Body and Spirit

Heart Disease

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Johnathon Hopkins & Leif Sjoren


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000145

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can
00:05 use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:14 Heart disease is the still the number killer for
00:16 men, but guess what it's also number one
00:18 killer for women. We're gonna find
00:20 more about it next on Body and Spirit.
00:49 Hello, I am Dick Nunez Wellness Director of the
00:51 Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:53 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:56 The number killer in our society is still heart
00:58 disease; it's so unfortunate because too
01:00 many people don't realize they could prevent
01:02 it. But we use a lot of excuses not do regular
01:04 exercise. A very famous sculptor who did a
01:08 monument to the native of American's, who
01:10 was very fit at the age of 40 and yet when he
01:13 start working on the monument, which
01:14 included carving granite setting up steps, that
01:17 whenever 700 steps. One time he had go up
01:19 and down seventeen times, to restarted
01:22 generator. Yet by the time he was 70 years
01:25 old, he was very over weight. He starting to
01:27 have heart problems, we don't realize it hard
01:29 works is not enough for preventing disease
01:32 and preventing obesity. We've to have the
01:34 right type of exercise, regular exercise and
01:37 we're gonna do that and talk about it right
01:39 here. We're gonna ready to start now, helping
01:41 me out today will be Jonathan and Lahey,
01:44 Jonathan works for me out the Black Hills,
01:46 he's a personal trainer and therapist and Lahey
01:48 is a student at Tamarack Springs Academy
01:52 in Polebridge, Montana, we glad to have Lahey.
01:54 We're gonna start with some gentle warm-ups,
01:56 so let's do some arms circles. We're gonna go
01:59 up and around and we're gonna take a deep
02:02 breathe, expand the lungs as we come up
02:05 around. Whenever you battle with heart
02:07 problems, you're gonna have to go with your
02:09 own phase. So, anytime during the program, if
02:12 you feel like you need to stop. Do so, do not
02:15 push yourself too hard, but if you get into a
02:18 regular exercise routine. You might be amazed
02:20 it, how much more you can do. Okay, now
02:24 let's go the other way, let's go up and around.
02:28 We're gonna come up and around and up and
02:31 around, if you can't quite get this much range
02:34 of motion. That's okay; keep working with
02:37 them, until you do. If you feel your arms or
02:40 your shoulders popping a little a bit, as you go
02:43 through it allow that's part of the equation as
02:46 well. Once you get a little better at it, you may
02:49 not feel that anymore. Okay, we're gonna start
02:52 our chest exercise, by just squeezing our
02:55 hands together here and we're gonna push
02:57 them out; as you do it squeeze your chest
03:01 muscle. Alright, Jonathan I want you to count
03:03 for me. We're gonna do 20 of them, I'm gonna
03:06 check forearm. Make sure you're doing it
03:08 properly, so we wanna feel it work right in
03:11 through here. Keep that tension on there, as
03:13 you go motion. Okay, let's puts down just a
03:15 little bit more, there you go perfect.
03:18 Now we're doing that, okay let's go down just
03:19 a little bit more Jonathan good. You
03:22 should feeling that contracting your packs,
03:24 while you're doing it. Get those muscles nice
03:26 and strong; get the circulation going through
03:28 there. Alright, how many we got there?
03:32 Thirteen. Thirteen okay think I will join this,
03:35 look like fun. Okay, exercise is supposed to
03:39 be fun. Now, who start, I enjoy it.
03:43 I think it is very funny. It is very funny good,
03:47 okay now we're gonna go different direction
03:49 with it. We're gonna go up and pull down,
03:52 push up and down, so it work in the chest.
03:56 But just kind a hitting it from little different
03:58 angle, so measure your muscle group. We try
04:01 and work the bigger muscle groups first and
04:04 then will proceed to the smaller ones, as we go
04:08 and Jonathan I hope you're still counting.
04:10 Because I'm still talking. Ten.
