Behold the Lamb Presents

Seeing Through The Fog of a Rapidly Changing World

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000156S

00:38 Hello, and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:40 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:44 Our message for today is entitled
00:46 "Seeing through the Fog of our Rapidly Changing World."
00:50 As you are aware
00:52 a great changes in the United States
00:54 as well as worldwide have been rapidly occurring,
00:57 especially under the guise of health and climate change.
01:02 Let's take just a moment and look at Daniel 12:1
01:05 and see what Daniel saw
01:07 would happen in the last moments
01:09 of this world's history.
01:11 And I quote,
01:12 "At that time shall Michael stand up,
01:14 the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people,
01:18 and there shall be a time of trouble
01:21 such as never was since there was a nation,
01:24 even to that same time.
01:26 And at, at time, thy people shall be delivered,
01:30 everyone that shall be found written in the book."
01:33 Friends, the Word of God here declares that
01:36 there shall be a time of trouble.
01:38 And as we look through the fog of our rapidly changing world,
01:42 we made a certain signs
01:44 that we are entering
01:45 into the little time of trouble,
01:47 which will no doubt
01:48 lead to this great time of trouble like none other.
01:52 Daniel says, since there was a nation.
01:55 This is an overwhelming thought for millions of people.
01:59 But the good news,
02:01 this warning is given with the hope in Christ
02:04 that His people shall be delivered if,
02:07 you notice in the Bible, there's usually an if,
02:10 their name is found written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
02:14 I want my name written there as I hope you do as well.
02:17 So let's join Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:20 Again, our message is entitled,
02:23 "Seeing through the Fog of our Rapidly Changing World."
02:27 And see what the Lord has impressed upon his mind
02:30 to share with each and every one of us today.
02:32 But first Brother Tim Parton is going to bless us
02:36 with his piano rendition of Unclouded Day
02:40 as we take a quick visit to 3ABN.
05:01 Thank you for joining us once again here
05:03 at Behold the Lamb Ministry.
05:04 We appreciate you so very much.
05:06 Praise God, you know,
05:07 we just couldn't go on without you.
05:09 So again, we're very, very conscious of,
05:11 you know, your prayers and your support
05:12 of getting this ministry out there.
05:14 So the message can go around the world.
05:18 You know, just think about that.
05:19 The technology is there that, you know,
05:22 you can just simply say a word
05:23 and it goes about what, 23, 000 whatever miles up into space,
05:27 you know, and back
05:29 and around the world in about a half a second or so,
05:31 I mean that, to me that's just an awesome thought.
05:33 So we praise God
05:35 for that opportunity and privilege.
05:36 And again for you,
05:37 and we pray that you will, you know,
05:39 continue to support the ministry
05:40 that we may go into all the world.
05:43 Our subject today, and by the way,
05:44 you may wanna get a pencil and paper.
05:46 I have a tendency sometime to get, watch the clock.
05:48 And I know I have so much time.
05:50 And so I want to cover so many things.
05:51 And so many times I'll try to skip.
05:53 I'll tell you the reference, jot it down,
05:56 and then you can go back and study it out later.
05:58 'Cause I want you to do that because we are to study,
06:01 to show ourselves approved unto God
06:03 and, you know, workman that need not be ashamed.
06:05 Our subject today is seeing through the fog.
06:08 Notice that, seeing through the fog
06:10 of our rapidly changing world.
06:14 We must realize today, our world is changing quickly.
06:18 Every day there's changes.
06:21 I can't really keep up
06:22 with all the changes that's going on.
06:25 If you watch the news or the radio,
06:26 you listen to it or whatever,
06:27 they're just going one thing after the other, are they not?
06:30 One thing after the other, changes are taking place.
06:33 And listen, the changes are taking place
06:36 will affect you and will affect me.
06:40 It will affect God's last day people.
06:43 Who are God's last day people?
06:44 Anybody that wants to be.
06:46 Remember, it's going to affect us,
06:48 so some of the things that we will talk about today,
06:50 you might think,
06:52 "Well, I don't know how that fits."
06:54 But remember what happens in a global world.
06:57 And that's what we're talking about New World Order,
07:00 you know, it goes around the world
07:02 and what they do in China.
07:03 What they do in Russia will affect us.
07:06 What has happened, and you're right,
07:08 comes back to us.
07:09 So it's very important to realize and recognize
07:12 what God has said in His Word,
07:14 that there's going to be wars and rumors of Wars,
07:17 signs of His coming.
07:19 There's going to be famines and pestilences
07:20 and earthquakes.
07:22 So these things are just signs of the coming of Jesus.
07:25 So before we really dive into it,
07:27 I want to have prayer.
07:28 I know we have prayer several times,
07:31 and I'm always again grateful and thankful for those of you.
07:33 You know, that people will write in
07:36 and they will say,
07:37 "Every time you pray, we pray with you when we can.
07:40 We're going down the road.
07:41 We still may be driving, but we're praying with you."
07:44 Some people will say,
07:45 "We get in front of the television set
07:47 and we kneel down
07:48 and put our hand on it and we pray."
07:50 I thank you for that,
07:51 praise God, 'cause we need prayer.
07:52 It's all about the Spirit of the living God,
07:54 not about an individual.
07:56 It's about the Spirit of the living God.
07:58 So I'm gonna kneel up here and have prayer.
08:00 I invite you to do the same if you'd like to.
08:02 Let's pray together.
08:06 Merciful Father in heaven,
08:07 we thank You again for the privilege of prayer.
08:09 We thank You we can call You our Father.
08:11 Today, Lord, we come with a happy heart,
08:13 but yet with a heavy heart.
08:15 We realize things are taking place in the world
08:17 that tells us of Your soon coming.
08:19 It also tells us of events and things
08:21 that will happen to Your people
08:23 who will be faithful to the very end.
08:26 And so we pray today that
08:27 the Holy Spirit of the living God
08:28 will walk up and down these aisles.
08:30 Will go over the airways,
08:31 will reach and touch hearts and lives,
08:33 not for just today, but for eternity.
08:36 Thank you, Lord, for You always hearing.
08:39 Thank You for that You're going to answer.
08:40 Thank You that You've promised to send the Holy Spirit
08:43 to lead and guide us into all truth.
08:45 We claim that today, take this mess
08:48 that I'm getting ready to make.
08:50 And we pray that it'll go sweet into the ears of the hearers.
08:53 And that will tune us up
08:54 for Your soon coming in Jesus' name.
08:56 Amen.
08:58 You know what a title,
08:59 if you think about seeing through the fog.
09:01 You notice the last few days around here,
09:04 at least in Southern Illinois, there's been,
09:06 has anybody noticed a little fog
09:07 sometime early in the morning?
