Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting

Live Bible Questions & Answers, Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVGC

Program Code: AVGC210016S

00:01 Music...
00:05 Hello Friends and welcome to the General Conference
00:09 Virtual Global Camp Meeting.
00:11 This is a Seventh-day Adventist world-wide Camp Meeting
00:13 and we want to welcome you to this special session
00:15 of 3ABN Bible Q and A.
00:18 During this hour, you will be able to submit your questions
00:21 via the Chat Section
00:23 so look there around your screen...
00:24 find that Chat Section
00:26 and start submitting your Bible questions
00:28 because we have a wonderful Panel here
00:30 that is locked and loaded and ready to go.
00:32 They have their Bibles and they're ready to give you
00:34 a Bible answer for your questions
00:36 and so, without further ado,
00:37 why don't I go ahead and introduce our Panel here,
00:40 I'm excited about this.
00:41 Again, this is the 3ABN Bible Q and A Session
00:43 for the Global Camp Meeting
00:45 but many of these faces you may notice from the 3ABN...
00:48 the 3ABN Bible Q and A new Program
00:50 that we just recently launched.
00:53 Also, the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:55 which is a popular Program here at 3ABN
00:58 which we're so blessed to be a part of
01:00 and many, many other 3ABN Bible Today Programs
01:02 and many, many other wonderful Programs as well.
01:04 So, to my left, we have Ms. Shelley Quinn
01:07 and it's always a blessing to have you Sister.
01:09 Shelley: It's always a blessing to be here.
01:10 Ryan: And tell us what you do here at 3ABN.
01:12 I'm the Program Development Manager...
01:14 do a little bit of everything.
01:16 Ryan: Wearing multiple hats...
01:17 I think that's probably true for all of us, right?
01:20 Okay, to your left we have Pastor John Lomacang,
01:22 Pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:26 here in Southern Illinois
01:27 and tell us also what you do here for 3ABN, Brother.
01:29 John: Well I... I am the Director of World Evangelism
01:32 for 3ABN... I'm the Pastor of the Church
01:34 I'm also the Pastor in the Illinois Conference
01:36 so, I have on a number of hats
01:38 but then, we do so many things here as Shelley said,
01:40 just pick the day and we'll have a different hat on.
01:43 Panel: Laughter. Ryan: Amen praise the Lord
01:45 and to your left is Ms. Jill Morikone,
01:48 our Vice President... COO of 3ABN
01:51 and... I mean... I'm almost...
01:52 I don't know if I should ask you what you do
01:55 because you do everything here at 3ABN
01:57 but it's also a blessing to have you here, Ms. Jill.
01:59 Jill: I do a little bit of everything... but what a joy!
02:02 You know, we get to study together a lot
02:03 on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel...
02:05 on the Bible Q and A
02:07 and it's just a joy to open up the Word of God
02:10 it's a joy to study together
02:11 and we are so delighted that you have joined us
02:14 and are looking forward to your questions.
02:16 Ryan: Hmmm... praise the Lord and way down there...
02:19 at the far end of the table, Pastor John Dinzey.
02:23 You are the General Manager of 3ABN Latino
02:26 and it's always a blessing to have you as well, Brother.
02:27 John: It's a pleasure and a blessing to be here
02:30 and God is good
02:31 and He's going to provide us Bible answers.
02:33 Ryan: Amen... straight from the Bible.
02:36 As you know, the Bible makes it very clear...
02:39 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15...
02:40 to study to show thyself approved,
02:42 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
02:44 rightly dividing the word of truth
02:46 and that's what we are going to pray for today
02:49 that the Lord uses us... give us the Holy Spirit
02:51 to answer your Bible questions
02:53 so, again, we're just now tuning in...
02:54 I know we have... kind of staggering numbers coming in
02:57 at different times throughout the Program.
02:58 Be sure to submit your question via the Chat Section
03:02 and we will try to get to those answers during this Program.
03:05 So, without further ado, let's go ahead and have a prayer
03:07 and get right into it
03:08 and Pastor Lomacang, I'm going to ask you to pray for us.
03:10 Lomacang: Sure. "Loving Father in heaven,
03:12 what a blessing it is to be able to open our hearts
03:14 as we open our Bibles
03:16 and we pray that You will speak to the hearts of those
03:19 who are looking for answers from Your holy Word.
03:21 Enlighten us but also empower us
03:24 with the answers that are relevant...
03:26 that are... that are led by your Holy Spirit
03:29 and we will be careful Lord, to give all the praise and honor
03:32 just to You for the work that You will accomplish.
03:35 In Your holy name we pray, amen. "
03:38 Ryan: Amen, praise the Lord.
03:39 I realize I didn't even introduce myself...
03:41 there may be someone who doesn't know who I am...
03:43 I guess I should tell... feels weird but
03:44 my name is Ryan Day.
03:46 I'm a... I represent the 3ABN Pastoral Department here
03:49 and it's a privilege and an honor
03:50 to be a part of this incredible worldwide ministry...
03:52 Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
03:55 We're all about the everlasting gospel
03:57 as this message right now
03:59 and many, many others are going all around the world,
04:02 we are trying to fulfill working and co-laboring with God
04:05 and His Spirt to take the gospel to the... to all the world
04:08 because we know that Jesus is soon to come
04:10 but we have Bible questions...
04:11 I have a few right here already
04:13 again, continue to submit those questions
04:15 via the Chat Section below,
04:16 I think it's somewhere below
04:18 but you find that Chat Section and submit your Bible questions
04:21 and we will get to those during this hour.
04:23 I'm going to launch right into this...
04:25 in fact, I'm going to come to you Pastor Dinzey
04:28 way down there at the end
04:30 and this question is to you Brother and it says:
04:32 How can you keep Yahweh's true Sabbath
04:35 using a pagan calendar?
04:38 I believe the Luni-Solar Calendar
04:41 is the Creator's Calendar.
04:43 So, the idea of the... the calendars
04:45 along with the Sabbath-keeping concept... so.
04:48 Dinzey: This is a very good question,
04:50 you know about... maybe 12 years ago or more
04:52 some studies came to 3ABN
04:54 presenting some similar idea
04:56 and different studies come to 3ABN
04:59 and so, when I started looking at this...
05:01 it was very interesting to me
05:02 and they were presenting an idea
05:04 that we were keeping the Sabbath on the wrong day.
05:06 So, this launched me into a search
05:08 that actually I wound up in Israel
05:09 even searching this out.
05:11 Spoke to Rabbis and did some historical looking into this
05:16 and I can tell you, the Seventh-day Adventist Church
05:18 has plenty of information
05:20 to let you know that the seventh day of today
05:23 is the Sabbath that has been kept throughout history.
05:27 In fact, we have records of some Scientists that...
05:30 that say that even if you lose all the calendars
05:33 and you lose all track of which day of the week it is...
05:35 through the study of the heavenly bodies,
05:38 they can find the day exactly
05:41 that we are living in presently
05:44 so, the idea that for some reason
05:47 the Lord has kept this hidden till the end of time
05:50 to find out which day of the Sabbath is
05:52 by coming up with these Lunar calendars or...
05:55 or what does he call it? A Lunar-Solar calendar is...
05:59 is a... is a... is a stretch...
06:01 I know you want to do the Lord's will
06:02 but please understand
06:05 that God has not kept the seventh-day Sabbath a secret.
06:08 In fact, throughout... many nations
06:12 the seventh day has exactly the name
06:15 that identifies the day of rest in more than 100 languages.
