and my commands, well I probably should eradicate them."
15:17 Let me ask you, is the king really the enemy
15:20 of God's people?
15:22 He's only the enemy in so far as he allows himself
15:26 to be used by Haman and deceived by Haman.
15:31 So it says in verse 10, "So the king took his signet ring..."
15:37 His great seal.
15:39 The ring was what was used to sign documents,
15:43 to authenticate documents.
15:45 So it says, "So the king took his ring from his hand
15:48 and gave it to Haman..."
15:51 Did he implicitly trust Haman?
15:54 Yeah.
15:55 He says, "Here, here's my seal.
15:57 Do something about it."
15:59 " he gave it to Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite,
16:03 the enemy of the Jews.
16:05 And the king said to Haman, 'The money and the people
16:08 are given to you, to do with them as seems good to you.'"
16:14 Let me ask you, who is the enemy here?
16:17 Is it the king who is the enemy?
16:19 No, does the king know what's going on?
16:21 The king doesn't have the foggiest idea what's going on.
16:24 He's simply listening to his religious advisor.
16:29 You know, tomorrow we're going to talk about
16:32 the four Elijah's in Scripture.
16:35 One of those Elijah's was John the Baptist.
16:40 Right?
16:41 In three places in the New Testament we find that
16:43 John the Baptist is Elijah.
16:45 And I'll give you a little inkling of what we're
16:47 going to take a look at.
16:49 Lo and behold, John the Baptist also had three enemies.
16:56 The Elijah of the Old Testament had three enemies.
17:00 The end time Elijah has three enemies;
17:04 the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
17:08 John the Baptist had three enemies.
17:09 You say, "What were the three enemies of John the Baptist,
17:11 the New Testament Elijah?"
17:13 Have you ever read the story of the death of John the Baptist?
17:18 Do you have a king involved in this story?
17:21 Yes.
17:22 Is the king the dangerous figure?
17:25 The king isn't the dangerous figure.
17:28 The king is oblivious to what's really going on.
17:31 He's drinking wine, you know. He's having a party.
17:35 But there's someone who wants the death of John the Baptist.
17:40 Who is that?
17:41 It's Herodias, the harlot adulterous woman.
17:45 Because he was living with his brother's wife.
17:48 See, so you have an adulterous woman involved.
17:51 But the adulterous woman cannot do things on her own.
17:56 She uses her daughter to influence the king
18:01 to kill John the Baptist.
18:05 Is that an interesting story?
18:08 The same is true at the end of time.
18:11 There is a harlot.
18:13 Revelation 17.
18:15 She fornicates with the kings of the earth,
18:18 but she can't accomplish her purposes without her daughters;
18:25 apostate Protestantism.
18:30 And during the Dark Ages you have the same thing.
18:32 That woman Jezebel, it says in the church of Thyatira.
18:37 And she had children that were born from her;
18:40 the Protestant denominations.
18:43 And she fornicated with the kings of the earth.
18:47 And so you have this trilogy of enemies against God's people.
18:52 And the king is never the enemy.
18:57 Unless he is influenced by someone else.
19:02 Let me ask you, was Herod a menace to John the Baptist?
19:07 No.
19:08 The Bible says he actually enjoyed listening to him.
19:12 When did the king become a menace to John the Baptist?
19:17 He became a menace to John the Baptist when he allowed
19:21 the adulterous woman to use her daughter
19:26 to influence him to kill John the Baptist.
19:32 Do you think the kings of the world are the real enemies
19:34 of God's people in the end time?
19:37 No.
19:39 The kings of the earth are not the enemies of God's people.
19:42 When do they become the enemies of God's people?
19:45 They become the enemies of God's people when they allow
19:48 the church to jump on them,
19:52 and to ask them to impose the decrees of the church.
19:57 At that moment then they become, the kings become dangerous
20:02 to God's people, because they're influenced by the church.
20:07 So this is the picture that you have here in the book of Esther.
20:11 Now let's continue there in chapter 3,
20:14 and let's read verse 12.
20:17 Chapter 3 and verse 12.
20:20 Was the king deceived by Haman?
20:24 Hook, line, and sinker...
20:27 ...fisherman, fishing pole, boat.
20:32 He was totally hoodwinked.
20:35 Now notice verse 12.
