Behold the Lamb Presents

Catching The Steady Trend of Events Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000121A

00:39 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb presents.
00:41 I am Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I wanna thank you for joining us.
00:44 The message we will be presenting today is entitled,
00:47 "Catching the Steady Trend of Events,
00:50 The Last Scenes of This World's History."
00:53 Truly a person only has to listen
00:55 to the daily news to realize
00:57 that we are living in troublous times
00:59 and what the major news networks do not cover,
01:03 many find literally horrendous accounts of violence,
01:07 disasters and nations
01:08 that are on the brink of collapse
01:10 with first hand video accounts that they post online.
01:14 The Prophet Amos,
01:15 in the Book of Amos 3:7 shares with us
01:18 somewhat comforting news
01:20 about dramatic scenes of worldly events
01:23 that are being played out.
01:25 It reads, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
01:29 but He revealeth His secret
01:31 unto His servants the prophets."
01:33 And why would our Heavenly Father think it necessary
01:36 to reveal prophetically various signs and events
01:39 to take place among the nations in this world?
01:42 Simply in one word, it's law.
01:46 He doesn't like war
01:47 between good and evil any more than we do,
01:50 and probably dislikes it much more than we do.
01:54 Just think about it, friends, He sees, He witnesses,
01:58 He hears everything,
02:01 every cry, every scream, every part of evil,
02:04 and death, and destruction.
02:06 His heart yearns to release us from the pains of sin.
02:10 He longingly tries to turn our hearts to Him
02:12 so that He may direct us safely through this spiritual warfare
02:16 that we find ourselves a part of.
02:19 Therefore,
02:20 revealing His secrets or foreknowledge
02:23 through His prophets is His way to warn His dear children.
02:28 He hopes that we will heed His warnings
02:31 and prepare our hearts and our lives
02:34 in any way possible to meet the events.
02:37 The new laws and the reprobate minds
02:40 of those around us in this world
02:42 as this world draws its final breath
02:45 in this controversy between light and darkness,
02:48 again, catching the steady stream of events.
02:52 The last scenes of this world's history
02:55 is our study for today.
02:57 And in preparation to receive God's light on this subject,
03:00 let's visit 3ABN and listen to a song that is entitled
03:04 "God Who Spoke in the Beginning,"
03:07 and sung by Ashley Sabol.
03:25 God who spoke in the beginning
03:31 Forming rock and shaping spar
03:37 Set all life and growth in motion
03:43 Earthly world
03:46 And distant star
03:51 He who calls the earth to order
03:57 Is the ground of what
04:01 We are
04:06 God who spoke thro' men and nations
04:13 Thro' events long past and gone
04:19 Showing still today His purpose
04:25 Speaks supremely
04:27 Through His Son
04:32 He who calls the earth to order
04:38 Gives His word
04:40 And it is done
04:53 God whose speech becomes incarnate
05:00 Christ is servant,
05:03 Christ is Lord
05:05 Calls us to a life of service
05:11 Heart and will
05:14 To action stirred
05:19 He who uses man's obedience
05:25 Has the first
05:27 And final word
05:32 He who calls
05:35 The earth to order
05:39 Is the ground of what
05:45 We are
05:53 Thanks for joining us once again here
05:54 at Behold the Lamb, we appreciate so very much.
05:57 I like that song by Sister Ashley.
05:59 It's a God who spoke in the beginning.
06:01 So I am sure that's a blessing to you as well as to us.
06:04 So praise God, we're glad that you joined us.
06:06 Thank you for your phone calls, your letters, your support,
06:09 Behold the Lamb ministry.
06:10 What a blessing it is to be able to study
06:11 with each and every one of you
06:13 and hear the response.
06:14 So we praise God that the Lord is leading,
06:17 guiding, and directing in your heart and your life.
06:19 Today, we're gonna be studying,
06:21 "Catching the Steady Trend of Events."
06:24 That's very, very important
06:26 since we live in the last hours of earth's history.
06:27 So I know you won't want to miss it.
06:29 We got a lot of material to cover
06:30 and so but we always go to the Lord in prayer.
06:33 I'm gonna kneel and have prayer.
06:34 If you could, you can,
06:36 how about kneeling with me and pray.
06:38 Merciful Father in heaven,
06:40 we thank You for the privilege of prayer,
06:41 we ask now for the guidance of Thy Holy Spirit.
06:44 Lord, we need Your Holy Spirit,
06:45 we ask for the power from on high
06:46 that our minds and hearts will be open,
06:48 that we can see that
06:50 which heaven has in store for us
06:51 and ears that we open
06:52 that we may hear and in the life
06:54 to make a decision
06:55 that we want to follow those things
06:57 that we know is truth.
06:58 Thank you for hearing and answering prayer
06:59 for each one who views, those who hear,
07:01 grateful and thankful for each one
07:02 in Jesus' name, amen.
07:06 And if you have your Bibles on,
07:07 I wanna make sure as you have them down,
07:08 have pencil and paper as we move by quickly.
07:10 Lot of times, I might say a text one time,
07:12 try to do it twice.
07:13 But because of our time we move right along.
07:15 So, you know, in case you don't have time
07:17 to look at all that now, you can jot it down
07:19 and do that when you get home.
07:20 Catching, notice the steady trend of events.
07:23 I'm going to ask you a question number one.
07:25 Don't anybody raise your hand,
07:27 I don't want anybody exposing himself here
07:29 raising your hand, whether it be true or false,
07:31 or maybe it's happening in your life,
07:33 or maybe it's not.
07:34 But how many,
07:36 remember we're not going to raise our hand
07:37 but how many have a sense of the shortness of time
07:42 that we're living in today and the fearful events
07:46 that are just before us?
07:48 That's kind of a long, think about it
07:50 but how many of us are really, really,
07:52 we sense the shortness of time,
07:54 we say Jesus is coming.
07:56 We believe that Jesus is coming,
07:58 but if we really believe that He's coming,
08:00 I think our life would change
08:01 just a little bit more, don't you?
08:03 We're going to be working,
08:05 we were talking about a little bit
08:06 before about 1844, the movement,
08:08 they really believe that Jesus was coming.
08:10 And so they were about their Father's business.
08:12 If we're not about our Father's business,
08:14 we really don't believe that Jesus is coming.
08:17 But how many of us really are sensitive to the time
08:19 and these events that's taking place
08:21 in the world today?
08:24 Review and Herald 11-8-1892,
08:27 this was written but notice
08:28 how it fits today.
08:30 "The judgments are God are falling on the world."
08:34 Do we believe that?
08:35 The judgments of God are what?
08:36 They're falling on the world.
08:38 Notice this, "That man may be," now why?
08:41 "That man may be awakened
08:43 to the fact that Christ will come speedily."
08:47 So the judgments are falling.
08:48 We're seeing it in land, sea, air, you know,
08:50 with fire and tornadoes, earthquakes,
08:52 everything you can think of is happening, what's God doing?
08:56 He's trying to get our attention
08:58 and wake us up.
09:00 Just like my dad used to say to me some time,
09:02 "Better wake up boy,
09:03 you don't wanna wake while you feel something,
09:05 that wake you up pretty quick."
09:07 And so we're living in the hour that God said,
09:09 "I'm sending some warning messages
09:11 so that you can know that Jesus is coming."
09:14 I like the passage, Isaiah 58:1,
09:17 you've read it so many times, but it says,
09:19 "Cry aloud," and do what?
09:21 "And spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet,
09:25 and then show my people," what?
09:27 "Their transgression,
09:28 and the house of Jacob their sins."
