Country Wisdom

How Big Is Your God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000004S

00:00 (gentle music)
00:08 (Jim speaking indistinctly)
00:13 - Hey, welcome everybody to Talking Donkey International
00:16 and our new television series, "Country Wisdom."
00:19 - Let's set the tone for this new series of ours.
00:22 It's found in Proverbs 4,
00:24 "Let your eyes look directly forward
00:27 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:30 Ponder the path of your feet
00:33 and then all your ways will be sure."
00:36 - Join us now for "Country Wisdom."
00:39 (gentle music)
00:45 (upbeat music)
00:50 (birds chirping)
00:59 - Look at that view, Jim.
01:01 - It's beautiful, isn't it?
01:03 - I don't know about you, but when I come up
01:04 to a place like this, out in the mountains,
01:08 all these trees, rocks, that view,
01:13 I can't help it, but I just feel so much closer to God.
01:17 You look out at the expanse of his creation,
01:21 and what's amazing to me is that there are
01:22 people who don't even believe he exists.
01:26 - And you know, the exciting this is,
01:27 the same God in the Bible, is the same God today,
01:30 he's alive and well.
01:31 And folks, I'd like to tell you, stay tuned,
01:34 because I'm going to share with you
01:35 things that God is doing today,
01:36 you'll discover he's alive and he's well.
01:40 (gentle music)
01:42 (water running)
01:53 God truly is amazing, his creation is amazing.
01:57 But there are some people who,
01:59 even though they believe in God,
02:01 they think that maybe he created everything
02:03 and then he put it on auto-pilot.
02:05 It's just running, it's just doing its thing,
02:07 and he's not involved in humanity at all.
02:10 But that really isn't the case,
02:12 the Bible tells us that's not the case.
02:14 And a matter of fact, the Bible talks about something else,
02:17 listen to what it says in Hebrews chapter eight,
02:20 or excuse me, chapter 13 in verse eight.
02:23 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
02:25 today, and forever."
02:28 He's the same God, he hasn't changed.
02:29 He didn't set things on auto-pilot.
02:32 In Malachi, chapter three verse six,
02:34 "I am the Lord, and I do not change."
02:38 So, as we read things in the Bible,
02:40 for instance, there's a story in Luke,
02:43 in chapter seven, Jesus with this disciples
02:45 is walking along the street,
02:47 and he sees a funeral.
02:48 He approaches the funeral and he sees
02:50 a young boy that's dead.
02:52 The mother is weeping, and it says
02:54 he has compassion on the mother.
02:56 He goes up, he touches the boy.
02:58 The touch of God.
03:00 The creator God, reaches down
03:02 and he lifts that boy up.
03:03 See, every funeral that's recorded in the Bible,
03:07 that Jesus came across a dead person,
03:09 he raised them from the dead.
03:11 He broke up the funeral.
03:13 And I submit to you, he's the same God today.
03:17 Just an example, we were traveling in Ethiopia,
03:20 we were looking for a specific story,
03:22 a fellow that I'd heard, he'd been a fortune teller
03:24 for almost 40 years, but his life had changed.
03:28 You see, a fortune teller, they control
03:30 the village, they control the people,
03:31 they control everything.
03:33 And this man would tell a fortune
03:35 and you better pay attention to it,
03:36 you better listen, because if you didn't, you could die.
03:40 For someone who died in the village,
03:41 he said, that's because they didn't listen to me.
03:45 Everybody's scared of the fortune teller,
03:47 and a matter of fact, he's rich,
03:49 because he charges a lot to tell your fortune.
03:52 A cow, a pig, a sheep, a goat,
03:55 something like that.
03:57 But he became a Christian.
03:59 And when he became a Christian,
04:00 he wanted nothing to do with that anymore.
04:03 The wife, she didn't want anything
04:05 to do with Christianity, but the husband,
04:07 he kept studying and finally,
04:10 several times over weeks, he discovered other
04:12 people in the village had recently become Christians too.
04:16 He decided he wanted to get together
04:18 and study with them.
04:19 Pretty soon, their little group under a tree
04:21 is growing and growing and growing so large,
04:23 they said, we need to find a place to rent.
