Carter Report, The

Footprints in the Sand - Evidence for the Creator

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter (Host), Fazale Rana, Hugh Ross


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001316

00:08 From Arcadia, California, the Carter Report presents
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:18 Today we are talking to two eminent scientists
00:21 Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fazale Rana
00:24 from Reasons to Believe
00:26 an organization here in Southern California.
00:29 We are going to talk today about evidence
00:32 for the great creator God.
00:34 Are we simply the product of time
00:37 plus matter plus chance?
00:40 Join us today and welcome.
00:46 We believe in the public proclamation
00:48 of all the mighty truths of God's saving
00:51 and transforming Word.
00:53 Around the world, in Russia, Ukraine, India, Africa,
00:56 the Philippines, Australia, America and the Isle of the Sea.
01:01 Millions have been powerfully touched
01:03 by the Spirit of God
01:04 as the true gospel has been proclaimed.
01:07 Please be a part of the Carter Report team
01:09 by praying, giving, and when God calls by going.
01:12 Please write today to PO Box 1900,
01:15 Thousand Oaks, California,
01:19 or to PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260, Australia.
01:26 Your gift will light a candle in a dark place.
01:29 Your gift will bring the Gospel of Christ to a lost soul.
01:32 Please write today.
01:47 I have two special guests here today
01:49 and you are going to enjoy what they got to say.
01:53 Dr. Ross, glad to have you with us today.
01:55 It's always a privilege.
01:57 Dr. Rana, its a privilege and a pleasure
02:00 to have both of you here today.
02:01 Thank you.
02:02 And today we are going to talk about
02:04 "Footprints in the sand,
02:05 evidence for the great creator God"
02:08 and we are glad to have you with us.
02:10 I want to talk about Darwin.
02:13 Darwin talked about the transitional life forms.
02:19 I think he used the term
02:21 if my memory is working well today
02:24 in his book "Origin of Species"
02:25 I think he spoke about the emerge
02:27 or the discovery of a innumerable.
02:31 I think that was the word innumerable.
02:33 That's right.
02:35 Missing links that would be found
02:38 because of those missing links were not found.
02:42 If they didn't exist it would mean
02:44 that the whole idea of evolution was some how fatally flowed.
02:53 Have they found them? No, they haven't.
02:56 You know, it's interesting
02:58 Darwin when he wrote, the Origin of Species
03:00 actually devoted a couple of chapters
03:03 to objections to his theory
03:05 or he raised objections to his own theory.
03:08 So he was pretty honest as a scientist.
03:11 He was groping for light, wasn't he?
03:13 He was and he pointed out that the fossil record
03:17 at known in his day just simply didn't match
03:20 what you would expect if his theory was valid.
03:22 As you said, he expected innumerable transitional forms.
03:26 But he said they are going to be found,
03:28 we haven't found them yet
03:29 because we haven't had enough time. Right.
03:32 The fossil records is incomplete
03:33 which was a legitimate rational in his day
03:37 because paleontology what's in its infancy. Yes.
03:41 But here we are a 150 plus years later.
03:43 Yes, yes and on time.
03:44 And fossil records still looks the same
03:46 as it did in Darwin's day.
03:48 An absence or near absence of anything
03:50 that could be considered genuinely a transitional form
03:53 and we see sudden appearances.
03:55 Every time there is innovation in life's history
03:58 it happens explosively without any kind of
04:01 evolutionary history preceding it.
04:03 And so we see sudden appearances
04:05 and absence of evolutionary change.
04:07 The patter of the fossil record doesn't match
04:10 Darwin's expectations. Amazing.
04:13 And Dr. Ross, I'm gonna read you a statement
04:15 and I would like you to comment on it.
04:16 This is from Dr. Ian Tattersall,
04:19 the curator of Human Evolution
04:21 at the American Museum of Natural Histories.
04:24 He says, if the transformational notion were accurate,
04:28 histories of continuity should clearly show up
04:31 in the structures of the paleontological record.
04:36 And if the truth be told the fossils themselves
04:39 had never really born out this expectation.