20:37 "Then the king's scribes were called on the thirteenth day
20:42 of the first month, and a decree was written according to all..."
20:48 Now listen, a decree is written in the king's name,
20:52 but it says, " all that Haman commanded."
20:57 So Haman is commanding with the authority of whom?
21:01 Of the king.
21:03 " the king's satraps, to the governors who were over
21:06 each province, to the officials of all people, to every province
21:11 according to its script, and to every people in their language."
21:15 Was this a decree that covered the entire empire?
21:19 It most certainly did.
21:20 "In the name of King Ahasuerus it was written,
21:25 and sealed with the king's signet ring."
21:30 This is a religious decree imposed by the secular power.
21:36 Does it start to ring a bell?
21:39 And it's a death decree.
21:41 And the death decree has a date,
21:43 we're going to notice in a minute.
21:45 And when that date arrives, people are free
21:47 to kill the Jews.
21:50 Notice verse 13.
21:54 It says, "And the letters were sent by couriers
21:58 into all the king's provinces..."
22:00 And notice how much hatred we're talking about here.
22:03 " destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews..."
22:09 I think that he kind of hated them.
22:12 Three words; to kill, destroy, and to annihilate all the Jews.
22:21 "...both young and old, little children and women,
22:24 in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month,
22:27 which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their possessions."
22:33 So how much time between when the decree is given
22:36 and when the decree is to be executed?
22:38 Exactly 11 months.
22:42 And after 11 months, all of the Jews of the kingdom
22:45 could be killed.
22:48 Notice verse 14.
22:50 "A copy of the document was to be issued as a law
22:53 in every province, being published for all people,
22:57 that they should be ready for that day."
23:00 So you can just picture everybody getting ready
23:03 to execute the death decree at a given moment.
23:06 Does that sound familiar?
23:08 If you read, Great Controversy, page 635,
23:11 it says that there's a death decree.
23:13 And at a certain date, everyone is to gather
23:16 to slay God's people.
23:18 And Ellen White says that the decree that will be given
23:21 against God's people at the end time will be
23:22 very similar to the one that was given in the days of Esther.
23:27 Verse 15, "The couriers went out, hastened by the
23:31 king's command; and the decree was proclaimed
23:34 in Shushan the citadel.
23:36 So the king..."
23:37 And now here comes a very interesting thing.
23:39 "So the king and Haman sat down to drink..."
23:47 What? H2O?
23:50 Absolutely not.
23:52 What did they sit down to drink?
23:54 Wine.
23:55 Is wine involved in this story?
23:58 Oh, absolutely.
23:59 Is wine involved in the book of Revelation?
24:01 It most certainly is.
24:04 So this decree was universal.
24:07 This decree was dated.
24:09 This decree was religious hatred
24:13 vented through the political power.
24:15 And everyone is told to be ready for that day
24:20 to execute the death decree.
24:24 And incidentally, the death decree was irrevocable.
24:28 In the book, Prophets and Kings, page 601,
24:33 Ellen White makes this comment about this death decree.
24:36 She says, "The decree of the Medes and Persians
24:39 could not be revoked; apparently there was no hope;
24:44 all the Israelites were doomed to destruction."
24:50 In themselves, how much hope did the remnant have?
24:54 The remnant had absolutely no hope in themselves.
25:00 They were subject to a death decree of an alliance between
25:05 the king and a religious figure.
25:07 And the religious figure was manipulated by his wife.
25:12 And so there appeared to be no hope.
25:16 And so an agonizing time of trouble ensues
25:21 for Mordecai and his people.
25:23 Esther chapter 4 and verses 1 to 3 describes
25:27 that time of trouble.
25:29 "When Mordecai learned of all that had happened,
25:35 he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes..."
25:43 What does that mean, he tore his clothes
25:46 and put on sackcloth and ashes?
25:48 Is this extreme agony and anguish?
25:52 It's mourning, it's lamentation.
25:54 Why?
25:55 He's lamenting because people are going to be killed.
25:59 He's lamenting before the fact.
26:03 And so it says he goes out, "into the midst of the city.
26:06 He cried out with a loud and bitter cry."
26:13 Would you describe this as a time of trouble?
26:15 Absolutely.
26:16 "He went as far as the front of the king's gate,
26:20 for no one might enter the king's gate
26:23 clothed with sackcloth.