09:09 Well, if you're not,
09:10 you're not getting up too early, right?
09:11 Maybe it's probably, you might be sleeping in.
09:13 But those of us who get up early,
09:14 you look out and say, wow, there's a fog.
09:16 A fog simply means it's very difficult to see.
09:20 And you think about how, you know, how does fog,
09:23 how does it really come about?
09:24 I got this off of Google.
09:26 So you may have other thoughts about it,
09:28 but notice what it says.
09:29 It says, fog forms when cold air moves over what?
09:35 Something that's warm or warm water,
09:37 whatever it might be.
09:38 Notice this.
09:40 Now it says, the cold air mixes with the warm
09:43 and the moist air cools and humid.
09:48 When the humidity reaches 100%, fog forms.
09:53 Now I'm sure you can go into a lot more detail
09:54 maybe than I can with it, but notice there, fog forms.
09:59 And in my mind, when I was thinking about fog,
10:02 I got to thinking about, Jesus said, what in His word?
10:05 You remember this?
10:06 He said that I would, you would be what?
10:09 "Hot or cold and not lukewarm."
10:13 Hot and cold produces a fog.
10:17 Did you get it?
10:18 A fog.
10:19 Fog is dangerous.
10:22 A fog is dangerous to drive in.
10:25 You don't want to drive,
10:27 you know, to drive in when the fog is real thick
10:29 and you really can't see 50 or 60 feet in front of you
10:33 wherever you're going.
10:35 And so I thought about hot and cold
10:36 and that's to me maybe say why Jesus said it like He did,
10:40 because the enemy wants me and you to be in a fog.
10:44 You don't want to drive we mentioned in a fog.
10:48 You don't want a foggy brain.
10:52 Any of you ever get up. Oh, don't...
10:55 Now I don't want to see any hands on that.
10:58 I get up sometime and I've got a foggy brain.
11:02 I get up sometime
11:04 and Chris just looks in my eyes, she says,
11:05 "What's wrong?"
11:08 She read me like a book.
11:10 Foggy.
11:12 And sometimes that happens with people,
11:13 you know, thyroid, maybe it's not working
11:15 just properly or whatever.
11:16 Or some people say,
11:17 "I can't think."
11:19 You ever heard people say,
11:20 "I'm just not thinking properly today."
11:22 Something is wrong.
11:23 And you wanna get the, you know, the mechanism,
11:25 the body, to be able to think the way that we should.
11:29 You don't want to go,
11:32 listen carefully, to a foggy church.
11:37 Because in a foggy church,
11:38 somebody is not telling you the truth.
11:41 The Word of God needs not be foggy.
11:45 It needs to be taught. It needs to be preached.
11:48 It needs to be lived clear and strong.
11:51 Certainly not foggy.
11:54 I heard a man say one time.
11:55 He said, like I said, I never thought of it.
11:57 Like he just simply said,
11:59 "Clean windows are less prone to fog."
12:05 Now, take that wherever you want to go with it.
12:07 I thought how interesting,
12:08 clean windows are less likely to have fog on them.
12:14 Now you might wanna prove that,
12:16 some of you will go out
12:17 and dirty your windows and then try.
12:19 Okay. It's all right. Try it.
12:21 And as Christian we need to have clean windows.
12:25 Our windows don't need to be fogged up.
12:29 Our message that we have to give
12:31 from the Word of God needs to be clear.
12:33 It needs to be pointed.
12:34 It needs to be on target and we don't need any dirt.
12:37 We don't need any fog, right?
12:40 Just straight and open
12:41 as our lives should be before our God.
12:45 Seeing through the fog of a rapid changing world.
12:48 I wanna give you some encouragement today
12:50 because some of the things we'll talk about
12:51 in the time that we have
12:53 may just say, oh, I don't know about all of these things.
12:56 Because some people say,
12:57 "Oh, I think that's a conspiracy theory."
12:59 Listen, some of the people are trying to escape reality
13:01 and calling what's really taking place
13:03 a conspiracy theory.
13:05 So we just go, "Oh, well, we're not going to buy that."
13:07 If you knew and if I really knew
13:09 what was going on behind the scenes of this world
13:12 was soon to take place
13:13 and is taking place before our very eyes.
13:15 Some of us couldn't take it.
13:17 Is that understandable?
13:18 We could not take it because there's some...
13:20 Whoo!
13:21 There's some dirty underhanded things
13:23 that are going on contrary to the Word of God.
13:27 And somebody needs to blow the trumpet in Zion.
13:30 Somebody needs to stand for what is right.
13:32 And what is truth today.
13:35 It makes a difference.
13:36 I'm telling you, it makes a difference
13:38 for God's people here
13:39 in these last days of earth's history.
13:41 So, I wanna just talk to you just for a moment.
13:43 If we could somehow behold Jesus today,
13:46 this is where I want.
13:47 This is a platform I wanna build.
13:48 If we could just behold Jesus,
13:50 our precious Lord and our Savior.
13:53 If we could see Him as He is.
13:56 If the hand would draw aside a veil
14:00 that can, you know, that reveals His glory.
14:04 We could really see Him as He is.
14:07 It shows that He's in a high and holy place.
14:11 Think about it.
14:12 We try to lift ourselves above God sometime.
14:14 We read the Word of God
14:15 and think we know more than God knows about it.
14:19 Think how, can I use the word silly?
14:21 How silly that is?
14:23 I want to use some few other things, but I won't.
14:25 How silly it is
14:26 that we think we might know more than God,
14:29 because you know how I say that?
14:30 Because people will say,
14:32 I know what it says in the Word,
14:33 but times have changed.
14:36 Don't you think God understands the times?
14:38 Absolutely, He does. Truth never changes.
14:41 Remember that, truth never changes.
14:44 If you think for a moment
14:46 that our Savior is sitting in silence today,
14:50 if you think for a moment,
14:51 that He's, there's inactivity going on in heaven.
14:54 I think there's activity going on in heaven,
14:57 because heaven is preparing to come through
14:59 down here to this earth.
15:01 He's preparing to come and take us back with Him.
15:05 If we could see today
15:07 that there are heavenly intelligences.
15:10 The Bible talks about them as cherubims, you remember,
15:13 and seraphims.
15:15 The Bible says ten thousand time ten thousands
15:17 and thousands of thousands minister before Him.
15:21 Isn't that wonderful to know
15:23 that God has a ministering spirit angels
15:25 for every person on this planet and many more.
15:28 And some of us need to be praying
15:29 for the double portion of that angel
15:32 that takes care rather than just one.
15:33 I need somebody in front of me and I need somebody behind me.
15:36 Whoo.
15:37 I need somebody on this side and on that side.
