Country Wisdom

The Joy of Adoption

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000012S

00:00 (gentle music)
00:05 - [Jim] Oh yes stay right there,
00:08 stay right there I will be right back.
00:13 Hey, welcome everybody, to Talking Donkey international
00:16 and our new television series, Country Wisdom.
00:18 - Let's set the tone for this new series of ours.
00:21 It's found in Proverbs 4, "Let your eyes look
00:26 directly forward and your gaze be straight before you.
00:30 Ponder the path of your feet,
00:33 and then all your ways will be sure."
00:36 - Join us now for Country Wisdom.
00:38 (gentle music)
00:45 - Have I ever told you the whole story
00:48 of how we decided to adopt our daughter?
00:49 - No, I don't think you have, I'd love to hear it.
00:52 - Oh, it's a great story, first of all,
00:54 you know we had two boys and I wanted a girl.
00:59 I had this idea that God would give me a daughter.
01:03 And I had mentioned a few times to Steve.
01:06 Well, maybe, you know, we could adopt some day.
01:09 And he kind of, eh, and in fact,
01:11 I think one day he actually said,
01:13 "Look, if that's what you need to really be happy,
01:18 then I won't stand in your way."
01:20 And I had the papers on the coffee table.
01:23 - You were ready for this? - And,
01:25 but I never sent them in, I filled out you know
01:28 the initial form but never sent it in.
01:32 Because I thought, okay, if I'm just doing this for me,
01:36 you know, our marriage is partnership.
01:38 I'm not just gonna, you know nag him to death
01:41 until he finally says, yes, you know, let's do it.
01:45 I felt like he was just giving me permission, you know
01:48 he really want this, but it wasn't what he really wanted.
01:52 So I never did anything about it.
01:55 And literally several years go by.
01:58 And then we had... - So you were patient?
02:00 - Well, I'd given up. (laughing)
02:02 Okay, okay, now the truth is out there.
02:06 - Because Steve wasn't as fully on board.
02:09 And then we had friends who were going to China for a year.
02:13 He was going to be teaching medical
02:16 Western surgery methods or some new surgery method.
02:20 And we were at their house and they had
02:23 told us what their plans were.
02:24 And on the drive home, I said,
02:28 really just kind of flippantly,
02:29 I was not completely serious.
02:32 I was just sort of harassing Steve cause I kind of do that.
02:36 And I said, "Well, since they're going to be in China
02:39 for a year, and China, you know at that time."
02:43 I said, "They tend to toss little girls out."
02:46 I said, "Maybe they can find us
02:48 one while they're over there."
02:51 And Steve said, "Well, maybe we should talk
02:54 to them about that, maybe that would work."
02:55 - So you almost fell out of your chair?
02:58 - If I hadn't been belted in,
02:59 probably, cause we were in the car.
03:02 No, I actually didn't say anything
03:04 because I was afraid of breaking the spell.
03:06 This was Steve finally saying, yeah, maybe we should.
03:10 - After you'd been waiting for years.
03:11 - So obviously, I don't know what happened,
03:13 but obviously, now he was ready.
03:17 I had been ready, but he was.
03:20 So the next day, I kind of broached the subject, you know,
03:24 so, were you really serious last night?
03:27 Because it would help, I was fairly certain,
03:31 so optimistic and naive, that having someone in the country,
03:35 having friends who were there,
03:37 that they could do some of the legwork,
03:39 that they would know who to go talk to, what agency.
03:43 And he said, "Yeah, yeah, let's talk to them about it."
03:47 And I was going, yes, but I didn't do a happy dance
03:52 because again, afraid of breaking the spell.
03:54 It's like, be casual, like, oh, well,
03:57 if you insist, I'll look into it, you know.
03:59 (laughs)
04:00 - Went behind the bedroom door and go, "Yes!"
04:02 (laughs)
04:03 - I know how to play my cards right.
04:05 So, we started the process and the only agency,
04:11 you have to have a home study done.
