Breath of Life

Role Play Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000086S

00:05 Sermon #S045 - Role Play (Part 1)
00:19 Snell: Let's get into it today. This month, each Sabbath, we are kind of talking under the subject God is,
00:29 and last week, Dr. Doggett did a tremendous job on talking about how God is a deliverer,
00:37 and this week spend some time this communion Sabbath, talking about the fact that God is a redeemer.
00:44 What do you say? And one of the things I want to say church that we can never do,
00:49 is we can never allow ourselves to stop being amazed by grace.
00:57 We should never get used to his long suffering.
01:00 It ought to be the foundation of constant celebration amongst the people of God.
01:04 Can you say amen? I invite you to go with me in your bibles to the book of Hosea chapter 1, Hosea chapter 1,
01:14 and we'll begin together at verse number 1, and I'm going to invite all of our digital disciples online.
01:19 Apostles, all of those who are electronic evangelists. If you don't mind sharing, if you're on Facebook, copying the link,
01:26 if you're on YouTube and sending it to somebody.
01:28 Hosea chapter 1, and I want you to put your finger over in Hosea chapter 3 as well as we talk today.
01:35 Hosea chapter 1 over there in the Old Testament, Hosea chapter 1. When you get there, let me hear you say Amen.
01:41 [Congregation: Amen]
01:43 Hosea chapter 1 and verse number 1. A very interesting way that God gets his message across to his people.
01:51 Hosea chapter 1 and verse 1, when you get there, say, pastor, I'm there.
01:55 [Congregation: Pastor I'm there]
01:57 The Bible says the word of the Lord that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz
02:05 and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, the King of Israel,
02:12 and check out how God tells Hosea to preach this sermon. He says, when the Lord began to speak by Hosea,
02:22 the Lord said to Hosea, go take yourself a wife of harlotry and children of harlotry.
02:33 Why? For the land has committed great harlotry by departing from the Lord.
02:41 He went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.
02:48 Now skip over to chapter 3 and verse 1. The Bible says, then the Lord said to me,
02:53 go again and love a woman who is loved by a lover and is continuing adultery,
03:00 just like the love of the Lord for the children of Israel, who looked to other gods
03:08 and loved the raisin cakes of the pagans, so I brought her for myself for fifteen shekels of silver
03:15 and 1 half homers of barley, and I said to her, you shall stay with me many days.
03:21 You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man, so too will I be toward you.
03:27 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar,
03:35 without ephod or teraphim, and afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God
03:44 and David their king, and they shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter day.
03:53 Today, saints, I want to just spend a little while talking to you under the subject Role Play
04:00 Role play. Let's pray together.
04:02 Father, in this little while, would you please say much. Father, would you let strong
04:11 and heavy anointing rest upon this message today.
04:15 Would you please hide me in the shadows of the cross that Jesus alone might be seen,
04:20 that Christ alone would be heard, and at the end of our time together, may Jesus alone be praised.
04:27 Bless us to this end we ask in the wonderful name of Jesus, let those who believe say together. Amen.
04:34 [Congregation: Amen]
04:36 Amen. You may be seated in the house of the Lord. Again talking under the subject today,
04:39 role play. Role play. In our text friends,
04:45 we find God choosing a very extreme demonstration to communicate his love for the people of Judah and Israel.
04:59 Hosea in this text is not just permitted to preach judgments and rebukes.
05:06 He is required in this text to make himself a spectacle and a very rare form of role play,
05:15 but to be clear, this role play is not just about Hosea's goodness,
05:20 it's actually more about how deceived the people actually are.
05:26 You see the issue here is not just that the people are in great rebellion,
05:31 the issue is that the people are under strong deception. You see Hosea prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah,
05:40 Ahaz, Jotham and Hezekiah, kings of Judah and Jeroboam the king of Israel, and note that during the reigns of these kings,
05:51 there is a relative prosperity in the land. They have not been carried away by foreigners.
05:58 They have military victories against their enemies, and there is a financial strength that sets them apart,
06:07 and even though they in engage in idolatry, no plagues have yet to befall them,
06:15 and instead of seeing God's faithfulness as mercy, they see it as an endorsement of their sin,
06:25 and see a part of their problem is that they don't measure God's displeasure by the word,
06:32 they look for judgments as a sign that God is upset,
06:37 and as a result they create a dynamic that won't allow them to repent according to the word,
06:45 they'll only repent when calamity comes upon them.
