Breath of Life.

Stop Babel-Ing Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000054S

00:05 Sermon #S029 - Stop Babel-ing - (Part 1)
00:19 Pastor Snell: So let's stand to our feet as we go to the word today, as we go to the word.
00:24 Go with me in your bibles to the book of Genesis chapter 11.
00:27 And again, this is the final message in our series entitled Family-ish.
00:34 And we're going to spend a little time talking to you no matter what station or family you are in,
00:40 if this series has helped you, let me hear you say amen today.
00:43 [Congregation: Amen]
00:45 Pastor Snell: Amen. Genesis chapter 11 and we're going to begin together verse number one.
00:48 And it's going to feel like a strange place or a strange story to talk about family.
00:53 But if you kind of stay with us, hopefully it'll all come together.
00:56 Genesis chapter 11, and we'll begin together at verse number one. When you get there, just say, pastor,
01:07 I'm here. [throat clearing] The Bible says, now the whole earth had one what?
01:13 One language and one what? And one speech.
01:19 And it came to pass as they journeyed from the East that they found a plane in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there.
01:26 Then they said to one another, come and let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.
01:31 And they had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, come and let us build ourselves a city
01:39 and they tower whose top is in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves.
01:45 Let's we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower,
01:54 which the sons of men had built.
01:57 And the Lord said, indeed the people are one and they all have one language. And this is what they have begin to do.
02:07 Now, nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come and let us go down and confuse their what?
02:19 Their language that they might not understand one another's speech.
02:24 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the earth and they cease building the city.
02:32 Therefore its name is called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth.
02:41 And there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the earth.
02:46 Today's saints for a little while I want to talk to you under the subject,
02:50 stop babbling, [laughter] turn to your neighbor say, stop babbling, turn to your neighbor say, stop babbling.
02:59 Amen and amen. Let's look to the Lord together today. Father, once again, in this finite space of time,
03:11 would you communicate eternal truth? Father, I'm praying that you would do a work of revival,
03:20 not just reviving church attendance or a revival, that is the change of exterior habits.
03:27 But Lord, I'm praying that you would revive communication and oneness and unity within the families of the household of faith.
03:37 So Lord, my prayer today is that every trap the enemy has placed to sabotage unity,
03:46 may it be exposed that Christ might be glorified in our homes.
03:51 So Lord, would you hide in the shadows of the cross that Jesus alone might be seen,
03:56 that Christ alone would be heard? And at the end of our time together, may Jesus alone be praised.
04:02 We ask this in the name of Him who is all together lovely. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray.
04:08 Let God's people say together. Amen And amen.
04:12 You may be seated in the house of the Lord again talking to you under the subject stop babbling.
04:22 Friends with some regularity.
04:28 I use this dictation feature on my phone in order to send text messages so that instead of typing them,
04:38 I verbalize the messages I want to send. And even though it's very convenient to do that, especially while driving,
04:49 there is a very unique danger in sending text messages by voice so that because I have a certain Southern accent,
05:00 Siri misinterprets some of the words I say in a way that'll make you question my character.
05:10 So that sometimes when I pronounce words like shot or sheets,
05:18 Siri will misinterpret the word and translate something I did not say.
05:27 So that sometimes I'll say a word like fork and she will send it as another F word.
05:37 Are you hearing me? And it's funny because one day I text my wife and I said, I'm going to the store to get some forks.
05:46 And she replied, what kind of store are you going to in order to get that?
05:51 [Congregation: Laughing]
05:54 Pastor Snell: And there are times where because of bad translations, people are responding to the pastor with shock
06:02 and with awe and disgust and I believe friends that the devil uses Siri to try to compromise my witness.
06:09 And my mini... Are y'all hearing me today? And friends, what it speaks to is the danger of poor translation.
06:19 You see, misunderstandings are caused by poor translation.
06:24 Conflicts arise because of poor translation. Relationships are destroyed because of poor translation.
06:33 And marriages end when people have poor translation. And what I'm learning,
06:39 friends is that the burden of being understood is rest on the communicator, not the hearer.
06:46 In other words, what does not matter is my intent. The only thing that matters is what I actually say.
06:54 So that whether I am preaching a sermon, whether I am talking to my wife, whether I'm talking to my kids,
07:01 it doesn't matter what I intend, the only thing that matters is what they're able to understand
07:08 and see this is important because in our story today we see what happens when the language gets confused.
07:16 In Genesis chapter 11, we find humanity being repopulated after the flood and understand that as they move toward the East,
07:26 that they are so traumatized by the flood that they concoct a plan to build a city and a tower that reaches into the heaven.
07:37 And the purpose of the tower was so that if God decided to send another flood,
07:43 they could climb up into their tower and be safe.
07:47 And the Bible says, friends that at this time the whole world had one speech and one language.