09:32 Notice the call that God puts on His last day people.
09:35 Again, there's things that are happening
09:37 that we should be aware of.
09:38 And I want us to be aware today of this,
09:41 that none of us need to be caught,
09:44 you know, caught is that we are surprised.
09:46 Oh, I didn't know that was going to happen.
09:47 None of us in this Seventh-day Adventist movement
09:51 specifically need to say,
09:52 "Oh, I'm surprised, I didn't know that."
09:55 But you know, we find out
09:57 there's a lot of things we don't know
09:59 because we're not studying, we're not praying,
10:01 and we have to realize the time of Christ has come.
10:03 That's why he says, we need to cry loud
10:05 and spare not.
10:07 That means we need to show something,
10:09 get that, my people their transgression.
10:11 What is our work?
10:13 Our work is simply to wake up the people,
10:16 wake each of us up.
10:17 I need to be awake sometime and more than I am.
10:20 But we need to wake up because we are seemed to say,
10:23 we've heard this what?
10:25 All of our life,
10:26 it hasn't happened in all these years,
10:27 I've been a Christian,
10:29 so maybe it's going to be a long time off.
10:30 We're closer now than we've ever, ever been.
10:33 Our job is to wake up.
10:35 That's why it says cry loud and spare not.
10:38 Why should I wake up?
10:41 Think about, why should I be awake?
10:42 Why?
10:43 The Book of Revelation 12:9 tells me why.
10:47 The Bible said Revelation 12:9 says,
10:50 "He who is Satan was cast out into the,"
10:54 somebody say earth, "earth," thank you.
10:56 I'll do it, "and his angels were cast out with him."
11:00 Now, again, why should we wake up?
11:02 Why should we be blowing a trumpet?
11:04 Why should we be sounding alarm?
11:06 Why are we saying wake up, wake up, wake up,
11:08 because what?
11:09 The devil was cast to this.
11:12 And his angels were cast out with him.
11:14 They're here to do a dirty job
11:17 and they're here to do a dirty job
11:18 on you and on me if we allow them to.
11:22 And did you say, oh, and what else?
11:24 Well, Revelation 12:12, it goes on and it says,
11:27 "For the devil is come," what?
11:30 "Down unto you and he's has great wrath,"
11:33 he's angry isn't he?
11:35 "Because he knows he has but a short time."
11:37 He knows he's doomed.
11:38 He knows he's going down
11:40 and he wants to take as many down with him
11:42 as he possibly can.
11:44 This is why we need Jesus, we need to know.
11:47 Now you say, well, shortness of time,
11:48 I heard about shortness of time.
11:50 In comparison to the time that he has live
11:53 which we don't know before sin,
11:55 before he fell.
11:56 And the 6000 years as it were here,
11:59 he's got just but that's the short time,
12:01 isn't it compared to what all he's been before.
12:03 Are you there? It's a short time, notice that.
12:06 And what is he doing during this short time?
12:08 The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8,
12:13 it says he's seeking, right?
12:15 Whom he,
12:16 he can who he will, he's going to devour.
12:19 He's going to eat up.
12:20 He's cast out here.
12:22 He's gonna work to make sure that heaven's not your home.
12:25 He's gonna work in the weak areas of your life,
12:27 whatever it might be,
12:28 he's gonna make sure that you are standing,
12:30 being busy doing things, whatever they might be,
12:33 even if they're good within themselves,
12:35 rather than get ready because probation is closing.
12:38 We should understand that more than anyone
12:40 on the face of this planet
12:42 every day of our life,
12:44 every time you read the newspaper,
12:46 every time you turn the radio on,
12:48 or TV and you just look at the news...
12:51 Is it okay to say that?
12:53 Somebody better watch me today.
12:55 I'm just telling you because it's so obvious
12:57 what's taking place
12:59 and how the setup right now
13:01 we can see is right before us.
13:03 And in the oven he is getting ready to pull
13:05 the little rug out from under us.
13:07 But you know what?
13:08 Even though he's going to do that,
13:10 I like the Bible promise.
13:11 They're found in the Book of James 4:7.
13:14 And it says this why?
13:15 You know, we'd have nothing to fear,
13:17 we understand that.
13:18 Not the guy that has his hand in the hand of Jesus,
13:21 but there are some fearful times
13:23 that are waiting the people of God,
13:24 and I can just guarantee you that maybe I'm not ready,
13:28 maybe you're not ready.
13:29 There's some that are watching they're not ready.
13:31 You're not gonna be able to go through it,
13:33 you're gonna turn your back on God,
13:34 you're gonna end up hating Him rather than the enemy.
13:36 So we need to know these issues.
13:39 This promise is simply
13:40 all I need to do James 4:7 says,
13:43 is Submit myself to whom?
13:45 "Submit yourselves to God."
13:47 And you do what? Somebody say resist.
13:49 "You resist the devil, and then he will flee."
13:52 Our problem, we're not resisting,
13:54 we're sending an invitation.
13:56 We're inviting him in, we're sending a card
13:58 through the mail saying come to my party.
14:01 You know what I'm talking about.
14:02 Resisting means, we need to resist
14:04 unto death if necessary
14:07 rather than commit a knowing sin.
14:08 That's pretty heavy duty.
14:10 We can't do that without God.
14:12 James 4:8 says for us, "Draw nigh to," what?
14:15 "Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you."
14:19 Satan cannot defile a person who draws nigh to God.
14:24 Isn't that good?
14:26 Satan can't what?
14:28 Yeah, he can't abide by,
14:29 he can't do, he can't buy by.
14:30 He can't be in your life, in your heart,
14:32 if you're close to Jesus Christ.
14:35 I say this by studying of God's Word that right now
14:38 never was there greater need of faithful warnings
14:43 and reproofs than right now.
14:45 This is the hour, this is why we need to,
14:48 we call wake up, sound that trumpet alarm.
14:51 This is the last hours of earth's history.
14:53 There's no doubt about it.
14:55 This is not just sounding alarm,
14:57 you have nothing to back it up.
14:58 We have all those Scripture to back it up.
15:00 Jesus warning one after the other.
15:04 We must heed these warnings that are given in Scripture.
15:07 We have to bear a responsibility
15:10 not only to God,
15:11 but what?
15:13 To each other.
15:14 We have responsibility to each other,
15:15 to our neighbors and to our friend,
15:17 you think you have truth,
15:18 you have the obligation
15:20 to share that truth with somebody,
15:21 not keep it inside.
15:24 We have a world to warn,
15:27 to get ready before Jesus comes.
15:29 You remember what Jesus said there
15:31 in the Book of Acts Chapter 5?
15:32 He's talked about a tree.
15:34 God asked us to lay what?
15:36 The axe to where?
15:38 To the root of the tree.
15:39 You remember axe?
15:41 You think about this axe that he had.
15:42 What is that the symbol of?
15:44 Axe is a symbol of judgment.
15:47 Are you still there?
15:48 Axe, the axe you take to the root of the tree,
15:50 is a symbol of judgment and trees,
15:53 most of, almost every time in the Old Testament,
15:55 there's some, you know issues differently
15:58 in the Old Testament trees refer to people.
16:01 So God's saying we need to get to the root of these things
16:04 that separating us from Him.
16:06 Read that in Jeremiah 17.
16:08 You can read it about the trees in the Old Testament
16:11 as a symbol there of people.
16:13 Jesus even used it when He referred to whom?
16:15 To Israel, his people there in Luke 13:6-9.
16:19 Read those when you have the opportunity.
16:22 It says, show My people.