26:24 And in every province where the king's command
26:27 and decree arrived, there was great mourning among the Jews,
26:32 with fasting, weeping, and wailing; and many lay
26:37 in sackcloth and ashes."
26:41 A time of trouble such as never had been seen
26:45 before that time.
26:50 There was only one hope.
26:53 And that hope rested in a next of kin of Mordecai.
26:59 Her name was Esther.
27:02 If somehow Mordecai could convince Esther
27:08 to go before the king to unmask the plot
27:13 and intercede for God's people, God's people might just be
27:19 delivered from certain death.
27:22 So let me ask you, who is the heroine of this story?
27:30 It is Esther.
27:32 It's not Mordecai.
27:34 It's not Israel.
27:37 The only hope of Israel was found in Esther.
27:41 She is the intercessor.
27:44 She is going to unmask this diabolical plot
27:48 of a union of church and state.
27:50 And she is going to intervene so that God's people
27:54 are not destroyed by this death decree.
28:00 If you go to Esther chapter 4 verses 8 and 9,
28:05 we find something very interesting.
28:06 It says there, "He also gave him a copy of the written decree
28:11 for their destruction, which was given at Shushan,
28:15 that he might show it to Esther and explain it to her,
28:19 and that he might command her to go in to the king
28:22 to make supplication to him..."
28:24 Is she going to go and supplicate?
28:26 Is she going to go and intercede?
28:28 Yes.
28:29 "...and plead..."
28:31 Notice, "...make supplication to him
28:33 and plead before him for her people."
28:39 So what is Esther, what is the role of Esther?
28:43 Esther is one who pleads.
28:47 She is one who supplicates.
28:51 She is one who represents God's people.
28:57 And so Mordecai gives this to Esther.
29:00 And he says to Esther something very interesting.
29:03 Notice verses 13 through 17.
29:07 "And Mordecai told them to answer Esther."
29:11 He sends messengers.
29:13 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape
29:15 in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews."
29:18 Don't think that because you're the queen
29:21 that you're going to escape and the king is going to make
29:23 an exception in your case.
29:25 Because the decree says all Jews will be killed.
29:27 And you're one of them.
29:29 "For if you remain," notice, "if you remain completely
29:32 silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise
29:38 for the Jews from another place,
29:42 but you and your father's house will perish."
29:45 And then he says, "Yet who knows whether you have
29:48 come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
29:54 Do you realize what he's saying to Esther?
29:56 He's saying to Esther, "Do you know what?
29:58 It's a miracle that a Jewess would be the wife
30:03 of the king of the Medes and Persians."
30:06 Actually, of the Persians at this point.
30:09 "God has placed you as the queen in the kingdom
30:13 for this moment.
30:16 This is your destiny;
30:18 to go in and supplicate and intercede for your people.
30:25 God has placed you for this specific reason,
30:27 for this time and this place."
30:30 He says, "If you don't go in, you and your father's house
30:34 are going to perish.
30:35 And God is going to find some other way
30:37 to deliver His people."
30:40 Notice verse 15.
30:44 "Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai,
30:49 'Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan,
30:53 and fast for me; neither eat nor drink
30:57 for three days, night or day.
31:00 My maids and I will fast likewise.
31:03 And so I will go to the king, which is against the law;
31:08 and if I perish, I perish.'"
31:12 Were the interests of Esther welded with those of her people?
31:16 She said, "I am willing to die in order to save my people."
31:20 Does that sound familiar?
31:23 Can you think of anyone else who said, "I'm willing to die
31:26 to save my people."
31:29 Jesus, and then somebody else.
31:31 Moses at the top of Mt. Sinai.
31:35 When Israel worshipped the golden calf,
31:38 Moses went before the Lord and said, "Lord, if You can't
31:42 save Your people, strike my name from Your book.
31:47 I love my people so much that I cannot even think
31:50 of the possibility of me living and them dying.
31:55 If I perish, I perish."
31:59 So Esther is a symbol of Christ,
32:01 whose interests are welded to ours, because Jesus
32:05 is in a covenant relationship with His people.
32:09 Jesus is committed to protect His people.
32:12 Because once we enter a covenant with Him, Jesus says,
32:15 "I am committed to you because you are committed to Me."
