Breath of Life

It’s Not an Accident Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000085S

00:05 Sermon #S044 - It's Not By Accident (Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part two of the powerful Message titled:
00:31 “It's Not By Accident” Now, let's go deeper into the word of God!
00:39 Pastor Snell: See, it's crazy because there's a reason that Abraham's dad settled in Haran because man,
00:46 Canaan is kind of like that up-and-coming area like Destin in North Florida.
00:51 Everybody knows that there is value in the land of Canaan.
00:55 So, the reason he stopped short in Haran is because he knows that there are folks that have occupied the land of Canaan,
01:02 and he's going to either have to fight to enter the land of Canaan,
01:06 or he's going to have to fight to remain in the land of Canaan.
01:10 So, what he makes a decision to do is to take the path of least resistance.
01:17 In other words, he says, "I'm going to go to Haran because folks ain't coming for me in Haran.
01:24 Ain't nobody's checking for me in Haran. There is no threat in Haran."
01:30 One of the things I need you to know is that if there is no fight for the path you're on,
01:36 then you might be on the wrong path.
01:39 See, I need you to know that there are some of us that get to a place where we interpret the will of God by how easy it is,
01:47 how much things come together, how quickly, everything works out,
01:51 but do I have at least seven or
01:53 eight folks that have been engaged in spiritual warfare that knows that the way to identify where God is moving is
02:02 by noticing where Satan is resisting? Okay, let me preach to you all on this side. In other words, I need you to know
02:09 how easy it comes together, how easy the money comes, how much support rallies around you is not always the proof.
02:16 Sometimes you don't know where there is God unless the devil is resisting it.
02:23 In other words, if the devil is not fighting it, it's because he endorses it, or is not intimidated by it.
02:34 In other words, man, I mean real talk, man, there are times where I go preach,
02:37 I get a little bit - and sometimes, man, it's weird, man, and I don't want to over sensationalized it,
02:43 but man, I get a little nervous when the plane ride is too smooth.
02:48 Man, when the baggage comes out first from the carousel. Man, when the rental car is right there on time.
02:53 Man, those are not the times when God moves the most,
02:57 but man, sometimes I anticipate a move of God when the plane gets delayed,
03:02 there are no rental cars at the counter. My hotel room is not ready. My bags get lost.
03:09 That's how I know God is about to show up
03:12 because the resistance is the proof that God is going to do something great in your life.
03:20 Are you all hearing me today, friends?
03:22 Second thing, I need somebody to get, and please, hear me out on this.
03:25 Second thing this teachers is that sometimes your journey and your destination won't always compliment each other.
03:34 Let me say it again, that sometimes your journey and your destination won't always compliment each other.
03:41 You see, church, there's become a phrase that has become commonplace in the vernacular of church life.
03:48 Anybody ever heard somebody say, "I don't look like what I've been through"?
03:55 The assumption is that my journey should have caused my destination to land or look differently than it does.
04:05 The reason we say we don't look like what we've been through is
04:09 because we couldn't anticipate what our journey was going to produce.
04:17 In other words, when I see a shiny diamond, I don't assume it came that way.
04:24 I assume that is going through a process of intense pressure that caused it to come in that fashion.
04:33 When I see sparkling gold in the store, I don't assume somebody just rubbed on it.
04:39 I assume that it came through a furnace where the dross was removed and the impurities were burned away.
04:46 When you see somebody that has a lean, muscular and ripped body, you don't assume they were born that way.
04:54 You assume that their body has gone through a rigor and a discipline that helped them get to that particular place.
05:02 So, the truth is, yes, you look like what you've been through.
05:09 So that if you're shining, it's because you've already gone through the fire. If your character is sculpted,
05:16 it's because discipline produced it. If you're shining like pure gold,
05:21 it's because you've gone through a furnace that's removed all of the impurities,
05:26 and sometimes your journey won't look like your destination, okay? See, the reason,
05:34 this is important is because some of you have a view of how your life is supposed to end up,
05:40 but I need you to get that sometimes the journey won't always foreshadow the destination,
05:46 and where you're going to land because sometimes, it's going to look like your process
05:52 and the product are actually in conflict.
05:55 So, remember now God says to Abraham, "I'm going to make you a great nation that your descendants are going to
06:03 be as numerous as the stars in the sky, or the grains of sand on the seashore.
06:09 But I need you to notice that there is a chasm between his journey and his destination.