06:20 The seventh day is identified by the word "rest"
06:24 even in... even in the language of Spanish that I speak
06:29 is Sábado...
06:30 Cybbota... I think it's in Russian
06:33 and even... even the Brazilians,
06:35 Brazilians... they do not have names of the...
06:40 of the week like we have... Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...
06:42 They have: First Day, Second Day, Third Day,
06:44 but interestingly enough, when they come to the Seventh-day,
06:47 they call it: Sábado... the Sabbath... the day of rest.
06:50 So, I can share more about this
06:52 but I think we have time for more questions.
06:55 Ryan: Sure, I appreciate that answer, Brother,
06:57 thank you so much
06:58 and by the way, that question came from Ray
07:00 and, Ray, we appreciate your submitting that question.
07:02 Shelley, I'm going to come to you for this next question.
07:04 The question is: Exodus 19 verses 5 through 6
07:08 and 1st Peter Chapter 2 verse 9
07:10 talks about us being God's special treasure...
07:14 a royal priesthood...
07:15 a holy people.
07:17 I know God's Word is true for He cannot lie
07:20 but I don't feel like royalty.
07:23 Everything I do... I question myself.
07:25 I don't feel like I'm doing enough.
07:27 Not being totally obedient...
07:29 calling myself a hypocrite...
07:31 I'm working... sorry, they're asking:
07:34 Am I working for my salvation
07:36 even though I know salvation is not of works?
07:39 Quinn: Sherry, I just want you to know that I've been there.
07:44 I've done that
07:46 and here's what I would have to say to you.
07:48 In 2nd Corinthians 10 verses 4 and 5,
07:51 it talks about us putting on the full armour
07:54 and casting down every vain imagining.
07:59 We can't go by feelings first
08:01 but there is such a thing
08:03 as getting in a performance mentality.
08:06 Two things I would recommend that you do.
08:08 First, pray and ask God to give you a divine awareness
08:12 of His presence, He is with you always.
08:15 Then, start speaking God's Word over your life
08:19 because that will cause your way of thinking
08:24 to line up with His way of thinking.
08:26 2nd Corinthians 1:20 says that all of God's promises
08:31 are "yes" and "amen" in Christ Jesus
08:33 and this Word is alive and active
08:36 and sometimes when people first start speaking
08:39 affirmations from Scripture and praying it,
08:41 they'll feel like a hypocrite
08:43 but what happens is,
08:46 there is power of life and death in your tongue,
08:49 and as you speak God's Word and begin to understand
08:54 how much He loves you and who you are in Christ,
08:58 like Paul said, 1st Corinthians 15:10,
09:01 "I am what I am by the grace of God... "
09:04 but when you understand how much He loves you,
09:07 your obedience will be motivated by love.
09:10 Everything in your life will begin to change.
09:13 So, I encourage you to do both of those things.
09:16 Pray for divine awareness
09:18 and start speaking God's Word over your life.
09:22 Ryan: Amen, thank you so much Sherry
09:25 for submitting that question.
09:27 All right, Ms. Jill Morikone,
09:29 we're going to come to you next with this question.
09:30 This question comes from Alba from Nicaragua
09:33 and Alba asks: If the husband is sanctified by his wife
09:39 and vice versa,
09:40 what about the responsibility that salvation is personal?
09:44 Morikone: It's a great question,
09:46 thank you, Alba, so much for submitting that
09:48 and for tuning in and for watching.
09:50 Let's turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 7.
09:53 If you look at the book of 1st Corinthians
09:56 especially 1st Corinthians 5, 6 and 7,
09:59 we see that the Christians in Corinth
10:01 were not at all shocked by immorality.
10:03 We see that the moral condition of the Roman world at that time
10:09 had reached... you can say an all-time low.
10:11 If fact, Paul counsels in 1st Corinthians 5
10:14 and he tells the believers that if you have sexual relations
10:17 with your father's wife, that's an issue.
10:19 In 1st Corinthians 6, he says,
10:21 "If you have sexual relations with a prostitute,
10:24 that is an issue. "
10:25 Of course, we would say, "Well, that's Biblical,
10:27 we understand that. "
10:29 So, by the time we get to 1st Corinthians 7,
10:32 the Christians were wondering were they sinning
10:35 if they were married to an unbelieving spouse.
10:38 There were many Christians...
10:39 they had become Christians
10:40 and maybe their spouse was an unbeliever.
10:44 The passage you're referencing in 1st Corinthians 7,
10:47 we pick it up in verse 12.
10:49 "But to the rest I, not the Lord, say:
10:52 If any brother has a wife who does not believe,
10:55 and she is willing to live with him,
10:56 let him not divorce her. "
10:58 In other words, he is unequally yoked...
11:01 he is married to someone who is not a believer.
11:03 "And a woman who has a husband who does not believe,
11:06 if he's willing to live with her, let her not divorce him.
11:09 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife,
11:12 and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband;
11:16 otherwise your children would be unclean,
11:20 but now they are holy. "
11:22 He's saying, of course, that the children
11:24 of a husband and wife...
11:25 one being a believer... one an unbeliever...
11:27 that they're not born out of wedlock
11:30 because that is still a one-flesh union
11:32 but he's not saying
11:33 that you can actually sanctify...
11:36 you can save your spouse.
11:38 What he is saying is that you have influence.
11:40 You have an influence over that unbelieving spouse
11:44 and you can witness to them.
11:46 You can share Jesus to them.
11:49 In 1st Peter 3, it talks... Paul... Peter...
11:53 talks about the incredible opportunity that wives have...
11:57 even without a word to influence their husband
12:01 who doesn't know God
12:02 to influence them for Jesus.
12:04 So, the opportunity... we see that in verse 16,
12:07 "How do you know, O wife,
12:08 whether you will save your husband?"
12:10 Or "How do you know, O husband,
12:12 whether you will save your wife?"
12:14 So, that privilege and opportunity
12:16 to pray for your spouse
12:18 and to witness to them even by not speaking to them
12:21 but just being a Godly example.
12:24 Ryan: Hmmm... amen, thank you for that Jill, appreciate that.
12:28 All right, Pastor Lomacang, we're coming to you.
12:30 This next question comes from Cynthia in Minnesota
12:33 and Cynthia's question is a good one.
12:35 She says: Pastor, my brother wants to be baptized.
12:38 My mother has prayed for him for many years
12:41 but he doesn't want to become a member of a church.
12:44 He loves the Lord and prays but is a loner
12:47 and never goes anywhere.
12:48 Can he be baptized without joining a church?
12:53 Lomacang: Well, baptism is to the Christian
12:56 what marriage is to the husband and the wife.
13:00 Jill: Okay.
13:01 Lomacang: You could be... you can't be a husband by yourself.
13:04 You can't be a wife by yourself.
13:07 It is at least a union of one other person
13:09 and when the Bible talks about...
13:11 in the book of Acts...
13:13 what made Acts such a beautiful experience is...
13:16 the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved
13:21 and then He made it very clear...
13:23 He never spoke about individuals by themselves being the church.
13:28 Jesus, in John 10:16 says, "Other sheep I have
13:32 that are not of this fold. "
13:33 The word "fold" there
13:34 is not a singular person being spoken of
13:37 but "of this flock" is another terminology
13:39 that is used in the King James Version.
13:41 So, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
13:45 So, if you're baptized,
13:47 the question I really would ask is: what is causing you
13:51 to be reticent about joining the church
13:53 because the church is God's body on earth...
