Behold the Lamb Presents

Stress Management

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000093A

00:40 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb presents.
00:42 I'm Chris Shelton, your host, and I'm so thankful
00:46 that you have chosen to study with us today.
00:49 Today's topic is a special one.
00:51 It's one I think that many of us deal with.
00:54 In fact, if we deal with it too often,
00:56 it can bring about disease.
00:58 It can even bring about that. And that's stress management.
01:03 We're going to look past what the world says about it.
01:06 And we're going to look through many Bible passages
01:09 and see what God has,
01:11 what His prescription for our lives is.
01:14 And I pray that at the end of this message,
01:17 you will find peace,
01:19 a peace that passes all understanding,
01:22 no matter what storm you're going through,
01:24 no matter what valley you're walking through,
01:27 because God is the great physician.
01:29 We're going to go right into our message today
01:31 with Pastor Kenny, so stay tuned.
01:35 Welcome.
01:37 We're glad you joined us here today at Behold the Lamb.
01:39 You've heard all the information
01:40 we're gonna be talking about stress management today.
01:43 And at the end of the program we have Brother Richard Bland
01:46 and he's got some good information for you,
01:48 so you don't want to miss that.
01:49 So the message would be a little short today.
01:50 But Praise God, you know, when you keep our ears,
01:52 hearts and minds open,
01:54 that we may receive what God has for us.
01:56 Once again, before we begin the message we always do
01:59 what we do here, we pray again.
02:02 And so I'm going to kneel down here
02:03 and I'm going to pray,
02:04 those you'd like to pray with me please do so.
02:06 Let's pray.
02:09 Loving Father in heaven, again we thank You
02:11 for the privilege of serving You today,
02:13 we ask for Thy Holy Spirit,
02:14 we ask for power from on high that only You can give.
02:17 Lord, you know in my own heart and mind
02:19 I have nothing which good
02:21 which to give Thy people that through You,
02:23 through the Holy Spirit.
02:24 You'll be able to touch every heart and every life.
02:26 All those who view and those listening around the world
02:28 we pray richest blessing of heaven
02:30 upon each and every one.
02:32 Forgive me of my sins, my mistakes, anything
02:34 my heart and life that needs not be there.
02:36 Oh, Lord, I need to hear Your voice.
02:38 Bless us now, we pray to this in Jesus' name.
02:40 Amen.
02:45 We're doing something a little different,
02:46 we're doing some series on some subject
02:47 we think is very, very important,
02:49 you know, in the world today,
02:51 stress management, that may sound a little bit
02:53 you know like, we live in the hour,
02:55 last days of earth's history.
02:57 I believe with all my heart that Jesus is coming soon.
02:59 There's a lot of things we need to be learning,
03:01 we need to be going over.
03:02 But you know what?
03:04 We looking at a subject called stress,
03:06 stress management, it is like the blood pressure.
03:10 It's called what the silent killer.
03:13 Stress can kill you, it can break you down,
03:16 it can cause disease,
03:17 it can do everything you can think of imaginable
03:20 unless we're able by the grace of God
03:22 to manage the stress.
03:23 So if you're thinking today, well, I don't know
03:25 if I want to get into stress management or not.
03:27 Well, you'll spend about 35, 36 minutes
03:30 on stress management today based on the Word of God.
03:33 Now, you could go and do a lot of research
03:35 and you go and say,
03:36 "Man has said, this is the way you handle stress."
03:39 And many of those things are good.
03:41 But we're going to go to God's Word
03:43 because we know He doesn't make any mistakes.
03:45 And this is a way that we can really learn
03:47 to handle stress.
03:49 A little story here quickly I thought was interesting
03:51 'cause it just fit as I was reading it this week,
03:54 it says there's a churchgoer, anybody, churchgoer,
03:57 almost of us here we're here and so we're churchgoers.
04:01 They wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper,
04:04 they complained, it says it makes no sense.
04:08 Now some of you, no, none of here would do this.
04:10 It absolutely said it makes no sense
04:12 to go to church every week.
04:15 There's a lot of people who feel that way
04:16 but they go anyway just for show.
04:18 And there's no sense to go to church every week.
04:21 He said, here's why because I've gone for 30 years.
04:24 And they said, that's a long, long time.
04:28 I've heard at least 3,000 sermons
04:32 but for the life amazed
04:33 that I can't remember a single one.
04:36 So why should I be. Why should I be going?
04:38 I'm wasting my time and you preaching pastors,
04:41 you're wasting your time
04:43 because if I can't remember, then what good is it?
04:46 Well, this started
04:47 real controversy and a real problem,
04:49 you know, because other people want newspaper column,
04:51 nowadays we want to write back in,
04:53 we want to respond to that.
04:55 And so for weeks it went on with the editor
04:58 and people responding to it and until one man wrote one,
05:02 he wrote a list of little and response to this.
05:04 He said, you know what?
05:05 He said, I've been,
05:06 I've been married for 30 years now.
05:10 And then during that time
05:12 my wife has cooked at least 32,000 meals for me.
05:17 That's a lot of meals. Now, ain't that, ladies?
05:18 About 30 years, you take 32,000 meals,
05:22 he bet for the life of me.
05:24 He said, I cannot recall one single menu
05:31 but I just can't remember
05:32 what the menu was for those meals.
05:34 But you know what?
05:36 I found out that I needed that strength,
05:39 I needed that help,
05:40 I needed that nourishment that it gave to me.
05:45 If it had not been for my wife and those meals,
05:48 I would have starved to death.
05:50 Very interesting.
05:52 And you know what?
05:55 There was no more comments,
05:56 there was no more writing into the newspaper
05:58 because people got the point because it gave me what?
06:03 Nourishment and it gave me strength
06:05 when I went to church and when I heard the message
06:08 and that's what it should do for us today.
06:10 So even the message stress management,
06:13 we pray it would be a blessing.
06:15 We live in a world, do we not believe church,
06:17 we live in a world that is stressed out,
06:21 I mean, stretched to the max, everybody that you talk,
06:25 I haven't talked to anyone yet that says,
06:28 I'm not stressed, for something, for somehow,
06:31 some area of their life they're stressed,
06:33 they're not maybe highly stressed.
06:35 My mom used to say to me when I was young, kid,
06:37 you hear off a high strum.
06:39 Anybody ever hear that at home?
06:42 We're always wiggling, always going, always doing
06:44 but your high, high strum things
06:46 affect you differently.
06:48 And so we live in a world where things affect people
06:51 and they act those things out, things that they see,
06:55 things that they're around, they act them out in life.
06:57 So there's stress where?
06:59 There's stress in the home,
07:01 there's stressed in the marriage,
07:03 there is stressed about finances
07:04 or stress about world problems,
07:06 there is stress about money issue,
07:08 anything that goes on in this world
07:11 that confronts us there is stress about it.
07:14 There is stress when you go to build
07:16 something at the house.
07:17 There is stress if I'm going to pay for it.
07:18 Where's the lumber going to come from?
07:20 How am I going to do it?
07:21 I'm not sure how to do this thing.
07:23 There's stress about I want to make sure
07:25 I'm dressed like everybody else.
07:27 Well, that's always forget that business with me,
07:30 always been my own, you know.
07:32 But some people they want to be in the,
07:34 you know, they know, they want to be in the,
07:36 we look like the rest of the world,
07:38 we dress like them.