16:24 God is asking, and He's requiring us
16:26 to show His people.
16:28 How many of us are showing somebody?
16:31 Well, it's sometime distasteful job but notice,
16:34 show them where, what does it say there?
16:36 We need to show people where they're making a mistake.
16:39 We need to do it by calling sin by what?
16:42 By its right name, notice that.
16:45 Now, if there was ever a time in the history of Adventism
16:48 that we need the straight testimony,
16:50 I believe it's now.
16:51 I feel the urgency of it.
16:53 I'm sure you feel the urgency of it.
16:55 There's something that just rattles on the inside.
16:57 There's something that just set you on fire
16:59 about when you begin to see the signs of the times
17:01 and the straight testimony.
17:03 Testimony must be given
17:05 and the straight testimony must be received.
17:08 Wrongs must be called what?
17:10 Wrongs and notice,
17:12 grievous sins must be called by the right name.
17:16 Man, that's pretty heavy duty.
17:18 You read that if you have the testimony series
17:20 in Three Testimonies 3:24.
17:23 Now, any anything less than what God can approve of,
17:28 in our relationship with Him is nothing more than a sham.
17:32 If God can't approve of your life,
17:34 as you call yourself a Christian,
17:36 you call it a sham.
17:38 And you know, sham is just a short for shame.
17:41 It's a shame.
17:42 If we call our-self a Christian
17:43 and we're not living the Christian life.
17:45 It's an insult to God.
17:48 And so this why God is saying here,
17:50 blow the trumpet.
17:51 Let's get it right
17:52 because sham here in the original language
17:55 says it's fraudulent.
17:56 Your relationship may be fraudulent.
17:58 It may be counterfeit.
17:59 Maybe it's not real, that's what it means.
18:02 It means you say pretend.
18:03 We don't need to be pretending today, do we?
18:06 This is not the time for that.
18:08 People ask the question many times,
18:11 "When is Jesus coming?"
18:13 We've heard it said for years, when is Jesus coming?
18:15 Well, Bible said, "No man knows the day or the hour,"
18:17 we understand that.
18:18 But the disciples asked that question to Jesus
18:21 in Matthew 24, didn't they?
18:22 Verse 3, they just simply said,
18:24 we're not gonna go all into that,
18:25 but just said they want to know
18:27 when these things are going to be in the end of the world.
18:30 I wonder if anybody's asking that today.
18:33 Is there anybody?
18:34 Oh, boy, anybody that cares enough
18:36 to be praying and ask God,
18:38 what's some of the signs of Your coming?
18:42 When are these things going to be?
18:43 Are we really praying about that or we just thinking,
18:45 well, God's gonna take care of us?
18:47 What did Jesus do?
18:48 Immediately He outlined the prominent events
18:51 that take place before the end of the world.
18:54 Now, here's the thing with that.
18:55 The disciples didn't understand
18:57 all that He had to say about the subject,
18:59 did they at that point in time?
19:01 But the meaning would unfold as time passed on,
19:05 as the people needed it.
19:07 See, there's things that we hear some time
19:08 that we don't quite all comprehend,
19:10 but we want to, but it's not there.
19:12 But as time rolls on,
19:13 all of a sudden, God just what?
19:14 He unrolls the scroll, so that we can see,
19:17 hear, understand when we need it.
19:20 God is there but you know what?
19:21 You have to hear it first and you have to take it in.
19:25 To prepare a people to stand in the day of God.
19:28 A great reform needs to take place,
19:30 we know that.
19:32 Great Controversy, I love the book,
19:33 page 311 says,
19:35 "God saw that many of His professed people
19:38 were not building for eternity,
19:41 and in mercy He was about to" notice
19:43 "send a message of warning to arouse them
19:46 from their stupor," notice this,
19:49 "and lead them to make ready for the coming of Jesus."
19:52 God looks at His people who profess to be His people
19:55 for today.
19:56 His last day remnant church
19:58 and He says right here through His servant,
20:00 He says, wake them up out of their stupor,
20:03 my, my, a stupor and lead them to make ready,
20:07 get them ready for the coming of the Lord.
20:09 And you know what follow that?
20:10 You know what follow that warning?
20:12 The giving of the three angels' message of Revelation 14.
20:16 That was the message to wake the people up
20:19 and still yet today we've gone to sleep
20:21 because we've heard it before.
20:23 God has a message for His people,
20:25 whether they will hear it
20:26 or whether they will not hear it.
20:28 Did we get that?
20:30 Now what are we supposed to do?
20:31 Most of us realized when you tell,
20:32 want to tell somebody the truth,
20:34 they don't want to hear it.
20:35 They're not listening anyway.
20:37 That's a shame.
20:39 That is a crime but you don't give up
20:41 because God said well,
20:42 they're not gonna listen anyway.
20:43 You tell them anyway,
20:45 you get the opportunity to tell them.
20:46 Let me tell you from Scripture, why I say that.
20:49 Ezekiel 2:7 says this,
20:54 "And they that shall speak my words unto them,
20:57 whether they will hear or whether they will forbear,
21:01 for they are most rebellious."
21:04 So the obedient will hear and follow but the rebellious,
21:07 they're not going to like it.
21:09 Jesus said,
21:10 whether they want to hear
21:12 or whether they don't want to hear,
21:13 your job is to tell.
21:15 Now you can't make somebody,
21:16 we understand that, but our job is to give it
21:18 and then what?
21:20 Other jobs are people to receive it,
21:21 we're certainly all to receive that message.
21:24 We need to be ready.
21:25 Matthew 24:44 says,
21:27 "Be you ready for in such," what?
21:30 Matthew 24:44,
21:32 "Be you ready for in such an hour
21:34 as you think," what?
21:35 "As you think not the Son of Man cometh."
21:38 You see that may be where we're at
21:40 because we're so wrapped up
21:41 and we're so dull, we're so lukewarm.
21:44 We're so like,
21:45 we're not attentive to the fact that probation is closing.
21:48 We're not attentive to the fact
21:49 that the Sunday law is just around the corner.
21:51 We're not attentive to the fact that you know
21:53 Jesus wants us to be ready
21:55 because there's gonna be things happening in this world
21:58 and you will not be rapture away
22:00 like many Christians say, because that's not biblical.
22:03 I don't have time to go into all that.
22:04 But I don't mind telling you it was what?
22:06 If you get aggravated, let me bless your heart,
22:07 don't want you do it.
22:09 But you know what?
22:10 I'm gonna stir you inside
22:11 where you're getting the Word of God
22:13 and see what God's Word says.
22:14 Just put it right out there, you got it,
22:15 oh, we will be when that time comes,
22:17 surprise, surprise, what if you are.
22:19 You will have not prepared and you won't make it.
22:22 I hope you see that point.
22:24 Be ready is what it says.
22:26 The conditions of the world, the conditions of society,
22:30 the condition of the big,
22:32 we talk about city life,
22:34 things that are going on there, things going on in the nations,
22:37 things that are going on in the government.
22:39 We need to watch out, something's going to happen.
22:41 It tells me that the end is near.
22:44 It tells me something's going to happen.
22:46 Notice it, we should never be and we shouldn't be surprised
22:49 at the events taking place even right now.
22:52 Why?
22:53 God says, number one, you cry aloud
22:54 since you see these things.
22:56 But I wonder today if anyone will hear.
22:59 Think about it.
23:01 Will anyone hear?
23:02 Most of time when the preachers are up there preaching,
23:04 the Bible said,
23:05 fill all the foolishness to preaching.
23:06 Why?
