Carter Report, The

Fresh Hot Potatoes, Part 7

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001311

00:08 From Arcadia, California, the Carter report presents
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:18 Did we all come from Adam?
00:21 Or the prehistoric Lucy?
00:23 Welcome to the Carter Report. My name is James Venegas.
00:26 We have more Fresh Hot Potatoes questions for you.
00:30 Our special guest is Pastor John Carter.
00:35 Jesus said, "Go into all the world
00:38 and make disciples of all nations,
00:40 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
00:42 Son, and Holy Spirit."
00:44 The Carter Report team has therefore accepted
00:47 the challenge of worldwide evangelism.
00:50 Million in Russia, Ukraine, the Philippines,
00:53 Africa, India, Australia, the United States,
00:57 and the Isles of the Sea
00:58 have heard the good news of Christ.
01:01 As John Carter has proclaimed God's Living Word.
01:04 You are invited to be a part of the Carter team by praying
01:08 and by giving and when God calls by going.
01:12 Write a note now to Pastor John Carter.
01:15 PO Box 1900,
01:17 Thousand Oaks, California 91358
01:21 or to PO Box 861,
01:24 Terrigal, NSW 2260, Australia.
01:29 Jesus said, "With God all things are possible."
01:37 Welcome to our Fresh Hot Potato program.
01:40 We are very privileged to have
01:41 the distinguish Pastor John Carter with us.
01:43 Welcome along, Pastor Carter. Thank you.
01:45 We have questions for you again from our viewers,
01:48 very good questions
01:49 and from the developing world as well. Yes.
01:52 I want to read a question
01:53 to start things off from Malcolm,
01:55 who is from Papua New Guinea. Recently we were out there.
01:59 He says, he resides in Lae city.
02:02 He talks about how there are
02:03 many different provinces in Papua New Guinea.
02:06 And it got him wondering where they all originated from,
02:09 they are all different pigmentations,
02:11 different cultures there.
02:13 He says that these people are Bougainvillians
02:16 and they are the blackest people on earth according to him.
02:20 And their culture is very ancient.
02:22 His question is, why is so many different races
02:26 and where did we come from?
02:27 Is it Adam
02:28 or is it the prehistoric Lucy of evolution?
02:32 I'm not a paleontologist of course,
02:37 I'm not an authority on the races
02:38 in Papua New Guinea,
02:40 we were there not very long ago,
02:41 we had these vast crowds of people.
02:44 We finished with 150,000 people a night,
02:48 more than 100,000 every night.
02:49 So, we know a little bit about the people there.
02:52 They are wonderful people.
02:55 Why some of them this man is saying
02:56 from where do they come from, he said?
02:59 From Bougainville in Papua New Guinea.
03:00 Yeah, Bougainville this is a very very black. Yes.
03:04 Yes, derivation of those races
03:09 specifically I don't know.
03:12 I do know that the Bible teaches
03:14 and I believe the Bible,
03:16 I believe we came from a common ancestry.
03:19 And I believe that those black black people
03:23 are my brothers.
03:26 Because we came from the same origin,
03:29 we came from a couple, Adam and Eve.
03:33 I believe that story.
03:35 Now, where do you stand on the issue of evolution?
03:39 Now, they tell us about this Lucy
03:43 who is dated very far back.
03:46 Is Lucy perhaps our common ancestor?
03:51 I don't think so, and I'll tell you why.
03:54 The best signs now say she wasn't.
03:58 Lucy was a, they say an ape like creature.
04:04 Like a Hominid, like a human type of creature.
04:10 That is extremely debatable,
04:12 I think she was just a like a monkey.
04:16 But she was discovered over there in East-Africa
04:19 and she was discovered by the great professor
04:22 I'm thinking now, Professor Leakey.
04:25 Leakey, yeah. I think it was Leakey.
04:29 He said that she was the ancestor of the human race,
04:33 and that we all go back through this little ape
04:36 like creature that was found
04:38 in this desert area in East-Africa.
04:43 Now, here is a bombshell.