07:40 So I find there is stress in the very young,
07:43 there is stress in the old
07:44 and there is stress in those who are in between.
07:47 So maybe you are in between
07:49 but you have some areas of life that may be stressed you.
07:52 And every day there seems to be more pressure
07:55 that's put upon us.
07:56 If we're not careful,
07:58 blood pressure will take us all the way down.
08:01 And that strum we have every day,
08:03 we just need to be praying,
08:05 God help me just to make it through this day.
08:08 This has been a stressful day I've ever been.
08:10 It's been most stressful day of my life.
08:12 I just wanted to give up.
08:15 I didn't want to go on anymore.
08:16 Why go on if every day is going to be like this?
08:20 Surely, there's something better.
08:22 Surely, there's a plan.
08:24 If every day I have to wake up till I die
08:26 and go through this mess.
08:27 Is somebody with me today?
08:29 This is, if I have to go through this kind of stuff,
08:32 I just don't want to do it anymore.
08:34 And many people take their life
08:36 because they refused to go through it.
08:39 My question to you, is this God's plan?
08:42 Is this what God wants from us
08:45 or is the enemy may be doing his very, very best
08:49 to destroy everyone on this planet?
08:56 You know, the kids sometimes they go to daycare,
08:58 they do whatever, they go to school
08:59 and there is little stress because when they go home,
09:02 they either have to look out,
09:04 they have to have a little smiley face on their...
09:06 Printed on their hand here
09:08 or maybe a frown that means well, they've been good or bad.
09:11 That might determine where they get a little more
09:13 than stress when they get home.
09:16 But you see, that is stress.
09:18 See, we, I was stressed.
09:20 You know, we went to school many times
09:22 because in shop class,
09:23 I'll give you an example in shop class,
09:25 every Friday you watched a movie
09:27 on how to build something.
09:29 And then as soon as that film was over with,
09:32 you had a quiz and the shop teacher loved it
09:36 because he was a shop teacher.
09:37 And it was,
09:39 so he loved to have him a paddle just about this,
09:42 like this, it looked like to me,
09:43 but was bigger than him.
09:45 His name was Mr. Barton.
09:47 And so he loved it.
09:49 So if you missed or rather two or three,
09:50 everyone you missed.
09:52 10 questions there. One you missed.
09:54 You got a swat.
09:55 Well, that right there make you forget
09:57 what you just saw.
09:59 And there was some boy, one his name was S,
10:02 it ended with S like mine did
10:03 and so he was my buddy at my table,
10:05 he got so every Friday he got him paddling
10:08 because he was stressed as soon as he find
10:10 now it's Friday, oh, no,
10:13 he could not concentrate on what he was watching,
10:16 he could not listen because he was stressed,
10:18 because he knew he'd forget and he missed
10:20 more than he should and he was going to get this,
10:22 I want to say a four foot paddle,
10:25 I'm sure it wasn't the man it looked like it.
10:27 And I mean it just really who is to pop,
10:29 I was close by
10:31 because the teacher like to whip you
10:32 at your little shop desk.
10:34 So the boy was always beside me,
10:35 so I heard the wind of that thing.
10:38 I was thankful through the year
10:40 I never got one swat because you know what?
10:42 Stress for me was, you better pay attention boy,
10:45 you better listen here if you don't want this.
10:48 So get the things right.
10:49 So there's stress no one,
10:51 I'm sure no one here just denies it.
10:53 No one denies that the stress doesn't exist.
10:58 Everyone certainly says I know that it does,
11:01 and it's worldwide.
11:03 But does God have a plan to deal with it.
11:06 Again, we could look
11:07 at a lot of different areas of the world and say,
11:09 this is what the man of the world say about stress.
11:13 This is what we're supposed to do,
11:14 and some of them would be very good.
11:17 Well, remember when man says it,
11:18 it must harmonize with what God says in His Word
11:21 or throw it out.
11:22 Does it make sense?
11:25 Because man is not above the Word of God.
11:27 man is not, God made us and He knows what stresses is
11:31 and He also knows what can help us
11:33 in our daily life.
11:34 He knows what can help us.
11:36 So you know you, you may be surprised at some of the,
11:39 some of the answers that we get from God's Word.
11:41 I kind of doubt it, if you're a Bible believer
11:44 and a Bible reader, you'll understand this.
11:47 So notice this we know number one,
11:49 we know this for a fact.
11:51 Stress destroys the physical,
11:55 and the mental, and the spiritual.
11:59 Did you get it?
12:00 It destroys us even spiritually.
12:03 Stress can do that, the body.
12:06 So this is why the enemy,
12:07 I believe, is working very hard in this area.
12:11 Again, a lot of facts could be given
12:13 about the soul and the body,
12:15 and so on and so forth and mind.
12:17 But I believe that most of us understand this
12:19 and we need to,
12:20 I'm looking for answers not looking for a lot of hola
12:23 but you know, I'm looking for some answers
12:25 from God's Word to say,
12:27 this is how you deal with stress.
12:30 This is how.
12:31 See, there was a time in my life
12:33 when I first started in ministry,
12:35 that preaching a message was very stressful.
12:39 My knees would smoke one against the other,
12:42 I become tongue tied,
12:44 I'd begin to stutter and stammer,
12:45 I probably do all those things now,
12:47 I just don't realize I dance along.
12:50 But you see it caused stress and I always thought
12:52 it was supposed to be a blessing.
12:54 You know, when you bring a message or teach a class.
12:57 When the time comes as God you work along with God
13:00 and you're promised the Holy Spirit to help,
13:02 to lead and guide and direct that gives you some comfort,
13:06 not that you're, it's ever easy but there's comfort to know
13:09 in God's Word as you have done your part,
13:11 he says I will help you do your part, I'll help you.
13:14 We have to do our part.
13:16 So we have problems.
13:17 Where do we go first?
13:19 Do we go to, listen, church where do we go?
13:20 Do we go to man first or do we go to God?
13:24 Most everybody goes to man first and tries his way.
13:26 It doesn't work, then he comes back and says,
13:28 well, let's try God's way
13:30 that man all the disappointments
13:31 that he goes through,
13:33 all the heartache that he goes through
13:34 because this man is supposed to help you,
13:36 this counselor is supposed to help you
13:38 and maybe they can and maybe they do
13:40 and some of the stuff is good but listen closely,
13:43 God never makes mistakes,
13:45 every, and I want to put this way, every command
13:48 or piece of advice that He gives is excellent,
13:51 is absolutely excellent.
13:52 And if we will apply that,
13:54 we will find our life will change.
13:57 Hey, stress ages you.
14:00 Somebody is now with me?
14:02 I can't jump over the pew anymore like I used to,
14:04 I think there's some stress may there.
14:10 And I'm not going to try.
14:11 So don't anybody asked me to try.
14:14 So we seek God first,
14:15 we seek answers from the Word of God first
14:18 and then you know what,
14:19 then we'll put an end to this nightmare.
14:22 And it's almost like a disease called stress.
14:26 First of all, the word stress
14:28 if somebody finds it in the word, let me know,
14:31 I looked in the Word of God
14:33 and I looked and I looked and looked,
14:34 look in the concordance.
14:36 I never could find the word stress in the Bible.
