Breath of Life

It’s About Time Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000067S

00:05 Sermon #S035 - It's About Time - (Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
00:26 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part two of the dynamic Message entitled: “It's About Time.”
00:34 Now, let's learn more about God's timing.
00:39 Pastor Snell: And I need you to say this.
00:41 I need you to say this because sometimes certain seasons may overlap. Okay? So just like at the end of winter,
00:52 you still may have some cold days in April and May.
00:56 Are you all hearing what I'm saying? Or sometimes in October, you still may have some hot days in fall.
01:03 Because sometimes the elements of one season may spill over into another season.
01:09 But it doesn't mean the season has not changed. Oh God. I need you to know, don't go by the elements.
01:16 You got to go by the season. Let me say it this way. I remember about 13 years ago before we had our first son.
01:22 Many of you know my wife and I had lost 4 kids through miscarriage before we had Jayden.
01:30 And it's crazy because we were in a season of mourning. But there came a time where the season of mourning had expired.
01:39 But guess what? There were still some tears there. There was still some grief there.
01:44 But God says, I need you to move from mourning to a season of anticipation. you all not hearing me.
01:51 Just because we were still weeping didn't mean we should stop anticipating.
01:57 And I need you to know that we are 3 kids later because God changes the season.
02:04 And there is somebody that's saying, I'm still weeping. But guess what? You can weep
02:09 and anticipate at the exact same time. For the Bible says weeping may endure for a night.
02:16 But how many know that joy comes in the morning. Are you all hearing me today friends.
02:25 Third thing this teaches us today is that whatever God brings you to, He's prepared you for.
02:41 This is critical because somebody's about to abort a miracle moment because you don't feel prepared for it.
02:51 And the reason you don't feel prepared for it is
02:55 because you thought God would train you using a different process than he did.
03:00 But I need you to understand this critical thing that whatever God brings you to, are you all with me today church?
03:07 God prepares you for. So, I need you to get this thing that in the whole camp like Pharaoh's army is coming.
03:15 I mean these folk, they tripping, they're like Moses, I told you we should have never left Egypt.
03:21 But there is only one man that is not overwhelmed by the moment. And it's Moses
03:28 and I need you to get this church that Moses doesn't understand why he was called.
03:34 He doesn't understand why he was chosen. He doesn't understand why God put his hands on him until this very moment.
03:43 What do you mean, pastor? So, they get down there on the verge of the Red Sea, they see Pharaoh's army coming behind them.
03:51 And they automatically go into 3 responses. Number 1, the people seize up and freeze and become immobilized.
03:59 Number 2, they begin to whine and moan and wail unto Moses and unto God.
04:04 And then number 3, they get ready to yield to the enemy. Are you all with me today?
04:10 So, they begin to freeze or get immobilized. They begin to cry and mourn.
04:14 And number 3, they begin to get ready to yield. But guess what? When they freeze and immobilize,
04:20 when they begin to cry out unto God, when they begin to yield to an enemy.
04:25 I need you to know that Moses ain't tripping. It stirs an echo in him because Moses is like, I've seen this before.
04:36 What do you mean pastor? Remember, God prepared Moses for leadership as a shepherd of the flock in median.
04:44 Congregation: Amen.
04:46 And whenever sheep come across an enemy, they do 3 things. They going to seize up and become immobile.
04:53 They're going to whine and cry out to the shepherd. Or they going to yield to an enemy.
04:59 So, when they start crying and tripping.
05:01 Your boy, Moses ain't scared he been dealing with this for 40 years so that when he sees their complaints.
05:09 He doesn't see insolent hardhearted people. He sees a sheep in need of a shepherd.
05:16 And God has been training him for the last 40 years for this moment. Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
05:25 And I guess what I want to say to somebody today is don't despise the days of small beginnings.
05:32 Because how many of us understand that sometimes your placement gives no obvious correlation to your assignment.
05:43 Sometimes God trains us in unusual ways.
05:46 What are you talking about Pastor? Remember God anointed David to be king. But then he anointed him to be king
05:53 and sends him back out to take care of the sheep. But in all his idle time, he got good with a slingshot.
06:02 He got good aim with a slingshot. And God trained him for a moment he didn't have a date for.
06:10 God assigned him to play music for Saul. And Saul literally became his mentor without knowing it, you all not with me.
06:19 God called Joseph to leadership. But guess what? He trained Joseph by treating him as a servant in Potiphar's house.
06:26 So that Joseph learned how to treat people, how he would want to be treated.
06:31 He learned about the criminal justice system when he was falsely accused and put down in jail.
06:37 Do you realize that God trained the disciples not by sending them the seminary, but by teaching them how to fish?
06:45 He says, I'm going to teach you patience on the water. I'm going to teach you how to use the right bait.
