Creation Is! Science

New Heights

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CIS

Program Code: CIS200010S

00:01 The experiments you will see
00:02 have been carefully done by professionals,
00:04 and should not be tried at home without parental guidance.
00:06 Please follow the caution signs throughout this program.
00:33 Hey, kids, welcome to Creation is Science.
00:36 I'm Aunt Francine and this is Professor Roy.
00:39 I'm delighted to see you. Thank you.
00:41 I think we need to introduce part of our staff.
00:44 Here is Sebastian, Amy, Jefet, and Adrian.
00:48 Are you glad to be here? Yes.
00:50 I see something here. What do you have for us today?
00:53 Well, we've got some liquid nitrogen
00:54 in this ice chest.
00:55 Isn't that cool?
00:57 And we got a little frost over here,
00:58 but you know what we're gonna do is,
00:59 we're gonna take some energy away
01:01 from something.
01:02 When we go outside,
01:04 we're gonna put energy into something.
01:05 That'd be cool. I can't wait.
01:06 So what I have is,
01:08 I have a little racquetball right here
01:09 and the racquetball can bounce.
01:11 So I can bounce it on that steel plate.
01:13 And that bounces pretty well.
01:14 And now, and you can hold that for me.
01:16 But now inside of that
01:17 liquid nitrogen cooler right here,
01:19 I have another racquetball just like that.
01:20 And what we've done
01:22 is we're taking energy away from it
01:23 and we're getting it very, very cold.
01:25 In fact, we're getting that as cold as outer space.
01:27 Do you think it'll bounce if we bounce it?
01:30 No. Oh, let's give it a try.
01:31 Are you ready? Okay.
01:33 You got your safety glasses on?
01:34 Get your safety glasses on, all right.
01:36 Everybody has a safety glass. Okay.
01:37 So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna put that right there.
01:38 We're gonna give a countdown three, two, one.
01:41 I'm gonna take it out
01:43 and I'm gonna bounce it on here.
01:44 I hope it doesn't hit the ceiling.
01:45 Are you ready? Yes.
01:47 Countdown, let's go.
01:48 Three, two, one and...
01:52 Oh, my... What happened to it?
01:54 Did you find some pieces over there?
01:56 I found some pieces.
01:58 What happened to this racquetball?
02:00 We took so much energy away from it
02:02 and it just cracked into many, many pieces.
02:04 Isn't that cool?
02:06 That is cool. Wow.
02:07 Hey, so what we can do now
02:08 is we can put some energy into a lot of air.
02:11 Would you like to see that?
02:12 Yes, I can't wait. You wanna lead us out?
02:14 Oh, let's go. Let's go.
02:16 Yay!
02:18 Let's find out what's happening.
02:21 Whoa! Did you see this?
02:23 What is it doing?
02:25 What do you think it is?
02:27 I don't know.
02:28 That's pretty cool.
02:29 Is it hot or cold?
02:31 What is it? Cold.
02:32 Cold, but hot looks at the same way, doesn't it?
02:34 Yeah. How did you know if it's cold?
02:36 We got some white stuff around.
02:38 What is that white stuff?
02:39 What do you think that white stuff is?
02:40 Frost. It's frost.
02:42 That's right. Cool.
02:43 Where did the frost come from?
02:44 It's not snowing or nothing.
02:46 Huh? The stuff inside?
02:47 It's warming up.
02:48 How about the moisture in the air?
02:50 Yeah, the moisture in the air.
02:51 We're condensing the moisture in the air
02:53 and it forms that little fog,
02:54 a little, little, crusty stuff over there,
02:55 that frost.
02:57 That's interesting, isn't it?
02:58 Now what do you think we have in there?
03:01 It's liquid nitrogen? That's right.
03:02 We have liquid nitrogen in there.
03:04 Now, liquid nitrogen happens to be the second coldest liquid
03:06 that we know of in the universe,
03:08 isn't that interesting?
03:09 Do you know what the first, first one is?
03:12 No. It's North Dakota.
03:14 No, not really.
03:15 It happens to be liquid helium,
03:16 but we don't have liquid helium.
03:18 We have liquid nitrogen today.
03:19 So we're gonna do an experiment, right?
03:21 Now, take a deep breath. Here we go.
03:23 And exhale.
03:25 Now, most of the air that
03:26 we're breathing right now is made out of what element?
03:29 Say nitrogen. Nitrogen.
03:30 Nitrogen, it's right.
03:32 It's nitrogen about 78% of the air
03:33 that we breathe is nitrogen only about 21% of the air
03:35 that we breathe is oxygen.