14:38 Now, maybe some of you might,
14:40 if you do, let me know
14:41 because I mean, I want, I'm willing as truth comes in,
14:45 I'm willing to change and get up front and say,
14:46 you know what, I said this, but here's what the Word says,
14:48 God's given me better understanding.
14:50 There's nothing wrong with saying,
14:51 okay, now it's different than it used to be.
14:54 But I find the word distress,
14:57 it's in there a lot and I thought
14:59 what is the difference between the two?
15:01 Because we should define
15:03 and let's, let's make sure because we want stay,
15:05 you know, we want to stay on the same page together.
15:08 So, you know, you just go to the dictionary
15:10 aware of what you want to.
15:11 And you look, the word stress says this in the dictionary,
15:14 it says, it's a strain,
15:17 when you're strained every day activity
15:20 when you're strained or something
15:22 is not quite right.
15:23 There's, stress means
15:25 there's pressure, undue pressure,
15:28 you know, if you go to air up a tire
15:30 and you put the right amount of pressure in it, you're good,
15:33 but you put too much air, that tire becomes stressed,
15:37 does it not?
15:38 And you can blow that tire up.
15:40 And if it's under inflated, it will wear out quickly
15:42 and blow up and maybe come off the rim,
15:44 so you have an idea.
15:45 And also it means tension.
15:47 It's a force, it means urgency.
15:50 So people who are stressed feel an urgency,
15:53 they always feel urgency.
15:55 They want to...
15:56 It's kind of like
15:58 they're trying to work out everything for themselves
16:00 and they're not trying to.
16:01 But this is the way they're motivated
16:03 that they're going to work it all out rather than say,
16:05 God says,
16:06 I'll fight your battles for you.
16:08 I'm going to take care of you.
16:10 You are my child, love to give good gifts to you.
16:12 But you know, sometimes we forget that
16:15 we're trying to work it all out.
16:17 And so the word distress means this.
16:20 It means a suffering, it can mean a suffering.
16:23 Distress means anxiety.
16:26 Anything that distresses is what dictionary says,
16:31 I see something very similar in those words
16:35 because that has to do with pressure,
16:37 it has to do with suffering, it has to do with anxiety.
16:40 These are both words, do you get it?
16:41 Anything that caused a distress.
16:44 So if a person is going through any kind of a situation
16:48 that you're going through,
16:49 and I guarantee every person here is
16:51 or has went through these kind of conditions
16:54 that causes a strain on their life or relationship,
16:59 whatever it might be, even with God.
17:02 Anything that's causing tension,
17:05 anything that's causing anxiety,
17:07 anything that's causing pressure,
17:11 anything is causing stress, there needs to be an answer,
17:14 there needs to be a change take place.
17:17 Here's a good place to start.
17:19 It starts in the Word of God.
17:20 In the Book of Psalms, I love it.
17:22 Psalms 120:1.
17:25 Psalms 120:1, just simply says this,
17:29 "It's concise and it's to the point,
17:32 God just let you have it the right way."
17:34 Do you notice it? Notice what it says.
17:36 It says in life that David,
17:38 now you think David had any stress or distress.
17:41 Oh, wow, what a life.
17:44 King David, man the things
17:46 that he went through, the things
17:47 he created about himself and did and so on.
17:50 And the things that just beset him,
17:52 he had a stressful, very life,
17:54 many times he was very stressful,
17:56 but here's what he said,
17:58 "In my distress I cried unto the Lord."
18:02 Here is beautiful, wonderful advice,
18:05 when I become distressed, when the world seems like
18:09 they're against me, nothing's going my way.
18:12 Everything's fell apart, there is no hope,
18:15 there is nothing.
18:16 He said now when I went to that point,
18:18 I went rock bottom and I cried out,
18:21 when in my distress I cried out unto the Lord.
18:24 That's the first thing that you do
18:26 if you're stressed out as you cry what?
18:28 You cry unto the Lord. You know why?
18:30 Number one because He wants to help you.
18:32 He doesn't want to see you miserable.
18:34 He doesn't want to see you bite your nails to the quick.
18:37 Are you still with me?
18:38 He didn't want to see you to pulling your hair out
18:40 by the hands full.
18:41 He doesn't want to see you pacing up and down
18:43 and carrying on like, oh, boy, I tell you.
18:45 I don't know what I'm going to do.
18:47 That shows us maybe a lack of faith too
18:50 as we look at this thing called stress.
18:53 The Bible also says this, this is good.
18:55 And I put it right close
18:57 because the first thing I do in stress
18:58 is I call upon him
19:00 because I know he wants to help me.
19:02 Say, I'm not calling on somebody
19:03 that doesn't want to help me.
19:06 You know, my phone say they really don't care
19:09 whether I got up this morning or not,
19:11 but I'm calling on someone who really does care about me.
19:14 I'm calling for my Creator.
19:16 I'm calling upon my Redeemer, I'm calling upon my Sustainer,
19:19 I'm calling upon the one
19:21 who loves to give me good gifts,
19:22 the one who wants to take care of me,
19:24 one when I go down into the pit
19:26 He's there to help me out of that pit
19:27 and to clean me off
19:29 and set my feet on solid ground.
19:31 See that's what I'm looking for in my stressful situation.
19:34 And then I go back and I read the Bible,
19:36 it says this,
19:37 this goes back in the Book of Genesis 35:3.
19:42 Notice this, look what the Bible says here,
19:45 he said the question there was asked,
19:46 I think was Jacob was gone.
19:48 You think Jacob went through any kind of stress?
19:50 All kind of a mess, man running for his life,
19:52 all kind of stuff going on.
19:54 But interesting what he said in said,
19:56 "Who answered me in the day of my distress."
20:00 Jacob said in my day of distress,
20:02 God answered me.
20:05 In your day of distress or your stress,
20:08 God will answer you but you have to ask,
20:11 you have to know, you have to go to Him.
20:14 He wants to do this thing for you.
20:16 And certainly distressed,
20:18 in the Hebrew word distress means trouble.
20:23 Same thing we've been talking about here.
20:24 It means he said in my day of trouble
20:27 You were there.
20:28 In my day of adversity, You were there.
20:31 In my day of anguish, You were there.
20:33 Man, that's wonderful.
20:35 Think about that.
20:36 In my day of anguish
20:38 when I just think it's not going to work anymore.
20:42 And some of you have come maybe to that point
20:43 or been that way in your life.
20:45 It just not with tears flowing down your cheek.
20:48 With a heart that's broken,
20:50 it's just not going to work anymore.
20:53 But in that time, God says, I heard you.
20:56 God says I want to help you.
20:59 See we, I think all of us
21:00 since that we live in troublous times, do we not?
21:02 We live in troublous time.
21:04 So if you're looking for this little paradise,
21:06 I hear that's not going to be till Jesus comes.
21:09 Right now we are in a mess.
21:11 We're in a battle for our life.
21:13 There's no doubt about it.
21:16 We're going to be faced church, every individual,
21:20 whether you like it or they don't.
21:22 Whether you're Christian, I'm talking to you,
21:23 whether you're Christian, whether you're not,
21:24 this pertains to you.
21:26 This pertains to me, this pertains to everybody.
21:28 We're in troublous times, things are happening.
21:30 Different decisions have to be made.
21:32 But you know what?
21:33 When these decisions come and we're not sure
21:35 of what we need to do, we go to God in prayer.
