Behold the Lamb Presents

The Great Reset - Transforming The World

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000140S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:40 I'm Chris Shelton, your host,
00:42 and I'm so thankful that you have chosen to join us.
00:46 Today we will look at
00:48 what appears to be a steady movement
00:51 by a few wealthy and powerful individuals
00:54 whose goals it appears is to change our world
00:58 as we know it.
01:00 Our message is entitled,
01:01 "The Great Reset Transforming the World."
01:04 Pastor Kenny Shelton will be bringing us information
01:07 that he's gathered from online
01:09 that gives us a bit more knowledge,
01:12 as to the ultimate goals of this reset movement.
01:16 It appears to be a shift even from our capitalistic society
01:21 to more of a socialistic system.
01:24 When you read about it, for many people,
01:27 the ideas may sound very promising.
01:29 But when you go back
01:31 and you study this way of living
01:33 throughout history,
01:34 countries that have accepted this type of change,
01:37 it has never worked out quite the way
01:40 the majority of the people expected it to.
01:44 Apparently, this movement
01:45 has been making its way in the shadows
01:48 for some years now,
01:50 but with what we've experienced with numerous riots,
01:54 socialistic labor union demands,
01:57 and even money shortages.
01:59 Is it possible that this reset movement
02:03 is stepping into the light to push their agendas through?
02:07 And what effect will this possibly
02:09 have upon God's people in a land
02:12 where so many years
02:13 we have experienced freedom of religion?
02:17 Is this all part of prophecy?
02:19 I want you to stay tuned today
02:20 as we join Pastor Kenny Shelton and study this together.
02:24 Again, the title is,
02:26 "The Great Reset Transforming the World."
02:30 Thank you so much for joining us
02:32 here at Behold the Lamb Ministry.
02:33 We appreciate you so very much.
02:35 Again, calls, letters, you know,
02:37 we interchange things back and forth.
02:39 And sometime you're calling for books and DVDs and CDs
02:41 and so on and so forth.
02:43 We're glad to supply those to you.
02:45 Thank you again for your prayers
02:46 and for your support.
02:47 Today's subject I think is very, very important.
02:49 As mentioned, it's not for the weak of heart.
02:52 It's going to be very, very tough.
02:54 But you know, I think we're living in tough times.
02:56 And God wants us to have the message.
02:58 We're going to be talking about the great reset.
03:00 You probably heard it in the news.
03:02 And we're going to be talking about
03:03 because the great reset transforms the world.
03:07 We need the power of the Holy Spirit.
03:09 I desperately need it. So I'm going to pray right now.
03:12 And if you'll just pray where you can, kneel with me
03:14 and praise for the Holy Spirit.
03:16 Loving Father in heaven,
03:17 I thank You that we can call upon You
03:18 in our time of need.
03:20 You promised to hear, You promised to answer,
03:21 Lord, would not even think about getting up here
03:24 unless I know that
03:25 You will take control of my heart
03:26 and my mind, my life and the ears
03:28 and the hearts of Your people.
03:29 We pray, they'll just hear what they need to hear,
03:31 put it deep into their heart,
03:32 into their mind and make them
03:34 along with myself
03:36 just recommit to the service that
03:38 You've called us into.
03:39 Thank You for hearing and answering prayer today.
03:41 Thank You for the promise of the Holy Spirit,
03:43 in Jesus name, amen.
03:47 Again I want you to make sure you have your Bible
03:49 because there's things that
03:50 we'll refer to it and you're going to,
03:51 I know you gonna read along as we go.
03:53 Again, we're going to cover
03:55 as fast as much material as we can.
03:57 And this wasn't planned,
03:59 but it's just a few moments ago,
04:00 I was thinking about this passage of scripture
04:02 that I'm just going to have to read.
04:03 I read it all the time. But I don't know, I like it.
04:07 I like it because I believe it's part of
04:09 what God is telling us to do here in these last days,
04:12 found in 2 Thessalonians, you know,
04:13 or is it 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
04:17 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and 4.
04:20 I want to just read those verses again.
04:22 I know you've committed to memory,
04:24 but I'm telling you, they are powerful verses,
04:27 and that we need to be studying them right now
04:29 because they're taking place right now.
04:31 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and 4.
04:33 It says, "Let no man deceive you," by what?
04:36 "By any means, for that day shall not come,
04:39 except," what?"
04:41 There going to come a falling away,
04:43 "notice this, "first,
04:44 that the man of sin is going to be," what?
04:47 The man of sin, the Bible said,
04:48 "the man of sin is going to be" what?
04:50 "He's going to be revealed."
04:51 Notice this, "The son of perdition,"
04:53 and notice this.
04:55 Now, here's the one we're talking about.
04:56 There's identifying marks in verse 4.
04:58 He said, He's the one, the man of sin,
05:01 man a perdition says, "He's the one that opposes,
05:04 and exalteth himself above all that is called God."
05:09 Somebody has some audacity here.
05:11 Now notice, it goes on, "Or that is worshipped,"
05:14 so if somebody is wanting to worship,
05:16 someone wanting to sit in the place of God
05:18 that claims he is God, notice this,
05:20 "so that as God sitteth in the temple of God,
05:23 showing himself that he is God."
05:27 You realize what those words,
05:30 you really think about them, you pray about it.
05:32 We're talking about a man, a mere man saying, what?
05:36 I'm going to be like God, here on this earth.
05:40 Yeah, Lord, yes, you wanna say, that's a...
05:42 I've read it again and again and again.
05:43 I keep saying, "Lord, have mercy on us,
05:45 what is going on in this world?"
05:47 And I feel like as Seventh-day Adventists
05:49 and myself today and I've read about this week
05:51 and I've thought about this week
05:52 and a couple times I had to say,
05:54 "Lord, please forgive me for being too soft
05:56 as a Seventh-day Adventist."
05:58 Some people think the messages
05:59 come from here are difficult and hard.
06:01 They're not near what they ought to be.
06:03 And I think you will see,
06:04 as I read some of this stuff today.
06:06 I know we're saying, "Lord have mercy...
06:08 Forgive us for being soft."
06:11 We're not doing our job that we've been called to do.
06:13 And now we're going to go through a real mess
06:15 because we have not done it."
06:17 Bible said, there's this one pointed out in prophecy.
06:21 He's pointed out as the man of what?
06:23 Of sin.
06:25 Now notice this, it says, if he...
06:27 Now listen, he is a representation
06:30 or he's representing Satan.
06:33 Did you get it?
06:35 See, we don't want to talk that way
06:37 because that gets into the hate crime
06:39 and all this other kind of business
06:40 that the devil is trying to put a stop
06:42 so we can't do what we're supposed to do.
06:44 He is a representative.
06:45 This man of sin is a representative of Satan.
06:48 It's just that simple,
06:49 Spirit of Prophecy is very clear on that.
06:53 The Christian world has just simply sanctioned his efforts.
06:56 Today the world has adopted, I call it the what?
06:59 A new Spirit of Prophecy is a child of the papacy.
07:02 We've adopted a child of the papacy,
07:04 which is Sunday institution.
07:06 See, it's bigger.
07:07 It's bigger than most of us think of.
07:08 It's more heavy duty than we just think of
07:11 who's accepted this false Sabbath.
07:14 If you accept this false Sabbath,
07:17 you have accepted the man of sin.
07:20 Did anybody get that?