04:44 Indeed, Darwin himself had been well aware
04:46 that the record was right with discontinuities.
04:52 He had however explained way this hope
04:54 would affect with now familiar claim
04:57 that the expected intermediaries
05:00 had simply not yet been discovered.
05:03 In Darwin's day, with a much more
05:06 limited record than we have now
05:08 this was at least attainable position.
05:12 But it's-- the doctor here has said
05:14 we are a 150 years down the road.
05:17 But well, over a hundred years
05:18 and many millions of fossils
05:20 later the accentual picture has not changed at all
05:25 quoted from his book "The Monkey in the Mirror."
05:29 It's a good title isn't it? Would you comment on that?
05:34 Well, we would now have an understanding
05:36 why the fossil record looks that way.
05:39 Thanks to astronomy
05:40 we realize there will be frequent interruptions of life
05:44 here on planet earth.
05:45 We call them mass extinction events or supernova explodes
05:49 or a meteor collides with the earth
05:50 or some there's some kind of climate catastrophe
05:53 that's initiated by an astronomical event.
05:56 What we see in the fossil record
05:57 every mass extinction event has followed
06:00 by a mass speciation event
06:02 and the mass speciation event happens quickly
06:05 after the mass extinction event
06:07 and also happens where the species of life show up
06:10 on the terrestrial scene with optimized ecologies.
06:14 There is no developmental time in the optimization of ecology
06:18 its there right away
06:20 and it's exactly what you would expect
06:22 from the creator God of the Bible
06:24 that tells us in Psalm 104,
06:26 it's property of all light to die off
06:28 but God recreates and renews the face of the earth
06:32 and from an astronomer's prospective
06:35 that's exactly what we would expect.
06:37 So now, from the view point of a biologist
06:43 had you see all of this working together?
06:47 Now the evolutionary process
06:50 as we all know is that you go back to non-life
06:54 and then over billions of years
06:57 you have the simple becoming the complex.
07:03 How do you feel yourself about the--
07:05 the theory of Darwinian or Neo Darwinian theory?
07:10 Well, I'm highly skeptical of the evolutionary paradigm.
07:13 The idea that life can come from non-life
07:17 that life can create itself if you will.
07:19 I'm highly skeptical of the idea
07:21 that once you have life present on the planet
07:24 that one major group can generate another major group
07:28 that innovation is possible for this evolutionary mechanism.
07:33 It doesn't mean that there is no evolution at all.
07:36 There is a phenomenon called Microevolution
07:38 where species adapt to the environment.
07:41 All Christians believe in.
07:42 Right, and so we are not rejecting this idea
07:46 that there is limited evolution
07:48 but to say that evolution can explain
07:50 the origin of life or the history of life on earth
07:52 I'm highly skeptical of that idea.
07:54 Yes, yes, because the evidence doesn't seem to point to it.
07:57 Yeah, my skepticism is driven by the science
08:00 not my commitment towards scripture says. No, no.
08:04 Didn't Darwin made some other interesting comments.
08:08 He pounded the problem
08:10 of the trust worthiness of the human mind.
08:13 Now his argument basically was this,
08:16 if this thing between our ears is the product of blind chance.
08:22 If we are the product of time plus matter plus chance
08:27 then how can we trust it?
08:29 I think Darwin again was very honest
08:33 about the potential objections to his theory
08:36 and the problems with theory and this to me is,
08:39 is what is self refuting if you know about Darwinism.
08:44 In that you brought that point up
08:46 is that if our mind evolved
08:49 then our mind is not about discovering truth
08:51 or what's real about the world.
08:52 It's simply giving us some kind of flame work
08:56 that allows us to survive.
08:58 So what we learn may not be true
09:00 or just may be suitable in that for us to survive.
09:04 If that's the case then how do we know
09:06 that Darwin's theory is valid? Of course.
09:09 How do we know that anything is valid?
09:10 How can you trust anything?
09:11 It completely undermines the capacity of human beings
09:14 to have the ability to discover truth.
09:18 So if a person is going to cling to evolution
09:22 he is got to be prepared to look at this terrible doubt
09:27 and this terrible doubt throws
09:28 everything in doubt, doesn't it? It does.