23:08 Most time because people are not paying attention anyway,
23:09 you know.
23:11 And today it's not personal about that.
23:12 But if you're not really paying attention to it,
23:14 it's a warning that Christ is giving you
23:16 if it's from the Word of God.
23:17 It's Jesus speaking to you.
23:19 It's Him that sounding the trumpet.
23:21 It's Him saying to wake up.
23:23 I don't know your personal life when you wake up or not.
23:25 People take it personal, they get all excited about it.
23:27 But this is the Word of God says that we need to be ready,
23:30 we cry aloud and we spare not.
23:32 Some people just will not listen
23:34 because they get into a position
23:36 just like Israel.
23:37 Do you remember Israel,
23:39 when they were going after Baal?
23:40 You remember that?
23:41 And Ashtaroth, you remember that?
23:43 When they did that,
23:44 they cut their connection with God.
23:46 When they decided to have other gods,
23:48 they cut that connection, but what happen?
23:51 God still loved them.
23:52 They were going in the wrong direction.
23:53 God reached out through what?
23:55 Through prophets.
23:56 God reached out what I want to just think about today are,
23:59 to may I say the true and the faithful
24:01 that are still left in this church.
24:03 There may be very few, but just let me say that
24:05 if you don't mind, it'd be a good challenge.
24:07 I challenge myself with it.
24:09 The faithful, the true and faithful
24:10 called out against
24:12 what was going on in the days of Israel.
24:14 You know what? They didn't listen.
24:16 They continued on just like no one had said.
24:18 So the majority will continue on
24:21 and somebody will go, oh, well, that was a good sermon.
24:22 Well, that was a good writer.
24:24 It's are the words, are we hearing the words,
24:26 are we taking them in?
24:28 Is it possible?
24:29 Is it just possible, let me ask this question.
24:31 Is it just possible
24:33 that maybe we've turned in another direction,
24:38 as in the days of Amos.
24:40 We have a direction that we're going
24:41 but is it possible that enemy has been steering us
24:44 as a people off of course,
24:47 and he stares at us such a little bit at a time
24:48 that we don't know we're off course.
24:50 There's nothing more deadly in the Christian world is
24:53 if somebody's off course and lost and don't know it.
24:56 Lukewarm and doesn't know,
24:57 it is dangerous for any one of us.
25:00 For instance, Amos 5:10,12.
25:07 I'll just get part of here but notice him,
25:08 the time came, he said,
25:10 "Him that rebuketh in the gate,"
25:13 declared Amos,
25:14 "they hate,
25:16 they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
25:19 They afflict the just, they take a bribe,
25:22 and they turn aside the poor in the gates,
25:25 which is their right."
25:27 You see what happens?
25:28 People don't necessarily like someone that tells the truth.
25:31 People don't necessarily like the ones
25:32 who are preaching truth today.
25:35 Because most are turned against what is truth
25:37 because it demands a change in their life,
25:39 they're not willing to change?
25:42 Here's where they got into trouble.
25:43 Here's where Israel got into trouble.
25:45 Here's what Amos was writing about.
25:47 This is where we get into trouble today,
25:49 my brothers and sisters,
25:50 those individuals as well as us,
25:53 regardless of what you professor,
25:54 where your name might be written on
25:56 whatever is it written on.
25:58 Lamb's Book of Life is of most importance,
26:00 we will know the other books don't mean anything, my, my.
26:03 Think about it, it's real call.
26:05 But get it, we're the Lamb's Book of Life.
26:07 The Lamb's Book of Life.
26:10 This is where God wants our names.
26:14 They've messed their self up
26:16 because they forgot their Maker.
26:18 They forgot their Creator, they forgot their Redeemer.
26:22 In fact, the Hosea writes about that in Hosea 9:9,
26:28 talking about Israel,
26:29 is was it said, three words,
26:31 "They deeply corrupted."
26:33 Maybe it's four words themselves.
26:36 Deeply corrupted themselves.
26:40 Interesting.
26:42 Last Day Events, page 24.
26:43 You may have that book
26:45 and you're reading Last Day Events.
26:46 Notice this, in the last scenes of earth's history,
26:49 notice this, war will rage.
26:53 Are the wars going on now?
26:55 Absolutely, all over, something going on what?
26:57 Twelve, fifteen years now, whatever, long periods of time,
27:00 It's just going death after death
27:01 and trillions of dollars being spent,
27:03 we realize it despite, the inspiration says this,
27:06 "In the last scenes of earth's history,
27:09 war will rage,
27:10 there will be pestilence, there will be plagues,
27:13 there will be famines,
27:15 that waters of the deep," listen,
27:17 "waters of the deep will overflow
27:19 their boundaries,"
27:21 notice this, "property and life
27:23 will be destroyed by fire and flood."
27:26 If every one of those are not here today,
27:28 rapid falling on the heels, one
27:30 after the other, I'm not standing here.
27:33 Remember, these are things
27:35 that we have to be aware of the events
27:36 that are unfolding that tell us that Jesus is soon to come,
27:39 that we need to make a decision wake us up.
27:42 Or you might stay in this world that we live in,
27:44 no such thing, no such thing as famine.
27:47 I think it was the New York Post.
27:51 Not too long ago had a big article
27:53 and they simply said on there,
27:54 20 million people at risk of starvation.
27:59 Famine and you know what?
28:01 Basically most of the famine, not only just natural that,
28:04 you know, natural disaster
28:05 because there's no rain or whatever,
28:07 but the majority of the famines going on here
28:09 is because of war in their land.
28:13 Unrest, killing each other, did you get it?
28:17 God wants to bless,
28:18 but there's things here we need to look at.
28:20 Property and life will be destroyed
28:22 by fire and flood if we've ever seen it.
28:25 It's just today.
28:27 Some of us have been around long time,
28:28 we understand that, how about you?
28:32 But the good news we need not be caught off guard.
28:35 You see, if we're studying the Word
28:37 and we're staying in the Word,
28:38 and I want you to be excited about it.
28:41 Nobody's beating somebody over the head,
28:42 not somebody's making anybody feel bad.
28:44 This is not, we're just looking at the Word of God
28:46 and just simply say, does it apply to me
28:48 or does it not?
28:50 You know, when I read the Word of God automatically,
28:52 I know it applies to me.
28:53 I don't know about you, but that'd be a good idea.
28:56 I think, you know, that applies to me,
28:58 regardless of how we think we might be,
29:00 it still applies to us.
29:02 We need not be caught off guard.
29:04 Reading in a little book called Seven Testimonies, page 14.
29:07 Listen carefully to these words 7, 14.
29:10 "Those who place themselves under God's control
29:14 to be led and guided by him,"
29:17 notice this sermon title,
29:19 "will catch this steady trend of the events
29:22 ordained by Him to take place."
29:25 Those who, now, who's going to be,
29:28 you know, who's going to catch the steady stream of events
29:31 that are happening, that tell us Jesus is coming?
29:34 Those under the control...
29:36 This not hard,
29:37 under the control of what?
29:39 Those under the control of God,
29:42 those that are being led by God will understand the time
29:45 that we're living in and the events
29:47 that are taking place
29:49 that tells us that Jesus is coming.
29:51 We don't have to guess.
29:54 So if we don't know,
29:55 if we're not sure, we've not been around it,
29:56 maybe we haven't studied,
29:58 maybe we haven't had the opportunity,
29:59 but there's many of us that have many, many,
30:01 many years of opportunities to learn what truth is
30:03 and what we need to be doing.