04:13 And I knew that, so the only agency
04:16 that would come to our little town was four hours away.
04:22 But they were really willing,
04:23 it was a nice Christian agency.
04:25 And they worked with orphanages
04:28 in several third world countries.
04:31 And they were delighted and they had
04:33 a social worker who didn't mind
04:35 driving all the way, four hours to interview us.
04:38 And Steve at that time, see it was
04:41 his partner who was in China.
04:44 So Steve was on call for a year.
04:47 It turned into two years, but that's another story.
04:50 So he couldn't leave to go down to Sacramento.
04:54 And normally they require you
04:56 to go through these parenting classes.
04:58 And they let me go down by myself.
05:01 They said, we need to at least meet him. (chuckles)
05:04 We need to know you're not talking about a phantom husband.
05:07 And one time he got coverage and we went down for
05:11 one all day, big, long meeting with them.
05:15 And after that, they have bent the rules and worked with us,
05:19 and Shyla kept making trips up to see us.
05:23 If I had known maybe how long the process
05:26 would end up taking, I don't know.
05:29 But it was, I was thrilled there
05:31 that we were going to get our daughter.
05:36 - Wow. - So, adoption is wonderful.
05:39 It was only part of the process
05:42 that I could have done without.
05:43 - You know, you talk about adoption,
05:45 I can't help but thinking about in heaven, you know,
05:48 God created the most beautiful couple,
05:51 gave them the most gorgeous location.
05:54 But then they decided to choose somebody else,
05:56 they'd been created with free will.
05:57 And here comes the devil who at that time, you know,
06:02 was Lucifer, the light, but he was a deceiver.
06:06 He totally deceived them saying,
06:08 "Hey, join my family, come along
06:10 and join my family, my family is much better."
06:14 - We have more fun in my family.
06:15 - And you know, they made that choice.
06:17 They decided to go that direction.
06:21 And basically right there, there was a whole gene change.
06:25 You know that the whole royalty just was out of their blood.
06:31 And they were grafted into the family of the devil.
06:34 And basically, that's where we've been ever since.
06:36 It's a sad situation, it's reverse adoption, really.
06:39 - I hadn't thought about it like that.
06:41 - But it's a cool thing God had a plan, too.
06:45 - When we got into the actual process,
06:49 like I said, we applied for it to China.
06:53 And Steve insisted, if we're going to adopt,
06:56 he wanted that baby, he wanted it as young as possible.
07:00 And he even put on there, on one of the forms.
07:04 That I think like one year old was his gap.
07:07 And I remember teasing him and saying,
07:10 "Oh, so you're saying if God has the perfect
07:12 four year old for us, you would go, no, sorry, too old."
07:16 And he just kind of laughed but he still
07:18 put that on the form, infant.
07:21 Now, you've met our daughter.
07:24 - I have. - And has it
07:26 occurred to you that she's not Chinese?
07:28 (laughs) Have you thought about that?
07:31 I kept expecting you to go, what do mean
07:33 you applied to China, I've met Aleah.
07:36 That is the most wonderful story.
07:38 - Even I can figure out she's not Chinese.
07:42 - We were, oh, at least halfway through the process.
07:45 We had done our home study, we had,
07:47 I'd gone multiple trips down to where the agency was.
07:51 We were getting close to the time
07:53 when they would be assigning us a child.
07:58 And one day, I think we were sitting at the table
08:02 and I suddenly had this thought and I said,
08:05 "Steve, how are we gonna choose which one?
08:08 Do you suppose they just show you like a catalog, you know?
08:12 I said, I'll just pick the cutest one,
08:14 I'm that shallow and so how do you do it?
08:18 And he just kind of, I don't know.
08:22 And I remember a story that I read years ago.
08:25 I was still a kid and my grandmother subscribed
08:28 to Guideposts Magazine, which is still around.
08:31 I subscribe to it now and I remembered a story
08:35 that I read when I was maybe 10 years old.