06:49 You see, for most of Hosea's ministry, Judah especially is in a position of strength. There is a peace in the valley,
06:58 there is a calm on the horizon which causes them to falsely assess their condition. In other words,
07:06 they come to the conclusion that because everything is okay, then everything must be okay,
07:14 and in many ways saints, we adopt the same posture. You see, the immature will not repent at the word.
07:23 We will only evaluate our lives when calamity comes.
07:28 You see, this is referred to as what the Bible talks about, the provoking or the testing of the Lord.
07:35 It is when we will not correct ourselves according to the word.
07:40 It is where we almost dare God to correct us by judgment or sanction
07:46 and the reason saints that you ought not think this way and use circumstance to evaluate God's pleasure or displeasure,
07:55 is because God's goodness will never reflect your goodness. Are y'all hearing me today?
08:01 Is there anybody that understands that God's goodness is better than we deserve,
08:07 and even his chastisement is not as bad as what we deserve. It is why Psalm 103
08:15 and verse 10 says that God has not dealt with us according to our sin
08:20 and he's not punished us according to our iniquity, and he says, as the heaven is higher than the earth,
08:28 so great is God's mercy toward those who fear him, and I need somebody to understand that God is not petty
08:37 and he doesn't go tit for tat with his children.
08:41 In other words, I need somebody to get that God provides even when you don't give. Y'all mighty quiet today.
08:48 That God watches over the house that you are shacking up in,
08:53 that God protects even when you don't pray, that God promotes even
08:58 before you begin praising that God kept syphilis off of you, HIV off of you, bullets from hitting you.
09:07 Can anybody testify that when we were stuck on stupid, that the hedge of God was still in camp,
09:14 that the angel of God was with us in our coming and our going,
09:19 and I'm just thankful that God doesn't treat me like I deserve, but he is long suffering even in our foolishness.
09:29 Are you hearing me today? But please friends, don't get it twisted. Don't confuse the room that God gives you to repent,
09:39 to assume that there is no need to repent. In other words friends, I need you to get that our trifling,
09:46 this in the midst of God's goodness actually testifies against our character.
09:53 In other words, when you can't respond to mercy and you can't respond to grace,
09:59 and you can't respond to long suffering, you are announcing to God that the only way you can reach me is calamity.
10:07 Let me say it again. That when you can't respond to goodness, and you can't respond to grace, you are saying, God,
10:14 the only way you can reach me is catastrophe, and the truth is, y'all not going to say amen for the pastor today,
10:22 but the truth is that we remain prayerless as long as we are problemless, oh, let me preach it to this side.
10:33 As long as we are problemless, we remain prayerless.
10:37 In fact, the truth is that the consistency of our prayer life is going to reflect the consistency of our problems.
10:45 That the intensity of our prayer life is going to reflect the intensity of our problems,
10:51 and I know some of y'all are saying, pastor, I pray over my food at dinnertime, I pray before I get in the bed.
10:58 You might walk down to the alter and close your eyes until the pastor says amen, but the truth is that we don't get
11:06 between the ports and the altar. We don't begin calling on the name of God for ourselves.
11:12 We won't stay up in the midnight hour until God gives us an issue that we can't manage by ourselves, and it's crazy
11:22 because there are times where we get mad at the problems, but the truth is, it's the problems that make you prayerful,
11:30 and it's crazy because there was a time where I used to be mad at the problems,
11:34 but I get to a place now where I thank God for the problems that chase me to the savior.
11:41 Let me say it this way, I remember just a couple weeks ago I was traveling and I was in a hotel
11:49 and before I leave, I am in search of my cell phone, Avery, and so man I can't find it anywhere where I look.
11:56 I look on top of the dresser and I look on top of the bed, and I look on top of the couch
12:02 and I cannot find the cell phone anywhere, and see,
12:06 one of the things I have is I have sometimes a pinched nerve in my back,
12:11 and whenever it begins to get irritated, there are a series of stretches I have to do.
12:17 In my search for the phone, my back gets irritated, and so I begin to do my stretches,
12:22 and one of the stretches requires me to get down on the floor, and when I get down on the floor,
12:29 I look underneath the couch and I see where the phone had slipped between the cracks,
12:36 and it was only because I was on my face that I could find what I was looking for.
12:43 Y'all didn't get it. It was the pain that put me on my face to help me find what I was looking for.
12:50 Y'all not here yet.
12:52 In other words, sometimes there's got to be a pain that puts you on your face,
12:57 so that you can find what you stand in need of. Are y'all hearing me today friends?
