Breath of Life.

Claim Your Benefits Volume Three Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000031S

00:09 Sermon #S017 - (Claim Your Benefits 3 Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will share part two of the third
00:30 and final episode of the message titled Claim Your Benefits.
00:34 Let's discover more about the benefits of God through the study of His Word.
00:41 Pastor Snell: And one of the things I want us to understand fundamentally is that favor comes from God.
00:48 Are you all with me today, Church? All right, so can we go to the good book for just a moment?
00:52 Go with me in your Bibles, Proverbs 18:16. Proverbs, turn in your Bibles with me. Let me teach you just a moment.
00:59 Proverbs 18:16. When you get there, say I'm there.
01:05 Proverbs 18:16. In other words, you don't have to sign up for this. You don't have to pledge for that.
01:13 I need you to know that it is God that is going to position you where you're supposed to be. Proverbs 18:16,
01:21 turn your Bibles, you all waiting for it to come on the screen. Go to the word. Proverbs 18:16,
01:26 the Bible says, that a man's, what? Gifts make room for him and bring him before great men.
01:36 In other words, Saints, I need you to understand that you don't have to get in with them in order to get where you want
01:44 to go. Because how many of us know that it is the gift that was assigned to you by God that opens
01:51 up doors for you that man is unable to deny? Are you all hearing the words today, Saints?
01:58 Go with me over in your Bibles to Proverbs 22:29. Proverbs 22:29, when you get there, just say, "Pastor, I'm there."
02:08 Proverbs 22:29, hear the word of the Lord. The Bible says, "Do you see a man who excels in his work?"
02:18 The Bible says, "He will stand before kings. He will not stand before unknown men." I need you to understand, Beloved,
02:26 that the key to success, friends of mine, is making sure you manage your gift, that you are diligent with your gift,
02:36 that you multiply and enlarge upon your gift, and the Bible says that you won't have to chase down man's favor,
02:44 but the excellence of your work will open up doors and bring you before great men or people of influence.
02:53 Are you all hearing the world today, Saints?
02:55 In fact, I want you to go a little further. Go to Proverbs 16:7. Proverbs 16:7.
03:04 There are some things I need you to see today. Proverbs 16:7. When you get there,
03:09 let me hear say Amen one more time.
03:11 [ Congregation: Amen ]
03:12 Proverbs 16:7, Because, see, there are some who feel like I got to do certain things
03:16 because my enemies are greater than my allies. And I got folk coming for me when I didn't send for them.
03:23 But I need somebody to understand this. Proverbs 16:7. When you get there, say Amen.
03:28 [ Congregation: Amen ]
03:30 The Bible says, "When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."
03:42 Oh, God. Do you realize the favor of God is so strong that God will make folk who don't like you start liking you?
03:53 That my God will take folk who are against you and he'll reverse it and make them your advocates.
04:02 Oh, okay, it's going to get better in just a minute.
04:05 Go over to the Book of Numbers. The Book of Numbers 23. Numbers 23:11. Listen, we're going to rejoice in a minute.
04:12 Numbers 23:11. When you get there, say, Amen.
04:17 [ Congregation: Amen ]
04:19 Numbers 23:11. Now, you remember the story of Balak where he sent the false prophet Balaam to
04:26 send curses on the land of Israel. I need you to understand that God intervened in the situation
04:33 and God sent blesses instead of curses, then the word says in verse 11, "Then Balak said to Balaam,
04:40 'What have you done to me? I took you to curse my enemies and, look, you have blessed them,
04:49 you have blessed them bountifully.'
04:54 So he answered and said, 'Must I not take heed to speak what the Lord has put in my mouth?'"
05:03 In other words, the prophet is like, I went to curse but by the time it got from my belly out of my mouth,
05:14 it turned into a blessing. And, see, how many of us know that God will favor you in such a way that on your job,
05:24 they may come with the intent to fire you. They call you into the office, give you a pink slip,
05:30 and they say, "You're f--" "You're f--" "You're f--" "You're promoted with a raise," you all not hearing me.
05:44 In other words, ah, your spouse was so angry, they called to say, "I want a d--" "I want a d--" "I want a d--"
05:56 "I want to keep working it out." Are you all hearing me today? In other words, when you apply for the loan of the house,
06:06 the loan officer calls you in because your credit is in the 300s.
06:10 They say, "Sir, I hate to inform you
06:14 but your loan application has been d--" "It's been d--" "It's been d--" "It's been approved with a low-interest rate."
06:26 How many of us know that when you're under favor, they may send curses
06:33 but in midair, they turn into blessings because God will make even your enemies be at peace with you?
06:42 Are you all hearing me today, Saints?
06:44 [ Congregation: applause ]
06:47 And it's crazy, Church, because the woman's focus is on Jesus because she knows, remember we said who she is.