13:56 the church is the fellowship of believers.
13:58 The word used in the Bible is: Koinonia... fellowship.
14:03 You can't have fellowship by yourself.
14:04 I challenge you to do that now.
14:06 If you have fellowship by yourself,
14:09 there may be something wrong there.
14:12 Now, it's okay to be you in Christ alone
14:15 but baptism is...
14:16 first of all an entrance into a relationship with Christ.
14:19 But those who are in a relationship with Christ
14:22 are part of a fellowship of community of believers.
14:26 So, when Jesus established a church,
14:28 in the book of Acts, the church continued to grow so quickly
14:32 from 3,000 to 5,000
14:34 to the point where the Bible says: multitudes were added
14:37 and Revelation talks about the churches...
14:39 a number which no man can number
14:41 then also, the 144,000
14:43 so, nowhere in Scripture does the Bible say:
14:45 go ahead and get baptized and just remain isolated.
14:48 Now, if you can't function in a crowd, that's one thing
14:52 but it doesn't recommend that you get baptized and just say,
14:54 "I'm going to serve the Lord without joining anything... "
14:57 you will quickly die like a branch
15:00 that has been separated from the vine.
15:01 Ryan: Hmmm... amen... thank you so much Pastor for that.
15:04 And again, we just want to encourage you as we have
15:07 questions coming in.
15:09 You probably have just now joined us
15:10 or recently joined us,
15:12 you're watching the 3ABN Bible Q and A Session
15:14 and so, if you want to submit your questions,
15:16 just drop them in that Chat Section.
15:18 We have people that are at work getting us these questions
15:21 so, please send us your Bible questions at this time
15:24 and we will try to get a Bible answer for that
15:26 right here during this hour
15:28 and so, I'm going to go ahead
15:29 and move on to Pastor John Dinzey...
15:31 all the way down there at the end of this long table.
15:34 It's a big table... but I like it...
15:37 it's a beautiful table though,
15:38 all right, and so, Pastor Dinzey this person says:
15:41 Who is the remnant church
15:44 according to the book of Revelation in chapter 12?
15:47 Dinzey: In the book of Revelation chapter 12,
15:51 you have a lot of history
15:54 going back even to heaven
15:57 and it goes in and out but in Revelation 12:17,
16:01 the words are here in the New King James
16:04 written this way,
16:06 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
16:10 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
16:13 who keep the commandments of God
16:14 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "
16:17 The King James Version uses the word:
16:20 the remnant of her seed
16:22 and I want to talk about that for a moment
16:24 because the question is: who is the remnant?
16:26 And here in this Scripture you notice that it says...
16:31 the word "remnant"
16:33 let's talk about that word "remnant"
16:34 the definition is: that which remains of something
16:38 and normally the best example there...
16:40 people say, "Oh yes, I understand now,
16:42 is when you say: a carpet remnant
16:44 and that which is left... the very last part the bolt
16:47 that had all the... and you...
16:49 you got a special on that
16:51 but the remnant is like the original...
16:55 it has the same characteristics as that which it was a part of,
17:00 so, when it says that the dragon went to make war
17:03 with the woman and the remnant of her seed,
17:08 that means, he is trying to destroy...
17:12 do away the seed...
17:14 those that want to be faithful to God...
17:16 those that have the characteristics of the seed
17:20 because it says,
17:21 "went to make war with the remnant of her seed. "
17:24 Now, who is the seed?
17:25 I would say to you the seed is Jesus Christ.
17:28 The seed... the offspring is Jesus Christ
17:30 and those that want to be like Jesus
17:32 and be faithful to God...
17:34 then those are the ones he wants to make war with.
17:36 So, I now bring you to a book, John chapter 15 and verse 10,
17:43 what did Jesus do?
17:45 "If you keep My commandments" He said,
17:47 you will abide in My love,
17:48 just as I have kept my Father's commandments,
17:51 and abide in His love. "
17:53 And this ties us in to Revelation 12: 17 very well
17:56 because it identifies them... in Revelation 12:17 it says,
18:00 "Those that keep the commandments of God
18:03 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "
18:05 We don't have time to talk about the testimony of Jesus Christ,
18:07 you asked about the Remnant and that's who they are...
18:10 those that want to be faithful to God
18:11 and keep His commandments.
18:12 Ryan: Hmmm... amen, praise the Lord.
18:14 Again, you're watching 3ABN Bible Questions and Answers
18:18 so, please... if you have a question,
18:20 submit it into the Chat Section
18:21 and we will get a Bible answer for that question.
18:24 I'm going to come to you Ms. Shelley,
18:26 this question is coming from Bob and Bob says:
18:29 God has the three attributes of Omnipotence...
18:33 Omniscience and Omnipresence.
18:36 After Jesus was resurrected and returned to heaven,
18:39 does He still have all three attributes
18:42 or did He forever lose omnipresence
18:45 after having taken on human form?
18:47 Shelley: Ah, that's a good one,
18:49 we do know that God...
18:51 Philippians 2:5 through 8 explains that God came down
18:56 and became a man...
18:58 He humbled Himself to become a man
19:00 and to... even to the point of death...
19:05 obedience to death on the cross.
19:07 When Jesus...
19:09 when God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ,
19:13 He was limited to being only one place at one time.
19:17 He... when He was crucified and resurrected,
19:23 He was resurrected in glorified flesh
19:26 but He is the last Adam who stands at the throne of God now,
19:30 He sits at the right hand
19:31 as the new human representative of mankind.
19:37 So, He went in flesh... He will return in His flesh
19:41 but let me direct you to Ephesians chapter 3
19:47 and in Ephesians 3 verse 16,
19:51 Paul's praying that God would grant you
19:53 according to the riches of His glory
19:55 to be strengthened with might through His Spirit
19:59 in your inner man
20:00 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
20:04 have... and then we're rooted and grounded in love.
20:08 So, the answer to your question is...
20:11 even though Christ was resurrected in glorified flesh
20:15 because He is one with the Spirit...
20:18 because He has sent the Spirit, He dwells in our hearts by faith
20:24 through the Holy Spirit
20:25 so, He still has omnipresence through the Spirit.
20:28 Ryan: Hmmm... amen... thank you for that... so much.
20:31 All right, Ms. Jill, we're going to come back to you
20:34 for this next question.
20:35 This comes from Brigid and Brigid says:
20:37 What if Adam had not partaken in the consumption of the apple?
20:42 Would we be less sinful people?
20:45 And why is Adam always blamed?
20:48 Jill: That's a great question
20:49 I like that because sometimes I feel like...
20:52 well, the woman's always blamed.
20:53 So, we're going to tackle the second half first
20:56 and then come back to the first.
20:58 So, why is Adam always blamed?
20:59 I look at 1st Timothy 2.
21:02 You know, 1st Timothy 2 verse 14 says,
21:04 "And Adam was not deceived,
21:06 but the woman being deceived fell into transgression. "
21:11 In other words, Adam made a conscious deliberate choice
21:15 to step into sin.
21:18 He knew that what he was doing was wrong...
21:21 he knew it was against God's counsel...
21:23 what God had told him
21:25 and yet, he chose the love of a woman...
21:28 or... we can't get into his head...
21:31 that's what I would say he chose... I'm not sure
21:33 but he chose that over the word of God.
21:37 In Genesis 3 verse 17, it says...
21:40 this is God of course with the...