21:37 Remember, He wants to help us.
21:40 But when these things happen and when I'm pressured
21:43 I have to remember, Kenny, don't get down
21:46 and don't bow down and don't shut down
21:49 and don't give up.
21:52 You see, we have to be reminded who's really in charge.
21:56 You think you're in charge, you're not.
21:59 There's a God in heaven, that's in charge.
22:01 And He wants to do and you know what?
22:03 I love it because He can do what He wants to do.
22:06 He can change anything He wants to change.
22:10 And here we are, we can't change anything.
22:12 We don't know the next second what's going to happen
22:14 and always rely on ourselves
22:15 and we learned that from years ago
22:18 the program called Father Knows Best.
22:21 You're not going to get it, some of the younger ones,
22:23 you're just not going to get it.
22:26 It's a pretty good title if you think about it,
22:28 and father should know what is best.
22:30 We know our heavenly Father knows what's best.
22:33 Many earthly fathers do not know what is best.
22:36 It has to be weighed with Scripture,
22:38 isn't that right?
22:39 So we're not to give up.
22:41 The Bible says good advice
22:43 in 2 Corinthians 4:8 tells us this.
22:47 And I think maybe I've been there,
22:48 maybe you have been there,
22:50 maybe you've been in this situation,
22:53 tells us that there's,
22:54 notice the Bible said there's trouble on what?
22:57 On every side.
22:58 2 Corinthians 4:8, we're moving quickly,
23:01 that's why pen and pencil, know papers is necessary,
23:04 so you can write them down and go study for yourself
23:06 because you know what?
23:08 This preacher won't mean to lie to you
23:09 or tell you an untruth but I check him out.
23:12 Every preacher say I'm telling you the truth.
23:14 Well, every preacher ain't telling you the truth.
23:16 Somebody's not
23:17 and they not maybe on purpose at all,
23:19 doesn't mean they're a bad person at all,
23:21 it simply mean they're not harmonizing with Scripture.
23:24 They're taking one verse
23:25 and trying to make a truth out of that,
23:27 you can't do that, you have to line upon line.
23:29 Here a little, there a little to find out what truth is.
23:31 But the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:8,
23:34 "There's trouble on every side, yet we're not," what?
23:38 "We're not distressed."
23:40 Trouble on every side, wars and rumors of wars every time
23:43 talking about nuclear explosion,
23:45 different things going on exchanging this.
23:47 And if you do this,
23:48 I guarantee you I'm going to do that.
23:50 That's troublous times.
23:52 They'll bring about an end rather quickly
23:54 if we're not careful.
23:55 I'm not distressed I looked at that word
23:57 I thought how interesting that is
23:59 that we're not distressed, it means I'm not cramped.
24:04 I don't like to be cramped.
24:06 I don't like to be cramped up in tight places either.
24:10 But the world sometime puts you in a tight place
24:14 that there's no wiggle room as well just seemed like
24:16 no way to get out of this mess,
24:18 I turned sideways and turn this way
24:20 and you get down,
24:22 you seem like you just can't get out.
24:23 Therefore we lose hope
24:26 but the Bible never says can you lose hope,
24:29 it always gives us hope
24:30 so it says you're not distressed,
24:33 you trouble on every side but you're not cramped.
24:37 Another word there it says you're not hemmed in.
24:40 You know, you don't like somebody to hem you in you,
24:42 you may be driving down the road,
24:43 you don't like to be hemmed in by two semi trucks
24:46 about this far from you.
24:48 You want to say, one of you guys go on.
24:51 I'm getting tight now.
24:53 I'm cramped up, I'm hemmed in.
24:57 But it says we know these things may happen.
25:00 We're not out, that verse goes on to say we are,
25:04 noticed this.
25:05 "We are perplexed, but not in despair."
25:10 Did you notice that?
25:11 This is talking stress.
25:15 Hemmed, distressed, cramped, but it says here,
25:19 we're perplexed.
25:20 I'm perplexed sometimes, I don't know about you
25:23 but I get perplexed sometime, concerned about things.
25:27 And a lot of times, things that I cannot change,
25:30 this helpless was stressed,
25:31 don't get stressed out on something you cannot change.
25:35 Then you know that you can pray and God can change anything
25:38 but don't you try to do it,
25:39 we don't know what is best but God does.
25:42 Notice it, when it says, we're not in despair
25:44 that means utterly at a loss.
25:47 We are not utterly at a loss
25:49 even though everything seems like
25:50 it's just, we don't know what's going on here.
25:54 Do you realize Paul when he wrote to us
25:56 in the Word of God
25:58 through the unction of the Holy Spirit?
26:00 He writes, he pens these beautiful,
26:01 powerful words
26:03 but he tells us, Look, don't get distressed.
26:07 Don't be stressed out because somebody lied on you.
26:11 Don't get discouraged
26:13 because someone tried to blow your character.
26:15 They tried to make you look bad,
26:17 don't you, don't get distress.
26:18 Why?
26:20 Because he said I know what it is to be lied on.
26:23 Some people say I'm stressed out
26:25 because I'm all alone.
26:26 I don't have any friends.
26:27 Paul says I know what it's like to be alone
26:30 and thrown in the dungeon.
26:32 See I know all this thing
26:33 'cause we look at we know that
26:34 Jesus understands all of those things too,
26:36 we understand that.
26:38 We look at Paul when we say right here.
26:41 Yeah, his character was destroyed
26:43 wherever he tried to go that enemy was there
26:46 trying to destroy his character.
26:48 He was perplexed many times, Paul was.
26:51 He was, he was persecuted and you know what?
26:55 One commentary I was reading said
26:56 and Paul was just about ready like I don't know,
27:01 it's almost like maybe I should give up.
27:05 As Christian sometime you thought about maybe what's,
27:08 what good is it?
27:11 I'm doing the best I know how to do.
27:13 I'm reading, I'm praying, I'm studying,
27:16 but everything is still falling apart every,
27:19 everything you go to do,
27:24 you have to fight on your knees, the enemy.
27:27 He will not give you one inch of the ground.
27:30 Everything you go to do,
27:32 he's monkeying around with the printers,
27:33 he's monkeying around with your computer.
27:35 He's monkeying around those things
27:37 you use in ministry.
27:39 He's trying to monkey with,
27:40 he will monkey with everything he could,
27:42 you see, if he was allowed in here,
27:44 but he's been thrown out
27:45 through the power of prayer today,
27:47 or through the power of the Holy Spirit,
27:48 he's not been allowed in here.
27:51 And you think, well, that's pretty bold.
27:52 You better believe
27:53 because the Word says you can be bold.
27:55 Through prayer the enemy has to go, he can't be in here.
27:58 If he's in here, I'm staying home.
27:59 I'm going somewhere else.
28:03 Stressful situation.
28:07 But when he came to this point
28:08 and this, this was for us today.
28:10 When you come to this point, don't give up,
28:13 when you come like there's no place to look.
28:15 What did Paul do?
28:17 It became very evident in Scripture,
28:19 when he became so stressed
28:20 because of all the liars and all the tails
28:23 and all the stuff that was going on,
28:25 he looked at Calvary.
28:27 Think about it.
28:29 Here's a key for those who are stressed,
28:31 look to Calvary
28:32 and look what Jesus went through.