04:26 Well, we'll go out and find a place
04:29 that we can have as our place of worship.
04:31 They begin house hunting, as it were,
04:33 or church hunting.
04:36 About that time, the ex-fortune teller's wife dies.
04:41 That particular day, I had three cameramen,
04:43 we're in the village filming,
04:44 I had three cameramen, I lined up five guys.
04:48 First guy, this lady was dead?
04:51 Oh yes, she was dead.
04:52 Second guy, you sure she was dead?
04:54 Oh yes, she was absolutely dead, she was dead three days.
04:57 Third guy, really three days?
05:00 And the fourth guy, well we prayed for her.
05:04 And the fifth guy said, "And God raised her from the dead."
05:08 I wanna submit to you that God of the Bible
05:11 is the same God today.
05:12 He's working in hearts and lives right now,
05:14 today, in amazing ways.
05:17 Amazing ways!
05:18 I was in India,
05:21 in India I was holding a large series of meetings,
05:23 maybe a thousand or two thousand people there.
05:26 On a particular night this lady,
05:27 over in the right-hand side pew
05:29 begins yelling and screaming in the Telugu language,
05:31 help me! Help me!
05:33 We stopped the meeting, I call her up.
05:35 She's got a child in her arms,
05:37 eyes rolled back in his head,
05:39 child's not moving, and everybody that sees that child
05:43 as she carries him up to the stage,
05:45 they begin wailing, and I think there's nothing
05:48 I can do, so I send her to a friend of mine,
05:50 who's a medical doctor over on the side,
05:53 maybe he can look at the child.
05:55 And then I think, well, what now?
05:57 There's nothing else to do but pray.
06:00 And I think, that is so sad for us,
06:02 especially for us as Christians,
06:04 we say, well there's nothing else I can do,
06:06 I guess I'll go ahead and pray,
06:07 that's a last resort.
06:09 When prayer should be the first resort.
06:12 I began praying, my translator would pray,
06:15 and as he was praying, I'd look over at the doctor,
06:17 thumbs up, thumbs down.
06:18 Well, it was thumbs down.
06:20 Pray again, thumbs down.
06:21 This went back and forth and back and forth
06:24 for several minutes.
06:25 And finally he's thumbs up.
06:28 And you know, it went throughout that city,
06:29 this big city, that the creator God of the Universe
06:32 had raised that child from the dead.
06:36 You see, the God of the Bible
06:38 is the same God today.
06:40 (gentle music)
07:25 Hi, I'm Jim Ayer,
07:26 my good friend Terry Cantrell and I
07:27 have traveled the world together filming
07:29 from Egypt, to Zanzibar, from Costa Rica to Brazil,
07:32 India and beyond.
07:34 For years we've captured stories that uplift
07:36 the God of Heaven, stories that
07:38 touch and change lives.
07:40 Now we're on a new adventure and you're invited.
07:43 We started Talking Donkey International,
07:45 Talking Donkey is a media ministry
07:47 dedicated to sharing Jesus Christ
07:49 in a unique and colorful way,
07:51 out of the ordinary, just like a talking donkey.
07:55 Like us, I'm guessing you're tired
07:57 of the same old cookie cutter programs
07:58 that line the Christian airwaves.
08:00 The gospel is exciting, it's time
08:02 to jump out of the mold and let the donkey talk,
08:06 when that happens people will pay attention,
08:08 it's way out of the ordinary
08:10 and we're inviting you to become a part
08:12 of this exciting and innovation outreach to the world.
08:15 People are tired of watching the same old thing.
08:17 Become a financial partner with us today and together,
08:20 we will change Christian TV forever.
08:23 Give the donkey a voice.
08:27 - In chapter eight, of the Book of Acts,
08:30 a really interesting story.
08:32 Jesus appeared to basically to Philip,
08:35 speaking to him, we don't know how that happened
08:37 but he spoke to him and told him,
08:39 go down to the eunuch.
08:41 The eunuch is riding in a chariot,
08:43 he sees him, he runs down alongside the chariot,
08:46 he's invited into the chariot
08:47 to begin explaining some scripture.