32:20 So we need to understand end time events in the context
32:23 of the covenant; the covenant of God's people with the Lord.
32:30 Ellen White, in Prophets and Kings, page 601,
32:34 speaks of the role of Esther when she says,
32:38 "Mordecai was a near relative of hers."
32:42 That is, of Esther.
32:44 "In their extremity they decided to appeal to Xerxes..."
32:49 Ellen White uses the Greek name.
32:51 " appeal to Xerxes in behalf of their people.
32:56 Esther was to venture into his presence as an intercessor."
33:04 Notice the word.
33:05 She was to venture in as a what?
33:07 As an intercessor.
33:10 She's going to intercede for her people.
33:13 But before she goes in before the king,
33:16 she does something.
33:19 She changes her garments...
33:22 ...from her common garments to her royal robes.
33:26 Does that sound familiar?
33:29 Is Jesus going to change His garments
33:32 when probation closes and He rises to defend His people?
33:35 "At that time, Michael shall stand up."
33:37 That's the close of probation.
33:38 And then He will protect His people.
33:42 Notice Esther chapter 5 and verse 1.
33:45 Chapter 5 and verse 1.
33:47 "Now it happened on the third day that Esther
33:49 put on her..." What?
33:51 "...her royal robes and stood in the inner court
33:55 of the king's palace, across from the king's house,
33:58 while the king sat on his royal throne in the royal house,
34:01 facing the entrance of the house."
34:03 So what does Esther do?
34:05 She puts on her garments, her royal garments.
34:09 Like Jesus, when probation closes, when the death decree
34:12 has been given, is going to put on His royal robes.
34:18 And then we find that Haman is invited to a banquet
34:21 with Queen Esther.
34:24 And then after this, I'm synthesizing,
34:27 Haman is invited to another banquet the next day.
34:31 And Haman is feeling pretty good about himself.
34:34 He says, "Ah, the queen and the king invited me
34:37 to a banquet.
34:39 Isn't this wonderful."
34:40 What he doesn't know is that his experience
34:44 is going to be very bitter.
34:46 In fact, when he goes to the king's party
34:51 or to the king's banquet, he's filled with joy,
34:54 but at the same time he goes home and he talks to his wife.
34:58 This is in chapter 5 verses 10 through 14.
35:01 And he says, "You know, this would be the most joyous
35:03 day of my life if it wasn't for Mordecai, who doesn't
35:07 bow and give me reverence."
35:11 So his experience is joyful, but at the same time
35:15 he's bitterly angry because the remnant does not
35:18 bow and render him the reverence that he feels
35:22 that he deserves.
35:23 And so Zeresh says, "Hey, quit complaining.
35:26 Just go put up a gallows where Mordecai can hang,
35:30 and that will take care of it."
35:31 That's in chapter 5 verses 10 through 14.
35:35 Now it's very interesting that the story now takes a twist.
35:42 And that is, that there is an investigative judgment.
35:47 "What? An investigative judgment?"
35:50 Absolutely.
35:52 You see, Mordecai had once saved the life of the king.
35:57 And it was written in the annals of the king
36:00 that he had delivered the king.
36:04 But he had never been rewarded for what he did.
36:08 And so it says in Esther chapter 6 and verse 1,
36:12 "That night the king could not sleep.
36:15 So one was commanded to bring the book of the records
36:18 of the chronicles; and they were read before the king."
36:21 And which volume do you think they read?
36:25 The story of how Mordecai had delivered the life of the king.
36:31 And so the king says, "Hey, you know, we never
36:34 rewarded this guy."
36:36 Are the books going to be examined and is the
36:38 reward for God's people going to be determined?
36:40 Yes.
36:42 And the enemies are going to see the reward of God's people.
36:45 You can read it in spirit of prophecy.
36:47 And you can read it in the psalms.
36:50 And so now what happens is, the king can't sleep,
36:53 so he has the chronicles brought.
36:55 He discovers that Mordecai was never rewarded
36:57 for his good works.
37:01 And so he calls in Haman, he says, "Haman."
37:04 He doesn't mention the name, he says, "There's this individual
37:07 that was good to the king.
37:08 He delivered the life of the king.
37:10 What do you suppose we should do with that man?"
37:15 There's a little bit of humor in this story.
37:18 Esther 6 verses 7 through 9.
