Carter Report, The

More Hot Potatoes, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001411

00:07 From Arcadia, California, the Carter Report presents
00:10 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:17 Hello, I'm Dave Deno and this is the Carter Report
00:20 with pastor and evangelist, John Carter.
00:22 This is where we tackle
00:24 the questions about a life of faith.
00:27 Today, we're gonna be taking your questions,
00:31 questions that have been written in
00:32 for Pastor Carter to answer.
00:33 We're calling this, Hot Potatoes,
00:36 More Hot Potatoes.
00:38 We'll have more for you in just a moment.
00:43 I wish you would come with me
00:46 to a land of more than a billion souls
00:51 all in need of hearing the Gospel of Christ.
00:54 Did you know this my friend, it is the duty of the Christian
00:59 to take the Gospel of Christ to our lost world.
01:04 And the lost world I'm talking about right now is India,
01:08 land of millions and millions of pagan gods
01:13 but more than a billion lost souls.
01:19 India cries out for God. We are now back on India TV.
01:24 We're broadcasting on prime time in India.
01:27 We need your prayers, we need your support.
01:31 Is it easy in India?
01:33 No, it's the hardest place we have ever worked.
01:36 Harder than Russia? Harder than Russia.
01:39 Harder than America? Harder than America.
01:41 Harder than Australia? Harder than Australia.
01:45 Because it is a land that's given over almost
01:47 totally to demonism.
01:50 Now I can tell you about those demons,
01:52 I can tell you about the false gods
01:54 but what I want to tell you today,
01:56 is about the true God and the true God
01:58 who told us go into all the world
02:00 and preach the gospel to every creature.
02:03 We're back in India. Yes, we are back in India.
02:06 And by the grace of God we're back in India to stay.
02:10 We want you to come with us. We want you to pray for India.
02:13 We want you to give for India and do it today.
02:17 Please write to me,
02:19 John Carter, Post Office Box 1900,
02:21 Thousand Oaks, California.
02:22 Write to me at Terrigal in Australia.
02:25 Email me, contact me and say,
02:27 yes, I'm going to stand with you
02:29 in the preaching of the gospel to the lost souls of India.
02:33 Thank you in Jesus' name and God bless you.
02:44 Welcome to the Carter Report.
02:46 Today, questions from viewers, questions that don't shy away
02:51 from the very tough issues of life.
02:54 Pastor, thank you so much for being here
02:56 and thank you for taking these questions
02:59 and meeting them head on.
03:00 Dave, thank you for coming today.
03:02 You are an old friend of this ministry.
03:04 We love you and we appreciate you.
03:06 I love being with you. Thank you.
03:08 Let's begin with a question that really puts us
03:11 into the frying pan right out of the shoe here.
03:15 This comes from Larissa.
03:17 She says, "Please pray for my friend, George
03:20 who does not know God and is caught up in every vice
03:23 there is, women, smoking, drinking,
03:26 gambling, parties and lies.
03:30 Pray that somehow he comes to know God
03:33 and leaves behind his life of sin."
03:36 Where do we begin in answering this?
03:38 I think he needs a big prayer.
03:41 I mean, she is just about to cover it all, hasn't she?
03:45 How about we pray for him right now?
03:47 Why don't we do this? Okay.
03:48 Let me have a prayer for him. Okay.
03:49 This is for you, George.
03:51 Dear Father in heaven, we pray earnestly for George
03:54 who is caught up in this carnal way of living,
03:58 which is going to lead him down to the gates of hell.
04:01 We pray that You will send a workman into George's life,
04:05 who can lead him to Christ
04:07 and to a knowledge of the scriptures.
04:09 Bless him, bless his friend in Jesus' name, amen.
04:13 Amen.
04:15 Seeing this question leads me to ask this follow up question.
04:20 Some of the things that she has listed here,
04:23 God says in His word, He has given us all things to enjoy.
04:28 He is our Father, He delights in blessing us.
