Coronavirus News Update

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CVNU

Program Code: CVNU000003S

00:10 Hello and welcome once again to Coronavirus Report.
00:13 I'm C.A. Murray, and I'm joined by Pastor Stephen Bohr,
00:17 the principle speaker and the president of Secrets Unsealed.
00:23 Pastor, good to have you here as always.
00:25 We know you've got a lot of questions
00:26 and a lot of things to talk about.
00:28 So good to have you here.
00:30 Amen. Good to be here.
00:31 And our principle resource person happens to also be
00:34 the chairman of our board.
00:35 So he tells us all what to do.
00:37 And that's Dr. Milton Teske.
00:39 Doctor, good to have you here once again.
00:40 It's good to be here.
00:42 As we mentioned some time ago, he is the health office
00:45 for Kings County.
00:47 - Is that correct? - Yes.
00:48 Which is the next county over or two counties over?
00:50 - Next one over. - Next one over, alright.
00:52 And he also works with the CDC and a number of doctors
00:56 and other healthcare practitioners across this state,
00:59 and really across the country.
01:01 They put their heads together and try to do the very best
01:04 they can to keep us healthy and to give us information.
01:08 And that's what this program is all about.
01:10 It is about disseminating information to try to keep
01:13 you healthy if you are healthy,
01:14 try to keep you well if you are well,
01:17 and if you're a little under weather, maybe try to get you
01:19 back on board and back in good shape.
01:21 So that's why we're here.
01:22 We want to have a word of prayer,
01:23 then we're going to launch right out with not too much ado,
01:26 because we've got a lot to talk about
01:28 and a lot of information to share with you.
01:32 Shall we pray?
01:33 Father God, we thank You for Your Word, which is
01:36 a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
01:38 We thank You for the healing processes
01:41 that You have put in our body.
01:42 We thank You for men and women who have dedicated their lives
01:45 to sharing good news, who have joined hands with You
01:49 in the healing ministries and the healing hearts.
01:51 So we ask that you will be with us today,
01:53 make the information clear and give us an understanding
01:56 of what to do and how to do it
01:58 so that we can live the best lives that we can.
02:01 In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
02:04 Pastor, I know you've got a bunch of questions,
02:06 I have one or two,
02:08 so why don't you lead off.
02:10 Okay, Doctor Teske, we who watch television, the news,
02:15 see lots of reports about what's happening in the nation,
02:19 mainly certain epicenters like New York City, Florida, etc.,
02:24 but you're the health officer of Kings County.
02:26 Can you tell us basically how things are going,
02:31 not only in Kings County, but also the other adjacent
02:33 counties here in this particular area in the Central Valley?
02:39 Yeah, here we're fortunate.
02:41 We are some distance from the large urban centers,
02:45 and everything is quite a bit delayed coming and getting here.
02:49 The counties all through the Central San Joaquin Valley here
02:55 have very minimal cases compared to some of the
02:58 real hot spots in the country here.
03:00 They are picking up, though, and more and more cases
03:04 are being reported through here.
03:06 Kings County where I am at, we're only five cases so far.
03:11 But we're a very small and small population county,
03:13 very rural, and so you would expect it
03:17 to get to those places later.
03:20 But the real big difference I think we're going to see
03:22 in this country, you know, between places,
03:26 is going to have to do with how well we adhere
03:31 to those public health measures that help us to slow down
03:36 the spread of this disease.
03:39 Because what we find is, those places that did not
03:43 do that up front, and they got infection coming in
03:48 from wherever, it started spreading
03:51 without anything to control it, and they got too many cases,
03:55 and now it's spreading out of control.
03:57 And now it's far enough down the course of the disease
04:00 that the death toll is really starting to rise.
04:04 The ERs and ICUs are overwhelmed,
04:07 they're using all kinds of other facilities
04:10 to be temporary hospitals.
04:13 They're really in big trouble in the big places right there.
04:18 They're now trying to put in, of course, those measures,
04:21 but it's a little bit late.
04:24 But better late than never.
04:25 At least we're trying a little bit.
04:28 Here we sort of have the advantage of time;
04:32 being, it came there first.
04:34 And so, we can start to put in those measures
04:38 before it spreads here.
