Breath of Life.

I’M Good Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000033S

00:06 Sermon #S018 - (I'm Good - Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will share Part Two of the message entitled:
00:30 “I'm Good” Let's go now into the Word of God.
00:35 Pastor Snell: Second thing this story teaches us is that in Christ there is no hierarchy.
00:47 The Word says that when it came time to receive wages,
00:52 that those who came at the first hour independent of a promise from the landowner,
01:02 that they just assumed that there was going to receive more than everybody else.
01:09 Now we got to be clear on the roles in the parable today, friends,
01:13 because understand that the landowner is a loose representation of Christ,
01:18 that the vineyard is a representation of our work, and that the laborers represent you
01:25 and I at different stages in the journey.
01:29 The interesting thing of those who came at the first hour is that there is an expectation of financial hierarchy
01:41 based upon how long they have been working in the field. It's crazy, friends,
01:47 because they literally are functioning with this perceived injustice that those who came at the eleventh hour,
01:56 who have not borne this labor In the heat of the day,
02:00 there is a sense of inequity that somehow they would receive the same reward as us.
02:07 You all need to understand that these first workers are indignant.
02:12 As the kids say, they are big mad because they felt that because of how long they have been in the field,
02:21 they are entitled to a little more than those who just came around the bend. In other words,
02:30 they attach significance to their tenure. Are you all hearing me today?
02:37 In other words, they're just like some in the church in our time who feel like just because they've been there the longest,
02:48 because we've been in the truth for many generations, that it entitles us to more clout,
02:58 to more influence that people are to cater to us in the body simply because of how long we have been here.
03:08 But how many of us understand that Christ does not attach value for the same reasons that the world does?
03:17 Are you all hearing me today, friends? In other words,
03:19 Jesus does not assign merit or reward based upon how long you have served,
03:26 but our reward is in proportion with the mercies and the greatness of His grace.
03:33 Are you all with me today, friends? So that none of us get to boast.
03:38 See, friends, the reason... and I'm not going to stay here long.
03:41 The reason there is no hierarchy in Christ is because none of us are worthy.
03:50 Do you realize that none of us had commended ourselves to God?
03:55 I don't care how long you have been walking in the way, none of us are here because we love God first.
04:02 The Bible says we love Him because He first love us. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
04:10 In other words, I needed to be clear that they didn't come searching for the landowner,
04:14 but the landowner had to track them down, the landowner had to seek them out, the landowner had to pursue them.
04:23 How many of us are grateful that when we had no appetite to seek after God, guess what,
04:30 He was willing to leave the 99 in search of the one that stray and he pursued us
04:37 and sought after us until we embrace the divine invitation.
04:44 And so, the Word says here in verse number 9,
04:47 Matthew 20. Are you all still with me, church? The Bible says, "Then those who were hired about the eleventh hour,
04:58 they each received a denarius, but when the first came,
05:02 they suppose that they would have received more and they likewise received each a denarius.
05:08 And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner. Are you all with me today, friends?
05:18 Now, let me just say this real quick.
05:20 That the third thing this teaches is that sometimes it would be better if you didn't know.
05:35 Sometimes, friends, there are some joy in just not knowing what they got.
05:43 All right, let me just kind of be all the way one hundred with you.
05:47 I do as a human, one clothed in flesh, I do kind of identify with these first-hour workers a little bit.
05:55 I mean, it does seem like there is a somewhat of an accurate assumption that if I've been working from the first hour of the
06:02 day that I would receive just a little bit more, especially than those that just showed up at the last hour of the day.
06:15 Even though there is this perceived injustice,
06:19 there is actually a stated justice because the landowner says, "Man, listen, we came to an agreement.
06:28 I paid you what you were happy to receive." In other words,
06:32 I need you to notice friends that these first-hour workers when they entered into the agreement,
06:39 they thought it was a good deal. In other words, as they work during the day,
06:47 they felt like the amount of payment was sufficient. In other words, we coming back to get another one on tomorrow.
06:54 They felt like they had gotten over, that they had entered into a fair and equitable deal.
07:02 The only thing that changed is not that he's shortchanged them on what he promised, he gave them exactly what he promised,
07:11 but the only thing that's got them big mad is when they saw what somebody else was receiving.
07:23 In other words, the sense of injustice was not that they did not receive what was promised,
07:28 but you know what took away their joy,
07:30 is when they got into the habit of comparing what they had with what somebody else had received.
07:39 It's amazing that the owner of the parable teaches us a lesson that is critical for our consideration.
