Breath of Life

Level Up Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000071S

00:01 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:06 Sermon #S037 - Level Up- (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
00:26 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part two of the dynamic Message entitled: “Level Up.”
00:33 Now, let's grow more in Christ through the study of His word.
00:39 Snell:I need somebody to come to in your mind is clarity about the fact that salvation is not an acquittal, salvation is a pardon
00:50 [Congregation: Amen]
00:53 An acquittal suggests that maybe you weren't guilty, or maybe there wasn't enough evidence to convict,
01:00 but guess what, we don't get an acquittal because, we are guilty. That's enough damning evidence to condemn us 10 times over.
01:09 But we are not saved by acquittal we're saved by a pardon.
01:13 A Pardon is when one with authority grants clemency to the guilty and says,
01:19 they can't be punished anymore for the offense that has rendered.
01:24 Do I have at least 17 folk that are grateful that we got a not-guilty, not because we were falsely accused,
01:31 but because the God of authority gave us clemency and made sure we received a pardon in Christ.
01:40 I need you to know that we are saved by our beliefs and not our behavior. Are y'all still with the Pastor today?
01:47 [Congregation: Yes]
01:48 Even my sanctification is not about my doing, it's about my becoming.
01:56 [Congregation: Amen]
02:00 Do you realize that sanctification is not about what you do.
02:04 It's about who you become and when you become the right person in Christ, it begins to influence affect your doing.
02:14 Are y'all hearing me today? I need you to know, that's why your goal in Christ is not to perform, its to be transformed.
02:24 One of the things that happens when I pray and I nourish my soul with the word is I get the DNA of Jesus infused in me
02:33 and that's why when I'm transformed by his DNA, it changes my doing. Are y'all hearing me today? Let me say this quick way.
02:42 Your God has blessed me with two wonderful young boys, Jaden and Braden. I need you to get these that those are my boys.
02:50 It's crazy because if you were to see a picture of me at 12 or 7, like, my youngest,
02:55 it will literally look as if you're looking in a mirror back in time. The reason that's the case Brother Dudley is
03:03 because they have my DNA.
03:08 [Congregation: clapping]
03:11 When somebody has your DNA, they do some things not by effort but by genetics. I didn't teach my youngest son how to be dark skin.
03:26 He's that way because he's got my DNA. I didn't teach them to have a certain inflection in his voice. He just got that by his DNA.
03:36 I didn't tell him to be hard-headed and stubborn. He got that because he got his mama's DNA. I'm not hearing me when I was there.
03:44 I didn't tell him y'all pray for me on the way home from church.
03:49 Listen I didn't tell him to walk or certain way or talk a certain way. He's just got your boys DNA and guess what,
03:59 because he's got my DNA, he behaves by nature. When you get the DNA of Jesus, you stop trying, you stop working, you stop pushing,
04:13 you just start becoming, and before you know it, you walk like Jesus, and you talk like Jesus, and you love like, Jesus,
04:22 and you serve like Jesus, because you've been transformed into His image. Are y'all hearing in the word today, friends?
04:35 The word says here in Verse 17 and he came down and stood on the level place and the crowd and the disciples
04:44 and a great multitude of people from Judea, Jerusalem and from the sea coasts of Tyre and Sidon who came to hear him
04:50 and be healed of their diseases. The third thing that teaches us friends of mine is that Jesus responds to your needs,
04:59 not your history.
05:02 [Congregation: chanting]
05:07 Luke communicates this spiritual truth through the details that are given. When Jesus comes down to the level place,
05:16 he lets us know who is there in the crowd. Luke makes it clear that there for that there are folks that come from Judea,
05:24 there are folks that come from Jerusalem. But then they're also folks from Tyre and Sidon
05:30 and he lets us know that there are some folk who were there that got some evil spirits inside of them.
05:35 Are y'all with me today, friends? What he is ultimately teaching us, is that in this crowd,
05:40 you don't just have a bunch of morally deserving people that get healed by God because God is responding to their need
05:50 and not their history. In other words, he is making it clear that he got folk from tire and Sidon.
05:56 When you read Matthew 11 Verses 21 through 25, that Tyre and Sidon are among four cities that are judged
06:05 and condemned as tending in need of repentance. In fact, the sea coasts of Tyre
06:10 and Sidon got some folks that know how to turn up more than any student on a Saturday night.
06:16 In Tyre and Sidon, they practice witchcraft, they practice the occult, they got all types of Black Arts.
