Behold the Lamb Presents

Uninvited Guests

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000188S

00:38 Hello, and welcome back to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:45 Uninvited Guests is our message for today.
00:49 2 Timothy 3:1-2 states, "This know also,
00:54 that in the last days perilous times shall come.
00:58 For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
01:00 covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
01:04 disobedient to parents, unthankful,
01:07 unholy and so on the list goes."
01:11 We see very little differentiation
01:14 between that which is holy
01:16 and that which is common anymore.
01:18 Society as a whole treats most anything and everything
01:22 in a very common and laid-back manner.
01:25 But does the Bible depict the difference
01:28 between the holy and the common?
01:30 Does differentiating between the two
01:33 really make a difference with God?
01:35 And just who are these uninvited guests
01:38 anyway?
01:40 And what do they have to do with any of us?
01:42 I believe that we will all discover
01:44 just how important our mindset toward the holy
01:48 and the common really is today
01:50 as we study along with Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:53 especially since we are facing unprecedented times
01:57 in these last days,
01:59 but first let's visit 3ABN studio
02:02 and listened to Brother Tim Parton
02:04 as he plays Unclouded Day on the piano.
04:26 Thank you for joining us once again here
04:27 at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
04:29 Again we want you to know that we appreciate you
04:31 so very, very much
04:32 as you send in cards and letters and questions
04:35 and the phone calls come in
04:36 and then orders for DVDs and CDs
04:38 and so on and so forth, newsletters.
04:40 Praise God for that.
04:42 It's our way of getting the message
04:43 out to the world.
04:45 Remember, may be a small group here,
04:47 but we have the opportunity and the privilege
04:49 to reach the world from this spot.
04:53 I take that as a real blessing
04:54 that only God can give.
04:56 I'm telling what a blessing it is
04:57 because what did He say,
04:59 what did He tell us to do?
05:00 He said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel."
05:03 Here we have that privilege and that opportunity.
05:07 The message should never be kept
05:09 inside these walls.
05:11 We come together, get our batteries charged.
05:13 And then we go out to the highways and byways
05:16 and compel people as it were,
05:17 give them an invitation to come.
05:19 And I see some of you have done that today.
05:21 Praise God. Thank you for that.
05:23 Let's continue to do that.
05:24 And those of you are at home,
05:25 be sure you do that in your local area too.
05:27 Again, we thank you for your cards,
05:29 letters and your support to get this message out
05:33 so that Jesus can come.
05:34 We're going to be talking about today,
05:36 I believe it's an exciting study,
05:38 as far as I am concerned, uninvited guests.
05:41 What does that mean, uninvited guests?
05:44 Usually, if you have someone come in,
05:46 usually they're invited.
05:49 How would you like to have a party
05:51 and a bunch of people would show up uninvited?
05:54 You didn't know they were coming.
05:56 You wasn't ready, you wasn't prepared.
05:59 So we're going to be looking at that
06:00 in the Book of Daniel.
06:01 But first always, we pray quite a bit before this time.
06:07 But I feel always a need because I feel so,
06:10 I feel empty without inviting the Holy Spirit
06:13 of the Living God to come in
06:15 and to fill your heart and my heart,
06:17 where you are at in your Christian walk,
06:20 where I'm at in my Christian walk.
06:22 This is the areas that need to be touched.
06:24 And only the Holy Spirit can do that.
06:26 No one here reads minds.
06:28 No one knows where you are at in your walk.
06:30 And there's some of you probably
06:31 you're not even in your walk.
06:33 And if you're not in your walk, I'm going to pray today
06:35 that you'll get into that walk with Jesus
06:36 before we end this message.
06:38 I'm going to kneel up here
06:40 and I just invite those of at home if you can,
06:41 just pray with me as we once again
06:43 invite the Holy Spirit.
06:46 Merciful Father in heaven,
06:47 again, we invite Thy sweet Holy Spirit,
06:49 Lord, how desperately we need to hear from heaven.
06:52 We don't need to hear from man,
06:53 we don't even need to look at man,
06:55 we don't need to pay attention to man,
06:56 but, Lord, we need to pay attention to the Word.
06:59 We need to pay attention to the message
07:01 that You are sending
07:02 to each one of Your children today.
07:04 Lord, help us to look at this as a love letter.
07:06 That You're sending a love letter to each one of us
07:08 saying, are you ready for My coming?
07:11 If not, why not?
07:12 Bless us now we pray to this end.
07:14 Give our minds our hearts,
07:16 open them so wide that we will not miss
07:19 what you have in store for us today
07:20 as we are going to thank you in advance in Jesus' name.
07:23 Amen.
07:24 Okay, those of you are home and those who are here,
07:26 you have your Bible.
07:27 Now remember what I say?
07:29 You need to check what the preacher
07:31 or the teacher or whoever it is what he has to say.
07:35 All preachers are not telling you the truth.
07:37 Now I want to by the grace of God,
07:39 but I need you to check me out.
07:42 And if it's not right, well, we'll wait till this is over
07:45 and then you can come to me and we'll talk,
07:47 we won't have time maybe to go into it right at this moment.
07:50 But we'll do it, yeah, just soon as we get done here.
07:52 Because you're gonna say, "I don't see that."
07:55 And then we can sit down and talk
07:56 based on the Word of God.
07:58 But what good is it to be able to speak the Word
08:00 or teach the Word or preach the Word
08:02 if it's not the truth?
08:04 How many ways can you tell the truth?
08:06 One. Only one way.
08:08 How is everybody's telling by 1,500 different ways?
08:12 And they all say it's the truth?
08:14 Well, it can't really be, can it, you know?
08:16 Again, I'm not saying we have all the truth.
08:18 I'm just simply saying is I want to line up
08:20 with the Word of God.
08:22 Daniel Chapter 5, we're going to read verses 1-4.
08:25 We'll set the tone and the stage
08:27 for what we're going to be talking about today,
08:29 plus some other things
08:30 that are going on in the world.
08:32 And if you miss these things,
08:34 you know, you might have well stayed home today.
08:36 And I didn't want you to stay home.
08:38 Okay?
08:40 Because it's very, very important.
08:41 Daniel Chapter 5, starting with verse 1, says,
08:44 "Belshazzar the king made a great feast
08:47 to a thousand of his lords,
08:48 and drank wine before the thousands."
08:50 There are people today
08:51 who had rather go to these feasts and parties
08:55 rather than go to church.
08:57 You invite them to church, they don't want to come,
08:59 invite them to a fellowship lunch and free meal
09:02 and the place is full.
09:04 Okay, now you've got it.
09:05 Okay. Enough said.
09:06 Belshazzar, while he tasted the wine.
09:09 And here as I read he did more than taste,
09:11 he chug-a-lugged.
09:13 Is anybody with me?
09:14 He was chug-a-lugging, he was taking it down the hatch
09:17 and everybody with him.
09:19 He commanded to bring the gold and silver vessels
09:22 which his father,
09:23 notice it says his father here and then there's a little,
09:25 you know, one by,
09:26 you look into the King James version has down here,
09:28 really it was his grandfather.
09:31 Was not his father, it's his grandfather,
09:33 Nebuchadnezzar was Belshazzar's grandfather.
09:35 So you have to look
09:37 as what the Bible has to say here, remember?