06:15 In other words, the destination is to be the father of a nation, but his journey is filled with barrenness
06:24 and fatherlessness and impotence. Are you all with me today? In other words, Joseph's destination was rulership,
06:33 but his journey was slavery and prison. You all are still not with me. David's destination was to be king,
06:43 but his journey was the field and to be a fugitive. That Joshua's destiny was to lead,
06:50 but his path was to be second in command to Moses. That Jesus' destiny was to be Lord of all,
06:58 but his path took him through the cross and an empty grave, so that nobody's journey looks just like their destination.
07:09 It's crazy because you won't always see this right away. Right now, everything is lining up.
07:15 You know exactly what school you're going to go to. You know exactly what major you're going to study.
07:20 You know exactly what classes you're going to take,
07:23 but how many of us know that no matter how clear the path looks right now, they're going to be detours,
07:29 uncertainties, unknowns and things that you could not calculate that are going to invade your life.
07:36 There are going to be losses and disappointments and betrayals along the way, but the good news is that all things work
07:44 together for them that love God, to them that are called according to his purposes.
07:54 This is why when you're on God's Divine path, you can't spend a whole lot of time looking in your peripheral vision.
08:03 In other words, if your steps have been ordered by God,
08:06 you won't spend a whole lot of time looking at how they're doing and how they're advancing,
08:12 and where they are in their journey. In other words, you can't have a destination that's unique
08:19 and have a path that looks like everyone else's.
08:24 So, when you're called,
08:27 there are going to be times where God adds to you,
08:32 but then they're going to be times where God subtracts from you to keep you mobile.
08:42 Let me say it again. They're going to be times when you're called where God adds to you,
08:47 but then they're going to be times where God withholds from you, so he can keep you mobile.
08:53 It's crazy because Abraham, when he's in his father's house, he's in a place where everybody has children, but him.
09:03 His siblings have children. In fact, he's at an age around 75 where even his nephews and his nieces,
09:11 their children have children. Are you all hearing what I'm saying?
09:15 But can I suggest that I don't want to throw it out as a fact that even God withholding children from Abraham
09:23 is a part of God's providential leading in his life. So, question,
09:32 God calls Abraham at about 75 out of his father's house.
09:37 He calls him to live as a nomad and a sojourner en route to a land that God has not even identified.
09:47 But my question for us to consider today is that God withheld children from Abraham to test him,
09:56 or did he withhold children to keep Abraham mobile? In other words,
10:03 was God trying to keep him from the same mistake that his father had made of settling
10:11 and colonizing in a land that was not a part of his ultimate destination?
10:18 In other words, was God keeping children from him, or was He just trying to give him the dexterity
10:26 and the freedom to follow God's ultimate path that God had for him? You notice that he was sent to Canaan, Abraham,
10:35 Sarai and Lot were relatively unattached people. In other words,
10:42 was God withholding kids or was He saving them for the right season?
10:48 I need you to think through this with me. Look at Abraham's journey after he left his father's house.
10:55 Read in Genesis chapter 12, "That after they left the land of Ur, that when they went into Canaan,
11:03 the Bible says a severe famine came upon the land, and because of the famine,
11:09 they had to go down to the land of Egypt where there was such threat that Abraham had to pretend that Sarai was his sister.
11:19 If Sarai had four or five kids, then guess what? Abraham would have been in a whole lot of trouble.
11:25 Even when they get back to Canaan, Abraham has to go to war with those that overtook Lot and all of his descendants.
11:35 What I'm wondering today, was God trying to preserve Abraham? Because if they had children and grandchildren,
11:44 there in the land of Haran, they would have been so attached
11:47 and so settled that their emotions would have been in conflict with their calling.
11:54 In other words, God had to keep him light. He had to keep him portable.
11:59 He had to make sure that he had the tools and the freedom to operate in the plan that God had for him.
12:06 In other words, maybe God knew that Abraham was going to face so much danger that the danger will keep him from leaving,
12:16 or the danger would cause him to go right back to where God had delivered him from.
12:22 Are you all hearing what I'm saying today friends?
12:24 See, I need somebody to understand that there are things that God has in store for you,
12:29 but God has it ordained for a certain season. There are certain things that God has not provided
12:35 because He wants you to have the mobility to go wherever it is that he sends. You're all not acting crazy,
12:43 or not acting right. In other words, there's a reason you haven't found a beau before you graduated.
12:50 In other words, God wanted to keep you for the one you meet your senior year in college.
12:56 You all are not here with me today. There was a reason you didn't get into that program
13:01 because God wanted to free you to get into the ordained program.
13:06 There was a reason that clique of friends didn't accept you
13:11 because God wanted to keep you free for the ones that will be partners with you into eternity.
13:17 There was a reason you didn't get that job because God wanted to preserve you to start your own business.