04:40 And so we have been doing here and throughout California,
04:44 including the Central Valley here, stay at home,
04:47 where we have people just stay in your home unless
04:50 you essentially have to get out to get some food,
04:53 or you're an essential healthcare worker
04:55 or something that we really need you there.
04:58 Stay at home.
05:00 And that's going to make a huge difference.
05:02 When you are out, keep your distance.
05:05 And most recently we have all been adding to that,
05:10 cover your face.
05:12 You know, there's been quite an amount of controversy
05:15 you'll see on wearing masks.
05:17 They started out telling us, "Don't wear masks.
05:20 It won't do any good.
05:21 But we need to save all the masks for the healthcare workers
05:24 because they really do work."
05:26 The bottom line, if you think about it,
05:28 every respiratory illness spreads in the air.
05:33 And when you have an infection, whether it's a common cold
05:38 or the COVID, every time you breathe or cough or sneeze,
05:43 it comes out into the air.
05:46 And if you're near that person, or even a little ways away,
05:52 it's floating there.
05:53 And you have to breathe as well, and you inhale,
05:58 and those microscopic particles that you can't see
06:01 carry those little seeds of death.
06:04 You know, those little...
06:05 And they're going to go in, attach to your
06:08 respiratory epithelium up in the nasal passages
06:12 or even down into the lungs and the tissue there,
06:16 and then they infect a cell.
06:18 And once that cell gets infected, then it
06:20 releases thousands more that infect all cells around them,
06:24 and you're infected.
06:25 You've got the infection going on.
06:27 So wearing a mask, covering the face,
06:30 does a couple of things.
06:31 You know, it's going to help block those particles there.
06:35 None of the masks are perfect.
06:37 You know, our homemade mask maybe even a little bit less so,
06:41 but not necessarily.
06:42 They're all going to give you some degree of protection.
06:46 But most everyone is in agreement, their best thing is
06:49 they're going to keep you from spreading it to someone else.
06:53 They're going to really catch the droplets as they come out
06:56 of you very effectively.
06:58 And most people understand that to be a very effective
07:01 way of stopping the spread.
07:03 One of the first things we do when someone comes in
07:05 the ER or any health facility that's had any kind of symptoms,
07:08 we put a mask on them.
07:10 Because we know that's the best protection,
07:12 is to mask the source.
07:14 And if you just think about it, if everybody wears a mask
07:18 this thing is going to stop spreading because
07:21 we don't know who is infected.
07:23 We used to say 25% of the people were asymptomatic.
07:27 Now as we look at some of the places where they have done
07:29 extensive testing like one of the cruise ships
07:32 and some places like that, suddenly they're realizing
07:34 50% of the people are asymptomatic.
07:38 And so, there is a lot of well people that are
07:42 carrying the virus out there.
07:44 But if every well person put on a mask,
07:47 even if they think they're doing it to protect themselves,
07:51 and the bottom line is, if everybody does it
07:53 we're going to be protected.
07:54 We're going to slow down the spread of this.
07:57 And even if we can't prevent it from hitting here,
08:00 if we slow it down and spread it out, like we talked last time,
08:05 we can, you know, avoid being overwhelmed in the hospitals
08:13 and the death toll going up so rapidly because we don't have
08:16 the resources to save everybody's life,
08:19 we don't have enough ventilators to keep everybody
08:21 breathing that needs one.
08:23 Yeah, doctor, before we leave this, here's a mask.
08:26 ~ Yes.
08:29 Single use? Can we use it several times?
08:32 That question seems to be floating around.
08:34 Have a new one every day? Can we use it two days in a row?
08:37 What's the best policy?
08:39 Yeah, we're realizing that under the circumstances,
08:43 we're going to have to reuse this stuff.
08:44 There's guidelines in the hospitals
08:46 for cleaning and reusing the N95
08:49 even in that high use, high risk situation,
08:52 and out here in the community, yeah, we can reuse them.
08:57 We can use them over. It's better than nothing.
09:00 The cloth ones that people sew up, those you can just
09:04 throw in the laundry every day and, you know, have a clean one.
09:09 Or you can have a couple of them and throw them
09:10 ultimately in the laundry.
09:12 So they can be reused.
09:14 Ideally, you know, in a healthcare setting
09:17 we're going to try to be a lot more careful
09:19 about it because we definitely have viruses going right there.