08:49 After a while, the eunuch says,
08:51 well what hinders me to be baptized?
08:53 I know everything you've talked about,
08:55 I know all the scripture,
08:56 and now I understand who Jesus is
08:59 as he fits in the scripture.
09:00 So they go into the water,
09:01 he baptizes him, and the moment he comes up
09:04 out of the water, it says the Spirit takes him away.
09:08 And takes him to another whole village, another area.
09:12 You say, well that's in the Bible,
09:13 nothing like that happens today.
09:15 (chuckles) But indeed.
09:17 I want to share a story with you
09:18 that happened in a particular country
09:20 where it's totally illegal to share the gospel message.
09:24 But this young lady heard the gospel message
09:27 and she accepted Jesus with all of her heart
09:29 and she began telling everybody about Jesus.
09:32 You see, that's the way it is
09:34 when God has come into your life,
09:36 you can't control it, you just have to share it.
09:38 She was so excited about it, she's telling everyone,
09:41 but pretty soon the police caught up to her.
09:43 They beat her up, they tied her hands behind her back,
09:46 they blindfolded her and they hauled her
09:48 out in the jungle.
09:50 They dumped her in the jungle, in the middle of the night,
09:51 and said, see if your God can protect you.
09:55 She's laying there at night,
09:56 she can hear the growls and the snarls
09:58 and all the jungle animals, she's scared to death,
10:01 she said, Lord please, I don't wanna die,
10:03 please help me Lord.
10:06 In a moment, she could be able to wiggle her blindfold off,
10:09 and she lays there, still on the ground,
10:11 she looks, Lord please help me.
10:13 I don't want to die, but if you want me to die Lord,
10:17 I'm willing to.
10:18 But I would love to share more about you with others.
10:22 She continues praying and pretty soon
10:24 she can feel her hands, they're loose,
10:28 and she stands up and she looks all around,
10:31 Lord, I have no idea where I am,
10:33 it's dark, I can't see anything,
10:35 please help me to get out of this jungle.
10:38 The wind begins to blow in the trees,
10:39 harder than it is today it seems,
10:41 it was blowing harder and harder,
10:43 pretty soon her hair is blowing back,
10:45 then she's sick, she feels sick to her stomach.
10:49 She can't figure out what it is.
10:50 And the wind continues to blow harder and harder,
10:52 and all of a sudden, in the middle of the night,
10:55 she is set down in her own village, completely free.
10:59 (chuckles)
11:00 The God of the Bible,
11:01 he is definitely the same God today.
11:04 He's an amazing God.
11:06 Well, that's not all, scripture continues,
11:09 we find in Matthew chapter eight,
11:11 Jesus is confronted with demon possession,
11:15 I didn't, at one time I thought,
11:17 well oh, demon possession I don't know,
11:19 yeah, it's in the Bible.
11:20 It's in the Bible, well matter of fact,
11:22 it's all over, especially the New Testament.
11:24 Jesus contacts Satan in so many ways,
11:30 I want you to understand this,
11:31 he defeats him every time, in every way
11:33 he comes in contact with him.
11:36 Never misses a step, he defeats him every time,
11:38 Jesus is a winner.
11:40 Jesus is a winner.
11:42 I was in India, I had an amazing situation
11:45 where a friend of mine, who's a pastor,
11:47 is out baptizing people in the river,
11:48 we'd been holding large meetings,
11:50 he's baptizing this little tiny lady,
11:52 maybe 95 pounds dripping wet,
11:56 and I see him struggling,
11:57 I can't figure out what it is,
11:58 he's pulling and pulling and tugging,
12:00 and this lady's still under the water.
12:03 And all of a sudden, she comes up out of the water
12:05 and she's all contorted,
12:07 her body is totally disfigured.
12:10 Then God laid on my heart, demon possession.
12:14 I'd never seen it, I'd never really heard about it
12:16 other than from the Bible.
12:18 I walked down to the edge of the water
12:19 where they deacons brought her to the edge of the water,
12:21 I grabbed ahold of her and said, "In the name
12:23 of Jesus Christ, be gone!
12:26 I command you to be gone!"