30:05 But notice, we can understand the steady trend of events
30:09 ordained by God so that we're not caught off guard.
30:13 Amos 3:7 says "Surely the Lord God will," what?
30:17 "Surely Lord God will do nothing
30:19 but he," does what?
30:20 Yeah, "Revealeth his secret unto His servants,
30:24 the prophets.
30:25 So God's not trying to sneak up on you.
30:27 He's wanting to what?
30:29 Make sure that you're awake and ready to meet Him
30:31 when He comes.
30:33 Great Controversy quickly, 609
30:35 says this, 610, you can read both,
30:37 they're beautiful pages.
30:39 It says, "The Lord gives special truths
30:42 for the people in an emergency."
30:44 Anyone believe that we're in emergency?
30:46 I don't want to take a lot of time and get away
30:47 because there's so much material but think about it.
30:50 I believe I really do.
30:51 I believe we're in emergency.
30:53 I really feel like there's more that needs to be done.
30:57 And I know it's not of works thing,
30:58 oh, you can work yourself into heaven.
30:59 No, you can't do it by works.
31:01 There's no way, but you're saved by grace
31:03 through faith.
31:05 But I feel an urgency,
31:06 I want you to feel that urgency inside
31:08 that what you have to do, you need to do it quickly,
31:11 because our time is almost gone,
31:14 and the Lord gives a special message in times of what?
31:17 Of emergency.
31:18 Who dare not to preach it,
31:20 who dare not to publish it
31:22 when God has given us this message?
31:24 He commands us to present this last invitation of mercy
31:29 to the world and certainly this last message
31:31 is a three angels' message,
31:33 first, second, third angel's message.
31:35 We don't talk about a lot of things
31:36 that we need to be talking about
31:37 because we're afraid they're going to be
31:39 offensive to people.
31:40 We are here because we are seventh day keepers,
31:42 Seventh-day Adventists,
31:43 we believe right in the coming of Jesus Christ.
31:45 We believe in keeping the seventh day holy,
31:47 because that's what the Bible says.
31:50 This is very, very important.
31:52 We cannot remain silent
31:54 at this hour that we're living in.
31:57 We cannot remain silent.
32:01 If we do, it's going to be at the peril of souls
32:04 that will be lost
32:06 because we did not raise our voice.
32:07 We did not cry aloud and spare not.
32:10 We are Christ's ambassadors, are we're not?
32:12 We're supposed to be.
32:15 There's gonna be consequences
32:17 if we don't do what God's asked us to do.
32:20 But remember, just do what God asked you to do
32:23 and leave the results up to Him.
32:26 You can't convince anybody.
32:27 I can't convince anybody.
32:29 I don't try to convince him,
32:30 I said, I'll try to convince him
32:31 by the Word of God,
32:33 but the Holy Spirit of the Living God
32:34 convinces you and me
32:35 of what we need to be doing.
32:37 And we know what truth is.
32:38 Here we are.
32:39 Here we are today.
32:41 Prophecy being fulfilled all around us
32:44 before our very eyes.
32:45 And so I invite you today I say, look,
32:48 just like I do in studying...
32:50 Look at your life.
32:52 God have mercy.
32:53 Let it, Lord, help us to look at our lives.
32:57 If we believe that today that prophecy is fulfilled
32:59 before our very eyes
33:01 and if we really believe with all of our heart
33:03 that the last movements and moment things that happen,
33:05 events will be rapid.
33:07 They're going to take place so fast
33:08 we won't know what hit us.
33:11 Now Botha said, not here in this church
33:13 by the grace of God.
33:16 Steve Harwell but some time
33:17 people do a bunch of cooties, doom and gloom.
33:19 You may be glad one of these days
33:21 at least somebody kept trying to wake,
33:23 somebody is like filling myself as we go along.
33:27 Think about where we live.
33:28 Look at your own life today.
33:31 Look how we're living.
33:33 Are we living like Jesus is coming?
33:36 We're either lifting up the standards,
33:37 or we're lowering the standards?
33:39 There's no middle ground.
33:41 Well, I'm not lifting now.
33:42 Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
33:45 We either lift them up or we're tearing them down.
33:48 We tear him down a lot of time because we want to be liberal.
33:51 We want to look at things and say,
33:53 Well, I don't think God really minds.
33:54 God tells you exactly what He approves us
33:56 and what He doesn't in His Word.
33:58 So we need not try to water it down or say,
34:00 well, it doesn't matter or what's wrong with that?
34:03 Well, what's good with it?
34:05 If it doesn't lead you to Jesus Christ,
34:06 what good really is it?
34:07 This is what a mindset God help us,
34:10 we either are raising it or we're lowering it,
34:12 look at our country.
34:13 For heaven's sakes, look at our country.
34:16 Look at and I'm not up here preaching vote for this guy
34:19 and that guy, look at your government.
34:21 Look what's taking place,
34:22 the things I've never seen ever happen in my lifetime
34:26 is not even close to it.
34:28 It's so outlandish today.
34:31 Then why, so that God wants our attention,
34:35 something should get your attention.
34:36 This is getting my attention,
34:38 things that are happening because why?
34:40 Because it concerns us and God's people,
34:42 the Christians around the world today.
34:46 Just look,
34:47 restrictions are being passed
34:48 almost every day that we are alive,
34:51 taking away our religious freedoms.
34:54 So we need to understand what?
34:55 Understand the events,
34:57 you know, the trend of events is taking place.
35:00 Do we realize the trends that have been taking place
35:02 for a long time is take away your freedom of speech?
35:05 You think it's not taken away today?
35:07 Your freedom of religion, you think it's not,
35:09 you'll see when the time is needed.
35:11 The laws are already there.
35:13 You're not able to say, you think it's not taken away.
35:15 Well, you can't pass out
35:16 certain books in certain places of the world today,
35:18 because it talks about the Catholic Church,
35:20 as you well know.
35:21 And so that's abuse,
35:24 that's hurting somebody.
35:27 Same thing happened in the Word of God
35:29 when disciples and Jesus began to do.
35:31 Jesus preached the truth you remember?
35:33 You remember Jesus?
35:34 Yes, it's a bit exciting today, we remember Jesus,
35:36 He preached the truth
35:38 and they nailed Him to the cross for it.
35:41 You're either lifting it up or you're tearing them down.
35:44 The time has come
35:46 and we understand that our freedom...
35:47 Is anybody here understand that?
35:49 Our religious freedom is gone but gone.
35:54 Freedom of speech is gone.
35:55 You can't say
35:56 and I don't believe you should just say
35:58 what you want? What you have in mind?
35:59 Some people say I don't want to hear it.
36:00 But I think they have a right
36:02 to live in this country to be able to speak
36:05 what they want to speak
36:06 even if I don't agree with them,
36:07 they should have that right.
36:10 God gave us that right.
36:12 This is why He raised this country up here
36:13 for religious freedom to do the right thing.
36:17 They've been taken away,
36:18 you remember when the apostles in Acts Chapter 5,
36:21 you remember what the council did,
36:24 the religious leaders?
36:25 They told the apostles, you guys keep quiet
36:27 and don't you be preaching the name of Jesus anymore.
36:29 You realize we're living in that hour?
36:31 One of these days soon,
36:33 you're not gonna be able to preach
36:34 in the name of Jesus.
36:35 We think that's outlandish?
36:37 Man, we need to read our Bibles.
36:40 Yeah. Oh, yeah.
36:42 All the things going on with people
36:43 who don't know what gender they are,
36:45 there're things going on, laws that have been passed,
36:47 unmerciful.
36:50 The Bible condemns it.