04:32 He delights in seeing us happy and enjoying His creation.
04:39 There's nothing wrong with the man enjoying a woman.
04:44 God has given us that relationship.
04:48 There is nothing wrong with having
04:51 a wonderful time with friends, a party.
04:53 Sure, sure.
04:54 There's nothing wrong-- Jesus went to parties.
04:56 Yeah. Yeah.
04:58 I would argue that there is a problem with lying
05:00 and drinking and smoking.
05:02 But apparently, George is willfully
05:05 living a life that is opposed to God.
05:09 He's going against the scriptures.
05:10 He's fornicating, he is committing adultery.
05:14 He is lying, he's cheating,
05:16 he's getting drunk and all of those things.
05:21 George will need to come to a place
05:23 where he finds God and finds himself.
05:28 Because if a person lives this sort of life, Dave,
05:31 it's gonna bring him down, it's just gonna cripple him.
05:34 It's going to destroy him. Kind of eat him up inside.
05:38 So you know, we need to pray for George
05:40 but I want to say to the lady
05:42 who is good friends with George.
05:46 She needs to be a little bit careful too,
05:48 lest her association with George pulls her down.
05:53 Because, if you hang out with people
05:55 who are doing really bad things,
05:58 after a while there's a big tendency
05:59 if you decide to do those bad things too.
06:02 You and I know this is true.
06:03 I'm going to come over here
06:04 to 1 Corinthians 5:9 and onwards.
06:10 1 Corinthians 5, I think it is, verse 9.
06:15 "I've written you in my letter not to associate
06:19 with sexually immoral people."
06:23 Don't, He says, associate with sexually immoral people.
06:28 "Not at all meaning that people of this world
06:31 who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters.
06:37 In this case, you would have to leave the world."
06:41 And so he's talking about people in the church, he says,
06:43 don't associate with people in the church
06:45 who are sexually immoral.
06:47 Wait a minute. You said people in the church.
06:49 Yeah. That's what he said.
06:51 And so there were people in the church
06:53 back here in the days of Corinth,
06:55 who were committing fornication, everything else.
06:59 And so the church is not immune,
07:01 Dave, to temptation.
07:04 And church members struggled with these sins
07:07 the same as anybody else.
07:08 So Paul says, don't associate with the person of the church
07:12 who is an idolater, a fornicator,
07:14 but he said I'm not talking about people in the world.
07:16 He said, if you stopped associating
07:19 with people in the world
07:20 who are fornicators and liars and cheats,
07:22 you would have to go out of the world.
07:24 So I imagine that this lady is associating with George,
07:31 a person in the world to try to lead him to Christ.
07:36 But she needs to be awfully careful.
07:41 To be brutal.
07:43 We are told not to cast pearls before swine.
07:47 Does there come a point, does there come a point
07:51 where we simply have to walk away
07:54 and stay away from that person.
07:56 Doesn't mean we can't pray for them
07:58 but that we have to disassociate ourselves.
08:00 Absolutely. Now you are right on the money.
08:03 2 Corinthians Chapter 6,
08:05 got it right this time, verse 14.
08:08 "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers."
08:11 And then it says, "What agreement has there
08:14 between the temple of God and idols?
08:16 For we are the temple of the living God."
08:19 Then it says, "Come out from among them
08:22 and be separate."
08:24 The Bible says a believer in Christ
08:29 while he is in the world must be very careful,
08:34 that he keeps himself separate from sin
08:38 and lying and fornication.
08:41 Because if you associate a great deal with people
08:45 who are doing these things you got to be very careful
08:49 lest after a while you start doing it yourself.
08:55 God is our Creator. Yes, He is.
08:57 He knows us better than anyone else.
09:00 Yes, He does.
09:02 Perhaps that's why in Proverbs,
09:03 He says that when we see evil, don't even pass by it,
09:07 turn around and run the other way.
09:09 Yeah. Don't even get close to it.