07:22 If you accept this false or Sunday,
07:24 once you get it through your mind,
07:26 you've accepted what?
07:28 Man of sins day, rather than God's day.
07:32 Hmm, boy.
07:37 We have to do our work.
07:43 Papal power has done their work.
07:46 We need to do our work
07:49 and our work is exalting the Seventh-day Sabbath
07:52 where it needs to be.
07:55 And not acting like it doesn't make any difference
07:57 one way or the other.
07:58 Well, we're just, we're all going to same place,
08:00 we're all going to get there what?
08:02 No, we're not.
08:03 It's okay to say that, we're not.
08:05 Unless we follow God's plan and God's way to get there,
08:09 all those are not going regardless of your profession,
08:12 or what you might think or what you might believe.
08:15 These are heavy duty times,
08:17 great reset transforming the world.
08:21 Just maybe a few reminders.
08:23 I want to get, there's so much here,
08:24 but a few reminders,
08:26 when we talk about hitting the reset button.
08:29 We'll talk more about it when we push it.
08:32 When you hit that reset button,
08:33 there's a change that takes place.
08:34 There's no doubt about it.
08:37 I talked to a school teacher this week,
08:41 retired, very smart.
08:44 He knows his history very well.
08:47 And we just began to talk about a few things are going on.
08:49 And he began to open up
08:51 and I'm thinking, "Yes, yes, yes, yes.
08:52 I've read that. I've studied that.
08:54 It comes together, you know, just so clear for me."
08:58 He talked about things going on in the world today,
09:00 things have gone on in history and past times.
09:03 And they said things
09:05 that are taking place right now,
09:06 when there is a reformation taking place,
09:08 when the world steps back and says,
09:10 ooh, we need to reset it.
09:12 We need to stop what we're doing
09:14 and reset the button
09:16 and start over in a different direction.
09:18 He said, "These are the things that take place every time
09:21 and you can go from China,
09:22 communist countries of the world,
09:24 and they've done exactly the same thing,
09:26 almost exactly in the same order.
09:28 You think the reading oh, oh,
09:29 you think they're reading the same script?"
09:33 It's almost like it's been,
09:35 well, it's almost like it's been scripted.
09:37 Because how can everybody follow kind of the same,
09:41 you know, way it's organized up and here's how it goes.
09:44 And just sit and think
09:45 have we seen this in this country right now?
09:48 Somebody is hitting the button.
09:53 First of all, always,
09:55 even in communist countries around the world today,
09:57 it starts with a peaceful protest.
10:02 It starts every time
10:03 with a peaceful protest somewhere.
10:08 This is what the school teacher was telling me,
10:10 as he studied history.
10:13 And I'm saying, "Oh, yeah, yeah, I've read that, I got.
10:15 Oh, yes, yes, yes,
10:17 I'm agreeing with you, go ahead.
10:18 What next?"
10:19 Because you know what happens when you have peaceful protest,
10:22 the very next thing is it turns violent.
10:25 He said, "Pretty peaceful, and then it turns violent.
10:28 It begins un-peaceful, it becomes a riot."
10:32 And then he said, "After that, they begin to burn things.
10:36 They begin looting and they begin killing
10:40 and they," notice this, and he said,
10:41 "They began to tear down monuments."
10:45 And you'll notice in other countries,
10:47 if you look and study history down,
10:49 they began to tear down, you face some,
10:53 you know, riot on things and burn things.
10:58 Then he said,
11:00 "Now notice this one with me Kenny."
11:02 He said, "After that some groups try to go
11:05 in certain places in the cities and take it over."
11:11 Hmm, I said, "Man, I'm digging it all the way."
11:14 We're seeing it happening right here,
11:16 because we got people hitting the button,
11:17 they're going to reset.
11:19 It's not going to be like it always was,
11:20 things are changing right now.
11:26 Then he said, "There's another thing.
11:28 After that, they begin to protest and say,
11:31 listen, we don't want law and order anymore."
11:35 Man, that doesn't sound like the devil,
11:37 I'll put in with you.
11:39 That's the way it begin, hey, we don't need law and order.
11:41 We don't need God's laws.
11:42 We don't need man's laws and so, huh.
11:46 And then it usually ends, he said,
11:47 "Usually ends over that the government has to be
11:50 called in and take over.
11:51 And then they implement all these laws and rules
11:53 and they just strangle things
11:56 and bigger government which we don't want."
11:58 But every time it's worked that way
12:00 almost exactly in that same order
12:02 around the world from ages past.
12:05 So surely we will listen
12:09 to what's going on in this world today
12:11 in the light of Bible prophecy.
12:14 And I ask some people that can save their literature
12:17 and maybe their phone call is
12:19 I am not trying to be political.
12:22 I'm not going one side or the other on these issues.
12:24 I'm going at it
12:26 from the light of Bible prophecy
12:28 as looking at what's going on in the world,
12:30 and then seeing what God has said
12:32 in His Word will be taking place.
12:34 We throw out all that political stuff as it were,
12:37 but we need to get into the Word of God
12:43 because this affects God's last day people.
12:48 We spend time studying Bible prophecy.
12:52 And again, it's not a political stance at all.
12:55 I'm a believer in church and state
12:58 said being separate like it's supposed to be,
13:00 but right now it's so close
13:02 that we get a message, you know,
13:03 a couple messages on well,
13:04 the thin line between church and state.
13:07 That's how thin, you don't even know
13:08 what side you're on anymore and you go down.
13:10 That's very sad because church people
13:12 always end up getting persecuted,
13:14 the faithful.
13:16 The great reset transforming the world.
13:20 I don't know how many of you know Charles Chiniquy.
13:24 Anybody heard his name? He's written a book.
13:27 He wrote several books,
13:28 in fact that he was born in 1809
13:31 and he died in 1899.
13:33 But man what insight this man had
13:36 for the time in which he's lived,
13:38 it's not like living now and seeing the stuff we see
13:40 and you'll be able to write about it.
13:42 He was a priest, a Catholic priest,
13:45 and then he turned to...
13:47 He probably gave his life to Jesus
13:49 and become a Protestant.
13:51 And boy, did he spill the beans.
13:54 He spilled the beans on some things
13:56 and he wrote a book called,
13:58 "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome,"
14:00 some people are more familiar
14:01 with that than they are with author of the book.
14:03 That's very, very, very, very powerful.
14:05 So a priest then turn, he's written books
14:07 like the "Priest and the Woman
14:09 and Confessional," you know, "Papal Idolatry"
14:14 and things like "Rome and Their Education."
14:17 And when I began to read some of these things,
14:19 I said, "My lands of love,
14:21 we haven't done what we should have been doing
14:22 for so long."
14:24 There is a plan that they have had that
14:26 we know we talked about, we know there's a plan.
14:29 I'm talking about a real-life plan.
14:33 They never finished
14:34 Protestantism off in the Dark Ages,
14:37 and they plan on doing it.
14:38 Did you get it?
14:40 They want to come back
14:41 and finish off where they left off.
14:43 It's not trying to put anything,
14:45 it's the organization I'm talking about.
14:47 It's not the good people. There's many good people.
14:49 I don't want to have to explain that every time.
14:51 It's the organization.
14:53 You have to lead
14:54 and who's behind the organization,
14:56 we just said behind the man of sin what?
14:57 Is the enemy.
14:59 The enemy gave him his power,
15:01 his seat and his great authority,
15:02 here's what the Bible says.
15:05 So here's what he wrote, he wrote a little things.