13:04 And so remember now I shared with you what undergirds their rebellion is their deception, somebody say deception.
13:14 [Congregation: Deception]
13:16 See, the problem with Israel and Judah at this time is they think we are okay. ]
13:22 They feel like we are members in good in regular standing. They have not completely abandoned or substituted God.
13:31 What they've done is supplemented God with idols, and so God says to Hosea, listen,
13:39 your normal sermons ain't going to reach this group right here. In other words,
13:45 we got to do something a little different to reach this particular group of people.
13:50 In other words, if you start preaching judgments and rebukes,
13:55 their deception is going to make them think this sermon ain't for us.
13:59 It must apply to somebody else, so you can't preach this from a pulpit or from a lectern,
14:07 I need you to get down Hosea with a little bit of role play. God says to Hosea... are y'all still with the pastor today?
14:16 He says, you going to preach this sermon different than any other one you've ever preached,
14:21 so he says, Hosea, go down to the red light district, and there I want you to find a working girl,
14:32 and I don't just want you to get one of those new girls to the group,
14:36 I want you to find the one that everybody then been with.
14:40 I want you to find that doorknob girl, the one where everybody gets a turn.
14:46 I want you to get the one that attracts the men and threatens the women,
14:54 and I want you to marry her. I want you to start a family with her, and I need you to know Hosea,
15:01 that after you marry her, she's going to go back into the streets, and when she goes, I want you to go
15:08 and purchase and bring her back. Now again, friends of mine, we look at this text and we say, poor Hosea,
15:17 but I need you to get that this is not about Hosea's inconvenience, it's about the people's salvation.
15:25 In other words, what God is doing is he's creating a formula for which they will be able to hear the gospel.
15:33 In other words saints, I need y'all to get how absurd this is,
15:38 that you got Hosea who is a priest and a prophet walking around arm in arm with a prostitute.
15:48 Okay, y'all not with me. I need you to get how absurd this is. Let's just say for some strange reason that somehow I
15:55 become single, and here I am the pastor of Oakwood, the director of Breath Of Life,
16:01 and before you know it, you get an invitation in the mail that says, I'm getting married to Lil Kim.
16:10 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying now?
16:12 Now Saint, I need y'all to get man like the stir that this creates in the nation. When they get this wedding invitation,
16:22 and they see the prophet with Megan Thee Stallion and that they are about to get married,
16:27 I need you to know that they decide that we going to have a have a town hall meeting.
16:32 We going to have to set the prophet straight. We cannot let this go down in the name of Jehovah.
16:39 In other words, we got to have a meeting where he's going to have to answer for himself.
16:44 He's going to have to give an account for how it is that he can allow the name of Israel to be disrupted,
16:51 and destroyed in this way,
16:53 and the thing that's got them upset is that they believe that this marriage is going to give fodder to the enemies of God.
17:00 That the marriage is going to invoke the anger of God, and so they want to bring Hosea
17:06 and Gomer so that they can keep this thing from happening, and so as all the men and the women enter into the court,
17:16 what they don't realize is that God has created an opportunity for Hosea to have their undivided attention.
17:27 It's crazy because some come with stones in their hands, because Leviticus 21 in verse 6,
17:34 says that a priest in his time was not to marry a divorced woman, a harlot or a defiled woman,
17:42 and this breaking of the law had to have consequences,
17:46 and it's crazy because I can see them coming in with their phylacteries
17:50 and their garments of outward religious expression, and they've got stones in their hand ready to condemn Gomer,
17:58 ready to separate him from Gomer, ready to kind of indict Gomer.
18:02 Guess what happens to their surprise when the first word of Hosea sermon is, y'all are Gomer.
18:14 He says, and the way y'all want to treat her is the way that God should be treating us,
18:26 and and he gets the sermon real good when he says that her harloteries are simply a symbol of our departing from the Lord.
18:38 Are y'all hearing me today? And it's crazy because when you look at this text,
18:43 it teaches us 2 brief things about grace. See, the first thing it teaches us, number 1 is that God's grace is informed.
18:53 See again, Hosea's marriage to Gomer is a symbol of God's love for his children. Y'all still with me today church,
19:01 and see a part of this thing is that maybe there's some in the camp that's like, "We we got a man warn Hosea,
19:07 maybe Hosea has gotten deceived. Maybe Hosea doesn't know exactly who she is."
19:13 So a part of their objective before they stone her is they've got to put her on blast.