09:39 Now what it says here? And what did he do?
09:41 He brought those golden silver vessels
09:43 which his father, Nebuchadnezzar
09:44 had taken out of the temple,
09:46 which was in Jerusalem.
09:47 So would these things be called holy?
09:49 They were holy utensils
09:51 that were used in the service of God.
09:53 They were dedicated to God like
09:55 you are supposed to be dedicated to God.
09:58 Therefore you are special in God's sight.
10:01 This is interesting.
10:02 You're not common, did you get it?
10:05 It's not things you commonly ordinarily would use.
10:07 These were special things,
10:09 you know, ordained to God for His service.
10:11 And the king had the audacity to say, "Bring them here.
10:14 I'm good enough to drink from these things
10:17 and all my little concubines," and okay let me go on.
10:20 All right.
10:21 Verse 3, "Then they brought the golden vessels
10:24 that were taken out of the temple,
10:25 the house of God, which was at Jerusalem,
10:28 and the king and his princes, his wives,
10:29 his concubines drank from them.
10:31 They drank wine, and praised the gods
10:33 of gold and silver, and brass and iron,
10:36 of wood and stone."
10:37 Listen, people are doing the same thing today.
10:41 What God are you serving?
10:43 What God are you really serving?
10:44 There's many people say, "We serve the god of this
10:46 and the god of that."
10:48 That we serve the God of creation,
10:50 the God of salvation,
10:51 the God of redemption,
10:53 the Creator of the universe.
10:55 Many people go different direction there,
10:57 but we want to look there.
10:59 Many today who believe, they believe that God
11:03 does not take notice of His created beings.
11:06 If I thought that I'd be discouraged today.
11:09 In other words, He just creates us
11:11 and just lets us go and run and pays no attention to us.
11:13 That's not what the Bible says at all,
11:15 his eyes on the sparrow, if His eyes on the sparrow,
11:18 I know He watches you and He watches me.
11:21 Isn't that wonderful?
11:22 He goes into specifics when He says here,
11:24 "I know that the number of hairs
11:26 that you have on your head."
11:28 In other words, I've got such a close eye on you,
11:30 not to condemn you but to help you
11:32 in your time of need.
11:34 God wants to help us.
11:35 He wants to encourage us,
11:37 because we are no match for the enemy without Jesus.
11:40 Does that make sense?
11:42 We are no match.
11:44 Keep that in mind, the enemy, right,
11:47 created force and power in the universe.
11:49 And that's things that you
11:51 and I probably cannot understand.
11:52 I can't.
11:53 It's too big for me but one day by God's grace, okay?
11:58 You know, people say, "Well, we just go about doing
12:00 whatever we want to do,
12:02 and it's going to be all right.
12:03 We don't have to have a conscience today.
12:05 We don't have to worry about what we might say
12:07 or what we might do
12:09 because we're not going to really have to give
12:10 an answer for that."
12:12 But let me tell you, we have to be on guard
12:14 every moment of our life because I believe this.
12:18 There are uninvited guests that are present.
12:22 Certainly, there's invited guests,
12:25 you can invite the Holy Spirit to come in.
12:27 But there are uninvited
12:29 even if you don't invite the spirit in,
12:31 right, Holy Spirit, right?
12:32 The angels.
12:33 They're there to help you, to encourage you,
12:36 but also as it were to take notes of your life,
12:40 the good things or the bad, whatever they might be.
12:42 They're written in the book, the Bible says.
12:45 Does that make sense?
12:47 And so there're angels ever present with us.
12:52 Belshazzar the king of Babylon threw a...
12:55 I want to call it a gigantic party.
12:58 I don't know if I'd have been in Babylon
13:00 or been in that city,
13:01 I might have counted it quite a privilege.
13:03 I would go to somebody like Brother Steven.
13:05 And I say, "Steve, did you get this special invitation?
13:07 I did.
13:11 A thousand of us, a thousand of us
13:14 got this special invitation from the king.
13:16 Did you get one?"
13:18 Oh, my, well, that might be a little bit hurtful.
13:20 So maybe I wouldn't use Steve but, still yeah,
13:22 you know, it was quite something
13:24 they all felt.
13:26 The princes and some of the rulers
13:28 and, you know, Belshazzar
13:30 being the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar.
13:32 I look at Belshazzar as a weak king.
13:36 You can look at him maybe the way you want.
13:39 He was a man that like people to look to him.
13:43 He was an individual who loved pleasure.
13:46 He loved parties.
13:48 He loved drinking.
13:49 He loved self.
13:51 He had the self love, you know, self love, he loved himself.
13:56 He's a kind of want to look at himself
13:57 in a mirror all the time.
13:59 He loves self glorification.
14:01 He loved the power that he had in his hands.
14:05 Now remember, God gives us a lot of these things
14:07 is for God's honor and glory,
14:09 not yours and not mine.
14:11 So he was going backwards at this thing.
14:14 But he loved to have people surround him.
14:17 He loved to have people around him.
14:20 And, you know, and to praise him
14:23 for everything that was going on,
14:24 everything that was taking place.
14:26 The king wanted somebody to praise him.
14:30 But during all this time that he was lifting himself up,
14:33 he lost and sometimes it can happen to us.
14:36 He lost some valuable lessons
14:40 that he should have never forgotten.
14:43 Remember his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar,
14:46 was banished from society, was he not?
14:50 He was banished from society
14:52 as a man or as I want to call as the king.
14:55 For seven years he was, lived with the animals.
14:58 He ate grass because of his pride.
15:02 Pride can keep you out of heaven.
15:04 You say, "Well, it's a murderer and a rapists
15:05 and now whoever else."
15:07 They are other ones who's not going to be there.
15:08 No.
15:09 Pride can keep you out of heaven.
15:11 Pride as, you know, well,
15:12 I'm learning new truth over here
15:14 but I won't accept it because people think I'm nuts.
15:17 I don't want to change.
15:18 My mom and dad won't accept me if I change.
15:20 Well, maybe God won't accept you
15:22 unless you change toward His direction.
15:24 Now think about it here.
15:25 He's just like, he was thinking.
15:28 Belshazzar knew a lot about his grandfather.
15:33 So it wasn't he didn't know these things.
15:35 He was familiar
15:36 with Nebuchadnezzar's conversion.
15:40 He was familiar with his restoration
15:43 as he came to his senses and came out
15:46 from eating grass with the animals, right?
15:50 The King Nebuchadnezzar, one of the greatest kings,
15:52 I guess, in the history in the Bible touts
15:55 and yet because of his pride,
15:57 he's down on his all fours for seven years
16:00 and all those who held him in such high esteem,
16:04 looked at him, he lost his mind, evidently.
16:08 Belshazzar was a wasted, what he did,
16:11 he wasted opportunities
16:13 and maybe some are doing it today.
16:14 We waste opportunities to learn what is truth.
16:18 Remember, a lie is not going to help you to get to heaven.
16:22 The truth will.
16:24 The Bible says, "Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word.
16:28 Thy word is truth.
16:30 Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word.
16:33 Sanctification is preparation for heaven.
16:36 That means something has to change inside and out.
16:39 Oh, we'll just make it to heaven.
16:40 We'll do the best we can we're going to be.
16:41 Listen, the very best that you can do
16:43 by yourself is to be totally lost.