09:31 If you believe that things came from nothing.
09:33 And this is the power of the Christian faith
09:36 is that because we take what scripture tells us
09:40 and we are made in God's image
09:42 it means that we have this capacity
09:45 coming from a Creator who cannot lie.
09:48 He had this capacity to discover that which is true
09:51 and that we can be confident that our conclusions have truth
09:54 if we have done our homework appropriately.
09:57 And this is very different again
09:58 then in evolutionary framework or an atheistic framework
10:02 and in fact this is what makes
10:04 science itself possible ironically
10:06 is to believe that we have the facilities to discover
10:09 that which is true about the universe.
10:12 And so in a sense
10:13 Darwin is not only undermining his own theory,
10:16 he is undermining science itself.
10:18 I have a statement here from the great professor Leakey.
10:22 He said, "If pressed about man's ancestry,
10:27 I would have to unequivocally say
10:29 that all we have is a huge question mark.
10:32 To date, there has been found nothing to truthfully purport
10:38 as a transitional species to man, including Lucy.
10:44 If further pressed, I would have to state that
10:46 there is more evidence to suggest
10:49 an abrupt arrival of man
10:52 rather than a gradual process of evolution."
10:58 So the great Leakey who found our so called
11:02 "Human Ancestor Lucy" in Africa
11:07 he says when I say that she was our originator
11:12 or she was one of our common ancestors.
11:15 He says I was wrong and though
11:20 he said the big problem is now for us
11:22 is at that the human race it appears arrived suddenly.
11:27 The fact of the matter is he is right. He is right.
11:31 I mean when you look at the fossil record
11:33 there's clearly a fossil record
11:35 and these creatures are called Hominidaes
11:37 but nobody knows how the Hominidaes
11:40 relate to each other in revolutionary sense
11:43 or which them could be
11:44 part of the human evolutionary linage.
11:47 In fact many of the key cast of characters
11:50 that are presented to us in biology textbooks
11:53 when it comes to human evolution,
11:55 Neanderthal, Homo-erectus, Homo-habilis,
11:58 Lucy the Taung child and the list goes on
12:01 and on and on are all considered
12:03 to be evolutionary side branches
12:05 and dead ends and are no longer considered
12:07 to be part of the human path way.
12:09 And so nobody can tell you how human evolution happened.
12:14 So why would we think that had happened
12:16 if we don't know how it happened?
12:17 It makes you think
12:19 that this book just might be true.
12:22 And when we comeback
12:23 I'm going to ask you the question,
12:25 was there an Adam and was there an Eve?
12:31 And we will be back after this message.
12:37 The Carter report is a self supporting ministry
12:40 with the global mission.
12:42 We believe that the most important thing
12:44 that we can do in this tremendous hour
12:47 is to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ
12:50 because Jesus said,
12:51 "I am the way, the truth and the life."
12:55 We do not believe that this is business as usual.
12:59 We believe that we are living in the closing hours,
13:02 in the history of this world.
13:04 Bless your heart, friend.
13:05 Look at the signs that are being fulfilled almost every day.
13:09 The signs of the times are shouting at us,
13:12 and they're saying, "Jesus is coming soon."
13:16 I want you to be my partner in global mission.
13:19 I want you to be my partner
13:21 in helping to tell the world about the coming of Jesus.
13:24 I want you to be my partner in the preaching
13:28 of the distinctive truths of the Three Angels' messages.
13:32 Please check us out
13:35 at the New Carter Report website,
13:40 We have a special section whereby you can ask questions
13:44 and I will give you the answers
13:46 from the living word of the living God.
13:50 That is the
13:55 My friend, we want you to join us in the mission
13:58 to preach the gospel in China,
14:01 in India, in Australia, in Africa,
14:05 in the United States of America.
14:07 Wherever people are lost
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14:12 the good news that Jesus saves.
14:16 Please check us out the new Carter Report
14:18 website
14:22 I want to hear from you today.
14:39 Welcome back to the program.
14:40 We are talking about the origin of the human race,
14:44 evidence for the Creator.