07:46 He says, "I think the problem is not with how I distributed what belongs to me,"
07:51 but he literally says that your eye has become evil. Your eye has become envious
07:59 because I'm good to everybody that is in connection with me. It's crazy, friends,
08:07 because you realize that they would have left happy, they would have left with joy,
08:12 they would have left with gratitude,
08:14 they would have been excited about coming to work next the next day if they just had no awareness about what
08:23 somebody else has received. It's amazing how sometimes just seeing what they receive releases an envy
08:35 and a jealousy that if you're not careful, it'll take away your joy
08:41 and it'll have you questioning the goodness of the landowner.
08:46 Let me be clear, friends, that I'm not calling you to a life of ignorance where you got to avoid seeing how God
08:53 blesses other people. But I guess essentially, what I'm trying to teach is that you can't avoid seeing how God blesses.
09:01 But you know what you can do?
09:02 You can stop focusing on what God is doing for everybody else,
09:09 and have a more dedicated gratitude to what God is doing for you.
09:16 Are you all hearing me today, friends? I mean, you would be happier.
09:21 This is the pastor's hypothesis. You would be good if you just focus on where God is moving in your life.
09:31 And this friends, is a call away from a life of comparisons. It's crazy because this generation of believers,
09:41 you will literally sabotage all your Sabbath joy by sitting on a device and scrolling through social media all afternoon.
09:49 And you know how you sabotage your own joy? It's because you're looking at everybody's vacation pictures
09:56 and you're looking at everybody's closing on their house, and you're looking at their kid's graduation pictures,
10:01 and you're looking at somebody renewing their vows, you're looking at somebody else announced their engagement.
10:07 It's crazy because sometimes we get discouraged because we are comparing their highlights with our everyday life.
10:18 You realize, I mean, real talk. We have arguments but we don't post that on social media.
10:25 All we are going to put on social media are our celebrations. What I'm saying is,
10:30 don't deceive yourself into thinking that somebody's occasional celebration is a reflection of their everyday reality.
10:38 Not only do we get messed up because we're comparing highlights with real-life.
10:43 We're comparing their fantasy with our reality.
10:48 Do you realize that jokers be lying on social media? Come on, you know some of jokers on the verge of divorce,
10:56 on the verge of bankruptcy, but they perpetrate and acting like they got it all together, and everybody has all the answers,
11:05 and we get all tied up in knots. Because you're comparing your real life with somebody's fantasy.
11:13 Are you all hearing me today, friends? You know why else?
11:17 You are not spending a life of comparing your life with somebody else's.
11:22 Do you realize that your problem is actually somebody else's solution?
11:34 Do you realize that some of the things you're complaining about somebody else is coveting?
11:40 I knew it's going a little quiet up in here, but I told them enjoy the sermon all by myself,
11:44 been out of town for a long time.
11:47 [Congregation: Laughing]
11:48 Do you realize the wage you're complaining about, that same wage would transform somebody's life?
11:57 You complaining about having to go to work on Monday and somebody sent up here praying,
12:02 somebody called me to work on Monday. Are you all hearing what I'm saying, friends?
12:08 Even if you were able to get somebody else's life, you realize you would not be exchanging solutions.
12:14 All you would be doing is exchanging problems. So there's some wife on this side of the sanctuary who's mad
12:24 because her husband works too much. There's a wife on the other side who's mad because she can't get him off the couch.
12:38 Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
12:40 [Congregation: Clapping]
12:42 There are some brother who's mad because his wife is always shopping and spending all the money.
12:46 But there's a brother on the other side who's mad because his wife is a budget Nazi,
12:50 she won't let him spend nothing. There is some wife who's mad because her husband always wanting her,
12:57 he's always desiring, always trying to get next to her. But then, there's a wife on the other side who's mad because her man,
13:04 they ain't showing no interest. He ain't even looking when she get out.-Let me say it better. Let me say it better.
13:13 He's not as enthusiastic. Are you all hearing what I'm saying? Some brother is mad
13:19 because his wife takes too long to get dressed and she spends so much time in the mirror.
13:23 But there's another brother on the other side who's mad because he can't get his wife out of that flannel robe.
13:28 Brothers, you all know that robe that says there ain't nothing here for you tonight.
13:34 Are you all hearing what I'm saying today?
13:37 [Congregation: Laughing]
13:40 There are some parents complaining that their kids never come to visit,
13:45 and there's another set of parents that's mad because they can't get their grown kid out of the house.
13:50 [Congregation: Laughing]
13:51 There are some kids that are complaining that their parents are always in their business,
13:55 always looking at everything they do.
13:57 But there was a whole another set of kids that wish they had parents that was in their business,
14:03 involved in their life that cared at all where they are and what they are doing. And I guess what I'm saying,
14:11 friends of mine, is at the end of the day, you just got to wake up with a spirit of generosity
14:19 and gratitude that says, "this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."