16:45 Does that make sense?
16:46 Totally lost if it's just you.
16:49 We need more than that, don't we?
16:51 We need Christ within the hope of glory.
16:54 Powers that God wants to give us
16:56 so we may gain the victory.
16:57 Well that we may defeat the enemy
16:59 day in and day out
17:00 instead of being defeated.
17:02 Sometime when you meet people every day,
17:04 they come up and say, "I tell you
17:05 the devil's knocked me out all week long.
17:07 He just beat me to death.
17:09 Man, he's thrown me down. He's going to." No.
17:11 By the grace of God is what,
17:13 we defeat the enemy, isn't that right?
17:15 Power and Spirit of God within gives that which we need
17:19 to be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.
17:22 Amen.
17:24 Here this king always pretending,
17:26 always kind of feeling good about himself
17:29 and all of his power.
17:32 He always needed,
17:34 you might have met some people like that,
17:35 he always needed an entourage.
17:39 Do you find that maybe
17:40 and I'm going to say Hollywood today.
17:42 Is it okay to say that?
17:43 They have what?
17:45 They have people, they're surrounded by people.
17:48 And sometimes these people
17:49 are nothing more than yes people.
17:51 They get paid to say yes.
17:52 They get paid to make you feel good.
17:55 They never try to correct you.
17:56 They never try to do anything but gonna make you feel good.
18:00 He loved to be surrounded by yes men and be careful,
18:02 Kenny and yes women.
18:04 Are you still with me?
18:06 Amen.
18:08 So he think let's have another party.
18:10 Let's throw up party.
18:12 And so he arranged the royal, royal banquet.
18:17 All those in power and, you know, anything they needed.
18:22 I will call it, some people call it,
18:24 they say that's wine,
18:26 women and song.
18:27 Is somebody still with me?
18:28 You ever heard that one?
18:30 Wine, women and song soon turned into drunkards,
18:34 wild merry-making.
18:36 Instead of a song there was silence.
18:39 How things can change in a matter of a second.
18:42 You may sit there today or stand there
18:44 and may wherever you're at or people at home,
18:46 very snug, and I'm good and I'm feeling good.
18:49 Everything is good.
18:50 In the matter of one second,
18:52 your life can change for eternity.
18:54 That's how quick your life can change.
18:58 Now I'd like to begin as we skipped over Belshazzar.
19:02 And I think we would be a mess today
19:04 if we didn't begin by giving.
19:07 May I call this a strong warning.
19:09 Is that okay?
19:10 I feel compelled reading the Word of God
19:13 that God is telling us
19:15 there need to be strong warnings giving
19:17 about the events that's taking place
19:19 in our world today.
19:21 These events, surely, surely
19:24 what's going on in the world today is a sign
19:28 that we need to get ready,
19:30 that we need to be preparing for troublous times ahead,
19:34 much more than we have seen.
19:37 See, some people will hear this,
19:39 it will fall on deaf ears.
19:40 They'll go right,
19:41 you know, it doesn't matter, doesn't matter.
19:43 You will be the sorriest one
19:45 if we do not heed that which God
19:48 so beautifully has left in Scripture for us to say.
19:51 I'm going to tell you.
19:53 Remember He said,
19:54 "You don't know the day or the hour
19:56 but you're going to know the leaves
19:57 when they're on the tree."
19:58 Isn't that right?
20:00 "You're going to know it soon to sprout.
20:01 You're going to know
20:02 when My coming is near even at the door."
20:05 But some people look around and say,
20:06 "I don't know it's near even at the door."
20:07 No.
20:09 You'd rather go play cards or you'd rather go to a dance,
20:11 you'd rather go to a movie,
20:12 you'd rather go do whatever else
20:14 rather than get in the house of God
20:15 or open the Word of God instead.
20:17 Is that all right?
20:20 Listen, because there's millions out
20:22 there that's doing that very thing.
20:24 I'm not trying to condemn them, not even trying to judge them
20:27 but they're using that in the place of the Word of God
20:29 and it'll never work.
20:31 It will never ever work.
20:34 So I want to say please by the grace of God
20:37 we are in troublous times right now.
20:41 And I'm going to encourage you, don't put off anything
20:44 that needs to be taken care of right now.
20:47 That could be mentally, that could be spiritually,
20:51 it could be physically, it could be houses and lands,
20:55 it could be a lot of things
20:56 that the enemy tries to tie you down with.
20:59 I'm gonna encourage you to do by the grace of God
21:02 to get rid of those things.
21:04 Put everything on the altar
21:07 because I see these last day conditions.
21:11 Is anybody here seen last day condition?
21:13 Is anybody? Lord, have mercy.
21:15 Is there anybody that's looking?
21:16 Okay.
21:17 There's looking around saying
21:19 this world is not what it used to be.
21:23 Say it as though we may in the last year and a half,
21:25 this world has changed
21:27 more than in my whole lifetime.
21:29 I've never seen anything like it.
21:31 It tells me changes are taking place
21:33 and will continue to take place,
21:35 they're either going to get better
21:37 or they're going to get worse.
21:38 You're going to have to decide based on the Word of God.
21:41 People are saying here
21:42 and they just bury their head in the sand and say,
21:44 "Well, it's going to get better."
21:46 I wish I could say that.
21:48 I wish you could come to church
21:49 and when you left you were just so happy,
21:51 you floated out.
21:52 But now some of you may shuffle when you go out the door,
21:54 "Oh, well I'm all bruised and beat."
21:57 Hey, the Word of God sometime can beat us up a little bit.
22:01 And it's okay.
22:04 For God's trying to get our attention.
22:07 As we look at these last day conditions,
22:09 they seem to be pressing all of us
22:14 to react.
22:15 See, when I see these things here I'm looking, I'm saying,
22:18 I can't just look at them and see
22:19 and say they're nothing.
22:21 It makes me want to do something.
22:22 I need to respond to what I'm reading
22:25 and what I'm seeing here
22:27 because they're crisis
22:28 and they're called disasters in the land,
22:31 there're judgments,
22:32 there're plagues that the Bible talks about.
22:37 And they're falling on those,
22:38 listen, who reject the grace of God.
22:42 They're falling particularly upon those who are rejecting
22:46 the grace of God right now.
22:48 Praise God for grace.
22:51 Praise God for grace.
22:52 Man, we desperately need it.
22:55 We know, we know and I pray that, you know.
22:59 Some of you are too busy with your job.
23:00 Some of you are too busy,
23:02 you know, raising this and doing this and doing
23:04 that you don't have any time for God.
23:05 So I'm speaking to you too today.
23:08 I'm not talking necessarily here.
23:09 But you know that these things go all over.
23:11 So I'm talking to those who are just too busy for God.
23:14 It's time that you get, I'm gonna use the word un-busy.
23:17 Un-busy in things of the world
23:19 and get busy in the things of God.
23:21 The time is at hand.
23:23 I mean, that there will be,
23:25 listen, there's going to be sorrow in the world
23:28 that no human balm can heal.
23:32 Did you get it?
23:33 Sorrow is coming upon.
23:35 Do I like to say that? No.
23:37 But I would be a miss,
23:38 I would not be what God asked me
23:40 to be as a watchman
23:41 on the walls of Zion
23:43 if I didn't at least bring it out to say,
23:44 sorrow is headed our way
23:47 more than we've ever seen it before.