15:08 In the front of the books, sometimes people write,
15:10 what they called them?
15:11 Forewords, preferences, or they write little something.
15:14 Here's what he wrote. He wrote this.
15:16 He said, "This is, I want the citizens
15:19 of the United States of America to read this.
15:22 Whoa, why us?
15:25 So Charles Chiniquy wrote a foreword
15:28 or whatever in his book,
15:30 to the citizens of the United States.
15:32 Here's how it read.
15:33 When I read it, I had to read it again.
15:35 Then I had to read it again.
15:36 Then I felt overwhelmed.
15:39 Then I got up from the desk, and I went outside
15:41 and sat in the chair for a few minutes.
15:43 Then I regained and I went back in
15:44 and I read it again.
15:46 I got overwhelmed again.
15:50 I may not overwhelm you, but I hope it does in a sense,
15:53 to realize this is a reality that we're talking about here.
15:56 And we don't want to do this kind of work
15:58 because we don't want to offend other people.
16:00 This is bigger than people.
16:03 This is big.
16:08 Here's how it reads, he wrote this,
16:10 "To the honest,
16:11 liberty loving people of the US."
16:15 Now again 1840-50, this was written
16:18 so you know the time which he was,
16:20 in fact, it'd be nice, you read that someday,
16:22 he was actually a personal friend
16:24 of Abraham Lincoln.
16:26 And he actually told Lincoln before he was killed,
16:29 how he was going to be killed,
16:31 and who was going to be guilty of it.
16:37 And even who's responsible
16:39 for what the blood massacre of us,
16:41 we're talking about
16:43 the Civil War here in the States.
16:46 This organization means business
16:49 and we need to mean business ourselves
16:51 when it comes to doing what God has asked us to do.
16:54 You sit idly by, you will be overtaken,
16:56 you will be overcome.
16:58 Blood will run high.
16:59 Notice again, that's what he says.
17:01 Here's how it reads, "To the honest
17:02 and liberty loving people of the United States,
17:06 I dedicate this book," and then he starts out,
17:11 he said, "Americans,
17:13 you are sleeping on a volcano.
17:18 You do not suspect it.
17:21 You are pressing on your bosom a viper,
17:25 which will bite you to death and you don't know it."
17:32 This is heavy duty.
17:34 And then he goes on, he says,
17:36 "Rome is sworn to be the most implacable, note,
17:41 implacable that's not to be a piece notice this right?
17:45 They absolutely.
17:47 Oh, "irreconcilable
17:48 and deadly enemy of your schools,
17:52 your institutions, your so dearly bought rights
17:57 and your liberties.
18:00 To Rome, you owe,"
18:01 listen to this, "you own the rivers,
18:03 we talked about of blood,
18:05 unspeakable horrors of the last Civil War."
18:13 Religious churches were behind this that caused this.
18:17 Why? Because he was there.
18:20 He understood it.
18:26 But you will learn, remember,
18:27 he's talking to us as Americans,
18:29 this a long time ago.
18:30 He said, notice, "You will learn that Romanism
18:32 and liberty cannot live on the same ground."
18:37 See, we think we're just going to continue our liberty
18:39 and religious freedoms and be able to speak
18:40 and act and read and go and do
18:42 and win souls for Christ,
18:43 they're going to put you out of commission.
18:45 You're a heretic.
18:47 They're sworn to get rid of them.
18:50 I'm just saying it's time for us to get real about
18:52 what we're supposed to be doing here.
18:57 He goes on and he said this, "This has been declared
19:00 by the Popes hundreds of times,
19:03 the Popes, hundreds of times over the years have said,
19:07 "You can't be,
19:08 we're not going to be on the same ground.
19:09 Romanism and liberty
19:11 will never be on the same ground.
19:14 Romanism," he says,
19:15 "under the mask of religion is nothing
19:19 but a permanent political conspiracy
19:22 against all the most sacred rights of man
19:25 and the Most Holy law of God."
19:28 I mean, he just pointing out the enemy
19:30 just like this, and he's calling it
19:32 for what it is.
19:34 And so he says to you, and he says to me today,
19:36 listen, learn to be and I take it,
19:39 I put my name in here, Kenny, "Learn to be
19:42 more than ever watchful
19:45 in guarding precious treasures of freedom."
19:49 Man, what are we fighting for in this country?
19:51 Freedom. Always have to worship God.
19:54 We came here for freedom in this country.
19:56 And you know what?
19:57 The man of sin followed us here.
20:01 And he outworked us.
20:03 And he's still outworking us
20:05 because we don't want to get involved.
20:06 We don't want all these problems
20:08 that are going on.
20:09 But this man who is involved with a part of it
20:10 for many years says,
20:12 "Look, here's what's taking place right now,
20:14 all be ever watchful,
20:16 guard these precious treasures of freedom,
20:19 never let them fall into the hands of those who,
20:23 don't let it fall into the hands of those," what?
20:25 Who?
20:26 Notice, "With the sacred name of liberty on their lips.
20:30 The mask of liberty on their face,
20:33 they are sworn to destroy all liberty."
20:38 That's heavy duty.
20:41 That's heavy duty stuff that we need to look at that
20:44 there is a plan to destroy all liberty,
20:46 freedom of conscience, freedom of religion.
20:50 They don't want you to have that
20:52 book after book you can get in,
20:53 quote after quote I could get
20:54 and come up with them where they say,
20:56 "We're going to stamp this stuff out."
20:59 Absolutely. They hate the Constitution.
21:02 Somebody just mentioned the Constitute,
21:03 they hate the Constitution.
21:07 And here's how they said, here's how Rome's going to win.
21:11 He says this, it is, use the word ignorance.
21:15 "It is ignorance which paves the way
21:18 to the triumph of Rome."
21:20 What does he mean by that thing?
21:21 He said, "It is ignorance,
21:23 which paves the way to the triumph of Rome."
21:27 In the near future, he says, notice, if,
21:30 "If there is not a complete change
21:33 in your views on that subject,"
21:35 if we don't change our views on this subject,
21:38 if they've got a plan,
21:39 they're going to continue that plan
21:41 because they didn't finish the plan off in the Dark Ages.
21:43 They're going to come back
21:44 and finish it off, God's people,
21:46 those who keep the commandments of God.
21:48 The devil said, "I got to get rid of all of them.
21:49 So there's no witnesses against me."
21:55 Man, I mean, you look at this, right?
21:56 This right here, like you got to really think about it.
21:59 If we don't...
22:00 We have to have a complete change,
22:03 that means we've got to quit looking at this organization,
22:06 which is called the man of sin, right?
22:07 That the enemy's given his power,
22:09 seat and great authority.
22:10 Let's go over it again and again
22:12 and again till we get it.
22:13 He said, he's going to destroy
22:14 the people of God as he destroyed them
22:16 in past ages by 50 to 100 million,
22:17 persecuted and killed
22:18 and hunted down like wild animals.
22:20 They're going to continue,
22:21 they want to continue to do that.
22:24 And when they're put in power,
22:25 we said we read from Bible scripture
22:26 that once in a while what?
22:28 There's going to be another death decree.
22:29 Have you noticed even in the news lately,
22:31 there's people in prison been put to death now.
22:32 But for years, we said,
22:34 "We're not going to put them to death."
22:35 They are to sit on death row till they die.
22:38 Interesting how it's starting to,
22:40 people need to die.