04:13 Anytime you have heart problems, obviously
04:15 you wanna see your physician and make sure
04:18 everything is okay and you're alright to get
04:20 started in exercise program. That's very
04:22 important, just don't ignore the disclaimer.
04:25 Pay attention to it; because you wanna make
04:27 sure you're save as you go through routine.
04:29 Where we at? Seventeen. Okay and 18, good
04:34 up last one and let's put the hands behind the
04:38 head, while we up there, push your elbows
04:40 way back, stretch the chest, as you doing it.
04:44 Pull it back and now we're gonna give
04:48 ourselves a hug, by bringing it acrossed,
04:50 grabbing our shoulders, pulling our shoulder
04:53 blades way apart. Okay, now hands behind the
05:00 head again, push the elbows back. Feel the
05:04 steady stretch, don't over stretch it.
05:08 You should be feeling it in your chest and now
05:11 we're gonna give ourselves another hug,
05:14 pull it acrossed and you should be feeling that
05:19 back in your shoulder blades. Pull it across,
05:22 the middle of the back, okay and relax. Now,
05:27 let's just join our hands together in front, we're
05:29 gonna bring them way back over our head and
05:32 pull them over and way back and pull over.
05:37 Okay to keep your elbow slightly bend as you
05:40 do this, reach back pull over give yourself
05:42 some resistance, as you come down. Force
05:45 your muscles to work, as you pull it over.
05:47 This will be working the muscle of your upper
05:49 back. Make sure you take a good deep
05:52 breathe, as you go back and pull over.
05:55 Especially, for those battling heart disease,
05:57 it's good to learn how to breathe properly,
06:00 in through the nose and out through the
06:02 mouth. Deep breathe in, stretch back, try and
06:06 expand the lungs as much as you can get the
06:09 diaphragm working and down. Reach back,
06:13 stretch back and then down, reach back and
06:18 down. Okay Jonathan, I want about 10 more
06:21 of them. We seen incredible turn around
06:24 from people, even I have seen some staff of
06:28 here at 3ABN, who are battling a lot of
06:31 problems with, not being very fit. Can only
06:33 walk about 300 yards and within three weeks,
06:37 they're walking 10 miles a day. Incredible
06:39 changes, just by getting a good regular
06:42 exercise program. Where we had Jonathan?
06:45 Seven. Okay, you should be feeling that in
06:48 your upper back. Pull it down and one more
06:54 time, bring it up and pull it down. Okay, now
06:59 we're gonna stretch those muscles, let's bring
07:01 the arm up over head and pull. You guys keep
07:06 doing, let me check forearms. Let's bring the
07:09 hand up here, Lahey, right there. It can pull
07:12 right down through there good, very good.
07:16 Now, if you can't get a good hold up there,
07:19 because you just not flexible enough. It's
07:20 okay, just grab the arm and just pull it as much
07:22 as you can and as you get more, more fit, it's
07:25 should become easier. Alright, let's switch the
07:28 other side and pull it, very good and hold that
07:39 for about five more seconds. Then we're
07:41 gonna start working the shoulder area, okay
07:45 go and put it down. To the shoulders, we're
07:47 gonna have our feet apart. Bend your knees
07:49 slightly, we're gonna plaque your hands here.
07:52 We're gonna push up over head; just like we're
07:55 pushing a weight. Imagine yourself pressing
07:57 a weight over head. Now, if you wanna use
08:00 dumbbells right we're doing this. That's okay,
08:03 but even by just doing no weights at all.