14:29 Do I have at least a few Saints who just say, "Lord, I'm good where I am. I'm good with what I have.
14:36 Lord, I thank you for my house. I thank you for my health. I thank you that I know where my kids are.
14:45 I thank you that my problems are able to be born. I'm thankful that I have a job. I'm thankful that my eyes opened.
14:55 I'm thankful that my ears are still here. I'm thankful that my limbs still move. I'm thankful that my sins are forgiven.
15:05 I'm thankful to be in the truth of the word. I'm thankful for the assurance He is coming again.
15:12 I'm thankful that my wife hadn't left me. I'm thankful that my husband stays with me.
15:18 I'm thankful that I know where my kids are. Anybody that's thankful that you know where your kids are today?
15:27 I'm thankful that my kids are in church. Is there anybody that says "It's not all good,
15:33 but I'm good because I realize all things work together for the good of those who love God
15:42 and are called according to his purpose."
15:45 [Congregation: Clapping]
15:49 See, friends, the other reason you are not spending a whole lot of time comparing your life with somebody else's is you
15:56 realize that both favor and trouble are seasonal. You realize that their life is not better than yours.
16:08 It's just their season. Are you hearing what I'm saying? That's not the Bible says that there is a time
16:16 and a season appointed to everything under heaven. So that you may be in a difficult season while they are in a joyous season,
16:28 but just live long enough and their sorrow will become yours and your joy will become theirs.
16:37 In other words, it's just a season of life and like all seasons they pass. But watch this church,
16:44 contentment doesn't come when the season passes. Contentment is where I can find joy no matter what season I am in.
16:58 It is the discipline of recognizing and identifying the goodness of God no matter my predicament,
17:06 no matter how I'm functioning right now. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
17:11 So can we go to the Bible today, friends? Let's go in our Bibles, Philippians chapter 4.
17:14 I need you to see this in the Bible today. Philippians 4:11. Let the church say amen when you find that.
17:24 Philippians 4:11, and write this down so you can have this when you get home.
17:29 Philippians 4:11, Apostle Paul says, "It's not that I speak in regard to need for this is what we need to learn."
17:39 This needs to be the aspiration of every believer this week.
17:44 He says, "Listen, man, I have learned whatever state I am in to be content."
17:52 He says, "I know how to be a base and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I've learned both to be full
18:00 and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need." Why? Because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
18:09 In other words, friends, I need you to understand that my joy is not on what is happening without me.
18:17 My joy is based upon the God that is operating inside of me.
18:22 It's crazy because I didn't always understand what the old folk meant when they said that this joy that I have,
18:32 the world did not give it, and the world cannot take it away. What I'm saying is that when Christ is operating in you,
18:41 I need you to know that changing circumstances don't change your disposition. See, this is meat and it is for the mature.
18:53 You see the immature have a fluctuating disposition and it always reflects how much money they got in the bank,
19:00 how many people like them on social media, what people have to say.
19:04 But how many of us know that when the joy of the Lord is your strength, your joy does not fluctuate based upon what you have,
19:13 based upon who comes or who goes. I've got the same joy whether you talk good about me, whether you talk bad about me
19:21 because I know who I am and whose I am.
19:25 [Congregation: Clapping]
19:27 Listen, 1 Timothy 6:6. Can we get in the Bible for just a little bit?
19:33 1 Timothy 6:6, when you get to it let me hear you say amen. 1 Timothy 6:6,
19:41 the Bible says, "Now godliness with what? Contentment is great grain.
19:51 And notice he says, "The threshold for gratitude is very low."
19:56 He says, "for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain that we can carry having food
20:03 and clothing with these things." Be content. You all didn't catch that lesson.
20:11 If you have something to eat and you got something to wear, the Bible says you got a reason to be content
20:21 and to give thanks unto God. Are you all hearing what I'm saying? See, the problem is some of us,
20:26 our contentment hinges upon a change of circumstance. The Bible is letting us know that if you ate today
20:33 and you had clothes to wear today, you can testify that God is still faithful.
20:39 All right? So you all not getting me Lamentations 3. Lamentations 3:22.
20:46 When you get there, let hear you say amen. Lamentations 3:22, you all notice in my heart.
20:53 Lamentations 3:22, when you get there, say pastor I'm here. The Bible says, "It is through the Lord's mercy." Oh Jesus.
21:06 Oh Jesus! It is so Lord. Help me get this. It is through the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed.
21:19 [Congregation: Clapping]
21:21 Anybody aware that there was some stuff aimed at you that was shielded because of the Lord's mercies?
21:31 The Bible says his compassion, they fail not. They are new, what? Every morning and he says, "Great is your faithfulness.