09:12 Never, never, once look at pornography.
09:16 No.
09:17 If you got a computer, and I'm told you've got
09:21 opportunity there, a million opportunities.
09:23 Don't start because it's the path
09:26 that leads down to hell.
09:29 Let's go to another question. This comes from Reggie.
09:32 "Pastor, Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:15
09:37 that the scriptures are to make us wise
09:40 for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.
09:45 Other verses talk about growing in grace
09:47 and becoming mature believers,
09:49 but yet I notice so many church goers just fall apart
09:53 over the least little trial that comes to them."
09:56 Yeah.
09:57 "As a young Christian, I don't want to be like that.
10:00 How can I best become a mature
10:03 and faithful follower of Christ?"
10:05 Read the Word. Get into the Word.
10:08 And read the Word. Become a disciple of Christ.
10:12 When you come to Christ,
10:13 God wants you to become not just a mere follower,
10:17 He wants you to become a disciple.
10:20 And if you read the Word,
10:21 and if you determine in your heart
10:24 that you're going to stand firm for God
10:26 whatever happens, like Mrs. Vitali.
10:30 A lady in Russia, I never knew her,
10:32 knew her son, who was a pastor.
10:34 His mother was brought up in a communist village.
10:38 Everybody hated God, somewhere toward Siberia.
10:43 One day, their cow got struck by a lightning
10:47 and all the communist and the atheists said,
10:49 "Are there any Christians here?"
10:51 Our cows are okay, your's got struck by a lightening."
10:54 You see.
10:56 Now this lady happened to be an Adventist Christian.
10:59 The church was many, many miles away.
11:03 She would start walking to church on Friday afternoon
11:08 and walk through the night Friday night.
11:11 In winter minus 40, going through the snow drifts.
11:15 At 6 o'clock in the morning she would get to a place,
11:18 to got a ride on a truck.
11:20 She would travel for three hours in the truck,
11:22 in the back of the truck.
11:24 Get to church, stay in church from 9 o'clock
11:28 until 6 o'clock in the afternoon
11:30 because she wanted the fellowship.
11:32 She wanted to hear the Word of God preach.
11:34 This was in the days of the Soviet Union.
11:37 And then after that she would walk back on Saturday night,
11:41 she would get on the truck, three hours.
11:44 Then she would walk through the forest
11:46 and get home on Sunday about 9 o'clock in the morning.
11:51 Why? Because she was strong.
11:54 Now there's no doubt about it, Dave,
11:55 this person has touched on a sensitive point.
12:01 We seem to breed today people
12:05 who do not have that resilience who fall apart.
12:09 But we must walk by faith not by our emotions.
12:12 So many people say,
12:13 well, I can't do it 'cause I don't feel like it.
12:15 I don't feel good today, I'm not gonna go to church.
12:19 I know I'll just-- they start crying.
12:22 We've got to get over that,
12:23 we've got to stop just going by that emotion
12:26 and we've got to put our eyes upon Christ
12:31 and we've got to walk the walk.
12:34 It is what we talked about in our pervious program.
12:37 A culture that lives by 'what's in it for me?'
12:40 So many come to Christ just for the "benefits."
12:47 And when times get tough,
12:49 this isn't what I signed up for.
12:50 Yes, yes. It's a sad commentary.
12:57 I can remember early in my Christian life,
13:02 coming across the concept
13:04 and the thought of be God's man.
13:08 Yes, yes.
13:10 And live my life striving to be God's man.
13:13 Amen.
13:14 Asking God to give me the ability, to guide me,
13:17 to fill me with His spirit, to help me to be His man
13:22 and to see my life and the life of others
13:25 around me as God's man.
13:29 As Paul said, "And having done all to stand, stand."
13:35 It's a difficult age that we live in
13:37 to be a Christian, isn't it?
13:38 Sure is.
13:41 The temptations,
13:43 I'm sure for young people are almost overwhelming.