04:45 On PBS before he died number of years ago.
04:47 The great professor who discovered Lucy said,
04:52 I was wrong.
04:55 He said she is not our ancestor.
04:58 What she is we do not know,
05:01 but he said and this caused pandemonium
05:05 in the scientific world.
05:07 But, Leakey was tremendously honest man.
05:11 He said the latest investigation leads me to believe,
05:16 that she was not the originator of the human race.
05:20 And she is got nothing to do with human beings.
05:22 Now, Pastor James, he said something else,
05:26 he said the amazing thing is
05:29 we can't find an ancestor for Homo sapiens.
05:33 And it appears that Homo sapiens,
05:36 human beings appeared suddenly
05:40 and distinctly upon the human field,
05:44 upon the world.
05:46 He said they were not there, then all of a sudden
05:49 we have a vast number of Homo sapiens.
05:54 Now, this is the very opposite of the doctrine of evolution.
05:58 Now, tell me about missing link.
06:02 What can you tell me about that?
06:03 Missing link, so a transitional forms of life.
06:08 Now, remember I'm a scholar of the Bible.
06:11 I don't claim to be a scientist
06:13 but I just do a little bit of reading.
06:17 Certainly do.
06:19 And we should not become
06:21 so alit that we think that all knowledge is,
06:25 this is for this type of person,
06:27 this is for this sort of person.
06:28 No, no, God has given us a mind
06:30 where by we can investigate.
06:33 The great Charles Darwin writing 150-160 years ago said
06:40 that he believed that there would be found
06:44 a vast number of transitional life forms.
06:48 You see as the evolutionary process went ahead,
06:51 it have this life form of a millions of years
06:56 becoming this life form.
06:58 And in the end from Ordeal of Swamp,
07:02 and a single cell creature
07:04 you would have human beings after billions of years.
07:08 And so he said we expect to find a myriad,
07:14 he said astronomical number of transitional forms.
07:19 Now, this is something
07:22 that ardent evolutionist will not tell you.
07:26 This is something that Richard Dawkins
07:28 would never disclose for an audience.
07:31 But after more than 150 years,
07:35 this vast number of transitional life forms,
07:38 this vast number is still missing.
07:43 Now, they have some circle transitional life forms.
07:46 But, they are very rare and they are debatable.
07:50 An honest paleontologist and evolutionist,
07:55 when they are pressed they will say this.
07:59 The prediction of the great Charles Darwin
08:02 that they would come a myriad of transitional life forms
08:06 this prediction has failed to come to place. Yes.
08:11 And therefore I cannot believe in Darwinian Theory,
08:16 I don't believe it is true,
08:18 I do not believe in Neo-Darwinism.
08:21 And there is another reason, can I give it to you.
08:23 Yeah, please.
08:25 Darwin said there is something that kept him awake
08:29 and that was the human mind.
08:32 He said we believe that this human mind,
08:36 whereby we think through the mysteries of life.
08:39 It evolves from the lowest creature
08:43 that you can imagine.
08:45 It evolved from the lowest and the basest animal
08:50 and that evolved from the lowest single cell creature
08:55 in this primordial soup. Yes.
09:00 But he said this is the problem.
09:03 We believe in evolution
09:07 and we believe this all happened by blind chance.
09:11 This is his argument.
09:12 We believe that every thing happened
09:15 by uncoordinated blind chance without God.
09:22 He said then how can we trust this mechanism
09:27 that came by blind chance,
09:29 how can we trust it to think these thoughts,
09:32 to work at our origin. That's a great question.
09:36 Very good, very good question.
09:37 And as time has gone by, honest people
09:42 and there's heaps of honest marvelous scientists,
09:45 it is wrong for us to think
09:47 that all these scientists are dishonest,
09:50 no that's not true.
09:51 That's a terrible statement to say,
09:54 but heaps of scientists are saying,
09:57 well, maybe, maybe
10:00 we have believed in ideas
10:05 that may not be really true at all.