36:51 If Bible condemns it, and God condemns it,
36:53 we must condemn it.
36:55 Does that make sense to us?
36:57 It makes sense. Hello, that makes sense to me.
36:59 If God condemns it, we must condemn it
37:03 rather than looking at people that we love and say,
37:04 oh, well, we love them, we don't want,
37:06 we love them but you don't care for that action,
37:09 you don't care for that lifestyle
37:10 because God says is not good.
37:12 What did the apostles do?
37:14 They were put in jail, you guys you scoundrels,
37:16 you can't be preaching in the name of Jesus.
37:19 And I love, as soon as they let them loose,
37:20 they went right back at around the corner,
37:22 they didn't hide in the room,
37:24 they didn't try to be like some people right here
37:26 and then they want to tell me how the hall...
37:28 Oh, boy, how the hall gate the cabbage
37:30 on a certain subject
37:31 but they don't have the backbone enough
37:32 to put their name or address.
37:35 Should I be?
37:37 Josh, should I calm down?
37:40 Okay, somebody of the level head,
37:41 I'm just saying, that just.
37:43 I'm not trying to criticize.
37:44 I'm just simply saying,
37:46 if you want to know what the truth is,
37:47 you set and you listen to Behold the Lamb program
37:49 and you see what the message is.
37:51 But then you turn right around and say everything
37:53 he said was wrong.
37:55 And they try to tell you why from the Bible,
37:56 but they won't give you an opportunity to come back.
38:01 If you want to know what truth is,
38:02 we're out there every day, right?
38:03 We're doing you know exactly
38:05 what we are and what we stand for,
38:06 we don't know, but we love them.
38:07 It's okay to do it, but just put your name on it
38:09 so we can communicate.
38:11 I'll get off of that and keep going.
38:13 What did the apostles do?
38:16 They went right back out.
38:18 And what did they say?
38:20 If the council and the religious,
38:21 the church as it were said don't do this.
38:24 They went right back out and they say
38:26 we had the Acts 5:39,
38:28 we had rather obey God than man.
38:31 This is where it's boiling down to,
38:33 this is what it's coming down to in this hour
38:35 that we live in.
38:36 Manuscript 78, listen to these words.
38:39 In 1897, this was written.
38:40 Please listen,
38:42 "Seventh-day Adventists will fight the battle
38:44 over the seventh day Sabbath.
38:47 The authorities in the US
38:49 and in other countries will rise up
38:51 with their pride and power
38:53 and make laws restricting religious liberty."
38:58 Do you see that happening? Absolutely, it's happening.
39:00 Read Revelation 13:16, 7,
39:03 it said the time will come you
39:05 will not be able to buy or sell,
39:06 say if you have the mark,
39:07 I don't want the mark of the beast.
39:09 You know what?
39:11 Most of our churches are afraid to preach
39:12 what the mark of the beast is.
39:13 They don't preach about what the image to the beast is.
39:15 They're afraid to mention Sabbath and Sunday issues.
39:18 They're afraid to mention
39:19 who changed the seventh day Sabbath,
39:21 you see, to the first day of the week.
39:24 That's one passage probably
39:25 so misunderstood in the entire Bible.
39:28 It's been desecrated so bad
39:30 when somebody says we changed the seventh day
39:31 to the first day of the week, and we give us proof
39:34 that Christ rose on the first day of the week.
39:36 If you don't mind, I'm just going ahead.
39:42 See, we have to have some kind of fire inside
39:45 not if people don't know any better.
39:47 I'm not trying to condemn them, I want you to wake up and say,
39:49 wait a minute,
39:51 I'm using a passage
39:53 that doesn't say that at all.
39:55 Nothing says anything about changing the worship
39:57 from Sabbath to the seventh day
39:58 to the first day of the week at all.
40:00 About the resurrection, remember baptism?
40:03 Romans Chapter 6 is a commemoration of his death,
40:06 his burial, his resurrection
40:08 not coming up and putting false connotations
40:11 and traditions on it.
40:12 We have to stand up and fight back.
40:15 Hope somebody is willing to do that.
40:17 We see church and state
40:20 opposing already
40:21 and they will continue to pose God's people.
40:24 My question, are we really ready for such a time?
40:27 I questioned myself, am I really ready
40:29 because I kind of like peace and quiet.
40:32 I kind of like things that goes...
40:34 Is that okay to say that? I like things kind of smooth.
40:37 But I don't know if I ever have smooth time or not?
40:39 There's always something bumpings you know,
40:41 something going on but still yet,
40:42 we don't like unnecessary problems, do we?
40:44 We don't like things that are going on here.
40:47 But are we really ready for such a trying time
40:49 that we're going to have to stand up,
40:51 may cost us our job, may cost us our home,
40:53 may cost us our companion.
40:55 It may cost our lives,
40:57 3 Testimony
41:00 2 Selected Messages, I want to bring to you,
41:03 there's three quick quotes but notice,
41:04 there's a little bit of reading to it,
41:06 but just bear with me.
41:08 2 SM page 378 says this, notice this.
41:12 "Let the churches who claim to believe the truth."
41:15 Let the churches who" what?
41:17 Claim to believe the church,
41:19 "who are advocating keeping the law of God,
41:22 keep that law and depart from all iniquity."
41:25 Let the individual members of the church
41:27 resist the temptations to participate with evils,
41:30 practice evils and indulge in sin.
41:32 Let the church commence
41:34 the work of purification before God."
41:37 How do we do that?
41:39 "By repentance, by what?
41:40 Humiliation, by deep heart searching."
41:43 How many have taken time to search their own heart?
41:46 We are in and I think everyone will agree,
41:49 at least we should if we're Bible student.
41:50 We are in the great antitypical Day of Atonement, are we not?
41:56 That's an awesome time to live that tells us another step
41:59 that Jesus is coming,
42:00 its solemn,
42:02 the events are solemn here.
42:04 There's eternal interest that are stapled to this
42:08 as it were nailed to it,
42:09 and there's going to be some results...
42:16 that no man standing,
42:18 but no man that's sitting
42:19 that we call them watchman on the walls of Zion,
42:22 shepherds of the flock.
42:24 They need to be proclaiming the solemn truths of this hour.
42:29 They need to sound the notes of warning
42:31 to all people, nations and tongues.
42:33 That's our job, is it not?
42:36 2 Selected Message 379,
42:39 "The least transgression of God's law
42:41 brings guilt upon the transgressor.
42:43 Without earnest repentance and for," notice this,
42:45 "forsaking of sin,
42:47 he will surely become an apostate."
42:50 People will hold on to things they shouldn't,
42:51 you're going to become an apostate,
42:53 you're going to turn on those things,
42:54 you want to believe there's the truth.
42:56 2 Selected Message 379 says, notice this,
42:59 "The voice of the true watchman
43:01 needs now to be heard all along the line."
43:05 Did you get it?
43:06 Who?
43:08 The voice of the true watchman
43:09 are going to be sighing and crying
43:11 for the abominations that be done in the church
43:13 and outside the church.
43:15 Every abominations we take the axe,
43:17 sin needs to go,
43:19 Jesus is coming and taking the righteous back,
43:21 not the sinner.
43:23 Isaiah talked about that a lot. We don't have time to go there.
43:25 Isaiah 21:12
43:29 talks about the morning cometh
43:31 and also the night.
43:32 Night comes when no man can work.
43:34 We've got light, when we've got light,
43:36 we need to be doing what we have to do.