23:50 Allow me to go over just a few points here.
23:51 You say, well, you're talking about Belshazzar.
23:54 But I'm putting him on the back
23:56 burner for a minute,
23:57 then we'll get to him in a little bit.
24:00 Just a few things that happened
24:02 just in 15 minutes of sitting down
24:04 looking at the news.
24:05 And it's not just news.
24:07 Don't anybody write.
24:08 Please don't and say,
24:10 "Well, you're giving us a news report."
24:12 I'm giving you a prophetic view of the Bible
24:14 in Book of Daniel and Revelation.
24:16 That's what I'm giving you
24:17 because I see these things taking place.
24:20 You see, this is what it's all about.
24:22 And God said, "I'm going to put it out there
24:24 so you can see it.
24:25 So that you can weigh it out.
24:27 So you can say what's going to happen here?
24:31 Is there any hope for this country?
24:32 Is there any hope for this world?
24:34 Is there any hope for me?"
24:36 Surely we're asking those questions.
24:38 Please ask those questions.
24:41 Here's just a few of the...
24:43 I want to call them the sorrows issues if you will,
24:49 that could bring about troublous times
24:52 and is bringing troublous times to us right now
24:55 and troublous laws that are passed
24:58 and are being passed.
25:00 And eventually they will go against those
25:02 who want to be the true followers of God.
25:04 That can be anybody that wants to be.
25:08 So bold for several years,
25:10 you know, each country is careful what they say,
25:13 you know, about each other for fear
25:15 that they might cause a little uproar.
25:18 But the Bible says in Matthew 20,
25:20 "There'll be wars and rumors of wars.
25:22 There are going to be talk about war."
25:23 There skirmishes going on,
25:25 at least 30 or 40 in the world today, right now.
25:29 But the interesting one,
25:30 the most powerful countries in the world is China,
25:32 as we well know.
25:35 They come out publicly,
25:37 and they warn United States not to interfere with Taiwan.
25:43 They said, "If you do it will bring about the death
25:46 of US soldiers."
25:47 That's pretty bold.
25:49 It's not just they're talking about well, we might,
25:51 you know, be careful how we say these things.
25:54 They said, "It's going to bring about the death
25:56 of some US soldiers."
25:57 Should it be something we take serious?
25:59 The Bible does say there will be wars
26:01 and rumors of wars.
26:02 And what would that do
26:04 if just a little transfer took place?
26:09 If it will, it will not be some little shot here
26:12 and there.
26:14 It's going to be brutal what goes on.
26:16 What is exchanged?
26:18 Who has the good defense?
26:19 I'm just simply saying
26:20 we need to be prepared just in case.
26:22 I'm not predicting anything.
26:25 These things could bring about a time of trouble
26:27 that we've never seen.
26:28 How about inflation?
26:30 This is all happened like in 15 minutes
26:32 I just turn the news on watching.
26:33 I said, "Oh my."
26:35 No wonder the country is going insane.
26:37 No wonder they're just making up things
26:39 and people just seem to be lying,
26:41 one lie after the other.
26:43 I don't know how else to explain it
26:44 because how are you going to fix all of these things?
26:48 Are they fixable?
26:50 Have they gone too far?
26:52 Have we entered a time
26:53 that we will not be able to back away from it,
26:55 but we're going to have to go by God's grace
26:57 through some of these things?
26:59 Inflation?
27:00 Wow.
27:02 I mean after all and what is it last 18 months,
27:05 the United States of America
27:07 has put 11 trillion dollars into the economy.
27:12 Man, that is sure calls for inflation,
27:15 did you get it?
27:17 Just out of nowhere, as it were, let's just print.
27:21 And put it out there.
27:22 Man, that's an awful lot
27:24 and some of the brains are saying, "Boy, that's.
27:25 Whoa."
27:27 What causes inflation?
27:29 Rising prices.
27:30 Do we see prices rising?
27:32 What brings about inflation?
27:34 It's due to increase of product
27:37 after we come out of this COVID,
27:39 everybody's wanting to buy something right now.
27:41 There's a shortage, you get that?
27:43 It's inflation, it's talking about
27:45 a demand for products
27:47 and more products
27:49 and then they're willing to pay for it.
27:51 And so therefore, the prices all go up.
27:54 Do we see that?
27:56 Is everything going up? Absolutely.
27:59 And they're saying not just inflation
28:00 but it could cause hyperinflation.
28:02 That's brutal.
28:05 It just says it could, just hang in there.
28:07 Other words, all these things are in operation
28:09 and they're floating right now
28:10 and the Bible talks about a time of that.
28:14 About the rich man they're going in, right,
28:16 howl and cry, right?
28:17 Your riches are gone.
28:20 How about the economy?
28:22 It's faltering right now.
28:23 They're not sure how to get it back going.
28:25 They're trying everything
28:27 that they possibly can at the gas pump
28:29 is, you know, the seven year high right now.
28:32 And for your home to heat it with gas
28:34 is talking 30 to 50% more.
28:37 Some of us cannot afford to pay,
28:39 you know, 50% more for gas to heat your home.
28:42 They said it's going up.
28:43 It could be even more.
28:45 Here's a few more things that just quick,
28:46 I don't want to talk too much about,
28:48 but we need to look at these things
28:49 because these are causing a crisis.
28:51 These are, the Bible said
28:53 there's going to be crisis in the land.
28:54 There's going to be troublous times.
28:56 There's going to be famine and pestilence
28:58 and things in the world,
28:59 the economy collapsing.
29:01 These things are all right here on us right now.
29:03 Listen, think about a crisis,
29:06 all the drugs that are coming into this country.
29:10 Is there a crisis? Yeah.
29:12 Half the Americans say it's not really a crisis.
29:14 Well, maybe they're wanting the drugs to come in.
29:16 Surely you'd say no, it can't be,
29:18 we don't, that's a crisis point.
29:20 How about human trafficking?
29:23 It's a crisis point right now what they're doing.
29:27 It's sad that two little girls that were laid over the wall
29:29 and left out and got somebody,
29:31 they said we're thankful that somebody else
29:32 didn't pick them up and start using them at what,
29:34 eight or nine or 10 years old.
29:37 Human trade, it's a crisis.
29:39 How about cargo shortage?
29:41 It's in a crisis point.
29:42 Ships need unloading.
29:44 You can't get workers to unload them.
29:46 Right?
29:47 There's dozens is what they're saying.
29:50 Some said 60 and 70 ships out there in California.
29:53 Dozens of them are out there loaded
29:56 with thousands of these trailers
29:57 and can't get anybody to work
30:00 because they get paid more to stay home.
30:03 Labor shortage, crisis point, power shortage.
30:09 Now look, there's a power shortage.
30:11 What's going on here?
30:13 In some places in China,
30:15 they have their power shut off for two days a week.
30:19 If it's not there, they're going to try to, okay.
30:22 They're going to try to create it
30:26 because usually what goes out there
30:27 comes back around.
30:30 And how you're going to feel
30:31 when your power shut off
30:33 for one full day or two full day?
30:34 We're not going to like it.
30:36 But you know what, you better prepare for it.
30:38 Herb, you better prepare for it.
30:40 You know it can happen?