08:38 And it was a story about, I want to say Eddie Albert,
08:42 the story of Green Acres. - Oh yeah, yeah.
08:44 I can remember the old Green Acres. (indistinct)
08:45 - Well, yeah, I'm old enough I remember it too.
08:48 But he wrote a story in there.
08:52 He had been making a film in Spain.
08:54 His wife went with him they had no children.
08:57 And while he was off every day filming,
09:00 his wife found there was a little orphanage down the road.
09:03 And she had made friends with the orphanage director.
09:06 She would go down there and volunteer during the day,
09:08 she was playing with the kids and all.
09:10 So she told him, I want to adopt one of these children.
09:15 And they talked to the director.
09:17 Now, mind you, let's see this must have,
09:20 I don't even remember what year, this was maybe the 50s.
09:23 When he was, it was then this.
09:26 I was older than that when he wrote
09:28 this story but he was talking about
09:29 something that happened way before then.
09:31 'Cause I'm not old enough to remember the 50s.
09:35 (laughs)
09:37 So, they made all the arrangements.
09:40 It was easier then. - Yeah.
09:42 - But they're driving, on his last day of filming,
09:44 he'd wrapped, they're driving to the orphanage
09:47 to meet the director and choose a child.
09:51 And his wife said the same thing, all of a sudden, she goes,
09:53 "Wait, how are we going to choose?"
09:56 And they pulled over to the side of the road and prayed.
09:59 And they said, "Okay, Lord, we're gonna make
10:01 a deal with you, the very first kid that
10:04 that director brings to introduce us to,
10:07 we're gonna say yes, no matter what."
10:10 - That's scary. - And then he said,
10:12 When the director walked in with this little girl,
10:15 he almost reneged it was like, no, Lord,
10:17 you can't possibly mean that one.
10:19 Because he said she had a look on her face
10:22 that he just knew she was going to give them trouble.
10:26 - A fireball on the Harley. (laughs)
10:28 - And he almost went back on his promise to God.
10:31 But his wife didn't and they said, "Yes, we'll take her."
10:37 He was writing this story like
10:38 20 years later on the eve of her wedding.
10:43 And he was just saying, "God knew exactly who
10:47 they needed and who needed them,
10:49 and it was the perfect choice."
10:51 So that's what Steve and I did.
10:52 We actually prayed and said that, you know,
10:56 "We don't know what you have in mind,
10:58 but we know that you know who needs us and who we need,
11:02 and we'll do the same thing."
11:04 The very first baby that they offer us,
11:07 we'll say yes, no matter what.
11:09 And I thought we might be opening ourselves up for maybe
11:12 some medical issues, but that's fine.
11:16 Steve's a doctor, we know a lot
11:18 of people in the medical community.
11:19 We would give this little girl a chance she might not have.
11:25 When you leave things up to God,
11:27 the answer to your prayer might not look like what you think
11:31 it's gonna look like. - Most of the time not.
11:33 - First of all, we'd applied to China.
11:36 Secondly, Steve's insistent, baby.
11:40 And I had all these little pink
11:42 you know, little tiny dresses.
11:44 And they called us and said, "One of our workers
11:49 who's gotten to know you is actually
11:51 over in Addis Ababa where we have an orphanage."
11:54 And she said, "Call the Nelsons
11:55 and tell them I have their daughter."
11:57 And this woman on the phone is talking so fast.
12:00 She does not want me to break in
12:02 and say, no, no we are getting-
12:04 - That's a few miles from China.
12:05 - We're getting a Chinese baby.
12:06 What are you talking about, Addis Ababa?
12:08 You know, I might not be the best with geography,
12:10 but I know that's not in China.
12:13 And so she's talking fast and the whole
12:15 time I'm going, okay, all right.
12:17 And she said, "Well, this little girl,
12:19 they think she's about four years old."
12:21 But she said, "this one will give her brothers a run
12:24 for the money, you know, this is their daughter."