15:42 But this is good
15:43 regardless of what's going on in the world today,
15:45 here's hope and encouragement.
15:48 Remember these angels are working
15:51 under the commission,
15:52 as it were to save to the uttermost.
15:56 Notice it. All who believe what?
15:58 In Jesus Christ is what the Bible said
16:00 in Hebrews7:25,
16:02 "To save to the uttermost all who believe in Him."
16:07 Psalms 1:21 simply says,
16:09 "He that keepeth thee or Israel
16:12 shall neither slumber nor sleep."
16:15 We serve a God that what? That doesn't get tired.
16:18 He doesn't get tired of you.
16:19 He doesn't get tired of me, seeing us fail,
16:23 come short many times over and over.
16:26 And we come back to Him, right?
16:27 He picks us up, dust us off
16:29 and sets our feet on solid ground again
16:32 and says, go ahead.
16:34 How many times would you do that
16:35 for your fellow man?
16:37 When God already knows what you're up to.
16:39 God already knows when, how much you've done
16:41 and what you know, in life.
16:44 Or today, are we in some kind of a fog.
16:49 I talked to a man this week.
16:53 In fact he promised to be here.
16:54 So, I guess, you know where I'll be going
16:55 in the first day of the week.
16:59 Is that all right to do that?
17:01 Well, yeah, we care.
17:03 We care something must have happened,
17:04 whatever it is.
17:05 But I was saying a number of years ago,
17:07 there was an evangelist.
17:08 He's holding a series of meetings
17:11 in a large city.
17:13 And there were several young men that,
17:15 you know, heard these truths.
17:16 And they said, "Oh, wow,
17:18 man these, we believe that's Bible truth."
17:22 But you know what?
17:23 They weren't willing to surrender to Him.
17:27 Because there was obstacles, there were circumstances,
17:31 things going on in their life that they knew it was truth.
17:34 They knew they should do it, but yet they,
17:35 "Oh, I just can't do it."
17:40 But when you questioned them, they said,
17:41 we are in full agreement
17:43 that what has been taught is the truth.
17:45 Now relate to it maybe in your own life
17:47 or maybe a friend or someone has talked to you.
17:51 Oh, we believe it.
17:52 We know that it's truth and...
17:55 It's probably more truth
17:56 than anything we've ever heard before
17:58 is what these young men said.
17:59 But the one man said, you know what?
18:03 I just can't.
18:05 I can't follow up because my mother wouldn't like it.
18:09 My mother would be upset with me
18:11 if I followed these truths.
18:16 Another man stepped up, young man said,
18:18 "Oh, man, I can't,
18:20 because I've got a new, oh, boy,
18:21 I've got a new girlfriend.
18:23 She wouldn't be happy with the changes
18:25 that I'd need to make.
18:26 She'd be upset with me.
18:28 And I don't want that to happen."
18:31 Even though they just said, I know it's truth,
18:32 I know it's right. I know what I need to be doing.
18:35 Another one declared, you know what?
18:37 I can't really follow this message
18:39 because I have a business.
18:43 And what would happen to my business
18:44 if I made some changes.
18:46 Hmm.
18:48 Well, the story goes on
18:50 and it wasn't very long
18:52 because this was just about the time of World War II.
18:55 There wasn't very long
18:56 that these three men were drafted.
19:00 Huh?
19:02 They were drafted in the US Army.
19:05 It's kind of interesting.
19:07 They now said, notice,
19:09 they couldn't say goodbye before to certain things.
19:12 But now the first man said goodbye to mom,
19:15 and away he went.
19:17 The second guy said goodbye to the girlfriend,
19:20 and away he went.
19:22 The third man who could not leave
19:23 because of his business, left his business.
19:29 They left it behind. They went to Europe.
19:32 They stood in the trenches.
19:34 Even when the mud may have been a foot deeper or more,
19:37 they stood in these trenches because they were told to.
19:42 They laid down on cold, cold ground night after night.
19:47 Food was at a shortage.
19:50 It was difficult to keep warm,
19:52 yet they obeyed all of their orders
19:55 from their commander.
19:58 When he said march, they marched.
20:01 And I'll say it nicely.
20:02 When he said be quiet, they were quiet.
20:06 When he said, get up, they got up.
20:08 When he said sit down, they sat down.
20:12 They did this in the rain. They did it in the snow.
20:16 They did it when bullets were flying over their head,
20:21 and any one of them could have killed them.
20:24 But you know what?
20:26 Hundreds died, including these men.
20:31 They never came back.
20:34 But notice,
20:36 but they were obedient unto death
20:40 in this sense, right?
20:42 That the commander of the US Army said to do it,
20:44 so they did it and they died doing it.
20:47 But they had trouble in the beginning
20:49 as you will know.
20:51 They all did it for Uncle Sam.
20:55 I'm saying today,
20:57 if men could do so much for their country
21:02 and I believe that we should, where we can.
21:05 Surely, we can do much more for our Lord and Savior
21:08 who came down and lived the life,
21:10 died on Calvary's cross and offers you eternal life.
21:14 Somehow they couldn't seem to do
21:17 what they needed to do.
21:19 But when Uncle Sam came around,
21:21 somehow they did the impossible it seems like.
21:25 Now it makes me think.
21:28 Seeing through this fog of our rapidly changing world,
21:33 because all of us are going to be,
21:34 or are faced right now with some kind of obstacle.
21:38 If I ask some of you here,
21:40 is there any obstacles in your life?
21:41 Is there some things that you're going through right now
21:43 that you gotta make a decision on?
21:45 Suppose everybody here would say, "Oh yeah."
21:47 There's a lot of things
21:49 that's going to affect my life and the life of many others.
21:53 And so, I challenge you,
21:54 what kind of a choice would you make?
21:59 Men with such reasoning as those young men back there,
22:03 and I'm going to be bold about it
22:05 will never get into the kingdom of God.
22:09 Are you still with me?
22:11 They couldn't do it when God called them.
22:13 But when man called them, they did it.
22:19 Bible says in Matthew 7:21,
22:21 that not everyone that saith what?
22:24 "Not every one that saith, Lord,
22:25 Lord will enter into the kingdom, but he that"
22:28 what?
22:29 He that doeth the will of my Father
22:32 which is in heaven."
22:34 Not everybody said, Lord, oh, we go to church,
22:36 oh, we do this, we do that.
22:38 You gotta be doing the will of the heavenly Father.
22:39 Are we doing His will by God's grace,
22:42 a faith that works.
22:47 I wanna go quickly to a book,
22:51 Brian Kennedy's book.
22:52 I referred to it in some previous lessons.
22:54 And I wanna take some more things out of that
22:55 because I think it pertains to us today.