03:37 Then we add those two up and we get what?
03:38 78 plus 21 is get that compute 99.
03:42 That's right.
03:44 So 99% of the air is a combination of all that,
03:46 that 1% that's leftover,
03:47 it's another gas that we call argon,
03:49 interesting, isn't it?
03:51 Well, what we're gonna do is if we take liquid nitrogen
03:53 and we change it from a liquid into an air gas
03:56 and it takes a whole lot more space
03:58 and that's what it's all about.
04:00 And we're gonna build up a whole lot of pressure.
04:02 So what I have right here,
04:04 let me go ahead and let me put my glove on.
04:05 We're gonna show you what happens
04:07 with the expansion rate from a liquid, into an air gas.
04:10 So what I have, let me move this over right here.
04:13 I have these little containers right here.
04:14 Do you know what these are? No.
04:15 No, but you know. Film canisters.
04:17 The film canisters. That's right.
04:18 You know our cameras today,
04:20 a lot of our cameras don't use film, right?
04:23 While some do, some professionals may,
04:25 but we use, you know, video, right?
04:26 Sure.
04:27 But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour
04:29 some of this in each one of these
04:30 little cups right here.
04:31 Okay.
04:33 And let's see what we got
04:34 and it's gonna start to boil away.
04:36 By the way the liquid nitrogen is boiling away right now.
04:37 It's boiling right now.
04:39 And the temperature of it
04:40 is about a minus 321 degrees Fahrenheit.
04:44 Do we use Fahrenheit measurements
04:46 in science now?
04:47 Say no. No.
04:49 So we use what? We use what.
04:51 What's the other scale?
04:52 Celsius. Celsius.
04:54 That's right.
04:55 So on the Celsius scale,
04:56 it's about a minus 196 degrees Celsius.
05:00 It's very, very cold.
05:02 Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put
05:03 these little lids on really, really lightly.
05:04 Okay.
05:06 And then here, let me move this over there,
05:07 but be careful.
05:08 All right.
05:10 And I'm gonna put them on really, really tight.
05:11 They snap on really, really tight.
05:12 Then when we do that,
05:14 we're gonna cause a lot of pressure to build up.
05:16 We've got so much pressure to build up.
05:17 What do you think is gonna happen to the lids?
05:19 They're gonna pop off. They're gonna pop off.
05:21 Okay, cool. And maybe you can catch one.
05:22 Okay. I'm not sure.
05:24 Let me put this down here so that won't spill,
05:27 and I'm gonna click them down tight.
05:29 Are you ready? Okay, here we go.
05:31 Oops.
05:32 So there's one, there's two, there's three and there's four.
05:36 And then we'll have a little, oh, there goes one,
05:38 there goes one, there goes one.
05:40 What do we got? You got your glasses on.
05:41 Let's turn to three, we got one more.
05:43 Well, we got one. Anybody catch up?
05:46 I didn't know where that one went though.
05:48 Hey, let's go ahead. Hey would that be...
05:50 Was that fun to see? Yeah.
05:51 Let's supersize this. Okay?
05:54 Let's supersize this.
05:55 We got an experiment
05:56 where we're gonna take all about a hundred milliliters
05:59 of the liquid nitrogen.
06:01 And what we're gonna try to do
06:02 is we're gonna make a canon out of it.
06:04 Would that be cool? Yeah.
06:05 Come on over here. Let's see what we got.
06:06 Come on over here. Let's see what we've got.
06:10 All right. Here we go.
06:11 And here's our little canon, all right?
06:14 There's our canon.
06:15 And let's see, what we're gonna need
06:16 is we're gonna need a little bottle.
06:18 We're not gonna use a film container.
06:20 We're gonna use a bottle. Okay?
06:22 And we're going to put
06:24 a little bit of liquid nitrogen, okay?
06:26 Right inside of our little bottle
06:27 right here.
06:29 Okay?
06:30 And let's see and let's make sure
06:31 we have enough in there.
06:33 Are you ready? I'm ready.
06:34 Okay. If it gets too cold, just yell.
06:36 Okay? All right. There we go.
06:37 And we're making a cloud
06:38 because we're condensing the water molecules in the air.
06:42 We're building up a lot of pressure right there,
06:44 right there.
06:45 Okay. You missed it.
06:46 I'm sorry. That's okay.
06:48 All right. All right.
06:49 There we go. There we go. Thank you.
06:50 And we're going to get some more in there.
06:52 Some more in there.
06:53 Some more in there, some more in there.
06:55 Okay. I think we're good right there.
06:56 This is really cool. Look at that.