28:34 Look, think of Jesus hanging there on the cross
28:37 that He experienced all of these things
28:40 when He said in the garden,
28:41 you know, in Gethsemane would there be somebody
28:44 that would pray with me?
28:46 Just somebody.
28:48 And He found them all asleep.
28:49 How depressing that could have been?
28:54 When you need somebody,
28:56 He just wanted somebody to pray.
28:58 Paul said I looked at Calvary
29:01 and then he thought about what Jesus went through.
29:05 And then you know what Paul did.
29:06 Here's some more for those
29:07 who are going through this thing called stress
29:09 or stress management.
29:12 Here's what he did.
29:13 Here's what we need to be doing.
29:14 Number one, take our mind off of self.
29:18 In stress management,
29:19 first thing is take your mind off of self
29:22 and all your difficult things
29:24 that you're the only one in the world going through.
29:27 We feel like it sometime, don't we?
29:28 Am I the only one?
29:30 But that this will be a blessing
29:33 when we begin to feel this way
29:35 is take our mind off of ourselves
29:37 and put it on Christ, put it on others.
29:40 We've said that for so long.
29:42 And then Paul
29:43 as he took his mind off of self,
29:45 the Holy Spirit he was filled with the Holy Spirit
29:48 and as the Holy Spirit came in, it gave him new hope,
29:51 and new strength,
29:52 and new courage to continue on
29:54 to fight that good fight of faith.
29:58 We think of stress management.
30:00 Well, the most comforting scriptures could be given,
30:03 and a lot of times it's giving when you really need comfort.
30:06 Lot of times you hear this read,
30:08 to say at funerals you hear it read, Psalms 23.
30:12 Because it gives what? Comfort when you're stressed.
30:15 When you've lost someone you love,
30:17 when you don't think I can go on anymore.
30:19 In Psalms 23, there's only six verses
30:22 but there seems like more,
30:24 it covers such as you know, such a vast amount of area,
30:29 we can't read it all right now.
30:30 Oh, I want you to read it.
30:31 Oh, our daytime is our worst enemy here.
30:33 There's no doubt about it.
30:36 So much to cover.
30:37 But let's just say this quickly.
30:39 Let's hit the high points of every verse
30:40 and you go back and read it 'cause you know Psalms 23.
30:44 It starts out what?
30:46 Yeah, the Lord is mine.
30:49 Is that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
30:53 There's the answer right there.
30:55 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
30:59 That means I am here for you, Kenny,
31:01 and I'm going to take care of you.
31:03 I am your protector.
31:05 Isn't that wonderful?
31:06 You won't want
31:08 if you have me the way you're supposed to have me
31:10 rather than all just talk and say,
31:12 I've got Him and you really don't have Him.
31:14 You think that you have Him but you don't have Him
31:17 because if you do have Him, you're going to say,
31:19 "Yes, He is my protector
31:21 and He's going to take care of me"
31:22 This is a bad situation.
31:23 I don't know how I'm going to come out.
31:25 I'm going to just shed a bushel of tears.
31:26 I'm sure the loss of loved one.
31:28 I'm sure it's going to demand changes in my life
31:31 and changes in finances,
31:33 change in everything here but God said,
31:35 it's going to be all right.
31:36 I'm going to take care of you.
31:38 The verse goes on, verse 2 quickly,
31:40 pick one word is that He leads me.
31:43 Are you still with me, church?
31:44 He said, He leads me, verse 3.
31:48 It says He restores me.
31:50 This is what it's all about in stress management.
31:53 Think about it. He's my protector.
31:55 He leads me, He restores me.
31:57 Verse 4 says, fear, I fear no evil
32:01 because thou art with me.
32:03 I'm not worried about
32:04 what the crooks are doing in the world today.
32:06 I'm not worried about
32:07 what the thieves are doing in the world today.
32:09 I'm not worried about what Joe Blow is doing
32:11 next door over there.
32:12 I'm not worried about all these bank robbery.
32:14 I'm not worried because he said,
32:16 you're going to be with me.
32:17 Verse 5, you're going to be with me.
32:19 And he says
32:20 and I'll fight your battle for you.
32:22 I'm going to fight it. You don't need to fight it.
32:24 You don't need to try to get even with anybody.
32:25 That's not your job.
32:27 I'm going to take care of you.
32:29 And then in verse 6, it simply says
32:31 goodness and mercy is going to follow you
32:33 all the days of your life.
32:35 You're going to dwell in the house
32:36 of the Lord forever.
32:37 This is stress management at top level.
32:41 I'll be with you, he said to the end.
32:44 Think about that, Psalms 23,
32:46 it was something very interesting
32:47 as a young shepherd boy
32:50 that David out in the field taking care of his sheep.
32:54 Think about it.
32:56 He drew how sweet his experience as a shepherd,
33:00 now it reflected as he pin these words,
33:04 his experience.
33:06 See, our experience will reflect in our own life
33:09 and how we conduct ourselves.
33:12 Freedom we need my brothers and sisters from anxiety.
33:16 Stress can be found in verse
33:20 and these verses in Philippians 4,
33:22 just jot them down quickly, 4 through 7.
33:25 I had time to read them all, for he says,
33:28 it says rejoice in the Lord, Philippians, what?
33:30 4:4-7,
33:32 "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say," what?
33:35 "I say, "rejoice" what?
33:37 Rejoice when the hammer's put down.
33:39 Rejoice when the devil's razor knocked all over your head.
33:42 Rejoice when things that is not right.
33:44 Rejoice when I don't have the house payment.
33:46 Rejoice when I don't have the car payment.
33:48 Rejoice, this is a challenge to us.
33:51 We have to have faith to know that God
33:53 and I feel ashamed sometime
33:54 after I've seen all these years of my life
33:56 that God has met every need of every situation.
34:00 He's never failed me one time
34:02 and I still once in a while wonder
34:03 how it's going to work out.
34:07 That's sad.
34:10 Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word.
34:12 Lord, have mercy on me.
34:16 I have nothing to fear, you are with me.
34:19 Rejoice.
34:20 "Let your moderation be known unto man."
34:21 Verse 5, 6, "Be careful for nothing."
34:25 But notice it,
34:26 "Be careful for nothing but in every thing," what?
34:28 "Through prayer and supplication."
34:30 You know, the Bible, what it said?
34:32 "With thanksgiving.
34:34 let your requests be known to God."
34:36 See we have not because we, 'cause we ask not.
34:39 Let your requests be known to God.
34:42 Take them there.
34:43 Don't say He knows. Yes, He does know.
34:45 You must go to Him.
34:47 You must empty yourself as it were to Him.
34:50 Talk to Him about it.
34:52 He wants you to talk to Him because you gain strength.
34:55 Stress management
34:56 is taking everything to Him in prayer and supplication.
35:00 Be careful is to help us rejoice
35:02 in the Lord always.
35:04 Christ has the ability to change the heart,
35:07 change the mind, regardless of circumstances,
35:11 regardless the way things seem.
35:13 Jesus can change those situations
35:16 and influences regarded, as long,
35:19 notice as long as we focused on Him
35:22 and not our problems.
35:24 Did you get it?
35:25 As long as we're focusing on Him,
35:29 then He can work.
35:30 Soon as we turn away from Him, what have we done?
35:32 We're focusing on ourselves and that selfishness.
35:35 He never had selfishness.