09:23 And so we're going to be as careful as we possibly can be.
09:26 But even there we're running out of resources in places
09:29 and we've got to make the best with what we can.
09:32 And it seems like even reusing is better than no mask at all.
09:38 Just a little academic question, why is it called, COVID-19?
09:44 ~ COVID-19.
09:46 "Covid," stands for,
09:48 "coronavirus infectious disease."
09:51 And, "19," is because that's the year they first discovered it.
09:56 It sounds like the first case we know of was in November.
10:00 And then in December, it was really spreading through Wuhan
10:03 and spreading out.
10:06 Before we started locking down things here, I think,
10:09 nearly 500,000 Chinese had come to America
10:14 through various ways or whatever.
10:16 So it's spreading around the world.
10:19 And of course, people spreading it everywhere,
10:21 and we see it popping up everywhere now.
10:23 But COVID-19 is the official name is was given.
10:27 You know, in the past we often named them
10:29 by geographic locations.
10:31 Ebola is the name of a river, Marburg there in Africa.
10:34 Many of these diseases are named by their locations.
10:38 But they felt that in today's climate, that would
10:42 be not acceptable and it would be much safer
10:45 to just give that name.
10:47 They didn't even want to name it, you know, after the
10:50 bats or the pangolins or the other things, because, well
10:54 that's not good either.
10:56 So just they gave it some name that couldn't be tied
11:02 to anything else, and figured that was a safe name.
11:04 And so they gave it the official name of COVID-19.
11:08 Following on Pastor Bohr's question, coronavirus,
11:12 the coronavirus' are a family of viruses?
11:15 Give us just a little explanation of that.
11:18 "Corona," actually describes the structure.
11:21 If you look at the pictures of it, they look like a ball
11:24 with little spikes sticking all out of it.
11:26 And when you look under one of these microscopes,
11:29 you sort of see the silhouette of it, and you basically see
11:31 this ring with the little spikes sort of like a crown.
11:34 And so they're called, corona, because
11:36 you look under the microscope and you see
11:38 all these little crown everywhere.
11:40 So it was named the coronavirus.
11:42 Coronavirus is a whole family of viruses.
11:45 They've been around for a long time.
11:47 Most of the coronaviruses cause symptoms
11:49 similar to the common cold.
11:51 Nothing real serious until we came up with SARS, and MERS,
11:57 and now the COVID-19.
12:05 And these, of course, have become much more infective.
12:08 These spike proteins are altered, and they really
12:13 easily infect cells and cause a severe level of disease.
12:19 Well, you know, the ideal of course, would be to find
12:22 a vaccine for COVID.
12:25 ~ That would be great if we had one of those right now.
12:28 I guess that's going to be way down the road.
12:32 So, you know, I've heard about a lot of alternative
12:36 things that would help in this case.
12:39 So if I can mention some of them, maybe you can
12:42 help us understand whether this is really worthwhile or not.
12:47 ~ Sure, yeah, let's talk about some of these alternatives.
12:49 First of all, garlic.
12:51 ~ Garlic.
12:53 Yeah, garlic has been known for its antibiotic, antiviral
13:01 properties for a long time.
13:02 And most anybody you talk to about natural remedies,
13:07 if you've got an infection of some kind,
13:10 let's put garlic on it, or let's eat some garlic, or take garlic.
13:14 Lots of different ways of using garlic because it seems to help.
13:18 And I think... And it probably does.
13:21 I'm all in favor of garlic.
13:24 It tastes great.
13:26 I love food made with lots of garlic in it.
13:30 But I think maybe look back at the underlying principle.
13:35 If you think about it, God has put in our food
13:38 so many things that are really essential for life.
13:43 And not just basically to stay alive, but to keep us healthy,
13:49 and to help us fight disease and help us fight infections.
13:53 And you know, blueberries have, like, over 600 different
14:00 bio-active molecules in them; meaning, molecules of
14:03 all these different bioflavins, and phytochemicals.
14:09 Just all these different substances.
14:13 And they're active.
14:14 They go into cells, and the cells pick them up,
14:16 they stick inside cells and do things there.
14:18 And we don't even know what they all do.
14:20 But we're beginning to learn what a lot of them do.