12:27 And I'm going, okay, she's going,
12:29 "Well, do you wanna talk to your husband about it?'
12:31 And I said, "Oh, I will, he's out fishing right now,
12:34 but I definitely will, but it's still yes."
12:37 And she goes, "Would you like to see
12:38 a picture first, we can have her send a picture."
12:40 And I said, "I would love to have a picture of her,
12:43 but the answer is still yes."
12:45 Now I had a brief moment because the first picture
12:51 they sent to us, I understood Eddie Albert thinking,
12:54 ah wait a minute because I thought
12:57 they sent us the wrong picture.
12:58 They sent me a picture, it was just a little headshot.
13:01 We got a better one a little later.
13:03 But this little headshot I thought
13:05 that's a little boy with a very bad haircut.
13:09 (laughs)
13:11 - Oh my. - No, that was her.
13:12 - Good thing your daughter isn't around to hear that.
13:14 - So we had not told our social worker
13:17 about the deal we'd made with God.
13:20 So she wasn't having to try to twist
13:23 our arms or talk us into anything.
13:25 It was, yes, yes, yes of course.
13:29 And it's true, she has been the most delightful thing.
13:35 I could not have picked a better daughter for myself.
13:38 I could not have given birth to a better daughter.
13:43 I sometimes I've had people who
13:45 would have occasionally said,
13:48 you've done such a great job with her.
13:52 And I tell them, "Oh no, no, no, she came that way,
13:55 I just with God's help kept her that way,
14:00 I didn't mess her up too badly."
14:02 Because she's just a wonderful person
14:05 inside out, beautiful person inside and out.
14:08 - They won't surprise you, I know to realize it,
14:12 you know, God's an amazing parent who said the same thing.
14:16 Just I'm gonna take them all, you know,
14:18 everyone that shows up to me I'm gonna take them in.
14:21 - And I'm sure that some of us kind of look like, you know
14:24 the picture that I first was sent or the little girl
14:27 who walked in that Eddie Albert laid eyes on,
14:31 a lot of people go, no, not that one.
14:35 But- - Think we got a minute.
14:37 Let's maybe we can find a place to sit down, I know.
14:39 I want to share a couple of bible text with you about,
14:42 cause you I know you've got a lot more to share too.
14:44 - Oh, you can get me talking about my daughter forever.
14:47 Are you kidding me, I could keep you here all day.
14:51 - [Narrator] God, once used a donkey to spread his word,
14:55 but he'd rather use all of us.
14:57 In partnership with you our mission is to share
14:59 the life saving love and hope only found in Jesus Christ.
15:07 - I'm too old to be traipsing
15:08 around the country like this, but master Balaam insisted.
15:15 Oh, and he was so angry, you should have seen him.
15:20 He was so angry, he didn't even
15:22 notice who was talking to him.
15:25 He didn't even notice it was the donkey.
15:29 This donkey spoke to him, except I don't believe
15:34 it was the donkey, I think God spoke to master Balaam.
15:40 Because he hadn't being listening before.
15:42 The donkey made him listen. - So,
15:45 how are you doing anyway, you know you can't talk, huh?
15:48 Well, you know, there was actually a donkey
15:50 in the Bible that talk, did you know that?
15:53 Matter of fact it's found in Numbers, well Numbers 22.
15:56 You'll see, it's an amazing story.
15:58 It's about this prophet, he was God's prophet,
16:01 but he'd wandered away, he'd strayed away from God.
16:04 And he began preaching against God's people.
16:08 One day he hops on his donkey
16:09 and he's riding down the trail and he gets down the trail,
16:12 and all of a sudden his donkey swerves away.
16:15 Did you know that his donkey totally
16:17 swerved away got out in the field.
16:19 And he beat him because he was so mad,
16:21 and got him back on the trail, going down the trail again,
16:23 and all of a sudden the donkey runs him into a wall,
16:27 and he's going, what is going on?