22:42 Three last week, was that right?
22:43 Interesting.
22:50 Modern Protestants, remember, he's still writing, listen,
22:54 he said, "Modern Protestants
22:57 have not only forgotten what Rome was."
22:59 He was writing in a time
23:01 when we still had some people
23:02 that voiced their opinion that were real Protestants.
23:06 But even then, he said,
23:07 "You're still not there, you're still not there.
23:09 You don't realize if you keep quiet,
23:11 what's going to happen to you and your family in this world?
23:13 There's a plan out there
23:14 and they're following that plan."
23:18 Protestants have not only forgotten
23:19 what Rome was, that what she is,
23:23 and what she will forever be.
23:28 Most eeried, consolable
23:30 and powerful enemy of the Gospel of Christ.
23:34 But they, he goes on, "But they,
23:35 the Protestants consider her almost a branch of the church,
23:40 whose Cornerstone is Christ."
23:42 Because why?
23:44 Because people are printing and they've changed their ways.
23:46 They're not like they used to be,
23:47 she never changes.
23:49 The church will never change. We understand that.
23:51 But see, most people saying what,
23:53 "Well, she's part of the Christian organization,
23:54 yeah, they did it before
23:56 but they're not going to do it again."
23:59 Great Controversy 581 says this.
24:02 Great Controversy 581 says this
24:03 and let's remember this,
24:05 "It is the boast of Rome," it is the what?
24:08 "The boast of Rome that she never changes."
24:13 So we can say, all we want as people
24:14 always change now and they're going to be
24:16 do better and they're going to be.
24:17 Hey, she never changes,
24:19 she's not going to change because she says she's right.
24:20 Why?
24:22 Because the Pope was supposed to be God on earth,
24:23 doesn't make mistakes, we know better.
24:27 Reading on another powerful paragraph here
24:30 and I don't want to read all this to get it,
24:31 even to get into the message but I think it's imperative
24:33 that we do is changing my thinking
24:36 on some of this stuff about being weak,
24:39 weak spiritually when we have a job to do
24:43 to expose that man of sin and we're not doing it.
24:48 Well, someone's going to get their feeling hurt.
24:50 Yes.
24:52 But an honest hearted person,
24:54 even though they might get their feelings hurt,
24:56 honest hearted, that knows this truth
24:57 of what you're talking about,
24:59 they'll end up thanking God for it.
25:00 It's those who don't want to change,
25:02 it's those who don't want to hear it
25:03 that will be angry and mad.
25:06 But God never asked us to weigh that out.
25:09 Did He?
25:10 He never asked us to see what's
25:11 or how many is going to be with me
25:13 and how many is going to be against Me.
25:15 Well 70% be with me and 30 against.
25:17 He never asked you, He said,
25:18 just do it, you leave the results up to Me.
25:22 Notice what he says here, again,
25:23 there's another paragraph that's powerful.
25:26 He says, "In the very near future,
25:30 if God does not miraculously prevent it,
25:35 those laws," talking about
25:37 these Dark Ages of dark deeds and blood,
25:40 "will cause the prosperity,"
25:42 notice, "and the rights and the education
25:46 and the liberties of this too confident nation,"
25:50 who is that confident nation?
25:52 Notice, United States of America.
25:53 "Too confident nation to be
25:55 buried under a mountain of smoky bloody ruins.
26:00 And on the top of that mountain,
26:01 Rome will raise her throne
26:04 and plant her victorious banner."
26:07 He's telling the plan that he's been involved with.
26:11 And the plan they've been working out.
26:13 There's no doubt about it.
26:14 Now, if we want to be weak and vacillating,
26:16 we'll sit back and say, "Well, you know,
26:17 God's going to take care of this."
26:19 And God, yes.
26:20 There comes a time that God steps in and says,
26:22 "That's enough for sure.
26:24 But there is a plan and get to that plan,
26:27 God's people are going to have to suffer."
26:29 We're going to have to go through a time
26:31 that none of us wants to go through
26:32 and most of us sit back smugly like we can't, you know,
26:34 we can't stand if we don't have air condition.
26:36 Let's just admit it.
26:39 We cannot stand if we missed one meal,
26:40 let alone a week or two without it.
26:42 I'm just saying, how are we going?
26:44 This is, we're talking about the great reset,
26:47 transforming the world
26:48 and that's been put into motion right now as we speak.
26:51 What is this great reset?
26:54 Reset something,
26:55 at least to me means to set it again.
26:59 Did you get it?
27:00 To reset, how many you have a breaker box at your home,
27:04 right, electrical panel, you have a breaker, right?
27:06 There's too much current, it gets on the wire,
27:08 isn't that right and so what does it do?
27:09 Too many amps and the breaker goes click.
27:13 Now you notice that you can't just go a lot of time
27:15 just pushing, you reset it, you push it back this way
27:18 and then you click it on again.
27:20 But if you do not change and get a bigger cable in there
27:24 or take less amps off of there,
27:26 it will blow again when it gets a little bit warm.
27:29 Did somebody get it?
27:31 That's how it operates in my simple mind,
27:33 that's what it does.
27:34 So there's something wrong in society.
27:37 There's too many things going on
27:38 and there's some fuses,
27:39 there's some breakers that are resetting and blowing.
27:43 And so the people
27:44 in this reset movement are saying,
27:47 "There's too much going on, we need to change it around.
27:50 We don't want to continue the way that it's going."
27:53 Some of the most powerful people in the world.
27:57 Oh my, are calling
27:59 for the destruction
28:01 of global capitalism.
28:05 I'll explain that in just a moment.
28:07 Notice.
28:09 This is taking place in the cities right now
28:11 we understand where the cities are burning
28:13 and the protests
28:14 and the killing of innocent people
28:16 in the drive by shootings and babies, you know,
28:18 in their little chairs and drive by in the yard
28:22 and killing them right and left.
28:26 Statues torn down, the world economy is in a mess,
28:29 is struggling right now to just recover, you know that.
28:32 You set by smuggling, maybe some,
28:34 maybe no one here smuggling and say, well,
28:36 it's all going to work out because the president
28:37 or somebody says it's all going to work out.
28:39 God knows if it's going to work out or not.
28:43 We can get up in the morning
28:45 and find out everything is gone.
28:47 It's happened before.
28:50 We need to be praying desperately
28:52 for the leaders of God
28:53 hold back those winds of strife.
28:57 This is taking place
28:59 while all this stuff's going on,
29:01 you know, back to work.
29:03 Put people back to work,
29:05 put people back, go back to school.
29:08 COVID-19 hitting hard again.
29:11 Interesting, hitting some high points,
29:14 now this movement, you know, we're talking about slipping,
29:18 I'll tell you, it's slipping in right now
29:21 this movement about the reset is slipping in
29:23 when all of this other stuff is going on.
29:27 See how they want to, they want to hide it
29:29 and so while all this other stuff is going on
29:31 you think surely to Pete.
29:34 I can start saying that, surely Pete,
29:36 maybe Jim whoever might be, surely either one of them.
29:39 Surely, nothing else would be trying anything right now.
29:42 But these elite,
29:44 these people of money and prestige,
29:46 these in high positions, they're calling to reset
29:49 the entire global economy because it's in such a mess.
29:55 According to news is,
30:00 it says this.
30:01 Here's what, the people that met for this,
30:03 and they just met last month.
30:04 So don't anybody say, well, they haven't met,
30:06 they've already met.