37:20 "And Haman answered the king, 'For the man whom the
37:24 king delights to honor...'"
37:25 He said, "That's me."
37:28 "...let a royal robe be brought which the king has worn,
37:32 and a horse on which the king has ridden,
37:36 which has a royal crest placed on its head.
37:40 Then let this robe and horse be delivered to the hand
37:43 of one of the king's most noble princes,
37:46 that he may array the man whom the king delights to honor."
37:49 Because he's thinking, "That's me."
37:52 He doesn't know that the records have been examined.
37:56 "Then parade him on horseback through the city square,
37:59 and proclaim before him, 'Thus shall it be done to the man
38:03 whom the king delights to honor.'"
38:06 And so the king says, "Do that with Mordecai."
38:10 What an insult.
38:12 Things are starting to change.
38:15 The decisions of men are being revoked
38:18 and are being overturned.
38:21 Esther 6 verses 10 and 11.
38:24 "Then the king said to Haman, 'Hurry, take the robe
38:27 and the horse, as you have suggested, and do so
38:30 for Mordecai the Jew who sits within the king's gate.
38:34 Leave nothing undone of all that you have spoken.'
38:37 So Haman took the robe and the horse, arrayed Mordecai
38:41 and led him on horseback through the city square,
38:43 and proclaimed before him, 'Thus shall it be done
38:46 to the man whom the king delights to honor.'"
38:50 Oh, what an insult.
38:52 The wicked shall see the reward of the righteous,
38:55 is what is says in the book of Psalms.
38:59 So the second banquet, Haman comes.
39:03 And Esther takes the opportunity to explain to the king
39:06 what Haman had really done.
39:11 She tells the king, "You know, Haman, this nasty individual,
39:14 Haman, he wants to destroy all the Jews.
39:19 Which means that I would be destroyed too."
39:24 Oh, now the king wakes up from his slumber.
39:31 Now his deception leaves him.
39:35 Now he knows that his religious advisor
39:37 has deceived him into proclaiming this decree.
39:41 And now he is enraged.
39:44 But he is not enraged against the Jews.
39:46 He is enraged against the creator of the plot.
39:51 The weapons that were to be used for the destruction
39:53 of Mordecai now destroys Haman and his family.
39:59 You have this pre-figuring of what is going to happen
40:02 under the sixth plague.
40:04 We're going to talk about this later on this week.
40:07 Ellen White says that the world will be ready
40:10 to execute the death decree.
40:12 They will have their weapons ready to execute God's people.
40:16 And when they're about to deliver the blow of death,
40:20 there will be darkness like the darkest night
40:24 that will fall upon the earth.
40:27 And she says that the angry multitudes who wanted
40:29 to execute the death decree will suddenly be arrested.
40:34 The waters upon which the harlot sat,
40:38 which are multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples
40:40 that she used to try and drown God's people,
40:44 now will arise to drown her.
40:47 The very instruments that she wanted to use
40:51 to destroy God's people will be used to destroy her.
40:56 We have a prefiguring of that in the book of Esther.
40:59 Because the weapons that were to be used
41:01 to destroy Mordecai were actually used to destroy
41:05 the one who created the plot, along with his family.
41:10 And so Esther talks to the king and says,
41:12 "This is what's really behind this."
41:14 And the king is filled with rage.
41:17 And he turns on Haman.
41:19 And Haman comes to Esther and he says,
41:21 "Please, Esther, intercede for me."
41:23 Esther says, "Intercession has closed.
41:29 Probation has closed for you who proclaimed the death decree."
41:33 Isn't this an amazing story?
41:35 It's a prophetic story.
41:39 In chapter 7 and verse 7 we find these words,
41:42 "Then the king arose in his wrath..."
41:45 Now he's wrathful, but he's not wrathful against God's people.
41:47 Now God's people are safe.
41:49 "Then the king arose in his wrath from the
41:51 banquet of wine..."
41:53 So he was drinking wine.
41:55 But he became sober in a hurry, by the way.
41:58 "...and went into the palace garden; but Haman
42:01 stood before Queen Esther, pleading for his life,
42:06 for he saw that evil was determined
42:08 against him by the king."
42:12 So he says, "Esther, please intercede for me."
42:15 Esther says, "There is no intercession for you,
42:18 the creator of this plot."