06:56 She recognizes that she is a daughter. And even though the sons say, "Send her away," she knows I'm a daughter,
07:07 and because I'm a daughter, what the son says can't change how the father feels about a daughter.
07:18 So let me say it this way. In my house,
07:21 my two sons probably rightly believe that my daughter gets away with more stuff than what the boys are allowed.
07:31 So there are times where I'm going to do something for my daughter and my sons kind of ganging up on her
07:36 and they're like, "Well, Brooke did this wrong and Brooke did that wrong." And see they think because they are sons,
07:42 they can change the way I feel about the daughter but because I've already decided what I'm going to give the daughter,
07:50 none of the other children can change what she's going to receive. There are times when the youngest, too,
07:57 they're going to gang up on the oldest child but because I've decided what I'm going to give the oldest child,
08:03 what the other kids say doesn't really matter about how I'm going to take care of that one.
08:08 There are times when the older, too, want to go ahead and expose the youngest one
08:13 but what I have intended for the younger one is not going to be changed by what the other children say.
08:19 And what I'm saying to somebody today is that it doesn't matter what he thinks, it doesn't matter what she thinks,
08:25 it doesn't matter what they think, as long as you know who you are in Christ,
08:30 it doesn't matter what the other children say as long as you know who you are in the Lord.
08:36 Are you all hearing me today, Saints? The third thing this teaches us, friends of mine,
08:44 is that faith doesn't mind watching other people eat. It's going to get rough in here for a minute.
09:00 All right. So, play along with me. Jesus says, okay, I'm only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
09:11 But the lady, the girl, she knows who she is. She knows who she is in Him.
09:16 So she's already traced her lineage all the way back to the Canaanite, the woman who had a baby with Simeon.
09:23 And she says, okay, you sent to the lost sheep, we don't circumcise, we don't keep the Sabbath,
09:28 yet we are part of that lost lineage in Israel. So, guess what, Jesus? We qualify, I'm here to claim that benefits.
09:37 And so, Jesus, wanting to test her faith a little bit more, says some other things to her.
09:47 Now, I'm going to pause the say this. When I talk about Jesus testing her faith,
09:53 I want to be clear that Jesus already knows how much faith she has. Are you all with me? In other words,
10:01 He's not trying to make her audition for a blessing. So when he talks about testing the faith, in other words,
10:11 what he wants is her faith to be revealed. Stay with me, Church. He wants her faith to be demonstrated.
10:22 He wants to put her faith on display.
10:26 See, the reason Jesus drags this thing out is he wants his disciples to get a lesson in what real faith looks like.
10:37 Are you all with me today, Saints? In other words, friends of mine, every now and then in the journey of faith,
10:43 Jesus needs a demonstration. Every now and then, He draws some things out so your faith can be put on display.
10:59 So, understand, when the Bible talks about how he tests this person's faith, or Job's faith was tested,
11:06 understand this is not a situation where God is trying to make somebody audition or prove how much they believe.
11:12 Remember, we already learned three weeks ago, that Jesus put himself in her path.
11:17 He had already determined that he was going to bless her.
11:20 So he is not trying to make her audition to receive what he already intended.
11:26 But when the Bible talks about testing faith, it is a reference to, especially in the New Testament,
11:33 a reference to the Roman practice of how a shield would be formed.
11:40 So understand that when the silversmith finished a shield before he put it in the hands of the soldier,
11:47 what he did was he tested it. And so, in order to test it,
11:52 what he would do is there would be a public demonstration where he would take it through a gamut of buffeting test,
11:59 where it would be hammered publicly, where it would be exposed to fire publicly,
12:04 it would be exposed to elements publicly and the reason he tested it,
12:09 it was not to prove something to the silversmith who created it,
12:14 it was designed to authenticate it before the soldier
12:19 so that they know that it's able to handle the tests that are going to come it's way. And every now and then,
12:26 friends, what God designs to do is He says, I need to test the shield of your faith.
12:33 I need to take it through some buffetings
12:37 so that those who are around you will have a demonstration that faith is capable.
12:47 All right. So some of us ain't rejoicing yet. See, this will make sense, friends,
12:53 until you understand your life is not your own.
13:04 Then Paul says, we are made a spectacle unto man and unto angels.
13:12 So you're walking around acting like you own the deed to your own life
13:20 but do you realize you are brought with a price and you are His workmanship,
13:27 and every now and then, God draws some things out
13:32 because there are some people that are about to go where God has already sent you.
13:40 And in order for them to know that faith works, they need to see a demonstration.
13:47 So, in other words, there's somebody that needs to be a demonstration that when life wipes you all out,
13:57 that you can start over again in Christ, that when you get wiped out financially,
14:04 God needs a demonstration to teach the world that God is able to restore the years that the locusts have taken,
14:11 and God is able to restore what the cankerworm is eating away. After the divorce, sister,
14:19 God needs you to be a demonstration of forgiveness so your children are not corrupted by the root of bitterness.