06:23 In fact, the Bible lets us know that you got some folk there that have some unclean spirits that have showed up in the crowd
06:30 and the reason they've got unclean spirits, it's because they've got unclean spirits
06:37 What he's trying to show us is that some of the folks who helped me Holy Spirit,
06:42 they are not morally deserving folk that just need an assist from Jesus and it's crazy.
06:50 I can see it offends some of us a little bit because I need you to get that these folks who come in to see Jesus,
06:55 they don't really care nothing about his theology, they don't care anything about his cause,
07:00 they never necessarily trying to be a disciple. Once some of them get what they want,
07:05 they won't even come back to say, thank you at all. They are just showing up because they toe is hurting, their leg is broke,
07:12 their kidney's not functioning, they got a child that they cannot control. In other words, they are not there
07:19 because of what they deserve, they are there because of what they believe.
07:25 What I need somebody to understand is that sometimes God blesses believing folk more than He blesses deserving folk.
07:35 I knew some of us are going to get mad on this, but when you look at the prerequisites in Christ is a prerequisite for a move of God,
07:43 that you are deserving, or is the prerequisite that you are believing. Hebrews 11:6 says that without...
07:52 [Congregation: Faith]
07:54 Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Those that come to God, must believe that he is,
08:03 and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. We've spent so much time trying to be deserving,
08:12 but the miracle is on the other side of your believing. I want you to hear me.
08:21 I am not trying to justify promiscuous or disobedient living. Are y'all hearing what I'm saying today?
08:29 But I need to talk to a particular person in the household of faith who literally will not approach Jesus with their needs
08:41 because their sins have convinced them that their past has them alienated from God
08:49 and that they are forever shut out from God's favor and his benefits.
08:54 I need you to understand that grace by nature is undeserved.
09:01 We operate under this meritorious belief that says that, because I've sinned I don't even need to ask God,
09:09 I just got to live with it, I've just got to sit in it,
09:13 and I become a situational matter willing to die on the altar of my past instead of coming to the altar of God
09:21 and we are functioned with the belief that a habit A is going to disqualify me from miracle B.
09:28 I need somebody to know that we don't serve a tit for tat God, that blesses you according to what you deserve.
09:37 That's not the scripture say that God does not deal with us according to our sins or according to our transgressions,
09:44 but out of the multitude of his tender mercies. I need you to know when Jesus is there on the mountain He's not screening people,
09:53 He's not evaluating people, He's not looking up people. He just sees the need and responds to it.
10:01 I'm grateful that I serve a savior that looks beyond all of my faults and he sees directly my needs.
10:09 [Congregation: chanting]
10:11 Some of us still don't believe this. You're saying all Pastor, you're watering down the standard.
10:16 Let me ask you this. If you had a child that you told not to get on the steps or to stay into in the chair
10:24 and you told them not to do it and guess what they did it anyway and they fell down and start bleeding,
10:32 would you just sit there and let them bleed to death, and say no you did what I told you not to do?
10:37 No, as soon as they start crying Mama, as soon as they start crying Daddy, you're not going to respond to their history.
10:45 You going to immediately begin ministering to the need. Or y'all not with me yet?
10:50 That's why Jesus said if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children,
10:59 how much more willing am I to give good gifts to them than simply ask?
11:10 It's crazy friends because he Jesus heals them physically when he touches them or speaks the word.
11:15 But there is a pre-healing that takes place when he just accepts them. There was expecting to get turned away at the door.
11:28 There was expecting for somebody to check idea records, but Jesus says, come as you are all that coming to me, I will in no wise,
11:39 cast them out. The problem is any professed godliness that intimidates brokenness is just worldliness in church clothes.
11:50 Are y'all hear what I'm saying today?
11:54 This story teaches us, friends. I'm almost done. Let me say something that we need to hear.
12:08 This story shows why the body of Christ has to have an emphasis on health. I knew I was going quiet.
12:17 I know that's why some of y'all didn't come to church today young. I'll see you at home. That's why.
12:24 Because when we talk about stay with me, y'all stay with me?
12:27 [Congregation: Yes]
12:28 When we talk about building the black community,
12:32 do you realize that it is actually the message on health that helps level the playing field?
12:40 It is why we've got to be able to teach people how to operate with prosperity in the confines of their health.
12:47 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying? I need you to know that in America, the ground as it relates to health,
12:53 it is not a level playing field. This is why Jesus did certain miracles for those that did not have access to conventional medicine.
13:05 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying today? Why did the woman with the issue of blood show up at Jesus feet?
13:10 Because she spent all of her money on doctors and could not be healed by any of them.