21:42 the curse coming upon the serpent and Eve and Adam
21:46 and it says: "Then to Adam He said,
21:48 "Because you have heeded the voice of your wife,
21:51 and have eaten from the tree, which I commanded you, saying,
21:55 'You shall not eat of it... '"
21:56 and then it goes on...
21:57 but we see that Adam listened to the voice of his wife
22:00 and he stepped into sin knowingly.
22:03 I think maybe that's why we could say,
22:06 "Why is Adam always blamed?"
22:08 Because he knew what he was doing... and he did it anyway.
22:10 Now, to your first question,
22:12 "What if Adam had not partaken
22:14 in the consumption of the apple?"
22:16 I don't have a Scripture for this but I do have a quote
22:20 from the Spirit of Prophecy
22:22 that I want to read to you
22:23 and this is from Patriarchs and Prophets, page 56.
22:27 It says, "She" meaning Eve "was a part of himself,
22:32 and he could not endure the thought of separation.
22:35 He did not realize that the same Infinite Power
22:39 who from the dust had created him,
22:42 a living beautiful form,
22:44 and had in love given him a companion,
22:46 would supply her place.
22:48 He resolved to share her fate;
22:51 if she must die, he would die with her. "
22:55 So, from that
22:56 and maybe the rest of the pastors would have a Bible verse
22:58 I don't have one but from that I deduce
23:00 that if Eve had stepped into sin,
23:03 but not Adam...
23:04 that God would have created another companion for Adam
23:09 and we would have continued in holiness.
23:12 Ryan: Hmmm... amen... thank you so much, Jill
23:14 and again, you're watching 3ABN Bible Q and A
23:17 and I'm saying this often because I know...
23:20 having done a couple of these already
23:22 that there's people coming...
23:23 coming into this with every minute that passes
23:25 and so, you're maybe just now joining us
23:28 and if you want to submit a Bible question,
23:30 just put it in the Chat Section.
23:32 Do us a favor because we love the Bible...
23:34 we love to answer Bible questions
23:35 and you may have a question that you've been wanting an answer to
23:38 and so, go ahead and submit that Bible question right now
23:41 in the Chat Section below.
23:42 Pastor Lomacang, I'm coming back to you with the next one,
23:45 this is pertaining to a Scripture
23:47 in 2nd Thessalonian chapter 2
23:48 and so, this person... actually this...
23:50 this... this Viewer says that they are a...
23:53 a continuing and grateful Viewer and student from California
23:57 and their question is... they said:
23:59 In 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2,
24:01 verses 7, 8 and 9,
24:03 it speaks about the antichrist as "Mystery of Lawlessness. "
24:08 Who is the "he" that restrains...
24:12 then is taken out of the way
24:14 so that the lawless one will be revealed?
24:17 I need more modern speech for this verse
24:19 and verses continuing on through verse 9
24:22 but not sure if that will help...
24:24 and then they ask: Is Satan taking himself out of the way?
24:27 I'm confused.
24:28 Lomacang: Okay, well let's... let's go ahead and read this
24:30 because this is a... a beautiful revelation of the Scripture.
24:33 I'm going to go ahead and start with 2nd Thessalonians
24:35 chapter 2
24:37 and then I'm going to begin with verse 5...
24:40 verse 5 down to verse 12 is the whole context.
24:42 "Do you not remember that when I was still with you
24:47 I told you these things?
24:50 And now you know what is restraining,
24:55 that he may be revealed in his own time. "
24:57 So, we're talking about a restraining power...
25:00 it's already introduced before we get to verse 7 and 8.
25:04 "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work;
25:08 only He who now restrains
25:11 will do so until He is taken out of the way. "
25:13 So, when the Restrainer is removed,
25:15 then the full power of Satan will be revealed
25:18 and the Bible speaks about the full power in verse 8
25:21 "And then the lawless one will be revealed,
25:23 whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth
25:26 and destroy with the brightness of His coming... "
25:27 and that destruction refers to two parties...
25:30 Satan as well as the Antichrist System on earth
25:32 and it says though... this System that is being referred to
25:35 that's going to be revealed...
25:36 Satan has been working on this for some time.
25:39 Verse 9, "The coming of the lawless one
25:41 is according to the working of Satan,
25:43 with all power, signs, and lying wonders... "
25:46 you can go back to Revelation 13 and talk about that...
25:48 it deceived by the means of those miracles
25:51 which he had power to do in the side of the beast.
25:52 Now, let's go ahead and ask a couple of questions here...
25:55 this is very providential.
25:56 Some say... and I'll give you the two... two versions
25:59 and I'll give you the one that I think...
26:01 I feel most comfortable with.
26:02 Some say that this was referring to
26:05 a power that was already known by the Thessalonians
26:08 because Paul didn't see a need to explain it.
26:10 He, evidently made it clear to them
26:12 that there's a power working here
26:14 that when that power is removed,
26:16 then the one that is being restrained will be revealed.
26:18 So, Paul didn't speak in a way that he felt
26:21 he needed to explain to them what he was referring to
26:23 because they were aware of that particular power.
26:26 Some say it was the power of Rome
26:28 but then, if that was the case, Rome is restraining itself
26:32 and then Rome is revealing itself when Rome...
26:35 Rome is not going to take itself out of the way.
26:37 Others say that this is referring to Christ...
26:39 well, then you can't restrain Christ
26:41 and Christ is not going to take Himself out of the way
26:43 so, the question is:
26:44 who is the restrainer that is eventually removed
26:47 so that Satan has full control of the final impenitent.
26:51 Let's go to Genesis chapter 6 and verse 3,
26:54 okay, look at Genesis 6 and verse 3
26:56 and we find that when you go...
26:58 what's happening in the days of...
27:00 what happened in the days of Noah
27:01 is being repeated again.
27:03 Let's watch the... Genesis 6 and verse 3,
27:06 I'm going to read this
27:07 and the Bible says, yeah, Genesis 6 verse 3,
27:11 yeah, here it is... it says,
27:13 "And the Lord said,
27:15 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever... '"
27:19 or shall not always strive with man
27:21 "for indeed he is flesh;
27:22 yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. "
27:25 Now, we know... and we have said this endless times
27:29 that the Spirit of God is gradually being with... what?
27:33 Panel: Withdrawn. Lomacang: Withdrawn.
27:34 What happened when the Spirit of God
27:36 stopped striving with the antediluvians?
27:38 The Bible says, "Their thoughts and intents were only evil
27:41 continually... and what does that reveal?
27:44 The full working of what Satan has already been doing
27:47 but now, his power is fully revealed.
27:49 How can I verify that?
27:51 Look at 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 14,
27:55 2nd Timothy... and what... what I'm saying here
27:59 is the restraining power
28:00 when you finally reject the restraining work
28:03 of the Holy Spirit,
28:04 there's nothing else...
28:05 that's why Matthew says,
28:07 "Grieve not the Holy Spirit whereby you were sealed. "
28:11 When you... when the Holy Spirit is grieved,
28:13 as was the case with Ananias and Sapphira,
28:15 the only thing that follows after that
28:17 was deception or death.
28:18 2nd Timothy 1 and verse 14, the Apostle Paul says in Timothy
28:22 "That good thing which was committed to you... "
28:24 notice what he says,
28:25 "kept by the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. "
28:28 So, the Holy Spirit is the "keeping power. "
28:31 The Holy Spirit keeps us... guards us...
28:34 that's why we are told... and it is so...
28:37 it is so detrimental that the Bible says,
28:39 "If you speak against Jesus, that will be forgiven...