07:54 And note that post diluvion intelligence an ingenuity was so sharp that they made great progress in this objective.
08:04 In fact, the Bible says that God began to marvel at their progress. And he notes that the people have one language,
08:13 they all have one speech, they all work all together and nothing they plan to do can be withheld from them.
08:22 And see, God's objective is to scatter them and confuse them by confounding their speech.
08:30 The only way he could stop the evil from succeeding was from stopping them from speaking the same language.
08:37 And this is the point today, church, that what God did to sabotage evil,
08:44 the enemy does to sabotage the marriages of the church.
08:48 His constant goal is to disrupt unity by sabotaging your ability to understand one another's communication.
08:58 In fact, in the body there are husbands that are frustrated
09:02 because their wives don't seem to understand where they are coming from.
09:08 There are wives who have building resentment because their men can't quite digest what they're trying to get across.
09:16 And the issue friends is that marriages in our time function like a modern day tower of Babel
09:24 because our houses are places of constant misunderstanding.
09:30 And see, friends of mine understand that there is much misdiagnosis in the house.
09:36 You see some think that their issues are financial issues, but the issue is not finance.
09:42 The issue is that we don't know how to communicate about money.
09:46 Some think the issue is sex when the larger issue is that we don't know how to communicate our needs.
09:53 Some think the issue is just that we've got trials. The issue is not trial.
09:58 The issue is that your trials cause you to turn on one another.
10:03 And I want to spend some time today talking about the issue of unity
10:08 and communication so that we can get to a place where we stop babbling.
10:13 Are y'all with the pastor today? So go back with me if you don't mind to Genesis chapter 11.
10:18 And I want you to look with me at verse number six, Genesis chapter 11 and verse number six, stay with me.
10:24 We are going somewhere today.
10:26 The Bible says, and the Lord said indeed the people are one and they all have one language. And this they begin to do.
10:37 Now nothing they propose will be withheld from them. Understand friends,
10:43 the first thing that our text teaches us today is that there is nothing that a united people cannot build.
10:53 Let me talk to y'all on this side. Let me talk to the marriages on this side that there is nothing that a united family cannot
11:02 build.
11:04 In other words, when a couple is on the same page, when they have oneness of mission and oneness of purpose
11:11 and they are one in spirit, that there is nothing that they cannot accomplish. In fact, let me just say this,
11:19 that a power couple is not just the one that shares a large bank account.
11:25 A power couple is the one that shares the same vision and and see in our homes family the greatest deficit.
11:34 It is not a deficit of money, it is not a deficit of food, it is not a deficit of church.
11:41 It is a deficit of oneness and unity. See, the problem in our time is that we are not functioning like teammates.
11:50 We are functioning like free agents that live together. In other words, we have different visions, we have different goals,
12:00 we have divergent values. And we are wondering why things so consistently go left.
12:07 And let me be clear today, friends, that your greatest relational asset is not your chemistry, it's your unity.
12:16 See, let me say this, friends, I need you to get that the devil doesn't fear your income.
12:22 The devil is not afraid of your profession. The devil is not intimidated by where you live.
12:29 But the devil is going to work with hellish fury to sabotage your oneness
12:35 and make sure that man and wife are not on the same page.
12:39 Are y'all with me today? And see friends of mine, when you don't know your greatest asset,
12:45 you protect the wrong thing. And see my contention today, friends,
12:50 is that we are putting the greatest amount of security around the things that have the least amount of value.
12:58 Isn't it amazing that in order to keep our money safe, we put it inside of a bank.
13:04 In order to keep our jewelry safe, We put it inside of a vault, in order to protect our internet,
13:11 we have a firewall, in order to protect our car we have an alarm, in order to protect our property we have a ring light
13:19 and we have all these things to protect earthly values, but we have nothing to protect our unity and our oneness.
13:27 In other words, your guarding your car but your unity is naked and exposed and see, understand friends,
13:36 the reason that they have unity early on is because they safeguard their unity.
13:42 And what I want to say to the families of God is that we've got to put some safeguards around our unity.
13:49 Are y'all with me today friends? In other words, your greatest asset is not your chemistry, it is actually your unity.
13:56 And so my wife and I have some safeguards that make sure we stay on the same page.
14:02 See that's why Sister Snell doesn't put me on blast in front of company because she wants to safeguard our unity.
14:10 The reason I don't complain about her to other folk is I want to safeguard our unity.
14:16 The reason we don't publish our drama on Facebook is because we are trying to safeguard our unity.
14:23 The reason we don't run to our parents with every issue is we're trying to safeguard our unity.
14:30 And what I'm saying to somebody is you've got to lock the door, you've got to close the window,
14:35 you've got to send some folk home so that you can maintain the unity.
14:40 [Congregation: Amen]
14:42 Pastor Snell: That God has purposed you to have. Are y'all hearing me today friends?