16:29 He beats him again and starts yelling at him.
16:31 And the third time the talkie does the same thing.
16:34 And this time the prophet gets
16:36 so mad he's beating the donkey.
16:38 And all of a sudden, the Bible says
16:39 that God gave the donkey voice.
16:42 That's right. (donkey brays)
16:43 Yeah, that's exactly right, God gave the donkey a voice.
16:46 Wait you got to stick around with me
16:47 and hear the rest of the story, okay?
16:50 God used a talking donkey to save a lost man.
16:52 We believe God is using a talking donkey,
16:54 once again, to save those who can't see
16:57 what is right in front of them, the God of eternity.
17:00 - [Narrator] Together, we can carry
17:02 the final advent message to the individuals of planet Earth
17:06 and hasten the return of our Lord.
17:08 Please pray for and support the successful mission
17:11 of Talking Donkey International.
17:14 - Give the donkey a voice.
17:15 Spread the word of Jesus Christ around the world.
17:18 Now is the time, there hasn't been a time
17:20 in earths planet earth history, actually like this.
17:23 Please join us today. (gentle music)
17:30 - Yeah I wanted to share a few of the text with you
17:33 because I think it's so important
17:35 for people to realize that God put everything into this.
17:38 I mean, he's invested the universe into our adoption again,
17:43 because we blew it, we gave it away,
17:45 we have allowed somebody else to adopt it.
17:47 So one of the first ones is Galatians 4.
17:50 And it says, in chapter four, "But when the fullness
17:53 of time had come, God sent forth his Son,
17:56 into the world, under the law".
17:59 Well, the law demanded that we'd totally blown it.
18:01 We you know, there was no way we could
18:05 get out of the situation we put ourselves in.
18:08 So Jesus came to live a life above all of this
18:11 and then die for us as if he was the one who blew it.
18:15 And it continues on, why did he do that?
18:18 To redeem them that were in the law,
18:20 to redeem well, if you're going to redeem us,
18:22 you know, his buying us back.
18:25 And then Paul says in, Romans chapter 8,
18:29 "For as many as are led by the
18:30 the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
18:33 We can choose to go back to the life that God
18:36 had promised us where we can become royalty again.
18:39 You know, because Adam and Eve in the family
18:41 they were royalty in the garden.
18:43 - I like that idea. - Oh yeah.
18:46 - I can be royalty. (chuckles)
18:48 - Well, God wants us all to be royalty.
18:50 That's the key, you know, he says,
18:51 "For you have not received the spirit of bondage
18:54 against fear, you have not received the spirit
18:56 of adoption whereby we cry, Abba, father!"
19:00 You know, God is saying, I wanna adopt you, you know.
19:03 And then there's another one I wanted to share with you
19:05 and in, (indistinct) John verse 13.
19:11 It says, "Which were born, not of blood,
19:13 nor of the will of the flesh of God,
19:14 Nor the will of man but of God."
19:16 And the word was made flesh and blood among us.
19:19 Jesus came down, born of the man
19:21 to show us the way back to adoption.
19:23 He paved the way he laid it all out
19:25 for us that we can get back at.
19:28 And let me tell you, it costs God a lot.
19:32 - You remember I told you how at the beginning
19:34 of the process, I was a little naive
19:37 and optimistic, all kinds of roadblocks.
19:40 She ended up having measles, so it delayed her coming over.
19:45 In the U.S. they won't complete
19:47 an adoption until the child is here.
19:49 Ethiopia won't release the child
19:51 until the adoption is complete.
19:53 So we're doing everything twice,
19:55 doubling everything once here, once there.
19:59 And it's, some days seemed like
20:01 she was just never gonna arrive home.
20:04 We were never really gonna get her.
20:06 And I'm kind of glad that I didn't know how hard
20:09 parts of it were going to be, because I don't know
20:13 if I would have thought it was worth going through.
20:15 - That's what's so interesting
20:17 as God knew how much is going to cost.
