Breath of Life.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000007S

00:09 Sermon #S005 - Know Your Worth
00:20 Pastor Snell: Genesis Chapter 30 and we will begin together at verse 25.
00:25 I will be reading from the New King James' version of the Bible.
00:29 And I should tell you, once again, you all look fantastic here in the house of the Lord.
00:32 Turn to your neighbor and say, "You look good today." Turn to the other neighbor
00:36 and say, "The blessing of the Lord is on you today." Amen. Genesis Chapter 30,
00:46 and we are going to look together at verse 25.
00:49 The Bible says, and it came to pass when Rachel had born Joseph,
00:56 that Jacob said to Laban, "Send me away that I may go to my own place, to my country.
01:04 Give me my wives and my children for whom I have served you, and let me go, for you know my service,
01:11 which I have done for you. And Laban said to him, "Please stay if I have found favor in your eyes,
01:19 for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake."
01:26 Then he said, "Name me your wages, and I will give it."
01:30 So Jacob said to him, "You know I have served you and how your livestock has been with me,
01:39 for what you had before I came was little, and it has increased to a great amount.
01:46 The Lord has blessed you since my coming, and now, when shall I be able to provide for my own house?"
01:53 So he said, "What shall I give you?"
01:57 Jacob said, "You shall not give me anything. If you do this thing for me,
02:03 I will again feed and keep your flocks. Let me pass through all your flock today, removing, from there,
02:11 all the speckled and spotted sheep, and all the brown ones among the lambs and the spotted
02:18 and speckled amongst the goats. And these shall be my wages.
02:23 So my righteousness will answer for me in time to come when the subject of my wages comes before you.
02:29 Everyone that is not speckled and spotted amongst the goats, and brown amongst the lambs,
02:37 will be considered stolen if it is with me." Laban said, "Oh that it was according to your word."
02:45 So he removed, that day, the male goats that were speckled
02:49 and spotted and all the female goats that were speckled and spotted,
02:53 everyone that had some white in it and all the brown ones amongst the lands
02:57 and gave them into the hand of his sons. He put a three days journey between himself and Jacob,
03:04 and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flock.
03:08 Now, Laban took rods of green poplar, almond, and chestnut trees, peeled white strips in them,
03:18 and exposed the white in the rods. The rods, which had been peeled, he set before the flocks in the gutters,
03:26 in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink so that they should conceive when they came to drink.
03:37 So the flocks conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted.
03:46 Then Jacob separated the lambs and made the flocks face toward the street and all the brown
03:53 and the flock of Laban.
03:55 He put forth his own flocks by themselves and did not put them with laban's flock,
04:00 and it came to pass whenever the strong livestock conceived that Jacob places the rods
04:07 before the eyes of the livestock in the gutters that they may conceive amongst the rods.
04:12 But when the flocks were feeble, he did not put them in. So the feebler were Laban's,
04:19 and the stronger, Jacob's. Thus the man became exceedingly prosperous and had large flocks,
04:26 female and male servants, camels, and donkeys.
04:31 I want to read for emphasis, verse number 30, what Jacob said, "For what you had before I came was little,
04:40 and it has increased to a great amount, for the Lord has blessed you since my coming.
04:48 And now, what shall I provide for my own house?" Today, I want to talk to you,
04:55 as we talk about Black excellence and wealth, about the importance of knowing your worth.
05:03 Let us pray together. Father, I pray that in this little while, you will say much.
05:09 I am praying that there would be an inspiration in the hearing of the word.
05:15 I am praying that my vision would be enlarged. I pray that the faith of your people will be multiplied.
05:22 So, Lord, I pray that you allow the word to go forth without interruption or human hindrance.
05:29 Once again, would you please hide me in the shadows of the cross, that Jesus, alone, might be seen,
05:34 that Christ, alone, would be heard, and, at the end of our time together, may Jesus, alone,
05:40 be praised. We ask this in the name of Him who is altogether lovely.
05:44 It is in the name of Jesus that we pray. Let God's people say together, Amen.