23:00 The book that he wrote,
23:02 I thought was very interesting is called
23:04 "Communist China's War Inside America."
23:09 Now what possible good could this do for us
23:11 in reading scripture and prophecy,
23:14 where it talks about wars and rumors of wars,
23:15 and there's all kinds of plagues,
23:17 all kinds of things that are going on.
23:18 People are doing secret things.
23:20 People are stealing other secrets.
23:21 Things are going on
23:23 that may affect you and may affect me
23:27 in our relationship with Christ.
23:29 And what lies ahead you may have today,
23:32 but you may be a have not tomorrow.
23:34 Does that make sense?
23:36 You may think you're getting by today.
23:37 Tomorrow you may not have anything.
23:39 You may say, I've got this in the bank
23:40 and I've got that, da-da...
23:42 it doesn't matter.
23:45 We need to do the will of our heavenly Father.
23:49 This man in his book and he did a lot of research.
23:52 I read a little bit about him.
23:53 He did a lot of research in his book.
23:56 I figure he knows what he's talking about here,
23:58 but I'm throwing them out
24:00 for you just to think for just a moment with me.
24:02 Because I believe
24:03 if these things come to fruition,
24:05 it's going to affect United States of America
24:09 and is affecting the United States of America.
24:15 He says,
24:16 "There is going to be a confrontation.
24:19 There's going to be a war
24:21 between United States and China."
24:23 Just think, don't try to make any decisions.
24:26 God knows.
24:28 He said, "There's going to be a confrontation."
24:30 And he said, "You know, we need to be very careful with this."
24:34 Of course, he's thinking
24:35 more about the physical aspect of it.
24:37 But I think we're thinking about the physical
24:39 and the spiritual.
24:41 The spiritual aspect of this.
24:45 After all China has 1.4 billion people.
24:52 America has what?
24:54 320 million or 325 million. Is that right, about that?
24:58 Is anybody home?
24:59 Think about this. China has what?
25:02 1.4 billion people.
25:06 What would that be?
25:07 Would that be four times or so more, a lot more people.
25:12 And the area of China
25:13 is just a little bit bigger than the United States.
25:15 Did you know that?
25:18 Lot more people per square mile than we do?
25:20 We have like 90, just not talking about the cities,
25:23 but just per square mile.
25:24 They have like 400.
25:26 That's a lot of people, a lot of plans are going on.
25:31 They have, in fact, in their military,
25:33 they have 2.8 million people and more that's active.
25:40 They have the world's largest Navy.
25:46 In the last five years,
25:48 United States, they play war games.
25:51 Anybody heard about that?
25:52 They play war games.
25:54 Couple of you have, right?
25:56 They play war games
25:57 'cause they match up what some country,
26:00 it might be a challenge to us what they have,
26:02 how many people they have,
26:04 what kind of, you know,
26:05 stuff they have in their servers
26:06 and so on and so forth.
26:08 And they've done this the last five years.
26:10 United States, notice it, war games, simulation
26:15 in which the US is pitted against China.
26:19 The US has failed to come out victorious
26:23 in any of those five years.
26:26 I mean, God knows, but think about it.
26:29 Because it's touted
26:30 that we're the most powerful and so on, right?
26:32 Nation in the world. We have nothing really to fear.
26:34 And when we need to, you know, keep our eyes open.
26:37 There's a famous book, titled,
26:39 "Unrestricted Warfare in 1999."
26:45 And in this war book,
26:47 it talks about the warfare
26:48 and they questioned people in China.
26:52 How far will you go if you're in a war,
26:54 what will you use if need be to be victorious,
26:57 even with the United States of America?
27:00 Here's what they responded.
27:02 They said, "We're gonna use economic warfare."
27:06 If anybody's seeing
27:07 any of this stuff happened right now,
27:09 economic warfare.
27:10 It's interesting how close we are in economics
27:12 with China and Japan.
27:14 You think about it.
27:15 "We're gonna use economic warfare.
27:18 We're going to use cyber warfare.
27:20 Come on somebody.
27:22 We're going to use information warfare.
27:24 We're going to send false signals
27:26 all over to confused people.
27:29 We're gonna use political warfare.
27:33 We're going to use terrorism.
27:35 And we're going to use, notice, biological warfare.
27:39 And if we have to,
27:40 we'll use nuclear weapons if it comes to that."
27:46 Remember we serve the One that's greater,
27:48 but keep these things in mind, if you will,
27:51 because this information is important to us to digest.
27:57 Things have started now
27:58 that we talked about several weeks in a row
28:00 about the great what?
28:02 Reset.
28:03 The world, right, is punching the button now of reset
28:07 that we will not in the very near
28:09 if we're careful near future, if God lets it go,
28:11 we will not be able to recognize
28:13 this country that we live in.
28:15 That's how many changes are on the horizon.
28:18 And it doesn't seem to be that good for us.
28:22 Reset.
28:23 Start over again,
28:26 unless God overrules
28:28 and clears this fog away
28:30 for this rapidly changing world.
28:33 Cover several points quickly as we can,
28:35 time just really went by.
28:39 Four points quickly.
28:41 So what, China's talking about it,
28:43 what are they up to?
28:44 How will it affect us?
28:48 Notice what they're doing right now,
28:50 they are perfecting.
28:51 And we sort of, we are to a system
28:53 that can monitor all the people constantly
28:58 using tools of the social media.
29:02 What are they doing?
29:04 They've got that just about 100% down, Pat,
29:06 and you know what might happen to us
29:07 and what they're doing now.
29:09 They're tracing everybody.
29:10 They want to know where everybody's at
29:12 and what everybody is up to.
29:14 Good, bad or ugly, just think about it here.
29:16 Because we realize
29:17 there's things coming along in Bible prophecy,
29:19 that is as though that,
29:21 you know, there's going to be a tracing as there were,
29:24 there's going to be people.
29:25 The Bible says you'll not be able to buy
29:26 or what or sell say you have the mark.
29:29 You don't want the mark.
29:31 The Bible talks about the mark. You have the mark, right?
29:33 Your names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
29:35 So it behooves us to understand what the mark of the beast is.
29:38 What the image to the beast is.
29:40 And yet you don't hear it from the pulpit
29:42 like I think that we ought to be hearing it.
29:45 Because it is a warning
29:46 and when you see these things come to pass,
29:49 Jesus said,
29:50 "Lift up your head,
29:51 for your redemption draweth nigh"
29:54 Interesting, even in China,
29:56 we know that China has had a difficult time
29:58 with Christianity.
30:00 And they've killed a lot of Christians.
30:02 Notice what they're doing right now.
30:04 They're changing the textbooks even.
30:07 They're promoting a false account
30:09 of Christianity,
30:11 and they're starting with the life of Jesus.