20:19 God knew everything about the pain,
20:23 the suffering, the anguish, matter of fact.
20:26 That was God's plan A, he had no plan B.
20:29 He saw all of this stuff, he saw the sacrifice of Christ.
20:33 The death of his own son, all of these things.
20:36 And he chose to do it, that's what,
20:37 you know I mean that's exciting, to think about it.
20:41 It just, I think about, being in heaven
20:46 God's got everything around him.
20:48 You know, we're looking with the dirt
20:50 and crud and rocks and stuff.
20:52 Heaven's fabulous and God says, look,
20:54 I've laid all this out for you, I've chosen you,
20:59 matter of fact, I've marked you in the palms of my hand.
21:02 You're so precious. you know,
21:03 I'm scarred for eternity for you.
21:07 And he says, now, look, you get to sit with me
21:10 in my throne because you're royalty.
21:13 You're part of the family, you're the children
21:15 of the family, you know what I mean?
21:17 - And who wouldn't want to be the royalty?
21:19 I could see myself with a tiara.
21:22 (laughs)
21:23 - But you know, not until you throw it
21:25 at the feet of Jesus when you get there, right?
21:26 - Right, it won't mean anything.
21:28 - Yeah, yeah because he bought it all for us.
21:30 We'll think about that, we will sit in God's throne
21:33 with him and Jesus and rule the universe for eternity.
21:38 I certainly don't deserve it.
21:39 I don't think you do. - No, no.
21:41 - None of us do, but God says, look, I've washed you,
21:45 made you white as snow now and you're
21:48 joining in the family of God, think about that.
21:52 You know you've gone through that adoption process
21:55 and, but as many, says, as received Him
22:01 to them become sons and daughters of God.
22:04 - We have to make that choice.
22:06 He already chose us. - Yeah you're right.
22:08 It's our choice, just like they made
22:10 back in the garden to choose the devil
22:13 and his genetic pool and everything else.
22:15 You're right, we've gotta make a choice again.
22:19 - Hey, I've got one more place I'd like to show you.
22:22 And Aleah said, she'll meet us there, you up for it?
22:25 - Sure, sounds good, you know,
22:27 I was just thinking that one more thing I want to share
22:29 because it seems like it's so important.
22:30 And I don't know that a lot of people really grasp
22:33 or understand it, but that's adoption is for the redeemed
22:37 because the redeemer paid the price, you know
22:40 adoption is not a fanciful fiction.
22:43 It's reality, you know, God promises.
22:47 - And that's the best news ever.
22:49 - Absolutely. (footsteps receding)
22:53 I felt like Satan was constantly nipping
22:55 at my heels and I just couldn't catch my breath.
22:58 I was grieving, I felt scared,
23:00 confused, anxious, and depressed.
23:03 My life was literally turned upside down and falling apart.
23:08 I didn't know what to do, but I knew who had the answers.
23:12 Can you relate, this amazing study guide changed my life.
23:18 In twelve weeks, I caught my breath.
23:20 My faith grew stronger, my confusion turned to clarity,
23:24 my anxiety lessened, my depression eased.
23:28 I let myself be held in the arms of Jesus
23:31 and he calmed my aching heart.
23:35 Are you ready for a dramatic change in your life?
23:39 This twelve week study guide,
23:40 will guide you on your journey of transformation.
23:44 This study is packed with powerful content.
23:47 To lead you on an encounter with Jesus.
23:50 Jesus will use this study as a tool
23:53 to change your life as he did mine.
23:57 Order your copy today to experience your transformation,
24:00 log onto
24:05 (upbeat music)
24:17 - [Narrator] Introducing Talking Donkey International,
24:20 God once used a donkey to spread his word
24:23 but he'd rather use all of us.
24:24 Our experience team has preached,
24:27 taught and filmed in countries around the globe.
24:30 In partnership with you, our mission is
24:32 to share the saving love and hope found only only
24:35 in Jesus Christ with everyone in this lost and dying world.
