Breath of Life.

Shame On Us Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000009S

00:06 Sermon #S006 - "Shame On Us"
00:20 Pastor Snell: I want to invite you, saints, to go with me in your Bibles to the Book of Luke 10, Luke 10:25.
00:30 Today, I want to really just talk to us as a church local
00:36 and to those who are watching online from other places.
00:40 There's some things that the church universal needs to hear from the word.
00:46 Luke 10:25, when you get there, just say, "I'm here, Pastor." Luke 10:25.
00:52 [Congregation: Laughing] just stand next to them next Sabbath. When I say it, say it from your heart.
00:54 Let them know, "You look good in the house today." Turn to your neighbor on the other side.
00:55 Come on and say it.
00:56 Luke10:25, Jesus says, "And beholds, a certain lawyer stood up and tested him,
00:59 saying , 'Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?' He said unto him, 'What is written in the law?
01:07 What is your reading of it?' So he answered and said, 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart,
01:15 with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and ‘your neighbor as yourself.'
01:21 And He said to him, 'You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.'
01:27 But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, 'And who is my neighbor?'
01:34 Then Jesus answered and said: 'A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell amongst thieves,
01:41 who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
01:47 Now, by chance, a certain priest came down that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
01:56 Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side.
02:04 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion.
02:11 So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal,
02:19 and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed,
02:25 he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him;
02:32 and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.'
02:37 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell amongst the thieves?
02:44 And he said, 'He who showed mercy on him.' Then Jesus said to him, 'Go and do likewise.'"
02:51 I want to emphasize verse 31, "Now, by chance, a certain priest came down that road, and when he saw him,
03:01 he passed by on the other side. Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked,
03:11 and passed by on the other side." Today, saints, I want to talk for a little while under the subject,
03:18 Shame on Us. Shame on us. Let's pray.
03:23 Father, the same way You took two fish into and five loaves and You multiply it,
03:31 I'm praying that You would take my little and that You would make it sufficient for many.
03:36 Lord, I need your strength to be perfected in human weakness, frailty, and lack.
03:41 Lord, I'm praying that in the hearing of the word,
03:44 we would get a sense of what it is that You require for us in this time.
03:49 Lord, would You please hide me In the Shadows of the cross, that Jesus alone might be seen,
03:55 that Christ alone would be heard. At the end of our time together, may Jesus alone be praised.
04:02 We ask this in the name of him who is altogether lovely. It is in the name of Jesus, that we pray.
04:08 Let God's people say together "Amen." And Amen. You may be seated in the house of God.
04:14 You know, saints, our text today has many implications that need to be considered.
04:21 The very first thing this teaches us is that your love for God is not personal or invisible.
04:31 Here, we find Jesus surrounded by a very mixed sort of crowd.
04:38 First, you have the 70, who have come back to report to Jesus the great works that they have done in His name.
04:46 Supplementing the 70, you have the religious establishment of the day who have shown up in an attempt to
04:54 discredit Jesus. Out of this group, you have a lawyer or doctor of the law who stands up
05:02 and makes the inquiry. He asked. Jesus, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"
05:10 Jesus, understanding that his goal was not to know, his goal was to discredit,
05:17 he then centers His answers on the lawyer's understanding of the law. He asked the question,
05:24 "What does the law say? How do you understand it to read?"
05:30 The man then replies that the law says that you are to love God with all of your heart,
05:36 with all of your mind and all of your strength.
05:40 The second commandment is that you love your neighbor as yourself.
05:44 The first thing this teaches, friends, is that your love for God is not invisible.
05:52 You see the problem, saints, is we see the two great Commandments as distinct and separate Commandments,
06:00 when the truth is that the second commandment is an outgrowth or a revelation of the first.
06:08 Remember Jesus said, when he summarized the two,
06:12 that you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul.
06:19 He says that the second is likened unto it, that you love your neighbor as yourself.
06:27 Now, understand, in the Greek, when Jesus says that the second is liken unto it,
06:34 that word liken means that it is reflecting, that it is similar, that it is twinning the first commandment.
06:43 In other words, the second commandment is the proof or the evidence of the first commandment.
06:51 You all didn't catch that. In other words, your love for God is going to be mirrored
06:58 or reflected in your love for your neighbor. I want to lay this out there, church, so that we have clarity.
07:07 Because too often, we measure our love for God in very insulated ways,
07:13 so that when we're trying to track our love for God, what we evaluate is how much we study,
07:20 how much we pray, our Sabbath-keeping, and our sin patterns,
07:26 but those things lose value if the byproduct is not Christ-like love for your neighbor.
07:34 Let me say it this way,
07:35 that you become a Commandment breaker if the only person that benefits from your walk with God is you.
07:45 See, Jesus says that you can't love the God you've never seen.