21:43 The Lord is my portion says my soul. Therefore, I will hope in Him. Friends of mine,
21:49 I need you to realize that every day you wake up, God gives unsealed, unrecycled mercies that are new each
22:00 and every day to the people of God. See, there's somebody that's mad because you're waiting on a miracle.
22:08 Guess what, you don't have to wait on a miracle because today you received mercies. Let me say it this way.
22:17 I said it to those in Charlotte. You can count your miracles, but you can't even count your mercies
22:24 because they are new each and every day and they are the sustaining agents of God. Do you know what a mercy is?
22:32 A mercy is just the miracles you've gotten used to. See, there are things that we've allowed ourselves to get used to
22:41 because God is so constant and God is so faithful. You've got to get to the place where you just say, "Lord,
22:47 I'm good where I am." Listen, I'm done. Listen, watch this,
22:52 Matthew 16. Just one last thing I need you to see. Matthew 16:7. Listen, I'm almost done. Matthew 16:7.
23:01 Give me five more minutes. Say amen.
23:03 [Congregation: Amen]
23:05 Listen, Matthew 20:7. Matthew 20:7, the word says and they said to him, "Because no one has hired us,
23:20 and he said to them, you will go into the vineyard and whatever is right..." Did you all catch this?
23:31 He says, "whatever is right, you will receive." All right, so go back here to verse number one.
23:41 "For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for the vineyard that
23:47 had agreed with who? " Did you all catch that? He agrees with the laborers about the amount they will receive.
23:59 Now I need you to notice the trend that just took place. The Bible says, friends,
24:05 that the landowner agrees with the labourers on the amount from the first hour.
24:14 But those that came at the sixth hour and those that came at the eleventh hour, they didn't need an agreement.
24:25 They didn't negotiate on an amount. They didn't say, "this is what I'm going to work for."
24:31 They just said, "Whatever you pay us. We're going to trust you to give us the amount that is right."
24:41 Okay, some of us didn't get it. See, I need us to understand the implication is that the first hour workers,
24:47 in other words, they came up with an agreement that was based on the comps.
24:56 In other words, they had to look around at what they got paid for a day.
25:00 They looked around and what somebody else got paid for a day,
25:03 and they made a recommendation based upon the law of averages or what somebody else has already been getting paid.
25:12 Are you all with me today? But notice that those that came later in the day,
25:16 they had no recommendation about what they would receive. They just trusted in the goodness of the landowner.
25:26 They trusted in his character. They believe that if we leave it in his hands and we let him choose for us,
25:36 then we will suffer no lack and will suffer no harm because we know that he is good with everything that he owns.
25:46 Some of us still didn't get it yet. See, the reason we only receive little is because our asking is based on the comps
25:58 In other words, our request is based on what they receive, is based on what somebody else had,
26:05 is based upon something that happened back in the day. But what I'm saying, friends,
26:10 is that it's not wrong to be specific with God.
26:13 But one of the things I've learned is that even when I make my request known unto God,
26:19 I say, "Lord, I want this but nevertheless, not my will but your will be done."
26:25 You see, how many of us know that sometimes your asking can be too small.
26:31 It can be less than ultimately what God wanted to give you.
26:36 In other words, it stands to reason that if he had given those that came at the eleventh hour, a day's labor,
26:45 if those at the beginning just trusted and not boxed him in with a preference, and not box him in with an amount,
26:55 that the landowner would have given them exceedingly and abundantly, above all, they could even ask or think.
27:05 Is there anybody that knows that you had not come to God with a list that's too specific.
27:13 You ought to just say, "Lord, I trust you. Give me what's right. Give me what's fair."
27:20 And if you remove the strings, you remove all the attachments.
27:25 I need you to know that you will suffer no lack because higher than the highest human thought can conceive is God's
27:35 ideal for his children. So that even your biggest ambition fall short of what God has designed.
27:44 And so you just got to say, "Lord, I trust you. Lord, you choose the spouse. Lord, you choose the job.
27:52 Lord, you choose the city. Lord, you choose the wardrobe. Lord, you choose the neighborhood.
27:59 I'm going to get out of the way and trust you to bless me with what I stand in need of."
28:06 Are you all hearing me today, friends?
28:09 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:34 When we look at everything that's affecting our culture, the pandemic, mass shootings, the escalating prices of gas,
28:41 someone's wondering what reason do I have for hope?
28:45 I want to invite you to be a part of the 2022 Hope rally here in Huntsville, Alabama.
28:51 We're going to start on September the 24th through October the 1st. We're going to meet each night at 7:00 PM.
28:59 If you need more information, go to our website at
29:06 [End]


Revised 2022-09-07