10:09 And so do I believe in the theory of--
10:13 this is what Dawkins teaches,
10:15 like Richard Dawkins, the great atheist,
10:18 he believes in time, plus matter,
10:21 plus chance. Yes, yes.
10:23 So if you have enough time
10:25 and enough matter and enough chance,
10:28 you will have people. Don't believe that nonsense.
10:31 In other words if you have enough hydrogen molecules
10:36 that's how it started hydrogen molecules.
10:38 And you leave them alone for enough number of years,
10:42 that will end up people.
10:45 Oh, I can't believe that, I cannot believe this,
10:50 I believe the evidence is in from astronomy particularly
10:56 that shows that there is a great creator God.
11:01 So, you are saying that it's like a circular argument really
11:04 because how can we even come up with that theory
11:07 if we are--if we don't have the capacity.
11:10 Now, I just wanted to answer Malcolm's question
11:14 here with the races.
11:15 Some people think that darker pigmentation
11:17 is perhaps a lower race.
11:19 What difference does it mean to you to know that
11:21 we come from a creator God?
11:25 If we come, Pastor James, from a creator God,
11:29 it means that every person is a child of God,
11:33 distinct and glorious.
11:36 When I was in Russia, years ago now,
11:39 back in 92 during the collapse of the Soviet Empire.
11:43 I was there when it happened.
11:44 I was there in '91. I saw it all happen.
11:50 I would tell those vast audiences
11:52 you are not an animal, you are not a machine,
11:57 you are a child of God.
11:59 Communism taught people
12:00 that there is a native say in Papua New Guinea.
12:04 Something nothing.
12:07 The communist taught people
12:09 that at the most they were an animal.
12:12 They are simply a machine
12:13 and thus they were worth nothing.
12:16 That's they trampled them into the dust
12:18 and they taught to them and did unspeakable things.
12:22 I tell them no, you are a child of God,
12:25 I saw them come forward in campaigns
12:27 by the hundreds of the thousands,
12:28 even millions weeping and crying,
12:32 discovering that there was a God who loved them.
12:35 That's why I message also to Richard Dawkins,
12:39 he may not love God, but God loves him.
12:41 Absolutely.
12:42 And so we are saying to Malcolm
12:43 that race does not matter what color of the pigmentation.
12:46 It makes no difference.
12:47 It makes no difference, we come from one creator God
12:49 and from one common ancestor
12:51 and that is Adam and his wife Eve.
12:54 There is excellent evidence today
12:58 from science that traces back.
13:01 Now, I'm not going to get into this too much
13:03 because we don't have time.
13:04 But even scientists who don't believe in the Bible
13:08 or God believe that the human race Homo sapiens
13:12 appeared relatively recently.
13:16 Relatively recently and came from a couple.
13:21 Wow, again confirming the truths of the Bible.
13:25 We thank you Malcolm for that question.
13:27 Thank you for that great answer,
13:28 Pastor Carter, tapping into that knowledge of yours.
13:30 We will be back after these few moments message
13:35 from our sponsors and then we will be back
13:37 with some more questions. Thank you.
13:41 Hello friend, I am John Carter in Colombia.
13:46 Behind me is the great city of Bogota,
13:48 the capital of this amazing country.
13:53 This city is a city of more than 8 million souls.
13:59 It's up more than 8,000 feet in the Andes.
14:04 And we've come here today with one purpose in mind
14:08 to preach the everlasting gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
14:13 We are here because we have a commission from God.
14:17 Jesus said, "Go into all the world
14:20 and preach the everlasting gospel,
14:23 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
14:26 and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
14:29 The people here need the gospel of Christ.
14:33 And I am asking you today come with us,
14:36 if not in body but come with us in spirit.
14:40 This has been a very, very dangerous city.
14:43 A very dangerous part of the world,
14:45 but we believe that we are safe
14:48 when we are in the hands of God.
14:51 Therefore I am beseeching you in the name of Christ
14:54 and in the names of these 8 million plus inhabitants
14:59 in the city of Bogota to come
15:03 and help us to preach the word of God.