30:42 You seen the world shut down
30:43 in a year and a half, is that right?
30:45 In the COVID, I mean, yeah, in two weeks,
30:50 the world was shut down, the world.
30:55 So don't say this can't happen and happen quickly
30:57 because the things are piled up here.
31:01 Labor shortages, power shortages,
31:03 supply chain crisis
31:05 they're calling about right now.
31:06 Schools are struggling to get food to feed the children.
31:10 Vaccine mandates crisis.
31:13 It's affecting the military.
31:16 It's affecting sports, it's affecting schools.
31:18 It's affecting hospitals, air travel,
31:21 rail travel, any kind of travel.
31:23 It's affecting the police.
31:24 It's affecting businesses all over the world.
31:28 And through it all,
31:29 it's taking away your free choice.
31:32 It's taking away free, your free conscience.
31:35 You can't have it anymore
31:36 because government's going to make decisions for you.
31:39 It's even taken away your free speech.
31:43 See, if we sit by alibi now
31:45 and don't talk about
31:47 any of this kind of stuff, that's a shame
31:48 because you will wake up
31:50 one of these days and you're not.
31:51 You can't say anything about anything or anybody anymore.
31:55 Can you?
31:56 You can't.
31:58 You can say it but you will be, you'll be held responsible.
32:02 You'll have to pay the piper, as you say.
32:04 A lot of stuff doesn't need to be said I understand,
32:06 but I like free speech.
32:08 I like free conscience.
32:09 I like to worship God
32:11 accordingly dictates to my conscience
32:12 and not be told by some power that you can't do it
32:15 or some power says close the doors and lock them.
32:17 You can't have church.
32:19 Since when?
32:20 Is there not a separation between church and state?
32:23 Come on now church. Come on.
32:25 Think about it. No, most certainly not.
32:27 We're still joining together.
32:29 There's a trucking shortage.
32:31 They can't find enough people to buy it.
32:33 I mean, man, they can make more money sitting
32:35 in the recliner drinking a beer.
32:37 Can I say that here?
32:39 Drinking orange juice.
32:44 You know what I'm talking about here?
32:47 How about the border crisis?
32:49 I'm just mentioning these things,
32:50 just a few simple.
32:52 Is it a crisis there?
32:53 Yes. It's a crisis.
32:54 And half of Americans say there's no crisis there.
32:57 No, it is.
33:00 Colorado, Colorado State University warns
33:03 that they're going to arrest the students,
33:06 if they don't follow the COVID rules.
33:08 They're going to arrest them, put them in handcuffs,
33:10 take them to jail.
33:11 I'm telling, this is the beginning of things
33:13 that could happen.
33:15 Just keep it in mind.
33:18 When the doors are bolted out here,
33:19 you try to get in see what might happen.
33:22 You think everything's going to go on
33:24 just smooth and simple.
33:25 And to top it all off with, may I just top it off?
33:27 And almost two weeks ago, it was October the 4th.
33:32 There was a real important meeting at the Vatican.
33:36 Do you remember that?
33:38 Now, it was called faith and science.
33:41 Faith and science talk that would...
33:45 This was held ahead
33:48 of the United Nations Climate Summit?
33:50 Why did they do it?
33:53 They wanted to raise the stakes.
33:54 They wanted to have some time
33:56 that they could talk to some of their main leaders
33:58 before the UN met,
33:59 because they've got a plan to shut this world down.
34:02 Somebody needs to get with the program.
34:04 The Bible predicts these things that we need to look at.
34:08 It's not just news.
34:09 It's how the enemy is going to get his way.
34:12 And he tries to rule you through fear and threats,
34:16 and punishment and loss.
34:19 Now, let's just talk about that just,
34:20 according to Wikipedia.
34:22 In November, that's next month, is it not?
34:26 No, next month,
34:27 they're going to have
34:29 the UN Climate Change Conference.
34:31 Now they call that the COP26.
34:35 Same thing as climate change or you know, summit.
34:40 When you see COP26,
34:43 it means Conference of the Parties 26,
34:47 means this is their 26th meeting.
34:50 Okay, that makes sense?
34:52 Now, what they're doing here, is they, here's what they said,
34:55 "If we get together now,
34:56 we're going to get together first,"
34:58 and they have already done that with religious leaders
35:01 and the pope getting together saying,
35:03 "This is what we need to do
35:04 at this big meeting with the UN."
35:06 Getting everybody all excited
35:07 so that we get this thing passed
35:09 and getting this thing passed
35:10 means your whole world will change.
35:12 It already is right now
35:13 but man with this power, look out.
35:16 So what they said, "Here's what we need to do,
35:18 we need to get together and take it."
35:20 Notice this, the pope says,
35:21 "We need to take a common stand."
35:24 Notice this, at the key moment
35:27 in the history of humanity.
35:30 He says, "This is the key.
35:32 Right now, this moment in time is a key point in history.
35:36 And we got to take advantage of it."
35:38 Remember, when the people are not knowing
35:40 what to do and where to go?
35:42 They're just looking for somebody
35:43 to step up and be a leader,
35:44 something that can give them hope and encouragement.
35:47 This is not what it's going to be all about, friend.
35:49 We need to stand up and say, "Hey, wait a minute."
35:52 There's 40 leaders, 40 religious leaders,
35:56 world major religions around the world
36:00 handpicked by the papacy.
36:03 Let's just talk, we're not talking bad about
36:05 anybody here.
36:06 Papacy, 40 world religious tops
36:12 and they brought them together for this meeting.
36:15 And then they brought 10 scientists.
36:19 Some of the scientists don't notice
36:20 seven day week cycle.
36:23 They can't get to seven.
36:25 They may be brilliant in a lot of other ways,
36:27 not trying to downtrod that but you see what I mean?
36:31 When you have some, "Well, we want some scientific proof."
36:35 Some of the science says man came from monkey,
36:37 I don't believe that either.
36:39 Are you? Can you believe?
36:41 Are you believing it? No.
36:43 So because you use scientists, all of a sudden,
36:45 we are going to give respect.
36:47 I'm going to check him out.
36:48 How about you?
36:52 When they say this earth is billions of years old
36:55 and so on and so forth,
36:56 we realize from based on the Word of God,
36:58 6000 years.
37:00 You still with me?
37:01 Oh yeah, they're way off in a lot of different things
37:04 when it comes to the Word of God.
37:05 The Word of God has to weigh over the scientist.
37:08 Now what these 40 religious leaders
37:11 and we're talking Hindu and Buddhist
37:12 and this god and that god
37:15 that we read there in Daniel of gold and wood,
37:18 and stone and bump, bumb,
37:19 which I wouldn't give anything for.
37:23 Would you?
37:24 Come on church, I know.
37:26 I want to live in powerful God,
37:28 One on the right that redeem us to save us.
37:30 That said, "I'm coming back after to take care of you."
37:32 I'm not getting down praying to something of gold and silver
37:35 and that piano.
37:36 That piano can't do me a lick of good.
37:39 They said if we get these 40 leaders
37:41 and these 10 scientists together,
37:42 their contribution will be to raise, notice this.
37:46 I like the words they tried to, have not really but listen,
37:48 I like, it says, "The ambition of our political leaders."
37:53 They're going to raise what?