35:37 He was always focused on everybody else
35:39 and His Heavenly Father, and it worked out for Him.
35:41 It'll work out for you and me if we get our mind,
35:44 everybody that I've seen many, many we've counseled with
35:47 and talk over the years.
35:48 They can't talk about, oh, Lord, have mercy on me.
35:50 I'll get in trouble.
35:52 They can't talk about anything but self.
35:54 They can't talk about anything but their problems.
35:57 And we understand there's times you need
35:58 to maybe talk about it, have some prayer about it,
36:00 but I'm talking about nothing else.
36:02 They haven't thought about Joe down the road
36:03 and some Sarah and Mary over here
36:05 and all these things that are going on.
36:07 They have their own situation, mind off of self,
36:09 well, notice, this will help us,
36:12 this will help us to be gentle and kind
36:15 and loving to other people when we realize
36:18 they're going through
36:19 maybe a bigger mess than we are.
36:21 When Christ comes in and changes my life,
36:23 it helps me to be able to focus on other people
36:26 rather than on myself.
36:27 Be careful, the Bible says for nothing.
36:29 You want that carefully.
36:31 Don't be anxious, Kenny, about anything.
36:34 Don't be. Don't be stressed about it.
36:35 Don't be anxious about.
36:37 Now there it'd be wrong to be anxious.
36:40 Lord, help me not to be anxious,
36:42 but sometime I get anxious.
36:44 But it says don't be anxious about anything.
36:48 He didn't say, well, at 12 o'clock at night you can,
36:51 six in the morning you can,
36:53 from six to eight you can be anxious.
36:55 Then, oh, don't you, it says don't be for anything.
37:01 Paul says you know
37:02 it makes it clear in these verses here that is,
37:04 that if we depend on self,
37:07 notice this life becomes impossible to live,
37:11 somebody stay with me, if we depend upon our self,
37:14 life becomes impossible to live.
37:16 That's why many people take their life
37:19 because it's all about self.
37:20 Verse 6 tells us
37:21 we need to take everything to God, where?
37:23 In prayer with supplication.
37:24 Prayer here simply means in prayer.
37:28 And that in the widest sense,
37:30 supplication is a little bit different.
37:33 That means I takes a special, there's a special object,
37:36 there's something special I need to take to Him
37:38 and I talked about my needs and whatever,
37:41 the whatever I take to Him, I do with thanksgiving
37:43 because I know that He's going to take care.
37:46 When you pray you have to do, what?
37:48 When you get done praying about something
37:50 then you get up and you conduct your life
37:53 as though it's already been taken care of.
37:56 Somebody is not with me, I'm gonna float right off here
37:58 because I'm thinking how wonderful that is,
38:02 think how wonderful that is, that, you know what?
38:05 That's living faith, that's living out your prayer.
38:10 You people just pray, pray
38:11 and then don't get up and live out their prayer,
38:13 living out your prayer is I prayed about this,
38:15 now I get up and I live it out
38:17 because it's already taken, I don't know when,
38:19 I don't know how
38:21 but it's going to be taken care of
38:22 because he said he would.
38:24 That's wonderful.
38:25 That's answer to stress and the problems of stress
38:28 but thanksgiving.
38:30 Oh, I'm telling, the peace of God it says here,
38:34 the only thing that we know we need peace in the world,
38:37 we want peace, we want that.
38:39 The other choice is
38:40 there's one more passage our time is gone.
38:42 1 Peter 5:7, it says
38:43 notice this in stress management,
38:45 "Cast all your care upon Him because He cares for you."
38:51 Put it in perspective.
38:53 We know Jesus is soon to come.
38:55 And he says, "Kenny,
38:57 don't get anxious about anything.
38:58 I've got it under control."
39:00 There's nothing in this world you need to get anxious about
39:02 because it seemed to pass away.
39:05 But we need to be concerned about heaven.
39:07 We need to be concerned about being there
39:09 by the grace of God.
39:11 We need not get all torn up and stressed up
39:14 and broke apart here in this world
39:15 because it's passing away and everything,
39:18 nothing remains the same.
39:20 Jesus is coming and we know that He's coming
39:24 that helps me to forebear in this world,
39:27 that helps me to go on
39:29 because I know it's not going to be forever.
39:32 It's just for time
39:35 and during that time it's going to be testing time, stress.
39:39 God can take care of your stress,
39:42 He can take care of my stress, if I simply follow.
39:44 Wish we had more time to do, we don't, 30 seconds left.
39:46 I'm going to pray
39:48 for those who are making that decision right now.
39:49 They're going to cast their stress on Him
39:51 because He cares for us.
39:52 Let's pray. Shall we together?
39:54 Loving Father in heaven,
39:56 we thank You for Your precious Word.
39:57 Even though we just gotten into just a little bit
40:00 it's been an encouragement and strength
40:01 and I thank You for it.
40:02 There is an answer for stress management
40:05 and it's in Your Word.
40:06 And I thank You in Jesus' name.
40:07 Amen.
40:09 We thank you for joining us here
40:11 on Behold the Lamb for today.
40:12 God bless you and we'll see you next time.
42:54 Hello and welcome back, friends.
42:56 A wonderful prescription of good message
42:59 from Pastor Kenny on stress management.
43:02 And I have a special guest with me
43:04 that's going to tell you more about
43:06 how to get information on stress management
43:08 and so many other topics.
43:10 In fact, 25 topics, you know,
43:13 normally we offer our DVDs for a love gift,
43:15 a single one for a love gift of just $8 or more.
43:18 Today, if you order the DVD,
43:22 you're going to get
43:23 a 25 Bible studies in this wonderful booklet
43:27 that Brother Richard Bland is going to tell you about
43:30 for a love gift of just $8 or more.
43:33 Brother Richard Bland, how did this come about?
43:36 Well, it came about
43:37 because the Lord wanted the gospel
43:39 go to the whole world and people need to know
43:42 where did it come from.
43:44 So after 25, after 35 years of distributing
43:49 over 25 million Bible lessons in and out of the world,
43:54 we took 25 of the most asked questions.
43:57 Yes.
43:58 And said Lord, we're going to put it together for you.
44:02 I love it.
44:03 And everything out of the scriptures.
44:04 Now remember,
44:06 there are lot of questions people ask,
44:07 but we took, we added them up for year.
44:09 What are the most 25 thing that people want to know?
44:12 Well, I know when I look, in fact,
44:14 I, since I've met you with this just a couple weeks ago,
44:17 we were at ASI, we were in Texas
44:19 and he showed me this lesson,
44:21 I've been studying it and I love it
44:23 and I think it's an awesome, awesome addition.
44:26 In fact I'm hoping that
44:28 by the time we finish this series,
44:31 I'm hoping we'll have 25 DVDs to go along with that.
44:34 I prayed for it well too because its design
44:38 and the reason why was this, and remember the Lord did this.
44:40 In fact I well have to tell you this,
44:43 it took one time eight days of me
44:45 eating nothing but praying and studying,
44:48 So it can come out just right, what Lord, how do you want it?
44:51 Yes. And the Lord.
44:52 So everything you see there
44:54 I cannot take the credit for it.
44:55 After much prayer and fasting at our home,
44:58 Lord said, this is what to do.
44:59 Should we give them a little taste
45:00 of what's in there?
45:02 Go ahead.