15:05 Please support the preaching of the word of God in Columbia.
15:09 Please write to me, John Carter,
15:11 PO Box 1900,
15:14 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
15:18 In Australia, write to me at the address,
15:21 Terrigal, New South Wales, Australia.
15:25 Jesus said, "Work while it is day,
15:28 the night is coming when no man can work."
15:32 Please write to me today.
15:34 Thank you and God bless you.
15:43 And welcome back to our program
15:44 Fresh Hot Potatoes with Pastor John Carter.
15:47 Welcome back, Pastor Carter. Thank you.
15:49 We have been answering some questions
15:50 from the islands from Papua New Guinea.
15:52 And I have another one for you.
15:54 It's totally different to the last one,
15:56 not as deep, but just as important.
15:59 It is a question from Leonard via email,
16:02 they have, they are very hooked up over there.
16:05 Yes, they are. Very big on facebook.
16:07 In Papua New Guinea, tradition says that
16:09 a man must pay his wife a bride price.
16:13 10 to 40,000 kina, depending on the demand,
16:19 is this biblical? Leonard asks us.
16:23 I don't read anything in the Bible about bride prices,
16:28 but there are customs not unlike this in the Bible.
16:33 You'll read in the Bible
16:34 that a marriage back in those patriarchal days
16:39 was accompanied by much tradition and splendor.
16:45 You will read where when the girl went to marry Isaac,
16:50 the handmaids went with her.
16:54 And so they put money into the pot
16:57 and but it can be quite different in the islands.
17:01 Where it can almost be
17:04 a little bit of commercial exploitation.
17:08 Now for a poor person in the islands 40,000 kina
17:13 that's $20,000.
17:15 I think that can may be a little bit of exploitation.
17:19 But I'm not an authority on island customs.
17:22 And that's important to be said,
17:24 we cannot comment on a different custom
17:26 but we certainly can comment that what the Bible teaches.
17:30 Another good question from another person from the islands.
17:34 This time from the Solomon Islands.
17:37 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist living in the Solomon Islands.
17:40 I'm so interested in the reports
17:42 and a book that I have read about
17:44 the evangelistic work that you do so.
17:45 This person is Lindale, she has read the book.
17:49 Thank you for allowing the Lord
17:52 to let you visit the Solomon Islands
17:55 and also everywhere else where you have visited.
17:58 I say I'm a Christian but I live the opposite life.
18:02 How can I become a much better person
18:04 and live for Jesus everyday?
18:06 I want to read more books about your evangelism also,
18:09 but she is really looking for that genuine Christian life,
18:13 what can she do?
18:14 She can read a Bible, I love the Solomon Islands.
18:18 One of the highlights in my life
18:20 when we went to the Solomon's, we'd vast crowds of people.
18:24 And they are just the nicest people,
18:25 you are going to find anywhere under God's blues sky.
18:29 She is facing a problem
18:30 which is not unique to the Solomon Islands.
18:34 People say, how can I live the Christian life.
18:37 The world is so hard, temptations are so great.
18:43 Before I come to Christ, Pastor Venegas,
18:46 I've got one nature the Bible says
18:48 that's the carnal sinful nature.
18:51 But I have tried come to Christ, I have a second nature.
18:55 It is a spiritual nature and the nature
18:58 that I feed the most is the nature
19:03 that is going to win the battle.
19:06 Now, if I've got two dogs
19:08 and they're both exactly the same size
19:11 and those dogs fight.
19:13 Which dog will win? Neither.
19:17 But if I starve one dog and I feed the other dog,
19:21 which dog is going to win? The strong one.
19:25 And so if you want to carnal nature to succeed,
19:28 then feed it pornography, violence,
19:34 all of those carnal things,
19:38 but if you want the spiritual nature
19:40 to succeed and she does,
19:42 you must feed it on the word of God.
19:46 And if you feed the spiritual nature on the word of God.
19:49 If you read your Bible every day,
19:51 if you go to church and if you start a prayer life,
19:55 the spiritual nature is going to win
19:57 and you will be a strong happy vibrant Christian.