13:24 There is somebody that doesn't know how to interpret a termination. You thought they were firing you,
13:30 but God was freeing you to start the franchise that will turn the world upside down for His glory.
13:38 [ Congregation: Applauding]
13:39 So, I need somebody to know that when your steps have been ordered by God,
13:45 he's got an ordained time when you all meet the right friends.
13:49 He's got an ordained time when you all come to understand your calling.
13:53 There's an ordained time when you'll meet the right spouse.
13:56 There is an ordained time when you'll begin your missionary pursuits,
14:00 but you've got to have enough mobility to move into what God has for you. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
14:09 It's crazy, man. Every now and then as we are traveling and marching through the airport, there are times the night before,
14:16 I'll tell my kids to make sure that you all charged up your devices. Charged up your iPad,
14:20 but when we were marching through the airport, especially for my youngest, you know what I have to do?
14:27 I have to take the iPad from him.
14:30 The reason I have to take the iPad from him is so that he can maintain a mobile posture.
14:36 Parents know what I'm talking about because I don't take it from him,
14:39 he's trying to look at the iPad while he's walking through the airport.
14:43 He's going to run into people trying to look at the iPad. He'll leave his luggage behind looking at the iPad.
14:49 There are times where he thinks I'm mad because I'm taking the iPad away. No, I'm the one that bought the iPad.
14:56 I'm the one that told you to charge the iPad. I just have to keep it in my bag so that you don't get distracted,
15:03 so that you don't crash into somebody else, so that you don't leave it behind,
15:07 but I'm going to give it to you when you get settled in your seat.
15:10 [ Congregation: Yes]
15:12 Is there anybody that knows that God has some blessings that He preserved for you,
15:18 but He's got to tuck them away so you don't get distracted. You don't get sidetracked.
15:24 He just wants you to get settled so that He can give what was the purpose for you to have.
15:30 Are you all hearing me today?
15:31 [ Congregation: Yes]
15:33 Third thing I need you to understand about being called is this.
15:36 That God calls ordinary people. Now, the reason we have a hard time accepting this is
15:48 because we put the people in the scripture on a plane that is almost inhuman. We're Adventists,
15:56 but we met like Catholics, we venerate the saints, and we put them in a sphear that is beyond even what the Bible says
16:05 because we won't embrace the principle that God uses Ordinary People.
16:10 It's crazy because nobody personifies this more than Abraham.
16:16 One of the things that strikes me about Abraham is how amazingly unspectacular he is.
16:24 That Abraham has no obvious superpower,
16:28 which would commend him as the reason that God chose him to be the father of a Nation.
16:33 He has no outright gift that sets him apart.
16:35 In other words, Abraham is not described as being good looking like Joseph. He does not interpret dreams like Daniel.
16:43 He is not as strong as Samson. He is not as courageous as David. He does not do healing like Paul.
16:52 I need you to know the only thing that Abraham has going for him is that Abraham is willing.
17:02 Oh God. In other words, Abraham is willing to leave without knowing all the details.
17:07 Abraham is willing to follow hard instructions. Abraham is willing to leave the places of safety and comfort.
17:17 I need somebody to know that God's greatest trait in a man is not giftedness. It's willingness.
17:27 See, God doesn't just always come to gifted people. God lays His hands on the willing people.
17:36 You may feel a little bit behind because your GPA might not be where some are,
17:41 or your athletic prowess may not be as advanced as some, or maybe your body has not developed in the same way others have,
17:48 but I need you to know that God is not looking at your giftedness.
17:52 Your success is going to be connected to your willingness.
17:57 You see, man? To think about Abraham, man, he is old, but he is willing.
18:01 He'll have integrity, but he is willing. Man, he doesn't have kids,
18:06 but he is willing. But I need you to know that God will apply His power wherever there is a willing vessel.
18:14 Are you all hearing the pastor today? Listen, I'm almost done. Let me give you one verse, then I'm going to take my seat.
18:19 Second Corinthians, chapter 12 and verse number 9. Can we look at one verse?
18:28 I'm going to need you to understand God's metric, second Corinthians, chapter 12 and verse number 9.
18:36 When you get there, let me hear you say, "Amen."
18:39 Second Corinthians 12 and verse 9. This is the formula, second Corinthians 12, and verse number 9. Are you with me?
18:52 So, the word literally says to us, in verse 8, "God is able to make all grace abound toward you,
18:59 that always having sufficiency in all things that they may have abundance for every good work.
19:05 As it is written, he has dispersed abroad. He has given the poor His righteousness endures forever."
19:12 One more text I want you to look at quickly. Go to First Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 26.