12:27 Just as the Bible says.
12:29 And immediately, the woman,
12:31 (sighs heavily) she takes a breath,
12:33 she straightens her hair,
12:35 and she looks around and she walks on up the bank
12:37 with the other ladies.
12:38 God delivered this lady.
12:40 You see, the same God of the Bible is the same God today.
12:43 The same things happening in the Bible
12:45 are happening today in amazing ways.
12:48 We read in Ephesians,
12:50 I want to read this for you, in chapter six,
12:54 beginning at verse 10.
12:57 It says, finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord
12:59 and in the power of His might.
13:02 Put on the whole armor of God,
13:04 that you may be able to withstand
13:07 the wiles of the devil.
13:08 Now listen to this, for we wrestle not
13:10 against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
13:12 against powers, against ruler of this world,
13:16 against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13:19 The Bible talks about the powers of the devil,
13:22 it speaks also of the power of God
13:24 and God never loses.
13:27 (gentle music)
13:39 (chuckling) I just need to share
13:40 this other story with you.
13:42 I was working in Cameroon,
13:43 we had an evangelistic series going
13:45 in a huge soccer stadium.
13:49 During the meetings, at one point,
13:51 the audience was invited down to pray
13:53 for this vast audience, of their particular needs.
13:57 Our speaker, that particular night, began to pray.
14:00 And all of a sudden,
14:02 all of a sudden there was this huge commotion
14:04 in the stadium.
14:05 We all knew, we'd been around,
14:07 we'd worked enough in many countries
14:08 of the world, we knew it was demon possession.
14:12 A big entourage of big guys went out
14:14 and they grabbed this lady who was just flailing
14:17 all over, they held her up,
14:19 each one guy with an arm or leg,
14:21 I held her hair so she wouldn't bite the guys.
14:24 We carried her out behind the screen,
14:27 cause we'd had big screens filming
14:29 and showing the production,
14:32 and behind that screen I began demanding
14:34 in the name of Jesus Christ,
14:36 that the demons come out of her.
14:38 When you demand what the Bible says,
14:40 when your heart is right with God,
14:42 God will answer that kind of prayer
14:44 and chase the devil away.
14:45 That's exactly what happened.
14:47 This woman sat up,
14:48 she wiped her eyes, looked around,
14:51 the demon had left her.
14:52 At that moment, there's somebody else
14:55 in the audience that screamed again,
14:56 somebody else came around the corner
14:58 and said, Jim you have another one.
15:00 The demons had jumped to another woman in the audience.
15:03 Simply because you say that you're a Christian,
15:07 simply because you call out and say, I'm a Christian
15:10 and I go to meetings, doesn't mean that you really are.
15:12 You need to invite God into your life,
15:14 and God then will protect you.
15:16 God will change your life because he is a God of power
15:20 and a God of strength.
15:21 Now, I wanted to share with you another
15:23 particular quote in Psalms, chapter 66 verse five says,
15:28 "Come and see, come and see what God has done,
15:32 His wonderful works among his people."
15:36 I think of a time when I was in the Philippines
15:38 and I was talking with this pastor who,
15:40 his aunt, clear down in the southern part of the country,
15:45 huge earthquake, he calls her up from the north,
15:48 wrong phone number.
15:49 He thinks, well, because of the earthquake,
15:51 the lines must be messed up.
15:53 He calls the next day, same problem.
15:56 Third day, he calls again, same wrong number
15:59 the third day in a row,
16:01 and the woman on the other end of the line says,
16:02 what are you doing, why are you calling me,
16:04 why do you keep bugging me?
16:06 He said, ma'am I'm sorry, I wasn't honestly,
16:09 please I apologize.
16:11 Oh, and she begins using four-letter word cuss words,
16:14 he hangs up the phone, he said, I'm a pastor,
16:16 I don't need to listen to this.
16:18 (chuckling)
16:19 Well, the woman calls back.
16:21 He continues to apologize saying, ma'am I'm telling you
16:24 the truth, I didn't try and call you,
16:27 I was trying to call my aunt,
16:28 please, I even have a radio program,
16:30 a Christian radio program, I'm honest, I'm a pastor.