28:43 but if you speak against the Holy Spirit,
28:45 that will not be forgiven in this life
28:46 nor in the world to come. "
28:47 Ryan: That's right.
28:49 Lomacang: So what am I saying here?
28:50 The Holy Spirit is the restraining power
28:52 that is causing men that are restrained by the Spirit of God
28:56 to be protected...
28:57 but when that protection is removed,
28:59 then we're going to see something
29:00 the world has never known
29:02 and now with the Bible support...
29:03 can I give a quote from Ellen White?
29:05 Ryan: Sure. Lomacang: Okay, listen to this,
29:06 this from the Great Controversy...
29:08 this is under the title... under the page 36 and paragraph 2.
29:12 It says, "The records of the past...
29:14 the long process of turmoil, conflict and revolution,
29:17 the battle and war...
29:18 the confusion of noise the garments rolled in blood...
29:21 what are these in contrast to the terror that...
29:24 that... to the terrors of that day
29:27 when the restraining Spirit of God
29:31 shall by wholly withdrawn from the wicked,
29:32 no longer to hold in check the outburst of human passion
29:36 and Satanic wrath!
29:37 The world will then behold, as never before,
29:41 the results of Satan's rule. "
29:42 So, what I'm saying is the restraining power
29:44 is the Holy Spirit...
29:46 when men finally reject that,
29:47 then you can see what's talked about...
29:49 the deceivableness of... of unrighteousness
29:53 and those who perish... why?
29:55 because they do not receive the love of the truth.
29:57 What's the job of the Holy Spirit?
29:58 When He, the Spirit of truth, has come,
30:00 He will lead you and guide you into all truth...
30:02 you reject Him... the power is removed
30:03 and Satan has final control.
30:06 Ryan: Amen, wow! It's like a surgeon...
30:07 it was a beautiful presentation.
30:09 Panel: Laughter... Ryan: Praise the Lord.
30:11 and you know what?
30:13 You may be watching right now and saying,
30:15 "I love these Bible questions and answers... "
30:17 you know what?
30:18 you can get a dose of this every Monday on 3ABN.
30:20 We have a... we have a new Bible Q and A Program
30:23 entitled: 3ABN Today.
30:25 It's a Today Program so, it happens every Monday
30:27 at different times throughout the day,
30:28 you can go to 3ABN.TV and check the schedule for that.
30:32 It's a powerful program where the entire hour
30:35 we just take one Bible question right after another
30:37 and we're answering this.
30:39 And... you know what? But why wait till Monday
30:41 when you can submit your question right now
30:43 in the Chat Section below...
30:44 so, submit your questions below in the Chat Section
30:47 and they'll get us that question
30:49 and we'll do our best to answer that
30:50 right from the Word of God today.
30:52 All right, Ms. Shelley,
30:53 I trying actually to come back to you for this next one,
30:55 this question comes from Nelson in Uganda
30:58 and Nelson is wanting to know the meaning
31:01 of Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 through 10.
31:03 Shelley: All right, let's just turn there and
31:06 first thing I would say, Nelson,
31:07 is that you can't understand Revelation 7 through 10
31:11 unless you continue to verse 12.
31:14 It comes together as a package.
31:16 Let's just begin there, it says,
31:18 verse 7... Revelation 12:7...
31:20 war broke out in heaven...
31:22 Michael and His angels fought with the dragon...
31:26 we know the dragon is Satan
31:27 and Michael is our Lord and Savior.
31:31 I just did an hour-long sermon on that...
31:33 it's a beautiful teaching.
31:35 But he says... then the dragon and his angels
31:38 fought, but they did not prevail,
31:39 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
31:43 This is... what we see in verses 7 through 12
31:48 is a concise summary of the great controversy...
31:53 a cosmic conflict...
31:54 so we know Satan and his angels...
31:58 a third of the angels followed Satan in the rebellion
32:01 and we know Isaiah 14 says that he got...
32:04 his pride got high... lifted up...
32:07 he wanted to be worshipped like God.
32:09 In Ezekiel 28 says he was trafficking his lies
32:14 about God being unfair,
32:16 so, Satan and a third of the angels got kicked out
32:19 even before the creation of this world
32:22 but then it goes on and it says,
32:24 verse 9... "the great dragon was cast out,
32:27 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
32:29 who deceives the whole world;
32:30 he was cast to the earth,
32:32 and his angels were cast out with Him.
32:33 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven... "
32:37 so, now, when it says "then"
32:40 we're changing the scenes from
32:43 when Satan was first kicked out of heaven
32:45 you know what?
32:47 He still had access as Prince of the World...
32:50 he had access to the Divine Council.
32:52 You can read that in Job where he still had that access
32:56 but in verse 10 it says,
32:59 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
33:03 'Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
33:06 and the power of His Christ have come... '"
33:08 So, he's gone from... when Satan was first cast out
33:12 but still had access...
33:13 to now, he is looking at... after the cross of Calvary.
33:20 Salvation and strength has come...
33:23 God's plan of salvation has been proven
33:26 and it says, "the power of His Christ has come
33:30 for the accuser of our brethren... "
33:32 that's Satan...
33:33 "who accused them before our God day and night,
33:36 has been cast down. "
33:37 So, he no longer has that access
33:40 and here's the beauty... verse 11...
33:43 "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
33:45 and by the word of their testimony,
33:47 and they did not love their lives to the death.
33:51 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!
33:55 But woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!
33:59 For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath,
34:02 because he knows he has a short time. "
34:06 The Divine Council has given Satan a short time
34:11 to try to prove his lies against God
34:13 and when this whole sin experience is over,
34:18 sin will not rise again Nahum 1:9
34:21 because we will all have seen
34:25 what the real effects of sin are.
34:28 Ryan: Amen, thank you so much Jill... I appreciate... ah...
34:31 Ms. Shelley, appreciate the... I do that all the time,
34:34 I don't know what I'm thinking of...
34:36 anyways, thank you for joining us.
34:37 If you're just now tuning in,
34:38 you're watching the 3ABN Bible Q and A Session
34:41 which you can submit your questions right now
34:43 in the Chat Section below
34:45 and it will come right to us
34:46 and we'll try to get a Bible answer for that question.
34:48 My friends... let's see...
34:50 I'm going to throw this next question down the table to
34:53 Pastor John Dinzey
34:55 and Brother Dinzey, this question is:
34:59 What's the best version of the Bible to study?
35:03 That is a very good question
35:06 and I personally enjoy reading the King James Version.
35:11 I peek into the New King James Version.
35:13 This is a matter of study
35:16 and so, there are many versions out there
35:19 so it brings confusion.
35:20 Before there was only one or two to pick from
35:22 but I would say to you that which you easily understand
35:26 to read is the best version that will minister to you.
35:31 If you... for me... personally,
35:33 like I said... I like the King James Version,
35:35 it helps me to... that's what I basically grew up from...
35:39 grew up reading the King James Version...
35:41 so I feel this... this attachment to it.
35:44 But, yes, I look into other versions
35:46 to see when you're reading it
35:48 and you don't understand something,
35:49 it's okay to look into other versions
35:51 to see different reading...
35:53 also, the fact that I speak Spanish helps me as well
35:56 because I can see how it's written in English...
35:58 how it's written in Spanish and in the...
36:01 I am blessed to see insight
36:03 as I read these different versions
36:05 but one for study... I would say to you
36:07 you're going to have to pray about that.
36:09 I know there are some things out there
36:11 concerning versions that have been corrupted...