19:22 When you get there, let me hear you say, "Amen." First Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 26, "For you see your calling,
19:35 brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh. Not many mighty, not many noble or what,
19:42 but God has chosen the foolish things of this world to put to shame to wise,
19:50 and God has chosen the weak things of the world, to put to shame the things that are mighty.
19:56 The base things of this world, the things that are despised, God has chosen.
20:00 That the things which are not, will bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.
20:12 How many of us know that God then calls, who do you think He would call? See, the reason that man, Samuel,
20:23 that Jesse was all messed up because God doesn't see like man sees. Man looks on the outward appearance,
20:32 but can anybody that's less than that doesn't have the pedigree, that doesn't have the right last name,
20:39 that doesn't come from the right part of town, can you praise God that even though man looks on the outward appearance,
20:46 can you give God a praise that he looks beyond the outside and he sees your heart?
20:55 [ Congregation: Applauding]
20:58 See, we say, God looks beyond your faults. No, God is looking for your faults.
21:08 That's not the Bible says that His strength is made perfect in weakness.
21:16 So God, literally allows His glory to settle in the areas where you are afraid,
21:23 where you feel like you're not enough. What God does is He attaches His glory to the places where you feel less able.
21:35 So, there are some of us that feel like we're not able to go to school, or able to go to the military.
21:40 We feel like we're not able to handle the rigor. We feel like we're not able to handle the pressure.
21:45 We feel like we're not able to handle the particular gamut that is in front of us.
21:50 I need you to know, "Ah, thank you, Jesus," that if you feel like you're not able,
21:57 then God has you right where He wants you.
22:02 Anybody ever felt like, "I'm not able as a wife, as a husband, as a spouse, as a professional, where you felt like, man,
22:11 that you didn't have enough, where the inner critic inside of your soul was crying out,
22:16 and bringing to light everywhere you fall short.
22:20 I need you to understand this biblical immovable truth that where you can't, God can.
22:27 That feeling of helplessness is simply where you leverage your prayer life to a heavy dependence upon God.
22:35 That's where you got to get ready to see God, do the most work in your life.
22:44 [ Congregation: Applauding]
22:47 So, I need you to know that it is the anointing of God that makes up all of the difference,
22:53 and wherever you may seem to fall short academically, spiritually, professionally or socially,
22:59 God's strength is going to be applied to your weakness.
23:03 See, and that's why I want to encourage you to make sure that you are patient with yourself.
23:10 Give yourself time to develop. I need you to understand that you're not even a fraction of the man you're going to become.
23:21 That you're not even a tenth of the woman you are going to develop into.
23:26 I'm saying, that's why you are not making lasting judgments based upon where you are today
23:32 because you're going to assess it incorrectly because you feel like you are not enough.
23:38 Some of you have heard me say before, one of the things that I oftentimes do, and I don't cook a whole lot,
23:42 but, man, one of the things Pastor Snell can do, I can make some grits that will make you leave the church.
23:49 [ Congregation: Applauding]
23:51 You all are not hearing the pastor today. I mean, I ain't going to lie, if you don't eat these grits,
23:55 do not be down with the health message. I'm going to load it with butter and salt and cheese,
24:01 like hypertension is going to get the upper hand on you if you eat some of these grits.
24:07 Are you all hearing what I'm saying? But man, even though, Rashid, man, I know how to make them taste good,
24:12 one of the things I struggle with is cooking the right amount. I always cook too many grits when I make it.
24:21 There's always leftovers and some that get thrown away. The reason I often make too much is
24:26 because when I have a big pot and I put one little cup in the grits,
24:32 it seems like it's not going to be enough for everybody.
24:37 But what I often forget is that grits have multiplication capacity so that when you add water and you add heat,
24:49 that little bit of cup begins to fill up the whole pot. I need to know does anybody have a grits anointing over your life
24:59 [ Congregation: Applauding]
25:01 You may not feel like a whole lot, but when God adds living water and He adds the heat of trial,
25:08 He begins to multiply you, grow you, stretch you, so that you may start looking like not enough,
25:18 but by the time he's done you're more than enough. That's why John says, "It does not yet appear what we shall be,
25:27 but when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, and see Him like He is because God got some Quaker Grits anointing.
25:38 That is putting all over your life to help you become who God has called you to be.
25:48 So, I need somebody to know that nothing in your life is an accident.
25:52 That the folk that left your life is not an accident. The school you didn't get in was not an accident.
25:59 The folk that won't be friends with you is not an accident,
26:03 but God is just keeping you mobile so that you can keep moving to the purpose
26:11 and the plan and the call that God has for your life.
26:16 [ Congregation: Applauding]
28:08 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:31 [END]


Revised 2023-09-08