05:50 You may be seated there in the house of the Lord.
05:59 As we get into today's teaching,
06:03 one of the things that we have got to do is begin to amend our relationship with money.
06:11 One of the mistakes we often make is we assign certain roles, traits, or characteristics to money.
06:20 And what sometimes happens in the black church is we either treat money as Satan or savior.
06:28 We treat money as a demon or deliverer, and sometimes because of a misreading of scripture,
06:37 we teach that money is the root of all evil,
06:42 when the Bible teaches that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.
06:49 How many of us understand that money is not immoral? Money is actually a moral,
06:56 meaning it has no moral quality. It simply takes on the characteristics of the one who possesses it.
07:04 So, that the same money used in a drug deal is also put in the offering tray to allow the work of God to go
07:14 forward. And so there are times that we actually think that money changes people,
07:20 that money makes good people go bad. That is not true. Money. does not change people.
07:26 Money just reveals people. So, if you are kind of a jerk when you are broke,
07:35 all money does is reveal or create the platform for the world to see who you actually are.
07:41 So, it is wrong for us to treat money as Satan, but equally, it is wrong for us to treat money as a savior.
07:49 In other words, if you treat money as a savior, then you are destined to worship it.
07:54 It is why Jesus said that you could not serve both God and money.
08:00 And though we will never give praise to the hundred dollar bill,
08:05 and we will never lift holy hands to our Amex card,
08:08 sometimes our idolatry is seen in what money means to us.
08:14 How many of us know that money should never mean significance,
08:19 that money ought not ever to equate to security, that money ought not ever to mean status,
08:26 that money ought not ever to make you feel important?
08:30 How many of us know that you are worth is not in how much you get paid?
08:35 Your worth is seen in the price that was paid for your salvation.
08:40 In other words, friends, when you allow significance to be attached to money,
08:46 you make yourself vulnerable to the enemy.
08:49 Because if the devil knows that if he can hold your significance by holding your paycheck,
08:55 the enemy knows that if he can take your money, he can take away your security.
09:01 He knows that if your piece is connected to your money, all he is got to do is hold up your money,
09:07 and he can confiscate your peace, and God wants somebody to know that the security and significance
09:14 and worth that you are drawing from money, God designed that you were to draw your worst
09:19 and your security and identity from him.
09:23 We have got to get to the place where we stop trying to create a relationship with the gift,
09:29 and we learn to put our trust in the One who gave it.
09:33 In other words, our gifts ought to simply enhance our relationship with the Giver.
09:40 Are you all with me today? Let me say it this way. Every now and then, I am trying to be a good husband.
09:46 So, what I will do is I will buy a gift by surprise for my wife.
09:52 I remember on one occasion, I bought her some flowers and a gift,
09:56 and I put it upstairs where I knew she would run into it. And so what happened is,
10:02 when she came into the house, I greeted her downstairs, and she went upstairs.
10:07 I knew right away when she found the gift because once he found the gift,
10:13 she immediately came back downstairs with the gift in her hand and began to hug
10:19 and kiss the husband who gave it. In other words,
10:22 she was not so impressed with the gift that she did not forget to come downstairs
10:27 and say thank you before she even opened it. See, how many of us know that Christ is the bridegroom,
10:35 that Jesus is the bride? And when the bridegroom gives a gift, you do not get so caught up with their gift.
10:43 You run back to the one who gave it and begins to show appreciation to him.
10:49 In other words, my gift does not separate me from the Giver.
10:52 It actually pushes me back toward the God who gave it. Are you hearing me today, church?
10:58 And so go back with me, if you do not mind, to Genesis Chapter 30
11:03 and verse number 27 as we unpack a few things together, Genesis 30 and verse 27.
11:09 When you get there, say, Amen. Genesis 13 verse 27, the Bible says,
11:14 and Laban said to him, "Please stay if I have found favor in your eyes,
11:20 for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake."
11:27 Then he said, "Name your wages, and I will give it to you."