14:45 And see, let me be clear that one of the reasons that they have early success in Babel is
14:51 because they're all building according to the same vision. And see
14:58 understand beloved, that it is the vision of what is going to be that aligns everybody's gifts.
15:05 It is this blueprint that puts everybody in their right role. It is this blueprint that gets everyone on the same page.
15:13 It is this blueprint that gives them the needed buy-in.
15:18 And the reason they're able to build with success is because friends of mine,
15:23 they are building according to the same vision or blueprint. And see this is my point today,
15:29 friends, the reason we can't build stuff is not because we don't have tools.
15:36 The reason some can't build is because they have no blueprint.
15:40 In other words, some have no plan, there is no vision that guides everybody in the same direction.
15:49 In other words, there are some of us that are waking up every day and just deciding how we are going to go.
15:56 We are moving from one problem to problem and one crisis to crisis. And our marriage is reactive instead of proactive
16:06 because there is no vision that is guiding us to a predetermined in. Are y'all hearing me today friends?
16:13 And see, and that's why the writer of the book of Proverbs says that where there is no vision, the people perish.
16:22 In other words, in the Hebrew it doesn't read that they perish or die. The Bible says where there is no vision,
16:28 the people cast off restraint. In other words, where there is no vision, everybody just does whatever they want to do,
16:37 there is no unity that draws everybody into oneness where there is no vision. It is like a body that operates with palsy.
16:45 There is activity but it's not coordinated for a single purpose. And see, the reason we sometimes struggle is
16:54 because there is no financial vision for what we are building.
16:58 There is no spiritual vision about what we're going to become. There is no child vision about who you are building them to
17:06 become. And we are just going out with tools and just hammering nails because there is no vision that guides our structure
17:16 and see friends of mine. I need you to know that every marriage, are y'all hearing the pastor today?
17:21 That every marriage has to have a vision? It's got to have a destination. Because when you know your destination,
17:29 it tells you what direction you ought to go in. In other words, if I leave out of here and I want to go to Madison, Alabama,
17:38 I cannot head to Memorial Parkway. My destination tells me where I turn.
17:44 It tells me what I should avoid. It tells me where I should stop. It tells me what path I ought to omit
17:51 because the way way I know how to go is because I know where I'm going and see friends of mine,
17:59 I need us to know that because there is no financial vision for the home,
18:03 there are no directions for what we are to be doing today because there is no vision for retirement at 55.
18:11 There is no vision to get the kids through school debt free. We don't know when to sacrifice.
18:15 We don't know when to save. We don't know what to set aside because if there is no destination,
18:21 we operate without directions. And see friends of mine.
18:27 There's a reason that every marriage needs a vision because what me vision does is vision keeps you resilient.
18:35 Vision allows you to be able to see through faith the things that have yet to come to pass.
18:42 You see, people without a vision will make lasting decisions based upon a present situation.
18:51 And the reason they'll make every decision based upon the present is
18:55 because they can't see beyond what is into what shall become.
19:01 And that's why every head of household ought to have a prophetic acumen to them.
19:08 So that when is hard in your home,
19:11 you can look to your wife or to your children and let them know it won't always be this hard.
19:17 Am I preaching to anybody today? In other words, friends of mine? There's got to be a vision about where you are going.
19:23 There's got to be a vision about how it's going to get better. There's got to be a vision about how it's going to be improved.
19:31 Because if there is no vision, you'll make all of your future plans based on a current assessment.
19:37 In other words, let me say it this way, see how many of us understand that even though it's cold in November,
19:45 it's not going to be cold in July. In other words, when you operate without a vision,
19:52 when you assume that things can never change, it's like throwing away all your summer clothes
19:58 because it's cold outside today. In other words, it's like throwing away all your shorts and your flip flops
20:04 and your tank top because it's cold today. Why?
20:07 Because we're forecasting the weather six months from now based upon the outlook today.
20:12 But how many of us know that just like fall turns into winter and winter turns into spring,
20:18 that the same way seasons change in nature? How many of us know that seasons can change in your marriage
20:25 and it may be a dark season today, it may be a hard season today. Obstacles may be against you in this season,
20:33 but can somebody rejoice that one day spring is going to come and bring new life and refreshment?
20:42 Are y'all hearing me today?
20:44 The second reason they have success in early Babylon is that everybody's able to enthusiastically play their role.
20:58 In other words, friends of mine, when you went to the workshop at Babylon, you've got the wood workers doing their jobs,
21:07 you've got the artisans grafting with great skill. You've got those digging ditches doing so with great effort.
21:15 You've got those planting the gardens doing their jobs. You've got the ladies who are baking the bricks
21:21 and you've got the men who are doing the heavy lifting.
21:25 And when you go to Babylon, you don't have the wood workers trying to tell the piper what to do.