36:14 I would stay away from what you would call a "Paraphrased Bible"
36:18 because this is really somebody coming up with a...
36:21 an easy way to understand the Bible
36:24 and one of the most popular ones that is out there
36:28 was first written by a man that wanted to write something
36:31 for his... his young child to understand the Bible
36:34 and it became... I think it's called the Good News Version
36:38 or something like that... I can't recall the exact...
36:40 but he... he was a surprised to see that people were buying
36:43 this version of the Bible that he made for his little child.
36:46 So, I would say... stay away from the paraphrased Bibles.
36:49 You can look at them for reference
36:51 to see if it helps your understanding
36:53 but a "thus saith the Lord"
36:55 you're going to have to compare several versions of the Bible
36:58 and we have many tools now-a-days.
37:00 You can go into the Greek and the Hebrew
37:03 and gain insight as you study the Bible
37:06 but first of all, pray before you study the Bible
37:10 and ask God to give you an understanding.
37:11 Ryan: Hmmm... amen, praise the Lord,
37:14 thank you so much Pastor Dinzey.
37:16 Pastor Lomacang, I'm going to come to you
37:18 with this next question.
37:19 This person asks: How do you say that ignoring the Holy Spirit
37:25 is the same as blasphemy in the...
37:27 in reference to the unpardonable sin
37:29 and they say here: Nowhere in the Bible
37:31 I guess is blasphemy compared to ignoring or not listening.
37:35 Well, actually, I don't agree with that obviously
37:39 because if the Holy Spirit is the only one
37:42 that the Bible says: whereby we are sealed
37:44 unto the day of redemption,
37:46 then how could you be sealed if you ignore
37:50 or turn your ear away from the very one
37:54 whose sole work is to do that.
37:56 The Bible makes it clear,
37:58 let's go to John chapter 16
37:59 and let me show you how powerful
38:02 the Bible makes the work of the Holy Spirit.
38:04 You know, this is so pertinent now-a-days
38:07 in the light of the controversy surrounding the Holy Spirit.
38:11 John chapter 16...
38:13 and I'm... I'm reading from my favorite Bible
38:18 that's falling apart... I love that...
38:22 I have a lot of Bibles falling apart
38:24 but I heard a saying that if your Bible's falling apart,
38:27 you are not.
38:28 Panel: Laughter... praise the Lord.
38:31 Lomacang: John 16 verse 12,
38:33 Jesus said, "I have many things to say to you,
38:36 but you cannot bear them now. "
38:38 So, there were further revelations to come
38:41 and notice who He appointed these revelations to.
38:44 Notice how He described who the revelations will come through.
38:47 Verse 13, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come,
38:51 He will guide you into all truth;
38:53 for He will not speak on His own authority,
38:56 but whatever He hears, He will speak;
38:58 and He will tell you things to come.
39:01 He will glorify Me,
39:03 for He will take of what is Mine
39:05 and declare it to you.
39:08 All things that the Father has" the Bible says, "are Mine.
39:12 Therefore I say that He will take what is Mine
39:16 and will declare it to you. "
39:18 When you look at...
39:19 when you look at the work of the Holy Spirit,
39:21 you find... one of the things that Jesus appoints to Him is
39:24 He's going to reveal to you more truth
39:25 but it goes even more deeper than that.
39:27 Let's go further back... verse 7 of John chapter 16,
39:32 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth.
39:36 It is to your advantage... " or expedient... "that I go away;
39:39 for if I do not go away, the Helper... " or the Spirit...
39:42 "will not come to you;
39:44 but if I depart, I will send Him to you. "
39:47 Look at what He's supposed to do...
39:49 "And when He has come... " verse 8,
39:52 "He will convict the world of sin,
39:54 and of righteousness, and of judgment... "
39:56 Ryan: Hmmm... Lomacang: Now watch this,
39:58 if the convicting voice of the Spirit of God is shut off...
40:02 that to me is the highest form of blasphemy.
40:07 Panel: Hmmm...
40:08 Lomacang: People think that blasphemy just simply means
40:10 I'm claiming that I am God or that I can forgive sin.
40:13 That's not the only...
40:14 when you look at the word "blasphemy" it's far broader.
40:17 The reason why those two examples are very prominent...
40:19 very popular is because the Jews had accused Jesus
40:23 of claiming to forgive sins and claiming to heal...
40:27 they said it was a prerogative that belonged only to God.
40:29 They said He blasphemed by saying,
40:32 "He has a function that should only be perpetrated by God. "
40:37 But Jesus said...
40:39 but the apostles said something...
40:41 Apostle Peter... when he was being stoned
40:43 he said something that sealed the fate of the Jews.
40:47 He said, "You are just like your fathers...
40:50 you resist the Spirit of God just like they did. "
40:53 And when you look at that, what happened?
40:56 Their fate was sealed...
40:58 that was the last appeal to the Jewish leaders
41:00 and their fate was sealed.
41:01 So, blasphemy is not just claiming to...
41:04 a prerogative that belongs to God alone,
41:06 but resisting the only power that can open to your eyes
41:11 what sin is and then lead you to salvation
41:14 and to an understanding of the truth.
41:15 So, that's why Matthew 12 and verse 31 says,
41:19 "Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy
41:23 will be forgiven men:
41:25 but the blasphemy against the Spirit
41:27 will not be forgiven men. "
41:29 Ryan: That's right... amen... thank you Pastor for that.
41:32 All right, Ms. Jill Morikone, we're coming back to you
41:35 and this person whose name is Madeline
41:38 and they're asking this question pertaining to James 4.
41:42 It says: James 4:17 makes it look as though
41:45 knowledge is a liability.
41:47 This makes me feel concerned for my friends
41:50 who I have shared the truth of the Sabbath
41:53 and other doctrinal points clearly presented in Scripture.
41:56 How can one not see the truth as a liability
42:00 since we are judged according to the light we have received?
42:04 It almost makes their prior state more favorable
42:08 than after truth was presented to them
42:10 and they did not receive it.
42:12 Jill: Thank you so much Madeline for that question.
42:16 I just want to read James 4:17.
42:18 It says, "Therefore to him who knows to do good,
42:21 and does not do it, to him it is sin. "
42:25 I want to flip back to Ezekiel.
42:29 Ezekiel chapter 33...
42:31 we're going to pick it up in verse 6.
42:34 "If the watchman sees the sword coming,
42:36 and does not blow the trumpet,
42:38 and the people are not warned;
42:40 and the sword comes and takes any person from among them,
42:44 he is taken away in his iniquity;
42:46 but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.
42:52 So you, son of man,
42:54 I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel;
42:56 therefore you shall hear a word from my mouth,
42:59 and warn them for me. "
43:02 Yes it is true that we are accountable
43:05 for the knowledge we have
43:06 but if you know truth...
43:09 if you know the Word of God,
43:11 it is your God-given responsibility
43:15 to share that truth with someone else
43:19 and if you do not share,
43:21 God will require that at your hand.
43:24 It is a serious responsibility to know truth...
43:28 it is a serious responsibility to share truth.
43:31 I want to share with you an encouragement.
43:33 If you might be thinking as you reference...
43:36 well, if I share with them now... they're responsible...
43:38 is that making them liable?
43:40 What are you sharing with them?
43:42 The Word of God is quick and powerful.
43:45 Do you want them to be convicted?
43:47 Share the Word of God.
43:48 The Word of God has converting power.
43:51 Do you want their life to be transformed?