11:32 Now, friends of mine, I need you to understand as we look at the story of Jacob that Jacob is not the most
11:40 virtuous cat in the scriptures, but he is a high-functioning individual. And this story, friends,
11:48 has implications not just for our church but the witness we have in our daily profession
11:55 because what this story teaches us first is that sometimes, God blesses the unbelieving
12:02 because of the presence of the believing. Let me say that again. Sometimes,
12:06 God blesses the wicked because of the presence of the righteous. Do I have a witness today?
12:13 In other words, here,
12:15 we find Jacob having fulfilled his years of service that he gave as a response to the dowry that he wanted
12:24 to pay to receive Rachel, and he also completes the additional years he had to serve
12:31 because of the trickery of Laban when he inserted Leah into the equation.
12:37 But understand now that he has come to an end of his tenure.
12:42 It is time for him to make a profit for himself.
12:46 And so he tells his father-in-law, "I want you to let me go, me, my wife,
12:53 and my children, and everything that belongs unto me."
12:58 Understand that they had worked with so much skill that Laban's tiny flock had morphed into a significant
13:09 heard of financial consequence.
13:12 In fact, the anointing of Jacob was so strong that Laban does not just want to keep him around as a worker,
13:22 he is able to discern that the presence of God is on a Jacob,
13:28 and he just wants to have him around in the estate.
13:32 In fact, he testifies from his own mouth, "I have learned by my own experience that God has blessed me just
13:43 because you are here." In other words, he recognizes as an unbeliever.
13:50 Remember that Laban is not a believing person. He is literally an idol-worshipping unbeliever.
13:58 And he says, "I do not want you to go anywhere because God is blessing me because you hang around."
14:05 And you see, friends of mine, I need you to know that this is not an outlier in scripture.
14:11 It is actually a trend. So, when you look at Joseph in Egypt,
14:16 one of the things that became clear is that God blessed Egypt because of the presence of Joseph.
14:24 Where are you all at today, church?
14:26 When you look at Daniel and Babylon, God bless a foreign nation because he had children at work there.
14:33 Remember when Paul was on a ship on the way to Rome with other prisoners
14:39 and criminals that the storm wanted to destroy the ship,
14:42 but God was able to preserve the ship because God had one of his children there.
14:48 And the thing I need somebody to know is that the blessings of God are not stagnant.
14:54 They do not function in isolation. I need you to know that the blessings of God function in the overflow.
15:02 [Congregation: Cheering]
15:04 Let me say it this way. I need you to understand that what we have done is we have made the concept of
15:10 overflows selfish. But you know how the overflow works,
15:14 that when you are pouring liquid into a cup or container, once the container is filled and you keep pouring,
15:22 the content simply begins to overflow and fall on everything that is close to it.
15:29 And you see, we think that the overflow is simply where God gives us more than what we can handle.
15:36 But how many of us know that God will bless your cup so good that the blessings of God just overflows
15:43 to everybody that is in your sphere of influence?
15:49 The problem with the contemporary church is we want the wicked to just see the righteous being blessed.
15:59 In other words, we just want the blessings of the Lord to validate us and affirm us,
16:06 but we do not want it to fall on or impact them.
16:10 But how many of us know that if God allows you to prosper while everyone else is suffering,
16:16 then the suffering is going resent your prosperity,
16:21 and they are going to wring their hands at the God who gave it?
16:25 Remember the Abrahamic Covenant. He said to Abraham, "I am gonna make of you a great nation,
16:32 and in you, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed."
16:36 In other words, the blessings of God were not supposed to be stored. They were supposed to be shared.
16:45 In other words, friends of mine,
16:47 I need you to know that the blessing of protection overflows whenever the righteous are in a place.
16:55 Is there anybody that knows that there were some planes that should have fallen out of the sky,
17:01 but God had some righteous saints seated in first class?
17:05 Are you all hearing me today, saints?
17:07 Is there anybody that believes that the only reason a mass shooting did not take place in Walmart
17:13 or your job while you were there was that God had some of his children stashed on station in that place?
17:20 In fact, the only reason some tornadoes did not touch down on your street was that there were some
17:27 praying people calling on the name of the Lord.