07:52 If you can't love those who are created In His Image, in other words, saints,
07:57 if your life only impacts you, then you don't love God. If you're only a blessing to yourself,
08:06 you don't love God. If you're only concerned with your comfort, you don't love God.
08:13 If you're only concern is building your brand, then you don't love God.
08:18 Some of you are sitting with offense saying, "Pastor, you don't know how much I pray.
08:23 You don't know how much I study. You don't know how well I keep the Sabbath,"
08:30 but Jesus is trying to get us to know that true religion,
08:35 that present truth is not how impacted you are by the gospel. It's how impactful you are for the gospel.
08:44 Let me say it again. That true real religion is not just how impacted I am by the gospel.
08:52 It's how impactful I've been for the gospel. Because just like the Jews of old,
08:58 you can sit in a Sabbath School class and debate theological intricacies all day.
09:04 You can be a part of 17 prayer groups inside of the church. In fact, some of us can sit at home
09:12 and you can watch a sermon on Eastern time and Central time, and again, on Pacific time,
09:19 but the issue with the contemporary church is that we have become consumer believers.
09:27 In other words, look at the language that has been popularized in the church in our time.
09:33 Look at how we talk in the things that we expose.
09:36 You'll realize that the language of the contemporary church is all about increase,
09:42 but John the Baptist says our goal should be to decrease.
09:47 In the contemporary church, it is popular to say, "I claim that,"
09:51 when the truth is we ought to be saying, "I share that." In the contemporary church,
09:57 our goal is to receive it and not necessarily to give it.
10:02 In our time, we want to be in the overflow so that we have a lot,
10:06 but we learned last week that the overflow is the blessing that you share with those that are in
10:13 close proximity to you.
10:15 The thing I want somebody to get is that true Christianity may be formed in the closet,
10:22 but guess what? It shows up with those that you are in contact with.
10:27 How many of us know that the truest measure of Christianity is your love?
10:33 Are you all hearing me today, saints?
10:36 In other words, the measure of your walk with God is not what you wear or don't wear.
10:41 It's not in what you eat or don't eat.
10:44 It's not in what time you keep the Sabbath or shut off the television.
10:48 It doesn't really matter. If you don't have love for your neighbor. Okay, I see some of us are not convinced.
10:56 Look here in Desire of Ages page 502, there is a stunning statement I need somebody to here.
11:04 In fact, she says that many who profess His name have lost sight of the fact that Christians are to represent
11:13 Christ unless there is practical self-sacrifice for the good of others in the family circle,
11:22 in the neighborhood, in the church, and wherever we may be. Then, whatever we profess, we are not Christians.
11:33 Did you all catch that today?
11:35 In other words, she's saying unless you have loved, it doesn't matter what you profess.
11:41 Your Christianity shows up in your home. It shows up in your neighborhood.
11:46 It reveals itself wherever you are. Anything less than that means that you're not a Christian.
11:55 See, I need us to understand that we've got to shift out of a consumer-based religion,
12:02 where it's about how much I receive and realize that it's more about what I give.
12:09 Okay. You all are sitting on your hands today.
12:11 Let me say it this way. Have you ever noticed, saints, that whenever you get a new cellular phone,
12:12 Are you all hearing the word today, saints? Go back with me, if you will, to Luke 10,
12:14 and I want you to look together at verse 29. Luke 10:29, the Bible says,
12:23 "But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, 'Who is my neighbor?'
12:29 Then Jesus answered and said, 'A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho,
12:34 and fell amongst thieves who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him and departed,
12:40 leaving him half dead. Now, by chance, a certain priest came down that road,
12:45 and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the same place,
12:53 came and looked, and he also passed by on the other side." You see the second thing this story teaches us,
13:01 friends of mine, is that our problem is not our message. Sometimes, our problem is the messengers.
13:12 I need you to get that the problem is not always the message. Sometimes, the problem is bad messengers.
13:19 Now, I need you to see something.
13:22 This parable that Jesus tells is actually literally designed to shame the Jewish religious establishment.
13:32 What Jesus does is he juxtaposes the fictional actions of a Levite and a priest,
13:40 and he contrasts them with the actions of a Samaritan, who the Jews see as an outsider,
13:48 whose life is less valuable than that of a dog. Understand, saints,
13:53 that this shame is actually twofold because the wounded man had to find God's love outside of the church.
14:03 He also had to find love outside of his ethnic community,
14:09 and that he could only find help from one who was a Samaritan.
14:13 See, as the story has laid out,
14:17 the Bible says that there is a man that is traveling from Jericho to Jerusalem. On his journey,
14:24 he falls amongst thieves who beat him bloody. The Bible says that they leave him for dead.
14:31 It so happens that on that particular day, there was a priest, a representative of the religious community,
14:39 that sees him bleeding out on the ground, looks at him and passes by on the other side.