30:15 And the story in the Book of John,
30:17 where Jesus is confronted with the lady
30:20 that's caught in adultery, you remember?
30:21 Right.
30:23 And He kneels down
30:24 and He talks to her right there.
30:25 And He writes some things in the sand,
30:27 notice how they changed that.
30:29 "Jesus kneels down and He begins to talk to her, "
30:32 China says,
30:34 "and He confesses to her, I'm a sinner too."
30:39 I'm a sinner too.
30:41 The Bible says, He's tempted at all points like as we,
30:45 yet without sin.
30:50 He can't stand in for me if He's a sinner.
30:53 Wow.
30:55 So they said that,
30:56 and then He dismisses all the people around her
30:59 and then He takes a stone and He stones her to death.
31:03 They're changing things around. So you have a false concept.
31:06 They're seeing through a fog of who Jesus really is.
31:10 We need the truth of who He is and what He can do for you
31:13 and is willing to do for you.
31:15 What He wants to do for this country,
31:18 how He wants to save you,
31:19 how you're the most important person
31:21 on this planet.
31:23 We can feel that way because He looks at us individually.
31:26 I died for them.
31:28 To have a savior of the world,
31:29 the creator of the universe to look down and say,
31:31 I would have done it if they've just been one.
31:35 They'd just been one Carlos, I'd have for died for him.
31:40 If you look at it into the point
31:42 that He looked down at me and he said,
31:43 I'd do it if just Kenny accepted me,
31:46 I would do it.
31:47 If I looked down and saw Kenny, I'd say, I'm not gonna do it.
31:50 Okay. Rest of you are not at home.
31:55 Think about it.
31:56 I mean, we might think more highly of ourselves.
31:58 If we said, well, He looked down,
32:00 He saw something really good in me.
32:01 He looked down at me
32:03 and He said, man, we're all sinners.
32:05 We're in need of a savior.
32:07 There's no way that they can come out
32:09 of this on their own.
32:11 It's unfair.
32:12 They're no match for the enemy, but I'll be a match.
32:17 Isn't that wonder? I'll be a match.
32:18 And by the grace of God, I'll be,
32:20 we'll be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.
32:23 We're seeing through a fog. The fog needs to go.
32:26 The hot air needs to go.
32:28 Isn't that right, the cold air coming together.
32:30 We need to be on fire for the cause of Jesus Christ.
32:36 So despite this,
32:39 this here they're talking about Christianity
32:41 and about monitoring people and so on so forth.
32:44 They have this, they call it CCP,
32:46 which is the Chinese Communist Party, CCP.
32:51 They have a long history,
32:52 you can read it yourself of persecuting Christians.
32:56 But interesting,
32:58 Pope Francis
32:59 will renew his agreement with them.
33:03 That gives its effective control
33:05 over how the Catholic Church is run in China.
33:10 He knows what they've done to the Christian, so on,
33:12 but they still, they sign an agreement.
33:15 Interesting.
33:17 Three, Walsh Street.
33:19 Anybody heard about Walsh Street,
33:21 what's going on?
33:22 They're working well with China.
33:25 They're betting.
33:27 They're investing that China will succeed
33:29 and they're doing all that they can
33:30 for China to succeed.
33:33 Notice this.
33:34 Our great investment banks are now selling, listen,
33:38 trillions of dollars in debt
33:41 and equality in Chinese corporations
33:45 to American investors and retirees.
33:49 Well, when you buy into that, what?
33:50 You want them to, what? Succeed.
33:53 That's how they make money.
33:55 Walsh Street's involved in all of these things.
33:57 Now, number four quickly, notice, in May 13th, 2019,
34:02 this is affecting us Bible prophecy,
34:04 we need to wake up.
34:07 I don't know what it's gonna take for us to wake up.
34:09 I don't know what it's gonna take
34:11 for God's people really,
34:12 you know, to really be on fire.
34:14 To really hit the target,
34:16 to really be serious about church.
34:17 You're serious about church, you'll be here.
34:20 That makes sense?
34:22 You're not serious about, you're wishy-washy,
34:23 and we know that blah, blah, blah,
34:25 back and forth all the time.
34:26 You're not serious. Let's just be honest about it.
34:28 Not trying to be judgmental.
34:29 I'm just trying to say, that's the way.
34:31 If I'm serious about something, man, I'm there all the time.
34:36 I don't draw back from things
34:37 because you know, I get serious about this.
34:41 Man, the enemy has fogged our minds
34:44 that we can't even comprehend the changing rapid world.
34:48 That's how rapidly it's changing.
34:49 We just can't seem to comprehend it.
34:51 We think this too shall pass
34:52 like it has all the other times.
34:54 This may be it.
34:57 This may be it.
34:58 God in His mercy doesn't just boom.
35:01 And that's it.
35:02 The time will come when He will,
35:04 but He gives mercy.
35:06 He gives people time,
35:08 to adjust and to look at the situation
35:11 and make an intelligent decision
35:12 by His grace and strength.
35:15 But remember in May 13th, 2019,
35:18 that's not that long ago, is it?
35:20 Hmm.
35:21 The People's Republic of China through their news agency,
35:24 we'll mention that in just a moment.
35:26 That's controlled by the Chinese Government Party
35:29 declared, notice this,
35:31 "a people's war, "
35:32 is somebody home?
35:35 They declared, China declared "a people's war"
35:38 on the United States.
35:40 What does that mean?
35:43 It specifically was made because of the tariffs
35:46 that was placed upon China.
35:48 They were mad and they didn't like it.
35:51 And they said, we are going to,
35:54 you know, basically you gonna pay for it.
35:56 Now this concerns us.
36:00 What is the 'people's war'?
36:03 Well, let's think back just for a moment
36:05 because it's affected us.
36:07 It's changing our country.
36:08 It's changing our world
36:10 and it's not gonna stop anywhere soon that I can see.
36:15 We know that the virus, the COVID-19, right?
36:19 Begins spreading in the fall of 2019,
36:24 you noticed in 2000, 13 May,
36:27 that's just a few months, right?
36:29 This is where the people said
36:30 we declaring war
36:32 on the United States, the people.
36:35 Just a few months later,
36:37 COVID-19 began spreading
36:39 in the fall of 2019 in Wuhan.
36:45 Think about it.
36:49 Man, with this virus, you know what they did?
36:52 We realized they allowed people, right?
36:54 You could, you know, they wouldn't, and notice here,
36:58 they wouldn't have the virus.
37:00 They allowed people with it
37:01 to fly to United States and to Europe,
37:05 but they cut their flights into their country.
37:09 Just something to think about, shutting down those flights.
37:15 Now, was that a part of the people's war?