24:40 Your financial partnership with Talking Donkey
24:42 will enable this exciting ministry
24:44 to proclaim that Jesus is coming soon.
24:47 It's time to prepare quality programming created to attract
24:50 and reach viewers of the world together,
24:53 we can carry the final advent message to the individuals
24:57 of planet Earth and hasten the return of our Lord.
25:00 Please pray for and support the successful mission
25:03 of Talking Donkey International.
25:07 (gentle music)
25:09 - So there in that courthouse.
25:11 That's where it all finally ended.
25:14 We stood in front of a judge and signed the final papers,
25:19 or maybe I should say that's where it all began.
25:21 - The beginning, yeah, it probably really was.
25:23 - Hi there? - Hey how are you.
25:25 Greetings, this is the child? - This is her.
25:29 She didn't look like this the day
25:32 that we came out of that courthouse.
25:34 - Let's go ahead, have a seat.
25:35 - Yes, sit for a minute, I've been telling Jim
25:39 about coming to the courthouse to sign final papers
25:42 and feeling like great, it's finally over.
25:45 What do you remember about that day?
25:47 - That the judge was super scary.
25:50 - Why? - Well,
25:51 I was short and he was, you know,
25:53 on his pedestal and he seemed really big
25:55 and intimidating at that time.
25:56 - You're still short. - Just not (murmurs).
25:59 - Thank you for the reminder. (laugh)
26:01 So that would have been intimidating.
26:02 I think anyone who's standing in front
26:04 of a judge feels intimidated.
26:06 - [Jim] How old were you
26:07 at that time? - Between five to seven.
26:11 - [Jim] Why are you hesitating?
26:13 - 'Cause they didn't know my age,
26:15 I didn't come with birth certificates.
26:17 - [Janice] We had to guess. - [Jim] Had to guess.
26:19 How did you kind of zero in on it?
26:21 - They took me to their dentist to do, was it photographing?
26:27 - [Janice] Yeah, he looked at your teeth.
26:29 - To determine approximately the age.
26:32 - And the orphanage had said they thought
26:34 she was about four but he said, no, no,
26:36 she's six or seven. - [Jim] Okay.
26:39 - She had too many teeth to be four.
26:42 - [Jim So what happens next, the judges then what?
26:46 - [Janice] How much did you understand?
26:48 - None, well, I knew that this was the final process
26:53 and me getting to stay with this family so I understood
26:57 that much, everything else is kind of blur.
27:01 - Do you remember what you said as we came out the doors?
27:04 - Yes. - I know,
27:05 I remember you're holding daddy's hand on one side,
27:07 and my hands on the other, and kind
27:09 of skipping, you were very happy.
27:11 - Uh-Hmm, and I told you guys that you could no longer
27:14 get rid of me, that you're stuck with.
27:16 - So she understood that much, that this is it.
27:18 There's no fear of being sent back.
27:22 And that made me think about God,
27:26 because legally the judge explained we can not disown her.
27:32 We could disown the two we gave birth to
27:34 but we can't get rid of her legally.
27:37 If- - You had chosen her-
27:39 - And it's a done deal, - It's a done deal.
27:41 - A done deal. - She could
27:43 legally un-adopt us, but we can't initiate that.
27:49 If she ever decided I've had it with this family,
27:52 I never want to see them again,
27:54 she would have to make the first move.
27:57 - [Jim] Be your choice? - Oh yeah,
27:59 it would have to be my choice.
28:00 - And you know, if anybody is left out of the kingdom,
28:03 if there's anyone who isn't part of God's family,
28:07 you know at the end, it'll be their choice.
28:11 God will never unadopt us. - You know,
28:17 first God paid the ultimate price.
28:19 He gave his own life for you, that you might
28:22 be adopted in the family and as was just saying, you know
28:26 you're the only one that can change that.
28:27 God gave himself to bring you into the family.


Revised 2021-02-23