08:05 You're gonna find that you're gonna feel, your
08:07 shoulders before it's done. Press up, press up,
08:13 press up, and now hold it up there. Now, we're
08:15 gonna do is, is we're gonna bring the left arm
08:17 down. Push up, right arm down, push up,
08:21 left arm down and up, right arm down and up,
08:26 and left and up, and right and up and left and
08:31 up, right and up. Now, both together again
08:35 five of them, it's one and two. Focus on your
08:40 shoulders as you doing it. Maybe you won't
08:42 have to; because your shoulders are gonna talk
08:44 to you in just a moment anyway. Now, left
08:46 arm down and up, right arm down and up,
08:50 down and up. If you need to stop at home,
08:53 go ahead. You are starting to feel that burn
08:56 little too much for your comfort. Exercise is
08:59 part physical and a lot mental, because you
09:01 have to feel comfort what you doing. Now,
09:03 both arms down and push up and down and up
09:08 and down and up, two more times up and
09:13 we're gonna go individual again left arm, right
09:17 arm, left arm, right arm, left and right, one
09:26 more time left and right. Now, both arms
09:30 together and up and up and up, two more
09:37 times up, last one and up. Oh! Could you feel
09:43 that Lathe? That you're just a young guy, so if
09:46 you're feeling it, I could imagine when old
09:48 guys like me are gonna feel ha. Alright, now
09:50 let's stretch the shoulder out, bring it acrossed.
09:54 You feel that stretch, very good. Make sure
09:59 you keep breathing in through the nose big
10:00 breathe and out, big breathe and out. Couples
10:09 more seconds bring breathe and out, alright
10:13 switch it across, pull this stretching we will
10:17 should help you to rest the little bit. Focus on
10:21 your breathing, focus on your breathing,
10:22 in through the nose; big breathe out through
10:25 the mouth. Keep your chest cavity, up the
10:27 xiphoid process, a little protuberance, the
10:30 bottom of the sternum. You want to have that
10:32 up as much as possible, okay go ahead and
10:35 relax. Now, we're gonna do is, is we're gonna
10:37 do some arm work and the way we're gonna
10:40 do that. As they we're gonna old body
10:41 building trick, we're gonna just gonna flex the
10:43 biceps. So, I need to get, so I know rip up,
10:46 I show here. Reach out, we're gonna flex
10:49 down, reach out, flex down and out and flex
10:53 down and out. It's amazing how much you
11:00 will feel it, by just doing some basic
11:02 movements and Jonathan we're gonna do
11:05 twenty of those and I'm not sure how many
11:06 we've done yet. Where we are? That was ten.
11:09 Ten okay, alright I think we can have ten
11:10 more. I better be able to and squeeze down
11:17 and reach, reach way out. Flex the biceps
11:20 down, reach way out, squeeze down and out,
11:25 squeeze down and out. Where we are? Nineteen.
11:28 Okay and one more time and let's your arms
11:31 hang down and shake them out. Alright, let's
11:33 just get a big breathe, breathe in through the
11:35 nose and out through the mouth. Breathe in
11:43 and out, very good; now we're gonna turned
11:46 side ways. At least I'm, you guys don't have
11:49 do. We're bending the little bit at the waist.
11:52 I want you to elbows up and we're gonna push
11:54 them out and backup and out and up and out.
12:01 Almost like you're skiing, hey man I don't ski.
12:05 You know, well at least would I think, I see
12:08 people do. Bend over the waist little more,
12:12 chest up, as you bent over, flex the triceps.
12:16 Triceps of the back your arms, then the
12:19 antagonistic, antagonistic muscle to the
12:21 biceps, while shall the muscles we just
12:23 worked. Press it out and press it out, stay bent
12:30 over, press it out. Keep your elbows in one
12:34 spot, just like your elbows are both at right
12:36 into your side, press it out. Let's give me ten
12:40 more Jonathan, flex the triceps, flex them and
12:46 flex and flex and flex. Where we about three
12:52 more. Twenty nine. Twenty nine, okay,
12:57 okay you count works so faster mind. That's
12:58 good, have you count all the time, okay now
13:02 we're gonna do some leg work. Legs are
13:05 extremely important, because the legs actually
13:08 work to bring the Venus blood back up and so
13:11 if you have good healthy legs, you're gonna
13:13 have good circulation. If you don't then you
13:16 might have some pulling down the lower body
13:18 start to get problems with the circulation, you
13:21 can just have heart failure. Start getting
13:23 vein problems. Varicose sprain things like
13:25 that, so having good strong legs would be very
13:27 helpful. So we're gonna start kind of easy,
13:29 we're gonna step out for the side and we're
13:32 gonna stretch inside of the thigh and you
13:34 should feel this quadriceps tense, as you
13:37 holding your position. So, you're stretching
13:39 inside here, you feeling your tension here.