13:15 In other words, as soon as her resources ran out, guess what, her treatment ran out
13:20 and the only hope she had was to get close to the body of Christ.
13:29 The only hope poor sick folk had was to get connected with the body of Christ oh Dr. Pollard,
13:36 they don't read New Testament. The only hope that poor sick folk had was to get in touch with the body of Christ.
13:43 For those who don't know, we are the body of Christ.
13:49 I need to understand that when it comes down to health, there is not a Level Playing Field. Am I telling the truth today?
13:58 Let me show you something. Did you realize that there are some disparities that affect us in a way that it does not affect everybody
14:03 else? Are y'all still with the pastor today? Do you realize that 33% of people in the United States...
14:09 33% of the folk that have kidney failure are black when we only make up about 12.7% of the entire population.
14:18 The Realize the American Cancer Society says that for most cancers African-Americans have the highest death rate,
14:25 the shortest survival rates, do you realize that African-Americans have 20% more trauma than whites,
14:31 but they're 50% less likely to have access to a counselor.
14:35 When it comes down to covid that we are 2.6 times more likely to contract it, 4.7 times, more likely to be hospitalized
14:43 and twice as likely to die. Between the ages of 50 and 64, 23% of blacks in that category, have diabetes,
14:51 when only 14% of whites have diabetes and that same group, 61% of blacks have high blood pressure with only 41% of whites.
15:00 What I need us to understand it is not because there is a genetic inferiority that there is a lack of opportunity, a lack of access,
15:08 a lack of opportunity to get help for that which is punishing us on a day-to-day experience.
15:16 This is why we've got to learn how to teach the message of health as good news.
15:24 I need you to know it is a form of social justice so that when there is no access over there, they can come inside of here
15:33 and find some truth that's going to actually help them get set free. It is why we've got to get our clinic reopen.
15:43 It is why the community health actually clinic needs to be in place because it is the message of health.
15:50 That levels the playing field. This is why. Since you're already mad. We got to stop making Health reform health deform.
16:08 Because we preach it in such a harsh and critical and judgmental way.
16:15 Do you realize that God set it up with a health message so as to make the ground level.
16:19 But all we did was create another hill out of it.
16:24 We created these tears of righteousness, based on how you eat. And instead of it becoming a mode of liberation,
16:35 we made it a method of spiritual inspection. Have you ever heard somebody invites you to your house,
16:41 and then they ask you are you vegetarian, and they're not really trying to get your dietary preference.
16:48 They try to see how spiritual you really are. Y'all going to act brand-new on me today?
16:53 We have these little tears based on how you eat, so that folk they eat pork and shrimp man, we got them outside the cave.
17:03 Y'all mad today. I'm going to stand right here in your face. We believe the folk that he liked that. They ain't going to heaven.
17:10 They're outside. But then we got a whole another tier for the folk that eat clean meal,
17:15 that we believe they got one foot in the Kingdom.
17:19 [Congregation: chanting]
17:21 We think they got one foot in but they ain't all the way saved
17:24 because y'all be missing using some spirit of prophecy quotes. That's what y'all do.
17:29 We think they have little bit saved but they ain't all the ways saved, but then you got this other fake group, their level up
17:40 They vegetarians but they eat fish. I'm all in your Jamaican business right now. I'm vegetarian but I eat fish guess what?
17:54 It's got a face, it got eyes that, it got a head. It don't grow on trees, it don't come out the ground, come on say Amen
18:01 [Congregation: Amen]
18:03 Then I don't another level up, you got the vegetarians they eat eggs.
18:11 I'm vegetarian, but I eat eggs. The egg is going to become Some of y'all just culinary abortionists, you get it ahead before it.
18:24 Then we got a whole another group on top. Yo, the vegans and then you got the plant base and then we assess spirituality,
18:33 based upon what people eat and we go against the express teaching of Jesus Christ, which says it's not,
18:41 what goes in a man that defiles but it's what comes out of your mouth. Please don't mishear me.
19:00 I'm espousing it, but what I'm espousing is correct teaching of it. Are, you know what I'm saying?
19:09 We literally condemn Jesus who fed the 5000. I'm done.
19:24 But see this is why we got to preach it.
19:26 One of the pioneers of the church that the message of health is actually an entering wedge for truth.
19:32 Your health, or what it does, is it levels the ground
19:35 because one of the things that happens is we have some biases against some folks. Some folks think we crazy,
19:40 they think we cook and some of us kind of are. If you're offended.