45:03 Well, we've got defeat loneliness.
45:04 How many of you've ever lonely?
45:06 I know I have been in the past.
45:07 How can we defeat it?
45:09 Are there scriptures that address loneliness?
45:11 Listen, the Bible is the answer for everything.
45:13 Did you know there's no problem that you have
45:16 that Christ don't have the answer.
45:17 And He said, that's the answer book.
45:19 It's the answer book on hell,
45:21 answer book on anything you want to know.
45:23 And you know what?
45:24 We found out, the 66 books cover everything, it covers,
45:29 what does it cover?
45:30 It covers everything a person when he is stuck,
45:34 doctors' book, some medicine book,
45:36 it's everything, it tells you how to live now,
45:40 it tells you how to live in the future and tell you
45:43 how he's gonna live for eternity.
45:44 Did you know that number four chapters in the Bible,
45:47 they don't have sin in it?
45:49 No, I didn't realize that.
45:50 The first two and the last two,
45:53 the first two talks about creation.
45:54 Yes. Perfect.
45:56 The last two talk about heaven.
45:57 Yes. You see what I mean.
45:58 And so those four,
46:00 nobody can argue with you when it comes to the Scripture
46:02 because that's God's Word.
46:04 And guess what He did?
46:05 He wrote even the commandment with His own finger
46:08 and put in a stone.
46:09 Oh, I love that. Yes, I love that.
46:11 That's how much He loves us. Oh, yes.
46:13 You know, and that's one reason why it's so important
46:16 that we reverence those commandments,
46:18 that we put those commandments,
46:19 that we put those laws in our heart and in our mind,
46:22 just as He said.
46:23 And I like what you said
46:25 that there's something in the Bible for every...
46:27 Everybody, everything.
46:28 You know, years ago.
46:30 And this is kind of a little side issue,
46:31 but it kind of it,
46:32 it goes along with what you're saying,
46:34 I was sitting on a school board at another church
46:37 and it seemed like every time we had an issue,
46:39 they wanted to know
46:41 what the public school board was doing
46:43 or what this doctor had to say about it.
46:46 Just like when I introduced stress management today,
46:48 I said, we're not going to go to the world,
46:50 we're going to the Word, to the great physician.
46:53 We're going to see what He has for us.
46:56 And you know, it was a learning process
46:57 'cause I remember thinking that just isn't right to go see
47:00 what the world is doing.
47:01 That's right.
47:03 The world is enmity with our Lord and Savior.
47:05 And we need to be digging into the Word
47:08 for to how to defeat loneliness,
47:11 the healing of sorrow, living with loss, Oh, wow.
47:15 I can't wait till loss is done away with.
47:18 That's so true.
47:19 One of these days there will be no more sin,
47:21 no more death, no more sorrow,
47:23 no more need of physicians.
47:25 That's right. That's right.
47:27 Even the great physician will be in his healing power
47:29 all the time.
47:31 You know, how to improve your marriage?
47:33 That's a big one, Brother Richard.
47:34 Oh, yes.
47:36 You know, even with today's message
47:37 on stress management,
47:38 you realize that there are a lot of families
47:40 that are falling apart because of stress.
47:44 You know why there is stress because when you leave God
47:46 out of your life, you have done but stress.
47:48 That's right.
47:49 And this is why the Word of God so you hear,
47:53 you had the word in his heart, he said
47:55 then you would have peace, and joy, and love.
47:57 Only the Word of God does that.
47:59 Now I'm a person that always want to be right.
48:01 You know how I found out always to be right?
48:04 Stay in the Word of God. Stay in the Word of God.
48:05 You must stay in what God says. Absolutely.
48:07 In fact, I've told people
48:09 if you want your business to grow
48:11 and your church to grow what the Bible says is
48:14 the way to go.
48:15 That's right. Amen.
48:16 I love that. Did you get that?
48:18 What a motto. Say it again. Tell them again.
48:19 Okay, if you want your business to grow
48:22 and your church to grow,
48:24 what the Bible says is the way to go.
48:26 That's right. I love it. That's it.
48:28 Because you're a winner.
48:29 Do you know every book
48:31 that I've had in my lifetime has changed
48:34 but the Word of God?
48:35 Yes.
48:37 Every book that, you know, studied in school.
48:38 You know the saddest thing is you just touched on
48:40 an important point there,
48:42 you said everything is changed but the Word of God.
48:44 God says, I change not, I'm the same yesterday,
48:47 today and forever.
48:48 However, men have come in,
48:52 even church leaders have come in.
48:55 In fact, I saw a video online
48:57 where a church pastor
48:58 threw the Bible across the podium.
49:03 And said we don't need that anymore.
49:05 You see what they're doing
49:07 is they're taking lifestyle choices.
49:09 And since it doesn't fit with scripture,
49:12 they're changing scripture to fit the lifestyle
49:14 rather than God is.
49:18 He's wanting to recreate in us a new heart
49:21 to prepare us for the kingdom
49:23 and all we need to do is dig into the Word
49:25 and we need to be, we need to be submissive.
49:27 Oh, yeah.
49:29 And ask Him to come in and change us,
49:30 not us change God.
49:32 Who are we to think we can even change God?
49:33 Well, see that...
49:35 Well, see that's what the devil in heaven did.
49:37 He said I'm going to change.
49:38 We can't, see God is for real, He gives our breath,
49:43 He gives eyesight, He gives the hearing, feeling.
49:47 And so He wants us to be with Him for eternity.
49:50 And so how can we use this talent
49:52 He's given us to use for the devil.
49:54 So that's the reason why
49:55 what you have in your hand is dynamic.
49:57 And the beautiful part about
49:59 is that many of our Christian friend
50:01 want to share the love of God with other people
50:03 but they don't know how to do it.
50:05 All they got to do is hand them this here
50:07 and then give them the 25 bible study.
50:09 And guess what, over 500 Bible texts are in here.
50:13 Awesome. I love that.
50:14 Of answering their problem.
50:16 And like you said here.
50:17 And there's another one, take control and quit smoking.
50:19 Let me tell you.
50:20 There's a lot of people watching today.
50:22 And that's one thing.
50:23 In fact, we've had people come to our church
50:25 and for years that's one thing that they feel like
50:28 they can't get rid of is smoking.
50:30 Can I tell you something and they can't.
50:33 Now, let me tell you why. Tell me the prescription.
50:35 My post office...
50:37 Let me say, my post office lady
50:39 who said she's been smoking for 20 years.
50:43 And every time she can't smoke in the post office,
50:45 when I go by, she stand outside.
50:47 And so she said, "Oh, I know I shouldn't smoke.
50:51 The Bible says this and Bible says that you know."
50:55 But I gave her this very paper on a Thursday
50:59 and as she opened up
51:00 she saw just could you say take control of smoking.
51:03 And that Friday when I called, she said,
51:05 Mr. Bland, I'm gonna quit smoking.
51:06 I said, what happened?
51:08 She said, let me tell you what happened.
51:09 She said when I prayed
51:10 and they would, it says up here,
51:12 after the Holy Spirit and read those scripture
51:13 the Lord told me to quit on that day.
51:15 And he took it out just like that way.
51:17 God is the only way I can do it 'cause Miss Shelton.
51:20 You're giving me goosebumps, you know why,
51:22 because I know that there's power
51:24 in the Word of God.