16:34 She stops, she says, what program do you have?
16:38 He tells the name of the program,
16:40 and there's silence on the other end of the line.
16:43 Then he hears crying.
16:45 Ma'am, are you all right?
16:47 And she tells him then, she says, I listen to your program,
16:50 my husband and I have been listening to it
16:52 recently all the time, would you please come visit us?
16:56 (chuckling) Well,
16:58 in this particular area, these people,
17:00 not too many years before that,
17:01 had been headhunters.
17:03 He was a little nervous to go,
17:04 but he decided to go because he is a pastor.
17:07 He takes a friend with him though at least,
17:09 they go to this village, meets with this lady
17:12 and her husband.
17:14 In a short time, this lady, her husband
17:17 and 16 other people in this village are baptized.
17:21 Because of a quote wrong phone number.
17:25 I wanna tell you, God knows you.
17:27 God knows your heart,
17:29 God knows your life,
17:30 He knows your address.
17:32 He knows everything about you
17:33 and he wants to connect with you.
17:35 This God of the Bible is alive today,
17:37 he's well and he's ready to touch bases with you,
17:41 get to know you on a very intimate
17:43 and a very personal basis.
17:46 This God watches out over us in such amazing ways.
17:49 We were actually broadcasting into a particular area,
17:52 some programs, and these people were
17:55 finding out about Jesus and they began meeting,
17:57 but they didn't know how to conduct church,
17:59 they didn't know how to form church groups or anything,
18:02 so we were taking them out of the country
18:05 into another country, to train them
18:07 on how to raise up churches,
18:08 because, you see, it was illegal in that country
18:10 to have church of any kind,
18:12 any Christian church, it was illegal.
18:15 They're sneaking out of the jungle one day,
18:16 coming across the jungle,
18:18 when all of a sudden, over here, comes the police,
18:20 they come up over rye and the police yell,
18:22 there they are, get 'em!
18:24 Our guys are in a wide-open area,
18:26 there's nothing they can do,
18:27 they freeze, they're just like deer in the headlights.
18:29 As the police, with guns ready, come running up to them.
18:33 They look, and they look and say,
18:34 where did they go, where did they go?
18:37 One of the police said, there they go that way!
18:38 And they took off running across
18:40 that path that they'd just been on out in the jungle.
18:43 To leave our guys to go on their way.
18:46 They were never seen.
18:48 (chuckling)
18:49 God put up a veil, in the eyes of these police,
18:52 and protected them.
18:54 That's the kind of God we serve,
18:55 that's the God who's alive and well today,
18:57 the God of the Bible.
18:59 The things God does in the Bible, same God today,
19:02 an amazing God.
19:06 There's another story down in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
19:08 Sao Paulo can be a pretty rough location,
19:10 pretty tough place.
19:12 This one day though, this young man and his wife,
19:15 they're driving down the roadway,
19:16 the wife says, stop, stop!
19:18 He slams on the the brakes,
19:19 scares him half to death.
19:21 (chuckles) My wife does
19:21 that to me once in a while.
19:22 Says what's happened?
19:23 He just slammed on the brakes,
19:25 and she just jumps out of the car,
19:26 she doesn't say a word.
19:27 She comes back and she's got a little book.
19:29 She says, honey do you see any wind?
19:33 No, no wind.
19:35 This book was laying out in the field
19:37 and the pages were blowing back and forth,
19:39 first one way and then another way,
19:41 blowing back and forth.
19:42 I just had to see what this book was,
19:44 because there is no wind.
19:47 Well they read this book, it was an amazing book,
19:50 they were so excited, they were thrilled to death.
19:54 But there was no advertising in the book.
19:56 No place to call, no place to find out
19:58 who printed this book.
20:00 One day the fellow went downtown Sao Paulo,
20:03 was riding his motorcycle,
20:04 he comes up behind this vehicle,
20:06 and on the bumper of the vehicle
20:08 there's a little sticker,
20:09 the same sticker that was on that book.
20:12 He pulls up alongside the car,
20:14 he begins talking to the fellow.
20:16 In downtown Sao Paulo, when a motorcycle
20:18 pulls up alongside you, that's not necessarily good.