14:47 Then, you have a Levite, who is also a part of the priestly community, who also looks at him,
14:55 observes his pain, assesses his situation, collects data for a study,
15:02 but the Bible says he doesn't do nothing about it. He also passes by on the other side.
15:10 Now, friends of mine, lend me your imagination for a moment.
15:15 See, I'm not sure how much consciousness the wounded man has.
15:23 In other words, he is not dead, but we're not told how much awareness he has of what's happening.
15:30 Could you imagine if this man was able, as he looks on the ground,
15:39 to see the blue border of the priest garment and phylacteries passing by him in his moment of pain?
15:47 Could you imagine that he could smell the incense in the Levite's clothes,
15:53 that wasps over the veil from outside of the altar as he, too, passes by and leaves him in his pain?
16:01 In other words, what if he notices that the representatives of the body passed by and leave him in his pain?
16:09 What is his response to religion going to be when he comes to? When he wakes up and realizes that his bill
16:18 and comfort and care has come from someone outside of the faith community,
16:25 you realize that no one in the church is going to be able to talk to him about the goodness of God.
16:31 He's not going to receive nothing about the power of prayer.
16:35 He's not going to entertain anything about you coming to church and being a part of a fellowship.
16:41 See, the problem is that we would look at somebody with that disposition and say their issue is that they're
16:49 rejecting the message. The problem is that they become sour on the messengers.
16:57 See, how many of us know that when people have been wounded by messengers, by and large,
17:03 they don't parse out the difference between the message and the messenger.
17:08 What they do is they tend to lump it all together. What I'm saying to the body is that,
17:14 sometimes, the issue with the Adventist Church is not that we have the wrong message.
17:20 In many instances, we have empowered the wrong messengers.
17:25 [Congregation: Clapping]
17:26 Okay. Let me say it this way.
17:28 Has anybody ever been to the church where they have the meanest ushers in the world working at the door?
17:35 In other words,
17:37 their goal is to keep you outside of the service instead of getting you a seat inside of the service.
17:43 Have you ever been to the church where you've got the mean deaconess who's always trying to correct young
17:51 people without connecting with young people? In other words, it's all about correction,
17:57 but there is never any connection.
18:00 Has anybody seen the church where the health people become the food police?
18:06 They literally walk around at fellowship dinner pointing out what you should and you should not be eating.
18:13 Has anybody grown up in the church where the church board disfellowships every girl that gets pregnant,
18:20 but the boy that got her pregnant is on the Junior Deacon bench and still on the church basketball team?
18:28 Are you all hear what I'm saying? See, the problem is we think folk leave
18:33 because they don't like the message, but the issue is that we got bad messengers representing the work of God.
18:39 Are you all hearing me today, saints?
18:41 See, it's just like this. I remember probably about two or three years ago. Here in Bridge Street,
18:42 See, in this moment, beloved, in this moment of need,
18:45 I need you to notice that the church has nothing to offer him.
18:53 See, the shame that Jesus is trying to communicate is that His people have to find love outside of the church.
19:05 The shame of the contemporary black church is that we have too many of in our communities that have to
19:12 experience the love of God outside of the community of faith. You see, friends of mine.
19:19 You know what the appeal of a gang is?
19:24 You see, friends of mine, you know what the appeal of a gang is. You se appeal of the gang.
19:25 It's not access to a weapon.
19:28 The appeal of a gang is having a sense of belonging for somebody who's not going to judge me,
19:34 but just receive me. Do you realize what the appeal of a pimp is?
19:39 The appeal of a pimp is not just to get paid, but it's to know that somebody's going to be covering me
19:46 and looking out for me. Do you realize the appeal of the frat or the sorority?
19:51 It's to know that there is a community that's going to help outline my success,
19:56 and then celebrate it when it comes forward. Do you realize that these things have such a spill
20:03 and appeal on our community because they can't get that type of covering?
20:08 They can't get that type of belonging. They can't get that type of support inside of the household of faith.
20:16 Are you hearing me, saints?
20:19 See, sometimes the issue is that we've got great services, but we have bad community services.
20:28 See, if the priest and the Levite did what the Samaritan did ,
20:36 you realize that they would have to keep that brother out of church.
20:41 But because of what they did not do, they will never be able to even force him into the church.
20:48 Are you all hearing what I'm saying, saints.
20:50 See, I need us to understand that the secret sauce to evangelism and church growth in our time is not that we
20:57 don't do tense anymore. It's not that we aren't studying with folk long enough.
21:02 The issue is not that we're not doing what we used to do. The issue is that we don't have enough love in the
21:08 body of Christ.
21:10 [Congregation: Clapping]
21:12 Pastor Snell: You all will believe this Testimonies for the Church Volume 9. Look at this.
21:16 Hear me on this, saints. Listen to what the prophet is saying to the church.