42:23 Interesting story, isn't it.
42:25 You have the change of garments,
42:26 you have the investigative judgment,
42:28 you have the reward according to works,
42:30 as it says in Revelation chapter 22,
42:33 you have the death decree, you have a remnant
42:35 that refuses to worship.
42:37 You have all of the elements of the end time crisis
42:39 that we find in the book of Revelation.
42:43 And then, of course, Haman dies with the very weapons
42:46 that he prepared against God's people.
42:48 And you know, you find this phenomena constantly
42:52 in Bible prophecy.
42:53 And we'll deal with this later on in this seminar.
42:56 The Jews said, "This Man must die or the Romans
43:00 will take away our nation."
43:01 But by killing Him, the Romans took away their nation.
43:06 What they wished to prevent, they caused.
43:10 Those who threw Daniel into the lion's den
43:13 ended up being eaten by the lions.
43:15 They were cat food.
43:21 At the end time, the multitudes who were going to destroy
43:24 God's people will destroy the religious advisors.
43:29 In the French Revolution, the state that had been
43:33 used by the church turned against the church,
43:39 and no longer against the remnant.
43:40 This is a recurring theme in Scripture.
43:44 And when the kings of the earth, of this world, wake up
43:47 and they see that apostate Protestantism
43:50 and Roman Catholicism has deceived them into
43:53 giving religious decrees, their anger will be uncontrollable.
43:58 And this is a message for the kings of this world;
44:02 don't allow the church to get involved in civil matters.
44:08 Because it will lead to bad results.
44:11 It has been shown all throughout history.
44:13 It's a sobering fact, folks, that Jesus was killed
44:17 by a union of church and state.
44:20 In fact, the whole experience of Jesus will be repeated
44:23 with God's people.
44:26 You know, the Jews, first of all, had a religious
44:31 trial for Jesus.
44:33 The Sanhedrin.
44:35 They said, "This Man is worthy of death."
44:37 But as a church, they could not execute the death decree.
44:41 Whose help did they need?
44:42 The help of the state.
44:44 And so they go to Pilate.
44:46 And they say, "Pilate, we want you to give the decree
44:49 to execute this Man."
44:52 And Pilate says, "What has He done wrong?"
44:55 "Well, He's blasphemed because He claims to be the Son of God."
45:00 And Pilate says, "Well, what does that have to do
45:02 with my kingdom?"
45:05 And after examining Him, he says, "This Man,
45:08 I find no fault in Him.
45:10 I don't find any fault in Him."
45:14 But it's interesting that Pilate did what the church wanted
45:20 because of political pressure.
45:23 He was afraid of losing his position.
45:25 Because the Jews said, "If you don't condemn this Man,
45:29 we will tell Caesar that you are actually Jesus' friend.
45:32 And he will remove you from your political position."
45:38 Folks, the greatest enemies of God's people throughout history
45:42 have been those churches that have joined the state
45:47 to persecute God's people.
45:49 Whenever you join church and state, the result is evil.
45:53 Because God has said, "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's,
45:56 and to God what is God's."
45:58 They are two kingdoms that have been established by Jesus.
46:02 They both have their legitimate place.
46:05 The problem is when you mix the iron and the clay,
46:09 when the harlot fornicates with the kings of the earth.
46:13 Then what is good separate becomes evil together.
46:19 And God is warning the world with this.
46:22 You know the United Nations and the kings of the world,
46:25 they should stay aloof, as far away as possible,
46:30 from religious issues and from the church.
46:33 Because it will come back to bite them.
46:38 And so the plot is unveiled.
46:40 Notice Esther chapter 7 and verse 10.
46:45 It says, "So they hanged Haman on the gallows
46:48 that he had prepared for Mordecai.
46:51 Then the king's wrath subsided."
46:54 "But when Esther came before the king,
46:56 he commanded by letter that this wicked plot which Haman
46:59 had devised against the Jews should return on his own head,
47:03 and that he and his sons should be hanged on the..." What?
47:07 "...on the gallows."
47:08 Notice Esther 8 verses 3 through 6.
47:11 "Now Esther spoke again to the king, fell down at his feet,
47:14 and implored him with tears to counteract the evil
47:17 of Haman the Agagite, and the scheme which he had
47:20 devised against the Jews.