37:55 The ambition of political leaders
37:57 to see the issue
37:58 and make courageous decisions.
38:01 Huh!
38:03 Make courageous decisions.
38:05 Now who said that?
38:06 Well, that was the Archbishop Gallagher
38:08 said that, I mean, he said, "Yeah, we're here.
38:10 That's what we're going to do."
38:11 But you realize what happened?
38:13 You have the state and then you have what?
38:16 Church.
38:18 Church and state will do what before it's over?
38:21 Yeah, there's supposed to be a separation
38:22 between church and state.
38:25 And whoever that guy is, bless your heart on there
38:27 that you just hate when I say that.
38:28 I'm saying it again.
38:30 You know, we hear from different people.
38:31 You know what I mean, they said,
38:33 "Oh, you shouldn't say separation of church."
38:34 Yes, I have to.
38:36 There should be separation of church and state.
38:39 The Bible is clear, your Constitution is clear.
38:42 Your Bill of Rights is clear.
38:43 These things here may be earthly,
38:45 but they're supposed to be a separation here.
38:48 But now the church says if we get 40 religious leaders,
38:52 we can put pressure on, notice this,
38:55 the representatives of Congress
38:59 and we can change things,
39:01 church and state coming together.
39:02 This is a sign of the time. Oh, somebody come on.
39:06 If you just look at these 40 leaders,
39:08 just these 40 Christian leaders around the world,
39:11 they represent, listen,
39:13 three quarters of the world's population.
39:17 They represent what?
39:19 Three quarters of the world's population,
39:22 which would be what would that be?
39:23 Five billion. How much is there?
39:26 Is it 7 billion or whatever is now
39:27 somebody do better with math.
39:28 There's no use of me to try to pinpoint
39:30 by one or two numbers.
39:32 Now, Pope Francis said this,
39:34 now I need to move on that
39:35 this was perhaps, he says this, "This is perhaps."
39:39 He's talking to the young people.
39:41 In this last meeting he said, "Perhaps,
39:42 this may be perhaps the last generation
39:45 to save the planet."
39:48 So therefore, they're going to have to put out,
39:50 pull out all stops,
39:53 if they want to accomplish their goal
39:55 or most of it in 2030,
39:57 or during a seven year period of time.
40:01 And so they realize the importance of this meeting
40:05 in just a matter of a couple of weeks,
40:07 remember, prior.
40:08 That's kind of like, kind of like hook and crook.
40:11 We're going to have a meeting over here,
40:12 but we're going to get over here first.
40:14 We're going to iron out all the problems
40:15 and when we get to the meeting
40:16 we're going to seem like those things
40:19 should have been ironed out among everybody,
40:20 isn't that right?
40:22 Maybe that's just me.
40:24 But I see these crisis and these calamities
40:27 everywhere we talked about it.
40:29 Just few things we mentioned there,
40:30 everything was in a crisis state.
40:34 That your world leader said this,
40:36 "We don't want to do with it."
40:38 Crisis and calamities, these shortages."
40:42 I see demon forces at work, I don't know about you.
40:47 But listen, good news,
40:48 God's going to use the bad things
40:52 to wake up America and wake up this world
40:55 to their danger,
40:58 that His coming is near even at the door.
41:01 Little magazine, I want to read something
41:03 from little magazine here
41:04 in Review and Herald, September 10, 1903.
41:08 This is written, notice this, it says,
41:10 "Soon grievous troubles will arise among the nation's,
41:15 trouble, listen, trouble that will not cease
41:20 until Jesus comes.
41:23 As never before, we need to press together."
41:26 Just once we need to press together.
41:28 Those of the like beliefs you go can,
41:30 you know, can two walk together unless they agree?
41:32 No, if you can, you're fussing and fighting all the time.
41:34 That's why we say we study to show yourself
41:36 approved unto God.
41:37 Get into the Bible, find out the truth of God's Word
41:39 and then take a stand.
41:41 Just take a bold stand for what is truth, right?
41:43 What is truth?
41:44 This is truth, by God's grace, I'm going to walk what?
41:46 I'm going to walk in that truth.
41:48 I'm not going to be blown by every wind of doctrine
41:50 that goes on here.
41:52 I'm not going to be swayed by everything everybody says.
41:54 I'm going to take it to the Lord in prayer.
41:55 I'm going to take it to the Word of God
41:57 and then what?
41:58 Continue to walk in the truth.
41:59 This is imperative this time.
42:01 This is the time there needs to be good watchmen
42:04 on the walls of Zion and not these little...
42:07 It gets me worked up and I tell you why.
42:08 Because the majority of the world is deceived
42:11 because the Bible said they would be,
42:13 that doesn't mean that we're not.
42:14 We don't want to be, I understand it.
42:16 So no, oh, well, we all want...
42:19 And the enemy is going to deceive and what was it?
42:21 He said, "And the whole world was deceived."
42:24 But then you had a group over here that wasn't deceived.
42:26 And He said, "They're the ones that
42:28 keep the commandments of God and have a testimony of Jesus."
42:31 So there's a little group over there that's not deceived
42:33 because they have help,
42:36 the Spirit of the Living God.
42:38 Oh, boy.
42:42 Listen, good news.
42:43 God has not forsaken His people.
42:46 You may think so and we've seen nothing yet.
42:48 God hasn't forsaken His people.
42:50 Here's what we need
42:51 to maybe focus really on right now.
42:56 We have to know where our strength lies.
43:00 And it must be that we don't forsake Him.
43:04 He will never forsake us.
43:07 That He may not be able to help you
43:09 because you won't let Him
43:10 or some of you may be being here today
43:12 you won't let Him do
43:13 what He wants to do in your life
43:15 because you like your life.
43:16 You like your drug, you like your alcohol,
43:18 you like your carousing around,
43:20 you're running around doing this and that,
43:22 lying and thieving and tell you,
43:24 that will not inherit the kingdom of God.
43:25 That's what the Bible says.
43:27 Should we not be bold with it right now?
43:29 We don't want some thief
43:31 to think it's okay to thieve and so on so forth
43:33 and they're going to make it to heaven.
43:34 No, they're not.
43:35 The Bible said that,
43:37 thieves and liars are outside the walls, isn't that right?
43:38 Revelation, we know that.
43:40 It's not trying to condemn anyone.
43:41 Let's just look at it realistically,
43:42 if you choose that, that's your choice.
43:45 That's all we're saying today with vaccines,
43:47 whatever it is, it's my choice!
43:50 I believe with all my heart, it's my choice.
43:53 Not trying to hurt anybody.
43:55 I'm not trying to do anything but it's my choice.
43:57 Don't let somebody
43:58 take your free choice away from you,
44:02 because listen, because it won't end there.
44:05 Sister Molly, it won't end there.
44:07 It's just another step, Brother Will.
44:10 It's just another step in their plan that they have
44:13 if they can get that far.
44:14 They're doing everything they can to test you
44:16 first to see how far you will go with them.
44:19 As...
44:21 I use the word malarkey a couple times.
44:22 I'm not sure what that means.
44:26 You know what malarkey means?
44:29 Hmm?
44:30 She said baloney, that's good enough.
44:34 I'm just saying that, that's not true.
44:37 They created a couple of months ago
44:39 what they call a coin shortage.
44:43 There was no coin shortage.