19:18 They've got to out her so that he knows who she is.
19:22 He's got to inform Hosea of the type of woman that she is about to marry,
19:27 but understand that Hosea here is a symbol of Jesus Christ, and so when they come with all of their allegations
19:36 and they list all of her wrong, they are completely thrown off when Hosea is like,
19:41 "I knew all of that about her even before I went and pursued her."
19:47 In other words, Hosea's got to stand up before the church and say, "I know how many tricks she's done.
19:52 She's told me the number of her body count. I know how many lap dances she's given.
19:58 I know how many times she's run around the block, and guess what? I still want her."
20:09 Okay, and see the reason y'all ain't shouting yet is because of dissociation.
20:16 You still think this sermon is about Hosea and Gomer? No, no, no. We passed that now.
20:24 This ain't about Hosea and Gomer at this point. You ought to be seeing yourself and God.
20:31 See, this is what makes grace so amazing that it is not an ignorant pursuit.
20:41 It is an informed pursuit where God says, I know everything about you and I still pursue. Where y'all at today?
20:52 In other words, God is saying, I know what you watch online.
20:56 I know how you fake in church. I know how you treat your kids.
21:01 I know how you creep in the midnight hour. I know everything you've ever done, and guess what?
21:08 I still want to call you by my name
21:15 and see I need you to get that grace is a pursuit that is based upon want not obligation,
21:25 and see the reason that some of us don't rejoice over the power of grace,
21:28 is because we see grace as a theological obligation, as opposed to a relational pursuit.
21:36 Do you realize that Jesus was not obligated to the cross? This was a volunteer mission.
21:47 Do you realize that if God just allowed mankind to suffer the fate of eternal death, that is no indictment upon him.
21:59 If we die, it's no indictment upon God. That's just justice. The wages of sin is death.
22:07 Are y'all hearing me today friends? In other words, Jesus goes to the cross, not out of this theological obligation,
22:13 but there is a relational want that he sees you in me, created in his image, and he loves us so much that he says,
22:22 I will take their place, I'll be their substitute, and even though I don't have to.
22:31 See, the reason why some people still don't get it is
22:34 because some of us still see the plan of salvation as a contingency plan. Can I go deeper?
22:43 See, we still see the plan of salvation as an afterthought,
22:48 but doesn't Revelation 13: 8 refer to Jesus as the lamb of God slain from the foundation of the earth,
23:00 and so I need you to know that there is an epic truth at work. I need you to get that we see the plan of salvation
23:06 and the plan of creation as 2 separate plans, but I need you to know that creation is founded on the plan of salvation,
23:15 so that before he planned to create man, he already decided to redeem man.
23:22 It's crazy because there is an epic imagery in the creation order where man lies as an empty shell,
23:30 and when the first time Adam opens up his eyes, he is borrowing the breath of life in order to live,
23:38 and the first thing Adam learns is that in order for me to live, God has to give up his breath.
23:45 Oh, see, y'all still didn't miss it, because see I need you to know at the beginning,
23:49 God had to give up a breath for him to live at the cross, he had to give up his breath in order for man to be redeemed,
24:01 so God gave breath at creation and at redemption because redemption is sandwiches creation on both sides.
24:10 Are y'all hearing me today friends? And one of the things that causes me to rejoice is that he knows you,
24:23 and he still wants you. Oh, y'all acting brand new up in here today.
24:28 One of the testimonies in the Bible that I never quite understood was the woman by the well.
24:35 After Jesus talks to her, she leaves her water pot goes into the city, tells all the men,
24:41 come see a man who knows everything I ever done, and guess what?
24:46 The Bible says that they all came into the city to meet Jesus, and it didn't ever make sense to me because if you say,
24:52 come meet a man that knows everything I've ever done, I don't want to see that man.
24:59 I'm scared about what that man might say. Come on and say Amen,
25:03 but the reason the testimony was so powerful is that she is saying,
25:06 I know a man that knows everything I've ever done, but guess what?
25:11 He didn't use it against me. He didn't indict me, but he loved me regardless of it all, that Jesus still loves us,
25:22 and is there anybody grateful that in spite all of your grime and your dirt
25:27 and having to say I'm sorry over and over again, that Jesus still looks beyond our faults and sees our needs.
25:38 Thank you so much for joining us for the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
25:47 We hope and pray that you have been blessed by his powerful message " Role Play".
25:53 Join us next week for Part Two You don't want to miss it!
28:04 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:28 [END]


Revised 2023-09-14