19:49 [Congregant: Laughing]
19:57 Why am I saying this? Because when there's a health issue,
20:01 it is the one thing that'll make you look past everything about that person and what they believe.
20:08 I would love to have a Christian doctor or surgeon, but if you get hurting bad enough, if I'm in pain,
20:17 I just need somebody that can help. What I'm saying is it is an entrance wedge so that they're people that look past Sabbath
20:31 and what you eat and different things because men if you can help me deal with the pain,
20:36 that is afflicting my soul then, guess what? I'm going to look past all that other stuff.
20:43 I'm going to listen to what you have to say about Jesus. Y'all hearing what I'm saying today?
20:50 Last thing the story teaches is that one of the great things about faith is that faith teaches you, how to wait your turn.
20:58 It's crazy. You realize that when all these folk amass, like when Jesus shows up men the throng they are already there.
21:10 When Jesus is coming down out of the mountain and they see Jesus coming down to the level place there is a tension that runs
21:19 throughout the entire crowd, because the power of God, the Bible says, the power goes out of him. In other words,
21:25 they don't want to be at the back of the line so that when Jesus is coming down out of the mountain,
21:30 if he begins to migrate a little bit to the right, the whole crowd shifts over to the right.
21:34 If he shifts over to the left, the whole crowd shifts over to the left and there is a tension as brothers
21:39 and sisters start pushing and pulling and tugging because everybody wants to be first to see Jesus Christ.
21:46 You got to get this friends because nobody wants to be at the back of the line. Everybody wants to be at the front of the line.
21:53 So some are pushing and stepping on one another because they are afraid that somebody's going to get what God had intended for them.
22:03 But because Jesus spent the whole night in prayer,
22:09 I wish I could have been there as the divinity of Christ is just oozing out of the humanity of Jesus.
22:20 You realize that whenever you got power in one place, it makes a sound. When Jesus walks by you just hear this.
22:37 As the surge of divinity is inside of him, his flesh may literally be lighting up like a Christmas tree
22:45 and Dr. Jesus go straight the work. He spits on his finger and touches blind eyes and they see.
22:53 He speaks to your leprosy and it departs. You touch his garments and you get healed. He speaks the
23:02 the word and the lame start walking. He puts his hands on you
23:06 and your disease begins to flee when he walks by in his shadow falls on you the lame get made whole.
23:14 The Bible literally says that he stays there and he heals, Desire of Ages says that he heals until the light of the sun wears out.
23:27 He doesn't heal many. He doesn't heal most and guess what, they get to a place where people come to Jesus one way,
23:35 but they leave in a different way. They come blind, but the leave seeing, they come deaf, but they leave hearing,
23:47 they come limping but they leave krumping and strutting because when Jesus touches you,
23:56 you never leave the exact same way you came in.
23:59 But while some are tripping and pushing and pulling, I believe there are some who are of faith, but they like, you can go first.
24:15 I'm straight here at the back. I'll wait my turn. I ain't scarred. Why are some able to wait their turn?
24:31 Why aren't they trying to pull somebody else down? Why don't they have to step on anybody else?
24:41 Why don't they have to pull somebody else off the path? Because they know that they serve a Jesus,
24:48 that never runs out, who never gets tired, they simply understand that what God has for me, it is for me.
24:59 It doesn't matter whether I'm at the front of the line or whether I'm in the back of the line,
25:06 I know that what God has positioned me to have. There is no man that can take it away.
25:14 What I'm saying to somebody today is that if you believe in God, you can sit still,
25:19 you ain't got to pull nobody down, you ain't got to push nobody down because, you know, that God has enough to go around.
25:32 The problem is, we got these petty unbelieving folk that feel like you got to pull down somebody else in order to raise yourself up.
25:41 But remember a promotion doesn't come from the east or from the west,
25:46 but promotion and blessing comes from God. That should have said this last week,
25:54 the problem with some of us is we're praying for other people's boat to sink.
26:00 Don't pray for their boat to sink. Pray for high tide because, when you got high tide,
26:11 it raises all boats and when you're in Christ you swim in high tide
26:18 and he going to raise all of us at the same time so that nobody goes lacking
26:26 and you can trust that God will supply whatever you stand in need of.
26:31 If you believe it somebody shout, hallelujah In this place today.
26:38 For the past 49 years, Breath of life has been presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
26:44 From a contemporary urban perspective, in 2023, we plan to grow our reach.
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28:02 We pray that God's favor will overtake you as a result of your generous gifts to Breath Of Life. God bless
28:10 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:30 [END]


Revised 2023-05-30