30:07 They've already set up their plan
30:09 what they're going to do and listen,
30:10 they're not going to implement it
30:12 until after the election in the month of January.
30:16 Isn't that correct? What do you read on that?
30:18 They've got a plan to really revamp everything
30:21 and it's not going to be to your liking.
30:23 Certainly not to mine.
30:25 I'm just saying we have a job to do.
30:27 Man, my brothers and sisters, why not do it?
30:28 Brother Kenny, my lands of love,
30:30 you can't even get people to come to church
30:31 and sit in the sanctuary for an hour
30:33 and set Sabbath school class.
30:35 Something's going on. They're too busy.
30:37 Something else is going on their life.
30:38 They can't make a decision to follow Christ.
30:39 So they're going to follow the enemy.
30:41 If you're not following Christ,
30:42 you're following the enemy right now and you know it.
30:45 Man, how much more time do we have?
30:47 Time is of the essence.
30:50 Man, I sense that more than ever before
30:52 reading this stuff right here, say man, it's really real.
30:56 It's coming back, right now it's happening.
30:58 Remember, these are businessmen,
31:01 that means they've got money.
31:03 Labor unions are getting involved in this reset.
31:07 The government is involved, nonprofits are involved,
31:11 activist groups are involved.
31:13 And you know what that can mean?
31:15 Hmm.
31:17 And they said, "Oh, wait, goody, goody,
31:19 this has all been made possible
31:21 because of the eruption of the COVID-19.
31:25 We've been knocked down,
31:27 but what a time now to bring something in new
31:29 to try to get us out of this."
31:31 And when you say, let me just mention this again.
31:33 When you say labor unions, you know,
31:35 and I know, Seventh-day Adventist,
31:37 we have no business in a union,
31:41 because it makes it impossible to keep the law of God.
31:45 We break the law of God,
31:47 because we're not treating our fellow man right.
31:49 We're not doing
31:51 what we're supposed to be doing.
31:53 Got to be very careful
31:54 what takes place in some of the union,
31:55 you may not be involved but other people.
31:57 I'm just bringing it out, once you think about it,
31:58 we know through the Spirit of Prophecy
32:00 that the labor unions is going...
32:01 Listen, it's going to bring about a time of trouble
32:04 this world has never known.
32:06 What's going to bring it about? Labor unions.
32:10 Read it in 2 Selected Messages, page 142.
32:13 It's going to be the agency that will bring about.
32:16 How much in the news have you been hearing
32:17 about the teachers union and the police union
32:19 and all the unions going on?
32:21 And, well, we can't go out there
32:22 because the union said we can't do it.
32:24 You can't do this if union says you can't do it.
32:26 And that's even going against the laws of the land.
32:29 They said we can't do it and they're going all around.
32:33 Man, we're looking right now.
32:34 Listen, turmoil and confusion
32:37 that we've been talking about city life,
32:38 we need to be moving out.
32:40 We do it all the time.
32:41 I'm going to keep mentioning every time I get a chance,
32:42 because I believe it's still soul.
32:44 We still have time to do it. We need to be doing it.
32:48 The turmoil and the confusion created in the city is due,
32:52 lot of to the unions.
32:55 Did you get it?
32:57 They're creating
32:59 a very difficult situation in the cities.
33:04 1 Selected Message 142 or 3 says,
33:09 "Union that being strongly is a sign of the last days."
33:14 We've got to bring those things out.
33:19 It says unions talk about city life
33:21 becomes more difficult.
33:24 Ministry of Healings 364,
33:26 Nine Testimonies 90, it becomes more difficult.
33:31 The chairman of this organization
33:34 pushed about must change things.
33:37 They call it WEF, which is World Economic Forum
33:41 which they've already had, keep in mind.
33:44 Said every country
33:45 from the United States to China must participate.
33:49 Every industry from the oil and gas and tech,
33:54 technology must be transformed.
33:56 In short, here's what they said.
33:57 We need a great reset.
34:01 This is to rebalance the economy.
34:05 They want to rebalance what? The economy.
34:08 And they said, we'd rebalance the economy,
34:10 it's going to get more fairness,
34:12 listen carefully with fairness
34:13 and create greater equality, equity,
34:16 which means it's almost like socialism.
34:19 They're talking about bringing in socialism again
34:21 and doing away with capitalism.
34:23 Now we need to look at that carefully and say,
34:25 what is it?
34:26 Here's a key point. Don't miss the key point.
34:28 I think I've lost time on that. I'm going to keep going anyway.
34:32 Key point, to completely
34:33 overhaul the world's existing structures,
34:37 and institution
34:38 and education through social contacts
34:41 and working conditions.
34:43 So the key point, completely overhaul what?
34:46 The world's existing structures and institutions
34:51 and the education.
34:53 Interesting.
34:54 Now the question I need to ask, we got to ask this,
34:56 the question must be asked, how can these leaders
34:58 of something like this just appear
35:00 and start saying and make me buy it?
35:04 How are they going to convince me?
35:06 I believe in capitalism, I believe that
35:08 we should have the right to be able to start a business,
35:10 we should be able to prosper that,
35:11 we should be able to sell on our own,
35:13 we should be able to make a profit.
35:14 That's what capitalism is.
35:15 And I'll read it for you in moment
35:17 in case you've forgotten.
35:18 You want a definition of capitalism?
35:19 It's what it comes from the dictionary right here.
35:21 So how can these individuals, all these money people,
35:24 all of them saying, we're going to hit the reset,
35:26 we're going to change things around.
35:28 How can they make us abandon capitalism?
35:31 It says right here, the definition of capitalism,
35:33 "The economic system
35:35 in which the means of productions
35:37 and distributions are privately owned."
35:40 Isn't that wonderful to live in a country
35:41 where you can own your own business?
35:44 You can prosper it.
35:46 You can prosper, you can prosper
35:47 and you can sell it if you want,
35:49 you can make a profit.
35:50 It's not like socialism at all. It's very different from that.
35:55 So how does this group then plan on to reset?
36:00 How do they plan on reset, resetting us?
36:03 As they push, I'm gonna say as they push from socialism.
36:06 Again, according
36:07 to the news says this,
36:11 how they're going to do it?
36:12 Listen, by scaring people
36:16 into believing that these changes are essential.
36:20 Man, there's a lot of scare, isn't there out there?
36:22 There's a lot of frightened people out there.
36:24 They're so frightened, they don't know what to do.
36:26 They're afraid to get out of their houses,
36:27 they're afraid to do anything
36:29 because they want to scare the people
36:30 into believing that these changes are essential.
36:33 And then they say that
36:34 we want to change these things here,
36:36 you know, the essential,
36:37 we want to get things change right here,
36:39 because there's something else is coming on.
36:40 We're scaring you.
36:42 And then now, now we want to prepare
36:45 for the next great crisis that's coming.
36:48 Already, they're throwing, Jan,
36:50 Brother Jan, they're throwing out
36:51 something right now to get you.
36:53 You better be warmed up.
36:54 You better be able to stand up and be strong
36:55 because they're going to be throwing another scare
36:58 out to the people.
37:00 This is what they're saying, they're talking about
37:02 they're saying right, if we get these two things,
37:04 we scare the people and it changes
37:06 what's essential and we want to stop
37:08 the next great crisis.
37:11 And you know what they say?
37:13 Now listen, they say that will take place,
37:17 that will take place when the COVID-19 pandemic
37:20 finally subsides.