17:32 Do not get me wrong. I believe that in Adam's Fallen World, guess what?
17:37 Bad things still happen to good people. In fact, Jesus said that the rain is going to fall on the just
17:43 and the unjust, but what I believe is that we will never be able to count the number of times that weapons
17:50 have been formed, but they never got to prosper because God had his hand covering his children.
18:01 Are you all hearing me today, saints? So I need you to know that the blessing of protection overflows.
18:07 I need you to know that the blessing of increase overflows as well.
18:11 In other words, I need somebody to know that because God has you on the job.
18:17 I need you to know that the company is prospering.
18:20 I need somebody to believe that Huntsville hospital thrives because there are some Christian nurses
18:28 and doctors walking up and down the hallway, that the school system thrives
18:34 because there are some praying teachers laying hands over the classrooms before you go in.
18:40 I need you to know that your office is thriving simply because God has you there as His witness.
18:46 And do not resent that they share in the blessing
18:50 because you ought to be at a place where you understand that the blessing is not just in what you receive.
18:57 Your blessing is getting to know Jesus for yourself.
19:04 I remembered probably about 4 or 5 years ago.
19:06 It was my daughter's third or fifth birthday,
19:10 and see how many of us understand that whenever one child has a birthday,
19:16 all the other kids get to be a part of the party. In other words,
19:21 we had had a party to celebrate her birthday, but because we were celebrating her, guess what,
19:28 the cake got to overflow into all the other kids that were at the party.
19:33 And so my daughter was right there sitting on my lap as we were cutting up the cake,
19:39 and her older brother got a larger slice of cake, and he began to boast
19:45 and brag that even though it is your birthday, I got the bigger piece of cake.
19:50 While she is sitting on my lap,
19:52 she let him know that the only reason you got some cake was that I let you celebrate my birthday,
20:01 and she said, "You might have gotten the bigger piece, but I got Daddy." You all did not hear it today.
20:07 How many of us know that you never worry about the size of the portion as long as you got a relationship
20:16 with the Father? Because as long as you got the daddy, you can always get a bigger portion.
20:23 So do not look at the portion. Focus on the relationship. Are you hearing the word today?
20:33 [Congregation: I hear you.]
20:34 Snell: So the first thing you got to learn is that sometimes God blesses the wicked
20:40 because of the presence of the righteous, but the second thing that teaches us, friends of mine,
20:45 is the value of knowing your own worth.
20:52 You see, one of the things that become clear is that not only does Laban know Jacobs' worth.
21:00 One of these just becomes clear is that Jacob understands his own worth.
21:07 You see, what literally shifts the relationship is that Jacob understands his value.
21:15 What allows him to dictate the terms of his next contract is that he understands his own value.
21:24 His boss comes to him and says, name your own wages.
21:29 Jacob understands his worth.
21:31 I need somebody to get this that Jacob has this start clarity that if my gifts can make you rich,
21:44 then my gifts can enlarge and enrich me. Yall not hearing
21:48 this today. In other words, he knows that if what I am doing can grow your house,
21:55 then these same gifts can be used to grow my house. Now, I do want to pause and say this.
22:01 I do not believe that everybody is called to be an entrepreneur.
22:05 Now, everybody has the discipline, accounting, vision, or the ability to make hard decisions,
22:12 but I want to encourage the body of Christ that you do not just let your gifts make somebody else rich,
22:19 but you ought to create some additional streams that are going to bless
22:24 and grow your own house so you can give back. Are you all hearing me today?
22:31 So, Laban says, "What do you want me to give you?" Notice what Jacob says.
22:38 Jacob says, "You cannot give me anything."
22:45 Understand the principle at work that even him offering Jacob a salary is another form of trickery.
22:56 In other words, even him giving Jacob a handsome salary is a way of capping his income.
23:02 It is a way of limiting his growth. It is making sure he always remains at a certain level.
23:09 I need you to understand that even when you get paid a handsome salary,
23:15 your employer has made a calculation that whatever they pay you, they will give it
23:22 because they are going to make three or four times that off of you. They did not hire you to make you rich.