06:50 But now I'm going to say, come and follow me and I'll make you fishers of men.
06:56 And what I'm saying to somebody today is that just because God then used the rubric you anticipated,
07:03 doesn't mean God didn't prepare you for it. Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
07:08 [Congregation: Amen]
07:09 It's crazy, man, I am thankful for my wonderful Oakwood seminary education,
07:14 but God trained me in some strange ways for what I'm doing right now. I remember growing up in Florida,
07:19 every summer I would work in Florida State University. In the dorms we would do odd jobs like painting
07:24 and building screens and pressure washing sidewalks. And it's crazy, Chris, because God developed some things in me
07:30 and I didn't even realize what He was doing. You see, as a pastor, guess what?
07:35 I don't punch a clock. I don't have a boss checking on my everyday movement. But on that job,
07:40 I had to work and be self-driven and self-motivated. Nobody had to tell me what I had to do.
07:46 So, in 8th grade, I was getting prepared for this assignment. Because I worked there several summers.
07:52 I had to lead people that were older than me. And
07:56 so, I had to get used to dealing with some folk that didn't want to take orders from somebody younger.
08:01 You all might quiet today. He was preparing me. It's crazy because as the youngest one, I got bullied
08:07 and that's where I learned how to raise my voice. That's how I learned how to use this base.
08:12 You all might quiet with me today. In other words, He was training in a way that I could not see it.
08:18 And what I'm saying is if God brought you to it, it's because he's prepared you for it.
08:26 Now there are some who say, no, pastor, I got prepared for it in university. I need you to know that,
08:34 and I'm for education, you ought to get all you can. And you ought to can all you get.
08:41 But however, us know that education certifies, but providence prepares you.
08:48 [Congregation: Amen]
08:49 In other words, you learn methods of teaching in university.
08:54 But you got the burden to teach in the hood where you grow up.
08:58 In other words, you learn how to diagnose in medical school, but you learn how to treat people working at Publix.
09:04 You all not hearing me today.
09:06 And I need somebody to understand that you may have learned how to build certain things in a certain trade school,
09:12 but how to care for folk and excellence in craftsmanship. You learn that somewhere else along the line.
09:18 And what I'm saying to somebody today is that if God brings you to it, it's because God has already prepared you for it.
09:30 Sometimes God trains us in strange ways. Anybody old enough to remember the movie Karate Kid?
09:44 Do I have at least one relative out here?
09:47 And it's crazy because remember Daniel, when he was getting trained by Mr. Miyagi,
09:51 he didn't take him to the gym every morning. No, he had him doing some crazy stuff.
09:57 He developed his reflexes by making him catch flies with chopsticks. He strengthened his forearms by making him sweep
10:04 and mop the floor every day. And then he made him learn how to do some things like wax on and wax off the car.
10:09 You all hearing what I'm saying today? And it's right because one day Daniel got tired of doing all these menial tasks.
10:15 And it's crazy because what Mr. Miyagi did was, he just charged him in the moment. And when he charged him,
10:21 all those reflexes he learned in service automatically begin to kick in.
10:26 And see, sometimes you won't know what you've been trained for until the attack is permitted.
10:33 And you say, I didn't even know all that was there. I didn't even realize that was inside of me
10:40 because God developed it in a way you couldn't even recognize. Are you all hearing me today friends?
10:52 Next thing this teaches is that when you're on the verge sometimes you need a push.
11:07 When you're on the verge, sometimes you need a push you all sit with the pastor today. It's crazy.
11:16 This story has so many spectacular tensions
11:21 That are all useful to God. Let me say it to you all this time,
11:28 everything that brings tension to the people is actually going to be used by God.
11:35 So, their mountains on both sides. So, they can't run away. The Red Sea is in front of them,
11:40 so they can't go forward. And Pharaoh's arm is behind him. So, they can't go backwards.
11:46 In other words, they are completely boxed in on every side. But I need somebody to know that even when you are boxed in,
11:56 you are just being set up to see the mighty hand of God. So, remember that God's goal is not just for them to escape Egypt,
12:10 because if they escape, they can be recaptured. So, God is saying, I've got to put Egypt out of commission.
12:24 So, remember, I need you to think through something with me. I need you to understand the posture of the people.
12:30 The people just told Moses, man, it would've been better if we had just stayed in Egypt. In other words, I need you to get.
12:38 That they just give voice to what they've been thinking ever since they left.
12:44 In other words, ever since they left, they've been thinking they've been better,
12:47 that we just stayed here and died in Egypt. Are you all hearing the pastor today?
12:52 So, I need you to know that God is at work with every particular tension that is permitted in this story.
12:57 Because we look at it with the clarity of hindsight, because in my mind, it is pretty dope for God to open up a Red Sea
13:08 and for it to hang suspended without any dam or wall or structure to hold it up.