37:23 So anyway these group of people what they know,
37:25 what they don't know, it's kind of interesting
37:27 is they know that it's going to subside
37:30 and then as soon as it subsides,
37:31 they're going to throw something else out there.
37:34 The next great crisis and so what they're saying
37:37 we want to eliminate this, right, don't we?
37:40 We want to change things before this happens.
37:41 Everybody is, oh, yeah, Lord have mercy.
37:43 Yes. Lord have mercy.
37:45 Yes, we've got to change it right now, man.
37:48 Four or five months into this and we're pulling our hair out.
37:50 We can't stand it anymore.
37:51 And we haven't seen anything yet.
37:54 You think it's bad now?
37:55 I think it's bad that
37:56 we haven't seen anything worse going.
37:58 This is my, I want to plead with you on it.
38:00 I may not want to talk to you about, beg you, say, look,
38:02 this is not, it's not over by a long shot.
38:06 We're in the time that we'll never,
38:08 maybe never get out of it.
38:09 It may seem like it temporarily,
38:14 that will pass too because there has to be a time
38:18 when it seems to be healing a little bit here that
38:20 the world begins to scream,
38:21 "Oh, a thousand year millennium,
38:23 all peace on earth and everybody's
38:25 has another chance to be saved."
38:29 I'll calm down, I almost said baloney again.
38:33 That's falsehood. No such thing.
38:36 That's a devil's lie.
38:37 You don't have a second opportunity.
38:39 This is it.
38:40 But he's going to so kind of put things together
38:42 where it seems like this is what's going to happen.
38:47 And you know what?
38:48 Listen, here's what this group has said.
38:50 You know what the next great crisis is going to be?
38:55 It's been on the back burner for four or five months now
38:57 because we've got protest and we got COVID-19.
39:01 You know what they said?
39:02 They said the next great crisis is going to be climate change.
39:05 It's coming back into the picture.
39:09 Why? Number one, because the Pope wants to,
39:10 the man of sin wants to bring it back.
39:13 And through that he can bring about
39:14 the Sunday laws rather easily.
39:16 The Protestant world wants it to be brought back.
39:20 They are crying in different areas
39:22 that were nicely,
39:23 they're bringing back the blue laws,
39:24 bringing back the blue law.
39:26 What, they have no idea what they're asking for.
39:29 Hmm, they said climate change,
39:31 that it's already in the making is what I'm saying.
39:33 It's like it's scripted again, so we need to be, you know,
39:37 let me just kind of prove, let me,
39:38 okay, let me prove the point.
39:40 This is in the meeting and this was in print.
39:42 Here's what it says right here.
39:43 It says right here.
39:44 It says and this article says, "One speaker after another,
39:49 button pushers, right?
39:51 You got it.
39:52 Cited climate change
39:54 and environmental sustainability
39:57 as the key justification for a radical economic change,
40:02 though, that would include massive new regulations,
40:07 that will include restrictions on economic activity,
40:11 wealth taxes, expansive government programs
40:14 and notice right here,
40:16 that you can compare that to the Green New Deal.
40:21 Interesting. Yes.
40:23 Oh, it's horrible.
40:25 Which the Green New Deal according to Al Gore,
40:29 you know what he says?
40:30 He says the Green New Deal,
40:31 this is life and death struggle of the people
40:33 who are alive today.
40:35 If we don't do it, we're not going to,
40:36 this, this planet is not going to be
40:38 sustainable for life if we don't take care.
40:40 We talked about many times.
40:41 In next eight or ten years, if something's not done,
40:44 people are going to die by the millions.
40:47 And he's putting it out there.
40:48 Six thousand scientists are agreeing with him.
40:50 How are you going to fight, Jan, 6,000 scientists
40:53 and you're one little guy?
40:55 They'll say what your education?
40:59 The Word of God, that's what we hold to.
41:04 Yes.
41:07 Al Gore said, "Listen, this is such a big disaster.
41:11 We're going to have to ward it off.
41:12 We're going to have to do something."
41:13 He said, "I'll tell you what,
41:15 I compare this New Green Deal and what's going on.
41:16 I compare what's going to happen to 9/11,
41:18 I compare it to what happened at Pearl Harbor,
41:21 I compare this to what happened in World War II
41:23 and many other wars."
41:24 He said, "That's how bad it is, really."
41:29 And the Green New Deal, it simply wants you know,
41:31 seeks to shift the US away
41:33 from fossil fuels as oil and coal
41:38 and replace them with reusable energy sources.
41:43 They call for the elimination of greenhouse gases emission,
41:47 which does what?
41:49 Which causes the global warming
41:52 and they've got a time set we have to do by 2030.
41:55 See, while they're talking about 9-8, 9-10 years
41:57 all we have.
41:58 They're saying right now 2020, almost 2021, in nine years,
42:01 he said, we got to have it done by this time,
42:03 or we're not going to be able to make it.
42:05 Now, if, let's just say,
42:07 if these plans go as they plan for them to,
42:10 and they've got the backing in which to do it,
42:11 they've got a plan
42:12 in which to do it and the people,
42:15 notice, this World Economic Forum works.
42:18 If it works, they can effectively, listen,
42:21 they can effectively control economic activity on a,
42:27 listen, on a scale that has
42:29 never ever been achieved before.
42:33 And you control the finances, you control what?
42:36 The world.
42:38 This is their plan, they put it in writing,
42:40 they're not ashamed of it.
42:41 You know what?
42:43 That most of us as the man said in his book
42:46 to begin with is what?
42:47 It's basically we're just not,
42:49 we're not tuning in on it.
42:54 We're not reading about this and we're not believing
42:55 and what this is stuff is going to take place.
42:57 So I'm wondering even maybe I fill this out.
43:00 I'm wondering maybe, if maybe this coin shortage,
43:05 money shortage is beginning to, you know, get rid of that.
43:08 Is that maybe a step in getting rid of the currency?
43:12 Is it just a step? Does anybody follow me?
43:14 Throw it out if you want to,
43:16 but they always start somewhere like this.
43:17 And they say, well, it's kind of like a mistake
43:19 and you can Google.
43:21 You can look it all up.
43:22 And you go back and say, "Oh, my, yeah."
43:24 According to says this,
43:28 a coin shortage because of COVID-19.
43:32 So because of COVID-19,
43:33 everything's blamed on that now.
43:34 It's a shortage because what?
43:36 The currency stopped flowing,
43:37 and so people don't have that anymore.
43:39 The Federal Reserve Chairman Powell told Congress
43:42 that the circulation of the physical coinage
43:45 has just ground to a halt, he said like,
43:49 but the central bank
43:51 is working on how we can fix it.
43:52 They're really working on it.
43:54 And when the economy bounces back,
43:56 we believe that the coins and the money will bounce
43:58 and come back around too.
44:00 Could it be? Could it be?
44:03 That's all I'm asking, could it be?
44:06 And another point, I'm getting ready,
44:08 read it with the currency, the money that we have
44:13 one world currency right,
44:14 one world government, one world bank,
44:17 one world religion, come on church.
44:19 This is where it's headed.
44:21 Yes. Oh, boy.
44:25 Just to kind of backup something we've talked about,
44:28 you know, we're talking about fleeing out of the cities.
44:29 I found this little article, I thought was interesting.
44:31 One of the Shark Tank billionaires
44:33 where they are usually
44:35 what Shark Tank billionaires on there.
44:36 He said very interesting.