20:01 Yes, yes.
20:02 And there is a lot to be said to
20:04 for receiving the Holy Spirit into one's life.
20:06 And this is how you receive the Holy Spirit.
20:08 Did you know in the scriptures receiving the word of God
20:12 is the same as receiving the Holy Spirit.
20:16 Now this is something people overlook,
20:18 but when the Bible talks about receiving the Holy Spirit,
20:21 you can't receive the Holy Spirit
20:23 apart from the word.
20:25 And you can't receive the word apart from the Holy Spirit.
20:28 And so, they go together.
20:32 I have a completely different question here from Ingrid,
20:36 she is not from the islands I don't think,
20:37 she may well be. Probably from Germany.
20:39 Ingrid, yeah or anywhere else in the world
20:42 but she has sent an email and she asks,
20:45 what about being cremated? Is that Christian?
20:51 Does the Bible say anything about it.
20:54 I thought I should not please
20:55 let me know what you think,
20:57 very important question for Ingrid.
20:59 Now, when she says about being cremated, is it okay?
21:04 It's okay once you are dead. Yes.
21:07 But you know, Ingrid you don't want to get cremated
21:10 before you have to get cremated.
21:12 Let me-- That's a given.
21:13 That's a given, isn't it? Yes.
21:14 Yeah. Well-- What does the Bible say?
21:17 Well, the Bible doesn't actually say cremation,
21:20 but let me read you a text that may just be a little help,
21:24 that's in Revelation 20 it says,
21:28 The dead were judged out of the Book of Life
21:32 they were judged according to what they had done
21:34 as recorded in the books,
21:36 the sea gave up the dead that were in it,
21:40 and Death and Hades the grave gave up the dead
21:43 that were in them and each person was judged
21:46 according to what he had done." And that's in Revelation 20.
21:50 It says, Pastor Venegas,
21:52 it says, the sea gave up the dead.
21:56 Now a person who has been lost at sea,
21:58 say a hundred years ago,
21:59 a thousand years ago is nothing, nothing left is there.
22:03 He is been eaten by the fishes and everything else
22:06 but God is not dependent upon the old body.
22:10 God knows all about us.
22:12 He knows everything about us,
22:14 it is recorded in a tremendous computer,
22:18 that is the mind of God.
22:20 And so we are recorded in the mind of God
22:24 and if you and I should die today,
22:26 God knows everything about every molecule
22:30 and whether we have been lost at sea
22:32 or whether we have been cremated
22:34 or whether we have been buried,
22:36 it makes no difference to God.
22:38 He will bring us forth new living,
22:42 wonderful, joyful, new creations.
22:45 Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.
22:47 Your position is really it doesn't make a difference.
22:49 No, no. Makes no difference.
22:50 I had an old missionary friend, his name was Keith,
22:53 he is just a great guy, Australian very down to earth.
22:57 And he said to me, you know, John, he said this years ago,
23:00 he said I don't care how they bury me.
23:02 He said if you are around, I don't care
23:04 if you nail me up in a banana box.
23:07 I said Keith, we are not going to nail you up in a banana box.
23:10 He said, but it doesn't matter and Beverley said to my dad
23:15 when we stood looking down at his father's grave
23:19 in the little town of Esk in Queensland Australia.
23:23 My father was standing there in a very pensive mood
23:26 and Beverley said to him dad,
23:30 he said, we all gonna come here one day.
23:32 She said, dad, it doesn't matter
23:35 how you go down but how you come up.
23:38 Amen. Hallelujah.
23:39 And we are going to come up in the resurrection,
23:41 how we're going to come up new people
23:43 and so I don't care whether I'm cremated,
23:45 whether I'm buried, whether I'm even lost at sea.
23:49 I'm coming up, I will rise again.
23:52 Amen. Because of Christ.
23:54 Very good, very good answer
23:55 and again great questions coming in.
23:57 I have a completely different theological question.
24:00 We don't have a lot of time,
24:02 but Rovina emails in a question saying,
24:05 your understanding of Daniel's prophetic day and timeline?