43:38 That's what I was talking about,
43:39 my wife was talking about today,
43:40 Behold the Lamb that we want to grow
43:43 and to prosper in the name of Jesus Christ
43:45 and to reach out more than we ever have
43:47 in all the avenues that we can find,
43:49 to maybe get some bodies' attention,
43:50 maybe one person's attention.
43:52 They can be ready for the coming of Jesus
43:54 or could be multitude and millions
43:55 for all that we know, God knows.
43:58 Trumpet has to give the certain sound.
44:00 1 Corinthians 14:8.
44:02 So it talked about not given an uncertain sound,
44:04 we need to be sounding that day alarm,
44:07 prep the Lord's preparation, it's here, 2 Selected Message,
44:11 2SM if you're writing them down,
44:13 page 380, notice this,
44:15 "Nations will be stirred to the very center.
44:19 Support will be withdrawn from those who proclaim
44:21 God's standard of righteousness."
44:23 What is God's standard of righteousness?
44:26 What is God's standard of righteousness?
44:28 Somebody say it's Ten Commandment law.
44:29 Is Ten Commandment law,
44:31 it's the only sure test of character,
44:34 notice that.
44:35 And all who will not bow,
44:36 listen carefully to the decree of the national councils
44:41 and obey the national laws to exalt,
44:44 I'll have to just say here, exalt Sunday,
44:46 as instituted by the man of sin,
44:49 to disregard God's holy day, men are going to feel,
44:53 remember, we're talking about those
44:55 who disregard what they know to be true.
44:57 There's multitudes of good Christian folks
44:58 that do not know the difference.
45:00 They will know it,
45:01 they will come to grips with it,
45:03 God will make sure of it.
45:04 Ain't that good news that God's going to make sure
45:06 that people is going to hear and have the opportunity
45:08 to make a decision?
45:09 But notice this, if you stand for what is right,
45:11 here's what you're going to find,
45:13 you're going to feel, here it says,
45:14 not the oppressive power of popery alone,
45:18 but the Protestant world, the image to the beast.
45:22 They're all going to turn against you,
45:24 all the friends you think you might have when time comes,
45:26 you say I want to stand for God like the three Hebrews.
45:29 We look in the Bible over and over and over
45:31 God's people stood up.
45:33 None.
45:34 The Bible is clear in Revelation 12:11,
45:36 there is none.
45:38 None but those who have been overcoming
45:39 by the blood of the Lamb, notice that,
45:42 and the word of their testimony
45:44 will be found with the loyal and true
45:46 without spot and sin when Jesus come.
45:49 Are you being washed day by day?
45:51 Are you asking for forgiveness of sin
45:52 and ask that He cleanse you, asking to give you victory?
45:55 Oh, that thing that may be a weakness
45:57 in your life or in my life,
45:58 am I presenting it to Him each day
46:00 that I might gain that victory, we should be.
46:02 Since we are in the Day of Atonement,
46:05 let's go just a little deeper, we got a few moments left.
46:07 Notice 2 Selected Message 381,
46:10 2 SM 381 says this,
46:12 "That which God required of Adam
46:14 before the fall
46:16 was perfect obedience to His law."
46:18 If somebody still here?
46:21 "God requires now what He required of Adam,
46:24 perfect obedience, righteousness without a flaw,
46:28 without shortcomings in His sight."
46:30 Of course, we cannot do this without faith in Christ Jesus,
46:34 who's brought into our daily life
46:36 and our daily practices.
46:38 It's possible through Him, all things are possible,
46:40 is it not?
46:41 So I say time that we're living in,
46:44 those who are in Zion,
46:45 if you believe that you're in Zion,
46:47 you believe you're in the last day church,
46:49 the remnant church of Revelation.
46:51 You really believe that, I just ask you,
46:53 we need to wake up,
46:54 we need to basically some wake up
46:56 from the dead.
46:57 We need to arise, Isaiah 60:1 says,
47:00 "Arise and shine, for thy light is come."
47:02 If you believe the light has come
47:04 and you're where God wants you to be,
47:05 it's time for us to rise up and do something about it.
47:08 Why?
47:09 Because there are confederacies that are banding together,
47:12 all even in Adventism, all over the place.
47:14 You know what a confederacy is?
47:18 It's simply just a people, men coming together
47:21 to hurt the cause of God to cause problems
47:23 with the truth getting it out to the world.
47:26 They want to cover it by human influence
47:28 and human tradition.
47:30 But you know what?
47:32 Scripture is very clear,
47:33 Spirit of Prophecy is very clear.
47:36 We form no confederacy, no agreement together,
47:39 know we're gathered together with unbelievers
47:43 that don't love the truth.
47:44 Did you get that?
47:46 2 SM,
47:47 2 Selected Message 383 says,
47:49 "Confederacies will increase in number and power
47:52 as we draw near to the end of time.
47:54 Do you believe that?
47:55 Notice, these confederacies will create opposing influences
47:59 to the truth."
48:00 And you might find some in your own church,
48:02 you might find some just real close by,
48:04 because all the time there's new groups forming,
48:05 new group over here, new group over here,
48:07 new group over here.
48:09 Spirit of Prophecy is talking about that.
48:12 They're going to be having influence
48:13 but it's against truth.
48:15 Notice what it says,
48:16 "They're forming new parties
48:18 of professed believers
48:20 who will act out their own delusive theories.
48:23 The apostasy will increase."
48:26 Isn't that Interesting?
48:27 General Conference Bulletin in 13-4-1891 notice this,
48:31 "Professed Protestants will notice the world
48:34 will form a confederacy with the man of sin,
48:37 the church and the world will be in corrupt harmony.
48:41 Man, that's heavy duty.
48:42 Do you know what you're in for when this takes place?
48:44 It's already taking place here,
48:46 there's just not enforcing it yet.
48:51 Satanic agencies are taking their stand here on the ground.
48:56 They're coming down,
48:57 we're fighting with demons from hell.
49:01 But praise God, we know that they're coming
49:03 and we know what the devil is going to do
49:05 because it tells us,
49:06 we also know what God's going to do.
49:07 God is going to, heavenly angels
49:09 are going to be coming down in human guise,
49:11 they're going to be put on the field of action.
49:14 Isn't that wonderful?
49:15 we have protection,
49:16 if you want to stand for what is truth,
49:18 but there's no time for the people of God
49:21 to be weaklings.
49:23 This is not a time.
49:27 I'll say this nice as I can for God's people to be sissies.
49:32 God's calling for real men and real women
49:35 who love Him with their whole heart
49:36 and their soul and their mind.
49:38 They're longing for Jesus to come,
49:39 they want Him to come.
49:41 They're studying the events that are unfolding here
49:44 so that we know that so we won't be fooled.
49:49 God looking for people is going to be strong
49:51 and His power.
49:53 Our distinctive sign.
49:54 What is our distinctive sign?
49:56 The banner, notice the banner on distinctive sign
49:58 that we have as Seventh-day Adventist is this,
50:01 commandments of God and what?
50:03 The faith of Jesus.
50:05 Three angels' message,
50:06 notice that brings to light the seventh day Sabbath
50:09 as God's Memorial,
50:10 we need to be talking about it more.
50:12 We need to be studying about it more
50:14 we need to ask God to help us keep it the right way.
50:21 There can be no compromise
50:24 with those who are worshipping an idol false Sabbath.
50:28 Why?
50:29 Because my Bible says in 1 Corinthians 4:9,
50:31 we are made a spectacle to the world
50:34 and to angels and to men.
50:37 All of heaven is watching.
50:38 All of heaven is interested
50:40 in what's taking place right now in your life,
50:42 and in my life.