37:17 I don't know if anybody can prove that or not.
37:19 Interesting how it came about in just a matter of few months,
37:22 but notice this.
37:24 We don't know for sure,
37:25 but the virus did set into motion,
37:29 a radical reorientation of American society
37:34 that has noticed this, that has gone, notice this,
37:37 has grave economic and political consequences.
37:43 See, we can't fight that,
37:45 what's happened with the COVID-19 has what?
37:48 Grave...
37:54 Think about it.
37:55 It's just like, Oh, grave!
37:59 Grave!
38:01 And political consequences.
38:04 Things have really happened,
38:07 whether they meant for it to or not.
38:09 Now when challenged on this is this honesty
38:13 regarding the virus origin,
38:16 the CCP, that's a Chinese Communist Party
38:20 over their news agency,
38:22 which is a radio station there called Xinhua
38:28 threatened that China,
38:29 this is what, you don't wanna miss this.
38:31 They did.
38:32 They threatened that China could plunge America
38:35 into a mighty sea of Coronavirus.
38:40 Is somebody's home?
38:41 Basically they said,
38:43 "This is what we can do if we want to.
38:46 And now we'll tell you how we can do it."
38:49 Huh!
38:51 Here's what they pointed out on that radio station.
38:54 Because we, China, we control the supply chain
38:59 for the active pharmaceuticals.
39:02 The ingredients used in production
39:05 of 90% of our medicines that says what?
39:09 90% of our medicines
39:11 we have in this country is produced
39:13 and made in where?
39:14 They say,
39:16 "They can do whatever they might want
39:17 with that medicine that comes over here."
39:21 And whether or not you've got to think about it.
39:24 So they're letting you know right then and there,
39:26 you better look out.
39:29 90% of our medications come from China.
39:34 Now, praise God, our government,
39:36 as far as I know is working to correct that now,
39:39 but that may be in time to come.
39:44 They also believe that China is certainly is involved in,
39:46 I say it nicely you know, as I can.
39:49 And a lot of things has happened
39:50 in this country lately,
39:52 different parties of China is funding it.
39:55 You can go from there with it.
39:57 When you see a lot of the burning
39:58 and different things
39:59 that the riot not protest, but riots
40:02 and all can be proven.
40:05 We need to look at it.
40:07 What does this mean to us?
40:09 Do you realize other people of other countries,
40:14 they're cheering this.
40:16 They're kind of happy about it.
40:19 Of the corruption, the division and the violence
40:22 and the fog that's going on in our cities,
40:25 the tearing down of the United States of America
40:27 and other nations.
40:28 And we talked about because of the global plan,
40:31 the reset button has been pushed.
40:35 And there's a lot of people behind that.
40:37 We must remember Revelation 13:11-18.
40:41 You remember what in Revelation 13,
40:42 the Bible prophecy.
40:44 Revelation 13, when you go 11 through 18,
40:47 that depicts and identifies
40:48 the United States in Bible, what?
40:52 The majority of the world does not know that.
40:54 I feel sad about that.
40:56 It's easy to figure out.
40:59 Think about it.
41:01 If you have Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
41:02 pagan Rome, papal Rome, so on.
41:04 All these things
41:05 that are identified a big world,
41:07 one world government powers.
41:08 Why wouldn't the United States as great a country as it is
41:11 that God raised up for religious freedom.
41:15 And now that's been taken away, trying to, freedom of press.
41:21 You can't say what you want to say,
41:23 because they'll say it's a hate crime.
41:27 And I always say this,
41:28 it's not a hate crime, it's a love crime
41:30 what I'm trying to talk about.
41:33 Hey, come on somebody.
41:34 It's a love crime if you want to put it under it,
41:37 because you love the people.
41:38 You realize you might get in trouble,
41:40 but you love the people
41:41 because God says to warn the people
41:43 what's taking place.
41:45 Get rid of that fog.
41:51 Revelation 13 talks about the United States.
41:53 It comes up like a lamb, the Bible says,
41:55 but it begins to speak as what?
41:58 It begins to speak as the dragon.
42:01 Now, citizens fled, did they not?
42:04 People or Christians fled Europe.
42:08 They came here to this country for religious freedom.
42:12 They wanted a government civil and religious liberty.
42:17 Declaration of the Independence says,
42:19 all men are created, what?
42:21 It says, "All men are created equal."
42:23 Now, remember why I mentioned this?
42:25 Because part of Bible prophecy is that every right,
42:27 we look at it,
42:29 with our Bill of Rights in the Constitution,
42:31 every point of it will be repudiated.
42:34 That means that we worked around
42:36 and you see right now
42:37 every day you hear about the constitutional rights.
42:39 You hear about what everybody,
42:41 but they're finding ways to go around every point of it,
42:43 if they want to get you.
42:51 And so, we see here that, you know, God said,
42:53 you're created equal.
42:54 You have the right to life and liberty
42:57 and the pursuit of happiness.
43:00 The Constitution guarantees
43:03 that we can have a representative
43:06 or elected representative by the popular vote.
43:10 And they would enact laws and administrate,
43:13 you know, the laws.
43:18 How about freedom of faith, freedom of religion, faith,
43:21 religious faith?
43:22 Is that important today?
43:25 This is it. This is what it's all about.
43:27 Not so much right or wrong.
43:28 It's about what maintaining religious freedom
43:31 that you can worship.
43:32 God, if you want to.
43:34 And if you don't want to, you don't have to.
43:36 You can worship Him, right?
43:37 You don't need to, you know, your conscience,
43:39 the way you feel that you ought to,
43:41 as you study the Word of God,
43:42 they don't want to do that anymore.
43:43 Things are being changed right now.
43:46 Republicanism, Protestantism is the principles
43:49 of this United States of America.
43:52 Great Controversy in 441 says this,
43:56 "These principles are the secret of the power
43:59 and prosperity."
44:01 What's the secret?
44:02 Secret of power and prosperity.
44:04 Again, we're fogged over. We don't know it.
44:06 I submit for your thought today.
44:08 Maybe we have lost the secret
44:10 to that power and that prosperity.
44:13 Because we're no longer going by these things anymore,
44:16 because the world is changing, because it's resetting.
44:20 Socialism, communism,
44:22 this is where this country is headed.
44:24 There's no doubt about it.
44:25 We talk about it and we should.
44:27 So as you see these things to come to pass.
44:32 We must be careful about those who are leading out.
44:36 Check them out.
44:38 You don't just accept what someone says as a leader.
44:40 No. Well, 'cause they said so.
44:43 Because the Bible is very clear about the leaders
44:45 caused the people to what?
44:47 To err.
44:49 Isaiah 3:12, we're talking about a foggy.