24:09 She would be interested to know what you have to say about
24:12 Daniel's prophetic day and timeline.
24:14 That's a big question?
24:16 It's a vast question, I don't know if I'm equal to it.
24:20 There are four major lines of prophecy in Daniel.
24:23 Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 8
24:26 and then you really have Daniel 9 to 12.
24:30 They all cover basically the same ground.
24:33 They start in the days of Babylon
24:35 and they come down to the last days.
24:39 Daniel 2 is the great image.
24:40 Daniel 7, the four beast, the lion and you know the bear,
24:44 the leopard and then the monster and the ten horns.
24:47 And in Daniel 8, you have the Ram
24:49 and he goat, then you have the 2,300 days.
24:53 And then in Daniel 9 you have the 70 weeks
24:56 and the 69 weeks and that culminates
24:58 of course in the end of time
25:01 as we read in Daniel 12.
25:04 The great message of the Book of Daniel is this.
25:09 Whatever evil may do, Christ is the Lord of history
25:15 and He would triumph over evil and He will set up His kingdom.
25:20 And the kingdom will be given to the people
25:22 of the saints of the most high.
25:25 I have a burning passion in my soul
25:30 that Christ is coming soon
25:32 and the kingdom of God is going to be set up.
25:35 And that is why we live.
25:37 This is why we breathe
25:39 and that is why we preach the gospel.
25:42 Our final question for this program is this
25:46 and it comes from Vincet.
25:49 It's a good question too and it's a good on to finish on.
25:51 I have been watching your programs lately
25:53 and I see that you take great pains
25:55 trying to point out
25:56 that salvation is through Jesus alone.
25:59 I try to understand this, I know that I can't save myself,
26:03 but I want to know how do you know
26:05 that you are doing God's will and not your own
26:07 and how do you know that God is really talking to you
26:10 and it's not just yourself?
26:13 So how do you balance this idea of--
26:14 Pastor Venegas, a super question.
26:18 This man has got so much truth in this question,
26:22 we do try to point out that we are saved by grace.
26:25 We can never make it home by ourselves,
26:27 amazing grace, how sweet the sound.
26:29 That saved a wretch like me.
26:31 I once was lost but now I'm found.
26:33 I was blind but now I see.
26:37 There is something that he must learn
26:39 and we must all learn more and more
26:41 and that is not to trust our feeling and our emotions.
26:45 And many people say well, you know,
26:47 I feel that this is what I ought to do,
26:49 but that may be your hormones are working.
26:52 You can't go by your feelings, it may be
26:55 because you had a bad night or a good night
26:58 or because of something someone said to you.
27:01 You must not go by your feelings,
27:04 you must go by your trust in God.
27:08 We must obey God whether we feel like it or not.
27:14 And if we desire to do the will of God,
27:18 He will lead us through certain steps.
27:21 Number one, He will lead us according to the word of God.
27:24 He never leads us to break the commandments.
27:28 Number two, He will open doors and close doors,
27:32 as we say to God, please show me
27:34 what I should do.
27:35 It seems to be your will,
27:37 then He will open a door or close a door.
27:39 And we shouldn't be rushing God.
27:43 He leads us through the counsel of Godly friends.
27:46 Be careful here because there are many people
27:49 who are quick to give counsel,
27:50 but they are the last people you should listen to.
27:53 You should listen to, listen, wise people whom you can trust,
27:59 they are few and far between but there are some.
28:02 And finally He leads through
28:04 the movings of the spirit of God.
28:06 That is for last because those movings
28:08 may be confused with your feelings.
28:11 But when you have all these pointers together,
28:15 you can know that you are walking
28:18 in the way of God's will.
28:19 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
28:21 and lean not on your own understanding. Yes.
28:22 Thank you, Pastor Carter, for your time.
28:24 It's been great to have you with us.
28:25 Thank you. Thank you for watching also.
28:27 Don't forget those questions,
28:30 Send them in and we will endeavor
28:31 to answer them for you. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17