06:58 Now it's starting to frost on the outside, isn't it?
07:01 We're picking up some frost right there.
07:02 Okay.
07:04 The next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here.
07:06 All right. And here's our little cannon.
07:08 If you'll take that football... Okay.
07:10 Football out of there. Okay. Okay.
07:11 And we're gonna try to make a field goal with football.
07:14 Whoa!
07:15 We want this to happen really, really quickly.
07:17 So we're going to warm up the liquid nitrogen in a hurry.
07:20 And we can do that if we put it in some water.
07:22 All right? All right.
07:23 So I'm gonna put a little bit of water
07:25 in our little canon right here.
07:27 See what we got right here. See how much water we got.
07:29 Oh, that's just about perfect. All right.
07:31 I'm gonna put the lid back on this right here.
07:33 And maybe you could set that down over there someplace.
07:36 All right.
07:37 The next thing we're gonna do is I'm going to take my lid,
07:40 whatever it happened to my lid, did I do it with my lid?
07:44 You have my lid? No.
07:45 Oh, I need a lid. Maybe this lid.
07:48 I'm sorry. No, you're fine.
07:50 Okay, cool.
07:51 And I'm gonna go is, I'm going put the lid on this
07:54 and I'm gonna drop it in there.
07:56 Okay?
07:57 And then you can hand me the football.
07:58 Okay.
08:00 And then I'm gonna join you over there.
08:01 Do you want this other glove? No, no.
08:02 Okay. All right.
08:04 Here we go. All right.
08:05 So I'm gonna put the lid on this right here.
08:07 All right.
08:08 And get ready to hand me the football.
08:09 Right, get ready to hand me the football.
08:11 Yeah, probably. Okay, here we go.
08:13 We're gonna put it right in there.
08:14 All right, here we go.
08:16 And you might wanna cover your ears
08:17 because that does make a loud noise.
08:18 It should shoot over there someplace.
08:20 How about a countdown?
08:21 Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
08:25 five, four, three, two, one.
08:29 It should blast. Oh!
08:32 There goes the football, way over there in that grass.
08:36 How about that?
08:38 Isn't that cool?
08:39 That was cool. He's let's come one over here.
08:40 Let's come back over here. Come back over here.
08:44 Let's come back to the table.
08:46 Let's check this out. Let's check this out.
08:49 And pick up a lid if you can find the lid,
08:51 the lids are all over the place.
08:52 Isn't that interesting? That is interesting.
08:55 Look at the bottle. What happened to the bottle?
08:57 Ah, shredded up.
08:59 It just blew apart, isn't that?
09:00 When we get uptight, you know, we could explode, you know,
09:03 people could explode when we get uptight.
09:05 So, you know, but God never gave us a cap.
09:08 Did He? We don't have a screw cap.
09:09 So what do we need to do
09:11 if we get too much pressure inside of us?
09:14 Can we let it out? Yeah.
09:16 What's a good way of letting out pressure?
09:18 Well, I can think of something.
09:19 Sometimes when I get frustrated,
09:21 I need to go outside in nature.
09:23 Do you like to going out in nature?
09:25 Yes. I love nature.
09:27 And sometimes the best place is in a quiet place,
09:30 maybe by the water.
09:32 Do you have a stream by your house anywhere?
09:34 Yeah. I love doing that.
09:36 What do you like to do when there's a lot of pressure
09:39 and you feel stressed out?
09:40 Some people like to do what?
09:41 Kinda disconnect of the world and just go outside and relax.
09:44 Outside and relax.
09:46 What do you like to do?
09:47 I also like nature,
09:48 but sometimes talking to my friends
09:50 or my best friend, God really helps.
09:51 Yeah.
09:53 I thought you might say singing.
09:54 I thought you'd do a lot of singing.
09:56 Yeah, music is nice too.
09:57 Yeah, I thought so.
09:58 How about you, Professor Roy?
10:00 Oh, man, I like to go outside too
10:02 and take walks in nature.
10:03 That's pretty cool.
10:05 These science experiments, that's really a good way.
10:06 It is fun. I love that.
10:08 I love to see that ball,
10:09 it went high up in the air, didn't it?
10:11 It really flew up high. Awesome.
10:13 Very high.
10:15 How about you, Adrian?
10:16 What do you like to do
10:18 when you're feeling a lot of stress and pressure?
10:21 Just go and stay somewhere by myself.
10:24 Sometimes a quiet time.
10:26 How about you, Sebastian?
10:27 Just go outside and sit with by myself.
10:30 I agree. I agree.