44:38 He is an investor,
44:39 he said because of this COVID-19 pandemic.
44:41 He said, "This COVID-19
44:44 has shifted the thinking of the people
44:47 and their thoughts about living in the cities."
44:51 Interesting.
44:52 It's changed their thoughts about living in the city.
44:54 Everybody said wants to leave the large cities.
44:59 Bible said the rocks will cry out
45:00 if we won't do it
45:02 and we've known for umpteen years,
45:03 and we won't talk about it
45:04 because somebody might laugh at us.
45:06 You got people in high places
45:08 probably have no idea about prophecy
45:09 or what's going on.
45:11 They're saying, they want to move out,
45:12 they need to move out.
45:13 This is bad, man.
45:17 God's going to get it done, whether we do it or not,
45:22 I want to be a part of it.
45:24 We talked about climate change, we talked about it can be used,
45:26 and I believe that will be
45:28 used to bring about the Sunday laws.
45:29 There's no doubt about it.
45:34 And we'll find out something else in next few days
45:36 when the President comes on and begins to make
45:38 an announcement of what he's going to do
45:39 with these cities, who,
45:41 and the governors won't do the right thing.
45:42 Watch how the government, federal government comes in
45:44 and takes over.
45:45 I'm not trying again be political,
45:47 but I'm just trying to tell you when these things happen,
45:48 there's all kind of laws passed just like that.
45:50 And these laws will come back
45:52 to haunt the people of God before it's over.
45:53 This is what it's all about.
45:55 All the stuff we're talking about
45:56 here has nothing really to do
45:58 with what it is right now, it's on the surface,
45:59 we got to look deeper in there,
46:00 it has to do with getting rid of the people of God.
46:04 It always has been, it always will be,
46:07 the devil just don't approach it head on.
46:08 He gives other things.
46:13 Yeah.
46:14 It helps me to realize more
46:16 and more about these rules
46:17 and these laws is being passed right now
46:19 how they're going to come back.
46:23 God's people are going to be blamed for everything sour
46:26 that's going on in this world before it's over.
46:29 Economic crisis and the storms and the fires
46:32 and you can go and protest,
46:33 you can call them natural disasters all you want.
46:36 Everything is coming upon the world,
46:38 pestilence, war, bloodshed.
46:40 It's going back to this certain group of people here
46:42 where a death decree the Bible says go out.
46:44 Manuscript 172, I got to hurry,
46:46 time's gone almost, 1899 Manuscript 172, 1899 says,
46:51 "The solemn events which are now taking place
46:54 belong in a series of events in the chain of history."
46:59 We're going through that chain of history
47:00 and we're getting right down to the very end right now.
47:02 Solemn events taking place.
47:04 They belong to what?
47:06 A series of events that's taking place.
47:07 We're seeing a series step by step by step
47:10 of what's happening.
47:12 Review and Herald 12/13/1892
47:15 Review and Herald 12/13/1892,
47:18 there will be and I'm going to bring
47:20 this in right now.
47:21 There will be and there has been
47:22 and there continues to be right now a removing
47:24 of the landmarks, did you get it?
47:27 "An attempt to tear down the pillars of our faith."
47:30 Did anybody get...
47:31 What he said should upset somebody.
47:33 Somebody should say something.
47:34 You see, there's an attempt to tear down
47:37 the pillars of this movement that you believe in.
47:40 It's time we quit sit idly by and say nothing like diddly
47:45 and say that's exactly right.
47:47 That's exactly we see it happening.
47:48 We've seen it happening for years here in our church.
47:50 We don't like it anymore.
47:53 We're not going to see our pillars torn down,
47:56 removing the landmarks and attempt to tear down
47:59 the pillars of our faith.
48:01 Notice again what it says, it says, listen,
48:03 "A more decided effort will be made to exalt
48:06 the false Sabbath,
48:07 to cast contempt upon God Himself,
48:10 by supplanting the day He has blessed and sanctified.
48:15 Remember that day as the papacy, you know,
48:17 it changes, says they're going to change it.
48:18 It's going to be enforced by what?
48:20 Laws of the land, the end could come
48:22 and it could come very quickly.
48:26 Won't have time to go in, I want to read a lot in
48:27 Revelation 18:14, 15, 17 and 19.
48:35 Notice it, it begins to talk about Babylon,
48:37 Babylon the Great comes to an end,
48:39 Revelation 18:17.
48:40 But it says what?
48:42 The country as it were, church and state
48:44 seemed to come together for what?
48:45 One hour, a short period of time.
48:48 Notice they come together, but in one hour,
48:51 she's made desolate, very quickly.
48:53 Everything seems to be going good,
48:54 all of sudden, boom.
48:55 That's how things can change
48:57 when there's alliance between apostate Christianity
49:02 and the political powers of the earth.
49:05 And Revelation 7:2 said, the kings of the earth,
49:08 the kings of the earth,
49:10 the leaders of this country is going to go together with,
49:12 I almost say the Roman Church,
49:14 the papacy, church and state come together
49:16 and pass these rules and these laws.
49:19 This is a way in which Satan,
49:21 he proposes to unite the world under his leadership.
49:27 So he's going to try to unite the world under his leadership.
49:31 And he pretty much basically does.
49:33 Isn't that sad?
49:36 Remember, if all the population of the world of the billions
49:39 that's lived on this planet from the beginning, one,
49:40 listen, listen carefully.
49:42 The devil has got every single one,
49:45 except for Jesus.
49:47 Are you with me?
49:49 Think about, well...
49:51 I mean, would he kind of walk around kind of proud.
49:54 I've got them all.
49:57 I've got all that sinned
49:58 and come short of the glory of God.
50:00 They're all under a death penalty.
50:02 Everybody's in the same boat except there was only one.
50:06 He couldn't get Jesus.
50:07 You need to be thankful
50:09 and I need to be thankful today.
50:11 That Jesus came and He lived, right, the perfect life and,
50:15 right, he defeated the enemy and he says,
50:17 Kenny I'll offer to you because you're a failure.
50:19 He doesn't do it bad like man might do.
50:22 But you fall in short, most righteous are filthy rag.
50:26 There's none good. No, not one.
50:29 So he can do, I did it for you
50:31 and I give it to you as a free gift.
50:34 Yeah, a free gift and we're sitting around,
50:36 say, yeah, but I don't know if I want that gift or not.
50:38 Lord have mercy. Yes.
50:42 How many of us in this life turned down a free gift?
50:45 Especially for eternity.
50:48 Oh, the apostate church.
50:53 The nations of the world come together.
50:55 You can read the results in Isaiah 23.
50:57 Just read the whole chapter when you got time.
50:58 I won't have time to read all of that, I can't.
51:01 The kings of the earth are the political powers.
51:05 They receive power with the beast for one hour,
51:09 a short period of time.
51:11 They have one mind, Revelation 17:13 says,
51:14 that means they have the same opinion.
51:16 That means they have the same attention span.
51:18 That's the same purpose, the same degree,
51:22 one mind, they've all come together,
51:23 but they're going to come against people of God.
51:28 They're going to try to force the people of this earth
51:31 to drink of the wine of Babylon.
51:33 They want us to be all drunkards, if you get it,
51:35 they want us to drink this wine.
51:38 If you're not willing to drink that wine,
51:39 we will obliterate you
51:41 or wipe you off the face of this earth.
51:42 That's exactly what it says in the Bible,
51:44 all refused to cooperate.