13:47 We live not in a Christian culture.
13:52 We live in a paganized culture and there is an antagonism
13:59 and antipathy towards Christ
14:02 and the church and the Word of God.
14:06 But God has always had His men,
14:08 God has always had His women and He's got them today.
14:12 One thing, we have about a minute left
14:14 before we take a break.
14:16 If you could say to a friend sitting
14:20 across the table saying, "I'm struggling."
14:22 What is the one thing-- and I think I know
14:25 what you're going to say because you've already said it.
14:27 What is the one thing you would encourage them to do
14:30 to be stronger in Christ?
14:32 I would say this, Dave.
14:33 I would say if you are serious
14:36 and if you want to be strong in Christ,
14:38 then you've got to learn discipline.
14:40 Oh, but I'm saved just by-- No, discipline,
14:44 you've got to become a disciple.
14:47 And at first-- in the first part of discipleship
14:50 is to discipline yourself
14:52 whether you feel like it or you don't feel like it,
14:55 whether you are up or whether you're down,
14:57 is to read the word.
14:58 And not just to read any part of the Bible,
15:01 start with the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
15:06 You say my mind wanders, bring it back.
15:09 That's a good place for us to end this portion
15:13 and for us to pick it up in just a moment
15:16 as you listen to the Carter Report.
15:17 When we come back in just a moment,
15:19 we're gonna talk about what is heaven like
15:22 and can we get a glimpse of it in this life.
15:25 We'll be back in just a moment.
15:30 Did you ever have a sense of destiny?
15:33 Did you ever feel that God has put His hand upon you
15:36 for some tremendous task that you really got a purpose
15:40 that God has called you for such a time as this?
15:44 I have that sense, that conviction today
15:48 because God is opening up doors for us in Latin America.
15:53 And in Latin America, my good friend,
15:56 there's a revolution going on.
15:59 It's not a revolution in the streets.
16:01 It is a revolution in the hearts of men and women.
16:07 That's why the Carter Report is going to go to El Salvador.
16:12 We are renting an outdoor stadium
16:15 with room for more than 60,000 souls.
16:20 And we're planning a baptism in the--
16:22 on the Sabbath afternoon
16:23 of more than 5,000 born again souls.
16:29 In El Salvador, in Latin America,
16:33 where there's a revolution going on,
16:35 where the Holy Spirit is being poured out.
16:37 Don't you want to be a part
16:41 of this great purpose, this great task,
16:45 this God designed outreach to Latin America.
16:51 Would you please write to me
16:52 John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California.
16:56 Tell me, I'm going to support you.
16:58 Write to me in Australia.
17:00 Tell me, I'm gonna support the preaching of the gospel.
17:04 Write to me today, and support the preaching
17:07 of the Word of God, around the world
17:10 but right now in Latin America.
17:14 Thank you and God bless you.
17:30 Welcome back to the Carter Report
17:32 with pastor and evangelist John Carter.
17:34 I'm Dave Deno and we're looking at what
17:36 we call hot potatoes, these are questions
17:38 that have come in from you, our viewers.
17:41 And we're not shying away from the tough questions
17:45 and the controversial issues.
17:48 John, before we took our break I said,
17:51 we were gonna look at a subject
17:52 that is out there in front of us,
17:54 in the media today that is heaven
17:56 and people having a glimpse of heaven.
17:58 So here's a question that comes in from Nita.
18:02 "There is a movie on a book called Heaven is Real.
18:06 A true story about a four year old,
18:09 now eleven, who almost died
18:11 from the poisons of a burst appendix.
18:14 And while sick in the hospital,
18:16 he has a near-death experience.
18:19 And says, he met his dead great grandpa and a sister,
18:24 his mom miscarried years before.
18:27 He sat on Jesus' lap and next to the Holy Spirit.
18:32 I have read my Bible, I don't believe the lie,
18:35 "Ye shall not truly die."
18:38 Please explain, how and what happened to this boy?"