51:25 That's right.
51:27 I was studying, I was having a Bible study
51:28 with my three year old grandson this morning,
51:30 he got up and he was crying and when he gets on nervous,
51:33 his tummy is hurting and I said were you scared.
51:36 And so we began to read scripture about
51:38 not fearing and not being afraid.
51:41 And I said, you know,
51:43 what we've got to claim these promises
51:44 even at his young age I had him repeat that promise with me
51:48 over and over and over
51:50 and how the Lord gives us peace.
51:52 He doesn't want us to be afraid and where fear comes from.
51:56 Here's another one that's timely
51:58 because we have so much of this life after death.
52:03 So much spiritualism, so much confusion,
52:06 life after death.
52:08 Does the Bible give us an answer?
52:10 Definitely.
52:12 There's nothing that can happen to you
52:13 that God does give the answer.
52:14 And what happened, I'm so glad the Lord allowed me
52:17 to get involved in prison ministry
52:18 because the prisoners, they want to know the truth.
52:22 Yes.
52:23 You can't fool with them again almost.
52:26 So when they saw in the Bible that that preacher lied to them
52:29 when the grandmother said,
52:31 when the preacher said my grandmother was in heaven.
52:33 They said, you know,
52:34 the Bible says my grandmother's in the ground.
52:37 When they saw in the Bible that God wrote down
52:41 the Ten Commandments on finger, they said that's it.
52:43 When they saw in the Bible
52:44 which day of the Lord day really was.
52:47 They said I don't care what nobody said,
52:48 my Bible said it.
52:50 I love it. Yes.
52:51 And that's what it's design because see, and they don't,
52:55 they're there you know the Bible says,
52:57 I as well be hot or cold but that's what prisoners are,
52:59 these are hot or they cold, there's no lukewarmness
53:02 that you see out in the community.
53:04 When people say, well you know I almost,
53:06 there's no almost.
53:08 Either you're right or you're wrong.
53:09 Either my phone number is correct or it's wrong.
53:11 You know, sometimes it takes people
53:13 to hit rock bottom
53:16 before you see there's hot or cold,
53:18 before they have no place else too good except up.
53:21 That's right.
53:23 So praise God for things like this
53:24 that you're taking it in.
53:26 Hope, here's another one, hope in times of trouble.
53:29 Oh, yeah.
53:30 And I love this, successful parenting.
53:32 Oh, yeah.
53:34 Train up a child in the way he should go
53:36 and when he is old he shall not depart.
53:38 You brought a guest or is he up here with us
53:40 but your grandson, I said I love grandchildren
53:43 that love to take care of their grandparents.
53:46 I love children
53:47 that have respect for their parents.
53:50 And yet we live in a society where it's like anything goes.
53:55 And the children are trying to teach the parents
53:56 how to be parents.
53:58 That's so true.
53:59 Because the fact that
54:00 but the Word of God tells you exactly.
54:02 In fact, I was talking to my grandson this morning,
54:05 he's a vegan,
54:06 he's never eaten an animal product
54:08 and I haven't eaten in my life.
54:10 Because and I said you know why?
54:13 Because the very first chapter of the Bible tell you
54:15 what to eat.
54:16 That's right. That's it.
54:18 In fact the first two chapters of the Bible
54:20 give you the foundation of the whole thing.
54:23 It tell you where you came from,
54:25 tell you what to eat, tell you who to marry
54:27 and tell you when to worship.
54:29 That God can't even change just like his date of birth.
54:32 So he was telling me, what's your date of birth,
54:34 which I remember.
54:35 He said September 17. I said, can you change it?
54:37 He said, no.
54:38 Neither can God change that, that's creation.
54:40 He changes not.
54:42 You know we offered one with our message today
54:46 but there may be somebody listening Brother Richard
54:48 and they say you know I like what I'm hearing,
54:52 I want more than one.
54:54 If they call Behold the Lamb ministries
54:57 how many can they get and for how much?
54:59 Well, if they call here to get them?
55:02 Yeah, they can probably get like 20 booklets for what?
55:06 Well, if they call the ministry number,
55:09 so shipping costs a lot of money,
55:12 so we don't want to ship to here,
55:14 so you can ship them.
55:15 If they get more than what you offering them,
55:18 they can just call this office number.
55:20 Area code 205-755-4744 and then they get a box of 100.
55:26 Listen to me, when they get a box of hundred
55:28 just $1 a piece.
55:29 Okay. You see what I mean?
55:31 Yeah, sure.
55:32 You see, that's what, so they can get that
55:33 but once they get your copy then they'll look at it
55:36 and then if they want thousand which a book should be
55:39 'cause everybody I've been in contact with
55:41 I give them one of these.
55:43 In fact just yesterday I got in your town,
55:44 the town that you live in right now,
55:47 and at this grocery store there,
55:49 lady looked at this.
55:51 So I like that, can I have that?
55:52 Yes.
55:54 I gave out four Bible study
55:56 which will include 100 Bible studies
55:59 and just seeing four people.
56:01 And they say I love it.
56:03 So they get it. So also...
56:04 I think these would be awesome to have.
56:06 They go to our website.
56:07 Maybe in a doctor's office, put it up in the store
56:11 if they let you anywhere.
56:12 That's what we're doing. Yes.
56:14 I took it, you hit it on the head.
56:16 I took it to a doctor's office
56:18 who's doesn't profess Christianity really.
56:21 And when he looked at this,
56:23 first he kind of put a rack out there and said, yeah,
56:25 almost everywhere I go by is almost empty.
56:27 People are taking it off to write,
56:29 the dentist looked at the same thing.
56:30 But the mechanic said I want them in my shop,
56:33 so I gave him a rack in his shop,
56:35 he was so impressed,
56:37 one of our worker's air condition
56:38 went out in last week.
56:40 Well, we can have a go.
56:42 He said, I'm not gonna even charge you,
56:43 he was so blessed
56:44 because God's Word is wonderful.
56:47 And I'm saying if you want to be blessed,
56:49 now the thing that really gets me
56:51 and I'm going to say that
56:52 that everybody read Ezekiel 3:17, 18 and 19.
56:57 It says we'll speak to one a wicked
56:58 and the blessed and they are lost,
57:00 the blest on our shoulder.
57:02 That's right. They need these lessons.
57:03 May God bless you. If the blessing is on the go.
57:06 Oh, yeah.
57:07 So you can, you can formulate, they can formulate,
57:09 anyone that orders these
57:10 can have their own little stand,
57:12 go to their own places in their own town.
57:14 And you can be a witness for Jesus
57:17 by having these Bible studies.
57:18 Again the number he gave you
57:20 if you want to order more
57:21 is 205-755-4744.
57:27 If you want to call,
57:28 we can do the same thing we'll just call them
57:30 and have them ship them to you,
57:32 you can call Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:34 at area code, 618-942-5044,
57:38 that's Central Time here in the United States.
57:41 You can also visit us on our website,
57:43 that's www.
57:47 or send us an email.
57:49 Ask for these lessons.
57:50 You want to know more about it ask,
57:52 and that is
57:54 beholdthelambministries
57:57 And you're always welcome to give us a call.
57:59 Again that number is 618-942-5044.
58:04 Until next time, friends may our precious Lord
58:07 continue to richly bless you and yours.
58:11 Amen.


Revised 2018-12-24