13:42 Now, we're just gonna shift to the other side.
13:44 So, now we're feeling the stretch on the inside
13:46 here. But we're feeling a tension on this
13:48 quadriceps nice simple exercise go back in
13:51 forth. Alright, nice and slowly, keep your
13:56 chest up and then back over feel the tension on
14:00 your leg. Feel the stretch on the inside switch
14:04 over, nice and controlled and over, very good
14:09 and over. Anytime you feel tired go ahead
14:16 stop and rest, except for you guys back there.
14:20 I won't anticipate you having to do that,
14:24 one of the best ways to deal with heart
14:26 problems prevent them. Don't get there in the
14:29 first place, so if you have don't have any yet
14:32 in your good exercise program and correct
14:36 your dietary pattern. Start eating lots of foods
14:39 and vegetables, whole grain, breads and
14:41 cereals and that in itself will start lowing
14:44 cholesterol levels and triglycerides, as you do
14:47 exercise what you will find happening is the
14:50 high density life of proteins will actually
14:54 start to raise and that takes cholesterol all the
14:56 system and there low density life of proteins,
14:59 which are the bad cholesterols will actually
15:01 go down. I don't why they called bad
15:03 cholesterol, I think they gets something wrong
15:07 and what. But the harsh reality is we didn't have
15:08 any LDL cholesterol will be dead. So, I really
15:11 don't think of them is bad, but certainly if you
15:13 have too much LDL then it's not a good thing.
15:16 Just like if you have too much glucose or too
15:18 high blood pressure. There is actually people
15:20 don't die of high blood pressure, it's wanna get
15:22 zero over zero, but they start to have
15:24 problems. Okay, alright relax; now we're
15:28 gonna cross arm, cross our chest and we're
15:31 gonna do some very modern squats. Now,
15:33 usually when we do squats, Jonathan goes
15:35 with regular squat. We go way down, until
15:39 going back down. So, the top of thighs is
15:41 parallel to the ground and the knees over the
15:44 feet, we don't jet them forward. Okay, go and
15:46 come back up, but in this case. If I'm dealing
15:50 with people, they can't do that. So, we're
15:52 gonna do more of the modified one, so go and
15:53 just do a partial squat. Okay, so now the legs
15:57 only going to about this angle here and now
16:00 back up again. Okay, sit down and back up
16:05 now the important thing here is to keep your
16:07 chest up. Go ahead and do improper Jonathan,
16:09 okay we don't want to get this position. We're
16:11 Bentley over, we wanna keep ourselves up.
16:14 Keep our chest cavity up and that will help our
16:17 circulatory response and so we're gonna do a
16:19 lot of reputations here and again if you need to
16:22 stop at home, go ahead. But otherwise just
16:24 will be very beneficial so, we're gonna do 40
16:27 of them alright. Yeah. So, go ahead and go
16:29 down, very good and back up and so Jonathan
16:34 you can lead the path and Lahey, it's up to you
16:36 to keep phase alright. Okay. Very good, the
16:39 first motion you thinking about. When you
16:40 squatting down, is pushing your hips back,
16:43 this exercise is so important. Because we
16:46 start to get older, we start losing that ability
16:48 and for men you don't wanna loss your gluteus
16:50 maximus muscles. Too often it look likes,
16:53 somebody is taken a air ball, they wanna
16:54 each part of the gluteus maximus and let there
16:56 air and they just not have nothing left back
16:58 there anymore. But we don't want just have
17:01 that straight up and down look, gluteus
17:03 maximus muscles is therefore for a reason.