44:52 You talking about some fog here.
44:54 Isaiah 3:12 says,
44:56 "As for my people, notice,
44:59 children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
45:04 My people,
45:06 they which lead thee cause thee to err
45:09 and destroy the way of thy paths."
45:12 Now it's talking about children.
45:14 It simply means that some of the leadership today
45:16 are thinking like children,
45:17 not that children were leading it,
45:19 but their minds are like children.
45:20 You notice this.
45:22 It says the women rule over them.
45:25 Not literally because back at the time
45:26 when this was written things to today,
45:28 we realize here that the influence,
45:32 many times influence was a hindrance.
45:35 Influence of a wife toward her husband
45:38 or those who are in position can influence them
45:40 to do the right thing or the wrong thing.
45:44 Isaiah 9:16,
45:46 "For the leaders of this people cause them to err,
45:49 and they that are led of them are destroyed."
45:52 Now may sound boring to some, may think it's not a big deal.
45:56 But remember, the leadership, somebody always says,
45:58 well, the leader said, we ought to do this.
45:59 We ought to do that.
46:01 But should come from the Word of God, should it not?
46:04 Absolutely should come from the Word of God.
46:06 Nine minutes or so, 10 we'll be done.
46:08 Amos 2:4.
46:09 The Bible said,
46:10 "Because they have despised the law of God,
46:13 and have not kept his commandments,
46:15 and their lies caused them to err."
46:19 How many times have you heard all the time on the news
46:22 somebody lied?
46:23 I hear that all the time, somebody lied.
46:26 Well, they lied.
46:27 And the next group get up and say, well, they lied.
46:30 Somebody's lying.
46:31 And the Bible says, because number one,
46:33 they have not kept God's commandments.
46:35 They've thrown them out of the door.
46:37 And now they're speaking lies and it causes people to err.
46:40 It's hard for us to make an intelligent decision
46:43 because this one sounds convincing.
46:45 Aren't you glad we have the Word of God
46:47 that we can go line upon line,
46:49 precept upon precept,
46:50 here a little, there a little to find out what truth is,
46:53 and not have to rely upon any man
46:54 to tell us what to believe.
46:56 I think that's beautiful. Praise God for that.
46:59 Review and Herald 324 in '96 says this.
47:02 I love it because
47:03 it talks about the watchman on the walls of Zion.
47:06 It says, notice this,
47:07 "The watchman on the walls of Zion,
47:10 should not join with those
47:11 who are making of non effect the truth as it is in Christ."
47:15 Now, if you're a watchman on the walls of Zion,
47:17 notice this,
47:19 you are not to, I am not to join with those
47:21 who are making non effect the truth as it is in Christ.
47:25 But how often I see that even among us,
47:29 we're making as it were little contracts
47:30 and we're done, you know.
47:33 They're making the message we have
47:34 a kind of a laughing stock.
47:36 It says we're not to join with them.
47:39 Maybe that's why the Bible said,
47:40 and you know, unless two agree, how can they do, what?
47:43 How can they walk together?
47:46 You can't.
47:48 But many times we're listening and we're just going what?
47:50 It doesn't really matter.
47:52 No, if they're making of non effect the truth
47:54 as it is in Jesus Christ,
47:56 we are not to hook up with them as it were.
47:58 We're not to join together with them
48:01 in any kind of fashion with those who oppose truth.
48:05 But how often do we do that?
48:08 We've got to follow the counsel of God
48:10 or we're fogged over to where
48:12 we just can't understand these changes
48:14 that are quickly taking place?
48:16 The Bible said in Isaiah 24:5, it said,
48:20 "The earth is also defiled."
48:22 It said, what?
48:23 "The earth is defiled under the habitations thereof,
48:26 notice, because they've transgressed," what?
48:29 "The laws they've changed the ordinances
48:31 and broken the everlasting covenant."
48:34 Why are we going through
48:35 what we're going through in this world?
48:37 Could it possibly be
48:39 that we've transgressed the laws of God,
48:42 that we tried to change His ordinance.
48:43 Tried to change the truth into a lie and lie into truth.
48:49 We've broken the covenant with God,
48:51 the agreement with God.
48:53 Maybe that's why
48:55 the world's in the mess that it's in today.
48:56 That's how the Bible is talking to us here.
48:59 Also Isaiah 24:20,
49:02 "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,
49:06 and shall be removed like a cottage,
49:09 the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it,
49:12 and it shall fall and not rise again."
49:17 If you think this is your home,
49:19 if you think you're going to just last forever here,
49:22 as we talked about earlier, this world is not our home.
49:26 But we have to come to the point to realize
49:28 we are just passing through.
49:30 Man, don't let it just be words.
49:32 I feel like sometime it's just words.
49:34 You hear it.
49:35 People have the answers,
49:37 especially people who've been around the truth.
49:38 You know, talking about, about Adventism the message.
49:41 Oh, yeah. We know, blah, blah, blah.
49:43 But what are we really doing about it?
49:46 Not just talk, we know.
49:49 It's going to fall
49:51 and it's not going to rise again.
49:52 Isaiah 26:9,
49:54 "For when thy judgments are in the earth,
49:56 notice this,
49:57 the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness."
50:00 When the judgments are what?
50:03 Is our judgments falling in the world now?
50:05 Judgments are falling in this world right and left.
50:09 But you know what? Most of us don't see it.
50:13 Most of us don't comprehend it.
50:15 So when you say it up here,
50:16 it's like, oh, yeah, here we go again.
50:18 That's right. Here we go again.
50:20 I'm gonna go again.
50:23 Because we should.
50:25 Because judgments are falling.
50:27 We're even told what they are, right?
50:29 Land, sea and air and fire,
50:31 and all these things has happened.
50:32 Tornadoes and floods,
50:34 there're things that are happening, what?
50:35 Surely the Pete, some of us will get it.
50:39 Is that okay to say?
50:41 I mean that's the way I feel in my heart.
50:42 I'm just talking to you.
50:44 Surely we will get it
50:46 rather than to say it doesn't matter anymore.
50:47 Or, well, you know, we got plenty of time,
50:49 I don't want to work.
50:50 No, how long does this stuff have to go on before we say no,
50:53 that's it.
50:56 It's when these judgments are in.
50:58 It's when things get bad,
51:00 it's when there seem to be no way out,
51:02 then notice the Bible says there,
51:03 notice this, it says,
51:05 the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
51:10 Do you ever notice that
51:12 sometimes when we're flat on our back,
51:13 it's when we think we're going to die.
51:15 It's when we don't have a payment,
51:17 you know, pay the house payment,
51:18 and there's no other place to go.
51:20 And all of a sudden we decide to look up finally.