43:54 Share with them the Word of God.
43:56 The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
44:00 Do you want your neighbors to stumble?
44:02 Do you want them to walk in darkness?
44:04 Do you want them to walk in depression?
44:06 Do you want them to walk in sadness?
44:08 No...
44:10 I want the people around me to know the love of Jesus.
44:14 I want the people around me
44:16 to know the peace of Christ that passes all understanding.
44:20 I want the people around me to know the Word of God
44:24 and to know that they can be changed and transformed
44:27 by His Word.
44:28 So, do not be afraid to speak truth.
44:31 Do not be afraid to share truth with those around you.
44:35 Ryan: Hmmm... Panel: Amen... amen.
44:36 Ryan: Praise the Lord... but to preach a sermon on that,
44:39 it was done there... amen to that.
44:42 You know, that's a wonderful thing about
44:43 and as Jill said there...
44:45 the Word of God is quick... it's powerful...
44:46 it's sharper than any two-edged sword.
44:48 We don't have to wonder about...
44:50 you know, if there's answers to these questions
44:52 because God's Word provides the answers
44:53 and so, again, I want to encourage you...
44:55 if you're watching right now and joining us
44:57 in this 3ABN Bible-Question-and-Answer time,
44:59 submit your question to us right there in the Chat Section
45:02 they'll bring it out here to us
45:04 and we will answer it right here.
45:05 I guess we'll keep moving on.
45:07 The next question is coming from Phil
45:10 and I'm going to ask you this question, Shelley,
45:12 Phil says: I am thinking that God gave the Ten Commandments
45:17 each one to counter errors from the years of slavery in Egypt,
45:21 these ten still help us to avoid these same sins, so...
45:26 Shelley: Okay, interesting question...
45:28 I'm not sure I'm going to answer it to your satisfaction
45:31 but here's what I'll say.
45:33 We know that 1st John chapter 3 and verse 5 says,
45:41 excuse me... chapter 3 and verse 4...
45:45 says that whoever commits sin, commits lawlessness...
45:50 sin is lawlessness.
45:52 Those are sins of commission.
45:55 What Jill was just answering was James 4:17... says:
45:59 If you know to do good and you don't do it,
46:02 then that's sin to you... that's sin of omission.
46:06 Also, the Bible says
46:07 that anything that is not of faith is sin...
46:10 so, let me ask you this, did the devil sin?
46:13 God had a law in heaven.
46:17 We see the Ten Commandments...
46:20 all of the commandments are found in Genesis.
46:24 God didn't just come up with these Ten Commandments
46:27 at Mount Sinai.
46:29 As a matter of fact, in Genesis... where is that? 20
46:34 Genesis 26 and verse 5,
46:38 when God was renewing the Abrahamic Covenant,
46:43 which is the Covenant of Redemption...
46:45 the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world,
46:48 who would save us by grace through faith...
46:52 He renew... He... God renewed this Covenant with Isaac
46:57 and the reason He said...
46:59 even though Abraham was made righteous by faith,
47:02 the reason he was renewing the covenant is because
47:06 Abraham obeyed My voice... kept My charge...
47:09 My Commandments... My Statutes and My Laws.
47:11 In the Hebrew, the word for the Ten Commandments
47:18 means: ten words...
47:21 in the Greek, it's the same... Decalogue... ten words.
47:25 It is given to us in a future tense and a double negative
47:30 as promises.
47:32 When God came down
47:33 and gave His Ten Commandments to the people,
47:36 these are commandments that we find are kept...
47:39 they knew not to have idols
47:41 and knew it was wrong to murder...
47:42 they knew it was wrong to commit adultery...
47:44 in the Old... I mean in Genesis...
47:48 way before Mount Sinai...
47:50 and it's interesting when He comes down,
47:52 God is saying, "Hey, you know what?
47:55 You're in covenant relationship with Me. "
47:57 He's speaking and He's saying,
47:59 "You have no other God's before Me...
48:01 you will not bow down to idols...
48:03 you will not take My name in vain...
48:05 you will remember My Sabbath...
48:08 remember... it's something they knew before,
48:11 because you're going to rejoice in spending time with Me.
48:15 You will honor your mother and father...
48:18 you won't commit murder... you won't commit adultery...
48:20 you won't steal... you won't bear false testimony
48:22 and you're not going to covet...
48:24 why? Because that's what living in covenant relationship with Me
48:28 is all about...
48:29 so, did God give Ten Commandments
48:33 to go with those years...
48:35 I would say that the Ten Commandments
48:38 were long before
48:40 and you see a parallel between the Ten Plagues
48:44 there could likely be.
48:46 Ryan: Hmmm... all right...
48:48 beautiful, beautiful explanation thank you.
48:50 All right, Pastor Dinzey, I'm going to come to you
48:52 with this next question.
48:54 This comes from Jonterrias from Tennessee...
48:57 and he says a very good question, I think.
49:00 He says: How can I get re-baptized
49:03 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
49:06 I'm only 17 years old
49:08 and I had been studying the Bible for months.
49:11 When I found out that the true Bible Sabbath was Saturday,
49:15 the seventh day of the week, I was amazed.
49:18 So, they're wanting to know how can they get re-baptized
49:20 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
49:22 Dinzey: Thank you very much, that's a wonderful question.
49:25 Praise the Lord for that desire
49:27 and this is something that you can see the idea
49:31 of re-baptism is found in the book of Acts
49:33 when one of the Apostles encounter some people...
49:38 I think it was Paul...
49:39 and they said, "Have you received the Holy Spirit?"
49:41 "Well, I haven't even heard of the Holy Spirit... "
49:43 and so he... he brought this teaching to them
49:46 and... and they received the Holy Spirit
49:48 and they were baptized.
49:49 So, the idea about re-baptism when you're coming new knowledge
49:52 is Biblical.
49:54 So, how do you get re-baptized?
49:55 First, I would suggest you talk to the Pastor of the Church.
49:59 Present your... your desire to be re-baptized
50:04 and he will ask you some questions
50:06 about what your beliefs are to see if you identify
50:10 with the Biblical doctrines
50:13 and maybe want to do some additional studies,
50:16 perhaps, you may want to learn some more,
50:19 but re-baptism is a marvelous idea...
50:22 is a marvelous experience to be re-baptized in the name of Jesus
50:26 the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
50:28 as its in... in Matthew chapter 28
50:30 and I... first step again is to talk to the Pastor
50:34 about your desire and you will see that it's...
50:38 it's a wonderful experience.
50:40 Panel: Amen.
50:41 Ryan: Amen, praise the Lord,
50:43 thank you, Brother, so much for... for answering that.
50:44 Pastor Lomacang, I'm going to come to you
50:46 for this next question.
50:47 Lomacang: Okay.
50:48 Ryan: This person says, comes from Helena, actually
50:53 and they say: I've had a theory for some time
50:56 about the rebellion in heaven.
50:58 If God had made Gabriel the Head of all the angels back then
51:04 as he is now... instead of Lucifer,
51:07 maybe there might not have been a rebellion.
51:10 What do you think?
51:12 Give me your thoughts on this.
51:14 I'd like to hear the thoughts of Pastor Lomacang on this topic.
51:19 Would be very appreciative.
51:21 So, they're asking about the rebellion in heaven
51:24 and the connection to Gabriel replacing Lucifer, so...
51:28 Dinzey: I've never heard that question before.
51:31 Lomacang: You had to dig really deep to get that question.
51:35 You probably didn't have anything else to do.