17:05 So, we wanna develop those and doing these
17:07 squats. You just to think, to do that
17:09 because the gluteus maximus muscles and if
17:11 you don't know where they are, those are
17:13 things you sit on and some of you at home
17:15 might be sitting on there right now, shame on
17:17 you get of your gluteus maximus and get
17:19 working. Okay, how many we at?
17:20 working. Okay, how many we at? Nineteen.
17:22 Nineteen, almost half way there wows the
17:24 reason I do it. So, when you talk the people
17:27 about exercise that I for this happen time
17:29 and time again. People might play racquetball
17:31 or tennis or lot of differen activities,
17:34 they still get fat until they get into regular
17:36 exercise routine. Where they have rhythmic
17:38 activity to make your muscle group for 20 to
17:41 30 minutes and then et into some type of
17:43 resistance program. Therefore we doing right
17:45 here and I'm amazed, you know how many
17:47 people call me up or email me and say. I just
17:50 do fantastic, by following Body and
17:52 Spirit. I'm in such a better shape and move
17:54 so much better. So, even though, it's a very
17:56 simple workout. It still works and the often
17:58 times, the men in home where they wants to
18:00 go oh! That look easy, I can do that,
18:02 no problem. I don't know, wife say another
18:04 funny track and they whipping around like
18:06 little puppy because it works so bad,
18:08 okay, where we are at? Eight. Okay, I know
18:10 it's getting close. Okay, now we're gonna go
18:13 down and just pull back there for about ten
18:15 seconds. Okay, very good just hold there nice
18:19 and steady, very good. Looks good Lahey,
18:21 you're doing well, alright three more seconds.
18:24 I fold this my prophetic time for up on you
18:26 today. Okay and relax, now what I want you
18:30 here, you guys use me as a wall and you can
18:32 be get for something here. I want you to put
18:34 your hand on my shoulder and now what you
18:36 can do, is you're gonna grab your ankle and
18:38 we're stretch your quadriceps. Now, both
18:41 these guys are very flexible and so as you
18:44 do this. You might find yourself having you
18:46 modified. So, Jonathan shows them, what we
18:48 have to see a lot of time in our wellness
18:49 program. They have to just get a hold of their
18:51 pant leg, because they can't get all the way up
18:54 there and what we find by end of three weeks,
18:57 they're will be hold, now they getting hold
18:58 their ankles. So, go and get your ankle again
19:01 and they are amazed if they're not gonna foot
19:03 feels like and so that's, that's exciting for them
19:06 to build get that flexibility back again.
19:08 Alright, let's switch the other side now. Okay,
19:12 you're gonna just go and put your other hand
19:13 on. Okay, watch behind switch all the
19:15 way around, there you go and very good.
19:20 When you might find, one side is easier to
19:22 stretching the other. Now, it's not a problem,
19:24 because that's part of all things alright, you
19:26 might have an injury or you might just feel
19:28 little more flexible on one side verses the
19:30 other. Not a problem just keeps working on it;
19:35 alright let's hold that for about five more
19:36 seconds. Alright, very good, now we're gonna
19:41 stretch the hamstring area and the way we're
19:43 gonna do that, is we're gonna step out. Go up
19:45 on the heel, keep your chest up and we're
19:48 gonna lean forward into it and back leg is
19:50 bend and you're feeling a stretch in the back of
19:52 the leg. Okay, lean forward little more there
19:55 Lahey, but keep your chest up, very good.
19:58 You feel stretch back there, alright, alright
20:02 Jonathan you have master at this. Jonathan
20:04 does this all the time with the wellness guest
20:06 so. He's gone to be pretty good at it, at least
20:08 better be good at it. Alright, and go ahead and
20:13 stretch stress the other side now. Okay, step
20:17 out with your right foot now. There you go
20:20 chest up, very good Lahey, very good.