50:44 God's looking for some people
50:45 that will have spiritual foundation enough
50:48 that they're willing to stand in the face of adversity,
50:52 and other problems and threats, which you will get.
50:56 But you love Jesus enough,
50:57 you're willing to take a stand regardless.
51:03 We made a spectacle.
51:06 Then there's certainly those who are working to make us like
51:10 other faith, other denominations.
51:12 They're telling us to just take our distinctive sign down.
51:15 Don't be so, where you stand out.
51:18 I thought we're supposed to be peculiar.
51:19 I thought we're supposed to be different.
51:21 I thought we're supposed to stand out
51:23 because we want to keep by the grace of God,
51:25 His commandments.
51:27 I encourage you today, don't sit down and quit.
51:29 I encourage you to fight back with the Word of God.
51:32 There's a fight,
51:34 we're going to be defensive or we're going to be offensive.
51:36 This is the time,
51:38 our distinctive banner, if you don't know
51:40 what our distinctive banner is,
51:41 which we need to hold it up,
51:43 hold it up high for the world to see.
51:44 Don't be ashamed,
51:46 why God's called you into this movement.
51:48 He called you for a reason.
51:50 He knew that He could count on you
51:51 but you have to decide that.
51:54 He said, I'll equip you, don't look at yourself.
51:56 Say, I can't, I can't do it on my own.
51:58 No, you can't.
51:59 We need Him.
52:01 We need His grace, His strength, His forgiveness.
52:04 But on that banner that we go about holding up,
52:06 we say, well, here's the patience of the saints.
52:10 Revelation 14:12, "Here they keep," what?
52:13 "Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
52:15 That's the banner that you're going around on.
52:17 That's what you're holding up there,
52:19 Commandments of God.
52:20 We believe in keeping the Commandments of God
52:22 and have the faith of Jesus.
52:23 Spirit of Prophecy,
52:24 praise God for that gift in the church.
52:27 This message is to be bored, this banner is to go
52:30 and we need to held up high until what?
52:33 Till Jesus comes.
52:34 It's never to be lowered.
52:36 It's never say there's time out
52:37 that people don't want to hear it anymore
52:39 until Jesus comes,
52:41 the world is uniting.
52:43 They're transgressing the law of God.
52:46 They're tearing down the memorial of His creation,
52:49 which is the seventh day Sabbath,
52:50 and we have stood by and watched him tear it down.
52:53 We cannot do that anymore.
52:55 We cannot do that anymore.
52:57 Don't get ever get tired of hearing
52:59 about the seventh day Sabbath.
53:00 If you do, you're tired of hearing about your Creator.
53:04 And your Creator said the seventh day,
53:05 we're not to be like others, we're to be separate,
53:07 we're to be peculiar, we're to be like Jesus.
53:11 Do we want to set back now
53:13 as to see the events unfolding and say, Oh, my, do nothing.
53:16 Absolutely not,
53:18 pray that we can catch a steady trend of events
53:21 that's on this world.
53:23 If we only realize the change of the Sabbath
53:24 why we're here?
53:26 We're to proclaim that to the world.
53:27 We claim what?
53:29 The papacy changed the seventh day
53:30 right to the first day of the week,
53:31 because they had the power and authority to do so.
53:33 Quote after quote can be given to you
53:35 to make no mistake about it.
53:37 You study the Word of God,
53:38 there's not one scripture for a change
53:40 from the seventh to the first day of the week.
53:42 Man has done that, the enemy has done it,
53:44 and the world is wandering after the beast Are we there?
53:47 That's a lot of information, isn't it?
53:49 But we can be aware
53:51 that Jesus is coming
53:53 by the events is taking place right now.
53:55 Look at the things again that's going on in the world
53:58 and try to put them with prophecy
53:59 as you see this happening
54:01 and what it will turn out to be,
54:02 it's going to be going against the commandment
54:04 keepers of God,
54:05 and those who love the Spirit of Prophecy.
54:08 Are you ready for that day?
54:10 I pray that you're ready for that day.
54:11 I want to pray for you right now
54:13 in a few seconds we have left remaining.
54:14 Would you just kneel with me?
54:15 We're gonna pray that you make a right decision right now.
54:20 Our merciful Heavenly Father,
54:21 we thank You for Your precious Word.
54:23 We realize sometimes they're very difficult
54:24 and it's very hard for say, people to swallow.
54:27 But Lord, we know that Your warning is right now,
54:30 because You are coming.
54:32 And we know our lives need to be here
54:33 and secured in You.
54:35 We thank You for those decisions
54:36 that have been made right now
54:38 because people say you know what?
54:39 I need to get ready because Jesus is coming.
54:40 So help us to be ready for that wonderful, great day,
54:43 covers with your blood in Jesus name.
54:45 Amen.
54:47 Again, we thank you for joining us
54:48 as you always do,
54:50 and again for your cards and your letter, your support
54:52 that you give us to get this message to the world.
54:54 Remember, we're not just happy
54:55 just sitting still doing nothing.
54:56 We believe we need to be on the move.
54:58 We need to be, I say, on the offence.
55:00 We need to be getting the message out
55:01 while there's still a little bit of time left
55:03 because remember,
55:04 our religious freedoms are being taken away,
55:05 do what you have to do, do it now.
55:07 And we're going to be praying for you, pray for us.
55:09 We love you. We'll see you next time.
55:13 Welcome back.
55:14 We sometimes find current
55:16 and prophetic events of the future,
55:18 overwhelming.
55:20 But, friends, the good news is
55:21 that we don't have to face them alone,
55:24 nor in our own strength, we are given a choice.
55:27 We may choose to invite Christ into our hearts
55:30 to take control of our preparations
55:32 for here and for eternity.
55:34 Or we may choose to go it alone,
55:37 which in reality is allowing the enemy of souls
55:40 to lead our way,
55:42 to lead us down one of his paths.
55:44 Our prayer for you is that you choose Christ,
55:47 that you allow His strength to be your strength,
55:51 His mind to be your mind,
55:53 His peace, His comfort
55:55 to be your peace and your comfort.
55:58 Then though, the heavens fall off around us,
56:00 you will be ready,
56:02 you will be safe under His wings of protection.
56:05 This is His promise to all of us
56:08 who choose Christ as our Lord and Savior,
56:11 as found in Psalm 91:4.
56:14 Let me read it to you.
56:16 "He shall cover thee with his feathers,
56:18 and under his wings shalt thou trust:
56:21 his truth shall be thy shield and buckler."
56:24 Our prayer for you today is that
56:26 this message has stirred your heart
56:29 to study more diligently
56:31 that it has opened your eyes
56:32 to a deeper spiritual discernment
56:35 and given you more encouragement
56:38 to draw even closer to your Lord and Savior,
56:41 Jesus Christ.
56:42 And as always,
56:44 we would love to send you a copy of today's message
56:46 that is entitled,
56:48 "Catching The Steady Trend of Events,
56:51 The Last Scenes of This World's History"
56:53 for a love gift of just $23 or more
56:57 and as we help you,
56:59 never ever forget
57:01 that your systematic support of Behold the Lamb ministries
57:04 and your love gifts for all of your orders
57:07 enables us to continue sharing these messages
57:11 literally around the world.
57:13 So please give us a call here in the United States
57:16 at Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:18 at 618-942-5044, Central Time,
57:24 or write to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
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57:42 and we want to take just a moment
57:44 to invite you to like us
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57:47 Look for Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:50 and until next time, friends,
57:51 may our precious Lord
57:53 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2019-07-22