51:22 And all of a sudden we learn righteousness
51:24 or we give our life to Christ.
51:26 If we'd only done that to begin with God's cup.
51:30 This world is crumbling around us.
51:33 Earth, the earth cup.
51:34 Think about it, is full of evil right now.
51:37 God lets that cup fill
51:39 until it begins to go over the top
51:40 and then He says, "That's it."
51:43 To me it could be already any time,
51:45 when God says, that's it.
51:47 The judgments are falling.
51:48 When will we learn righteousness?
51:50 Are we gonna wait till it hits somebody close to us?
51:53 Or maybe well, till it hits us.
51:54 Why do that?
51:57 Give your life to Him right now.
51:59 Warning after warning goes out from pulpit,
52:01 warning after warning, if you read in the Word of God,
52:04 and yet sometime
52:05 we just reject warning after warning.
52:09 We are repeating the sins of the known ancient world
52:12 in Noah's time.
52:13 We're repeating it or it's worse than it was then.
52:18 God is soon to rise out.
52:21 He's rise up and come out, He's calling us out.
52:26 He's calling the people out
52:28 to give a message
52:29 that's different
52:31 than the rest of the world is giving.
52:35 When He rises up, there'll be no stopping.
52:39 The world's going to come to a quick end.
52:42 Isaiah 27:5, couple of minutes left.
52:44 Notice, He pleads with us.
52:45 He says, "Or let him take hold of my strength,
52:49 that he may make peace with me,
52:51 and he shall make peace with me."
52:53 This is good news.
52:54 You see, what God is saying?
52:56 He's saying during this time of the COVID,
52:58 during this time of the economy,
53:00 during this time of all these changes,
53:01 everything's taking place
53:03 that we just can't even balance it up.
53:04 All the hook and the crook
53:05 and all the mess that's going on.
53:07 All the selling out.
53:08 When it comes to the time that we're in right now,
53:10 where you know, they're touting in
53:12 and offering rewards
53:13 if you call and snitch on your neighbor.
53:15 Brother Mark, don't you see it's getting ready
53:17 to see for the time when they,
53:18 the mother turns against daughter
53:20 and father against son.
53:21 People are calling in their neighbors saying
53:23 they have six people over at their house.
53:25 They're only supposed to have five,
53:26 another place you can have six,
53:27 another place you can have eight.
53:29 Just two different families, you know, in there.
53:31 Since when they have a right to tell you
53:32 what you can have in your home?
53:34 It's come to that.
53:37 So, you need not be afraid.
53:38 And I'll take, "Well, this can't happen
53:40 when you can't buy and sell my lands."
53:43 It's already past that.
53:44 It's just a matter of going back
53:46 to an isolate it down,
53:47 we're already there. What else will it take?
53:53 We're preparing for it
53:54 because apostasy is so deep in the church.
53:56 The apostasy is so deep in the world right now.
53:59 And remember, apostasy is that
54:01 which prepared the way for the papacy.
54:05 Did you get it?
54:06 Apostasy popped the papacy, the Dark Ages.
54:12 We're sinking lower and lower all the time.
54:16 God's calling us out and up
54:21 to do what he's asked us to do.
54:24 He said in the last days, perilous times will what?
54:28 You see, when perilous times come,
54:30 we say, well, we don't want these perilous time.
54:31 I don't either.
54:34 Perilous times will come.
54:36 And then it gives you a list there in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
54:39 What a list it gives you there.
54:42 Proud you know, he's talking about pride
54:43 and blasphemers and lovers of pleasures,
54:46 more than lovers of God.
54:47 If that's not taking place right now,
54:49 I'll put it in with you.
54:54 We're living the life of Rome all over again.
55:02 When the world is calling us to come together
55:05 on common points of doctrine,
55:10 for the common good of all,
55:13 regardless of our personal belief,
55:16 based upon Scripture.
55:19 May God help us as we close out.
55:24 False force is on the way.
55:29 They've talked. They say they begged.
55:31 They pleaded to do what we're asked to do.
55:34 And the next is force.
55:36 Some of them said,
55:38 if you remember this last, right,
55:39 the holiday Thanksgiving, what'd they say?
55:42 We can, if we want to,
55:43 we can go to your home, we'll get you.
55:45 And we will put you in jail for 30 days.
55:48 What has the country come to?
55:52 All it should warn us is
55:54 that these things that we have read
55:56 is going to come to pass.
56:01 We have to believe that.
56:02 We have to be prepared for that.
56:07 Hello, and welcome back.
56:09 Seeing through the fog of our rapidly changing world
56:12 was our message for today.
56:15 Isn't it wonderful that
56:16 Christ has promised to never leave us
56:18 nor forsake us.
56:20 When our vision ends, His begins.
56:23 He will carry each and every one of us through.
56:26 He's given us glimpses
56:27 of what is occurring in the fog of circumstances
56:31 to encourage each and every one of us
56:33 to prepare and be ready to take the time necessary,
56:37 to ensure to the best of our ability
56:39 that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
56:42 Not that we can work our way, work out our salvation,
56:46 but by submitting and committing our wills
56:49 to our Lord and Savior.
56:51 He can work in and through us to do His good pleasure
56:55 for our salvation.
56:56 Christ is our only hope
57:00 as we see our world becoming a place
57:02 that we no longer recognize
57:04 as a safe place to even call home.
57:08 Seeing through the fog of our rapidly changing world
57:11 is a message that we would love to send to you
57:14 and for you to continue to learn from
57:16 and to share with your friends and your family.
57:19 We are offering this DVD message
57:21 for a love gift of just $8 or more.
57:24 We would also like to send you this free book
57:27 that is entitled The Great Controversy.
57:29 This is a wonderful book,
57:31 detailing religious history
57:33 throughout the ages
57:34 and giving glimpses of events
57:36 to occur in our very near future.
57:39 You don't wanna be without this book in your home.
57:42 To either obtain the message
57:44 of seeing through the fog of our rapidly changing world
57:48 or to attain this free gift.
57:50 This book entitled The Great Controversy.
57:53 Won't you just simply contact us
57:55 here in the United States at (618) 942-5044.
57:59 That Central Time,
58:01 or write to us at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
58:04 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
58:09 You may also email us at
58:11 Contact@
58:14 or visit us on our website at
58:19 Friends, I would also like to encourage
58:21 each and every one of you
58:22 to visit our Behold the Lamb Ministries
58:24 YouTube channel
58:25 for more important messages
58:27 that we are updating weekly
58:29 and to cordially invite you at this moment
58:32 to join our Facebook page.
58:34 Just look for Behold the Lamb Ministries
58:36 on Facebook.
58:38 And until next time
58:39 may our precious Lord and Savior
58:41 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2021-02-05