20:25 Hold your stretch; you should be feeling in the
20:27 back of your legs. But don't go little point
20:29 works, feel extremely painful. You should just
20:32 feel a nice stretch in the back of the leg. Okay,
20:39 very good, go ahead and relax. Now, we're
20:41 gonna come over here, we're gonna do some
20:43 calf raises. Put your hand on my shoulder
20:47 again; get your balls of your feet on the edge.
20:49 Push way up and go back down, now this is a
20:53 very important exercise. Because the calf
20:55 muscles which are also called the
20:57 Gastrocnemius and those are the muscles on
20:59 the back of your lower leg. They're actually
21:01 called the second heart. Because they're help
21:03 push that blood back up, so by doing regular
21:06 exercise. We help that Venus blood flow,
21:09 return back up to the heart, another thing is
21:11 very important to remember. When you do
21:13 Aerobic exercise, like walking or swimming
21:15 or jogging or whatever. But if you have heart
21:18 problems, you may not wanna be jogging or
21:20 cycling, make sure you're warm-up and make sure
21:23 you're cool down. Because if you don't cool
21:25 down, you're gonna stop abruptly and you're
21:28 heart is gonna say, hey wait a minute. I was
21:30 haven't help here, now I also get put all the
21:32 pressure on me and I'm not like this too much,
21:36 so make sure you cool down. Because that
21:38 allow your heart to slow down and your
21:39 legs should be acting as assistance for that.
21:42 How many reps we're on? Twenty four. Okay,
21:44 we're gonna go 30, you might feel those burn
21:49 a little bit. If you have to stop, you can.
21:51 Otherwise keep pushing through it, okay we're
21:56 on 30 of them. Now, we wanna stretch the calf
21:58 area and we're gonna step back, push the heel
22:01 to the floor and feel it stretch in the back your
22:04 leg, down the calf area. It's very important
22:07 also for the Achilles tendon. So, stretch and
22:13 hold, we're wanting hold each stretch for
22:16 about ten to fifteen seconds. Work on your
22:18 breathing as you do it, now switch the other
22:21 side. Push the other foot down, chest up,
22:26 the xiphoid process up; breathe in through the
22:29 nose, out through the mouth. As you work on
22:34 breathing, as you breathe out. Focus on
22:36 breathing as much out as you can,
22:38 automatically you're body is gonna wanna
22:39 take in a good return of air. Alright, now let's
22:42 stretch the inside of the thigh, Jonathan go
22:44 ahead and step out to this side there. We're
22:46 gonna come up here, now as you get more and
22:51 more flexible. You can go lot of further,
22:53 Jonathan is pretty good this one, so go and ahead
22:54 and go down. So, if you get that level and you
22:59 know you got somebody good flexibility.
23:01 Lahey, you don't wanna go that far, you're
23:02 gonna look far or not so. You're finally you
23:05 at, okay let's switch and go the other direction
23:14 and we're gonna hold that steady. But we've
23:16 seen some really incredible turn around so
23:18 keep rolled that severe heart disease, they find
23:21 that they can get so much better, quicker they
23:24 never thought possible and so we always
23:26 amazed to see those transition and it's always
23:28 really exciting for us as well. Okay, come on
23:30 up, now we're wanna work the abdominal wall
23:34 and we're gonna do that by putting our hands
23:35 behind our back and we're gonna contract our
23:37 abdomen. So, we're just gonna, contract in this
23:40 position. Okay, now where we're at this
23:42 position. We're gonna bend over, then we're
23:45 gonna come up and then we're gonna lean
23:48 back. We're gonna contract the abdomen,
23:51 bend over, come up and lay back. Contract,
23:58 over, up and back, feel the abdominal fluxes
24:04 as you come forward. If you simply just go
24:06 through the motions, you can do this exercise
24:09 and you may not feel the pain. But if you do
24:12 it properly, you be amazed as this type of
24:15 effect you can get and the nice thing about it.