10:32 Nature is a really good time to have and outside
10:37 and being out in the sun.
10:39 Sunshine. Yeah.
10:40 And you know,
10:42 it reminds me of a lot of things.
10:43 How far did that go?
10:44 Did that go really far?
10:46 Quite a ways.
10:47 It went really, now is this something
10:49 you can do at home?
10:50 No. Please don't do this at home.
10:52 I've never bought liquid nitrogen,
10:54 because that can be...
10:56 Do it in somebody else's house.
10:57 Yeah, like you said, with the Mentos, right?
11:00 You can do that with the Mentos,
11:02 but you know what?
11:03 I like how far that went,
11:05 and it reminds me of a story in the Bible about mounting on,
11:09 do you know what on?
11:10 Eagle's wings. Eagle's wings.
11:12 I love that song and mounting on eagle's wings
11:15 because God helps us soar further than we can do.
11:18 Does God know your plans? Yes.
11:20 And what He's doing in your life?
11:21 He does. He sure does.
11:22 He has a lot of plans.
11:24 And I really wanna say,
11:25 thank you for all that you're doing
11:26 out here, because this is fun.
11:28 Do any of you have any questions?
11:31 I can think of some.
11:33 Is liquid nitrogen flammable?
11:35 No, you know, it's not flammable at all.
11:36 You put a match in there and it just will go out,
11:39 which is interesting. It's an inert element.
11:42 Things usually don't combine with it.
11:43 Pretty cool.
11:44 It's crystal clear, it looks just like water.
11:46 Didn't it look like water when it went in the air?
11:47 Yes. Yeah.
11:49 It's crystal clear, has no smell, has no taste,
11:51 but do you wanna put it in your mouth?
11:52 No.
11:54 Think I wanna put it in my mouth.
11:55 They do surgery with it too. Wow.
11:56 Let's go.
11:58 Well, have you ever had a wart or something on your skin?
11:59 Yes.
12:01 They can actually freeze it off.
12:02 It's interesting because when this comes in contact
12:04 with your skin cells,
12:05 all of our skin cells has moisture in it, right?
12:08 What happens with water when we freeze it?
12:10 What happens to it? It expands.
12:12 It expands, that's right.
12:14 The crystal end structure gets larger
12:16 and that's what happens to the water in your cells.
12:19 It expands and it ruptures yourself.
12:21 It just ruptures it.
12:23 And that's what kills your cells.
12:24 How interesting?
12:25 They do brain surgery with it too.
12:27 How about that?
12:28 Yeah, it's just awesome stuff, isn't it?
12:29 But it's very, very cold.
12:31 You know, we could make a little
12:34 waterfall cloud coming over there.
12:36 Would that be fun? Okay. Yes.
12:37 I'm just gonna pour it out there
12:39 and watch and see what happens.
12:40 And it makes that cloud
12:41 because of the condensation
12:43 of the water molecules in the air.
12:45 We can't see those little molecules.
12:46 We're gonna see a bunch of them.
12:47 Are you ready? Yes.
12:49 How about a countdown three, two, one.
12:50 Three, two, one.
12:52 Whoa!
12:53 Oh, that's so cool.
12:56 Look at that.
12:57 Oh, there's a little tiny water molecule.
12:59 Wow. Trillions of them.
13:01 That's amazing. It is.
13:02 And it's gonna go away
13:03 just like the clouds that you see sometimes...
13:05 It is.
13:06 They appear and then they, then they just disappear.
13:08 That's fun. Huh?
13:09 Are you ready? It's getting hot out here.
13:10 Oh, I'm ready. Are you ready to go in?
13:12 Thank you. Let's get out of here.
13:13 Let's go.
13:19 I surely enjoyed all that energy.
13:21 Wasn't that powerful?
13:22 Yes. I enjoyed that.
13:24 That reminds me about some strength.
13:27 Can you read that Bible text for us?
13:29 Sure. Amy?
13:31 Can you help us out?
13:33 Was that verse in Isaiah, I believe.
13:35 Isaiah 40:31, and it says,
13:39 "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength,
13:42 they shall mount up with wings like eagles.
13:44 They shall run and not be weary,
13:46 they shall walk and not faint."
13:48 I would like not to ever get tired.
13:50 Wouldn't you like to do that?
13:52 Always have the strength on whom?
13:53 God. From God.
13:55 We can always ask Jesus for a lot of strength
13:58 because He's going carry us through everything.
14:00 Aren't you excited about that? Yes.
14:02 We can see God's creation all around us
14:04 because creation is?
14:06 Science. Science.


Revised 2021-04-29