13:15 [Congregation: Amen]
13:17 But do you realize that in real time, the Red Sea is just another way for them to die?
13:25 In other words, as they're looking at the Red Sea and it's held up and suspended.
13:30 Not by walls, not by structure, but the only thing that's holding it up is the invisible hand of God.
13:38 Are you all hearing what I'm saying? In other words, do you realize that if Pharaoh's army wasn't behind them,
13:46 they would've just sat there looking at an open sea? But God didn't cancel Pharaoh in Egypt.
13:53 He allowed Pharaoh to chase them because they would've never gone through of their own accord.
13:59 Sometimes you've got to be pushed across the verge. Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
14:06 You all acting brand new because some of us are standing looking at a Red Sea right now.
14:12 God has opened up the door and sometimes God has got to send a circumstance to push you across.
14:18 What do you mean, pastor? Because remember your boy Jacob was not checking for God.
14:25 It was Esau that had to push him into that night of wrestling where he ultimately wrestled all night with God.
14:32 Are you all hearing me today friends? Do you realize that Simon of Cyrene didn't volunteer to carry the cross?
14:38 Somebody had to put the cross upon him so that he could go forward. Do you realize that Moses did not want to go?
14:47 God had to kindle his anger against him and push Moses into going.
14:53 And the truth is that there are some of us that will never enter into God's ultimate plan.
14:58 We will never enter into full relationship if we don't have something chasing us there.
15:04 [Congregation: Amen]
15:08 So, it was only because God allowed us to be heartbroken that He pushed you to the heart fixer.
15:15 [Congregation: Yes]
15:17 It was only our lack that pushed us to our provider. It was only our sickness that pushed us to our healer.
15:24 It was only our confusion that pushed us to the answer. It was only because all the doors were shut,
15:31 that we were pushed to the way the truth and the life, which is Jesus Christ.
15:36 In other words, stop walking around talking about how you always love God. And how you chosen of your own volition.
15:42 The truth is that God had to put some irritants and some irritations and some hardships.
15:48 Trouble had to be an usher to seat you at the feet of Jesus Christ. Are you all hearing what I'm saying today?
15:56 And there are times friends of mine, where we don't like being push. The problem with some of us,
16:06 it's not that we don't have any opportunity. The problem is you hadn't had the push you needed.
16:12 And it's crazy because I don't like being pushed. But guess what? When I look back over my life,
16:17 I thank God for every difficult circumstance and every adversity
16:24 and every hardship that ultimately pushed me into God's purpose and God's design for my life.
16:34 Are you hearing me today friend? It's crazy. Last thing this teaches is that at some point you got to stop looking backwards.
16:45 [ Congregation: Amen]
16:46 When you're on the verge, you got to keep your eye on what's in front of you.
16:52 So, notice what God does. God says, okay, I'm in the cloud leading them.
16:59 So, God, as He opens up the Red Sea, the cloud goes behind them.
17:06 [Congregation: Amen]
17:08 The cloud stands behind them and becomes a cloud on one side.
17:13 And fire on the other side so that the two camps don't come close to each other.
17:20 The reason God does this is that as He chases them into the sea, He doesn't want them consistently looking back at Egypt.
17:31 So that when they look over their shoulder, they can't look back at what they came out of.
17:36 All they can do is look forward to that which God has prepared for them.
17:43 And what I'm saying to somebody who is on the verge of spiritual deliverance,
17:47 emotional deliverance, relational deliverance, professional deliverance,
17:52 God is saying to somebody that I'm going to stand behind you.
17:56 So that you can't see where you used to come from. You can't see where you fail last.
18:02 You can't see what you used to do. God is saying,
18:05 put those things which are in the past behind and reach forward to those things that are before.
18:11 That's why God and Isaiah 43 says, consider not the former things. Don't even remember the things of old.
18:19 He says, behold, I'm going to do a new thing. Shall you not know it? And it's crazy because it's faster.
18:27 We get into the new year and we always start this whole mantra where we say,
18:31 pastor I'm just trying to get back where I used to be. Pastor, I'm just trying to get back where I used to spiritual.
18:39 I'm trying to get my prayer life back to where it used to be. I'm trying to get my marriage back to where it used to be.
18:45 Do I have a witness? We we're trying to get our weight back to where it used to be.
18:47 Come on, say amen. And it's crazy. Where did we get this doctrine of yesterday?
18:54 And the reason we get conflicted because you're trying to get back to where you used to be.
18:58 God is trying to take you where you've never been. And that's the frustration you feel
19:05 because you are trying to get back to a level you've seen.
19:07 God is trying to take you to a level you ain't never seen in your life.
19:13 And so, God says, I'm going to stand behind you sometimes so that you don't get so caught up idolizing your yesterday.