18:43 This is a difficultly for many, many Christians.
18:49 It comes down to this, Dave,
18:50 whether I shall believe the Word of God
18:54 or whether I shall believe in some exotic experience?
19:01 I'm not a doctor, psychiatrist, a psychologist.
19:06 Therefore, I'm not an authority on what happens
19:09 to a person's brain when he is dying.
19:13 But I've read enough to tell me that when a person is dying
19:16 there is a change
19:18 in the functioning of the brain cells
19:22 because of lack of oxygen and because of drugs,
19:25 other things and therefore people can see things
19:28 that may not be altogether true.
19:34 Having said this, I must go to the only source of truth
19:38 that I know in the world today
19:41 I believe, ultimate source of spiritual truth.
19:45 And I turn over here to the words of Jesus
19:47 in John 11:11.
19:52 "After he had said this, he went on to tell them,
19:56 'Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep.'
20:00 Jesus had been speaking of his death,
20:03 but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.
20:06 So then he told them plainly, 'Lazarus is dead.'
20:11 "So Dave, as a believer in God
20:15 and in the Bible, I believe that
20:17 when a person dies, he goes to sleep.
20:21 And he sleeps unconscious until the resurrection.
20:26 Now I know that many people
20:28 don't see it this way and they believe
20:31 that all the saints of God are home in glory
20:34 and the bad people are burning in the flames
20:38 of an eternally burning hell.
20:40 However the Bible teaches that there is eventually
20:44 a place of glory and a place of judgment.
20:48 But talking about the place of glory
20:50 or the place that we call heaven,
20:53 I'd like to come over here to what text,
20:55 I think it's 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
21:02 Now I took a funeral down at Palos Verdes, last weekend
21:07 and I talked to the people about these things.
21:10 You know this harkens back
21:12 to what you were talking about earlier,
21:14 and that is knowing your Bible,
21:15 reading your Bible every day and knowing it.
21:17 Yes, of course.
21:18 Because this is where, as you are demonstrating right now,
21:21 you find the answers to questions.
21:23 If a person does not know the truths of the Bible,
21:27 he is a sitting duck
21:29 for the great deceptions of the last days.
21:32 And you know I know this.
21:34 Verse 16, "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,
21:38 with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel
21:42 and with the trumpet call of God,
21:44 and the dead in Christ will rise first."
21:48 When Jesus comes back, He comes back to raise the dead
21:54 and to wake up the sleeping saints of God.
22:00 Now if this is so, then that little boy,
22:03 God bless him, didn't see his great grandfather,
22:08 he didn't sit on Jesus' lap
22:11 and he didn't sit next to the Holy Spirit
22:14 who doesn't have a body.
22:17 The Holy Spirit is a spirit.
22:19 He doesn't have a body, so you can't sit next to him.
22:24 But that is only a tiny issue here.
22:28 The Bible teaches that the dead are sleeping
22:31 and the good news is that we have hope.
22:35 And even if we die in this lifetime,
22:38 one day we are going to be resurrected
22:41 and we are going to go to a--
22:42 go to a better place that is called paradise.
22:46 What you're saying is that the "sleep of death." Yes.
22:50 Is akin to us sleeping overnight?
22:52 When we sleep overnight we have no concept of time.
22:54 Yes, yes.
22:55 No concept at all, so that a man
22:58 who died 5,000 years ago
23:01 will think it was five seconds ago
23:05 and he'll wake up
23:06 and his last thought will be his first.
23:09 Okay, I'm gonna challenge you.
23:10 Then he'll wake up in the kingdom.
23:11 I'm gonna challenge you with a question,
23:13 I can hear so many yelling
23:15 right now out to their TV screens.
23:17 They're yelling. And right now, wait a minute.
23:18 I'll say, Paul says, "To be absent from the body
23:23 is to be present with the Lord."
23:25 Yes, when Jesus comes.