21:30 You don't have the piper trying to tell the electricians what to do.
21:33 You don't have the electricians trying to tell the artisans what to do.
21:37 The reason they've got success is because everybody has respect for everybody's role that's building.
21:46 Are you hearing me today friends?
21:48 And see, one of the things I need us to understand is that as we try to grow into the roles that create a great team,
21:56 I need you to understand this about teamwork. On a bad team, you have hierarchy on a championship team, you have roles,
22:09 okay, let me say this again. Let me slow it down. On a bad team, you've got hierarchy, you've got tears,
22:16 you've got a boss and you've got subjects. But on a successful team, you've got people that play different roles,
22:24 but each contribution is equally celebrated.
22:29 And see friends of mine, as we establish roles in our homes,
22:34 how many of us know that the roles ought to be based upon gifts and not just gender? Oh.
22:41 I knew y'all going to get quiet.
22:43 [Congregation: Clapping]
22:45 Pastor Snell: So since y'all quiet, I'm going to take a long time to preach this sermon today.
22:47 I'm going to sit here till all the sweat falls off my brow. Are y'all here in the pastor today?
22:52 In fact, friends, do y'all notice something in the Bible that scripture promotes roles not hierarchy?
23:08 In other words, I need you to actually even go back to the physical way in which God created Adam and Eve.
23:14 So that when God laid Adam down to the rest, that literally the physical act told a great story for how the relationship
23:22 was supposed to operate. So that when he opened up Adam's side, he left a hole there
23:28 because it was to create a point to where Eve was supposed to function.
23:33 In other words, he did not take a bone from Adam's head because Eve was not supposed to dominate him and rule over him
23:41 and dictate his every thought. He didn't take a bone from Adam's foot because he was not supposed to walk all over Eve.
23:48 But he took a bone from his side
23:51 because Eve was to walk by side by side in perfect equal partnership with the man that God gave her.
24:01 Are y'all hearing me today friends of mine and see, I need you to know that this whole idea of hierarchy in marriage,
24:08 we don't necessarily get that from the Bible. I need you to know that before sin Adam and Eve in their relationship,
24:15 they mirrored the roles that the God had modeled. But I need you to know that this whole idea of control
24:24 and hierarchy that didn't come until Adam and Eve sinned.
24:28 In other words, friends, one of the things that we confuse is sometimes when you read Genesis 3:16,
24:34 there is part of what God describes to Adam and Eve as the curse,
24:39 but then there's a portion of it that is simply the result of their behavior.
24:44 So that when God talks to the woman because of what she does, God says, okay, this is the curse.
24:49 He says, you going to have pain in conception and in childbirth.
24:55 But notice he doesn't continue with curse. He simply prophesized the result.
25:00 He says, the result of your behavior is that Adam is going to try to use his superior physical strength.
25:07 Your desire is going to be for him. But the problem is he's going to try to rule over you.
25:14 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying?
25:17 And understand that when God says that Adam's descendants are going to try to rule Eve, he has not describing his will.
25:24 He is just telling her this is going be the result of your decision. In other words,
25:29 because Adam Succumb to his wife Eve, do you realize in the beginning that Adam did not take initial responsibility?
25:37 Adam was like, man, God, that's the woman you put here. She gave it to me and I ate.
25:45 And you got to realize that Adam's curse is that he is going to work with sweat in the field each
25:51 and every day so that every day Adam works in the field and sweat falls from his face and he cuts his hands on briers
25:58 and thistles.
26:00 He develops a resentment and contempt for the wife that led him down this path.
26:05 And understand that after a while he begins to look upon Eve not as a valuable partner,
26:13 but as someone who is a danger to himself, a reckless and emotional creature that must be controlled and kept in place.
26:25 And after a while he stops leading Eve and he starts leashing Eve and understand friends.
26:34 He's at a place where he does not see her as someone whose opinion is to be valued
26:39 because it was listening to her that got me in this predicament in the first place.
26:46 And see, the crazy thing is, do you realize that Adam does not keep this disposition local to his marriage?
26:53 What do you think Adam teaches his sons about women? In other words, he teaches Cain and Abel and Seth and his sons,
27:03 he teaches them, don't let that woman control you. Don't let her have too much freedom. We are in this mess now
27:10 because I let your mama and grandma get too far away from me. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
27:17 So that by the time you get down to Genesis chapter 12,
27:20 you've got a full blown patriarchy where the woman is seen as a second class citizen and it is all a result of Adam's guilt.
27:31 Thank you so much for joining us for the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
27:38 We hope and pray that you have been blessed by part one of “Stop Babel-ing.”
27:45 This is the fourth message in our series titled “Family-ish.”
27:49 Join us next week for Part Two. You don't want to miss it!
27:56 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:41 [END]


Revised 2023-02-01