19:22 That you can't even become who I ordained you to be in the future. Can I just say this to somebody?
19:31 I don't care how great your yesterday was. How many of us believe that the best days are still...
19:43 [Congregation: Amen]
19:44 Oh God. Where the church at today?
19:46 [Congregation: Amen]
19:47 No. Where the church at today? I don't care how good your marriage was.
19:52 Do I have at least 7 or 8 couples that say in the best years are still in front of me?
19:57 I don't care how well it used to go on your job. But how many of us believe the best years are still in front of you.
20:04 I don't believe my best sermons are in the past. I believe God is going to do some stuff sometime in the future.
20:10 And do I have at least 7 or 8 folk who are saying, I'm done idolizing what was, but I'm reaching forward to what will be.
20:19 Because I believe that the deliverance is in front of me. It is not behind me. And that God is not finished with me yet.
20:30 [Congregation: Amen]
20:32 There's a reason I've been talking about hesitation for 2 reasons.
20:37 Because what God does is He stands and He creates a bridge between the Egyptians and the Israelites.
20:44 But He only does that and He keeps the wall suspended till daybreak.
20:53 I need you to understand something critical because there's somebody on the verge.
20:58 I need you to know that God is going to open up the waters. But the waters don't stay open until they make up their mind.
21:05 [Congregation: Amen]
21:07 The water doesn't stay open until they decide what they're going to do.
21:11 The water is open for a temporary season. And the water's going to collapse on not only those who are in rebellion,
21:21 but it's going to collapse on those in hesitation as well.
21:25 [Congregation: Amen]
21:26 Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
21:28 [Congregation: Yes]
21:30 And there's some of us, that God literally young, he has put the right men or woman, like they're right there in your class.
21:36 Get them out the friend zone.
21:39 [Congregation: Amen]
21:42 You don't want them because he always praying and she always in the choir. No, that's your wife right there.
21:48 [Congregation: Amen]
21:53 That's your wife right there. No, not the one that's dropping it like it's hot.
21:58 The one that's falling on her face in the name of the Lord.
22:01 You all hear what I'm saying? That's the one right there. Charm is deceitful. Beauty is fading.
22:06 But a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised. Are you all hearing what I'm saying? That's the word right there.
22:16 [Congregation: Clapping]
22:18 All you doing is looking at that other, how she look? You better look at who she is on the inside.
22:24 Are you all hearing what I'm saying? Because a woman that's just pretty, but ain't got nothing on the inside.
22:28 She's like an onion. You peel back the layers, you'll start crying. Can I get a witness out here today?
22:34 Are you all hearing what I'm saying? Same thing with a man.
22:42 [Congregation: Amen]
22:51 Get him out the friend zone. He be at the bell tower. That's the way you ought to be.
23:02 Because you, with the one that P-R-E-Y-S.
23:07 You better find the one that knows how to P-R-A-Y. Can I get a witness out here tonight?
23:11 [Congregation: Clapping]
23:18 You are in Huntsville. You go to Oakwood Church. The door is open for you to go back to school,
23:27 but it ain't going to be open forever.
23:29 [Congregation: Amen]
23:32 In other words, there's some of us that our kids are 14, 15, 16. We still in that season where we can have influence over them.
23:38 That door is open, but that door ain't going to be open forever. And what I'm saying is when certain doors are open,
23:46 you got to stop shuffling your feet and start marching in Jesus name.
23:50 [Congregation: Amen]
23:54 And it's crazy. The reason I'm saying that the door-, the water is only open for a short season,
23:59 is because the Lord literally begins to-, as Pharaoh and his army push down into the Red Sea.
24:06 The Bible literally says, friends of mine, that God causes the wheels to come off the chariots.
24:16 So they can't hardly drive. And this is my last point before I have the choir come sing, is this,
24:24 they literally come to the conclusion. Oh snap, it took 9 plagues, a Passover,
24:36 a cloud of fire, an open Red Sea for them to finally realize God is with these people.
24:45 And they're just like, oh, snap. God is with them. But guess what? By the time they try to turn around, It's too late.
25:00 And when I need somebody to know, is that what Pharaoh and his army actually teach us?
25:05 Because what we say and it is true while we're in season, that you can never go too far from God.
25:14 But there will come a day. There will come a day when Michael stands up and the door of probation closes.
25:36 You'll be just like Pharaoh in his army. You will have gone too far and it's too late for you to turn around.
25:48 And what I'm saying to somebody today is that the good news is guess what? It's still open today.
25:57 [Congregation: Amen]
25:59 It's still open. Grace is still sufficient. He is still calling us home.
26:07 But you got to move and you got to act while it is your time because it's not about how good or how bad you are.
26:16 It's about time and moving in the season that God has ordained.
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27:56 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:31 [END]


Revised 2023-05-04