20:20 The guy in the vehicle rolls up the window
20:23 and as soon as the stoplight changes to green,
20:25 he takes off.
20:26 Motorcycle follows right in behind him,
20:28 he's following him down the street.
20:30 Now the guy speeds up a little bit,
20:31 but all of a sudden he's caught at another traffic light.
20:34 The motorcycle pulls up alongside him again,
20:36 scares the guy so bad the guy goes through
20:38 the red light now.
20:39 Motorcycle follows him along, continuing down the streets,
20:41 finally he's blocked with traffic, he can't move.
20:44 Fellow pulls up alongside him,
20:45 and he yells the name of the book,
20:47 "Great Controversy, Great Controversy!"
20:50 The guy in the car stops,
20:51 he cracks his window a little bit and says,
20:53 what did you say?
20:55 "Great Controversy."
20:57 This fellow worked in the church
20:59 who'd handed out this particular book.
21:01 He knew this book.
21:03 And he began studying with the fellow and his wife,
21:06 they were baptized.
21:08 They were baptized from that encounter
21:10 of a book laying out in the field with no wind,
21:13 who's pages were blowing back and forth.
21:17 Oh, God loves you friend, and God is seeking
21:18 to have that relationship with you.
21:20 You need to pay attention and listen and watch,
21:23 where God is at work around you, and join God.
21:27 I can probably share stories for hours with you,
21:29 things that are happening right now.
21:31 I do want to share at least one more story with you though,
21:34 and that's in Nepal.
21:37 This fellow was a Maoist terrorist,
21:39 it's kind of a mouthful to say Maoist terrorist,
21:41 but he was.
21:43 People were scared of him, everywhere.
21:44 He'd go to a village, everybody would
21:46 give everything he asked for
21:47 because he'd kill them otherwise.
21:49 Very simple.
21:50 He'd shoot them dead.
21:52 One particular day, he walked into a church,
21:55 he walked into this church,
21:57 he was going to kill the pastor and take the money,
21:59 take the offering,
22:00 they'd just recently taken up the offering.
22:02 Well, he got into that church,
22:04 he sticks the gun in the pastor's face
22:06 and the pastor says, "You're going to change
22:08 when God comes into your life,
22:10 you're going to change."
22:11 (chuckling) It shocked him so much.
22:13 He couldn't believe it, he didn't know what to do.
22:16 He turned and he left,
22:17 he didn't even take the money.
22:20 Time went by, he's continually thinking of this,
22:23 who is this Jesus fellow?
22:24 Who is this Jesus?
22:26 It bothered him so.
22:28 Day after day, and one day as he's tuning the radio,
22:32 he comes across a program
22:33 that's talking about this Jesus.
22:35 He stops, he listens and thinking,
22:38 (chuckling) what is this?
22:40 But after a while of listening to the same program
22:42 every day, he fell in love with Jesus Christ.
22:45 You see, that's what happens.
22:47 You begin listening to who Jesus is,
22:49 the God of the Bible, he's the same God today
22:52 and you begin falling in love with him.
22:55 And this young man did,
22:56 he changed his whole life.
22:57 He quit being a terrorist.
22:59 Normally, they would kill him,
23:01 but he helped convert many of the other terrorists as well.
23:05 It's amazing the things God does.
23:07 In Romans chapter eight, verse 31,
23:10 the Bible says, "In view of all this,
23:13 what can we say?"
23:14 What can we say?
23:16 I think about a young man that I was doing meetings
23:18 in one of the particular states here in the US.
23:23 The young man was a pretty big boy, about 600 pounds.
23:26 Turns out he'd been an Aryan Brotherhood enforcer.
23:29 He'd been a murderer.
23:31 He gave his heart to God,
23:33 and we had a big tank that day,
23:35 kind of a stock tank is the only thing we had,
23:37 we were in a kind of a country setting,
23:39 and we baptized that young man in that tank.
23:42 Washed his sins away.
23:44 God wants to change each one of us.
23:47 Maybe things you've done,
23:48 you know, you might be a drug dealer, an alcoholic,
23:51 and a thief, I was all those things at one time.