51:47 Revelation 17:14 says they made war with the saints,
51:50 Early Writings 34, 36, 282.
51:56 It's a season, it's a short time.
51:58 It's a season.
51:59 It's the time, it's not a day for year principle.
52:00 I can't go into that,
52:02 don't have enough time, but it's not.
52:03 It's just meant simply a very short time and instance.
52:05 That's what it means.
52:07 where the world seems to be
52:10 unified against God's people.
52:11 Interesting.
52:13 John sees a woman sitteth on the beast.
52:14 She's drunk with the blood of the saints.
52:17 Revelation 17:3-6.
52:19 This woman is a great whore, Revelation 17:1 says.
52:22 Mythical Babylon the great, verse 5.
52:25 She's guilty of the blood of those slain upon the earth,
52:27 Revelation 18:24.
52:29 Here's this woman sits on the wall.
52:31 What is she sitting on? She's sitting on the beast.
52:34 She said, I'm in control of individuals.
52:35 I'm in control of religions.
52:37 I'm in control of the civil government.
52:39 Verse 18.
52:40 It's a union of church and state.
52:42 It's opposite what Jesus said here in John 18:36.
52:45 He said, "My kingdom is not of this earth.
52:51 "Scarlett colored beast, isn't interesting?
52:53 Isaiah, we pray, Isaiah 1:18 says,
52:56 "Though your sins be a scarlet they should be white snow,
53:00 the great red dragon, the beast of prophecy."
53:04 May God help each one of us to see the time
53:07 that we're living in that maybe we've been too soft,
53:12 too soft against the enemy.
53:15 And it is the enemy.
53:16 I'm not looking as individuals and faces and people
53:18 and human beings.
53:20 I'm looking at the enemy
53:21 that's behind this leading people
53:23 to slaughter.
53:25 And God said, "Why don't you warn them?
53:26 If you love them, why don't you warn them?
53:28 Why don't you talk to them about these things?"
53:30 Man, I put it over and over on scripture,
53:32 and over and over so you can understand it.
53:34 And I'll give you the Holy Spirit
53:36 of the Living God so that you can understand
53:37 what we ought to be doing right now.
53:39 May God help us to see, may God help us to understand
53:43 and to move forward like we never had before.
53:44 Listen, the days of being quiet
53:46 sitting back on our backside laurels,
53:50 and doing nothing has to come to an end.
53:53 It has to come to an end because there's a plan.
53:56 You know, the enemy is outside,
53:57 right, or somebody outside your house
53:59 with a shotgun or not.
54:00 What are you going to do?
54:02 Just go outside and it's like you didn't know it was there?
54:05 You go do some preparation.
54:07 And let me tell you he is, he is.
54:10 Take every one that he possibly can,
54:12 by the grace of God, don't let him do it.
54:15 Now if that's, oh, this is too hard, kind of,
54:16 for us to understand, be praying that the Holy Spirit
54:18 will help us to put it in perspective.
54:23 Because, again, most of us have drank milk
54:28 so long that it's clabbered.
54:32 We need some meat and we need to chew
54:36 and it will go down.
54:39 It will demand some changes you may get choked a little bit.
54:43 But the Spirit of God will help us to go down
54:44 and find a settling, find a place to lodge,
54:47 and then it will create in us a clean heart,
54:49 a right mind, a new spirit that we make a decision for Christ.
54:53 You can't stay where you're at. I can't stay where I'm at.
54:55 You can't stay where you're at. You can't do it.
55:00 And want heaven to be your home,
55:01 we've got to be ever growing onward
55:03 and upward day by day.
55:07 Let's ask God as we pray today that He'll help us find,
55:10 have that kind of spirit within us.
55:13 I'm talking about spirit that's not going to back away
55:15 from the infidel and the popery,
55:18 of things going on in the world today.
55:19 But one by the grace of God, well, he said,
55:21 I'll fight your battles for you.
55:22 But He has people He uses,
55:24 just like the enemy uses people.
55:25 That's how He learned that.
55:27 So let's pray God will help us to be used in a special way.
55:31 But first of all, we just have to commit ourselves,
55:33 Lord, I commit myself to you.
55:35 Use me as you see fit.
55:37 If you're willing to do that, God will, God will use you.
55:42 But you have to ask Him, you got to be willing,
55:45 you got to be willing
55:46 to put aside all this other junk
55:48 that's keeping us so busy.
55:51 Because you see the enemy has plan,
55:54 maybe more so than ever.
55:56 And he's going to fulfill that plan.
55:57 He's sitting back right now letting the Protestants do it.
56:00 And when it gets just right, they'll join all in
56:02 and look out, it'll be like this.
56:04 Let's pray, shall we?
56:08 Loving Father in heaven,
56:09 we truly thank You for Your sweet spirit.
56:13 Lord, we realize that the message is difficult,
56:15 it's hard for some
56:17 and we realize spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
56:21 There'd be many who watched the videos
56:23 or listened to them that may find it very difficult
56:25 and rise up against it.
56:28 And, Lord, we pray that we'll have Your blessing on it,
56:30 we pray this truth of Your Word.
56:34 It's a message that will warn and prepare Your people
56:37 of what's coming upon this earth,
56:38 what is on this earth right now.
56:42 We don't want it to take us an overwhelming surprise.
56:45 We want to be aware of these things,
56:46 not what the government's doing necessarily.
56:49 Lord, we realize in light of Bible prophecy,
56:51 we want to see what's going on.
56:54 Jesus criticize those who said,
56:56 you know, you can look over to the sky
56:58 and you can see the weather,
56:59 the redness or whatever and you know
57:00 what kind of day it's going to be.
57:03 But are we looking at the signs of the times right now to know
57:06 what maybe tomorrow might take place tomorrow,
57:08 or the next day, or soon to come upon us.
57:11 Help us to stay in Your Word,
57:12 help us now we make that commitment to you right now,
57:14 as first of all, saying, Lord, please take me
57:16 and use me as Thou does see fit,
57:19 to be used in Your service,
57:20 to help finish this work,
57:22 to realize this is a battle royale.
57:25 It's a battle to death or battle to life.
57:29 And we pray You'd be with us
57:31 and help us in a very special way.
57:32 And we thank You for hearing.
57:33 Thank You for answering prayer.
57:35 Thank You for reminding us how slothful that
57:36 we've been and we need to step it up
57:39 by the grace of God.
57:40 In Jesus' name, amen.
57:42 Hello and welcome back.
57:44 You know, we're living in prophetic times,
57:47 that for many years
57:48 we have proclaimed from the Word of God
57:50 and the Spirit of Prophecy
57:52 that these very events will take place.
57:55 Friends, as never before we need to pray,
57:58 pray continually that the Lord will prepare each of us
58:02 to stand firm for Him in the events
58:05 that are continually unfolding are all around all of us.
58:10 And should you wish to have this message
58:12 to listen to again to share with your family,
58:15 to share with your friends, don't hesitate right now
58:18 to give us a call here at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
58:21 You may call us in the United States
58:23 and that's Central Time at (618)-942-5044
58:28 or you may write to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
58:31 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
58:35 You may also email your order to
58:37 BeholdTheLambMinistries
58:40 or go to our website.
58:42 There you can also donate in support of this ministry,
58:46 and that is Behold
58:49 Friends, we hope to see you again with us next time
58:52 but until then, may our precious Lord
58:54 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2020-09-15