14:23 And a lot of them interact with the body's immune system
14:27 in ways that really enhances it, allows it to function better.
14:31 And garlic, I mentioned blueberries have 600,
14:34 garlic have over 900 of these bio-active substances
14:38 of some kind in there.
14:40 Some of them we know what they do.
14:41 Most of them we don't know what they do,
14:44 but they seem to go into cells.
14:45 And I'm sure God put them there for some reason.
14:49 And just because we don't totally understand it
14:53 doesn't mean that it's not important.
14:56 Every little piece of importance helps.
14:58 I mean, there's one thing that correlates with health
15:01 of all kinds; and that is a diet that's almost entirely
15:06 of fruits, vegetables.
15:08 In other words, food the way God made it.
15:10 And you can pick out one piece like the garlic,
15:13 and wow, this really works great.
15:16 But it probably all works really great.
15:19 And I think the most important thing is that we go for
15:22 the whole thing, you know.
15:24 Live on the food the way God made it.
15:26 But garlic, I've heard only good stuff about it.
15:29 It's certainly not going to hurt anything.
15:32 Use it.
15:33 Can you overdose on vitamin C?
15:36 Vitamin C is very interesting.
15:38 We know that vitamin C is anti-viral in its properties.
15:42 It's really good for fighting infections.
15:45 You come down with infections, load up on the vitamin C.
15:49 Vitamin C is water soluble.
15:53 And so, if you take and say, "Wow, man, I feel like
15:56 I'm coming down with something," and you take, you know,
15:59 three or four or five grams of vitamin C,
16:03 it's water soluble, and it all comes out in the urine
16:06 over the next few hours.
16:09 And you can take it again in a few hours,
16:10 and it'll come out again.
16:12 And you can take it all again.
16:13 So you're not really hurting the body by taking extra vitamin C.
16:18 Does extra vitamin C of the really high mega doses
16:21 make a difference?
16:23 There's a lot of different opinions in there.
16:25 Certainly if you're not on a diet of fruits and vegetables,
16:29 you're running very low on vitamin C.
16:32 And there's a lot of evidence that suggests that
16:36 more vitamin C than most people get is probably the ideal.
16:40 You know, we're not living continuously on fruits
16:44 and stuff that are so high in vitamin C,
16:46 and so our vitamin C is probably a lot lower than would be ideal.
16:50 And particularly since we know it, you know, has properties
16:54 that help us fight infections.
16:56 You know, at this time when there's viruses around
16:59 we want our immune systems on optimum.
17:01 You know, using some extra vitamin C
17:03 is probably quite reasonable.
17:05 And certainly, if you're one of those at home
17:09 with, you know, no access to any other therapies
17:13 or treatments, taking vitamin C would be quite valuable
17:18 in helping to fight this.
17:20 And it's certainly not going to hurt you.
17:22 You know, it's easily cleared by the kidneys in the urine.
17:26 So, yeah, take the vitamin C.
17:28 ~ What about zinc?
17:32 Yeah, zinc.
17:33 Zinc is an element, a trace element.
17:37 The body needs zinc.
17:39 And many of the various enzymes or proteins that function in the
17:45 body's immune system require zinc.
17:49 Now a protein, an enzyme, some functioning protein
17:52 that's doing a certain job needs zinc or manganese.
17:57 Whatever it needs there.
17:59 It needs it to function.
18:00 And if you don't have that piece in there,
18:03 the tool is useless.
18:04 It has no function at all without that key piece in there.
18:07 So if you've got an enzyme that needs zinc,
18:10 and you don't have it in there...
18:12 Well there's hundreds of different ones in the body
18:13 that need zinc.
18:15 And many of the key ones in the body's immune system needs zinc.
18:19 In the U.S. population in general, about 25%
18:24 are deficient in zinc.
18:27 And they're going to be deficient in all of these
18:29 functions because they're deficient in zinc.
18:32 And interestingly, when we look at it, frequently we find
18:35 that vegetarians and vegans may be deficient in zinc?
18:40 And so, adding a trace element supplement that has zinc in it
18:44 would certainly be a reasonable thing to do.
18:47 And you know, many people are saying,
18:50 "Oh yeah, I take zinc and I got better."
18:51 Well, it's probably because now everything was working better
18:54 that wasn't working before because you were actually
18:56 running deficient in zinc.