51:37 Ryan: That's a wondering mind, right?
51:38 Lomacang: That comes with a question that could be...
51:40 let me encourage you
51:41 and I'm going to say this out of complete respect,
51:44 not in any impact to your intellect...
51:48 I have seen children... young children
51:51 corner their dads with questions
51:54 that even the dad couldn't answer
51:56 because they kept asking, "Why? Why? Why? Why?"
52:01 Well, this doesn't necessarily follow the category
52:03 of repetition
52:05 but it's a good thing to consider.
52:06 But one of the reasons why I say that...
52:10 what happened did not catch God by surprise
52:14 is in the book of Isaiah.
52:16 Let's go to Isaiah
52:18 and if I mention the book, Jill's going to know
52:20 and maybe some of you might know exactly where I'm going.
52:23 Isaiah 46, okay...
52:26 now, this is... this is the beauty of it.
52:31 If doing things differently
52:33 would have had a different outcome,
52:36 then, I could say by posing this question
52:39 and I want to just say this very lightly...
52:42 by posing this question...
52:44 this could be one where God could say today,
52:46 "You know, maybe I should have done that
52:49 and a lot of things would have been different.
52:50 However, Isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10,
52:54 gives me a different insight.
52:55 It says that nothing is surprising to God.
53:00 As a matter of fact... and we'll go to another one in
53:02 Hebrews 4 verse 6.
53:04 As a matter of fact, I'll have Jill go to that one
53:06 but look at what the Bible talks about
53:09 and nothing catches God by surprise.
53:12 He says in verse 9 of Hebrews 46,
53:15 "Remember the former things of old... "
53:17 Jill: Isaiah 46.
53:18 Lomacang: Isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10.
53:20 He says, "Remember the former things of old... "
53:22 so, if we pause for a moment and start breaking this down,
53:24 remember how things used to be...
53:26 remember things way back then...
53:27 "Remember the former things of old... "
53:29 what we're doing right now is
53:30 considering something... a former thing... of old.
53:33 He says, "For I am God, and there is no other;
53:35 I am God, and there is none like me. "
53:37 He's saying, "Okay,
53:38 so as you consider the former things of old,
53:40 don't forget... I am God, and there is none like me. "
53:43 Did the former things of old catch God by surprise?
53:48 Verse 10, "Declaring the end from the beginning,
53:53 and from ancient times things that are not yet done. "
53:58 So, the actions of Lucifer
54:01 and then the subsequent replacement of Lucifer
54:04 by Gabriel, didn't catch God by surprise.
54:07 That's one of the reasons why today
54:09 buildings are built with fire extinguishers
54:12 and fire alarms.
54:13 We don't know who is going to be in the building
54:16 when that fire alarm is activated
54:17 or who is going to need that fire extinguisher...
54:20 but the provision is made
54:21 and so, we'll look back and somebody...
54:23 I'll just one of our camera guys...
54:25 I'll say Ian... he's Floor Director today...
54:27 maybe Eric...
54:28 one of the guys that are working behind the scenes
54:30 or maybe one of our young ladies... Jamie...
54:32 if anything ever happened to the building,
54:34 any one of those three could say,
54:36 "I am so glad that 3ABN had the foresight
54:40 to put a fire extinguisher there.
54:42 What if it wasn't there?
54:44 And then 3ABN can say, "We thought this could happen,
54:47 so we put those things in place. "
54:49 God put everything in place that needed to be there
54:52 because He knew that these things could occur.
54:54 So, Lucifer falling was not a surprise.
54:57 Gabriel taking his place was not a surprise.
55:01 God always has everything in order
55:03 like I hope organized people do
55:05 just in case an emergency arises.
55:08 Shelley: Could I add something to that because
55:10 you know, that is such an interesting question...
55:13 I've never heard that
55:14 and the thought that came to my mind was this...
55:18 even if Lucifer had not been a covering cherub,
55:21 I think when someone's got evil in their heart
55:24 and pride rises up,
55:26 I think he would still have sinned... maybe even faster
55:30 because he was just a jealous-natured person
55:34 and he still could have rebelled against the Lord.
55:37 He still could have taken a third of the angels with him.
55:40 So, I don't think that it just had to do
55:44 with the fact that he was a covering cherub.
55:47 I think all the angels were created perfect
55:50 and I just think he was one of those bad dudes.
55:54 The reason why I asked Jill to read Hebrews 4... you have it?
55:58 Jill: Hebrews 4:6...
56:00 Shelley: Oh, I thought you were through.
56:01 Jill: Is that what you want me to read? Hebrews 4:6?
56:03 Lomacang: No, Hebrews 4:12.
56:04 Jill: 4:12... okay... oh yeah, okay.
56:06 Lomacang: Now watch this,
56:07 if the Word of God could do that could God do that?
56:09 Jill: See, "For the word of God is living and powerful,
56:12 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
56:14 piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
56:17 joints and marrow,
56:19 and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents
56:21 of the heart.
56:23 Lomacang: Okay, if the Word of God can do that,
56:25 can God discern the thoughts and intents of one's heart?
56:29 He can.
56:31 Ryan: Amen, praise the Lord.
56:32 Lomacang: Lucifer didn't catch Him by surprise.
56:34 Even Jesus once said,
56:35 "Why are you thinking that way?"
56:36 Ryan: Amen, praise the Lord.
56:38 Lomacang: Lucifer didn't catch God by surprise,
56:40 that's why I'm glad I'm on God's side.
56:42 We're on God's side.
56:43 Ryan: Amen, you know what?
56:45 We're coming down to the last like, minute and a half here
56:47 and I just want to remind you...
56:49 we're not finished today with Bible Q and A
56:51 because actually, about an hour from now...
56:54 it's 7 p. m. Eastern Time,
56:56 we're going to come back with another hour
56:58 of Bible Q and A right here during this 3ABN Session,
57:01 so, you're going to want to come back
57:02 and any questions that you might have put in the Chat Section
57:05 that we didn't get to in this hour,
57:07 we're going to roll that thing over to the next hour
57:09 when we come back
57:10 and we're going to answer those Bible questions then
57:12 so, continue to put in your Bible Questions
57:15 in that Chat Section
57:16 because again, 7 p. m. Eastern Time...
57:19 we're going to come back to another 3ABN
57:22 Bible Q and A Session.
57:24 So, guys, thank you... appreciate you so much
57:28 and, you know, I also just want to remind our Viewers
57:30 that are watching during this time,
57:32 that again, you can watch 3ABN on Mondays
57:34 and you can see a weekly... a weekly dose of this
57:37 of 3ABN Bible Q and A in which we're just...
57:40 it's rapid fire...
57:41 rapid fire... we're answering many, many, many questions.
57:43 Jill: You can catch it on YouTube
57:46 which means, you can watch it on demand any time.
57:48 Ryan: Amen, so absolutely, so Ms. Jill's recognized
57:50 we have our YouTube Channel,
57:52 you can go and watch that any time you want
57:54 because we upload our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel...
57:57 got to love Sabbath School, right?
57:58 And we also have our Bible Q and A Programs...
58:00 Today Programs on our YouTube Channel
58:02 and also on demand at our new 3ABN Plus...
58:05 you can go to 3abnplus. TV
58:08 and you can watch all the 3ABN programming
58:10 to fill your heart and your little soul.
58:12 So, we thank you so much.
58:13 Continue to send those questions via the Chat Section
58:16 and we'll see you in a little while.


Revised 2021-10-14