24:17 As you get them abdominal work, you're
24:19 getting lower back to work and you not having
24:21 get on the floor. And especially for lot of
24:24 people with heart disease, that can be difficult,
24:29 up and then stretch as you should feel
24:31 abdominal stretch. Contract, come down, now
24:35 I'm talking is do it, but I don't you want blow
24:37 out. So, that helps you contract the abdomen,
24:43 blow out. So, many men when they do
24:47 abdominal exercise, they think they need to
24:49 use a lot of weight and that's a big mistake and
24:53 you know they were doing is, pushing the
24:54 abdominal wall out and that's how they want.
24:57 They want their abdominal wall to be
24:58 holding their abdominal contents in, back to
25:01 be explaining to that. Okay, now we're gonna
25:04 do some trunk rotation, nice and easy. We're
25:06 gonna turn, I do not advocate side bench at
25:10 all because that will just try to stick in the
25:12 waist and they actually is hard on the spine as
25:15 well, but doing some nice gentle twisting you
25:18 find to be helpful and turn and also it's nice
25:24 way to cool down. Because we're almost
25:26 done and turn, one more time turn. Alright
25:36 good job, we're all done. One of our favorite
25:40 stories at the Black Hills is the Benn get to
25:42 a story. Benn had 99 percent blockage going
25:45 to his brain and was really considered
25:47 inoperable. He got three major strokes,
25:50 he could barely move. He was in tough shape,
25:52 he's losing hearing and the eyesight and
25:54 speech, but 40 short days we saw just an
25:58 incredible transformation. His family couldn't
26:03 believe that his speech start coming back, his
26:04 hearing was coming back, his eyesight was
26:05 getting better. But the thing was most
26:06 remarkable about Benn, as he walked 46
26:09 miles. The last week he was out to our center,
26:12 he was now working out with weights and feel
26:14 like a whole new man. But the amazing thing
26:16 is that we went back and saw his surgeon, the
26:19 surgeon could not believe what it happen to
26:21 him. He asked to him Benn what is happened
26:23 to you, they goes, why just got back from the
26:25 Black Hills Health and Education Center and
26:27 I've totally change my lifestyle and so the
26:30 doctor actually wrote me letter and said I
26:31 don't know, what you did the Benn, but he is
26:33 cured. He doesn't need to come see me, unless
26:37 he just wants to come to me and say hello.
26:38 So, that's one of there most exciting stories we
26:40 have seen, but yet we see this all the time.
26:43 People given hope, I had a man that I saw to
26:46 recent ASI convention and he said to me, I'm
26:49 off all my medications. I was on 17
26:51 medications. I had terrible heart problems
26:54 and now my Blood pressure is so low.
26:56 It's a 100 over 60 and yet my doctor was still
26:59 trying to give me a prescription for
27:01 hypertension medication and he said why are
27:03 doing this and the doctor said, well I need
27:05 it, I feel like I'm doing something for you.
27:07 It just a little dose and the guy says, why
27:09 should I take them my blood pressure is fine.
27:11 So, we see these types of turnaround all the
27:13 time and what we really try and encourage
27:15 people is to learn how to relax and enjoy their
27:18 exercise and remember you do it for the right
27:20 reason because we're trying to glorify God in
27:22 all the things and we wanna glorify him with
27:24 our bodies, which have been brought with
27:26 incredible price and that are the price of the
27:29 blood of Christ. So, we wanna glorify him in
27:31 all we do and every step we take and as we do
27:34 go through that process, we will find our
27:36 health and improving drastically and that's we
27:38 go through the exercise. If we remember the
27:40 promises of the Bible in Philippians 4:13,
27:43 it says': I can do all things through Christ,
27:46 which strengthens me; claim that promises as
27:48 go through your program you be amaze
27:50 that how much better you do. God bless
27:52 thanks for joining us.
27:53 We will see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17