14:29 Sometimes, God needs a demonstration of how to grieve and come through it with your faith intact.
14:39 Sometimes, God needs a demonstration of what it means to have your enemies come for you when you didn't send for them.
14:47 Sometimes, God needs a demonstration of what it's like to suffer with affliction in your body
14:54 and understand the reason some folks don't believe God is able it's because they've never ever seen a demonstration.
15:01 But do I have seven or eight saints who are willing to say, "Lord, I want you to get the glory from my life.
15:09 Lord, I won't just glorify you in a song, I won't just glorify you with my mouth but, Lord,
15:15 get the glory from my life's experience." See, you all remember,
15:22 I need you to get this that being a test case is the highest compliment, oh, God.
15:34 Being a test case is the highest compliment God can give you.
15:45 Has thou considered my servant Job? You remember the devil didn't ask for Job.
15:53 Job was recommended by God, so favor wasn't just the house, it wasn't just the cattle,
16:01 it wasn't just that he had more than everything else. But when God needed a test case,
16:06 He had somebody he can count on that would bring his name the glory. Are you all hearing what I'm saying today,
16:14 Saints? And understand, Beloved, that this is the other side of favor. See, favor isn't just who He blesses the most,
16:25 it's who he tests the most. Oh, God.
16:29 In other words, does anybody remember that child that always got called up to the chalkboard in school?
16:38 In other words, that child that the teacher always picked on to go
16:42 and give the answers in front of the class when you're growing up,
16:46 you think the teacher's calling on you because they're trying to surprise you on a day when you don't have the answers?
16:52 No, when you keep getting called on, it's not because you don't have the answers,
16:57 it's because the teacher has so much trust
17:00 or belief that they need somebody to testify that the answer is already present.
17:08 Are you all hearing me today, Saints? So there's an ugly side of favor. Are you all hearing me?
17:14 So, Jesus says, it's actually like, when you look at it, it's actually kind of funny.
17:20 He says, "I can't take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs." So, at first, he says,
17:36 I'm only sent to the chosen house. She says I qualify, I claim that benefit. But then he goes a little further,
17:43 drags it out, and says, "Listen, I can't take the food and give it to the dogs."
17:48 Now, but she says, okay, Jesus, that's how you want to play it. I'm here for this.
17:59 She says, but even the dogs, oh, God, I feel my help coming up.
18:09 She says, "Even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from the master's table."
18:17 Now, understand that the word "crumbs" is not talking about the tiny particles that get caught in your beard or mustache,
18:25 that the word "crumbs" is actually better in translated scraps or leftovers.
18:34 Now, you all got to remember in order to get this, back in the day, dogs didn't eat dog food.
18:47 They ate the same food that people ate. So that when it was time to eat, you didn't cook one meal
18:58 and put it on the table and then go to your pantry and get some Alpo. Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
19:07 And understand that because similar to now because dogs are a part of the family when the people ate,
19:16 all dinner was was a dog watching people eat first. So that, guess what? When the dogs were watching the people eat,
19:31 they didn't get mad. When they saw the people eating, the dogs start licking their lips. When they saw people eating,
19:42 the dogs start wagging their tails. When the dogs see the people eating, the dogs start sitting up
19:49 because he knew that when they were eating, it was just a matter of time before their portion was about to come.
20:00 So when they were sitting at the table, the dog didn't get mad, the dog got turned up
20:06 because he knew that his portion was about to come.
20:10 Now, watch this. You remember like most times when you cook a big meal,
20:18 most of us don't have portion control to a science. So that it's on Thanksgiving dinner,
20:27 have you ever noticed at your Christmas dinner, you almost throw away more food than you consume?
20:37 So you're actually looking for somebody, your cousin, and poking them to come by
20:43 because you got so much left over that if you don't, it's going to go bad.
20:48 So that those who come for the leftovers, actually get more than those who are actually sitting at the table.
20:58 Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
21:00 So, she says, I'm like a little dog. I don't get mad when other people eat.
21:06 I don't mind watching other people eat first. Now, this is important
21:14 because some of us get moved out of faith when we have to watch other people eat.
21:22 Oh, help me, Lord. See, some of us lose faith when other people get to the financial table first,
21:30 when others get to the medical table first, when others get to the romantic table first,
21:36 when others get the healing first, we get all bent out of shape because we have to watch somebody else eat.
21:44 And I guess what I'm saying to somebody today is instead of getting mad that you have to watch somebody eat,
21:51 maybe you ought to praise God that you got a seat at the table.
21:55 You want to thank Him that you're close enough to where the meal is being served.