14:46 My guests are Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fazale Rana.
14:51 Thank you for joining us today.
14:53 Thank you for having us.
14:54 Was there an Adam and Eve?
14:57 The Bible says, but we are talking--
14:59 trying to find evidence today
15:02 to say to people, look there is incredible evidence
15:06 in the scientific world while we can trust the Bible.
15:09 Was there an Adam and Eve?
15:11 This is something that is absolutely mind boggling
15:15 that evolutionary biologists who are trying to explain
15:18 the origin of humanity through evolutionary means
15:22 have unwittingly uncovered evidence
15:25 for the historicity of Adam and Eve
15:27 is being the progenitors of all humanity.
15:30 And what the scientists are doing is
15:32 they are looking at genetic variability of people
15:35 around the world.
15:36 And from that genetic variability
15:38 you can infer be in for the very early history of humanity
15:42 and it looks as if humanity had a recent origin
15:46 in a single location close to where we think
15:48 the Garden of Eden would have been.
15:49 Who believes this?
15:51 This is-- this is the scientific data.
15:54 So whether or what is an evolutionary biologist
15:56 or what have you this is what the data says.
16:00 Humanity originates recently
16:02 a single location close to where we think
16:04 the Garden of Eden would have been
16:06 from the very small population of individuals
16:09 and using a special type of genetic marker
16:12 called Mitochondrial DNA.
16:14 You can literally trace the origin of every person
16:16 on this planet back to a single sequence of DNA
16:21 which is called Mitochondrial Eve
16:23 in the scientific literature.
16:25 And the same thing is true for like chromosomal DNA
16:28 which reflects the paternal lineage of humanity
16:32 every man on the planet can trace an origin back
16:35 to a single ancestor sequence of Y-chromosomal DNA
16:39 called Y-chromosomal Adam
16:41 which I would take as the biblical Adam
16:43 and the biblical Eve
16:44 that there is scientific evidence
16:46 for a recent origin or humanity from a prime modular earth.
16:49 So there is solid scientific reasons
16:53 why we can believe?
16:54 Well, a scientific literature is now compelled
16:57 to use biblical terminology to describe the discoveries.
17:00 This sort of blows the mind, doesn't it?
17:02 Yes, referred to as a Garden of Eden hypothesis
17:05 and they talk about these Y chromosome Adam
17:07 and Mitochondrial DNA Eve
17:10 and they are talking about dates
17:11 that are consistent but the biblical date
17:13 for the origin of the Adam and Eve.
17:15 Is truth discovered in a vacuum?
17:20 No, people have philosophical presuppositions
17:24 they are bringing for the table.
17:25 All the time. People had life experiences.
17:28 I find many people who are atheists
17:31 using science as an intellectual excuse
17:35 to reject the faith but there's other issues at play
17:38 often time's they are angry at God
17:41 or they are angry at Christians or Christianity
17:44 they have been hurt by Christians
17:46 or they have been abused by Christians.
17:48 Yeah, abused by some pedophile in the church.
17:52 Therefore they say God doesn't exist.
17:55 I would argue that the passion of the atheists argues for God
17:59 because if there really is no God
18:01 they should be treating the existence of God
18:03 like they were the tooth fairy.
18:04 Yes, of course.
18:05 But the fact that there is so passionate
18:07 against the existence of God tells me
18:10 they believe He exists but they don't like Him.
18:12 So truth is not discovered in a vacuum
18:16 is it not true that the great Darwin
18:20 basically went down the road to unbelief
18:24 because of the death of his daughter. Yeah.
18:28 He was in an Anglican family, you know,
18:32 the Church of England and there were sometime
18:35 when he was even very much interested in theology.
18:39 He studied to be minister.
18:41 Yes, to be an Anglican priest but he prayed honestly
18:46 that his daughter would be okay.
18:48 But she wasn't okay
18:50 and this lead to the terrible doubt
18:52 what can God be like if my daughter dies.
18:58 And so, I have discovered in my experience
19:01 as a pastor for many, many years now
19:04 that truth is not done in a vacuum.