23:30 They hired you in order to make them rich. Are you all hearing what I am saying?
23:38 What Jacob says is, "No, you cannot give me a salary.
23:42 We got to create a partnership that allows me to grow at the same level that the flock is going to grow."
23:51 Are you hearing me today?
23:53 The thing that I want to say to us as a community is that we have been assimilated into the larger culture,
23:58 and we have been brainwashed to believe that we come to college, get a job
24:03 and work for somebody else while immigrants from other nations come in and they start their own businesses,
24:11 and they do not function as employees, but they function as employers
24:16 because they do not think, "Get a job." They think, "Own a business."
24:20 Are you all hearing what I am saying today?
24:23 I need you to understand this, young sister, that if you can do some nails,
24:32 they do not come in at first because of the name on the door, but after a while,
24:37 their loyalty is going to be to you. Are you hearing me? If you can do some hair,
24:45 I may start coming because of the salon, but if the stylist goes, "I am going wherever she is going."
24:51 Are you all hearing what I am saying? If you can cut some hair, I may come because of the shop,
24:57 but once I connect with the right barber wherever he goes, that is where I am going.
25:02 If you are good at doing massage therapy, they may come because you started at Massage Envy,
25:08 but if you work out the knots and kinks to the right point, wherever you go, that is where they will go.
25:15 In other words, folks do not follow the franchise, they follow the excellence,
25:21 and if you do it with excellence, the business is going to follow. Are you all hearing what I am saying?
25:28 Listen, some of you guys know that my wife is a photographer by trade.
25:32 I remember when we were in a small town in Mississippi. She cut her teeth at Sears Portrait Studio,
25:38 but I need to know. At first, they came in looking for Sears, but after a while,
25:44 they came in looking for Miss Snell. And what we learned is that if we can use those gifts to grow them,
25:50 guess what? We can open up something that is going to bless our house. Are you hearing me
25:54 today saints. The thing I want somebody to get is that if you do not understand your worth,
26:01 you will live as a slave to somebody else's appraisal. And I want to say to somebody today,
26:09 not only do you need to know your value professionally, you need to know your value personally.
26:13 Young people on the balcony, you need to know your value romantically. If you do not understand your value,
26:21 your discount that which still has great worth.
26:27 The reason some of our singles stay in unhealthy relationships is that you do not understand your worth.
26:33 The reason that some of us married down and not up is that we do not understand our worth.
26:39 The reason you are willing to share your significant other is that you do not understand your worth.
26:46 The reason you lie down with everyone who asks is that you do not understand your worth.
26:52 The reason you let her talk to you in any kind of way is that you do not understand your worth.
26:58 And even if I did not make it clear last week, I want you to know that even if you are married,
27:03 I do not believe in domestic violence.
27:06 I need you to know that if somebody is beating you or abusing you physically or emotionally,
27:13 you are worth so much that you do not have to stay in that predicament.
27:18 In other words, church, I am not going to tell you to get a divorce,
27:22 but I am going to tell you to get on up out of that house. Are you all hearing me today?
27:27 Somebody is sitting there mad saying, "Pastor, the Bible does not really address domestic violence."
27:33 No, the First Corinthians 6 says, No, ye not. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost."
27:40 It says that you are bought with a price.
27:43 Therefore, glorify God in your body and your spirit, which are His.
27:48 In other words, because my body belongs to God because He paid so much for it,
27:54 I cannot let anybody beat it. I cannot let anybody abuse it.
27:59 How many of us know that tolerating domestic violence is bad stewardship?
28:07 You cost too much to let somebody abuse or denigrate the temple of the Holy Ghost.
28:18 Pastor Snell: Hi everyone, this is Pastor Snell. That word blessed me and I'm praying that it blessed you.
28:24 I want to encourage you that you make sure you come back same time, same place next week. As we give you
28:29 installment #2 of the message entitled "Know Your Worth"
28:35 (Breath of Life Music)
28:55 [END]


Revised 2022-03-09