47:21 And the king held out the golden scepter toward Esther.
47:25 So Esther arose and stood before the king, and said,
47:29 'If it pleases the king, and if I have found favor in his sight
47:33 and the thing seems right to the king, and I am
47:36 pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to revoke the letters
47:40 devised by Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite,
47:43 which he wrote to annihilate the Jews
47:45 who are in all the king's provinces.
47:47 For how can I endure to see the evil that will come
47:49 to my people?'"
47:51 She doesn't say, "To me."
47:54 She says, "To my people."
47:56 "Or how can I endure to see the destruction
47:59 of my countrymen?"
48:01 What is the passion of Esther?
48:05 The people.
48:07 So let me ask you, who is the hero of this story?
48:11 Esther.
48:13 Without Esther, they're lost.
48:14 Who was the hero of the story of the three young men
48:16 in the fiery furnace?
48:19 Oh, dare to be a Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.
48:22 I say, praise the Lord.
48:23 We need to have that kind of a character.
48:26 But if it hadn't been for Jesus, all the faith in the world
48:30 would not have saved them.
48:32 And so the hero of these stories is Jesus.
48:36 Not only as a Savior from slavery to sin,
48:41 as a spiritual Savior, but as a literal Savior from death
48:45 at the end of time.
48:47 Jesus is a Savior in every sense of the word.
48:52 And so the day of the battle came.
48:53 You know, the laws of the Medes and Persians
48:55 could not be revoked.
48:57 And so the decree had to remain.
48:59 But now the king gave a new decree, he said,
49:01 "The Jews can defend themselves."
49:04 And you know what's interesting?
49:06 They didn't have to, because the angels did.
49:11 Let me read you from, Prophets and Kings, page 602.
49:14 Are the angels going to fight for God's people
49:16 in the end time?
49:17 Oh, you better believe it.
49:19 Ellen White says this, "Angels that excel in strength
49:25 had been commissioned by God to protect His people
49:28 while they stood for their lives."
49:30 So the angels took the battlefield in favor
49:34 of God's people.
49:37 And then, after the day of the battle
49:41 came the celebration.
49:44 They established a new feast,
49:47 which is known as the Feast of Purim.
49:51 It was a celebration.
49:52 It's similar to a Mardi Gras, it's a Jewish Mardi Gras.
49:56 You know, these days they wear masks and have a lot of music
49:59 and a lot of food and a lot of dancing.
50:02 I mean, it's just a festive time because they're remembering
50:06 their deliverance from certain death in the days of Esther.
50:12 And so it says in Esther 9 verse 17 and verse 18,
50:16 it says, "And on the fourteenth day of the month they rested..."
50:20 Do you know what the word, "rested," there is?
50:22 It's the word, "nuwach."
50:26 That's the same word that appears in the
50:27 fourth commandment.
50:30 It doesn't mean, "to cease."
50:31 It means, "To enjoy delightful rest after much turmoil."
50:36 And so it says, "...they rested, and made it a day of..." What?
50:41 "...feasting and gladness."
50:44 "And on the fourteenth day of the month
50:46 they rested and made it a day of feasting and gladness."
50:53 The name of Esther isn't mentioned in this book...
50:56 The name of God is not mentioned in this book,
50:59 in the book of Esther.
51:01 And some people wonder why.
51:04 I'm going to tell you what I believe is the reason why
51:07 the name of God is not mentioned in this book.
51:11 It's because God wants to reveal how He works providentially
51:16 behind the scenes of history.
51:20 Let me ask you, if you read the book of Esther,
51:23 is it quite obvious that there's another power that's
51:26 working behind the scenes?
51:28 Of course there is.
51:29 And so what God wants to show is that human history
51:34 is guided by a divine hand.
51:37 And He doesn't include the name of God there
51:40 because He wants to show that even though you don't have
51:43 God written all over these events, that it is
51:48 the hand of the invisible God that is guiding the events
51:52 of the human race.
51:55 I'd like to end by reading two statements
51:57 from the spirit of prophecy.
51:59 Incidentally, this story is very similar to the story of Joseph.
52:04 Isn't it?
52:06 You read the story of Joseph, of course the name of
52:08 God is mentioned there, but you can't help but
52:11 see how God's hand is guiding it every step.