44:45 Everybody, his brother had a ten gallon can
44:48 in their house filled.
44:49 No.
44:50 And they were still all kind of,
44:52 they're seeing how far they could go
44:54 with the people before you raise a stink.
44:56 That's what I believe.
44:58 You might be able to prove it wrong.
44:59 Hey, go ahead.
45:01 But I noticed everything that takes place.
45:02 There's always feelers out there,
45:04 things that are transpiring to see
45:07 how the people will deal with it.
45:09 So when it comes to liberty of conscience,
45:12 freedom of religion,
45:13 God's people need to sound off with a loud voice
45:18 we stand for it.
45:19 If you don't, you will lose it.
45:21 We are losing it.
45:23 We have lost it to a certain extent.
45:26 Because you will be, hey, you don't think so?
45:29 Just go out and say a few different things
45:31 and see if they don't, they don't shut you up.
45:33 They're doing it
45:35 with big multi-billion dollar companies.
45:38 Everybody says anything.
45:40 There's a football coach that had to retire.
45:42 Do you see what it was, I'd seen on the news?
45:43 I forget what his name was.
45:45 Because he made a couple of comments
45:46 10 years ago about something maybe shouldn't
45:48 or maybe it's a joke time
45:50 or maybe it's because he's not really that type of person,
45:53 his close friends say,
45:54 but it just kind of something funny
45:56 or something being said.
45:57 But when somebody found out, people found out.
45:59 They put the pressure on man,
46:00 lost millions of dollars and had to apologize.
46:03 When people tried to get you down
46:05 and make you apologize for the way
46:06 in which you were born,
46:08 something's wrong.
46:10 Are you with me?
46:12 We've seen that.
46:14 Apologize.
46:16 Why apologize?
46:18 I had nothing to do with it.
46:20 Okay, some of you not. All right, don't worry.
46:23 This little magazine article,
46:24 many, time's going already and nothing got started.
46:28 You could ask my wife and she'd say
46:30 "Yeah, I knew you would."
46:31 Review and Herald, September the 10th,
46:33 1903 said it,
46:35 "Soon grievous troubles will not cease
46:38 until Jesus comes.
46:40 As never before we need to press together."
46:41 But remember this,
46:43 "God's not forsaken His people."
46:45 Remember, wars, rumors of wars, destructions by fire and flood.
46:51 See these things are in Scripture,
46:52 these things here.
46:54 There's going to be destruction by fire and flood.
46:56 What do you think when we see all these
46:57 billions and trillions of dollars
46:59 homes wasted flooded out?
47:01 You know, this tornado natural disasters going wild.
47:04 The devil calls himself
47:05 the prince of the air, does he not?
47:07 God lets him do a certain amount.
47:09 He could stop him,
47:10 but He lets him do a certain amount.
47:14 Man, these are signs of the times,
47:18 say clearly the time of trouble,
47:21 which is to increase until the very end.
47:24 Remember 2 Timothy 3:12, isn't it, 13.
47:28 It says the world will what? It will wax.
47:30 "Things will wax worse and worse
47:32 until the coming of Jesus."
47:34 I'd like to say it's going to get better.
47:36 Man, how wonderful that would be
47:38 that we could just celebrate and say let's go,
47:40 let's get a feast going.
47:43 Yeah, let's go.
47:45 I'm going to make it just a little bit clearer
47:47 in a few minutes that we have.
47:49 In the book Nine Testimonies 11,
47:51 it says this.
47:53 See if this is not something, this is written 150 years ago.
47:58 See if it doesn't fit for today.
48:01 It has to fit in prophecy. I'm not going to use it.
48:04 Said the daily papers are full of indications
48:06 of the terrible conflict in the near future.
48:11 Bold robberies are frequent occurrence.
48:15 Strikes are common.
48:18 Theft and murders are committed on every hand.
48:22 Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men,
48:26 women and little children.
48:28 They become infatuated with vice.
48:32 Every species of evil prevails.
48:35 I submit to you just like at the time of the flood.
48:39 Evil was on man's heart continually.
48:42 Man, if we're not there, we may never get there
48:44 and this only started to light up right now.
48:48 We must prepare while there's opportunity.
48:51 I come to you begging that we prepare
48:53 while there's still opportunity.
48:55 The day will come there's not going to be an opportunity.
48:57 Your life can change just like that.
49:01 Those who had surgery and different thing,
49:04 Brother Jan is shaking his head, we know that.
49:06 Feeling real good, right Brother Jan?
49:07 That's feeling really good, one minute,
49:09 one second later is on death row.
49:13 Second later, didn't know,
49:15 whole life could have changed weren't from a miracle of God.
49:21 Medical Missionary, little magazine in November
49:24 and December says this.
49:27 It says, notice this,
49:28 as religious aggression subverts.
49:31 That means it's just destroyed and is corrupted.
49:35 The liberties of our nation,
49:38 those who would stand for the freedom of conscience,
49:41 come on church, will be placed in unfavorable positions.
49:46 See, don't you see
49:47 what they're making everything right now
49:49 that if you stand opposite of what some want
49:52 those in leadership,
49:53 you're going to be put in an unfavorable position.
49:56 If you don't take the shot, you're going to lose your job.
49:58 If you don't do this, you can't have this.
49:59 If you don't do this, you can't buy that.
50:01 The time will come, the Bible said Revelation 13,
50:03 you will not be able to buy or sell say you have the mark.
50:06 If you don't know what the mark or the mark of the beast is,
50:08 bless your heart, time is running out.
50:11 You've got to know that, it's spiritual.
50:14 We've got to know what it is.
50:15 I wish we had more time maybe next week
50:17 I'll speak more on the seal of God.
50:19 Did you get it? The seal of God.
50:22 No one will enter the kingdom
50:23 unless they have the seal of the Living God.
50:26 If you don't know what the seal of the Living God is,
50:28 that means you maybe you're not headed in the right direction,
50:30 maybe I'm not.
50:32 The Bible is clear on that
50:33 because you talk about a mark of the beast.
50:36 The devil has his mark and God has His mark.
50:39 Isn't that beautiful?
50:40 For every truth that God has the enemy has what?
50:42 A counterfeit for.
50:44 We need to know what it's all about.
50:47 The devil is fighting for your mind,
50:48 my brothers and sisters.
50:50 He's fighting for my mind.
50:52 You must commit that mind to Jesus Christ
50:55 when He said in Philippians, "Let this mind be in you,"
50:57 which was also where?
50:59 "In Christ Jesus."
51:01 Man, we need to know what's going on.
51:03 Why?
51:04 Because doors are soon to be closed
51:06 that never will be opened again for the winning of souls.
51:10 Every day and some of you will be on your knees,
51:12 some may be weeping at nighttime to say,
51:14 "Why didn't I do when I know
51:16 I should have done a long time ago.
51:18 Now it's too late. I can't do it."
51:21 The doors have closed.
51:22 Don't do that, forever closed, man.
51:25 Carry the message now by the grace of God
51:28 as far and wide as you possibly can.
51:30 Now's the time for holy boldness,
51:32 now's the time to really get down plain
51:34 and simple right now.
51:36 Well somebody is not going to like me.
51:38 I don't plan on being liked in this world.
51:40 I don't plan on being loved in this world.
51:42 Are you still with me?
51:43 I want to be loved of heaven.