23:27 Well, I am in this body,
23:29 while I am in this body of mortality and sin
23:36 I am not present with the Lord.
23:38 But when the Lord comes and gives me a new body,
23:42 1 Corinthians 15:51-54,
23:47 "This mortal is going to put on immortality
23:52 and so shall we be with the Lord forever."
23:56 We have one more question, time for one more question.
23:59 It's a very interesting question.
24:01 They all are. Yeah, they are.
24:04 This comes from Samson.
24:06 It's a good name. It is a good name.
24:09 Is the Quran, the words of God?
24:15 The Holy Quran as they call it
24:19 contains some good teachings, Dave.
24:23 But I'll tell you some things it doesn't teach.
24:25 It doesn't teach the doctrine of the trinity.
24:29 Now I believe in the trinity God the Father,
24:32 God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
24:34 Do I believe in three Gods?
24:35 No, I'm a monotheist, but I believe
24:39 in the doctrine of the trinity.
24:41 I believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit
24:45 and the deity of Christ.
24:48 Now the Quran doesn't teach this?
24:50 Okay.
24:51 The Quran doesn't teach that Jesus is the Son of God.
24:54 The Quran teaches that He is a great prophet.
24:57 The Bible teaches that Christ on the cross bore my sins,
25:04 became my sin bearer, made an atoning sacrifice
25:09 for the sins of all of the world,
25:11 everybody in the world.
25:12 The Quran denies this.
25:16 The Quran says that one man
25:18 cannot carry another man's burden.
25:22 But our Bible teaches
25:23 that the Son of God came down from glory
25:26 and bore the burden of the world.
25:29 And so while I respect the Quran
25:33 and while I respect my Muslim friends,
25:37 I believe with all my heart and soul
25:40 that this right here is the holy Word of God.
25:45 And I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
25:49 And I believe that Jesus died on the cross.
25:52 The Quran denies that.
25:54 It denies that Jesus died on the cross.
25:57 I believe that Jesus died on the cross
26:00 and He bore my burdens and if I believe in Him,
26:05 I will not perish but have everlasting life.
26:11 Amen and amen. And amen.
26:14 John, we've been dealing with what we've called
26:15 Hot Potatoes questions from listeners. Yes.
26:18 I want to talk about
26:19 just the general area of questions itself.
26:23 As Christians, is it all right for us to have questions?
26:30 Is it all right for us to wonder
26:33 and maybe even to have doubts?
26:36 You quoted the text Before, Dave, in Isaiah,
26:40 God says, "Come let us reason together."
26:43 God is a reasonable God.
26:46 One of the greatest problems in the world today
26:50 is anti-intellectualism, where people no longer use
26:56 what God has given them to think.
26:58 God wants us to reason
27:01 and to search out the deep things of God.
27:04 To search the scriptures daily deceive these things us so.
27:08 The Bible says, if we search the scriptures,
27:14 trusting in God, in faith, in trust and in humility,
27:20 God will reveal His truths to us.
27:23 So, if we would be saved in the kingdom,
27:28 if we would be saved now from satanic deceptions
27:33 we must allow God to put into us His spirit
27:37 so we can search the scriptures and discover the truth.
27:42 That's a great place,
27:43 discovering the truth from God's word.
27:45 It is a great place for us to end our time together
27:48 as we explore questions that people have.
27:51 You've been listening to the Carter Report
27:53 with pastor and evangelist, John Carter.
27:55 We'd love to hear from you
27:57 and if you'd like to support this ministry
27:59 we are entirely viewer supported,
28:01 you may call if this possible.
28:03 You can write to us here
28:04 at the Carter Report, at PO Box 1900,
28:08 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:14 Elsewhere in the world you can write to us
28:16 at PO Box 861, Terrigal,
28:19 NSW 2260, Australia.
28:26 Email us at
28:30 and check out our website at
28:36 I'm Dave Deno and John, thank you so much.
28:38 Dave, thank you.
28:39 And friends, thank you for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17