21:20 I need you all to know that there is a secret sauce, and is already in the pews of the body.
21:26 She literally says if we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind, and courteous, and tender-hearted,
21:35 and pitiful, watch this, there would be 100 conversions to the truth, where there is now, only one.
21:45 In other words, if we love like Jesus, if we cared like Jesus,
21:51 take the number of folks that were baptized into your church.
21:55 If we love like that, multiply it times 100,
21:59 and you would have a harvest that's greater than what your church can contain.
22:03 It's funny because this brother would function as an unbelieving person simply
22:09 because the church could not do anything for him. Let me ask a question.
22:14 Why would you join a community that can do nothing for you?
22:22 Why would you join a community that passed by your pain, that notices your pain,
22:30 but doesn't do anything to facilitate your pain? What I'm saying is the reason the church,
22:37 not just local, but global, the reason we're not winning our communities is
22:42 because we don't have nothing to offer them.
22:46 If your church is in a community that's full of academically challenged children,
22:52 where then is your ministry for academically challenged children?
22:56 If your church is in a community where you've got a lot of ex-cons or offenders,
23:01 where then is your ministry to welcome back our brothers and sisters from incarceration?
23:06 If your church is in a community that is filled with single parents,
23:11 where then is your ministry designed to build single parents?
23:15 If your church is in a community where there are a lot of international refugees,
23:21 where then is your ministry to grow and build those refugees?
23:25 If your church is in a community where there's a lot of mental illness,
23:29 where then is your ministry that's designed for mental illness?
23:33 If your church is in a community where there's drug addiction and violence,
23:37 then where is the ministry to address drug addiction and violence?
23:42 What I'm saying is we got to stop all the surveys. Stop gathering all this information.
23:47 The needs are glaring and obvious. We've got to build our ministry not around what we like,
23:54 not around what blesses us.
23:56 We've got to build the ministry around that which is going to bless the community.
24:03 [Congregation: Clapping]
24:05 Pastor Snell: What I need somebody to understand is that what you offer determines the kind of clientele
24:12 you are going to receive. Let me say it this way. You see, as a brother,
24:18 I don't go shop in Victoria's Secret. Well, I do.
24:25 [Congregation: Laughing]
24:27 Pastor Snell: But it ain't really for me. Are you all too holy? You're on the Spirit.
24:31 You all love the Lord more than me. Come on, brothers. Every now and then...
24:34 In other words, I don't go there because guess what? They ain't got nothing for me to wear.
24:42 Do I have a witness? In other words, what they offer determines the clientele.
24:50 In other words, there are certain stores that, as a brother, with a little extra anointing.
24:57 [Congregation: Laughing]
24:59 Pastor Snell: Anybody else got a little extra anointing? Come on and save it.
25:02 You realize that there are certain stores you can't even shop in
25:06 because they only have a size that's going to fit small people.
25:12 In other words, what they offer is going to determine who their clientele is.
25:18 In other words, I went into one store and I even have my size.
25:22 I put my leg and I couldn't get my leg all the way in.
25:25 In other words, it's a store that only caters to people that are in perfect shape.
25:31 I guess what I'm saying is we got to be careful about not just catering to people who are in perfect shape.
25:39 We've got to be a people that's going to receive not just one size or one class.
25:45 God says, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."
25:51 How many of us know that we don't just want people from other churches, but guess what?
25:56 We ought to want some smoking people in this church. We ought to want some drinking people in this.
26:02 We ought to receive some shocking people in this church. We ought to want some cursing people in this church.
26:09 Jesus said the whole have no need of a physician,
26:13 but He said, "I have come to seek and save that which is lost."
26:19 Is there anybody that was once lost and you're now found?
26:24 And you just want to praise God that He don't just cater to those in perfect shape.
26:31 But He says, "I'll take your defects. I'll love your love handles. I'll take your cellulite.
26:37 Whatever's wrong with you, you got a place in Me." Are you hearing me today, saints?
26:48 Pastor Snell: Praise God everyone, thank you so much for allowing us to bring the gospel
26:53 right there to your living room today. Listen I want to encourage you to make sure you
26:56 come back next week same place, same time as I give you
27:00 Part #2 of the message entitled "Shame On Us". I want you to the second half is going to be even better than
27:06 the fist half, so make sure you see us again next week.
27:10 (Breath of Life Music)
27:34 Pastor Snell: Hi, I'm Debleaire Snell. Have you ever been in a place where as soon as you started believing
27:40 big, praying big and thinking big someone told you that you need to be more realistic?
27:47 It was unrealistic for Jesus to say
27:50 I'm going to lay down my life and in three days I'm going to pick it back up again.
27:54 I want to encouarge you to put down your commonly held beliefs
27:58 and it's time for us to "Get Unrealistic"
28:02 (MUSIC)
28:05 [End]


Revised 2022-03-23