18:58 And so, yeah, making sure you're up on the zinc by taking
19:02 a trace element supplement.
19:03 Now I would say about zinc, or any of the other elements,
19:07 you know, supplements, the right amount is the right amount.
19:13 And I would follow the instructions
19:15 for the dosing and stuff.
19:17 It's not like vitamin C; if some is good, more is better.
19:21 No. Most of these, whether it's zinc, or copper, or manganese,
19:25 or whatever, you can be deficient, and then you can
19:28 have the right amount, or you can become toxic.
19:31 And many of these things will become toxic in higher doses.
19:34 And so, don't take extra.
19:37 Take the recommended amount on the various supplements
19:40 that you're looking at.
19:42 I want to return just for a moment to vitamin C,
19:45 and maybe some of these other things also.
19:49 What do you recommend?
19:50 And my question is, is the supplement a tablet or the pill
19:55 or the gel cap equal to getting it from...
19:59 I mean, in California we have an abundance of oranges,
20:01 we have an abundance of lemons, we have an abundance of
20:04 a number of things, including leafy greens that you can get
20:08 vitamin C from.
20:09 If you're out in Iowa or some place in the
20:12 middle of the country and can't get access to the store,
20:15 you may not be able to grab fresh fruit very easily.
20:20 How effective is it in a supplemental form
20:23 vis-à-vis the natural form off the tree, off the vine?
20:28 Many people have found that it's very effective
20:31 to go ahead and take the supplements
20:33 whether you're getting the powder or whether you're taking
20:35 it in pills or capsules.
20:37 Obviously, when God made oranges, He put in not only
20:41 vitamin C, but hundreds of other things that you need too.
20:45 So again, I'm always partial to the way God packaged it
20:48 rather than the way some pharmaceutical
20:51 company packaged it.
20:52 But to the degree that, hey, you're not living on
20:57 orange juice, you know, then yeah, go ahead and
21:01 use the supplements.
21:04 They're using it, some people in China, they've been using
21:07 the IV vitamin C quite extensively very favorably
21:12 in the results they're reporting in that.
21:15 Their staff, they have them all on the oral vitamin C
21:18 trying to help protect them.
21:20 So, you know, it's got a role there.
21:23 Here in this country, most of our health establishment
21:27 is very anti IV vitamin C.
21:32 You know, if you can find a doctor or a system that will
21:34 give it to you, that's probably good if you're quite sick.
21:37 On the other hand, don't be surprised if they are not
21:41 planning on treating you with that.
21:45 But another thing, you know, when we talk about
21:47 the advantage of IV vitamin C where they put really high doses
21:51 in the IV and run it right in,
21:53 it's supposed to work really good,
21:55 vitamin C is very well absorbed orally.
21:59 Unless you're intubated on a ventilator and there's no way
22:02 you can take anything by mouth, a high dose of oral vitamin C
22:07 is still going to be very readily absorbed.
22:11 It's going to go right into the bloodstream.
22:12 It's going to circulate in the blood the same
22:14 as the IV vitamin C.
22:16 And like the IV vitamin C, it will be cleared in the urine
22:19 and disappear from the body and you'll need another dose,
22:23 you know, in another 4 to 6 hours.
22:25 You know, I have on my desk two bottles that were
22:30 sent to me by someone.
22:32 The bottles contain iodine.
22:35 And it comes with a dropper.
22:38 It says, "Put a drop of iodine on your tongue,
22:41 and that will be helpful in preventing
22:43 you getting the coronavirus."
22:46 Is...
22:49 It's true, iodine kills germs, bacteria, viruses.
22:56 In the hospital we use a substance called Betadine.
22:59 It's an iodine solution, and we use it to sterilize
23:02 skin before surgery.
23:05 We put it on different instruments to sterilize
23:08 and clean them.
23:09 We put it in certain soaps to clean things.
23:12 So yeah, iodine kills things.
23:14 How effective putting it on your tongue is?
23:17 Well what if you breathe in the germ through your nose?
23:21 - I guess you'll have to put some in your nose.
23:24 You don't want to take, you know, overload on iodine
23:27 and get too much in there, again, you know.
23:30 So I'm not real excited about those,
23:34 but it's true that iodine kills germs.