23:54 You may be a cocaine addict,
23:56 the list goes on and on and on.
23:58 God doesn't care, he says, come to me.
24:00 I will change you, I will give you rest.
24:03 I think of a young lady and her mother,
24:06 Christina and Maria, they were down in Brazil.
24:10 Christina, well she was a beautiful young woman,
24:14 and her mother could tell that one day
24:17 she was going to be problems with the young men,
24:20 every young man looked at her with eyes,
24:22 well just, wide open.
24:25 She kept saying, you do not go to the city.
24:27 Do not go to the city, honey,
24:29 you will have troubles if you go to the city.
24:32 Mom gets up one morning, she goes to her bedroom,
24:35 and there, Christina's bed is totally empty
24:38 with a note on the bed.
24:39 Mama, I love you, I've gone to the city.
24:43 Oh, just about broke the mother's heart.
24:46 Mother gathers up every bit of coin,
24:49 every bit of change, every bit of money she could find,
24:52 and she put it all in a little purse,
24:54 and she headed toward the bus station.
24:56 Before she got to the bus station,
24:57 she stopped at a little place that took photos,
25:00 you know, she got into this little booth,
25:02 and she took photos, every dollar, every penny,
25:05 every dime, she spent on photos.
25:07 She got on the bus, and she headed to the city.
25:10 And she began writing on the back of each one of these.
25:14 Every single one, she wrote something.
25:16 She got to the city, and she began going
25:19 to every sleazy hotel, every dive,
25:22 every restroom she could find,
25:23 and she posted one of those photos.
25:27 This went on for days and days and days
25:29 until she'd finally spent all the rest of her money,
25:32 she spent everything and she had no more photos.
25:34 Then she went home.
25:36 And she continued to pray.
25:39 Continued to pray for her young, sweet daughter.
25:42 And one day, that young sweet daughter,
25:44 who looks a little harder now, a little rougher,
25:46 comes down one of those back, dark stairwells
25:49 with a guy hanging onto her.
25:51 She comes to the bottom of the stairs
25:53 and there on a little bulletin board,
25:55 is a picture of her mama.
25:58 She turns the photo over,
26:01 and she reads what mama had written on the back of it.
26:04 It says, honey, no matter what you've done,
26:08 no matter what you've become, I still love you,
26:11 come home.
26:13 My friends, God feels the same way.
26:16 No matter what you've done,
26:18 no matter what you've become in life,
26:20 God loves you.
26:21 He cares for you, he wants you to come to him.
26:24 Seriously, it doesn't matter how bad you are,
26:27 the devil will try and tell you you're too bad,
26:29 you can't come to God with all the things you've done.
26:31 Don't believe him.
26:33 The Bible says he's a liar, from the beginning of time,
26:36 he's a liar.
26:38 But you can trust God, you can believe God.
26:40 Same God of the Bible, same God today,
26:42 he loves you.
26:43 Respond to him right now, say Jesus please,
26:46 come in to my life.
26:48 And God will do that and he will change your life.
26:50 Please respond to God right now,
26:53 just as you are.
26:56 (upbeat music)
27:08 - [Narrator] Introducing Talking Donkey International.
27:10 God once used a donkey to spread His word,
27:13 but he'd rather use all of us.
27:16 Our experienced team has preached, taught
27:18 and filmed in countries around the globe,
27:21 in partnership with you, our mission is to share
27:23 the lifesaving love and hope found only in Jesus Christ
27:27 with everyone in this lost and dying world.
27:30 Your financial partnership with Talking Donkey
27:32 will enable this exciting ministry to proclaim
27:35 that Jesus is coming soon.
27:38 It's time to prepare quality programming,
27:40 created to attract and reach viewers of the world.
27:43 Together, we can carry the final advent message
27:46 to the individuals of planet Earth
27:48 and hasten the return of our Lord.
27:51 Please pray for and support
27:53 the successful mission of Talking Donkey International.
27:58 (soft music)
28:00 - Hey, thanks for joining us for "Country Wisdom."
28:03 - See you next time.
28:05 (soft music)


Revised 2021-01-09