51:44 I want to be approved of God.
51:46 I want heaven to be my home.
51:47 I don't want people mad at me.
51:49 I don't want to be a cause a troublemaker
51:51 every time you go, "Here comes the troublemaker.
51:52 He's not going agree with, blah-blah."
51:54 No, but we have to stay with the Word of God
51:58 regardless of what the cost.
52:00 We have to be willing to die.
52:03 Man, can we do only by the grace of God.
52:06 Nine Testimonies says this, 11. You know this well.
52:08 I want you to repeat that last line with me
52:10 when I read this.
52:11 It says, "Great changes are soon
52:13 to take place in our world."
52:15 Great what? Great changes.
52:18 Great changes are soon to take place.
52:19 The Bible says there's going to be great changes.
52:21 There's going to be famine and earthquake and earthquakes
52:24 and you know wars and rumors of wars.
52:26 Everything's out of sort and it is right now
52:29 but notice this and here,
52:31 "The final movements," come on church,
52:34 "will be rapid ones."
52:36 They will happen so quick, it'll make your head swim.
52:38 I don't want anyone here come up and say,
52:40 "You knew all along but you didn't tell me."
52:42 The preacher's going to pay up. Whoa!
52:45 I'm almost said burn in hell fire,
52:47 in a real hot hell fire
52:48 because they refused to give the church the truth
52:51 that they knew that was inspired
52:53 by the Holy Spirit of God
52:54 because they were afraid of losing their job.
52:56 They were afraid about retirement.
52:58 I'm not worried about retirement.
52:59 I'm not worried about losing my job.
53:02 If God says to you,
53:03 you're finished and you're finished
53:04 until then I'm going on.
53:06 How about you?
53:09 Angels of God right now
53:10 my brother and sisters are holding back.
53:12 The winds of strife, in Revelation Chapter 7,
53:16 you remember reading that in Revelation 7:1-3
53:19 The reason this world
53:20 is not just crumble completely already gone right now
53:22 because God is holding back
53:24 until His servants are sealed in their what?
53:27 In their forehead and when He does
53:29 and He lets those angels loose,
53:31 the four angels, you know north, south, east, west.
53:33 You follow me, the four corners of the earth.
53:36 God said, "Enemy you can go this far and no farther."
53:39 Can God do that with the enemy?
53:41 Absolutely He said.
53:42 He told him when he was cast down here,
53:43 He said, "You get up in that little tree there
53:45 in the garden and you stay there."
53:47 I like that, that's control that God has over the enemy.
53:50 You can only place you can be is in that tree.
53:53 Get up there, don't get down till I tell you to.
53:57 Man, that encourages me.
54:00 A storm is gathering we're told.
54:03 Now, ready to burst upon the earth
54:06 when God's bids those angels let loose.
54:09 Oh boy, the winds and then there will be
54:13 such a scene of strife
54:17 that no pen can picture.
54:21 Nope, you can write it all you want,
54:22 you can be the best writer and somebody writes these book,
54:24 blah-blah-blah, but it's not.
54:26 You can't pen it, that's how bad it's going to be
54:29 because the demons of hell will be in charge
54:31 if you know what I'm talking about, too much for you.
54:33 Revelation 7:4 right quick last verse,
54:35 it says, "And I heard the number of them
54:37 which were sealed."
54:38 Notice this, only those
54:40 who received the seal of Living God
54:41 will have the passport to the gates of the Holy City.
54:44 Oh God, I need to be sealed.
54:46 I need to have the seal the Living God in my forehead.
54:49 We'll talk more about that maybe next time because Israel,
54:52 you remember, they had the blood over the doorpost
54:55 and the destroying angel had to what?
54:57 Had to pass through.
54:58 We need the blood in the doorpost.
55:02 Anyone today maybe it needs
55:03 to make that decision for Christ,
55:04 now is the time to do it.
55:06 Now's the time to do it.
55:07 Maybe you faulted, maybe you haven't,
55:09 you know, been living the way you want to
55:10 and you want to change by the grace of God.
55:14 Today is the day.
55:17 Really, today is the day.
55:20 You can't afford to put it off.
55:23 It's not, you know, really,
55:25 it should be frightening in a sense to think
55:26 you know what?
55:28 I might drop over dead.
55:29 I may not make it home.
55:30 I may be in a car accident.
55:32 I may get choked on lunch, someone, somebody.
55:36 It happens, you know.
55:38 I could have a heart attack just like that.
55:40 Oh, he was only 30 years old.
55:41 How can he have that?
55:44 Today is the day of salvation.
55:46 Today is the day to make that decision for Jesus Christ.
55:49 There's anyone would like to do that today to say,
55:51 "You know what? I've wasted a lot of time.
55:52 I don't want to waste any more."
55:54 I believe the signs of the times are here.
55:57 I believe that they're telling a story.
55:59 I believe that the headlines are just screaming out.
56:03 God said, "Please, look at them signs.
56:06 I'm coming and one of these days
56:08 I'm going to cut it."
56:10 Just like He's done through the history of the world.
56:12 There'll come a time,
56:14 there'll come a time for Babylon
56:15 and there'll come a time for Medo-Persia and Greece
56:16 and Rome and pagan Roman
56:18 and there'll come a time of papal Rome.
56:21 The rocks could... Thank you.
56:22 If we don't do, the rocks will cry.
56:25 God will raise somebody else to do it.
56:27 But this is it.
56:28 The message won't change.
56:32 If anybody say like pray for me,
56:33 then I'm going to kneel and have a closing prayer.
56:35 Pray for me, you know that
56:36 I might be faithful until the end.
56:40 I might be faithful.
56:41 That's right.
56:43 Faithful means what?
56:44 We're going to do everything that God asked us to do
56:46 because we realize there's faithful people
56:49 everywhere around the world that love Him.
56:52 But they're going to have to have some testing truths.
56:54 They're going to have test some things
56:56 that maybe just changed their whole life,
56:57 which many of you things that you now believe
57:00 you never even thought of before for many years,
57:03 but now you see, oh my!
57:05 God does have a message.
57:09 Hello, friends, and welcome back.
57:10 Sometimes we're all like the 10 virgins
57:13 who before the midnight cry, all slumbered and slept.
57:17 But as you feed upon messages such as this one today,
57:20 it is our prayer that as you awake
57:23 that your lamp will be trimmed and burning
57:25 just like the five wise virgins' lamps were,
57:29 and that you will rise up
57:31 and make the needed preparations
57:33 or changes to be ready for the bridegroom's return.
57:37 Uninvited Guests was the title of our message today
57:41 and we are making it available to you
57:43 in DVD or CD form
57:46 for a love gift of just $8 or more.
57:49 Simply give us a call here at Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:52 in the United States at (618) 942-5044,
57:57 that's Central Standard Time
57:59 or you may also mail in your request
58:01 or support to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
58:04 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
58:09 You may email us
58:10 at contact@behold
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58:17 And we encourage you to hit that subscribe button
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58:23 YouTube channel and share timely messages
58:26 with your friends and family on a weekly basis.
58:29 And thank you again for your prayers
58:32 and your financial support of Behold the Lamb Ministry.
58:35 So until next time, may our precious Lord
58:38 continue to richly bless each and every one of you.


Revised 2022-01-06