52:14 I mean, it's as subtle as a freight train.
52:17 It's as subtle as a tornado, or those jets that fly across here
52:21 every so often.
52:23 Prophets and Kings, 605 and 606.
52:28 Ellen White makes the parallel between the days of Esther
52:31 and our days.
52:33 "Satan will arouse indignation against the minority who refuse
52:39 to accept popular customs and traditions.
52:44 Men of position and reputation will join with the lawless
52:49 and the vile to take counsel against the people of God.
52:54 Wealth, genius, education, will combine to cover
53:00 them with contempt.
53:03 Persecuting rulers, ministers, and church members
53:08 will conspire against them.
53:10 With voice and pen, by boasts, threats, and ridicule,
53:16 they will seek to overthrow their faith.
53:19 By false representations and angry appeals, men will
53:23 stir up the passions of the people.
53:26 Not having a 'Thus saith the Scriptures' to bring against
53:31 the advocates of the Bible Sabbath, they will resort
53:34 to oppressive enactments to supply the lack.
53:38 To secure popularity and patronage,
53:42 legislators will yield to the demand for Sunday laws."
53:47 So who is the moving force behind Sunday laws?
53:51 It's the religious power.
53:54 It says, "To secure popularity and patronage..."
53:56 By the way, that means to get votes.
54:00 "...legislators will yield to the demand for Sunday laws.
54:04 But those who fear God, cannot accept an institution
54:09 that violates a precept of the Decalogue.
54:12 On this battlefield will be fought the last great conflict
54:17 in the controversy between truth and error.
54:21 And we are not left in doubt as to the issue.
54:27 Today, as in the days of Esther and Mordecai,
54:31 the Lord will vindicate His truth and His people."
54:36 And do you know who is going to be the person that will
54:38 go and intercede before the Father?
54:41 It will be Jesus Christ.
54:43 Actually, Ellen White says that He will go before the Father
54:46 and He will utter the words of John chapter 17 and verse 24,
54:50 where He says, "Father, those that You have given to Me,
54:53 I want them to be where I am."
54:57 And then God will arise to deliver His people.
55:05 The last statement I want to read is from,
55:06 Prophets and Kings, page 605,
55:10 where the spirit of prophecy tells us that,
55:12 "The decree that will finally go forth against the remnant
55:17 people of God will be very similar to that issued
55:24 by Ahasuerus against the Jews."
55:28 And in other places, Ellen White explains that the death decree
55:31 will have a date.
55:33 And that after a period of time, the date arrives
55:37 and people will be free to slay God's remnant people.
55:43 So what happened locally over there in Persia
55:52 becomes a local symbol with literal individuals
55:58 of a global experience of God's people at the end of time.
56:03 And the personages in the story become symbolic
56:07 of global entities.
56:10 In other words, you're not talking about a literal Haman
56:13 or a literal king.
56:14 You're talking about all of the kings of the world.
56:18 You see, it becomes much larger in the time of fulfillment.
56:22 You're not talking about an individual Haman,
56:24 you're talking about the daughters of the harlot.
56:28 You're not talking about the wife of Haman,
56:31 you're talking about another church that
56:33 manipulates her daughters.
56:36 You're not talking about Mordecai,
56:38 you're talking about God's people all over the world.
56:42 So what was local and literal...
56:45 And we're going to study this tomorrow in our next principle.
56:47 What is local and literal in the Old Testament
56:50 becomes global and spiritual at the end of time.
56:54 It is an important principle of prophetic interpretation.
56:57 And if you read the book,
56:59 The Certainty of the Third Angel's Message,
57:02 you were able to see that principle
57:05 almost on every single page of that magnificent book.
57:09 Other than, Great Controversy, hands down it's the greatest
57:14 book, I believe, that has ever been written on Bible prophecy.
57:17 The Certainty of the Third Angel's Message.
57:19 That's why I asked you to read it.
57:20 It's not an easy read.
57:24 But if you bear with it, you will be amazed at the truth
57:29 that you find in this book.
57:30 Of course, Great Controversy is number one on the list.
57:35 That's in laymen's language; easy to understand.
57:38 And it has all of these principles
57:40 when we study it carefully.
57:41 So folks, let's look up.
57:44 Jesus is coming soon.
57:45 And He will protect His people.


Revised 2015-03-02