19:09 People reach theological ideas as well
19:12 as well as scientific ideas
19:14 because of what's happen to them,
19:16 because of their background.
19:18 And we were talking during the break about a scientist
19:22 who shall remain anonymous who was abused in his church
19:29 by a pedophile and since that time
19:32 his thinking has been beyond being agonistic
19:37 but a militant atheistic and when ever he talks,
19:42 he talks about the bad things that Christians have done.
19:45 He doesn't talk about the bad things
19:46 that atheists have done.
19:48 That makes you think that a lot of his thinking
19:52 he takes the facts that you and I talk about
19:55 but he turns them
19:59 to somehow fit in with the hurt that he has gone through.
20:05 Have you found this?
20:06 Yeah, that's true and along those lines
20:09 when you make an argument for design
20:11 many times people will point out
20:13 what they claim to be bad designs in literature
20:16 and try to use this as a way to undermine the design argument
20:21 and but in a sense its kind of a an embodiment
20:24 of this very issue that we are talking about
20:27 is that people see God
20:30 as some how having disappointed him
20:33 and they see bad things as a possess to God's glory
20:36 when you look at this nature.
20:37 So there is a lot of anger there.
20:38 Yes. And sometimes--
20:40 There's also the opportunity to put it to the test.
20:42 They are saying hey, this is a bad design in nature
20:45 let's study at more depth.
20:47 Every time we have done and a scientist
20:49 who we thought was a bad designed
20:51 turned into a very elegant design.
20:53 It's a great way to learn things
20:55 you don't already know.
20:56 And so again let's put our atheistic belief
20:59 to the test and see.
21:01 If your atheism is right and more scientific research
21:04 will give you more evidence for your belief.
21:06 But if the Christian view is right,
21:08 more understanding is gonna increase
21:10 the evidence for the Christian faith.
21:12 So let's get back, tell me more as a biologist
21:16 tell me more about evidence for the human race.
21:21 Now this sort of captures my imagination
21:24 I'm astounded that the Bible says
21:28 the human race appeared suddenly upon the human sea.
21:33 Wasn't along drown out evolutionary process?
21:37 They came in a certain place
21:39 that was called the Garden of Eden
21:40 and we can some what get an idea of where that is.
21:45 They didn't appear as human beings
21:49 seven billion, million years ago.
21:52 They certainly were not related to Lucy.
21:56 Give me more evidence
21:57 that there was an abrupt beginning for the human race?
22:01 Well, another way to think about this
22:04 has to do with the concept of the image of God.
22:07 You know, we are made in God's image
22:09 and we are uniquely made in God's image
22:10 according to scripture.
22:12 And what's interesting is
22:13 when humans show up on the scene there is what's called
22:16 the socio-cultural big bang the human revolution
22:19 the great leap forward these are different ways
22:21 it's described where suddenly you have these creatures
22:25 that are behaving unlike anything else
22:26 that is ever existed on the planet
22:28 including Neanderthals, including Lucy,
22:31 Homo-erectus and Homo-habilis.
22:34 You had creature capable of symbolism,
22:38 creatures capable of making art in music, language,
22:42 advanced sophisticated societies emerge.
22:46 This is evidence I believe that human beings bear God's image
22:50 in the fact that it shows up suddenly
22:52 and coincidentally with humans.
22:54 Again its consentience with what you would expect from scripture.
22:58 Even evolutionary biologist studying human origins
23:02 acknowledge that humans seem to stand distinct
23:06 that were unique in these special ways
23:09 that I think finds explanation
23:11 in what the biblical text tells us.
23:13 And so we have taken quite a journey.
23:16 We have gone from astronomy down to the cell
23:20 out in the stars we see amazing balance complexity
23:27 the odds if it all happening one in so many trillions.
23:32 We talked about the complexity of the single cell.
23:35 The utter impossibility of a single cell making itself.
23:42 There seems to be an overwhelming evidence
23:45 that we should believe in God and believe in the Bible.
23:49 And you men do, don't you? Yes, we do.
23:52 And you believe in the Creator and you trust in God.
23:54 How do you explain the genetics similarity
23:56 between humans and chimpanzees?