23:37 If you've got a germ on your tongue and you put the
23:38 iodine on it, it will kill that germ on your tongue.
23:43 I think the more systemic and things of general health
23:49 principles are probably much more important.
23:51 Stay hydrated, drink lots of water, fresh air and sunlight,
23:57 a simple diet and staying away from junk food
24:00 is probably your best defense.
24:03 You know, it's often when we find a substance,
24:06 whether it's iodine or whatever, some little thing,
24:09 we look at it, "Oh, I've got this, and now I'm safe."
24:12 And then it's sort of like we did that instead of
24:15 all of the other stuff we should have been doing.
24:17 And that's such a mistake when we make
24:19 that transition, you know.
24:21 You know, in Latin America, of course I grew up down there,
24:27 lemon or lime cures everything.
24:32 Are lemons and limes good mainly for the vitamin C
24:36 or do they have other properties that are beneficial
24:40 that you would not, for example, find in an orange?
24:44 As far as I know, they're very high in vitamin C,
24:47 like the other citrus.
24:49 And like the other citrus, they have all of those
24:52 other substances in them that are beneficial.
24:55 And whether a lemon has something that an orange didn't,
24:58 or a grapefruit or a pomelo, generally my approach has been
25:05 we don't usually know for sure that stuff.
25:07 And a variety is always better than a mono-diet, you know.
25:14 Living just on lemons or just on this.
25:17 Lemons, you know, throughout history have had a place
25:20 in the medicine cabinets, and particularly in places...
25:26 You know, it's like they're a magic cure for so many things.
25:29 I mean, if you go back a century or two, the British
25:33 became known as limeys because somebody discovered
25:37 that scurvy, which plagued all of the ships at sea...
25:41 You go out there at sea so much without any fresh fruits
25:45 that people got scurvy.
25:46 And somebody figured out, oh the substance in these
25:49 limes, if you just...
25:50 And they would start packing limes, and every sailor
25:53 had to have half a lime every day.
25:55 And suddenly nobody on the British ships got scurvy.
25:58 So yeah, that was a magic pill there.
26:01 And again, the more deficient we become in things,
26:06 the more magical a single piece of something God made
26:11 is really good for us.
26:13 While we're on the... I'm sorry, pastor.
26:15 I want to mine this just a little bit.
26:17 Because when we think about vitamin C,
26:19 we naturally think citrus.
26:21 But aren't leafy greens a fairly decent source of vitamin C also?
26:26 Oh yes, and as a matter of fact, when we're talking about
26:28 the immune system, it's not just vitamin C.
26:32 There are so many other vitamins in there.
26:35 The basic vitamins, you know, that we need that are
26:38 found in there.
26:39 And beyond that, again, there's a whole other range
26:42 of these various phytochemicals that are found in the greens
26:47 that aren't in some of the fruits right there.
26:51 Someday when we've got a couple of hours
26:53 we'll go over those lectures on greens.
26:55 And there are so many things found in greens.
26:59 You know, when Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden,
27:02 one of the things that God gave them right that first day
27:06 as they left was, eat the greens.
27:09 You're going to need these greens now.
27:11 And don't forget that.
27:15 It was so important that He added it right at
27:17 the very beginning.
27:19 Not down the road, but right there at the beginning.
27:21 He says, "You guys got to eat the greens now."
27:23 And it's still true. Eat your greens.
27:26 ~ That's right. Good.
27:27 Well, time has almost run out, C.A.
27:29 Yeah, I didn't see the clock.
27:31 You have a better angle on it.
27:33 But it goes away very, very fast.
27:35 And maybe when next we meet we can talk a little bit
27:39 more about lifestyle.
27:40 Which we intended to get into this program, but sometimes
27:43 other things kind of jump in there
27:44 and you don't get a chance to cover it all.
27:46 You want to close with a text. Do we have time to do that?
27:48 Well, I don't think we have time.
27:50 So why don't you just wind it down.
27:52 Okay.
27:54 Well again, hopefully this program has been of value to you,
27:59 it has said something that can help you and allow you to
28:04 prepare yourself and fortify yourself,
28:08 and help those that you love also
28:10 to do the very best that we can to stay healthy
28:12 and to stay on the Lord's side.


Revised 2020-11-03