22:06 See, and let me just say,
22:08 it is hard in your flesh if you're not looking through the eyes of the spirit to watch other people eat.
22:16 Am I just telling the truth? It's hard to see somebody else eating financially when you're not.
22:22 It's hard to see somebody at the table of motherhood when you hadn't been able to get there yet.
22:28 It's hard to see somebody at the table of matrimony when your Boaz is nowhere in sight.
22:34 It's hard to see somebody at the table of financial prosperity when you're struggling to pay the bills
22:40 but I need you to get this, friends, that when you are at the table,
22:48 don't get mad at having to watch other people eat first.
22:54 Oh, help me. That's the word for somebody. Don't leave the table
23:02 because you're watching somebody else eat. See, this is why the Bible says, unless you understand this principle,
23:09 you would live your life trying to avoid other people's prosperity. See, it's quiet as it's kept in the church.
23:19 See, the Bible says, we're supposed to rejoice. Oh, you all mighty quiet in here today. Don't act brand-new.
23:25 The Bible says we're supposed to rejoice with those that rejoice, but it's quiet as it's kept,
23:31 some of us are so tiny and small and jealous-hearted that we can't rejoice when others rejoice.
23:38 The truth is, we rejoice when others fail and we only rejoice when others are doing bad and what I'm saying is -
23:47 I don't want to be so small in my faith where I have to avoid your prosperity.
23:52 I want to get to a place where I can celebrate your prosperity.
23:56 See, the problem with some of us is our faith only grows in a vacuum
24:02 but God has set up Church where faith is supposed to grow in the community.
24:08 Oh, I'm going to keep preaching this. See, you only rejoice when you get blessed
24:13 but when somebody in the community gets blessed, guess what? I shout as if I got blessed.
24:20 In other words, when they get a house, you ought to shout like you got a house.
24:25 When they get healed, you ought to shout like you got healed. When they lose some weight,
24:32 you ought to rejoice like you lost some. If they find a good man, you rejoice like you got a good man.
24:39 If their marriage gets back together, rejoice like your marriage got back together.
24:44 Why? Because if you're at the table, it's just a matter of time before you get to share in the portion.
24:54 And if you watch them eat first, you'll get more than those who are seated at the table. Are you all hearing me today?
25:04 Listen, listen, I'm almost done but watch this. I remember back in January, I went to preach in Raleigh,
25:12 North Carolina. I want to preach for Pastor Austin Humphreys and his wife, Jalisa. He grew up in this church.
25:19 Y'all know who I'm talking about. And it's crazy because I stayed with him for the weekend
25:23 and they got this big black dog, it's some type of Labrador or some sort and the dog's name is Bane.
25:30 And it's crazy, I hadn't been around dogs really like that since I was a little boy so when we were growing up,
25:37 the same thing like the dogs kind of ate what we ate. So, when I get to the house and see Bane, he knew I was a rookie.
25:54 He took advantage of my ignorance.
25:57 So whenever we sat down at the table he would come right next to my leg and start wagging his tail.
26:05 And so, when I felt his tail beating on my leg, I would just take something whatever we were eating,
26:10 put it down on a napkin, and let him eat some of it, too.
26:13 And so, after a while, I did that and they saw me doing it. They were like, no, he's not supposed to eat human food,
26:22 he's a dog. And I'm tripping 'cause I'm like, "All our dogs ate was human food," right?
26:31 So, because I'm now trying to obey the rules of the house, whenever we sat down at the table,
26:39 Bane will come and will start wagging his tail next to my leg, but because I want to obey the master of the house,
26:46 I don't give him no food. So then he comes around to the other side, rubs up against my other leg,
26:53 and starts wagging his tail but because I'm trying to obey the rules of the house,
26:58 I don't give him no food but because I'm taking too long to feed them bread from the master's table,
27:04 let me tell you what Bane does. This is the table. He takes his head and puts it on the table,
27:12 and he just starts wagging his tail. No, I need you to know, he doesn't bark, he doesn't growl, he doesn't howl,
27:21 he just keeps his head on the table to let me know that I ain't going nowhere.
27:29 I'm going to stay right here and I'm going to be in this position.
27:35 I'm going to keep anticipating until some food falls from the master's table.
27:42 Do I have any saints? You hadn't got it yet but you're saying that God, I'm putting my head on the table of faith.
27:53 I ain't going to bark, I ain't going to growl, I'm just going to wait.
27:59 I want you to know, Lord, that I'm not going nowhere. I'm like Jacob.
28:05 I'm going to remain and I'm not going to let you go until you bless me.
28:13 Somebody put your hand on the table today. Are you hearing the word today?
28:21 Remain, abide, be still, let them eat first, but know that your portion is en route.
28:31 Are you all hearing me, Saints?
28:33 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:57 [End]


Revised 2022-08-23