23:59 Well I think the Bible gives us a clue.
24:03 It tells us that Adam was made from the dust of the earth
24:06 and that God breathe the of life into him.
24:08 Genesis 2:19 says, the animals were made
24:11 from the dust of the earth as well and so that tells us
24:14 that we are made out of the same stuff as the other creature.
24:18 So you would expect there to be biological similarities.
24:21 There have to be.
24:22 But what's also interesting is it also tells us
24:24 that humans uniquely received the divine breath.
24:28 I think that our mission is intentional
24:30 we are made in God's image.
24:32 And so what distinguishes us from other creatures
24:34 isn't our biology but rather it's our spiritual make up
24:40 the fact that we bear God's image.
24:41 And we have the capacity to worship.
24:44 Yeah, and so the genetic similarity
24:45 just simply reflects the fact
24:47 we are made out of same building blocks.
24:49 Now what I have discovered is this,
24:52 that the chance of life
24:54 and I'm talking from the view point of evolutionist
24:58 which I'm not but an evolutionist says,
25:00 that life is got to arrive and get going and thrive
25:07 in a very short period of time on this planet.
25:10 Even if its hundred million years
25:12 in the evolutionary cycle.
25:14 That's not even a watch in the night,
25:16 it's so very quick isn't it
25:20 and so you have these arguments from the evolutionists
25:24 but and because of those arguments
25:27 there is a new theory that we've talked about before
25:31 it's called Transpermia, is that right?
25:34 What is that mean? Yeah it's Panspermia.
25:36 Oh, Panspermia.
25:37 Yeah, it's the idea of-- Of attitude.
25:40 Well, it's Tanspermia in the sense of their saying
25:42 that there is dust that's come to us
25:45 from other planets and embedded in that dust
25:48 are either bacteria or the crucial building blocks
25:51 like the sugars and the DNA and the RNA.
25:54 Is this not an argument of desperation?
25:57 It is an argument of desperation,
25:59 it is an argument that's basically been refuted
26:01 in the scientific literature
26:03 because we know can determine
26:05 number one that dust cannot travel across in just our space
26:09 although being so thoroughly destroyed
26:11 as to be useless in the origin of light paradigm
26:14 but it's basically showing that one
26:16 from a naturalistic perspective,
26:18 we can't explain the origin of life on the earth,
26:21 we can't explain in any solar system bodies,
26:24 it can't come from another planetary system,
26:27 it can't come from cosmic dust.
26:30 Yeah, we are at an origin of life research conference
26:32 where a gentleman came to the microphone
26:35 and said we rule that all possible explanations
26:38 the origin of life except one alien came here in spaceships
26:42 and brought life here to planet earth
26:44 3.8 billion years ago.
26:46 And these people laugh at Christians.
26:47 Pardon me. They laugh at Christians.
26:50 They do but we are kind of at that conference saying,
26:53 I said to Fazale he is getting close to right answer.
26:56 Yes, I know.
26:57 There came alien it is intelligent
26:58 but it's a being from beyond matter, energy, space and time.
27:02 Yeah, so can we agree today
27:06 and I'm sure we do that we can trust the Bible? Yes.
27:12 And we can trust in God
27:13 because He made us in His own image
27:16 and the great truths of the Bible are in harmony
27:20 with the best discoveries of science
27:23 whether it is in biology that you rightly represent
27:28 or in astronomy that you rightly represent.
27:33 And so we would have a message
27:34 to the people watching today whether they are young or old,
27:38 whether they go to university they don't go to university
27:42 you can believe in God and you can believe in the Bible.
27:49 There are--there's a million reasons
27:52 why you can believe
27:54 and the God who made you loves you
27:57 and He gave His son Jesus to die for you.
28:01 Please write to me John Carter,
28:03 PO Box 1900, you see it on the screen,
28:06 see the address in Australia
28:08 also feel free to contact these eminent scientists
28:14 at Reasons to Believe
28:16 and their address is 818 South Oak Park road,
28:22 Covina, California 91724.
28:26 Thank you for joining us today
28:28 and until next time, God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17